<p> Legislative Information System 5/8/2011 97th General Assembly 11:18:32 AM All Bills (Bill Order) Both Chambers OTs HB18 Jil Tracy ALL KIDS-ELIGIBILITY 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB107 Naomi D. DHFS-PUB AID-TELEMEDICINE 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Jakobsson Committee</p><p>HB220 h Jack D. Franks MED PRACT ACT-SEX OFFENDERS 05/05/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd (Kirk W. Dillard) Reading May 6, 2011 HB223 h Mary E. Flowers HEALTH CARE IMPLEMENTATION 04/05/2011 House Third Reading - Standard Debate - Lost 042-058-000 HB224 h Mary E. Flowers HEALTH CARRIER EXTERNAL REVIEW 04/27/2011 Senate Assigned to Insurance (Heather A. Steans) **** Insurance Hearing May 11 2011 4:00PM Capitol 400 Springfield, IL HB297 h Constance A. EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS REPORT 05/04/2011 Senate Postponed - Labor Howard (Kwame Raoul) **** Labor Hearing May 11 2011 12:30PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL HB298 Constance A. CRIM ID-SEALING RECORDS 05/06/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Howard Reading May 10, 2011 (Kimberly A. Lightford) HB1083 Michael W. Tryon SCH CD-SPEC ED-IEP APPEALS BD 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB1135 Jim Watson WHISTLEBLOWR-LICENSED EMPLOYEE 03/01/2011 House Tabled By Sponsor Rep. Jim Watson</p><p>HB1193 h Greg Harris INS CD - RECOUPMENT TIME LIMIT 04/27/2011 Senate Assigned to Executive (Heather A. Steans) **** Executive Hearing May 11 2011 2:00PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL HB1202 Michael J. MOTOR WHEELCHAIR-PROTECT BUYER 04/15/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Zalewski Committee</p><p>HB1238 Karen May INS CD-PRE-EXISTING CONDITION 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB1492 Mike Bost VEH CD-TINTED FILM-WINDOWS 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB1530 h Lou Lang INSURANCE-MENTAL HEALTH PARITY 05/04/2011 Senate Assigned to Executive (William Delgado) **** Executive Hearing May 11 2011 2:00PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL HB1725 Rosemary INC TX-HEARING AID DEDUCTION 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Mulligan Committee</p><p>HB1727 Rosemary INS CD-COCHLEAR & HEARING IMPL 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Mulligan Committee</p><p>HB1973 h Angelo Saviano DFPR-REMOVE PUBLIC RECORD 05/05/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd (M. Maggie Reading May 6, 2011 Crotty) HB2856 Raymond Poe DHS-EARLY INTERVENTION SERVCS 04/15/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB2883 David Reis WORKERS' COMP - INITIATIVE 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB2919 Angelo Saviano INS CD - PROVIDER CONTRACTS 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB3133 Sara Feigenholtz WRITTEN COLLABORATIVES-APNS 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB3169 Rich Brauer DHS-DCFS-ELECTRONIC SYTM CARE 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB3201 Esther Golar HUM RTS-FELONY CONVICT-INQUIRY 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB3263 Patricia R. Bellock HEALTHCARE - SEX CRIMES 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee HB3547 Mary E. Flowers MEDICAID-PROVIDER FRAUD 03/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee SB3 John J. Cullerton GO BOND-STATE RESTRUCTURING 03/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments</p><p>SB1284 Kimberly A. HUM RTS-CRIMINAL CHARGE RECORD 03/17/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Lightford Reading March 29, 2011</p><p>SB1349 s Kyle McCarter WORKERS' COMP - INITIATIVE 04/14/2011 Senate Third Reading - Lost; 025-006-028</p><p>SB1350 s Kyle McCarter TRUTH IN HEALTH CARE-COVERAGE 04/27/2011 House Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short (Angelo Saviano) Debate SB1557 s William R. Haine GRP INS-PHYS THERAPY-COVERAGE 05/04/2011 House Re-assigned to Health Care Availability (Michael J. and Accessibility Committee Madigan) **** Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee Hearing May 10 2011 3:00PM Stratton Building Room C-1 Springfield, IL SB1575 Gary Forby VEH CD-TINTED FILM-WINDOWS 03/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments</p><p>SB1616 Heather A. WRITTEN COLLABORATIVE AGMTS 03/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments Steans</p><p>SB1762 s Kirk W. Dillard HEALTH CARE WORKER-SEX CRIME 04/21/2011 House Assigned to Executive Committee (Jack D. Franks) SB1800 Heather A. CHILDREN-TECH 02/09/2011 Senate Referred to Assignments Steans</p><p>SB1945 s William Delgado COMPREHENSIVE HLTHCARE ACT 04/25/2011 House Assigned to Health & Healthcare (Elizabeth Disparities Committee Hernandez) **** Health & Healthcare Disparities Committee Hearing May 12 2011 12:00PM Stratton Building Room 413 Springfield, IL HJR11 Sidney H. Mathias BRDS AND COMMS ADVISORY PANEL 04/06/2011 Senate Referred to Assignments (Matt Murphy) Totals: 36 - (House Bills: 25) (Senate Bills: 10) (Other Bills: 1) Legislative Information System 5/8/2011 97th General Assembly 11:18:33 AM All Bills (Bill Order) Both Chambers OTs HB 18 </p><p>Short Description: ALL KIDS-ELIGIBILITY</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Jil Tracy</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Covering ALL KIDS Health Insurance Act. In the provision concerning eligibility, adds the requirement that a person must be a child who has a household income equal to or less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines. Provides that a child who is determined to be eligible shall remain eligible for 12 months, provided that the child has not gained access to affordable employer-sponsored dependent health insurance. Provides that the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of an enrolled child shall report promptly those changes in income and other circumstances that affect eligibility within 30 days after the occurrence of the change. Provides that the eligibility of a child may be redetermined based on the information reported or may be terminated based on the failure to report or failure to report accurately.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 107 </p><p>Short Description: DHFS-PUB AID-TELEMEDICINE</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Naomi D. Jakobsson-Mary E. Flowers</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Medical Assistance Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to reimburse the practice of telemedicine by medical services providers, including, but not limited to, physicians, advanced practice nurses, federally qualified health centers, or psychiatrists. Further provides that the Department shall establish (i) criteria for the services to be reimbursed and (ii) a method to reimburse providers for services provided by telemedicine.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 220 </p><p>Short Description: MED PRACT ACT-SEX OFFENDERS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Jack D. Franks-Patricia R. Bellock-Mary E. Flowers-Lisa M. Dugan-Karen A. Yarbrough, Emily McAsey, Thaddeus Jones, William D. Burns, Camille Y Lilly, Karen May, Carol A. Sente, Deborah Mell, Jack McGuire, Keith Farnham, Linda Chapa LaVia, Sandra M. Pihos, Michelle Mussman, Anthony DeLuca, Fred Crespo, Michael G. Connelly, Sandy Cole, Dennis M. Reboletti and Mark H. Beaubien, Jr.</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Kirk W. Dillard-Pamela J. Althoff)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall revoke the license or visiting permit of any person issued under this Act to practice medicine or to treat human ailments without the use of drugs and without operative surgery, who has been convicted of committing (1) any felony under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act or the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, (2) a Class 1 felony under Sections 8A-3 and 8A-6 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, or (3) a sexual assault or other battery against his or her patient. Provides that the Department shall investigate any licensee upon notification from any law enforcement agency of a criminal complaint setting forth facts which, if proven, would constitute grounds for suspension or revocation under the Act. Provides that any law enforcement agency in the State must provide immediate notification to the Department when it receives a criminal complaint against a licensee under this Act that alleges sexual assault or other battery on a patient. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that any licensed health care worker, who has been (1) convicted of committing a sexual criminal act that requires registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act against a patient in the course of patient care or treatment, (2) has been convicted of a criminal battery against any patient, (3) a forcible felony, or (4) required as part of a criminal sentence to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, then the license of the health care worker shall by operation of law be permanently revoked without a hearing. Provides that no person registered as a sex offender may receive a license as a health care worker in Illinois. Requires that within 15 business days after receiving notice from the State's Attorney of the filing of criminal charges against the health care worker, the Secretary shall issue an administrative order that the health care worker may only practice with a chaperone during all patient encounters pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings. Adds provisions concerning the confidentiality of certain information and documents. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Committee Amendment No. 2 Requires that a health care worker who fails to comply with an administrative order, fails to file a compliance plan, or fails to follow the compliance plan shall subject the health care worker to temporary suspension of his or her professional license until the completion of the criminal proceedings. Changes certain references from "discipline" to "revocation". Makes other changes.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 5/5/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 6, 2011</p><p>HB 223 </p><p>Short Description: HEALTH CARE IMPLEMENTATION</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Mary E. Flowers-Camille Y Lilly</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Health Care Justice Act. Changes the short title to the Health Care Justice Implementation Act of 2011. Provides that the mission goals of the Health Care Justice Implementation Task Force are to monitor the implementation of the federal health care reforms and make recommendations, report concerning additional reforms needed to ensure affordable health care, assess current programs, and issue recommendations concerning the implementation of a statewide health insurance plan offered by the State. Contains provisions concerning reports, public hearings, and research assessments. Effective July 1, 2011.</p><p>House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Health Care Justice Implementation Act of 2011. Sets forth legislative findings. Provides that the mission goals of the Health Care Justice Implementation Task Force are to monitor the implementation of the federal health care reforms and make recommendations, report concerning additional reforms needed to ensure affordable health care, assess current programs, and issue recommendations concerning the implementation of a statewide health insurance plan offered by the State. Contains provisions concerning appointments of the members of the Task Force and public hearings. Repeals the Health Care Justice Act. Effective July 1, 2011.</p><p>State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) HB 223 (H-AM 1) does not create a State mandate. </p><p>Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. on Insurance) HB 223 (H-AM 1) has no projected fiscal impact to the Illinois Department of Insurance. </p><p>Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Healthcare & Family Services) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services estimates that the program of benefits described in HB 223 (H-AM 1) could cost $3.5-$5 billion on an annual basis and full enrollment. Between 35%-45% of the cost will be funded by the federal government due to the Medical Assistance expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Other service costs</p><p> may also receive federal assistance, but that value cannot be determined at this time. Please note this estimate does not include what is expected to be significant administrative costs necessary to enroll, implement, and manage said program expansion. </p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 2 Provides that the Illinois Health Insurance Plan shall provide coverage for habilitative services and preventative services.</p><p>Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Insurance) HB 223 (H-AM 2) has no projected fiscal impact to the Illinois Department of Insurance. </p><p>State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) HB 223 (H-AM 2) does not create a State mandate.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/5/2011 House Third Reading - Standard Debate - Lost 042-058-000</p><p>HB 224 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Insurance Hearing May 11 2011 4:00PM Capitol 400 Springfield, IL Short Description: HEALTH CARRIER EXTERNAL REVIEW</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Mary E. Flowers-Monique D. Davis-Linda Chapa LaVia</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Heather A. Steans)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Health Carrier External Review Act in the provision concerning standard external review. Provides that whenever a request is eligible for external review (1) the health carrier shall, within 2 (instead of 5) business days, request the Director of Insurance to assign an independent review organization (now, from the list of approved independent review organizations compiled and maintained by the Director) and (2) within 3 business days after receiving the health carrier's request, the Director shall assign, on a rotating basis, an independent review organization from the list of approved independent review organizations compiled and maintained by the Director. Includes the health carrier among those to be notified in writing by the Director of the request's eligibility and acceptance for external review. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the bill as introduced and the following changes. Creates the Utilization Review and Benefit Determination Law. Provides that the Law establishes standards and criteria for the structure and operation of utilization review and benefit determination processes designed to facilitate ongoing assessment and management of health care services. Sets forth provisions concerning definitions, applicability and scope, the corporate oversight of utilization review programs, contracting, the scope and content of utilization review programs, operational requirements, procedures for standard utilization review and benefit determinations, procedures for expedited utilization review and benefit determinations, emergency services, confidentiality requirements, disclosure requirements, and administration and enforcement. Changes the short title of the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Act and references thereof to the Health Carrier Grievance Procedure Law. Makes changes in the provision of the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act concerning utilization review program registration. Makes changes in the provision of the Health Carrier External Review Act concerning notice of right to external review and standard external review. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.</p><p>Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 1 (Department of Insurance) As a result of the requirements brought about by this legislation, the Department would need to add, at a minimum, three (3) full time staff. Though no immediate need, additional legal staff may be required in the near future. The three (3) employees would work with the Consumer Division at a total cost to the Department of Insurance of approximately $283,000 for personal services and related expenses. The cost associated with these responsibilitie is expected to be covered by Federal grant monies.</p><p>State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) HB 224 (H-AM 1) does not create a State mandate.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/27/2011 Senate Assigned to Insurance</p><p>HB 297 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Labor Hearing May 11 2011 12:30PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL Short Description: EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS REPORT</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Constance A. Howard-Mary E. Flowers-Monique D. Davis-Marlow H. Colvin</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Kwame Raoul)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Task Force on Inventorying Employment Restrictions Act. Requires that the Task Force on Inventorying Employment Restrictions submit to the Governor and the General Assembly findings and recommendations concerning employment restrictions that are not reasonably related to public safety. Provides that the findings and recommendations must be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly by February 1, 2012. Provides that the Executive Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority shall serve as an ex officio member of the Task Force. Provides that on or before August 1, 2011 (now, September 1, 2010), all State agencies shall produce a report for the Task Force that describes the employment restrictions that are based on criminal records for each occupation under the agency's jurisdiction and that of its boards. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 2 Further amends the Task Force on Inventorying Employment Restrictions Act. Extends the time period for the Task Force on Inventorying Employment Restrictions to report its findings to the Governor and General Assembly from December 31, 2010 to February 1, 2012.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 5/4/2011 Senate Postponed - Labor</p><p>HB 298 </p><p>Short Description: CRIM ID-SEALING RECORDS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Constance A. Howard-Mary E. Flowers-Marlow H. Colvin-Robyn Gabel, Al Riley, Lisa M. Dugan, Patrick J. Verschoore, Camille Y Lilly, Arthur Turner, La Shawn K. Ford, Rita Mayfield, Patricia R. Bellock and Derrick Smith</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford-Jacqueline Y. Collins-Mattie Hunter-Thomas Johnson-Kwame Raoul)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Criminal Identification Act. Adds that the court shall not order the sealing of records of an arrest which results in the petitioner being charged with a felony offense or records of a charge not initiated by arrest for a felony offense unless (i) the charge results in acquittal, dismissal, or the petitioner's release without conviction or (ii) the charge results in a conviction, but the conviction was reversed or vacated. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 5/6/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 10, 2011 HB 1083 </p><p>Short Description: SCH CD-SPEC ED-IEP APPEALS BD</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Michael W. Tryon</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that if a child or the child's parent requests a change or additional services under the child's individualized educational program and school personnel deny that request, then the child's parent may appeal the denial to the school board and the school board shall establish an IEP appeals board to meet with the child's parent, review the denial, and make a final decision regarding the change or additional services. Provides that the board shall consist of 3 parents of children with disabilities and 3 school personnel members who have knowledge of special education law.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1135 </p><p>Short Description: WHISTLEBLOWR-LICENSED EMPLOYEE</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Jim Watson</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Whistleblower Act. Adds to the definition of "employee" any person licensed by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/1/2011 House Tabled By Sponsor Rep. Jim Watson</p><p>HB 1193 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Executive Hearing May 11 2011 2:00PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL</p><p>Short Description: INS CD - RECOUPMENT TIME LIMIT</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Greg Harris-Sara Feigenholtz-Mary E. Flowers-Monique D. Davis-Daniel J. Burke, Robyn Gabel, Robert Rita and Deborah Mell</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Heather A. Steans) Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. In the provision concerning recoupment, provides that no recoupment or offset may be requested or withheld from future payments 366 or more days after the original payment. Provides for exceptions for cases in which there has been a formal adjudication of fraud or the provider has already been paid in full. Provides that nothing in the provision concerning recoupments shall be construed to preclude insurers or certain organizations from resolving coordination of benefits between or among each other without recouping payment from the provider beyond the 366-day time limit.</p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the bill as introduced and the following changes. Makes changes concerning the information that shall be displayed on the remittance advice or written document containing the insurer's demand for recoupment or offset. Provides that any appeal of a recoupment or offset by a health care professional or health care provider must be made within 60 days after receipt of the remittance advice. Provides that no recoupment or offset may be requested or withheld from future payments 18 months or more (instead of 366 or more days) after the original payment is made, except in certain cases. Makes other changes.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/27/2011 Senate Assigned to Executive</p><p>HB 1202 </p><p>Short Description: MOTOR WHEELCHAIR-PROTECT BUYER</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Michael J. Zalewski and Michelle Mussman</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the New Vehicle Buyer Protection Act. Makes the protections that are available to buyers of new vehicles also available to buyers of new motorized wheelchairs, including replacement or return of a new motorized wheelchair that the seller, after a reasonable number of attempts, is unable to conform to any of its applicable express warranties. Provides that lien holders to whom a refund may be paid under the Act include the administrator of the medical assistance program under the Illinois Public Aid Code, the administrator of the federal Medicare program, and a private insurer. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/15/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1238 </p><p>Short Description: INS CD-PRE-EXISTING CONDITION</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Karen May-Robyn Gabel-Sara Feigenholtz-Mary E. Flowers-Al Riley</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that beginning January 1, 2012, no group or individual policy of accident and health insurance issued in this State that covers hospital or medical expenses, for an insured or the insured's immediate family or children, shall exclude coverage for any condition defined under the Department of Insurance rules as a pre-existing condition.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1492 </p><p>Short Description: VEH CD-TINTED FILM-WINDOWS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Mike Bost</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that in cases where a driver who is exempt from restrictions on window tinting has already been issued vanity, personalized, or special license plates, the Secretary of State shall issue distinctive license plate stickers to the driver instead of distinctive license plates. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1530 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Executive Hearing May 11 2011 2:00PM Capitol 212 Springfield, IL</p><p>Short Description: INSURANCE-MENTAL HEALTH PARITY</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Lou Lang-Robyn Gabel-William Davis-Naomi D. Jakobsson-Fred Crespo, Dave Winters, Al Riley, Sara Feigenholtz, Mary E. Flowers, Joseph M. Lyons, Maria Antonia Berrios, Jack D. Franks, Keith Farnham, Linda Chapa LaVia, Camille Y Lilly, Cynthia Soto, Ann Williams, Elizabeth Hernandez, John D'Amico, Daniel Biss, Patrick J. Verschoore and Harry Osterman</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. William Delgado, Mattie Hunter and Jeffrey M. Schoenberg-M. Maggie Crotty-Michael Noland)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code in the provisions concerning autism spectrum disorders, habilitative services for children, and mental and emotional disorders to provide that certain coverage provided under those respective provisions through a group or individual policy of accident and health insurance or managed care plan shall be subject to the parity requirements of the provision concerning mental health parity. Sets forth a provision concerning mental health parity. Provides that every insurer that amends, delivers, issues, or renews a group policy of accident and health insurance in the State providing coverage for hospital or medical treatment and for the treatment of mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or conditions shall ensure adherence to the provisions concerning financial requirements and treatment limitations. Sets forth provisions concerning aggregate lifetime and annual limits. Amends the Health Maintenance Organization Act to comport with the provision of the Illinois Insurance Code concerning mental health parity. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Committee Amendment No. 1 Changes references of individuals licensed pursuant to the Illinois Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and Dependency Act to licensed or certified professionals at programs licensed pursuant to the Illinois Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and Dependency Act. Provides that an insurer that provides coverage for hospital or medical expenses under a group policy of accident and health insurance or health care plan shall provide coverage under the policy for treatment of serious mental illness and substance use disorders (instead of serious mental illness). Sets forth a definition for "substance use disorder". Provides that medical necessity determinations for substance use disorders shall be made in accordance with appropriate patient placement criteria established by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Provides that the provision concerning mental health parity shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the interim final regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including the prohibition against applying certain cumulative financial requirements or cumulative quantitative treatment limitations. Makes other changes.</p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 3 Changes references from "speech therapist" to "speech-language pathologist".</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 5/4/2011 Senate Assigned to Executive</p><p>HB 1725 </p><p>Short Description: INC TX-HEARING AID DEDUCTION</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Rosemary Mulligan</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Creates an income tax deduction for individuals and trusts and estates for any amount exceeding $2,000 expended for the purchase of a hearing aid. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1727 </p><p>Short Description: INS CD-COCHLEAR & HEARING IMPL</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Rosemary Mulligan</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code, the Health Maintenance Organization Act, and the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act. Provides that group and individual policies of accident and health insurance and managed care plans must provide coverage for (1) operations to implant cochlear implants and post-treatment services for children identified within one year of birth as being deaf or hearing impaired and (2) audiological services and hearing aids for children up to 18 years of age. Makes other changes. Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 1973 </p><p>Short Description: DFPR-REMOVE PUBLIC RECORD</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Angelo Saviano-Dan Reitz-Michael J. Zalewski</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. M. Maggie Crotty)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that any licensee disciplined under a licensure Act administered by the Division of Professional Regulation for an offense relating to the failure to pay taxes, child support, or student loans or relating to continuing education or advertising may file a petition with the Department on forms provided by the Department, along with the required fee of $200, to have the records of that offense removed from public view on the Department's website if certain conditions are met. Provides that nothing shall prohibit the Department from using a previous discipline for any regulatory purpose or from releasing records of a previous discipline upon request from law enforcement, other governmental body, or the public. Provides that removal of records of a disciplinary offense from the Department's website shall not be considered a vacating or expunging of the offense from the licensee's disciplinary record. Effective immediately.</p><p>House Floor Amendment No. 2 Removes the ability of a person or entity licensed under the Real Estate Appraiser Licensing Act of 2002 to be able to petition the Department to have disciplinary actions expunged from the record of the Division of Professional Regulation.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 5/5/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 6, 2011</p><p>HB 2856 </p><p>Short Description: DHS-EARLY INTERVENTION SERVCS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Raymond Poe</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Early Intervention Services System Act. Requires the Department of Human Services, or an entity designated by the Department, to develop and maintain an updated list of all of the State-approved public or private early intervention service providers in each local service area. Provides that the list shall be available on the Department or designated entity's website to allow free access to the list by eligible children and their families. Further provides that the list shall not include any information which would lead to preferential selection of any provider or group of providers over other providers, and that providers may not be included on the list of approved providers if, within the preceding 5 years, the provider has been a service coordinator of a local regional intake entity in a local service area. Effective immediately. Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/15/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 2883 </p><p>Short Description: WORKERS' COMP - INITIATIVE</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. David Reis-Dan Brady-Dwight Kay-Jim Sacia-Dave Winters and Norine Hammond</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Defines "accident" and "injury." Provides that pain or other subjective complaints alone, in the absence of objective relevant medical findings, are not compensable. Deletes language allowing rebuttable presumptions for an employee employed as a firefighter, emergency medical technician (EMT), or paramedic. Deletes language allowing an employee to secure his own physician, surgeon and hospital services at the employer's expense. Provides that the employer shall choose all necessary medical, surgical and hospital services reasonably required to cure or relieve from the effects of the accidental injury at the employer's expense, except upon a finding by the Commission that the employer's choice of medical care threatens life, health, or recovery, then the employee may choose a second physician, surgeon, and hospital services at the employer's expense. Provides for a waiver of employee privacy for the employer to obtain necessary decision making information. Provides for a wage differential award and that such award shall cease when the employee reaches the full retirement age as defined by the Social Security Administration. Provides for reimbursement of out-of-state procedures, treatments, services, products or supplies. Provides for a new medical fee schedule after January 1, 2012, in accordance with the Medicare payment systems (160%). Moves the utilization review program registration and administration to the Department of Insurance. Makes numerous changes regarding employee intoxication, partial or total disability, implants, employment verification documents, and other changes.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 2919 </p><p>Short Description: INS CD - PROVIDER CONTRACTS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Angelo Saviano</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. In the provision concerning contracting procedures, specifies that no contract is required to provide services to an insured, enrollee, or beneficiary. Provides that when health care services are provided by a nonparticipating health care professional or health care provider, an insurer, health maintenance organization, independent practice association, or physician hospital organization shall (now, may) pay for covered services either to a patient directly or to the nonparticipating health care professional or health care provider. Provides that the Director of Insurance may require an insurance company or agent that wilfully violates any provision of the Article of the Code concerning accident and health insurance to pay to the people of the State a penalty in a sum not exceeding $10,000 (now, $1,000). Specifies that certain provisions of the Code are deemed incorporated into health care professional and health care provider service contracts entered into on or before the effective date of the amendatory Act. Makes other changes.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 3133 </p><p>Short Description: WRITTEN COLLABORATIVES-APNS</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Sara Feigenholtz</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Nurse Practice Act. Provides that an advanced practice nurse may, but is not required to, submit a request to the Department to eliminate the requirement of the written collaborative agreement, allowing the advanced practice nurse autonomous practice with full prescribing authority if the advance practice nurse (i) shows proof of successfully practicing under a delegated written collaborative agreement for a minimum of 2 years, (ii) shows proof of an unencumbered license, (iii) shows proof of individual malpractice insurance, (iv) agrees in writing that 20 hours of the 50- hour requirement for continuing education be in pharmacology, and (v) signs a memorandum of understanding to the Department affirming that the advance practice nurse will collaborate, consult, and refer to a physician and other colleagues in adherence to the Act and all rules governing the scope of practice for certification.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 3169 </p><p>Short Description: DHS-DCFS-ELECTRONIC SYTM CARE</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Rich Brauer</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. Provides that the Department of Human Services, in collaboration with the Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and the Illinois State Board of Education, shall develop a comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated web-based system that documents in real time the availability of services proffered by the listed agencies for adults and children with disabilities. Provides that the system shall be known as the Electronic System of Care (eSOC) and shall be publicly accessible through the listed agencies' websites to allow primary and secondary customers to develop person-centered services plans, search for services or supports needed within a consumer specific time period, and track the progress an agency is making in providing needed services or supports, and to determine service gaps in the system. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 3201 </p><p>Short Description: HUM RTS-FELONY CONVICT-INQUIRY</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Esther Golar</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act. Provides that unless otherwise authorized by law, it is a civil rights violation for any employer, employment agency or labor organization to inquire into or to use the fact of a felony conviction that was entered more than 7 years earlier as a basis to refuse to hire, to segregate, or to act with respect to recruitment, hiring, promotion, renewal of employment, selection for training or apprenticeship, discharge, discipline, tenure or terms, privileges or conditions of employment. This Section does not prohibit a State agency, unit of local government or school district, or private organization from requesting or utilizing sealed felony conviction information obtained from the Department of State Police under State or federal laws or regulations that require criminal background checks in evaluating the qualifications and character of an employee or a prospective employee.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 3263 </p><p>Short Description: HEALTHCARE - SEX CRIMES</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Patricia R. Bellock</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that when the Secretary receives notification from an Illinois State's Attorney of the filing of criminal charges alleging that a health care worker, as defined in the Health Care Worker Self-Referral Act, committed any offense that (1) involves bodily harm against a patient, including any offense based on sexual conduct or sexual penetration or (2) requires as a part of its criminal sentence to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, the Secretary shall suspend the license of the health care worker without a hearing for 45 days, simultaneously with the institution of proceedings for a hearing. Adds provisions concerning disciplinary hearings and confidentiality. Provides that the Department shall immediately permanently revoke the license or permit of any health care worker who has been convicted of such a crime and that the Department shall not reinstate or issue a license or permit as a health care worker to any such convicted person unless that person's conviction has been vacated, overturned, or reversed. Provides that these new provisions apply notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary. Amends the Counties Code. Adds to the duties of State's Attorney the duty to: (1) notify the Department of the filing of criminal charges alleging that a health care worker committed any offense that (i) involves bodily harm against a patient, including any offense based on sexual conduct or sexual penetration or (ii) requires as a part of its criminal sentence to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act and (2) notify the Department upon the conviction of any health care worker of such a crime. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>HB 3547 </p><p>Short Description: MEDICAID-PROVIDER FRAUD</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Mary E. Flowers</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Public Assistance Fraud Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that providers and suppliers of healthcare services under the State's medical assistance program shall be screened by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services prior to being accepted by the State as service providers. Contains provisions concerning screening measures; payment audits; and mandatory compliance plans.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 House Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee</p><p>SB 3 </p><p>Short Description: GO BOND-STATE RESTRUCTURING</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. John J. Cullerton-Iris Y. Martinez</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the General Obligation Restructuring Bond Fund and the General Obligation Restructuring Bond Debt Service Fund as special funds in the State treasury. Provides that the Comptroller shall transfer into the General Obligation Restructuring Bond Debt Service Fund certain amounts to service debt due on State General Obligation Restructuring Bonds. Amends the General Obligation Bond Act. Increases total authorized amount of General Obligation Bonds. Provides that the $8,750,000,000 of Bonds authorized by this amendatory Act shall be used to pay vouchers that are at least 60 days past due, medical expenses incurred by the State under its health plans, corporate income tax refunds, and other operating expenses of the State. Provides that the proceeds of these Bonds shall be deposited in the General Obligation Restructuring Bond Fund. Provides for the conditions for issuance and sale of State General Obligation Restructuring Bonds. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments</p><p>SB 1284 </p><p>Short Description: HUM RTS-CRIMINAL CHARGE RECORD</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford-Kwame Raoul and Annazette R. Collins Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act. Provides that it is a civil rights violation for any employer, employment agency, or labor organization to inquire into or use the fact of an arrest, the fact of a criminal charge, or any expunged or sealed criminal history record information (instead of only the fact of an arrest or expunged or any sealed criminal history record information) of a person, as a basis to refuse to hire, for an adverse employment action, to refuse to grant tenure, or to affect the terms, privileges or conditions of employment, but that the prohibition against the use of the fact of an arrest or the fact of a criminal charge (instead of only the fact of an arrest) does not prohibit an employer, employment agency, or labor organization from obtaining or using other information which indicates that a person actually engaged in the conduct for which he or she was arrested or for which he or she was the subject of a criminal charge.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/17/2011 Senate Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 29, 2011</p><p>SB 1349 </p><p>Short Description: WORKERS' COMP - INITIATIVE</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Kyle McCarter-Kirk W. Dillard-Bill Brady, Wm. Sam McCann, Darin M. LaHood and David S. Luechtefeld-Christine Radogno</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Defines "accident" and "injury." Deletes language allowing rebuttable presumptions for an employee employed as a firefighter, emergency medical technician (EMT), or paramedic. Deletes language allowing an employee to secure his own physician, surgeon and hospital services at the employer's expense. Provides that the employer shall choose all necessary medical, surgical and hospital services reasonably required to cure or relieve from the effects of the accidental injury at the employer's expense, except upon a finding by the Commission that the employer's choice of medical care threatens life, health, or recovery, then the employee may choose a second physician, surgeon, and hospital services at the employer's expense. Provides for a waiver of employee privacy for the employer to obtain necessary decision making information. Provides for a wage differential award and that such award shall cease when the employee reaches the full retirement age as defined by the Social Security Administration. Provides for reimbursement of out-of-state procedures, treatments, services, products or supplies. Provides for a new medical fee schedule after January 1, 2012, in accordance with the Medicare payment systems (160%). Moves the utilization review program registration and administration to the Department of Insurance. Makes numerous changes regarding employee intoxication, partial or total disability, implants, employment verification documents, and other changes.</p><p>Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Workers' Compensation Act. Defines "accident" and "injury." Provides standards of conduct for Commissioners and arbitrators. Provides for limited binding agreements between construction employers and labor organizations. Provides that for 60 days from the report of injury to the employer, the employer shall choose all necessary medical services reasonably required, and that the employee may secure his own physician and medical services after 60 days from the report of injury. Provides that no employer shall be required to pay temporary partial disability benefits to an employee who has been discharged for cause. Provides that an employer may utilize a preferred provider program approved by the Illinois Department of Insurance to satisfy its liabilities. Provides that an award for wage differential shall be effective only until the employee reaches the age of 67 or 5 years from the date of the award, whichever is later. Provides for a new determination of permanent partial disability for injuries occurring on or after December 31, 2011. Moves the utilization review program registration and administration to the Department of Insurance. Makes numerous other changes concerning privacy, employee intoxication, fee schedules, prescriptions, billing and best practices reports, utilization review, signature certification, a ban on gifts, fraud, sentencing, and annual reports. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 4/14/2011 Senate Third Reading - Lost; 025-006-028 SB 1350 </p><p>Short Description: TRUTH IN HEALTH CARE-COVERAGE</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Kyle McCarter, William R. Haine, William Delgado and Dave Syverson</p><p>House Sponsors (Rep. Angelo Saviano)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Truth in Health Care Professional Services Act. Provides that health care professionals and licensee as defined in the Truth in Health Care Professional Services Act applies to individuals who work in a hospital or in an ambulatory surgical treatment center as defined by the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act. Effective immediately.</p><p>Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Truth in Health Care Professional Services Act. Provides that "health care professional" does not include an individual licensed as a dentist. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 4/27/2011 House Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate</p><p>SB 1557 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee Hearing May 10 2011 3:00PM Stratton Building Room C-1 Springfield, IL</p><p>Short Description: GRP INS-PHYS THERAPY-COVERAGE</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. William R. Haine</p><p>House Sponsors (Rep. Michael J. Madigan)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. Provides that there is coverage under the Act for medically necessary physical therapy and occupational therapy when that therapy is ordered for the treatment of autoimmune diseases or referred for the same purpose (rather than at any time medically necessary physical therapy and occupational therapy is ordered or referred). Effective immediately.</p><p>Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Removes a provision that required the provider of physical or occupational therapy to furnish certain records in order to establish that initial or continued treatment is resulting in an approved clinical status.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 5/4/2011 House Re-assigned to Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee</p><p>SB 1575 Short Description: VEH CD-TINTED FILM-WINDOWS</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Gary Forby</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that in cases where a driver who is exempt from restrictions on window tinting has already been issued vanity, personalized, or special license plates, the Secretary of State shall issue distinctive license plate stickers to the driver instead of distinctive license plates. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments</p><p>SB 1616 </p><p>Short Description: WRITTEN COLLABORATIVE AGMTS</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Heather A. Steans</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Nurse Practice Act. Removes references to a written collaborative agreement throughout the Act. Provides that an advanced practice nurse's scope of practice includes collaboration and consultation with or referral to a physician or other appropriate health-care professional for patient care needs that exceed the APN's scope of practice, education, or experience. Provides that as part of the professional scope of advanced practice nursing, an advanced practice nurse possesses prescriptive authority appropriate to his or her specialty, scope of practice, education, and experience. Such prescriptive authority shall include the authority to prescribe, select, order, administer, store, accept samples of, and dispense over-the-counter medications, legend drugs, medical gases, certain controlled substances, and other preparations, including botanical and herbal remedies. Amends various other Acts to make related changes. Effective immediately.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 3/18/2011 Senate Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments</p><p>SB 1762 </p><p>Short Description: HEALTH CARE WORKER-SEX CRIME</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Kirk W. Dillard-Pamela J. Althoff, Kyle McCarter-Iris Y. Martinez-Jacqueline Y. Collins, Toi W. Hutchinson, William R. Haine and Mattie Hunter</p><p>House Sponsors (Rep. Jack D. Franks-Fred Crespo-Keith Farnham)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that any licensed health care worker, who has been (1) convicted of committing a sexual criminal act that requires registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act against a patient in the course of patient care or treatment, (2) has been convicted of a criminal battery against any patient, (3) a forcible felony, or (4) required as part of a criminal sentence to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, then the license of the health care worker shall by operation of law be permanently revoked without a hearing. Provides that no person registered as a sex offender may receive a license as a health care worker in Illinois. Requires that within 15 business days after receiving notice from the State's Attorney of the filing of criminal charges against the health care worker, the Secretary shall issue an administrative order that the health care worker may only practice with a chaperone during all patient encounters pending the outcome of the criminal proceedings. Adds provisions concerning the confidentiality of certain information and documents. Effective immediately.</p><p>Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the introduced bill with changes. Provides that no person who has been convicted of any specified offense or is required to register as a sex offender may receive a license as a health care worker in Illinois. Provides that a chaperone must be a licensed health care worker and the chaperone shall provide written notice to all the health care worker's patients explaining the Department's order to use a chaperone. Provides that each patient shall sign an acknowledgement that they received the notice. Provides that the notice to the patient of criminal charges shall include a statement that the health care worker is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Provides that the Department may adopt rules necessary to implement the provisions. Makes other changes. Effective 30 days after becoming law.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 4/21/2011 House Assigned to Executive Committee</p><p>SB 1800 </p><p>Short Description: CHILDREN-TECH</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. Heather A. Steans</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Early Intervention Services System Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 2/9/2011 Senate Referred to Assignments</p><p>SB 1945 </p><p>Committee Hearing: Health & Healthcare Disparities Committee Hearing May 12 2011 12:00PM Stratton Building Room 413 Springfield, IL</p><p>Short Description: COMPREHENSIVE HLTHCARE ACT</p><p>Senate Sponsors Sen. William Delgado-Donne E. Trotter-David Koehler-Michael Noland-Iris Y. Martinez, Mattie Hunter and Jacqueline Y. Collins</p><p>House Sponsors (Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Comprehensive Healthcare Workforce Planning Act. Establishes the State Healthcare Workforce Council to provide an ongoing assessment of health care workforce trends, training issues, and financing policies and to recommend appropriate State government and private sector efforts to address identified needs. Provides that the Council's work shall focus on health care workforce supply and distribution; cultural competence and minority participation in health professions education; primary care training and practice; and data evaluation and analysis. Contains provisions concerning members; the preparation of a comprehensive healthcare workforce plan by the Department of Public Health and the Council; and reimbursement of Council members.</p><p>Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adds an effective date of July 1, 2012.</p><p>Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Provides that implementation of the Act is entirely subject to the availability and appropriation of funds from federal grant money applied for by the Department of Public Health. Provides that State Healthcare Workforce Council shall work in coordination with the State Health Improvement Plan Implementation Coordination Council to ensure alignment with the State Health Improvement Plan. Includes representatives of pharmacists among the health care workforce experts who are appointed by the Governor to the State Healthcare Workforce Council.</p><p>Last Action Date Chamber Action 4/25/2011 House Assigned to Health & Healthcare Disparities Committee</p><p>HJR 11 </p><p>Short Description: BRDS AND COMMS ADVISORY PANEL</p><p>House Sponsors Rep. Sidney H. Mathias-Jack D. Franks-Lisa M. Dugan-Carol A. Sente-Randy Ramey, Jr.</p><p>Senate Sponsors (Sen. Matt Murphy)</p><p>Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Boards and Commissions Advisory Panel for the purpose of conducting an exhaustive analysis of all statutorily created advisory panels, authorities, boards, commissions, committees, councils, and task forces to determine where cost savings may be made.</p><p>Last Action </p><p>Date Chamber Action 4/6/2011 Senate Referred to Assignments</p><p>Totals: 36 - (House Bills: 25) (Senate Bills: 10) (Other Bills: 1)</p>
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