Program Review Update 2014-15

Program Review Update 2014-15

<p> NOTE</p><p>Program Review Update 2014-15 General Counseling (Report Due: October 15, 2015)</p><p>Program/Service Description: Include Description/Mission Statement/Number of Years at COD/Benefits/Contact (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p>Description: Counseling provides personal, academic, and career counseling services to all prospective and enrolled COD students as they participate in the activities of the Student Success and Support Programs (SSSP) process. General Counseling also provides outreach services to local high schools and various community groups by disseminating information about admissions, financial aid, academic course offerings, and student support services available at COD. COD counselors also teach counseling courses and workshops designed to help students to identify and achieve their goals. General Counselors act as advisors for the six Liberal Arts Degrees.</p><p>Mission Statement: The mission of College of the Desert Counseling is to provide all students with access to an array of counseling services that support the exploration and development of academic, career, and personal goals. College of the Desert counseling faculty are credentialed professionals who assist students to successfully navigate through the educational process and achieve their stated goals.</p><p>Number of Years at COD: Since 1959</p><p>Participants in the program/service receive the following benefits: Counseling and SSSP services include assistance in applying to the college; assessment testing and interpretation; orientation to the college; personal, academic and career counseling services including the development of an abbreviated student educational plan and a comprehensive Student Educational Plan; and on-going follow-up services for all students including those who are struggling with passing or completing courses. • Assistance with career assessments and planning. • Assistance with transfer planning. • Personal counseling and crisis intervention. • Progress reports and academic follow-up to promote retention and success. • Counseling courses that cover college success and life skills, scholarships and financial aid, transfer planning, career development, and identifying a major. • Workshops on such topics as financial aid, receiving scholarships, study skills, career interest, transfer process, and job search.</p><p>Contact Person/Title: Elise King, Chair, Counseling Phone: 760-862-1360 Amanda Phillips, Director of Counseling and Advising Services Phone: 760-636-7962</p><p>Population Served: Include Number/Eligibility (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Number of Students Served: The unduplicated headcount of students served in General Counseling at the Palm Desert Campus is 11,317. For Indio that number is 1,276 and for Mecca-Thermal it is 85. Student Eligibility: Enrolled credit and non-credit students, the general public Number of Counseling Course Sections : 20 FTES Generated: 35.02</p><p>1 Program Review Update 2015 Program Requirements from outside agencies (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Student Success Support Programs adhere to the applicable minimum requirements of the federal regulations, California Education Code, Title 5 regulations, Budget Act Language, and/or program guidelines. </p><p>Program/Service Outcomes (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean – from OAC Coordinator) OVERARCHING PROGRAM LEVEL OUTCOMES STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES</p><p>1 - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY Students utilizing this program/service will demonstrate an ability to:  display habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, and physical well being.  develop individual responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for diverse people and cultures.  value and accept people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and abilities.  understand ethical issues to make sound judgments and decisions.</p><p>2 – SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-UNDERSTANDING, AND SELF-ADVOCACY Students utilizing this program/service will demonstrate an ability to:  evaluate their own knowledge, skills, and abilities.  display three components of an effective self-advocate: 1. Self knowledge. 2. Define their own needs. 3. The ability to get what they need.  develop realistic goals.  appreciate the value of feedback.  adapt to challenging situations.  recognize that knowledge is the key to self-advocacy.  teach the people around them. </p><p>3 – SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND INDEPENDENT LEARNING Students utilizing this program/service will demonstrate an ability to: 1. identify and utilize services, programs, and resources to become life-long learners including, but not limited to: 1. Study/Learning Labs 2. Supplemental Instruction 3. Computer-aided tutorials/instruction 4. Learning Communities 5. Student Development Courses (Counseling Courses) 6. Tutorial Assistance 7. Counseling Services 8. Special Programs for Student Success 9. Admissions and Records 10. Business Services 11. Financial Aid 12. Scholarship information 13. Career/Transfer Services Resources PROGRAM/SERVICE SPECIFIC OUTCOMES</p><p>2 Program Review Update 2015 COUNSELING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES/STUDENT SERVICE OUTCOMES</p><p>1. Students who participate in Counseling services and develop an SEP with their counselor will have an understanding of the requirements to earn a certificate, graduate and transfer.</p><p>PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE</p><p>AR Overdue AR CYCLE COMMENT CYCLE COMPLETED I S II COMMENTS COORDINA COORDINA ASSES ANALYZ TE & ASSES ANALYZ TE & S- E, IMPLEMEN S- E, IMPLEMEN AR Due MENT REPORT T Cycle I MENT REPORT T Cycle II & & In DISCUS DISCUS Assessment S CHANGES S CHANGES AR General COMPLET AR Counseling 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP ED 14/SU 14/ FA 15/SP Completed</p><p>AR Overdue AR Cycle COMMENT Cycle COMPLETED III S IV COMMENTS COORDINA COORDINA ASSES ANALYZ TE & ASSES ANALYZ TE & S- E, IMPLEMEN S- E, IMPLEMEN AR Due MENT REPORT T Cycle III MENT REPORT T Cycle IV & & In DISCUS DISCUS Assessment S CHANGES S CHANGES General In Counseling 15/FA 16/SP 16/FA Progress 17/SP 17/FA 18/SP </p><p>Results from Summer 2014 Assessment from schedule above– (state SLO assessed and results of assessment) 1) Student Service/ Learning Outcome(s) Students who participate in General Counseling services and develop SSOs/SLOs an SEP with their counselor will have an understanding of the requirements to earn a certificate, graduate and transfer.</p><p>2) Identify Assessment Tool(s) to implement Students completed an online survey hosted by SurveyMonkey. The questions relating to educational goals and the electronic Student Education Planning Tool consisted of the questions listed below: 1. Which of the following are educational goals that can be completed at College of the Desert? (Check all that apply) Options were: Certificate of Achievement, AA, AS, Transfer Requirements or Bachelor of Arts 2. What did you find least helpful about this workshop? 3.What did you find most helpful about this workshop?</p><p>3 Program Review Update 2015 3a) Expected level of achievement 3a) We expect that 75% of answers to be correct for each question and an overall average of at least 70%.</p><p>3b) Actual results 3b) </p><p>Question 1 Correct Incorrect</p><p> a. Certificate of 218/61.6% 136/38.4% Achievement</p><p> b. Associate of Arts 211/59.6% 143/40.4%</p><p> c. Associate of 195/55.1% 159/44.9% Acience</p><p> d.Requirements for 276/78.0% 78/22% Transfer</p><p> e. Bachelor of Arts 305/86.2% 49/13.8%</p><p>Answered Questions 354 0 Skipped</p><p>Question 2 Open Ended Feedback 273/77.1% Responses 81/22.9% Skipped</p><p>Question 3 Open Ended Feedback 325/91.8% Responses 29/8.1% Skipped 4) Explain how collected data was analyzed and The results of the survey were automatically tabulated through SurveyMonkey. evaluated. The assessment leader translated the results into the attached rubric and presented them to the counselors in the general unit to discuss. 5) Identify gaps between expected and actual The results of responses 1d, and 1e met or exceeded expectations. results. Responses to 1a, 1b and 1c, however, fell well below satisfactory levels. </p><p>6) Document results and outline needed changes. In order to increase the level of achievement the following strategies will be implemented. a. Plan a retreat to thouroughly review SEP workshop content b. Standardize script for more consistent presentation c. Increase workshop duration d. Continue to work with researcher on selection of survey questions</p><p>RESOURCES</p><p>4 Program Review Update 2015 Staffing for Program/Service: Include Funding Budget Level/Current Staffing Level (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p>2013-14 Funding/Budget Level: </p><p>GENERAL FUND Salaries & Benefits $1,267,912 Discretionary Costs $17,217 Total General Fund $1,285,129</p><p>CATEGORIAL/RESTRICTED: CREDIT MATRICULATION Salaries & Benefits $495,805 Discretionary Costs $189,830 Total Credit Matriculation $685,635</p><p>CATEGORIAL/RESTRICTED: NON-CREDIT MATRICULATION Salaries & Benefits $90,135 Discretionary Costs $9,955</p><p>Position FTE % Credit Matric % Non Credit % College Other Funded Matric Funded Funded funding stream</p><p>Director, Counseling 1 %50 %50 Counselor 1 80% 20% Counselor SSSP (Temporary 1 100% Adjunct .5 100% General Counselor 5 100% Adjunct 2.8 50% 50% Secretary 1 100% Assessment Specialist 1 100% Assessment Testing .5 100% Technician</p><p>Facilities (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean) 1) List of all facilities (Please indicate if any of these were added last year):</p><p>The Counseling Center is centrally located on the second floor of the Cravens Student Services Center and includes twelve offices, a small storage room, and a front counter with two workstations. There are seven computer workstations for student use. A central waiting area for students comprised of a bank of tables and 16 chairs. </p><p>2) Assessment of adequacy of current facilities: The faculty/staff offices are satisfactory, but the central waiting area is inadequate to handle the volume of students. There is a significant risk to student privacy in the proximity of the lobby and computers to the </p><p>5 Program Review Update 2015 counseling offices. The majority of students and counselors prefer to keep the office doors open during appointments. A clear sound proof partition separating the student waiting area and the counseling offices is necessary to maintain privacy, confidentiality, and noise reduction in general. </p><p>The workroom/supply area does not allow flexibility for preparation and storage of orientation/ outreach materials. </p><p>Equipment and Supplies (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p>The Counseling Center utilizes: 20 Dell computers 11 HP printers 15 Cisco telephones 1 Copiers 1 HP Designjet 500 1 Fax machine 2 Shredders</p><p>Summary - Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p>Staffing for Program/Service: A Director of Counseling and Advising was hired in August of 2014. General Counseling is an extremely active department serving several thousand students per year. A director was sorely needed to coordinate services and secure rerequired resources. The counseling unit is down two counselors due to retirements. Two temporary 1 year fulltime counselors were hired in January 2015. In order to keep pace with a growing institution and the Student Success and Support Program mandates it is imperative that we hire 2 permanent replacements. Funding/Budget: The Dean of Student Support Programs and Service carries the administrative and fiscal responsibility for the implementation of the Matriculation funds. He is familiar with the distinctions between the formulas and their elements and how these determine the college/district allocation. </p><p>COURSE INFORMATION (Complete only if Applicable)</p><p>6 Program Review Update 2015 Course Level Assessment Completed (source: Faculty & OAC Coordinator) Complete if applicable </p><p>CYCLE CYCLE I I CYCLE II CYCLE II AR ANALYZ COORDINA ANALYZE COORDINA</p><p>OVERDUE E, TE , TE AR & & ASSESS REPORT ASSESS- REPORT COMPLETE IMPLEMEN COMMENT IMPLEMEN -MENT & MENT & D T S T COMMENTS DISCUS AR DUE S CHANGES DISCUSS CHANGES In Assessme nt AR COMPLETE COUN-010 10/SP 10/FA 11/SP D 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA COUN-011 AR ( STDV COMPLETE AR -62) 08/FA 09/SP 09/FA D 11/FA 12/SP 12/FA COMPLETED AR COMPLETE AR COUN-012 09/FA 10/SP 10/FA D 11/FA 12/SP 12/FA COMPLETED AR COUN-013 COMPLETE (53) 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP D 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 12/ DEACTIVA COUN-051 SU 12/ FA 13/SP TE 13/SU 13/FA 14/SP DEACTIVATE COUN-058 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/FA 16/SP 16/FA AR COMPLETE AR COUN-060 09/SP 09/FA 10/SP D 11/SP 11/FA 12/SP COMPLETED COUN- DEACTIVAT DEACTIVATE 060A 12/SP 12/FA 13/SP E? 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP ? AR COMPLETE ASSESS FA COUN-061 10/FA 11/SP 11/FA D 12/FA 13/SP 13/FA 12</p><p>Cycle Cycle III III Cycle IV Cycle IV AR ANALYZ COORDIN COORDINA ANALYZE, OVERDUE E, ATE TE AR & & ASSESS REPORT ASSESS- REPORT COMPLETE IMPLEMEN COMMENT IMPLEMEN -MENT & MENT & D T S T COMMENTS DISCUS AR DUE S CHANGES DISCUSS CHANGES In Assessme nt COUN-010 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 16/SP 16/FA 17/SP COUN-011 (STDV - 62) 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 16/SP COUN-012 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 16/SP COUN-013 (53) 15/FA 16/SP 16/FA 17/FA 18/SP 18/FA COUN-058 17/FA 18/SP 18/FA 19/FA 20/SP 20/FA COUN-060 13/SP 13/FA 14/SP 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA COUN- DEACTIVA DEACTIVATE 060A 16/SP 16/FA 17/SP TE? 18/SP 18/FA 19/SP ? COUN-061 14/FA 15/SP 15/FA 16/FA 17/SP 17/FA </p><p>Changes Implemented as a Result of the Assessments (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) (see next page)</p><p>7 Program Review Update 2015 As a result of our assessment of the workshop for abbreviated SEP’s (My First Schedule Workshop), we revised the Powerpoint presentation to emphasize certain things. We also shortened it to allow for more interaction between counselors and students. </p><p>Student Success Data (source: Office of Institutional Research) Courses: STDV, COUN 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Student Success Rate: 76.7% 74.2% 80.4% 69.5% Retention Rate: 90.5% 87.8% 91.3% 83.2% Note: Above rates are for the STDV/COUN credit courses only. Success rate is the percent of students who earned a grade of A, B, C, or Cr/P in course out of total enrolled in course at census. Retention rate is the percent of students retained in course until the end of the term out of total enrolled in course at census. Click here for more information on Success Click here for more information on Retention</p><p>Click here for more information on FTES and # of Sections</p><p>8 Program Review Update 2015 9 Program Review Update 2015 Resources: Staffing (source: Research Office)</p><p>2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Staffing Resources 11/SU 11/FA 12/SP 12/SU 12/FA 13/SP 13/SU 13/FA 14/SP 14/SU 14/FA 15/SP PT Headcount 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 FTEFac FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FTEFac PT 0.07 0.30 0.57 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.13 0.00 0.40 0.70 Total FTEFac FT and PT 0.07 0.30 0.57 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.13 0.00 0.40 0.70 % PT/FTEFac Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% FTEFac OL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.13 0.10 0.77 0.67</p><p>Click here for more information on Faculty Staffing Resources</p><p>Summary - Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Student success rates dipped in 2014-2015. As the assessment reports are completed for those terms, we will look for possible causes and solutions.</p><p>The retention rate dipped as well from 91.3% to 83.2%.</p><p>The number of section remained steady at 20.</p><p>GOALS/ACHIEVEMENTS/CHALLENGES Program/Service Goal Summary for year: 2014-15 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) 1. Agressively pursue filling the Director of Counseling and Advising position which has been vacant for the past six years. Completed 2. Increase collaboration among all departments of the college particularly among Student Services. Ongoing – Collaboration with Counseling, A&R and Financial Aid has increased significantly through regular meetings. The addition of a weekly all counselor meeting has increased collaboration between all counselors on campus, general and special programs. 3. Develop comprehensive student survey to assess the effectiveness of Counseling Services including Orientations, Workshops to meet the Student Success Task Force recommedations. Ongoing – we have utilized surveys that are targeted to each new service and administered them immediately following the delivery of those services. 4. Develop an online probation workshop component. No Progress 5. Develop distance learning counseling classes that mirror the live counseling classes. Ongoing – COUN 011 has been offered online and COUN 012 will be next. 6. Continue to improve the online orientation to mirror the live orientation. Ongoing – The new online orientation should be in operation for Spring 2016 enrollment. 7. Explore the development of other on-line counseling workshops to mirror the live ones, such as scholarship workshops. No Progress 8. Consider moving responsibility for articulation to another area to free up 50 percent of a counselor. No Progress</p><p>Program/Service Achievements 2014-15 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean - from AUR)  A Director of Counseling was hired summer 2014.  The new in-person orientation was modified for students entering fall 2014. Approximately 1,100 students participated in half day orientations which consisted of 3 sessions; a general college overview, a career exploration workshop and a web advisor workshop. </p><p>10 Program Review Update 2015  Counselors adopted the Self-Service Planning Tool from Ellucian to complete abbreviated and comprehensive Student Education Plans. These services are both mandated and required to be available electronically per SB 1456 (Student Success Act).  Modified the matriculation process to meet the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) recommendations. Students entering fall 2014 attended a My First-Year Schedule Workshop and developed an electronic 2 semester education plan. 75 workshops were conducted.  A survey was developed to assess the effectiveness of the newly developed, My First Year Schedule Workshop and the Online Student Education Planning Tool.  Developed distance learning methodology for Counseling 012 – Career/Life Planning & Personal Exploration and Counseling 011 – Introduction to Scholarships.  Hosted our annual High School Counselors Conference. More than 40 high school counselors were in attendance. Continued to provide outreach services to our local high schools.  Began a process to better coordinate outreach between the EDGE program, the Financial Aid Office and Counseling.  Contracted with the Advantage Design Group to develop a new online orientation.  Hired a fulltime General Counselor assigned to Athletics.</p><p>Program/Service Challenges (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p> Additional counseling faculty is needed to provide the increased mandated services required by Student Success and Support Program Services (SSSP).</p><p> Among the current counselors there is a need to balance and/or remove additional duties such as articulation, outreach, degree audit maintenance, non-credit programs and off campus center coverage. </p><p> The lack of access to classrooms with computers makes it extremely difficult to plan and deliver mandated electronic Student Educational Planning Services. The challenge will become increasingly more difficult as all fall 2014 students are to have a comprehensive SEP after completing 15 units or 3 semesters. A designated computer classroom is needed to effectively comply with the SSSP mandate.</p><p> The continuous fragmentation and reduction in resources supporting Transfer and Career services significantly impedes the general counseling unit’s ability to support the institutional commitment to transfer initiatives. </p><p>Program/Service Objectives/Goals for current year: 2015-16 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean)</p><p>11 Program Review Update 2015 1. Continue significant collaborative efforts with A & R and Financial Aid to improve customer service by workshops, special meetings and daily contact between the dean, director and lead faculty 2. Hire New Tenure Track Counselors 3. Develop a Training Handbook for New Counselors 4. Aquire a dedicated space for the electronic Student Educational Planning Workshops. 5. Strengthen the integration of general counseling, transfer, and career center services. 6. Increase the number of Counseling courses offered online. 7. Implement the use of the New Online Orientation for fall 2015 students. 8. Seek assistance from the research office to evaluate the effectiveness of the New Online Orientation 9. Maintain currency and increase counselor knowledge and skills by offering professional development opportunities.</p><p>Program/Service Objectives/Goals for 2016-17 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean - from AUR) 1. Hire Tenure Track Counselors in order to meet the requirements of the Student Success Act as well as support the college’s goal to grow into Middle College Status. 2. Continue to develop and begin to implement training handbook for new counselors 3. Aquire and inhabit dedicated space for electronic SEP Workshops. 4. Revitalize the Transfer and Career Centers with greater staffing levels 5. Continue to identify and create online counseling classes 6. Evaluate the new Online Orientation 7. Maintain currency and increase counselor knowledge and skills by offering professional development opportunities.</p><p>12 Program Review Update 2015 PROGRAM REVIEW UPDATE ADDENDUM</p><p>Program Name: ______</p><p>1. Staff Needs</p><p>NEW OR REPLACEMENT STAFF (Administrator, Faculty or Classified) 1 </p><p>Indicate List Staff Positions Needed for the upcoming Academic Year. New (N) or Annual Please justify and explain each faculty request based on rubric Replaceme TCP* criteria for your college. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance. nt (R)</p><p>1. Counselor (Student Success Mandates) R $100,000 Reason: To meet the requirements of SB 1456, the Student Success Act, and the President’s Two year Agenda for Student Success. This is a replacement of Dr. Rey Ortiz who retired in 2011. In the 14-15 year 2 temporary counselors were hired for this purpose. Prioritizing this counselor will help to keep staffing at the level that was necessary to support enrollment and SSSP activities during the 14-15 year. 1. Counselor (Student Success Mandates) R $100,000 Reason: To meet the requirements of SB 1456, the Student Success Act, and the President’s Two year Agenda for Student Success. This is a replacement of Eve-Marie Andrews who retired in 2014. In the 14-15 year 2 temporary counselors were hired for this purpose. Prioritizing this counselor will help to keep staffing at the level that was necessary to support enrollment and SSSP activities during the 14- 15 year. 2. Counselor / Coordinator Transfer Center R $100,000 Reason: Transfer is a goal for most students that enter COD though our transfer rate is relatively low. Transfer is also one of the benchmarks identified in the Equity Plan. We need to reinvest in our Transfer Center in order to support this service. 3. Counselor / Coordinator Career Center R $100,000 Reason: Student Success mandates, coupled with financial aid reform are pressuring students to choose a career path within their first couple of semesters of college. Those that do not will experience negative consequences in regard to priority registration and financial aid. Degree and Certificate Completion is a benchmark of the Equity Plan and COD’s rates are relatively low. The college needs to reinvest in Career Counseling Services in order to support our students and meet these mandates. 4. Counselor (EVC) N $100,000 Reason: COD has relied on grant funded positions to serve our student populations at both the Indio and Mecca / Thermal Campuses. The TRiO-EVC grant that had served Mecca / Thermal was not renewed for 15-16 and the H.S.I. grant’s final extension ends this year. Neither campus will have counseling services when those grants end. 5. Counselor / At Risk (Equity) Reason: Persistence, Completion and Transfer are central to the Equity Plan. 1 CounselingIf your SLO servicesassessment are results an established make clear way that to particular improve resources measures are related needed to to all more effectively serve studentsthree. Aplease counselor be sure assigned to note thatto work in the with “reason” At Risk section students of this will form. help the college meet the goals under the Equity Plan. 13 Program Review Update 2015 * TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position. Please complete this form for “New” Classified Staff only. All replacement staff must be filled per Article I, Section C of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) contract.</p><p>14 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>2. Equipment (excluding technology) Needs Not Covered by Current Budget 2</p><p>*Indicate Annual TCO** List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for the whether Equipment upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs is for Instructional of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific Cost Number Total (I) or Non- and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or per Requeste Cost of Instructional item d Request importance. purposes (N) 1. N/A Reason:</p><p>2. Reason:</p><p>3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>* Instructional Equipment is defined as equipment purchased for instructional activities involving presentation and/or hands-on experience to enhance student learning and skills development (i.e. desk for student or faculty use). Non-Instructional Equipment is defined as tangible district property of a more or less permanent nature that cannot be easily lost, stolen or destroyed; but which replaces, modernizes, or expands an existing instructional program. Furniture and computer software, which is an integral and necessary component for the use of other specific instructional equipment, may be included (i.e. desk for office staff).</p><p>** TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. </p><p>2 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>15 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>3. Technology (Computers and equipment attached to them) ++ Needs Not Covered by Current Budget: 3 </p><p>NOTE: Technology: excludes software, network infrastructure, furniture, and consumables (toner, cartridges, etc)</p><p>Annual TCO* Is New (N) there Has it Program: Location How or existin been EQUIPMENT New (N) or (i.e Office, many Replace g repaired Priority Continuin Classroom, users REQUESTED -ment Infrast frequentl Cost Number Total g (C) etc.) served? (R) ruc- y? per Requeste Cost of ture? item d Request 1. Classroom 1000 25 $25,000 Usage / Computers / To Justification provide SEP’s according to the SSSP requirements N N Classroom No 1000+ N/A 2. $250 5 $1,250 Usage / Dual monitors for Justification adjunct computers N C Office Yes 5 N/A 3. Usage / Justification 4. Usage / Justification 5. Usage / Justification </p><p>* TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. Please speak with your Microsupport Computer Supervisor to obtain accurate cost estimates. </p><p>++ Technology is a computer, equipment that attaches to a computer, or equipment that is driven by a computer.</p><p>Remember to keep in mind your college’s prioritization rubrics when justifying your request.</p><p>3 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “justification” section of this form. </p><p>16 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>4. Facilities Needs Not Covered by Current Building or Remodeling Projects*4 </p><p>Annual TCO* List Facility Needs for the upcoming academic year. (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) Total Cost of Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Request 1. Glass partition between Counseling Lobby and Offices Reason: The computers for student use in the counseling lobby are very close to the counselor’s Need Quote offices. For reasons of safety and comfort, students and counselors prefer to leave their doors open during counseling sessions. With the proximity of the lobby, their private conversations might be overheard. A glass partition was included in the original plans for the center but was cut before construction. 2. Classroom Converted to SSSP Lab Need Quote Reason: The educational planning requirements under SSSP require that counselors offer many workshops throughout the year that require a computer lab. When classes are in session there is very little availability of lab space and we are unable to meet that demand. 3. Open Counseling Center to Transfer / Career Center Need Quote Reason: To enhance the visibility of the Transfer / Career Center and to encourage cooperation between the two centers to serve students. 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>* Please contact your college VP of Business or your Director of Facilities, Operations and Maintenance to obtain an accurate cost estimate and to learn if the facilities you need are already in the planning stages. </p><p>4 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>17 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>5. Professional or Organizational Development Needs Not Covered by Current Budget*5</p><p>List Professional Development Needs for the upcoming Annual TCO* academic year. Reasons might include in response to assessment findings or the need to update skills to comply with state, federal, professional organization requirements or the need to update skills/competencies. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Cost Number Total Some items may not have a cost per se, but reflect the need to spend per Requeste Cost of current staff time differently. Place items on list in order (rank) or item d Request importance.</p><p>1. CSU and UC Transfer Counselor Workshops 6 Reason: $300 $1800 The requirements to transfer for each university in the two systems can change every year. In order to maintain accuracy, we should send half of all general counselors to each of those workshops every year. They can rotate each year so that we are always up to date as a department. 2. Professional Development Conference for Articulation 1 $1000 Reason: $1000 SB 1440 is placing a great demand on Articulation and there is no budget for professional development to help that individual learn and meet those demands. 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>*It is recommended that you speak with Human Resources or the Management Association to see if your request can be met with current budget. </p><p>5 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>18 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>6. Student Support Services (see definition below**) Services needed by your Program over and above what is currently provided by student services at your college. These needs will be communicated to Student Services at your college 6</p><p>List Student Support Services Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>**Student Support Services include for example: tutoring, counseling, international students, EOPS, job placement, admissions and records, student assessment (placement), health services, student activities, college safety and police, food services, student financial aid, and matriculation.</p><p>6 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>19 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>7. Library Needs Not Covered by Current Library Holdings 7 Needed by the Program over and above what is currently provided. These needs will be communicated to the Library</p><p>List Library Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.</p><p>1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>7 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>20 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>8. Learning Support Center Services Not Covered by Current budget *.</p><p>List Learning Support Center Services Needs Total Cost of Requests If your unit is responsible for running a learning support center If the cost is the responsibility of an such as the Writing and Reading Center, the Math Learning administrative unit you do not need to list it here. Center, Computer lab or similar learning support center please Ongoing address those needs here. These do not include laboratory Cost per Number Total (O) or components that are required of a course. Place items on list item Requeste Cost one-time in order (rank) or importance. d (OT) cost</p><p>1. Reason:</p><p>2. Reason:</p><p>3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason:</p><p>*It is recommended that you speak with your college IMC and/or Lab Coordinators to see if your request can be met within the current budget and to get an estimated cost if new funding is needed.</p><p>21 Program Review Update 2015 Program Name: ______</p><p>9. OTHER NEEDS not covered by current budget 8</p><p>Annual TCO* List Other Needs that do not fit elsewhere. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but Cost Total Cost may require a reallocation of current staff time. Place items on list in order (rank) Number per of or importance. Requeste item Request d 1. Reason:</p><p>2. Reason:</p><p>3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason:</p><p>Completed by: Date: </p><p>8 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form. </p><p>22 Program Review Update 2015</p>

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