<p> CONTENTS</p><p>Introduction ... Section 1 </p><p>Association … Section 2 </p><p>Conference ... Section 3</p><p>District … Section 4 </p><p>Club … Section 5</p><p>Committee Procedure … Section 6</p><p>Information on Badges, Expenses, Insurance, Charity Commissioners & Trust Document, Health & Safety and Child & Vulnerable Adult Policy … Section 7 Section 1</p><p>Introduction</p><p>2 Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain & Ireland</p><p>51 Warwick Square</p><p>London SW1V 2AT</p><p>Tel. No. 020 78344600</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Version Issued July 2013</p><p>3 INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL</p><p>Is one of the largest women’s voluntary organisations in the world.</p><p>IIW is active in over 103 countries, </p><p> with 100,000 members in 3895 clubs</p><p> http://www.internationalinnerwheel.org </p><p> is the website address for International Inner Wheel and where you will find:</p><p>Electronic copies of the International Inner Wheel Magazines</p><p>Leaflets about Inner Wheel</p><p>Official documents</p><p>Meeting Minutes </p><p>Official Inner Wheel Logos </p><p>Archived articles. </p><p>Address: Suite 2.3, 20 Market Street, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1PF Tel. No. 01619 273116 Email: [email protected]</p><p>4 GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>A copy of the General Guide should be available to members of every District Executive at the Association Annual Assembly. Please ensure that it is updated when necessary.</p><p>Additional copies of the current edition of the General Guide may be purchased from the Association Office. Further information on any point covered in the General Guide can be obtained from the Association Office.</p><p>The Guide has been divided into sections. Each Club and District can add local information as they wish but please ensure such information is accurate.</p><p>Job profiles detailing the duties for the offices held at Association and District level should be available to incoming officers from their predecessors and it is essential that these are updated every year.</p><p>The Association website www.associationofinnerwheelclubs.co.uk has the following information and forms available for downloading. </p><p>New Member and Transfer form</p><p>Form for submission of Proposal/General Motion to AGM</p><p>Application form for Margarette Golding Award</p><p>IIW Margarette Golding Award – criteria</p><p>Child Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy for Club statement</p><p>Health & Safety Policy Statement</p><p>Follow the links on the Association website to the District websites for detailed local information.</p><p>5 How to register a member on the Association database: Please have your email address to hand.</p><p>1. Go to the Association website</p><p>2. Click on the Member Access button on the left hand side</p><p>3. Click on the Register Your Profile Here (click onto the word ‘HERE’)</p><p>4. Fill in your personal details, ensuring that you have completed all compulsory fields which have a star beside them. Choose a password which will be easy for you to remember personally.</p><p>5. Once you have completed all the fields, click on the submit button.</p><p>You will then be able to access your Member Profile and check your details.</p><p>1. Go to the Association website</p><p>2. Click on the Member Access button</p><p>3. Click on the Login Here (click on the word ‘HERE’)</p><p>4. Please enter your email address and password then click onto the login button.</p><p>5. This will open up your own Member Profile. If you need to change the details at any time (should you move house, change telephone number or email address) you can change the details on this page and ensure that you click on the SAVE button in the top right hand corner.</p><p>6 .</p><p>The Structure of Inner Wheel</p><p>International Inner Wheel Governing Body The Executive Committee which includes:- IIW President Vice-President - Immediate Past President - Treasurer - Chairman Constitution Committee plus The Board Directors</p><p>The International Editor is not a member of the IIW Governing Body</p><p>Association or National Governing Body National President Vice - President-Immediate Past President - Treasurer - Chairman Constitution Committee – Editor - Chairman Overseas/International Service Committee - One member from each District Committee (Member of Council) A National Representative or Communication Coordinator who is the liaison between the Clubs, Districts and National Governing Body (if one exists) in her Country.</p><p>District Committee (District Governing Body) District Chairman Vice-Chairman or Chairmen -Immediate Past Chairman - Secretary –Treasurer - Member of Council - Editor- Overseas/International Service Organiser - Extension Organiser Two Voting Delegates from each Club</p><p>Club Executive Committee (Governing Body) President Vice-President/s - Immediate Past President -Secretary –Treasurer - Correspondent - Overseas/International Service Organiser - no more than 6 other members</p><p>The Constitution Gives the principles, or rules, by which Inner Wheel is organised and governed. Within the framework of the Constitution, National/Association Governing Bodies may have their own Bye-laws. These Bye-Laws enable members to enjoy their membership according to the customs and traditions of their own country. 5a</p><p>Below is a glossary of some of the terms used at each level in Inner Wheel. Not every country has the same kind of event, so some of the terms given below, may not apply to everyone.</p><p>Club The minimum number of Active Members to form a Club is 12. Active Member. Women from any of the three categories of membership (listed on page 4 of the C&H). Honorary Member- - A person whom the Club wishes to honour by making them an Honorary Club Member for a limited time. Honoured Active Member – An Active member who has done outstanding service, which the Club members recognise and wish to honour by paying her subscriptions for a limited time.</p><p>Subscriptions- Capitation Fees - Dues. These are the Annual membership fees, which cover the expenses of running the Club, the District Committee, the National Governing Body and the International Inner Wheel Governing Body, as well as the printing of District, National and International Magazines.</p><p>Charter Anniversary Lunches/Afternoon Teas/Dinners-These are social events held to celebrate the Club’s Birthday, or the date they received their Charter. Other Clubs may be invited.</p><p>Friendship Lunches/Afternoon Teas/Dinners- These are the same as Charter Anniversary lunches.</p><p>Correspondent- Sends out letters/bulletins, giving information/news and /or the Minutes to all Club members.</p><p>International Service Organiser - I.S.O These offices inform members about Overseas Charities and organise help to areas, throughout the world, where there is a need. International Service meetings or Rallies - Other Clubs are usually invited to attend these meetings and the speaker talks about a particular International Charity.</p><p>Directory- This gives the names/addresses/telephone and e-mail information of Committee and members.</p><p>District District-The minimum number of Clubs to form a District is 4. District Executive Committee consists of the Officers elected by the Club members and headed by the District Chairman. 8 District Committee This is formed by members of the District Executive and the two Voting delegates from each Club. This is known as the District Governing Body. 5b District Committee Meeting – This is held at least twice a year and attended by the District Executive, Club Voting delegates and any Club members, to discuss any relevant business. District Assembly- A meeting held at the beginning of the new Inner Wheel year, attended by all new Club Officers, to learn about their office and be given any necessary information and training. District Rally- A meeting of all Clubs in the District to which any member may attend. The National President is usually Guest of Honour. Member of Council- A former member of the District Executive elected to be the District representative on the National Governing Body. District Directory -This gives contact information for all Club and District Officers. Produced annually.</p><p>National Representative (Communication Coordinator) - The liaison between the International Inner Wheel Governing Body and Clubs, Districts and the National Governing Body (if one exists) in her country. She ensures information is sent to and from Clubs and Districts and is responsible for translating all correspondence into the language of her country. She is only a member of the District or National Committee if she is an elected Officer or Official of that committee</p><p>Association Governing Body or National Governing Body. The word ‘Association’ was a term used in GB&I when the first 79 Inner Wheel Clubs, from 8 Districts, were united. Association meaning ‘joined together with the same ideals.’ Association Governing Body and National Governing Body are the same</p><p>The National/Association Governing Body -This can be formed when there are 2 or more Districts within a country – each National Governing Body elects a National Council.</p><p>A National/Association Council includes the elected members of the Executive Committee and an elected representative from each District.</p><p>The National/Association Executive Committee consists of the Officers elected by all the Clubs in that country and is headed by a National President.</p><p>Annual Assembly - This is a training workshop, held at the beginning of the new Inner Wheel year. It is organised by the National Executive and attended by all the Officers from each District, to learn about their duties and information they should give to their Club Officers.</p><p>9 National/Association Council Meeting – or National/Association Governing Body Meeting. A business meeting where all aspects of Inner Wheel are discussed and voted on.</p><p>Annual Conference – The Annual General Meeting takes place and all members may attend. The International President can be invited as a Guest of Honour. 5c</p><p>National/Association Directory This gives information on all National and District Officers and Club Presidents and Secretaries. Produced annually.</p><p>International Inner Wheel Governing Body Headquarters The office of IIW, where the IIW Secretary/Administrator and staff are based. Address:- Suite 2.3, 20 Market Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1PF United Kingdom. IIW Executive This consists of 5 members - the President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer and the Constitution Chairman. The International Governing Body This consists of the IIW Executive, and the Board Directors. As elected representatives, they have the control and management of the affairs and funds of International Inner Wheel. They consider all aspects of Inner Wheel worldwide. The Constitution Chairman is responsible for interpreting and explaining the Constitution, and ensuring that all changes are done correctly. As her work is highly specialised, she has to be nominated by Clubs, but elected by the International Inner Wheel Governing Body. Board Director Elected by Clubs to represent Inner Wheel world wide, not one individual country. Convention This is a congress held every three years, in a different part of the world, and all members are entitled to attend. At the Convention delegates vote on changes to the Constitution. Proxy Vote Holder A member who has been elected to vote on behalf of Clubs, the District or Past Officers with Voting rights, if they are not able to vote themselves at Convention. No more than 70 Proxy votes can be held, except in the case of the Official Proxy Vote Holder, appointed by IIW, where the number is unlimited. News on the Web The International Inner Wheel Website, which is kept up-to-date with news about Inner Wheel Clubs around the world.</p><p>NF April 2013</p><p>10 5d</p><p>11 6 7 Section 2</p><p>Association</p><p>8 ASSOCIATION</p><p>COUNCIL </p><p>The Council is the Governing Body of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain & Ireland and formulates policy for the development of the organisation. This comprises the members of the Association Executive and 29 Members of Council – one representing each District.</p><p>It receives reports and recommendations from all the Committees of the Association and reaches decisions regarding these. It receives reports from Association Representatives on other organisations (if such representatives are appointed).</p><p>It elects members to Association Committees. It appoints the Chairman of the Conference Committee. It appoints Representatives to other organisations.</p><p>Copies of the minutes are sent out promptly to Council Members, District Secretaries and Club Secretaries.</p><p>ANNUAL ASSEMBLY</p><p>The Association Annual Assembly is a meeting of Members of Council, District Chairmen, 1st Vice-Chairmen, Secretaries, Treasurers, Editors International Service Chairmen and Membership Officers and is presided over by the Association Officers.</p><p>The Annual Assembly provides training and information for each District Officer and it is recommended that all invited members of the District Executive should attend. The Association pays for travelling to and from the Assembly and accommodation expenses.</p><p>The incoming District Executive must be given all the necessary information and papers by their predecessors before attending an Association or District Assembly. No Deputies are invited to the Association Assembly.</p><p>The Conference Chairman attends the Annual Assembly each year.</p><p>Any recommendations from suggestions discussed at the Open Assembly should be approved by the Association Council and will be recorded in the Council Minutes. </p><p>9 Differences between Associations and National Governing Bodies</p><p>There are 11 National Governing Bodies and only 4 Associations.</p><p>The International Inner Wheel Constitution only refers to National Governing Bodies. Consequently it does not differentiate between Associations and National Governing Bodies, both of which are a creation of their own bye-laws.</p><p>The use of the title ‘Association’ was adopted by GB&I and dates back to 1934 when 79 Clubs and 8 Districts had been formed. </p><p>In order to administer those Clubs and Districts better, the members voted to form a central organisation which they called the ‘Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in GB&I’. An Association President was elected and an Executive committee. That first Association President was Margarette Golding. </p><p>An Association Council was formed and this comprised the President, the Executive Committee members and 1 representative from each District Committee, known as the Association Council Members.</p><p>As membership grew all around the world more countries voted to form a National Governing Body similar to the Association formed in GB&I, and have their own Bye-Laws.</p><p>10 countries chose to have a National Governing Body:- Belgium & Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Sweden</p><p>5 countries chose to have an Association:- Australia, France, GB&I, India, U.S.A.</p><p>An Association National Governing Body</p><p> l I Association Council National Council</p><p>I l l l Executive District.Members of Council Executive District Representatives 9a</p><p>We have 4 levels of administration within International Inner Wheel</p><p>1) Club level – non Districted Clubs and Districted Clubs (both have a Club executive committee for administration purposes)</p><p>2) District level (Districts can be formed when there are 4 or more Clubs. A District Committee is the Governing Body of a District)</p><p>3) National level where there is a National Governing Body with a National Council or an Association with an Association Council</p><p>4) International level – administered by the International Governing Body comprising of an Executive Committee and 16 Board Directors.</p><p>NF 2013 </p><p>11 9b</p><p>ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS</p><p>The International Inner Wheel Constitution, the Association & District Constitution and Bye-Laws, Club Rules and General Information. The cost of this publication is included in the Association Capitation Fee. Each Club receives sufficient copies for every member when a new edition is produced. Once the Office receives the completed details and capitation fees from the District Treasurer, the Office will send a copy of the Constitution for each new member to the Club Secretary.</p><p>General Guide - A useful reference book for all the members which includes special sections covering the Inner Wheel Trust Deed, the Association Third Party Insurance Policy, guidelines for Association Committee membership, information on the Formation, Division and Disbandment of Clubs, and the Division of Districts. It can be purchased from the Association Office.</p><p>Association Directory - Published annually and can be obtained from the Association Office.</p><p>International Inner Wheel Directory - Published annually and can be obtained from the International Inner Wheel Office.</p><p>Inner Wheel History: Friendship through Service: A detailed and most readable account of Inner Wheel from its inception in this country.</p><p>Introducing Inner Wheel Leaflet - Useful for new members as it gives a brief history of the Organisation and the fun and friendship enjoyed by members.</p><p>Association Magazine - Published three times each year and sent to Club Secretaries for distribution to every member.</p><p>There is a Price List of all Association Publications at the back of the current Association Directory. </p><p>What is Inner Wheel? cards - promotional 3-fold hand out</p><p>12 ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF FORMS FROM ASSOCIATION </p><p>July: Capitation Forms, Summary Sheets and information letters for coming year distributed to District Treasurers at the Annual Assembly. Each District receives forms for every Club in the District. Council Minutes and Annual Assembly Report sent to Club Secretaries and each member of the District Executive Committee by post.</p><p>End of August/Beginning of September: Annual Conference Registration forms available for completion by all members via the Association Website. Nomination papers for Association Officers e-mailed to District Secretaries. Nomination papers for the National Representative to IIW and her Deputy e-mailed to District Secretaries. Nomination papers for the IIW Vice-President, Treasurer and Board Director e-mailed to District Secretaries. Stewarding request lists for Association Conference sent to Members of Council.</p><p>October: Council Minutes sent to Club Secretaries and each member of the District Executive Committee by post Association President’s Christmas letter sent to Club Secretaries.</p><p>January: Nomination forms for Association Committees e-mailed to District Secretaries. Nomination Credentials, Voting Papers and envelope for return of Voting Papers for the Association Officers and Officials sent by post to Club and District Secretaries. Nomination Credentials, Voting Papers and envelope for return of Voting Papers for the National Representative to IIW and her Deputy sent by post to Club and District Secretaries .</p><p>February: Council Minutes sent to Club Secretaries and each member of the District Executive Committee by post. Outline Programme of the AGM Agenda sent by post. Proxy Voting Forms for Association AGM sent to Club Secretaries by post. 13 Association Directory Order forms for Clubs sent to Club Secretaries by post. Association Directory Order forms for Districts, summary sheets and information letters sent to District Treasurers by post.</p><p>March: The Association Website will open up the next year’s data so that Annual Directory Information can be added by Club Secretaries via Club Administration and District Secretaries via District Administration. This information should be added by 15 May.</p><p>May: Council Minutes sent to Club Secretaries and each member of the District Executive Committee by post. AGM Minutes sent to Club Secretaries and each member of the District Executive Committee by post. Letter from incoming Association President sent to incoming Club Presidents and incoming District Chairmen by post.</p><p>May/June: Invitations to attend the Annual Assembly sent to incoming District Executive Committee Members and Annual Assembly Registration Forms available for completion online via the Association Website. Letter and Order forms for sales items for collection at Annual Assembly emailed to District Secretaries.</p><p>Association Magazines sent to Club Secretaries in September, January and June.</p><p>Please ensure the return of all forms by the requested date</p><p>14 INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL FORMS FOR DISTRIBUTION</p><p>July: Nomination Forms for IIW Officers, Editor & Board Directors sent to District Secretary (1 copy).</p><p>November: Letters from IIW President to members. IIW Directory Information form for District Officers. Directory Order form (1 copy for each Club). All the above are sent to District Secretaries for distribution to Clubs. Nomination credentials for candidates for IIW Office (1 copy) Voting Papers (1 copy of each). Envelope for return of Voting Papers (1 copy) IIW Directory Information form for Club Secretary (1 copy). IIW Accounts (1copy). All the above are sent to Club Secretaries.</p><p>May: Letter from incoming IIW President to District Chairmen and Club Presidents, Letter from incoming IIW Editor to District Editor. All the above are sent to District Secretaries for distribution to Clubs.</p><p>IIW Board Minutes – sent to District Secretaries for distribution to Clubs about three months after Board Meeting. Also available on the IIW website</p><p>IIW Newsletter – Available on the IIW website</p><p>Please ensure the return of all forms by the requested date</p><p>15 ASSOCIATION COMMITTEES</p><p>A special Nomination Form for ordinary members on each Association Committee is sent to District Secretaries in January. The District Chairman should remind members at the District Meeting prior to January each year that nominations for Association Committees will be required at the following District Committee Meeting. The District Committee may nominate a suitable member to serve on any Committee. Both Clubs and the District Executive Committee may recommend names of suitable members to the District Committee.</p><p>Nominations should be formally approved by the District Committee and submitted to the Association on the forms provided. These forms must be fully completed with details of all previous offices held. .</p><p>ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE GUIDELINES</p><p>Before submitting names for nomination to Association Committees, members should know exactly what is involved.</p><p>Nomination Forms for members to serve on the Conference, Constitution, Finance, International Service and Publications Committees are sent to District Secretaries in January each year. Each District may nominate one ordinary member to serve on each of these Committees. Nominations are made at the District Committee Meeting held in February/March. The Nomination Form should be sent to the Association Office by the date shown and should give the full details of the member nominated, including offices held at Club, District, Association and IIW level and any office to be held in the coming Inner Wheel year. When nominating members for service on any Association Committee, the District Executive and District Committee should give serious consideration to their suitability and qualifications. Membership of a Committee entails a great deal of hard work and commitment</p><p>Committees meet on an average three or four times a year at the Association Office. The dates usually correspond from year to year and it is essential that members who accept nomination should be able to attend all the relevant meetings and carry out the duties involved. If overnight accommodation is required the Association arranges and pays for this. Travel and other expenses, as determined by Council at the beginning of the Inner Wheel year, are refunded.</p><p>Ordinary members serving on the Conference, Constitution, Finance, International Service and Publications Committees may serve for a maximum of two consecutive years, but are subject to annual nomination and election.</p><p>16 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE</p><p>The Executive Committee consists of the Association President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, the Chairman of the Constitution and International Service Committee and the Editor. All these members are elected by postal ballot.</p><p>Four or five two-day meetings are held each year. The members organise the Annual Assembly, consider reports from all Committees and make recommendations to the Council.</p><p>CONFERENCE COMMITTEE</p><p>Members of this Committee need to have stamina, organising ability and a great deal of patience and tact, as they are responsible for the smooth running of the Conference. A sense of humour is also very necessary. They meet four times a year in London and a Working Party of part of the Committee is held at the Conference venue. All are two-day meetings. Each member of the Committee has a specific responsibility in the organisation of the Conference, and all work closely together at the actual event. They will be expected to arrive at the Conference a day in advance of members. The Chairman of this Committee is appointed by the Governing Body, not elected. It should be borne in mind when nominating members for this Committee that the Conference involves a great deal of standing, walking about, climbing of stairs and late nights, so it is essential that members are physically fit.</p><p>CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE</p><p>The number of Committee Meetings held in any one year depends upon the amount of business to be discussed. In a year when there are constitutional changes coming forward, there are at least three one-day meetings. There are always queries to be considered which need the attention of the Committee.</p><p>This Committee is led by the Association Constitution Chairman and is most interesting to those who enjoy detailed work. It is necessary for members to have a good working knowledge of the Rules and of Inner Wheel in general.</p><p>17 FINANCE COMMITTEE</p><p>This Committee holds four two-day meetings annually and is led by the Association Treasurer. Members must be interested in, and capable of dealing with, figures and be able to handle cash. Experience as a District Treasurer is valuable. At the Conference members act as Tellers during the Annual General Meeting; collect, check and sort Fares Pool Forms throughout the Conference period; supervise the Association Sales Stall; and assist the Association Treasurer in dealing with cash taken at this stall and other Association Stalls. They must stay at the Headquarters Hotel, arriving on the Sunday prior to Conference to assist with the setting up of the Fares Pool and Sales Stall on Monday morning and must be available for the morning after the Conference has ended.</p><p>INTERNATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE</p><p>This Committee meets two or three times a year, each meeting being for one day. It is led by the Association International Service Chairman and members should have a dedicated interest in international charities and experience as a District International Service Chairman is a great advantage.</p><p>It is vital that members are available to receive District International Service Reports and collate the information in them, to enable the Association International Service Chairman to prepare her report to Conference.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE</p><p>This Committee meets twice in the year, each meeting being for one day only.</p><p>The Association Editor is the Chairman of this Committee and is responsible for the Association Magazine. Candidates for the Office of Association Editor should have some experience of producing copy on computer disk. Experience as a District Editor is invaluable.</p><p>Committee members are responsible for specific Districts and collect items from District Magazines and Club Bulletins within their zone, for forwarding to the Association Editor. They act as reporters at the Conference and must stay at the Headquarters Hotel to work to a deadline date for publication of the Association Magazine. They must also be available to collate the Home Service Reports from the Districts in their zone - to assist the Association Editor prepare her report to Conference.</p><p>Other work includes preparing all official Inner Wheel literature - with the exception of the Constitution Rule Book and General Guide - and keeping the Association's District Rally Photograph Album updated. </p><p>N.B. The Charter Index and Club Records are now kept on the Association office database 18</p><p>19 Section 3</p><p>Conference</p><p>20 CONFERENCE</p><p>The Conference is held annually, usually in April with each member entitled to attend. Booking is done by the Club Secretary online via the Association Office Website. A list of possible accommodation venues is available if required. At Conference everyone must book in at the Registration Desk to collect all details of the Conference and a Conference Badge which must be worn at all times. </p><p>An outline programme of the Conference is circulated to Club Secretaries and the official one is available when collecting registration envelope. The Conference takes place over two days with a full programme each day and evening. The Conference hall will be open the day before for collection of registration details. Members are required for Stewarding duties and the Member of Council will be responsible for collecting names of volunteers. Instruction on the duties of stewards will be given at the Conference when the relevant papers are collected.</p><p>Each Club, each District Committee and each Voting Delegate ex-officio shall be entitled to one vote. The election of District and Club Voting Delegates to Conference is covered in the Constitution Rule Book. </p><p>Association Fares Pool Voting Delegates may each claim the cost of one return journey to the Conference venue by the cheapest method of travel. Details of claiming by various methods of travel are shown on the Fares Pool Claims Form.</p><p>Procedure when a District or Voting Delegate finds she is unable to fulfil her duties at the Association Conference or the International Convention. The Association Conference. If, after registering, the elected Voting Delegate finds she is unable to attend Conference the elected Deputy Voting Delegate should inform the Association Office that she will be deputising for her. The Office will then change the name on the registration papers and the Voting Delegate’s badge, providing time permits. International Inner Wheel Convention. The same procedure as above should be followed with the I.I.W. Office in connection with voting at the I.I.W. Convention except that I.I.W. require a letter giving a bona fide reason for the withdrawal of the registered Voting Delegate and the need for the Deputy to assume her duties. If the elected District Voting Delegate has to withdraw at the last minute the elected Deputy District Voting Delegate should, on arrival at the Convention, go to the Registration Desk taking with her the copy of the registration form together with a letter explaining the need for a deputy; if the withdrawal is due to illness a Doctor’s certificate would help. The Deputy will then be given the District Voting Delegate’s envelope and she should wear the enclosed Voting Delegate’s badge and sit in the seats reserved for Voting Delegates. In brief, the procedure is the same for both Association and I.I.W. except that I.I.W. also require an explanatory letter and the copy of the registration form. All District and Club Voting Delegates must take their copy of the registration form to the Registration desk at the Convention venue in order to receive their voting papers. 21 22 Section 4</p><p>District</p><p>23 DISTRICT</p><p>District Assembly The District Assembly is the meeting of the Club Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, International Service Organisers and Club Correspondents. It should be held as early as possible in the Inner Wheel year and the incoming District Officers should take the Groups.</p><p>Each Group is presided over by the appropriate District Officer.</p><p>Each member of the District Executive should prepare a job profile of her Office, both general and specific to that District, to be handed to her successor. These documents should be available for information to the incoming District Executive Committee members. Information helpful to the job profile is available at the Association Assembly or from the Association office. </p><p>Incoming District Officers should be invited to attend the last District Executive Committee Meeting of the current Inner Wheel year.</p><p>It is recommended that at every District Assembly the Member of Council and the District Membership Officer are actively involved.</p><p>District Meetings Each District should keep an Attendance Register listing all Clubs in the District. The Voting Delegates from each Club should sign in on arrival at the Meeting. </p><p>Suggested Agenda: Chairman’s Opening Remarks Apologies for Absence Roll Call Minutes of the Previous Meeting to be confirmed and signed Matters Arising Correspondence (including notices and transfers) Reports: (a) Chairman (b) Member of Council (c) Secretary (d) Treasurer (e) Editor (f) International Service Chairman/Organiser (g) Membership Officer Any special items, e.g. District Rally, International Service Rally, etc. Any Other Business Date of Next Meeting 24 Only the District Committee may submit nominations for Association Officers and Officials. The District Executive Committee may recommend but cannot nominate.</p><p>District Officers and Officials should give a copy of their Reports to the District Secretary with a précis. </p><p>District Minutes should be sent to Clubs within a month of the meeting.</p><p>It is suggested that all members of the District Executive Committee should arrive early for each District Meeting to hold a surgery to deal with Club problems and queries.</p><p>Nomination and Election to District Committee The correct procedure for nominations and elections is set out in the Constitution Rule Book. It is permissible to ask for nominations from the floor at the District Meeting at which elections for the District Executive Committee are held If no nomination for an Office is received by 1st February. If more than one nomination is received then an election must be held at that meeting. </p><p>If no nomination is received from the floor at this District Meeting new nomination forms will be sent to all Clubs. The closing date must allow time for the circulation of details of nominees to all Clubs before the next District Committee Meeting.</p><p>Use of casting vote at elections. The District Chairman should prepare sealed envelopes, clearly marked, for each Office for which an election will be held and hand these to the Elections Officer, In the event of a tied vote, the appropriate envelope is opened, the stated casting vote used and the results handed to the District Chairman in the usual way. After the meeting the unopened envelopes should be returned to the District Chairman who should destroy them. If the casting vote is used this must not be made public.</p><p>Rallies All Rallies and Meetings held in a District are activities of the District and are presided over by the District Chairman.</p><p>The District Rally is a gathering of every Club in the District, which all members may attend. It is the occasion for the Association President to meet and address members. Her travelling expenses are met by the Association, but hospitality should be provided by the District.</p><p>At International Service Rallies (whether for the whole District or a part of it) the District Chairman opens and closes the proceedings, but, as a courtesy, invites the International Service Chairman to conduct the meeting. </p><p>25 If a Sub-Committee is appointed to make arrangements for special events it must submit its recommendations to the District Executive Committee and District Committee. The District Executive Committee should supervise the arrangements for a Rally or any other special event.</p><p>Expenses are a District responsibility and all monies must be handled by the District Treasurer and expenses met from the District fund. NOTE: The District Chairman, members of the District Executive Committee, members of the Hostess Club, or any other members, are not responsible for any expenses incurred for a District Rally or any other special event. Any expenses of guests invited to attend a District Rally or other special events are paid from the District Funds.</p><p>Any decisions made by District sub-committees should be notified to the District Executive Committee and District Committee and approved by them before implementation. All Clubs in the District may nominate suitably qualified members to serve on sub-Committees and all Voting Delegates may vote for nominees at the election meeting. If a District divides its work into Zones or Areas, this does not mean that nominations and elections are carried out within such Zones or Areas. The Sub-committee is nominated and elected and the members are then asked to be responsible for a specific area of the District.</p><p>Finance The District Treasurer supervises all financial matters of the District. The cost of a visit by the District Chairman to one business meeting of each Club is borne by her District. Any additional visits are the responsibility of the Club.</p><p>26 TABLE PLANS FOR DISTRICT FUNCTIONS</p><p>District Rally Other members of the District Executive Committee alternating with guests Member of Council Association President FRONT District Chairman Rotary District Governor First Vice Chairman (Rotary Club President) Other members of the District Executive Committee alternating with guests.</p><p>District Rally with Mayor and Guests Attending Other members of the District Executive Committee alternating with guests. First Vice-Chairman Rotary District Governor Mayor FRONT District Chairman Association President (Rotary Club President) Member of Council Other members of the District Executive Committee alternating with guests.</p><p>NOTES</p><p>1. The seating of the partner of a guest is a matter for local decision. 2. If a member of the Association Executive Committee is a member of the District and she attends a Club or District function (whether as a guest or a paying visitor) she should sit at the Top Table and is accorded guest status.</p><p>27 DISTRICT CHAIRMAN</p><p>The District Chairman presides at the District Executive Committee and District Committee meetings and holds the casting vote in the event of this being necessary. She is also a member of all other District Committees and has a vote on each. The District Chairman should be impartial on all matters. The District Chairman should keep her District Executive Committee well informed and discuss with them all problems relating to Inner Wheel which arise in the District. Article 1. A job profile for the duties of the District Chairman should be handed down to the new District Chairman when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>District Meetings Any member may contribute to the general discussion but only Voting Delegates may vote in elections or propose, second and vote on resolutions before the District Committee. The District Executive Committee recommends but the final decision rests with the District Committee.</p><p>District Rallies A form will be sent to the incoming District First Vice-Chairman who should complete this giving all possible information about the Rally (choice of dates; outline of programme; hospitality;) and return it to the Association Vice-President before the Association Annual Assembly is held. The more information that can be given the better as it will help the incoming Association Vice-President to arrange her programme. By the date of the Association Annual Assembly all the invitations to visit Districts should have been received. </p><p>The Association will pay the Association President’s travelling expenses when visiting a District Rally but the District is responsible for her hospitality.</p><p>The Member of Council will be responsible for ensuring that the Association President is able to meet members at the Rally and is placed beside the Association President on the top table. The District Chairman has the overall responsibility for the smooth running of the Rally so ensuring that there is someone looking after the Association President allows her the flexibility to do this. Hosting the Association President is a domestic matter. </p><p>Visiting District Chairmen should be encouraged to restrict their greetings.</p><p>Visit by District Chairman to Clubs The District Chairman shall visit each Club in the District at a Business Meeting once during her year of office and the District pays for the travelling expenses of this visit. It is recommended that the Chairman should speak on some aspect of Inner Wheel. These visits are also an occasion for the Chairman to meet the Club members. </p><p>28 MEMBER OF COUNCIL </p><p>The Council Member is a member of the Association Governing Body and is a member of the District Executive Committee and District Committee and has a vote on each. She is required to act as liaison between the Governing Body of the Association and the District Executive Committee and District Committee, explaining all points of view without bias. </p><p>A job profile for the Member of Council should be handed down to the new Member of Council when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>Members of Council should be responsible for monitoring the websites of their Districts and of the Clubs within their Districts.</p><p>Voting at Association AGM Every Council Member has a vote at the AGM. It is recommended that a Council Member should abstain from voting on proposals to amend the Constitution where the opinions of the Council and of her own District are in conflict.</p><p>Council Meetings Four Council Meetings are held during each Inner Wheel year. The Agenda will be sent out to members approximately two weeks before the date of each meeting.</p><p>If a Council Member has any matter she wishes to raise at a Council Meeting either personally or on behalf of her District, this should be sent to the Office, in advance of the meeting date.</p><p>Allowances for Council & Association Committee Meetings These are recommended by the Finance Committee from their meeting in June and are agreed by Council at their First Meeting following the Annual Assembly. The agreed allowances are listed in the Minutes of the first Council Meeting under the Finance Committee Report.</p><p>Conference The Association pays the Council Member’s travelling expenses and hotel account for three nights’ stay at the Headquarters Hotel at the Conference venue. The Council Member herself is responsible for paying any extras incurred.</p><p>29 DISTRICT SECRETARY</p><p>The District Secretary is a member of the District Executive Committee, District Committee and all other District Committees with a vote on each.</p><p>A job profile for the District Secretary should be handed down to the new District Secretary when she takes office. This should be updated annually. </p><p>The District Secretary should work closely with the District Chairman for the year. There should be a close liaison between them to ensure the smooth running of the District.</p><p>The District Secretary should attend promptly to all correspondence She is responsible for sending out Agendas for all meetings and for keeping Minutes and Records.</p><p>The District Secretary should have knowledge of the Inner Wheel Constitution and deal with enquiries accordingly. Assistance can be obtained from the Association Office.</p><p>ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY/MINUTE SECRETARY</p><p>Members appointed to this position are not members of the District Committee (unless they happen to be appointed from elected members). They have no vote and take no part in discussions.</p><p>30 DISTRICT TREASURER</p><p>The District Treasurer is a member of the District Executive Committee, District Committee and all other District Committees and has a vote on each.</p><p>A job profile for the District Treasurer should be handed down to the new District Treasurer when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>The District Treasurer is responsible for and should supervise all financial matters. Where any subject involving finance is discussed by the District Officers or the Executive Committee and District Committee her opinion should be sought. She is an ex-officio member of any sub –Committee organising any District event and all monies involved must go through the District account. She should be prepared to produce a Statement of Accounts at every District Meeting. These duties are also applicable to Club Treasurers.</p><p>General Information The financial running of the District is a domestic matter within the Constitution.</p><p>At the meeting preceding the AGM the Treasurer should indicate if an increase in District Dues will be proposed.</p><p>All District and Club regalia should be adequately insured.</p><p>Accounts Every District/Club should have two bank accounts, one a General Account for the day-to-day running of the District/Club, the second a Charity Account into which all money raised for charity must be placed.</p><p>General Account The Account is used at District and Club level for all monies necessary for the general running of the District/Club.</p><p>The main income for the General Account will consist of the District Dues/Club Subscription. These should be set at a level, which will cover all usual expenses entailed in running the District/Club. The sale of tickets for the District Rally/Club Charter Party and other special occasions should be costed to make a minimal surplus.</p><p>31 Charity Account This account may be called a Charity Account or a Benevolent Account as the terms are synonymous.</p><p>The District/Club Charity Account must be treated as a separate account entirely, with its own bank account, cheque book, paying-in book and Account Books.</p><p>Under the Charities Act 2006, all Districts/Clubs in England and Wales which raise more than £5,000 per year for charity are required to register their Charity Fund with the Charity Commission. For this purpose the Inner Wheel Trust Document must be adopted at a District/Club Business Meeting and Trustees appointed. This document has been accepted by the Charity Commissioners as the model for all Inner Wheel Districts/Clubs. Forms to apply for registration may be obtained from the appropriate office of the Charity Commission in London, Liverpool or Taunton. A copy of the Trust Document appears at the end of this General Guide. </p><p>The Trust Document should be re-adopted at each District/Club Annual General Meeting and its re-adoption, together with the names of the Trustees, should be recorded in the Minutes of that meeting. If further information or advice is required, consult the Association Treasurer. Registration with the Charity Commission does not apply to Clubs in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Channels Islands or the Republic of Ireland. Information on the Charity Commissions is included in this guide.</p><p>The Inner Wheel Trust Document has also been accepted by the Inland Revenue and its adoption enables gross interest earned on invested money to be retained without liability for tax (Section 505, Income Tax Act 1988). A copy of this is included with this guide.</p><p>All donations to charity must be made by cheque and must come from the District/Club Charity Account. The District/Club General Account must never be used when making donations to charity, unless a donation is made by a District/Club in memory of a deceased member. All money collected for charitable purposes must be paid in to the District/Club Charity Account. After the deduction of legitimate expenses incurred in the raising of this money, it must be distributed to the relevant charity or charities as soon as possible. At District level all money received from Clubs or members for charity (for charities working in either the United Kingdom or overseas) must be paid in to the District Charity Account. If the Club or member sending the donation has specified to which charity or charities the donation is to be forwarded this information must be carefully recorded in the District Charity Account records.</p><p>32 Annual Balance Sheets and Accounts District Accounts must be examined by an independent qualified Accountant and the District Treasurer should have all financial records ready for submission to the examiner as soon as possible after 30th June each year. As soon as the examined accounts are received from the examiner copies must be sent to all Clubs within the District and the serving District Treasurer must present them at the next District Committee Meeting for discussion and agreement. The accounts are formally proposed, seconded and adopted at the following District AGM. At the same time as copies are sent to the Clubs, two copies of the District Accounts must be sent to the Association Office.</p><p>Club Accounts must be examined by an independent person, who is not a member of the Club, and the Club Treasurer should have all financial records ready for submission to the examiner as soon as possible after 30th June each year. As soon as the examined accounts are received from the examiner, copies must be sent to all members and the serving Club Treasurer must present the Accounts at the next Club Meeting for discussion and agreement. The accounts are formally proposed, seconded and adopted at the following Club AGM. At the same time as copies are sent to the members, a copy of the Club Accounts must be sent to the District Treasurer. Where there is a change of Treasurer (Club or District) the presentation of the Balance Sheet and Annual Statement of Accounts is made by the serving Treasurer and not her predecessor. The Accounts must be signed by both the serving Treasurer and District Chairman/Club President, not their predecessors.</p><p>Capitation Fees The exact sums due for Capitation Fees and Fares Pool will be given to the District Treasurers at the Association Annual Assembly each year.</p><p>Half-year Dues. These should be sent to the Association Office at the end of each month from January onwards.</p><p>33 DISTRICT INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHAIRMAN</p><p>The District International Service Chairman is a member of the District Executive Committee and District Committee and has a vote on each. She must report to them the intentions and actions of her Committee.</p><p>The aims and functions of International Service are to gain a sympathetic understanding of the needs and hopes of the peoples of the world by giving friendship and service in all possible ways and so create a mutual feeling of goodwill.</p><p>A job profile for the International Service Chairman should be handed down to the new International Service Chairman when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>Each member of the Association International Service Committee is responsible for a number of Districts (see below) and the copy of the District International Service Report for inclusion in the Association International Service Chairman’s Report to the AGM should be sent to that Committee Member. </p><p>The District Groups are: Group A: Districts 2, 6, 11, 14, 15, 16 & 25 Group B Districts 1, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 127 & 129 Group C Districts 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 24, & 26 Group C Districts 3, 5, 7, 12, 18, 23 & 128</p><p>The Association International Service Committee Members responsible for each Group are: Group A Group B Group C Group D To be filled in as necessary. The name and address of the Committee Member responsible for each Group is announced at the Association Annual Assembly.</p><p>34 DISTRICT EDITOR</p><p>The District Editor is a member of the District Executive Committee and District Committee with a vote on each.</p><p>District Editors are responsible for the creation of the District magazine. They should encourage Club Newsletters and ask for copies to be sent to them and to the Association Editor.</p><p>A job profile for the duties of the District Editor should be handed down to the new District Editor when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>General Editorial Information Copyright. If a photograph, drawing, etching, of any kind of picture is to be used in a Magazine, Bulletin, Newsletter or any publication, it is the Editor’s duty to trace the artist, printer or owner of copyright and obtain permission for its use. Suitable acknowledgement must be made in the publication.</p><p>No District/Club should make copies of photographs from Newspapers. It is illegal.</p><p>The correct Inner Wheel titles are: Association President (not National President) International Service (not International)</p><p>Sums of money should not be mentioned in District Magazines as this invites invidious comparisons between Clubs.</p><p>The District Groups are: Group A Districts 1, 2, 3, 16, 19, 23, 128 Group B Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 22, 127 Group C Districts 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 24, 26 Group D Districts 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 25, 129</p><p>The Association Publications Committee Members responsible for each Group are: Group A Group B Group C Group D To be filled in as necessary The name and address of the Committee Member responsible for each Group is announced at the Association Annual Assembly.</p><p>35 DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP OFFICER</p><p>The District Membership officer is a member of the District Executive Committee and the District Committee and has a vote on each. </p><p>A job profile of the duties of the Membership Officer should be handed down to the new Membership Officer when she takes office. This should be updated annually.</p><p>36 Section 5</p><p>Club</p><p>37 CLUB</p><p>The Club Executive consists of President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, International Service Organiser, Correspondent and not more than 6 other members. The role of the Club Executive should be fully explained at the District Assembly every year. </p><p>Extension of Term of Office: Applications for Club officers to continue in office for a year beyond their maximum period of office should be made to the District Committee before the end of June. Members holding any Office in the Club are subject to annual nomination and election. In the event of a Club having any problems or difficulties it is recommended that they contact a member the District Executive Committee for help.</p><p>Membership: The rules on membership are fully set out in the Constitution Rule Book under the International Inner Wheel Constitution and Club Rules</p><p>A member re-joining Inner Wheel would normally do so through the Club where membership was last held.</p><p>Members re-joining Inner Wheel retain their previously-held qualifications.</p><p>Provided membership is continuous by the payment of the annual subscription to a Club, it may be retained.</p><p>Honoured Active membership. This should not be lightly conferred. A Club may honour a member or members in this way for such a period of time as is deemed appropriate. A member so honoured retains all rights of Active Membership. To avoid embarrassment the period of Honoured Active Membership should be made clear at the outset to the member so honoured.</p><p>Honorary Membership . An Honorary Member is an outstanding person, whom the Club wishes to honour. Honorary Members have no vote and cannot hold any office but may attend all District and Club Meetings and other Inner Wheel events. A civic dignitary may be invited to be an Honorary Member of more than one Club during her year of office. Payment of dues to the District, Association and International Inner Wheel should be made by one Club only and adjustments made locally between the Clubs concerned. Honorary Members should be elected by the Club annually.</p><p>An Active Member of one Club should not be given Honorary Membership of another Club.</p><p>Membership at Large is available to any member going abroad for either a long or short term to an area where there is no Inner Wheel Club. Such members can pay their Capitation Fees to International Inner Wheel in order to retain their membership until such time as they return home or an Inner Wheel Club is formed near their new home. 38 New Members</p><p>An approach can be made to the Secretary of the Rotary Club, requesting the names and addresses of all new Rotarians. The President, or her representative, should make personal contact with a possible new member and invite her to attend a few Club meetings to allow her to decide whether she wishes to join Inner Wheel.</p><p>In the case of women not connected to Rotary or Inner Wheel, the President, or her representative, should contact a potential new member and extend an invitation to attend a Club meeting, as a guest or prospective member. </p><p>Since 2005, some ‘Next Generation Clubs’, with more flexible meeting arrangements, have been formed, to encourage younger, working women to join. For further information contact IIW Headquarters. </p><p>Welcome to new members: </p><p>The following is the procedure for welcoming new members:- At the beginning of the meeting the President should read the Objects of Inner Wheel 1. To promote true friendship 2. To encourage the ideals of personal service 3. To foster international understanding and address each of the new members by name and say:- </p><p>“You have been invited to become a member of this Inner Wheel Club because we are sure you will welcome the responsibilities of friendship and service that membership brings with it. We believe that you will enjoy being a member of our truly International Organisation and take a full and active part in all that this Club offers. We do hope that you will feel you are among friends, and enjoy participating in all aspects of Inner Wheel”. The President will call upon all present to stand, and addressing the new member say:- (Name)………………………………………on behalf of the Members of the Inner Wheel Club of……………………………………………… I welcome you: and (addressing the Club) I introduce this new member to you and ask you to extend your friendship to her. </p><p>39 Transfers: A member who has moved to another area may transfer to the Inner Wheel Club of that area. The Secretary of her previous Club should send a letter of introduction to the Secretary of her new Club. District Secretaries should be notified of all transfers. Any adjustment of subscription should be agreed between the Treasurers concerned.</p><p>Resignations: When a member feels that she must resign for personal reasons, which mean that she cannot attend Club meetings, she should be encouraged to retain her membership (possibly the Club could consider paying her dues, or by arrangement with the District, she could pay fees only to Association and International Inner Wheel).</p><p>New Clubs Co-operation between the District Membership Officer and all members of the District Executive team is very important so that a new Club gets all the information first-hand and all possible assistance is given to start it off on the right lines.</p><p>Please note that all enquires regarding the formation of a new Inner Wheel Club received by any member must be referred to their District Membership Officer.</p><p>Visit of District Chairman: The District Chairman will attend a Business Meeting of every Club during her year of office. She will address the members on some aspect of Inner Wheel.</p><p>Correspondence If a Club writes to the Association copies of the correspondence should be sent to the District Secretary and Member of Council.</p><p>Copies of any correspondence with International Inner Wheel should be sent to the International Inner Wheel National Representative, the Association Office and the Member of Council. Notepaper should include the official Inner Wheel Logo which is available to download from the IIW website..</p><p>The name of the Club should be shown as: The Inner Wheel Club of …………………… No…... District</p><p>Magazine Clubs are asked to notify the Association Office of any changes in numbers required for the Association Magazine.</p><p>40 41 Section 6</p><p>Committee Procedure</p><p>42 COMMITTEE PROCEDURE Preparation</p><p>The Club President/District Chairman should confer with the Secretary to prepare the Agenda. They should go through the Minutes of the previous meeting and note any matters arising from these, correspondence received since then and arrange all items in the order in which they will be dealt with.</p><p>Agenda for Club Meeting</p><p>1. Apologies for Absence. 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes. 4. Correspondence. 5. Reports from Club Officers 5.1 President. 5.2 Secretary. 5.3 Treasurer. 5.4 International Service Organiser. 5.5 Correspondent. 5.6 Any other reports, e.g. Sub-Committee Chairmen, Representatives on Other Organisations, etc. 6. Any Other Business. 7. Date of Next Meeting.</p><p>Agenda for District Committee Meeting</p><p>1. Apologies for Absence. 2. Roll Call. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting. 4. Matters Arising from the Minutes. 5. Correspondence. 6. Reports from District Officers 6.1 Chairman. 6.2 Member of Council. 6.3 Secretary. 6.4 Treasurer. 6.5 Editor. 6.6 International Service Chairman 6.7 Membership Officer 7. Any special items eg District Rally, International Service Rally etc. 8. Any Other Business. 9. Date of Next Meeting.</p><p>43 Minutes</p><p>Minutes should be a correct record of what happened at a meeting. It is not necessary to report discussions in full but decisions must be recorded.</p><p>If Minutes of the previous meeting have been circulated they need not be read at the following Meeting.</p><p>If an error is found in the Minutes of the previous meeting, this must be corrected before the Minutes are signed.</p><p>If additional information relating to a matter dealt with in the previous Minutes is now available, this should be dealt with under Matters Arising.</p><p>If the Minutes contain a statement believed to be true at the date of the previous Meeting, but now known to be false, this should be corrected under Matters Arising.</p><p>When all queries have been dealt with, the Club President/District Chairman asks that their adoption as a correct record be proposed, seconded and agreed. She then signs and dates them.</p><p>Conduct of the Meeting</p><p>All speakers must address the Chair.</p><p>The Club President/District Chairman should control the Meeting. Whilst allowing those present the opportunity to express their views before a decision is made, she should ensure that speakers do not just repeat what has already been said and that their observations are relevant to the issue under discussion. </p><p>If time is limited the Club President/District Chairman may have to set a limit to the discussion, but she must maintain an impartial attitude and try to ensure that all sides of the argument are presented.</p><p>All Reports given at Club/District Meetings must be proposed by the member giving the Report, seconded and adopted.</p><p>Proposals and Amendments</p><p>Before any item is discussed the Club President/District Chairman must ask for a formal proposal. The exact wording of this proposal, together with the names of the proposer and seconder, must be recorded and must appear in the Minutes.</p><p>If an alteration to the proposal is suggested during discussion, this is an amendment and must be formally proposed and seconded. Again the exact wording, with the names of the proposer and seconder, must be recorded and must appear in the Minutes.</p><p>44 When the Club President/District Chairman judges that the meeting is ready to vote, she should ask if this is so. If there is an amendment this must be voted upon first. The Club President/District Chairman should read out the exact wording and a vote for and against is taken and recorded. If the votes are equal the Club President/District Chairman has a casting vote.</p><p>If the amendment is passed, the amended proposal is then put to the meeting by the Club President/District Chairman and a vote taken as detailed above.</p><p>If no amendment exists, the proposal is dealt with as detailed above.</p><p>Annual General Meeting</p><p>Each Club and District must hold an Annual General Meeting before 30th June in each Inner Wheel year.</p><p>The following is a specimen Agenda:</p><p>1. Apologies for Absence. 2. Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting. 3. Annual Reports. 3.1 Club President/District Chairman. 3.2 Member of Council (District only). 3.3 Secretary. 3.4 Treasurer. 3.4.1 Adoption of Balance Sheet & Accounts for previous year. 3.5 Editor/Correspondent. 3.6 International Service Organiser/Chairman. 3.7 Membership Officer (District only). 3.8 Any Sub-Committee Chairman or Representatives on Other Organisations.</p><p>4. Proposals (e.g. Club Subscription/District Dues; appointment of Auditor;).</p><p>NOTE: Reports given at an Annual General Meeting should cover the preceding twelve months, i.e. the period between the two Annual General Meetings. Such reports must be proposed by the member giving the report, seconded and adopted. </p><p>45 Section 7</p><p>Badges Expenses Insurance Trust Document & Charity Commissioners Health & Safety Child & Vulnerable Adult</p><p>46 BADGES</p><p>The names and addresses of the Association’s authorised suppliers are given in the price list of items printed in the Association Directory.</p><p>Only badges of approved design are permitted and these are worn at Inner Wheel functions.</p><p>A Club President should wear her chain of office at Club, District and Association functions and at any other function to which she is invited as Club President.</p><p>If members are invited to attend other organisations to represent the Club or District the appropriate badge of office should be worn.</p><p>Members attending other organisations in a private capacity or when travelling should wear the approved lapel badge only.</p><p>When the term of office of a Founder Club President covers two Inner Wheel years, one collar badge should be placed centrally on the vee of the collar showing the President’s name and date. e.g. 1990/92</p><p>Golden Jubilee: At both Club and District level the special ribbon indicating the Golden Jubilee has been reached may be worn from the beginning of the 50th year onwards. The Club or District jewel should be transferred to the new ribbon with a copy of the Founder Club President’s or District Chairman’s bar which should be placed on the new ribbon above the jewel. The old ribbon with all the bars up to and including that for the 49th year of the Club or District should be suitably framed and may be displayed at the Club or District meetings, Inter-clubs, Rallies etc. Where the gold-coloured figures 50 are given to a Club or District, these figures should be mounted on the ribbon immediately above the jewel and the copy of the Founder Club President’s or District Chairman’s bar mounted immediately above the figures.</p><p>A special certificate recording the Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee is available for Clubs and may be purchased from the Association Office.</p><p>47 EXPENSES</p><p>The Association meets the cost of travel for the Association President’s visit to a District Rally.</p><p>If the Association President is invited to visit a District a second time, or if any other Association Officer is invited to visit, then her expenses are paid by the District concerned. </p><p>The claim should be settled by the District directly with the Officer at the time of the visit. The District Treasurer should pay the expenses immediately on production of written details.</p><p>If the Association President is invited to visit a Club her expenses are paid by the Club.</p><p>The Association will pay the expenses of the Association President or her representative at Charter Presentations.</p><p>The Association pays the travelling expenses of a Member of Council attending a Charter Presentation if she is representing the Association President. The Member of Council should make a claim for payment of the expenses to the Association Office immediately after the Charter Presentation.</p><p>If the Association International Service Chairman is invited to attend District International Service Rallies then her travelling expenses must be paid by the District concerned. The claim should be settled by the District directly with the Official at the time of the visit. The District Treasurer should pay the expenses immediately on production of written details.</p><p>The District Chairman’s visits to Clubs are met by the District funds. Any additional visits are met by the Club concerned.</p><p>The expenses of Club representatives visiting District meetings and District Assembly are a domestic matter for agreement by the District committee.</p><p>See section on Conference for Conference expenses. </p><p>48 DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC LIABILITY COVER Liability Insurance Guide for Districts</p><p>The public liability policy is in the name of the Association of Inner Wheel and provides cover for all the Districts and the events, which they organise.</p><p>The policy is renewed on the 1st July each year and a copy of the current Certificate can be obtained from the Association Office. </p><p>The main extensions and restrictions are detailed below, but if you have any queries at all, please refer to us and we will be happy to provide you with guidance.</p><p> The policy provides cover for up to a £10,000,000 Third Party Property Damage limit any one occurrence and covers events within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.</p><p> The policy excludes the first £250 of any Third Party Property Damage Claim.</p><p> The policy includes Products Liability up to £10,000,000 in the Aggregate(i.e. injury or damage caused by a product supplied to a third party). An example of this would be if Inner Wheel members sold cakes at a stall and someone who bought a cake then claimed that they had suffered food poisoning from it). </p><p> The policy includes Member to Member Liability (i.e. if one member of The Association is injured by another member and claims against The Association for that injury.</p><p> The cover runs to 30th June of each year.</p><p> The policy provides for fund raising events and attendance at garden parties, country shows, and similar events, regardless of whether these are organised by The Association or by other organisers and The Association are taking part.</p><p> The policy does not automatically cover events, which are organised SOLELY by the Association where the attendance is expected to exceed 1000 members of the General Public. This restriction does not apply when the event is organised by other parties and The Association are invited to attend and for these events, there is NO RESTRICTION on attendance number for joint events or where The Association are not the sole organiser.</p><p> The policy does not automatically cover events including Weapons, Passenger Carrying Amusement Devices, Animal Rides of Any Kind, Ballooning or Aerial Activities including Parachuting, Paragliding or Parascending, Go-Karting, Quad Biking or Motor Sports, Bungee Jumping, Professional Sport Teams or Persons, Racing or Time Trials 49 other than on Foot, Activity involving Watercraft, Firework Displays and the like. If you plan to hold an event involving any of these, you must contact the office beforehand so that we can speak to the Insurers to extend the cover. </p><p> If you plan to hold an event, which is unusual and are not sure whether it is covered, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to check with the Insurers and advise you accordingly.</p><p>IF YOU HAVE A CLAIM First and Foremost - Don’t Panic!. Make a note of the allegations, get details of any witnesses to the event if possible and if the incident occurs whilst you are present, take photographs again, if possible. These will be very useful afterwards to show what actually happened and the results of the accident.</p><p> Don’t Admit Liability. If someone states that they are going to make a claim against you, simply advise the injured party that you will pass the full details on to your Insurers and that they will contact the injured party in due course. If you make a promise of payment, this could prejudice Insurers legal position and it is important therefore, that you provide them with full details to enable them to respond in the correct way, taking into account all the facts.</p><p> If you receive anything in writing from either the claimant or a solicitor, send it immediately on to us, unanswered.</p><p> Ring us and provide them us with the details and we will be happy to guide you through the process and give you advice on what the next steps should be.</p><p>CONTACT DETAILS Brett and Randall Ltd AGM House 3 Barton Close Grove Park Enderby Leicester LE19 1SJ</p><p>Joanne Salt (Account Executive) Tel No: 0116 2819 127 Mobile: 07771 955204 E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Lynn Glenn (Account Broker) Nick Sutton (Claims Handler) Direct Dial: 0116 2819 158 Direct Dial: 01162819166 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 50 TRUST DOCUMENT</p><p>The Trust Document is for use with the Inner Wheel Club’s Charity Fund only.</p><p>CHARITY COMMISSION The following information is correct as at 28th May, 2013.</p><p>Offices: England: Charity Commission, 2nd Floor, One Drummond Gate, Victoria, London, SW1V 2QQ</p><p>Charity Commission, Woodfield House, Tangier, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4BL. Tel: 0845 300 0218</p><p>Charity Commission, 23 Princes Parade, Princes Dock, Liverpool, L3 1DE.</p><p>Wales: Charity Commission, 8th Floor, Clarence House, Clarence Place, Newport, NP19 7AA.</p><p>Website for all of above: www.charitycommission,gov.uk</p><p>NOTE: This is the only website which states that if you raise over £5,000 for charity per year you need to register. As at 28th May 2013 this information remains correct.</p><p>Offices: Scotland: OSCR, 2nd Floor, Quadrant House, 9 Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY Tel: 01382 220446 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oscr.org.uk</p><p>NOTE: Inner Wheel Clubs in Scotland do not need to register with OSCR unless they wish to do so. It is advised that for those raising only small amounts of money for charity the regulations outweigh the benefits.</p><p>Offices: N. Ireland Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, 257 Lough Road, Lurgan, Craigavon, BT66 6NO Tel: 028 3832 0220 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.charitycommissionni.org.uk 51 NOTE: The NI Commission will be asking all charitable organisations and those that raise money for charity to contact them later this year in order to decide whether or not each individual organisation needs to register. They would like to see the Trust Document agreed with the Charity Commission for England & Wales and think this would be suitable for those Inner Wheel Clubs which do register. However it is more likely that they will follow the ruling given by the England & Wales Commission and say that Clubs raising less than £5000 p.a. will not need to register. Clubs in Northern Ireland should contact the NI Commission direct for further information.</p><p>Republic of Ireland. At present an equivalent to the GB&I Charity Commissions does not appear to exist. However it appears there is government discussion on setting up a Commission so this may change.</p><p>GUIDANCE ON THRESHOLDS FOR THE UK AND REPUBLIC OF IRELAND (JULY 2013)</p><p>Full information website: www.charitycommission.gov.uk/library/threshold.pdf</p><p>52 THE INNER WHEEL CLUB OF …………………………………BENEVOLENT FUND</p><p>1. The name of the Benevolent Fund shall be “The Inner Wheel Club of ………………………… Benevolent Fund” (“The Fund”).</p><p>2. The Fund (and any income deriving therefrom) shall be applied for the relief of poverty, the advancement of education or for such other charitable purposes or such charity as the Trustees of the Fund shall think fit.</p><p>3. Contributions to the Fund may be by way of donations bequests deeds of covenant royalties commission or from any other source.</p><p>4. The Trustees of the Fund shall be members of the Club of which one shall be the President of the Club and another shall be the Treasurer of the same and the number of Trustees from time to time shall be not less than two or more than four.</p><p>5. The Trustees shall be appointed annually and shall be eligible for re- appointment.</p><p>6. The Club shall have the power by resolution at any time a) to appoint new Trustees of the Fund. b) to remove a Trustee for any reason which may appear to the Club to be sufficient provided that a trustee proposed to be removed shall have the right to be heard by the Club before a final decision is made.</p><p>7. All the property of the Fund shall be vested in the Trustees for the purposes of the Fund.</p><p>8. The Trustees may from time to time cause any property forming part of the Fund to be invested or secured upon such stock, shares, funds, securities, land, property or other assets wheresoever and whether involving liability or not and upon such terms as to credit interest and otherwise and with or without security as the Trustees in their absolute discretion think fit as if they were the absolute beneficial owners thereof. </p><p>9. The Trustees shall open a bank account in the name of the Fund. All cheques shall be signed by any two of the Trustees of the Fund.</p><p>10. The Trustees shall not disburse any money from the Fund without prior approval by the Club.</p><p>11. No Member of the Club shall benefit from the Fund directly or indirectly in any way whatever.</p><p>53 12. The Club shall have the power to amend the Rules of this Benevolent Fund at any Annual General Meeting of which at least 28 days notice in writing shall have been given by resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of those who, being present and entitled to do so, vote in person. No amendment may be made to Clause 2, Clause 13 or this clause without the prior consent in writing of the Charity Commissioners and no amendment shall be valid unless it is approved by the Executive Committee and the Council of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland.</p><p>13. In the event of the Club being dissolved or of the Club resolving to discontinue the Fund the Trustees shall transfer the Fund to or for such charitable purposes or such charity as the Club shall in duly constituted meeting direct. In the event of the Trustees failing to transfer the Fund as aforesaid prior to dissolution or in the case of the Club resolving to discontinue the Fund within three calendar months of that resolution then and in any such event the Council of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland for the time being shall decide to whom such transfer as aforesaid shall be made.</p><p>54 The Health and Safety Policy</p><p>The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland has important obligations placed on it to ensure the safety of its members, and any others who may be affected by its activities. It is vital that all those within the Association understand that they have a responsibility towards health and safety and compliance with the relevant statutory provisions and guidance. Though members do not anticipate problems, it is required of them to have procedures in place should any problems arise. The above policy has therefore been drawn up to help members in those circumstances.</p><p>The Aim of the Policy is to provide guidance and advice to Districts and Clubs within G.B.& I. on issues relating to health & safety, including the application of health & safety legislation in Inner Wheel, and to encourage a health & safety culture at Association, District and Club level.</p><p>It is therefore recommended that every District and every Club should adopt a Health and Safety Policy Statement and appoint a Health and Safety Officer at their Annual General Meeting.</p><p>Relevant forms are available on the Association website and from the Inner Wheel Association Office, 51 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AT.</p><p>The Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy (plus the Appendices, which provide further information, and sample copies of relevant forms, which may be useful).</p><p>There is a need to demonstrate that an organisation such as Inner Wheel is doing everything possible to protect those with whom it works. It has a duty to ensure the safety of those who give service and those whom we serve.</p><p>It is important that members plan and provide service to the community in such a manner that the reputation and interests of Inner Wheel, or of individual members, cannot be brought into question.</p><p>Inner Wheel has a duty, and a responsibility, to take action because of recent changes in the laws about the protection of children and vulnerable adults.</p><p>It is therefore recommended that every District and every Club should adopt a Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy Statement and appoint a Protection Officer at their Annual General Meeting.</p><p>Relevant forms are available on the Association Website and from the Inner Wheel Association Office, 51 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AT.</p><p>55 56 Section 8</p><p>Formation of a Club Division of a Club Merging of Clubs Disbandment of Clubs Division of District</p><p>Information on the above can be obtained from the Association office and IIW website</p><p>57 58</p>
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