
<p>Note that this is a file from 1994 initially in WordPerfect converted to .htm 99. Some formatting problems may occur, and equations are not always visible. Page breaks cause disturbance. Tables are not arranged in columns.</p><p>Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet</p><p>INSTITUTIONEN FÖR SKOGLIG </p><p>GENETIK OCH VÄXTFYSIOLOGI</p><p>ARBETSRAPPORT 51</p><p>When do temperature events take place in Sweden and Finland?</p><p>Tables describing the annual temperature cycle during the vegetation period</p><p>Dag Lindgren</p><p>UMEÅ 1994 ISSN 0280-7998</p><p>Adress för distribution: Institutionen för skoglig genetik och växtfysiologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 901 83 UMEÅ, fax 090 165901.</p><p>Institutionen ger förutom "Arbetsrapport" ut en serie benämnd "RAPPORT". En lista över tidigare arbetsrapporter återfinnes i arbetsrapport 50. When do temperature events take place in Sweden and Finland?</p><p>Tables describing the annual temperature cycle during the vegetation period</p><p>Dag Lindgren </p><p>Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology</p><p>Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences</p><p>S-901 83 UMEÅ, Sweden</p><p>Summary</p><p>Dates at which certain temperature events take place are derived and presented based on monthly averages from climatic stations in Finland and Sweden during the period 1961- 90. Methods using three month values instead of two for deriving average temperature and temperature sum by parabolic interpolation are developed and discussed. Dates at which a certain temperature (0-12EC) occurs in spring and autumn are presented. Dates at which certain temperature sums are achieved or remain are presented. Temperature sums for the whole year are presented. Temperature sums based on month averages are as reliable as temperature sums based on more elaborate calculations for comparing average climate of different places. It is suggested that temperature sums are not much more informative than average temperature for predicting the likely timing of a biological event in spring. Regressions for prediction of month average as a function of latitude are derived.</p><p>Contents</p><p>Page</p><p>Summary and Contents 1 Text 2</p><p>Table 1 Date when the average temperature reached 0-12E and when temperature peaked 10</p><p>Table 2 Comparison when certain average temperatures and certain temperature sums are obtained. 18</p><p>Table 3 Date when temperature sums reach certain values during the season and TS5 for the full year 20</p><p>Table 4 Date at which a certain temperature sum remains to winter and TS0 for the full year. Station details 28</p><p>Table 5 Average temperature by latitude and linear relationships between temperature and latitude 37</p><p>Introduction</p><p>Phenology is a branch of science dealing with the relationships between climate and periodic biological phenomena. Some events occur in the spring when sufficient heat has accumulated. In the autumn some processes connected to winter-hardening requires heat. For using or establishing such relationships in nature the timing of meteorological events must be available. This paper is meant to improve this availability. The simplest and most easy accessible climate observation is average of air-temperature by month. This is registered by a global net of meteorological stations. The present study is concerned with the question when temperature events occur in Sweden and Finland based on 30 year averages from the national station network. This information is tabulated to facilitate studies about relationships with biological phenomena.</p><p>I consider the Tables useful for many purposes, while the text is technical and meant mainly as a documentation of techniques. The techniques are useful for cross-country- comparisons, which is one reason I have invested time in developing them.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Time Scale.</p><p>This study is based on temperatures averaged over 30 years by month. This information is easily and cheaply available. The limited amount of data makes it possible to get them into a computor "by hand" from public sources, and the computations take little time and are not demanding on hard-ware. The experimental errors are not very big and the readings are representative for an area of some size. </p><p>Months are too rough events to characterize the annual cycle, a day scale is required. A time scale is chosen where T=0.00 occurs at 00.00 January 1 and raises 1 for each full day of the year. E.g.,, at noon January 2 T=1.5, at midnight T=2.0. Some events occur in this time scale, the time in the current scale can be designated Tevent.</p><p>The monthly mean values can be referred to days (T-time scale) as follows:</p><p>Month Days Tm Te</p><p>1 Jan 31 15.5 31 </p><p>2 Feb 28 45 59 </p><p>3 Mar 31 74.5 90 </p><p>4 Apr 30 105 120 </p><p>5 May 31 135.5 151 </p><p>6 Jun 30 166 181 </p><p>7 Jul 31 196.5 212 </p><p>8 Aug 31 227.5 243 </p><p>9 Sep 30 258 273 </p><p>10 Oct 31 288.5 304 </p><p>11 Nov 30 319 334 </p><p>12 Dec 31 349.5 365 </p><p>Tm = Time when the average temperature of the month occurs, Te = Time at end of month.</p><p>The complications with leap years are neglected. For higher accuracy we would assume 28.2 days in February instead of 28 and corresponding changes in later Tm and Te values. Adjustments could also be made if the results are used for predictions in leap years or normal years. This timescale is good from a scientific point of view, but not very good for presentations. For most tabulated presentations I let my computer translate to dates. The convention used by my computer insists that January 1, 1900, 00 h is 2.0, thus I use T+2 internally when formatting dates. Year 1900 was not a leap year, so it is as good as any for this translation purpose.</p><p>The change of average temperatures and temperature sums are often used assuming they measure some kind of biological time. Sometimes I will talk about temp-time and TS- time (temperature sum time) to refer to the time at which a certain average temperature or a certain TS occurs.</p><p>Algebraic treatment of month averages</p><p>The day of an event can be formulated as a function of some temperature recordings, y1,y2,y3, Tevent = f(y1,...... ). The interest is on the event when the average temperature or temperature sum reaches a certain value. Linear interpolation between adjacent month values is a reasonable approximation. However, the temperature varies with time in a sinus-like fashion, so a more sophisticated approach seemed desirable. Such a method (parabolic interpolation) has been applied to the problem.</p><p>Linear and parabolic Interpolation</p><p>Let x be the time and let y = f(x) be the mean temperature. The x-value, for which y = t is searched. First linear interpolation is considered. In an interval f(x) is approximated by f(x) = bx +c, a first degree polynomial. Two points in the interval are known (the months and temperatures on both sides of where y passes t), (y0, x0) and (y1, x1). The solution is x = x0 + (y-y0)(x1-x0)/(y1-y0).</p><p>A more accurate method is quadratic interpolation (I will call it parabolic interpolation), which considers the curved appearance of a relationship. In an interval f(x) can be approximated by a parabola y = f(x) = ax2+bx +c, (a second degree polynomial). For a set of points (y0, x0), (y1, x1) and (y2,x2), there is one and only one parabola passing through the three points. There is a single set of solutions a, b and c to the equation system:</p><p>2 y0 = ax0 + bx0 +c</p><p>2 y1 = ax1 + bx1 +c</p><p>2 y2 = ax2 + bx2 +c</p><p>The solution is as follows: 2 2 2 a= [ y0(x1 - x2) - y1(x0-x2) + y2(x0-x1)]/[x0 (x1-x2) - x1 (x0-x2) + x2 (x0-x1)]</p><p>2 2 b= [y0 -y1 - a(x0 -x1 )]/ (x0-x1)</p><p>2 c= y0 - ax0 - bx0</p><p>The roots of a second degree polynomial are</p><p>For finding the time corresponding to temperature y, parabolic interpolation was made between the three closest month values. Linear interpolation was made between the months between which the searched temperature occurred. The third closest month was identified based on linear interpolation. A parabola passing these three points was identified and the roots calculated. The root closest to the linear approximation was accepted.</p><p>There are special cases, which has to be considered when an algorithm is programmed:</p><p> a=0. This occurs when all three points are on the same line. In this case linear interpolation is sufficient. Negative discriminant, that means there are no real roots. This happens when the temperature searched for is never obtained.</p><p>Time of peak temperature</p><p>The expected warmest day was calculated as the average of when 12E occur in spring and in autumn. This can be expected to function as a measure of continentality.</p><p>Temperature sums by integrating over a parabola</p><p>An event occurs at the moment xTS, when accumulated heat over a threshold, s, reaches a certain value. The accumulated heat is here called temperature sum, TS, or TSs, can be formulated</p><p>The integration is only over the interval where the integrand is positive, but assuming f(x) is monotone and raising, this is achieved by putting f(s) the start value of the integration.</p><p>The primitive function of the parabola f(x)-s is</p><p>I ax2+bx +c -s dx = F(x) = ax3/3 + bx2/2 + (c-s)x + C</p><p>For each month a parabola was fitted to that month and the adjacent ones. Thus the temperature sum can be formulated as a sum of monthly obtained terms. The C's will cancel out when definite integrals are formed, and can be neglected. The temperature sum at the end of month n can be calculated as</p><p>TSs,n = Fm(fm(s)) - Fm(Te,m) + Fm+1(Te,m) -Fm+1(Te,m+1) + ... + Fn(Te,n-1) - Fn(Te,n) where TSs,n is the temperature sum at the end of month n, m is the first month with a positive contribution and Te,n is the time at which month n ends. The index of F and f indicates for what month the a, b and c are calculated. Should n be the last month with a positive contribution, Te,n is replaced by fn(s).</p><p>The calculation of TS-time presented here is based on the parabolic appearance of TS within a month, and identifies the exact time when the integral of this parabola exactly matches the required TS.</p><p>Adjustments to identified places</p><p>Meteorological stations are situated at certain spots, and usually records are desired for other spots or areas. Knowing latitude and altitude of a place, and knowing meteorological data for some other places, it is helpful to have relationships with latitude and altitude for adjustments. Such tools have been evaluated. The reduction factors for altitudes given by Ångström (1974) were accepted. Pooling stations by latitude and using these factors, tables for temperature at two levels (sea level and 250 m) were constructed and used for smoothing functions. The aim of the present work is applications mainly on forest land, "unrepresentative" stations were identified based on the following criteria: * Not close to big waters (not a lighthouse in the sea or on a small island or on a small peninsula, more than two km from the shore of the sea or the lakes Vättern and Vänern)</p><p>* Not above the timber line</p><p>* Not close to the centre of a big city.</p><p>These classifications are presented in Table 4. There is no official classification and any such efforts are a little arbitrary. In particular the irregular form of the coastline and the presence of islands and lakes makes it difficult to decide distance to sea. The screening was more restrictive in Sweden than in Finland.</p><p>Accuracy</p><p>The algorithm was not fine-tuned for accumulating TSs when s is close to yearly minimum, which may cause some errors of the magnitude a day for the mildest stations in southern Sweden.</p><p>Variation between years are in the magnitude of weeks, but as weather is similar at different places, the relative differences between stations are not that big between years, in particular not within the same general area. On object of studies is just deviations from the typical.</p><p>Month means are often published with only one decimal. As average temperature often raises around .1 degree per day, to report results without fraction of days means a truncation loss of accuracy.</p><p>That the rotations of Earth around the Sun and around the axis are not synchronized introduces a variation with a range of a day (the leap year complication).</p><p>Differences between stations may be more interesting than absolute values, and truncation errors will be much more important for the differences. Further it is more difficult to calculate differences between dates than between days.</p><p>Errors caused by the use of a parabola instead of the "true" function is likely to be of the magnitude one day.</p><p>Reports in calender days without fractions is highly preferable from a pedagogic point of view.</p><p>Material Monthly 1961-90 temperature averages from Sweden (Alexandersson et al., 1991) and Finland (Anonym, 1991) were used. This is a meteorological standard period, and the results can thus be considered as of value as references for a long time. For Finland, only stations with a complete 30 year series were included. For Sweden data from all stations were used as corrections for incomplete series had been made. The included stations are identified by their national numbers (an exception is Lemland where I have given it a number as I did not know the national number). A small number of representative Swedish stations (not close to coast) were selected for an inspection of temperature sums.</p><p>Results</p><p>The time when average temperatures 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12EC occurred in spring and autumn are listed by station in Table 1. The time in summer when temperature peaked is also given.</p><p>The time at which certain temperature sums occurred are listed for some stations in Table 2. The TS values were chosen to facilitate comparison so the average temperature became 4, 7, 10 and 13EC.</p><p>Some values are not presented in the Tables. Either interpolation is not possible or it is very uncertain because the temperature is close to extreme values.</p><p>The dates when certain temperature sums (threshold 0) were obtained are presented in Table 3. The dates when certain temperature sums (threshold 0) remain are presented in Table 4.</p><p>Temperature sums accumulated over the whole year are presented for threshold 5 (TS5, </p><p>Table 3) and threshold 0 (TS0, Table 4). </p><p>Expected average temperatures at sea level and 250 m asl are tabulated as a function of latitude (Table 5). Linear regressions for month averages and latitude are calculated (Table 5).</p><p>Adjustments</p><p>Altitudinal effects</p><p>If the altitude is not the same as that of the tabulated stations a correction for altitude may be made. According to Ångström (1974, Table 5), the month averages in Sweden change with altitude according to the following adjustment factors (degree C per 100 m change in altitude): Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec</p><p>.36 .43 .48 .56 .58 .61 .60 .60 .53 .46 .20 .25</p><p>Temperature dependence on country and latitude</p><p>Month averages adjusted to sea level and 250 m asl were pooled over "representative" stations by latitude for Sweden and Finland. The results are shown in Table 5. The average temperature compared at the same altitude and latitude varied as follows (Sweden - Finland, positive difference means Sweden is warmer).</p><p>Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec</p><p>0.76 1.15 0.94 0.46 0.28 0.12 -0.22 0.12 0.24 0.29 -0.34 0.04</p><p>Finland is cooler than Sweden. In the winter (January, February, March) the difference is one degree, at other times it is small. As the over all difference is small during the vegetation period, there may be places and regions in Finland which are not colder than Sweden. The same events in spring can be expected to occur a few days later in Finland than in Sweden on an average. There was no evident pattern in the differences between Sweden and Finland apart from the month pattern.</p><p>The average temperature patterns did not change drastically when the "nonrepresentative" stations were excluded, so calculations based on all stations are probably not severely misleading.</p><p>Ångström (1974) made a similar Table (his Table 5) for Sweden 1901-1930. The differences between the 30-year periods 1901-30 and 61-90 are rather big.</p><p>Regressions were made for each month temperature on latitude. The temperature varies mainly linear with latitude. Winter temperatures are a little less severe in the far north than suggested by the linear regressions. In spring and summer the slope is lower in southern Sweden than in northern Sweden and Finland. The standard deviation around the regression was considerable smaller if three different regressions were used (Southern Sweden, Northern Sweden and Finland), than if the same regression was used for all three regions.</p><p>Places with no records and a computer program for such places</p><p>Meteorological observations are made only at a few spots, but the climate at other spots and areas is of interest. In some way interpolations must be made. The climate of a place may be calculated using values from some close stations and maybe consider elevation and latitude differences by the tools presented above. To make more advanced interpolations a computer program was developed. The program predicts the temperature at sea level as a function of latitude using monthly regressions for three regions described in Table 5. When a correction for height is made according to Ångström. In that way month temperatures can be predicted for a place with latitude, altitude and country as entries. By parabolic interpolation between these month values the temperature and temperature sum at a given date is generated. The program was written in Visual Basic and requires Windows and DOS to run. It is available from Dag Lindgren. It seems to predict the tabulated values for the existing stations reasonable well. Adjustments to local conditions may be made by choosing some stations considered as close and reliable, read their values with the program, compare with the values tabulated here and adjust the output for the desired location accordingly.</p><p>Examples</p><p>Some examples are presented to illuminate possible uses of the tables.</p><p>These examples assume that thermal time is the only relevant factor and that the relation between thermal time and date is the same for all years and places.</p><p>Spruce flowering reached the developmental phase when flowers has to be isolated the 25 of May (525) at Röskär (close to station 9826), thus five days before 12 was reached 0530 (30th of May). At Umeå (close to station 14048) 12 was reached 0607, thus 8 days later than Röskär. That is interpreted that isolation at Umeå is expected to commence 8 days later than at Röskär, and if they start 0525 at Röskär, Umeå can expect to start 602. If the average temperature is above 12, the time difference may be smaller, if the temperature is considerable below 12, the time difference may be larger.</p><p>Foresters and forest tree breeders have frequently used different variations on the theme of classifying a site with the vegetation period (usually defined as the duration of the period when the temperature exceeds 6) or temperature sum (usually expressed as degree days with threshold 5). At Ultuna (station 9749) the period with temperatures above 6 starts 426 and finish 1019 (Table 1), thus the duration of the vegetation period is 174 days. The temperature sum over the year is 1337 degree*days (Table 3).</p><p>An event occurs in Falun at the middle of May, when is this event expected to occur 100 m higher up? From Table 1 (station 10537) we see that the temperature in mid-May changes by 3 C in (512-528) = 16 days. For 100 m the change is .58 (above), thus . 58*16/3 = 3.1 days later.</p><p>Discussion</p><p>Alternative interpolation formula Meteorologists sometimes use harmonic analyses, thus t is smoothed by a sum of periodic sine functions over the period of length x (day or year) </p><p> t = A0 + 3Aisin (ix + i)</p><p>If the points are equidistant, the calculations can be made rather simple. Although this simplification was not used here, equidistant month values is not an unreasonable simplification.</p><p>Comparison with a TS calculation by Perttu</p><p>Perttu (1992) and Morén & Perttu (1994) calculated temperature sums and presented TS5 for almost the same set of Swedish stations as I have presented in Table 3. The results are remarkably similar. Perttu used daily observations, while I have just used 30-year month averages. The conclusion can be drawn that 30-year month averages are good enough and bigger resolution is not required for comparison between places. My values, TSL5, can be transformed to Perttus values, TS5P, by the regression</p><p>TS5P =0.9998*TS5L + 0.5167, r= 0.9994.</p><p>The deviations for individual stations have an irregular pattern, most differ only 1-2 degree days, while a few differ 20-50. The differences for most stations can be ascribed to truncation error, because the Swedish month temperature input had only one decimal. The values I have used as input (Alexandersson et al 1991) are corrected for discontinuities occurring when stations are changed, and this may explain the cases with deviations. </p><p>Are monthly temperature sums needed?</p><p>Time of development measured as average temperature and spring time are very closely correlated. The slope of the regression of TS-time on temp-time is very similar for temperature sums calculated using different thresholds, so it does not seem to matter much which temperature sum (what threshold) is calculated. The slope seems to be above 1 in early spring and below 1 in late spring, thus the TS-time is less compressed in early spring and more compressed in late spring. Knowing the temp-time differences between two places, the TS-time difference may be predicted by increasing the difference by 10% if average temperature has not reached 8 C, and by reducing the difference by 10% if the average temperature is above 8 C. In general, temperature sums do not seem to carry sufficient information to justify their calculation for predicting when an event occurs in spring. However, for late events problems occur. They never occur on cold places. Or they may occur late, when the temperature raise is slow. If such occasions which occur later than beginning of June on cold places, probably Tempsums can be useful.</p><p>Time of temp max</p><p>An inspection of Table 1 suggests that at most stations the temperature maximum appears close to July 15, thus around 25 days after astronomic midsummer. Actually, the stations are remarkably similar in that respect. Localities close to or in big waters (lighthouses) are 5-12 days later. It seems as south Sweden was a few days later.</p><p>Cross-country comparisons</p><p>That eg TS-values have been calculated using identical and compatible methods in Sweden and Finland means that a bridge is built which makes joint analyses and mapping possible. Differences between Sweden and Finland can not be explained by technical differences in calculation methods.</p><p>Temperature sums using different time units Temperature sums may be calculated with different size of the time units. There may be continuous logging of temperature (may be each 10 min), each hour, each third hour, each day, each month or, as in this study, month averages averaged over 30 years. The time scale may correspond to different events, e. g. enzymatic activities in a bud are expected to respond to say 1 h averages, while the melting of frost in the ground rather respond to month averages. For international comparisons, there are few alternatives to the 30 year averages used here. Different investigators in different countries have used different ways, and thus different investigations and different maps are not compatible. For higher compatibility it is desirable to find ways to link different computation methods. There are many stations reporting three hours readings, which probably is an interval narrow enough. I guess the relation for TS calculated over short versus long intervals would look something like the figure to the right. It would be nice to construct some real such curves. I have developed the theoretical background in some more depth in another study.</p><p>When the average temperature is slightly below the threshold, short periods above the TS will contribute to a short period TS, but not to a long period TS. But when the average is slightly above the threshold, short term periods below the threshold will decrease a short period TS, but not a long period TS. Probably these effects cancel out for TS far from the threshold, but will be important close to threshold. That is one reason to use a low threshold, considerable below the average temp at the times for which it will be used to measure development.</p><p>Acknowledgements and comments</p><p>I have discussed this or received help from Seppo Ruotsalainen, Egbert Beuker, Ola Rosvall and Kurth Perttu. The Swedish Research Council for Forest and Agricultural Research has supported this investigation. Because of technical reasons connected to how ä and ö are dealt with by our americanised computers and some other reasons there are some wrong-spellings of Finnish names. This report was printed first time in May 1994 and second in August 1994. Second printing is stored on TEMPSF06.UP4.</p><p>References</p><p>Alexandersson, H, Karlström, C & Larsson-McCann S 1991. Temperaturen och nederbörden i Sverige 1961-90. Referensnormaler. SMHI Meteorologi. Rapport 81. 88 pp. In Swedish with an English summary.</p><p>Anonym. 1991. Tilastoja Suomen ilmastosta 1961-1990. (Climatological statistics in Finland 1961-1990.) Supplement to the meteorological yearbook of Finland. volume 90, part 1. 125 pp. In Finnish with some English explanations.</p><p>Morén A-S & Perttu KL 1994. Regional temperature and radiation indices and their adjustment to horizontal and inclined forest land. Studia Forestalia Suecica. In press.</p><p>Perttu, KL 1992. Temperatursumma och vegetationsperiodens längd för varierande tröskeltemperaturer beräknade ur SMHI-värden för perioden 1961-1990. Report to Skogsstyrelsen. In Swedish.</p><p>Ångström A 1974. Sveriges klimat. Stockholm. pp 188. In Swedish.</p><p>Table 1a. Annual temperature cycle. Calender date when certain average temperatures (0- 12E) occur in spring and autumn 1961-90 at meteorological stations. The dates are given with month number preceeding the number of day in the month. The date when temperature is expected to reach its maximum, "max" is given as the average of when 12E is reached in spring and in autumn. Blank values occur when the temperature is close to or has passed its extreme. Table 1a refers to stations in Sweden and Table 1b to stations in Finland.</p><p>Station Name lat long alt 0E 3E 6E 9E 12E max 12E 9E 6E 3E 0E </p><p>5223 Falsterbo 5523 1249 5 330 422 509 528 730 1001 1023 1113 </p><p>5255 Ven 5555 1242 25 327 418 504 523 726 927 1020 1109 1203 </p><p>5320 Smygehuk 5520 1321 5 402 426 513 531 728 924 1019 1109 1203 </p><p>5325 Jordbrega 5525 1324 40 329 419 505 524 725 924 1017 1106 1129 </p><p>5326 Ystad 5526 1349 32 331 422 509 529 726 922 1018 1106 1130 </p><p>5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 304 331 421 506 526 722 918 1013 1101 1123 </p><p>5336 Malmö 5535 1301 13 324 415 501 519 724 928 1020 1109 1204 </p><p>5337 Malmö II 5537 1302 3 323 413 501 519 724 929 1022 1110 1204 </p><p>5343 Lund 5543 1312 50 325 416 501 520 722 924 1017 1105 1128 </p><p>5347 Örtofta 5547 1315 20 325 415 430 519 721 923 1016 1105 1127 </p><p>5354 Stehag 5554 1324 60 304 329 419 504 524 720 916 1010 1031 1120 </p><p>5356 Svalöv 5555 1307 72 326 416 501 519 722 923 1016 1104 1127 </p><p>5363 Hököpinge 5530 1301 17 329 417 502 520 723 926 1017 1104 1126 </p><p>5364 Alnarp 5539 1305 10 326 417 503 522 723 922 1015 1104 1128 </p><p>5365 Björka 5542 1338 32 303 330 419 505 525 722 917 1011 1031 1121 </p><p>5423 Sandhammare 5523 1412 4 406 430 518 603 727 919 1016 1107 1201 </p><p>5430 Bollerup 5530 1403 55 228 327 417 503 522 724 924 1016 1105 1127 </p><p>5433 Simrishamn 5533 1422 8 330 424 513 601 728 924 1017 1106 1130 </p><p>5439 Sankt Olof 5538 1408 130 304 402 423 510 529 724 917 1010 1031 1120 5440 Stenshuvud 5540 1416 112 304 403 425 513 531 725 919 1013 1101 1124 </p><p>5455 KristianstaE5555 1405 17 303 331 421 508 527 723 917 1011 1101 1124 </p><p>6203 Helsingborg 5603 1242 5 324 416 502 521 726 930 1021 1109 1204 </p><p>6208 Hasslarp 5608 1249 10 326 415 430 519 721 923 1015 1104 1126 </p><p>6218 Barkåkra 5618 1251 20 326 417 503 521 722 921 1015 1104 1127 </p><p>6219 Kullen 5618 1227 72 301 331 421 506 525 726 925 1019 1107 1201 </p><p>6240 Halmstad 5640 1253 10 303 328 419 503 522 721 918 1013 1031 1121 </p><p>6241 Halmstads F 5641 1250 30 304 330 419 503 522 721 920 1012 1101 1122 </p><p>6255 Glommen 5656 1222 2 303 330 420 505 523 725 926 1018 1107 1129 </p><p>6256 Jonstorp 5656 1233 25 305 331 420 504 522 719 916 1010 1101 1121 </p><p>6263 Hallands Vär5627 1233 12 327 418 503 521 725 928 1022 1111 </p><p>6305 Ljungbyhed 5605 1314 43 304 329 419 504 524 720 916 1011 1031 1123 </p><p>6322 Osby 5622 1357 83 311 403 422 507 526 719 910 1004 1026 1113 </p><p>6323 Skånes Fagel5622 1328 115 311 404 423 507 527 718 909 1005 1027 1115 </p><p>6328 Markaryd 5628 1339 118 311 405 425 509 529 718 905 1001 1025 1114 </p><p>6334 Genevad 5634 1302 20 304 328 419 503 521 720 918 1012 1031 1122 </p><p>6344 Simlångsdal 5643 1308 75 311 403 422 506 525 718 910 1005 1027 1115 </p><p>6345 Singeshult 5645 1322 165 317 407 425 510 530 717 904 930 1024 1112 1206</p><p>6350 Ljungby 5650 1358 145 312 403 421 506 525 717 909 1003 1025 1113 1206</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 312 406 424 509 529 717 904 930 1025 1112 </p><p>6360 Torup 5658 1306 85 313 405 424 508 528 716 904 930 1023 1111 1205</p><p>6402 Hanö 5601 1451 55 305 405 427 515 531 726 920 1014 1104 1129 6403 Kristiansta 5602 1410 3 327 417 504 523 722 920 1013 1102 1124 </p><p>6404 Karpalund 5603 1406 4 304 330 417 504 523 722 919 1013 1101 1122 </p><p>6413 Karlshamn 5611 1451 20 303 330 419 506 525 722 917 1011 1031 1124 </p><p>6433 Ekefors 5633 1445 145 314 405 424 508 527 718 908 1002 1024 1112 1205</p><p>6440 Uråsa 5641 1457 167 315 406 424 509 529 718 906 930 1022 1110 1203</p><p>6452 Växjö 5652 1448 166 313 404 422 506 524 717 909 1003 1024 1112 1205</p><p>6462 Ryd 5627 1443 140 313 405 423 508 526 719 910 1005 1026 1113 1205</p><p>6502 Ungskär 5602 1548 2 304 406 429 518 603 729 922 1018 1108 1201 </p><p>6513 Marielund 5613 1532 25 306 402 422 508 527 722 916 1009 1031 1120 </p><p>6516 Bredåkra 5616 1517 58 308 403 423 508 526 720 913 1007 1029 1118 </p><p>6536 Rörsbo 5636 1531 140 314 406 425 509 528 719 909 1002 1023 1111 1206</p><p>6545 Lessebo 5645 1517 170 314 405 424 508 526 718 909 1003 1024 1111 1205</p><p>6564 Emmaboda 5638 1533 150 318 408 426 511 529 717 904 927 1021 1108 1130</p><p>6612 Ölands SödrU5612 1624 3 304 409 502 520 605 729 922 1017 1107 1201 </p><p>6632 Mörbylånga 5632 1624 5 305 402 423 509 528 726 923 1015 1104 1126 </p><p>6641 Kalmar 5644 1618 15 308 403 423 509 528 723 916 1008 1029 1119 </p><p>6647 Ekerum 5647 1635 40 309 404 424 510 528 723 916 1009 1030 1119 </p><p>6650 Skedemosse 5650 1645 20 307 404 425 512 529 723 916 1010 1101 1122 </p><p>6663 Ölvingstorp 5637 1607 15 307 402 422 507 525 721 916 1008 1028 1116 </p><p>6855 Hoburg 5655 1809 38 312 412 501 520 605 729 920 1013 1103 1128 </p><p>7118 Nidingen 5718 1154 4 302 331 421 507 526 728 928 1021 1111 1204 </p><p>7138 Vinga 5738 1137 19 303 401 422 507 526 727 926 1021 1109 1203 </p><p>7143 Torslanda 5743 1147 3 304 330 420 504 523 723 922 1015 1103 1126 7147 Säve 5747 1153 20 305 331 420 505 523 721 917 1012 1031 1121 </p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 304 330 420 504 522 720 916 1011 1031 1123 </p><p>7208 Varberg 5706 1215 20 305 401 420 505 523 721 918 1014 1101 1123 </p><p>7212 Fagered 5712 1249 100 313 406 425 509 529 716 903 929 1024 1112 1205</p><p>7215 Ringhals 5715 1206 10 304 331 422 506 526 724 921 1015 1104 1126 </p><p>7229 Örby 5729 1242 95 309 403 422 505 523 718 912 1007 1027 1115 </p><p>7230 Rossared 5729 1212 15 307 403 422 506 526 720 913 1010 1101 1121 </p><p>7234 Sandsjöback 5733 1202 50 309 402 422 507 527 720 913 1007 1029 1118 </p><p>7240 Bollebygd 5740 1234 65 311 404 423 507 525 717 908 1003 1025 1113 1206</p><p>7242 Landvetter 5740 1218 154 314 406 423 507 526 718 910 1005 1027 1114 </p><p>7245 Borås 5746 1257 135 316 407 425 508 527 718 907 1003 1025 1113 </p><p>7263 Göteborg 5743 1201 30 324 416 501 519 721 922 1017 1104 1127 </p><p>7309 Stora Segera5709 1334 180 313 405 424 507 526 718 909 1002 1023 1111 1204</p><p>7317 Gislaved 5718 1332 165 318 410 427 511 530 717 902 927 1021 1107 1129</p><p>7323 Hestra 5724 1332 285 321 411 428 512 531 717 901 924 1018 1105 1128</p><p>7325 Ambjörnarp 5725 1317 220 321 410 426 510 529 716 902 926 1019 1107 1128</p><p>7343 Dalsjöfors 5743 1307 257 322 412 429 512 531 718 903 924 1019 1105 1127</p><p>7347 Ulricehamn 5747 1326 290 324 413 430 514 602 718 902 923 1017 1103 1125</p><p>7357 Molla 5756 1304 190 318 409 426 510 529 717 903 928 1022 1108 1201</p><p>7366 Tinghalla 5758 1351 278 323 413 430 515 602 718 902 923 1016 1102 1124</p><p>7408 Berg 5707 1442 250 320 411 428 511 530 717 902 926 1019 1106 1128 7418 Hagshults F 5718 1408 169 320 409 426 511 530 716 901 926 1019 1106 1129</p><p>7424 Nävelsjö 5724 1453 215 321 410 427 512 530 716 902 926 1018 1105 1127</p><p>7434 Spinkabo 5734 1428 285 326 414 430 514 604 717 830 920 1014 1101 1122</p><p>7435 Gödeberg 5734 1438 350 325 414 501 515 603 718 901 921 1015 1102 1123</p><p>7439 Nässjö 5739 1442 304 324 413 429 513 530 716 831 923 1017 1104 1126</p><p>7442 Flahult 5742 1409 225 322 411 429 514 601 717 902 926 1018 1105 1127</p><p>7444 Prästkulla 5744 1459 300 323 412 429 512 531 716 901 924 1017 1103 1124</p><p>7446 Jönköpings 5746 1405 226 323 411 428 512 530 716 901 925 1019 1105 1127</p><p>7447 Jönköping 5746 1411 98 314 404 423 510 529 720 910 1005 1026 1114 </p><p>7448 Huskvarna 5747 1417 99 311 403 421 507 525 719 913 1007 1028 1116 </p><p>7449 Ramsjöholm 5751 1426 225 321 411 428 511 530 716 901 926 1019 1106 1129</p><p>7453 Lommaryd 5753 1444 240 324 413 430 514 601 717 901 922 1015 1102 1124</p><p>7504 Allgunnen 5704 1558 115 312 404 423 508 526 719 912 1005 1026 1113 </p><p>7510 Åseda 5709 1524 230 322 411 428 513 531 717 902 925 1017 1105 1128</p><p>7512 Drageryd 5712 1558 77 314 404 423 508 526 719 911 1003 1024 1111 1204</p><p>7514 Blankaström 5713 1555 80 316 406 423 508 526 718 909 1001 1022 1109 1201</p><p>7524 Målilla 5724 1550 100 315 406 424 509 527 718 908 930 1021 1109 1130</p><p>7538 Hässleby 5738 1534 190 318 409 427 511 529 717 905 928 1020 1107 1128</p><p>7540 Vimmerby 5740 1551 110 317 407 425 509 527 718 907 930 1021 1108 1130 7600 Sandbäckshu 5659 1617 37 314 406 425 510 529 719 909 1001 1022 1111 1205</p><p>7616 Oskarshamn 5716 1626 10 311 405 424 509 527 721 913 1004 1024 1112 1206</p><p>7638 Tovehult 5739 1634 25 313 406 424 510 527 721 915 1006 1027 1114 </p><p>7643 Gunnebo 5743 1632 18 312 406 425 511 529 721 912 1004 1025 1113 1206</p><p>7647 Västervik 5743 1628 33 314 405 424 509 527 721 913 1005 1025 1113 1206</p><p>7653 Ogestad 5753 1610 81 316 407 425 509 527 719 910 1003 1023 1110 1203</p><p>7717 Mossen 5717 1700 10 307 404 426 513 531 725 918 1011 1030 1122 </p><p>7718 Stora Karls 5718 1758 40 310 413 503 522 608 730 920 1014 1104 1129 </p><p>7722 Ölands NorrU5722 1706 4 304 408 501 518 602 728 923 1015 1105 1129 </p><p>7804 Näsudden 5704 1813 5 314 411 501 520 607 728 917 1012 1102 1125 </p><p>7814 Hemse 5714 1823 25 315 410 430 517 603 724 913 1006 1028 1117 </p><p>7824 Buttle 5724 1830 45 318 409 427 512 530 721 910 1003 1025 1116 </p><p>7825 Herrvik 5725 1855 5 309 411 502 521 606 728 919 1012 1101 1125 </p><p>7839 Visby 5739 1818 28 307 407 428 513 531 725 919 1012 1102 1127 </p><p>7840 Visby Fl 5740 1821 42 315 409 427 512 529 723 916 1009 1030 1123 </p><p>7863 Östergarn 5727 1859 11 308 414 503 521 606 802 928 1020 1110 1201 </p><p>7958 Fårö 5754 1910 10 309 413 504 523 607 729 920 1013 1103 1128 </p><p>8101 Säby 5801 1136 10 306 331 421 506 525 722 918 1012 1031 1121 </p><p>8106 Måseskär 5806 1121 14 304 402 423 508 527 727 925 1020 1109 1204 </p><p>8113 Ljungskile 5813 1156 70 312 404 422 506 524 718 912 1006 1027 1114 </p><p>8121 Uddevalla 5821 1157 10 314 404 422 507 525 718 911 1005 1026 1112 1206</p><p>8122 Smögen 5822 1113 20 306 401 421 506 525 725 924 1018 1106 1129 8134 Svarteborg 5834 1133 70 317 407 425 509 528 719 909 1004 1025 1110 1204</p><p>8154 Nordkoster 5853 1100 10 308 402 421 506 523 723 921 1015 1102 1124 </p><p>8156 Strömstad 5856 1112 17 313 405 424 507 526 719 912 1007 1027 1113 1206</p><p>8162 Väderöbod 5833 1102 7 405 426 509 527 727 926 1021 1108 </p><p>8163 Hållö 5820 1113 16 303 331 423 507 525 725 924 1019 1106 1201 </p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 309 403 422 507 526 719 911 1007 1027 1112 </p><p>8201 Vårgårda-Häu5801 1250 148 313 405 424 508 527 718 908 1004 1025 1111 1205</p><p>8211 Gendalen 5810 1239 90 315 405 423 507 525 717 908 1002 1024 1110 1204</p><p>8219 Trollhättan 5819 1220 43 310 403 421 505 523 718 913 1009 1029 1116 </p><p>8223 Vänersborg 5821 1222 50 315 408 426 511 529 721 911 1007 1028 1115 </p><p>8226 Såtenäs 5826 1242 54 316 407 425 510 529 720 911 1005 1026 1114 </p><p>8238 Erikstad 5838 1226 65 319 408 425 511 529 719 908 1002 1023 1109 1203</p><p>8254 Bastorp 5854 1202 150 322 411 428 513 530 717 902 926 1019 1104 1125</p><p>8262 Trollhättan 5818 1219 42 308 403 422 506 523 719 914 1008 1028 1114 </p><p>8265 Ödebyn 5847 1211 150 325 413 429 513 601 717 902 922 1019 1105 1125</p><p>8305 Simonstorp 5805 1324 190 320 409 427 512 531 717 903 925 1019 1105 1126</p><p>8309 Falköping 5809 1332 205 318 409 426 511 530 718 905 929 1021 1106 1127</p><p>8313 Längjum 5813 1304 95 316 405 423 506 524 717 909 1003 1024 1110 1204</p><p>8317 Borgunda 5817 1348 181 320 409 426 509 528 717 905 928 1021 1107 1130</p><p>8321 Lanna 5821 1308 80 317 406 423 507 525 716 907 930 1023 1108 1202 8323 Skövde 5823 1351 150 316 406 423 507 525 717 909 1002 1023 1110 1204</p><p>8327 Skara 5824 1327 119 318 407 424 507 526 716 906 930 1022 1108 1130</p><p>8328 Remningstor 5827 1340 133 318 408 425 508 525 717 907 930 1022 1107 1130</p><p>8332 Lidköping 5830 1307 52 317 408 426 510 528 719 910 1005 1026 1113 </p><p>8334 Västerplana 5834 1321 128 318 408 425 509 527 718 908 1001 1023 1110 1203</p><p>8344 Mariestads t5843 1349 50 314 406 423 505 522 718 914 1007 1028 1116 </p><p>8354 Åkershus 5854 1315 50 320 410 429 515 530 722 913 1008 1029 1116 </p><p>8361 Högstena 5814 1343 211 322 409 426 510 530 717 902 927 1021 1106 1129</p><p>8402 Tranås 5802 1459 155 315 406 423 508 525 717 908 1002 1023 1109 1203</p><p>8406 Visingsö 5806 1424 110 313 408 429 516 601 724 915 1010 1031 1120 </p><p>8431 Karlsborg 5831 1432 94 319 409 427 513 531 721 910 1005 1026 1113 </p><p>8439 Fägre 5839 1408 95 320 409 425 509 527 716 905 928 1020 1106 1128</p><p>8447 Älgarås 5847 1418 130 323 411 428 512 529 716 903 926 1017 1103 1125</p><p>8458 Snavlunda 5858 1454 140 323 412 428 511 528 716 904 926 1018 1103 1124</p><p>8462 Bällefors 5835 1407 90 320 408 425 509 527 716 904 927 1019 1107 1128</p><p>8504 Malexander 5804 1514 195 321 411 427 510 528 718 908 930 1022 1109 1202</p><p>8513 Åtvidaberg 5812 1559 100 317 407 424 508 526 718 910 1002 1022 1108 1129</p><p>8516 Bjärka-Säby 5816 1545 116 318 407 424 508 525 718 911 1004 1024 1110 1201</p><p>8521 Herrberga 5824 1513 90 319 407 424 507 525 718 910 1002 1023 1109 1130</p><p>8522 Öjebro 5823 1512 78 320 408 424 508 526 718 908 930 1021 1107 1129 8524 Malmslätt 5824 1531 93 318 407 424 508 525 718 910 1002 1023 1109 1130</p><p>8525 Linköping 5825 1538 64 312 402 419 503 520 718 916 1007 1026 1111 1204</p><p>8528 Skärkind 5828 1600 60 317 406 423 507 524 719 913 1005 1024 1110 1201</p><p>8545 Godegård 5848 1510 130 325 414 429 512 530 717 904 927 1018 1103 1123</p><p>8549 Zinkgruvan 5849 1507 215 323 411 428 511 529 717 904 926 1018 1103 1125</p><p>8552 Mariedamm 5852 1509 132 323 412 428 512 529 716 903 925 1017 1102 1123</p><p>8563 Västra Ny 5839 1503 120 319 410 427 510 528 717 906 926 1018 1104 1125</p><p>8565 Kärnskogen 5851 1517 108 325 413 429 513 529 716 901 923 1019 1104 1123</p><p>8609 Falerum 5809 1612 80 318 408 425 509 526 718 908 930 1022 1109 1130</p><p>8620 Holma 5820 1649 5 315 408 426 512 529 723 916 1007 1027 1114 </p><p>8633 Marviken 5833 1650 10 317 408 427 514 529 721 912 1004 1024 1112 1205</p><p>8635 Norrköping-n5835 1615 8 315 404 422 507 525 719 912 1005 1025 1111 1202</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 314 404 422 507 524 719 913 1008 1027 1113 1206</p><p>8637 Norrköping-r5837 1607 27 317 407 424 506 523 718 912 1004 1024 1110 1201</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 321 410 426 509 527 717 907 929 1020 1106 1126</p><p>8648 Nyköpings F 5847 1655 42 321 411 428 513 529 718 907 929 1021 1107 1128</p><p>8661 Tyllinge 5801 1605 110 315 407 425 509 526 718 910 1003 1024 1109 1201</p><p>8715 Harstena 5815 1701 5 314 411 501 520 603 726 917 1010 1031 1120 </p><p>8740 Oxelösund 5840 1707 10 315 408 427 513 531 723 914 1006 1027 1114 8745 Landsort 5845 1752 13 320 418 509 526 608 728 915 1009 1030 1120 </p><p>8754 Trosa 5854 1734 5 319 410 428 513 531 721 911 1003 1023 1111 1203</p><p>8858 Stabbo 5858 1827 7 319 416 508 526 609 727 913 1007 1029 1120 </p><p>8924 Gotska Sand 5824 1912 12 316 415 504 523 607 728 917 1011 1101 1126 </p><p>9113 Bredviken 5913 1159 100 321 411 428 511 530 718 906 929 1021 1107 1128</p><p>9137 Djurskog 5936 1156 280 324 413 429 513 530 717 903 922 1013 1031 1117</p><p>9152 Hångstad 5952 1158 130 326 413 429 512 529 716 902 923 1014 1030 1112</p><p>9162 Lennartsfor 5918 1156 125 322 410 427 511 529 719 908 930 1018 1104 1123</p><p>9166 Högsäter 5953 1159 135 328 415 430 513 529 716 902 920 1011 1027 1110</p><p>9203 Åmål 5903 1242 60 318 408 425 509 527 718 908 1001 1022 1107 1129</p><p>9210 Säffle 5909 1257 50 322 410 426 510 527 717 906 928 1020 1106 1126</p><p>9217 Blomskog 5917 1203 110 324 413 429 512 529 715 901 923 1015 1031 1119</p><p>9240 Arvika 5941 1236 77 320 408 424 507 524 715 905 926 1017 1101 1118</p><p>9322 Karlstad 5922 1328 46 324 412 428 511 528 718 907 929 1019 1104 1124</p><p>9336 Molkom 5937 1345 93 325 413 428 510 527 716 904 925 1015 1031 1117</p><p>9358 Forshult 5958 1332 95 326 414 429 512 529 715 901 920 1011 1028 1110</p><p>9364 Sutterhöjde 5935 1356 153 327 414 430 512 529 715 901 921 1012 1030 1114</p><p>9405 Åtorp 5906 1422 105 322 410 427 510 528 716 904 926 1018 1103 1123</p><p>9414 Degerfors 5914 1427 85 320 409 425 507 523 716 909 929 1020 1104 1124</p><p>9417 Villingsber 5917 1442 148 327 414 430 512 529 717 903 922 1014 1101 1117 9418 Kristineham 5919 1406 50 320 409 425 508 525 717 909 930 1021 1105 1124</p><p>9437 Asphyttan 5937 1411 130 328 414 430 513 529 716 902 920 1012 1030 1115</p><p>9441 Gammelkropp 5941 1419 200 330 417 501 513 530 716 901 920 1012 1030 1114</p><p>9443 Filipstad 5943 1410 141 325 412 427 509 526 716 906 926 1016 1031 1117</p><p>9445 Persberg 5945 1414 225 329 417 502 514 601 717 901 920 1011 1029 1114</p><p>9458 Ställdalen 5957 1457 210 331 418 430 515 601 715 828 916 1008 1026 1110</p><p>9466 Stångfallet 5957 1453 230 327 416 501 515 601 716 830 918 1010 1028 1112</p><p>9502 Högsjö 5902 1541 69 319 408 425 508 525 717 908 930 1022 1106 1127</p><p>9505 Vingåker 5904 1550 48 322 410 427 509 527 716 904 926 1017 1103 1123</p><p>9516 Örebro 5915 1517 35 320 409 425 508 525 716 906 928 1019 1103 1123</p><p>9532 Fellingsbroi5932 1535 51 324 411 426 509 526 716 904 925 1016 1101 1120</p><p>9535 Lindesberg 5935 1514 70 322 410 427 510 527 717 906 927 1017 1101 1119</p><p>9549 Riddarhytta 5949 1533 155 328 414 429 512 529 716 903 920 1012 1030 1115</p><p>9550 Skinnskatter5950 1541 113 325 413 429 511 528 716 903 924 1015 1031 1117</p><p>9553 Kloten 5952 1515 285 401 418 501 517 602 717 831 918 1010 1028 1112</p><p>9561 Vingåker 5903 1558 45 319 407 424 508 525 716 905 927 1019 1106 1126</p><p>9564 Uttersberg 5945 1540 95 328 413 428 511 528 716 902 923 1013 1101 1119</p><p>9600 Valla 5901 1622 50 319 408 425 508 525 717 908 929 1020 1105 1126</p><p>9603 Strängstorp 5903 1613 62 320 409 426 508 526 716 906 927 1018 1103 1123 9612 Dunker 5912 1654 32 325 412 428 512 529 716 902 923 1016 1103 1122</p><p>9623 Eskilstuna 5923 1628 8 317 405 422 505 520 717 913 1004 1023 1108 1128</p><p>9631 Köping 5931 1600 10 319 408 424 506 522 715 907 928 1019 1104 1123</p><p>9635 Västerås-Häl5935 1638 6 320 409 425 508 525 718 911 1002 1022 1106 1126</p><p>9637 Västerås 5937 1633 10 317 406 422 505 521 717 911 1003 1022 1106 1126</p><p>9655 Sala 5954 1640 55 324 412 427 510 527 715 903 924 1015 1030 1117</p><p>9711 Riksten 5911 1755 54 324 412 429 513 530 718 905 927 1019 1106 1127</p><p>9712 Södertälje 5912 1738 12 317 407 424 507 524 719 913 1004 1024 1111 1203</p><p>9715 Åkers Styckr5915 1706 20 321 409 425 508 524 717 909 930 1020 1105 1124</p><p>9718 Nyckelby 5918 1743 25 321 410 426 509 526 719 911 1003 1023 1109 1201</p><p>9720 Stockholm-Bm5921 1757 7 320 409 425 508 525 718 911 1003 1022 1108 1129</p><p>9721 Ulvhäll 5921 1703 5 322 409 425 509 525 717 908 930 1020 1106 1126</p><p>9724 Lyckås 5924 1740 15 320 409 425 508 525 719 912 1004 1024 1110 1201</p><p>9726 Barkarby 5925 1753 17 321 409 426 509 526 719 911 1001 1020 1107 1128</p><p>9739 Arlanda 5939 1757 38 322 410 426 509 526 718 910 930 1020 1105 1125</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 322 410 426 509 527 717 907 928 1019 1104 1124</p><p>9753 Uppsala Fl 5953 1736 21 324 412 428 511 528 717 905 927 1017 1103 1122</p><p>9804 Hårsfjärden 5904 1807 4 324 415 502 519 603 721 908 1001 1023 1109 1202</p><p>9817 Sandhamn 5917 1855 15 325 418 505 523 609 726 912 1006 1028 1118 </p><p>9818 Gustavsberg 5919 1823 10 320 410 427 512 529 720 911 1003 1024 1111 1203 9821 Stockholm 5921 1804 44 315 406 423 507 523 720 915 1006 1026 1113 1206</p><p>9826 Röskär 5925 1810 15 321 412 429 513 530 720 909 1001 1022 1109 1201</p><p>9829 Husarö 5930 1851 10 322 414 501 516 531 725 918 1008 1028 1116 </p><p>9840 Kårsta 5940 1817 20 326 413 428 512 529 717 904 925 1017 1102 1122</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 323 412 429 513 530 720 908 930 1021 1107 1129</p><p>9851 Norrtälje-Vb5951 1844 10 323 413 430 515 531 719 906 928 1019 1105 1127</p><p>9927 Svenska Högn5927 1930 12 325 423 513 531 616 731 914 1007 1029 1121 </p><p>9945 Söderarm 5945 1925 5 329 425 515 531 618 801 913 1006 1029 1120 </p><p>10219 Lämbacken 6019 1242 177 329 417 502 514 531 714 827 916 1009 1026 1108</p><p>10220 Östmark-Räne6020 1241 198 331 419 502 518 602 715 826 914 1006 1023 1106</p><p>10221 Östmark-Röjs6021 1239 308 405 420 501 515 604 715 826 913 1004 1023 1109</p><p>10254 Höljes 6054 1236 230 406 422 504 519 605 715 823 912 1001 1018 1031</p><p>10305 Edebäck 6004 1333 155 327 415 430 513 529 716 901 920 1011 1028 1110</p><p>10308 Torsby 6008 1300 80 324 411 427 510 527 716 904 924 1014 1030 1112</p><p>10309 Gustavsfors 6009 1348 190 331 417 501 514 531 715 829 916 1007 1024 1106</p><p>10341 Malung 6041 1343 308 406 422 505 520 606 714 821 909 930 1020 1101</p><p>10409 Fredriksber 6008 1424 305 404 420 503 518 603 715 827 914 1006 1024 1107</p><p>10412 Lejen 6012 1424 340 405 421 504 519 603 716 828 915 1007 1025 1108</p><p>10430 Mockfjärd 6031 1457 192 331 417 430 515 601 715 829 916 1007 1025 1107</p><p>10453 Siljansfors 6053 1423 260 404 420 503 518 603 715 825 913 1005 1023 1104 10520 Rämshyttan 6020 1512 260 405 421 503 518 604 714 823 911 1005 1024 1108</p><p>10523 Idkerberget 6022 1515 310 402 419 502 517 602 716 828 916 1008 1026 1109</p><p>10526 Borlänge Fl 6026 1530 152 328 414 429 512 529 715 901 922 1012 1030 1114</p><p>10531 Borlänge 6031 1527 145 325 412 428 511 528 716 902 922 1012 1029 1113</p><p>10536 Gråda Kraftr6036 1501 155 328 416 501 514 530 715 830 918 1009 1027 1110</p><p>10537 Falun 6037 1540 160 329 415 430 512 528 715 901 921 1011 1028 1112</p><p>10545 Leksand 6044 1501 178 328 415 430 513 530 716 902 920 1011 1028 1111</p><p>10555 Backa 6055 1507 230 402 419 501 517 601 715 828 914 1007 1024 1107</p><p>10563 Vassbo 6032 1532 120 328 415 430 512 529 716 903 920 1009 1026 1111</p><p>10564 Domnarvet 6030 1527 128 325 414 429 512 529 716 901 920 1010 1028 1112</p><p>10607 Avesta 6008 1610 100 326 412 427 510 526 715 903 924 1014 1031 1117</p><p>10610 Folkärna 6010 1619 68 327 414 429 511 528 715 901 922 1013 1030 1115</p><p>10627 Stjärnsund 6027 1616 130 330 417 501 514 530 717 903 921 1012 1029 1113</p><p>10636 Sandviken 6036 1647 65 328 414 430 512 529 718 906 926 1015 1030 1117</p><p>10650 Vintjärn 6050 1603 348 405 422 504 519 605 716 826 912 1003 1021 1104</p><p>10658 Åmotsbruk 6058 1627 145 403 420 503 519 604 716 827 914 1005 1023 1107</p><p>10663 Hammarby 6033 1635 70 325 413 428 511 528 716 903 924 1015 1101 1116</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 326 413 429 513 529 717 904 925 1015 1101 1120 10718 Väsby 6018 1726 35 329 415 430 513 529 717 904 924 1014 1031 1116</p><p>10727 Untra 6027 1720 46 326 414 430 514 529 717 904 925 1015 1101 1120</p><p>10733 Fagerviken 6033 1745 5 324 415 502 519 603 720 905 927 1016 1102 1123</p><p>10740 Gävle 6039 1710 16 323 413 430 514 529 718 906 926 1016 1101 1120</p><p>10744 Eggegrund 6044 1734 5 328 423 511 528 611 727 910 1002 1023 1111 1205</p><p>10745 Utvalnäs 6045 1722 3 329 419 507 524 608 722 905 927 1019 1104 1124</p><p>10810 Singö 6010 1845 12 324 416 503 519 604 722 909 1002 1023 1110 1201</p><p>10811 Risinge 6011 1813 10 326 413 429 514 530 717 903 925 1015 1102 1121</p><p>10817 Understen 6017 1856 12 331 427 515 531 618 731 912 1005 1027 1118 </p><p>10832 Örskär 6032 1823 5 329 420 507 524 608 725 911 1003 1024 1112 </p><p>10864 Öregrund 6020 1826 7 328 416 501 517 601 720 906 928 1019 1106 1129</p><p>11208 Rörbäcksnäs 6108 1249 465 411 426 509 526 614 714 813 904 923 1013 1028</p><p>11217 Grundforsen 6117 1252 412 412 427 510 527 616 713 810 904 924 1014 1029</p><p>11251 Flötningen 6151 1216 670 422 504 519 604 104 828 916 1007 1022</p><p>11310 Sälen 6110 1316 360 411 426 508 524 609 713 816 906 926 1017 1031</p><p>11341 Särna 6142 1308 435 413 428 511 527 615 715 814 904 924 1012 1027</p><p>11401 Mora 6100 1432 175 331 417 430 515 531 716 830 917 1008 1025 1107</p><p>11416 Älvdalen II 6115 1402 250 405 421 503 519 604 714 823 911 930 1018 1101</p><p>11427 Kvarnberg 6127 1453 434 406 424 506 522 607 716 823 910 930 1020 1104</p><p>11433 Kräckelbäck 6133 1412 670 417 502 514 530 716 801 902 919 1010 1028</p><p>11436 Ulvsjö 6135 1411 600 418 430 514 530 628 715 731 831 920 1012 1028 11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 408 424 507 523 611 715 819 907 927 1018 1031</p><p>11451 Lillhärdal 6151 1405 440 413 428 510 527 616 714 811 902 923 1013 1028</p><p>11463 Noppikoski 6130 1451 340 409 424 507 523 609 714 819 906 926 1017 1101</p><p>11504 Dalstuga 6104 1542 240 406 422 504 518 603 714 825 913 1004 1022 1105</p><p>11523 Edsbyn 6123 1548 161 331 418 501 516 531 715 830 916 1008 1025 1106</p><p>11624 Dönje 6124 1625 85 402 419 503 518 602 716 829 916 1008 1025 1106</p><p>11643 Järvsö 6143 1611 115 330 418 501 516 531 716 901 919 1009 1025 1106</p><p>11648 Delsbo 6148 1634 88 331 418 502 518 601 716 830 916 1008 1025 1108</p><p>11650 Ljusdal 6150 1608 140 402 418 502 517 601 716 830 916 1006 1023 1104</p><p>11665 Bjuråker 6151 1635 66 401 418 501 516 531 717 902 918 1009 1026 1108</p><p>11716 Söderhamn 6116 1706 26 329 419 504 520 604 719 901 922 1013 1030 1114</p><p>11733 Agö 6133 1728 20 331 425 515 530 618 728 906 929 1019 1105 1127</p><p>11737 Hölick 6137 1727 5 403 423 510 527 610 724 906 927 1017 1102 1122</p><p>11742 Kuggören 6142 1731 2 330 422 512 529 613 724 904 927 1019 1104 1124</p><p>11744 Hudiksvall 6144 1706 10 326 416 502 518 602 719 904 924 1014 1031 1116</p><p>11761 Storjungfru 6110 1720 10 323 423 510 527 610 726 910 929 1016 1103 1127</p><p>12206 Grövelsjön 6206 1219 815 423 506 522 608 104 825 913 1006 1025</p><p>12233 Ljusnedal 6233 1237 585 422 504 519 605 104 827 915 1008 1023</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 428 511 527 616 104 820 910 1004 1022</p><p>12307 Lofsdalen 6207 1317 605 420 502 517 602 715 829 916 1009 1025</p><p>12325 Hede 6225 1331 420 414 429 512 528 619 714 808 902 922 1011 1025 12348 Storsjö Kapl6248 1304 580 419 503 519 604 717 831 918 1011 1026</p><p>12402 Sveg 6202 1422 360 409 424 507 523 609 715 821 908 928 1017 1030</p><p>12411 Ytterhogdal 6211 1457 260 408 424 506 522 608 714 820 908 927 1017 1030</p><p>12432 Klövsjö 6232 1412 549 413 429 512 530 625 716 805 901 923 1017 1030</p><p>12439 Skålan 6239 1410 452 413 429 513 530 621 715 809 902 923 1015 1030</p><p>12502 Finneby 6203 1528 259 408 424 507 523 608 715 821 909 929 1018 1101</p><p>12545 Hunge 6245 1506 342 412 428 510 527 615 716 816 905 926 1016 1031</p><p>12630 Fränsta II 6231 1612 110 404 420 504 519 603 716 827 913 1003 1019 1031</p><p>12646 Ljungå 6246 1619 220 410 425 508 524 611 715 817 906 926 1015 1029</p><p>12714 Lörudden 6214 1740 2 404 425 514 531 615 724 901 923 1015 1101 1120</p><p>12722 Sidsjö 6223 1717 60 403 420 505 521 605 718 830 917 1007 1024 1106</p><p>12724 Sundsvall 6224 1716 35 401 418 504 520 603 717 830 918 1008 1025 1107</p><p>12731 Sundsvalls 6231 1726 4 404 420 506 522 606 719 901 918 1008 1024 1105</p><p>12738 Härnösand 6238 1757 8 403 421 507 524 606 721 903 921 1011 1028 1112</p><p>12760 Gran 6201 1738 20 404 427 514 530 613 725 904 926 1015 1031 1122</p><p>12762 Brämö 6213 1745 17 404 427 515 529 616 725 902 925 1016 1102 1123</p><p>12837 Härnö 6237 1804 10 404 424 513 529 612 724 903 922 1013 1030 1115</p><p>12851 Nordvik 6251 1801 20 404 422 508 524 606 720 901 919 1009 1026 1108</p><p>12859 Ullånger 6300 1811 45 406 423 508 524 607 717 826 913 1004 1022 1104</p><p>13218 Storlien-Viö6318 1207 642 424 507 524 613 104 826 916 1011 1029</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 414 430 514 601 718 802 901 923 1014 1029 13259 Edevik 6359 1252 425 419 506 524 609 104 902 922 1017 1101</p><p>13305 Höglekardal 6305 1345 592 421 504 519 605 104 827 916 1009 1027</p><p>13319 Mörsil 6319 1339 400 412 429 513 529 626 717 807 902 924 1016 1101</p><p>13320 Undersåker 6320 1323 330 411 427 510 528 621 716 810 903 925 1015 1030</p><p>13323 Åre 6324 1306 440 412 429 514 531 719 801 901 923 1015 1101</p><p>13347 Överäng 6347 1305 450 417 502 519 606 104 831 922 1015 1030</p><p>13363 Mo 6319 1329 330 412 429 513 530 626 716 805 901 922 1012 1028</p><p>13409 Norderön 6309 1422 310 409 425 509 526 612 718 824 912 1005 1023 1105</p><p>13410 Östersund 6310 1441 345 408 424 508 524 611 717 823 910 1001 1020 1102</p><p>13411 Frösön 6311 1430 376 410 426 509 527 618 719 819 908 930 1021 1103</p><p>13415 Rösta 6315 1433 360 410 426 509 526 616 717 818 906 928 1019 1101</p><p>13446 Föllinge-Väk6346 1426 475 416 501 515 531 627 716 805 901 919 1011 1027</p><p>13452 Ålåsen 6352 1437 450 416 501 517 601 717 802 901 918 1009 1027</p><p>13459 Almdalen 6359 1440 615 423 507 524 610 104 826 913 1006 1025</p><p>13538 Sikåskälen 6338 1506 490 415 501 514 530 626 716 805 902 920 1011 1028</p><p>13544 Hallviken 6344 1530 337 413 429 512 528 616 715 812 901 921 1013 1028</p><p>13552 Strömsund 6351 1535 373 412 428 512 528 616 716 815 904 923 1013 1028</p><p>13602 Bispgården 6303 1632 190 406 422 506 521 607 715 822 909 928 1017 1031</p><p>13609 Krångede 6310 1610 170 406 422 506 521 607 715 822 909 928 1017 1031</p><p>13636 Storfinnforn6336 1611 232 409 425 508 524 609 716 821 908 928 1017 1031</p><p>13642 Junsele 6342 1651 210 409 424 507 522 607 714 821 907 926 1015 1028 13703 Viksbäcken 6303 1745 6 406 421 506 522 605 716 826 912 930 1017 1031</p><p>13704 Kramfors-Gig6303 1746 10 404 419 504 519 602 717 830 916 1005 1020 1031</p><p>13708 Forse 6309 1700 120 405 421 504 520 604 715 824 911 930 1019 1101</p><p>13710 Sollefteå 6310 1717 20 401 417 430 515 530 716 901 917 1007 1022 1101</p><p>13711 Lännäs 6310 1740 30 405 421 505 521 605 716 827 913 1002 1018 1101</p><p>13756 Tegelträsk 6357 1754 380 418 501 515 529 619 713 807 901 919 1006 1022</p><p>13824 Örnsköldsvi 6324 1858 107 410 425 509 525 607 718 827 912 1002 1019 1101</p><p>13827 Bredbyn 6328 1804 85 407 422 506 522 604 715 825 911 929 1016 1030</p><p>13840 Hemling 6340 1830 190 411 426 510 526 611 715 819 907 925 1014 1029</p><p>13911 Skagsudde 6311 1901 13 409 428 517 530 618 725 901 919 1012 1029 1114</p><p>13920 Kasa 6310 1903 30 409 425 511 527 610 719 826 913 1004 1022 1104</p><p>13934 Nordmaling 6334 1930 4 408 424 512 528 610 720 829 915 1004 1020 1103</p><p>13954 Vännäs 6354 1943 87 413 427 511 526 610 716 822 909 927 1015 1029</p><p>14036 Holmögadd 6336 2046 6 415 504 522 604 623 729 903 922 1013 1031 1120</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 409 425 509 525 608 719 828 914 1003 1020 1102</p><p>14049 Röbäcksdale 6349 2015 10 409 425 509 524 607 719 829 915 1005 1021 1103</p><p>14050 Umeå 6350 2017 10 408 424 508 523 607 719 830 916 1005 1021 1103</p><p>14203 Björkede 6403 1257 451 418 503 519 605 104 901 920 1014 1030</p><p>14344 Jormlien 6444 1359 360 418 504 521 606 720 803 903 921 1014 1031</p><p>14416 Munsvattnet 6416 1428 520 422 506 523 610 104 828 915 1008 1025</p><p>14430 Gäddede 6430 1408 321 416 501 517 603 721 810 903 924 1016 1030 14526 Norråker 6426 1538 344 415 501 517 531 621 715 808 901 919 1010 1025</p><p>14528 Korsselbrän 6428 1532 178 416 501 514 529 619 714 809 902 919 1010 1025</p><p>14534 Högland 6434 1555 401 418 501 517 530 622 713 804 831 917 1007 1023</p><p>14607 Hoting 6407 1612 240 413 427 510 526 611 714 816 904 923 1012 1026</p><p>14638 Laxbäcken 6438 1625 345 419 503 518 531 621 715 809 902 919 1009 1024</p><p>14710 Åsele 6410 1722 310 416 430 513 529 616 714 811 902 920 1009 1024</p><p>14727 Idvattnet 6427 1705 352 418 501 515 531 617 713 808 901 918 1008 1023</p><p>14746 Ulvoberg 6446 1713 520 420 503 519 602 714 827 913 1003 1019</p><p>14757 Gunnarn 6458 1743 278 416 429 511 526 609 714 818 904 921 1009 1024</p><p>14805 Fredrika 6405 1825 300 416 430 513 528 613 715 816 903 921 1010 1024</p><p>14830 Kroksjö 6430 1800 500 421 504 519 602 628 715 731 829 915 1004 1021</p><p>14835 Lycksele 6435 1839 234 413 428 511 526 608 713 818 903 921 1010 1025</p><p>14916 Hällnäs-Lun 6416 1938 181 414 428 511 526 610 715 819 905 923 1011 1025</p><p>14954 Norsjö 6455 1928 296 416 430 513 528 614 714 813 902 920 1008 1023</p><p>14957 Storliden 6457 1929 390 420 503 517 529 616 714 812 902 917 1006 1022</p><p>14961 Kulbäckslid 6412 1934 200 411 425 509 524 607 714 821 906 924 1012 1026</p><p>15027 Västanträsk 6427 2024 140 413 428 511 526 610 716 821 908 926 1014 1030</p><p>15045 Skellefteå 6446 2057 40 409 424 508 523 605 717 828 913 930 1017 1101</p><p>15122 Lövånger 6422 2120 21 413 429 514 530 614 719 824 911 1001 1019 1102 15129 Bjuröklubb 6429 2135 36 416 503 519 531 618 724 829 916 1006 1024 1108</p><p>15138 Skellefteå 6438 2105 46 411 425 508 522 604 716 827 912 929 1017 1031</p><p>15155 Furuögrund 6455 2114 10 412 428 513 528 611 718 825 911 929 1017 1101</p><p>15472 Klimpfjäll 6504 1448 594 429 513 530 617 104 821 909 930 1020</p><p>15571 Blaikliden 6503 1545 520 424 508 524 607 104 824 911 1001 1019</p><p>15590 Boksjö 6541 1548 475 425 510 526 610 104 825 912 1004 1021</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 425 509 525 611 104 826 913 1005 1021</p><p>15594 Hemavan 6549 1506 475 424 509 526 612 104 826 914 1006 1023</p><p>15673 Långvattnet 6506 1642 420 421 504 519 601 625 716 806 901 918 1008 1022</p><p>15677 Dikanäs 6514 1560 525 421 505 521 605 715 827 913 1004 1020</p><p>15679 Dikanäs-Skan6520 1603 525 425 508 524 607 104 824 910 929 1018</p><p>15685 Danasjö 6532 1632 652 429 513 528 612 104 820 907 926 1015</p><p>15694 Vindel-Björe6549 1643 350 424 507 522 604 628 717 805 830 916 1005 1019</p><p>15699 Ammarnäs 6558 1613 405 424 507 523 606 717 829 915 1006 1020</p><p>15772 Stensele 6504 1709 325 417 430 515 531 617 715 812 902 920 1009 1024</p><p>15786 Sorsele 6532 1731 340 419 502 516 529 617 715 812 831 918 1007 1020</p><p>15793 Vindel-Storö6546 1703 345 422 506 521 604 627 717 807 901 918 1007 1021</p><p>15875 Malåträsk 6511 1844 320 419 502 516 530 613 715 815 903 921 1008 1022</p><p>15885 Storberg 6530 1857 453 424 507 522 604 627 715 802 826 912 929 1016</p><p>15977 Glommersträ 6515 1939 375 419 502 517 530 619 714 808 901 917 1005 1021 15997 Suddesjaur 6554 1906 342 423 506 520 601 620 715 808 831 916 1005 1020</p><p>16074 Fällfors 6508 2047 195 414 429 513 528 613 715 816 902 920 1010 1026</p><p>16079 Myrheden 6518 2013 250 418 501 515 529 614 713 811 901 917 1004 1019</p><p>16089 Älvsbyn M 6541 2058 48 414 427 511 525 609 714 819 905 922 1009 1023</p><p>16096 Vidsel 6552 2008 180 415 428 511 526 609 714 819 904 920 1008 1021</p><p>16168 Sunderbyn 6542 2151 20 415 429 512 526 609 716 822 907 925 1012 1025</p><p>16178 Haraholmen 6514 2140 4 416 504 519 530 614 722 829 914 1003 1020 1102</p><p>16179 Piteå 6519 2128 6 411 425 509 524 605 718 829 914 1001 1017 1031</p><p>16194 Boden 6549 2142 16 413 427 510 524 606 716 825 909 926 1013 1026</p><p>16279 Rödkallen 6519 2222 5 422 511 526 607 623 728 831 918 1009 1026 1110</p><p>16286 Luleå Fl 6533 2208 17 415 430 514 528 609 719 828 911 929 1016 1030</p><p>16288 Luleå 6537 2206 5 414 429 513 527 609 718 825 910 927 1014 1028</p><p>16297 Högsön 6554 2227 8 417 430 513 527 609 716 823 908 925 1011 1025</p><p>16298 Orrbyn 6557 2206 15 416 430 513 527 609 716 822 907 924 1010 1023</p><p>16369 Kalix 6551 2312 6 417 501 515 529 612 718 823 908 925 1012 1026</p><p>16392 Storöhamn 6544 2306 7 419 505 519 531 616 720 824 911 929 1017 1031</p><p>16395 Haparanda 6550 2409 6 418 502 516 529 611 718 825 910 927 1013 1028</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 427 511 527 610 104 825 911 930 1017</p><p>16687 Vuoggatjålm 6634 1621 500 429 514 530 616 104 824 911 930 1017</p><p>16771 Arjeplog 6602 1752 428 423 507 521 603 625 717 808 901 916 1005 1020</p><p>16773 Laisvallsby 6606 1710 460 426 510 525 608 717 827 913 1004 1019 16786 Stenudden 6632 1740 453 502 517 531 614 104 826 911 929 1016</p><p>16798 Kvikkjokk 6657 1745 332 423 508 523 605 717 803 828 912 929 1016</p><p>16988 Jokkmokk 6637 1950 255 421 505 518 530 616 716 815 901 918 1005 1018</p><p>17067 Harads 6605 2058 35 412 426 509 524 605 714 821 907 923 1010 1022</p><p>17079 Sudok 6618 2025 173 418 501 516 530 615 713 810 831 915 1003 1016</p><p>17085 Murjek 6629 2054 245 420 503 516 529 616 715 813 902 917 1003 1016</p><p>17181 Pålkem 6623 2136 265 420 503 517 530 617 715 813 902 917 1004 1019</p><p>17182 Pålkem M 6623 2138 261 420 504 518 531 618 715 812 901 916 1003 1019</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 423 506 520 601 620 714 807 829 913 929 1014</p><p>17279 Överkalix-Sr6616 2250 46 416 430 512 526 609 715 821 905 921 1008 1022</p><p>17381 Övertorneå 6622 2339 50 418 501 513 527 609 715 820 905 921 1008 1022</p><p>17396 KorpilombolM6651 2303 178 420 501 515 529 612 714 815 902 918 1003 1016</p><p>17792 Ritsem 6744 1728 521 502 517 531 619 104 825 912 930 1018</p><p>17874 Aktse 6709 1818 530 429 513 528 613 104 822 907 924 1011</p><p>17879 Aluokta 6719 1853 385 426 511 526 609 717 826 911 928 1016</p><p>17974 Ålloluokta 6708 1930 370 426 510 525 608 718 803 828 913 929 1015</p><p>17995 Nikkaluokta 6751 1902 470 502 516 530 613 104 821 907 924 1009</p><p>18073 Gällivare 6708 2040 365 424 508 522 603 623 716 807 829 912 928 1015</p><p>18075 Malmberget 6710 2040 373 423 507 521 603 623 715 806 829 913 929 1014</p><p>18094 Kiruna Fl 6749 2020 442 430 514 528 611 717 823 908 924 1010</p><p>18189 Svappavaara 6740 2103 330 425 508 522 605 625 716 806 827 912 927 1012 18190 Vittangi 6741 2138 250 425 507 521 602 622 715 807 828 912 927 1011</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 421 504 518 531 619 715 811 901 916 1002 1017</p><p>18293 Lainio 6746 2221 315 427 510 524 605 626 716 806 828 911 927 1011</p><p>18376 Pajala 6713 2324 168 421 503 517 529 616 714 812 901 916 1001 1016</p><p>18398 Muodoslompo 6757 2328 240 425 507 521 602 620 714 808 829 913 928 1011</p><p>18880 Abisko 6821 1849 388 430 515 531 620 104 823 910 930 1018</p><p>18882 Katterjåkk 6825 1810 500 508 525 608 627 104 816 904 923 1011</p><p>18883 Riksgränsen 6826 1808 508 505 522 607 629 104 815 906 925 1013</p><p>18976 Torneträsk 6813 1943 393 430 514 530 615 104 825 911 929 1016</p><p>18978 Kattuvuoma 6817 1954 355 430 514 529 613 712 825 910 927 1012</p><p>19190 Naimakka 6841 2132 403 504 518 530 615 104 821 907 923 1007</p><p>19271 Lannavaara 6803 2159 360 501 514 527 609 716 824 909 924 1008</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 501 514 527 608 629 717 803 826 910 925 1009</p><p>Table 1b. Annual temperature cycle. Calender date when certain average temperatures (0-12E) occur in spring and autumn 1961-90 at meteorological stations in Finland.</p><p>Station Name lat long alt 0E 3E 6E 9E 12E max 12E 9E 6E 3E 0E </p><p>0001 Maarianhami 6007 1954 4 331 418 504 521 606 722 906 928 1021 1110 1204</p><p>0002 Korppoo 5947 2123 9 401 423 512 529 612 729 915 1008 1030 1122 </p><p>0003 Lemland 5958 1958 8 330 424 513 530 615 730 913 1006 1029 1121 </p><p>0101 Hanko 5946 2257 13 403 422 509 525 607 726 913 1005 1026 1116 0103 Piikkio 6023 2233 6 401 416 501 513 530 718 906 925 1015 1102 1121</p><p>0203 Pohja 6006 2332 8 401 416 430 512 528 717 905 924 1014 1101 1120</p><p>0205 Salo 6022 2306 3 401 414 428 510 526 716 904 924 1015 1101 1119</p><p>0301 Helsinki-Va 6019 2458 53 401 416 430 512 527 716 903 922 1012 1030 1116</p><p>0304 Helsinki 6010 2457 4 329 415 430 512 528 719 910 929 1019 1105 1125</p><p>0307 Lohja 6015 2403 37 401 416 430 511 526 716 905 925 1015 1101 1120</p><p>0309 Vihti 6025 2424 42 404 418 501 513 529 716 902 919 1010 1028 1115</p><p>0401 Helsinki-Ma 6015 2503 17 402 416 430 512 528 717 905 924 1014 1031 1119</p><p>0406 Porvoo 6026 2540 17 403 417 501 513 528 716 902 921 1010 1029 1116</p><p>0407 Tuusula 6025 2502 45 402 416 429 510 525 715 904 922 1012 1030 1116</p><p>0501 Kotka 6022 2658 11 407 423 505 520 603 723 911 930 1019 1105 1125</p><p>1001 Pori 6128 2148 13 401 417 501 514 530 716 901 921 1012 1031 1117</p><p>1002 Rauma 6108 2122 6 404 421 504 520 607 723 908 930 1020 1107 1127</p><p>1003 Mietoinen 6038 2152 13 401 417 501 513 530 717 904 924 1015 1102 1121</p><p>1101 Turku 6031 2216 51 331 416 430 512 528 717 905 924 1014 1031 1119</p><p>1103 Huittinen 6110 2247 60 403 417 430 513 529 716 903 919 1009 1027 1113</p><p>1104 Kokemaki 6116 2215 38 403 418 501 513 529 716 902 919 1010 1028 1115</p><p>1201 Jokioinen 6049 2330 104 404 418 430 514 530 716 902 918 1008 1026 1113</p><p>1202 Tampere 6128 2344 85 404 418 430 514 529 717 903 919 1009 1027 1112</p><p>1302 Hyvinkaa 6036 2448 86 403 417 501 513 529 716 902 917 1007 1026 1112</p><p>1303 Hattula 6104 2414 88 403 417 430 512 528 715 831 919 1009 1027 1112</p><p>1304 Hattula 6108 2420 91 404 418 501 513 528 715 831 919 1009 1027 1112 1306 Palkane 6120 2413 103 405 419 430 514 529 716 901 920 1008 1026 1111</p><p>1401 Lahti 6058 2538 78 403 417 430 512 528 716 902 917 1007 1025 1111</p><p>1402 Orimattila 6049 2544 72 403 417 430 511 527 714 901 919 1008 1026 1112</p><p>1501 Utti 6054 2656 99 405 419 501 512 527 714 901 918 1006 1024 1110</p><p>1503 Lapinjarvi 6037 2609 26 401 416 429 510 525 715 903 922 1011 1028 1114</p><p>1504 Anjalankosk 6043 2648 33 404 418 501 512 528 715 901 919 1008 1026 1112</p><p>1505 Kuusankoski 6054 2639 61 402 416 429 510 525 715 903 921 1009 1027 1113</p><p>1506 Heinola 6113 2603 100 403 417 430 511 526 714 831 919 1008 1026 1111</p><p>1701 Lappeenrant 6105 2809 105 405 419 501 512 528 715 901 918 1006 1023 1109</p><p>2101 Kankaanpaa 6151 2228 134 406 421 502 516 601 716 829 914 1004 1022 1107</p><p>2102 Mouhijarvi 6131 2259 92 404 419 501 514 530 716 901 917 1007 1026 1111</p><p>2201 Kuru 6158 2321 169 408 422 503 518 603 715 826 912 1001 1020 1105</p><p>2202 Kihnio 6212 2319 171 408 422 503 517 601 715 827 912 1001 1020 1104</p><p>2303 Juupajoki 6151 2417 153 408 422 503 518 602 715 826 912 1002 1021 1106</p><p>2401 Jyvaskyla 6224 2541 141 409 423 504 517 601 715 827 911 930 1018 1103</p><p>2425 Jyvaskyla 6212 2543 137 406 420 501 514 529 715 831 915 1005 1022 1107</p><p>2501 Leivonmaki 6153 2606 147 408 422 502 516 601 714 827 912 1002 1020 1105</p><p>2602 Mikkelin ml 6144 2718 138 407 420 501 514 529 715 830 914 1003 1021 1106</p><p>2604 Varkaus 6218 2751 91 409 423 503 516 531 715 829 912 930 1018 1103 2801 Punkaharju 6148 2920 83 408 422 503 516 530 716 901 919 1007 1023 1107</p><p>2902 Tohmajarvi 6214 3021 90 411 424 504 518 602 715 827 911 929 1017 1102</p><p>3001 Vaasa 6303 2146 4 407 422 505 520 604 718 831 917 1007 1025 1110</p><p>3003 Mustasaari 6326 2104 4 416 505 522 604 622 728 901 923 1013 1101 1122</p><p>3101 Ylistaro 6256 2230 26 406 420 503 517 601 715 828 914 1004 1022 1107</p><p>3201 Kauhava 6306 2302 42 407 421 503 518 602 715 827 912 1002 1020 1105</p><p>3301 Ahtari 6232 2413 157 410 424 506 520 605 715 825 910 929 1018 1103</p><p>3303 Alajarvi 6303 2417 202 412 425 507 521 606 714 821 906 925 1014 1031</p><p>3502 Vesanto 6256 2624 121 411 425 506 519 603 715 825 910 928 1016 1101</p><p>3601 Kuopio 6301 2748 94 411 424 504 517 530 716 901 916 1003 1020 1104</p><p>3602 Kuopio 6254 2741 119 408 422 503 517 531 716 831 916 1003 1020 1104</p><p>3603 Maaninka 6309 2719 88 411 425 505 518 601 716 829 914 1002 1019 1103</p><p>3801 Joensuu 6240 2938 116 412 425 506 519 602 716 829 913 930 1017 1101</p><p>3902 Ilomantsi 6241 3057 162 412 425 505 519 604 715 826 910 927 1013 1029</p><p>4201 Kruunupyyn 6343 2309 24 409 424 506 521 604 717 828 913 1003 1021 1105</p><p>4402 Haapavesi 6409 2526 112 413 427 507 521 606 715 823 907 925 1013 1029</p><p>4601 Kajaani 6417 2741 134 416 428 509 523 607 716 824 909 926 1013 1028</p><p>4602 Vierema 6350 2713 207 412 426 507 521 606 715 824 908 925 1012 1028</p><p>5301 Hailuoto 6502 2444 8 416 430 514 529 612 720 827 912 930 1018 1103</p><p>5401 Oulu 6456 2522 12 413 427 509 523 606 717 828 912 929 1016 1031</p><p>5402 Ruukki 6441 2506 48 412 426 508 523 607 716 824 910 927 1015 1101</p><p>5403 Muhos 6449 2559 22 412 426 507 521 605 715 825 910 927 1013 1029 5404 Oulu 6502 2529 13 412 426 509 523 606 717 827 912 929 1015 1031</p><p>5502 Vaala 6430 2628 115 416 429 510 524 608 715 820 906 923 1011 1027</p><p>5601 Pudasjarvi 6522 2701 116 417 430 512 525 608 715 821 906 922 1008 1024</p><p>5801 Suomussalmi 6454 2901 220 419 501 515 529 612 715 818 904 921 1007 1022</p><p>6201 Ylitornio 6622 2355 70 417 501 513 527 609 715 820 906 922 1008 1022</p><p>6301 Kemi 6547 2435 10 418 502 516 530 612 718 824 909 926 1013 1027</p><p>6701 Taivalkoski 6535 2815 209 420 503 516 530 613 715 815 902 918 1004 1018</p><p>6801 Kuusamo 6559 2913 263 425 507 520 601 618 715 811 901 916 1001 1016</p><p>7401 Rovaniemi 6634 2550 199 421 503 517 531 613 716 817 903 919 1003 1018</p><p>7501 Sodankyla 6722 2639 179 425 507 520 601 618 714 810 830 915 930 1015</p><p>7502 Rovaniemen 6635 2601 106 421 504 517 530 612 715 816 903 919 1004 1019</p><p>7701 Salla 6649 2840 221 424 507 521 602 620 714 808 829 914 930 1015</p><p>8201 Muonio 6758 2341 254 427 509 522 602 620 716 811 830 911 925 1011</p><p>8602 Sodankyla 6806 2707 247 429 512 526 606 625 716 805 826 911 926 1010</p><p>9003 Enontekio 6901 2052 482 509 523 606 627 104 817 906 924 1010</p><p>9601 Ivalo 6837 2725 145 426 509 524 605 624 716 807 830 915 930 1015</p><p>9602 Inari 6904 2707 152 429 514 528 609 718 805 828 914 930 1015</p><p>9701 Inari 6851 2818 120 426 511 526 607 626 718 809 831 917 1002 1016</p><p>9701 Inari 6851 2818 120 426 511 526 607 626 718 809 831 917 1002 1016</p><p>Table 2. Comparison of time since New Year when certain average temperatures, t, are obtained with time when certain temperature sums are obtained. The threshold temperature is indicated above the temperature sum. A set of stations covering Sweden is demonstrated. Each subtable comprises events occuring at approximately the same time.</p><p> a) b)</p><p>0</p><p>Station Name lat long alt t=4 40</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 102 97</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 99 93</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 100 96</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 105 103</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 105 103</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 107 105</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 108 107</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 119 119</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 136 136</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 123 124</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 119 119</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 133 134</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 136 136</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 130 131</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 128 129</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 138 139 y = t; x= TS Slope 1.14 </p><p>Corr .997</p><p>0 2</p><p>Station Name lat long alt t=7 140 75 5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 117 115</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 119 117 120</p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 115 114</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 117 114 117</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 117 116 118</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 121 121 122</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 121 122 122</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 122 124 125</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 122 125 125</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 132 135 135</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 151 153 153</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 140 141 141</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 134 136 136</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 150 151 151</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 149 153 153</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 144 148 148</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 142 146 145</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 149 155 155 y = t; x= TS Slope 1.12 1.09</p><p>Corr .993 .995</p><p> a) the column shows how many days which passed between New Year and the day when average temperature is 4. b) the column shows how many days which passed from New Year till the temperature sum is 40 degree days with threshold 0.</p><p>0 2 4 Station Name lat long altt=10 260 170 100</p><p>5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 132 130 132</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 134 132 134 135</p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 129 129 130</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 132 129 131 133</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 132 131 132 133</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 134 135 136 136</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 134 135 136 136</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 138 137 138 139</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 138 138 139 139</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 149 149 149 149</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 180 168 168 169</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 159 155 156 157</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 150 150 150 151</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 170 165 166 166</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 168 167 167 168</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 157 161 161 161</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 156 159 159 159</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 164 168 167 167 y = t; x= TS Slope .91 .90 .89</p><p>Corr .97 .98 .98</p><p>0 2 4 6 8</p><p>Station Name lat long altt=13 500 350 220 130 80 5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 153 150 149 148 151</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 156 153 153 151 151 154</p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 149 148 146 146 148</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 152 151 151 149 149 152</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 149 151 151 149 148 151</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 152 155 154 152 151 154</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 151 155 154 152 151 153</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 154 158 157 155 154 156</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 155 159 157 155 154 157</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 171 169 168 165 165 168</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 166 170 168 166 165 168</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 179 179 177 174 173 176 y = t; x= TS Slope .91 .90 .86 .86 .88</p><p>Corr .96 .97 .97 .97 .98</p><p>Table 3. Date at which certain temperature sums measured as degree days with threshold 0, TS0, are reached. Temperature sum for the full year at threshold 5, TS5, is also given. The values are based on averages per month for the period 1961-90. Stations in Sweden are presented before stations in Finland.</p><p>TS0 TS5</p><p>Station Name lat long alt 20 100 250 500 1000 1500 2000 Year</p><p>5223 Falsterbo 5523 1249 5 308 407 502 527 630 731 831 1606</p><p>5255 Ven 5555 1242 25 315 408 501 524 628 728 828 1607</p><p>5320 Smygehuk 5520 1321 5 318 413 507 531 706 806 909 1457</p><p>5325 Jordbrega 5525 1324 40 317 410 502 525 629 730 830 1566</p><p>5326 Ystad 5526 1349 32 319 412 505 529 703 803 905 1488</p><p>5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 321 413 505 528 702 802 904 1470</p><p>5336 Malmö 5535 1301 13 313 406 428 521 624 724 823 1696</p><p>5337 Malmö II 5537 1302 3 309 404 426 520 623 722 820 1729 5343 Lund 5543 1312 50 315 407 429 522 625 725 824 1632</p><p>5347 Örtofta 5547 1315 20 316 407 429 522 625 725 825 1623</p><p>5354 Stehag 5554 1324 60 322 412 503 526 629 731 902 1474</p><p>5356 Svalöv 5555 1307 72 316 408 430 523 626 726 826 1608</p><p>5363 Hököpinge 5530 1301 17 318 410 501 524 626 725 824 1663</p><p>5364 Alnarp 5539 1305 10 315 408 430 523 627 727 828 1569</p><p>5365 Björka 5542 1338 32 321 412 504 527 630 731 902 1477</p><p>5423 Sandhammare 5523 1412 4 319 416 510 604 709 811 915 1360</p><p>5430 Bollerup 5530 1403 55 317 409 501 524 628 729 829 1561</p><p>5433 Simrishamn 5533 1422 8 316 410 505 530 703 803 904 1500</p><p>5439 Sankt Olof 5538 1408 130 323 415 507 530 704 804 907 1422</p><p>5440 Stenshuvud 5540 1416 112 324 416 508 601 706 807 910 1403</p><p>5455 KristianstaE5555 1405 17 321 413 505 528 701 801 903 1468</p><p>6203 Helsingborg 5603 1242 5 313 406 429 522 625 725 824 1679</p><p>6208 Hasslarp 5608 1249 10 316 408 429 522 625 725 824 1628</p><p>6218 Barkåkra 5618 1251 20 316 409 501 524 627 728 829 1551</p><p>6219 Kullen 5618 1227 72 319 412 504 527 701 801 901 1553</p><p>6240 Halmstad 5640 1253 10 319 411 502 525 628 730 831 1505</p><p>6241 Halmstads F 5641 1250 30 322 413 504 526 629 731 901 1505</p><p>6255 Glommen 5656 1222 2 320 412 504 526 629 729 829 1595</p><p>6256 Jonstorp 5656 1233 25 322 413 504 526 630 731 903 1463</p><p>6263 Hallands Vär5627 1233 12 315 408 501 524 627 727 825 1671</p><p>6305 Ljungbyhed 5605 1314 43 320 411 503 526 629 731 902 1473</p><p>6322 Osby 5622 1357 83 327 417 507 529 703 805 910 1351</p><p>6323 Skånes Fagel5622 1328 115 327 417 508 530 704 806 911 1336</p><p>6328 Markaryd 5628 1339 118 328 419 509 601 706 809 917 1265 6334 Genevad 5634 1302 20 319 411 502 525 628 730 831 1506</p><p>6344 Simlångsdal 5643 1308 75 327 417 507 529 703 805 910 1353</p><p>6345 Singeshult 5645 1322 165 401 421 511 602 708 811 920 1239</p><p>6350 Ljungby 5650 1358 145 328 417 507 529 702 803 907 1373</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 329 419 509 601 706 808 917 1268</p><p>6360 Torup 5658 1306 85 329 419 509 531 705 808 916 1266</p><p>6402 Hanö 5601 1451 55 324 417 510 603 707 808 911 1407</p><p>6403 Kristiansta 5602 1410 3 317 409 501 524 627 727 828 1557</p><p>6404 Karpalund 5603 1406 4 322 412 503 526 629 729 830 1536</p><p>6413 Karlshamn 5611 1451 20 320 412 503 527 630 730 901 1490</p><p>6433 Ekefors 5633 1445 145 330 419 509 531 705 807 913 1315</p><p>6440 Uråsa 5641 1457 167 331 420 510 601 706 807 914 1296</p><p>6452 Växjö 5652 1448 166 328 418 507 529 702 802 906 1390</p><p>6462 Ryd 5627 1443 140 329 419 509 531 704 805 909 1371</p><p>6502 Ungskär 5602 1548 2 325 418 512 605 710 810 914 1402</p><p>6513 Marielund 5613 1532 25 324 415 507 530 702 802 904 1455</p><p>6516 Bredåkra 5616 1517 58 327 417 508 530 703 803 906 1416</p><p>6536 Rörsbo 5636 1531 140 330 420 510 601 706 806 912 1331</p><p>6545 Lessebo 5645 1517 170 330 419 509 531 704 805 909 1361</p><p>6564 Emmaboda 5638 1533 150 402 422 512 603 708 810 918 1250</p><p>6612 Ölands SödrU5612 1624 3 325 420 513 607 711 812 915 1386</p><p>6632 Mörbylånga 5632 1624 5 323 415 507 530 702 801 901 1545</p><p>6641 Kalmar 5644 1618 15 326 416 508 530 703 803 905 1437</p><p>6647 Ekerum 5647 1635 40 328 418 509 601 703 802 904 1472</p><p>6650 Skedemosse 5650 1645 20 326 417 509 601 705 805 908 1414</p><p>6663 Ölvingstorp 5637 1607 15 324 415 506 529 701 801 902 1469 6855 Hoburg 5655 1809 38 403 426 517 609 713 813 916 1378</p><p>7118 Nidingen 5718 1154 4 320 413 505 528 701 801 831 1598</p><p>7138 Vinga 5738 1137 19 321 414 505 529 702 801 902 1568</p><p>7143 Torslanda 5743 1147 3 321 413 504 526 629 730 830 1556</p><p>7147 Säve 5747 1153 20 322 414 505 527 630 731 902 1491</p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 321 413 504 526 629 731 902 1482</p><p>7208 Varberg 5706 1215 20 323 414 505 527 701 731 902 1503</p><p>7212 Fagered 5712 1249 100 330 420 510 601 706 809 918 1251</p><p>7215 Ringhals 5715 1206 10 322 414 505 528 702 802 904 1497</p><p>7229 Örby 5729 1242 95 325 416 506 528 701 802 905 1423</p><p>7230 Rossared 5729 1212 15 326 416 507 529 703 804 908 1401</p><p>7234 Sandsjöback 5733 1202 50 325 416 507 529 703 804 908 1381</p><p>7240 Bollebygd 5740 1234 65 327 417 507 530 703 804 910 1345</p><p>7242 Landvetter 5740 1218 154 330 420 509 531 705 806 912 1349</p><p>7245 Borås 5746 1257 135 401 421 510 601 706 807 914 1318</p><p>7263 Göteborg 5743 1201 30 315 407 429 522 625 725 825 1619</p><p>7309 Stora Segera5709 1334 180 329 419 509 531 704 806 911 1331</p><p>7317 Gislaved 5718 1332 165 403 423 513 604 709 812 923 1210</p><p>7323 Hestra 5724 1332 285 405 425 514 605 710 814 927 1175</p><p>7325 Ambjörnarp 5725 1317 220 404 424 512 603 708 811 922 1222</p><p>7343 Dalsjöfors 5743 1307 257 406 426 515 606 711 815 929 1164</p><p>7347 Ulricehamn 5747 1326 290 408 427 516 607 713 817 1004 1130</p><p>7357 Molla 5756 1304 190 402 423 512 603 708 810 920 1243</p><p>7366 Tinghalla 5758 1351 278 407 427 516 607 713 817 1003 1129</p><p>7408 Berg 5707 1442 250 404 424 513 604 710 812 924 1202</p><p>7418 Hagshults F 5718 1408 169 404 423 512 604 709 812 924 1196 7424 Nävelsjö 5724 1453 215 404 424 513 604 709 812 923 1207</p><p>7434 Spinkabo 5734 1428 285 410 429 517 608 714 819 1010 1085</p><p>7435 Gödeberg 5734 1438 350 409 428 517 608 714 819 1009 1095</p><p>7439 Nässjö 5739 1442 304 407 427 515 606 711 813 927 1181</p><p>7442 Flahult 5742 1409 225 406 425 515 606 711 814 927 1178</p><p>7444 Prästkulla 5744 1459 300 407 426 515 606 711 814 927 1181</p><p>7446 Jönköpings 5746 1405 226 406 426 514 605 710 813 925 1195</p><p>7447 Jönköping 5746 1411 98 329 419 509 601 705 805 910 1356</p><p>7448 Huskvarna 5747 1417 99 327 417 507 529 701 801 903 1446</p><p>7449 Ramsjöholm 5751 1426 225 405 425 514 605 710 813 925 1196</p><p>7453 Lommaryd 5753 1444 240 408 427 516 607 712 816 1002 1136</p><p>7504 Allgunnen 5704 1558 115 328 418 508 530 703 802 905 1417</p><p>7510 Åseda 5709 1524 230 406 425 514 606 710 813 926 1184</p><p>7512 Drageryd 5712 1558 77 330 419 508 531 703 803 907 1388</p><p>7514 Blankaström 5713 1555 80 331 420 509 531 704 804 909 1356</p><p>7524 Målilla 5724 1550 100 331 420 510 601 705 805 910 1336</p><p>7538 Hässleby 5738 1534 190 403 423 512 603 707 809 917 1264</p><p>7540 Vimmerby 5740 1551 110 401 421 510 601 705 805 910 1344</p><p>7600 Sandbäckshu 5659 1617 37 330 420 510 602 706 806 912 1325</p><p>7616 Oskarshamn 5716 1626 10 327 418 509 531 704 803 906 1400</p><p>7638 Tovehult 5739 1634 25 329 419 510 601 704 803 905 1445</p><p>7643 Gunnebo 5743 1632 18 328 419 510 602 705 805 908 1379</p><p>7647 Västervik 5743 1628 33 330 419 509 601 703 803 905 1425</p><p>7653 Ogestad 5753 1610 81 331 421 510 601 705 805 909 1374</p><p>7717 Mossen 5717 1700 10 327 418 510 602 705 805 907 1438</p><p>7718 Stora Karls 5718 1758 40 402 425 518 610 715 814 919 1351 7722 Ölands NorrU5722 1706 4 325 419 513 605 709 807 909 1463</p><p>7804 Näsudden 5704 1813 5 404 425 516 609 714 815 922 1307</p><p>7814 Hemse 5714 1823 25 405 425 515 607 712 812 919 1303</p><p>7824 Buttle 5724 1830 45 403 423 512 603 707 807 912 1350</p><p>7825 Herrvik 5725 1855 5 331 423 516 608 713 813 917 1349</p><p>7839 Visby 5739 1818 28 328 420 511 603 707 807 909 1434</p><p>7840 Visby Fl 5740 1821 42 405 424 513 604 708 808 911 1416</p><p>7863 Östergarn 5727 1859 11 330 425 517 609 713 811 912 1490</p><p>7958 Fårö 5754 1910 10 331 425 517 610 714 813 917 1362</p><p>8101 Säby 5801 1136 10 324 414 505 528 702 802 904 1462</p><p>8106 Måseskär 5806 1121 14 321 414 506 529 702 802 902 1557</p><p>8113 Ljungskile 5813 1156 70 328 418 508 529 702 802 905 1419</p><p>8121 Uddevalla 5821 1157 10 329 418 508 530 702 802 905 1416</p><p>8122 Smögen 5822 1113 20 324 415 506 528 701 801 901 1560</p><p>8134 Svarteborg 5834 1133 70 401 421 510 601 706 806 912 1346</p><p>8154 Nordkoster 5853 1100 10 326 416 506 528 701 731 831 1552</p><p>8156 Strömstad 5856 1112 17 329 419 509 531 703 804 907 1406</p><p>8162 Väderöbod 5833 1102 7 407 504 528 701 801 901 1550</p><p>8163 Hållö 5820 1113 16 319 413 505 528 701 731 831 1564</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 325 416 507 529 703 803 907 1385</p><p>8201 Vårgårda-Häu5801 1250 148 329 419 509 531 704 806 911 1339</p><p>8211 Gendalen 5810 1239 90 330 419 509 530 703 804 909 1351</p><p>8219 Trollhättan 5819 1220 43 326 416 506 528 701 801 904 1450</p><p>8223 Vänersborg 5821 1222 50 331 421 511 602 706 806 911 1374</p><p>8226 Såtenäs 5826 1242 54 401 421 511 602 706 807 912 1348</p><p>8238 Erikstad 5838 1226 65 403 422 512 603 707 808 914 1312 8254 Bastorp 5854 1202 150 406 425 514 605 710 812 923 1214</p><p>8262 Trollhättan 5818 1219 42 325 416 507 528 630 731 902 1470</p><p>8265 Ödebyn 5847 1211 150 408 427 516 607 712 815 930 1165</p><p>8305 Simonstorp 5805 1324 190 404 424 513 604 710 813 926 1176</p><p>8309 Falköping 5809 1332 205 403 423 512 603 709 811 921 1234</p><p>8313 Längjum 5813 1304 95 331 420 509 530 703 804 908 1375</p><p>8317 Borgunda 5817 1348 181 404 423 512 603 707 808 916 1281</p><p>8321 Lanna 5821 1308 80 401 420 509 531 704 804 910 1345</p><p>8323 Skövde 5823 1351 150 331 420 509 531 703 803 907 1386</p><p>8327 Skara 5824 1327 119 401 421 510 601 704 806 912 1324</p><p>8328 Remningstor 5827 1340 133 402 422 511 601 705 806 911 1337</p><p>8332 Lidköping 5830 1307 52 401 422 511 602 706 807 913 1344</p><p>8334 Västerplana 5834 1321 128 402 422 511 602 706 806 912 1336</p><p>8344 Mariestads t5843 1349 50 329 419 508 530 701 801 903 1472</p><p>8354 Åkershus 5854 1315 50 405 425 515 606 709 809 914 1359</p><p>8361 Högstena 5814 1343 211 405 423 512 603 709 812 924 1208</p><p>8402 Tranås 5802 1459 155 330 420 509 531 703 804 908 1367</p><p>8406 Visingsö 5806 1424 110 403 423 514 606 710 811 915 1349</p><p>8431 Karlsborg 5831 1432 94 403 423 513 604 708 808 914 1339</p><p>8439 Fägre 5839 1408 95 404 423 512 602 706 807 914 1294</p><p>8447 Älgarås 5847 1418 130 406 426 514 605 709 812 923 1212</p><p>8458 Snavlunda 5858 1454 140 407 426 514 604 708 809 918 1264</p><p>8462 Bällefors 5835 1407 90 404 422 511 602 706 807 914 1290</p><p>8504 Malexander 5804 1514 195 405 425 513 604 707 808 914 1323</p><p>8513 Åtvidaberg 5812 1559 100 401 421 510 601 704 804 908 1382</p><p>8516 Bjärka-Säby 5816 1545 116 402 421 510 601 704 803 907 1405 8521 Herrberga 5824 1513 90 402 421 510 531 704 804 908 1373</p><p>8522 Öjebro 5823 1512 78 403 422 511 601 705 805 910 1345</p><p>8524 Malmslätt 5824 1531 93 401 421 510 531 704 804 907 1385</p><p>8525 Linköping 5825 1538 64 327 416 505 527 628 727 827 1546</p><p>8528 Skärkind 5828 1600 60 401 420 509 531 703 802 905 1426</p><p>8545 Godegård 5848 1510 130 409 428 516 606 710 811 922 1240</p><p>8549 Zinkgruvan 5849 1507 215 406 426 514 604 708 810 918 1261</p><p>8552 Mariedamm 5852 1509 132 407 426 515 605 709 811 922 1224</p><p>8563 Västra Ny 5839 1503 120 403 424 513 603 707 807 912 1308</p><p>8565 Kärnskogen 5851 1517 108 408 427 516 606 710 812 924 1213</p><p>8609 Falerum 5809 1612 80 402 422 511 602 705 805 909 1358</p><p>8620 Holma 5820 1649 5 331 421 512 603 705 804 906 1441</p><p>8633 Marviken 5833 1650 10 401 422 513 604 707 807 912 1349</p><p>8635 Norrköping-n5835 1615 8 330 419 508 530 702 801 904 1436</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 329 418 508 530 701 731 901 1492</p><p>8637 Norrköping-r5837 1607 27 401 421 509 531 702 802 904 1437</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 405 424 512 603 706 807 913 1320</p><p>8648 Nyköpings F 5847 1655 42 405 425 514 605 708 809 916 1290</p><p>8661 Tyllinge 5801 1605 110 331 421 510 601 704 804 908 1385</p><p>8715 Harstena 5815 1701 5 405 425 517 608 712 811 915 1364</p><p>8740 Oxelösund 5840 1707 10 331 422 512 604 706 806 909 1404</p><p>8745 Landsort 5845 1752 13 410 502 523 615 718 819 927 1265</p><p>8754 Trosa 5854 1734 5 404 424 514 605 708 807 912 1350</p><p>8858 Stabbo 5858 1827 7 410 501 522 614 718 819 927 1246</p><p>8924 Gotska Sand 5824 1912 12 408 429 520 612 715 815 921 1326</p><p>9113 Bredviken 5913 1159 100 405 425 514 605 708 810 918 1279 9137 Djurskog 5936 1156 280 408 427 516 606 711 813 927 1171</p><p>9152 Hångstad 5952 1158 130 409 428 516 606 709 810 920 1234</p><p>9162 Lennartsfor 5918 1156 125 405 425 513 604 708 810 918 1272</p><p>9166 Högsäter 5953 1159 135 411 429 517 607 710 812 926 1180</p><p>9203 Åmål 5903 1242 60 402 422 511 602 705 805 911 1343</p><p>9210 Säffle 5909 1257 50 405 424 513 603 706 807 914 1302</p><p>9217 Blomskog 5917 1203 110 408 427 515 606 710 812 924 1196</p><p>9240 Arvika 5941 1236 77 403 422 511 601 704 804 909 1336</p><p>9322 Karlstad 5922 1328 46 407 426 515 605 708 808 915 1311</p><p>9336 Molkom 5937 1345 93 408 427 514 604 708 809 918 1264</p><p>9358 Forshult 5958 1332 95 409 428 516 606 709 812 925 1183</p><p>9364 Sutterhöjde 5935 1356 153 410 429 516 606 710 811 924 1204</p><p>9405 Åtorp 5906 1422 105 406 425 513 603 707 808 915 1285</p><p>9414 Degerfors 5914 1427 85 403 423 511 601 703 803 906 1396</p><p>9417 Villingsber 5917 1442 148 410 429 516 606 711 813 926 1187</p><p>9418 Kristineham 5919 1406 50 404 423 511 601 704 804 907 1389</p><p>9437 Asphyttan 5937 1411 130 410 429 517 607 711 813 927 1173</p><p>9441 Gammelkropp 5941 1419 200 413 501 518 608 712 815 1002 1151</p><p>9443 Filipstad 5943 1410 141 408 426 514 604 706 806 912 1326</p><p>9445 Persberg 5945 1414 225 412 501 518 609 713 816 1005 1128</p><p>9458 Ställdalen 5957 1457 210 414 502 519 610 714 819 1015 1073</p><p>9466 Stångfallet 5957 1453 230 411 430 518 608 713 816 1007 1108</p><p>9502 Högsjö 5902 1541 69 403 422 511 601 704 804 909 1365</p><p>9505 Vingåker 5904 1550 48 405 424 513 603 707 808 916 1273</p><p>9516 Örebro 5915 1517 35 404 423 512 602 704 804 909 1347</p><p>9532 Fellingsbroi5932 1535 51 407 425 513 603 706 807 914 1294 9535 Lindesberg 5935 1514 70 405 425 513 603 706 806 912 1311</p><p>9549 Riddarhytta 5949 1533 155 411 429 516 606 709 811 923 1210</p><p>9550 Skinnskatter5950 1541 113 409 427 515 605 708 809 918 1255</p><p>9553 Kloten 5952 1515 285 414 502 520 610 714 818 1009 1105</p><p>9561 Vingåker 5903 1558 45 402 422 510 601 704 805 910 1331</p><p>9564 Uttersberg 5945 1540 95 410 427 515 605 708 809 918 1247</p><p>9600 Valla 5901 1622 50 403 422 511 601 704 804 908 1363</p><p>9603 Strängstorp 5903 1613 62 404 423 512 602 705 805 910 1333</p><p>9612 Dunker 5912 1654 32 408 426 515 605 709 810 920 1238</p><p>9623 Eskilstuna 5923 1628 8 331 419 508 529 630 729 829 1518</p><p>9631 Köping 5931 1600 10 403 422 510 531 702 801 904 1405</p><p>9635 Västerås-Häl5935 1638 6 404 423 511 601 704 803 906 1410</p><p>9637 Västerås 5937 1633 10 401 420 509 530 630 729 830 1486</p><p>9655 Sala 5954 1640 55 407 426 514 604 707 807 915 1282</p><p>9711 Riksten 5911 1755 54 407 426 515 605 709 809 917 1277</p><p>9712 Södertälje 5912 1738 12 401 421 510 531 702 801 903 1455</p><p>9715 Åkers Styckr5915 1706 20 404 423 511 601 704 803 906 1396</p><p>9718 Nyckelby 5918 1743 25 405 424 512 602 705 804 907 1410</p><p>9720 Stockholm-Bm5921 1757 7 403 423 511 602 704 803 906 1413</p><p>9721 Ulvhäll 5921 1703 5 405 424 512 602 705 804 908 1376</p><p>9724 Lyckås 5924 1740 15 403 423 511 602 704 803 906 1428</p><p>9726 Barkarby 5925 1753 17 404 423 512 602 705 804 907 1401</p><p>9739 Arlanda 5939 1757 38 406 425 513 603 705 804 907 1396</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 405 424 513 603 706 806 911 1337</p><p>9753 Uppsala Fl 5953 1736 21 407 426 514 604 707 808 916 1287</p><p>9804 Hårsfjärden 5904 1807 4 408 429 519 610 713 814 923 1250 9817 Sandhamn 5917 1855 15 411 502 522 613 718 819 930 1223</p><p>9818 Gustavsberg 5919 1823 10 404 424 513 604 706 806 909 1384</p><p>9821 Stockholm 5921 1804 44 331 420 509 530 701 731 831 1505</p><p>9826 Röskär 5925 1810 15 406 426 515 605 708 808 914 1327</p><p>9829 Husarö 5930 1851 10 407 427 517 607 710 809 911 1417</p><p>9840 Kårsta 5940 1817 20 409 427 515 605 708 809 916 1280</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 407 426 515 605 708 808 914 1328</p><p>9851 Norrtälje-Vb5951 1844 10 407 427 516 607 711 811 920 1255</p><p>9927 Svenska Högn5927 1930 12 414 506 528 619 723 824 1006 1188</p><p>9945 Söderarm 5945 1925 5 416 508 530 621 726 828 1013 1143</p><p>10219 Lämbacken 6019 1242 177 413 501 519 609 713 817 1010 1094</p><p>10220 Östmark-Räne6020 1241 198 415 503 521 611 716 821 1038</p><p>10221 Östmark-Röjs6021 1239 308 417 504 521 611 716 822 1032</p><p>10254 Höljes 6054 1236 230 419 505 523 613 719 826 976</p><p>10305 Edebäck 6004 1333 155 411 429 517 607 711 814 930 1153</p><p>10308 Torsby 6008 1300 80 407 425 514 604 706 807 915 1277</p><p>10309 Gustavsfors 6009 1348 190 413 501 519 609 713 816 1008 1104</p><p>10341 Malung 6041 1343 308 419 506 524 614 720 827 950</p><p>10409 Fredriksber 6008 1424 305 417 504 522 612 716 821 1042</p><p>10412 Lejen 6012 1424 340 418 505 523 613 717 822 1042</p><p>10430 Mockfjärd 6031 1457 192 413 501 519 609 714 817 1011 1089</p><p>10453 Siljansfors 6053 1423 260 417 504 522 612 717 822 1019</p><p>10520 Rämshyttan 6020 1512 260 418 505 523 613 718 824 994</p><p>10523 Idkerberget 6022 1515 310 416 503 521 611 715 820 1017 1071</p><p>10526 Borlänge Fl 6026 1530 152 410 429 516 606 709 810 921 1225</p><p>10531 Borlänge 6031 1527 145 407 426 514 604 707 808 916 1255 10536 Gråda Kraftr6036 1501 155 411 430 518 608 712 814 1003 1133</p><p>10537 Falun 6037 1540 160 411 429 517 606 709 810 920 1231</p><p>10545 Leksand 6044 1501 178 411 429 517 607 710 812 925 1189</p><p>10555 Backa 6055 1507 230 415 503 520 610 715 819 1018 1068</p><p>10563 Vassbo 6032 1532 120 411 429 517 606 709 810 922 1209</p><p>10564 Domnarvet 6030 1527 128 409 428 516 606 709 811 924 1187</p><p>10607 Avesta 6008 1610 100 408 427 514 604 707 807 915 1284</p><p>10610 Folkärna 6010 1619 68 410 428 516 605 708 809 919 1240</p><p>10627 Stjärnsund 6027 1616 130 413 501 518 608 712 814 928 1179</p><p>10636 Sandviken 6036 1647 65 410 429 516 606 708 809 916 1288</p><p>10650 Vintjärn 6050 1603 348 418 505 523 613 719 824 996</p><p>10658 Åmotsbruk 6058 1627 145 416 504 522 612 717 822 1029</p><p>10663 Hammarby 6033 1635 70 408 427 515 605 708 808 916 1271</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkb 6014 1754 39 409 427 516 606 709 810 920 1245</p><p>10718 Väsby 6018 1726 35 411 429 517 607 711 812 922 1230</p><p>10727 Untra 6027 1720 46 410 428 517 607 710 810 919 1255</p><p>10733 Fagerviken 6033 1745 5 408 429 519 610 713 814 925 1201</p><p>10740 Gävle 6039 1710 16 407 427 516 606 709 809 917 1274</p><p>10744 Eggegrund 6044 1734 5 415 506 527 618 722 824 1009 1148</p><p>10745 Utvalnäs 6045 1722 3 413 503 523 614 718 821 1007 1142</p><p>10810 Singö 6010 1845 12 410 430 520 610 714 815 924 1247</p><p>10811 Risinge 6011 1813 10 409 428 516 607 710 811 921 1232</p><p>10817 Understen 6017 1856 12 419 510 531 622 726 828 1014 1137</p><p>10832 Örskär 6032 1823 5 414 504 524 615 718 820 930 1213</p><p>10864 Öregrund 6020 1826 7 411 430 519 609 713 814 924 1234</p><p>11208 Rörbäcksnäs 6108 1249 465 423 510 528 619 727 911 808 11217 Grundforsen 6117 1252 412 424 511 529 620 728 915 788</p><p>11251 Flötningen 6151 1216 670 503 519 607 630 812 600</p><p>11310 Sälen 6110 1316 360 423 510 528 618 724 905 865</p><p>11341 Särna 6142 1308 435 426 512 530 621 728 913 804</p><p>11401 Mora 6100 1432 175 413 501 519 609 712 815 1005 1123</p><p>11416 Älvdalen II 6115 1402 250 417 505 522 613 718 824 988</p><p>11427 Kvarnberg 6127 1453 434 420 507 525 615 721 829 937</p><p>11433 Kräckelbäck 6133 1412 670 429 515 603 625 805 1009 688</p><p>11436 Ulvsjö 6135 1411 600 429 515 603 625 805 1013 675</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 421 508 526 617 724 903 881</p><p>11451 Lillhärdal 6151 1405 440 425 511 530 620 728 915 785</p><p>11463 Noppikoski 6130 1451 340 422 508 526 616 723 902 888</p><p>11504 Dalstuga 6104 1542 240 419 506 523 613 717 822 1035</p><p>11523 Edsbyn 6123 1548 161 414 502 520 610 713 816 1007 1113</p><p>11624 Dönje 6124 1625 85 415 503 521 611 715 819 1015 1082</p><p>11643 Järvsö 6143 1611 115 414 502 520 609 713 815 1003 1143</p><p>11648 Delsbo 6148 1634 88 414 502 521 611 714 817 1010 1100</p><p>11650 Ljusdal 6150 1608 140 415 502 520 610 714 817 1010 1101</p><p>11665 Bjuråker 6151 1635 66 414 502 520 610 713 814 930 1162</p><p>11716 Söderhamn 6116 1706 26 413 503 522 612 716 818 1006 1133</p><p>11733 Agö 6133 1728 20 417 509 530 622 726 831 1028 1044</p><p>11737 Hölick 6137 1727 5 417 507 527 617 721 824 1012 1116</p><p>11742 Kuggören 6142 1731 2 415 506 527 618 723 826 1018 1078</p><p>11744 Hudiksvall 6144 1706 10 411 430 519 610 713 814 927 1192</p><p>11761 Storjungfru 6110 1720 10 413 505 526 617 720 822 1005 1153</p><p>12206 Grövelsjön 6206 1219 815 504 521 609 703 819 524 12233 Ljusnedal 6233 1237 585 503 519 607 630 813 583</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 508 526 614 709 830 442</p><p>12307 Lofsdalen 6207 1317 605 502 518 605 628 809 622</p><p>12325 Hede 6225 1331 420 426 513 531 622 731 921 753</p><p>12348 Storsjö Kapl6248 1304 580 501 518 606 629 810 623</p><p>12402 Sveg 6202 1422 360 421 508 526 616 722 831 913</p><p>12411 Ytterhogdal 6211 1457 260 421 507 525 616 722 831 910</p><p>12432 Klövsjö 6232 1412 549 426 513 531 623 802 927 721</p><p>12439 Skålan 6239 1410 452 426 513 601 623 801 924 739</p><p>12502 Finneby 6203 1528 259 421 508 526 616 722 830 921</p><p>12545 Hunge 6245 1506 342 425 511 529 620 728 911 823</p><p>12630 Fränsta II 6231 1612 110 417 504 522 612 716 821 1040</p><p>12646 Ljungå 6246 1619 220 422 509 527 618 724 905 864</p><p>12714 Lörudden 6214 1740 2 419 509 530 621 725 830 1116 1015</p><p>12722 Sidsjö 6223 1717 60 417 505 523 614 718 821 1023 1060</p><p>12724 Sundsvall 6224 1716 35 414 503 522 612 716 820 1016 1075</p><p>12731 Sundsvalls 6231 1726 4 417 505 524 614 718 821 1020 1070</p><p>12738 Härnösand 6238 1757 8 417 506 525 615 719 822 1016 1088</p><p>12760 Gran 6201 1738 20 420 510 530 620 725 829 1028 1054</p><p>12762 Brämö 6213 1745 17 420 511 531 622 726 831 1109 1024</p><p>12837 Härnö 6237 1804 10 418 508 529 619 724 828 1105 1032</p><p>12851 Nordvik 6251 1801 20 418 506 525 615 720 823 1026 1055</p><p>12859 Ullånger 6300 1811 45 419 507 526 616 721 826 984</p><p>13218 Storlien-Viö6318 1207 642 505 523 611 706 823 497</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 427 514 602 625 805 1006 683</p><p>13259 Edevik 6359 1252 425 503 521 610 703 816 584 13305 Höglekardal 6305 1345 592 502 519 607 701 814 569</p><p>13319 Mörsil 6319 1339 400 425 512 531 623 802 926 724</p><p>13320 Undersåker 6320 1323 330 423 510 529 621 730 918 765</p><p>13323 Åre 6324 1306 440 426 513 601 625 805 1004 685</p><p>13347 Överäng 6347 1305 450 430 518 606 630 811 633</p><p>13363 Mo 6319 1329 330 425 513 601 623 803 929 706</p><p>13409 Norderön 6309 1422 310 422 509 528 618 725 903 913</p><p>13410 Östersund 6310 1441 345 421 508 527 617 724 902 908</p><p>13411 Frösön 6311 1430 376 423 510 528 620 728 909 842</p><p>13415 Rösta 6315 1433 360 423 510 528 619 727 909 836</p><p>13446 Föllinge-Väk6346 1426 475 428 515 603 625 805 1010 684</p><p>13452 Ålåsen 6352 1437 450 429 516 604 627 807 662</p><p>13459 Almdalen 6359 1440 615 505 522 611 705 820 524</p><p>13538 Sikåskälen 6338 1506 490 428 515 602 625 804 1004 699</p><p>13544 Hallviken 6344 1530 337 426 512 531 622 730 918 766</p><p>13552 Strömsund 6351 1535 373 425 512 530 621 729 914 796</p><p>13602 Bispgården 6303 1632 190 419 506 525 615 720 827 948</p><p>13609 Krångede 6310 1610 170 419 506 524 615 720 827 948</p><p>13636 Storfinnforn6336 1611 232 422 509 527 617 723 831 912</p><p>13642 Junsele 6342 1651 210 421 508 526 616 721 829 924</p><p>13703 Viksbäcken 6303 1745 6 418 506 524 614 718 823 1003</p><p>13704 Kramfors-Gig6303 1746 10 416 504 522 612 715 818 1014 1089</p><p>13708 Forse 6309 1700 120 418 505 523 613 718 823 998</p><p>13710 Sollefteå 6310 1717 20 413 501 519 609 712 813 929 1163</p><p>13711 Lännäs 6310 1740 30 418 505 524 614 718 822 1023</p><p>13756 Tegelträsk 6357 1754 380 430 516 603 625 802 1002 719 13824 Örnsköldsvi 6324 1858 107 422 510 528 617 721 827 985</p><p>13827 Bredbyn 6328 1804 85 420 507 525 615 718 824 999</p><p>13840 Hemling 6340 1830 190 424 511 529 619 725 904 874</p><p>13911 Skagsudde 6311 1901 13 423 513 602 623 728 904 958</p><p>13920 Kasa 6310 1903 30 422 510 529 619 724 830 956</p><p>13934 Nordmaling 6334 1930 4 421 509 529 619 723 828 980</p><p>13954 Vännäs 6354 1943 87 425 511 530 619 724 902 909</p><p>14036 Holmögadd 6336 2046 6 429 519 607 629 802 909 939</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 422 509 528 617 721 826 996</p><p>14049 Röbäcksdale 6349 2015 10 422 509 527 617 721 825 1016</p><p>14050 Umeå 6350 2017 10 421 508 526 616 720 823 1043</p><p>14203 Björkede 6403 1257 451 430 518 606 630 811 620</p><p>14344 Jormlien 6444 1359 360 501 519 607 701 811 639</p><p>14416 Munsvattnet 6416 1428 520 504 521 610 704 818 545</p><p>14430 Gäddede 6430 1408 321 428 516 604 627 807 1005 694</p><p>14526 Norråker 6426 1538 344 428 515 603 625 803 1001 714</p><p>14528 Korsselbrän 6428 1532 178 428 515 602 624 802 928 728</p><p>14534 Högland 6434 1555 401 430 517 604 626 805 679</p><p>14607 Hoting 6407 1612 240 425 511 529 619 726 908 834</p><p>14638 Laxbäcken 6438 1625 345 501 518 605 627 805 1008 705</p><p>14710 Åsele 6410 1722 310 428 514 601 623 730 918 772</p><p>14727 Idvattnet 6427 1705 352 430 516 603 624 802 929 728</p><p>14746 Ulvoberg 6446 1713 520 502 519 606 629 809 614</p><p>14757 Gunnarn 6458 1743 278 427 513 530 620 725 905 866</p><p>14805 Fredrika 6405 1825 300 428 514 601 622 728 912 814</p><p>14830 Kroksjö 6430 1800 500 503 519 606 629 809 635 14835 Lycksele 6435 1839 234 425 512 530 619 724 904 870</p><p>14916 Hällnäs-Lun 6416 1938 181 425 512 530 620 725 905 871</p><p>14954 Norsjö 6455 1928 296 428 514 601 622 728 914 802</p><p>14957 Storliden 6457 1929 390 501 518 605 625 802 928 744</p><p>14961 Kulbäckslid 6412 1934 200 423 510 527 617 722 830 918</p><p>15027 Västanträsk 6427 2024 140 426 512 530 620 724 902 906</p><p>15045 Skellefteå 6446 2057 40 421 508 526 616 719 822 1034</p><p>15122 Lövånger 6422 2120 21 425 513 601 622 727 906 896</p><p>15129 Bjuröklubb 6429 2135 36 429 517 605 626 731 908 910</p><p>15138 Skellefteå 6438 2105 46 422 509 526 616 718 822 1036</p><p>15155 Furuögrund 6455 2114 10 425 513 531 621 725 901 932</p><p>15472 Klimpfjäll 6504 1448 594 510 528 616 711 831 443</p><p>15571 Blaikliden 6503 1545 520 506 523 611 704 818 537</p><p>15590 Boksjö 6541 1548 475 507 525 612 706 821 521</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 506 524 612 706 820 522</p><p>15594 Hemavan 6549 1506 475 506 524 612 706 822 509</p><p>15673 Långvattnet 6506 1642 420 502 519 606 628 807 677</p><p>15677 Dikanäs 6514 1560 525 503 520 608 701 812 588</p><p>15679 Dikanäs-Skan6520 1603 525 506 523 611 704 817 542</p><p>15685 Danasjö 6532 1632 652 510 528 615 709 827 470</p><p>15694 Vindel-Björe6549 1643 350 505 522 609 701 811 636</p><p>15699 Ammarnäs 6558 1613 405 505 522 610 702 813 601</p><p>15772 Stensele 6504 1709 325 429 516 603 624 801 922 759</p><p>15786 Sorsele 6532 1731 340 501 517 604 625 801 926 750</p><p>15793 Vindel-Storö6546 1703 345 504 521 608 630 809 666</p><p>15875 Malåträsk 6511 1844 320 501 517 603 624 730 916 801 15885 Storberg 6530 1857 453 506 522 609 701 811 613</p><p>15977 Glommersträ 6515 1939 375 501 518 604 626 803 1009 712</p><p>15997 Suddesjaur 6554 1906 342 504 521 607 628 806 691</p><p>16074 Fällfors 6508 2047 195 427 513 601 622 728 911 814</p><p>16079 Myrheden 6518 2013 250 430 516 602 623 730 921 766</p><p>16089 Älvsbyn M 6541 2058 48 425 512 529 619 723 901 899</p><p>16096 Vidsel 6552 2008 180 426 512 530 619 724 903 882</p><p>16168 Sunderbyn 6542 2151 20 427 513 531 620 724 901 921</p><p>16178 Haraholmen 6514 2140 4 429 518 605 625 729 906 928</p><p>16179 Piteå 6519 2128 6 423 510 528 617 719 822 1054</p><p>16194 Boden 6549 2142 16 424 511 529 618 721 826 980</p><p>16279 Rödkallen 6519 2222 5 506 525 612 702 806 917 883</p><p>16286 Luleå Fl 6533 2208 17 427 514 601 621 724 829 970</p><p>16288 Luleå 6537 2206 5 426 513 531 620 724 830 951</p><p>16297 Högsön 6554 2227 8 428 514 601 621 725 902 920</p><p>16298 Orrbyn 6557 2206 15 428 514 601 621 724 902 911</p><p>16369 Kalix 6551 2312 6 429 516 602 623 727 905 890</p><p>16392 Storöhamn 6544 2306 7 501 519 606 626 731 911 869</p><p>16395 Haparanda 6550 2409 6 430 516 603 623 726 902 932</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 509 526 614 707 821 529</p><p>16687 Vuoggatjålm 6634 1621 500 511 529 616 710 827 484</p><p>16771 Arjeplog 6602 1752 428 505 522 608 630 809 665</p><p>16773 Laisvallsby 6606 1710 460 508 525 612 704 816 574</p><p>16786 Stenudden 6632 1740 453 514 531 618 710 825 518</p><p>16798 Kvikkjokk 6657 1745 332 505 522 609 702 812 607</p><p>16988 Jokkmokk 6637 1950 255 503 519 606 626 801 923 772 17067 Harads 6605 2058 35 424 510 528 617 720 826 955</p><p>17079 Sudok 6618 2025 173 429 516 603 624 730 925 750</p><p>17085 Murjek 6629 2054 245 501 517 604 625 731 923 762</p><p>17181 Pålkem 6623 2136 265 502 518 605 626 802 927 751</p><p>17182 Pålkem M 6623 2138 261 502 519 605 626 802 1002 738</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 504 521 607 628 806 679</p><p>17279 Överkalix-Sr6616 2250 46 428 514 531 620 724 902 902</p><p>17381 Övertorneå 6622 2339 50 429 515 601 621 725 904 891</p><p>17396 KorpilombolM6651 2303 178 501 516 603 623 728 913 815</p><p>17792 Ritsem 6744 1728 521 514 601 619 714 901 461</p><p>17874 Aktse 6709 1818 530 510 528 615 708 824 487</p><p>17879 Aluokta 6719 1853 385 508 525 612 705 817 561</p><p>17974 Ålloluokta 6708 1930 370 508 525 612 704 815 592</p><p>17995 Nikkaluokta 6751 1902 470 513 530 617 710 826 485</p><p>18073 Gällivare 6708 2040 365 506 522 609 630 808 661</p><p>18075 Malmberget 6710 2040 373 505 522 608 630 807 660</p><p>18094 Kiruna Fl 6749 2020 442 511 528 615 708 822 517</p><p>18189 Svappavaara 6740 2103 330 506 523 610 701 810 627</p><p>18190 Vittangi 6741 2138 250 506 522 608 630 807 665</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaa 6705 2213 263 502 519 605 627 803 1009 726</p><p>18293 Lainio 6746 2221 315 508 525 611 703 812 621</p><p>18376 Pajala 6713 2324 168 502 518 605 625 731 926 757</p><p>18398 Muodoslompo 6757 2328 240 506 522 608 629 806 688</p><p>18880 Abisko 6821 1849 388 512 530 618 713 901 444</p><p>18882 Katterjåkk 6825 1810 500 521 608 627 722 355</p><p>18883 Riksgränsen 6826 1808 508 518 605 625 721 1005 343 18976 Torneträsk 6813 1943 393 511 529 616 710 824 506</p><p>18978 Kattuvuoma 6817 1954 355 512 529 616 709 822 527</p><p>19190 Naimakka 6841 2132 403 516 601 619 712 829 479</p><p>19271 Lannavaara 6803 2159 360 512 528 614 706 818 555</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 512 529 614 706 817 582</p><p>Stations in Finland</p><p>TS0 TS5</p><p>Station Name lat long alt 20 100 250 500 1000 1500 2000 Year</p><p>0001 Maarianhami 6007 1954 4 414 503 522 612 716 818 1001 1192</p><p>0002 Korppoo 5947 2123 9 416 507 528 618 721 822 1002 1240</p><p>0003 Lemland 5958 1958 8 416 507 528 619 724 825 1009 1173</p><p>0101 Hanko 5946 2257 13 417 506 526 616 719 819 928 1263</p><p>0103 Piikkio 6023 2233 6 413 501 518 608 710 810 918 1285</p><p>0203 Pohja 6006 2332 8 413 430 517 606 709 808 916 1294</p><p>0205 Salo 6022 2306 3 412 429 516 605 706 806 912 1329</p><p>0301 Helsinki-Va 6019 2458 53 413 430 517 606 709 808 916 1282</p><p>0304 Helsinki 6010 2457 4 411 429 517 606 708 807 911 1368</p><p>0307 Lohja 6015 2403 37 414 501 517 606 708 807 914 1320</p><p>0309 Vihti 6025 2424 42 415 502 519 608 711 812 926 1194</p><p>0401 Helsinki-Ma 6015 2503 17 414 501 518 607 709 808 915 1301</p><p>0406 Porvoo 6026 2540 17 415 502 518 608 710 810 921 1239</p><p>0407 Tuusula 6025 2502 45 414 430 517 606 708 807 914 1305</p><p>0501 Kotka 6022 2658 11 420 507 524 614 716 815 923 1287 1001 Pori 6128 2148 13 414 501 519 609 712 813 926 1201</p><p>1002 Rauma 6108 2122 6 417 505 523 614 717 818 930 1207</p><p>1003 Mietoinen 6038 2152 13 414 501 518 608 711 811 921 1254</p><p>1101 Turku 6031 2216 51 413 430 517 606 709 808 915 1297</p><p>1103 Huittinen 6110 2247 60 414 501 518 607 710 811 923 1214</p><p>1104 Kokemaki 6116 2215 38 415 502 519 608 711 813 928 1185</p><p>1201 Jokioinen 6049 2330 104 416 502 520 609 712 814 930 1168</p><p>1202 Tampere 6128 2344 85 416 502 519 609 711 811 924 1210</p><p>1302 Hyvinkaa 6036 2448 86 415 501 518 608 710 812 925 1192</p><p>1303 Hattula 6104 2414 88 415 501 518 607 710 811 922 1223</p><p>1304 Hattula 6108 2420 91 416 502 519 608 710 811 923 1222</p><p>1306 Palkane 6120 2413 103 417 503 520 609 711 812 924 1220</p><p>1401 Lahti 6058 2538 78 415 501 518 607 710 810 923 1213</p><p>1402 Orimattila 6049 2544 72 415 501 518 607 709 809 919 1250</p><p>1501 Utti 6054 2656 99 417 503 519 608 710 810 920 1240</p><p>1503 Lapinjarvi 6037 2609 26 413 430 516 605 707 806 913 1303</p><p>1504 Anjalankosk 6043 2648 33 416 502 519 608 710 810 921 1236</p><p>1505 Kuusankoski 6054 2639 61 414 501 517 606 707 807 914 1299</p><p>1506 Heinola 6113 2603 100 415 501 518 607 709 809 919 1246</p><p>1701 Lappeenrant 6105 2809 105 416 503 519 608 710 810 920 1239</p><p>2101 Kankaanpaa 6151 2228 134 418 505 522 611 714 817 1013 1104</p><p>2102 Mouhijarvi 6131 2259 92 416 503 520 609 712 814 1001 1157</p><p>2201 Kuru 6158 2321 169 420 506 523 613 716 821 1043</p><p>2202 Kihnio 6212 2319 171 420 506 523 612 716 819 1058</p><p>2303 Juupajoki 6151 2417 153 420 506 523 613 716 820 1047</p><p>2401 Jyvaskyla 6224 2541 141 421 507 524 613 716 819 1072 2425 Jyvaskyla 6212 2543 137 418 504 520 609 711 812 929 1173</p><p>2501 Leivonmaki 6153 2606 147 420 506 522 612 715 818 1023 1080</p><p>2602 Mikkelin ml 6144 2718 138 418 504 521 610 712 814 1004 1149</p><p>2604 Varkaus 6218 2751 91 421 506 523 612 714 816 1014 1115</p><p>2801 Punkaharju 6148 2920 83 420 506 523 611 713 813 926 1212</p><p>2902 Tohmajarvi 6214 3021 90 422 507 524 613 716 819 1068</p><p>3001 Vaasa 6303 2146 4 419 506 524 613 717 819 1015 1096</p><p>3003 Mustasaari 6326 2104 4 430 519 607 629 802 909 952</p><p>3101 Ylistaro 6256 2230 26 418 504 522 611 715 818 1016 1087</p><p>3201 Kauhava 6306 2302 42 419 505 523 612 716 819 1062</p><p>3301 Ahtari 6232 2413 157 422 508 525 615 719 824 995</p><p>3303 Alajarvi 6303 2417 202 423 509 526 616 720 828 941</p><p>3502 Vesanto 6256 2624 121 423 508 525 615 718 822 1018</p><p>3601 Kuopio 6301 2748 94 422 507 524 612 714 814 1001 1179</p><p>3602 Kuopio 6254 2741 119 420 506 523 612 714 814 1004 1157</p><p>3603 Maaninka 6309 2719 88 423 508 525 614 716 818 1019 1107</p><p>3801 Joensuu 6240 2938 116 424 509 526 614 716 818 1025 1105</p><p>3902 Ilomantsi 6241 3057 162 423 509 525 614 717 821 1035</p><p>4201 Kruunupyyn 6343 2309 24 421 508 525 615 718 821 1048</p><p>4402 Haapavesi 6409 2526 112 425 510 527 616 720 826 969</p><p>4601 Kajaani 6417 2741 134 427 512 529 618 721 827 976</p><p>4602 Vierema 6350 2713 207 424 509 527 616 719 824 986</p><p>5301 Hailuoto 6502 2444 8 428 515 601 622 726 901 947</p><p>5401 Oulu 6456 2522 12 425 511 528 617 720 823 1033</p><p>5402 Ruukki 6441 2506 48 423 510 527 617 720 826 980</p><p>5403 Muhos 6449 2559 22 424 509 527 616 719 824 1005 5404 Oulu 6502 2529 13 424 510 528 617 720 824 1023</p><p>5502 Vaala 6430 2628 115 427 512 529 619 723 831 912</p><p>5601 Pudasjarvi 6522 2701 116 428 514 531 620 723 831 918</p><p>5801 Suomussalmi 6454 2901 220 430 516 603 623 727 909 851</p><p>6201 Ylitornio 6622 2355 70 429 515 601 621 725 903 893</p><p>6301 Kemi 6547 2435 10 429 516 603 623 727 904 906</p><p>6701 Taivalkoski 6535 2815 209 502 518 604 624 729 915 808</p><p>6801 Kuusamo 6559 2913 263 506 522 608 628 803 736</p><p>7401 Rovaniemi 6634 2550 199 502 518 604 625 729 915 813</p><p>7501 Sodankyla 6722 2639 179 506 522 608 628 804 720</p><p>7502 Rovaniemen 6635 2601 106 502 518 604 624 729 914 822</p><p>7701 Salla 6649 2840 221 505 522 608 629 805 697</p><p>8201 Muonio 6758 2341 254 507 524 609 630 808 666</p><p>8602 Sodankyla 6806 2707 247 510 527 613 704 813 608</p><p>9003 Enontekio 6901 2052 482 521 607 626 720 926 372</p><p>9601 Ivalo 6837 2725 145 507 524 611 702 809 668</p><p>9602 Inari 6904 2707 152 511 528 615 706 816 594</p><p>9701 Inari 6851 2818 120 508 526 612 703 811 663</p><p>Table 4. Date at which the remaining temperature sum, TS0, before winter attains certain values at stations in Sweden and Finland. The last column gives the accumulated temperature sum for the year with 0 as a threshold. The stations names are given with some more letters than in the other tables. Classification of stations in three respects is presented in the column "fil". The first digit describes how close the station is to big waters with the following scale: 0= not close; 1=within 7 km from the sea or 2 km from a big lake, 2=within 2 km from the sea or Vättern or Vänern. 3=in the sea, on a small island or a small peninsula. The second digit describes if the station is above tree limit. 0=below, 1=above. The third digit describes location related to centre of big cities. 0=outside; 1=rather central in big city. The screening for Finland is less accurate than that of Sweden. Some corrections of Finnish names and classifications are planned if further calculations will be made.</p><p>Station Name lat long alt fil 1000 500 250 100 20 Year</p><p>5223 Falsterbo 5523 1249 5 300 827 1003 1029 1122 1216 2946</p><p>5255 Ven 5555 1242 25 300 823 929 1024 1117 1212 2922</p><p>5320 Smygehuk 5520 1321 5 200 822 929 1024 1117 1212 2745</p><p>5325 Jordbrega 5525 1324 40 100 820 926 1021 1113 1207 2849</p><p>5326 Ystad 5526 1349 32 200 820 926 1022 1114 1209 2767</p><p>5330 Sturup 5533 1322 72 000 814 920 1015 1106 1128 2703</p><p>5336 Malmö 5535 1301 13 201 824 929 1025 1118 1213 3026</p><p>5337 Malmö II 5537 1302 3 201 825 1001 1026 1119 1214 3075</p><p>5343 Lund 5543 1312 50 001 819 924 1019 1111 1206 2922</p><p>5347 Örtofta 5547 1315 20 000 819 924 1018 1110 1203 2907</p><p>5354 Stehag 5554 1324 60 000 812 917 1011 1102 1123 2693</p><p>5356 Svalöv 5555 1307 72 000 818 923 1018 1110 1203 2885</p><p>5363 Hököpinge 5530 1301 17 100 820 924 1018 1110 1205 2932</p><p>5364 Alnarp 5539 1305 10 200 818 924 1019 1111 1206 2858</p><p>5365 Björka 5542 1338 32 000 813 918 1012 1103 1124 2701</p><p>5423 Sandhammaren 5523 1412 4 200 819 926 1022 1115 1210 2626</p><p>5430 Bollerup 5530 1403 55 000 819 924 1018 1110 1203 2837</p><p>5433 Simrishamn 5533 1422 8 200 821 926 1022 1115 1211 2791</p><p>5439 Sankt Olof 5538 1408 130 000 812 917 1012 1103 1125 2630</p><p>5440 Stenshuvud 5540 1416 112 200 815 921 1015 1107 1201 2627</p><p>5455 Kristianstad-E5555 1405 17 000 814 920 1015 1106 1129 2706</p><p>6203 Helsingborg 5603 1242 5 201 825 930 1025 1118 1213 3007</p><p>6208 Hasslarp 5608 1249 10 000 818 923 1017 1108 1201 2901</p><p>6218 Barkåkra 5618 1251 20 200 818 923 1018 1110 1203 2827</p><p>6219 Kullen 5618 1227 72 300 822 927 1023 1115 1210 2837 6240 Halmstad 5640 1253 10 100 813 919 1013 1103 1125 2736</p><p>6241 Halmstads Fl 5641 1250 30 100 814 919 1014 1105 1126 2733</p><p>6255 Glommen 5656 1222 2 200 820 926 1020 1112 1204 2864</p><p>6256 Jonstorp 5656 1233 25 100 811 917 1011 1102 1122 2675</p><p>6263 Hallands Väder5627 1233 12 200 826 1002 1028 1122 1217 3008</p><p>6305 Ljungbyhed 5605 1314 43 000 813 918 1013 1104 1125 2706</p><p>6322 Osby 5622 1357 83 000 806 911 1006 1027 1118 2516</p><p>6323 Skånes Fagerhl5622 1328 115 000 806 912 1007 1028 1118 2503</p><p>6328 Markaryd 5628 1339 118 000 803 910 1005 1027 1118 2421</p><p>6334 Genevad 5634 1302 20 100 813 918 1013 1103 1124 2736</p><p>6344 Simlångsdalen 5643 1308 75 000 806 912 1007 1028 1119 2522</p><p>6345 Singeshult 5645 1322 165 000 802 908 1004 1025 1116 2373</p><p>6350 Ljungby 5650 1358 145 000 805 910 1005 1026 1116 2531</p><p>6353 Fröslida 5652 1304 70 000 803 909 1005 1026 1117 2416</p><p>6360 Torup 5658 1306 85 000 802 908 1003 1025 1115 2409</p><p>6402 Hanö 5601 1451 55 300 818 924 1020 1113 1208 2654</p><p>6403 Kristianstad 5602 1410 3 000 816 921 1016 1107 1201 2819</p><p>6404 Karpalund 5603 1406 4 000 814 919 1013 1103 1123 2758</p><p>6413 Karlshamn 5611 1451 20 200 814 920 1015 1107 1201 2736</p><p>6433 Ekefors 5633 1445 145 000 804 909 1004 1025 1115 2457</p><p>6440 Uråsa 5641 1457 167 000 802 907 1002 1023 1113 2424</p><p>6452 Växjö 5652 1448 166 000 805 909 1004 1025 1115 2540</p><p>6462 Ryd 5627 1443 140 000 806 911 1006 1026 1116 2522</p><p>6502 Ungskär 5602 1548 2 300 820 927 1023 1115 1210 2657</p><p>6513 Marielund 5613 1532 25 100 812 916 1011 1101 1121 2651</p><p>6516 Bredåkra 5616 1517 58 000 809 914 1009 1030 1120 2596 6536 Rörsbo 5636 1531 140 000 804 909 1003 1025 1115 2467</p><p>6545 Lessebo 5645 1517 170 000 805 909 1004 1025 1115 2500</p><p>6564 Emmaboda 5638 1533 150 000 731 905 1001 1022 1111 2361</p><p>6612 Ölands Södra U5612 1624 3 300 820 926 1022 1115 1210 2633</p><p>6632 Mörbylånga 5632 1624 5 200 818 923 1017 1108 1201 2782</p><p>6641 Kalmar 5644 1618 15 100 811 916 1010 1101 1123 2629</p><p>6647 Ekerum 5647 1635 40 200 812 916 1010 1101 1122 2654</p><p>6650 Skedemosse 5650 1645 20 100 813 918 1013 1105 1128 2623</p><p>6663 Ölvingstorp 5637 1607 15 100 810 914 1008 1030 1120 2655</p><p>6855 Hoburg 5655 1809 38 300 818 923 1019 1112 1208 2581</p><p>7118 Nidingen 5718 1154 4 300 824 930 1025 1118 1212 2891</p><p>7138 Vinga 5738 1137 19 300 823 929 1025 1117 1212 2855</p><p>7143 Torslanda 5743 1147 3 201 817 922 1017 1108 1130 2803</p><p>7147 Säve 5747 1153 20 100 813 918 1013 1103 1125 2708</p><p>7207 Grimeton 5707 1225 35 000 813 918 1013 1104 1125 2708</p><p>7208 Varberg 5706 1215 20 200 815 920 1015 1106 1129 2733</p><p>7212 Fagered 5712 1249 100 000 802 908 1004 1025 1115 2391</p><p>7215 Ringhals 5715 1206 10 200 817 922 1017 1108 1201 2739</p><p>7229 Örby 5729 1242 95 000 808 913 1007 1028 1118 2596</p><p>7230 Rossared 5729 1212 15 000 811 917 1012 1102 1124 2601</p><p>7234 Sandsjöbacka 5733 1202 50 809 915 1009 1031 1121 2573</p><p>7240 Bollebygd 5740 1234 65 000 804 910 1005 1026 1116 2502</p><p>7242 Landvetter Fl 5740 1218 154 000 806 912 1007 1028 1118 2502</p><p>7245 Borås 5746 1257 135 000 804 910 1005 1026 1116 2455</p><p>7263 Göteborg 5743 1201 30 101 819 924 1019 1110 1204 2906</p><p>7309 Stora Segersta5709 1334 180 000 804 909 1003 1025 1115 2471 7317 Gislaved 5718 1332 165 000 730 905 930 1021 1110 2309</p><p>7323 Hestra 5724 1332 285 000 728 903 928 1019 1108 2259</p><p>7325 Ambjörnarp 5725 1317 220 000 729 904 929 1020 1109 2314</p><p>7343 Dalsjöfors 5743 1307 257 000 728 903 928 1019 1108 2240</p><p>7347 Ulricehamn 5747 1326 290 000 726 901 926 1017 1105 2190</p><p>7357 Molla 5756 1304 190 000 731 905 1001 1021 1111 2350</p><p>7366 Tinghalla 5758 1351 278 000 726 831 925 1016 1105 2185</p><p>7408 Berg 5707 1442 250 000 729 903 928 1019 1108 2288</p><p>7418 Hagshults Fl 5718 1408 169 000 729 903 928 1020 1109 2291</p><p>7424 Nävelsjö 5724 1453 215 000 728 903 927 1019 1107 2291</p><p>7434 Spinkabo 5734 1428 285 000 723 829 923 1014 1102 2124</p><p>7435 Gödeberg 5734 1438 350 000 724 830 924 1015 1104 2142</p><p>7439 Nässjö 5739 1442 304 000 727 901 926 1017 1106 2245</p><p>7442 Flahult 5742 1409 225 000 728 903 927 1019 1107 2255</p><p>7444 Prästkulla 5744 1459 300 000 727 901 926 1017 1105 2244</p><p>7446 Jönköpings Fl 5746 1405 226 000 728 903 928 1019 1108 2272</p><p>7447 Jönköping 5746 1411 98 200 806 911 1006 1027 1118 2513</p><p>7448 Huskvarna 5747 1417 99 100 808 913 1008 1029 1120 2622</p><p>7449 Ramsjöholm 5751 1426 225 000 729 904 929 1020 1109 2283</p><p>7453 Lommaryd 5753 1444 240 000 725 831 925 1016 1105 2190</p><p>7504 Allgunnen 5704 1558 115 000 807 911 1005 1026 1116 2571</p><p>7510 Åseda 5709 1524 230 000 728 902 927 1018 1108 2262</p><p>7512 Drageryd 5712 1558 77 000 805 909 1004 1025 1115 2531</p><p>7514 Blankaström 5713 1555 80 000 803 907 1002 1023 1112 2481</p><p>7524 Målilla 5724 1550 100 000 802 907 1001 1022 1111 2458</p><p>7538 Hässleby 5738 1534 190 000 731 905 929 1020 1109 2360 7540 Vimmerby 5740 1551 110 000 802 906 1001 1021 1110 2458</p><p>7600 Sandbäckshult 5659 1617 37 000 804 908 1003 1024 1115 2460</p><p>7616 Oskarshamn 5716 1626 10 200 807 910 1004 1025 1116 2551</p><p>7638 Tovehult 5739 1634 25 100 809 912 1006 1027 1117 2597</p><p>7643 Gunnebo 5743 1632 18 000 806 910 1005 1026 1116 2527</p><p>7647 Västervik 5743 1628 33 100 807 911 1005 1026 1116 2571</p><p>7653 Ogestad 5753 1610 81 000 804 908 1003 1023 1113 2499</p><p>7717 Mossen 5717 1700 10 100 814 919 1014 1105 1129 2645</p><p>7718 Stora Karlsö 5718 1758 40 300 818 924 1020 1113 1209 2560</p><p>7722 Ölands Norra U5722 1706 4 300 820 925 1021 1114 1209 2703</p><p>7804 Näsudden 5704 1813 5 200 815 921 1016 1108 1202 2492</p><p>7814 Hemse 5714 1823 25 000 809 914 1009 1030 1121 2443</p><p>7824 Buttle 5724 1830 45 000 807 911 1007 1029 1121 2496</p><p>7825 Herrvik 5725 1855 5 200 815 921 1016 1109 1203 2545</p><p>7839 Visby 5739 1818 28 201 817 922 1018 1111 1207 2660</p><p>7840 Visby Fl 5740 1821 42 200 813 919 1014 1106 1130 2596</p><p>7863 Östergarn 5727 1859 11 300 824 928 1023 1115 1209 2712</p><p>7958 Fårö 5754 1910 10 200 818 923 1019 1113 1209 2572</p><p>8101 Säby 5801 1136 10 200 813 919 1013 1104 1126 2677</p><p>8106 Måseskär 5806 1121 14 300 823 929 1025 1118 1213 2842</p><p>8113 Ljungskile 5813 1156 70 100 807 912 1007 1028 1118 2582</p><p>8121 Uddevalla 5821 1157 10 000 806 911 1005 1026 1115 2564</p><p>8122 Smögen 5822 1113 20 300 820 926 1021 1113 1208 2821</p><p>8134 Svarteborg 5834 1133 70 000 804 909 1004 1024 1113 2471</p><p>8154 Nordkoster 5853 1100 10 300 817 921 1016 1107 1130 2778</p><p>8156 Strömstad 5856 1112 17 200 807 912 1006 1026 1116 2556 8162 Väderöbod 5833 1102 7 300 825 1002 1028 1124 1219 2889</p><p>8163 Hållö 5820 1113 16 300 821 927 1022 1115 1211 2845</p><p>8200 Alvhem 5801 1209 5 000 807 911 1006 1026 1116 2550</p><p>8201 Vårgårda-Hägru5801 1250 148 000 804 910 1004 1025 1115 2482</p><p>8211 Gendalen 5810 1239 90 000 803 908 1003 1024 1114 2486</p><p>8219 Trollhättan 5819 1220 43 000 809 914 1009 1030 1120 2630</p><p>8223 Vänersborg 5821 1222 50 200 808 913 1008 1028 1119 2523</p><p>8226 Såtenäs 5826 1242 54 200 806 912 1006 1028 1118 2493</p><p>8238 Erikstad 5838 1226 65 100 803 908 1002 1023 1112 2427</p><p>8254 Bastorp 5854 1202 150 000 728 902 927 1017 1105 2284</p><p>8262 Trollhättan 5818 1219 42 000 809 913 1007 1028 1119 2643</p><p>8265 Ödebyn 5847 1211 150 000 727 902 927 1018 1106 2229</p><p>8305 Simonstorp 5805 1324 190 000 727 902 927 1018 1107 2262</p><p>8309 Falköping 5809 1332 205 000 730 905 929 1019 1108 2328</p><p>8313 Längjum 5813 1304 95 000 804 908 1003 1024 1113 2507</p><p>8317 Borgunda 5817 1348 181 000 731 905 930 1021 1110 2380</p><p>8321 Lanna 5821 1308 80 000 802 907 1002 1022 1112 2467</p><p>8323 Skövde 5823 1351 150 000 804 908 1003 1023 1113 2515</p><p>8327 Skara 5824 1327 119 000 802 906 1001 1021 1111 2439</p><p>8328 Remningstorp 5827 1340 133 000 802 906 1001 1021 1110 2444</p><p>8332 Lidköping 5830 1307 52 200 805 911 1006 1026 1117 2479</p><p>8334 Västerplana 5834 1321 128 200 803 908 1002 1023 1113 2453</p><p>8344 Mariestads Vat5843 1349 50 200 809 913 1008 1029 1119 2634</p><p>8354 Åkershus 5854 1315 50 200 809 914 1009 1030 1122 2500</p><p>8361 Högstena 5814 1343 211 000 729 904 929 1020 1108 2301</p><p>8402 Tranås 5802 1459 155 000 803 908 1002 1023 1112 2495 8406 Visingsö 5806 1424 110 300 812 917 1012 1103 1125 2516</p><p>8431 Karlsborg 5831 1432 94 200 806 911 1006 1027 1117 2470</p><p>8439 Fägre 5839 1408 95 000 731 904 929 1020 1108 2389</p><p>8447 Älgarås 5847 1418 130 000 728 902 926 1017 1105 2280</p><p>8458 Snavlunda 5858 1454 140 000 729 902 926 1017 1105 2330</p><p>8462 Bällefors 5835 1407 90 000 730 904 929 1020 1109 2388</p><p>8504 Malexander 5804 1514 195 000 803 907 1002 1023 1112 2423</p><p>8513 Åtvidaberg 5812 1559 100 000 804 907 1001 1022 1110 2497</p><p>8516 Bjärka-Säby 5816 1545 116 000 805 909 1003 1023 1112 2526</p><p>8521 Herrberga 5824 1513 90 000 804 907 1002 1022 1111 2488</p><p>8522 Öjebro 5823 1512 78 000 802 906 930 1021 1110 2449</p><p>8524 Malmslätt 5824 1531 93 000 804 907 1002 1022 1111 2503</p><p>8525 Linköping 5825 1538 64 000 808 911 1005 1025 1114 2704</p><p>8528 Skärkind 5828 1600 60 000 806 909 1003 1023 1112 2553</p><p>8545 Godegård 5848 1510 130 000 729 902 926 1017 1105 2294</p><p>8549 Zinkgruvan 5849 1507 215 000 729 902 927 1017 1105 2329</p><p>8552 Mariedamm 5852 1509 132 000 728 901 926 1016 1104 2284</p><p>8563 Västra Ny 5839 1503 120 200 731 903 927 1018 1106 2389</p><p>8565 Kärnskogen 5851 1517 108 000 728 902 927 1017 1105 2273</p><p>8609 Falerum 5809 1612 80 000 803 907 1001 1022 1111 2470</p><p>8620 Holma 5820 1649 5 300 809 913 1007 1027 1117 2585</p><p>8633 Marviken 5833 1650 10 200 806 910 1004 1025 1115 2477</p><p>8635 Norrköping-Kun5835 1615 8 100 806 910 1004 1025 1114 2578</p><p>8636 Norrköping 5836 1613 3 100 808 912 1006 1026 1116 2644</p><p>8637 Norrköping-Sör5837 1607 27 100 806 909 1003 1023 1112 2562</p><p>8647 Simonstorp 5847 1608 85 000 801 905 929 1019 1107 2406 8648 Nyköpings Fl 5847 1655 42 200 801 905 930 1020 1109 2378</p><p>8661 Tyllinge 5801 1605 110 000 804 908 1002 1022 1111 2504</p><p>8715 Harstena 5815 1701 5 300 812 916 1011 1101 1122 2513</p><p>8740 Oxelösund 5840 1707 10 300 808 912 1006 1027 1117 2545</p><p>8745 Landsort 5845 1752 13 300 811 916 1011 1102 1125 2387</p><p>8754 Trosa 5854 1734 5 200 805 909 1003 1024 1113 2463</p><p>8858 Stabbo 5858 1827 7 300 810 915 1011 1102 1124 2372</p><p>8924 Gotska Sandön 5824 1912 12 300 815 921 1017 1110 1206 2502</p><p>9113 Bredviken 5913 1159 100 000 801 906 930 1020 1109 2366</p><p>9137 Djurskog 5936 1156 280 000 724 829 922 1012 1030 2204</p><p>9152 Hångstad 5952 1158 130 000 725 828 921 1010 1027 2254</p><p>9162 Lennartsfors 5918 1156 125 000 730 904 927 1017 1105 2343</p><p>9166 Högsäter 5953 1159 135 000 722 826 918 1008 1025 2182</p><p>9203 Åmål 5903 1242 60 200 802 906 1001 1021 1110 2450</p><p>9210 Säffle 5909 1257 50 100 731 904 929 1019 1107 2387</p><p>9217 Blomskog 5917 1203 110 000 726 830 923 1014 1101 2240</p><p>9240 Arvika 5941 1236 77 000 729 901 925 1014 1101 2404</p><p>9322 Karlstad 5922 1328 46 200 731 904 927 1018 1105 2378</p><p>9336 Molkom 5937 1345 93 000 727 831 923 1013 1031 2304</p><p>9358 Forshult 5958 1332 95 000 722 826 919 1008 1026 2193</p><p>9364 Sutterhöjden 5935 1356 153 000 724 828 920 1010 1028 2221</p><p>9405 Åtorp 5906 1422 105 000 729 902 926 1017 1105 2355</p><p>9414 Degerfors 5914 1427 85 000 801 904 928 1018 1105 2481</p><p>9417 Villingsberg 5917 1442 148 000 725 829 922 1013 1031 2216</p><p>9418 Kristinehamn 5919 1406 50 100 802 905 929 1018 1106 2477</p><p>9437 Asphyttan 5937 1411 130 000 723 827 920 1011 1028 2191 9441 Gammelkroppa 5941 1419 200 000 722 827 920 1010 1028 2155</p><p>9443 Filipstad 5943 1410 141 000 729 831 924 1013 1030 2367</p><p>9445 Persberg 5945 1414 225 000 722 826 919 1009 1027 2129</p><p>9458 Ställdalen 5957 1457 210 000 718 823 916 1006 1025 2055</p><p>9466 Stångfallet 5957 1453 230 000 721 825 918 1008 1026 2112</p><p>9502 Högsjö 5902 1541 69 000 802 906 930 1020 1108 2465</p><p>9505 Vingåker 5904 1550 48 000 728 902 926 1016 1104 2342</p><p>9516 Örebro 5915 1517 35 000 731 903 927 1017 1105 2425</p><p>9532 Fellingsbro-Fi5932 1535 51 000 728 901 924 1015 1102 2351</p><p>9535 Lindesberg 5935 1514 70 000 729 901 924 1014 1101 2368</p><p>9549 Riddarhyttan 5949 1533 155 000 724 827 920 1011 1028 2227</p><p>9550 Skinnskatteber5950 1541 113 000 727 830 923 1013 1031 2291</p><p>9553 Kloten 5952 1515 285 000 721 825 918 1008 1026 2095</p><p>9561 Vingåker 5903 1558 45 000 731 904 928 1019 1107 2428</p><p>9564 Uttersberg 5945 1540 95 000 726 829 922 1013 1101 2283</p><p>9600 Valla 5901 1622 50 000 801 905 928 1019 1107 2456</p><p>9603 Strängstorp 5903 1613 62 000 730 903 926 1017 1105 2410</p><p>9612 Dunker 5912 1654 32 000 727 831 925 1016 1104 2295</p><p>9623 Eskilstuna 5923 1628 8 000 806 908 1001 1021 1109 2637</p><p>9631 Köping 5931 1600 10 000 801 903 927 1017 1105 2492</p><p>9635 Västerås-Hässl5935 1638 6 000 803 906 930 1019 1107 2503</p><p>9637 Västerås 5937 1633 10 000 804 907 930 1020 1107 2594</p><p>9655 Sala 5954 1640 55 000 727 830 923 1013 1031 2326</p><p>9711 Riksten 5911 1755 54 000 731 904 929 1019 1108 2353</p><p>9712 Södertälje 5912 1738 12 000 807 910 1004 1025 1114 2587</p><p>9715 Åkers Styckebr5915 1706 20 000 802 905 928 1018 1106 2482 9718 Nyckelby 5918 1743 25 000 805 908 1002 1023 1112 2515</p><p>9720 Stockholm-Brom5921 1757 7 000 804 907 1001 1021 1110 2515</p><p>9721 Ulvhäll 5921 1703 5 000 802 905 929 1019 1107 2464</p><p>9724 Lyckås 5924 1740 15 000 806 909 1003 1023 1112 2542</p><p>9726 Barkarby 5925 1753 17 000 803 906 930 1020 1109 2494</p><p>9739 Arlanda 5939 1757 38 000 803 905 929 1019 1107 2476</p><p>9749 Ultuna 5949 1739 15 000 731 903 927 1017 1105 2413</p><p>9753 Uppsala Fl 5953 1736 21 000 729 902 926 1016 1104 2349</p><p>9804 Hårsfjärden 5904 1807 4 200 803 907 1002 1022 1111 2329</p><p>9817 Sandhamn 5917 1855 15 300 808 914 1009 1031 1121 2332</p><p>9818 Gustavsberg 5919 1823 10 100 806 909 1004 1024 1114 2499</p><p>9821 Stockholm 5921 1804 44 001 808 911 1005 1026 1116 2649</p><p>9826 Röskär 5925 1810 15 100 803 907 1002 1022 1112 2423</p><p>9829 Husarö 5930 1851 10 300 811 914 1008 1028 1118 2535</p><p>9840 Kårsta 5940 1817 20 000 729 901 925 1016 1103 2332</p><p>9846 Norrtälje 5945 1843 25 000 803 906 930 1021 1110 2412</p><p>9851 Norrtälje-Väsb5951 1844 10 000 731 904 928 1019 1107 2324</p><p>9927 Svenska Högarn5927 1930 12 300 811 916 1011 1103 1126 2293</p><p>9945 Söderarm 5945 1925 5 300 809 915 1010 1101 1123 2229</p><p>10219 Lämbacken 6019 1242 177 000 718 823 916 1006 1024 2077</p><p>10220 Östmark-Rännbe6020 1241 198 000 716 821 913 1004 1022 1998</p><p>10221 Östmark-Röjdås6021 1239 308 000 716 821 913 1004 1023 1988</p><p>10254 Höljes 6054 1236 230 000 712 817 909 929 1016 1897</p><p>10305 Edebäck 6004 1333 155 000 721 826 918 1008 1025 2156</p><p>10308 Torsby 6008 1300 80 000 726 829 921 1010 1027 2307</p><p>10309 Gustavsfors 6009 1348 190 000 718 822 915 1005 1022 2080 10341 Malung 6041 1343 308 000 711 817 910 930 1018 1880</p><p>10409 Fredriksberg 6008 1424 305 000 716 821 914 1004 1022 2000</p><p>10412 Lejen 6012 1424 340 000 717 822 915 1005 1023 1999</p><p>10430 Mockfjärd 6031 1457 192 000 718 822 915 1005 1023 2066</p><p>10453 Siljansfors 6053 1423 260 000 715 820 913 1003 1021 1969</p><p>10520 Rämshyttan 6020 1512 260 000 714 820 913 1004 1023 1947</p><p>10523 Idkerberget 6022 1515 310 000 718 823 916 1007 1024 2045</p><p>10526 Borlänge Fl 6026 1530 152 000 724 828 920 1010 1028 2241</p><p>10531 Borlänge 6031 1527 145 001 725 828 920 1010 1027 2281</p><p>10536 Gråda Kraftver6036 1501 155 000 720 824 917 1007 1025 2129</p><p>10537 Falun 6037 1540 160 000 724 827 919 1009 1026 2236</p><p>10545 Leksand 6044 1501 178 000 722 826 918 1008 1026 2192</p><p>10555 Backa 6055 1507 230 000 717 822 914 1005 1023 2036</p><p>10563 Vassbo 6032 1532 120 000 722 825 917 1007 1025 2208</p><p>10564 Domnarvet 6030 1527 128 000 722 826 918 1009 1026 2200</p><p>10607 Avesta 6008 1610 100 000 726 829 922 1012 1030 2319</p><p>10610 Folkärna 6010 1619 68 000 725 828 921 1011 1029 2262</p><p>10627 Stjärnsund 6027 1616 130 000 723 827 919 1009 1027 2180</p><p>10636 Sandviken 6036 1647 65 000 728 831 923 1012 1030 2315</p><p>10650 Vintjärn 6050 1603 348 000 714 819 911 1001 1020 1931</p><p>10658 Åmotsbruk 6058 1627 145 000 716 821 914 1004 1022 1987</p><p>10663 Hammarby 6033 1635 70 000 727 830 922 1012 1030 2307</p><p>10714 Films Kyrkby 6014 1754 39 000 727 831 924 1014 1101 2287</p><p>10718 Väsby 6018 1726 35 000 727 830 922 1012 1030 2251</p><p>10727 Untra 6027 1720 46 000 728 831 924 1014 1101 2293</p><p>10733 Fagerviken 6033 1745 5 200 729 902 925 1016 1104 2248 10740 Gävle 6039 1710 16 200 729 901 924 1014 1101 2320</p><p>10744 Eggegrund 6044 1734 5 300 804 909 1003 1024 1115 2203</p><p>10745 Utvalnäs 6045 1722 3 200 730 903 927 1017 1105 2173</p><p>10810 Singö 6010 1845 12 300 804 908 1002 1023 1113 2325</p><p>10811 Risinge 6011 1813 10 000 727 831 924 1015 1103 2278</p><p>10817 Understen 6017 1856 12 300 808 914 1009 1031 1122 2207</p><p>10832 Örskär 6032 1823 5 300 806 910 1005 1026 1117 2286</p><p>10864 Öregrund 6020 1826 7 200 731 904 929 1020 1109 2292</p><p>11208 Rörbäcksnäs 6108 1249 465 000 703 810 903 923 1012 1683</p><p>11217 Grundforsen 6117 1252 412 000 703 811 904 924 1013 1663</p><p>11251 Flötningen 6151 1216 670 000 621 803 827 917 1006 1397</p><p>11310 Sälen 6110 1316 360 000 707 813 906 927 1015 1758</p><p>11341 Särna 6142 1308 435 000 703 811 903 923 1011 1666</p><p>11401 Mora 6100 1432 175 000 719 823 915 1005 1023 2102</p><p>11416 Älvdalen II 6115 1402 250 000 712 817 909 929 1016 1915</p><p>11427 Kvarnberg 6127 1453 434 000 712 817 910 1001 1019 1862</p><p>11433 Kräckelbäcken 6133 1412 670 000 627 807 831 921 1010 1523</p><p>11436 Ulvsjö 6135 1411 600 000 627 807 901 922 1012 1518</p><p>11440 Hamra 6140 1459 440 000 709 815 908 929 1017 1791</p><p>11451 Lillhärdal 6151 1405 440 000 702 810 903 924 1012 1654</p><p>11463 Noppikoski 6130 1451 340 000 708 814 906 927 1016 1790</p><p>11504 Dalstuga 6104 1542 240 000 715 820 912 1003 1021 1975</p><p>11523 Edsbyn 6123 1548 161 000 719 823 915 1005 1022 2086</p><p>11624 Dönje 6124 1625 85 000 718 823 915 1005 1022 2047</p><p>11643 Järvsö 6143 1611 115 000 720 824 916 1005 1022 2117</p><p>11648 Delsbo 6148 1634 88 000 719 823 915 1005 1023 2073 11650 Ljusdal 6150 1608 140 000 718 822 914 1003 1021 2062</p><p>11665 Bjuråker 6151 1635 66 000 721 824 916 1006 1024 2141</p><p>11716 Söderhamn 6116 1706 26 100 724 828 921 1011 1028 2132</p><p>11733 Agö 6133 1728 20 300 730 904 928 1019 1108 2056</p><p>11737 Hölick 6137 1727 5 300 729 902 925 1015 1103 2120</p><p>11742 Kuggören 6142 1731 2 300 729 903 927 1017 1105 2096</p><p>11744 Hudiksvall 6144 1706 10 200 726 830 922 1012 1029 2209</p><p>11761 Storjungfrun 6110 1720 10 300 731 903 926 1017 1106 2173</p><p>12206 Grövelsjön 6206 1219 815 010 616 801 826 917 1007 1311</p><p>12233 Ljusnedal 6233 1237 585 000 620 802 827 918 1007 1383</p><p>12236 Fjällnäs 6235 1213 780 000 608 728 823 914 1005 1194</p><p>12307 Lofsdalen 6207 1317 605 000 623 804 828 919 1008 1435</p><p>12325 Hede 6225 1331 420 000 630 808 901 921 1010 1604</p><p>12348 Storsjö Kapell6248 1304 580 000 625 806 830 921 1010 1447</p><p>12402 Sveg 6202 1422 360 000 709 815 907 927 1015 1815</p><p>12411 Ytterhogdal 6211 1457 260 000 709 814 907 927 1015 1814</p><p>12432 Klövsjö 6232 1412 549 000 701 811 905 927 1016 1601</p><p>12439 Skålan 6239 1410 452 000 702 811 904 925 1014 1610</p><p>12502 Finneby 6203 1528 259 000 710 816 908 929 1017 1833</p><p>12545 Hunge 6245 1506 342 000 706 813 906 927 1015 1706</p><p>12630 Fränsta II 6231 1612 110 000 715 819 910 930 1018 1975</p><p>12646 Ljungå 6246 1619 220 000 707 813 905 926 1014 1754</p><p>12714 Lörudden 6214 1740 2 300 726 830 923 1014 1102 2000</p><p>12722 Sidsjö 6223 1717 60 100 719 823 915 1005 1022 2016</p><p>12724 Sundsvall 6224 1716 35 200 719 823 916 1006 1023 2047</p><p>12731 Sundsvalls Fl 6231 1726 4 200 720 823 915 1004 1022 2025 12738 Härnösand 6238 1757 8 200 723 827 919 1009 1026 2063</p><p>12760 Gran 6201 1738 20 300 727 831 924 1014 1102 2036</p><p>12762 Brämö 6213 1745 17 300 727 901 925 1016 1104 2010</p><p>12837 Härnö 6237 1804 10 200 724 828 921 1011 1028 2005</p><p>12851 Nordvik 6251 1801 20 200 720 824 916 1006 1023 2013</p><p>12859 Ullånger 6300 1811 45 200 715 820 912 1002 1020 1916</p><p>13218 Storlien-Visjö6318 1207 642 000 617 803 829 921 1012 1302</p><p>13224 Duved 6324 1256 385 000 629 809 903 924 1013 1545</p><p>13259 Edevik 6359 1252 425 000 627 810 905 928 1018 1431</p><p>13305 Höglekardalen 6305 1345 592 000 620 803 828 919 1010 1381</p><p>13319 Mörsil 6319 1339 400 000 702 811 905 927 1016 1605</p><p>13320 Undersåker 6320 1323 330 000 703 811 905 926 1014 1651</p><p>13323 Åre 6324 1306 440 000 630 810 904 926 1015 1560</p><p>13347 Överäng 6347 1305 450 000 628 810 904 926 1015 1486</p><p>13363 Mo 6319 1329 330 000 629 808 902 923 1011 1566</p><p>13409 Norderön 6309 1422 310 000 713 820 913 1003 1021 1841</p><p>13410 Östersund 6310 1441 345 000 712 818 910 1001 1019 1829</p><p>13411 Frösön 6311 1430 376 000 710 817 910 1001 1019 1755</p><p>13415 Rösta 6315 1433 360 000 708 815 908 930 1018 1740</p><p>13446 Föllinge-Vägsk6346 1426 475 000 627 807 831 921 1011 1523</p><p>13452 Ålåsen 6352 1437 450 000 626 806 830 920 1010 1492</p><p>13459 Almdalen 6359 1440 615 000 616 801 826 917 1008 1306</p><p>13538 Sikåskälen 6338 1506 490 000 628 808 901 922 1011 1545</p><p>13544 Hallviken 6344 1530 337 000 701 809 902 923 1012 1627</p><p>13552 Strömsund 6351 1535 373 000 704 811 903 924 1012 1664</p><p>13602 Bispgården 6303 1632 190 000 710 815 907 928 1016 1861 13609 Krångede 6310 1610 170 000 710 815 907 928 1016 1861</p><p>13636 Storfinnforsen6336 1611 232 000 710 815 907 928 1016 1813</p><p>13642 Junsele 6342 1651 210 000 708 813 905 925 1013 1816</p><p>13703 Viksbäcken 6303 1745 6 000 713 817 908 928 1015 1921</p><p>13704 Kramfors-Gistg6303 1746 10 000 717 820 912 1001 1018 2032</p><p>13708 Forse 6309 1700 120 000 713 817 909 929 1017 1925</p><p>13710 Sollefteå 6310 1717 20 000 719 822 913 1003 1019 2127</p><p>13711 Lännäs 6310 1740 30 000 714 818 910 929 1017 1949</p><p>13756 Tegelträsk 6357 1754 380 000 627 805 828 917 1006 1531</p><p>13824 Örnsköldsviks 6324 1858 107 000 714 818 910 930 1018 1895</p><p>13827 Bredbyn 6328 1804 85 000 712 816 908 927 1015 1908</p><p>13840 Hemling 6340 1830 190 000 707 813 904 925 1013 1751</p><p>13911 Skagsudde 6311 1901 13 300 722 826 919 1010 1027 1903</p><p>13920 Kasa 6310 1903 30 100 715 820 912 1003 1021 1880</p><p>13934 Nordmaling 6334 1930 4 200 716 820 912 1001 1019 1899</p><p>13954 Vännäs 6354 1943 87 000 710 814 906 926 1013 1787</p><p>14036 Holmögadd 6336 2046 6 300 724 829 922 1013 1101 1872</p><p>14048 Umeå Fl 6348 2017 7 000 716 819 911 1001 1019 1913</p><p>14049 Röbäcksdalen 6349 2015 10 000 717 820 912 1002 1020 1937</p><p>14050 Umeå 6350 2017 10 001 718 821 912 1002 1020 1970</p><p>14203 Björkede 6403 1257 451 000 626 808 902 924 1014 1461</p><p>14344 Jormlien 6444 1359 360 000 629 809 903 925 1014 1479</p><p>14416 Munsvattnet 6416 1428 520 000 619 803 827 918 1008 1340</p><p>14430 Gäddede 6430 1408 321 000 702 812 905 927 1016 1559</p><p>14526 Norråker 6426 1538 344 000 629 806 830 920 1009 1546</p><p>14528 Korsselbränna 6428 1532 178 000 629 807 830 920 1009 1564 14534 Högland 6434 1555 401 000 625 804 828 918 1007 1493</p><p>14607 Hoting 6407 1612 240 000 704 810 902 923 1010 1698</p><p>14638 Laxbäcken 6438 1625 345 000 628 806 830 919 1008 1521</p><p>14710 Åsele 6410 1722 310 000 701 807 831 920 1008 1608</p><p>14727 Idvattnet 6427 1705 352 000 628 806 829 918 1007 1548</p><p>14746 Ulvoberg 6446 1713 520 000 620 731 824 913 1002 1394</p><p>14757 Gunnarn 6458 1743 278 000 704 809 831 920 1008 1707</p><p>14805 Fredrika 6405 1825 300 000 703 809 901 921 1009 1653</p><p>14830 Kroksjö 6430 1800 500 000 622 802 826 915 1005 1424</p><p>14835 Lycksele 6435 1839 234 000 705 809 831 921 1009 1722</p><p>14916 Hällnäs-Lund 6416 1938 181 000 706 811 902 922 1010 1726</p><p>14954 Norsjö 6455 1928 296 000 702 807 830 919 1007 1632</p><p>14957 Storliden 6457 1929 390 000 629 805 828 916 1005 1543</p><p>14961 Kulbäcksliden 6412 1934 200 000 707 812 903 923 1011 1790</p><p>15027 Västanträsk 6427 2024 140 000 709 814 905 925 1014 1778</p><p>15045 Skellefteå 6446 2057 40 000 715 818 909 928 1016 1939</p><p>15122 Lövånger 6422 2120 21 100 713 817 910 930 1018 1788</p><p>15129 Bjuröklubb 6429 2135 36 300 717 822 914 1004 1023 1806</p><p>15138 Skellefteå Fl 6438 2105 46 000 714 817 908 928 1015 1933</p><p>15155 Furuögrund 6455 2114 10 200 713 816 908 928 1016 1817</p><p>15472 Klimpfjäll 6504 1448 594 000 608 727 822 912 1003 1176</p><p>15571 Blaikliden 6503 1545 520 000 615 729 822 912 1002 1293</p><p>15590 Boksjö 6541 1548 475 010 615 730 824 914 1004 1279</p><p>15591 Tärnaby 6543 1515 450 000 616 731 825 915 1005 1288</p><p>15594 Hemavan 6549 1506 475 010 616 801 826 916 1006 1283</p><p>15673 Långvattnet 6506 1642 420 000 626 805 829 918 1007 1481 15677 Dikanäs 6514 1560 525 000 619 731 824 914 1004 1368</p><p>15679 Dikanäs-Skansn6520 1603 525 000 615 729 822 911 1001 1290</p><p>15685 Danasjö 6532 1632 652 010 607 725 818 908 927 1180</p><p>15694 Vindel-Björkhe6549 1643 350 000 623 803 826 915 1004 1409</p><p>15699 Ammarnäs 6558 1613 405 000 621 802 826 915 1004 1375</p><p>15772 Stensele 6504 1709 325 000 701 808 831 920 1008 1588</p><p>15786 Sorsele 6532 1731 340 000 629 806 828 917 1005 1554</p><p>15793 Vindel-Storsjö6546 1703 345 000 627 805 828 917 1006 1457</p><p>15875 Malåträsk 6511 1844 320 000 702 808 830 919 1007 1617</p><p>15885 Storberg 6530 1857 453 000 619 730 822 911 930 1363</p><p>15977 Glommersträsk 6515 1939 375 000 627 804 827 916 1005 1511</p><p>15997 Suddesjaur 6554 1906 342 000 626 803 826 915 1004 1469</p><p>16074 Fällfors 6508 2047 195 000 703 809 831 921 1009 1658</p><p>16079 Myrheden 6518 2013 250 000 628 804 826 915 1003 1568</p><p>16089 Älvsbyn M 6541 2058 48 000 706 810 831 920 1008 1746</p><p>16096 Vidsel 6552 2008 180 000 705 808 830 918 1006 1716</p><p>16168 Sunderbyn 6542 2151 20 000 709 812 903 922 1010 1774</p><p>16178 Haraholmen 6514 2140 4 300 716 820 911 1001 1019 1803</p><p>16179 Piteå 6519 2128 6 200 716 818 909 929 1016 1954</p><p>16194 Boden 6549 2142 16 000 711 814 904 924 1011 1849</p><p>16279 Rödkallen 6519 2222 5 300 720 824 917 1007 1025 1751</p><p>16286 Luleå Fl 6533 2208 17 200 714 817 907 927 1014 1840</p><p>16288 Luleå 6537 2206 5 200 712 815 905 925 1013 1817</p><p>16297 Högsön 6554 2227 8 100 709 812 903 922 1010 1764</p><p>16298 Orrbyn 6557 2206 15 000 708 811 902 920 1008 1747</p><p>16369 Kalix 6551 2312 6 100 709 813 903 923 1010 1730 16392 Storöhamn 6544 2306 7 200 712 816 908 927 1015 1719</p><p>16395 Haparanda 6550 2409 6 200 711 814 905 924 1012 1778</p><p>16681 Jäckvik 6623 1659 430 000 615 729 822 912 1001 1265</p><p>16687 Vuoggatjålme 6634 1621 500 010 612 729 822 912 1001 1209</p><p>16771 Arjeplog 6602 1752 428 000 625 804 826 915 1004 1440</p><p>16773 Laisvallsby 6606 1710 460 000 619 731 824 914 1003 1327</p><p>16786 Stenudden 6632 1740 453 010 615 729 822 911 1001 1225</p><p>16798 Kvikkjokk 6657 1745 332 000 620 730 822 911 930 1357</p><p>16988 Jokkmokk 6637 1950 255 000 701 806 827 915 1003 1559</p><p>17067 Harads 6605 2058 35 000 708 811 901 920 1008 1811</p><p>17079 Sudok 6618 2025 173 000 627 803 825 913 1001 1540</p><p>17085 Murjek 6629 2054 245 000 628 804 826 913 1001 1547</p><p>17181 Pålkem 6623 2136 265 000 629 805 827 915 1003 1540</p><p>17182 Pålkem M 6623 2138 261 000 628 804 826 914 1002 1521</p><p>17192 Nattavaara 6645 2103 327 000 623 731 822 910 928 1431</p><p>17279 Överkalix-Svar6616 2250 46 000 706 809 831 919 1006 1731</p><p>17381 Övertorneå 6622 2339 50 000 706 809 831 919 1006 1714</p><p>17396 Korpilombolo M6651 2303 178 000 630 805 826 914 1001 1605</p><p>17792 Ritsem 6744 1728 521 010 610 729 822 912 1001 1171</p><p>17874 Aktse 6709 1818 530 010 608 724 817 906 925 1186</p><p>17879 Aluokta 6719 1853 385 000 617 729 821 910 929 1293</p><p>17974 Ålloluokta 6708 1930 370 000 619 730 822 911 929 1329</p><p>17995 Nikkaluokta 6751 1902 470 010 608 724 817 905 923 1165</p><p>18073 Gällivare 6708 2040 365 000 622 731 822 910 929 1405</p><p>18075 Malmberget 6710 2040 373 000 622 731 822 910 928 1408</p><p>18094 Kiruna Fl 6749 2020 442 000 611 725 817 905 923 1208 18189 Svappavaara 6740 2103 330 000 620 729 821 909 927 1363</p><p>18190 Vittangi 6741 2138 250 000 622 730 821 908 926 1399</p><p>18272 Kompelusvaara 6705 2213 263 000 627 803 825 913 1001 1504</p><p>18293 Lainio 6746 2221 315 000 619 729 820 908 925 1341</p><p>18376 Pajala 6713 2324 168 000 628 803 825 912 930 1532</p><p>18398 Muodoslompolo 6757 2328 240 000 623 731 822 909 926 1427</p><p>18880 Abisko 6821 1849 388 010 608 727 821 911 1001 1161</p><p>18882 Katterjåkk 6825 1810 500 010 1226 721 815 904 924 991</p><p>18883 Riksgränsen 6826 1808 508 010 509 721 816 906 925 1003</p><p>18976 Torneträsk 6813 1943 393 000 613 729 821 910 929 1223</p><p>18978 Kattuvuoma 6817 1954 355 000 614 728 820 908 926 1228</p><p>19190 Naimakka 6841 2132 403 010 607 724 816 904 921 1142</p><p>19271 Lannavaara 6803 2159 360 000 614 726 818 906 923 1245</p><p>19283 Karesuando 6827 2229 327 000 617 727 819 906 924 1274</p><p>Stations in Finland</p><p>Station Name lat long alt fil 1000 500 250 100 20 Year</p><p>0001 Maarianhamina 6007 1954 4 200 802 907 1002 1024 1114 2258</p><p>0002 Korppoo 5947 2123 9 300 812 917 1012 1104 1126 2344</p><p>0003 Lemland 5958 1958 8 300 810 916 1011 1103 1125 2271</p><p>0101 Hanko 5946 2257 13 300 808 912 1007 1029 1119 2337</p><p>0103 Piikkio 6023 2233 6 000 729 901 925 1015 1103 2314</p><p>0203 Pohja 6006 2332 8 000 728 831 923 1014 1102 2322</p><p>0205 Salo 6022 2306 3 000 728 831 923 1014 1102 2362 0301 Helsinki-Vant 6019 2458 53 000 726 828 921 1011 1029 2293</p><p>0304 Helsinki 6010 2457 4 101 802 904 928 1018 1107 2421</p><p>0307 Lohja 6015 2403 37 000 729 831 924 1014 1102 2344</p><p>0309 Vihti 6025 2424 42 000 723 826 919 1009 1028 2187</p><p>0401 Helsinki-Malm 6015 2503 17 100 728 830 922 1013 1101 2318</p><p>0406 Porvoo 6026 2540 17 000 725 827 920 1010 1029 2239</p><p>0407 Tuusula 6025 2502 45 000 726 828 920 1011 1029 2310</p><p>0501 Kotka 6022 2658 11 300 803 905 928 1018 1107 2303</p><p>1001 Pori 6128 2148 13 000 725 828 921 1011 1030 2209</p><p>1002 Rauma 6108 2122 6 300 801 905 929 1020 1109 2240</p><p>1003 Mietoinen 6038 2152 13 000 728 831 924 1014 1103 2279</p><p>1101 Turku 6031 2216 51 000 728 831 923 1013 1101 2323</p><p>1103 Huittinen 6110 2247 60 000 723 825 918 1008 1027 2204</p><p>1104 Kokemaki 6116 2215 38 000 723 826 919 1009 1028 2178</p><p>1201 Jokioinen 6049 2330 104 000 722 825 917 1007 1026 2149</p><p>1202 Tampere 6128 2344 85 001 723 825 917 1008 1026 2192</p><p>1302 Hyvinkaa 6036 2448 86 000 721 824 916 1007 1026 2175</p><p>1303 Hattula 6104 2414 88 000 723 825 917 1008 1026 2209</p><p>1304 Hattula 6108 2420 91 000 723 825 917 1007 1026 2203</p><p>1306 Palkane 6120 2413 103 000 723 825 917 1007 1025 2193</p><p>1401 Lahti 6058 2538 78 000 722 824 916 1006 1025 2192</p><p>1402 Orimattila 6049 2544 72 000 723 825 917 1007 1026 2235</p><p>1501 Utti 6054 2656 99 000 722 824 915 1005 1023 2203</p><p>1503 Lapinjarvi 6037 2609 26 000 725 827 919 1009 1028 2307</p><p>1504 Anjalankoski 6043 2648 33 000 723 825 917 1007 1026 2219</p><p>1505 Kuusankoski 6054 2639 61 000 725 827 918 1008 1027 2293 1506 Heinola 6113 2603 100 000 723 825 917 1007 1025 2229</p><p>1701 Lappeenranta 6105 2809 105 000 722 823 914 1004 1023 2201</p><p>2101 Kankaanpaa 6151 2228 134 000 718 821 913 1003 1022 2051</p><p>2102 Mouhijarvi 6131 2259 92 000 721 824 916 1006 1025 2131</p><p>2201 Kuru 6158 2321 169 000 714 818 910 1001 1020 1972</p><p>2202 Kihnio 6212 2319 171 000 715 818 910 1001 1019 1986</p><p>2303 Juupajoki 6151 2417 153 000 715 819 911 1002 1021 1979</p><p>2401 Jyvaskyla 6224 2541 141 000 715 818 909 929 1018 1988</p><p>2425 Jyvaskyla 6212 2543 137 000 719 821 913 1003 1022 2124</p><p>2501 Leivonmaki 6153 2606 147 000 716 819 911 1001 1020 2011</p><p>2602 Mikkelin mlk 6144 2718 138 000 718 820 912 1002 1020 2090</p><p>2604 Varkaus 6218 2751 91 000 716 818 909 929 1018 2034</p><p>2801 Punkaharju 6148 2920 83 000 722 824 915 1004 1022 2155</p><p>2902 Tohmajarvi 6214 3021 90 000 714 817 908 928 1017 1975</p><p>3001 Vaasa 6303 2146 4 100 720 823 916 1006 1024 2053</p><p>3003 Mustasaari 6326 2104 4 300 726 830 923 1014 1103 1889</p><p>3101 Ylistaro 6256 2230 26 000 717 821 913 1003 1022 2038</p><p>3201 Kauhava 6306 2302 42 000 715 819 911 1001 1020 1995</p><p>3301 Ahtari 6232 2413 157 000 713 816 908 929 1018 1904</p><p>3303 Alajarvi 6303 2417 202 000 709 813 905 925 1014 1827</p><p>3502 Vesanto 6256 2624 121 000 712 816 907 927 1016 1915</p><p>3601 Kuopio 6301 2748 94 000 719 821 912 1001 1019 2098</p><p>3602 Kuopio 6254 2741 119 000 719 820 911 1001 1019 2084</p><p>3603 Maaninka 6309 2719 88 000 717 819 910 930 1018 2020</p><p>3801 Joensuu 6240 2938 116 000 716 818 909 928 1016 2003</p><p>3902 Ilomantsi 6241 3057 162 000 712 815 905 925 1013 1916 4201 Kruunupyyn 6343 2309 24 000 716 819 911 1002 1020 1973</p><p>4402 Haapavesi 6409 2526 112 000 710 813 904 924 1012 1841</p><p>4601 Kajaani 6417 2741 134 000 711 814 904 924 1012 1839</p><p>4602 Vierema 6350 2713 207 000 710 813 904 923 1011 1857</p><p>5301 Hailuoto 6502 2444 8 200 714 818 909 929 1018 1827</p><p>5401 Oulu 6456 2522 12 100 715 817 908 927 1015 1919</p><p>5402 Ruukki 6441 2506 48 000 712 815 907 927 1015 1869</p><p>5403 Muhos 6449 2559 22 000 712 814 905 925 1013 1884</p><p>5404 Oulu 6502 2529 13 101 714 817 907 927 1015 1910</p><p>5502 Vaala 6430 2628 115 000 707 811 902 922 1010 1764</p><p>5601 Pudasjarvi 6522 2701 116 000 707 810 831 919 1007 1751</p><p>5801 Suomussalmi 6454 2901 220 000 704 808 830 918 1006 1664</p><p>6201 Ylitornio 6622 2355 70 000 706 809 831 919 1006 1718</p><p>6301 Kemi 6547 2435 10 100 710 814 904 924 1011 1749</p><p>6701 Taivalkoski 6535 2815 209 000 701 805 827 915 1002 1599</p><p>6801 Kuusamo 6559 2913 263 000 628 803 825 913 930 1494</p><p>7401 Rovaniemi 6634 2550 199 000 702 806 827 915 1002 1599</p><p>7501 Sodankyla 6722 2639 179 000 626 802 824 912 929 1474</p><p>7502 Rovaniemen ml 6635 2601 106 000 702 806 828 916 1003 1613</p><p>7701 Salla 6649 2840 221 000 625 801 823 911 929 1449</p><p>8201 Muonio 6758 2341 254 000 621 730 820 907 925 1387</p><p>8602 Sodankyla 6806 2707 247 000 619 728 820 907 925 1314</p><p>9003 Enontekio 6901 2052 482 000 519 722 816 905 924 1015</p><p>9601 Ivalo 6837 2725 145 000 625 801 824 912 929 1410</p><p>9602 Inari 6904 2707 152 000 621 731 823 911 929 1316</p><p>9701 Inari 6851 2818 120 000 626 803 825 913 1001 1407 Table 5. Average temperature by month and latitude for the period 1961-1990 in Sweden and Finland reduced to the same altitude. In Table 5a and 5b all stations are represented. In Table 5c -5g stations which are expected to be unrepresentative for the major land area are excluded (in sea or close to coast, in cities or above timber line, cf text and Table 4). Table 5e and f represent expected temperature at 250 m above sea level. Besides the average temperature also the number of stations the values are based on as well as their average latitude and altitude and the number of excluded stations (-n) are shown. In Table 5g linear regressions of temperature on latitude are evaluated.</p><p>5a.All Swedish stations, reduced to sea level</p><p>Country, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec n lat alt</p><p>S55 0 -0.50 -0.49 1.76 5.60 10.81 15.03 16.49 16.28 13.04 9.18 4.62 1.19 21 55.62 37</p><p>S56 0 -1.42 -1.42 1.17 5.24 10.72 14.94 16.31 15.83 12.26 8.35 3.65 0.21 41 56.52 62</p><p>S57 0 -2.03 -2.12 0.69 4.89 10.55 14.93 16.35 15.70 11.94 7.95 2.97 -0.44 59 57.52 117</p><p>S58 0 -2.54 -2.75 0.30 4.70 10.53 15.06 16.43 15.65 11.72 7.70 2.57 -0.85 68 58.47 80</p><p>S59 0 -4.18 -4.16 -0.65 4.09 10.29 15.03 16.45 15.32 11.06 6.69 1.24 -2.61 63 59.48 73</p><p>S60 0 -5.63 -5.31 -1.33 3.52 9.80 14.80 16.24 14.88 10.46 5.90 -0.08 -4.17 41 60.47 139</p><p>S61 0 -7.28 -6.21 -1.94 2.98 9.19 14.45 15.98 14.54 9.97 5.20 -1.68 -5.83 26 61.50 256</p><p>S62 0 -7.87 -6.61 -2.51 2.42 8.46 13.81 15.48 14.12 9.57 4.85 -2.36 -6.31 23 62.43 283</p><p>S63 0 -8.49 -7.16 -2.96 2.19 8.30 13.59 15.25 13.79 9.08 4.31 -2.75 -6.58 41 63.46 246</p><p>S64 0 -10.27 -8.56 -4.14 1.49 7.87 13.56 15.31 13.46 8.47 3.40 -4.10 -8.20 26 64.51 270</p><p>S65 0 -11.81-10.16 -5.39 0.63 7.06 13.12 15.15 13.25 8.11 2.77 -5.20 -9.64 34 65.54 255</p><p>S66 0 -13.61-11.53 -6.27 0.23 6.92 13.10 15.20 13.00 7.55 1.78 -6.86-11.58 16 66.44 277</p><p>S67 0 -13.25-11.34 -6.62 -0.28 6.46 12.68 14.94 12.73 7.19 1.04 -7.25-11.61 14 67.48 359</p><p>S68 0 -12.43-10.92 -7.13 -1.25 5.21 11.32 14.00 12.19 6.96 0.97 -6.39-10.61 8 68.36 404</p><p>5b. All Finnish Stations, reduced to sea level</p><p>F59 0 -2.50 -3.72 -1.72 1.96 6.89 12.73 15.83 15.59 11.82 7.75 3.52 0.03 3 59.84 10</p><p>F60 0 -6.90 -6.95 -2.92 2.91 9.93 14.99 16.68 15.14 10.28 5.55 0.34 -4.12 22 60.50 40</p><p>F61 0 -7.92 -7.62 -3.21 2.69 9.85 14.91 16.60 14.83 9.87 5.00 -0.58 -5.28 17 61.47 94</p><p>F62 0 -9.91 -9.13 -4.08 1.99 9.37 14.79 16.57 14.37 9.08 3.97 -2.02 -7.12 11 62.54 121</p><p>F63 0 -9.11 -8.74 -4.24 1.49 8.39 13.94 16.11 14.15 9.12 4.12 -1.67 -6.50 8 63.29 83 f64 0 -11.33-10.41 -5.49 0.77 8.01 13.78 15.98 13.53 8.23 2.78 -3.48 -8.66 7 64.61 95</p><p>F65 0 -12.15-11.04 -6.25 -0.01 6.93 13.21 15.70 13.29 7.96 2.26 -4.26 -9.46 6 65.46 103</p><p>F66 0 -13.29-11.78 -6.76 -0.32 6.66 13.21 15.47 12.79 7.34 1.21 -5.93-11.10 4 66.58 149</p><p>F67 0 -14.87-13.12 -7.71 -1.09 6.06 12.82 14.85 12.60 6.60 0.30 -7.87-13.36 2 67.67 217</p><p>F68 0 -14.25-12.77 -7.88 -1.51 5.06 11.67 14.52 11.89 6.64 0.29 -7.36-12.44 3 68.52 171</p><p>F69 0 -13.36-11.74 -7.78 -1.97 4.34 10.68 13.65 11.75 6.78 0.76 -6.92-11.61 2 69.04 317</p><p>5c. Swedish "representative" stations, reduced to sea level</p><p>Country, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec n -n lat alt</p><p>S55 0 -0.85 -0.76 1.73 5.80 11.19 15.21 16.58 16.30 12.89 8.94 4.24 0.77 10 11 55.68 52</p><p>S56 0 -1.78 -1.68 1.09 5.36 10.95 15.03 16.27 15.67 11.97 8.04 3.23 -0.24 29 12 56.57 78</p><p>S57 0 -2.46 -2.42 0.60 5.04 10.86 15.16 16.37 15.55 11.65 7.63 2.46 -0.96 42 17 57.53 155</p><p>S58 0 -2.93 -2.99 0.24 4.91 10.92 15.30 16.48 15.55 11.52 7.46 2.14 -1.32 43 25 58.43 105</p><p>S59 0 -4.40 -4.29 -0.66 4.20 10.52 15.20 16.49 15.30 10.97 6.58 1.04 -2.87 55 8 59.50 80</p><p>S60 0 -6.14 -5.63 -1.39 3.71 10.24 15.13 16.35 14.85 10.31 5.69 -0.58 -4.80 32 9 60.46 172</p><p>S61 0 -7.92 -6.58 -2.06 3.18 9.68 14.83 16.13 14.51 9.79 4.97 -2.31 -6.65 21 5 61.49 315</p><p>S62 0 -8.97 -7.13 -2.66 2.65 9.12 14.25 15.62 14.06 9.35 4.54 -3.50 -7.58 14 9 62.45 399</p><p>S63 0 -8.62 -7.12 -2.85 2.33 8.53 13.75 15.28 13.79 9.06 4.27 -2.96 -6.76 36 5 63.47 278</p><p>S64 0 -10.37 -8.55 -4.08 1.58 8.01 13.67 15.33 13.47 8.45 3.36 -4.25 -8.35 24 2 64.49 290</p><p>S65 0 -12.25-10.28 -5.34 0.79 7.39 13.34 15.20 13.19 7.99 2.56 -5.79-10.19 24 10 65.53 293</p><p>S66 0 -13.58-11.55 -6.21 0.32 7.07 13.25 15.29 13.01 7.51 1.69 -6.82-11.55 14 2 66.43 249</p><p>S67 0 -13.63-11.67 -6.75 -0.25 6.56 12.81 15.06 12.71 7.11 0.87 -7.44-11.95 11 3 67.45 318</p><p>S68 0 -13.73-12.03 -7.60 -1.32 5.51 11.91 14.45 12.35 6.95 0.58 -7.33-11.95 4 4 68.25 359</p><p>5d. Swedish "representative" stations, reduced to 250 m above sea level</p><p>Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec</p><p>S55 250 -2.65 -2.91 -0.67 3.00 8.29 12.16 13.58 13.30 10.24 6.64 3.24 -0.48 S56 250 -3.58 -3.83 -1.31 2.56 8.05 11.98 13.27 12.67 9.32 5.74 2.23 -1.49</p><p>S57 250 -4.26 -4.57 -1.80 2.24 7.96 12.11 13.37 12.55 9.00 5.33 1.46 -2.21</p><p>S58 250 -4.73 -5.14 -2.16 2.11 8.02 12.25 13.48 12.55 8.87 5.16 1.14 -2.57</p><p>S59 250 -6.20 -6.44 -3.06 1.40 7.62 12.15 13.49 12.30 8.32 4.28 0.04 -4.12</p><p>S60 250 -7.94 -7.78 -3.79 0.91 7.34 12.08 13.35 11.85 7.66 3.39 -1.58 -6.05</p><p>S61 250 -9.72 -8.73 -4.46 0.38 6.78 11.78 13.13 11.51 7.14 2.67 -3.31 -7.90</p><p>S62 250 -10.77 -9.28 -5.06 -0.15 6.22 11.20 12.62 11.06 6.70 2.24 -4.50 -8.83</p><p>S63 250 -10.42 -9.27 -5.25 -0.47 5.63 10.70 12.28 10.79 6.41 1.97 -3.96 -8.01</p><p>S64 250 -12.17-10.70 -6.48 -1.22 5.11 10.62 12.33 10.47 5.80 1.06 -5.25 -9.60</p><p>S65 250 -14.05-12.43 -7.74 -2.01 4.49 10.29 12.20 10.19 5.34 0.26 -6.79-11.44</p><p>S66 250 -15.38-13.70 -8.61 -2.48 4.17 10.20 12.29 10.01 4.86 -0.61 -7.82-12.80</p><p>S67 250 -15.43-13.82 -9.15 -3.05 3.66 9.76 12.06 9.71 4.46 -1.43 -8.44- 13.20</p><p>S68 250 -15.53-14.18-10.00 -4.12 2.61 8.86 11.45 9.35 4.30 -1.72 -8.33- 13.20</p><p>5e. "Representative" stations in Finland, reduced to sea level</p><p>Country, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec n -n lat alt</p><p>F60 0 -7.15 -7.13 -2.98 2.99 10.12 15.12 16.72 15.08 10.15 5.40 0.12 -4.39 19 3 60.55 45</p><p>F61 0 -8.12 -7.74 -3.24 2.72 9.95 15.01 16.63 14.81 9.78 4.88 -0.75 -5.47 15 2 61.49 101</p><p>F62 0 -9.91 -9.13 -4.08 1.99 9.37 14.79 16.57 14.37 9.08 3.97 -2.02 -7.12 11 62.54 121</p><p>F63 0 -9.56 -9.01 -4.23 1.70 8.89 14.36 16.31 14.15 8.97 3.91 -2.04 -7.02 7 1 63.27 94</p><p>F64 0 -11.33-10.41 -5.49 0.77 8.01 13.78 15.98 13.53 8.23 2.78 -3.48 -8.66 7 64.61 95 F65 0 -12.84-11.46 -6.51 -0.19 6.89 13.31 15.72 13.15 7.72 1.79 -5.03-10.28 4 2 65.68 150</p><p>F66 0 -13.29-11.78 -6.76 -0.32 6.66 13.21 15.47 12.79 7.34 1.21 -5.93-11.10 4 66.58 149</p><p>F67 0 -14.87-13.12 -7.71 -1.09 6.06 12.82 14.85 12.60 6.60 0.30 -7.87-13.36 2 67.67 217</p><p>F68 0 -14.25-12.77 -7.88 -1.51 5.06 11.67 14.52 11.89 6.64 0.29 -7.36-12.44 3 68.52 171</p><p>F69 0 -13.36-11.74 -7.78 -1.97 4.34 10.68 13.65 11.75 6.78 0.76 -6.92-11.61 2 69.04 317</p><p>5f. "Representative" stations in Finland, reduced to 250 m above sea level</p><p>Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec </p><p>F60 250 -8.95 -9.28 -5.38 0.19 7.22 12.07 13.72 12.08 7.50 3.10 -0.88 -5.64</p><p>F61 250 -9.92 -9.89 -5.64 -0.08 7.05 11.96 13.63 11.81 7.13 2.58 -1.75 -6.72</p><p>F62 250 -11.71-11.28 -6.48 -0.81 6.47 11.74 13.57 11.37 6.43 1.67 -3.02 -8.37</p><p>F63 250 -11.36-11.16 -6.63 -1.10 5.99 11.31 13.31 11.15 6.32 1.61 -3.04 -8.27</p><p>F64 250 -13.13-12.56 -7.89 -2.03 5.11 10.73 12.98 10.53 5.58 0.48 -4.48 -9.91</p><p>F65 250 -14.64-13.61 -8.91 -2.99 3.99 10.26 12.72 10.15 5.07 -0.51 -6.03-11.53</p><p>F66 250 -15.09-13.93 -9.16 -3.12 3.76 10.16 12.47 9.79 4.69 -1.09 -6.93-12.35</p><p>F67 250 -16.67-15.27-10.11 -3.89 3.16 9.77 11.85 9.60 3.95 -2.00 -8.87- 14.61</p><p>F68 250 -16.05-14.92-10.28 -4.31 2.16 8.62 11.52 8.89 3.99 -2.01 -8.36- 13.69</p><p>F69 250 -15.16-13.89-10.18 -4.77 1.44 7.63 10.65 8.75 4.13 -1.54 -7.92- 12.86</p><p>5g. Linear regressions on latitudes for month averages for "representative" stations.</p><p>(month-temp) = (slope)*(latitude) + (intercept). Slope, intercept , correlation and standard error of a predicted month-temp.</p><p>Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec</p><p>Sweden, lat 55-60 slope -1.039 -0.977 -0.633 -0.420 -0.179 0.007 -0.011 -0.248 -0.477 -0.620 -0.925 -1.079 interc 57.219 53.750 36.986 29.206 21.177 14.760 17.054 29.950 39.217 43.384 55.741 61.048 corr -0.979 -0.992 -0.994 -0.986 -0.943 0.141 -0.172 -0.939 -0.975 -0.982 -0.982 -0.974 stde 0.433 0.256 0.138 0.140 0.127 0.100 0.125 0.183 0.218 0.238 0.355 0.505</p><p>Sveden, lat 60-68</p><p> slope -1.021 -0.894 -0.821 -0.618 -0.566 -0.360 -0.195 -0.306 -0.445 -0.679 -0.880 -0.940 interc 55.201 48.694 48.552 41.296 44.519 36.874 27.976 33.297 37.155 46.959 52.154 51.736 corr -0.974 -0.978 -0.990 -0.992 -0.994 -0.975 -0.927 -0.996 -0.998 -0.992 -0.976 -0.967 stde 0.683 0.550 0.334 0.228 0.177 0.237 0.227 0.076 0.089 0.245 0.565 0.709</p><p>Finland lat 60-68</p><p> slope -0.966 -0.768 -0.670 -0.592 -0.646 -0.403 -0.278 -0.387 -0.466 -0.689 -1.023 -1.106 interc 51.120 39.297 37.831 38.968 49.618 39.792 33.801 38.544 38.351 47.197 62.220 62.497 corr -0.983 -0.988 -0.993 -0.996 -0.992 -0.975 -0.974 -0.995 -0.995 -0.994 -0.989 -0.984 stde 0.542 0.352 0.231 0.158 0.240 0.275 0.192 0.110 0.136 0.218 0.461 0.589</p><p>Sweden & Finland, lat 55-68 slope -1.120 -0.954 -0.767 -0.577 -0.485 -0.268 -0.157 -0.317 -0.476 -0.683 -0.963 -1.090 interc 61.476 52.044 44.614 38.334 39.107 30.906 25.719 33.993 39.131 47.024 57.941 61.531 corr -0.986 -0.977 -0.982 -0.988 -0.971 -0.921 -0.843 -0.989 -0.996 -0.994 -0.987 -0.989 stde 0.728 0.808 0.580 0.357 0.462 0.442 0.391 0.183 0.170 0.283 0.613 0.633</p><p>E.g. At Umeå airp the average temp is</p><p>Temperature Sum at end of month with different threshholds</p><p>Temp Days TSum2</p><p>March -4.3 31 0</p><p>April 1.2 30 0</p><p>May 7.3 31 31*(7.3-2)=164.3</p><p>June 13.0 30 30*(13.0-2)+ 164.3 =494.3</p><p>The time (T) when the average temp is 5 is calculated as follows. The day occurs between T= 105 and 135.5. Linear interpolation between the middle of April and the middle of May gives</p><p>T = 105 + 30.5*(5-1.2)/(7.3-1.2) = 124, thus in the night between May 3 and May 4.</p><p>Tsum for threshold 2 are calculated according to the Table above. Tsum2 = 200 is obtained between T=151 and T= 181. Linear intepolation between the beginning of May and the beginning of June gives: </p><p>T = 151 + 31*(200-164.3)/(494.3-164.3) = 154.3, thus before noon on June 3.</p><p>The type of monthly temperature sums we calculate are probably less predible when the threshodl is close to the actual temperatures, and when the temperature the previous month did not reach the threshold. Thus thresholds are only considered which are above the mean of the previous month.</p><p>Study A: The Tevent is when average temperature in spring, tspring, reaches ts,t 3, 4, 5, 6 degrees or tempsum with threshold 3,4,5,6 reaches 100, 200, 300 degree*montdays. These were grouped to get similar output dates as follows:</p><p>Material</p><p>Study A: Monthly 1961-90 averages from Sweden and Finland were used as published by... This study aims at applications in the major forest land. Many meteorological stations are unrepresentative for different reasons, but to get reasonable representativety for our purpose we excluded stations close to the baltic, in big cities and above the timber line. For Finland only stations with a complete 30 year series were included. The included stations are listed by their national numbers in Table 1.</p><p>Beskrivning av arbetet (förs till annat document senare) Typical date in mid-Sweden (Stockholm-Bromma) combinations of threshold and TSUM</p><p>Temp and TSUM at some dates (exact) at Stockholm-Bromma.</p><p>Group Approx date, day aver tsum at diff thresholds</p><p>(tsum kl 00) temp 0 2 4 6 8 10</p><p>Group 2 15 April = 105 4.2 </p><p>Group 3 1 May = 120 126 </p><p>Group 4 15 May = 135 10.4 </p><p>Group 5 1 June = 151 448 326 204 136 </p><p>Group 6 15 June = 166 15.1</p><p>Group 7 1 July = 181 901 719 537 409 287 165 </p><p>Temp and TSUM at some dates suggested based on values from Stockholm-Bromma as meaningful for comparison.</p><p>Group Approx date, day aver tsum at diff thresholds</p><p>(tsum kl 00) temp 0 2 4 6 8 10</p><p>Group 2 15 April = 105 4 40 </p><p>Group 3 1 May = 120 7 110 60</p><p>Group 4 15 May = 135 10 </p><p>Group 5 1 June = 151 448 326 204 136 </p><p>Group 6 15 June = 166 15.1</p><p>Group 7 1 July = 181 901 719 537 409 287 165 </p><p>En fil gjordes med bara följande svenska stationer (för att pröva vilka kombinationer som är bra):</p><p>Norrköping</p><p>Stockholm- Bromma</p><p>Umeå</p><p>8636 -2.6 -2.9 0.3 4.8 10.7 15.5 17.0 15.9 11.7 7.8 2.6 -0.9 6.7</p><p>9720 -3.7 -3.8 -0.5 4.2 10.4 15.1 16.7 15.7 11.3 7.0 1.8 -1.9 6.0</p><p>14048 -9.1 -8.6 -4.3 1.2 7.3 13.0 15.2 13.5 8.7 3.8 -2.4 -6.6 2.7</p><p>99999</p><p>Table for a station. 8636 Norrköping jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec</p><p>-2.6 -2.9 0.3 4.8 10.7 15.5 17.0 15.9 11.7 7.8 2.6 -0.9</p><p>31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365</p><p>00 0 0 9 153 485 950 1477 1970 2321 2563 2641 2641</p><p>02 0 0 0 84 354 759 1224 1655 1946 2125 2143 2143</p><p>04 0 0 0 24 232 577 980 1349 1580 1697 1697 1697</p><p>06 0 0 0 0 146 431 772 1079 1250 1305 1305 1305</p><p>08 0 0 0 0 84 309 588 833 944 944 944 944</p><p>10 0 0 0 0 22 187 404 587 638 638 638 638 </p><p>Table for a station. 9720 Stockholm- jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec</p><p>-3.7 -3.8 -0.5 4.2 10.4 15.1 16.7 15.7 11.3 7.0 1.8 -1.9</p><p>31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365</p><p>00 0 0 0 126 448 901 1419 1906 2245 2462 2516 2516</p><p>02 0 0 0 66 326 719 1175 1600 1879 2034 2034 2034</p><p>04 0 0 0 6 204 537 931 1294 1513 1606 1606 1606</p><p>06 0 0 0 0 136 409 741 1042 1201 1232 1232 1232</p><p>08 0 0 0 0 74 287 557 796 895 895 895 895 10 0 0 0 0 12 165 373 550 589 589 589 589</p><p>Table for a station. 14048 Umeå Fl jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec</p><p>-9.1 -8.6 -4.3 1.2 7.3 13.0 15.2 13.5 8.7 3.8 -2.4 -6.6</p><p>31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365</p><p>00 0 0 0 36 262 652 1124 1542 1803 1921 1921 1921</p><p>02 0 0 0 0 164 494 904 1260 1461 1517 1517 1517</p><p>04 0 0 0 0 102 372 720 1014 1155 1155 1155 1155</p><p>06 0 0 0 0 40 250 536 768 849 849 849 849</p><p>08 0 0 0 0 0 150 373 544 565 565 565 565</p><p>10 0 0 0 0 0 90 251 360 360 360 360 360</p><p>This table does not yield the correct entries for the first month!</p><p>This Table is calc with parabolic</p><p>Table for a station. 14048 Umeå Fl jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec</p><p>-9.1 -8.6 -4.3 1.2 7.3 13.0 15.2 13.5 8.7 3.8 -2.4 -6.6</p><p>31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365</p><p>00 0 0 0 43 269 655 1121 1535 1796 1912 1912 1912</p><p>10 0 0 0 0 0.2 86 242 346 350 350 350 350</p><p>Det är svårt att förstå men jag kan inte hitta en explicit lösning i litteratur. Tre punkter (yi,xi) (i=1,2,3) är kända. Finn det andragradspolynom f(x) = ax2 + bx + c som går genom dessa tre punkter. </p>
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