<p>Sporting Regulations 2012 JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship - 2012</p><p>1. Organiser : MECO Motorsports Pvt Ltd, Chennai 2. Name of Event : JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship 2012 3. Type of Event : Mass Start Circuit Races for Karts 4. Track : See Additional Sporting Regulations 5. Status : National Championship 6. Permit No : T.B.A. 7. Jurisdiction : Held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA, the National Competition Rules (NCR) of the FMSCI and other regulations where applicable, the International Karting Regulations of the CIK/FIA and these Sporting Regulations and any Additional Sporting Regulations issued by the Organiser with the approval of FMSCI / Stewards shall have the same force as these regulations. 8. Dates:</p><p>Round Course Date Round 1 MMS Kartainment 8-10 June 2012 Round 2 MMS Lahiri Resorts 20-22 July 2012 Round 3 KMS, Coimbatore 3-5 August 2012 Round 4 Ersa Speedracers , Baroda 17-19 August 2011 Round 5 MMS Lahiri Resorts 21-23 September 2012</p><p>9. Officials of the Meeting : TBA</p><p>10. Entries: (a) Opening and Closing Dates All entries open 21 days before each round and close 2 days before the event. </p><p>(b) Entry Fees Basic Entry Fee per driver per Round - INR 3000.00 Late entries, if accepted, will be double the entry fee.</p><p>(c) Conditions for acceptance or refusal of Entries 1. Competitors who change classes once they have put in an entry for the series cannot accumulate points from the previous class. Points scored in one class cannot be transferred to another class.</p><p>2. All entries received will be considered by the Organiser having regard to the suitability of the kart and driver. The Organiser may refuse to accept an entry after assigning sufficient a reason/s and their decision is final in such respect. Where an entry is not accepted by the Organiser, the entry fee will be refunded in full.</p><p>3. It is a condition of entry that one set of MOJO tyres be purchased for every Rotax class entered (unless specified otherwise). Payment for these tyres must be made together with the entry fees and a voucher will be given for collection of the tyres. The tyres will </p><p>Page 1</p><p> be marked with the competition number by officials of the MMS on delivery and must be used for the competition. No other tyres, even of the same make will be permitted to be used for that event.</p><p>4. It is the Entrant’s responsibility to ensure that every person concerned by his/her entry observes all the provision of the National Competition Regulations of ASN, the Technical Regulations and Sporting Regulations of Rotax. If an Entrant is unable to be present in person at the event, he must nominate his representative in writing. The person having charge of an entered kart during any part of an event is responsible jointly and severally with the Entrant for ensuring that the provisions are observed.</p><p>Entrants must ensure that their karts comply with the conditions of conformity and safety throughout the event. The presentation of the kart for scrutineering and signing of the scrutineering form will be deemed an implicit statement of conformity.</p><p>All cheques/ Demand Drafts, etc. must be crossed and made payable to:</p><p>“MECO MOTORSPORTS PVT LTD” Please do not send cash in the mail</p><p>(d) Competition Licence </p><p>(i) All drivers must be in possession of a valid National or International Karting Licence issued by the ASN for the year.</p><p>(ii) Overseas competitors must be in possession of a valid Karting Licence issued by their ASN for the year together with a release letter or the entry form endorsed by the ASN.</p><p>NOTE: ALL LICENCES ARE TO BE HANDED IN TO THE SECRETARY OF THE MEETING AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION.</p><p>(e) Address of Entries Completed entry forms together with the appropriate fees should be sent to:-</p><p>To The Secretary M/s. MECO Motorsports Pvt Ltd JK Tyre – FMSCI National Rotax Max Karting Championship 2011 14/8, 1st Floor, Muktha Garden Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai - 600031 Ph: +9144 28364115 Fax: +9144 28364116</p><p>11. Insurance All Drivers will only be covered for Public Liability risks only by insurance arranged by the Organiser.</p><p>12. Awards </p><p>Page 2</p><p>12.1 Rotax Max Championship 2012 </p><p>All events of the JK Tyre - FMSCI National Rotax Max Championship 2012 will count for –</p><p>(a) National Champion 2012 for Karting in Micro Max Class (b) National Champion 2012 for Karting in Junior Class (c) National Champion 2012 for Karting in Senior Max Class</p><p>The classifications of the Championship will be established by the addition of the results of all the rounds obtained in the championship by the drivers concerned.</p><p>The winner shall be the Driver who scores the most number of points in each category. The Overall winner of each category in each round of the championship will be determined from the official classifications of the Final race of the day.</p><p>Points will be awarded in each round of the championship to the highest placed first Driver in each category, in accordance with the Rotax Technical and Sporting Regulations as follows: </p><p> Non-qualifying practice: Certain time according to length of race track, determined by race organizer. Qualifying practice: certain time according to length of race track, determined by race organizer. Heats to qualify for Prefinals: No. of heats and points required is according to national organizer of the challenge. Pre-Final: A starting grid of max. 34 drivers and the race of min. 15km or 15 minutes. Score points 34, 33,32,31,30 ....to last place finisher. Non-finish: minus 5 points off last finisher Final(s)/ points: A starting grid of max. 34 drivers and the race of min. 20km or 20 minutes. Score points 55, 52, 50, 49, 48, 47... To last placed finisher. Non-Finish: Minus 5 points off last finisher (in case of being a half point race only 2,5 points off last finisher are given). Definition of Non Finish: A non finisher is a participant that was physically part of the starting grid at the start of the warm up lap, even if the participant couldn't reach the green flag, or green lights, due to a mechanical failure.</p><p>The promoters reserve the rights to alter the technical regulations at short notice to ensure safety of drivers, fairness of competition, economy and the wishes of competitors. Reference ROTAX MOJO MAX Championship Technical Regulations 2012.</p><p>12.2 Overall score All results of prefinals and finals will count for overall score of a RMC. </p><p>In case of 2 or more drivers finish the season with same number of points, the higher place in the championship will be awarded to:</p><p>- The holder of the greatest number of first places in final races, if the number of first places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of second places in final races and so on until a winner emerges.</p><p>- If it is not possible to break a tie with results of the final races the holder of the greatest number of first place in prefinal races, if the number of first places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of second places in prefinal races and so on until a winner emerges.</p><p>Page 3</p><p>- If this procedure fails to produce a result BRP-POWERTRAIN will nominate the winner according to such criteria as it deems fit.</p><p>12.3 Bonus points</p><p>1 bonus point for each active participation in a race of a RMC will count towards the overall score. Each competitor must compete in at least 4 race events to receive bonus points.</p><p>12.4 All competitor having engines not purchased from the Authorised dealers/distributor in will have to pay an engine fee of INR 20000.00 in order to compete in the whole Rotax Max Championship culminating to the Rotax Max Grand Finals.</p><p>At the end of the Championship the first winner of the Senior, Junior category will be selected to attend the Rotax Max Grand Finals in TBA. They shall be obligated and subjected to rules and conditions issued by the Rotax Distributor of India at the Grand Finals whether written or verbal. Anyone found having breaching the rules or conditions will NOT be allowed to start or join the race. Drivers are obligated to wear the Team clothing issued to them with all the sponsors emblems (if any). Drivers are allowed to have their own sponsors on the Team clothing BUT they must be non-conflicting and also prior permission has been obtained from the Rotax Distributor. The Rotax Distributor of India is the Entrant for all the selected drivers attending the Grand Finals and therefore has the jurisdiction to take action against any driver found to have misbehaved or has brought disrepute to the country.</p><p>13. PRIZES</p><p>At the end of the 5 rounds Championship, the driver with the highest points will be declared the National Champion of the Rotax Max Championship 2012 and the awards are as follows –</p><p>Rotax Max Junior 1st to 3rd- Champion Trophy Rotax Max Senior 1st to 3rd - Champion Trophy Rotax Micromax 1st to 3rd - Champion Trophy</p><p>Additional Trophies will be awarded</p><p>Maximum Number of Pole Position - Trophy Maximum Number of Wins - Trophy Maximum Number of Fastest Lap - Trophy Best New Comer - Trophy Best Driver of the Year - Trophy</p><p>13.1 Team Championship</p><p>1. Teams will compete for Team Championship. 2. Teams MUST have FMSCI Valid ENTRANT LICENSE for the year.</p><p>13.2 Awards for Each Round :</p><p>Awards for each category winners of each round of the championship are as follows-</p><p>1st - Trophy + Cash Prize (Rs 10000) </p><p>Page 4</p><p>2nd - Trophy + Cash Prize (Rs 7500) 3rd - Trophy + Cash Prize (Rs 5000)</p><p>* Only one winner will be awarded if entry is less than 8 drivers per class and the Prize Money will be Half of what has been declared.</p><p>13. BRIEFINGS</p><p>Definition: The Entrants’ and Drivers’ Briefing is a meeting organised by the Clerk of the Course for all Entrants and Drivers entered in the Event. </p><p>1. Aim of the Briefing: to remind Entrants and Drivers of the specific points of the Supplementary Regulations concerning the organisation of the Event; to remind them of the safety notions, either general, or specific to the circuit used; to give any clarification concerning the interpretation of the Regulations.</p><p>2. The time of the Briefing is mentioned in the programme of the Event. The time is considered as that of the beginning of the Briefing and the entrance door and access to the Briefing will be closed. The meeting shall always be held before Qualifying Practice or the first Qualifying Heat. Extra meetings may be organised if this is deemed necessary.</p><p>3. The presence of all concerned Entrants and Drivers is mandatory throughout the Briefing under pain of a sanction or even of a possible exclusion from the Event. Two Attendance Sheets shall be signed, one by Drivers and the other by Entrants.</p><p>4. Before they can be allowed to continue the meeting, a mandatory fine of INR 1500 which must be paid to the ASN hosting the event via the Stewards will be inflicted on any Entrant and Driver who do not attend the Briefing.</p><p>5. SPORTING REGULATIONS : The Stewards may refer to the main Rotax Max Sporting Regulations and subsequent to that to the CIK Sporting regulations, if there is any doubt or grey area in the current Sporting Regulations.</p><p>14. Classification of Karts: All karts shall comply with the following specifications:</p><p>14.2.1 Rotax Max – Senior Masters 1. Chassis: Refer technical regulations. 2. Engine: Refer technical regulations. ANYTHING, WHICH IS NOT EXPRESSILY ALLOWED, IS FORBIDDEN. 2 Engines are permitted for scrutinizing per participant. 3. Brakes: Hydraulic disc brakes operating on rear wheels only. Front brakes not permitted. 4. Tyres: The only tyres allowed are MOJO slick tyres Type D2 & MOJO Wet tyres Type W2/W1 Strictly, no modifications or tyre treatment allowed 5. Weight Minimum weight of the kart and driver for the Senior Max class shall be 165kg. 6. Age Limit To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 15th birthday during 2012.</p><p>Page 5</p><p>7. Number Plates As decided by the Organizer.</p><p>14.2.2 Rotax Max – Junior</p><p>1. Chassis As per technical regulations. 2. Engine Refer technical regulations. ANYTHING, WHICH IS NOT EXPRESSILY ALLOWED, IS FORBIDDEN. 2 Engines are permitted for scrutinizing per participant. 3. Brakes Hydraulic disc brakes operating on rear wheels only. Front brakes not permitted. 4. Tyres As per descriptions for Rotax FR125 Senior Max 5. Weight Minimum of 145 kg including driver at all times. 6. Age Limit: To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 13th birthday during 2011. He/she must have his/her 17th birthday after 31.12.2012. Note: Drivers who do not have their 13th birthday in the 2011 calendar year, can apply to the organizer for special waiver subject to the fact that they have won the Micro Max Championship in any of the 3 preceding years and convince the organizers that they are safe enough to participate in the Junior Class. In addition, they should complete 12 years of age within the calendar year of 2012. 7. Number Plates As decided by the Organizer. 14.2.3 ROTAX MICROMAX 1. Chassis : Open, subject to the Micro Max Chassis specifications. 2. Engine : The only engine permitted in this class is the Rotax FR125 Junior Max Engine with the Micro Max conversion kit as per Rotax Technical Regulations 2012. 3. Weight : Minimum 108 kg. including the driver 4. Tyres : As per descriptions for Rotax FR125 Senior Max 5. Age : To participate in any of these national events the driver must have his/her 8th birthday during 2011. He/she must have his/her 13th birthday after 31.12.2012 6. Number Plate: As decided by the Organizer.</p><p>15. Telemetry The use of all systems of telemetry is permitted.</p><p>16. Race Numbers Number plates shall be of plastic and rounded corners with 22 cm. sides. Numbers shall be at least 15 cm. high and 2 cm. wide. The number plates must be fitted to the front and rear and must carry NO advertising except that assigned by the Organiser. A 10 mm black line must rim number plates that are part of the bodywork. </p><p>17. Prize Giving The Prize Giving ceremony will be held after the end of the final race of each round. All competitors must collect their prizes in person and wearing racing overalls.</p><p>18. Fuel As per technical regulations. Any competitor found to using illegal fuel using either of the above tests will be disqualified from the event and his/her results deleted from the records and no championship points will be awarded. </p><p>19. Scrutineering </p><p>Page 6</p><p>The eligibility of all karts taking part in the competition will be checked by the duly appointed Scrutineers who shall not be required to give any reason for a decision they may take, but may at their absolute discretion require a driver to comply with their request. Drivers electing not to do so will be excluded from the competition. </p><p>Protective clothing must be CIK or FMSCI approved and must be produced at the time of scrutinising. Note: Only the following minimum helmet standards are acceptable: Snell Foundation 1998-SA, K-98, SA2000 and SA2005 British Standards Institution A-type and A/FR-type BS 6658-85, includes amendments. SFI Foundation Inc., Spec. SFI 31.1 and 31.2 (U.S.A.) ISI Standards</p><p>20. Weighing</p><p>1. The scale of the day will be located in “Servicing Park”. This scale is the ONLY one which will be officially used and counted. The scale will be available from Friday morning.</p><p>2. After Qualifying Practice, the Heats and the races of the final phase, each kart crossing the Line will be weighed. If the kart is unable to reach the Weighing Area by its own means it will be placed under the exclusive control of the Marshals, who will take it there or have it taken there, and the Driver shall report to the Weighing Area as soon as he returns to the pits so that his weight may be established.</p><p>3. At the end of Qualifying Practice the Driver and his kart will be weighed simultaneously then separately. Should for reasons of “Force Majeure” the Driver be unable to go to the scales at the end of a Qualifying Heat or of a race of the final phase, his kart would be weighed on its own and the Driver’s weight registered after Qualifying Practice would be added to that of the kart.</p><p>4. No solid, liquid or gaseous matter or substance of any nature whatsoever may be added to a kart, placed on it or removed from it before Weighing (except by a Scrutineer within the framework of his official duties).</p><p>5. Only Scrutineers and Officials may penetrate in the Weighing Area. No intervention whatsoever is allowed in that Area unless it has been authorized by these Officials.</p><p>6. A kart or a Driver is not allowed to leave the Weighing Area without the authorization of the Scrutineer.</p><p>7. Any infringement to these provisions relating to the Weighing or karts may entail the exclusion of the Driver and kart concerned.</p><p>8. The Organizer shall place the scales under a shelter at the entrance to the “Finish” Servicing Park and must provide for sufficient personnel to ensure the placing of the kart on the scales. Mechanics will be kept away from the karts until the Weighing Procedure of their karts is over.</p><p>9. If the weight of a Driver and of his kart is under that specified in the Technical Regulations, the result will be communicated in writing to the Entrant, and the kart and its Driver will be excluded from Qualifying Practice, the Qualifying Heat or the race concerned.</p><p>10. The Organizer must provide for certified weights for the calibration of the scales.</p><p>Page 7</p><p>11. Drinking water from a clear plastic bottle is allowed in servicing park, before weighing, however any driver pouring water over head and race overall will be penalized with 1 (one) additional KG on the weight of kart and driver (i.e., junior 145 + 1 = 146)</p><p>21. Grid Position </p><p>Grid positions for the first heat in each class will be by Timed Practice. All karts in a class will be allowed out together for a 10 minute Timed Practice, during which time every lap will be timed. The fastest lap time for the kart during the session will determine the grid position. Grid position in the subsequent Heats will be by the finishing position in the previous Heat. The grid position for the Pre-Final in each class will be determined from the total points scored in the heats with the lowest points scorer in grid number one. The starting order shall be 2-2-2. The grid position for the Final shall be based on the finishing position in the Pre-Final.</p><p>22. Point Scoring and Determination of Winners</p><p>1. The Overall winner in each class will be determined from 2 heats, a Pre Final and a Final. Points will be awarded for finishing positions in the heats thus: 1st – 0 points, 2nd – 2 points, 3rd – 3 points and so forth. The overall winner for the event will be the winner of the final race of each class. For the purpose of points scoring in the heats, any driver that does not complete a heat will be credited with the number of laps he actually completed and his position will be determined after all race finishers have been placed. If a driver does not compete in a Heat for whatever reason, he will be credited with the same number of points plus two (2) of the number of entrants in the heat.</p><p>2. Currently the championship is a five Round Championship with a provision for the 6th round in New Delhi. This will be confirmed or dropped before the end of June 2011. Each Driver is permitted to drop 1 pre final race and 1 final race points if it is a Six round Championship. If it is only a Five Round Championship, than this clause does not apply. However dropped pre final & final cannot be in the same Round. </p><p>23. Start Procedure </p><p>23.1 The start will be of the «Rolling» type. The regulations for "Rolling start for karts with clutches and without gearbox" of the CIK-FIA general regulations apply. The grid being constituted of two lines of karts.</p><p>23.2 Upon arrival at the starting grid, the driver will be positioned by the grid marshals. The Parc Ferme exit to the track will be closed to all drivers 5 minutes before the start of the race. Any driver still remaining at the Parc Ferme area will then only be allowed to join at the back of the Grid during the Warm-Up lap.</p><p>23.4 The approach to the Warm Up lap would be announced by signal boards showing 3, 1 minute and 30 seconds before the start. (i) 3 MINUTE board Everyone to vacate the Grid area except drivers, officials and 1 team member (ii) 1 MINUTE board Everyone except competitors must vacate the Grid area. (iii) 30 SECONDS board All drivers to start their engines and remain in their original Grid positions.</p><p>23.5 When the 30 seconds are up, a Green flag shall be waved by the Starter signaling the start of the Warm Up lap. The Red signal lights will be turned on. Drivers are to</p><p>Page 8</p><p> complete one Warm Up lap followed immediately by a Formation lap (i.e. total of TWO laps). In both laps, Drivers must remain in their starting grid order with the competitor starting from Pole position playing the role as leader of the formation in both laps. It is the responsibility of each driver to retain his grid position. If after two laps, the lead karts are still continuing at an excessive speed, the Starter will show a “Slow Down” board and if after one lap the speeding persist, the formation may be stopped at the start line with the False Start flag and the two lead karts relegated to the back of the grid. In the case of the Pre-Final and the Final, the race will be started but the offenders will be penalised 10 seconds.</p><p>23.6 Any competitor who is not able to start the Warm Up lap must raise his arm. After all the other karts have left the grid, his mechanic will be allowed to make an attempt to start the engine. If it can be started before the completion of the Warm Up lap, the driver may re-join in the Warm Up lap at the original position of the formation. If the kart cannot be started, then it must be removed from the track to the pits. If following this the kart is started, it may join the race from the back of the grid after the race has been started.</p><p>23.7 Should a driver stop for any reason during the Warm Up or Formation lap, he may not attempt to re-start until he has been passed by the entire field. He may then re-join at the back of the Formation and must NOT try to regain his Grid position. If the kart cannot be started, then it must be removed from the track to a place of safety. Similarly, should a driver without stopping fall behind the entire field he must remain at the rear for the Start and must NOT attempt to regain his position.</p><p>23.8 The start of the race will be given by the GREEN Flag by COC at the Start Finish line. If the formation is not to the satisfaction of the Starter he may Show the Yellow Flag indicating that the formation is to continue on one more lap and the start will now be the Green Flag.</p><p>23.9 In the case of rain, the Clerk of the Course may declare a WET RACE. The choice of tyres will be left to the drivers. However the Clerk of the Course reserves the right to use the black flag if he deems that a driver’s kart is fitted with the wrong set of tyres and that the driver is too slow or a danger to other drivers (CIK General Prescriptions Art.2.14)</p><p>23.10 Jump Start: (i) A “Jump Start” will be deemed to have occurred when a driver jumps out of his allocted lane before the green flag comes out. (ii) The penalty will be 10 seconds, which will be added to the total race time of the driver concerned.</p><p>24. Incidents (Refer CIK 2011 – Page 101)</p><p>An <<incident>> means a fact or a series of facts involving one or several Drivers (or any Driver’s action reported to the Stewards by the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director or noted by the Stewards and reported to the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director for investigation), who: a. Provoked the stopping of a Race in application of Article 142 of the Code;</p><p> b. Violated these Sporting Regulations or the Code;</p><p> c. Had jumped the start;</p><p>Page 9</p><p> d. Have not respected flag signalling;</p><p> e. Have caused one or several karts to take a false start;</p><p> f. Have caused a collision;</p><p> g. Have forced another Driver out of the track;</p><p> h. Have illegally prevented a legitimate passing manoeuvre by a Driver;</p><p> i. Have illegally impeded another Driver during a passing manoeuvre;</p><p>1. It will be the responsibility of the Stewards to decide, further to a report or a request from the Race Director or of the Clerk of the Course, if one or several Driver(s) is/are involved in an incident; he/they must not leave the circuit without the stewards’ agreement.</p><p>2. If a Driver is involved in an incident, and if he was informed of this by the Stewards within thirty minutes after the end of the Race, he must not leave the circuit without their agreement.</p><p>3. The Stewards may use any video or electronic system likely to help them to take a decision.</p><p>The Stewards shall inflict a 10-second time penalty on any Driver having caused an Incident. If the Incident was caused during a Qualifying Practice session, they shall proceed to the cancellation of the three fastest times which he/she achieved in the session concerned. However, considering its serious nature, the Stewards may decide instead of the 10-second time penalty, of a sanction among those provided for in the penalty scale of Article 153 of the Code.</p><p>25. Finish</p><p>The Chequered Flag will be dropped as the winner crosses the Finish Line and will be held stationery until the last driver completes the lap he is on. To be classified as a Finisher, a kart must cross the Finish Line under its own power with the driver seated in the normal driving position, not more than one minute after the fall of the Chequered Flag, and must have covered not less than half the race distance. </p><p>As soon as the Chequered Flag has been shown to a driver at the end of the race, he must proceed directly, using only the authorised route, to the Parc Ferme. From the moment the driver has received the Chequered Flag until he is released from the Parc Ferme he is under Parc Ferme conditions and must make no alterations or adjustments to his kart or other materials or equipment.</p><p>26. Restarting during the race Once a kart is on the circuit, whether in practice or during the race, no outside assistance is permitted. An Official of the meet may assist a driver to move a stalled kart out of a dangerous position but will not assist to restart. Drivers receiving assistance from any Pit Crew on the circuit during the race will be disqualified from that race and will incur a maximum point penalty.</p><p>27. Crew Conduct The onus of responsibility for the conduct of crew will at all times be on the Entrant. Any misbehaviour on the part of the crew will not be tolerated and the driver will be liable to exclusion from the event for any breach of these regulations or refusal to obey instructions from officials of the meet. No crew are permitted on the circuit at any time without the express permission of the Clerk of the Course. Once the</p><p>Page 10</p><p> rolling lap has commenced, all crew must return to the Pits or Paddock. Smoking in the Pits is forbidden. The penalty for such an offence is exclusion of the driver. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry for any member of a Pit Crew into the circuit, Pits and Paddock and all areas under its jurisdiction without assigning a reason. Failure to comply with such a request will render the driver liable to exclusion from the event.</p><p>THE DRINKING OF ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR INTOXICATION BY ANY OTHER MEANS (e.g. NARCOTICS) IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN AND ANY DRIVER AND CREW FOUND GUILTY OF SUCH AN OFFENCE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY EXCLUDED FROM THE COMPETITION AND REMOVED FROM THE TRACK.</p><p>28. Stopping the Race Should it become necessary to stop the race or practice because the circuit is blocked by an accident or because weather or other conditions make it dangerous to continue, the Clerk of the Course shall order a red flag to be shown on the Line. Simultaneously, red flags will be shown at Marshals’ posts provided </p><p> with these flags. The decision to stop the race or practice may be taken only by the Clerk of the Course (or, if he had to leave, by his deputy). If the signal to stop racing is given:</p><p>(a) Should 75% of the race be completed, it shall be deemed a race and the result be the finishing order at the end of the lap preceding the stopping. (b) Should less than 2 laps have been completed, the race shall be re-run in full and the 1 st start be null and void. (c) Should more than 2 laps but less than 75% of the race been completed, the race will be restarted with the race distance being the original race distance less the laps completed by the race leader before the signal was given to stop was given.</p><p>NOTE: (a) For Heats, all original drivers will be entitled to take part in the re-start. (b) For Finals, only those drivers who crossed the Finishing Line on the lap prior to the stopping may take part in the re-start. (c) Only those drivers who took part in the original start will be eligible for the re-start and then only if they were still running when the race was stopped or if they had gone into the pits before the stop under their own power. (d) The grid for the re-started race will be arranged in the race order at the end of the lap, one lap prior to that during which the signal to stop was given. (e) Refuelling and repairs will be allowed to be carried out in the interval before the re-start.</p><p>The re-start shall take place at least 15 minutes after the stopping of the race.</p><p>29. Protests </p><p>Any protest must be made in accordance with the NCR 191-193 and shall be addressed to the Clerk of the Course for immediate transmission to the StewardS.</p><p>Protest Fee Rs 15000 Protest Against Eligibility Rs 10000 plus Rs 15000 deposit for dismantling</p><p>Page 11</p><p>Appeal Fee Appeal fee as set by FMSCI is Rs 80,000 with Rs.40,000 to be paid with intention to appeal and balance Rs 40,000 alongwith grounds of appeal within 48 hours.</p><p>All fees shall be in cash (INR)</p><p>30. Posting of Results Results of each race will be announced over the public address system as soon as possible after such race and at the same time will be posted publicly at the Race Control and Paddock. Results will be considered official half an hour after posting provided there are no protests.</p><p>31. Postponement At the discretion of the Organiser, the meeting or part may be postponed or cancelled. In the event of complete cancellation or postponement of more than 48 hours, entrants will have no right to claim against the Organiser for loss or expenses incurred.</p><p>32. Advertising Advertising is permitted on karts and driver’s apparel including helmets and overalls, provided that the placing of such advertisements in no way obscures or affects the legibility of competition numbers. The Organiser reserves the right to remove or obliterate any advertisement that they consider in bad taste or conflicts with any of the race sponsors. The Organiser will indicate the positioning of sponsors decals and these decals shall not be placed anywhere else. If this space is not made available, the Organiser reserves the right to remove or obliterate any existing decals in order to attach the decals of the meet sponsors.</p><p>33 Flag Signals The following signals will be used:</p><p>Green Light Start of race or practice Blue Flag (Only shown to drivers who are being lapped and are a Minimum of one lap behind)</p><p>Stationery - you are being lapped, keep to your line. Waved – a driver wishes to overtake, let him pass. Yellow Flag Danger, slow down, it is forbidden to overtake. If waved – extreme danger, be prepared to stop. Black Flag with Orange Disc and Number Stop for a technical defect. The driver may continue after repairs. White Flag Slow moving vehicle on the track. Yellow Flag with Red Stripes Deterioration of adhesion (eg.oil, water). Green Flag All clear. Black Triangle & White Triangle Flag with Number Last warning before exclusion following unsporting behaviour. Black Flag with Number Driver to immediately go to Pits and report to the Clerk of the Course, who may or may not permit him to rejoin the race. Red Flag All drivers will immediately stop racing and continue towards the Start Line, being prepared to stop at any point as requested by an Official. </p><p>34. Programme of the Meeting:</p><p>Page 12</p><p>Detailed programe of the meeting will be given out during registration.</p><p>*AFTER EACH TIME TRIAL, HEATS AND RACES, ALL COMPETITORS IN ALL CLASSES MUST SURRENDER THEIR TYRES TO SCRUTINEERS AT PARC FERME IF NOMINATED BY THE ORGANIZER.</p><p>35. Reservation of Rights</p><p>The Organisers may at their discretion and with the consent of the Stewards of the Meeting</p><p>(a) Abandon, cancel or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances. (b) Distribute the awards at their discretion if through unforeseen circumstances the competition is stopped before its scheduled completion. (c) Exclude or not permit to start any competitor who is found to have misbehaved or have cheated. (d) Require the entrant to undertake any dismantling and to do this as and when directed, to make available any components or samples required and to bear any costs arising out of any eligibility checks. (e) In the event of complete cancellation or postponement of more than 48 hours, the entry fees will be refunded and no further claims against the Organisers for loss or expenses incurred shall be entertained. (f) To amalgamate classes should the minimum of 6 entries are not achieved.</p><p>Dated: 1/4/2012</p><p>Page 13</p>
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