<p> Grade 10 R.S Lesson Plan Day 1 / 2 (week 2) – Called to Jesus What are we doing? Why are we doing it? How will I know I’ve worked Agenda: Learning Goals: toward the learning goal? Success Criteria: 1. Opening Song: I will… I can… grace : Sinead O’Conner * identify grace in the opening song * answer the question using 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch? *identify aspects of the Kingdom of God pieces of explanation and one v=wpZTku1OE04&feature=fvwrel Question: How is this song connected to grace * determine how to represent the example as support 2. The purpose of the catholic faith - Kingdom of God through visuals * fill in the main idea for each Kingdom of God note * identify the 3 calls and 6 messages paragraph; correct the 3. Main idea of each paragraph and information in your notes during pictures to represent it take up 4. Kingdom of God calls and messages * provide specific picture in the parables representations *work in a small group to create a formative Kingdom of God advertisement The Purpose of the Catholic Faith is to move people towards The Kingdom of God http://www.wimp.com/empathyevolution/</p><p>The Kingdom of God is central to Jesus’ teaching. According to the prophet Isaiah it is a period when, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.” (Is 11:9). Jesus wanted people to follow his compassionate behavior, to adopt the same mission, to be ruled by God (love/ empathy/ compassion). Jesus taught us that in order to experience grace, a transformation of the spirit from selfishness to compassion, one must trust in God. Complete trust in God means listening to God in prayer and allowing God to rule your spirit; God becomes your king. When the majority of people trust God and allow themselves to be guided by God (accept God’s will), then there will be a collective consciousness or state of being called the Kingdom of God. When all people follow God’s will, evil forces will be overcome. The suffering that humans inflict on each other in the form of hostility, abuse, and rejecting each other will be no more. The basic message is that if we accept God, who is good, then with God we will overcome everything evil. When we follow God’s will and act out of compassion, the world will be just. Catholics do believe that a reign of God, where unnatural suffering ceases, will happen in the future. It isn’t fully here because, as you can see, sin and suffering still exist. But the foundation of the Kingdom of God is already present where people and communities are centered on love.</p><p>Paragraph 1: state the main Create a series of connecting pictures to represent the details idea -</p><p>Paragraph 2: state the main idea -</p><p>Paragraph 3: state the main idea - </p><p>Paragraph 4: state the main idea - Jesus Calls us to the Kingdom of God</p><p>What are the 3 calls of the Kingdom? (how can we help build this Kingdom?)</p><p>1. Love as I love 2. Forgive as I forgive 3. Pray as I pray</p><p>What are the 6 Kingdom of God messages in the parables?</p><p>1. Salvation is here 2. God’s Kingdom is a free gift 3. God loves sinners 4. Good news demands an urgent response – change of heart/ mind 5. Good news of the Kingdom demands repentance (making amends) and forgiveness 6. The Kingdom may bring suffering for those who reject God</p><p>*Group activity: Groups of 4</p><p>Create a contemporary advertisement explaining what the Kingdom of God is, and how a person can “get there” OR Create a comic strip with dialogue explaining what the Kingdom of God is, and how a person can “get there”</p><p>Both the advertisement and the comic must include pictures and words.</p><p>Each person in the group should present a part of the poster</p><p>______Ticket Out the Door</p><p>Listen to the closing Song- Heaven’s Here on Earth by Tracey Chapman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYcJ9J5DggU</p><p>What is the message of the song? How does her message connect to the Kingdom of God? Grade 10 R.S Lesson Plan Day 3/ 4 (week 2) – Called to Jesus What are we doing? Why are we doing it? How will I know I’ve worked Agenda: Learning Goals: toward the learning goal? Success Criteria: 1. Opening Song: I will… I can… grace : Sinead O’Conner * identify grace in the opening song * answer the question “what is http://www.youtube.com/watch? * listen to the ideas that little children love?” using 2 pieces of v=wpZTku1OE04&feature=fvwrel Question: How is this song connected to grace offer about love explanation and one example as 2. God is love, but what is love? Love according *identify God’s nature as love; aspects of support – could add a picture to kids love (agape, eros, philia) * complete the note on types of 3. Definition of love; three types * define love love * memorize three types of love * watch the video and answer the 4. Video http://www.filmsshort.com/genre/Romantic- Short-Films-2.html#Validation * identify sacrifice as part of each type of questions about love love</p><p>4. God as a love Scripture passages (if time permits)</p><p>What Love means to a 4-8 year old A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' </p><p>'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love..' Rebecca- age 8 </p><p>'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6 </p><p>'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4 'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. And you still love that person when you see them on the toilet; you don't even think it's gross.' My Mommy and Daddy are like that.’ Emily - age 8 'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.' </p><p>Bobby - age 7 (Wow!) </p><p>'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,' Nikka - age 6 </p><p>(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet) </p><p>'Love is when I look at a sunset and think that there is nothing more beautiful.’ Tommy - age 6 'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4 </p><p>And the final one from a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's porch, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'</p><p>ACTIVITY: Which quote on love do you relate to the most? What does love mean or look like to you? (think pair share)</p><p>Student response: Love is when you see someone’s flaws but still think they are a beautiful person. Love is when you are willing to help someone out even though you have something else to do. Love is being able to sit with others and not need words to feel happy or comfortable.</p><p>Directions: Present your response by writing it on a blank piece of paper. Types of Love </p><p>Love is a connection to another characterized by care and concern. It is based person based on a level of intimacy or closeness</p><p>There are three types of Love:</p><p>1) PHILIA or friendship and family love</p><p>2) EROS or romantic love</p><p>3) AGAPE or deep care and concern for other humans</p><p>God allows us to experience all three types of love because God wants us to experience a fullness of love. All types of love require us to give of ourselves and to sacrifice for others. GOD IS LOVE - FIND THE PASSAGES COMPETITION</p><p>DIRECTIONS: work with a partner and look up the passages, write them in the space provided and the first group to write all passages correctly wins. 1.______</p><p>(1 John 4:8 )</p><p>2.______</p><p>______(Matthew 7:7-9,11)</p><p>3.______(Psalm 37:3,4)</p><p>4.______</p><p>______(I John 4:7,8,19)</p><p>5.______(Psalm 28:7)</p><p>ANSWER SHEET</p><p>1. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. </p><p>1 John 4:8 </p><p>2. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which one of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?...How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!</p><p>Matthew 7:7-9,11</p><p>3. Trust in the Lord and do good...Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.</p><p>Psalm 37:3,4</p><p>4. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love...We love because He first loved us.</p><p>I John 4:7,8,19</p><p>5. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.</p><p>Psalm 28:7 Video Analysis http://www.filmsshort.com/genre/Romantic-Short-Films-2.html#Validation</p><p>1. How does the main character show love (agape) to people?</p><p>2. How is Victoria’s refusal to accept his love, like our rejection of God?</p><p>3. Does God ever give up trying to make us love Him?</p><p>4. How does the main character get his “love” back?</p><p>5. How does the story represent eros? </p><p>6. What is Victoria most attracted to about the main character? Grade 10 R.S Lesson Plan Day 3/ 4 (week 2) – Called to Jesus</p><p>What are we doing? Why are we doing it? How will I know I’ve worked toward the Agenda: Learning Goals: learning goal? Success Criteria: 1. Opening prayer I will… I can… 2. Test your knowledge of the Bible * identify how the Bible was * answer the questions about my 3. Knowledge of the Bible handout (no written (inspiration / stages) knowledge of the Bible and make the digital copy) * identify parts of the Bible (Old, false statements true 3. Brainstorming and then definition of New, gospels) * offer my ideas about the question truth * determine how the Bible is “How do we know what is true?” and 4. Types of truths inspired by God and written by copy the ideas from the board humans * read and highlight the main ideas for * identify types of truth in the Bible each paragraph in the note * fill in the type of truths * provide specific examples of types of truth Test your KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE: True or False / </p><p>1. The Bible records the stories of many people over the centuries who have come to know God. _____</p><p>2. The Bible is inspired by God. _____</p><p>3. The Bible is written by Jesus. _____</p><p>4. Scripture means sacred stories. _____</p><p>5. The Bible has no truth in it. _____</p><p>6. Catholics believe every word in the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate. _____ </p><p>7. Catholics believe that Adam and Eve are historical figures. _____</p><p>8. Revelation means something or someone is made known to us. _____ </p><p>9. The Bible stories are the only way that God is revealed. _____</p><p>10. The details of the Bible stories are more important than the overall messages of the stories. _____ </p><p>11. The scriptures were originally told by word of mouth. _____ 12. The Old Testament is not important to Catholics. _____ </p><p>13. The New Testament was written before Jesus’ birth. _____ What is Truth and Truths Found in Scripture</p><p>Introductory Brainstorming Question: How do you know what is true?</p><p>Highlighting the main points</p><p>Truth can be defined as: a concept or phenomena that has been observed or experienced repeatedly in one’s life or over generations and is held to be reality. Truths help us make sense of events, experiences, relationships. Truths also guide our thoughts and behaviors. The repeated occurrence of the same phenomena is the evidence that people use to determine truth.</p><p>How do we know what is true in our lives and in our relationships? Using the definition above, if something has been observed or experienced over and over in your relationship(s) it is likely to be true. For example, if your friend has shown herself to be loyal to you again and again then one can say that the weight of evidence shows she is loyal. </p><p>Another example is if you observe that students who do drugs start to care less and less about school work, then you can say that it is generally true that drug use has a negative effect on a student’s school work. If there is a lot of evidence, then the more we can believe such a statement or idea.</p><p>An example of untruth is the following. If a fake “friend” says no one likes you but you have good relationships with your parents, most of your friends, your teachers, and your relatives, then the weight of evidence proves her comment wrong. </p><p>Kinds of Truth – Think Pair Share </p><p>Determine which statement is truer? a) The earth revolves around the sun OR b) Mother Theresa served humans in need OR c) A mother sincerely says to her child as she hugs him, “I love you.”</p><p>Complete the basic truths definitions on the back of this handout There are Different Kinds of Truth in the Bible </p><p>The truths in the Bible are: scientific, moral, proverbial, symbolic, religious, historical </p><p>______Truth: Truths that are faith based. We believe them to be true, based on peoples’ repeated experiences of GOD over the centuries. This type of truth involves understanding the nature of God and Jesus, the nature of God’s creation, and the purpose of creation. Religious truth also focuses on God’s relationships with humans, human’s relationships with each other, and human’s relationship with nature.</p><p> (Jn 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but might have eternal life. </p><p>______Truth: Records and stories of past events and deeds. These are concepts we know to be true, because they are documented in history and backed up by a respectable sources such as historians and or pieces of physical evidence (tablets, ruins, scrolls). The Old Testament records the history of the Jewish people. The New Testament records the history of Jesus’ life and the early Christian communities. There are some historical errors but much of the Bible is considered to be fairly historically accurate. Remember that written history is always told from a perspective/ point of view. The Jewish history is told from the perspective of being the chosen people in a covenant with God.</p><p> (2 King 25:1) It happened in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem, and encamped against it; and they built forts against it and around it.</p><p>______Truth: Lessons and rules about good behavior. These truths are based on what is right and wrong in our world. They are truths that help us understand what choices bring us closer to God. These moral truths need to always be interpreted to apply to our society.</p><p> (Lev 19:17-18) You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance….</p><p>______Truth: Short saying of common sense wisdom. Truths told in catchy/folksy lines. We need to make sure we look to find the wisdom in each of these to fully understand them. </p><p> (Sir 3:5) He who honors his father is gladdened by children and when he prays he is heard. </p><p>______Truth: Much of the Bible uses symbols to illustrate a message. Symbols are objects, images or language that represent an idea that is greater than the symbol itself. The Bible uses symbolic or poetic language used to emphasize a lesson. Parables always use symbols. For these truths we have to read between the lines to find deeper meaning - interpret them.</p><p> (Mt 5:29) If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial for you that one of your body parts should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. </p><p>______Truth: Science deals with measurable fact .Observations regarding the universe we live in. They are ideas that the scientific world can prove to be true through experiments that repeatedly have the same outcomes. (Eccl 1:5) The sun also rises and the sun goes down... </p>
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