<p>Vacation Terms and Conditions of the Agreement to occupy University Accommodation</p><p>Please note these terms and conditions are different from those that apply during the academic year. It is very important that you read through and understand them. If you have any questions or queries, please enquire at the University Accommodation office in Tanglewood.</p><p>Our responsibilities </p><p>University of Kent - Accommodation Services </p><p>1. Cancelling your accommodation booking</p><p>1.1 We regret that no refund of fees will be made for any cancellation, non-arrival or early departure from the accommodation.</p><p>2. Standard of accommodation</p><p>2.1 Keys - we will provide you with necessary keys or key cards for you to gain access to and secure your accommodation.</p><p>2.2 Health and Safety - we will provide accommodation and furniture that complies with current UK fire and health and safety laws.</p><p>2.3 Common areas - we will ensure the communal areas of the residence (such as stairwells, common rooms and entrance ways) are cleaned on a regular basis. Residents are responsible for cleaning kitchen, shower and WC areas.</p><p>2.4 Repairs - will be carried out by the University’s Maintenance Department within reasonable time limits. Further details are available at: - http://www.kent.ac.uk/estates- local/maintenance/maintsls.htm </p><p>2.5 Fire Safety - all accommodation has fire detection equipment which is checked and tested on a regular basis and residents will be supplied with fire safety advice. You agree that whenever you hear a fire alarm in a building you will immediately evacuate and wait at the designated local evacuation point until the building is considered safe for you to return to. Misuse or removal of fire safety features and equipment, or non-compliance with essential fire safety instructions, will not be tolerated in any circumstances and may be treated as criminal offences. For example, the following are strictly prohibited – covering or tampering with fire detection equipment; tampering with or discharging fire extinguishers; unnecessary activation of fire alarm call points; propping or wedging open designated fire doors (e.g. kitchen door). The University takes Fire Safety very seriously; even a ‘first offence’ may result in termination of the contract (see 9.1.2 & 9.1.3).</p><p>2.6 We will not be responsible for failure to provide the above services or facilities where that failure arises from circumstances beyond our reasonable control </p><p>2.7 Electrical Safety - No electrical appliances of consumption over 5 amps may be kept or used in any student accommodation (except, in kitchens, appliances provided by the University). Prohibited appliances include refrigerators, microwaves, toasters and other cooking equipment; washing machines and tumble/spin dryers; heaters; also multi-way “cube” type mains socket adaptors. Students must ensure that their electrical appliances are</p><p>Summer vacation 1 May 2008 verified as safe: unless they will still be less than 1 year old when the tenancy finishes, all appliances should be tested and certificated for electrical safety by a qualified electrician. </p><p>3. Protection from eviction and harassment</p><p>3.1 To protect other residents of the accommodation, in certain circumstances, such as excessive noise disturbance or a perceived threat of violence, the University may give written notice of a change of room to the Agreement Holder(s) and require them to occupy other substitute University accommodation. Usually you will be given forty-eight hours notice of the requirement to move, unless the circumstances dictate a shorter period. The Agreement Holder(s) agrees to vacate the accommodation if required, and occupy the other accommodation prior to expiry of the notice </p><p>4. Other</p><p>4.1 Access – you agree to permit access to your room whenever staff or contractors need to inspect your accommodation and its contents or to carry out repairs or replacements. Normally you will have the opportunity to be present, except in cases of emergencies.</p><p>4.2 Insurance – we will insure the building against fire and natural disasters. The University does not provide cover for your personal possessions under any circumstances. You are therefore strongly advised to ensure that your personal possessions are covered against possible loss, theft or damage, either by cover under your parents’ home insurance policy or by taking out your own policy. If you are unable to live in the property due to water damage, accidental fire or other serious incident, we reserve the right to provide you with alternative accommodation. Whilst this will be at no additional cost to you, the accommodation provided may not be of an equivalent standard to that normally occupied.</p><p>Your responsibilities</p><p>5. Payment of Accommodation Fees</p><p>You agree to pay the University in advance for any period of accommodation booked:</p><p>5.1 We reserve the right to add any damage and cleaning charges to your student account during or at the end of the period of occupancy</p><p>5.2 If you depart earlier than the original period booked no refunds will be made</p><p>5.3 If you stay longer than the original period booked the university reserves the right to make additional nightly charges for the accommodation</p><p>6. Respect for others</p><p>6.1 Noise - you agree to keep noise at a level that does not interfere with the study, sleep or comfort of other residents, staff and neighbours. This includes TVs, music systems, CD players, musical instruments etc. We strongly advise the use of headphones at all times. You must reduce the level of noise immediately if requested to do so. Where severe noise disturbance is caused to other residents, sound equipment may be temporarily confiscated until the end date of this Agreement. </p><p>6.2 Behaviour - you agree to behave with respect and consideration towards other residents, University staff and contractors and your neighbours. This includes not injuring, or damaging the property of others, not using foul and abusive language, not using other Summer vacation 2 May 2008 residents’ possessions without permission and respecting the privacy of others. For the safety and security of residents, the University provides a 24-hour Campus Watch security service. Residents should call Campus Watch on 01227 823300 if they experience any serious problems with other people’s behaviour outside of normal office hours. You are required to show Campus Watch staff your student ID card and co- operate with their advice and instructions if requested.</p><p>6.3 Cleaning - You agree to keep your room/flat/house in a clean state and carry out your share of cleaning in the communal areas for which you are responsible (eg the kitchen/kitchenette and shower/WC. areas). You are required to regularly remove rubbish from the residence and place it in the bins provided. You agree that if the communal areas are not kept clean, the University may issue a warning and request that the areas be cleaned. Following any warning issued, the University reserves the right to charge additional fees to your student account until you return the accommodation to a clean and hygienic condition. </p><p>6.4 Parties - you agree not to hold any parties in your accommodation. </p><p>6.5 Smoking – The University has for some time implemented a smoke-free policy in all residential accommodation on both safety and health grounds. The smoking of hubble- bubble pipes is also strictly prohibited. Any infringements of the no smoking regulations are treated seriously and will be penalised. Additionally, following the no smoking legislation introduced in the UK on 01 July 2007, it is now against the law to smoke in any enclosed or substantially enclosed public places and workplaces on campus. It should be noted that the University takes public spaces to include open areas within the footprint of a building, such as cloisters and walkways. The University smoking policy can be viewed at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/registry/censec/smoking-policy.html </p><p>6.6 Drug Taking – possession or taking of illegal drugs are criminal offences and will in no circumstances be tolerated. Drug dealing will lead to police action and automatic termination of registration. </p><p>6.7 Forbidden items - due to the potential fire risk you are not allowed to bring into the accommodation any electrical appliances of over 5 amps consumption – items that are forbidden include heaters and cooking equipment such as toasters, microwave ovens, kettles and chip pans. You are also forbidden to use any flammable materials such as petrol or candles, joss sticks, tea lights, oil lamps, hubble bubble pipes, gas heaters or any item that uses a naked flame. Additionally you agree not to bring into the accommodation any weapons, knives, or other potentially dangerous implements or equipment, in particular firearms, or replica firearms.</p><p>6.8 Complaints – any complaints about accommodation should be made by using the feedback form at http://www.kent.ac.uk/hospitality/contact.html. </p><p>7. Respect for your accommodation/ living environment</p><p>It is agreed that the accommodation shall not be occupied other than by the Agreement Holder(s) personally and shall be used solely as a residence for a person pursuing or intending to pursue a full-time course of study at the University. The Agreement Holder(s) shall not part with or share occupation of any part or whole of their room. </p><p>7.1 Hygiene and Tidiness - you agree to keep your room and any shared facilities clean and tidy (this includes hallways, corridors, kitchens/kitchenettes, showers and WCs). You also agree to regularly remove all rubbish to the places specified for collection.</p><p>7.2 Pets – you are not permitted to have any pets in the accommodation (with the exception of guide dogs).</p><p>Summer vacation 3 May 2008 7.3 Children – you are not permitted to bring children under 16 years of age into any University accommodation.</p><p>7.4 Safety and Security - you agree to ensure that your accommodation is left secure at all times. For example, you must not prop open external doors (nor fire doors) and you should lock your room door and close the windows when you are out. For safety reasons, many bedroom windows have restricted window openers and you agree that you will not tamper with or fully open any windows. The misuse of any fire fighting equipment will not be tolerated.</p><p>7.5 Damage - you agree not to alter or redecorate the accommodation. You also agree to report any damage to the relevant Housekeeping Office as soon as it occurs and pay for any damages caused by you during the period of the agreement, either through negligence, deliberate act or accident. You also agree to pay for any damages that may be caused within an area over which you have sole or joint control, if the person who has caused the damage cannot be identified. </p><p>7.6 Contents - you agree not to remove any contents from the accommodation and to leave all contents where you found them at the start of the Agreement. You also agree not to bring in to the accommodation additional furniture or certain electrical appliances such as refrigerators, fridge freezers, deep fat fryers and washing machines or tumble/spin dryers etc.</p><p>8. Other </p><p>8.1 Keys - you agree not to give your accommodation keys to any other person. If you lose your keys or swipe card you agree to pay a charge of up to £35 per key or swipe card to the University to cover the costs of replacement. At the end of the Agreement, or if you move out early, you will hand back your keys and any swipe cards to the Reception from where you collected them.</p><p>8.2 Defects and Repairs - you agree to promptly report any damage/repairs to the relevant Housekeeping Office, so they can investigate and request necessary repairs on your behalf from the University’s Estates Department. When you first take up residence, you are advised to check your accommodation for defects and report these at once.</p><p>8.3 Sub-letting and Assignment - you are not permitted to allow anyone else to live in your accommodation, or sub-let it on a temporary or more permanent basis. You are not allowed to assign (transfer) the benefit of this agreement to any other person.</p><p>8.4 Visitors – you agree not to have any overnight visitors in the accommodation and you must not give the keys to any other person. </p><p>8.5 Use of the Accommodation - you agree not to use your room or the accommodation for any business or commercial purposes or illegal activity.</p><p>8.6 Vehicles – due to a lack of available car parking space, you are not permitted to bring a vehicle with you to keep on the University campus. Further information on transport and parking is available at http://www.kent.ac.uk/estates/transport/index.html</p><p>8.7 Bicycles – may only be parked in designated areas and may not be brought into University accommodation.</p><p>8.8 Televisions - The University does not guarantee TV reception in all residential buildings and has no licence for the use of television sets in the accommodation. If you have a television in your accommodation you agree to accept personal responsibility for buying a television licence. Please note that you also need a TV license if you use the IPTV service</p><p>Summer vacation 4 May 2008 provided by computing. The TV Licensing Authority (an external organisation) may prosecute and issue a fine of up to £1000 where residents use an unlicensed TV. </p><p>8.9 Mail - you must ensure that your mail is re-directed before you move out of the accommodation. The University is unable to forward mail to residents after they have left the accommodation.</p><p>8.10 Discipline - you agree that if you break the rules within the Student Regulations, you may be subject to the specified university disciplinary procedures. Breach of the university regulations whilst at the residence is also a breach of this agreement and may result in the termination of your Room Agreement</p><p>9. Terminating the agreement</p><p>The Agreement may be forfeited (i.e. brought to an end) by the University:</p><p>9.1 if there is a serious breach or persistent breach of the Agreement by the Agreement Holder.</p><p>9.2 if in the University’s reasonable opinion, the Agreement Holder’s behaviour constitutes a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of the Agreement Holder or others, or to the University’s or others’ property.</p><p>9.3 If the Agreement is terminated under clause [9.1] the University may require the Agreement Holder to pay a termination fee to cover its reasonable administration costs and loss of revenue due to early termination. </p><p>9.4 the Agreement Holder does not move into the Accommodation within 3 days of the start date of the Agreement and does not contact the University to confirm when they intend to arrive.</p><p>9.5 Any term of the Agreement allowing the University to bring the Agreement to an end does not affect any rights the Agreement Holder may have under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977. </p><p>9.6 If it is necessary to take court proceedings to recover money from the Agreement Holder or to require the Agreement Holder to vacate the accommodation the Agreement Holder may be liable for the costs of those proceedings.</p><p>10. Common liability for damage</p><p>10.1 Where damage is caused to the accommodation or the residence and, after appropriate investigation, the person(s) responsible cannot be identified, the total cost of repair/replacement will, at the discretion of the University, be shared between all residents using the relevant area, unless a resident can show that they were not at the residence when the damage took place.</p><p>Summer vacation 5 May 2008 11. Vacating the accommodation</p><p>11.1 At the end of the period booked you will cease to be entitled to the use of the accommodation and you shall vacate the accommodation leaving it clean and tidy and locked and you agree to return all accommodation keys and key cards to the Reception from where they were obtained, by 10am on the day of termination.</p><p>If you do not vacate the accommodation by 10am on the agreed date of departure and return the keys and any swipe cards to Darwin College reception, you agree to pay to the University additional charges for the accommodation and a late departure fee of £25.</p><p>12. Acknowledgements</p><p>12.1 The Agreement Holder(s) acknowledges that he/she has received a copy of these terms and conditions and has read and understood it and acknowledges that all parts of the Accommodation will be shared with other persons to whom the University grants an Agreement.</p><p>12.2 Variations to this Agreement are only possible with the written agreement of the University Accommodation Office and not the reception area staff or any other person.</p><p>The University’s address for service of notices (including proceedings) is:</p><p>Accommodation Office University of Kent Tanglewood Canterbury Kent CT2 7LX UK </p><p>Summer vacation 6 May 2008</p>
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