<p> MINUTES BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS</p><p>Date: March 10, 2005</p><p>Place: 3rd Floor Conference Room 500 North Calvert Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202</p><p>Present: Melvin Hotz, Chairman Eugene C. Harvey, P.E., Vice Chairman Sallye E. Perrin, P.E., Secretary H. C. Harclerode, P.E.</p><p>Others Present: T. L. Woods, Executive Director Pamela Edwards, Assistant Executive Director Milena Trust, Counsel to the Board Dorothy Matricciani, Administrative Secretary Robert Mead, Executive Director, MSPE</p><p>Absent: Alison A. Hunt, P.E Michael J. Howard Rosalind L. Yee</p><p>CALL TO ORDER</p><p>Chairman Hotz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.</p><p>ACTION ON MINUTES</p><p>Motion (I) was made by Mr. Harclerode, seconded by Mr. Harvey, and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the Minutes of the February 10, 2005 meeting as submitted.</p><p>EXECUTIVE SESSION</p><p>Motion (II) was made by Mr. Harclerode, seconded by Mr. Harvey, and unanimously carried by the Members of the Board for Professional Engineers in attendance to go into Executive Session at 9:32 a.m., at 500 North Calvert Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. This session was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article, Title 10-508(a)(7). Upon completion of the session, the Board reconvened its public meeting at 9:40 a.m. </p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 2</p><p>COMPLAINT COMMITTEE REPORT</p><p>Mr. Harvey reported on the status of complaints and license reinstatement issues discussed by the Complaint Committee at its meeting on March 8, 2005.</p><p>04-PE-03: Hearing scheduled for 5-12-05. 04-PE-13: Awaiting report from expert. 04-PE-15: Case on hold pending action by the Pennsylvania Board. 04-PE-17: Cases on hold pending action by the Pennsylvania Board & 18 05-PE-01: Sent to AAG for pre-charge review. & 02 05-PE-17: Sent to OIS . 05-PE-18: No violation; recommend close. 05-PE-19: Case on hold pending action by the Architects’ Board. 05-PE-20: Additional information requested from respondent.</p><p>The Complaint Committee also reviewed two applications for reinstatement of license. In the first case, the license was lapsed for four renewal periods. The applicant was continuously licensed in Virginia and had not signed and sealed any documents in Maryland during the time of license expiration. The Complaint Committee recommends license reinstatement with a warning letter.</p><p>In the second case, the applicant’s license was lapsed for four renewal periods; no documents were signed and sealed in Maryland during the time of expiration; and the applicant was not currently licensed elsewhere. The Complaint Committee recommends requesting additional information from this applicant concerning education and experience. </p><p>Motion (III) was made by Mr. Harclerode, seconded by Ms. Perrin and unanimously carried by the Board to accept the recommendations made by the Complaint Committee.</p><p>OLD BUSINESS</p><p>Substantial Equivalency</p><p>The Board discussed “substantially equivalent programs” as listed in the ABET International Yearbook, and how these programs should be treated under Sections 14-305 (b),(c) or (d) of the Engineers’ Law. Ms. Perrin read the names of the countries and schools involved in the program. It was decided that additional information on the accreditation process was required before the Board could make a definitive decision on this issue. The Board will </p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 3 review information provided by ABET at its meeting with the Board in May 2004; contact ABET to inquire if foreign universities are visited by ABET representatives; and find out how other states deal with “substantially equivalent” degrees from foreign countries. Messrs. Hotz and Harclerode will also provide additional information after attending the Zone Meeting in April. </p><p>Corporate Certification</p><p>Mr. Harclerode said he talked with engineers at the recent MSPE meeting about “corporate certification,” a form of registration that would require engineering firms to have a professional engineer on their staff. He suggested it would be beneficial if the Board obtained feedback from other engineering societies on this subject. </p><p>Mr. Harvey said that he talked with Jim Otradovec of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), who said he would look into it and advise the Board. </p><p>The Board discussed how the requirement of having an engineer on staff could be enforced and how the Department of Assessments and Taxation would react to the additional responsibility of checking that an engineer is on-staff when issuing a “certificate of authorization.” After discussion, the Board decided that a substantial amount of investigation would have to be carried out before it could embark on “corporate certification.” </p><p>Continuing Competency</p><p>The Board discussed the pros and cons of requiring “continuing competency” for licensure and/or license renewal. Mr. Harclerode said that the other three Design Boards have “continuing competency” requirements and apparently more and more states are going this route. He said he has attempted to get some feedback on this issue. Mr. Hotz said it is possible that Maryland’s engineers may not be accepted for licensure in certain other states without “continuing education units.” </p><p>Ms. Perrin said it could be a very costly proposition and managing the CEU requirements from other states may be difficult. She said she favors requiring engineers to read the Law and pass an “ethics” test. Messrs. Harvey and Hotz questioned the practice by which continuing education units are earned and their potential value.</p><p>Mr. Woods spoke of the methods by which CPAs gain continuing competency. He stated that the push for “continuing competency” must come from the engineering community and societies. </p><p>After lengthy discussion, Ms. Perrin suggested the Board wait to see what position NCEES takes and then make a decision. The Board concurred.</p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 4</p><p>NEW BUSINESS </p><p>Chairman’s Report</p><p>Mr. Hotz reported on the following:</p><p> At a meeting of the five Design Board Chairs on January 26, two letters were reviewed concerning the “Overlapping Practice Guide” and the advisory panel. It was the consensus of the five Board Chairs that the Architect’s Board should respond to the letters. </p><p> All Boards are requested to provide a two-year estimate of travel requirements for budget planning. </p><p>Mr. Woods said that an estimate has been presented to Commissioner Loleas. The Board discussed the possible need for the yearly allowance to be increased.</p><p> Senate Bill 152, entitled “Occupational and Professional Licensing Disciplinary Actions” (referred to as the “knowing” bill) has been discussed with Department personnel. </p><p>Ms. Trust reported this bill has passed the Senate. </p><p> Lou Raimondi, the current Northeast Zone Vice President, is running for NCEES President-Elect.</p><p> The Board regards “On-Line Engineering Degrees” as non-approved and does not recognize them for credit under Sections 14-305(b) and (c) at this time. The Board has not had an in-depth discussion on this subject.</p><p>Ms. Perrin said that certain on-line programs appear to be rigorous and cost effective. Mr. Hotz said that on-line programs are new and the outcome is uncertain at this time. He said the Board has never really looked at on-line programs in depth and it should keep abreast of how these programs develop.</p><p> On February 22, the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers along with the Maryland Section of the Society of Civil Engineers hosted an Engineers’ Week Banquet at the Engineers’ Club. Five Board Members attended and distributed certificates to newly licensed engineers. Ms. Hunt was inducted in the “Order of the Engineer.”</p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 5 Mr. Hotz thanked MSPE, specifically Mr. Mead, for inviting the Board Members as guests to this fine ceremony. He said he was impressed by MSPE’s initiative in providing this forum at which to present the certificates.</p><p>April Examinations</p><p>Mr. Hotz said the FE and PE exams will be held April 15 and 16, and urged Board members to visit the examination site. </p><p>Clean-up Bill</p><p>The Board discussed the status of the clean-up bill and items in it which may be controversial. It was decided that the bill would not be introduced. Ms. Trust said she did not see a problem with this and that the bill could be considered “dead.” </p><p>NCEES Board Presidents Meeting, February 10-12</p><p>Mr. Harvey attended the NCEES Board Presidents Assembly in Kansas City on February 10-12, and reported on the following: </p><p> A great deal of discussion focused on the security of the exams, about which NCEES is very concerned.</p><p> Regarding the “retired status” category, it was recommended that a time limit be placed on getting re-licensed.</p><p> A proposal was introduced for changing the requirements for licensure. Mr. Harvey distributed a handout of a proposed NCEES licensure model, which included a provision to waive the FE exam if one had a Ph.D. in Engineering. The model also provided for a category entitled “chartered engineer,” which one could attain by having an EAC-ABET degree, has passed the FE exam or has a Ph.D. in Engineering, and has four years of work experience. A “chartered engineer” cannot sign and seal documents. Mr. Harvey said it was thought this category would entice more people in the industry into becoming chartered engineers even if they do not go on to get a license. The model also included “continuing professional development” after licensure. </p><p>After discussion, the Board decided that it was not in favor of the proposed model.</p><p>Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Harvey, seconded by Ms. Perrin, and unanimously carried by the Board to direct the Board’s representative at the next Zone Meeting in Washington, DC, to vote against the proposed NCEES Licensure Model. Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 6</p><p>Applications Revision Mr. Woods said he reviewed the instructions for applications for “reciprocity” and the FE and PE exams and found them to be in need of revision. He, therefore, has re-written all of the instructions for these applications. Mr. Woods said that when the applications are finalized, they will be printed and the old applications destroyed. Mr. Hotz thanked Mr. Woods for this undertaking.</p><p>Mr. Harclerode said that in the State of Georgia there is a proposed bill that requires an applicant for Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor to have a four-year degree to get a license. </p><p>Mr. Harclerode said that he is considering running for Assistant Vice President of the North East Region. </p><p>APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR RECIPROCITY</p><p>Motion (V) was made by Ms. Perrin, seconded by Mr. Harclerode, and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the following applications for reciprocity:</p><p>Robert A. Arthur 31152 Blaine G. Leidy 31545 Chatpong Assavakarint 31555 Bryan K. Lievre 31523 Robert T. Bailey 31381 Marty J. Micko 31524 Duane S. Bigley 31543 Nicholas G. Miller 31522 Mark J. Bodmann 31487 Mohsen M. Mostajabi 31470 John T. Bredenkamp 31472 Daniel T. Nguyen 31547 Michael J. Carvan, Jr. 31482 Olalekan O. Olafeide 31546 Myung-Keun Chang 31540 Christopher C. Otterness 31415 Richard M. Coad 31498 Kalpesh C. Patel 31530 Stephanie F. Cutlip 31541 Donald C. Peterson 31531 Matthew J. Daw 31432 Rodger R. Prunty 31529 Michael S. Delgado 31542 Russell H. Sage 31479 Joshua M. Dickinson 31516 Mark S. Servinski 31513 James M. Fraser 31526 Ahmed A. Shaaban 31473 Michael J. Freer 31544 William J. Short 31528 John J. Frydrych 31499 Robert B. Simmons 31527 Gregory B. Fusco 30865 Andrew A. Solemani 31525 Richard A. Green 31535 Peter E. Terrill 31409 Scott L. Hawk 31483 Scott H. Walthour 31532 Gregory L. Henion 31536 Jon G. Whitney 31533 Thomas E. Hornyak 31537 Joseph H. Wierzbicki 31129</p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 7 </p><p>APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR RECIPROCITY (CONT’D) Ronald J. Jackson 31538 James C. Wilson 31534 James D. Jameson 31495 Michael K. Yates 31508 David A. Jarrell 31539 Shu Zhang 31429</p><p>APPLICATIONS APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVELY FOR RECIPROCITY</p><p>The following applications, supported by NCEES Model Law Engineer files, were administratively approved for licensure by the Assistant Executive Director of the Board for Professional Engineers:</p><p>Roberta Archila 31434 Todd G. McCoy 31480 Timothy D. Cahalan 31469 William B. Mills 31468 Dennis W. Carter 31494 John B. Obenchain, Jr. 31478 Walter J. Cestoni 31503 Aubrey W. Reynolds 31475 Tracey L. Devries 31471 George A. Sembos 31506 Mark S. Frost 31504 Glenn L. Short 31476 Raymond D. Hall 31485 James G. Soules 31507 Travis J. Keys 31430 Robert D. Ziegenfuss 31433 Robert W. Lambert 31505</p><p>APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING EXAMINATION, APRIL 15, 2005</p><p>The following applications were approved for the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination to be held April 15, 2005:</p><p>See Attached List</p><p>APPLICATIONS DENIED FOR THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING EXAMINATION, APRIL 15, 2005</p><p>Motion (VI) was made by Mr. Harclerode, seconded by Ms. Perrin, and carried by the Board with one opposed and one abstained, to deny twenty-three applications for the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination to be held April 15, 2005, because the applicants did not meet the Board’s requirements. The applications were discussed at the Board Meeting.</p><p>Board for Professional Engineers Minutes – March 10, 2005 Page 8 </p><p>ADJOURNMENT Motion (VII) was made by Ms. Perrin, seconded by Mr. Harclerode, and unanimously carried by the Board to adjourn the meeting at 1:10 p.m.</p><p>______With Corrections</p><p>______Without Corrections</p><p>______Melvin Hotz, P.E., Chairman Date</p><p>Candidates Approved for the April 15, 2005 P.E. Examination</p><p>First Name Last Name MEHENNI ABDELAZIZ UMIT AKKAYA WILLIAM ALLEN GUS ANDERSON, JR. OLUWATOYIN ANIMASHAUN ARNOLD AUSTIN JEAN AYOUB PAUL BAGDANOVE MATTHEW BEECY JOSEPH BIGGIN CRYSTAL BLANTON MATTHEW BONZELLA JACK BRINSON RICHARD BUTTS CORY BUXTON ROSS CAMPBELL JENNIFER CASEY TULLLIO III CELANO PETER CHAPUT BING CHEN MARJORIE CHILES COLBY CHRISTENSEN JERRY CHRISTOFEL THOMAS CLIPPINGER DANIEL COCHRANE MARK CRISSMAN KIMBERLY CURRANO CHRISTOPHER D'ASCANIO ALI DASHTI CHRISTOPHER DERBYSHIRE TERESA DI GENOVA GREGOR FAHRENDORF CHAD FISHER KEVIN FITZGERALD JEFFREY FOREMAN BRANDON FRITZ JASON FRONCZEK RYAN GARDINER EDWIN GIL JEFFERY GILLETTE STEPHANIE GLIEN JAMES GRAHAM JAMES GRAY THOMAS GREEN EDWARD GUTERMUTH</p><p>DEBRA HALL YOUHONG HANG WILLIAM HARRIS MOUSA HEJAZI NICHOLAS HIENZ CECILE HOLLOWAY GEORGE HOLMES KAVEH HOSSEINZADEH AMY HRIBAR DENNIS INGRAM ERICA JACKSON RAHSEAN JACKSON ENOCH JOHNSON KENDELL JOHNSON JAMES KJELLAND DARRYL KLUGH, JR. JEFFREY KNAUB JASON KOHRT YAN KUANG STEVEN KVECH NEIL LAMBRECHT META LANKFORD IFTER LASHLEY DEGANG LI NING LIU ANGELA MACCUBBIN SHREYA MANDREKAR RUEL MANUEL SCOTT MARHOLD ROBERT MASON, JR. BRIAN MASTERVICH DAVID MCCONE PATRICK MCCORMAC ERIC MONGELLI AMY MUSSEN RASHID NADEEM DANIEL NGUYEN KEVIN O'DONNELL DOUGLAS OGDEN YINKA OLAGOKE ANTONIO PAZ JARED PERETIN</p><p>JOSEPH PROSACHIK OSCAR PUIGCERVER PEDRO RAMIREZ JOHN RANKIN RONALD ROSS GREGORY RULE JAMES SALSBURY DONG SEO BRIAN SERP ABOOTORAB SHAMS PIRZADEH CHARLES SHAW NATHAN SHENCK JON SHIANCOE MARTIN SLUSSER RONALD SNOW RYAN SPALDING JEREMY STOLL MICHAEL STREMMEL WILLIAM SWAIN KELLY SWEENEY YEE-MEI TSE SOPHADY UONG VIJAYAKIRTHI VENUGOPAL MELCHIZEDEK VILLARBA YUEZHANG WANG ROBERT WEAVER BYRON WHITE KEVIN WHITE JOEL WILLIAMS CHARLES WILSON MAUREEN WINGFIELD BRIAN WODKA SANDRA YOUNG RADU ZAMFIRACHE STEVEN ZIMMERMAN</p>
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