<p>Sports</p><p>1. Is rugby dangerous?</p><p>2. Are footballers overpaid?</p><p>3. Is athletics underrated?</p><p>4. Is golf fun?</p><p>5. Is golf only meant for the rich in the society?</p><p>6. Where does golf get its revenue?</p><p>7. Is swimming healthy?</p><p>8. Why is marching band grouped as a sport?</p><p>9. Does cheerleading fit in games?</p><p>10. How is chess considered as a beneficial sports activity?</p><p>11. Hockey as a dangerous sport.</p><p>12. Steroid users should be banned from any sports activities.</p><p>Technology</p><p>1. Are we becoming technological zombies?</p><p>2. Will there come a time when there will be no innovation and technological advancement?</p><p>3. Is the current technology too advanced for us?</p><p>4. Are mobile phones killing authenticity?</p><p>5. Will robots make us lazier or more efficient?</p><p>6. What should be the actual cost of technology?</p><p>7. Are technological gadgets, the leading cause of cancer?</p><p>8. Is this the age of digital explosion?</p><p>9. Can the chip control the mind too?</p><p>10. Is FaceBook a great invention or the end of privacy? 11. Communication in social networks: is it a good invention or the end of good communication?</p><p>12. Impacts of cell phones on people: its pros and cons.</p><p>13. Are we too much reliant on technology?</p><p>14. Has internet brought about more harm than it is good?</p><p>15. Technology as a thief of creativity.</p><p>16. Do we need cell phones?</p><p>17. What impacts has the technology impacted on the community as a whole?</p><p>18. How some electronics bring about diseases?</p><p>Politics</p><p>1. Are politicians corrupt?</p><p>2. How do politicians gain influence?</p><p>3. Do some politicians engage in illegal activities?</p><p>4. Is the government doing enough to curb corruption?</p><p>5. Is the president supreme?</p><p>6. Is there anyone above the law?</p><p>7. Are the physically disabled considered in government?</p><p>8. Is the government overspending?</p><p>9. Does the government influence court decisions?</p><p>10. Is the government right in all its policies?</p><p>11. Pros of Monarchy.</p><p>12. Advantages and disadvantages of conservatism.</p><p>13. Democracy: is it the only option for governing?</p><p>14. Can the politicians do better?</p><p>15. Is politics an art? 16. Is politics a ‘clean’ game?</p><p>17. Famous people in the society should not get involved in politics.</p><p>18. How does the government oppress the taxpayers in the country?</p><p>19. Is politics considered an art or a talent?</p><p>20. Why are governors categorized among the corrupt?</p><p>21. The system has become more corrupted.</p><p>Dating and Sex</p><p>1. Is there a right age to start having sex?</p><p>2. What should be the role of the partners in a relationship?</p><p>3. Is polygamy or polyandry, a form of relationship?</p><p>4. Should homosexuality be legalized in every country?</p><p>5. What should one do if sex is too painful?</p><p>6. The civil marriage and what it entails?</p><p>7. Is online dating fruitful?</p><p>8. Is it proper to join dating sites and dating clubs to get a partner?</p><p>9. What is the best way to solve issues in a relationship?</p><p>10. Is it okay to date a younger man?</p><p>11. What should be the maximum age gap between partners in a relationship?</p><p>12. After how many dates should sex happen?</p><p>13. Are phones the chief reason for most relationship issues?</p><p>14. Is communication the most important element of dating?</p><p>15. Is it proper to date different races?</p><p>16. What is incest?</p><p>17. Are long distance relationships effective?</p><p>18. Is sex education important? 19. How does cheating impact relationship?</p><p>20. Is it wrong to date your boss?</p><p>21. Must there be love for sex to happen?</p><p>22. Long distance relationships.</p><p>23. Sex and violence: is it acceptable on TV?</p><p>24. Marriage life: does it lead to a routine?</p><p>25. The choice between sexual freedom and morality.</p><p>26. Is there gender equality?</p><p>27. Are there supposed to be specific roles for each gender?</p><p>28. Is there a stronger and weaker sex?</p><p>29. Are there specific jobs and careers for each gender?</p><p>30. Is there gender discrimination in religion?</p><p>31. Feminism and its positive and negative impacts on the lives of women.</p><p>32. Who are more intelligent: men or women?</p><p>33. Can men and women be friends?</p><p>34. Military service and gender.</p><p>35. Is age a limiting factor while dating?</p><p>36. Polygamy is not that evil.</p><p>37. How do pedophiles shatter the esteem of children?</p><p>38. Why is interracial dating encouraged in this new world order?</p><p>39. Why long distance relationships never make it.</p><p>Art</p><p>1. Does art pay?</p><p>2. What are the challenges faced by artists?</p><p>3. Is art a profession? 4. How can artists market their work?</p><p>5. Is art gender-specific or age restrictions?</p><p>6. Is gothic art the best in history?</p><p>7. Can modern art be considered as art?</p><p>8. Is graffiti a part of art?</p><p>9. Graffiti is an illegal art.</p><p>10. Left-handed individuals are good at art compared to the fellow right-handed individuals.</p><p>11. Why is gothic art considered as evil art?</p><p>12. Can you succeed in life with art as a profession?</p><p>Music and Movies</p><p>1. Is today’s music educational?</p><p>2. Are musicians right to sing in both secular and religious genres?</p><p>3. Why are women used in most songs?</p><p>4. Why do people like secular more than religious songs?</p><p>5. How do musicians make money?</p><p>6. Is music a profession?</p><p>7. How long should a movie take?</p><p>8. Is music appropriate for all ages?</p><p>9. How are psychology and music connected?</p><p>10. Children tend to learn instruments better than adults.</p><p>11. All women prefer movies that have romance.</p><p>12. Do actors survive on only the money that they earn from acting?</p><p>Internet and Social Media</p><p>1. Can you get genuine friends online? 2. How do social media affect behavior?</p><p>3. Is online business profitable?</p><p>4. How does one avoid fraud on the internet?</p><p>5. Is there online bullying?</p><p>6. Should parents monitor what their kids are doing online?</p><p>7. Should parents be on social sites?</p><p>8. Is online privacy important?</p><p>9. What are the risks of online transactions?</p><p>10. Can we trace someone online?</p><p>11. Is censorship of internet necessary?</p><p>12. The unfair presentation of facts by mass media and should it be punishable?</p><p>13. Do firewalls assist in preventing bad content to the users?</p><p>14. How can you avoid the catfish type of people in the social media?</p><p>15. Has Whatsapp proven itself as an efficient communicating social media tools?</p><p>16. Can online friends stick by you even in harsh times?</p><p>17. How old should the children be allowed to access the social media sites and utilities?</p><p>International Relations</p><p>1. Is the U.S being too lenient on Israel?</p><p>2. What should be done in the case of Syria and ISIS?</p><p>3. Is Russia supporting the ‘bad guys?’</p><p>4. How can the problem in Kashmir be solved?</p><p>5. Is the world turning a blind eye on South Sudan?</p><p>6. The third world war – is it possible?</p><p>7. What are the impacts of the contracting Chinese economy? 8. Is China a genuine superpower?</p><p>9. Who is wrong, between North and South Korea?</p><p>10. Is Iraq a failed state?</p><p>11. The issue between Israel and Palestine.</p><p>12. Is Somalia fast becoming a terrorist hub?</p><p>13. How can the world combat terrorism?</p><p>14. The war in Iraq and the questions for and against it.</p><p>15. Is pacifism utopia or the real way to peace?</p><p>16. Globalizations: its pros and cons.</p><p>17. The war in the Middle East and America will never end.</p><p>18. Did the death of Saddam reduce conflict in the world?</p><p>19. Globalization will be the main reason for the third world war.</p><p>20. How can ISIS be abolished?</p><p>21. How was the war in Iraq justified?</p><p>Law enforcement and Justice System</p><p>1. Should court proceedings be televised?</p><p>2. The possibility of eliminating judicial errors.</p><p>3. Adoption of children by gay couples.</p><p>4. Punishment of desecration of religious objects.</p><p>5. The most suitable age for voting.</p><p>6. Are the police justified to use live ammunition?</p><p>7. Military service: should be compulsory?</p><p>8. Is drug testing in the workplace a violation of your rights?</p><p>9. Is it right for someone to be judged in a foreign country?</p><p>10. Should the drinking age be increased or reduced? 11. Should the driving age be increased or reduced?</p><p>12. Is the International Criminal Court fair in its judgments?</p><p>13. What is alimony and who should pay it?</p><p>14. What should be done to improve the police force?</p><p>15. Gay marriage: Should it be accepted in all the democratic nations?</p><p>16. Is it proper to merge the police and the army?</p><p>17. Laws prohibiting the use of heroin: Should they also be applied to tobacco?</p><p>18. Generally, is there justice?</p><p>19. Advertising of alcohol and whether it should be prohibited.</p><p>20. Should voluntary euthanasia be legalized?</p><p>21. Should marijuana be legalized?</p><p>22. Is maintenance of law and order, relative?</p><p>23. Is capital punishment a thing of the past?</p><p>24. Use of cell phones while driving: is it acceptable or should it be banned?</p><p>25. The justice systems are corrupted beyond repair.</p><p>26. Is the criminal justice system in countries racist?</p><p>27. Do the police favor law offenders from their race?</p><p>28. Should live ammunition be used in college students’ strikes?</p><p>29. Are the law enforcers justified to sacrifice a hostage for the sake of the others?</p><p>Parenting and Childhood</p><p>1. What is the right age to give birth?</p><p>2. Are there any complications with late parenthood?</p><p>3. Just which is the best way to discipline a kid?</p><p>4. How should adolescents be handled?</p><p>5. Should parents go for further training in parenthood? 6. Is it right to house your child past the age of 30?</p><p>7. What should a parent do, if the child is consistently rude?</p><p>8. Should failed parenting be criminalized?</p><p>9. Should there be distinction of duties between the parents?</p><p>10. How should a single parent play both roles of father and mother, to the child?</p><p>11. Should we reward our children for good conduct?</p><p>12. Is extreme pampering dangerous for our kids?</p><p>13. What should a parent do to protect the kid from bad company?</p><p>14. How can parents nurture talent?</p><p>15. Motherhood and the most suitable age.</p><p>16. Small or large families: The best alternative for children.</p><p>17. How old can you legally become a parent?</p><p>18. Is Down’s syndrome related to late childbearing?</p><p>19. What is the most standard number of children that parents can bear?</p><p>20. Between a father and mother, who has the most roles?</p><p>21. What is the greatest way of punishing your child?</p><p>Current Generation</p><p>1. Is this the most immoral generation in history?</p><p>2. Are we slowly getting swallowed with our own arrogance?</p><p>3. How can the current generation be properly managed?</p><p>4. Is this generation a product of experimental parenting?</p><p>5. Is there the relation that was there in the past, at present?</p><p>6. Necessity of school uniform.</p><p>7. Teen marriages and should they be allowed.</p><p>8. What is the effect of violent games in real life? 9. Does this present generation know how to maintain relationships?</p><p>10. Has this generation become brainwashed with communication technology?</p><p>11. The increasing number of teenage mothers.</p><p>12. Do movies that are violent and immoral have an impact on the behavior of this generation?</p><p>13. Does this current generation follow any rules?</p><p>Religion and Spirituality</p><p>1. Just what is the meaning of the word ‘evil?’</p><p>2. Relevance of all religions: are they all good?</p><p>3. Is there anyone righteous in the word at the moment?</p><p>4. Which religion is right?</p><p>5. Is there heaven and hell?</p><p>6. Atheism as a religion.</p><p>7. Is there God?</p><p>8. Why are there so many religions in the world now?</p><p>9. Why did Christianity split into so many distinct religions as there are now?</p><p>10. Is yoga more spiritual than fasting?</p><p>11. Are today’s pastors genuine?</p><p>12. What happens, or where do people go, after they die?</p><p>13. Is death final? If God is there, why are people suffering so much?</p><p>14. Why do Christians get divorced at almost the same rate as non-Christians?</p><p>15. Why do different prophets preach contradictory teachings?</p><p>16. Why is Islam preaching violence yet it is a religion of peace?</p><p>17. Does the soul exist?</p><p>18. Is reincarnation real? 19. What is karma?</p><p>20. Why were we created?</p><p>21. Why is there too much evil in this world?</p><p>22. Is the Sabbath controversial?</p><p>23. Is it a mandatory to go to respective places of worship?</p><p>24. Is having many religions justified?</p><p>25. The world would be better if the religions were not there.</p><p>26. Do alternatives related to evolution exist?</p><p>27. Can religion be considered as a force of evil?</p><p>28. Will cloning mean the end of morality in the world?</p><p>Morality and Responsibility</p><p>1. Who should be in charge of one’s morality?</p><p>2. Is there a perfect punishment for immorality?</p><p>3. Are the current religions guiding people in the right direction?</p><p>4. What is the meaning of life?</p><p>5. Did we come from one creator?</p><p>6. Is black PR acceptable?</p><p>7. Contraceptives and birth control.</p><p>8. Are security cameras an infringement of privacy?</p><p>9. Ethics issues affecting prolonging of people’s lives by scientists.</p><p>10. Banning of pornography.</p><p>11. Is mankind losing its morality?</p><p>12. What is the reason why people don’t live up to their full potential?</p><p>13. Is peer pressure bad?</p><p>14. Where did the universe originate from? 15. How does one build self – esteem?</p><p>16. Is personality important in the image of a person?</p><p>17. Is abortion a form of murder?</p><p>18. Is Euthanasia a form of mercy killing or a crime?</p><p>19. Pros and cons of hunting.</p><p>20. Right to murder and the society.</p><p>21. How important is the education on patriotism?</p><p>22. Animal testing: A necessity or savageness.</p><p>23. Is keeping animals in zoos acceptable?</p><p>24. The morals behind cloning.</p><p>25. Necessity of death penalty: is it a vestige of the past?</p><p>26. Suicide is a brave act of cowardice.</p><p>Education</p><p>1. Is education becoming useless?</p><p>2. Is plagiarism a serious crime as it is put to be?</p><p>3. Corporal punishment in schools.</p><p>4. What is worse, exam cheating or boycotting?</p><p>5. Is the current education system relevant?</p><p>6. University degree: is it necessary for success?</p><p>7. Are colleges churning out half-baked professionals?</p><p>8. Importance of mandatory physical education for students?</p><p>9. Is homeschooling considered as a basic form of schooling?</p><p>10. Has education become so much commercialized?</p><p>11. Is academic grading helpful in performance?</p><p>12. Should boarding in schools be banned? 13. How can a student acquire all-round education?</p><p>14. Should there be specific dress codes in schools?</p><p>15. Should education be mandatory?</p><p>16. Is online education important?</p><p>17. Should education be privatized?</p><p>18. Sex education in schools: should it be halted or increased?</p><p>19. Video games at school.</p><p>20. Education and its importance in the developing of a country.</p><p>21. Is sign language equally important as the foreign languages?</p><p>22. For foreign language to be effective, it should be implemented right from kindergarten.</p><p>23. Should single-sex education be introduced in colleges and universities?</p><p>24. Sports should be made a compulsory course in higher learning institutions.</p><p>25. The examinations results do not necessary reflect the knowledge of the child.</p><p>Jobs and Careers</p><p>1. Should a parent choose the career for the child?</p><p>2. Are some careers better than others?</p><p>3. Can one do a career he/she has not studied?</p><p>4. Why are other professions paying than others?</p><p>5. How long should a person work in a day?</p><p>6. Should there be a dressing code for each profession?</p><p>7. What is the best profession?</p><p>8. Afternoon nap facilities should be introduced in the working places.</p><p>9. Should all careers overlook tattoos?</p><p>10. Does experience apply in all types of works? 11. Should short dresses be banned from the workplaces?</p><p>12. Some career opportunities have prestige compared to others.</p><p>Health and Nutrition</p><p>1. How much protein should be taken in a day?</p><p>2. What is the diet of a pregnant woman?</p><p>3. What is the best way to slim or gain weight?</p><p>4. What is the ideal amount of water for a healthy person?</p><p>5. What causes cancer?</p><p>6. What is the best meal for a diabetic patient?</p><p>7. Vegetarianism and health?</p><p>8. Are traditional and alternative medicines reliable?</p><p>9. Is fast food beneficial or detrimental?</p><p>10. Can man live without eating meat?</p><p>11. Stimulants used by sports people.</p><p>12. Going to hospital and self-treatment.</p><p>13. Is being broke a habit?</p><p>14. Heroin should be made compulsory to the terminally ill patients.</p><p>15. Unhealthy foods should comply with high taxation so as to prevent the processing.</p><p>16. Access to free health care should be made available to everyone.</p><p>17. Ancestry knowledge is essential for healthy living.</p><p>18. Drug addiction is not a disease as it is entirely dependent on the choice of the individual.</p><p>Science</p><p>1. Are we alone in the universe?</p><p>2. How big is the universe? 3. Is there a connection between science and religion?</p><p>4. How can we prove that the earth revolves?</p><p>5. Is there life on moon?</p><p>6. Darwinism.</p><p>7. Different theories to explain the origin of the universe.</p><p>8. Are there stars that are bigger than the sun?</p><p>9. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?</p><p>10. How did the continents split?</p><p>11. Is there some language for animals?</p><p>12. How did the ancients use science?</p><p>13. Is there any science behind life?</p><p>14. Nuclear energy and safety issues.</p><p>15. Importance of alternative sources of energy.</p><p>16. Is genetic research improving or destroying the lives of people?</p><p>17. Is global warming a belief or a real danger?</p><p>18. Space exploration leads to wastage of money.</p><p>19. The greatest hoax in history was the NASA moon landing.</p><p>20. Is Mars considered as the next destination for humans?</p><p>21. GMOs will be the savior of the hunger problems faced by the world.</p><p>22. Do animals interact with each or is it just coincidence?</p><p>Miscellaneous</p><p>1. What is the best place to go on a date?</p><p>2. What is the greatest bargain you have ever got?</p><p>3. Can hiking happen at night?</p><p>4. Is rock climbing dangerous? 5. What should be the appropriate dressing code for church?</p><p>6. Is the current trend in fashion attractive?</p><p>7. Should there be a measure of just how far fashion should go?</p><p>8. Is the present fashion better than the ancient one?</p><p>9. What is the appropriate manner to prepare for a dinner date?</p><p>10. Are high heels good for the body?</p><p>11. Destruction of forests as a crime against the planet.</p><p>12. The different views of the bombing of Hirosima and Nagasaki.</p><p>13. Rainforests and why their destruction should be prohibited.</p><p>14. Wealth and happiness.</p><p>15. Most suitable age to find friends.</p><p>16. Possibility of having everyone in the world as rich.</p><p>17. Our ideas and their influence on the world.</p><p>18. Pros and cons of living in the city or in the country side.</p><p>19. People have never been content with what they have in life.</p><p>20. Can laziness be considered as a bad thing?</p><p>21. Is social status that important?</p><p>22. Is the society still a sexist world?</p><p>23. Are foreign films the main cause of the increasing immorality in the society?</p>
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