Chapter 12 Environmental Chemical Reactions and Transformations

Chapter 12 Environmental Chemical Reactions and Transformations

<p>Environmental Chemical Reactions and Kinetics</p><p>1.kinetics  order of a reaction  Arrhnenius temperature -rate const  rate limiting steps  steady-state approximation  Hammett relationships and rate constants  kinetic simulations</p><p>1 Kinetics: the rate law of a reaction must be verified by experimentation</p><p>1st order reactions A ---> B</p><p>-d [A] /dt = krate [A]</p><p>- d [A]/[A] = kratedt</p><p>A,t  t ln[A] A, t 0   k t</p><p>-kt [A]t= [A]0 e typically to get a 1st order fit, 70% of A needs to react if the rate constant is independent of concentration</p><p>2 Some time vs conc. data</p><p>Hr Conc [A] Ln[A] 0 2.718 1 0.3 2.117 0.75 0.6 1.649 0.50 0.9 1.284 0.25 1.2 1.000 0.00 1.5 0.779 -0.25</p><p>Time vs. concentration</p><p>3</p><p>2.5</p><p>2 m p p</p><p> n</p><p> i 1.5</p><p>. c n o</p><p> c 1</p><p>0.5</p><p>0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 tim e in hours</p><p>3 1st order plot </p><p>1.2</p><p>1</p><p>0.8</p><p>0.6 ] A [ 0.4 n l 0.2</p><p>0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -0.2</p><p>-0.4 time in hours</p><p> t1/2 = time it takes for [A] to decrease by a factor of 2</p><p> ln [A]/[A]o=-k t1/2 ; ln2 /k =t1/2 life times are define slightly differently ln e = k </p><p>1/k = </p><p>4 1/k = time scale for the reaction</p><p>Pseudo first order rate constants</p><p>A. The reaction of benzyl chloride to produce benzyl alcohol water reacts with benzyl chloride</p><p>+ - CH2 -Cl + H2O CH2-OH + H + Cl</p><p> d[benz-Cl]/dt= -k [benz-Cl] [H2O] k here is a second order rate const. in L mol-1sec-1</p><p>If we assume that the reaction is run in dilute solutions as we could say that the [H2O] is constant</p><p> kpseudo = k[H2O]</p><p> d[benz-Cl]/dt= -kpseudo [benz-Cl]</p><p>B. Consider the reaction of methyl mercaptan in water to produce dimethyl disulfide</p><p>5 2CH3 SH + ½ O2 ----> H3 C-S-S-CH3</p><p>2 1/2 d[CH3 SH]/dt = k [CH3 SH] [O2]</p><p> if we assume that O2 is constant</p><p>2 d[CH3 SH]/dt = kpseudo [CH3 SH]</p><p>For the special case of [A] reacting with [A]</p><p>A + A  products</p><p>Since A is reacting with A d[A] d[A]   k[A]2 and kdt dt [A]2</p><p>1  At  kt [A] Ao</p><p>1 1  kt [A]t [A]o</p><p>6 for this type of simple second order reaction, plot of 1/[A]t vs. t gives a straight line with a slope of...??? and an intercept of....?</p><p> the half-life is when [A]t = ½ [A]o 1  kt1/ 2 [A]o</p><p>7 More on second order reactions</p><p> if A + B----> products and x is the amount of A and B reacted</p><p> the differential equation that describes a second order rate law for the change in x with respect to time</p><p> dx/dt = - k[A] [B] or</p><p> dx/dt = - k [Ao-x] [Bo-x]</p><p>1 x dx dx t (  )k dt 0 [Ao ]  [Bo ] 0 [Ao ]  x [Bo ]  x this has an exact solution</p><p>1 [B ]([A ]x) ln o o   k t [Ao][Bo] [Ao]([Bo]x) so if we measure the amount reacted, x, over time and plot the left side of the equation vs time, the rate constant, k can be measured</p><p>8 Time -pinene O3 (hh.hh) (ppm) (ppm) 9.15 0.820 0.600 9.23 0.406 0.435 9.50 0.158 0.223 9.83 0.097 0.149 </p><p>1 [Bo]([Ao]x) ln   k t ???? [Ao][Bo] [Ao]([Bo]x)</p><p>9 Rate Constants and Temperature</p><p>1850 - Wilhelmy related rate constant to temperature</p><p>DT 1862 - Bertholet proposed k = A e</p><p>1889 - Arrhenius showed that the rate constant increases exponentially with 1/temp.</p><p> lnK  U 1884 - van’t Hoff Equation c    2  T  p RT where </p><p>Kc= “concentration equilibrium constant” U = ‘standard internal energy change and</p><p>Kc = k1/k-1</p><p> so </p><p>10 dlnk dlnk U 1  1  dT dT RT2</p><p> dlnk dlnk U 1  1  dT dT RT2 van’t Hoff proposed two energy factors, so that</p><p> U = E1 - E-1</p><p>It follows that: ln k1 = - E1/RT +const</p><p>-E /RT or k1 = A e 1 (Arrhenius Equation)</p><p>There are other equations relating temp and rate constants</p><p>1898 van’t Hoff rate equation usually give very good empirical fits 2 k  ATme(BDT )/T</p><p>11 The Arrhenius equation is most widely used because it provides insight into how reactions proceed</p><p>-Ea/RT k1 = A e ln k1 = ln A - Ea/RT</p><p>Ea (1/T2-1/T1)/R krate (Ti/T2) = e</p><p> o krate relative to 25 C x 100 (%) Ea 10oC 20oC 30oC Avg KJ/mol increase in krate 40 42 76 130 1.8 50 34 71 139 2.0 60 28 43 149 2.3</p><p>Theory of Arrhenius </p><p>12 Consider the reaction of B +C ---> D + E</p><p> dB/dt = -k [B] [C] to react B and C have to collide, and the rate should depend </p><p>1. on the frequency of encounters of B and C which is proportional to the conc. of B and C and how fast B and C move (diffuse) toward each other.</p><p>2. the orientation of B and C</p><p>3. the fraction of the collisions that will have sufficient energy to break the bonds of B and C.</p><p>The fraction of reaction species with an energy greater than the activation energy is given by the Botlzmann distribution of energies e-Ea/RT</p><p> hence in rate = A e-Ea/RT[B] [C] the coef A must include frequency and orientation factors</p><p>13 Activated Complex or transition state theory</p><p> the reaction of B + C ---> on its way to products goes though an activated intermediate called [BC]</p><p>B + C ---> [BC]‡--> [D] + [E]</p><p> it is assumed that there is an equilibrium between the reactants and the activated complex [B-C] </p><p> and that [B-C] decomposes to products with a rate constant of kT/h</p><p> where k = Boltzmann const 1.38 x10-23 J K-1 h= Plancks const, 1.63 x10-34 J/sec</p><p> k T/h assumes that the rate constant is directly proportional to the vibrating frequency of the transition state and the energy associated with this is proportional to kT E kT  h</p><p>14  = kT/h [BC] ‡--> [D] + [E]</p><p> rate = kT/h [BC]‡ since we said </p><p>--> ‡ B + C <-- [B-C]</p><p>[BC] K   [B][C] substituting for [BC]* in: rate = kT/h [BC]‡</p><p> rate = kT/h K‡ [B] [C]</p><p>The equilibrium const. is related to the free energy of activation by</p><p>K‡= e-G‡/RT</p><p>15 and G‡ = H‡-TS‡</p><p>16 kT   rate    eS /R eH /RT[B][[C]  h </p><p>kT   k    eS /R eH /RT  h </p><p>‡ for a bimolecular reaction H = Ea - RT</p><p>kT  k    eS /R e1 eEa /RT  h  this looks like k= A e-Ea / RT</p><p> the entropy term in A --> orientation probability</p><p> and temp in A may be related to the frequency of encounters; # collisions ~ (RT)1/2</p><p>17 Composite Reactions</p><p>Simultaneous Reactions</p><p>A--> Y</p><p>A---> Z</p><p>Competition reactions</p><p>A + B --> Y</p><p>A + C --> Z</p><p>Opposing Reactions</p><p>A + B Z</p><p>Consecutive reactions</p><p>A--> X--> Y-->Z</p><p>Feedback A--> X--> Y---> Z</p><p>18 Consecutive Reactions</p><p> k1 k2 A ---> X---> Z</p><p>-k1t -d[A]/dt = k1 [A] [A] = [A]o e</p><p>+d[X]/dt = k1[A]</p><p> d[X]/dt = +k1[A] - k2[X]</p><p>-k1t d[X]/dt = +k1[A]oe +- k2[X] solution</p><p>-k1t -k2t [X] =[A]ok1/(k2-k1) (e - e )</p><p>-k1t -k2t [Z] =[A]o/(k2-k1) [k1(1-e ) -k1(1- e )</p><p>These types of expressions are cumbersome</p><p>19 (Steady- state approximation)</p><p>“The rate of change of the concentration of an intermediate, to a good approximation, can be set equal to zero whenever the intermediate is formed slowly and disappears rapidly” -D.L. Chapman and L.K. Underhill, 1913</p><p>Use of the Steady-State Assumption</p><p>(Consecutive Reactions with an Opposing Reaction as the 1st step)</p><p>Consider the reaction of OH radicals in the atmosphere with SO2 to form sulfuric acid particles. k1 ‡ OH + SO2 HOSO2</p><p> k-1</p><p> k3 ‡ + HOSO2 M ---> HOSO2 + M</p><p>‡ for the rate of formation of HOSO2 , we would write</p><p>20 ‡ d [HOSO2] /dt = +k1[OH][SO2] for the loss we have ‡ -k-1[HOSO2] and ‡ -k3[HOSO2] so the total rate expression is</p><p>‡ d [HOSO2] /dt = +k1[OH][SO2] ‡ ‡ -k-1 [HOSO2] -k3[HOSO2]</p><p>‡ at steady state d[HOSO2] /dt = zero</p><p>‡ ‡ 0=+k1[OH][SO2] -k-1[HOSO2] -k3[HOSO2]</p><p> k1[OH][SO2] [HOSO2 ]  k1  k3</p><p> for the formation of product HOSO2</p><p>21 ‡ + HOSO2 M ---> HOSO2 + M</p><p>‡ d[HOSO2]/dt = +k3[HOSO2]</p><p>‡ Substituting [HOSO2]</p><p>[HOSO ] k k [OH][SO ] 2  1 3 2 dt k1  k3</p><p>22 In the atmosphere the formation of ozone can be represented as</p><p> h</p><p>NO2 ------> NO + O. k1= 0.4xTSR</p><p>M O. + O2 ----> O3 k2 = fast,fast</p><p>O3 + NO -----> NO2 k3</p><p> a. derive a steady state relationship for O3 as a function of NO2, NO, k1 and k3; assume that dNO2/dt is at ss.. b. calculate the equilibrium ozone for the following +03 conditions; assume k3 = 2.64310 exp(-1370/ T) time 6:00 7:30 9:00 12:00 15:00</p><p>NO (ppm) 0.06 0.11 0.08 0.03 0.005 NO2 (ppm) 0.03 0.07 0.14 0.15 0.10 Temp (oC) 25 26 28 35 34 TSR(cal cm-2min-1) 0.05 0.12 0.25 0.5 0.3 *TSR= total solar radiation flux in cal /cm2/min plot your results for NO, NO2, and O3 and if this was a real atmosphere explain.</p><p>23 Rate determining steps</p><p> k1 k3 A + B X Z k-1</p><p>[HOSO ] k k [OH][SO ] 2  1 3 2 dt k1  k3</p><p>[Z] k k [A][B]  1 3 dt k1  k3</p><p> if k3 >> k1</p><p>[Z]  k [A] [B] dt 1</p><p>24 The Hammett Equation and rates constants</p><p>In 1940 Hammett recognized for substituted benzoic acids the effects of substituent groups on the dissociation of the acid group</p><p>COOH COO-</p><p>+H+</p><p>R R</p><p> o o o G = G H +  G i</p><p>Effect on the free energy change from dissociation could be represented as the sum of the free energy change by the unsubstituted benzoic acid and the contributions from the various R groups.</p><p>-RTln Ka = -RTln KaH - RTln Ka,i</p><p>Effect on the free energy change from dissociation could be represented as the sum of the free energy </p><p>25 change by the unsubstituted benzoic acid and the contributions from the various R groups.</p><p>Hammett then says that the effects of the substituent group i, on the free energy can be represented o as:G i = -2.303 RTi; where i =ln Ka,i we know that </p><p> o G = -2.303 RT log Ka and o G H = -2.303 RT log KaH</p><p> o G i = -2.303 RTi so</p><p>-2.303 RT log Ka=-2.303 RT log KaH +-2.303 RTi going back to:</p><p>-RTln Ka = -RTln Ka,H - RTln Ka,i</p><p> log Ka= log KaH +i</p><p> so, log (Ka / KaH )= I</p><p> and pKa = pKaH - I 26 27 Phenols and Hammet Constants anilines</p><p>28 Hammet also observes that when considering other compound classes, like phenyl acetic acids the  values developed for benzoic acid can be used</p><p> log (Ka / KaH) = i</p><p> log (Ka / KaH )= i when considering other compound classes, like phenyl acetic acids the  values developed for benzoic acid can be used</p><p> log (Ka / KaH) = i</p><p>Figure 8.7 page 174</p><p>29 Rate constants and Hammet sigmas if an aromatic reaction is going through a transition state</p><p>B + C ---> [BC]‡--> [D] + [E] we said that the rate</p><p> rate = (kT/h) K‡ [B] [C] the rate constant is (kT/h) K‡</p><p>‡ log krate= log (kT/h)+ log K</p><p> since -2.303 RT log K‡= G‡o</p><p>Using the Hammett argument that</p><p>‡o ‡o ‡o G = G H +  G i show that </p><p> log(krate) = log krateH +  m,p</p><p>30 or log(krate/krateH) =  m,p</p><p>Different rates are obtained in different solvents, so reaction rates are not directly applicable to water if in another solvent</p><p>31</p>

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