<p>Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>JOHN BEVERLY MASON Professor Department of International Health and Development Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine </p><p>Field of Activities: International nutrition, health, and development. Nationality : British Date of birth: 23 June 1944 Marital status: Married, four children Languages: English (mother tongue); French.</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>PhD University of Cambridge and Medical Research Council, 1969. Nutrition.</p><p>BA, MA Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, 1965. Physiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics. State Scholarship</p><p>S levels Marlborough College, 1957-62. Physics, Chemistry, Maths. History (A). Biology (1st MB). </p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>1996-present Professor, Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans. Work in global epidemiology of malnutrition (general and micronutrient); nutrition policy and program design; community-based programs; micronutrient deficiency control; capacity-building and operational research for nutrition and health programs; child malnutrition and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. Courses taught on public nutrition, policies and programs; assessment and advanced analysis; field methods (Jamaica); introduction (required deptl course) on principles for policies and programs in health, population and nutrition in developing countries. Details of courses, projects, and publications are at www.tulane.edu/~internut </p><p>1996-1999 Coordinator, Asian Development Bank and UNICEF: regional technical assistance project (RETA) Reducing Child Malnutrition in Eight Asian Countries (in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Vietnam); responsible for providing external assistance to national research institutions for developing long term investment plan for improving nutrition and child health in these countries.</p><p>1 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>1986-1996 United Nations, Administrative Committee on Coordination, Sub-Committee on Nutrition Technical Secretary (Director - D1). 1986-88, at FAO, Rome; 1988-96, at WHO, Geneva. Reporting to ACC/SCN Chairman (Dr A. Horwitz, DE, PAHO; Dr R Jolly, UNICEF/UNDP), directed Secretariat of inter-agency group (17 UN member agencies) including liaison with bilateral donor agencies and associated NGO's; and collaboration with Advisory Group on Nutrition (AGN). Responsible for coordination and communication in policies for nutrition within UN system, and among bilateral agencies and NGOs.</p><p>Organised research projects leading to policy consensus and publications on current issues -- eg successful nutrition programs, women=s nutrition, micronutrient deficiency control, case studies in 8 countries on how nutrition improves. Initiated, researched and published regular reports on trends and determinants of nutritional status world-wide (Reports and Updates on the World Nutrition Situation). Initiated, researched and published regular reports (every 3 months) in the Refugee Nutrition Information System, 1993 onwards. Produced ASCN News@ an international newsletter on current issues in international nutrition, 12 issues 1990-1996. </p><p>1980-1986 Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. Director, Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program. Directed program to develop and promote nutritional surveillance, primarily in developing countries. Research and teaching in nutritional surveillance, planning and evaluation. Collaborative research projects with Botswana, Kenya, Indonesia, Philippines. Organised international workshops in Latin America, Eastern and Southern Africa, Southeast Asia. Directed six training courses in nutritional surveillance, at Cornell (4), regional in Kenya and Malawi. Taught: Seminar in International Nutrition and Development Policy; Epidemiology of Nutrition.</p><p>With UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa: initiated and co- directed programme for nutritional surveillance cooperation, training and research in the region, with field projects in Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi.</p><p>1978-1980 FAO, Rome. Nutrition Officer (Nutrition Policy and Planning - P4) Nutritional assessment, surveillance and planning; evaluation of development programmes. Projects in East Africa and Southeast Asia.</p><p>1975-1978 FAO, Rome. Nutrition Officer (Nutritional Surveillance - P3). Prepared FAO/WHO/UNICEF Expert Committee on Nutritional Surveillance. Team leader ‘Strategy for Food’, Upper Volta. Project development in nutrition assessment and surveillance, use of data for planning. Projects in Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, Philippines, Indonesia. Project Team Leader, Assistance to the National Food and Nutrition Programme, Philippines, 1997.</p><p>1974-1975 The Gambia, W. Africa. Scientific staff, Medical Research Council (UK), Dunn Nutrition Unit. Research into: development of malnutrition, in relation to 2 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p> infection, food consumption, in four villages; prevention and treatment of malnutrition.</p><p>1971-1974 Cambridge, UK. Scientific staff, University of Cambridge and Medical Research Council, Dunn Nutrition Laboratory. Research in child growth, nutrition and infection in developing countries.</p><p>1973 Ethiopia. OXFAM: drought relief; treatment of severe malnutrition in camps.</p><p>1970-1971 Uganda, Kampala and Karamoja. Scientific staff, Medical Research Council (UK), Child Nutrition Unit, Kampala. Longitudinal study of growth and nutrition in children; prevention and treatment of malnutrition.</p><p>1965-1970 Cambridge, UK. University of Cambridge and Medical Research Council, Dunn Nutritional Laboratory. Scientific staff and PhD student. Research in: nutritional availability and chemistry of niacin in cereals; malabsorption; other chemical analyses. Member of Panel on Recommended Allowance of Nutrients, 1969.</p><p>HONORS AND AWARDS</p><p>Lord Boyd Orr Memorial Lecturer, British Nutrition Society, 1996.</p><p>CONSULTANCIES (since 1996)</p><p>World Bank/UNICEF. Consultant for national nutrition program, Ethiopia.</p><p>United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN), c/o WHO, Geneva. Sixth Report on the World Nutrition Situation. (Oversight). September 2008 - </p><p>World Bank. Design of evaluation surveys for National Nutrition Program, Ethiopia. September 2008. </p><p>World Bank. Conceptual and organizational issues for proposed Public Nutrition Virtual University. May – July 2008; December 2009.</p><p>UNICEF/World Bank. Co-Team Leader. Design of Nutritional Information Systems for Ethiopia. October 2007.</p><p>UNICEF. Team leader and consultant in food and nutrition assessment in the Greater Horn of Africa Humanitarian Emergency (Nutrition Information Project for GHA). October 2005 – June 2007.</p><p>3 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Chair, WHO, UNICEF, SCN Informal Consultation on Community-based Management of Severe Malnutrition in Children. WHO, Geneva, November 2005.</p><p>Member, Evaluation team for PAHO Regional Programmes in Caribbean (Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute), November, 2005.</p><p>Chair, Working Group of Independent Inquiry Committee into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme, on the impact of OFFP on the situation of the people of Iraq. November 2004 – September 2005.</p><p>UNICEF. Team leader and consultant in food and nutrition assessment in the Southern African Humanitarian Emergency (Nutrition Information Project for Southern Africa, NIPSA). March- April 2003; October 2003 – February 2004; March – October 2004..</p><p>World Bank/NIH. Lead author for chapter in ‘Disease Control Priorities’ on ‘Community-based Health and Nutrition Programs’. 2003-04. </p><p>FAO. Consultant and keynote speaker for International Scientific Conference on Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition. 2001-2.</p><p>World Bank/UNICEF. Contributor to WB/UNICEF Nutrition Assessment; consultant (with R Heaver) in country case study in Philippines, 2000-1.</p><p>UNICEF. Advisor on school feeding programs (2000).</p><p>UNICEF-Asian Development Bank. Lead consultant in project ‘Reducing Child Malnutrition in Eight Asian Countries’ (1996-1999).</p><p>UNDP. Advisor, Human Development Report (1996).</p><p>CARE International. Advisor in Kenya on emergency relief and nutrition improvement projects, 1998. Advisor globally on nutrition/food aid policy, 1997-2000.</p><p>World Bank-UNICEF. Consultant/training presenter. Nutrition in global burden of disease, 1996-8.</p><p>UNICEF. Member of advisory groups on: multi-media development for nutrition training; micronutrient deficiencies (1996 -- 2000).</p><p>Micronutrient Initiative. Consultancies on assessing progress in deficiency control programs (1995--2000)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND OFFICES</p><p>World Public Health Nutrition Association</p><p>4 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>EDITORIAL BOARDS.</p><p>World Nutrition (2010 -) Food Policy (1995—1998) Editor of: SCN News, 1987 - 1996; Refugee Nutrition Information System, 1993 - 1996; editted UN ACC/SCN Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper Series, 1986 – 1996. Edited special issue, Food Nutr Bull, on Public Nutrition (11 papers), 1999. United Nations University, Boston & Tokyo. Edited special issue, Food Nutr Bull, on Successful Micronutrient Programs , 14 papers, 2004. United Nations University, Boston & Tokyo. Edited special issue, Food Nutr Bull: Recent trends in malnutrition in developing regions: vitamin A deficiency, anemia, iodine deficiency, and child underweight. Guest Editors: John Mason, Jonathon Rivers, Carol Helwig. In press as Supplement to the Food and Nutrition Bulletin, March 2005 United Nations University, Boston & Tokyo.</p><p>NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES.</p><p>Member, WHO Expert Reference Group, Health and Nutrition Tracking System, Geneva. 2008-</p><p>Chair, Working Group of Independent Inquiry Committee into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme, on the impact of OFFP on the situation of the people of Iraq. November 2004 – September 2006.</p><p>Member, Research Advisory Group, Save the Children, UK. 2002 – 2004</p><p>Technical Secretary (i.e. Executive Director) of United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (chaired by Dr Boutros Ghali) Sub-Committee on Nutrition (chaired by Dr A Horwitz, then Dr R Jolly), 1986 B 1996. Ex officio participant in UN Advisory Group on Nutrition (chaired by Dr J Kevany, Dr R Martorell).</p><p>Member, FAO Group on Methods of Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition. 2001-2. </p><p>Member, FAO Committee on Assessment of Global Undernutrition, 1992.</p><p>TEACHING</p><p>‘Introduction to Policies and Programs in International Health, Population, and Nutrition’ INHL 605. Departmental core (required) course, Fall, 2 credits; 1999 – . Based on CD/Web material developed for the course with I Speizer and A Measham: http://www.tulane.edu/~phani </p><p>‘Public Nutrition: Policies and Programs’ INHL 613, Spring first period, 2 credits. 1996 –</p><p>5 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>‘Public Nutrition: Assessment and Advanced Analysis’ INHL 709, Spring periods 1 and 2, 3 credits; 1997 – . Based on CD/Web material developed for the course. See: http://www.tulane.edu/~panda2/Analysis2/ahome.html</p><p>‘Field Methods for Nutrition Programs in Poor Communities’ (Jamaica), INHL 648. Field course run in collaboration with PAHO/WHO Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, based in Kingston, Jamaica, intersession, 15 – 30 May, 2003 – See: http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Trial/PUB.htm</p><p>Public Nutrition and Health in Complex Emergencies. INHL 615. 2 cr hrs. Fall semester. 1997 – 2001. (Course continues, taught by N Mock.)</p><p>Evaluation of Interventions for Nutritional Deficiencies in Developing Countries. INHL 688. 2 cr hrs. Taught 2002 Spring with E Mathys. </p><p>GRANTS.</p><p>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Improving Maternal Nutrition (with Emory University). Jan 2010-June 2011.</p><p>UNICEF - Nutrition Information Analysis for Effective Response. July 2006 – June 2008. - Evaluation of Regular Events Affecting Child Health (REACH – Child health Days/Weeks). Jointly with MRC, S Africa. Nov 2006 – May 2007. - Nutritional surveillance in Namibia. Sept – Dec 2006. - Impact of pre-pregnancy supplementation in SE Asia. Sept- Dec 2006. - Nutrition Analysis, GHA. Oct 2005 – June 2006 - Nutrition Information Project for Southern Africa (NIPSA). March 2003 - Field Testing PANDA. UNICEF & S Africa. June - Sept 1999. - Nutrition Analysis Learning Package (PANDA). S Asia Regional Office. Mar-Dec 1998.</p><p>CARE International - Strengthening CARE. Aug 2000 - Oct 2001. - Food Review. May - Sept 2000. - Cooperation with CARE. Mar - Nov 1999.</p><p>Micronutrient Initiative - Micronutrient Database Project. Sept 2001 - Dec 2003. - Multi-Center Initiative for Capacity-Building for Micronutrient Programs. Feb 2001 - Feb 2002. - Developing Information and Analytical Capability for Micronutrient Deficiency Control; Updating MN-Net. Oct 1998 - Nov 1999.</p><p>CDC/ASPH - Turning the Corner in Prevention of Vitamin A Deficiency. Oct 04—Sept 08</p><p>6 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>- Successful Micronutrient Programs. Oct 2000 - Oct 2001.</p><p>IFPRI - IFPRI-Tulane Collaboration on food security, HIV/AIDS, and child nutrition (with particular reference to orphans and vulnerable children) in southern Africa. March 04- March 05.</p><p>7 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>PUBLICATIONS1</p><p>Peer-reviewed publications page 7 Journal Articles page 7 Books page 10 Book Chapters page 13 Letters/editorials page 15 Official Reports, Working Papers, page 15 Proceedings (from 2000) Electronic publications page 18 Other publications page 18 PhD Thesis page 20 Presentations page 20 Annex: additional papers page 25 Working papers page 25 SCN News articles page 27</p><p>PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Journal articles</p><p>Mason JB, Ramirez MAR, Fernandez CM, Pedro R, Lloren K , Saldanha L, Deitchler, and Eisele TP (2010). Effects on vitamin A deficiency in children of periodic high dose supplements and of fortified oil promotion in a deficient area of the Philippines. Revised and resubmitted to Public Health Nutrition, September, 2010</p><p>Mason JB, Mebrahtu S, Horjus P (2010) Guest editors, Child nutrition in vulnerable populations in Eastern and Southern Africa. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S209-290. </p><p>Mason JB, Chotard S, Bailes A, Mebrahtu S, Hailey P (2010) Impact of drought and HIV on child nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S209-218. </p><p>Chotard S, Mason JB, Oliphant O, Mebrahtu S, Hailey P (2010) Fluctuations in wasting in vulnerable child populations in the Greater Horn of Africa. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S219-233. </p><p>Mason JB, Chotard C, Cercone E, Dieterich M, Oliphant N, Mebrahtu S, Hailey P (2010) Identifying priorities for emergency intervention from child wasting and mortality estimates in vulnerable areas of the Horn of Africa. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S234-247. </p><p>Oliphant N, Mason JB, Doherty T, Tomlinson M, Mann P, Nsibande D, Chopra M, Mebrahtu (2010) The contribution of child health days to improving coverage of periodic interventions in six African countries. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S248-263. </p><p>1 Many of recent publications are at www.tulane.edu/~internut under ‘resources’. 8 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Rivers J, Mason JB, Rose D, Eisele TP, Gillespie S, Mahy M, and Monasch R. (2010) Orphanhood’s impact on food security in the high HIV/AIDS context of Blantyre, Malawi. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S264-271. </p><p>John B Mason, Adam Bailes, Karen E Mason, Olivia Yambi, Urban Jonsson, Claudia Hudspeth, Peter Hailey, Dominique Brunet, Pierre Mattel, A Kendle. AIDS, Drought, and Child Malnutrition in Southern Africa. Public Health Nutrition. 8(6):551-563. (2005)</p><p>J Mason, A Bailes, M Beda-Andourou, N Copeland, T Curtis, M Deitchler, L Foster, M Hensley, P Horjus, C Johnson, A Mendez, M Munoz, J Rivers, and G Vance. Recent trends in malnutrition in developing regions: vitamin A deficiency, anemia, iodine deficiency, and child underweight. Guest Editors: John Mason, Jonathon Rivers, Carol Helwig. UNU Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 26(1):57-163, March 2005</p><p>Pedro MRA, Madriaga JR, Barba CVC, Habito RCF, Gana AE, Deitchler M, Mason JB. (2004) The National Vitamin A Supplementation Program And Subclinical Vitamin A Deficiency Among Pre-School Children In The Philippines. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25:319-29, December 2004.</p><p>Mason JB, Soekirman, and Martorell R, Guest Editors (2004). Successful Micronutrient Programs. Special Issue of Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25: (1), March 2004. </p><p>Deitchler M, Mason JB, Mathys E, Winichagoon P, and Tuazon MA (2004) Successful Micronutrient Programs: Program initiation. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25: 5-29.</p><p>Deitchler M, Mathys E, Mason JB, Winichagoon P, and Tuazon MA (2004) 25:30-52.</p><p>Mason JB, Deitchler M, Mathys E, Winichagoon P, and Tuazon MA (2004). Successful Micronutrient Programs: Program impact. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25: 53-78</p><p>Deitchler M, Mason JB, Mathys E. Guest editors: country case studies from: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines (2), South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam. Summaries in Successful Micronutrient Programs, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25: 79-88; full papers at www.inffoundation.org.</p><p>Mason J.B., Deitchler M., Gilman A., Gillenwater K., Shuaib M., Hotchkiss D., Mason K., Mock N., Sethuraman K. (2002) Iodine Fortification Is Related to Increased Weight-for-age and Birthweight in Children in Asia. Food Nutr Bull. 23 (3): 292-308. UNU, Tokyo. </p><p>Mason, J.B. (2002). Lessons on Nutrition of Displaced People. J. Nutr. 132: 2096S-2103S. </p><p>Mason, J.B., Hunt, J., Parker D. & Jonsson, U. (2001) Improving Child Nutrition in Asia. Supplement to Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 22, (3) Sept. 2001, contains five papers as follows: Situation Analysis, p. 5-22 Community-based Programs and Service Delivery, p. 23-39 Supporting Policies, p. 40-51 9 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p> Proposals for Improved Nutrition Strategies, p. 52-63 Financing and Implementing Programs, p. 64-73. United Nations University Press, Tokyo.</p><p>Mason, J.B., Hunt, J., Parker, D., and Jonsson, U. (1999). Investing in Child Nutrition in Asia. Asian Development Review, 17, (1,2) 1 - 32 . ADB, Manila.</p><p>Mason, J.B., Mannar, V., and Mock, N. (1999). Controlling Micronutrient Deficiencies in Asia. Asian Development Review, 17, (1-2) 66 - 95. ADB, Manila.</p><p>Mock, N.B. & Mason, J.B. (1999). Nutritional Information Systems for Implementing Child Nutrition Programs. Asian Development Review. 17, (1,2) 214 - 245. ADB, Manila</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1999) The aims and content of public nutrition. Food & Nutrition Bulletin. 20 (3) 281 - 285. UNU Press, Tokyo.</p><p>Mason, J.B., Rogers B.L. and Agyeman, Y. (1999) Report of an International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Satellite Meeting on Public Nutrition at the 16th International Congress of Nutrition held in Montreal, 24-26 July 1997. Food & Nutrition Bulletin, 20, (3), 339-343. UNU Press, Tokyo</p><p>Mason, J. (1996) The Lord Boyd Orr Memorial Lecture, 1995. "Within a decade no child will go to bed hungry"? Nutrition Society, Aberdeen, July 1995. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 55, 621-640 (1996)</p><p>Schofield, C. and Mason, J. (1996) Evaluating Energy Adequacy of Rations Provided to Refugees and Displaced People. Disasters. 20(3):248-260. Sept., 1996</p><p>Ruel, M., Pelletier, D., Habicht, J-P, Mason J., Chobokoane, C. & Maruping, A. (1991) Comparison of Two Growth Charts in Lesotho: Health Workers' Ability to Understand and Use Them for Action. American Journal of Public Health, 81(5), 610-615.</p><p>Ruel, M., Pelletier, D., Habicht, J-P, Mason, J., Chobokoane, C. & Maruping, A. (1990) Comparison of Mothers' Understanding of Two Child Growth Charts in Lesotho. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 68(4), 483-491.</p><p>Haaga, J., & Mason, J. (1987) Food distribution Within the Family: Evidence and Implications for Research and Programmes. Food Policy, 146-160.</p><p>Mason, J., Haaga, J., Maribe, T., Marks, G., Quinn, V. & Test, K. (1987) Using Agricultural Data for Timely Warning to Prevent the Effects of Drought on Child Nutrition in Botswana. Ecol. Fd. Nutr., 19, 169-184.</p><p>Haaga, J., Kenrick, C., Test, K. & Mason, J. (1985) An Estimate of the Prevalence of Child Malnutrition in Developing Countries. Wld Hlth Statist. Quart., 38, 331-347.</p><p>10 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Haaga, J., Mason, J., Omoro, F., Quinn, V., Rafferty, A., Test, K. & Wasonga, L. (1985) Child Malnutrition in Rural Kenya: A Geographic and Agricultural Classification. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 18, 297-307.</p><p>Mason, J., Ahlers, T., Henderson, C., Shorr, I. & Tabatabai, H. (1985) Identifying Nutritional Considerations in Planning a Rural Development in Northern Haiti. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 18, 1-17.</p><p>Mason, J., Garcia, M., Mitchell, J., Test, K., Henderson, C. & Tabatabai, H. (1985) Nutritional Considerations in Project Planning: A Case Study of Assessment Methods. Food Policy, 10(2), 109-122.</p><p>Mason, J. (1984) Proposed Guidelines for Designing Evaluation for Nutrition and Health Programmes. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 6(4), 11-23.</p><p>Mason, J. & Mitchell, J. (1983) Nutritional Surveillance. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 61(5), 745-755.</p><p>Mason, J. (1978) Agricultural and Economic Components of Nutrition Surveillance. Food and Nutrition Review, 4(3-4), 21-26.</p><p>Mason, J., Hay, R., Leresche, J., Peel, S. & Darley, S. (1974) Treatment of Severe Malnutrition in Relief. Lancet, 1, 332.</p><p>Mason, J., Hay, R., Holt, J., Seaman, J. & Bowden, M. (1974) Nutritional Lessons from the Ethiopian Drought. Nature, 248, 646.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1973) The Identification of o-Aminophenol and o-Aminophenyl Glucose in Wheat Bran. Cereal Chem., 50, 646.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1973) The Chemical Nature of the Bound Nicotinic Acid of Wheat Bran: Studies of Partial Hydrolysis Products. Cereal Chem., 50, 637.</p><p>Mason, J., Gibson, N. & Kodicek, E. (1973) The Chemical Nature of the Bound Nicotinic Acid of Wheat Bran: Studies of Nicotinic Acid Containing Macromolecules. British J Nutr, 30, 297.</p><p>Mason, J., Gibson, N. & Kodicek, E. (1971) The Chemical Nature of Bound Nicotinic Acid. Biochem J, 125, 117.</p><p>Mason, J., Gibson, N. & Kodicek, E. (1971) The Fate of Dietary Bound Nicotinic Acid in the Nicotinic Acid-Deficient and Supplemented Rat. Biochem J, 125, 118.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1970) The Metabolism of Niacytin in the Rat. Studies of the Excretion of Nicotinic Acid Metabolites. Biochem J, 120, 509.</p><p>11 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1970) The Metabolism of Niacytin in the Rat. Trigonelline as a Major Metabolite of Niacytin in the Urine. Biochem J, 120, 515.</p><p>Fleming, I. & Mason, J. (1969) A Product from the Reaction of Pyridine with Acetic Anhydride. J Chem Soc, (C), 2509.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1968) The Metabolism of Niacytin in the Rat. Biochem J, 107, 23.</p><p>Books.</p><p>Gillespie, S., Mason, J. and Martorell, R (1996). How Nutrition Improves. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper (NPDP) No.15. 99pp. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.2</p><p>Gillespie, S. & Mason, J. (1994). Controlling Vitamin A Deficiency. ACC/SCN State-of- the-Art Series Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper (NPDP) No.14. 81 p. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Gillespie, S. & Mason, J. (1991) Nutrition Relevant Actions. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, NPDP No.10. 139 p. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Gillespie, S., Kevany, J. & Mason, J. (1991) Controlling Iron Deficiency. ACC/SCN State- of-the-Art Series, NPDP No. 9. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Jennings, J., Gillespie, S., Mason, J., Lotfi, M. & Scialfa, T. (eds) (1991). Managing Successful Nutrition Programmes. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, NPDP No. 8. 143p. United Nations ACC/SC, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Beaton, G., Kelly, A., Kevany, J., Martorell, R. & Mason, J. (1990) Appropriate Uses of Anthropometric Indices in Children. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series NPDP No. 7, United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Martorell, R., Mason, J., Rasmussen, K., Ho, T. & Habicht, J-P. (1985) Child Feeding Practices: Knowledge, Research Needs, and Policy Implications. Cornell International Nutrition Monograph Series Number 14. Cornell University. </p><p>Mason, J., Habicht, J-P., Tabatabai, H. & Valverde, V. (1984). Nutritional Surveillance. WHO, Geneva. 194pp. ISBN 92-4-156078-9. (Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese). http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/nut%20sur/nutsurintro.pdf</p><p>2 SCN publications are at http://www.unscn.org/en/publications/</p><p>12 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Note: UN SCN publications were reviewed the Advisory Group on Nutrition to the United Nations, composed of 6 to 8 internationally recognized scientists. SCN publications are available at: http://www.unsystem.org/scn/Publications/html/publications.html</p><p>Also: wrote/edited: </p><p>FAO/WHO/UNICEF (1976). Methodology of Nutritional Surveillance. Report of Expert Committee. WHO Expert Report Series No. 593. WHO, Geneva. With J-P Habicht and J.C. Waterlow.</p><p>Book Chapters</p><p>Mason JB, El-Ibrahim B, Robinette K, Wadhwa, A, Cercone E, Saldanha L (2010) Regional Trends in Nutritional Status, in: Sixth Report on the World Nutrition Situation, UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, c/o WHO, Geneva, in press. E-print at http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Progress%20in%20Nutrition_9%207%2010.pdf </p><p>Mason J, with EDeitchler M, Garcia M, Rajkumar A, Pearson R. Nutritional Surveillance, in Mitigating the Nutritional Impacts of the Food Price Crisis. IOM/NAS, December 2010.</p><p>JBMason, DSanders, PMusgrove, Soekirman, RGalloway. (2006) Community Health and Nutrition Programs. In: ‘Disease Control Priorities Project’ – a joint project of World Bank, WHO, and FIC/NIH. Eds: Jameson D, Measham A, Bremer J, Musgrove P.Ch 56. OUP/World Bank. http://files.dcp2.org/pdf/DCP/DCP56.pdf</p><p>Mason, J. (2003) Measuring Hunger and Malnutrition. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Measuring and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition, FAO, Rome, June 2002. Keynote Address. In: Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition, pp 197-228. FAO, Rome. http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Documents/Mason %20proofs%20Jan%2021%202003.pdf </p><p>John Mason (2003). In: ‘Combatting Malnutrition. Time to Act’. Eds: Gillespie G, McLachlan M and Shrimpton R. ‘How Nutrition Improves – and What That Means for Policy Decisions’, pp 85-101; and Heaver R and Mason, ‘Country Perspectives, The Philippines’, pp 129-141.</p><p>Mason, JB. (2002) How nutrition improves and what that implies for policy decisions. In UNICEF/World Bank Nutrition Assessment. UNICEF, NY. http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/publications/WB_Bckgrd_Pprs/Narrative/NarrativethreeMason. doc</p><p>Mason, J., Katona-Apte, J., Alnwick D. (1996) Chapter 3, Nutrition and Food Aid. In World Disaster Report, pp 35-45. International Federation of Red Cross Societies. Geneva. 1996.</p><p>13 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Mason, J., Jonsson, U. and Csete, J. (1996) Is Malnutrition Being Overcome? in "Hunger Report: 1995", eds Messer E. and Uvin P. Brown University, 1996.</p><p>Bouis, H. and Mason, J. (1996). Vitamin A Deficiency: Scientific Progress and Links to Policy. In ABeyond Nutritional Recommendations: Implementing Science for Healthier Populations@. Eds Garza C. et al, Cornell, 1996</p><p>Mason, J. (1992) Assessing, Analyzing and Monitoring Nutrition Situations. Theme paper for the FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition, 1992. Chapter 7 in Major Issues for Nutrition Strategies, FAO/WHO, Rome, 1993.</p><p>Mason, J. & Lotfi, M. (1992) Chapter 1 in: Nutrition and Population Links -- Breastfeeding, Family Planning and Child Health. ACC/SCN Symposium Report, Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper (NPDP) No. 11. ACC/SCN, Geneva; also published as Breastfeeding, Birthspacing and Nutrition in SCN News No.7, 1991, 7-14.</p><p>Kevany, R., Lotfi, M. & Mason, J. (1990) Background and Introduction. In: Women and Nutrition. ACC/SCN Symposium Report, NPDP No. 6. ACC/SCN, Geneva.</p><p>Lotfi, M., & Mason, J. (1991) Direct Intervention Programmes to Improve Infant and Child Nutrition. In: Infant and Child Nutrition: Issues and Perspectives. F Falkner (ed). CRC Press, Inc. </p><p>Mason, J., Kelly, M. & Lotfi, M. (1989) Introduction and Operational Implications. In: Malnutrition and Infection, by A Tomkins and F Watson, ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, NPDP No.5. ACC/SCN, Geneva.</p><p>Lotfi, M. & Mason, J. (1988) Introduction and Policy Implications. In: The Prevention and Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, by B S Hetzel. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, NPDP No. 3. ACC/SCN, Geneva.</p><p>Quinn, V., Cohen, M., Mason, J. & Kgosidintsi, B. (1988) Crisis-proofing the Economy: The Response of Botswana to Economic Recession and Drought. Chapter 1 in: Adjustment with a Human Face, Volume II -- Ten Country Case Studies, G A Cornia, R Jolly and F Stewart (eds). Clarendon Press, Oxford.</p><p>Mason, J., Eastman, S. & Lotfi, M. (1987) Introduction and Policy Implications. In: Delivery of Oral Doses of Vitamin A to Prevent Vitamin A Deficiency and Nutritional Blindness, by K P West and A Sommer. ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, NPDP No. 2. ACC/SCN, Geneva.</p><p>Haaga, J. & Mason, J. (1986) Evaluating Food Aid Programs. Chapter 6 in: Nutritional Aspects of Project Food Aid. M J Forman (ed). ACC/SCN, Rome.</p><p>Habicht, J-P, Mason, J. & Tabatabai, H. (1984) Basic Concepts for the Design of Evaluation during Programme Implementation. Chapter 1 in: Methods for the Evaluation of the Impact of </p><p>14 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Food and Nutrition Programmes. D E Sahn, R Lockwood and N S Scrimshaw (eds). United Nations University, Japan. </p><p>Mason, J. & Habicht, J-P. (1984) Stages in the Evaluation of Ongoing Programmes. Chapter 2 in: Methods for the Evaluation of the Impact of Food and Nutrition Programmes. D E Sahn, R Lockwood, and N S Scrimshaw (eds). United Nations University, Japan. </p><p>Habicht, J-P, & Mason, J. (1983) Nutritional Surveillance: Principles and Practice. Chapter 12 in: Nutrition in the Community. D S McLaren (ed). John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., London.</p><p>Mason, J. (1983) Data Needs for Assessing the Nutrition Effects of Agricultural and Rural Development Projects: A Paper for Project Planners. Nutrition in Agriculture. FAO, Rome. </p><p>Mason, J., & Habicht, J-P. (1981) Nutritional Surveillance. In: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol 77: Nutrition in Health and Disease and International Development. A E Harper and G K Davis (eds). Alan R Liss, Inc. New York. </p><p>Letters, Editorials</p><p>Mason, J., Habicht, J-P., Greaves, J.P., Jonsson, U., Kevany, J., Martorell, R., and Rogers, B. (1996) Public Nutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 63, 399-400, 1996.</p><p>Mason, J., Gillespie, S., Clugston, G. & Greaves, J.P. (1992). Misconceptions in the Nutrition of Refugees. Lancet, 340, 1354.</p><p>Mason, J. (1990) Editorial: Sustainability, Capacity, and Institutions. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 12(2), 93-94.</p><p>OFFICIAL REPORTS, WORKING PAPERS, PROCEEDINGS (from 2000) </p><p>Developing nutrition information systems in Eastern and Southern Africa: report of technical working group meetings (2007). Report to UNICEF/ESARO, July 2008. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 31: 3, S272-290. </p><p>Nicholas Oliphant, Tanya Doherty, Mark Tomlinson, Pamela Mann, Dudu Nsibande, Erin Smith, John B. Mason and Mickey Chopra. (2008) Multi-Country Evaluation Of Child Health Days (CHDs) Or Regular Events To Advance Child Health (REACH) In The Eastern And Southern Africa Region (ESAR). Report For UNICEF Eastern And Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) Nairobi February 2008. Now: Estimating the contribution of Child Health Days to improving coverage of periodic health and nutrition interventions in six African countries. </p><p>J Mason, E Cercone, S Chotard, M Dieterich, E Hegwood, N Oliphant, E Smith, P Hailey, S Mebrahtu. (2008). Identifying priorities for emergency interventions from child wasting and mortality estimates in vulnerable areas of the Horn of Africa. Paper in International Health and Development. 2008-2. http://www.sph.tulane.edu/IHD/publications/Priorities%20for %20emergency%20interventions.pdf </p><p>15 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>J Mason, S Chotard, M Dieterich, N Oliphant, E Smith, J Rivers, P Hailey, S Mebrahtu (2008). Fluctuations in wasting in vulnerable child populations in the Horn of Africa. Tulane Working Paper in International Health and Development. 2008-2. http://www.sph.tulane.edu/IHD/publications/WP%20Fluctuations%20Mason.pdf </p><p>J Mason and Tulane/UNICEF Team (2007). Estimating the impact of drought and HIV on child nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa. Tulane Working Paper in International Health and Development 2007-10. http://www.sph.tulane.edu/IHD/publications/Impact%20of%20Drought %20and%20HIV%20on%20Child%20Nutrition.pdf </p><p>Assessment of child nutrition in the Greater Horn of Africa: Recent trends and future developments. Report for UNICEF-ESARO (Revision 1). April 2007. 224 p. Sophie Chotard, John Mason with Nick Oliphant, Jonathan Rivers, Megan Dieterich, Eden Hegwood, Richard Basalirwa, Catherine Ampagoomian, Ryan Matthews, Nick Nelson, Tina Lloren. Available at http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Trial/RSRC.htm#nipsa1 </p><p>Evaluation of Regular Events to Advance Child Health (REACH) in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR). Report to UNICEF-ESARO. July 2007. 109 p. Nicholas Oliphant , Tanya Doherty, Mark Tomlinson, Pamela Mann, Dudu Nsibande, Erin Smith with John B. Mason and Mickey Chopra. Tulane and MRC, S Africa. </p><p>The Impact of the Oil-for-Food Programme on the People of Iraq. Report of an independent Working Group established by the Independent Inquiry Committee (Volcker Committee). September 7, 2005. http://www.iic-offp.org/documents/Sept05/WG_Impact.pdf</p><p>J Mason, A Bailes, A Kendle, J Rivers, C Hudspeth. Drought, AIDS, and Child Malnutrition in Southern Africa, Part II. Nutritional Analysis, October 2003-June 2004. Report available with UNICEF Sub-Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Johannesburg. October 2004. http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/s%20africa%20nipsa%202/contents.doc</p><p>Mason JB and Katona-Apte J. (2004) Malnutrition: the need for improvements in food, health, and caring practices. Paper at the Regional Ministerial Consultation on Maternal and Child Nutrition in Asian Countries: Mainstreaming Food and Nutrition Interventions in Poverty Reduction Strategies. 15-17 September 2004. New Delhi. Published in meeting proceedings. </p><p>J. Mason, A. Bailes, K. Mason, A. Kendle, O. Yambi, U Jonsson, C. Hudspeth. Effects Of Drought And Hiv-Aids On Child Nutritional Status. International Conference on HIV/AIDS, Food and Nutrition Security. Durban, South Africa, 14-16 April 2005</p><p>C. Hudspeth, J. Rivers and J. Mason. Is The Pattern Of Growth Failure In Children Changing In Southern Africa? International Conference on HIV/AIDS, Food and Nutrition Security. Durban, South Africa, 14-16 April 2005</p><p>J. Rivers, J Mason, E. Silvestre, M. Mahy, R. Monasch, and S. Gillespie. The Nutritional Status </p><p>16 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>And Food Security Of Orphans And Vulnerable Children In Africa. International Conference on HIV/AIDS, Food and Nutrition Security. Durban, South Africa, 14-16 April 2005.</p><p>Carol Helwig, Jonathan Rivers, John Mason (2004). Micronutrient Progress Report 1990-2000: Trends in Vitamin A Deficiency, Anemia, and Iodine Deficiency. Report for UNICEF New York (Nutrition Section). December 2004.</p><p>Jonathan Rivers, Eva Silvestre, John Mason. (2004). Nutritional and Food Security Status of Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Report for the UNICEF/IFPRI Research Project. Report for UNICEF (Data analysis group). December 2004</p><p>Mason, J.B., Musgrove, P., and Habicht, J-P. (2003). At Least One-third of Poor Countries’ Disease Burden is due to Malnutrition. Disease Control Priorities Project. DCPP Working Paper No. 1. FIC/NIH. March 2003. http://www.fic.nih.gov/dcpp/wps/wp1.pdf</p><p>JR Madriaga, MRAPedro, CVC Barba, RCF Habito, M. Deitchler, JB Mason. The Impact of the National Vitamin a Supplementation Program on Subclinical Vitamin a Deficiency in Pre-school Children in the Philippines. International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) meeting, Morocco, Feb 2003.</p><p>John B Mason, Adam T Bailes, and Karen E Mason (2003). Drought, AIDS, and Child Malnutrition in Southern Africa: Preliminary Analysis of Nutritional Data on the Humanitarian Crisis. UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, May 2003.</p><p>JBMason (2003) Socio-Political and Human Rights Considerations in Designing Livelihood, Health, and Nutrition Interventions. Report to CARE International, 23 May 2003. http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Documents/socio_political.doc</p><p>John Mason (Ed.) (2003) Building Institutional Capacity in Nutrition: Applying Learning in Systems for Data Collection and Analysis. Report to CARE International. September 2003.</p><p>Mason, J.B., Lotfi, M., Dalmiya, N., Sethuraman, K., and Deitchler, M.; with Geibel, S., Gillenwater, K., Gilman, A., Mason, K., and Mock, N. (2001). The Micronutrient Report: Current Progress in the Control of Vitamin A, Iodine, and Iron Deficiencies. Part I. Trends in Prevalences. Part II. Program Implementation in the 1990s. 116 pages. Published by Micronutrient Initiative/International Development Research Center, Ottawa, Canada. ISBN 1-894217-18-7. </p><p>Heaver, R. and Mason, J.B. (2000). Making a National Impact on Malnutrition in the Philippines: You Can’t Get There From Here. A Case Study of Government Policies and Programs, and the Role of UNICEF and the World Bank. UNICEF, June 2000. 93 p. </p><p>J.Mason, K.Sethuraman, N.Mock, N.Dalmiya, D.Alnwick, and J.Csete. (1998). Progress in Controlling Vitamin A Deficiency. Published by Micronutrient Initiative, Ottawa, Canada, on behalf of MI/UNICEF/Tulane. ISBN 1-894217-01-2. 36p.</p><p>17 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Report of Workshop on the Improvement of the Nutrition of Refugees and Displaced People in Africa. November 1995. University of Nairobi, Applied Human Nutrition Programme.</p><p>Mason, J. and Garcia, M. (1994) Update on the Nutrition Situation, 1994. 90 p. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Garcia, M. & Mason, J. (1992, 1993). Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation. Volume I -- Global & Regional Results, October 1992, 80p. Volume II -- Country Trends, Methods, & Statistics, March 1993, 133p. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Kelly, A. & Mason, J. (1989) Update on the Nutrition Situation. United Nations ACC/SCN, c/o WHO, Geneva.</p><p>Mason, J., Test, K., Edmonston, B. & Rothe, G. (1987, 1988) First Report on the World Nutrition Situation. ACC/SCN, c/o FAO, Rome ; Supplement on Methods and Statistics, 31p, 1988. </p><p>ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS.</p><p>J Mason, with I Speizer and A Measham, editted by C Meredith and A Bailes (2003), "Principles for Policies and Programs in Population, Health and Nutrition in Developing Countries" Eleven lectures/graphics as course material. A CD-Rom/internet version for International Health (INHL) 605. (Trial version 1.0). http://www.tulane.edu/~phani</p><p>J.Mason, K.Gillenwater, S.Venners and others. (1999 – 2004) Practical Analysis of Nutritional Data (PANDA). Four modules: Analysis, Micronutrients, Food Security, Emergencies. CD- ROM and Web-based www.tulane.edu/~panda3. </p><p>Micronutrient Network. 1998-99; 2001 on. Database on Micronutrient Deficiencies and Control Programs; Country Profiles. http://www.tulane.edu/~internut/Countries/countrypage.htm</p><p>OTHER PUBLICATIONS</p><p>SCN News -- 1988-1996</p><p>J Mason launched the twice yearly ‘SCN News’ in 1988, and was the editor 1988-1996. This was published and distributed by the ACC/SCN. Circulation rose to around 4,000 copies per issue, and the publication expanded to about 60 pages per copy, with feature articles on nutrition, News and Views, Programme News, and Publication Reviews. The publication continues to be issued twice yearly. A list of selected articles is in the Annex.</p><p>18 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Refugee Nutrition Information System (RNIS) -- 1993-1996: </p><p>J Mason launched the 3-monthly reports entitled ‘Refugee Nutrition Information System’, editing and writing much of them from 1993 -- 1996. This was done in collaboration initially with UNHCR, WFP, and Save the Children (UK), issued under the auspices of the UN ACC/SCN; subsequently other agencies joined and contributed financially, including USAID, Govts. of Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, and many others. The RNIS continues to be issued 4 monthly (also on the Web), and is a widely used source of information on the current nutrition and health of refugees and displaced people. Recently renamed ‘Nutrition in Crisis Situations (NICS)’.</p><p>Other reports</p><p>Mason, J., Smith, N., Deitchler, M., Wetzler, E., Agyeman, Y. and Dobbs, D.(2000) CARE Food Review: A Review of CARE’s Use of Title II Resources. Overview. 112 pages. Mimeo. Dept. International Health.</p><p>Smith, N. and Mason, J. Eds with Deitchler, M., Wetzler, E., Agyeman, Y. and Dobbs, D. (2000) CARE Food Review: A Review of CARE’s Use of Title II Resources in Ten Countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Peru. 179 pages. Mimeo. Dept. International Health.</p><p>Mason, J. (2000) UNICEF’s Role in Nutrition Programmes for School Children. Report to UNICEF, New York. 14 pages. Mimeo.</p><p>Alons, C. & Mason J.B. (2000). Rapid Assessment and Monitoring in Early Stages of Emergencies. Report to CARE International.</p><p>Mason, J.B. and Dobbs, D. (2000). Reestablishing livelihoods and protecting nutrition in emergencies: policy and assessments for determining types of assistance. Paper for CARE International</p><p>Mason, J.B. (2000). Synergies and targeting in design of programs for improving livelihood security and public nutrition. Paper for CARE International.</p><p>Mason, J. (1998). Drought Relief in NE Kenya. Report to CARE, November 1998. Includes: Relief, Development, and Livelihood in Garissa District: Discussion Paper for CARE. 24 July 1998.</p><p>Mason, J. (1998). CARE’s Work on Livelihood Security and Child Development in W Kenya. Report to CARE. November, 1998.</p><p>ACC/SCN (1996). Update on the Nutrition Situation, 1996. Summary of Results for the Third Report on the Nutrition Situation'. Published by United Nations, ACC Sub-Committee on </p><p>19 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Nutrition, c/o WHO, Geneva. Nov. 1996. 22p. Report prepared by J Mason, F O’Reilly, K Sethuraman, N Zhu; with J-P Habicht, D Hotchkiss, M Khan, and N Mock.</p><p>PHD THESIS</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1969) Biochemistry of Niacytin. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge.</p><p>PRESENTATIONS (All invited except *)</p><p>Mason JB, with M Deitchler, M Garcia, S Rajkumar, R Pearson. A role for nutrition surveillance in addressing the global food crisis. Inst of Medicine, Washington DC. Workshop on Mitigating the Nutritional Impacts of the global Food Price Crisis. July 2009.</p><p>Mason JB. Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency. Given in UC Davis, Dept Nutrition, April 2008; and CDC Nutrition section, July 2008.</p><p>Mason JB. World Bank/WHO African Regional Meeting (ICCH) Addis Ababa. ‘Community- based Health and Nutrition Programs’. November 2006.</p><p>Mason JB and Rivers J. Nutrition and HIV. International Conference on HIV-AIDS. Durban. 2006.</p><p>Mason JB and Katona-Apte J. (2004) Malnutrition: the need for improvements in food, health, and caring practices. Paper presented (by Dr Katona-Apte) at the Regional Ministerial Consultation on Maternal and Child Nutrition in Asian Countries: Mainstreaming Food and Nutrition Interventions in Poverty Reduction Strategies. 15-17 September 2004. New Delhi. Forthcoming in meeting proceedings.</p><p>John B Mason (2003) Presentations: ‘Nutrition of Orphans in Southern Africa’; and ‘Health and Nutrition of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)’ with I Birdthistle. At: Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Technical Consultation, Washington DC, November 3-5, 2003.</p><p>J Mason (2003). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries (DCP2). Presentation on ‘Community Health and Nutrition Programs’ at DCPP Workshop on Improving Population Health. Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, Mexico. 21-22 June 2003. Draft Chapter (45) ‘Community-based nutrition and health programs’, in progress.</p><p>JBMason, (2003). Paper presented at Regional Workshop (Renewal) on HIV/AIDS and the Southern African Food Crises. ‘HIV/AIDS, the food crises, and child malnutrition’. Blantyre, Malawi, 21-23 October 2003.</p><p>Presentation (with O Yambi and U Jonsson) at Regional Meeting (WFP, UNICEF, UN and bilateral agencies) on Humanitarian Crisis in Southern Africa, Regional Coordination and Support Office (RIACSO), 1-2 April 2003, Johannesburg</p><p>20 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>JR Madriaga, MRAPedro, CVC Barba, RCF Habito, M. Deitchler, JB Mason (2003). The Impact of the National Vitamin a Supplementation Program on Subclinical Vitamin a Deficiency in Pre- school Children in the Philippines. Presentation (by R Pedro) at International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) meeting, Morocco, Feb 2003. *</p><p>United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (ACC/SCN). Presentation at Annual Meeting, held in Berlin, March 2002. ‘Trends in Micronutrient Deficiencies and Control Programs’. </p><p>FAO, International Scientific Conference on Measuring and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition, Rome, June 2002. Keynote Speech: ‘Measuring Hunger and Malnutrition’; synthesis. </p><p>Consultation on Childhood Diseases and Nutrition, for the World Bank/WHO ‘Disease Control Priorities (2)’ program. Annapolis, May 2002. Presentation on: ‘How Nutrition Improves’</p><p>Mason, J.B. (2001). Expert Consultation on Measurement and Assessment of Food Deprivation and Under-Nutrition. Oct 10-11, 2001, FAO, Rome. Presentation: Synthesis and Comparison of Measurement Methods.</p><p>Mason, J.B. Presentations in Bangkok (Mahidol, June 2001) and Vienna (International Union of Nutritional Sciences satellite meeting, August 2001) on micronutrient programs, in 3-day workshops organized by J.Mason and P Winichagoon in connection with the Multi-Center Project on micronutrients; workshops were entitled >Successful Micronutrient Programs, and involved case studies from some 12 countries. Meetings supported by CDC, MI, and UNICEF. *</p><p>Mason, J.B. (2001). Lessons on the nutrition of refugees. Paper presented in symposium on Food Assistance in Emergencies, FASEB, Orlando, April 2001.</p><p>Mason, J.B. and Heaver, R. (2000). Making a National Impact on Nutrition in the Philippines B You Cant Get There From Here. Joint presentation at World Bank, Washington DC, in July 2000, to meeting convened by World Bank and UNICEF to review case-studies of nutrition policies and programs.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1999). How Nutrition Improves. Presentation at World Bank, Washington DC, December 1999, at meeting convened by World Bank and UNICEF to set new directions on nutrition improvement policies and programs.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1998). A Development Perspective on Growth Failure. Paper presented at symposium on stunting at FASEB, 1998, San Francisco.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1995 - 1999). Presentations at ADB-UNICEF Meetings on Regional Technical Assistance Project for Improving Nutrition in Eight Asian Countries: (Inception, Manila, Sept 1995), National Steering Group meetings (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Pakistan), UNICEF Review meeting (Bangkok, 1999), and others.</p><p>21 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Presentations in 1998 and 1999 at World Bank Human Development Week (in March), Washington DC, to World Bank Staff, on nutrition as a risk factor in the global burden of disease.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1998, 1989). Presentations at CARE International Headquarters, Atlanta. (1) Livelihood Insecurity and Malnutrition after the Flood Emergency in NE Kenya. (2) CARE’s Work on Livelihood Security and Child Development in W Kenya. (3) Assessing best uses of food aid. November 1998 and July 1989</p><p>Keynote speech at USAID/MI Workshop on Nutritional Quality of Rations for Refugees, Washington DC, April 1999.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1997). Presentations on Public Nutrition, at satellite meeting to International Congress of Nutrition, Montreal, organized by J Mason; about 120 participants, 3 day meeting. See Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol 20 (3) 1999. *</p><p>Martorell, R. and Mason, J.B. (1996) Uses of Growth Data at the Global Level: Examples from the Sub-Committee on Nutrition of the UN. Presented by R Martorell, Madrid, 1995. In: F.Battaglia et al, 5th International Workshop on Maternal and Extra-Uterine Factors and their Influence on Foetal and Child Growth. Univ. Salamanca, Madrid, Spain. Spain: Ediciones Ergon, 1996, pp 309-318.</p><p>Mason, J.B, with Horwitz, A. (Director Emeritus PAHO, Chairman ACC/SCN) 1986-1996 : presentations annually at Sessions of UN ACC/SCN, Advisory Group (AGN) meetings twice yearly, and ad hoc working groups: on the World Nutrition Situation, and policy- and programme-related topics (controlling micronutrient deficiencies, women=s nutrition, refugees, managing nutrition programmes, etc.)</p><p>Mason, J. (1994) Trends in World Nutrition. Paper at British Nutrition Society, Southampton, August 1994.</p><p>Mason, J. (1994) Nutritional Surveillance. Keynote speech at First South African Congress on Nutrition, Durban, September 1994.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1993). Towards Comprehensive Programs to Reduce Vitamin A Deficiency -- How do we know they are working? Keynote address at International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG) XV Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, March 1993.</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1993). What's Happening to World Nutrition? Presentations given at the World Bank, Washington, D.C. (June 1993); Institute of Child Health, London (October 1993); Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition (PAMM), Atlanta (November 1993); UNICEF, N.Y. (November 1993).</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1993). How Nutrition Improves. At workshop at International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Congress, Adelaide, Sept. 1993. *</p><p>22 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Mason, J.B. (1991). Introduced & chaired session on Health Management of Malnourished Children in Urban Communities. Jamaica, 1991.</p><p>Mason, J. (1988) Nutritional Surveillance: Extension at Country Level and Required Indicators. Paper presented at USAID Workshop on Nutritional Surveillance, Annapolis, 20-22 April.</p><p>Mason, J. & Okeyo, A. (1985). Coordinated Support to Nutritional Activities at Country Level - The Experience in Kenya B Symposium held at the 11th Session of ACC/SCN, Nairobi, Kenya, 11-12 February, 1985. Paper presented: Food and Nutrition Problems and Opportunities for Government/Donor Collaborative Action in Kenya: A Possible Agenda for Action.</p><p>Edmonston, B., Haaga, J. & Mason, J. (1985). Indirect Mortality Estimation: Procedures for Data Collection in Nutritional Surveillance Systems. Paper presented to Meeting of the Micro- Demographic Approach Committee of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, London, June, by B Edmonston.</p><p>Haaga, J., Kenrick, C., Test, K. & Mason, J. (1984). Nutritional Surveillance for Timely Warning and Intervention Programs. Paper presented to SADCC conference on Nutritional Surveillance, Gabarone, Botswana, by J Haaga. Published in: Report on the Botswana Workshop on Clinic-Based Nutritional Surveillance Systems and Integrated Data Bases, UNICEF/CNSP Vol. 7, No. 1, 1984.</p><p>Habicht, J-P., Mason, J. & Martorell, R. (1983). Growth and Socio-Economic Change. Paper presented by J-P Habicht at meeting on Purpose and Interpretation of Anthropometric Indicators of Nutritional Status, Geneva, 12-14 October 1983.</p><p>Mason, J., Haaga, J. & Habicht, J-P (1983). Using Nutritional Surveillance: More Will to Act, or Better Information and Policy Analysis? Paper presented by J. Mason at the Fourth Asian Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, 1-4 November 1983. Paper published by Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Other presentations</p><p>Mason, J. (1973) Intestinal Function in Nicotinic Acid Deficiency. (Paper presented to Group of European Nutritionists at Churchill College, Cambridge).</p><p>Mason, J. (1972) Bound Nicotinic Acid. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Nutrition, Mexico City.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kodicek, E. (1968) The Estimation and Identification of Trigonelline in Urine. Abstr FEBS 5th Meeting, Prague.</p><p>* * *</p><p>Other official UN documents prepared 1975 - 1980, while at FAO, and 1986 -1996 while at ACC/SCN, are not listed.</p><p>23 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>ANNEX: Additional papers not listed above.</p><p>Working papers</p><p>Haaga, J., Clark, L., Edmonston, B., Habicht, J-P., Kenrick, C., Kurz, K., Mason, J. & Test, K. (1985). Evaluating Effects of Child Feeding Programs. Report of Workshop on Nutrition Surveillance in Evaluation of Food-for-Peace Programs, Ithaca, NY, September 6-7, 1984. Sponsored by USAID Bureau for Food for Peace and Voluntary Assistance.</p><p>Edmonston, B., Haaga, J. & Mason, J. (1985) Indirect Mortality Estimation: Procedures for Data Collection in Nutritional Surveillance Systems. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 48, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Edmonston, B., Haaga, J., Harvey, P. & Mason, J. (1985) Survey Sampling: Manual 3 in the Series of Manuals for a Basic Field Survey of Nutritional Status of Young Children. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 47, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J. (1985) Notes on Strategy for Data Analysis. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 45, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Rafferty, A, & Mason, J. (1985) A Note on Using Internal Relationships in Cross-Sectional Anthropometric Survey Data to Detect Measurement Error. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working paper No.38, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Pelletier, D., Haas, J., Mason, J. & Bondad, M. (1985) A Comparison of Stunting and Wasting Indicators of Malnutrition in Philippine School Children. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No.36, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J., Haaga, J., Kenrick, C., Quinn, V. & Test, K. (1984) Estimates of Child Malnutrition Prevalences in African Countries. UNICEF Social Statistics/Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Paper 1.</p><p>Haaga, J. & Mason, J. (1984) Intra-Family Food Distribution and Nutritional Surveillance in Developing Countries. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 44, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Martorell, R., Mason, J., Rasmussen, K. & Habicht, J-P. (1984) Child Feeding Practices: Knowledge, Research Needs and Policy Implications. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No.28, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J., Haaga, J. & Test, K. (1984) Food and Nutrition in SADCC Countries. Paper prepared for FAO Perspective Study in Food and Nutrition.</p><p>Bondad, M., Candelaria, L., Clark, L., Haaga, J., Haas, J., Henderson, C., Lisondra, F., Marks, G., Mason, J. & Test, K. (1984). Philippine National School Survey of Nutritional Status </p><p>24 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Interim Report of Methods and Results from Region VI. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Haaga, J., Test, K. & Mason, J. (1983) Procedures for Using Anthropometric Survey Results to Estimate the Number of Malnourished Children. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No.19, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J., Trowbridge, F. & Haaga, J. (1983) Defining Nutritional Data Needs. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Working paper No. 25, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J. & Haaga, J. (1983) Note on a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of UNICEF/WHO Nutrition Improvement Programmes. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working paper No. 16, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mitchell, J. & Mason, J. (1983) National Health Information Systems and Their Use in Nutritional Surveillance. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 14, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Garcia, M., Mason, J., Mitchell, J., Henderson, C., Tabatabai, H. & Lopez, L. (1983) Nutritional Effects of Rural Development: An Assessment as Part of the Planning of a Large-Scale Development Project in Palawan, Philippines. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 12, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Quinn, V. & Mason, J. (1983) Report on the Evaluation of Botswana's Nutritional Surveillance System. UNICEF Eastern Africa Regional Office and Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. UNICEF Occasional Papers No. 4.</p><p>Haaga, J., Quinn, V., Mason, J. & Williams, K. (1983) Recommendations for Development of Nutritional Surveillance in Botswana. Report on visit to Botswana, 5-15 July 1983. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J. & Haaga, J. (1983) Methods of Selecting, Designing and Evaluating Food Aid Projects. Revision 1. Paper prepared under contract for World Food Programme, Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kwofie, K. (1983) Monitoring Nutritional Impact of Rural Development Projects. In E Clayton and F Petry (eds). Monitoring Systems for Agricultural and Rural Development Projects, Volume 1. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 12 Rev. 1, FAO, Rome, 59- 70.</p><p>Clark, L. & Mason, J. (1983) Methodological and Analytical Issues in the Philippine National School Survey of Nutritional Status. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J. (1983) Proposed Guidelines for Designing Evaluation for Nutrition and Health Programmes. Paper prepared for WHO/UNICEF in the context of planning their Joint </p><p>25 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Nutritional Support Programme (JNSP). Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Tabatabai, H., Mason, J., Macalalag, A., Bondad, M., Garcia, M. & Morrison, E. (1982). Changes in Nutritional Status in the Philippines from 1979 to 1980. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Working Paper No. 13, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Wasonga, L., Lissner, L., Test, K., Rafferty, A. & Mason, J. (1982) Preliminary Analysis of Nutritional and Agricultural Data, Eastern Province, Kenya. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working paper No.8, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Tabatabai, H., Mason, J., Garcia, M., Elliott, T. & Mitchell, J. (1982) Methods Used to Identify Priority Municipalities for Intervention based on Operation Timbang and Socio-Economic Data. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 7, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Quinn, V., Mitchell, J., Taren, D., Mason, J. & Habicht, J-P. (1982) An Outline Plan for Developing a Nutritional Surveillance System in New York State. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working paper No. 6, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><p>Mason, J., Habicht, J-P, Western, K. (1981) Nutritional Surveillance - A Synopsis. Report prepared for the National Academy of Sciences Task Force on Nutritional Surveillance; first presented to the National Academy of Sciences Committee on International Nutrition Programs as a draft in December 1980, subsequently completed (with K Western) in June 1981. Has been issued by the National Academy of Sciences, 1981.</p><p>Mason, J. & Habicht, J-P. (1981) Nutritional Surveillance. Paper presented at the XII International Congress of Nutrition, 17-21 August 1981, San Diego, California. Also published as Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program Working Paper No. 2, 1981.</p><p>Mason, J. & Kwofie, K. (1981) Monitoring the Nutrition Impact of Rural Development Projects. In Monitoring Systems for Agricultural and Rural Development Projects. FAO Economic and Social Development paper 12.</p><p>SCN News Articles.</p><p>Mason, J. and Garcia M. (1995) Update on the Nutrition Situation. SCN News No. 12, 6-9. </p><p>Mason, J. (1994) Maternal and Child Nutrition: Introduction. SCN News No. 11, 1-2.</p><p>Gillespie, S., Mason, J. & Elliot, V. (1992). Food Prices & Nutrition. SCN News No.8, 4-7.</p><p>Mason, J. & Garcia, M. (1993). Micronutrient Malnutrition -- The Global Situation. SCN News No.9, 11-16. </p><p>Mason, J.B. (1993). Nutrition and Food Aid. SCN News No.10, 1-8.</p><p>26 Curriculum Vitae John B Mason September 2011</p><p>Gillespie, S. & Mason, J. (1991) Refugees' Nutrition Crisis. SCN News No.7, 1-6.</p><p>Lotfi, M. & Mason, J. (1991) Breastfeeding, Birth Spacing, and Nutrition. SCN News No.7, 7- 14.</p><p>Gillespie, S. & Mason, J. Preventing Anaemia. SCN News No. 6, 1-7.</p><p>Mason, J. & Gillespie, S. (1990) Policies to Improve Nutrition: What Was Done in the '80s. SCN News No. 6, 7-20.</p><p>Mason, J. & Lotfi, M. (1989) Food for Thought - Nutrition and School Performance. SCN News No. 5, 1-7.</p><p>Mason, J. (1990) Measuring Children - The Uses of Anthropometry. SCN News No. 5, 8-19.</p><p>Yoon, P., & Mason, J. (1990) Estimation of Flows of External Resources in Relation to Nutrition. SCN News No. 5, 22-26.</p><p>Mason, J. (1989) Does Cash-Cropping Affect Nutrition? SCN News No. 3, 2-10.</p><p>Mason, J. (1989) Update on the Nutrition Situation. SCN News No. 4, 1-4.</p><p>Mason, J. (1990) Malnutrition and Infection. Part I. SCN News No. 4, 7-11. Part II. SCN News No. 5, 20-22.</p><p>27</p>
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