<p> ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE Study Abroad Course Syllabus ______</p><p>CLP 2140: Abnormal Psychology, 3 credit Hours </p><p>Instructor: Name: Sara Brzezinski Contact Information: E-mail: [email protected] or MyCourses Office Phone: 727-712-5455 Cell Phone: 727-244-1288 Office Hours/Instructor Availability: As posted by office or By Appointment Office Location: LY 251 Instructor Web Page: http://it.spcollege.edu/course_info/inquiry.cfm?number=1847</p><p>Academic Department:</p><p>Dean: Dr. Joseph Smiley Academic Chair: Dr. David Liebert Office Location: Tarpon Springs, Lambda Portable Office Location: Tarpon Springs, PS 105 Office Number: 727-712-5783 Office Number: 727-712-5776</p><p>Study Abroad Application Requirements:</p><p>Approval for participation in the program is subject to the following. Each participant must:</p><p> Be a college student with a high school diploma, to participate in a traditional Study Abroad program or be registered as dual enrolled (*) to participate in a high school Study Abroad program. Be in good academic standing at the time of application (cannot be on academic warning, probation or suspension). Be enrolled for credit in an approved Study Abroad program course. Meet with an academic advisor to o Ensure any or all prerequisites needed to enroll in the course have been met o To complete a My Learning Plan Submit all required forms and documentation Interview with and be approved by program's lead faculty member. Be approved by the Center for International Programs.</p><p>A. Course Description: Prerequisite: PSY 1012 or PSY 1020H. This course is an examination of the major categories of psychological disorders. Diagnostic criteria and treatment methods applicable to psychological disorders are studied. This course has a substantial writing requirement. 47 contact hours.</p><p>B. Major Learning Outcomes: 1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of behavior terminology associated with psychological disorders. 2. The student will demonstrate understanding of diagnostic methods. 3. The student will understand major therapeutic approaches in the treatment of psychological disorders. 4. The student will demonstrate knowledge of major categories of mental disorders based upon criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association and other national professional organizations. 1 C. Course Objectives Stated in Performance Terms: 1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of behavioral terminology associated with psychological disorders by defining terms such as: 1) symptom 2) syndrome 3) etiology 4) prognosis 5) diagnosis 6) other relevant terms used in assessment and treatment of psychological disorders. 2. The student will demonstrate understanding of diagnostic methods by: a. differentiating among the major techniques used in the psychodiagnostic process. b. classifying psychological tests used in the diagnostic process. 3. The student will understand major therapeutic approaches in the treatment of psychological disorders by: a. examining the psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioristic, and somatic models of therapy. b. recognizing a treatment modality effective with a specific category of psychological disorder. c. explaining the difference between an institution and a therapeutic community. 4. The student will demonstrate knowledge of major categories of mental disorders based upon criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association and other national professional organizations by identifying the following major categories of mental disorders based upon etiology, symptoms, syndromes, and treatment approaches: 1) disorders of infancy, childhood, adolescence 2) anxiety, somatoform, dissociative disorders 3) schizophenia and psychotic disorders 4) substance related disorders 5) organic mental disorders 6) personality disorders 7) mood disorders 8) sexual and gender identity disorders</p><p>D. Criteria Performance Standard: Upon successful completion of the course the student will, with a minimum of 60% accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the above stated objectives through classroom measures developed by individual course instructors and also by: 1. Multiple choice objective and/or short answer essay tests, and 2. A written project, achieved through individual and/or group work, designed to enable the student to explore psychological disorders in greater depth.</p><p>R equired Textbook and Other Resources Information: </p><p>There is not a required textbook for this course. You will have access to the DSM-5 through the SPC Online Library databases. There will be articles posted on MyCourses that you will need to review prior to attending class as well. </p><p>Special Topics</p><p>This study abroad will offer a cross cultural comparison to students in the following areas:</p><p>Mental Health Counseling Practices and Therapeutic Techniques Culture Bound Syndromes Psychological Disorders – Etiology, Symptoms, Prognosis, and Treatments Mental Health Law and Policies Community Mental Health Care Medicinal Treatment and Care 2 Cultural Healing Practices Service Learning with Children and Childhood Disorders Geriatric Psychology Health Psychology Preventative Practices and Public Policy</p><p>Attendance and Active Participation Policy:</p><p>The course will be offered in a blended format and will open in MyCourses on May 23, 2016 and close on August 5, 2016. The actual travel dates in Ecuador are July 17, 2016 – July 31, 2016.</p><p>In order to be considered as “actively participating” in this class, a student can miss no more than 20% of the pre- departure modules in MyCourses or 20% of the class meetings and/or cultural activities during time in Ecuador.</p><p>Academic Honesty</p><p>St. Petersburg College has an Academic Honesty policy. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the policies, rules, and the consequences of violations. Read about the policy at: http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/admit/honesty.htm. There is no tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty. Discipline can range from a zero on that specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of F. Note that copy/pasting published information, whether it's from your textbook or the Internet, without citing your source is plagiarism and violates this policy. Even if you change the words slightly, the ideas are someone else's, so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy and fabrication are defined in Rule 6Hx23-4.461, Student Affairs: Academic Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior.</p><p>Drug and Alcohol Policy</p><p>Please refer to important information about student conduct and related policies in your study abroad application package.</p><p>If there is a medication that you must take, bring an adequate supply for your stay. If you take medications with you, be sure to have copies of the prescriptions and leave the medication in the original container. You may be asked to show the prescription at customs in order to prove that the medication is a prescribed drug. The prescription should be written in terms of the chemical composition or generic name rather than brand name, and should include dosage, instructions, and reason for prescribing the drug. Do not plan on having U.S. prescriptions filled abroad. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, take along an extra pair. Also, be sure to have the lens prescription with you in case you need it later.</p><p>Note that it is illegal to bring some common over-the-counter medications from the U.S. into certain countries. Please refer to the U.S. State Department's Consular Information Sheet on the country where you will be studying: www.travel.state.gov” (http://www.temple.edu/studyabroad/health_safety.html) or the resources link on SPC’s study abroad site.</p><p>Special Accommodations If you anticipate requesting of the Learning Specialist an accommodation for a documented disability, it is important to notify the International Programs office as soon as possible that you plan to make a request. Please also make an appointment with the Learning Specialist on campus to make your request as soon as possible. The Learning Specialist can be reached at 791-2628 or 791-2710 (CL), 341-4758 (SP/G), 394-6108, (SE), 712-5789 (TS), or 341- 4532 (AC).</p><p>3 Assignments</p><p>Journal: You will be expected to maintain a journal where you will record your observations from the various activities for the day while in Ecuador. The more you put into this journaling experience, the more you will get out of it. You will need to make sure that you make cross cultural connections between the U.S. and Ecuador in your recordings. Some days you will be assigned specific prompts to direct your reflection process. This assignment will compose 50% of your overall grade.</p><p>Online Modules: You will need to complete three online modules before departing for the trip. This will provide you with a foundation to make educated cross cultural comparisons while attending various excursions in Ecuador. Completion of these modules will compose 30% of your overall grade.</p><p>Service Learning: You will be required to participate in a service learning project working with local school children in Ecuador. Your participation in this activity will compose 20% of your overall grade. </p><p>Grading</p><p>Final grades will be determined as follows:</p><p>A = 90 -100% D = 60-69% B = 80-89 % F = 59% or less C = 70-79%</p><p>Suggested Items to Pack Please see the following websites for suggestions on items to pack. We will also review this information at our pre- departure meeting on May 25, 2016: http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com/html/packing.html http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com http://www.fodors.com/community/south-america/packing-for-ecuador.cfm </p><p>Itinerary (BLD = Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)</p><p>Sunday 07/17/2016 Quito Hotel Quito (D) Upon arrival in Quito you will be met and transferred to the hotel.</p><p>Monday 07/18/2016 Quito Hotel Quito (BLD) Today spend the day visit the city surrounded by volcanoes. Quito is a unique city that boasts one of the largest and best preserved colonial centers in America. Visit La Compania Church, Alabado Museum (pre Columbian art), and San Francisco Church. Have lunch during the exploration today and later return to the hotel for dinner and talk to prep for the visit to Amazonia tomorrow.</p><p>Tuesday 07/19/2016 Amazonia Casa del Suizo (BLD) After breakfast transfer to Casa del Suizo. The drive provides several stops to photograph the lush green valleys and sparkling waterfalls along the route from the scenic highlands into Amazonia. En route is a stop at Termas Papallacta hot springs to experience the thermal pools and a leisurely lunch. The road ends at Punta Ahuano, a tiny port town on the Napo River, where canoes will be waiting. Take a 15 minute ride 4 downstream to Casa del Suizo, arriving with time to relax as the sun sets. This evening have an orientation with a local naturalist and prepare for tomorrow's activities.</p><p>Wednesday 07/20/2016 Amazonia Casa del Suizo (BLD) Start the day trekking through primary and secondary forest trails, observing different species of birds, insects, and plants. The guides will point out plants that are used as medicine and in construction. After a picnic lunch, set up transects for biodiversity counts. Later visit the Mariposario to see a variety of butterflies. This evening discuss today's observations.</p><p>Thursday 07/21/2016 Amazonia Casa del Suizo (BLD) Begin with breakfast before boarding a dugout canoe and traveling approximately 20 minutes down the Napo River to Cosano for a rainforest hike. As you walk through the primary rainforest, observe tropical birds and wildlife and learn about the surrounding vegetation. The guides will demonstrate traditional hunting traps used by natives to catch animals. Next visit Amazoonico, a rehabilitation center for wounded and displaced animals such as coatis, tapirs, monkeys, snakes, and birds. Later discover traditional Quichua culture in the village of Ahuano, where a local host will show you how to make the beverage chichi and demonstrate spiritual cleansing rituals. Before dinner, participate in a blowgun target shooting contest. This afternoon, discuss today's experiences and the impact of human population on the environment.</p><p>Friday 07/22/2016 Quito Hotel Quito (BLD) Early morning, 6:00am transfer to Quito. This afternoon have lunch and then visit an Elder Care facility to receive a talk by administration about Elder Care in Ecuador. For those not participating in the Mental Health Program, visit a local market in Quito. Return to the hotel for dinner and lecture about mental health care, treatment, and prevention in Ecuador from a psychologist or psychiatrist.</p><p>Saturday 07/23/2016 Quito Hotel Quito (BLD) Today visit the Hospital Sagrado Corazon de Jesus or have a talk by someone from this hospital about mental health issues in Ecuador. For those not participating in the Mental Health Program, visit the Intinan Museum. This afternoon, the group will meet up for an afternoon visit to the Middle of the World Monument.</p><p>Sunday 07/24/2016 Bella Vista Bella Vista, Dormitory (BLD) Depart Quito early to explore the Bellavista Cloud Forest, a private reserve of more than 700 acres and one of the most diverse ecosystems in the country. Bellavista Reserve is a peaceful, beautiful nature sanctuary that home to hundreds of species of plants, birds, and other animals. Learn about the dedicated conservation efforts put forth by the people of the ecosystem in order to preserve the magical atmosphere of the cloud forest. Tonight have an evening discussion to compare and contrast the cloud forest and rainforest ecosystems.</p><p>Monday 07/25/2016 Guayaquil Hotel Oro Verde (BLD) Depart Bellavista and head to Quito and then on to Tababela Airport for flight to Guayaquil. Upon arrival in Guayaquil, transfer to Hotel Oro Verde for dinner and overnight.</p><p>Tuesday 07/26/2016 Machalilla Finca Punta Ayampa (BLD) Early depature this morning for drive to Machalilla for visit to Escuela de Ayampe for a talk by an administrator or counselor on how mental health is viewed and managed in the educational systems in Ecuador. This afternoon experiential learning, where the SPC students work on a task with the school children. After lunch, hike in Ayampe.</p><p>Wednesday 07/27/2016 Machalilla Finca Punta Ayampa (BLD) Begin with a drive to Puerto Lopez, where you will board a boat and take a two hour journey to Isla de la Plata. Isla de la Plata, also known as Silver Island, is nicknamed the poor man's Galápagos because many of the iconic species of the islands can be found here, including Red-footed Boobies, Blue-footed Boobies, and sea lions. Upon arrival, begin a hike and explore the flora and fauna. After a boxed lunch, participate in 5 whale and dolphin watching during the return to the mainland. This evening continue the discussion on conservation efforts in Ecuador and compare and contrast ecosystems while integrating human population effects.</p><p>Thursday 07/28/2016 Guayaquil Hotel Oro Verde (BLD) Visit Escuela de Ayampe to sample local education. Donate any school supplies brought on the trip and experience a traditional dance performance by local school children. This afternoon drive south along Ruta del Sol towards Guayaquil. Check-in at the hotel for dinner.</p><p>Friday 07/29/2016 Guayaquil Hotel Oro Verde (BLD) This morning visit Instituto de Neurociencias, de la Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil to learn about Mental Health programs in Ecuador and this hospital's reintegration programs, possibly meeting with former patients to hear their stories. For those not participating in the Mental Health visit today, nearby sites of interest include the malecon waterfront, the historical park, Santa Ana hill, Iguana Park, the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art. Please note, these mentioned activities and transportation are optional, and are not included in the program cost. This evening farewell dinner in a local restaurant.</p><p>Saturday 07/30/2016 Depart (B) This morning, 10:45am, transfer to the airport for flight home.</p><p>Hotel Contact Information</p><p>Hotel Quito Av Federico Gonzalez Suarez, Quito, Ecuador +593 2-396-4900</p><p>Casa del Suizo 1-800-706-2215</p><p>Bella Vista Office : +593 2 223 2313 +593 2 290 3166</p><p>Cell : +593 (0) 994 165 868 +593 (0) 999 490 891 </p><p>Hotel Oro Verde Nueve de Octubre & García Moreno, Guayaquil, Ecuador (593 4) 2327-999</p><p>Finca Punta Ayampa al Final De La Calle Principal, Ayampe, Ecuador +593 99 189 0982</p><p>6</p>
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