Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan

<p> Contingency Plan </p><p>FIRST NATION</p><p>FUELS SPILL</p><p>CONTINGENCY PLAN</p><p>1 Contingency Plan </p><p>CONTINGENCY PLAN</p><p>COMMUNITY PROFILE: ______First Nation Community situated on the ______. ______FN is a Community with air flights and a Rail line being the main source of contact. ______FN is located approximately ______of ______and______. The geographic location is between ___ and ___ degrees latitude and between ___ and___ degrees longitude.. There is a population base of 3,000 with a school, grocery story and a new tourism lodge. There is much fuel transported and stored in the Community. This fuel is gas and diesel fuel which is also used for heating. Other activities such as ______are ongoing in or in proximity of our community.</p><p>2 Contingency Plan </p><p>TANK SYSTEM INFORMATION:</p><p>Environment Canada Tank System Identification Number: ______</p><p>System Description:</p><p>1. Name of tank owner:______</p><p>2. Mailing address of tank owner: ______</p><p>3. Tank Reference No.: ______</p><p>4. Name of tank operator: ______</p><p>5. Type of facility:  Band Office  Teacherage  Nursing Station  Arena</p><p> Community Centre  Hospital  Public Works  Retail Store</p><p> Bulk Storage  Airport  Other (Specify): Portable Classrooms</p><p>6. GPS Co-ordinates of tank (latitude/longitude) N-______W- ______</p><p>7. (a) Type of tank:  Aboveground-Vertical(Shop Fabricated)  Aboveground-Vertical (Field Erected)  Aboveground-Horizontal</p><p>(b) Capacity of storage tank:______Units:  Litres  Cubic Metres  Imperial Gallons (Or combined capacity of storage tanks if there are more than one in the storage tank system.)</p><p>8. Tank status  Product in tank  Temporarily Empty  Empty</p><p>9. Tank contents: Gasoline (includes Aviation Gasoline)</p><p>3 Contingency Plan </p><p> Waste Oil  Diesel or Heating Oil </p><p>10. Tank Installer: ______</p><p>Year of installation: ______Estimate:  Known:  11. Tank Manufacturer: ______Year manufactured: 2000</p><p>Estimated :  Known: </p><p>12. ULC Tag :  Not present  Present </p><p>ULC Standard: ______Serial No.: ______</p><p>13. Class of tank system  Tank Farm  Supply fuel to furnace (home heating)  Supply fuel to building (other than home)  Supply fuel to land vehicles  Supply fuel for emergency generator  Supply fuel to vessels/boats, etc.  Waste oil  Other (Specify: )______</p><p>14. Tank material:  Steel  Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Tank wall:  Single Wall  Double Wall </p><p>15. Tank supports (check all that apply) Tank evenly settled  Tank resting on ground  Steel supports  Tank anchored (flooding)  Acceptable support  Concrete supports  Other acceptable construction (specify: )</p><p>4 Contingency Plan </p><p> Tank unevenly settled  Tank not resting on ground  Wood supports  Other unacceptable support (Reason: ) Height above ground ______meters</p><p>16. Piping Material: (check all that apply)  None  Dispenser on tank with hose  Steel (bare, painted, wrapped, tar coated)  Galvanised steel  Steel (plastic coated/yellow jacket)  Fibreglass (FRP)  Enviroflex/Bufflex  Copper tubing  Flexible Steel  Other (Specify): ______</p><p>17. Underground piping (check all that apply) No underground piping  Secondary containment  Yes  No Protected against physical damage  Yes  No Leak detection for primary pipe  Yes  No Less than 40 cm underground below driveway  Yes  No Joined using threaded elbows and nipples Yes  No Below foundation wall or building  Yes  No</p><p>Piping construction (e.g. steel, copper):  Transitional sump (piping)  Yes  No Water present:  Yes  No Product present:  Yes  No</p><p>18. Piping below product level  No shut-off valve present  Manual shut-off valve</p><p> Automatic shut-off valve  No piping below product level</p><p>19. Tank Corrosion Protection :  None  Painted Other:______Piping Corrosion Protection:  Not applicable  None  Painted</p><p>20. Tank Corrosion (tank surface area covered with rust)  No corrosion  1% - 5%  5% - 20% 20% - 50%  > 50%</p><p>5 Contingency Plan </p><p>21. Pipe Corrosion (corrosion of visible piping)  Not applicable  No corrosion  1% - 5%  5% - 20%  20% - 50%  > 50%</p><p>22. Type of Pump or Pumps  No pump (unload from top with removable pump)  Heating oil - suction pump  Dispenser system - suction pump  Aboveground tank pressure pump</p><p> Dispenser system - submersible turbine or pressure pump  Gravity feed  Spark-proof pump  Manual pump</p><p>Pump is CSA/ULC Approved:  YES  NO </p><p>23. Tank Internal Linings  None  Liquid protective coating  Non-liquid protective coating  Other (Specify in comments)</p><p>24. Tank Leak Detection  None  Visual Inspection (documented)  Inventory control (manual dipping)  Automatic tank gauge  Interstitial leak detection  Monitoring sump  Monitoring wells with instruments  Monitoring wells with visual observation  Statistical inventory reconciliation  Precision leak test  Other (Specify in comments):______</p><p>25. Leak Detection Piping  Not applicable (no piping)  None  Piston or diaphragm line leak detector  Leak detection - interlocked or alarmed  Single vertical check valve beneath dispenser  Precision leak test  Line leak detector (pressure system)  Water present  Product present  Other (Specify )______</p><p>Year of last precision leak test:______How often is the test carried out: ______</p><p>6 Contingency Plan </p><p>Interlocked Leak Detection - Piping  Not applicable  Yes  No</p><p>Leak Detection - Dispenser Sump:  No dispenser  YES</p><p>26. Tank Secondary Containment  Single wall tank with no dike  Double wall tank with no dike  Single wall tank with an earth dike  Double wall tank with an earth dike  Single wall tank with impermeable liner on clay walls and floor  Double wall tank with impermeable liner on clay walls and floor  Single wall tank within concrete dike walls and floor  Double wall tank within concrete dike walls and floor  Single wall tank with concrete dike walls and synthetic membrane liner floor  Double wall tank with concrete dike walls and synthetic membrane liner floor  Single wall tank with asphalt dike walls/floor  Double wall tank with asphalt dike walls/floor  Self-contained steel tank (Vault Tank)  Concrete encased</p><p> Double wall tank (non-compromised)  Double wall tank (compromised)  Dike enclosure full of water  Other – Specify: </p><p>27. Overfill Protection (ASTs)  None  Level gauge only  Level gauge with light, horn or buzzer alarm  Level gauge with alarm/pump interlock  Audible and visual alarm (light and horn)  Audible alarm (including vent whistle)  Fill pipe shut-off device  Other – Specify: </p><p>7 Contingency Plan </p><p>Fill pipe equipped with spill box  Yes  No</p><p>28. Vent pipe/opening (check all that apply) Vents to the outdoors  Yes  No Weatherproof cap/hood  Yes  No Vent alarm present  Yes No Terminates above the fill pipe  Yes  No Above any building openings (includes windows)  Yes  No </p><p>Steel or galvanised construction  Yes  No  Other construction (specify): ______At least 2 m above grade level  Yes  No (Distance:) ______At least 3.5 m above ground level  Yes  No (Distance:) ______At least 1.5 m from building openings (includes windows)  Yes  No (Distance:) ______</p><p>29. VOC Emission Control  Vapour control system  Vapour balancing system  Vapour extraction system  None </p><p>30. Product transfer area  None  Paved  Curbed  Graded  Diked  Impermeable liner Permanent structure:  Temporary: </p><p>31. Contamination (check all that apply)  None observed  Leak observed  Staining observed </p><p>32. Tank area Free of vegetation  Yes No Combustible materials within 10 m  Yes  No Sources of ignition present  Yes  No Accessible by fire department  Yes  No Absorbent materials (spill kit)  Yes  No Physical protection barriers  Yes  No Fire extinguishers (must be visible, accessible and within 20 m)  Yes  No Comments: ______</p><p>33. Distance to nearest vehicular access (i.e. how close can a refuelling vehicle get to the tank?)</p><p>8 Contingency Plan </p><p> < 10 m  10 – 30 m  <30 – 100 m</p><p>34. Risk assessment 1. Identify which of the following land uses and environments are present in the vicinity of the tank. For each land use or environment, check the appropriate distance category and indicate the presence of a direct route for overland flow where applicable. A "direct route" for overland flow is a continuous downward slope with no obstructions such as ditches, buildings, walls, or other structures.</p><p>Direct Route Land Use or Distance from Tank (select one) (if 30 m or Environment less) <10 m 10 - 100 m > 100 m</p><p>9 Contingency Plan </p><p>Aquatic Environments Perennial Surface Water (lake, river, perennial stream, wetland) Seasonal or Temporary Surface Water Body (water- bearing ditch, seasonal stream, etc.) Terrestrial Environments Intact Terrestrial Ecosystem (forest, meadow) Use of Developed Land School Yard, sport field or park land School or Childcare Facility Nursing Station Elders Residence Residential Property Water Treatment Plant Drinking water well or water intake Culturally Significant Area (burial ground, harvesting area) Other buildings (garage, arena, band office)</p><p>10 Contingency Plan </p><p>COMMUNITY MAP</p><p>11 Contingency Plan </p><p>PURPOSE: To provide a plan to care for and protect the inhabitants, the lives, property and the environment in the event of a perceived or actual Hazardous Materials Spill (specifically Hydrocarbons) or any other toxic release that will or may potentially effect the Community, Mother Earth and the food chains.</p><p>AN EMERGENCY: can be defined as a major event which requires a coordinated response from a number of agencies and has/will exhaust the resources/response capabilities of the Community.</p><p>AIM: To protect the environment by providing quick, clear response/direction to a hydrocarbon spill and bring back to normality as soon as possible, the effected emergency area.</p><p>12 Contingency Plan </p><p>INDEX</p><p>1. COMMUNITY PROFILE PAGE 2</p><p>2. COMMUNITY MAP PAGE 3</p><p>3. PURPOSE PAGE 4</p><p>4. DEFINITION of an EMERGENCY PAGE 4</p><p>5. AIM PAGE 4</p><p>6. INDEX PAGE 5 - 6</p><p>7. RATIONALE PAGE 7</p><p>8. HAZARD ANALYSIS - PAST OCCURANCES PAGE 7</p><p>9. HAZARD ANALYSIS - FUTURE OCCURANCES PAGE 8</p><p>10. RECOMMENDATIONS PAGE 8</p><p>11. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED PAGE 9</p><p>12. AUTHORIZATION TO ACT PAGE 9</p><p>13. BAND COUCIL RESOLUTION (BCR) PAGE 10</p><p>13 Contingency Plan </p><p>14. CONTACT LIST - CHIEF, COUNCIL, DEPARTMENT HEADS PAGE 11 (EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CONTROL GROUP) and Alternates</p><p>15. CONTACT LIST - OTHER INVITED SPECIALISTS OR AGENCIES PAGE 12</p><p>16. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CONTROL GROUP (Responsibilities) PAGE 12 - 13</p><p>17. RESOURCE LIST # 1 - SPILL KITS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND OTHER RESORURCE EQUIPMENT Band Owned In The Community PAGE 14 Private Or Government Agencies In The Community PAGE 14 Private Or Government Agencies Outside Community PAGE 15</p><p>18. RESOURCE LIST # 2 - Report to these agencies PAGE 16 - Funding source agencies PAGE 16 - Other source Stakeholders and/or resources PAGE 17</p><p>19. RESOURCE LIST # 3 - Fuel Delivery Agencies in the Community PAGE 18 # 4 - Remediating Agencies/Contractors PAGE 18 - 19</p><p>20. RESOURCE LIST # 5 - Identified Hazard/Risk, Site/Specific Locations PAGE 20 - 21</p><p>21. RESOURCE LIST # 6 - Individualized Site/Specific PAGE 22 Hazard/Risk Locations</p><p>22. RESOURCE LIST # 7a - Evacuation PAGE 23 # 7b - Transportation # 7c - Shelter locations # 7d - Food # 7e - Volunteer lists # 7f - Emergency Operations Centre</p><p>23. EMERGENCY SITE CONTROL AND COMMAND PAGE 23</p><p>24. BUSINESS CYCLE PAGE 23</p><p>25. ANNEX A - IDENTIFY COMMUNITY STABILITY PAGE 24 - 27 B - RISK ASSESSMENTS including mining, winter roads, etc. ATTACHED C - MAPS OF COMMUNITY D - PRE - EMERGENCY AGREEMENTS</p><p>14 Contingency Plan </p><p>E - INITIAL RESPONSE EXPECTATIONS F - RESPONSE TO THE EMERGENCY G - CONTAINMENT AND CLEAN-UP H - REMEDIATION - technologies/contractors/consultants I - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) J - PREVENTION K - ENVIRONMENT L - PERSONAL SAFETY M - ACTS AND LEGISLATION SUPPORTING DECISIONS N - PUBLIC INFORMATION O - COMMUNICATION PLAN P - DISTRIBUTION LIST</p><p>RATIONALE: Hazard Analysis has been performed and has indicated a potential hazard exists. It is recognized that some Site Specific Contingency Plans may be in place at hazardous stationary/mobile locations. This Community Contingency Plan could/will be used as a further strategy blending and strengthening Site Specific Contingency Plans for the overall emergency response capability of the Community. The following chart identifies the potential risk and hazards identified by Community Members.</p><p>PAST OCCURANCES INTENSITY OCCURANCE LOW MEDIUM HIGH</p><p>15 Contingency Plan </p><p>POSSIBLE FUTURE OCCURRANCES INTENSITY OCCURANCE LOW MEDIUM HIGH</p><p>16 Contingency Plan </p><p>RECOMMENDATIONS LOCATION RECOMMENDATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11</p><p>FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED:</p><p>______</p><p>AUTHORIZATION TO ACT: from BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION (BCR) - Number, Dated Month Day Year.</p><p>______</p><p>17 Contingency Plan </p><p>______</p><p>COUNCIL RESOLUTION</p><p>A SAMPLE BCR</p><p>WHEREAS, The Chief and Council of this ______First Nation authorizes the following;</p><p>1. That the Emergency Plan attached hereto as Schedule “A” of this Resolution is hereby adopted;</p><p>2. Designate members of Council to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Chief within the Emergency Plan during the absence of the Chief or upon His / Her inability to act;</p><p>3. That the Chief or Acting Chief as provided in The Plan, - may declare that an emergency exists in the Community or any part thereof, - may take such actions or make such orders as considered necessary but are not contrary to law, - may implement this Hydrocarbon spill Contingency Plan of The Community to protect the health, safety, welfare and property of the inhabitants of the emergency area.</p><p>4. That Department Heads, Council or their designated alternates, as provided for in The Contingency Plan, are empowered to cause an emergency notification to be issued to members of the Emergency Operation Control Group and to take such action under the Contingency Plan where an emergency exists but has yet to be declared.</p><p>4. That The Chief and Council approve of the establishment of an Emergency Management Organization, consisting of ; Pre-Emergency a. Emergency Management Control Committee (with The Chief as the Lead Member); b. Emergency Management Planning Committee (The Chief as the Lead Member);</p><p>18 Contingency Plan </p><p>During an actual Emergency c. Emergency Operations Control Group (the members of the Control/Planning Committee); d. Emergency Operation Centre and e. Appointment of an Emergency Management Coordinator.</p><p>6. That annually, The Executive Director / Band Manager will cause The Contingency Plan to be reviewed and to make such changes as are considered appropriate while referring other major changes to Council for further review and approval.</p><p>7. That the Emergency Management Control Committee may borrow, levy, appropriate and expend, without consent of electors, all sums required for the Community Agency response during a “Declared Emergency”.</p><p>8. For the purposes of this Hydrocarbon Contingency Spill Plan the Emergency Declaration and Response will be done in consultation with the Federal Government (specifically Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Environment Canada, Emergency Management Ontario and Ministry of The Environment - Spills Action Centre).</p><p>Resolution #; Dated;</p><p>Contingency Plan (1) Activation and/or (2) Declaring an Emergency Exists (as outlined in the Band Council Resolution # ______) CONTACT LISTS Chief to declare an emergency and his/her alternates as outlined in BCR (in the absence of the Chief) NAME PORTFOLIO WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 Chief 2 Alternate 3 Acting chief 4</p><p> Activating the plan >>> Notification list. (Department Heads)  Alternates (second in command in the absence of Department Head) also the Support Group</p><p>NAME DEPARTMENT HOME WORK OTHER</p><p>1 EmergencyMangement Coordinator 2 Police 3 Acting Fire Chief 4 Medical Public Health 5 Public Works</p><p>19 Contingency Plan </p><p>6 Social Services 7 Health Services</p><p>8 Communications Officer 9 Information Officer</p><p>10</p><p>CALL OUT of other Emergency Operations Control Group (EOCG) (may include INVITED specialists or agencies that are thought to be helpful)</p><p>NAME DEPARTMENT HOME WORK OTHER</p><p>1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 RESPONSIBILITY of the following include;</p><p>EOCG - Head of Council in consultation with the EOCG is responsible for decision to declare an Emergency and terminate when safe to do so. - Department Heads (members of the (EOCG) may activate the Contingency Plan. They will have no signing authority. - The EOCG may need to provide ongoing services to parts of Community that have not been affected by the Emergency. - Finds resources for the Emergency Site Commander - Keeps log of all actions and decisions taken - Will determine evacuations and shelters for evacuees - ensure casualties are found and cared for</p><p>20 Contingency Plan </p><p>Chief - Head of Council or alternate as provided by Band Council Resolution (BCR) is empowered to declare an Emergency - notify proper authorities/agencies</p><p>Council - Support Chief and Emergency Operations Control Group (EOCG)</p><p>Band Manager - activating the emergency activation list - Chairs the Emergency Operations Control Group (EOCG) in the absence of the Chief - advises Head of Council on policies and procedures as appropriate</p><p>RESPONSIBILITY of (continued)</p><p>Police Chief - establish emergency command post at Emergency Site - may be asked to provide communications between Emergency Site and the Emergency Operations Control Group (EOCG) at the Emergency Operations Centre. - may provide traffic control - protection of life and property and the provision of law and order</p><p>Fire Chief - provide information - fire and hazardous material protection and information</p><p>Public Works Manager - maintenance of roads, sanitary, sewage and water systems</p><p>Environment Officer- Provide advice on any matters which may adversely affect the environment</p><p>Health Manager - Provide advice on any matters which may adversely affect public health</p><p>Safety Officer - ensures all safety procedures are being followed at emergency site - determines life safety issues at emergency site</p><p>Legal Services Officer - provide advice of a legal nature</p><p>Treasurer - provision of information concerning finances - liaison if necessary with other funding entities - ensure records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes</p><p>Human Resources - coordinating and processing requests for human resources</p><p>21 Contingency Plan </p><p>- ensuring records of human resources including volunteers are registered - identification cards</p><p>Public Information Officer - correct dissemination of news and information - provides Head of Council with accurate news releases - ensures only Head of Council releases information</p><p>RESOURCE list 1 (Contacts inside the Community)</p><p>Spill Response Kits/Equipment/Sorbents - Responsible Department</p><p>Band Owned</p><p>CONTACT DEPARTMENT/EQUIPMENT WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 2 3 4 5</p><p>Equipment (front end loader, backhoe, local sorbents, snow fence etc.)</p><p>Private or Government Agencies within or next to the Community</p><p>CONTACT DEPARTMENT/EQUIPMENT WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 2 3 4</p><p>22 Contingency Plan </p><p>5</p><p>Other control resources (equipment and spill kits materials)</p><p>(from outside the Community)</p><p>CONTACT DEPARTMENT/EQUIPMENT WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</p><p>CONTINUE General list of Equipment</p><p>Bulldozer : Public Works, Forklift : </p><p>Loaders/Backhoes : Public Works, Floats : Public Works, Graders : Airport Maintenance, Public Works.</p><p>23 Contingency Plan </p><p>RESOURCE list 2 (Contacts outside the Community)</p><p>Reporting Agencies and/or Funding Source and/or Stakeholder Agencies</p><p>REPORTING AGENCIES</p><p>AGENCY CONTACT 24/7 OFFICE FAX</p><p>1 Spills Action Centre 1-800-268-6060 416-325-6302 416-325-3011 Min. of Environment 705-235-1500 705-235-1520 2 Emergency Management Ontario 416-314-0472 705-389-3499 3 Canadian Coast Guard Sarnia 1-800-265-0237 519-383-1951 519-383-1991 4 Canutec 613-996-6666 613-992-4624 5 6 Indian and Northern Affairs 705-522-5100 Canada Sudbury 7 Environment Canada Charles Gauthier (613) 949-8276 (613) 949-8281 8</p><p>FUNDING SOURCE AGENCIES</p><p>AGENCY CONTACT 24/7 OFFICE FAX</p><p>1 Indian and Northern Affairs 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</p><p>24 Contingency Plan </p><p>Other Source Stakeholders and/or resources</p><p>AGENCY CONTACT 24/7 OFFICE FAX</p><p>1 2 OPP 3 Air Ambulance Emergency Department 4 Canadian Rangers Emergency Management Ontario</p><p>5 Public Health (Federal) 6 Health Unit (Prov.) 7 Ministry Natural Resources 8 Environment Canada, On. Rg. Charles Gauthier 613-949-8276 613-949-8281 9 Canadian Standards Association 1-800-463-6727 416-747-4044 or416-747-2475 10 Ministry of the Environment 11 Poison Control 1-800-268-9017 12 Air Creebec 1-800-567-6567 13 Ministry of Natural Resources</p><p>14 15 16 17 18 If the above can not be contacted the following could be contacted 19 Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation Local Fire Related Information Toronto Environment Thunder Bay Environment Toronto Bulk Fuel Thunder Bay All response by OFNTSC will be in consultation with Muskegowuk Tribal Council as per protocol. 20</p><p>25 Contingency Plan </p><p>21 22 23</p><p>RESOURCE list 3 (Contacts of fuel delivery agencies into the Community)</p><p>AGENCY CONTACT WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 2 3 4</p><p>RESOURCE list 4 (Contacts of remediating agencies/contractors)</p><p>AGENCY CONTACT WORK HOME OTHER</p><p>1 2 3</p><p> other sources</p><p>A) ENGINEERS/CONSULTING FIRMS (LIST) Consulting Engineers of Ontario Directory Directory of Hazardous Waste Services (Corpus Information Services) B) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS (LIST) (TSSA) Technical Standards & Safety Authority (MCCR) Min. of Consumer & Commercial Relations C) DRILLING CONTRACTORS (LIST) (MOE) Ontario Ministry of the Environment D) ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES (LIST) Corpus Directory of Hazardous Waste Services Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) E) WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTRACTORS (LIST) Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Spills Action Centre F) EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS (LIST) The Haz Pages</p><p>26 Contingency Plan </p><p>A. Consulting Engineers of Ontario 416-425-8027 86 Overleaf Boulevard, Suite 403 Toronto, Ontario M4H 1C6</p><p>Corpus Information Services 416-445-6641 1450 Don Mills Road Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2X7 AGENCY CONTACT WORK HOME OTHER B. Technical Standards & Safety 416-325-2000 Authority (TSSA) or or</p><p>Min. of Consumer & Commercial 416-326-8555 Relations (MCCR) Shipp Centre West Tower 3300 Bloor Street West, 4th Floor Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 2X4 C. Ontario Min. of the Environment 416-235-6302 Monitoring & Reporting Branch 1 St.Clair Avenue West, 4th Flor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K6 D. Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) 613-233-5300 1 Nicholas Street, Suite 532 Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7 E. Ontario Ministry of the 1800-268-6060 Environment - Spills Action Centre 7 Overleaf Boulevard, 5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 F. The Haz Pages 416-657-8837</p><p>RESOURCE list 5 Identified Hazard/Risk site/specific locations</p><p>00 Agency/Location Contact Work Home Other Tank Size Activity # of deliveries</p><p>27 Contingency Plan </p><p>RESOURCE list 6 Identified Hazard/Risk site/specific locations Information list (one list for each location)</p><p>Activities taking place</p><p>Quantity of fuel stored</p><p>Number of deliveries per month</p><p>Site characteristics</p><p>What environmental Emergency can reasonably be expected to occur</p><p>What harm would it cause to the environment, people and/or health</p><p>Describe measures to prevent prepare respond recover from</p><p>List responders/managers/workers to/for this location and their responsibilities</p><p>28 Contingency Plan </p><p>List equipment that is available to them during an emergency</p><p>List persons to contact in the event of an emergency</p><p>How would they notify Chief of Community and/or public in the event of an emergency</p><p>RESOURCE list 7</p><p>7a, Evacuation List and Resources (process, who is in charge, who makes decision) </p><p>7b, Transportation List and Resources (agencies and routes)</p><p>7c, Shelter Location (who has key) - Primary - Secondary</p><p>7d, Food List and Resources (for Shelter and Volunteers and Agencies)</p><p>7e, Volunteers List ( a record of names and addresses, workers comp)</p><p>7f, Emergency Operations Centre</p><p>- Primary location - Secondary alternate location</p><p>29 Contingency Plan </p><p>Emergency Site Control and Command</p><p>- Emergency Site Manager usually a - Department Head and/or Lead Agency representative - Responsible for coordinating all activities at site - Responsible for accurate information transfer - Decides aim of the emergency response - in constant contact with the Emergency Operations Centre - coordinate emergency site - control emergency response team - control access and determine vehicle routes - may establish inner and outer perimeter including staging area</p><p>DEBRIEF ( Gather at regular intervals to inform each other of actions and problems encountered. )</p><p>ANNEX A - IDENTIFY Community Stability</p><p>- A Community Team to ensure concerns of community during and after emergency are being addressed - Bring back to normality – the long term</p><p>ANNEX B - Risk Assessment</p><p>- Stationary Hazards in the Community - Mobile Hazards in the Community</p><p>ANNEX C - Maps of Community</p><p>- How to get to Community - Risk locations</p><p>30 Contingency Plan </p><p>ANNEX D - Post Emergency Agreements with;</p><p>- Government Agencies - Consultants - Contractors</p><p>ANNEX E - Initial Response expectations</p><p>- Assessment of the Spill - Communication - Emergency Contacts</p><p>ANNEX F - Response to the Emergency</p><p>Pre Emergency</p><p>- Chief and Council gives direction to form a Planning Committee - Develop Plan and present to Chief and Council</p><p>During Emergency</p><p>- Report the spill/release -Immediate rescue and emergency arrangements - Action Plan (how to) - Equipment readily accessible in sensitive high risk areas to ensure a rapid and effective response - Procedures for equipment mobilization both in Community and from outside</p><p>ANNEX G - Clean-up and Containment</p><p>- Equipment mobilization</p><p>ANNEX H - Remediation Technologies/Contractors/Consultants</p><p>31 Contingency Plan </p><p>- Process to determine level of contamination - engage Consultants and /or Contractors - Restore environment to normality sustaining food chain - Can Community members participate and help - Disposal processes</p><p>ANNEX I - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)</p><p>ANNEX J - Prevention</p><p>Pre Emergency - ensure all fuel storage areas/facilities and all fuel that is transported have individual “site/system specific” Emergency Spill Contingency Plans - promote all personal to know how to respond and use the Emergency Spill Contingency Plan effectively - Council could send a letter to the manager of each location indicating this as a requirement of handling fuel in the Community - List all fuel storage locations - Promote “due-diligence”</p><p>Post Emergency (plan to not have it happen again)</p><p>Prevention includes complying with Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) regarding use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and regarding labeling and provision of material safety data sheets acceptable to Labour Canada and Health and Welfare Canada. Employees should be trained in safe handling of materials as well as in fire hazards and procedures to follow in an emergency.</p><p>32 Contingency Plan </p><p>Maintain appropriate spill equipment for emergency spill response and the Post Spill Response Plan at all fuel storage and handling locations.</p><p>ANNEX K - Environment</p><p>- Environmental Sensitive Locations</p><p>ANNEX L - Personal Safety</p><p>- clothing - protecting skin etc. - know the product - Avoid the temptation to rush in</p><p>ANNEX M - Acts and Legislation supporting Decisions taken by Community</p><p>FEDERAL</p><p>- Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA 1999) - Fisheries Act - Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act</p><p>PROVINCIAL</p><p>- Environmental Act - Ontario Water Resources Act - Technical Standards and Safety Act (Liquid Fuels Handling Code) - Emergency Readiness Act</p><p>ANNEX N - Public Information</p><p>- Emergency Public Information - Environmental Public Information</p><p>ANNEX O - Communication Plan - communication system - portable radio</p><p>33 Contingency Plan </p><p>ANNEX P - DISTRIBUTION LIST</p><p>34</p>

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