<p> EFFECT OF FERTILIZING SYSTEMS ON SUGAR BEET YIELD AND QUALITY</p><p>B. MARINKOVIĆ*, J. CRNOBARAC*, G. JAĆIMOVIĆ*, Dragana LATKOVIĆ*, Jelena MRĐA*, M. HABAN** </p><p>* Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia **Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Branko MARINKOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Fertilization has a dominant influence in sugar beet production technology. Results of these investigations are achieved at stationary trial on Rimski Šančevi (Novi Sad, Serbia), which was conducted at 1982 on chernozem soil type, subtype on les, and carbonate variety, middle deep form. Organic and mineral fertilizers, with the increased nitrogen doses (from 50-200 kgNha-1) and its effect on the yield and quality of sugar beet were investigated in this trial. At variants where organic fertilizers were used, root yield was higher from 2.4 to 4.6 t/ha-1, but sugar percentage was lower for 0.39%, or it was at the control level. Percentage of sugar utilization was also at the control level or even lower for 0.24 and 1.19%. Sugar beet yield at variants with organic fertilizers was higher for 160, 360 and 510 kg/ha -1 in relation to variants were only mineral fertilizers used.</p><p>Key words: sugar beet, yield, quality, fertilization </p><p>CURRENT STATUS REGARDING THE OPERATION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE SECTOR THROUGH THE SUPPORT OF INTERNET TOOLS IN ROMANIA</p><p>Gh. V. ROMAN, Maria TOADER</p><p>Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterină Bucureşti Corresponding author: Maria TOADER, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide a description of the current status regarding the operation of OA sector through the support of internet tools and mechanisms in Romania in connection with the portal Bio@gro (www.bioagro.ro). This portal is the result of the project developed by the Bio@gro Consortium and financed by the E.C. Commission – DG Information Society. The Bioagro project involves four countries: Cyprus, Greece, Germany and Romania and the strategic objective is the development of a system bz Internet (BIO@GRO) that provide a single point of access to accurate and multilingual OA information, e-business services and mobile services (m-services) to all key actors involved in the OA value chain: organic farmers, agribusinesses and consumers/citizens.</p><p>Key words: organic agriculture, Internet, Bio@gro </p><p>EVOLUTION OF THE CROP STRUCTURE IN THE LAST TWENTY YEARS IN THE TIMIŞ COUNTRY</p><p>P. PIRŞAN, I. CSOSZ , D. GROSZ, A. GĂVRUŢĂ </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Daniel Grosz, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Looking at the cultivated areas in the last twenty years in Timiş county, we can see a lot of changed because of property’s structured changed to agricultural areas, in the first time, but to agricultural mentality about the technology and to the exploitation of system used. In this way, it can appear changes in the way to used an agricultural areas, the most significant changed appear in the crop’s, structure in the market economy ,the only way in strength was the agricultural exploitations’ profitability stay just that cultures which are advantageous by economy points. </p><p>Key words: crops, crop structure</p><p>REACTION TO NITROGEN FERTILIZATION OF A SUGAR MAIZE ASSORTMENT</p><p>Gh. DAVID, P. PÎRŞAN, F. IMBREA, L. BOTOŞ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Gheorghe David, e-mail:[email protected] Abstract. The authors present in this paper a synthesis of results of the experimental cycle 2004-2006, a period characterised by very different climate conditions and that points out the good behaviour of all experimental hybrids. Experimental results point out the favourable reaction of the hybrids to mineral fertilisation, average yield reaching over 10,000 kg/ha of ears harvested at the “milk-wax” maturity period. Optimal sowing density for this crop as shown by experimental data is 65,000 plants/ha. </p><p>Key words: sweet maize, fertilising, “milk-wax” maturity</p><p>VALORISING BANATITE MINING STERILE IN WHEAT CROPS WITH IMPACT ON YIELD AND QUALITY WITHIN THE CARAS – NERA – DANUBE AREA</p><p>I. BORCEAN, Gh. DAVID, A. BORCEAN, Simona NIŢĂ, F. IMBREA, L. BOTOŞ, S. VERDEŢ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: BORCEAN IOAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract Mining sterile from banatite exploitations in south-west Romania contains considerable amounts of micro- elements (Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn, etc.) and macro-elements (Ca, Mg, S, and P) that ca be valorised on agricultural crops. Alkaline reaction of the material recommends it for applications on acid reaction soils. This paper presents results in wheat by applying a rate of 1 t/ha on the crop and on the main quality features.</p><p>Key words: mining sterile, microelements, macro-elements, and wheat</p><p>SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION IN WESTSIK’S CROP ROTATION EXPERIMENT</p><p>J. LAZÁNYI</p><p>University of Debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences Coressponding author: J. LAZÁNYI, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstracts.The best known and most remarkable example of continuous production in Hungary is the Westsik’s crop rotation experiment established in 1929, which is still in use to study the effects of organic manure treatment, develop models and predict the likely effects of different cropping systems on soil properties and crop yields. Such experiments are costly to maintain, but their cost can easily be justified if they serve a number of different objectives and provide data to improve agricultural practice. The aim of this study is to examine the potential for sustainable agriculture in Hungary, and to draw attention to the importance of long-term field experiments in the study of agronomic sustainability. Current concerns about soil and water quality deterioration, the limited availability of fossil fuels, the loss of biodiversity, the viability of rural communities, and in general the sustainability of modern agricultural production practices, all point to the need to work out methods of sustainable agriculture. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to bring together people and resources, to promote an agriculture that is efficient, profitable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable for the indefinite future. The primary objective is to provide a model where the agricultural system and community are taken into account as a whole, in which agriculture is not separated from the natural ecosystem of a region. The most critical challenge is to consider the needs of agriculture and society, and to provide an educational environment for local inhabitants. In order to meet this challenge, we need research that examines the principles of sustainable agriculture. In this respect, Westsik’s crop rotation experiment provides data of immediate value to farmers concerning the applications of green, straw and farmyard manure. The experiment also provides a resource of yield, plant and soil data sets for scientific research, whether into plant and those soil processes which control soil fertility, or into the sustainability of production. Moreover, maintenance of Westsik’s crop rotation experiment can also be used to illustrate the value of long-term field experiments.</p><p>Key words: Long-term crop rotation experiment, Sustainable agriculture</p><p>ECOLOGICAL FARMING SYSTEM AND THE CULTIVATION OF PROTEIN-RICH CEREALS (Triticum spelta L.) IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC</p><p>Magdaléna LACKO-BARTOŠOVÁ, M. RÉDLOVÁ</p><p>Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra, Slovakia Corresponding author: Magdaléna LACKO-BARTOŠOVÁ, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Spelt wheat is suitable for cultivation in ecological farming system. Rouquin variety was characterized by the highest yield and the best technological quality, other spelt varieties had gluten of lower quality. The nutritional value of spelt wheat was defined by high content of proteins, fibre and fat what predict spelt for use in the rational and special diet; also for preparation of biscuits and mixtures with common wheat.</p><p>Key words: spelt varieties, yield, gluten, quality, nutritional composition</p><p>COMPARATIVE RESEARCH ON PRODUCTIVITY OF NEW TRITICUM DURUM DESF. VARIETIES UNDER INCREASING NORMS OF NITROGEN FERTILIZATION</p><p>Nadezhda SEMKOVA*, Zh. TERZIEV*, I. SALDZHIEV**, H. KIRCHEV*</p><p>* Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria ** Cotton and Durum Wheat Research Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria Corresponding author: Nadezhda SEMKOVA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: A field experiment was carried out on the experimental field of Cotton and Durum Wheat Research Institute, Chirpan, during the period 2004-2006. The following varieties were studied: Progres; Neptun 2; Beloslava; Saturn 1 -1 and Vozhod under four norms of nitrogen fertilization – N0, N6, N12, N18 kg.da – applied only once in the early spring, having had cotton predecessor. For the two years of research, as well as for the period on the average, the applying of increasing nitrogen norms changes considerably the grain yield of all durum wheat varieties. N12 norm proved to be the optimum whereas the further increasing of the norm results in decreasing of the yield. Vozhod variety proved to be the most productive, while the least productive was Beloslava variety.</p><p>Key words: durum wheat, nitrogen fertilization, productivity</p><p>PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFITABILITY OF THE CARROT PRODUCTION IN THE F.Y.R. OF MACEDONIA</p><p>Mile PESHEVSKI*, N. GEORGIEV*, K. KOCEV**</p><p>*Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje, F. Y. R. of Macedonia **Challenge, Skopje, F. Y. R. of Macedonia Corresponding author: Mile PESHEVSKI, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper authors determined that the production costs by the farm-lands from the Group II are for 49.1% higher, although the cost price is for 14.1% lower, due to higher (for 73.9%) crop. The expenditure for the human labor by the farms of the Group II is higher up to 7.1% than by the Group I, and the productivity is higher up to 62.7%, due to better technical equipment of the farms belonging to this Group. The profit level (according to the comparative index), is almost the same by both Groups, due to rather the positive impact of the higher (up to 16.7%) carrot selling price by the Group I compared to the Group II, than the negative impact of the level of total costs per unit/land by Group II. </p><p>Key words: carrot, price, costs, productivity, profit.</p><p>RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF NEW RICE CULTIVARS AND PERSPECTIVE LINES DEVELOPED AT THE NARDI FUNDULEA AND THE REC CHIRNOGI</p><p>I. JINGA, D. S. NIŢU, I. MANTU, Oana Alina MARDARE, C. CÎMPEANU </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Oana Alina MRDARE, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Romania is located at the North limit of rice cultivation area. The rice could be cultivated in a narrow area of 40 km, from Turnu Severin to Braila, as well as in Banat – Banloc. Although is a tropical crop, the rice has a special ecological plasticity, fact that allows the crop extension from equator to the latitude of 480 N and from the sea level till 1500-1800 m altitude, in areas with temperatures over 100C at germination and over 150C during vegetation till ripening. In Romania, main important are cultivated genotypes which must reach the maturity till autumn hoarfrosts. Twelve genotypes with variable vegetation period were tested in order to find the most adequate ones from cultivation area Oltenita-Chirnogi.</p><p>Key words: rice, crop area, sowing time, genotype, submersion, water level, rice fitting out, yield cost, benefit. EFFECT OF SOWING DATE AND SEEDING RATE ON DIFFERENT WINTER WHEAT CULTIVARS</p><p>I. KRISTÓ, Margit HÓDI SZÉL, Julianna GYAPJAS, Alexandra SZEKERES</p><p>University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary Corresponding author: István KRISTÓ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper the effect of two different sowing dates (middle of October and beginning of November), as well as two different seeding rates (300 and 600 seeds/m2) on five different winter wheat breeds have been investigated. We evaluated our results with variance analysis according to the different sowing dates and seeding rates. </p><p>Key words: winter wheat, cultivar, genotype, breed, yield, sowing date, seeding rate</p><p>PLANTING DENSITY AND FERTILISATION EFFECTS ON GENERAL SPRING BARLEY TILLERING</p><p>A. S. PAUNOVIC*, Milomirka MADIC*, D. KNEZEVIC**, D. DJUROVIC*</p><p>*University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak, Serbia **University of Pristina, Faculty of Agriculture, Zubin Potok, Serbia Corresponding autor: Aleksandar S. PAUNOVIC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Barley has a long and intensive tillering period with a far greater stem number produced than the final spike number per harvest. The formation of a higher number of stems and spikes (total and productive tillering, respectively) is a negative malting barley trait because it induces smaller and shrivelled grains which considerably reduce its value for malt production. The investigation of the effect of fertilisation and planting density on the total tillering of spring barley was conducted over a three-year period at the trial field of the Small Grains Research Centre in Kragujevac. Five two-rowed spring barley cultivars (the A factor) were investigated and they were: Kraguj, Dinarac, Dunavac, Jastrebac and Novosadski 294. The planting was carried out at optimal dates (February-March). -2 Three planting densities (B) of 300, 400 and 500 germinating grains m were used. N, P2O5 and K2O were each incorporated at the rate of 52.5 kg ha-1 by basic fertilising and top-dressing was carried out in the tillering phase using 0, 30 and 60 kg ha-1 N (the C factor) during the month of April. The average total tillering for all investigated cultivars, planting densities and nitrogen rates in the three- year research period was 4.17. The highest average tillering for all planting densities and nitrogen rates was established in the Jastrebac cultivar (4.52), and the lowest one in the Kraguj cultivar (3.93). The planting density increase brought about a reduction in tillering. The difference in tillering between the planting densities applied, in all three research years, was highly significant. As opposed to this, increasing nitrogen rates used for top fertilisation induced a tillering increase. A highly significant tillering difference was recorded in all three years between the control variant N (0) and the rate of 60 kg ha -1 N. The differences between N (0) and N (30 kg ha-1) were statistically significant in the first two study years, and highly significant in the third year. The difference in tillering between nitrogen rates N (30 kg ha-1) and N (60 kg ha-1) was significant only in the first two research years. In the third research year, a statistically highly significant interaction between the cultivar and planting density (AxB) was registered, with the Jastrebac and Kraguj cultivars having expressed different tendencies compared to other cultivars.</p><p>Key words: Tillering, planting density, nitrogen, spring barley.</p><p>COMPARISON OF AMINO ACIDS CONTENTS IN BARLEY AND WHEAT</p><p>D. KNEŽEVIĆ*, Nevena ĐUKIĆ**, Milomirka MADIĆ***, A. PAUNOVIĆ***, Veselinka ZEČEVIĆ****</p><p>*University of Pristina, Serbia **University of Kragujevac, Serbia ***University of Kragujevac, Cacak, Serbia ****Economic Society Center for Small Grains DOO, Kragujevac, Serbia Corresponding author: Desimir Knežević, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Summary: Variability of amino acids composition of 6 barley and 6 wheat divergent genotypes were identified by using method of chromatography. Concentration of identified amino acids was established by method of spectrophotometry. Total concentration of free amino acids was determined by standard curved line for tyrosine while concentration for each amino acid was determined by using of standard curved line for glycine. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino acids showed that glutamic acid, proline, threonine, norvaline, tryptophan, were the most present in seeds of analyzed cereal species cultivars. Quantity of free amino acid in wheat varies in the ratio from 35 to 92 mg/ml and in barley from 41 to 81 mg/ml. Concentration of glutamic acid in wheat was 6.5 mg/ml and was higher than contents of other amino acids. In barley cultivars the highest concentration was established for amino acids proline (12.5 mg/ml) </p><p>Key words: wheat, barley, nutrition, amino acids EFFECT OF ROW SPACING ON CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis L.) FLOWERS PRODUCTION</p><p>Jelena MRĐA, B. MARINKOVIĆ, G. JAĆIMOVIĆ</p><p>Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Corresponding author: Branko MARINKOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In experiment which was established in four repetition, we researched the influence of various row spacing (40, 50, 60 and 70 cm - factor A) and two varieties (factor B) on the flowers production and petals yield of pot marigold, and also we determined percentage of petals in totally mass of flowers. Investigation was managed on experimental field in Research institute of field and vegetable crops, on Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. In average, variety Bački Petrovac was realized higher flowers yield in relation to variety Plamen Plus, for 1061 kgha -1. In average for both varieties, maximum mass of flowers (5379 kgha-1) was realized at 40 cm row spacing. Mass of petals at tested variety, in average for all four row spacing was not significantly different. Petals allotment in totally mass of flowers in average for all row spacing at variety Bački Petrovac was 33,58 %, and it was lower in relation to variety Plamen Plus, in average for 7,53 %.</p><p>Key words: pot marigold, row spacing, variety, flowers production, yield of petals.</p><p>HERBAGE PRODUCTION AND CONTENT OF ROSEMARY ACID IN LEMON BALM (MELISSA OFFICINALIS L.) GROWN IN CULTURAL CONDITIONS OF WARM AGRI-CLIMATIC MACROREGION</p><p>M. HABÁN, P. OTEPKA, L. KOBIDA</p><p>Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Miroslav HABÁN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In the solving year of 2005 – 2006 the analysis of agri-ecological conditions of Lemon balm cultivation was realized at Kolinany locality (Nitra district, Slovakia). Yield components were analyzed at Department of Sustainable Agriculture and Herbology, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Lemon balm var. ´Citra´ was used as a testing material. Harvesting of the plant material has been carried out during whole vegetation period. The content of rosemary acid was determined in the samples. During the years 2005 – 2006 these experimental factors were tested: (1) the influence of the way of planting or sowing, e.g. the way of setting up the stand, (2) applied plant nutrition and (3) harvest time, on the reached level of aboveground herbage crop yield and content of rosemary acid in the drug, e.g. quality of air-dried drug. The average yields of Lemon balm drug (386.5 – 493.6 g.m-2) and rosemary acid content (2.39 – 4.49 %) were found and statistically determined depending on sowing system, organic fertilization, and harvest time during two years of the experiment. High content of rosemary acid (over the required 4.0 % content) was confirmed in samples within both fertilization variants when stand was established from seedlings.</p><p>Key words: essential oil, growing, Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), rosemary acid</p><p>PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF MILK THISTLE (SILYBUM MARIANUM /L./ P. GAERTN.) CULTIVATED IN CULTURAL CONDITIONS OF WARM AGRI-CLIMATIC MACROREGION</p><p>M. HABÁN, P. OTEPKA</p><p>Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Miroslav HABÁN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Polyfactorial field experiment was established and investigated during the vegetation periods of 2004, 2005 and 2006 at the Dolna Malanta locality (Nitra district, Slovak Republic). This locality is geomorphologically situated in western part of Zitava upland as an independent part of river Danube lowland. From the agriclimatic conditions point of view, this locality belongs to the warm agriclimatic region, dry agriclimatic microregion, and mostly mild winter zone. In the year 2004 yields of milk thistle (Silybum marianum /L./ P. Gaertn.) achenes, e.g. fruits, ranged from 232.9 kg.ha-1 (RMF variant: – incorporated crop residues with intercrop and artificial fertilizers) to 794.5 kg.ha-1 (KBF variant: – without crop residues and intercrop, artificial fertilizers have been used) at the standard humidity (14%). In the year 2005 the yields varied from 554.0 kg.ha-1 (RMO variant: – incorporated crop residues with intercrop, no artificial fertilizers) to 1 480.0 kg.ha-1 (RBO variant – incorporated crop residues without intercrop and artificial fertilizers). In the year 2006 the yields varied from 1 425.6 kg.ha-1 (RBO variant: – incorporated crop residues without intercrop, no artificial fertilizers) to 1 832.0 kg.ha-1 (KBF variant – without crop residues, without intercrop and with application of artificial fertilizers).</p><p>Key words: quantitative-qualitative parameters, milk thistle, Silybum marianum /L./ P. Gaertn, yield</p><p>RESULTS OF POTATOE FIELD PRODUCTION USING NEW GRANULE FERTILIZERS AND AMELIORATION CONTAINING SEA SAPROPELS</p><p>Zhivko TERZIEV, H. KIRCHEV, N. SEMKOVA</p><p>Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Corresponding author: Zhivko TERZIEV, e-mai l: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: A field experiment on semi-early Dutch variety of potatoes Agria was carried on the experimental field of Plant growing department of Agriculture University - Plovdiv during the period 2002-2004. A standard method of 4 repetitions on plots of 50 m2 was used to determine the influence of new granule fertilizers and Black sea sapropel on tuber yield and starch content. Increasing of 9.15-15.1% of tuber yield was determined and increasing of the starch content with 0.25-1.54 points.</p><p>Key words: potatoes, Black sea sapropels, granule fertilizers, tuber yield, starch content</p><p>TRITICALE PRODUCTIVITY UNDER EXTREME FROST DEPENDING ON VARIETY AND NITROGEN NORM</p><p>H. Kirchev*, T. K. Tonev**, ZH. Terziev*, N. Semkova*</p><p>*Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria **Dobroudja Agricultural Institute, Gen. Toshevo, Bulgaria Corresponding author: HRISTOFOR Kirchev. E-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The following evidence are based on field experiment carried out in a sample area of Dobroudja Agricultural Institute. In this experiment took place 5 triticale varieties which have been made in different selection research stations. It has been established that triticale is high sensitive plant to low temperature in the winter time in this region. It could be placed between wheat and barley in a scale of such sensitivity. As a most resistant to low temperature among the explored species were established Sadovec and Rakita. Nitrogen fertilization cannot compensate the thinning out of the crops. It even can result in secondary infestation and some additional problems for harvest.</p><p>Key words: triticale varieties, cold resistance, grain yield</p><p>RESEARCH ON THE EVOLUTION OF THE NUMBER OF NODOSITIES DEVELOPED IN SOY UNDER THE EFFECT OF INOCULATION AND OF FERTILISATION WITH NITROGEN ON TWO SOIL TYPES</p><p>P. PIRSAN, Gh. DAVID, F. IMBREA, L. BOTOŞ </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Paul Pîrşan, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. During the trial cycle 2003-2005, we studied the effect of inoculation or of fertilization with nitrogen (N 0, N30, and N60) on the number of nodosities developed by soy on two types of soil: cambic chernozem and brown luvic. On both soil types in the variants inoculated, the number of nodosities was significantly larger than in the control variants. The nitrogen dose N30 applied before sowing resulted in an increase of the number of nodosities on the brown luvic soil; on the cambic chernozem there were no significant differences compared to the control (N0). The N60 dose resulted in the development of a significantly smaller number of nodosities on both soil types. </p><p>Key words: soy, nitrogen dose, number of nodosities, and soil type</p><p>RESEARCH REGARDING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME ROMANIAN AND FOREIGN MAIZE HYBRIDS UNDER THE STRESS CONDITIONS OF THE TECUCI PLAIN</p><p>I. JINGA, Oana Alina MARDARE, C. TUDOR, D. S. NIŢU, C. CÎMPEANU </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Oana Alina MARDARE, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The researches were performed in Tecuci Plain during three years (2003-2005) in order to determine the level of watering norm diminution without to affect significantly the yield and the choosing of the best hybrids, which under limited water supplying lead to the obtainment of high and stable yields. The results showed that, by the watering norm diminution with 25% vs. pedological one, the irrigation water cost is reduced with 380-400 RON/ha. The recommended hybrids for the irrigation under stress are PR35P12 and PR3824.</p><p>Key words: irrigation, stress, watering norm, limited water supplying, hybrid, yield cost, benefit</p><p>INFLUENCE OF SOWING DENSITY ON RICE YIELD DEPENDING ON THE CULTIVATED GENOTYPE</p><p>S. CÎMPEANU, D. S. NIŢU , I. JINGA , Oana Alina MARDARE, I. MANTU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Oana Alina MARDARE, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents the results obtained at NARDI Fundulea, Rice Experimental Center Chirnogi during 2003- 2005. To establish the sowing density, a bifactorial experiment 6 x 7 type was performed. Six sowing densities, with values between 500 germinable grains/m2 and 100 g.g./m2 and an ecart of 200 g.g./m2 were tested. Besides density, seven genotypes were studied, as follows: Polizesti 28, Elida, Dunarea, Zefir, Magic, F40 and F42. The results show the superiority of 700 g.g./m2 density for the genotypes F40 and Magic and of 800 g.g./m2 for the other genotypes</p><p>Key words: rice crop, intermittent submersion, density, technology, genotype, sowing time, rice system, benefit, yield cost</p><p>RESEARCH REGARDING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME MAIZE HYBRIDS UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF TECHNOLOGY AND WATER SUPPLYING IN THE SOUTH OF ROMANIA</p><p>D. S. NIŢU, Oana Alina MARDARE, I. JINGA, S. CÂMPEANU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Daniel Sorin NIŢU, e-mail daniel_niţ[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches were performed at NARDI Fundulea during 2004-2006, as a poly-factorial experiment. At A factors (crop technology) two graduations were tested, at B factor (irrigation regime) six graduations were tested and at C factor (genotype) three graduations were tested. The agricultural year 2004-2005 was excessively rainy, the annual rainfall sum being of 1138.7 while 2005-2006 was droughty, the annual rainfall sum being of 494.5 mm vs. multi-annual average of 584.4 mm. From the temperatures viewpoint, the agricultural year 2004-2005 was normal, the annual average of 10.8 degree C being very close of multi-annual average, 10.6 C and year 2005-2006 was almost normal, annual average exceeding multi-annual one with only 1.2 C. The paper presents the average of the two years of research. The crop technology brings a gain of 20.4 q/ha in variant N180P60, 70,000 pl/ha vs. variant N100P60, 40,000 pl/ha, the gain being statistically ensured as very significant. Among irrigation variants, the highest gain, 14.25 q/ha, was achieved by irrigation variant of 50% active moisture interval on 80 cm depth, with half of norm by sprinkling, vs. non-irrigated variant, the gain being statistically ensured as very significant. Close values of the maximum yield gain were registered by the irrigation variant 50% active moisture interval, on 80 cm depth, whole irrigation norm by overhead irrigation. In this case, the gain was 13.89 q/ha, statistically ensured as very significant. Among tested genotypes, the highest yield gain was given by hybrid Campion, 10.98 q/ha, statistically ensured as very significant. </p><p>Key words: limited water supplying, watering rate, genotype, irrigation norm </p><p>BEHAVIOUR OF NEW RICE CULTIVARS AND LINES AT DIFFERENT SOWING TIMES</p><p>Oana Alina MARDARE, S. CÎMPEANU , I. JINGA, D. S. NIŢU , I. MANTU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Oana Alina MARDARE, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Rice, considered as tropical crop, is also cultivated in sub-tropical and continental areas due to its genetic diversity. The main climatic factors which influence this crop are temperature and light. Romania is located at the North limit of rice cultivation area. Rice could be cultivated in a narrow area from Turnu Severin to Braila as well as in South- east of Banat. So, for our country main importance has the sowing time, the vegetation period of new genotypes must allow the maturity stage. During 2003-2005, at Rice Experimental Center Chirnogi, 7 genotypes and 3 sowing times were tested.</p><p>Key words: genotype, cultivar, rice line, rice fitting out, submersion, experiment, sowing time.</p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF CONDITIONING TYPE UPON THE BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF MICROBIAL INOCULATIONS</p><p>Narcisa BĂBEANU*, O. POPA*, A. VAMANU*, Marina PAMFIL**, Oana LIVADARIU*, E. VAMANU*</p><p>*University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucureşti, România **Chemical Pharmaceutical R & D Institute, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Narcisa BABEANU, e-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Abstract: The research carried out by our team between 2004 and 2006 aimed the obtaining of microbial inoculants having with biostimulation activity in order to promote them in agricultural technologies. A bacterial (Bacillus subtilis) and fungal (Trichoderma sp.) biomass has been obtained for which several conditioning modes were studied: polysaccharides like pullulan, alginate. The bioproducts thus obtained have been tested for their resistance to thermic and hydric stress. The best results have been obtained in the case of cells alginate immobilized (for thermic stress), and in pullulan immobilized cells (for hydric stress). We also studied the influence of the immobilized biomass on wheat in laboratory conditions. The use of microbial inoculants had a positive effect on seeds germination (plus 10-17.00% comparative the control). Research continues in order to determine the best methods to apply the microbial agents; to assess their behaviour in the ecologic niche where they are introduced; to develop and to optimize the implementation technologies and to integrate them with the conventional technologies, as well as to quantify the influence of microbial agents on the quality of agricultural production. </p><p>Key words: microbial inoculations, immobilization, Trichoderma, Bacillus</p><p>THE ACCUMULATION OF THE PHYTOMASS IN AUTUMN WHEAT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DOBROGEA</p><p>Liliana PANAITESCU</p><p>Ovidius University Constanţa, România Corresponding author: Liliana PANAITESCU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In order to have maximum efficiency, each technology element applied to a culture has to be completely in agreement with the characteristics of the plants and soil. Knowing the behaviour type of the plant in different climate and soil conditions during the vegetation period, we can intervene with technological measures that will eventually lead to the anticipated effect, the increase of production in agreement with and following the principles of environmental protection. The paper presents the accumulation of dry phytomass in the autumn wheat, according to the sowing date. In this regard, the accumulation of dry phytomass was observed (the total epigeous phytomass, and on components of the total phytomass), in the case of wheat sown in three different periods: the last part of September, October 9th-10th and the last part of October. The paper also presents results obtained in what regards the sum of accumulated temperature degrees for certain vegetation periods.</p><p>Key words: wheat, dry phytomass, sowing time, the sum of temperature degrees. </p><p>THE BEHAVIOUR OF CERTAIN SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS IN THE PRODUCTION CONDITIONS OF DOBROGEA</p><p>Liliana PANAITESCU</p><p>Ovidius University Constanţa, România Corresponding author: Liliana PANAITESCU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: During the latest years, farmers have had to deal with a problem in Dobrogea: the presence of broomrape in the sunflower fields. The main causes of this phenomenon are the fact that rotation is not observed and the use of hybrids that do not resist to the attack of this parasite. Every year, specialists warn about the appearance of new broomrape varieties that are more and more resistant. The efficient pest control measures used previously prove to be useless against the most recent varieties. The paper observes the production behaviour of several sunflower hybrids recommended to be cultivated in Dobrogea, considering both the resistance to broom rape attack and a few productivity elements. Key words: sunflower, broomrape, resistant hybrids, rotation.</p><p>A STUDY OF SOME COMPONENTS IN WINTER OIL RAPE</p><p>Georgeta POP, V. TABĂRĂ, L. BOTOŞ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Georgeta Pop, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The level of production is determined by the interaction between plants’ biological limits and by the influence of technological elements applied. Upon harvesting we made measurements concerning the values of some pheno-typical features characteristic of the Attila winter oil rape cultivar under study. The main components of the yield in winter oil rape are the number of main ramifications per plant, the number of siliques per plant, the number of seeds per silique, the number of plants per m2, and the average volume of a seed.</p><p>Key words: sowing time, sowing density, row distance</p><p>ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME COLZA CULTIVARS IN THE BUZIAS HILL AREA (TIMIS COUNTY)</p><p>Simona NIŢĂ, L. NIŢĂ, Carolina TRIFU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Simona NITA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Research was carried out in the hill area of the Banat (Buzias) on a typical preluvosoil and aimed at studying the behaviour of some new winter rape cultivars in different fertilization conditions. The highest yields of over 3,300 kg/ha were in the triangle cultivar, followed by the Alaska cultivar with over 3,000 kg/ha, and Triumf with over 3,000 kg/ha on an agri-fund of N150P80K80. Oil content varied between 37.00% and 47.00% depending on the soil and on fertilization level.</p><p>Key words: rape, cultivars, fertilisation</p><p>ON THE RESPONSE TO FERTILISATION OF SOME MAIZE HYBRIDS WITH DIFFERENT VEGETATION PERIODS IN THE ALMĂJ DEPRESSION </p><p>Simona NIŢĂ*, Eugenia BORCEAN**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **Grup Şcolar Silvic Timişoara Corresponding author: Simona NITA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Research was carried out in the hill area of the Almăj Depression on a typical luvsoil and aimed at studying the behaviour of some new winter rape cultivars in different fertilization conditions. The highest yields of over 6700 kg/ha were in the Daniella, Lipesa cultivar, followed by the Lipesa cultivar with over NSSK 420 6500 kg/ha, Protein content varied between 10,95% and 12,73% depending on the hybrid and on fertilization level</p><p>Key words: maize hybrids and fertilisation</p><p>RESEARCHES CONCERNING THE SUSTAINABLE CULTIVATION OF HOP IN ROMANIA</p><p>M.M. DUDA, H. BUNESCU, D.I. VÂRBAN, A. FITIU</p><p>University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Corresponding author: M.M. Duda, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: : In the paper there are presented the results concerning the use of some physical weeds control on the rows of hop without herbicidal use. Also, there were made observations to identify the useful predator fauna of damson-hop aphid, Phorodon humuli Schrank.</p><p>Key words: hop, sustainable cultivation, weeds control, useful fauna STUDIES CONCERNIG TOBACCO DRYING REGIME</p><p>M. M. DUDA*, T. RUSU*, Gh. MATEI**, A. FIŢIU*</p><p>* Agricultural and Veterinary University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania **University of Craiova, Romania Corresponding author: M.M. DUDA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we present several results regarding the tobacco leaves drying conditions, the influence of drying method upon the period length and also dates regarding the surface and specific weight of tobacco leaves at TN 86 tobacco cultivar in the climatic conditions from Cluj-Napoca, 2004</p><p>Key words: tobacco, tobacco drying, foliar surface, drying rate</p><p>RESEARCH REGARDING THE CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY OF CYNARA SCOLYMUS L. IN THE CULTIVATION CONDITIONS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA (ROMANIA)</p><p>D. I. VÂRBAN, M. M. DUDA., Rodica VÂRBAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Corresponding author: D. I. VARBAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Artichoke is a valuable medicinal plant from its leaves are extracted the substances which are used in hepatic biliary, with a biliary secretion and diuretic effect. The highest production of fresh leaves was registered at the variant of 70 cm between rows x 30 cm between plants/row) with a production of 41.476 kg/ha. It is recommendable that on sowing Cynara scolymus L., seeds of up to 8 months after harvest to be used.</p><p>Key words: nutrition space, germination, seedling, Cynara scolymus L.</p><p>RESEARCH REGARDING THE DYNAMIC ACCUMULATION OF SUGAR TO THE SWEET SORGHUM CULTIVATED IN OLTENIA (ROMANIA)</p><p>Gh. MATEI, M. NICOLESCU</p><p>University of Craiova, Romania Corresponding author: GH. MATEI, E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Abstract: In this paper we present the dynamics of accumulation of the sugar in the sweet sorghum stalks cultivated in non irrigated conditions on the brown-reddish soil from central area of Oltenia. The analyses were done in the main stage of the plant development. The highest level of refractometric sugar was registered in the milk maturity stage of plant development on the internodes from the median area of the plants.</p><p>Key words: sweet sorghum, stalks, sugar</p><p>THE PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION TO FORMING BIOMASS YIELD IN SWEET SORGHUM CULTIVATED IN CENTRAL OLTENIA (ROMANIA)</p><p>Gh. MATEI*, M. DUDA**</p><p>*University of Craiova, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Corresponding author: GH. MATEI, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we present the percentage of participation at the biomass yields of different parts of the plant: stalks, leaves and panicles The determinations were done in the milk maturity stage of plant development, when the content of the sugar from the stalks was higher than the other stages. From all the components of the plant the stalks were represented values of 70.7% and 80.5% </p><p>Key words: sweet sorghum, yields, stalks, leaf, panicles BEANS: A PROTEIN SOURCE IN SOUTH-WESTERN ROMANIA</p><p>Fl. IMBREA, P. PÎRŞAN, Gh. DAVID </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Florin IMBREA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we present the results obtained in bean crops cultivated in south-western Romania through improving soil reaction, sowing density, and row spacing in order to increase both protein content and protein yield per ha. Correlating the three factors under study led to an increase of the bean yield with 23% on an amended agri-fund while the protein yield per ha increased depending the studied factor with 10-27%.</p><p>Key words: bean, protein content, protein yield</p><p>IDENTIFYING THE MAIN MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS IN THE ALMĂJ DEPRESSION (CARAŞ-SEVERIN COUNTY, ROMÂNIA)</p><p>Ilinca M. IMBREA, Alma L. NICOLIN, F. IMBREA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Ilinca Imbrea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The Almăj Depression, located in the south-west part of the Romania, is also known as the Almăj Country. Over the depression there are some of the best known nature reserves from the Banat - the Izvorul Bigăr Nature Reserve in the Miniş Gorges, the Rudăria Gorges - and also some important spreading areas for thermophilous species. The depression is one of the most typical intra-mountain depressions in Romania offering particularly favourable climate conditions for a large number of plants of which numerous medicinal and aromatic plants.</p><p>Key words: medicinal and aromatic plants, active principles</p><p>INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION ON GREEN PEAS CROP AND PROTEIN CONTENT IN THE PEDOCLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE TIMIS PLAIN</p><p>L. BOTOŞ, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Lucian BOTOS, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research carried out in the Timiş Plain concerning the behaviour of some green peas cultivars in conditions of differentiated fertilising pointed out the possibility of getting yields above 2,700 kg/ha. Protein content varied between 24.6% and 27.3%, and protein yield varied between 343 kg/ha and 773 kg/ha.</p><p>Key words: green peas, protein content and protein yield</p><p>RESEARCH CONCERNING THE VARIATION OF SOME FEATURES DEPENDING ON THE CULTIVAR, FERTILISATION, AND CULTIVATION AREA IN TRITICALE</p><p>Elena Luminiţa NĂNUŢI, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Elena Luminiţa Nănuţi, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper contains data concerning the variation of some features depending on cultivar and fertilisation in the hill area of north-west Mehedinţi County, in which adapted cultivars of triticale, Titan, Tril, Stil, and Impuls, compared to the Alex wheat cultivar. We present data concerning the impact of fertilisation on plant length, spike length, number of spikelets, and number of grains per spike.</p><p>Key words: triticale,cultivars, morphological characters</p><p>ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF AN ASSORTMENT OF PROSPECTIVE TRITICALE CULTIVARS IN THE SOIL AND CLIMATE CONDITIONS OF THE HILL AREA IN NORTH-WEST MEHEDINTI COUNTY (ROMANIA) Elena Luminiţa NĂNUŢI, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Elena Luminiţa Nănuţi, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In the hill area of north-west Mehedinti County we studied the behaviour of five triticale cultivars at different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisation, on a constant agri-fund of potassium. Results pointed out yields of over 4,800 kg/ha in the Garant and Impact cultivars, and of over 3,500 kg/ha in the Galant cultivar.</p><p>Key words: Triticale, cultivars, and fertilising levels</p><p>ON THE IMPACT OF FERTILISATION AND ON SOWING DENSITY ON YIELD FEATURES IN SOY IN THE SOIL AND CLIMATE CONDITIONS OF THE LOW MURES PLAIN (ROMANIA)</p><p>A. POPA, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Popa Augustin, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract Research was carried out on a typical chernozem at Variaş, during the experimental cycle 2004-2006. We made research concerning plant height, number of branches, height of insertion of the first level of pods, the number of pods per plant, the number of beans per plant, and the weight of the beans per plant. The elements under study were influenced by both fertilisation level and row distance: thus, for a row distance of 25.00 cm, we got the highest height of the plant and of the first pod insertion level, while the other productivity elements reach maximal values in the variant whose row distance is 37.50 cm. The variant whose row distance was 50.00 cm yielded the highest number of ramifications.</p><p>Key words: soy, fertilisation, and sowing distance</p><p>ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF AN ASSORTMENT OF SOY CULTIVARS ON THE CHERNOZEMS IN THE BANAT’S PLAIN</p><p>A. POPA, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Popa Augustin, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract The study was carried out at Variaş, on a typical chernozem, between 2004 and 2006. We have taken into study six cultivars with different vegetation periods that were inoculated with four bacterial stems. We used three rates of nitrogen (N0, N50, and N100) on a constant agri-fund of phosphorus and potassium (P60K60). We also made measurements of the volume of 1,000 beans.</p><p>Key words: cultivars, bacterial stems, and fertilisation</p><p>MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM THE NERA GARGES USED IN THE TREATMENT OF RESPIRATORY DISEASES</p><p>Carmen Elena DĂNEŢ, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Carmen Elena Dăneţ, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. In this paper we present an inventory of the plant species acting on respiratory diseases, existing in the Nera Gorges. The reference area is favourable for numerous annual ad perennial, herbaceous and tree species belonging to different botanical families. The soil and climate conditions in the area under study ensure a high content of active principles in the plants</p><p>Key words: medicinal plants, respiratory diseases, the Nera Gorges </p><p>ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME RYE CULTIVARS IN THE SUB-MOUNTAIN AREA OF THE MERIDIONAL CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS D. POPA, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Dănuţ Popa, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research aimed at the following rye cultivars: Gloria, Suceava, Orizont, Picasso, and Ergo. The pre-emergent plant was potato. Crops ranged between 3,693 kg per hectare in the Ergo cultivar and 5,243 kg per hectare in the Orizont cultivar. Protein content was close, and it ranged between 11.09% (in the Gloria cultivar) and 12.28% (in the Picasso cultivar).</p><p>Key words: rye cultivars, rye yield, and rye quality </p><p>RESEARCH CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION AND OF ROW DISTANCE ON CHICK PEA CROP AND CROP QUALITY</p><p>Magdalena Carolina TRIFU, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Carolina Trifu, e-mail:[email protected] Abstract. Research was carried out between 2004 and 2006, on a typical cambic chernozem in the area between the Mureş River and the Bega River. The cultivar under study was Cicero 1. Results pointed out that in the field under study, i.e. 12.50-50.00 cm, yield increased with distance row increase, at all nitrogen fertilisation levels (N 0, N30, and N60). Nitrogen fertilisers increased the yield with 13% for a dose of N30 and with 25% for a dose of N60.</p><p>Key words: chick pea, fertilising, and sowing distance.</p><p>ON THE IMPACT OF FERTILISERS ON SYMBIOTIC BACTERIA IN CHICK PEA</p><p>Magdalena Carolina TRIFU, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Popa Augustin, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Research was carried out during the experimental cycle 2004-2006 at Varias, on a typical chernozem. We studied four bacterial strains (NT4, NT5, NT16, and NT17). Results pointed out the negative impact of applying nitrogen fertilizers on the number of nodosities and on their weight. Among bacterial strains tested on the agri-fundN0 and N30, to notice NT17. On the agri-fund fertilized with N60, the total number of nodosities was close to the number of nodosities in all the strains studied.</p><p>Key words: chick pea, bacterial strains, and fertilizing</p><p>A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF NITROGEN FERTILISATION ON HERBA YIELD AND ON VOLATILE OIL CONTENT IN BASIL (Ocimum basilicum L.)</p><p>Niţa BOCEREAN, I. BORCEAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Niţa Bocerean, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents research results from the period 2004-2006, research carried out on a batigleic aluvosoil in the water meadow on the Bocşa territory of the Bârzava River (Caraş-Severin County). Results pointed out the fact that on the average for the five biotypes under study and for the two sowing densities, nitrogen fertilisers applied on an agri-fund of P60K40 increased the yield with 52.00% for a rate of N50 and with 74.00% for a rate of N100.</p><p>Key words: Ocimum basilicum, fertilisation, and sowing density</p><p>RESEARCH CONCERNING SEED PRODUCTION IN BASIL (Ocimum basilicum L.)</p><p>Niţa BOCEREAN , I. BORCEAN Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Niţa Bocerean, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research was carried out on the Carani territory, in the Vinga High Plain (Arad County), on a mollic decarbonated preluvosoil. Seed yield in the five biotypes under study varied between 134.00 kg/ha in the De Novi Sad provenance (the Viridis form), and 611.00 kg/ha in the De Şag provenance. The already adapted cultivars – Geea and Basilica – yielded between 426 and 523 kg/ha of seeds each.</p><p>Key words: Ocimum basilicum, </p><p>RESEARCHES CONCERNING YIELD AND OIL CONTENT IN CHAMOMILE (MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA L.) IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SDE TIMIŞOARA </p><p>Iuliana MAIOR, V. TABĂRĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Iuliana Tabără, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research has pointed out the impact of sowing density on green inflorescence yield and oil content in the Mărgăritar chamomile cultivar. Results point out that the most favourable sowing density is 300 pl/m 2 sowed by spreading. The fact that seeds were spread over the plot without being incorporated in the soil favoured rapid development of the plants and thus increased the yield with 48% compared to sowing with a lower density (200 pl/m 2) and implicitly the content of oil and oil yield.</p><p>Key words: chamomile, yield, sowing density, oil content</p><p>PRODUCTIVITY ELEMENTS VARIATION IN RELATION TO SOWING DENSITY ON CHAMOMILE IN THE PEDOCLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE CÂMPULUNG MOLDOVENESC AREA</p><p>Iuliana MAIOR, V. TABĂRĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Iuliana Tabără, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research has pointed out the influence of sowing density on productivity elements in the Mărgăritar chamomile cultivar. Sowing density has a big impact on productivity elements followed by the climatic conditions. The fact that the plants had larger place to develop (200 plants/m 2) favoured the differences in plant size, number of ramifications and number of inflorescences. </p><p>Key words: chamomile, productivity elements, sowing density</p><p>STUDIES CONCERNING SOME MILLING QUALITY TRAITS IN AUTUMN WHEAT (T. AESTIVUM VULGARE) UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION</p><p>L. WAGNER, V. TABĂRĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Coresponding author: Ladislau WAGNER, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The present paper aims at the assessment of optimal fertilization doses for autumn wheat (T. Aestivum vulgare) culture technology and testing of milling quality under the influence of different fertilizer doses used for the considered wheat varieties. Our researches allowed us to conclude that best wheat varieties in terms of milling quality proved to be Ciprian and Alex. The optimal nitrogen-based fertilization dose considering four different doses was of 100 kg/ha S.A. </p><p>Key word: wheat, varieties, fertilization, dose, quality</p><p>A STUDY CONCERNING THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF CULTIVATING PIONEER MAIZE HYBRIDS IN WESTERN ROMANIA</p><p>C. CHIOREANU, I. BORCEAN Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: C. Chioreanu, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The study was carried out on Pioneer maize hybrids of all precocity groups. The authors focused on the average yields in the 11 trial centres during the last 3 years. The value of the crop was between 1,500 RON/ha and 3,200 RON/ha; the profit varied between 200 RON/ha and 1,450 RON/ha, ant the profit rate was between 11.5% and 82.0%.</p><p>Key words: grain maize, economic efficiency</p><p>POTENTIAL OF ANNUAL LEGUMES FOR FORAGE AND GREEN MANURE PRODUCTION</p><p>V. MIHAILOVIĆ*, A. MIKIĆ*, B. ĆUPINA**, Maja MANOJLOVIĆ**, Đ. KRSTIĆ**, R. ČABILOVSKI**, Sanja VASILJEVIĆ*, H. V. HALMAJAN***</p><p>*Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia **University of Novi Sad, Serbia *** Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author: A. MIKIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: A small-plot trial was carried out in 2005 and 2006 at Rimski Šančevi Experimental Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. Pea had the highest yields of green forage and forage dry matter (37.6 t ha -1 and 8.6 t ha-1), while white lupine had the highest potential yields of forage crude protein and forage nitrogen (2161 kg ha -1 and 346 kg ha-1). Among the cultivars, the pea NS-Junior and the faba bean B-413 had the highest green forage yields (41.9 t ha -1 and 41.7 t ha-1), the pea Poneka the highest forage dry matter yield (9.9 t ha -1) and the white lupine BL-164 the highest potential yields of forage crude protein and forage nitrogen (2521 kg ha-1 and 404 kg ha-1).</p><p>Key words: pea, common vetch, faba bean, grass pea, white lupine, yield, green forage, forage dry matter, forage crude protein, forage nitrogen.</p><p>ECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF BANAT’S GRASSLANDS DEGRADED BY NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC FACTORS</p><p>Al. MOISUC, I. SAMFIRA, Luminiţa COJOCARIU, M. HORABLAGA, Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, Carmen DURĂU, Mirela CODREA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alexandru MOISUC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches for this work are realised in two grassland from Timiş County: one of them is affected by flooding (Foieni) and the other is affected by soil salinity (Saravale). There were realised two experiences with fertilisation applied on grasslands. In the establishment of grasslands fertilization system is necessary take in account the botanical composition, the physico-chemical features of the soil covered with grass, concurrent species needs, temperature and humidity conditions from summer time, forage use and economic conditions in that area.</p><p>Key words: degraded grassland, ecological reconstruction, natural factors, anthropic factors.</p><p>RESEARCHES CONCERNING THE ALIMENTARY AND AGRONOMIC VALUE OF THE MAIN GRASSLAND ECOSYSTEMS FROM BANAT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTAINING OF VEGETATION CARPET BIODIVERSITY</p><p>Al. MOISUC, I. SAMFIRA, Luminiţa COJOCARIU, M. HORABLAGA, Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, Carmen DURĂU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alexandru MOISUC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Banat region has an important heritage represented by grasslands; from these 69,423 hectares are places in plain area, 269,120 hectares are in hill area and 26,483 in mountain area. Grassland productivity is usually determined by the natural soil fertility, by their humus content, by their rainfall regime, and by other environmental factors. Phosphorus content is important for the realisation of a balance between Ca and P. The surfaces with well supplied soils with P are 48% and the soils well supplied with K are 56% from the total surface covered with grasslands. Key words: grassland, nutrients supply, chemical fertilisation, organic fertilisation, mixed fertilisation.</p><p>STUDIES REGARDING THE ARNICA MONTANA MEADOWS FROM THE CENTRAL PART OF THE APUSENI MOUNTAINS</p><p>A. STOIE*, F. PĂCURAR**, I. ROTAR*</p><p>* Agricultural and Veterinary University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Coressponding author: A. STOE, e-mail:</p><p>Abstract: The constitution of mountain meadows vegetation is stricken by numerous factors, among them an important part played by the applied management. The A. montana meadows are the result of the application for a long time of an extensive traditional management. The absence of the maintenance works (especially the fertilization) and the exploitation only by grazing determine the powerful setting in of some species like: Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitis- ideae, Luzula luzuloides, Deschampsia flexuoza etc. The application of the maintenance works and the exploitation by mowing or by a mixed system favours the extend of some species, like: : Agrostis capillaris, Festuca rubra, Trisetum flavescens, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens etc., and also of some species from other botanical families, like: Centaurea pseudophrygia, Euphrasia officinalis, Hieracium aurantiacum etc. The floristic biodiversity is being reduced in the case of the first system and it increases evidently in the case of the system with maintenance works and with a usage by mowing or mixed</p><p>Key words: mountain meadows, management, biodiversity</p><p>BACTERIAL INOCULATION EFFECT UPON YIELD CAPACITY IN ALFALFA AND ORCHARD GRASS</p><p>Carmen DRAGOMIR, Al. MOISUC</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania, Faculty of Agriculture Corresponding author: Carmen DRAGOMIR, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This work presents the bacterial inoculation effect upon the mixed alfalfa and orchard grass crop. The bacterial inoculation with strains of Rhizobium meliloti, for alfalfa, and strains of Beigerinckia and Azospirillum, for orchard grass, increases this mixture’s yield capacity with 24.5%, in the first year of vegetation, and with 23% in the second year. The most important effect was noticed in the case of the species Beigerinckia, which proves higher resistance to acid soils. A synergism relationship appears between the three bacterial species, enhancing the capacity of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.</p><p>Key words: alfalfa and orchard grass mixture, bacterial inoculation, Rhizobium meliloti, Beigerinckia, Azospirillum </p><p>SEED PRODUCTION IN BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL (LOTUS CORNICULATUS L.) UNDER ASSOCIATED CROP SYSTEMS</p><p>N. DRAGOMIR*, I. PEŢ*, Corina CRISTEA**, D. RECHIŢEAN**, Carmen DRAGOMIR*, Liliana GĂMAN*, Laura MIHĂESCU*, Angela SÂRBU***</p><p>*Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Timişoara, România **Grass Research-Development Station, Timişoara, România ***UNISEM S.A. Timişoara, România Coressponding author: I. PEŢ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) represents an important leguminous species for the permanent and temporary pasture ecosystems. In order to produce seeds in this species, we propose birdsfoot trefoil (8 kg/ha) seeding in association with annual gramineae (oat and spring barley), according to the results achieved along four years of study. This seeding system makes the entire period of seed production in birdsfoot trefoil efficient.</p><p>Key words: Lotus corniculatus, seeds, associated crop, profitability</p><p>ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE WORKING PROCESS OF THE RETRACTING ELASTIC FINGER LIFTING DRUM IN THE HARVESTING OF FORAGE CROPS I. L. CABA</p><p>„Mihai Eminescu” University, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: I. L. CABA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. It is well-known that elastic finger lifting drums, besides remarkable construction and functional features (simplicity of the construction, high safety in operating, low volume, and high adaptability) also have a disadvantage: a relatively specific low working capacity because of the low advance speed. In order to increase working capacity, in the conditions of maintaining quality indices at admissible levels (low loses of forage, avoiding detachment of leaves and inflorescence from plant stems, and avoiding the soiling of forage by earth) it is necessary to find solutions for the increase of the active area of the elastic fingers during the raking process.</p><p>Key word: lifting drum</p><p>APPRECIATIONS CONCERNING THE EVOLUTION DYNAMICS OF THE GRASSLANDS FROM GOTTLOB AREA (TIMIŞ COUNTY)</p><p>I. SAMFIRA, A. MOISUC</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ionel SAMFIRA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The study of the permanent grassland from Gottlob area during 2000-2006 is differentiated for these two permanent grassland identified plots (nearby Jimbolia and to Grabaţ) through exploitation mode influence, first grassland plot being used more intense by village community animals, the second being less used (to Grabaţ). The purpose of this work is to analyse the evolution of the botanical composition, pastoral value and biodiversity of permanent grasslands from Gottlob during 2000-2006 period. Biodiversity determination is achieved using quantifying methods of the spatial diversity (aggregative and theorizing) by theorizing the information as a tool of measuring the complexity of the ecosystems.</p><p>Key words: permanent grasslands, pastoral value, botanical composition, biodiversity.</p><p>CONCEPTS OF AFFORESTED MEADOWS EXPLOITATION THROUGH SYLVOPASTORALISM</p><p>I. SAMFIRA, Al. MOISUC, Luminiţa COJOCARIU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ionel SAMFIRA, e-mail: Aionel [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we studied the possibilities of using slag from metallurgical industry as fertilizing resources, in row materials deficit and environmental protection context. Furnace slag and steel slag which result from steel obtaining process on metallurgic plants, were analyzed for establishing fertilizing capacities and for metal content determination. </p><p>Key words: afforested meadow, arbores, exploitation, sylvopastoralism.</p><p>RESEARCHES CONCERNING SOIL pH ON INVASIVE SPECIES FROM GRASSLANDS</p><p>Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, Al. MOISUC</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Veronica Sărăţeanu, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Ecologic and economic impact of invasive species is perceived from local to global level. The purpose of this work is to provide useful pieces of information concerning plant species invasion phenomenon in Romanian grasslands. Researches were realized during 2003-2005 on 38 permanent grasslands situated in places with different environmental conditions from Banat region (western Romania). Grasslands studied in this work show a great soils variety. Thus is quantified the comportment of invasive species under the influence of soil pH. For this purpose here is calculated the correlation considering as dependent variable annual coefficient of grassland surface occupation (spreading coefficient) with invasive species.</p><p>Key words: invasive species, spreading coefficient, soil pH, correlation. INFLUENCE OF SOIL N, P, K SUPPLY ON HERBACEOUS INVASIVE SPECIES FROM GRASSLANDS</p><p>Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, A. MOISUC</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The purpose of this work is to provide useful pieces of information concerning plant species invasion phenomenon in Romanian grasslands. Researches were realized during 2003-2005 on 26 permanent grasslands situated in places with different environmental conditions from Banat region (western Romania). Grasslands studied in this work show a great soils variety. Here we are interested about nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium supply. Thus is quantified the comportment of herbaceous invasive species under the influence of soil NPK supply. For this purpose here is calculated the correlation considering as dependent variable annual coefficient of grassland surface occupation (spreading coefficient) with herbaceous invasive species.</p><p>Key words: herbaceous invasive species, NPK supply, grassland, correlation.</p><p>NOTES ON THE DRY MATTER YIELD OF SOME PERMANENT PASTURES ON THE SURDUC HILLS (TIMIS COUNTY)</p><p>Carmen Claudia DURAU, Al. MOISUC</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Coressponding author: Carmen Claudia DURĂU, e-mail: </p><p>Abstract: In this paper, the authors try to assess from the point of view of dry matter yield on a few permanent pastures on the Surduc Hills (Timis County). On the ground of the study carried out for three years, we could establish that there is a relationship between altitude and dry matter yield. </p><p>Key words: permanent pasture, dry substance, altitude, and exposition</p><p>FERTILISATION INFLUENCE ON GRASSLAND FROM ABANDONED ARABLE LAND</p><p>G. D. LAIEŞ*, Al. MOISUC**</p><p>*Bardeau Holding – Grădinari, Caraş-Severin, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alexandru MOISUC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Very different soil and climate conditions that determinates grassland formation and the powerful anthropic influences determinate a great variability from botanical composition point of view but also from forage yield and quality. Having in view the low level of the permanent grasslands yield there is needed the applying of a technical and organisational measures complex with the purpose of the improvement of nutritive quality and its rational use. Depending by these aspects the vegetation can be changed fundamentally concerning the improvement or depreciation of botanical composition in a very short time.</p><p>Key words: grassland, fertilisation, abandoned arable land, vegetation</p><p>CHARACTERISATION OF SOME GRASSLAND AFFECTED BY FLOODING</p><p>Valeria PAVEL*, Al. MOISUC**</p><p>*Timiş County Council, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alexandru Moisuc, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Water is generally a limitative factor for crops. The last years are characterized by severe drought phenomena or by powerful floods that affect arable land and in this way grassland too. This study is realised during 2005-2006 period and provides new data concerning the vegetation carpet on a surface formerly flooded.</p><p>Key words: solid industrial residues, furnace slag, steel slag, fertilizing resources, environmental protection STUDY CONCERNING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME TURF MIXTURES</p><p>Adriana STOIAN, Al. MOISUC, Veronica SĂRĂŢEANU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adriana Stoian, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The existence of small turf surfaces in the front of every house is in many neighbourhoods from big cities the postponing in modernity of the spaces between house and road from rural areas, which are dominated by grass. In fact, turf has become an essential an irreplaceable element for recreation and sport. Also, the turf is providing a soil stabilisation, protection against erosion due to its roots system and other features of the component grasses. Turf presence on soil stops water evaporation, is maintaining a lower temperature of soil due plants evapotranspiration. Extra, a considerable advantage of turf is that the uneven surfaces and land imperfections are transformed in landscape elements.</p><p>Key words: turf, mixtures, germination, evaluation, comportment.</p><p>INFLUENCE DE DIFFÉRENTS SYSTÈMES DE FERTILISATION SUR UNE PRAIRIE PERMANENTE DE VÂRCIOROVA (JUD. CARAŞ-SEVERIN)</p><p>Răzvan MIHĂILESCU, Al. MOISUC</p><p>Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timişoara, Roumanie Adresse de l’auteur: Răzvan MIHĂILESCU, e-mail:</p><p>Résumé: L’amélioration des prairies permanentes exploitées de manière extensive est un problème très actuel en Roumanie. Une de pratiques fréquemment utilisée est la fertilisation sous différentes formes (organique, minérale et/ou mixte). Dans le cadre de ce travail on essaye de comparer les trois systèmes de fertilisation sur une prairie permanente implantée sur un sol acide avec le pH 4.9, situé à Vârciorova dans le département de Caraş–Severin. Sur les trois systèmes de fertilisation on observe une augmentation de la matière sèche (MS) pour toutes les variantes de fertilisation comparativement au témoin. Les productions de matière sèche pour les trois systèmes sont comprises entre 2.06 t/ha (V1, fertilisation organique) et 4.09 t/ha (V10, fertilisation mixte) mais ces valeurs ne sont pas significativement différentes entre les trois systèmes de fertilisation.</p><p>Mots clé: prairie permanente, fertilisation organique, fertilisation minérale, fertilisation mixte</p><p>LA DYNAMIQUE DE LA MATIÈRE SÈCHE DANS UNE PRAIRIE PERMANENTE DE MONTAGNE SOUS L’INFLUENCE DE LA FERTILISATION ORGANIQUE</p><p>Vasile JURAVLE, Alexandru MOISUC</p><p>Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire du Banat Timişoara, Roumanie Adresse de l’auteur: Vasile JURAVLE, e-mail:</p><p>Résumé : La gestion des prairies permanentes situées dans des régions montagneuses est un des principaux enjeux pour le développement de systèmes de production durables pour lesquels les contraintes majeures sont à la fois économiques et environnementales. La fertilisation organique peut être une des solutions pour obtenir une production suffisante de matière sèche à un bas prix. Dans ce travail on se propose d’étudier la dynamique de la matière sèche sur une prairie permanente implantée sur un sol acide (pH = 4.8) exploitée par fauche sur laquelle on a appliquée deux types de fumier (ovin et bovin) en différentes doses. Les résultats obtenus sur notre dispositif après trois années d’expérimentation montrent que les productions maximales ont été obtenues pour les variante V2 et V5 (10 t/ha annuellement fumier ovin et 20 t/ha tous les deux ans fumier bovin respectivement). </p><p>Mots clé: prairie permanente, fertilisation organique, matière sèche </p><p>PRODUCTIVITY OF PRATO-ECOSYSTEMS USED FOR GRAZING</p><p>Corina RUŞEŢ, Carmen DURĂU, Elena TONEA </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Corina RUŞEŢ, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Pasture utilization for grazing represents one of the possibilities of using such areas efficiently, aiming especially at animal production. This paper work represents a study carried out during a few years upon the yield achieved in two pasture types, located in Ciacova, district of Timiş.</p><p>Key words: yield, prato-ecosystem, grazing </p><p>THE MOST HARMFUL WEED SPECIES OF CANOPY OF MAIZE IN MARGINAL GROWING REGIONS OF SLOVAKIA</p><p>Š. TÝR, M. MACÁK, Eva DEMJANOVÁ</p><p>Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Stefan TÝR, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The results of the weed survey on arable land conducted in 1997-2005 in the Slovak Republic were applied to asses the distribution and occurrence of weed species with respect to their importance and harmfulness in maize fields situated in marginal production region. Four infestation levels from weak to heavy were used. One or two maize field on each 16 pilot farms situated in selected region according crop rotation and tillage and weed management has been evaluated. The most troublesome weeds were established late emerging spring weeds Atriplex spp. and Chenopodium spp. in sugar beet production region. Amaranthus retroflexus L., Atriplex spp., Chenopodium spp. dominated also in maize field in potato production region. The results are discussed in relation to harmfulness between production regions.</p><p>Key words: weed density, weed diversity, maize</p><p>COMPARISON OF EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDE TREATMENTS IN MAIZE IN HUNGARY</p><p>Maria TORMA*, I. KOVÁCS**, J. SIMON***</p><p>*University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary **BASF Hungaria Ltd., Budapest, Magyarország ***Plant and Soil Protection Service of Csongrád County, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary Corresponding auctor: Maria TORMA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In South-East Hungary the weather conditions generally are dry in spring so the efficacy of preemergence weed control methods is not sufficient. Most preemergence herbicide requires 10-20 mm of precipitation within 2 weeks after application to increase their effectiveness. Experiments were conducted in Hódmezővásárhely, southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain in 2005 and 2006 to study different postemergence weed control technologies in small plots in maize. The characteristic weeds on the experimental plots were the Sorghum halepense, Datura stramonium, Chenopodium album, C. hybridum, and Amaranthus retroflexus. The efficacy of the herbicide combinations against dicotyledonous weeds was very similar in the two years. Herbicide treatments contain nicosulfuron combined dicamba + bentazone or mesotrione or tritosulfuron + dicamba and rimsulfuron + dicamba combination controlled dicot weeds with a very good result. The efficacy of foramsulfuron + isoxadifen-ethyl against Chenopodim species was moderate, while florasulam + 2,4 D killed these weeds with a low level of efficacy. In 2005 - when the weather was hot and rainy 2 weeks before and after the treatment - we observed an excellent weed control result against Sorghum halepense. The efficacy of the herbicides was a bit poorer in 2006 because of the cold and too rainy weather. None of the examined herbicide combinations injured maize. At harvesting yield was measured and the data was analysed by variance analysis. Significant yield loss of maize was observed caused by the high weed infestation on those plots where the herbicide effect against weeds was low and on the untreated plots. </p><p>Keywords: maize, postemergence weed control, adjuvant, Sorghum halepense, dicot weeds</p><p>PESTICIDES AND FOOD PRODUCTION</p><p>Bojana BEKIĆ, M. JELOČNIK, B. KATIĆ</p><p>Institute of Agricultural Economics,Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Marko JELOČNIK, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Providing enough amounts of food, for fast growing world population, is one of the largest problem of modern society. The data from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2006), are showing us minatory number of people on the planet today (approximately 7 billion). Due to intensive development of science and technology during the last decades, a large number of very effective and inexpensive pesticides were synthesized, which is with increase of arable land areas, influenced on total agricultural production growth in the world. However, production of enough quantity of food (as well as food surplus, whose storage is very expensive) is a characteristic of developed countries, while so called third world countries still have hunger problems. The period of highly chemicalized intensive modern agriculture, in which pesticides are having main role, enabled triple of yield per sowed hectare, and on the first sight gave positive solution of hunger problem. However, excessive and unreasonable use of pesticides and other chemical preparations brought us to the extreme degradation of all environment’s elements (soil, water, air, flora and fauna). Destruction of natural resources with permanent pollution, in the end, lead to decrease of yield per hectare and production of food contaminated with pesticides and other materials dangerous for human health. The philosophy of unlimited growth and development must be changed with new philosophy of sustainable development, which considers development balanced with needing of nature protection. One of the solutions, can be agricultural orientation toward organic production, which exclude use of synthetic pesticides in agriculture. Organic agriculture, as an ideal harmony of environment and agriculture production, can actively help the process of sustainable management of natural resources. Healthy food, produced by methods of organic agriculture, in balance with biologic and ecologic regularity, enables the sustain of human population viability. Therefore, the future of next generation and survive of human species largely depends on activities we take today.</p><p>Key words: organic agriculture, food production, environmental protection, sustainable development</p><p>CONTRIBUTION CONCERNING THE METHODOLOGY OF ASSESSING AGGRESSIVENESS OF HELMINTHOSPORIUM TURCICUM PAS. THAT PRODUCES HELMINTHOSPORIOSIS OR NORTHERN CORN LEAF BLIGHT</p><p>Gh. POPESCU, Floarea ADAM, D. JURCA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adam Floarea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Helminthosporium turcicum Pass. is the main leaf parasite of corn that encounters problems for plant inbreeders, and the cultivators suffer average loses in comparison with other continents as is North America where the loses are sometimes very important. In the experimental field from Şagu (Arad County area), we have realised a comparative crop with eight corn hybrids produced by “Afumaţi Pioneer Research Centre” of “Pioneer Dupont Company” during 2006. This comparative crop is analysed under the aspect of Helminthosporium turcicum attack. For the data registered during 10-12 September, we have a repetition with 10 plants, and after eliminations, there remained 116 plants that have entered in experimental calculus. Observation phenophase is ten leaves. Classical study methodology refers to the aggressiveness as referring to corn plants, and the new study methods are having in view to establish these parasitic features at the leaves level, following this the aggressiveness for a hybrid is the average from the plants and leaves level. This method appreciate more accurate the hybrids comportment with very important aspects for inbreeders and corn cultivators. PR 37D25 hybrid is considered by “Pioneer Dupont Company” as tolerant for Helminthosporium turcicum and Ostrinia nubilalis being considered good as control variant. Fungus aggressiveness for PR 39D81, PR 38R92, PR 38A24, PR 37D25, PR 37M34, PR 37 W05, PR 35P12, PR 36R67 hybrids is average being comprised between 43.19% (control variant) and 87.1% in case of extra-early hybrid PR 39D81 at plants level. At leaves level the fungus aggressiveness is almost a half (40.7-59.2%), and on hybrids level the amplitude variability is 34.93- 60.75%, after the new study method. Is very important to include the corn hybrids on a scale as resistant, medium resistant, or tolerant and sensitive, and is also important to compare them with the aggressiveness values from the plants level. Analysed hybrids are not containing major genes (Ht1, Ht2, Ht3, and HtN), minor, or their combinations. The tolerance of PR 37D25 is genetically controlled, but not with resistance genes.</p><p>Key words: Helminthosporium turcicum, Drechslera turcica, aggressiveness, resistance, Zea may</p><p>GENETIC MODELS CONCERNING PLANT RESISTANCE AT DISEASES WITH SPECIAL REFERRING TO POWDERY MILDEW PRODUCED BY BLUMERIA GRAMINIS F. SPEC. TRITICI</p><p>Gh. POPESCU, Otilia COTUNA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Otilia Cotuna, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Concerning plant resistance for diseases, respectively of the genes is activating as it follows: non-specific genes – non-specific resistance and specific genes – specific resistance, this classification being realised on the background of “genes functionality”. In this work are presented models of non-specific genetic resistance that has as models synthesis works “SA, JA, ethylene and disease resistance in plants” by XINIANG DONG and “Infection structures of biotrophic and hemibiotrophic fungal plant pathogens” by SARAH E. PERFECT, JONATHAN R. GREEN. Non-specific or conservative resistance is expressed with the help of plant phenotype with the help of a response of systemic acquired resistance – SAR and induced systemic resistance – ISR. SAR path that helps the plants to avoid diseasing with powdery mildew are: hypersensitive resistance (RH), salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene, ++ calmodulin (CA ) and perhydrole (H2O2). ISR is a plant response for physiopathic factor, non-infectious and for the infectious factor. During 2003-2004 at S.C.D.A. Lovrin where implemented 27 wheat varieties in SAR and ISR and we have concluded next aspects: resistance is determined by non-specific genes and their activity are leading in time in wheat plant cells defensive proteins for pathogen factors (PR) preserved by PAMPs (Pathogen associated molecular patterns) and salvation as in case of physiopathic factors. These two variants (defending and curing) are implying to provide biological and organic wheat harvests, qualitative and quantitative.</p><p>Key words: genes, powdery mildew, specific and non-specific resistance, ethylene, calmodulin, perhydrole.</p><p>WHEAT POWDERY MILDEW PSEUDORESISTANCE PRODUCED BY BLUMERIA GRAMINIS F. SP. TRITICI THROUGH PREEXISTENT AND POSTINFECTION STRUCTURAL MECHANISM</p><p>Gh. POPESCU, Otilia COTUNA, Floarea ADAM</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Otilia Cotuna, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis in wheat can produce quantitative and qualitative loses. In these condition prevention and control of this parasite fungus can be realised through the application of the modern concept of plant protection “Integrated plant protection”. This complex system provides constant qualitative and quantitative yields, and the non pollutant subsystem that is also economically is “genetic control”, respectively the genetic resistance of the wheat plants. Wheat varieties are avoiding the incidence of powdery mildew, or are diminishing the fungus aggressiveness and virulence through structural and genetic mechanisms. Structural mechanisms are imprinting a false resistance of a pseudoresistance, or non-specific that is provided by the presence in wheat varieties by pre-existent structures as is the cuticula, epidermal cells membrane and his impregnation of it with different organic substances, ectoderm and pilosity and “de novo” postinfectional structures as are apresoria – MA and haustorial MAT-EH. In fact the glycoproteins are produced by the wheat varieties genes. These structures are determined by pseudoresistance being in fact the defending responses of the wheat varieties (Dor, Falnic, Gruia, Gloria and Bercsy studied during 2003-2005) to the action of evolutionary and conservative genome of the fungus – PAMPs, and also by the activity of resistance genes Pm (powdery mildew).</p><p>Key words: powdery mildew, wheat, pseudoresistance, genes, preexistent and postinfection structures.</p><p>RESEARCHES ON THE REDUCTION OF THE WEEDINESS LEVEL IN WINTER WHEAT THROUGH THE FERTILIZER APPLICATION</p><p>Narcisa BĂBEANU, D. MARIN, Gh. BUDOI, O. POPA</p><p>University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, România Corresponding author: Narcisa BABEANU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Our paper presents the result of the researches performed during 2003-2005 period at the experimental field Moara Domnească. Has been performed an experiment bifactorial, 4x2 (fertilizers x herbicide treatments). To establish the contribution of the chemical fertilizers on weediness and on herbicide treatments reduction in wheat crop has been the main objective of the research. It has been established that the level of the weediness reduction is increasing with the fertilizers doses, and during the vegetation. The report green/dry weeds’ weight is reducing during the vegetation period.</p><p>Key word: weediness reduction, green and dry weights</p><p>PRESENT POSSIBILITIES FOR DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE CONTROL WITHIN THE NEW CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE</p><p>Cornelia CIOBANU</p><p>University of Oradea, Romania Corresponding author: Cornelia CIOBANU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte, a pest of corn, relative recently penetrated in Romania (1996) from west part of country, created in a short time a very numerous and dangerous population. The research made in 2005 – 2006 period at Agricultural Research and Development Station Oradea, furnish evidence of agrophytotechnical and chemical measures role in limiting of wide-spread area in new zones and for diminishing of caused losses by this pest.</p><p>Key words: degree attack of larvae and adults, crop rotation, density and seeding period, efficacy of insecticides RESEARCH RESULTS CONCERNING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME PEAR TREE VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS UNDER THE ATTACK OF THE MAIN DISEASES AND PESTS IN THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS AT LUGOJ HERDINESTI</p><p>Gh. SIMERIA, N. NICORICI, Snejana DAMIANOV, Ramona CHIRIŢA, Ioana GROZEA, Măriuţa BĂNCILĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ioana GROZEA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The objective of our researches was to get to know the new hybrid elites and also the new pear tree varieties, with regards to their behaviour under the attack of the main diseases (Venturia pirina, Mycosphaerella sentina) and pests (Psylla piri), in the climatic and soil conditions from Lugoj area. Similar researches in pear tree have never been carried out so far in Banat; actually this is the first pear tree collection founded in 1998. A part of the hybrids studied were homologated per periods of research as new pear tree varieties (72-32-62-Virgiliu hibernal; 58-12-55-Milenium). Our researches have supervised two diseases (Venturia pirina and Mycosphaerella sentina) and one pest (Psylla piricola), specific as presence in young pear tree orchards. The practical implications have consisted in the introduction of some new pear tree varieties in the variety range from Banat, namely Euras, Milenium and Virgiliu hibernal.</p><p>Key words: pear, hybrid elite, variety, diseases</p><p>CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) SCOP.: AN UNWANTED PRESENCE IN WINTER WHEAT CROPS </p><p>D. MANEA, Gh. CÂRCIU, A. LĂZUREANU, S. ALDA </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Dan MANEA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Research was carried out over two years (2004-2005 and 2005-2006) on the trial field of the Department of Agricultural technology and Weed Science of the Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat in Timişoara, Romania, on a slightly salified vertosoil. The trial was mono-factorial. We monitored the efficiency of weed control, in particular of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. using ten different post-emergent herbicides. The best results in diminishing weeding degree (over 92.00%) compared to the control treated with the classical product SDMA Super 1 l/ha, concerning both total weeding and horse thistle were the result of applying the herbicide Dialen Super 0.90 l/ha and Premiant 1 l/ha, respectively. On all the trial plots, 30 days after application, and particularly 60 days after application, there was a regeneration trend in horse thistle shoots. All the herbicides we tested were very selective for the winter wheat cultivar we cultivated (Lovrin 49), with no symptoms of phyto-toxicity.</p><p>Key words: winter wheat, weeds, Cirsium arvense (LL.) Scop., control, and post-emergent herbicides</p><p>STRATEGIES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL IN THE SPECIES XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM L. IN MAIZE CROPS</p><p>D. MANEA, S. ALDA, A. LĂZUREANU, GH. CÂRCIU Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Dan MANEA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Maize, the most widespread tillage crop in Romania, is known as being very sensible to weeding, particularly during the first stages of vegetation. A problem-weed in maize crops is the species Xanhium strumarium L., popularly called mouse ear or thistle. In this paper we aim at establishing some of the most efficient pre-emergent herbicides in the control of this species in the grain maize crops. Research was carried out during the years 2005 and 2006, at the Didactic Station of the Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat in Timişoara (România) on a cambic chernozem. The trial was mono-factorial with four replications. The best results in the control of the species Xanhium strumarium L. were ensured by the herbicide Cambio-2.5 l/ha (96.80% in 2005 and 95.20% in 2006), closely followed by the herbicide Premiant-1l/ha. None of the tested products resulted in phyto-toxicity symptoms in the cultivated maize hybrid, Florencia (P3573). Grain maize yields were visibly influenced on one hand by some of the performances of the herbicides in the control of the mouse ear and on the other hand by the climate conditions of the two years, the year 2006 being more favourable for maize crop.</p><p>Key words: maize, weeds, Xanhium strumarium L., control, herbicide, and crop. ON THE BEHAVIOR OF A SUNFLOWER ASSORTMENT TO THE ATTACK BY MAIN PATHOGENS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIDACTIC STATION OF THE USAMVB TIMIŞOARA</p><p>A. BORCEAN, D. MANEA, L. BOTOŞ, L. MOLNAR</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adrian BORCEAN, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In the present paper are presented results for the year 2006 concerning the behaviour of an assortment of 25 sunflower hybrids from Monsanto to pathogen attack, in the natural conditions of the Didactic Station of the Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Timişoara.</p><p>Key words: sunflower, pathogens, natural conditions </p><p>OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING THE BEHAVIOUR OF A CONVARIETY OF MAIZE TO THE ATTACK BY USTILAGO MAYDIS UNDER THE WEATHER CONDITIONS IN 2002 OF THE DIDACTIC STATION OF THE U.S.A.M.V.B. IN TIMIŞOARA</p><p>A.BORCEAN, Gh. DAVID, L. MOLNAR</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adrian BORCEAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: On the common field conditions and climatic conditions from the year 2002, at Didactic Station of USAMVB, a number of convarieties and hybrids of have a different behaviour to the attack of common smut caused by fungus Ustilago maydis. Both, field readings and statistic results of the attack are in the tables 1 and 2 and could be a source of information for researchers which have to choose a gene source for pathogens resistance breeding. </p><p>Key words: Ustilago maydis, maize convarieties</p><p>BIOLOGICAL CONTROL TRIALS OF INVASIVE SPECIES FROM MAIZE AGROECOSYSTEMS BY EXPLOITATION OF INDIGENOUS NATURAL ENEMIES</p><p>Ioana GROZEA, A. CĂRĂBEŢ, Ramona CHIRIŢĂ, Ana Maria BADEA, F. PRUNAR, Floarea ADAM</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author:Ioana GROZEA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Current trends in control regard this method because high efficiency and non-pollutants effects of course. In this way, it follows protection of useful scale from agroecosystems and their exploitation in control of invasive population. Incidence of western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera in Europe and Romania attract the specialist’s attention and European organisms regarding substantial changes, which save the yield. For distinguish the frequency zones of invasive species accomplished a statistics for establish research locations from abundant zones of Diabrotica species dependent on last years monitoring. The results distinguish the follow zones: Timişoara (783 – 900 adults), Jimbolia (603 – 4030 adults), Deta (712 – 1901 adults), Lovrin (656 – 1975 adults), Peciul Nou (898 – 1481 adults), and Şag – Arad (903 - 2000 adults). It were take the soil and surface samples for establish the presence of control biological agents. The maximum appearance period of invasive species is very important in establishing the analogy with appearance of predator’s species. From natural enemies of Diabrotica v. can be notice spiders: Theridion impressum (Araneae: Theriidae), Agriope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae) Speira diademata (Araneae: Araneidae), Pseudophomus rufipes (Coleoptera: Carabidae). In specialty literature from our country there not information or research results regarding the biological control of pests, so we intend to make known to all interested persons in health plants some ecological alternatives by pest reduction and damage level, too. </p><p>Key words: biological control, natural enemies, Diabrotica v. </p><p>DIVERSITY OF INSECT PESTS FROM COLZA CROPS IN WESTERN ROMANIA</p><p>Ioana GROZEA, Georgeta POP, A. CĂRĂBEŢ, Snejana DAMIANOV, Otilia COTUNA, Silvia MUREŞAN Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ioana GROZEA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. In the last time the colza crops is attack by numerous insect coleopterans: (Meligethes aeneus – blossom beetle, Ceutourhychus napi Gyll. – rape stem weevil), hymenopterans (Athalia rosae – colossed sawfly) and heteropteres (Euryderma ornata L – red cabbage bug). The damages caused by these various between 25 and 50%. The failing information at national and local level can be another raison for importance of colza cropping. The success of this crop through quantitative and qualitative yields depends of theoretically and practical knowledge in plant protection field. The observations were made in Experimental Field from BUASCVMT, during 2005 and 2006 years. The studied breeds were following: Ontario, Savannah, Belini, Potomac, Ader, Culvert, Tennessee, Milena, Attila and L.G (for 2005) and supplementary: Remy, Rodeo, Triangle, Ader, Alure (for 2006). It were organized varieties with different sowing densities especially of Alaska breed (8-9 IX-d112.5 cm, d2 25 cm, d3 37.5 cm; 21 IX-d112.5 cm, d2 25 cm, d3 37.5 cm and</p><p>2X-d112.5 cm, d2 25 cm, d3 37.5 cm). For Attila breed were studied the presence of insects in different sowing time (I – 1- 10 IX; II – 10 – 20 IX and III – 20 – 30 IX). A great variability was observed at Milena, Ontario and L.G (Eurydema ornata, Psylliodes crysocephala, Calocoris norvegicus, Meligethes aeneus, Athalia rosae, Ceuthorrynchus quadridens, and Epicometis hirta). The breeds L.G and Potomac were the most affected by the pests, while Ader, Culvert, and Tennessee were more repellent to them. The presence of insect pests in great number in varieties LG and Savannah caused significantly yield diminution 000 (-277; -1755).</p><p>Key words: insect pests, diversity, colza crop, varieties</p><p>THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME APPLE TREE VARIETIES UNDER THE ATTACK OF THE LEAF BLISTER MOTH LEUCOPTERA SCITELLA IN THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF 2006 AT THE S.D.E. TIMIŞOARA</p><p>Snejana DAMIANOV, Gh. SIMERIA., D. PETANEC, Ioana GROZEA, Olimpia IORDĂNESCU, C. FORA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ioana GROZEA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The objective of our researches was to identify the varieties with associated resistance to diseases and pests – an important objective for the rationalizing and reduction of the chemical treatments, production expenses and, implicitly, of the environmental pollution. We have observed a significant presence of the pest Leucoptera scitella Zell in the apple orchard belonging to the Didactic Station Timisoara, in 2006. This has determined us to begin the researches upon the apple tree behaviour. The observations carried out during the last decade of August, when the attack was maximal, have led to the conclusions that: the varieties Florina and Pionier were slightly attacked, proving a good resistance (RB) towards the attack of this pest, the varieties Generos and Romus were moderately attacked (RM), and the variety Ionathan was strongly attacked (RS).</p><p>Key words: pear, hybrid elite, variety, diseases</p><p>STUDIES ON THE IMPACT OF PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA AND HEDERA HELIX EXTRACTS ON PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS AND PSEUDOPERONOSPORA CUBENSIS ZOOSPORE RELEASE AND GERMINATION</p><p>A. CĂRĂBEŢ*, K. F. LAUER**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania ** Veihenstephan, Germany Correspondent author Alin CARABET, e-mail address: [email protected] </p><p>Abstract: In this paper, we studied the influence of some plant extracts upon Phytophthora infestans and Pseudoperonospora cubensis zoospores releasing and germination. We have tested the extracts obtained from Paeonia suffruticosa and Hedera helix macerated in acetone in different concentrations. There was observed the inhibition of zoospores releasing and germination.</p><p>Key words: plant extracts downy mildew of tomatoes and cucurbits, zoospore releasing, zoospore germination THE SPRUCE PROTECTION AGAINST THE PEST IPS TYPOGRAPHUS L. (COLEOPTERA, SCOLYTIDAE) THROUGH STEM INJECTION WITH BIOLOGIC INSECTICIDE NEEMAZAL –T/S</p><p>C. G. FORA*, K. F. LAUER**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania ** Weihenstephan University,Freising, Germany Corresponding author: Ciprian Fora, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The effectiveness of NeemAzal-T/S insecticide used against Ips typographus L. bark beetle was assessed by using the method based on solution injection with 4% concentra-tion in spruce tree trunks. The method is nonpolluting both concerning the insecticide as well as the way of solution administration (the solution does not get in contact with the environment).The effectiveness on pest larva control was of 90% at 2-2.5 m trunk height, 87% at 4.5 – 5 m, 79% at 7 -7.5 m, 82% at 9.5-10 m, 85% at 12 -12.5 m, 62% at 14.5- 15 m and 75% at 17- 17.5 m. Considering that none of the individuals managed to undergo pupa stage it has been assessed that the insecticide efficacy on pupae was of 100% for all samples. Nevertheless, such studies are still in their initial stage and are the first to be performed in the country the method is still requiring improvement. Our studies clearly demonstrate that spruce trees may be protected against Ips typographus L. beetle by means of such methods.</p><p>Key words: NeemAzal, stem injection, Ips typographus, spruce protection,</p><p>RESEARCHES REGARDING THE BIOLOGY OF THE PEST PITYOGENES CHALCOGRAPHUS L. (COLEOPTERA, SCOLYTIDAE) IN THE NĂDRAG - PADEŞ AREA (TIMIŞ COUNTY)</p><p>C. G. FORA*, K. F. LAUER**, S. DAMIANOV*</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania ** Weihenstephan University,Freising, Germany Corresponding author: Ciprian FORA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: To establish the flight phenology of the insect Pityogenes chalcographus L. and the development of descendence on the year 205, were been delimited experimental points in representative forest stands with spruce from Nădrag-Padeş area. After recorded captures at pheromonal traps baited with aggregative synthetic pheromones we establish that the insect has two flights on year. The first flight is in April, May and June (76-94% from the flight on all growing season), and the second flight is in July and August (6-24% from the flight on all growing season). Has been established the length of each flight and the top of flight. Has been established the populations level. After periodically bark the trap stakes, as favourable place of oviposition, has been established the date of first entering of parents beetles, the date of appearance of first eggs, the length of egg, larval, pupal stadium, the date of appearance of first young adults and first mature adults, in forest stands al different altitude. Has been established that the insect have two generation on year.</p><p>Key words: Pityogenes chalcographus, biology, Nădrag-Padeş</p><p>STATISTIC ANALYSIS OF CLIMATIC FACTORS INFLUENCE ON BLUMERIA GRAMINIS (D.C.) SPEER FUNGUS – POWDERY MILDEW, WITH ANOVA AND MULTIFACTORIAL CORRELATION </p><p>Otilia COTUNA*, Irina ORIOL**, Gh. POPESCU* </p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **A. S. E. Chişinău, Republica Moldova Corresponding author: Otilia COTUNA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Air temperature, rainfalls, air relative humidity, dew, nebulosity and wind are climatic factors that are acting on powdery mildew-wheat tandem. Literature offers pieces of information only for the relationship with temperature and rainfalls. They have proposed a detailed research on mentioned climatic factors on fungus virulence during 2003-2005 with the help of a complete statistic interpretation with the help of SPSS programme. For statistic analysis they have introduced the data of those six climatic parameters and the fungus virulence data on 27 winter wheat varieties cultivated in the experimental plots from S.C.D.A. – Lovrin. Realised researches are allowing studies concerning the elaboration of a prognosis and warning programme for wheat powdery mildew control. They have worked with decade averages for all analysed variables. In model correlation determining they have used the exclusion of analysed factors. There have resulted five regression models that demonstrate the existence of interrelations among studied variables. For all the models the correlation coefficient is greater then 0.7 that shows the existence of interdependence among those analysed variables. Conclusions were next: the greatest influence on the increase of Blumeria graminis f. spec. tritici attack intensity, in conformity with the data obtained after the recording of empiric data is due to the next factors: relative humidity, rainfalls and temperature. The factor that cannot be excluded from the attack intensity analysis and influences conidia dispersal of the fungus is the wind.</p><p>Key words: Blumeria graminis, temperature, rainfalls, wind, relative humidity, dew, nebulosity, virulence, statistics.</p><p>FUNGICIDE APPLYING EFFECT ON BLUMERIA GRAMINIS F. SP. TRITICI AND WINTER WHEAT YIELD, WITH DIFFERENT REACTION FOR POWDERY MILDEW</p><p>Otilia COTUNA, Gh. POPESCU, Ioana GROZEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Otilia Cotuna, e-mail: otilia [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Fungicides effect on powdery mildew and wheat yield is studied in an experience placed at S.C.D.A. Lovrin. The purpose of this study is to register if the yield differences among treated variant and tester (no treated) are significant. In this experience are investigated and treated 25 winter wheat varieties with different reaction in case of Blumeria graminis f. spec. tritici attack (R – resistant, MR – medium resistant, S – sensitive). Because in experience are used some fungicides those 25 winter wheat varieties are divided in four groups: three groups with six varieties and a group with seven varieties. There is tested the fungicides efficiency on the background of natural infection. All the data are statistically analysed. The treatment with fungicides (fenpropimorph and epoxyconazole, triflumizol and clorotalonil, ciproconazol and propiconazol, azoxystrobin) from this experience is executed at 49-50 growth stage (after Zadocks scale – ear emergence). The disease where present in experimental field during treatment applying. Fungicides efficiency is appreciated as: very good for fenpropimorph and epoxyconayole in case of Arieşan sensitive variety and very good for medium resistant varieties from first varieties group; very good for triflumizol and clorotalonil (Boema sensitive variety) and totally efficient for the other varieties from second group; very good and totally effective for ciproconazol and propiconazol (Izvor, Turda 2000, and Ciprian sensitive varieties); satisfying and good action for azostrobin case of Partizanka and Bezostaia sensitive varieties. The yields obtained in the case of treatment experience are superior in comparison with non-treated variant; these proving that the fungicides from mixtures are biologically compatible and are influencing positively plants biochemistry in a positive way.</p><p>Key words: fungicides, Blumeria graminis, varieties, powdery mildew, yield, virulence</p><p>THE DYNAMICS OF THE BIRDS’FOOT TREFOIL THRIPS (ODONTOTHRIPS LOTI HAL.) POPULATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE S.D. TIMIŞOARA</p><p>Ana-Maria BADEA, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU, Ioana GROZEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ana –Maria Badea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. An important aspect at the production of birds – foot trefoil seed, besides the insurance of favourable pedo- climatic conditions was the resistance of that plant to the diseases and pests. One of the most important pests, which produced the biggest damage is the birds’foot trefoil thrips (Odontothrips loti Hal.). Although mentioned in the specific literature, that pest was a little studied in our country and in that context, the paper emphasized the ones experimental data concerning the dynamics of the birds – foot trefoil thrips, adults and larvae. The entomological material, which constituted the object of this study, was collected from one agro ecosystem, at the Didactic Station from Timişoara. The experimentation was placed after the standard method according to the specific literature indications, and the samples were collected with the help of metrical frame of 0.5/0.5 m. The collected insects were prepared, determined and preserved in the Entomology Laboratory of the Agricultural University from Timişoara. Through the monitorizations, which tacked place from 48 hours to 48 hours, resulted that the first adults signal was registered in the second decade of the June month. The biggest number of the catch adults was registered in the date of 28.06.2006, 42 samples, and the biggest number of collected larvae was registered in the date of 10.07.2006, 13 samples. The last captures were registered in the second decade of the July month. The knowledge of the dynamics characteristics of the thrips populations contributes to the establishment of the best moment of applying the treatments concerning the integrated controlling of the mother tree birds – foot trefoil pest.</p><p>Key words: birds’ foot trefoil, populations, dynamics, Odontothrips loti</p><p>THE ANALYSIS OF SOME PESTICIDES IN THE BIRDS – FOOT TREFOIL THRIPS (ODONTOTHRIPS LOTI HAL.) CONTROL </p><p>Ana-Maria BADEA, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ana –Maria Badea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. At the birds – foot trefoil crop one of the most important aspects is the production of seed, so for the realisation of an integrated protection of a superior quality seed and in a great quantity, is necessary to know the insects that produce the most important damages to this crop. One of these insects is the birds – foot trefoil thrips (Odontothrips loti Hal.). For realizing the chemical treatments in the years 2004 and 2005, the experimental field was placed at the Production and Investigation Station for the Fields Crop from Timişoara. The experimental field was formed from 3 repetitions, each repetition having 7 variants. The usage of pesticides was the same in the all two years of the experimentation, as follows:; V1 – treated with Fastac 10 EC; V2 - treated with Mospilan 20 SP; V3 - treated with Calypso 480 SC; V4 - treated with Confidor 70 WG; V5 - treated with Actellic 50 EC; V6 - treated with Decis 2,5 EC; V7 – untreated testifier. In the year 2004 the most efficient product in controlling the birds – foot trefoil thrips is the Actellic 50 EC product, which had an efficaciousness coefficient of 90% and the lowest results were obtained after the usage of Confidor 70 WG product, with an efficaciousness coefficient, it was of 4%. In the year 2005 the best results were obtained after the usage of same product Actellic 50 EC, which had an efficaciousness coefficient of 69,5%, and the lowest results were obtained after the usage of Mospilan 20 SP product, with an efficaciousness coefficient of 43,3%</p><p>Key words: pesticides, birds – foot trefoil thrips, control</p><p>RESEARCHES REGARDING THE OF POTATO APHID FAUNA STRUCTURE FROM S.D TIMIŞOARA</p><p>Liana Mihaela FERICEAN, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Mihaela Liana Fericean, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Paper presents data referring to the abundance and dominance of aphid species from potato cultivations, for a period of two years 2005-2006, from Didactic Station Timisoara. The potato aphid fauna are not studied in West Plain of Romania. The knowlege of potato aphid fauna structure constitute a basic element of the integrated potato pests control.</p><p>Key words: potato, aphids, fauna, abundance, dominance </p><p>RESEARCHES REGARDING THE EFFICIENCY OF SOME INSECTICIDE USED IN THE POTATO APHID CONTROL</p><p>Liana, Mihaela FERICEAN, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Mihaela Liana Fericean, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches, carried out during 2005-2006 in potato field at Didactic Station (STN) Timişoara revealed the fact that the most efficient products in aphids control were: Mospilan 20 SP and Regent 200 SC Were tested two insecticides for treatment of tubercles and four insecticides for treatment during the vegetation. </p><p>Key words: control, insecticides efficiency, aphids, potato, </p><p>PEST CONTROL OF HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HÜBNER IN MAIZE IN THE WESTERN PLAIN (ROMANIA)</p><p>Narcisa CRISTA, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Narcisa Crista, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper, we present results of a study on the pest Helicoverpa armigera Hb. in maize at the Didactic Station in Timişoara in 2006. We made observations concerning the behaviour of the pest and we tested the efficiency of some insecticides in order to control it.</p><p>Key words: Helicoverpa armigera, maize, behaviour of the pest, pest management ERIOCHLOA VILLOSA (THUNB.) KUNTH: A NEW SPECIES FOR THE BANAT FLORA</p><p>Alina Margareta FĂRCĂŞESCU, G.-G. ARSENE, Alina-Georgeta NEACŞU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alina Margareta FARCASESCU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: We notify the presence of Eriochloa villosa in Timis County, which was encountered in maize, soybean and on neighbouring abandoned fields. There is presented: chorology, distribution of woolly cupgrass, its morphological, biological and ecological characteristics and the new and efficient management practices regarding Eriochloa control.</p><p>Key words: Eriochloa villosa, weeds, adventive, root crops, Banat.</p><p>AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA L.: A SEGETAL SPECIES WITH A TENDENCY TO EXPANSION IN THE TIMIS COUNTY</p><p>Alina Margareta FĂRCĂŞESCU*, K. F. LAUER**</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Weihenstephan University,Freising, Germany Corresponding author: Alina Margareta FARCASESCU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The anthropic activity determines the expansion or reduction of the habitats of plant species. The commercial exchanges of seeds and the acclimatization ability of the segetal species to various pedoclimatic conditions, may determine the exceeding of adventive species level and move towards species with a wider habitat, often cosmopolite species. Under this aspect, it is chronologically and ecologically analyzed the species Ambrosia artemisiifolia which can become problematic in the Western Plains of Romania in the years to come, considering its tendency to develop from a ruderal into a segetal species. </p><p>Key words: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, invasive plants, allergies, Banat</p><p>SETTING ATTACK FREQUENCY PRODUCED BY THE LARVAE OF DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA LE CONTE IN THE ARAD AREA</p><p>Floarea ADAM, Ioana GROZEA, Gh. POPESCU, D. JURCA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adam Floarea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (western corn rootworm) is certainly the most damaging pest among the pest species found in corn crops from the western part of Romania. Attack frequency of this pest is analyzed in an experience placed near Şagu locality – S.C. Agrogil, Arad County area. The purpose of this work is to establish the damages produced by Diabrotica virgifera virgifera pest larvae on corn plants. In this way, during 2006 there were studied eight corn hybrids from different maturity groups with American origin. These researches will allow us to establish the role of this pest on the amplifying of corn pathological systems under epidemic view (Zea mays - Fusarium roseum, Zea mays - Ustilago maydis, Zea mays - Helminthosporium turcicum, pathogens monitored during 2006). After the result analysis we can conclude the next: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larvae attack amplitude varies between 5.17% and 13.78%, values registered in case of PR 36K67 and PR 39D81 hybrids. Control variant is represented by PR 37D25 a half-early hybrid and it has shown a 5.45% attack percentage. Statistically are registered very distinctively significant and distinctively significant attacks in case of PR 39D81, PR 38R92 and PR 37M34 hybrids in comparison with the tester. The other hybrids show small differences in comparison with the tester, not statistically provided, but these differences are important from practical point of view.</p><p>OBSERVATION CONCERNING ZEA MAYS – FUSARIUM ROSEUM AND ZEA MAYS – USTILAGO MAYDIS PATHOGENIC SYSTEM AT MAIZE HYBRIDS CREATED BY PIONEER DUPONT COMPANY</p><p>Floarea ADAM, Gh. POPESCU, D. JURCA Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adam Floarea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Corn hybrids PR 39D81 (extra-early), PR 38R92 (early), PR 38A24 (half-early), PR 37D25 (half-early), PR 37M34 (half-early), PR 37W05 (half-early), PR 35P12 (half-late), PR 36K67 (half-late) are tested in Arad County area (Şagu – SC. Agrogil) for natural infection with Fusarium roseum and Ustilago maydis parasite fungi. The company specifies tolerance for Ustilago maydis in case of PR 38R92 and PR 37W05 hybrids, but they have any reference for Fusarium roseum, this situation influencing our decision concerning the realisation of this study. Fusarium roseum fungus aggressiveness oscillates between 4.79% and 45.0% registered in case of PR 35P12 and PR 38R92. In comparison with PR 37D25 tester variant are registered infection increases statistically provided by PR 38R92 (early), PR 37W05 (half-early) and PR 36K67 (half-late). In case of PR 35P12 is registered a decrease of infection from statistical point of view, this hybrid maintaining also the signification trend in comparison with the experience average (- 25.77%). Ustilago maydis attack is extremely damaging in hybridising plots, but in our case is low except control variant – PR 37D25 where the aggressiveness is 8.54% and PR 37W05 half-early hybrid (14.5%). In the case of these two variants, the results are statistically provided as very distinctively significant in comparison with the experience average that is 7.58%. There are not registered an attack in case of PR 38A24, PR 37M34 and PR 36K67, which will be studied during the next years. There is recommended special protection measures for kernels affected by Fusarium roseum during storage and Ustilago maydis in hybridising plots and especially in case of ice drops falling down.</p><p>Key words: Fusarium roseum, Ustilago maydis, Zea mays, pathosystem, aggressiveness</p><p>THE SPREADING OF THE INVASIVE SPECIES COMMON RAGWEED (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): A QUARANTINE WEED IN THE NORTH-WEST OF ROMANIA</p><p>N. HODIŞAN*, G. MORAR**</p><p>*University of Oradea, România **Agricultural and Veterinary University, Cluj-Napoca, România Corresponding author: NICOLAE HODIŞAN e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Summary: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. is an herbaceous plant annually producing seeds (terophytes), with late germination, identified in the North- West of Romania, on large areas since the year 1991. As a consequence of the invasive character of the species and the spread along the roads, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. species spread out towards the South and the centre of Romania and continues to spread. This paper presents the evolution of the species spreading in the North- West and the West of Romania in the last years.</p><p>Key words: common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., spreading, the North-West and the West of Romania</p><p>RESEARCH CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF SOME TECHNOLOGICAL FACTS ON YIELD AND YIELD QUALITY OF SOME AUTUMN CULTIVARS IN THE CONDITIONS OF BANAT</p><p>V. TABĂRĂ, Georgeta POP, Simona NIŢĂ, Ladislau WAGNER, Iuliana TABĂRĂ, Georgiana OLTEANU, Ioana MATEAŞ, Monica PRODAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Tabără V., e-mail:valeriu_tabără@yahoo.com</p><p>Abstract: . In normal climate conditions and with good technology, Romania could produce yearly over 10 million t of wheat, of which about 6-7 t for bread-making (Tabara, 2004-2005). Romania has a series of very good wheat cultivars developed by the I.C.C.T. Fundulea, S.C.D.A. Lovrin, S.C.D.A. Turda, and others. The variation of bread-making quality indices from one year to another is due to a complex of factors among which the most important are climate and technology (fertilising and harvesting).</p><p>Key words: wheat, bread-making quality indices, climatic factors, technological factors </p><p>ANALYSIS OF PER CAPITA GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS IN EU-25 COUNTRIES</p><p>J. LAZÁNYI University of Debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences Coressponding author: J. LAZÁNYI</p><p>Abstract. The European Union is committed to global efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. In the first step countries accepted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 5 % compared to 1990 levels, but in the longer-term, global emissions of greenhouse gases will need to be reduced by approximately 70 % and it forces the countries to update national emission inventories each year. An analysis of per capita GHG emission has been made with 25 member state of EU responsible for about 41 % of total greenhouse gas emissions. The 15 member states that made up the EU until 1 May 2004 are committed to reducing their combined emissions of greenhouse gases by 8 % from 1990 levels by the end of the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period 2008–12. The 10 new Member States are not covered by the EU target but have their own reduction target of 6 % or 8 % under the protocol, except for Cyprus and Malta, which have no targets. Many of the EU countries have greenhouse gas emissions greater than 6 t CO2-eq/cap. In 2004, the most important sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-25 include energy industries (electricity sector and refineries) (28 %), transport (21 %), industry (without energy sector) (20 %), households and SMEs (17 %), agriculture (10 %) and other sector (4 %). Directive 2003/87/EC established a scheme for GHG emission allowance trading within the community in order to promote reductions of GHG emissions. EU scheme allows companies to use credits from Kyoto’s project-based mechanisms, joint implementation (JI) and the clean development mechanism (CDM), to comply with their obligations under the scheme. This means the system not only provides a cost- effective means for EU-based industries to cut their emissions but also creates additional incentives for businesses to invest in emission-reduction projects in developing countries. The transfer of advanced, environmentally sound technologies to other member states and developing nations, gives tangible support to their efforts to achieve sustainable development, but per capita GHG emission data indicate the importance of grouping to share reduction between global regions and countries. Key words: Per capita greenhouse gas emission, EU-25 countries, Climate Change</p><p>INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT WATER QUALITY FOR IRRIGATION ON VEGETABLE PRODUCTION</p><p>J. SUBIĆ, Nataša CECIĆ, D. CVIJANOVIĆ</p><p>Institute of Agricultural Economics,Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Jonel SUBIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This paperwork relate to Community of Pančevo area which were insert on black list of ecological points in Republic of Serbia due to spacious endanger of natural resources. Objects of this research are water and soil as unregeneration natural resources on which exist all planet life, including state and nation and all economy of any area. With regard of living in technological prosperity period and industrialization and in that way water as natural resources recipients a huge quantity of waste water, and also exposed to another origin of pollution, problems with evaluation of water quality for irrigation get bigger in last decades. In the nature are less water of good quality with aggravation trend. Negative impact of mineral water on soil and plants lead to need for determination and evaluation of water irrigation quality. Criteria for evaluation of water quality are often local character, and distinction is understandable, because conditions between individual region are different. This paperwork include three Experimental fields on three region Community of Pančevo. Experimental fields are under greenhouses and in period form October 2006 to April 2007 will be produced vegetables lettuce, spinach, onion and radish. First experimental field will be in Glogonj village, second in Banatski Brestovac village and third experimental field belongs secondary agricultural school „Josif Pančić“ in Pančevo. In greenhouses will be introduced modern technology of production with micro sprinkling irrigation systems. Research activity during realization of this project impact of different water quality with three different areas and three different soil type on quantity and quality of produced vegetables and yield</p><p>Key words: irrigation, water quality, soil, vegetable production </p><p>ORGANIC FARMING AND ENVIRONMENT</p><p>P. VUKOVIĆ, Slavica ARSIĆ, Lana IVANOVIĆ</p><p>Institute of Agricultural Economics,Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Predrag VUKOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Since pollution has become disturbing in all parts of the world, it is important to identify all aspects of pollution and what affects it, in order to regulate and amend the problem. Continuous technological and technical progress, development of chemistry, plant breeding using chemicals and fertilizers, animal breading using large amounts of physiological waste, liquid and solid manure, are all significant causes of pollution. Therefore, many companies make programs for ecological and sustainable agriculture. This paper aims at identifying the conditions that are important for organic production, but it also discusses natural resources and new agricultural techniques used in order to reduce pollution. It analyses the conditions for controlled production and identifies the measures necessary for sustainable development of high quality food, protection of the eco-system and soil quality.</p><p>Key words: organic production, pollution factors, environment protection ORGANIC FARMING AND ENVIRONMENT</p><p>P. VUKOVIĆ, Slavica ARSIĆ, Lana IVANOVIĆ</p><p>Institute of Agricultural Economics,Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Predrag VUKOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Since pollution has become disturbing in all parts of the world, it is important to identify all aspects of pollution and what affects it, in order to regulate and amend the problem. Continuous technological and technical progress, development of chemistry, plant breeding using chemicals and fertilizers, animal breading using large amounts of physiological waste, liquid and solid manure, are all significant causes of pollution. Therefore, many companies make programs for ecological and sustainable agriculture. This paper aims at identifying the conditions that are important for organic production, but it also discusses natural resources and new agricultural techniques used in order to reduce pollution. It analyses the conditions for controlled production and identifies the measures necessary for sustainable development of high quality food, protection of the eco-system and soil quality.</p><p>Key words: organic production, pollution factors, environment protection</p><p>CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SKI SLOPES IN THE PREDEAL – POIANA BRAŞOV AREA (BRAŞOV COUNTY)</p><p>T. MARUŞCA</p><p>RENATUROPA Association, Braşov, România Corresponding author: Teodor MARUŞCA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The problem of sowing of ski slope in Romanian Carpathians is more recent compared to the countries from the Alps, where exists a long tradition of one century. In this paper is presented the experience of the author over thirty years referring to sowing of ski slopes. For reseeding of ski slopes in this area the best results during the last five years have been obtained with the mixture consisted by 100-150 kg grass and legumes perennial seeds, 50-100 kg grains and 500 kg/ha chemical fertilizers of NPK( 15-15-15). </p><p>Key words: ski slopes, sowing, chemical fertilizers, botanical composition </p><p>GREEN MANURE TECHNOLOGY WITH C/N RATIO FAVORABLE FOR HUMUS ACCUMULATION AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON MAIZE YIELD</p><p>C. DOMUŢA, Gh. CIOBANU, Maria ŞANDOR, Alina SAMUEL, Cornelia CIOBANU, N.C. SABĂU, V. ŞCHEAU, Ioana BORZA, Cr. DOMUŢA</p><p>University of Oradea, România Corresponding author: C. DOMUŢA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper is based on the research carried out in the second cycle of the experiment placed in Oradea in 1999. The use of lupine mixed with oat determined the improvement of the macrostructural stability compared to lupine pure crop. The use of the mixture also determined the improvement of other physical parameters, slightly improvements of the chemical parameters of fertility of the soil, the improvement of the enzymatic activity; as a result, the soil quality enzymatic index improved, a value of 455 compared to one of 441.49. The green manure pure crop ensures a 100% rate of success; the start second crop takes risks when made after 10th of July. In average, during 2004 to 2006, the lupine + oat variant assured statistically yield gain in the maize crop, compared to the lupine pure crop variant; these yield gains were registered both in the wheat-maize crop rotation and the crop rotation which included clover; the yield gains were also registered in the backgrounds studied (N0P0K0; N90P90K60). The maize’ water use efficiency had higher values in the variant fertilized with lupine + oat in both crop rotations and both background. The results obtained reveal that the use of lupine mixed with oat improves the soil’s characteristics. They also lead to maize yield gains statistically assured, compared to lupine pure crop and the improvement of the maize’ water use efficiency.</p><p>Key words: green manure, lupine, oat, mixture, technology</p><p>THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE INDUSTRIAL PIG FARMS FROM THE MAŞLOC COMMUNE</p><p>Clarisa LIUBA, G. ELEŞ</p><p>Polytechnic University, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Clarisa LIUBA, e-mail [email protected] </p><p>Abstract: This study present the environmental impact of the industrial pig farms and the high pollution degree of the environmental factors (water, air, soil and people). Reprehensible management and carelessness about the potential dangers of the waste and the failure to install decent pollution control equipment and treat the waste resulted in violations of the permitted limits for phosphorus, faecal coliform and other pollutants. One way that pig farms waste pollutes is through the sprayfield system, which is supposedly meant to fertilize crops. But often too much of the untreated liquid manure is sprayed, resulting in crop damage and contaminated soil, groundwater as well as pose a serious health risk to the small segment of the population subject.</p><p>Key words: waste, untreated liquid manure, pollutants, environmental factors, environmental impact </p><p>USING INFORMATICS PROGRAMMES TO DESIGN DRAINAGE ARRANGEMENTS FOR EXCESSIVELY HUMID SOILS</p><p>T. E. MAN, Claudia BURAN</p><p>Politehnica University of Timisoara Corresponding author: Teodor Eugen MAN, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents a methodology to set up a software product used to design drainage arrangements for soil with excessive humidity. Due to the fact that the design of a complex software programme has to be carried out as a team, we have to strictly follow certain steps: problem analysis, application design, sub-problem analysis, programming language transposition, programme testing, drawing up the documentation and checking the final product. The paper presents a case study to achieve a software application for drainage design.</p><p>Key words: drainage, informatics programs, design, humidity excess soils.</p><p>SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE LAND SLIP IN THE SADOVA VECHE AREA (CARAS-SEVERIN COUNTY)</p><p>I. NEMEŞ</p><p>Politehnical University of Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Iacob Nemeş, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper are presented the conditions that led to the land slip from the Sadova-Veche locality, Caraş- Severin County, the effects of this phenomenon and the proposed improving solutions.</p><p>Key words: land slip, alluviums, overflow, versant, stone tail board, terrace, becoming overgrown with grass. </p><p>RESEARCHES REGARDING SOIL EROSION AND MEASURES TO FIGHT IT ON THE DECLIVITOUS TERRAINS LOCATED IN THE CORNEA AREA (CARAŞ-SEVERIN COUNTY): THEIR IMPACT ON THE LOCALITY</p><p>I. NEMEŞ </p><p>Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Iacob Nemeş, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper are presented the erosion forms that led to the land slip from the Cornea locality, Caraş-Severin County, their impact over the locality and the solution for the area improving.</p><p>Key words: erosion, land slip, pedological profile, natural hazards, torrent dropping, bank falling.</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IN THE CATCHMENT AREA BÂRZAVA</p><p>Adia GROZAV</p><p>Politehnica University of Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Adia GROZAV, e-mail [email protected] Abstract: The elaboration of this paper has a main purpose the accentuation of the pollution sources and the negative effects produced by them on the environmental. The changes due to pollution have an influence over people’s health, the need for food, water or air, whereas people influence more and more the environment, the needs and requests become higher also showing the consequences over the environment changes. Key words: catchment area, pollution sources, quality, pollution</p><p>MODIFICATIONS OF THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS IN THE ARANCA SURFACE-DRAINAGE SYSTEM (TIMIŞ COUNTY) </p><p>Laura CONSTANTINESCU, I. NEMEŞ</p><p>Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Laura CONSTANTINESCU, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper deals with the modifications of the chemical properties of the soils in a surface-drainage system. The soil samples were collected at an interval of 20 years, in 1975 and 1995, from four 100-cm deep soil profiles. The - 2- 2- values obtained for the pH, the humus, the CaCO3, the exchangeable Na, the soluble salts and the Cl , SO4 and CO3 anions have been compared.</p><p>Key words: surface-drainage system, chemical properties, soils.</p><p>ACIDIFICATION PROCESSES IN SOILS OF BISTRA HIDROGRAPHYC BASIN</p><p>Nicoleta NEMEŞ</p><p>Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Nicoleta Nemeş, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we studied the processes that generate acidity in the soils and the factors that determinate it. For this we analysed a lot of pedological profile, a sample from Obreja and Glimboca, in Bistra Hydrographyc Basin, Caraş- Severin County. From the pedological profile analyses we established that the acid soils, like luvosoils and districambosoils are predominant in the researches area and their acidity are determinate by the bases cations debasification and it forms a impermeable water horizon, Bt, that leads in time to oxide-reduction processes that will generate a soil acidification.</p><p>Key words: acidity, pedological profile, soil sample, hydrographic basin, debasification, bases cations, oxide-reduction processes.</p><p>GEOGEN POLLUTION WITH HEAVY METALS IN BISTRA AREA, CARAŞ - SEVERIN COUNTY</p><p>Nicoleta NEMEŞ, Iacob NEMEŞ, Laura CONSTANTINESCU</p><p>Politehnical University of Timisoara Corresponding author: Nicoleta Nemeş, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches regarding the heavy metals contents in Bistra Hydrographic Basin, from Caraş-severin County, demonstrated that, generally, here the values exceed the normal values. Because these values were founded along the Couloir we considered that geogene hypothesis pollution exists. It is known that Ruşchiţa area is a mineralogical area. The pollutant activity of S.C. GAVAZII STEEL S.A. Oţelu Roşu is considered insignificant. If this pollutant activity would exist, the maximum values would be founded about the locality with a reduced tendency towards the valley extremity, fact that does not exist.</p><p>Key words: geogene pollution, heavy metals, normal value, mineralogic area</p><p>SIGNIFICANT DIFFUSED POLLUTION SOURCES IN SOILS AND WATERS OF BEGA HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN</p><p>Ioana A. COSTESCU</p><p>Politechnic University Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Ioana Costescu, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The paper presents the main diffused pollution sources from the Hydrographic Basin of the River Bega, and the way it affects the quality of waters and soils. It is also described the territorial spread of the pollutants. Key words: diffused pollution sources, fertilizers, pesticides, water quality, and soil quality.</p><p>PELLIC VERTISOLS AND VERTISOLS IN TIMIŞ COUNTY</p><p>R. BERTICI*, Gh. ROGOBETE**, D. BEUTURĂ*, Adia GROZAV**</p><p>*OSPA, Timişoara, Romania **Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adia GROZAV, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In accordance with the new Romanian Taxonomy Soil System, there are two types of soil in the soil class Pellisol: Pellosol and Vertosol. Both of them are deep clayey soils (>45% and >30% clay) but in the Vertosol dominated clay minerals such as smectites, that expand upon wetting and shrink upon drying. Deep wide craks form when the soil dries out and swelling in the wet season, but in the Vertosol these phenomena are generalized and the slichensides have 10-600 inclination. The correlation with WRB-SR and USDA-ST is very difficult and also is the separation in the soil survey between Pellic Vertisils and Vertosols in Timiş County. </p><p>Key words: pellic, vertic, clay, shrinkage, swelling</p><p>TOLERANCE TO CADMIUM AND PHYTOCHELATINS SYNTHESIS IN AGROSTIS TENUIS </p><p>Carmen CIMPEANU, Irina GREBENIŞAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University, Bucureşti, România Corresponding author: Carmen CIMPEANU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper has as aim the cellular and biochemical identification of some proteins (phytochelatins and iso- phytochelatins) able to bind the cadmium ions. For this, cell suspensions of root callus proceeded from an Agrostis tenuis ecotype (harvested from a metalliferous area, polluted with heavy) were obtained. The cell suspensions were treated with different cadmium concentrations. One can ascertain that the Agrostis ecotype, from polluted area, has the ability to synthesize phytochelatins and, it manifests an increased tolerance to cadmium ions (solution concentrations of 100 μM). One can conclude that phytochelatins synthesis has an important role into plant tolerance to cadmium.</p><p>Key words: cadmium tolerance, suspension-cultured cells, phytochelatins, Agrostis tenuis</p><p>THE USING OF THE COMPOSTS IN THE ECOLOGICAL BUILD-UP OF THE STERILE DUMPS FROM HUSNICIOARA QUARRY </p><p>R. MOCANU, Ana Maria DODOCIOIU, N. OSICEANU</p><p>University of Craiova Corresponding author: Romulus Mocanu, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The psamic entiatrosoil from the Husnicioara quarry, District Mehedinti that resulted from the surface extraction of the lignite has unfavourable physical and chemical features: sandy – loamy texture, light alkaline reaction, low humus content, 0.2 – 0.4 %, low supplied with phosphorus (4.5 – 29.1 ppm) low and moderate supplied with soluble potash (36.5 – 61.4 ppm), being grouped in the fifth class of favourability. This is the reason why the main goal of increasing its fertility degree is to enlarge the organic matter content.</p><p>Key words: compost, fertilizers, yield, sterile dumps</p><p>THE USING OF SEVERAL CROPS AND OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE ECOLOGICAL REHABILITATION OF THE STERILE DUMP FROM HUSNICIOARA – MEHEDINTI</p><p>R. MOCANU, Ana Maria DODOCIOIU, N. OSICEANU, M. SUSINSKI </p><p>University of Craiova Corresponding author: Romulus Mocanu,e-mail:[email protected] Abstract: On the sterile dumps, that is psamic entiantrosoils and have unfavourable physico-chemical features for plants there have been experimented the culture of several crops with certain fertilizer and manure doses. The wheat crop does not succeed on the sterile dumps even fertilized. The corn crop can be cropped only with chemical, organic or organomineral fertilizers. The sunflower crop can be cropped with organomineral fertilizers. The peanuts and soybean can easily succeed even with moderated fertilizer doses. Key words: sun-flower, fertilizers, yield,</p><p>THE NITRATES ACCUMULATION IN SOME VEGETABLES SPECIES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SEVERAL FERTILIZERS DOSES</p><p>Ana Maria DODOCIOIU, Elena ROŞCULETE, R. MOCANU</p><p>University of Craiova, Romania Corresponding author: Ana Maria Dodocioiu, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: After the trials made on the nitrates accumulation with the tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage and potatoes as influenced of different fertiliser doses has resulted that with all fertilised variants there were recorded higher NO 3 content than with unfertilised ones. The fertilisation with N 300P100K100 has conducted to a higher nitrate content both with the lettuce crop (1.548 mg NO3/kg) and cabbage leaves (1.008 mg NO3/kg).</p><p>Key words: nitrates, nitrites, fertilisers, MAL</p><p>THE USING OF SOME TILLAGE VARIANTS IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE FUEL CONSUMPTION WITH THE SUNFLOWER CROP IN IRRIGATION CONDITIONS </p><p>Elena ROŞCULETE, Ana Maria DODOCIOIU, C. ROŞCULETE</p><p>University of Craiova, Romania Corresponding author: Elena Roşculete, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches carried out in the Caracal Plain do confirm the presence of positive relation between the tillage, the sunflower yield and the energy consumption no matter the irrigation regime and climatically condition of the year. There have been made determinations on the fuel consumption (l/ha), the machinery productivity (ha/hour) to the tillage, the seed yield at 11% moisture, energy consumption (Mcal/kg of product). The results of fuel consumption with the three in average after measuring and timing within the researched period show differences between them. </p><p>Key words: tillage, irrigation, fertilizers, fuel consumption</p><p>THE CHARACTERISATION OF THE STERILE DUMP FROM THE HUSNICIOARA QUARRY – MEHEDINTI AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT</p><p>M. SUSINSKI</p><p>University of Craiova, Romania Corresponding author: Mihai Susinski, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents the pedological and agrochemical features of the sterile dump Husnicioara, District Mehedinti that has a surface of 190 ha. There are presented the polluting effects of the sterile dump Husnicioara on the environment. </p><p>Key words: sterile dump, quarry, land degradation, soil profile.</p><p>PERFORMANCES AND BOUNDS OF THE ENGINEERING WORKS FOR CONSERVING, CLOSING AND ECOLOGICALLY REHABILITATING THE DECANTATION PONDS IN THE MINING INDUSTRY IN THE CARAS-SEVERIN COUNTY</p><p>Irina MARINICA, I. BORZA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Irina Marinica, e-mail [email protected] Abstract: Decantation ponds in the mining industry are high-risk water engineering structures. After ceasing the sedimentation operations, they are subject to a procedure of conservation, closure and ecological rehabilitation and the environmental factors are being monitored throughout the whole procedure. Herewith the situation of decantation ponds in the Caras-Severin County is presented, highlighting the issue of managing and monitoring them after shutdown, legally covered throughout 30 years.</p><p>Key words: decantation pond, conservation, shutdown, stability, erosion, consequences</p><p>STUDY OF THE ABUNDANCE INDEX OF PHYSCIA AIPOLIA AND XANTHORIA PARIETINA IN CORRELATION WITH THE CONCENTRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PB AND ZN</p><p>B. LIXANDRU*, Smaranda MÂŞU**, C. BOGATU**, G. TRANDAFIR*, Anca-Diana PRICOP*, C. ONICA*</p><p>* Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **ECOIND, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Benoni LIXANDRU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In a period of 12 weeks, samples of white poplar bark (Populus alba), naturally covered with lichens of the Xanthoria parietina and Physcia aipolia species, and were polluted under lab conditions with different levels of Zn and Pb. The pollution was done through the watering and nourishing solutions and the level of the two pollutants varied between 20 – 240 mg Zn/L and 10-120 mg Pb/L. The reaction and adaptation mode of the two lichen species was assessed through the phytomass abundance study, evaluated according to the bark surface covering degree. The watering performed to pollute and nourish was done twice a week. Measuring the surface covering degree was done through planimetry at 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks. Our results evidenced great sensitivity of the Physcia aipolia species to high pollution levels of Pb and ZN. The covering degree is reduced after 3 weeks to 60%, to 95% after 6 weeks, and at 9 weeks, this species completely disappeared. After an accommodation period of about 3-4 weeks, when the covered area remained the same, the covering degree of the surface by the Xanthoria parietina species increases by 10% at 6 weeks, reaching 15% at 12 weeks. These results lead to the idea that the careful study of the lichen abundance may offer in an easy way signal-news about the gaseous pollution level of the environment.</p><p>Key words: corticolous lichens, high levels of Pb and Zn, lichen abundance, monitoring</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS</p><p>Luiela-Magdalena CSORBA, Ramona LILE University Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, Romania Corresponding author: Luiela Csorba, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Nowadays, the environmental protection issue able to assure a sustainable future development is an acute one. Managers must invest in sustainable technologies which require also a modern set for financial instruments able to assure a high efficiency of the business and a high environmental protection.</p><p>Key words: sustainable development, environmental protection financial instruments, environmental adjusted net domestic product</p><p>GREEN ECONOMY IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Luiela-Magdalena CSORBA, Ramona LILE</p><p>University Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, Romania Corresponding author: Luiela Csorba, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The sustainable economic development is able to assure a successful exploitation of the natural resources offered by the Earth, in a way which will help us keep our land alive and clean for the next generation. But, really, sustainability seems to be only a theory, which is different from practice, and, the idea of an ecological sustainable economy doesn’t mean to „send through mail” the environmental responsibility from the developed to the less developed countries.</p><p>Key words: human capital, ecological injustice, natural limit of sustainable exploitation, environmental responsibility</p><p>WATER QUALITY OF THE STORAGE LAKE SURDUC IN 2005 AND THE DEMANDS OF ECOLOGICAL RESTAURATION</p><p>Alina-Georgeta NEACŞU, I. BORZA, G.-G. ARSENE, Alina-Margareta ARSENE</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Alina-Georgeta NEACSU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Lake Surduc is the most important storage lake of the Western Piedmonts, with a surface of 362 ha and water volume of 14110 mil. m3. This study presents the results of the chemical analysis for the parameters measured in 2005. Following the processing of the data obtained, it was qualitatively established that the water has a moderate quality. At the same time, we also suggest a few measures of ecological restoration for the studied area. </p><p>Key words: Surduc, chemical parameters, water quality, ecological restauration </p><p>IN VITRO DETERMINATION CONCERNING THE TOLERANCE OF HERBICIDES WITH PREEMERGENT APPLICATION FOR SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN BACTERIA</p><p>Claudia ONEŢ, Renata ŞUMĂLAN, Lucian GHINEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: ONET Claudia, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract. In this paper work, we present the results of our studies concerning the effects of the herbicides linuron, dimetenamid and treflan upon the symbiotic nitrogen bacteria applied in seeds. We have tested herbicide action for 4 concentrations: normal concentration – the normally recommended herbicide dose, double concentration (2x normal dose), triple concentration (3x normal dose), and half of the recommended dose (1/2x normal dose). The results achieved made evident that strains have different reaction to linuron and dimetenamid, and these reactions are not correlated with the concentration. We may explain this situation through the different strain capacity of tolerance under the action exerted by these herbicides.</p><p>Key word: tolerance, herbicides, Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium </p><p>POSSIBILITIES OF ECOLOGICAL REHABILITATION OF THE AREAS AFFECTED BY COPPER EXPLOITATION ACTIVITY FROM ROŞIA POIENI</p><p>M. CORCHEŞ*, I. BORZA*, Ioana CORCHEŞ**, Madălina IORDACHE*</p><p>* Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania ** National Administration “Apele Române”, Alba, Romania </p><p>Abstract: The scope of the study is the ecological rehabilitation of the areas affected by the cupriferous exploitation from Roşia Poieni, in present being in conservation. Although the exploitation and preparation activity of the cupriferous material is stopped, the waters pollution with heavy metals is continuous, because of waters resulted from the precipitations that lave the barren dumps and the decantation lakes. The second aspect is the importance of the reconstruction of vegetation from areas affected by the pollution and the reconstruction of fertile soil layer. There were used technical data from S.C. Cuprumin Abrud, as well as hydrological data and chemical analyses made by the National Administration of Romanian Waters – System of Water Management from Alba.</p><p>Key words: valley lake, inverse sound, decantation lake, barren (sterile) cloudiness, sterile hydromass, acidophil microbiota, bacterial leaching. </p><p>ON THE EFFECTS OF A WASTE PLATFORM ON SOIL POLLUTION NEAR THE CITY OF CLUJ-NAPOCA (ROMANIA)</p><p>H. CACOVEAN*, T. RUSU**, M. BUTA**</p><p>*O.S.PA.-Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Corresponding author: H.CACOVEAN, e-mai: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we studied the influence of waste platform on soil properties of his vicinity. Export of NPS pollution from this area is receiving increasing attention due to concerns regarding excessive nutrient enrichment and eutrophication in streams. Each horizon of nine types of soils was analyzed for establishing the level of the pollution and to offer some solution of mitigation this kind of problems. </p><p>Key words:waste platform, soil pollution</p><p>PEDOLOGICAL FACTORS, COMPONENT OF ARAD COUNTY RURAL AREA H. VLAD*, I. BORZA**, D.ŢĂRĂU**, D. DOLOGA*, A. ILIUŢĂ*, </p><p>C. BÂC*, Dorina FLOREA***.</p><p>*Pedological and Agrochemical Office Arad , **Agricultura land Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania, *** School nr 4 „ I. Slavici „ Arad Coressponding author:H. VLAD, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Vegetation growing conditions (with hard impact on terrain production), together with environmental factors soil characteristics, represent a majour component with multiple manifestations due not only to its own proprieties but also to its depositing capacities for other environement factors influence. As agroecosystems element, the soil may favour productivity through a range of defined specific properties, such as: quantity, quality, equilibrium of nutritive elements, thermic and hydric regime, mineralogic composition, etc. These factors cognition present a considerable practical and theoretical importance. Approached issues refer to a 775.409 ha area of which 511.520 ha of agricultural terrains. The paper presents data referring to soil quality status in our considered area, as basic elements in ecological and technical functions definition of rural area pedological factors.</p><p>Key words: factor, composition element, area, agroecosystem, rural</p><p>QUALITY STATE OF SOILS FROM WEST OF ROMANIA AND MEASURES FOR THEIR FERTILITY RESTORATION</p><p>I. BORZA*, D. ŢĂRĂU *, F. SALA*, Irina ŢĂRĂU**, Mădălina IORDACHE*</p><p>*USAMVB Timişoara, **OSPA Timişoara Corresponding author:Iacob BORZA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract The sustainable management of natural and anthropic resources represents a modern form of land management, which has the aim to maintain and increase the soil fertility and to permit on long term the obtaining of high quality food productions. In the paper are presented the main aspects about natural resources, with special reference to soil cover and its quality state, from the western part of Romania, having a surface by 2,3 millions ha, from which 17 millions ha are agricultural lands. There are succinctly but comprehensive presented aspects referring to the structure of edaphic cover, respectively some restrictive characteristics of their fertility: supplying state with nutrients (N, P, and K), reaction state etc. Finally, basing on obtained results there was presented some aspects referring to several measures necessary for restoration of soils fertility.</p><p>Key words: quality, edaphic, fertility, restoration, resources.</p><p>MORPHOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL AND HYDROPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS: DEFINING ELEMENTS IN ESTABLISHMENT OF MEASURES FOR SUSTAINABLE UTILIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN TIMIŞ COUNTY</p><p>D. ŢĂRĂU *, I. BORZA*, Irina ŢĂRĂU**, Silvica ONCIA*, Mădălina IORDACHE*</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat Timişoara, Romania **OSPA, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Dorin ŢĂRĂU, [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Between the morphological, chemical, physical and hydrophysical characteristics of soils which directly influence the composition and life medium of phytocoenosis and which have a determinant role in establishment of measures for sustainable utilization of soils, used in present by the pedological school from our country, we mention: gleysation, stagnogleysation, reaction, humus reserve and the content of main nutrients (N, P, K), texture, porosity, low edaphic volume etc. Agricultural technological systems have major effects on the main characteristics of soil, as was observed within the researches made in the stationary experiments on long term or different physical models. The approached problematic is referring to 869.665 ha, 702.398 ha being represented by agricultural lands.</p><p>Key words: environment, ecology, limiting, land evolution, area, morphological, sustainability.</p><p>HYDRO-IMPROVEMENT MEASUREMENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS THAT CHANGED THE NATURAL ECOSYSTEM OF BANAT PLAIN </p><p>Silvica ONCIA, Laura ŞMULEAC, Anişoara IENCIU, A. BLENEŞI</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Silvica Oncia, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The present abstract presents the measures through which Banat Plain became a living territory with a healthy life environment. By regulating and banking the water course, and also through works for preventing the humidity excess, the old swamps became fertile plains in our days.</p><p>Key words: regularisation, banking, humidity excess </p><p>CONVERSION AND DYNAMIC REBALANCING PERIOD OF SOIL FERTILITY FOR ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS</p><p>F. SALA, Isidora RADULOV, A. OKROS, F. CRISTA, Adina BERBECEA, Alina LAŢO</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: F. SALA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The goal of the studies and research was to test the contribution of organic fertilisers to the dynamic rebalancing process of soil fertility for the conversion to an ecological agriculture system. In order to achieve our goals, we set field trials within which we tested the impact of an organic fertiliser at different rates (manure: 40, 60, and 80 t/ha) on the regime of soil nutrients and on the rebalancing of soil fertility. There is a lot of research going on in the field, but there are no concrete climate and soil conditions to do it; therefore we need to approach this direction too in the Timisoara area. Research results are favourable and they are readily applicable for a proper conversion to ecological agricultural systems.</p><p>Key words: soil fertility, organic fertilisers, ecological agriculture systems, conversion period, soil fertility dynamics</p><p>ON THE USE OF RESIDUAL CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN SOIL TREATMENT AND PLANT FERTILISATION</p><p>Hortensia RĂDULESCU*, Lidia TAUBERT**, N. BĂGHINĂ*</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **Chemistry Institute of Romanian Academy, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author:Hortensia RĂDULESCU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The industrial process of producing magnesium carbonate and oxide from dolomites by carbon dioxide leaching generates calcium carbonate as waste. Besides calcium carbonate, this precipitate contains magnesium carbonate, which can be useful in agriculture as a soil amendment and fertilizer for low fertile acid soils. The paper shows the effects of soil treatment with four different doses of industrial waste concerning the soil reaction and calcium - magnesium content, simultaneously with the growth process of green oat plants and their calcium - magnesium uptake. The obtained results indicate that soil reaction turns from acid to neutral, while the established increase for calcium soil content reached 51% and 260% for magnesium content, both generated by the highest experimented waste dose. For green oat plants, the results showed an increase by 117% for calcium uptake and 72% for magnesium uptake. The influence determined on the growth reveals a beneficial effect on germination and number of risen plants, a taller size of plants as well as a decrease of dry matter content at harvest time.</p><p>Key words: waste doses, soil reaction, calcium - magnesium content, plant growth</p><p>PROCESSING OF ORTO-FOTO IMAGES FOR READ OUT DATA NECESSARY IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY C. POPESCU, A. ŞMULEAC, Livia BÂRLIBA</p><p>Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului Timişoara Coressponding author:C. POPESCU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract.With preliminary processing aims at modifying the grey level of the pixels in order to obtain an adequate digital image for further processing. The characteristics of the processed image depend on the specific of the application and the destination. In order to improve the photo interpretation process — the accurate determination of the landmarks and cartographic details — a set of methods are applied to reveal the phenomens and objects of interest. The most frequent methods for improving image quality are: contrast improving, image filters, false coloured images, compound colour images and the analysis of the basic components.</p><p>Key words: Remote sensing, processing, spatial filter, classification</p><p>USING SATELLITE IMAGES TO INVENTORY LAND USE CATEGORIES</p><p>C. POPESCU, Valeria CIOLAC, A. ŞMULEAC, F. SALA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Coressponding author:C. POPESCU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Two short definitions of Remote Sensing might be presented as follows: “To study or measure an object without being in physical contact with it” or “feeling without touching”. As defined above, the term generally implies that the sensor is placed at some considerable distance from the sensed target, in contrast to close-in measurements made by "proximate sensing." sometimes given as "in situ" sensing. Remote sensing means aerial photography too. Aerial platforms are primarily stable wing aircraft. Aircraft are often used to collect very detailed images and facilitate the collection of data over virtually any portion of the Earth's surface at any time. The scale and quality of the data collected is affected by several factors including, but not limited to, altitude of the aircraft, position of the plane, and the quality of the photographic equipment used.</p><p>Key words: Remote sensing, sensor, reflectance, resolution.</p><p>STUDY REGARDING URBAN NOISE DURING THE DAY IN TIMISOARA </p><p>Adina HORABLAGA, E. PUTNOKY</p><p>Environmental Protection Agency Timis, Romania Coressponding author: Adina HORABLAGA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract Noise affects population from physical and psychical point of view. If the 40 dB level noise provokes sleeping disorders , a 55 dB level noise creates significant disturbance. At greater levels of 65 dB, noise affects seriously human health, acting in the first place on cardiovascular system and could get to (or aggravate) affections as hypertension, ischemia and others. At levels over 80 dB noise produces progressive and cumulative deterioration of hearing even if is for short time exposure, like minutes. These aspects are underlining impact exposure adjustment importance at noise on population and establishing clear limits for level noise. In general the 50 dB value is considered as being the most adequate maximum limit admitted during day time for equivalently exterior buildings noise level, in urban environment. In this paper we try to emphasize the significant impact of road traffic in the urban noise generation and the fact that urban noise is the only environmental factor that degrades its quality with the passing of time..</p><p>Key words: noise, dB, level noise, people, traffic</p><p>NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING THE NOISE IN TIMISOARA CITY</p><p>Adina HORABLAGA, E. PUTNOKY</p><p>Environmental Protection Agency Timis, Romania Coressponding author: Adina HORABLAGA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract From the total number of registered notifications at LEPA, the percentage of 35% is concerning the noise level. Noise notifications distribution, after the claimed activity is the following one: 35% is referring to the firms activity which are near residential areas, 44% at the music played inside the bars, restaurants, terraces, clubs and discos, 3% road traffic, 1% construction activities and 17% diverse (auto alarms, neighbours, different installations, animals, etc.).</p><p>Key word : noise, dB, level noise, Timisoara, notification, people, traffic CLIMATE CHARACTERIZATION DURING 2005 - 2006</p><p>V. D. MIRCOV*, Jelena MARINKOVICI**, St. TYR*** *Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, România **Institute of Novi Sad, Serbia ***Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia Coressponding author: V. MIRCOV, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Characterising climate supposes analysing the evolution in space and time of the different climate parameters during the years 2005 and 2006 at meteorological stations in the Banat area. The varied relief, whose auditorium-like distribution opens to the south and west, allows the penetration of moister air masses from north-west or from south turning Banat’s climate into a moderate-continental climate with ocean and sub-Mediterranean influences.</p><p>Key words: thermal regime, rainfall regime, hail, storm, snow storm, ice deposit, fog.</p><p>RISK ASPECTS DURING THE PERIOD 2003-2005 IN WESTERN ROMANIA</p><p>V. D. MIRCOV</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Faculty of Agriculture, Timişoara, România Correspondence author: Vlad MIRCOV; E- mail: [email protected] Coressponding author: V. MIRCOV, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Characterising climate supposes analysing the evolution in space and time of the different climate parameters during the period 2003-2005 at meteorological stations in the Banat area. The varied relief, whose auditorium-like distribution opens to the south and west, allows the penetration of moister air masses from north-west or from south turning Banat’s climate into a moderate-continental climate with ocean and sub-Mediterranean influences.</p><p>Key words: thermal regime, rainfall regime, hail, storm, snowstorm, ice deposit.</p><p>STUDIES CONCERNING THE BRINGING THE LAW No 1/2000 CONCERNING FOREST CADASTRE INTO OPERATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW FOREST PLANNING IN BRESTOVĂŢ (TIMIS COUNTY)</p><p>C. BÂRLIBA, C. POPESCU, Luminiţa Livia BÂRLIBA, Stela HAMZA </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Costel BARLIBA, e-mail: barlibacostel@ yahoo.com</p><p>Abstract. The paper is written on the basis of the present legislation; it was made for the tabulation and dismembering of a forest plot. The forest cadastre is concerned with the inventory of all the areas with forest vegetation. Its aim is that of rational forest exploitation, new forest development and also revising the forest planning which exist on each administrative division. The measurements and data processing were made with the help of computers.</p><p>Key words: Trimble 3305 DR total station, forest planning, cadastral work</p><p>CONTRIBUTION CONCERNING THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBURBS OF TIMISOARA (TIMIS COUNTY) WITH A VIEW TO EUROPEAN UNION INTEGRATION</p><p>C. BÂRLIBA*, G. ELEŞ**, Luminiţa Livia BÂRLIBA*, Stela HAMZA*</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **Universitatea „Politehnica”, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Costel BARLIBA, e-mail: barlibacostel@ yahoo.com Abstract. The paper presents the topographic measurements for the tabulation of a 16 ha pasture outside Giarmata, Timis County. The measurements were made for definitively removing the plot from the agricultural circuit and giving it another destination in the field of road construction, and also for planning a future recreation base there. The work was done with the help of modern devices (Leica TCR 705), and the data processing was performed with the local projection system, with stereographic projection type 1970. Key words: cadastral work, agricultural circuit, plot dismembering, Leica TCR 705 total station</p><p>HUMIDITY CONDITIONS IN THE BANAT’S PLAIN IN THE PERIOD 2003 – 2006</p><p>Abstract: In the present paper are showed the humidity conditions in three locations from Banat Field: Sânnicolau Mare, Timişoara and Banloc. The agricultural year 2003-2004 is characterization as temperate dry in all locations, unlike 2004-2005 year that is wet to temperate wet. The agricultural year 2005-2006 is feting in normal limits, being a temperate dry year with an arid vegetative period. </p><p>Key words: evapotranspiration, rainfall, humidity conditions, climatic indicators</p><p>THE ANALYSIS OF MULTIANNUAL VARIATION OF TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION RELATED TO THE DESERTIFICATION RISK IN THE BANAT’S PLAIN Veronica POPA, I. BORZA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Veronica POPA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The desertification risk is a real phenomenon in Romania and it is closely related to climate evolution. The study of multiannual variation of temperature and of precipitation, as well as its tendency emphasises the sinusoid oscillation translating the characteristic cyclicity on the basis of an increase of the first parameter and of a decrease of the second one.</p><p>Key words: gliding average, temperature and precipitation variation and tendency, desertification risk</p><p>ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF VALORISING FALLOWS IN THE FĂGET – MARGINA – COŞAVA AREA (TIMIS COUNTY, ROMANIA)</p><p>D.-S. BISTREAN*, I. BORZA**, G.-G. ARSENE** *School of Margina, Timis County, Romania **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Daniel-Simion BISTREAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. In this paper, we approach an issue of importance in ecological reconstruction related to the dynamics of plant species on fallows in the Faget – Margina – Cosava area (Timis County). The area under study covers 400 km 2 if we take into account all the fallows aged 1-7 after grain or tillage crops. In the study of the flora, we used the two steps – field and lab – and phyto-coenologic research in the area are based on the principles of the Central-European floristic school with broad application in the study of the vegetal cover in Europe and applied for the first time in Romania by Borza (1984). As a result of the study on the sampling areas we managed to inventory the superior plant species on the fallows and the characteristics of the flora and vegetation (number of families, number of species, height of the vegetal cover, stratification, and mosaic-like configuration), and phyto-geographical, biological, ecological, and economic indices. In this paper we also refer to the evolving trends of the phyto-coenoses, the changes it undergoes, its dynamics, and man- made activities</p><p>Key words: valorising fallows, specific biodiversity, ecological restoration, flora and vegetation.</p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF CONVENTIONAL AND REDUCED SOIL TILLAGE AND DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION TREATMENTS ON SOIL BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES UNDER CROPPING OF COMMON PEAS</p><p>M. MACÁK, Š. TÝR, J. SMATANA, Eva DEMJANOVÁ, Eva CANDRÁKOVÁ Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Milan MACÁK, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of conventional and reduced tillage and fertilization on seasonal dynamics of basal respiration, soil organic matter and total content of nitrogen in topsoil layer by growing of common pea. The results refer to 2001-2003 years. The experimental site belongs to warm and moderate arid climatic region in the south-west of Slovakia. Common pea was growing in crop rotation: clover (Trifolium pratense L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) - common pea (Pisum sativum L.) - maize (Zea mays L.) - spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under different tillage and residue management practices. Three fertilization management practices as follows: 0- zero level without fertilization, F- mineral fertilizer calculated to the designed yield level, PR - incorporation above- ground plant material with mineral fertilizer for the balance equilibrium level. Mouldboard ploughing (0.2-0.22m) and disking (0.10-0.12m) was used. The soil samples were collected from the 0.075m topsoil layer three times (spring, summer and autumn samples). No significant differences of soil basal respiration between conventional (22.7 mg/1000g/day) and reduce tillage (23.4 mg/1000g/day) in topsoil layer has been noted. The average content of C ox was in interval 1.04%-1.16% without significant influence of tillage treatments. The significant changes of C: N ratio were influenced predominantly by variability of Nt content. The high level of basal respiration and flux of CO2 from unfertilized zero treatments and treatments with mineral fertilization (23.4 - 22.07 mg/1000g/day) are serious threat for the soil organic matter pool from long term perspective. </p><p>Key words: soil respiration, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, crop sequences, common pea</p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF SOIL TILLAGE ON SOIL MOISTURE PARAMETERS UNDER CROPPING OF MAIZE</p><p>J. SMATANA, M. MACÁK, Eva DEMJANOVÁ, Jana PORHAJAŠOVÁ</p><p>Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Milan MACÁK, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The aim of the study was to determine the main factors influencing the variability of soil moisture under canopy of maize growing in monoculture and in crop rotation subjected to conventional and reduced tillage treatments. The experimental sites belong to warm and moderate arid climatic region with long term average precipitation 580 mm and 9.6 ˚C temperature and 173 m altitude. The maize was growing in following crop rotation: winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – maize (Zea mays L.) – spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) – common pea (Pisum sativum L.). The mouldboard ploughing (conventional tillage) to the depth 0.3 m and shallow loosening to the depth 0.1 m and its influence on soil moisture in six layer has been evaluated. Samples were taken five times per year with tree replication in six layers (each 0.1m thick). Seasonal dynamics with influence of weather and growing crops have been ascertained. According three year field trials we confirm no significant differences of soil moisture between primary conventional tillage and reduced tillage treatments under canopy of maize growing in crop rotation and growing as single cropping. Total average of moisture content under reduced tillage revealed the less infiltration rate with comparison to conventional mouldboard ploughing. The highest variability of soil moisture was induced by date of sampling and crop rotation which is important tool for better management of soil moisture balance under canopy of maize.</p><p>Key words: tillage systems, soil moisture, crop rotation, monoculture, maize</p><p>EFFECTS OF NITROGEN FERTILISING ON THE DYNAMICS OF MINERAL NITROGEN IN THE SOIL UNDER MAIZE INBRED LINES </p><p>Zdravko HOJKA*, Ivica ĐALOVIĆ**, Mirko GRUBIŠIĆ***</p><p>*Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade–Zemun, Serbia **University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy–Čačak, Cara Dusana 34, 32000 Čačak, Serbia ***ITNMS, Belgrade, Serbia Coressponding author: Zdravko HOJKA, E–mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The study was carried out in the experimental filed of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, on calcareous chernozem in the period 2001-2003. The traits of two maize inbred lines (L 1–FAO 400 and L2–FAO 600) were observed in dependence on the two fertiliser variants: No–control without fertilising; Nmin–PK (const.) + fertilising in spring on the basis of the Nmin method, and forms of applied nitrogen: Urea (amidic form), KAN (ammonium-nitrate form) and (NH4)2SO4 (ammonium form). The highest amount of (NH4+NO3)–N in the soil (0–120 cm) in the silking stage -1 -1 of maize inbred lines was recorded in 2002 (72.6 kg ha ), under the inbred line L2 (84.0 kg ha ) and in the treatment -1 with Urea (86.4 kg ha ). The amount of NH3 –N and (NH4+NO3)–N in the soil (0-120 cm) measured at the end of the growing season of observed maize inbred lines was the highest in the second year of investigation (48.9 and 55.8 kg ha -1, respectively). The application of nitrogen in the amidic form highly significantly affected the increase of the amount of -1 accessible nitrogen in the soil at the end of the growing period in the inbred L1 (46.3 kg ha ), while the application of different nitrogen forms did not express statistical significance in the inbred L2</p><p>Key words: nitrogen fertilizing, nitrogen form, mineral nitrogen in soil, maize inbred lines</p><p>EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION ON MICROBIAL ABUNDANCE IN SUGARBEET RHIZOSPHERE</p><p>Nastasija MRKOVAČKI, Jelena MARINKOVIĆ, N. ČAČIĆ</p><p>Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia Corresponding author: Nastasija MRKOVAČKI, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Microorganisms are a heterogeneous group of organisms whose enzymatic systems take 60-90% of the total metabolic activity in soil. Dominance of certain groups of microorganisms affects the processes of soil synthesis and decomposition and it determines the quality of soil and its applicability for the production of safe food. The nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixer Azotobacter is an obligate aerobe living in the soil, the rhizosphere and the plant root. The ability of various strains to fix atmospheric N positively affects plant growth and yields. In this study we have determined the abundance of azotobacter, fungi, actinomycetes and the total number of microorganizms in sugarbeet rhizosphere. Simultaneously we studied the effect of application of nitrogen fertilizer, manure and harvest residues. Samples of rhi- zosphere soil were taken three times in the course of growing season (May, July, September) the ex-periment included two variants (inoculated with azotobacter and noninoculated) in four fertilization levels (nonfertilized control, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha), in five replication. The results of the stu-dy for all four fertilization types and all four levels of added N showed that azotobacter abundance was higher in inoculated treatments than unino-culated ones. The highest percentage increases of azotobacter numbers, total microbial abundance and number of fungi and actinomycetes were recor-ded in the inoculated treatments with barnyard ma-nure, NPK fertilizer, and barnyard manure plus harvest residues, respectively. In inoculated and uninoculated treatments alike, the highest azoto-bacter abundance was found in the treatment with no N added, while the lowest was recorded in the treatment with 200 kg N/ha added. The highest total microbial abundance was obtained with 100 kg N/ha in inoculated treatments and 200 kg N/ha in uninoculated ones.</p><p>Key words: soil, microorganisms, rhizosphere, sugarbeet </p><p>HUMUS CONTENT IN PSEUDOGLEY SOIL DEPENDING ON LAND USE</p><p>M. JELIĆ*, G. DUGALIĆ**, B. GAJIĆ***, I. ĐALOVIĆ**</p><p>*Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pristina, Serbia **Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac, Serbia ***Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Miodrag JELIĆ, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents data on humus contents in 109 profiles of pseudogley soils in Kraljevo environs under three different forms of land use: arable land, meadow and forest. Soil analysis showed that forest pseudogley soils had the highest content of humus in the humus horizon, 5.99% on the average, while meadow soils followed with 3.37% and arable land with the lowest average humus content of 3.31%. The high content of humus and a tendency of its increase in forest pseudogley soils indicate deteriorating conditions regarding the mineralization of organic matter, which leads to intensification of its accumulation in soil. Well aerated arable land was found to undergo more intensive mineralization of organic matter and more intensive utilization, which decreases the content of humus. In the subhumus horizon, humus content was considerably lower, 1.99% on the average in forest soils, 1.27% in arable land and 1.15% in meadow soils. Humus contents were also found to vary considerably, their values in the humus horizon ranging from 2.85% to 9.68% in forest soils, from 2.01 to 6.03% in meadow soils and from 2.02 to 4.63% in arable land soils. In the subhumus layer of the profile, the most evident vatriation was registered in the arable land variant (0.44-4.01) of pseudogley (0.24-2.04). This high variation of humus contents in the pseudogley soils examined, especially forest soils, indicate very different amounts of organic residues as well as different conditions of their degradation, accumulation and humification</p><p>Key words: humus, pseudogley soil, land use</p><p>THE ROLE OF FERTILISERS IN CONSERVING SOIL FERTILITY</p><p>Gorica CVIJANOVIĆ*, Ivica ĐALOVIC**., Miladin VESKOVIĆ*, Drago CVIJANOVIĆ***</p><p>*Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje,–Zemun, Serbia, **Faculty of Agronomy–Serbia ***Institute of Agricultural Economics–Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Gorica CVIJANOVIĆ, E–mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In order to maintain the existing level of the soil fertility, nutrients taken out are necessary to be returned to the soil by the yield. It is allowed to use all available sources in the course of returning of nutrients taken out. This paper presents results gained on the effects of fertilisation methods on the yield of the maize hybrid ZP SC 704, then on the dynamics of organic matter in the soil and the abundance of important systemic and physiological groups of microorganisms that provide soil biogeny. The following fertilisers were applied in the maize crop: mineral fertilisers in the rates of 332 and 664 kg ha-1, ploughed down stover, as an organic matter (each year in the amount of 8,000 kg ha -1), combinations of mineral nitrogen and stover ploughed down, manure in the amount of two-three animal units per hectare. It was determined that observed parameters (amount of organic matter, degree of organic matter transformation into soil organic matter, the abundance of certain systemic and physiological groups of microorganisms), as well as, the nitrogen content, were significantly increased in variants with ploughed down organic matter and mineral fertilisers. According to obtained results it was determined that a long term application of mineral fertilisers did not significantly affect the changes of the organic matter content in the soil nor it decreased the soil productivity. A long term application of organic fertilisers in the form of stover and manure very significantly increased the content of organic mater and elements of biogeny in the soil, whereby a positive effect of the combination of organic mater and mineral fertilisers was particularly pronounced. Such a method of fertilising in the crop production undoubtedly satisfies the fundamental principles of organic agriculture (organic food production with the ecological and economical effect).</p><p>Key words: soil, fertilisers, organic mater, nitrogen, microorganisms. </p><p>NEW ASPECTS REGARDING THE ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY OF THE TRANSYLVANIAN ENTIANTROSOILS (ROMANIA)</p><p>Gh. BLAGA, IOANA CĂTINAŞ, LAURA PAULETTE, I. PĂCURAR, V. OPREA, M. BUTA, MIHAELA MĂRGINEAN, I. SĂRAC</p><p>University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, România Corresponding author: Gheorghe BLAGA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Through surface excavation of coal at mining excavation Sărmăşag, Sălaj County, is mainly degraded, eutricambosoil molic and through the levelling the dumps is formed the typical entiantrosoil. As further investigation regarding the enzymatic activity of entiantrosoils from Transylvania, this paper presents the enzymatic activity of entiantrosoils which results from mining excavation Mirsid, Sălaj County. To fulfil the aim proposed soil samples have been taken from two profiles on three depths 0-20 cm, 40-60 cm, and 80-100 cm which have been according to the extent laboratory methodology for laboratories of soil biology. The results show that the enzymatic activity to these three depths is very low in comparison with the enzymatic activity of areas degraded soil (molic eutricambosoil). The values of dehydrogenase vary between 0.20 and 0.80 limits, the values of catalase vary between 10 and 85 and the saccharose values vary between 0.15 and 0.35. We have to mention that we cannot make any kind of correlation between these values and the soil sample depths. This thing can be explain through the heterogeneity of the dump material. Without a selective uncovering, the vegetable layer frequently reaches in the depth. </p><p>Key words: enzymatic activity, entiantrosoils</p><p>MODIFICATIONS OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PRELUVOSOIL FROM ORADEA UNDER DIFFERENT BASE TILLAGE OF THE SOIL AND THE INFLUENCE ON WHEAT YIELD</p><p>Maria ŞANDOR*, C. DOMUŢA**, Cornelia CIOBANU** *Agricultural Research and Development Station, Oradea, Romania **University of Oradea, Romania Corresponding author: C. DOMUŢA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper is based on the researches carried out in a long term trial placed in 1995. The most unfavourable values of the bulk density, total porosity, and penetration resistance were determined in the variant with disk roller; it is followed by variant with plough land of 12 cm depth and chisel; the most favourable values were registered in the variant with summer plough land of 20 cm depth. In the last 3 years, in comparison with the variant of summer plough land of 20 cm, in the others variant the lost yield were of 27,2-49,2% in the variant with disk roller,, of 19,1-25,4% in the variant with chisel and of 11,8-32,1% in the variant with plough land of 12 cm. The results emphasized the importance of summer plough land in the conditions of the soil with 31.5% colloid clay.</p><p>Key words: bulk density, total porosity, penetration resistance, hydraulic conductivity, plough land, and yield</p><p>IMPACT OF LONG -TERM APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS, MANURE AND LIME ON THE PH-VALUE OF BROWN LUVIC SOILS IN NORTH-WESTERN ROMANIA</p><p>Gh. CIOBANU, Cornelia CIOBANU, C. DOMUŢA, A. VUŞCAN, Gh. SARCA</p><p>University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania Corresponding author: Gheorghe CIOBANU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In Romania was elaborated since 1968 a stationary long term experiments with fertilizers and lime in all the Agricultural Research Stations belongs to Research Institute from Fundulea. The experiments was set up using a unitary scheme for knowing the evolution of soil fertility and the influence of fertilizers and lime rates and combinations on level and quality yield of different crops. The brown luvic soil from North-West part of Romania is a medium soil, provide with the principal nutritive elements, with a weak acid reaction in the ploughing horizon. In this paper are presented the results regarding the influence of fertilizers and lime rates and combinations on pH values of brown luvic soil from North-West part of Romania. Long term fertilization with nitrogen determined the decrease of pH values and the increase of mobile aluminium content up to the phytotoxicity level. Lime application determined the increase of pH values and the decrease of mobile aluminium content obtaining positive effects on yield.</p><p>Key words: long term experiments, chemical fertilizers, soil reaction</p><p>INFLUENCE OF CROP ROTATION AND GREEN MANURE ON WHEAT YIELD IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE ERODED SOILS OF BIHOR (ROMANIA)</p><p>C. DOMUŢA, Gh. CIOBANU, Maria ŞANDOR, Alina SAMUEL, Cornelia CIOBANU, N. C. SABĂU, V. ŞCHEAU, Ioana BORZA, Cr. DOMUŢA</p><p>University of Oradea, România Corresponding author: C. DOMUŢA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper is based on the results researches obtained during 2004 – 2006 in Oradea. In the crop rotation of 4 years with clover in comparison with wheat – maize crop, the yield gains statistically assured were obtained both in the variants with organic fertilization and in the variant with organic + chemical fertilization. The use of the mixture lupine + oat in this crop rotation determined to obtain yield gains in comparison with variants with lupine, pure crop as green manure; yield obtained using lupine + oat were close to the yield from variant with manure 25 t/ha. Meliorative crop rotation and fertilization determined the improve of the water use efficiency in comparison with the controls; water use efficiency from variants with lupine + oat was bigger than water use efficiency obtained in the variant with lupine, too.</p><p>Key words: crop rotation, green manure, yield, wheat.</p><p>THE BEARING OF SOME GEOLOGICAL DEPOSITIONS RELATIVE TO THE ACCESSIBILITY OF ROOTS AT DEEP ROOTING SPECIES IN OLTENIA MINING BAY</p><p>Gh. CRAIOVEANU, Lucica SÎRBU, C. NEGREA, I. CĂLINOIU </p><p>Agrochemical and Pedological Studies Office, Targu-Jiu, Romania Corresponding author: Gheorghe CRAIOVEANU, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches were performed on arranged fields in Oltenia Mining Bay, and they are incomplete and concern the accessibility of root system at deep rooted species in edaphically environments with gross medium texture. The paper sets apart the causes which do some edaphically media could not be pierced by the root system of plants.</p><p>Key-words: ecological reconstruction, biometrical measurements, knots, disintegrated mineral part.</p><p>HYDRIC SOILS OF BANAT</p><p>Gh. ROGOBETE, Adia GROZAV Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adia GROZAV, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Hydric soils have formed under conditions of saturation, flooding or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions. Reduced soil materials have a gleyic colour, bluish to greenish and Gr is present in the first 50 cm in the upper part of soil. Oximorphic properties apply to soil materials at surface layers of soils with fluctuating ground water level, marked by reddish brown, orange or yellowish mottles. </p><p>Key words: Gleysols, oxidation, reduction, potential, redox</p><p>LIMITING FACTORS OF SOIL FERTILITY IN THE ARANCA PLAIN</p><p>L. NIŢĂ, I. RUSU, Simona NIŢĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania</p><p>Corresponding author: Lucian NITA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The area is represented by a single relief unit, the plain, which has the aspect of a wide alluvial area of subsidence and divagation, on which parasite numerous abandoned waterbeds representing the old water courses of the river Aranca and of its affluents. The impact and action in time of soil and climate factors (relied, rock, clime, hydrology) as well as man’s intervention through important hydro-ameliorative works started more than 200 years ago, determined the existence itself of a cover of soils with strong complexity and diversity.</p><p>Key words: limiting factors, salinisation, humus reserve, compactness, moisture excess</p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF RESIDUAL ORGANIC FERTILIZATION UPON WINTER WHEAT GRAIN YIELD AND SOME SOIL CHEMICAL PROPERTIES IN THE WINTER WHEAT – MAIZE CROP ROTATION </p><p>Isidora RADULOV, Alina LATO, Adina BERBECEA, F. SALA, F. CRISTA </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Isidora Radulov, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper presents the results of three-year investigations of residual organic fertilization for winter wheat in the crop rotation: winter wheat – maize on cambic chernozem from Timisoara. Efficiency of organic residual fertilization with respect to the winter wheat grain yield varied over the three-year research period. Higher yields were obtained with residual organic fertilization compared to control and standard mineral fertilization. Organic residual fertilization leads to an increase of soil pH, total exchange capacity, and degree of base saturation.</p><p>Key words: organic fertilization, soil chemical properties, wheat grain yield </p><p>MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME TYPES OF SOIL FROM THE WESTERN PLAIN</p><p>Renata ŞUMĂLAN, Veronica POPA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Renata Şumălan , e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The microbiological study he materialized in the estimation of the groups of microorganisms: eubacteria, actinomycetes, micromicetes, and the evaluation of the biologic activity of the soils through the determination of potential respiration. The soils taken into consideration having as characteristic feature the gleyic horizon. The determinations were made in the summer and in the autumn, in climatic condition afferent of the year 2006. </p><p>Key words: soil microflora, plating method, soil respiration capacity</p><p>STUDIES CONCERNING CHEMICAL FEATURES OF SOME INDUSTRIAL RESIDUES TO BE USED AS FERTILIZING RESOURCES Adina BERBECEA, Isidora RADULOV, Alina LATO, F. SALA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Adina Berbecea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract This paper represent an analyse of some industrial residues in purpose to be used as alternative fertilizing resources, in context of energy and raw material crises in inorganic fertilizers industry. We present the main ways in removing these kinds of residues and determine its chemical features.</p><p>Key words: sewage sludge, chemical features, fertilizing resource</p><p>THE QUALITATIVE APRECIATION OF THE SOILS FROM THE COJOCNA HILLS - THE TRANSILVANIAN PLAIN</p><p>M. BUTA*, Gh. BLAGA*, I. PĂCURAR*, H. CACOVEAN*, Erzsebet CSOK**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania **O.S.P.A., Cluj-Napoca, Romania Corresponding author: Buta MIHAI, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the situation of soils productivity of the soil cover of the Cojocna Hills. For that purpose we have tried to characterize the morphological unit, climate, vegetation and soils covers occurring within this area. In this framework, on the basis of data from field and laboratory investigations, the soils of this region were analyzed in categories of soils favourability. Five classes of favourability are presented, each class including a varied number of situations. The correlation between soil taxonomic and land site productiveness of this region is also shown. </p><p>Key words: favourability category, pretability, soil </p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF MINERAL AND ORGANIC FERTILIZATION UPON THE APPLE TREE YIELD IN INTENSIVE SYSTEM CULTURE IN TIMISOARA</p><p>Olimpia Alina IORDĂNESCU, Casiana MIHUŢ, Aurelia BLIDARIU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Casiana Mihuţ, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The research made in the fruit trees plantation of Didactic Station in Timisoara cultivated in intensive system observed the growing of apple tree yield after mineral and organic fertilization during three years (2003, 2004, and 2005). The experience was made on the Generos de Voineşti variety grafted on M26 and planted at 2 m distance on the row and 4 m distance between the rows. M26 rootstock, used mainly in super-intensive system, gives to the tree high productions and good quality fruits.</p><p>Key words: soil, productions, apple culture, intensive system</p><p>MODIFICATION OF TOTAL POROSITY AND OF AERATION POROSITY ACCORDING TO THE POSITION ON A CAMBIC CHERNOZEM FROM THE PLANTATION OF THE DIDACTIC STATION TIMISOARA IN DIFFERENT CULTURE SYSTEMS</p><p>Casiana MIHUŢ, I. RUSU, V. ŞTEFAN, L. NIŢĂ, Anişoara DUMA-COPCEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Casiana Mihuţ, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This work presents the modification of some physical features of soils: of the total and aeration porosity from the plantation of the Didactic Station Timisoara on the tree row and between the tree rows in apple tree intensive and super intensive culture during the three years of research (2003, 2004, 2005).</p><p>Key words: total porosity, aeration porosity THE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION UPON THE CONTENT OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND KALIUM IN THE INTENSIVE SYSTEM APPLE TREE PLANTATION OF DIDACTIC STATION IN TIMIŞOARA</p><p>Casiana MIHUŢ, Olimpia Alina IORDĂNESCU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Casiana Mihuţ, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This work presents the content of the cambic chernozem in total nitrogen assimilate phosphorus and kalium in the intensive system apple tree plantation of Didactic Station Timişoara after fertilization with mineral and organic fertilizers during 2003-2005.</p><p>Key words: study, intensive system, soil, nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium</p><p>SOIL FAVOURABILITY AROUND BERZOVIA (CARAŞ-SEVERIN COUNTY) FOR MAIN CROPS AND AGRICULTURAL UTILIZATION</p><p>K. LAŢO, I. RUSU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Laţo Karel, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The researches that were made around Berzovia shows the capability of main soil types for different utilizations of lands and agricultural crops. They shows the evaluation marks for the four soil types, calculated after the physical and chemical properties who are found in pedological studies in the last 10 years.</p><p>Key words: soil, capability, fertility class, indicators and coefficients of soil evaluation.</p><p>RESULTS REGARDING THE SEWAGE SLUDGE APPLICATION OVER THE MAIZE YIELD QUANTITY AND QUALITY BETWEEN 2003 AND 2005 </p><p>Alina LAŢO, M. GOIAN, Isidora RADULOV, F. CRISTA, Adina BERBECEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alina Laţo, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This paper presents the influence of sewage sludge fertilization upon the quantity and quality of maize crop. The researches were made on the cambic chernozem of Didactic Station from Timisoara. After maize harvest were calculating the yields and were made plant’s analysis to follow the next indicators: total nitrogen, raw protein, phosphorus content, and potassium content from the maize grains.</p><p>Key words: sewage sludge, yield, fertilization, maize crop quality</p><p>SOIL FERTILIZATION IN CONTROLLED REGIME: ADVANTAGES OF MICRO GRANULATED FERTILIZERS </p><p>F. CRISTA, M. GOIAN </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Florin Crista, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: An important part in increasing the agricultural production and in obtaining a high operating efficiency and superior quality is taken by soil fertilization in controlled regime using micro granulated fertilizers.</p><p>Key words: micro granulated fertilizers, granulated fertilizers, fertilization, advantages</p><p>PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE MAIN SOILS IN THE MEHEDINTI COUNTY</p><p>Anişoara DUMA COPCEA, Casiana MIHUŢ, S. COPCEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Anişoara Duma-Copcea, e-mail:[email protected] Abstract: Knowing in detail yielding and technological features, favouring and restricting factors of agricultural production on each land portion both from the point of view of present response and of real possibilities of turning them into better ones can be, for the decision-maker a precious tool in achieving the most suited practical measures of producing plant biomass in a dynamics well correlated with environmental ecological requirements.</p><p>Key words: soil, profile, characteristics</p><p>ON THE SUITABILITY OF SOME SOILS IN THE DISTRICT OF MEHEDINŢI FOR DIFFERENT CROPS</p><p>Anişoara DUMA-COPCEA , Casiana MIHUŢ, S. COPCEA, M. STROIA, V. ŞTEFAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Anişoara Duma-Copcea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The study, carried shows the suitability of some soils for different use categories and crops in the District of Mehedinţi. For calculating the note class and finding out the fertility classes, 10 soils (types and subtypes), which extend on larger surfaces in Mehedinti County have been studied.</p><p>Key words: favourability, culture, fertility class</p><p>NATURAL FRAME OF RECAŞ VITICULTURE CENTRE (TIMIŞ COUNTY) </p><p>Ő. ADALBERT, I. RUSU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Okros Adalbert, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper, we studied the natural frame of Recas viticulture centre from Timis County. Are presented in this paperwork elements regarding the geographical emplacement, climate, and predominant types of soil and the development perspectives of grape culture by taking in new lands. Recas place has a long tradition in grape cultivation for table and wine grapes. In time places occupied with grapevine was very large up to 1600 ha. In the past 14 years, this surface knows a diminutions but in the present, we can observe that is made high investments and an increase of the surface cultivated with grape on old emplacement and on new terrains. </p><p>Key words: natural frame, grape centre, climate, soil, development</p><p>TYPICAL HAPLIC LUVISOILS AND EUTRIC CAMBISOILS GLEYI-STAGNIC PRETABILITY FROM RECAŞ (TIMIŞ COUNTY)</p><p>M. S. STROIA, I. RUSU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Marius Stroia, e-mail: mariussilviu [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Increasing yields and agricultural lands fertility are directly determined by detailed knowledge of soil solidification process, evolution, and supply with main nutrients. Previous researches concern numerous analytic data for a period of over 40 years an interval in which numerous changes have occurred both in soil features ad in research methodology, mapping, and improvement. A soil features are dynamic and in concordance with soilification conditions, it is imperious to re-evaluate physical and chemical properties, nutrient supply condition and yielding capacity of the main soil in the Timiş county.</p><p>Key words: soil, taxonomic unity, pretability</p><p>THE EVOLUTION OF THE CLIMATIC ENVIRONMENT SPECIFIC TO THE RECAŞ VITICULTURE AGRO ECOSYSTEM</p><p>Iasmina SAVESCU, M. GOIAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author Iasmina Savescu, e-mail: iasmina_savescu @yahoo.com Abstract: This paper shows the results of the climatologic studies made at the viticulture agro ecosystem of Recaş. They emphasise the quality vocation of the viticulture agro ecosystem under study, the optimal and restrictive climatic factors, as well as their evolution during the last decades.</p><p>Key words: climatic environment, Recaş viticulture agro ecosystem</p><p>THE INFLUENCE OF THE MINERAL FERTILIZATION UPON BUDS VIABILITY ON FRUIT CORDS AT FEW WINES GRAPES VARIETIES IN RECAS VITICULTURAL CENTER CONDITIONS</p><p>Elisabeta KOCIS, M. GOIAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Elisabeta Kocis e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This paper research the mineral fertilization influence in different doses, upon buds viability at Pinot Noir, Riesling Italian, and Feteasca neagra varieties. Because of buds last on winter's time, bud's viability on fruit cords control is a compulsory study. Buds lost depend on minimum temperatures, on frost's time on vine physiological state and on applied agrotechnics.</p><p>Key words: fertilization, cords, viability, wines grapes varieties</p><p>ESSAI DE DIFFERENCIATION DES POPULATIONS DE CARABUS (EUCARABUS) ULRICHI GERM. DU BANAT</p><p>J. BARLOY*, F. PRUNAR**</p><p>*AGRENA-ENSA, Rennes, France **Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médicine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timisoara, Romania Autour correspondance: Florin PRUNAR: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé: Au Banat, dans les entomocénoses du Genre Carabus L., Carabus (Eucarabus) ulrichi Germ. constitue presque la moitié des effectifs. Cette abondance explique le grand nombre de taxons décrits mais souvent invalidés faute de critères précis. L’étude présentée tente de différencier diverses populations du Banat, par référence a des origines roumaines plus septentrionales et en retenant des critères morphométriques et de polychromie (pourcentage d’individus non cuivreux bronzé). Les critères biométriques les plus pertinents semblent être le ratio pronotal h/l (h = hauteur, l = largeur maximale) et le rapport de forme (h/l) x (L/l) ou L = longueur de l’imago et l = plus grande largeur des élytres.</p><p>Mots clé : Carabus (Eucarabus) ulrichi Germ., critères biométriques.</p><p>CARABUS (EUCARABUS) OBSOLETUS STURM. 1815 (SSP. CARPATHICUS PALL. 1825 ET SSP. FOSSUFER FLEISCH. 1893-PARANAGYAGENSIS LIE 1990) AU SUD-OUEST DE LA ROMANIE</p><p>J. BARLOY*, F. PRUNAR**</p><p>*AGRENA-ENSA, Rennes, France **Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médicine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timisoara, Romania Autour correspondance: Florin PRUNAR: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé: Au Banat C. (Eucarabus) obsoletus Sturm 1815 assez localisé est représenté par deux sous espèces : - ssp. carpathicus Palliardi 1825 rencontré aux piémonts des Monts Semenic et Poiana Rusca et sa forme d’altitude euchromus dans la partie sommitale des mêmes massifs montagneux. - ssp. fossulifer Fleischer 1839 avec sa forme paranagyagensis Lie 1990 dans les lisières forestières bordant la rivière Mures. La distinction entre euchromus et carpathicus porte essentiellement sur les dimensions, enchromus ayant un pronotum légèrement plus transversal. Avec l’abaissement de l’altitude, la taille s’accroît et le taux de mélanisation augmente. La forme paranagyagensis diffère de carpathicus par des élytres proportionnellement plus larges (ratio L/l 1,46 contre 1,62), des fovéas plus larges et enfoncées, et seulement deux coloris dominants (brun doré, bleu). </p><p>Mots clé : C. (Eucarabus) obsoletus Sturm., subespeces, morphologie, répartition.</p><p>OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE COMUNICATIONS, INTERACTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR OF BOVINES ON PASTURE R. PALICICA, Mihaela Liana FERICEAN, Olga TOMA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Radu PALICICA, e-mail: radupalicica @yahoo.com</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we studied the possibilities of using slag from metallurgical industry as fertilizing resources, in row materials deficit and environmental protection context. Furnace slag and steel slag which result from steel obtaining process on metallurgic plants, were analyzed for establishing fertilizing capacities and for metal content determination As biologic material, we used cows of the Bruna breed belonging to some households in Varfurile (Country of Arad). </p><p>Key words: comportment, caws, pasture </p><p>ESPECES DU GENRE CARABUS L. DANS LES PRAIRIES ET QUELQUES AGROECOSYSTEMES DU BANAT</p><p>F. PRUNAR*, J. BARLOY**, I. PĂLĂGEŞIU*, Ioana GROZEA* </p><p>*Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timisoara, Romania **AGRENA-ENSA Rennes, France Autour correspondance Florin PRUNAR: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé : Le Genre Carabus L. est présent au Banat avec 22 espèces parmi lesquelles la plupart sont répandues dans des zones prairiales. Les observations sont faites dans les années 2000- 2006 dans diverses stations avec une analyse de la présence et de l`abondance de ces espèces. L’abondance des espèces dans les captures d`un endroit d`observation est déterminée par rapport à la date de capture, par les conditions climatiques et par les caractéristiques offertes par l`écosystème. L’analyse de ces trois facteurs pour un territoire donné en corrélation avec l`aire de répartition des espèces permet d’expliquer l`absence des carabes dans un écosystème. Les endroits qui ont une diversité élevée d’espèces ont d`habitude des populations aux effectifs réduits ; par contre, ceux où sont présentes à un moment donné seulement une ou deux espèces ont des effectifs élevés.</p><p>Mots clé: Genre Carabus L., abondance, Banat, influences climatiques</p><p>ÉTUDE COMPARATIVE DES POPULATIONS DU GENRE CARABUS L. DANS QUELQUES ENTOMOCENOSES DU SUD-OUEST DE LA ROUMANIE</p><p>F. PRUNAR*, J. BARLOY**, Silvia PRUNAR*</p><p>*Université de Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timisoara, Romania **AGRENA-ENSA Rennes, France Autour correspondance: Florin PRUNAR: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé. On discute les données issues des observations faites sur les espèces du Genre Carabus L., durant 7 années provenant de quelques lieux de collecte du sud-ouest de la Roumanie. On a trouvé 19 espèces des carabes. Le plus grand nombre d’espèces vivait en lisière des forêts des zones collinaires (Ilteu-Pojoga, Valle de Nadrag, Bocsa). La présence des espèces dans les stations permet de les grouper dans diverses catégories de répartition territoriale : répandues, localisées et très localisées. Parmi les espèces euconstantes (très répandues), Carabus ullrichi Germ. et Carabus violaceus L. ont les abondances les plus élevées et parmi les espèces accessoires (localisées) l`abondance la plus élevée a été constatée pour Carabus obsoletus Germ. </p><p>Mots clé : Genre Carabus, populations, analyse écologique</p><p>CONTRIBUTIONS A L'ÉTUDE DE LA FAUNE DE CARABIDÉS (COLEOPTERA) DES PÂTURAGES DE L'EST DE LA ROUMANIE</p><p>M. TĂLMACIU*, Nela TĂLMACIU*, A. DIACONU**</p><p>*Universite de Sciences Agricoles et de Medecine Veterinaire Iaşi **Institut de Recherches en Biologie Iaşi Coressponding author: M. TALMACIU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Rézumé: Répandus partout sur la terre, les Carabidés (Carabidae) sont parmi les plus importsntes familles de Coleoptera (Insecta). Les espéces de cette famille ont un régime trophique, majoritairemnent carnivore, mais il y a aussi des espéces végétariennes et carnivores ou seulement végétariennes ( quelques espèces). Dans l'environnoment agricole et même dans les régions boisées, chez les espéces de carabidés ayant un indicateur écologique indirect extrêment important, réagissant vite à l'intervention de l'homme, par les pesticides, par exemple, on observe des paralysies et même la mort des insectes adulte set de leurs larves, pen de temps après l'application des traitements. Notre recherche se propose d'apporter de nouvelles donneés à la connaissance des espéces de carabidés des pâturages de Roumanie, envolis par Lepidium draba L. Les collectes ont été effectuées durant l'année 2006. Les espéces avec le plus grand nombre de spécimens collectes ont été Pseudophonus rufipes Muller, Harpalus distinguendus Duft., Pseudophonus griseus Panz., Brachynus explodens L., Brachynus crepitans L., Pterostichus spp. et Amara familiaris Duft..</p><p>Mots clé : prédateurs, carabidaes, Coleoptera, pâturages</p><p>LA STRUCTURE, L'ABONDANCE ET LA DYNAMIQUE DES ESPECES DE CARABIDAE DANS LES CONDITIONS DE L'ECOSYSTEME VITICULTURAL DE IASI</p><p>M. TĂLMACIU*, Nela TĂLMACIU*, A. DIACONU**</p><p>*Universite de Sciences Agricoles et de Medecine Veterinaire Iaşi **Institut de Recherches en Biologie Iaşi Coressponding author: M. TALMACIU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé : L'article présente les résultats d'une étude concernant la structure et la dynamique de la population des espèces de Carabidae dans l'écosystème viticultural de Iasi. Nous avons aussi étudié l'entomofaune des carabidé dans les vignobles en utilisant des pièges du type Barber a été réalisée entre 9 et 20 jours, on total 11 collectes pendant l'année 2006. Les espèces avec le plus grand nombre de spécimens collectés durant la période d'observation ont été : le 19 juin ont été attrapées 6 espèces : Harpalus rufus Brügg. avec 534 spécimens ; Pseudophonus griseus Panz. avec 487 spécimens ; Pseudophonus rufipes Dej. avec 239 spécimens ; Harpalus distinguendus Duft. avec 45 spécimens ; Anisodactylus binotatus F. avec 37 spécimens ; ainsi que d'autres espèces avec un nombre plus réduit de spécimens collectés.</p><p>Mots clé : l'écosystème viticultural, carabidae</p><p>ANATOMICAL LEAF INVESTIGATIONS ON VARIOUS SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS GROWN UNDER DIFFERENTIATED FERTILIZATION CONDITIONS</p><p>Carmen Doina JITĂREANU*, Liana Doina TOMA*, Camelia IFRIM**</p><p>*“Ion Ionescu de la Brad”Agricultural and Veterinary University, Iasi Romania **The Botanical Gardens, Iasi, Romania Corresponding author: Carmen Doina JITAREANU, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Various studies pointed out the effect of NPK mineral supply on the biology of sunflower leaf apparatus: form, structure, and activity of photosynthetic apparatus. Investigations have been conducted on five sunflower hybrids (P.I. 2001, Select, P.I. 2002, P.I. 2004, and Performer) with various degrees of precociousness, fertilized with different NPK rates (N0P0K0; N60P80K60; N80P80K80), under pedoclimatic conditions of the Moldavian Plain. Leaf morphogenesis was analysed by determining the number of active leaves and leaf area per plant, as well as the anatomical structure of leaf, at limb and petiole level. The obtained results have demonstrated that leaf morphogenesis was differentiated according to studied hybrid and dose of applied fertilizers. Analyses concerning the anatomical structure of leaf have shown differences between experienced variants, which were found especially at the leading tissue and stomata apparatus. The differences were quantitatively: number of collenchyme layers, number of stomata per area unit, number of leading fascicles, and qualitatively: presence of concentric fascicles, presence of the cap of lignified cells in the phloem parenchyma, and the presence of two stomata types.</p><p>Key words: anatomical leaf, sunflower, hybrids, fertiliyation</p><p>OBSERVATIONS CONCERNANT LA FAUNE DES CARABIDES DANS LES VERGERS DES POMMIERS SITUES AU NORD EST DE LA ROUMANIE</p><p>Nela TĂLMACIU,* A. DIACONU**, M. TĂLMACIU *Universite de Sciences Agricoles et de Medecine Veterinaire Iaşi **Institut de Recherches en Biologie Iaşi Coressponding author:Nela TALMACIU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé: Parmi les plus importantes familles de l'ordre Coleoptera (Insecta), les Carabidae constituent la famille principale par leur importance numérique (plus de 25000 espèces décrites dans le monde). Les Carabidae sont des composantes essentielles pour la faune épigée de la biocénose et des écosystèmes agricoles, uns d'entre eux étant prédateurs (Cicindela germanica L., Calosoma auropunctatum Herbst., Pterostichus cupreus L., Calathus fuscipes Goetze. ), d'autres phytophages (Harpalus aeneus Fab., Harpalus distinguendus Duft., Harpalus tardus Panz., Amara spp.) et d'autres pantophages (Anisodactylus signatus Panz., Ophonus azureus Fab., Pseudophonus rufipes De Geer.). Les observations ont été faites pendant la saison végétative de l'année 2006, sur une surface de10 hectares de verger intensif exploité écologiquement.Les espèces le plus fréquemment collectés ont été : Pseudophonus rufipes Dej., Carabus violaceus L., Harpalus aeneus F., Pterostichus cupreus L., Abax carinatus Duft., Amara familiaris Duft.</p><p>Mots clé : faune de carabidés, écologie, vergers de pommiers</p><p>LA FAUNE DE LEPIDOPTERES MINEUSES DES VERGERS DE POMMIERS DE LA REGION DE HUSI, VASLUI</p><p>Nela TALMACIU *, I. ARTENE**, M .TALMACIU*, C. FILIPESCU * *Universite de Sciences Agricoles et de Medecine Veterinaire Iaşi **Echole Agricole Huşi Coressponding author:Nela TALMACIU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Résumé: Les lépidoptères mineuses sont nuisibles dans la plupart des vergers de pommiers. Des études réalisées 2005 ont examiné l'effet de différentes pratiques sur la faune de lépidoptères mineuses des vergers de pommiers de la région de Huşi. Notre article présente des données comparatives concernant l'abondance, la dominance, la fréquence de l'attaque, la composition des lépidoptères mineuses trouvées dans des vergers conventionnels, non traités. Dans les parcelles biologiques, les insecticides chimiques de synthèse ont été entièrement éliminés. Lyonetia clerckella L. et Leucoptera scitella Zell. sont les espèces dominantes dans les vergers biologiques non–traités, tandis que Phyllonorycter blancardella F., Stigmella malella Stt. et Phyllonorycter corylifoliella Hb. ont été dominantes dans les parcelles conventionnelles.</p><p>Mots clé : lépidoptères mineuses, vergers de pommiers</p><p>INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING THE SPREADING, BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY AND CONTROL OF AMERICAN BOLLWORM (HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HB.)</p><p>I. PĂLĂGEŞIU, Narcisa STAN, F. PRUNAR, Elena COŞTIUG</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ioan PĂLĂGEŞIU, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: We present data concerning the monitoring with aid of the with pheromone traps of American bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hb.). in Timis County and also the results regarding the biometric measurements of some adults and larvae populations, the development stages duration, flying curve of adults, the climatic the factors and the natural enemies influence on insect evolution. The pest attacked maize fields from Didactic Station Timisoara. The investigations are new for South-West of Romania and complete the results obtained by the researchers from Vojvodina (Serbia) and Hungary. </p><p>Key words: Helicoverpa armigera, spreading morphology, biology, ecology</p><p>ANATOMICAL ADAPTIONS OF SUEDA SALSA (L.) Pall. (CHENOPODIACEAE) TO THE HARSH HALOPHYTIC HABITAT OF TECHIRGHIOL LAKE</p><p>Rodica BERCU</p><p>„Ovidius” University Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Constanţa Coressponding author: Rodica BERCU, E-mail:[email protected] </p><p>Abstract. The article comprises the investigation of the root, stem and leaf anatomy of a species which frequently grows on the bank arround Thechirghiol Lacke near Constantza county, Sueda salsa (L.) Pall. The anatomical characteristics of Sueda salsa vegetative organs has been described and discussed. The mature root possesses a typical secondary structure. The stem has a primary structure surrounded by the cortex differentiated into a chlorencymatic and parenchymatic tissue. The stem vascular sysem, composed of xylem and phloem, forms a circular ring around the stem. Remarkable is the presence of the inner phloem due to the proliferation of the xylem vessels into the parenchymatous tissue. The stem and blade epidermis is covered by a thick cuticle supplimented by wax. It continuity is interruptured by the presence of paracytic stomata. The homogenous blade has no slat glands or salt bladders, thus, this plant must compartmentalize the toxic excess of Na+, K+ şi Ca2 in the leaf cells vacuoles, increassing the vacuoles concentration, withstanding to the harsh salting condition of its habit.</p><p>Key words: anatomy, leaf, root, stem, Sueda salsa</p><p>ANATOMICAL ASPECTS OF CHLOROPHYTUM COMOSUM (THUNB.) JACQUES „VARIEGATUM” (ANTHERICACEAE)</p><p>Rodica BERCU</p><p>Ovidius” University, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Constanţa, Coressponding author: Rodica BERCU, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The article comprises the investigation of the adventitious root, the aerial stoloniferous stem and leaf anatomy of a very popular houseplant, native of the tropical and subtropical regions of South Africa Chlorophytum commosum (Thunb.) Jaques 'Variegatum'. The mature root possesses a typical monocot’s prymary structure with numerous vascular bundles but possessing few xylem and phloem elements. The aerial shoot stele is atactostelic with poor developed collateral bundles, composed of xylem and phloem. The blade mesophyll of Chlorophytum commosum is homogenous with poorly developed vascular bundles veins. The stem and blade epidermis is covered by a thick cuticle. The leaf and shoot epidermis continuity is interruptured by the presence of stomata. The poorly developed vascular system (in the adventitious root, shoots and leaf), the few mechanical elements of collenchyma, present in the aerial stolons and some sclerenchyma cells in the blade are in accordance with the plant pendant condition.</p><p>Key words: anatomy, adventitious root, aerial shoot, leaf, Chlorophytum comosum “Variegatum”</p><p>POSIBILITIES OF VALORIFICATION OF MAIN MACROPHYTIC ALGAL BIOMASS FROM THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA SHORE</p><p>Daciana SAVA, Manuela Diana SAMARGIU, Gabriela Mihaela PARASCHIV</p><p>Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, “Ovidius “University, Constanţa, Romania Corresponding author: Daciana SAVA, email: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Ocean and marine vegetation is dominated by algae, rocky shores being abundantly covered with macrovegetation that is almost exclusively seaweeds. Although the Black Sea shore is not very long and the conditions of the water are particular compared with other seas, we can find here some species that develop large biomass that make them suitable for harvesting and utilisation in different ways. In this paper we evaluated macroalgal biomass of some common genera of green and red alga (Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta) from our coasts. As the values are quite noticeable it is possible to use this valuable biomass as fertilizing resource, food for animals or as row material source for medicine and pharmacy. </p><p>Key words: macroalgae, Black Sea, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, biomass</p><p>THE APIARIAN IMPORTANCE OF CERTAIN RUDERAL AND SEGETAL WEEDS GROWING ON THE ROMANIAN TERRITORY </p><p>Daciana SAVA, Liliana PANAITESCU</p><p>Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, “Ovidius “University, Constanţa, Romania Corresponding author: Daciana Sava, email: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we showed that certain species or ruderal and segetal species of weed have importance in apiculture, being a source of honey, nectar and pollen. So, some species can be of economic importance, instead of being eliminated from the agricultural cultures. </p><p>Key words: ruderal weeds, segetal weeds, apiarian importance</p><p>ECOLOGICAL CONSIDERATION ON QUALITATIVE COMPOSITION OF THE BENTHIC FAUNA FROM THE DÂMBOVIŢA RIVER</p><p>Manuela Diana SAMARGIU, Aida FLORESCU, Gabriela PARASCHIV</p><p>Ovidius University, Constanţa, Romania Corresponding author: Manuela Diana SAMARGIU; E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The following paper presents some aspect of qualitative composition of benthic fauna from Dâmboviţa River, which was studied during 2004 in seven sites from upstream to downstream on a length of 200 km. A list with main groups and taxa is presented and elements regarding percentual composition in different months of the studied period for the whole basin are done. A comparative analyze of alpha diversity variation upstream and downstream of Nucet for entire period is revealed.</p><p>Key words: Dâmboviţa River, fresh water, benthic fauna, invertebrates</p><p>A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ROMANIAN MARINE SHALLOW WATERS BENTHIC COMMUNITIES FROM EFORIE NORD AND EFORIE SUD</p><p>Manuela Diana SAMARGIU, Gabriela PARASCHIV, Daciana SAVA, Alexandra STOIAN</p><p>Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agriculture, “Ovidius”University of Constanţa, Romania Corresponding author: Manuela Diana SAMARGIU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The paper makes an evaluation of the benthic communities living associated with three different types of substrata in midlittoral and infralittoral marine Romanian shore, at Eforie Nord and Eforie Sud. Data about macrobenthic and meiobenthic populations’ dynamic for each kind of substrata are done. There are also presented results of density variation of benthic populations for this specific two studied sites and variation of taxonomic group’s number, in order to emphasize a comparative view of qualitative and quantitative composition of the main phylogenetic groups of invertebrates which were collected during the research. </p><p>Key words: benthic communities, sand, algae, rock substrata, meiofauna, macrofauna, invertebrates, Black Sea, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Romanian shore.</p><p>ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF ZOOBENTHOS COMMUNITIES FROM THE MATITA AND MERHEI LAKES (DANUBE DELTA)</p><p>Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV*, Verginica SCHRODER**, Manuela-Diana SAMARGIU*, Daciana SAVA*</p><p>*University Ovidius, Constanta, Romania **Dobrogea-Litoral Romanian Waters Direction, Constanta, Romania Corresponding author: Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The study on the benthal fauna in Matita and Merhei lakes is based on a number of 172 qualitative and quantitative samples collected in two stages (June and September) from different regions of the two lakes and from different substrates; the processing of the biological samples permitted the identification of a number of 58 species from 18 supraspecific taxonomical groups: Hydrozoa, Spongia, Turbellaria, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Acarina, Ostracoda, Copepoda, Amphipoda, Cumacea, Mysidacea, Isopoda and Insecta. The invertebrate associations are structured into two major communities: the community of sedimentophile species and that of phytophile species. A relatively low number of species is cited as present in both basins, especially among the sedimentophile ones. However, the phytophile fauna is abundant in Matita, which is explained by the rich submersed vegetation. </p><p>Key words: zoobenthos, sedimentary and phytal fauna</p><p>ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF VAGILE FAUNA DISTRIBUTION FROM THE BLACK SEA SHALLOW WATER AT VAMA VECHE</p><p>Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV, Manuela-Diana SAMARGIU, Daciana SAVA</p><p>University Ovidius, Constanta, Romania Corresponding author: Gabriela-Mihaela PARASCHIV, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: This study of the shallow water littoral zone from Vama Veche regards the vagile psammophile and phytophile/iliophile fauna from the midlittoral stratum and superior infralittoral (0 – 2 meters deep) and it is based on 62 quantitative biological samples, taken in July and the first part of October 2005. Representatives from 15 supraspecific taxonomical groups were identified: 44 species in the psammon and 32 species in habitats from the hard substrate with vegetation; a relatively reduced number of species are encountered in both types of habitats, which is owed mostly to their euritropism and capacity to move or to the fact that they are drawn by the water masses; however, most species manifest an accentuated positive tropism for different types of habitat, such as certain species of psammic Turbellaria and Polychaeta: Archilina endostyla, Monocelis lineata, Saccocirrus papillocercus, Namanereis pontica or the species of phytophile crustaceans from the group of Harpacticida and Gammaridae Amphipoda or of Isopoda: Eurydice pontica- psammic, Sphaeroma pulchellum and S. serratum-iliophile, Idotea and Naesa bidentata phytophile. The coarse midlittoral sediments are dominated by species of Turbellaria, Polychaeta, and Harpacticida. Representatives from 13 supraspecific taxonomical groups were encountered in these habitats; representatives from eight supraspecific groups were identified in the mid-fine sediments from the sheltered zones of the infralittoral, the dominant ones being nematodes and species of psammic copepods. A large number of species from 15 groups were identified in the habitats with macro algal vegetation, the most frequent and abundant of them being the Peracarida crustaceans from the group of Isopoda and Amphipoda.</p><p>Key words: zoobenthos, psammon, vagil-, phytal- and iliophile-fauna, tropism, epifauna, infauna; </p><p>THE DYNAMICS OF PIGMENT CONTENT IN TWO SPECIES OF MARIGOLD (CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L.)</p><p>Alina-Elena MARTA</p><p>University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, Romania Corresponding author: Alina Elena MARTA, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The marigold is a very useful species of medicinal plants with many uses in phyto-therapy and cosmetics. The carotenoid pigments in the marigold’s inflorescence represent a fundamental constituent of drugs. The paper examines the dynamics of the pigment content in leaves and inflorescence in two marigold cultivars, the Comun and Bellezza del Pacifico, with yellow and orange flowers, respectively. The pigment content was measured by spectrophotometry. The results point out a maximum carotenoid pigment content with maximum light absorption in 425-426 nm and 447-447nm in the orange flower cultivar (the Bellezza del Pacifico cultivar), which pleads for its introduction into cultivation.</p><p>Key words: marigold, medicinal herbs, carotenoid pigments, Bellezza del Pacifico variety</p><p>WAYS OF ASSESSING MANAGERIAL EFICIENCY OF REPRODUCTION IN PURE BREED SWINE</p><p>Cornelia PETROMAN, I. PETROMAN, H. SĂRĂNDAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Cornelia PETROMAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Economic success, i.e. obtaining profit on swine farms is influenced by managerial factors that ensure performing standards of reproduction parameters in swine by diminishing service period and by achieving a calving interval between 152-154 days. Obtaining from each sow 2.37-2.40 calvings per year over a longer period of exploitation (6-7 calvings) contributes to the recovery of occasional expenses with the raising of breeding stock until the optimal age for reproduction.</p><p>Key Words: swine, managerial factors, efficiency of reproduction, service period, calving interval.</p><p>WAYS OF CONDUCTING PUERPERIUM IN SOWS</p><p>Cornelia PETROMAN, I. PETROMAN, H. SĂRĂNDAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Cornelia PETROMAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. In the conditions of raising animals on farms with a high degree of artificiality and mechanisation, the evolution of the puerperium influences the increase of the fecundity and birth rate percentage and results in an increase of the duration of exploitation of sows. This evolution depends on the hypothalamus-hypophysis hormonal complex that, during the first post-partum days, secretes gonadotropic hormones that trigger ovary activity. The earlier the ovary activity, the earlier the uterus involution, degradation and eviction of secretions, and the morphological and functional recovery of the endometrium are. Ovary activity in sows in puerperium is characterised by a substantial diminution of the size of yellow gestation bodies during the first 7 post-partum days and the turning of the red colour in the first day into dark brown and, towards the end, into mother-of-pearl white.</p><p>Key Words: sows, puerperium, ways of conducting puerperium DROUGHT EFFECTS UPON PROLINE AND CHLOROPHYLL METABOLISM IN OAT CULTIVARS (AVENA SATIVA L.)</p><p>R. ŞUMĂLAN *, Carmen DOBREI *, D. CAMEN*, G. MOŞOARCĂ **</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **Politehnica University of Timisoara Corresponding author: Radu Şumălan, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes Chamois (drought tolerant) and Someşan (drought sensitive) were grown in pots in greenhouse under controlled conditions and submitted to drought as follows: V0- normally hydrated control variant (0 S); V1- 5-day drought (5 S); V2- 10-day drought (10 S); V3 – rehydrated after 10-day drought (10 S – 5 R). The observations and determinations were performed during the phenophases of vegetative mass development upon the following physiological indices:- the osmotic potential of the second leaf (- bar, - the free proline quantity within the foliar apparatus (mg/g.d.w.), - the quantity of chlorophyll pigments (mg./g.d.w.). All these determinations were carried out upon the foliar apparatus belonging to young, mature and senescent leaves competition with the biosynthesis of the chlorophyll pigments. The genotype Chamois (drought tolerant) has an increased capacity of proline biosynthesis in competition with the biosynthesis of the chlorophyll pigments. </p><p>Key words: free proline, chlorophyll, osmotic potential, drought stress, oat</p><p>SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE RADICULAR SYSTEM FOR PLUM TREE SPECIES “CENTENAR” CULTIVATED ON THE GROUND BROWN-SCARLET LUVIC</p><p>A. CIOBANU</p><p>University of Craiova, România Coressponding author: A. CIOBANU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper are presented some researches concerning depth of the plantation of the roots horizontal of the variety ”Centenar” plum tree, from the plantation created on the Experimental Station Banu Mărăcine. The researches had been achieved in the autumn of the year 2006, at the variety Centenar plum tree, grafted on 4 rootstocks, respectively: Oteşani 8, Pixy, Miroval and Roşior văratec, and the method of study it was used the profile method. We found out that the maximum depth of the horizontal roots development is of 90 cm, the most roots we can found to the 30- 60 cm depth. As a result we suggest the depth of working in the orchard to be normal and the incorporation of the organic fertilizers must be realized once with autumn ploughing. </p><p>Key words: plum tree, variety, rootstock.</p><p>LABORATORY STUDY CONCERNING THE SENSIBILITY OF BRADYRHIZOBIUM AND RHIZOBIUM SPECIES FOR EDAFIC ACTINOMYCETES</p><p>Renata ŞUMĂLAN, Claudia ONEŢ, L. GHINEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Renata ŞUMĂLAN, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: We have to know the competitive capacity of the Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium strains, which are going to be used in the leguminous seed inoculations. This study consisted of the testing of four strains of Bradyrhizobium lupini and Rhizobium leguminosarum cicer variety, under the action of four antibiotics produced by edaphic actinomycetes. The method applied was the method of rounds imbued with antibiotic. The results achieved proved the general sensibility of these strains to kanamycin, while in the other cases their sensibility ranges from one strain to another.</p><p>Key world: symbiotic nitrogen inoculants, antibiotics sensibility, edaphic actinomycetes</p><p>GERMINATIVE RESPONSE TO SALT STRESS CONDITIONS IN SOME BEAN LANDRACES FROM BANAT AREA</p><p>Carmen DOBREI*, R. ŞUMĂLAN*, Astrid LĂZUREANU*, D. CAMEN*, G. MOŞOARCĂ**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **Politehnica University of Timisoara Corresponding author: Carmen Dobrei, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Phaseolus vulgaris has a great variability regarding the tolerance to saline stress, starting with values of 40- 46 mM NaCl and up to 196-207 mM NaCl. The experimental results achieved made evident the existence of some bean genotypes with a good tolerance to salinity during germination (Ohaba Forgaci I, Ohaba Forgaci II and Berini). These genotypes have recorded during germination normal intensities of radicle growth and cotyledon development, and they have synthesized important amounts of free proline with osmoprotector role. We have also determined the dynamics of the dry matter percent during germination and within the post-germination phases. The increase of the dry matter percent in the sensitive genotypes is due to their incapacity of hydration and water maintenance.</p><p>Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, salt stress tolerance, free proline, seed germination, dry matter, osmoprotection</p><p>STUDIES CONCERNING ROCK FLORA IN THE GLOB GORGES NATURE RESERVE</p><p>Ilinca M. IMBREA, Alma L. NICOLIN, Maria FLOREA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ilinca Imbrea, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The Glob Gorges Nature Reserve is located in the hydrographical basin of the Craiova River, near Globul Craiovei (Caraş-Severin County). The reserve is located in the piedmont depression of Mehadia, at the southern terminals of the Semenic Mountains, as part of the large tectonic passage Timiş-Cerna. Though located in the neighbourhood of other nature reserves in southern Banat – the Caraş Gorges, the Gârlişte Gorges, the Nera Gorges, the Miniş Gorges, and the Rudăria Gorges – it has been less studied, and there is no complete presentation of its flora and vegetation of the nature reserve.</p><p>Key words: nature reserve, rock flora</p><p>THE VARIATION OF QUAN TITATIVE PHYSIOLOGICAL INDEX IN THE TRANSGENIC SOYA CASE CULTIVATED IN DIFFERENTIALLY CONDITIONS</p><p>Silvia PRUNAR, Renata ŞUMĂLAN, Isidora RADULOV, L. GHINEA</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Coressponding author: Silvia PRUNAR, E-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The mains physiological indexes which were followed through the present research were: the leaf area at the soya plants as well the determination of azote and phosphorus from the plant. In the conditions in which the plants are treated with differentially nutritional solutions, it is observed that both in the transgenic plants case and in the intransgenic one the leaf surface in higer at the variants with complete nutritional solution than with the solution without azote or without phosphorus, and the quantity of azote, in plants increases in the same conditions. The phosphory from the plants increases both at the plants treated with complete solution and incomplete thanks to the fact that the phosphorus is easily accessible to the plants in the both conditions.</p><p>Key words: physiological index, leaf surface, transgenic soy plants, nutritional solution.</p><p>LABORATORY STUDIES CONCERNING THE MICROBIAL GHARGIE OF THE RHIZOSPHERE IN THE MINERAL RELATION OF THE PLANTS</p><p>Silvia PRUNAR, Renata ŞUMĂLAN, Lucian GHINEA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Coressponding author: Silvia PRUNAR, E-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In the present paper we proposed ourselves, the accomplishment of a study concerning the microbial charge at the soya plants (Glycine max L.). We used S2254RR transgenic soya plants and intransgenic ones of Perla variety. The experience was realized in the laboratory, and after the appearance of the second leaf, was determined the colonies number from the plants rhizosphere.</p><p>Key words: microorganisms, rhizoplane, rhizosphere, edaphosphere.</p><p>AQUATIC AND PALUDICOLOUS FLORA OF THE NATURE RESERVE PIŞCHIA Alina-Georgeta NEACŞU, G.-G. ARSENE, Alina-Margareta ARSENE</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Alina-Georgeta NEACSU, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The flora of the natural reserve Pişchia is very interesting mainly due to the presence of aquatic and paludicolous species. For the moment the synopsis of the flora counts up to 153 cormophite species, belonging to 43 botanic families. The observations were made during the period 2005 – 2006. Together with drawing up the floristic inventory, we have also considered the analysis of the species based on several aspects: categories of bio-forms, geo- elements and ecologic categories. </p><p>Key words: Pişchia, aquatic and paludicolous flora, bio-forms, geo-elements, ecologic categories </p><p>ENDEMIC PLANTS IN THE MINIŞ GORGES (ALMĂJ DEPRESSION)</p><p>Alma L. NICOLIN, Ilinca M. IMBREA</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alma Nicolin, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The Miniş Gorges and the Izvorul Bigăr Nature Reserve are part of the Nera Gorges - Beuşniţa National Park. The region studied is very important for the preservation of some rare and endemic species, as well as of their habitats. The lime gorges of the Miniş River, similar to other gorges in south-western Romania, preserve a flora with an obvious thermophilic character. </p><p>Key words: Miniş Gorges, endemic species</p><p>NOTES ON THE WATER MEADOW VEGETATION IN THE RUDĂRIA GORGES</p><p>Alma L. NICOLIN, Ilinca M. IMBREA, Mariana LAŢCU</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alma Nicolin, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In the Rudăria Gorges, the water meadow vegetation belongs to the Stellario nemori-Alnetum glutinosae (Kästner 1938) Lohm. 1957 association characteristic to the hill and low mountain areas. The valley characteristics determine the water meadow vegetation to be discontinuous: on the steeper walls over the forest road, water meadow species mix with lilac and flowering ash bushes, while upstream the beech and hornbeam woods go down to the river banks. The vegetal cover contains thermophilous species also characteristic for other gorges in southern Banat. Mediterranean, Balkan, and Pontic elements underline the link between the flora in this area and that of other regions south from Romania. The diversity of flora in the Rudăria Gorges is completed by the presence of some endemic, rare species.</p><p>Key words: Rudăria Gorges, water meadow vegetation</p><p>STUDIES REGARDING THE ELABORATION OF AN OPTIMUM MICROPROPAGATION PROTOCOL FOR A POTATO CULTIVAR RECALCITRANT TO „IN VITRO” CULTURE </p><p>Oana DANCI, G. NEDELEA, M. DANCI</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine University, Timisoara, Romania Corresponding author: Oana DANCI, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The potato cultivar studied in this paper presents a special economically and alimentary importance, but is recalcitrant to the “in vitro” culture techniques. This fact makes more difficult the obtaining of healthy potato seed material, free of viruses, in a shorter time. Thus it was established an optimum micropropagation protocol for this cultivar, using two different culture media and different hormonal variants. </p><p>Key words: potato, micropropagation, culture media, hormonal variants</p><p>CHARACTERISTICS OF LABOUR IN THE RURAL AREAS OF SERBIA Dragica BOŽIĆ, P. MUNĆAN, Natalija BOGDANOV Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia Corresponding author: Dragica BOŽIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Labour in agriculture may be analysed from the standpoints of economic structure of the population, its household members' structure and employment structure. According to the 1991 and 2002 censuses agricultural labour in Serbia has declined both absolutely and relatively. Based on the share of the agricultural in the total population (10.9%), i.e. the active agricultural in the total active population (15.6%) Serbia has no shortage of agricultural labour. On the other hand, both the age and education structure of agricultural labour are unfavourable raising the issue of self- reproduction. In addition, the number of household members especially individual farmers representing the key labour in agriculture, has been significantly reduced.</p><p>Key words: labour, gender, education, age </p><p>MISLEADING COMBINING FORMS: HYDR(O)-</p><p>Anica PERKOVIĆ*, Georgeta RAŢĂ**</p><p>*J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture, Croatia **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Anica PERKOVIC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The purpose of this study is to help students in chemistry and in any other field related to chemistry differentiate, better understand and use more properly the terms beginning with hydr(o)-, terms that can be misleading because of their different referent (‘hydrogen’, ‘water’, and ‘hydrargyrum’). In our attempt, we have used the lexicological approach. We have found out that there are about 84% combined words with hydr(o)- (‘hydrogen’) and hydroxy(l)-. There were no limitations to this study. The practical implication of the study is that all these combined words make up an exhaustive inventory which, if properly acquired by the students, can help them decipher more easily the meaning of any specialised text in English. </p><p>Key words: hydr(o)-, loanword, combined form, derivative, back-formation, English of chemistry.</p><p>NOTES ON TOURISM TERMINOLOGY IN THE NEW ZEALAND ENGLISH</p><p>Anica PERKOVIĆ*, Georgeta RAŢĂ**</p><p>*J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia **Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Anica PERKOVIC, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The purpose of the study is to show if there are any differences between the British English of tourism and the New Zealand English from a globalising perspective. The study was carried out on a relatively small corpus of tourism terms (91), which we analysed from a lexicographical point of view. The study shows that most of these terms are acronyms, probably due to the speed people need to communicate nowadays. The study was limited by the fact that most of the tourism terms analysed cannot be found in English Language dictionaries. The practical implications of the study concern students in tourism economics: thus, they can get aware of the fact that though the English language spoken in New Zealand may seem identical to that spoken in Great Britain, the English of tourism may be considerably different. The originality of the paper consists in the fact that this is the first time such an inventory is being analysed in the Balkans.</p><p>Key words: tourism terminology, New Zealand English</p><p>SLOVAK REPUBLIC POTENTIAL AND SUITABILITY FOR TOURISM WITH EMPHASIS ON AGRITOURISM</p><p>P. OTEPKA, M. HABÁN</p><p>Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic Corresponding author: Pavol OTEPKA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The whole tourism industry, including agritourism, is growing rapidly worldwide. Slovakia, regarding its geographic location in the centre of Europe, has extremely favourable conditions for rural tourism, especially for agritourism. Beside the natural richness, such as mountains, caves, water areas, mineral waters, springs with healing effects, rich fauna and flora, also historical buildings, held in relatively good state, and many live traditional crafts can attract the modern tourists. Regarding all this, Slovakia is able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding our or foreign tourists. The main objective of this work is to briefly present the natural beauties and cultural attractions in Slovakia, its favourable conditions and development possibilities in the agritourism sector. Furthermore there are described the tasks and activities of organizations responsible for agritourism and rural tourism (EUROGITES in Europe, SARTA in Slovakia).</p><p>Key words: agri-tourism, agritourism, farmtourism, countryside, farmers, rural development, SWOT analysis, village</p><p>HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT</p><p>Z. RAJIĆ, S. JELIĆ, D. ŽIVKOVIĆ, B. DIMITRIJEVIĆ</p><p>Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia Corresponding author: Zoran RAJIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Limitation of resources and its rational utilization represents the main obstacles to development of households. This paper emphasizes the luck of labour force and its unsatisfactory qualification structure, with which, under given circumstances, managers have to achieve as good results as it is possible. To get closer to that goal, the labour force managing process should start with labour force selection and evaluation of its work. The best results have been achieved with combination of scientific methods, long – term personnel planning, objective evaluation of the work and inclusion of the workers in evaluation process. The goal of all the methods is to identify the bed and the good sides of the workers, to propose how to dispose the bed and how to improve the good sides and that way to increase the labour productivity.</p><p>Key words: family household, labour force, management</p><p>EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF BUSINESS PLANS IN PLANT PRODUCTION</p><p>Z. RAJIĆ*, Ivana LJUBANOVIĆ-RALEVIĆ*, Nebojša RALEVIĆ*, Dragana ĐURIĆ**</p><p>*Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia **High business school, Blace, Serbia Corresponding author: Zoran RAJIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Decision making about investment acceptance is always based on the intention of the investor to gain certain income during the investment period. The integral analysis of economic effectiveness of investment is based on the analysis of economic success, liquidity, and risk, as a three basic components of investment process. Unfavourable financing conditions require from the owner of the household to make plans for lucrative businesses. This kind of planning considers formulation of expectations in the future, especially the relations between inputs and outputs, products prices and production costs. In crop production planning the rule of the highest revenue on limited resources should be applied. Before formulating alternative plans in crop production, special attention should be paid to intensity of soil usage. The selection of production lines depends on the most productive and the most lucrative crop system.</p><p>Kay words: plant production, business plan, efficiency</p><p>LONG-TERM TRENDS IN SERBIAN AGRICULTURE</p><p>M. ŠEVARLIĆ*, B. VESELINOVIĆ**, Marija NIKOLIĆ*</p><p>*Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia **Faculty of Economics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Corresponding author: Marija NIKOLIĆ, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: In this paper will be presented long term trends (1986-2000-2006) and changes in production capacities and achieved agricultural production in Serbia, as well as relevant factors that designated direction and intensity of manifested trends. </p><p>Key words: trends, factors, agriculture, development, Serbia.</p><p>DEVASTATION OF SMALL FARMERS: CASE STUDY SERBIA</p><p>M. M. ŠEVARLIĆ, Marija NIKOLIĆ</p><p>Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia Corresponding author: Marija NIKOLIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper are presented, based on comparison of family farms Census in Serbia (1960-2002), changes in socio-economic structure of households that posses farms. Special underline is given to reproduction perspective of family farms from aspect of existence of active farmer in these households in 2007. </p><p>Key words: household that posses farms, farmer, ownership, socio-economic structure.</p><p>THE ROMANTIC DIALOGUE WITH THE BIBLE IN ANTON STRASHIMIROV’S POEM “SONG OF SONGS”</p><p>Velislava DONEVA</p><p>Angel Kanchev University, Ruse, Bulgaria Corresponding author: Velislava DONEVA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: With his undoubtedly restless and inquisitive creativity, in the first decade of the twentieth century, Anton Strashimirov turned to the modern European drama, eagerly expecting the new century, and with it - the new man. He created dramas full of symbolism, most of which remain only as marginal texts for the Bulgarian reader. In some of them aspiration for interpretation of Biblical topics and motifs is revealed. A dialogue with the Bible can be traced in other dramatic works of his, outside the context of symbolism. One of them is the romantic “Song of Songs” (1910). Strashimirov is one of the Bulgarian authors, who chooses consciously, as an artist, and not sporadically, as a dilettante, the creative realization of biblical and mythological constructs for the Bulgarian drama.</p><p>Key words: romanticism, the Bible, dramatic sketch, poetic imagery</p><p>ANALYTICAL WORD COMBINATIONS CONSISTING OF VERB AND VERBAL NOUN ENDING IN -NE IN BULGARIAN</p><p>Yana POMETKOVA</p><p>Angel Kanchev University, Rousse, Bulgaria Corresponding author: Yana POMETKOVA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The object of research in the present paper is a specific type of analytical word combinations, consisting of a verb and a verbal noun ending in –ne in Bulgarian. The terminological diversity in their naming is accounted for; the reasons for their occurrence in the language are reviewed; a special consideration is given to the controversial aspects in determining the syntactic function of the verbal noun.</p><p>Key words: analytical word combinations, verbal noun, verb desemantisation</p><p>BUSINESS RISK AND UNCERTAINTY OF INVESTMENTS IN THE GRAPE PRODUCTION</p><p>Branka KALANOVIĆ, Zorica VASILJEVIĆ, B. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Snežana TRMČIĆ</p><p>Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia Corresponding author: Branka KALANOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Biological character of grape production influences the existence of numerous risks. Therefore, the research on risk and uncertainty is one of the key problems of the investments into this kind of production. These risks are appearing both during the vineyard establishment and during its exploitation and they are influenced by the state of soil, application of agrotechnical and pomotechnical measures, diseases and pests appearance, the way of yields realization as well as the market risks. Perception of risk is a precondition for business success and the higher profit realization. This is the reason why risk management (identification, analysis and monitoring) should be a part of management policy. One of the methods for the risk and uncertainty assessment in the case of the grape production investments is the sensitivity analysis method. This method could show to investor how much the investment effectiveness indicators are sensitive onto the possible changes of variable starting parameters (prices, production volume, expenditures, level of investments etc.), i.e. this method enables constitution of the so-called certainty limits of particular starting parameters, which are considered as critical ones in the investment effectiveness evaluation. By application of the sensitivity analysis method in the case of two analyzed economic models of vineyard farms, it has been monitored development of the investment effectiveness indicators in relation to the changes of starting parameters and there have been determined their certainty limits.</p><p>Key words: risk, uncertainty, grape production, model, sensitive analysis THE CHARACTERISTICS OF VITICULTURE PRODUCTION IN SERBIA</p><p>B. KALANOVIĆ, B. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Snežana TRMČIĆ, Nebojša MARKOVIĆ</p><p>Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun, Serbia Corresponding author: Branka KALANOVIĆ, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Viticulture production is highly intensive production which demands both human work and considerable capital to be fertilized through various activities. In Serbia this type of production is organized on small family estates as well as plantations. Although there are all conditions of successful grape-vine growing in Serbia, economic researches show that viticulture production, in spite of the capacity available, is not on expected level.</p><p>Key words: viticulture, production, characteristics</p><p>ON THE IMAGE OF THE CITY OF TIMIŞOARA AND OF THE BANAT AREA IN THE 15th AND 17th CENTURIES</p><p>I. PETROMAN*, Snježana TOLIĆ**, Cornelia PETROMAN*, I. CABA***</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia ***Mihai Eminescu University, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: I. PETROMAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. Though medieval descriptions of Timişoara are scarce – the most consistent of all being that of the Ottoman traveller Evlyia Celebi and of the Austrian traveller Henrik Ottendorf – the reconstitution of the epoch, i.e. of the features of a medieval town and city, can only rely on extremely diverse information. The lack of documents that describe directly and without any exaggeration aspects of life, corroborated with a very large number of indirect evidence can result in a proper, edifying global image on the ground of an engraving and of a map of the streets of medieval Timişoara that are unique in the historiography of this town. The general engraving of Timişoara, published in the revue Magazin istoric by the Romanian Ioan Haţegan, confirms the information supplied by Henrik Ottendorf which, confronted with those supplied by Evlyia Celebi and with the drawing made by the Austrian F. Watthay, coincide. In addition, it is confirmed that in the middle Ages the name of the river flowing through the ditches of the city was the Timişul Mic. A problem that could be confusing in Henrik Ottendorf’s description is that of the location of the Castle, which he locates south from the city, not in the narrowest part of the fortification, but right in the middle of it. </p><p>Key words: Timişoara, city, image, engraving, other localities in the Banat area, the 15th, the 17th centuries </p><p>ON THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE BANAT AREA: COLONISATIONS</p><p>I. PETROMAN*, Snježana TOLIĆ**, Cornelia PETROMAN*, I. CABA***, Gh. DULGHERU***</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia ***Mihai Eminescu University, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Ioan PETROMAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The most numerous documents concerning the history of the Banat area are written in both European languages and Turkish. They were written at the end of the 14 th century, before and after the Ottoman conquest. The name of the capital of the Banat area, Timişoara, is mentioned in the Chronicle by Asikpasazade in 1484, where it is written that the Turks passed by Demeskar (the spelling ‘d’ is due to the Turkish pronunciation of the Hungarian name “Temesvár” meaning ‘Timişoara’), went on and entered the Hungarian Country. After the Turks left the area, a vast programme of colonisation of the Banat area with Italians and Spaniards original from Austrian-ruled provinces was put into practice (1716-1740).</p><p>Key words: Banat, Timişoara, history, population, habitat</p><p>INVOLVING GRID COMPUTING IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH</p><p>M. CĂLIN*, M. CRAUS**, F. FILIPOV*, C. CHIRUŢĂ* * University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania ** Technical University, Iasi, Romania Corresponding author: Marius Calin, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The defining features of the “Grid computing” concept are enumerated. As well, the impact of Grid computing on different branches of agriculture is highlighted. Four universities and one research institute of Iasi, Romania, are developing an academic grid together. In the paper, the structure of this academic network is briefly described. In this context, the positive effect that the academic grid is expected to have on the multi-disciplinary agricultural research is emphasized. An application in Soil Science is given as an example.</p><p>Key words: Grid computing, Soft computing, Agriculture, Soil Science</p><p>ACQUIRING MATHEMATICAL ELEMENTS BY JUNIORS: A PREMISE FOR A BETTER INTEGRATION IN THE 1ST GRADE</p><p>Maria PALICICA*, Codruţa GAVRILĂ*, Sofia MORAR PINTILIE**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **Grădiniţa P.P. nr.23, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Maria PALICICA, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we analyse, on the ground of a research on an experimental group of 30 children aged 6-7 and enrolled in Preparatory groups A, B, and C of the Kindergarten No. 23 in Timişoara (România) the cognitive mathematical behaviour shaped while attending kindergarten, as a premise for future assimilation. In order to study the level of development of the children’s mathematical abilities and skills – counting, making up multitudes, additioning and subtracting, and identifying geometrical shapes – we applied six written tests, recording the score for each child and assessing each child’s activity. Analysing test results, we could see that some of the tested children that encountered difficulties made mistakes because of lack of attention, while the other ones need supplementary work from the teacher, the choice of the most efficient methods to make understanding easy and to make children properly learn the mathematical elements necessary in the 1st grade.</p><p>Key words: cognitive mathematical behaviour, abilities and skills, mathematics</p><p>EDUCATIONAL CLASSES: THEIR ROLE IN SHAPING STUDENTS’ CONSCIOUSNESS AND MORAL CONDUCT</p><p>Maria PALICICA, Alina MARGHITAN, Narcisa STAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Maria PALICICA, E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we analyse a few aspects concerning moral and civic education as an important aspect of education in general, on the ground of 9th and 10th form students’ opinion; we are also interested to see in what measure educational classes reach or not moral and civic objectives and if the topics are of particular interest to students, and if the teacher uses means and methods that are active and formative. Synthesising drawbacks during educational classes, we suggest both form masters and school managers to pay more attention to educational classes topics and issues. In order to shape beliefs and features of character, teachers should start from this in their approach of students’ problems, i.e. better know each student apart and direct and satisfy his/her wishes and aspirations. Among the features required from a good form master are besides the features of a good teacher in general, the sympathy for the students, positive traits of character (sincerity, communicativeness , etc.) and especially to be a good teacher that uses proper methods and means to teach.</p><p>Key words: moral education, moral consciousness, and moral conduct ON ENGLISH LOANWORDS IN THE ROMANIAN OF LAND IMPROVEMENT </p><p>Georgeta RAŢĂ*, Anica PERKOVIC**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia Corresponding author: Georgeta RATA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The purpose of this study is to help Romanian students studying English as future specialists in “Cadastre” identify and, thus, easier understand and learn specialised land improvement Romanian words of English origin. The study of these terms is part of a wider study focused on loanwords in specialised languages. The type of approach is etymological. The limits of research are caused by the corpus of words on which the present study was carried out. The practical implications of the study derive from the purpose of the study. This paper is original due to the fact that it is for the first time that such a specialised vocabulary is analysed from an etymological point of view.</p><p>Key words: English, Romanian, loanword, and land improvement.</p><p>PRECISION AGRICULTURE: TERMINOLOGICAL ISSUES </p><p>Georgeta RAŢĂ*, Anica PERKOVIC**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România **J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia Corresponding author: Georgeta RATA, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The purpose of this study is to show in what measure language dictionaries can be of help in better understanding GPS terminology. This study is part of a wider project of studying specialized languages belonging to different agronomic subjects. The type of approach is lexicographical. The study of GPS terminology is at its beginnings, as GPS technology itself has only recently emerged as scientific branch. The limits of the research are those caused by the absence of linguistic tools specific to the field of GPS. The practical implications of the study are dictated by the purpose of the study itself. The originality of the paper lies in the fact that this is the first time that someone approaches the problem of the English of Precision agriculture in general and that of GPS technology in particular within the study of ESP in Romania.</p><p>Key words: Precision Agriculture, teaching ESP, specialised terminology, GPS terminology.</p><p>DEVELOPING A GENERALISED INPUT-OUTPUT MODEL FOR THE VALORISING OF A TOURISM SITE POTENTIAL</p><p>I. CABA*, M. GLEVITZKY**</p><p>*Mihai Eminescu University, Timisoara, Romania **Polytechnic University, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Ioan CABA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper, we aim at identifying the methods of determining the models of the influence of variations of some parameters on the “tourism process” and of its definition. The system in general can be described by proper modelling. The necessity for developing such a system model in the case of solving an optimisation problem results from the fact that its expression depends on the variables of the system. The generalised interpretation analysis of the tourism process leads to the development of a generalised model of inputs-outputs for the determination of the functional links existing between the different variables in order to establish functional dependence relationships. Applying the models, even if generally, can result in considerable improvements in increasing performance, in deepening knowledge, and understanding the ensemble in general.</p><p>Key words: input-output model, optimising, tourism</p><p>EVALUATION DES COMPETENCES DE COMMUNICATION DANS UNE LANGUE ETRANGERE</p><p>Virginia MASICHEVICI</p><p>Université des Sciences Agricole set Médicine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timişoara, România Adresse de l’auteur: Virginia MASICHEVICI, e-mail : [email protected]</p><p>Résume. Dans une Europe pluri-lingue et multiculturelle, il est absolument nécessaire de connaître notre niveau de compétence dans une langue étrangère. Dans ce travail nous nous proposons d’analyser quelques types d’évaluation présentés dans le Cadre Européen Commun de référence pour les langues et de souligner l’importance de l’autoévaluation pour ceux qui apprennent une langue autre que le roumain.</p><p>Mots-clé : evaluation, competence de communication</p><p>REMARQUES SUR LA PRODUCTIVITE DU PREFIXE EURO - EN FRANÇAIS ET EN ROUMAIN Virginia MASICHEVICI</p><p>Université des Sciences Agricole set Médicine Vétérinaire du Banat, Timişoara, România Adresse de l’auteur: Virginia MASICHEVICI, e-mail : [email protected]</p><p>Résumé : L’avènement de la Communauté Européenne et l’enthousiasme qu’elle a semé sur son passage a eu pour conséquence au niveau lexical la création massive de mots ayant pour préfixe euro - . En roumain ce préfixe est relativement nouveau et se manifeste surtout dans la presse, souvent ayant une nuance péjorative. Dans ce travail nous essayons de démontrer que, le plus souvent, ce préfixe est utilisé abusivement.</p><p>Mots-clé : dérivation préfixale, préfixe, euro -, Europe</p><p>ADJEKTIVE ALS BILDUNGSELEMENTE DEUTSCHER PLANZEN- UND TIERNAMEN</p><p>Rodica-Liana ZEHAN</p><p>Banater Agraruniversität, Timişoara, România Korrespondenzautor: Rodica-Liana ZEHAN, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Zusammenfassung: Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die deutschen Pflanzen- und Tiernamen gebildet mit Hilfe der Adjektive. Im Laufe der Recherchen haben wir festgestellt, dass die Adjektive durch Zusammensetzung, Ableitung und Substantivisierung neue Namen bilden können. Bei einer Großzahl dieser Namen bilden die Adjektive, adjektivische Attribute. </p><p>Schlüsselwörter: Pflanzen- und Tiernamen, Adjektiv, Komposition, , Derivation, </p><p>DIE FARBE ALS BENENNUNGSMOTIV DEUTSCHER PFLANZEN- UND TIERNAMEN</p><p>Rodica-Liana ZEHAN</p><p>Banater Agraruniversität, Timişoara, România Korrespondezautor: Rodica-Liana ZEHAN, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Zusammenfassung: Die vorliegende Arbeit bespricht die Farbe als Benennungsmotiv deutscher Pflanzen- und Tiernamen. Die Farbe der Pflanzen und Tiere kann durch Farbadjektive oder durch Farbenträger ausgedrückt werden.</p><p>Schl[sselwörter: Farbadjektive, Farbträger, </p><p>TENDENCIES OF THE MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC PHENOMENA IN THE 5 WEST REGION OF ROMANIA</p><p>Manuela-Dora ORBOI</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Manuela-Dora ORBOI, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The trends of the main demographic phenomena provide useful information on the future evolution of the population and age structure in the West Region of Romania. </p><p>Key words: birth rate, death rate, migration</p><p>ASPECTS REGARDING THE EVOLUTION OF THE RURAL POPULATION IN ROMANIA</p><p>Manuela-Dora ORBOI, A. BĂNEŞ, Iasmina PAUNCHICI</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Manuela-Dora ORBOI, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: Rural population is a major source of village development. The information on human resources quality and quantity is decisive for the establishing of rural development policies. The dynamics of the rural population points to the labour resources in rural communities. Key words: rural communities, rural environment, rural development</p><p>PRIVATE HOUSE HOLDINGS IN RECAS LOCALITY AREA, TIMIS COUNTY - PRESENT AND PERSPECTIVES</p><p>Ő. ADALBERT*, M. BÎTEA**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **Primăria Recaş, Romania Corresponding author: Okros Adalbert, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper, we studied the organization of private house holdings, the number of them, and the land that they have. This land is very crumbed and difficult to work and need high resources that make them unprofitable. The cost per hectare is high and the production that they obtain is small which causes great losses. But in this final years we observed that most of house holdings are associated one with another in the purpose to buy seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and work the field to obtain better crops, with high quality at a low costs. </p><p>Key words: house holdings, agriculture, associations, productions, surfaces</p><p>MOULDING ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS IN SCHOOL</p><p>Viorica COTEANU, Maria PALICICA, Codruţa GAVRILĂ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Viorica Coteanu, e-mail: viorica_coteanu @yahoo.com</p><p>Abstract: Ecological education is a form of education, which, through a system of specific activities, ensures the moulding of ecological awareness. Moulding ecological awareness in school has two main components: a cognitive one and an affective one. There have to be a good cooperation between topics in school so that each of them aids in moulding ecological awareness in children. Bringing man to the verge of respecting nature and landscape values can be done through instruction and education. Ecological education aims at guiding the student, i.e. the future citizen, to a more objective point of view over reality (whose fundament is the relationship between man – men – environment), to enhance him to participate, to become aware of the future, of the fact that the life of future generations and its quality largely depend on his options. At present, it is necessary to study ecology at school, with a view to teach the young ones – anybody else, in its debut stage –on why and how to protect nature. It is necessary that ecological education be an important part of school education and instruction.</p><p>Key words: ecological education, ecological awareness, and ecological behaviour</p><p>ON THE DIFFICULTY OF ESTABLISHING A LESSON’S OBJECTIVES</p><p>Narcisa CRISTA, Alina MĂRGHITAN, Codruţa GAVRILĂ</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Narcisa Crista, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: In this paper we present a few aspects concerning teaching design, its issues, frequent questions, and difficulties future teachers and debutant teachers are faced with in establishing the objectives of a biology class, as well as the importance of knowing the factors that generate them in pedagogy practice.</p><p>Key words: teaching design, operational objectives, and operationalising techniques </p><p>THE MEASURING OF THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCES OF AGRICULTURAL EXPLOITATIONS</p><p>Elena TONEA, Corina RUŞEŢ </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Elena TONEA, e-mail [email protected] Abstract: The functioning of an agricultural exploitation has, of course, finality. Each exploitation boss, enterpriser or manager wants the exploitation results, and, implicitly, his/her results, successive to the exploitation administration, to be as good as possible, like a reward for the material, human and managerial efforts exerted during a production cycle or during a period of time, like an agricultural year.</p><p>Key words: economic performances, management, decisions</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION BASED ON ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTANCY</p><p>Elena TONEA, Corina RUŞEŢ</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Elena TONEA, e-mail [email protected]</p><p>Abstract: An important moment in the development of the technical-productive and social-economic informational system has been played by accountancy methods. With the national bookkeeping, the human has managed to consolidate categorically the economic decisional support, transferring the problem solving and decision making from the probabilistic area into the certitude one. Bookkeeping represents a registration tool for stock movements, flow nature and sense, having as objective the determination, during time, of the activity results, added value, benefit or loss, the gross domestic product, national income, book debt and duty economy or balance account.</p><p>Key words: accountancy, environment, expenses for environmental protection, pollutant activity</p><p>ASPECTS CONCERNING THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE WESTERN REGION</p><p>Corina RUŞEŢ, Anda MILIN, Cosmina TOADER, Elena TONEA </p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, România Corresponding author: Corina RUŞEŢ, e-mail:[email protected]</p><p>Abstract: The branch of animal production gas a special importance because, on one hand, it produces the foods necessary in human alimentation, and, on the other hand, processes some vegetal products achieved from natural pastures (the green mass from pastures and the hay from hayfields). </p><p>Key words: animal production, livestock, meat production</p><p>INFIDEL BEHAVIOUR: INVOLVED PERSONALITY </p><p>Codruţa GAVRILĂ*, Maria PALICICA*, Viorica COTEANU*, Mădălina CREŢU**</p><p>*Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania **General Office for Social Assistance and Child protection, Timişoara, Romania</p><p>Abstract: The study presents the analysis of infidelity, its causes and effects on the marital relationship; we capture those traits of personality that make a person become infidel. To do so, we take into account both the consequences of infidelity and the feelings the hurt person experiences, such as uncertainty and confusion. The total number of the subjects of this study is 80, of which 40 women and 40 men. The subjects we tested, aged 20-25 and 35-50, were selected taking into account the way they got married; we only tested one partner of each couple. Thus, of the 40 women, 20 are aged 20-25, while the other 20 are aged 35-50. The structure of the male sample was identical. There are, in the sample of men and women aged 20-25, 10 people from undergraduate families attending the course, of the Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara. After making a synthesis of the theoretical aspects, we can say that both men and women tend to become infidel. The reasons for infidelity are: the tension within the couple, indifference, ignoring the other’s wishes and desires, limiting to unpleasant talks detrimental to humorous ones, etc. Infidelity has always important consequences – sometimes even capital ones – for the infidel himself or herself, for his/her partner, and for his/her group. Such a situation shakes self-confidence and makes everybody ask himself or herself questions.</p><p>Key words: personality, traits of personality, infidel behaviour</p><p>ASPECTS CONCERNING THE IMPACT OF DYNAMIC-ENERGETIC PERSONALITY ON THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Alina MARGHITAN, Maria PALICICA, Narcisa STAN</p><p>Agricultural and Veterinary University of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania Corresponding author: Alina MARGHITAN, e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Abstract. The study aims at emphasising the necessity of knowing temperamental features of the human factor directly involved in the educational process: student and teacher. Their use in the educational process results in an increase of efficiency. The educational process is by excellence the result of the interaction between teacher and student, student and student, etc. Both education and training depend on the existence of a positive inter-relationship, of an efficient partnership. Though is relies on the nervous system features, and hereditarily determined, in biological terms temper is considered a pheno-typical result; temper features have nothing to do with fatality, they can be changed through activity, education, and self-education. In order to carry out the study, we used the temper typologies described in literature, psychological questionnaires meant to determine the temper type, and psychological experiment. The research opens a perspective on the size of the temper features impact on the educational process and on its efficiency. The results of this study can be a theoretical aid for the teachers in practical activities with the students and, at the same time, a milestone in self-regulation. </p><p>Key words: dynamic-energetic aspect, personality, education, and psychological knowledge</p>
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