
<p> Draft 614 - 1 </p><p>NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARD</p><p>WATERING FACILITY (No.)</p><p>CODE 614</p><p>DEFINITION storage, delivery rates, and spacing requirements for the anticipated herd size for A permanent or portable device to provide an the grazing unit, the projected carrying adequate amount and quality of drinking water capacity (based on a grazing plan and forage for livestock and or wildlife. inventory), and/or the highest anticipated demand. In general, livestock water twice a PURPOSE day and drink half of their daily requirement at each watering. Each animal will drink for To provide access to drinking water for approximately 5 minutes. It is recommended livestock and/or wildlife in order to: that a herd take no longer than 2 hours to complete a watering. Meet daily water requirements Improve animal distribution For wildlife purposes, design watering facilities with adequate capacity and supply to meet the PROTECT STREAMS, PONDS AND daily water requirements of wildlife planned to WATER SUPPLIES FROM use the facility. Include the storage volume CONTAMINATION BY PROVIDING necessary to provide water between periods of ALTERNATIVE ACCESS TO WATER. replenishment. Because each facility is unique to species, habitat, topography, and climate; watering facilities must be planned and MEET NEEDS OF LIVESTOCK installed according to a wildlife management AND/OR WILDLIFE AT SELECTED plan and adapted to the specific site. LOCATIONS Design the watering facility to provide adequate access to the animals planned to CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE use the facility. Incorporate escape features into the watering facility design where local APPLIES knowledge and experience indicate that wildlife This practice applies to all land uses where may be at risk of drowning. there is a need for new or improved watering Design and install watering facilities to prevent facilities and water storage facilities for overturning by wind and animals. livestock and/or wildlife. For purposes of this standard, watering facilities include water storage facilities, CRITERIA drinking facilities, and combination facilities that allow drinking while also providing GENERAL CRITERIA APPLICABLE storage. TO ALL PURPOSES Watering systems and facilities for livestock shall be planned to include the needed</p><p>Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically, and updated if needed. To obtain NRCS, NHCPOK the current version of this standard, contact the Natural Resource Conservation Service. July 2007August 2000 614 - 2</p><p>Materials Locate water in underutilized portions of the All materials shall have a life expectancy that grazing unit to reduce grazing pressure on meets or exceeds the planned useful life of the sensitive areas. installation. Common construction materials The site shall be well drained; i: if not, drainage are reinforced concrete, steel, fiberglass, measures shall be provided. Areas adjacent brass, plastic and wood. Precast (freeze to the trough or tank watering facility or apron, proof) concrete tanks and factory fabricated if applicable, that will be trampled by livestock fiberglass tanks may be used. All designs shall be stable. Where needed, added shall meet the industry standards for the protection shall Design of the protective material being used. Generally applicable surface around the trough shall be installed in design requirements and procedures can be accordance with NRCS Conservation Practice found in the documents referenced in the Standard 561, Heavy uUse Area Protection. Specification section. Tanks may also be constructed from heavy equipment tires and Watering Ffacilities may be located to facilitate used steel (oil, gasoline, etc.) provided the and control stock movement and generally supplier certifies the tank’s use for livestock should be located near the middle of a pasture. and/or wildlife. Spacing Slope, barriers, pasture design and travel Shut-off valves shall be installed, where distance is to be included in the design and needed, to control and/or cut off flow to repair layout to address grazing distribution. or protect the line and to preserve the supply in case of pipeline failure. Spacing requirements in a livestock grazing In watering facilities and storage tanks, proper unit shall be based on the following instrumentation and controls must be installed guidelines:. Consideration should be given to to regulate inflow and water level. Floats and o valves must be designed in a manner to Other dependable drinking facilities within prevent unnecessary restrictions of flows or the grazing unit,. Spacing is also changes to the system’s ability to deliver the predicated on t flow as designed. All valves and controls must be protected from livestock and/or wildlife and The need for water in a given location, from freezing. Freeze protection may be and. accomplished by heat tape, earth sheltering, Terrain, as described in the following table: combination insulation and heat sink, an ice prevention valve, or other approved means. Type of Terrain Water spacing With the exception of windmills or systems that (miles) operate on a timer, floats or other automatic shut off valves will be required in order to Rough (slopes > 1/4 - 1/2 conserve water. 15%) If a roof is placed over the facility to provide Rolling (8 - 15%) 3/8 - 3/4 shade, the roof shall meet design requirements Level (<8%) 3/4 - 1 for appropriate snow and wind loads and shall be durable to withstand anticipated livestock and wildlife activities. The distribution and spacing of facilities serving wildlife shall be based on the required travel distance to water, proximity to other Site Selection required habitat components, and the home Establish water facilities in locations that will range, territory size, and distribution of the not cause an adverse impact on the land. target species as indicated in the following table:</p><p>NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 614 - 3</p><p>Distribution of needs shall be based on the following Species guidelines in Table 1 below: Facilities TABLE 1</p><p>Antelope 1 per 1-2 square miles Gallons / 1000 lbs. Animal Deer 1 per square mile Live Animal Weight Elk 1 per 2-4 square miles Cows 15 1 within 0.25 mile of food and Quail cover areas Bulls 15</p><p>Turkey 1 within 1 mile of roost areas Stockers 15</p><p>1 within 0.5 miles of feeding Dairy 20 Pheasant areas Goats 25 1 within 2 miles of feeding Dove Horses 15 areas Sheep 25 1 within 0.25 miles of feeding Songbirds areas Swine 20 Poultry 120</p><p>Bison 15 Flow Rate</p><p>The drinking facility must recharge quickly enough to meet the animal demands. </p><p>Flow rates shall be calculated based on an animal consuming about 1/2 its daily The watering system can include storage and requirement within a 4 minute drinking facilities in the same structure, or they drinking interval. Therefore, multiply can be provided separately and connected 1/2 the daily animal requirement by 4 with pipelines to meet herd demand. minutes by the number of animals The water system shall provide a total system that can drink around a facility. capacity for a 5-day supply if the supply is dependent upon a windmill or solar system. A minimum of a 2-day supply shall be provided if Storage Capacity for Livestock the pumping system is powered by electricity or other reliable sourceor . If a reliable The watering system , which includes the alternative water source is available in storage part and the drinking part of the facility. contiguous grazing units and if livestock are Storage and drinking facilities can be provided checked daily, a minimum of a 1-day supply separately and connected with pipelines to shall be all that is required for each pasture or meet the livestock and/or wildlife demand. grazing unit. shall be designed for the anticipated herd size If a reliable water source is available in for the grazing unit, the projected carrying contiguous grazing units as referenced above, capacity, and highest anticipated demand. Cattle usually water twice a day, and take Freeze-proof or earthen covered troughs are about 4 - 5 minutes per head to drink. shall be limited to 72 head per facility. This is based on designed for the anticipated herd size for the 2 head drinking simultaneously for 10 minutes. grazing unit, the projected carrying capacity, This allows 3 hours twice a day to meet animal and highest anticipated demand. Cattle demand. usually water twice a day, and take about 4 - 5 Follow manufacturer guidelines for ball type minutes per head to drink. Consumption freeze-proof troughs as to herd facilities used</p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007 614 - 4 solely for drinking that are served by rural Drinking facilities are small troughs or tanks water district pipeline or gravity flow from a that have no significant storage and provide pond shall have a minimum tank capacity of drinking space for a limited number of animals. 100 gallons. This storage requirement is These facilities are dependent on quick waived for freeze proof tanks and energy-free recharge. Flow rates must be adequate to fountains. supply 2 GPM / Drinking Head. The number of drinking head is limited by the drinking space Storage Capacity for Wildlife around the facility. Freeze-proof tanks and Energy-free Fountains are drinking facilities. The effective water storage capacity for any wildlife watering facilities will be no less than Drinking Space and Size Size the minimum designed storage, as specified in Wildlife Guzzler Drawing 1 of this standard. If a facility is only used for drinking and not for storagesupply, calculate the perimeter based With the exception of meeting the minimum upon the perimeter shall provide 1 inch per storage requirements described above, the head in the herd. This requirement is waived design shall be sized to accommodate the for freeze proof tanks and energy-free expected and/or anticipated consumptive rates fountains. The actual number of animals that of target and non-target species as described can drink at any one time is dependent on the in Table 1a: type of animal. Table 2 below is to be used as a guide to animal space requirements (Divide TABLE 1a the facility perimeter by the Drinking Space/Head). For storage and combination If</p><p>Flow Rate Number Gallons Pipelines serving a watering facility shall be of Species of Animals adequate to meet the requirements of the Water watering facility. The type of facility served by per Day the pipeline will influence the pipeline requirements. Antelope Each 1-2 The flow rate to a water storage facility is Deer Each 1-2 governed by the water source and recharge Elk Each 5-8 rate should typically be twice the daily use in a 24 hour period. Quail Covey 1-2 Due to the variable flow rates from solar Turkey Flock 2-3 pumps, pipelines serving water storage Pheasant Local Population 2-5 facilities from solar powered units shall be sized based on the peak flow of the selected Dove Local Population 2-5 solar pump that is required to meet the water Songbirds Local Population 1-2 needs. a facilities, size requirements are governed by A water storage facility is a tank that holds y is to be used for storage and drinking, the water and serves other facilities via pipelines. sizing is the water demand for the herd and not These are usually taller structures and no drinking space. animals drink from them. It shall be large enough to store the drinking water required by TABLE 2 the design. Drinking Space per A combination drinking and storage facility is a Animal Head (inches) tank with a wall height such that animals drink from it; however, it shall be large enough to Cows 20 store the drinking water required by the design. Minimum capacity of a combination drinking Bulls 20 and storage facility is a one day supply. Stockers 16</p><p>NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 614 - 5</p><p>AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL Dairy 24 CONTROL AND/OR OVERFLOW FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED Goats 12 AS APPROPRIATE. VALVES OR Horses 20 PIPES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY Sheep 12 SHIELDS OR COVERS TO PREVENT DAMAGE BY LIVESTOCK. Swine 12 OVERFLOW SHALL BE PIPED TO A Poultry 3 STABLE OR SUITABLE POINT OF Elk 20 RELEASE. THE TROUGH AND OUTLET PIPES SHALL BE Deer 12 PROTECTED FROM FREEZING AND Antelope 12 ICE DAMAGE. FREEZE-PROOF Bison 24 TROUGHS OR ELECTRIC HEATERS MAY BE USED. </p><p>Facility height may vary from 22 to 36 inches ALL MATERIALS SHALL HAVE A for horses, beef, and dairy cattle. For sheep and goats, the facility height may vary from 8 LIFE EXPECTANCY THAT MEETS to 22 inches. OR EXCEEDS THE PLANNED USEFUL LIFE OF THE INSTALLATION. COMMON CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ARE Water Quality REINFORCED CONCRETE, STEEL, Water should be of adequate quality for wildlife FIBERGLASS, PLASTIC AND and/or livestock consumption. Refer to WOOD. ALL DESIGNS SHALL MEET National Range and Pasture Handbook, 600.0603(e)(5) and Table 6 - 8, Water Quality THE INDUSTRY STANDARDS FOR Standards for Livestock. THE MATERIAL BEING USED. GENERALLY APPLICABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES CAN BE FOUND IN THE DOCUMENTS REFERENCED AT THE END OF THIS STANDARD.</p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007 614 - 6</p><p>CONCRETE STRUCTURES SHALL introducing a new water source within the BE CONSTRUCTED FROM A ecosystem in the vicinity of the facility. This CONCRETE MIX PRODUCING A should include things such as the concentration of grazing, predation, MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE entrapment, drowning, disease transmission, STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI AT 28 hunting and expansion of the wildlife DAYS. GALVANIZED STEEL TANKS populations beyond the carrying capacity of SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM available habitat. THICKNESS OF 20 GAUGE. Watering facilities often collect debris and PLASTIC AND FIBERGLASS algae and should be cleaned on a regular STRUCTURES SHALL BE MADE OF basis. Consider increasing the pipe sizes for ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANT inlets and outlets to reduce the chances of MATERIALS OR SHALL HAVE A clogging. Maintenance of a watering facility DURABLE COATING TO PROTECT can be made easier by providing a method to completely drain the watering facility. THE STRUCTURE FROM DETERIORATION DUE TO Steep slopes leading to watering facilities can SUNLIGHT. cause erosion problems from over use by animals as well as problems with piping and valves from excess pressure. Choose the CONSIDERATIONS location of watering facilities to minimize these problems from steep topography. TThis practice may adversely affect cultural resources and must comply with GM 420, Part 401. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Topography should be evaluated to minimize Plans and specifications for watering facilities trail erosion and flooding erosion from tank shall provide the information necessary to overflow. install the facility. As a minimum this shall Watering facilities should be accessible to include the following: small animals. Escape ramps for birds and A map or aerial photograph showing the small animals should be installed. location of the facility During freezing weather, aAdequate protection Detail drawings showing the facility, for livestock and alternative water supplies necessary appurtenances (such as during the winter should be considered. foundations, pipes and valves) and Systems should be checked regularly to stabilization of any areas disturbed by the ensure proper operation. installation of the facility Design fences associated with the watering Construction specifications describing the facilities to allow safe access and exit for area installation of the facility wildlife species. To protect bats and other species that access water by skimming across If the troughfacility and/or tank is a component the surface, fencing material should not extend of a system that includes additional across the water surface. If fencing across the conservation practices, the information water is necessary it should be made highly necessary to construct these additional visible by avoiding the use of single wire practices will part of the conservation also be fences and using fencing materials such as conveyed on the plans. woven wire or by adding streamers or Development of plans will be guided by coverings on the fence. Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 5, and For watering facilities that will be accessible to shall be in accordance with National wildlife, give consideration to the effects the Engineering Manual, Parts 541 and 542. location of the facility will have on target and Wildlife watering facilities typically include non-target species. Also consider the effect of excavated or embankment ponds, concrete</p><p>NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 614 - 7 lined watering basins, tanks or troughs, springs check to ensure the outlet pipe is freely or seeps, and guzzlers. operating and not causing erosion problems; and Plans and specifications for concrete lined prepare guidance for winter weather, such watering basins with permanent water supplied as adding material in the storage area to by spring, pipeline, or well are as follows: allow for ice expansion without damage. Outside dimensions of concrete liners will be a schedule for periodic cleaning of the no less than 6 feet by 6 feet and no greater facility. than 12 feet by 12 feet. Designed water depths will be between 1 foot and 2 feet. Slopes will be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or REFERENCES flatter. Concrete will be 4 inches in thickness Manual of Steel Construction, American and textured to provide solid footing for hoofed Institute of Steel Construction wildlife species. Concrete and other materials and installation requirements will be the same Timber, National Design Specification for as those described in Oklahoma Conservation Wood, American Forest and Paper Association Practice Standard and Specification Lined Concrete, ACI 318, American Concrete Waterway or Outlet (468). Institute</p><p>Constructed wildlife guzzlers with catchment Masonry, Building Code Requirement for structure, underground storage tank and Masonry Structures, ACI 530, American watering trough. Refer to Wildlife Guzzler Concrete Institute Drawings 1 and 2 attached to this standard for Facilities for Watering Livestock and Wildlife, design specifications. USFS, BLM January 1989 2400-Range, MTDC 89-1. Prefabricated, commercially available Wildlife Water Guzzlers as described in the list of “Pre- Brigham, William and Stevenson, Craig, 1997, Approved Structures, Components, and Wildlife Water Catchment Construction in Appurtenances” in Section 4 of the Field Office Nevada, Technical Note 397. Technical Guide are approved for use by Tsukamoto, George and Stiver, San Juan, wildlife. 1990, Wildlife water Development, Proceedings of the Wildlife Water Development Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE USDI Bureau of Land Management. An written O&M plan specific to the type of Yoakum, J. and W.P. Dasmann. 1971. Habitat installed watering facility trough or tank shall manipulation practices. Ch. 14 in Wildlife be provided to the landowner. Maintenance Management Techniques, Third Edition. Ed. items should be performed within 5 days from Robert H. Giles, Jr. Pub. The Wildlife Society. the time they are noticed. The plan shall 633 pp. include, but not be limited to, the following National Engineering Handbook, Part 650 provisions: Engineering Field Handbook, Chapters 5, 11 & check for debris, algae, sludge or other 12, USDA Natural Resources Conservation materials in the troughfacility which may Service. restrict the inflow or outflow system; National Range and Pasture Handbook, check for leaks and repair immediately if Chapter 6, Page 6-12, Table 6-7 & 6-8, USDA- any leaks are found; Natural Resources Conservation Service. check the automatic water level device to National Research Council, 1996 Nutrient ensure proper operation; Requirements of Domestic Animals, National Academy Press. check to ensure that adjacent areas are well protected against erosion;</p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007 614 - 8</p><p>NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 614 - 9</p><p>SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>. NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE</p><p>WATERING FACILITY</p><p>REFERENCES</p><p>ENGINEERING FIELD HANDBOOK</p><p>NATIONAL ENGINEERING MANUAL</p><p>MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION</p><p>TIMBER, NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD, AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION</p><p>CONCRETE, ACI 318, AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE</p><p>MASONRY, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENT FOR MASONRY STRUCTURES, ACI 530, AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE</p><p>FACILITIES FOR WATERING LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE, USFS, BLM JANUARY 1989 2400- RANGE, MTDC 89-1. NATIONAL RANGE AND PASTURE HANDBOOK</p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007 Draft 614 - 1 </p><p>NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>WATERING FACILITY (No.)</p><p>CODE 614</p><p>CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Foundation Watering facilities shall be constructed to the The foundation shall be prepared by leveling, dimensions, elevations, and grades as smoothing, and compacting the area where the specified on the plans, drawings, or job sheets. facility is to be constructed. The base shall be free of debris and rocks or pebbles larger than Plumbing 3/8 inch in size. When specified, a layer of sand or fine gravel shall be placed between Watering facilities shall be equipped with a the bottom floor and subgrade. On moderately suitable water supply outlet, drainage outlet, to high shrink/swell soils, a minimum of a 4” and overflow outlet, either as individual outlets layer of 3/8 inch crushed rock or concrete sand or a combination of outlets. Plumbing shall be shall be used under the facility for a base, it new galvanized steel, copper, bronze, or shall be saturated to consolidate the sand or plastic pipe and fittings. All plastic pipe shall crushed rock base. The material shall be free comply with NRCS Conservation Practice of organic material, excess fines, and rock Standard 430-DD, Irrigation Water larger than 3/8 inch in size. Conveyance. Pipe fittings may be PVC Schedule 40 unthreaded, Schedule 80 The drainpipe shall be positioned before final threaded, or galvanized steel. grading of the foundation.</p><p>Overflow Pipe Reinforced Concrete A water level control valve or overflow pipe Reinforcement shall be placed as shown on shall be used to maintain the water level at 1 ½ the plans and shall be free of oil and other inches below the top of the facility. The foreign matter such as loose coatings of rust, minimum diameter shall be 1 ½ inches. For scale, or dirt. Reinforcing steel for concrete combination overflow/drain outlets, a coupling walls shall be secured in place by tying the shall be set level with the bottom of the facility vertical bars to the horizontal bars. The to permit unscrewing the overflow pipe to allow vertical bars shall be fastened in position as drainage of the facility. A swivel connection needed for rigidity. The vertical bars shall be may also be used to allow drainage of the placed so that the horizontally projecting leg is facility. Drain plugs for fiberglass tanks should 2 ½ to 3 inches below the finished surface of be located near the bottom of the tank. The the floor slab. The floor slab reinforcement overflow pipe shall extend to a point where shall be tied in place so that it is 2 to 2 ½ flow will be away from the facility. The inches below the finished surface of the floor overflow pipe shall extend a minimum of 10 slab. The slab reinforcement shall rest on the feet from the outer rim of the facility and be horizontally projecting legs of the vertical bars. marked or otherwise protected from damage. Welded wire as shown in the standard drawing can also be used. </p><p>Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically, and updated if needed. To obtain NRCS, NHCPOK the current version of this standard, contact the Natural Resource Conservation Service. July 2007August 2000 GS614 - 21</p><p>The concrete shall be good quality using shall be wet rubbed to accomplish a dense sound and clean aggregates. A job or ready- smooth surface. mix concrete shall consist of approximately 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 4 parts coarse Concrete Walls aggregate (1 ½ inch maximum size). The water-cement ratio shall be no more than 6 Reinforced concrete walls shall have a gallons of water to 1 sack of cement when dry minimum thickness of 6 inches, and the aggregates are used. If the sand and gravel reinforcing shall consist of 3/8 inch round bars used is moist, the water shall be reduced to no spaced on 8-inch centers in both directions. more than 5 gallons per sack of cement. The vertical bars shall have a 15-inch leg projection horizontally into the floor with the Concrete shall be placed to the lines and vertical leg extending to within 2 inches of the grades as shown on the plans or as staked in top of the wall. Bars shall be placed so as to the field. Unless otherwise specified, the have a minimum cover of 2 inches. Where concrete shall produce a strength of not less horizontal wall bars meet or are spliced, there than 3,000 psi in 28 days. All concrete is to shall be an overlap of at least 12 inches. consist of a workable mix that can be placed and finished in an acceptable manner. The Facilities originally constructed with a concrete concrete shall be delivered to the site and floor and a steel sidewall, which has discharged into the forms within 1 ½ hours deteriorated, may be reconstructed as after the introduction of the cement to the concrete facilities provided all of the following aggregates unless a mix design with set requirements are met: retarder is approved for use by the technician. 1. The floor is determined to be sound with Concrete shall not be placed when the outside no signs of deterioration. temperature is below 40 degrees or above 90 2. The steel sidewall shall be removed to the degrees Fahrenheit. Concrete placed during floor surface unless it can be used as a cold weather shall be protected from freezing form for a new concrete wall. during the curing period. The concrete shall be cured by covering it with burlap, canvas, or 3. The contact area for the concrete other suitable material and kept from drying replacement wall with the floor surface out for at least 7 days. The concrete may be shall be thoroughly cleaned for a good cured by coating the surface with an approved bonding surface. Waterstop or other white-pigmented curing compound. similar products should be used to prevent seepage or leakage from the cold joint. The concrete for the floor slab shall be placed after the vertical bars, the intervening tie bars, 4. Reinforcement shall be as stated for and the slab reinforcement are in place. Care “Concrete Walls” except that the horizontal shall be used in placing the concrete to avoid projection into the floor shall not be segregation. The top of the floor slab shall be required. Instead, the vertical bars shall troweled to a reasonably smooth finish. be anchored in 3-inch deep drilled holes in the floor. Wall thickness shall be 6 inches. Unless the entire facility can be poured at one time, the bond area between the floor slab and 5. Concrete and reinforcing steel placement the wall shall be left untroweled and shall be shall be as stated in the General thoroughly cleaned to insure a good bond Specifications above. between the floor and wall. Concrete S ilo S tave W alls The concrete shall be consolidated in the Concrete silo stave walls shall be installed forms as it is placed to ensure a tight bond to according to plans. The cement grout for reinforcing steel and to yield dense concrete finishing the inside of the slab shall be mixed reasonably free of voids. Either metal or wood to a creamy consistency. The grout shall not forms may be used. After the forms are be allowed to dry or set-up between the removed, all exposed voids shall be filled with application of the successive coats. Once the cement-sand mortar. The entire wall surface application is completed, curing shall be the same as for the other concrete. The floor and NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 GS614 - 1 apron are not to be connected as a continuous shall be given any metal pipes which extend pour. through the concrete floor. The top edge of the metal wall, except smooth steel 3/16 inch (7 gauge or thicker) and corrugated galvanized The concrete silo staves for all facilities 10 feet steel of 12 gauge or thicker, shall be in diameter and larger shall be 10 inches wide strengthened and protected either by a rolled by 30 inches high by 3 5/8 inches thick. The edge or by welding to it, a pipe with ½ inch staves shall be of interlocking tongue and minimum diameter or angle iron with minimum groove construction. The hoops shall be 9/16 dimensions of 1”x1”. After welding, the edge inch galvanized steel rod with lugs and nuts. shall be protected against rust by a rust The number of hoops required is as follows: preventative treatment. Tank Diameter (ft.) Number of Hoops Fiberglass Facilities 16 2 The facility shall be made of glass reinforced >16-22 3 polyester to the manufacturer’s design for the intended purpose. Facilities shall be made of >22 4 ultraviolet resistant materials or have a durable The inside of the facility shall be finished by coating to prevent deterioration due to sunlight applying 3 successive coatings of Portland and to keep the facility serviceable. Minimum cement and water grout. thickness of the walls and floor shall be ¼ inch. The top edge of the facility rim shall be Metal Side Walls protected with a 1 to 2 inch molded flange or other acceptable reinforcement. Metal walls shall be installed according to the plans, and all joints shall be made watertight. Pre-cast Concrete and Prefabricated In areas where the water causes rapid Facilities deterioration of the metal wall, coatings as approved by the state conservation engineer Pre-cast concrete tanks and prefabricated shall be used to provide a longer life structure. energy-free fountains require approval of the state conservation engineer. This may be by Metal walls shall be made of new material individual analysis or by inclusion on the selected from one of the following: state’s pre-approved structures list. 1. Galvanized corrugated steel 16 gauge or Manufacturers may submit designs of thicker. structures for inclusion in the state’s list of pre- approved structures. 2. Ungalvanized or galvanized sheet steel with a minimum thickness of 1/8 inch (10 Pre-cast concrete freeze proof tanks supplied gauge, 0.1345 inches thick is greater than by a pond shall have a minimum of 4 feet of 1/8 inch). head from the planned permanent water level to the lip of the tank. A substantial area of the Ungalvanized material shall be treated with a pond shall be fenced to protect the pond rust preservative treatment. banks, water quality, and wildlife. To prevent Metal walls shall be embedded at least 2 freezing, a 2-foot layer of soil is required over inches into the concrete floor, and the floor at the tank. A bulkhead shall be installed to this junction shall be made at least 2 inches prevent soil from spilling into the tank. If the thicker directly below the metal wall to pre-cast bulkhead needs to be extended, the compensate for the wall depth into the floor. extension shall be constructed of sound, This additional thickness shall extend at least 6 durable materials with sufficient foundation inches each direction from this junction. The and/or anchoring to resist overturning. part of the metal wall that extends into the Prefabricated energy-free fountains shall meet concrete floor shall be coated with asphalt or all manufacturers’ recommendations; this similar coating before the floor is poured. The includes minimum and maximum herd coating shall extend approximately 2 inches capacity. Fountains are only to be installed on above the finished floor. The same treatment pressurized water systems such as a well, </p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007 GS614 - 41 pressure tank, or rural water system. The 6.1’ to 16.0’ ¼ inch steel plate with a rust fountain shall be the primary source of water preventative coating. for the pasture. Sidewall height and minimum thickness for These type facilities must meet all the criteria fiberglass shall be as follows: listed in the appropriate Job Sheet. 2.5’ to 5.0’ ¼” (1/32” tolerance) 5.1’ to 12.0’ 5/16” (1/32” tolerance) 12.1’ to 16.0’ 3/8” (1/32” tolerance) Heavy Equipment Tire Trough . All joints and seams shall be suitably Heavy equipment tires used for troughs shall reinforced. be of suitable quality to perform as intended for Storage facilities may require protection the useful life of the practice. The tires shall against overturning and sliding from wind be free of chemicals injurious to livestock and forces. This may be accomplished by certified by the supplier as safe for livestock. If maintaining a minimum required water depth in this type of tank or facility is to be used to the facility or by installing suitable rod anchors water horses, the operator should be into the soil or rock underlying the facility. cautioned about the possible ingestion of Storage depth for stability may not be counted rubber. in storage needs for livestock water. The hub shall be either filled with concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibers (FRC) or Refurbished Steel Tanks have 3/8” reinforcing bars placed on 12” Used steel tanks (oil, gasoline, etc.) are centers in both directions and filled with acceptable provided the wall thickness meets concrete. The concrete shall meet the the requirements stated under Water Storage requirements stated previously in this Facilities. Tanks shall be refurbished at a specification. commercial tank refurbishing facility and be The top edge of the tire shall be cut so that the certified as safe for storing livestock water. lip is a maximum of 8” wide. Aprons Water Storage Facilities Apron requirements will vary depending on the Closed top facilities shall be vented in type of facility installed and the soils on which accordance with the manufacturer’s the facility is located. recommendations. Facilities with reinforced concrete or metal Circular commercial storage facilities walls shall have a 30-inch wide concrete apron fabricated from steel or fiberglass material may which is an extension of the floor and have the be used. They shall have a maximum height same thickness as the floor. Facilities with of 16 feet and a maximum diameter of 20 feet. concrete silo stave walls shall have a 30-inch wide concrete apron. The apron shall be Sidewall height and minimum thickness for separated from the stave sidewall by using a steel shall be as follows: bituminous or cork expansion material with a 2.5’ to 4.0’- 16 gauge galvanized minimum thickness of 3/8-inch. corrugated steel or One of the following three aprons shall be 10 gauge sheet steel with a used for fiberglass, pre-cast concrete, freeze- rust preventative coating. proof tanks, and heavy equipment tire facilities: 4.1’ to 6.0’ 16 gauge galvanized 30-inch wide by 5-inch thick concrete corrugated steel or apron separated from the sidewall of the facility with a 3/8 inch minimum thickness 7 gauge sheet steel with a rust of bituminous or cork expansion material preventative coating. (required for energy-free fountains). </p><p>NRCS, NHCPOK July 2007August 2000 GS614 - 1</p><p> 60-inch wide by 6-inch thick apron of coarse gravel or crushed rock. Fiberglass tanks may also be placed on existing concrete pads provided the minimum dimensions of an apron meet the criteria above and the tank is adequately anchored.</p><p>NRCS, OK July 2007</p>
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