<p>Early Grade Reading Assessment Assessor Instructions and Pupil Protocol</p><p>Lëblaŋo</p><p>General Instructions: </p><p>It is important to establish a playful and relaxed rapport with the children to be assessed, via some simple initial conversation among topics of interest to the child (see example below). The child should perceive the following assessment almost as a game to be enjoyed rather than a severe situation. It is important to read ONLY the sections in boxes aloud slowly and clearly. </p><p>I butu aber? An nyinga ______abedo ______. [For example, number and ages of children; sports.] 1. Yin dang i twero kobba ginnoro anonok i komi kede i kom jo me paco wu? [Wait for response; if the child is reluctant, ask question two, but if she/he seems comfortable continue to verbal consent]. 2. I maro timmo ngo ka i tye paco? </p><p>Verbal Agreement</p><p> An atio i Minicitri me Pwonyere kede Tuku. Gin omio wa obino kan, omitto niangngo kit ame otino pwonyo kede kwanno coc. Obin oyeri ayera i kin owote bala kit ame jo kwanyo kede alulu. Omitto kony ame ya i boti. Ento ka pe i mitto bedo i tuku man, itwero giti weko. Obino tukku tuku me kwan. An abino kwayi me kwanno nukutae, nyig kop kede icina moro acecek i dwon amalo. Abino tic kede cawa me pimmo kare ame i bino tero me kwan. Man PE obedo peny dang pe obino coyo i ripotti. Apenynyi dang apeny okene i kom leb ango ame i loko wunu paco kede jammi mogo ame i tye wunu kede i paco wu. PE abino coyo nyingi ping dang pe tye ngatoro ame bino ngeyo kit ame yin i gamo kede apenynya. Amitto poyo wii ni dic pe iye. . Dang ka pe i mitto gammo apenyoro i twero giti weko. Onyo i tye kede apenynyoro? Iye dong me ocaki?</p><p>Check box if verbal agreement is obtained: YES </p><p>(If verbal agreement is not obtained, thank the child and move on to the next child, using this same form.)</p><p>A. Date of |____| F. Is teacher being |____|____| ____| |____|____| Assessment: day month year observed? Yes/no B. Assessor’s G. Class: ○ 1 = P1 ○ 3 = P3 Name: ○ 2 = P2 ○ 4 = P4 H: class name C: District (stream)</p><p>D. School Name: I. Pupil Age: |______|______| E. Multigrade ○ 1 = yes J. Pupil’s Gender: ○ 1 = boy ○ 2 = girl class: ○ 2 = no K. Start |_____|_____|: |____|____| Finish |____|____|: |____| ____|</p><p>1 Lëblaŋo Time:</p><p>Good effort! Let’s go on to next section. 2 Subtask 1. Letter Sound Knowledge</p><p>Show the child the sheet of letters in the pupil stimuli booklet. Say,</p><p>Man pot buk ame opong kede nukutae me Lëblaŋo. Tim ber ikoba DWON nukutae apol kit ame i twero kede. Pe NYING nukuta, ento kob kit ame dwone winyere kede ka dano tye alokko. Me aporere , dwon nukuta-ni obedo [point to A] /a/ bala ka i lwongngo “APAC”. Kong otem karacel: Kobba dwon nutka-ni [point to b]: If the child responds correctly say: Ber, dwon nukuta man obedo /b/. If the child does not respond correctly, say: Dwon nukuta man obedo /b/. Kong dong i tem en okene: kobba dwon nukuta man [point to L]: If the child responds correctly say: Ber, dwon nukuta man obedo /l/. If the child does not respond correctly, say: dwon nukuta man obedo /l/. Ka akobo ni i caki , kob dwon nukutae-ni iyore opoore. Kob dwon nukutae man cakko i kakan i te dok kede tung-ca. [Point to the first letter on the row after the example and draw your finger across the first line]. Ka ituno i dwon nukuta ame pe ingeo, mede anyim i en ame olubo. An abino ling ate winynyo kit ame i tucu dwon gi kede. Iyubere? Caki .</p><p>Start the timer when the child reads the first letter. . Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with a slash ( / ). . Count self-corrections as correct. If you already marked the self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle it ( ø ) and continue. . If the pupil skips an entire line, draw a line through it on the protocol. . Stay quiet, except if the pupil hesitates for 3 seconds, point to the next letter and say, “Medde anyim.” . If the child gives you the letter name, rather than the sound, say: “Kobba dwon nukuta ” This prompt may be given only once at the beginning of the subtask.</p><p>AFTER 60 SECONDS SAY, “Apwoyo, kong ogik kanno.” Mark the final letter read with a bracket ( ] ). </p><p>Early stop rule: If you have marked as incorrect all of the answers on the first line with no self-corrections, say “Apwoyo!”, discontinue this subtask, check the box at the bottom, and continue to the next subtask. Examples: A b L</p><p>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k U i G K A i k A r (10) o L A K P L a n e ŋ (20) r Ny d t a C N b i O (30) a M A u O g a i K A (40) L T N B A m C O e o (50) O N i W R o U e D n (60) A e k C o i a C a E (70) i T a o J ŋ E L T O (80) k L u t A E y i E U (90) L i L e P G R E K n (100)</p><p>Time showing on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): </p><p>Check this box if the subtask was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.</p><p>3 Apwoyo atek! Owot dong i en okenne. Lëblaŋo Subtask 2. Segmenting This is NOT a timed subtask and there is no pupil stimuli. Read each word aloud twice and have the child say the sounds. Remember, when you do the practice, say the “clipped” sounds /p/. DO NOT say “puh”. DO NOT say “pay”. </p><p>Remove the pupil stimuli booklet from the child’s view. Say, </p><p>Man obedo tuku me winyo kwone dwon. Ingeo ni nukuta acel acel tye kede dwone apat. Me aporere “lot” dwone winyere ni /l/ /o/ /t/. Abino kobbo nyigkop acel acel tyen iryo. Winy nyigkop-pi eka i te kobba kit ame dwon iye winyere kede. </p><p>Kong otem pwonyere karacel. Dwone mene ame iwinyo ka i kobbo ni “pit” “pit”? If the child responds correctly, say: Ber atek! Dwon ame tye i “pit” ka ikobo winyere ni /p/ /i/ /t/.. [If the child does not respond correctly, say]: Dwon ame tye i “pit” ka i kobbo winyere ni: /p/ /i/ /t/.. Aman dong yin. Kong item dok lwongngo kit ame dwon atye i “pit” winyere kede ka i kobbo. [Wait 5 seconds for the child to respond.]</p><p>Kong dok otem en okene. Dwon mene ame i winyo i “gum” “gum”? [If the child responds correctly, say]: Ber atek! Dwon ame tye i “gum” ka ikobo winyere ni: /g/ /u/ /m/ . [If the child does not respond correctly, say]: Dwon ame tye i “gum” winyere ni: /g/ /u/ /m/. Aman odong yin, Kong item dok lwongngo kit ame dwon atye i “gum” winyere kede ka i kobbo. [Wait 5 seconds for the child to respond.] </p><p>Akobbo nyigkop acel acel tyen iryo. Myero i winy aber eka i te tuccu kit ame dwon iye winyere kede ka alokko. Aya, aman dong ocakko.</p><p>. Pronounce each word slowly. Do not break the word into individual sounds. . Only say each word twice. . If the child gives you the letter name, rather than the sound, say: “Kobba dwon nukutae ame iwinyo ka ikobo. ” This prompt may be given only once at the beginning of the subtask.</p><p>. Put a slash ( / ) through each INCORRECT sound. </p><p>. If the child has not responded after 3 seconds, mark all the sounds as incorrect and proceed to the next word. </p><p>. Mark the final word attemtped with a bracket ( ] ).</p><p>Early stop rule: If a child gives no correct answers among the first five words, say, “Apwoyo!” discontinue this subtask, check the box at the bottom of the page, and continue to the next subtask. </p><p>Dwone mene ame iwinyo i “______”? “______”? [Say each word twice.]</p><p> me /m/ /e/ wu /w/ /u/ rac /r/ /a/ /c/ mon /m/ /o/ /n/ iwi /i/ /w/ /i/ (5 words) cem /c/ /e/ /m/ imat /i/ /m/ /a/ /t/ dyel /d/ /y/ /e/ /l/ ento /e/ /n/ /t/ /o/ cukul /c/ /u/ /k/ /u/ /l/</p><p>Check this box if the subtask was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first five words.</p><p>4 Apwoyo atek! Owot dong i en okenne. Lëblaŋo Subtask 3. Nonword Decoding Show the child the sheet of invented words in the pupil stimuli booklet. Say,</p><p>Kan tye iye nyigkop ame oteto ateta ame pe tye i Lëblaŋo ento kwanne. Amitto ni i kwan nyigkop apol ame i twero kwanno. Pe i git nukuta acelacel ento kwan nyigkoporono ducu awangacel. Aporere en “ut”, nyigkop-pi kwanne ni “ut”.</p><p>Kong otem karacel. Kwan nyigkop-pi [point to the next word “ak”] [If the pupil says “ak”, say]: Ber atek! Ak. [If the pupil does not say “ak” correctly say]: Nyigkoppono kwanne kitti “ak”.</p><p>Aman dong kong item en okenne: kwan nyigkop-pi [point to the next word: “deb”]. [If the pupil says “deb say]: Ber atek! “deb”. [If the pupil does not say “deb” correctly say]: Nyigkop man obedo “deb”.</p><p>Ka akobo ni i caki , kwan nyigkop magi kit ame i romo kwanno kede iyore opoore oyotoyot. Kwan nyigkop ame ocoo i pot papara-ni kun i cako kede nyigkop ite lain me acel. An abino ling ate winynyo kit ame i kwanno kede, ento ka inwongo nyigkop ame pe ingeo, mede anyim i en ame olubo. I yubere? Cak dong kwanno.</p><p>Start the timer when the child reads the first word. . Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash (/). . Count self-corrections as correct. If you already marked the self-corrected word as incorrect, circle it ( ø ) and continue. . If the pupil skips an entire line, draw a line through it on the protocol. . Stay quiet, except if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, point to the next word, and say, “Medde anyim.” </p><p>AFTER 60 SECONDS, SAY “Apwoyo, kong ogik kanno.” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ] ). </p><p>Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as incorrect all of the answers on the first line, say “Apwoyo!” discontinue this subtask, check the box at the bottom, and continue to the next subtask.</p><p>Examples: ut ak deb</p><p>1 2 3 4 5 iek lien al roli nyib (5) relo ral jup uo ngir (10) oem rer rur kida eja (15) ngaco eb ac iok ig (20) oac oege egec mem lwig (25) nit lwir nar ror ilyem (30) bico eku pic ngik mapa (35) ob geg ngar iel mik (40) rwog dato rir ap ip (45) dwat rar nwat jopi epa (50)</p><p>Time showing on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): </p><p>Check this box if the subtask was discontinued because the child had no correct answers in the first line.</p><p>5 Apwoyo atek! Owot dong i en okenne. Lëblaŋo Subtask 4b. Reading Comprehension Subtask 4a. Oral Passage Reading When 60 seconds are up or if the child finished reading the passage in less than 60 0 Show the child the story in the pupil stimuli booklet. Say, seconds, REMOVE the passage from the child’s view, and ask the questions after Time showing on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS): _____ saying: Aman dong apenyi ikom icina ame iya kwanno-ni. Tem IcinaCheck moro this box en if acecekthe subtask . Amitto was discontinued ni i kwan ibecause dwon amalo,no correct oyotoyot answers entoin the first line. me gammo apeny kit ame itwero kede. kede diro iyore opoore. Ka i tyeko kwanno, abino penynyi apeny ikom gin ame i kwano-no. Ka akobo ni i caki , kwan aber, kit ame i twero . Give the child at most 10 seconds to answer the question, mark the child’s kede. An abino ling ate winynyo kit ame i tye i kwanno kede, ento ka response, and move to the next question. inwongo nyigkop ame pe ingeo, mede anyim i en ame olubo. I yubere mom? Cak kwan. . Read the questions for each line up to the bracket showing where the child stopped reading.</p><p>Start the timer when the pupil reads the first word. Do not read the English translation to the child. . Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash (/). . Count self-corrections as correct. If you already marked the self-corrected word as incorrect, circle it ( ø ) and continue. My name is Ocen. I live in a village near the lake. My father is a fisherman. I like eating fish. . Stay quiet, except if the pupil hesitates for 3 seconds, point to the next word, and Yesterday as we ate lunch, a bone got stuck in my throat. My mother gave me a lump of millet bread say, “Medde anyim”. to swallow. My father gave me water to drink. After a short time, I started feeling better. Later, I finished my food. AFTER 60 SECONDS, say, “Gik kanono.” Mark the final word read with a bracket ( ] ). 1. What is the name of the boy in the story? (Ocen) 2. Where does he live? (village, near the lake) Early stop rule: If the pupil does not give a single correct response on the first line of 3. What does his father do? (fishing, fisherman) the pupil stimuli booklet, say “Apwoyo!” discontinue the task, check the box at the 4. What did the boy drink when a bone got stuck in his throat? (water) bottom, and continue to the next task. 5. How did the boy’s parents show love for him? (gave water or millet bread/helped him)</p><p>No Correc Incorre Respon t ct se Nyinga obedo Ocen. 3 Awobi i ceko-ni nyinge nga? [Ocen] Abedo icalo moro acok i dog nam. 10 En bedo kwene? [calo i dog nam, dog nam]</p><p>Apap wa ciko rec. 14 Pappere tio tic a ngo? [ciko rec/cik] </p><p>An amaro cammo rec. Aworo ame otye ocammo cem me i dyeceng, Ngo awobi ni omato i nge cogo i moko i cogo omoko idwona. Aya wa omia acutu kwon kal adwong. 42 dwone? [pii] Aba wa te miya pii matto. Onywal awobi-ni otimo ngo me nyuttu mara gi Inge cawa anok a winyo aber. Abin atyeko dang cammo dek. 53 i kome? [omie pii/kwon kal/ okonye]</p><p>Apwoyo atek! Owot dong i en okenne. 6 Lëblaŋo Subtask 5. Listening Comprehension </p><p>Remove the pupil stimuli booklet from the child’s view. Say, </p><p>Akwanni icina moro acek idwon amalo tyen acel, eka ate penynyi apeny anonok me nenno ka imako icina man. Winy icina man aber eka ite gammo apeny kit ame itwero kede. Iniang gin ame myero itim mom?</p><p>. This is an untimed task. . Read the entire passage only one time. . Ask all of the questions. . Do not allow the child to look at the passage or the questions. . Limit the child to 10 seconds to answer each question. Mark the child’s response, and continue to the next question.</p><p>Atim tye kede otino aryo. En adwong kwano aryo. En atidi kwano acel. Otino-ni maro kwan. En wili gi buke me akwana paco. </p><p>Aman apenynyi apenyogo anonok; No Correct Incorrect Response Atim tye kede otino adi? (aryo)</p><p>Otino ni maro ngo? (kwan, kwanno buk)</p><p>Atim timo ngo me miyo otino mere kwan aber? (en willi gi buke)</p><p>Do not read the English translation to the child.</p><p>Atim has two children. The older one is in P2. The younger child is in P1. They like reading.She buys books for them to read at home.</p><p>1. How many children does Atim have? (two) 2. What do these children like? (reading, reading books) 3. What does Atim do to make her children study well? (buys books)</p><p>7 Lëblaŋo</p>
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