<p> University of Central Florida College of Medicine Administrative & Leadership Committees</p><p>Departmental Level Committees</p><p>Department of Clinical Sciences P&T – Multi-Year Faculty Makes recommendations to the Dean for the award of tenure and promotion of tenure track faculty in the Department of Clinical Sciences.</p><p>Members Diane Davey, Professor Judith Simms-Cendan, Professor Martin Klapheke, Professor Mujtaba Husain, Professor *May participate on committee for those seeking promotion to Associate Professor</p><p>Department of Medical Education P&T – Multi-Year Faculty Makes recommendations to the Dean for the award of tenure and promotion of tenure track faculty in the Department of Medical Education.</p><p>Members Andrew Payer, Professor (T) David Harris, Associate Professor* Jonathan Kibble, Professor (T) Magdalena Pasarica, Associate Professor (TT)* Stephen Lambert, Associate Professor (T)* Deedra Walton, University Librarian *May participate on committee for those seeking promotion to Associate Professor</p><p>BSBS P&T – Professor rank Tenure Earning and Tenured Faculty This subcommittee will make recommendations to the Dean for the award of tenure and promotion of tenure track faculty to the title of Professor.</p><p>Members Saleh Naser, Professor (T) Alex Cole, Professor (T) Genaro Lopez, Professor (T) Sampath Parthasarathy, Professor (T) Dinender Singla, Professor (T) Ella Bossy-Wetzel, Professor (T)</p><p>BSBS P&T –Associate Professor rank with tenure This subcommittee will make recommendations to the Dean for the award of tenure and promotion of tenure track faculty to the title of Associate Professor.</p><p> Saleh Naser, Professor (T) Alex Cole, Professor (T) Deborah Altomare, Associate Professor (T) Claudia Andl, Associate Professor (T) Ella Bossy-Wetzel, Professor (T) Xinqing (Karl) Chai, Associate Professor (T) • Ratna Chakrabarti, Associate Professor (T) • Zixi (Jack) Cheng, Associate Professor (T) • Steven Ebert, Associate Professor (T) Mollie Jewett, Associate Professor (T) Travis Jewett, Associate Professor (T) Yoon-Seong Kim, Associate Professor (T) • Stephen King, Associate Professor (T) Xiaoman Li, Associate Professor (T) Genaro Lopez, Professor (T) Sean Moore, Associate Professor (T) Sampath Parthasarathy, Professor (T) • William Self, Associate Professor (T) Shadab Siddiqi, Associate Professor (T) • Dinender Singla, Professor (T) Jihe Zhao, Associate Professor (T)</p><p>College Level Committees</p><p>Nominations Committee (Appt. by Leadership Committee) Prepares a list of candidates for FC Vice President, elected members of Faculty Advocate Committee, and FC Representative Committee Chaired by immediate past president Members shall serve three year staggered terms Includes two representatives from BSBS and two from departments within COM Members Judy Simms-Cendan, Chair – 2017-2018 Steve Lambert – 2014-2020 (Med Ed) Stephen King – 2016-2019 (BSBS) Dinender Singla 2014-2020 (BSBS) Analia Castiglioni – 2015-2018 (IM)</p><p>Faculty Advocate Committee (Elected) The Faculty Advocate Committee shall receive, hear and make recommendations to individual faculty and to the faculty council leadership committee on unresolved issues from that faculty member. The Committee shall be composed of six members. Three members will be elected from a slate of candidates identified by the Faculty Council Nominating Committee. The electorate for these positions will be the entire core faculty. Staggered three-year terms will be renewable once for a total of six years of service, with one of the members replaced each year. The remaining three members will be appointed by the Faculty Council Leadership Committee. The three appointed members will be identified on a case-by-case basis and only serve for the duration of that case.</p><p>Members Dan Topping (Med Ed) 2016-2019 Annette Khaled (BSBS) 2017-2020 Caridad Hernandez (IM) 2015-2018</p><p>Committee on Committees (Appt. by Leadership Committee) Chaired by Vice President • Recommends candidates to fill vacancies on the policy and administrative committees of the College of Medicine • Names submitted to the Dean following vote by Leadership Committee • Members appointed by Leadership Committee • The committee shall be composed of four additional Faculty Council members appointed by the Leadership Committee for appropriate representation from the Schools and Departments within the College of Medicine. • Members will serve staggered three-year terms.</p><p>Members Dave Harris, Chair – 2017-2018 Mollie Jewett – 2014-2017 (BSBS) Sean Moore – 2015-2018 (BSBS) Dan Topping – 2015-2018 (Med ed) Manette Monroe – 2016-2019 (Clin)</p><p>Leadership Committee (Elected) • The Leadership Committee of the FC shall be composed of the president, the vice-president, and the immediate past president of the FC. • The Leadership Committee of the FC will represent faculty interests at Executive Faculty and Enterprise meetings. • The Leadership Committee is part of the Executive Faculty which is part of the Enterprise</p><p>Members Cristina Fernendez-Valle, President – 2016-2019 David Harris, Vice President – 2017-2020 Judith Simms-Cendan, Immediate Past President – 2015-2018</p><p>Bylaws Committee (Appt. by Leadership Committee) The Bylaws Committee shall annually review bylaws, consider proposed changes, and make recommendations regarding such changes to the Faculty Council.</p><p> The committee shall be composed of members of the core faculty with proportional representatives from the units within COM.</p><p> The committee will have five members and its members will be appointed by the Faculty Council Leadership committee after consultation with the Committee on Committees. The President of the Faculty Council shall designate the Chair of the Bylaws Committee.</p><p>Members Debopam Chakrabarti – 2015-2018 (BSBS) Yoon Kim 2014-2017 (BSBS) Manette Monroe 2014-2017 (Clin) Bernard Gros – 2016-2018 (IM) Diane Davey – 2015-2018 (Clin)</p><p>Faculty Council Representative Committee (Elected) The FC Nominations committee will recruit candidates for these representative positions. Two reps will come from the BSBS: one from Lake Nona campus and 1 from the main campus/annex. One representative will come from the Medical Education Department. Two reps will come from the clinical departments: one from Pegasus Health and one not from Pegasus Health. Representatives will be elected to staggered two year terms. If an elected representative is unable to complete his or her term, a new election will be carried out within three months to identify a new representative. The FC Representative Committee shall consider and formulate short-range and long-range goals of the FC and of the College of Medicine. </p><p>Representatives Jackie Zhao, 2014-2018 (BSBS Lake Nona) Herve Roy, 2018-2020 (BSBS Main Campus)</p><p> Shazia Beg, 2014-2018 (Clinical UCF Health) </p><p> Cari Hernandez, 2016-2018 (Clinical not UCF Health) </p><p> Dan Topping, 2017-2019 (Med Ed)</p><p>College of Medicine Appointment Committee COMAC reviews faculty for appointment to the non-salaried core classification. Committee is appointed by the Dean Consists of 5 faculty members: BSBS (1), Medical Education (1), Clinical Sciences/Internal Medicine (3)</p><p>Members Colleen Moran-Bano, Chair (Clinical Sciences) David Balkwill (Medical Education) Annette Khaled (BSBS) Abdo Asmar (Internal Medicine) Jose Rubero (Clinical Sciences)</p><p>College of Medicine Promotion & Tenure Committee Faculty members in the College of Medicine are appointed as tenured faculty, tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty on single-year or multi-year appointments, affiliated faculty, and volunteer faculty. Faculty appointed at Assistant Professor and Associate Professor ranks will be considered for promotion and/or tenure in accordance with college and university policy. The committee shall be composed of core faculty members holding the rank of professor. Each department or unit shall elect one tenured faculty member and one non-tenured faculty member to serve on the committee. Tenured faculty representatives’ review and vote on the recommendation for tenure and promotion of tenured or tenure track faculty members. Non-tenure track faculty representatives review and vote on the recommendation for promotion of non-tenured faculty members. Committee on committees is consulted for nominations to this committee. Elected in January to meet P&T timeline Members Tenured subcommittee Debopam Chakrabarti– 2016-2018, Professor (for Burnett) Tenured Saleh Rahman– 2017-2019, Professor (for Med Ed) Tenured Victor Davidson – 2017-2019, Professor (for Clinical Sciences) Tenured, Chair Cristina Fernandez-Valle– 2016-2018, Professor (for IM) Tenured</p><p>Non-tenured subcommittee Adam Golden – 2017-2019, Professor (for Clinical Sciences) Marcy Verduin – 2017-2019, Professor (for Med Ed) , Chair Roseann White – 2017-2019, Professor (for Burnett) Naveed Sami – 2016-2018, Professor (for IM)</p><p>MD Program Curriculum Committee The M.D. Program Curriculum Committee has the responsibility to review, advise, and make policy recommendations to the Dean on matters related to the design, delivery and evaluation of the undergraduate medical education program. The Committee is composed of faculty members, many of whom have been elected by the Faculty, and elected representatives from the student council. These members constitute the voting membership of the Committee. The Committee also has representatives from Faculty Development, the Medical Library, Student Affairs, and Planning and Knowledge Management appointed to serve as non‐voting, ex officio members. Each faculty member of the committee shall serve for a term of three years, with the exception of the chair (Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs) who will serve indefinitely. The three-year terms of each member shall be staggered such that one-third of the members shall be replaced each year. Appointments are based on the annual year therefore replacements must be identified by December.</p><p>Members (appointment based on role in curriculum-must be assigned in conjunction with chair) Christine Bellew (2016-2017) Elias Giraldo (2017-2020) Jose Rubero (2017-2020) Bill DeCampli (2015-2018) Heather Fagan (2014-2017) Nyla Dil (2017-2020) Caridad Hernandez (2015-2018) Bernard Gros (2017-2020) Denise Kay (2015-2018) Andrew Payer (2015-2018) Jennifer Thompson (2013-2019) Richard Peppler, Chair (indefinite) Andrea Berry (indefinite) Juan Cendan (indefinite) Diane Davey (indefinite) Nadine Dexter (indefinite) Jon Kibble (indefinite) Martin Klapheke (indefinite) Marcy Verduin (indefinite) Basma Selim (indefinite)</p><p>MD Graduate Medical Education Committee The M.D. Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) oversees all residency programs sponsored by UCF. This committee shall establish and implement policies and procedures regarding the quality of graduate medical education and the work environment for all residents in all GME programs. This committee will have oversight of curriculum, evaluation, accreditation, and internal review processes. The voting membership on the committee includes the Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education who serves as Designated Institutional Official for accreditation purposes, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, at least seven faculty members including Program Directors or Associate Program Directors, and key administrators from the Hospital affiliates. Three residents nominated by peers will serve as voting members once the programs have begun. </p><p>Members (appointment based on role in program, Assistant Dean for GME appoints all members) Designated by role as dictated by the ACGME</p><p>MS Program Committee Review of applications and recommendation of admissions Review and recommendation of fellowships Review and recommendation on programmatic policies and procedures</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, coordinator appoints all members) 2016-2018 Saleh Naser, Chair Antonis Zervos Jihe Zhao Justine Tigno-Aranjuez Tara Strut Kiminobu Sugaya Mohtashem Samsam Shadab Siddiqi BSBS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee The B.S. Undergraduate Education Committee shall review, advise, and make policy recommendations on matters related to B.S. undergraduate education. This committee shall develop, review, and make recommendations regarding new and revised B.S. undergraduate programs and courses, and shall develop standards for the assessment of all B.S. undergraduate programs in the college. The committee shall be composed of a representative of each B.S. undergraduate program with the members appointed by the Director of Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences.</p><p>Members (appointments are continuous and are based on role, all appointments made by chair) Roseann White, ex-officio Bill Self </p><p> Robert Borgon</p><p> Stephen King </p><p> Sean Moore </p><p> Ken Teter</p><p> Kiminobu Sugaya</p><p> Camilla Ambivero</p><p> Mohtashem Samsam</p><p>MD Admissions Committee The Admissions Committee implements the policies related to the application/admissions process. The committee is composed of faculty and student representatives appointed by the Dean. The Chair of the Admissions Committee and the appointees evaluate all completed applications to the College of Medicine and select applicants to be interviewed. The final decision about admissions is made by the Admissions Committee, which has the independent responsibility for selection of students. Committee decisions are 11 implemented by the Director of Admissions. Committee members include biomedical sciences and clinical faculty and students. The chair of the committee is appointed by the Dean. Faculty committee members are appointed for three-year overlapping terms. Prior to the beginning of the admissions year, committee members will meet with the Dean to discuss criteria for selection, interviewing techniques, diversity, confidentiality issues, and ways to ensure the integrity of the admissions process. Members (members must be identified in conjunction with Director of Admissions) Genaro Lopez (2008-2013, permanent member)</p><p> Andrew Payer, chair (2008-2016, chair from 2010-2018)</p><p> Mariana Dangiolo (2015-2018)</p><p> Otto Phanstiel (2012-2018)</p><p> Karl Chai (2016-2018)</p><p> Susan desJardins (2017-2018)</p><p> Shantel Hebert-Magee (2017-2018)</p><p> Nita Kohli (2017-2018)</p><p> Sergio Salazr (2017-2018) </p><p> Maurice Mascoe (2016-2018)</p><p> Michael Ziebelman (2014-2018)</p><p> Saleh Rahman (Non Voting this Year)</p><p> Reema Gupta (2016-2018)</p><p> Brian Nagle M4</p><p> Heena Ahmed M4</p><p> Nathan Esplin M4</p><p> Aleks Kovalskiy M4</p><p>Medical Student Evaluation and Promotions Committees This committee, acting for the faculty, makes recommendations to the Dean regarding each student's enrollment and/or academic progress in the College of Medicine, including continuation, promotion to the next academic year, remediation, dismissal, or any variation thereof that in the opinion of the Committee is appropriate The College of Medicine will have a separate Medical Student Evaluation and Promotions Committee for each class. Each committee will follow its class through each of the four years of medical school (M-1, M-2, M-3, and M-4). This will provide the committee members better continuity and deeper insight into the abilities of the students. Each committee will be composed of faculty representatives as appointed by the Dean. The committees will be identified by the anticipated graduation year of the entering class. A class entering in 2009 will be designated the 2013 Class. The directors of the modules or clerkships in a respective M.D. curriculum year normally will not be voting members of the committee for that curriculum year except in cases where the module or clerkship director is appointed as a voting member. This will provide continuity for a particular academic year from class to class. The Dean will appoint the committee chair from the core faculty. An Assistant Dean for Medical Education will support each committee. The Associate Dean for Students will attend committee meetings. Each committee will systematically review the academic progress of each student within that curriculum year. The Dean makes the final decision regarding an appropriate course of action for each student. Appointments begin at the beginning of each academic year therefore roles should be assigned in the summer prior to the class starting. Preference to have 3 committee members with experience with SEPC and 2 new members.</p><p>Members</p><p>Class of 2018 Edward Ross Analia Castiglioni Mollie Jewett David Harris Magdalena Pasarica</p><p>Class of 2019 Laurel Gorman Steven Ebert Stephen Berman Caridad Hernandez Nazeema Khan-Assad</p><p>Class of 2020 Christine Bellew Elias Giraldo Denise Kay Kyle Rohde Sergio Salazar</p><p>Class of 2021 Diane Davey (Chair) Annette Khaled Jeffrey LaRochelle Karl McKinstry Daniel Topping</p><p>***Module and clerkship directors also participate as informants as class progresses through respective years.</p><p>Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Committee This committee evaluates and approves or denies CPD educational activities. The Committee also reviews presentations that may pose a potential conflict of interest. Committee members are appointed by the dean.</p><p>Members Richard Peppler, PhD, Faculty and Academic Affairs, Medical Education, COM, Chair Stephen Berman MD, PhD, Clinical Sciences, COM Andrea Berry MPA, Faculty Development, COM Shiva Kalidindi, MD, MPH, MS(Ed.), FAAP, Nemours Children’s Hospital Bernard Gros MD, Internal Medicine, COM Mary Beth Harris, Graduate Medical Education, COM Victor Herrera MD, Florida Hospital Todd Freece, UCF Continuing Education Saleh Naser PhD, Burnett School, COM Andrew Payer PhD, Medical Education, COM Lucia Schweitzer, Planning and Knowledge Management, COM Jennifer Thompson MD, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Orlando Sharon Whitmer EdD, Advisor Loretta Forlaw, PhD, RN, FACHE, College of Nursing Shannon Miller, Pharm D, BCACP, UF College of Pharmacy, Orlando Alaina West, CPD Coordinator Mariana Dangiolo MD, Clinical Sciences, COM* *Ad hoc member for activities seeking AAFP certification</p><p>University Level Committees</p><p>COM Senators – faculty senators are elected in February/March of each year • Stephen Lambert (2017-19) • Bill Self (2017-19) • Stephen King (2016-18) • Laurel Gorman (2016-18) • Kimi Sugaya (2016-18)</p><p>Alternates Ratna Chakrabarti (2016-18) Dan Topping (2016-18) Annette Khaled (2016-18)</p><p>University Promotion & Tenure Committee – nominations should occur in February when a new member needs to be elected Kimi Sugaya (2017-19), tenured representative Stephen Berman (2016-2018), non-tenured representative</p><p>UCF Graduate School Committees not managed by COM</p><p>Ph.D. Program Graduate Advisory Committee Oversight of the Ph.D. Program. As needed</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, one-half of committee rotates off service every 2 years, chair appoints all members) 2016-2018 Annette Khaled Saleh Naser Sampath Parthasarathy Dmitry Kolpashchikov (Chemistry) Mollie Jewett James Hickman (Nanoscience)</p><p>Ph.D. Program Admissions and Recruitment Committee Reviews student applications and makes recommendations for admission to the Ph.D. Program. Committee is also responsible for recruitment of new students, which may include (but not limited to) making sure that the most current and pertinent information is available and accessible via our website, and production of pamphlets, posters, and/or newsletters. Twice per year — Once in early Fall (Recruitment) and once in early Spring (Admissions). Can meet more often as needed.</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, one-half of committee rotates off service every 2 years, chair appoints all members) 2016-2018 Saleh Naser, Chair Steve Ebert, (Chair MD/PhD) Swadesh Santra (Nano) Victor Davidson Claudia Andl Dinender Singla Kai McKinstry Robert Steward</p><p>Ph.D. Program Curriculum Committee The committee is responsible for reviewing core graduate course and other required and elective courses for the Ph.D. Program. The committee is also responsible for updating those sections of the Ph.D. Program Handbook pertaining to the curriculum (coursework) and ensuring that these changes are consistent with information on our website and in the Graduate Catalog. Twice per year – Once in Fall and again at the end of Spring Semester. Can meet more often as needed.</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, one-half of committee rotates off service every 2 years, chair appoints all members) 2016-2018 Steve Ebert (chair) Annette Khaled Victor Davidson Ratna Chakrabarti Michael Masternak Deborah Altomare Claudia Andl Kiminobu Sugaya Alex Cole *One new student member needs to be added</p><p>Ph.D. Program Graduate Exam Committee The committee will meet to review cumulative exam questions obtained from program faculty, and coordinate exam schedules. Review composition of dissertation committees, and make recommendations as necessary and appropriate. Any cumulative exam issues that cannot be resolved by the examiners will be reviewed by this committee. Twice per year – Once in early Fall (Aug) and again in Spring. Can meet more often as needed.</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, one-half of committee rotates off service every 2 years, chair appoints all members) 2016-2018 Steve Ebert, Chair Claudia Andl Shadab Siddiqi Stephen King Jihe Zhao Otto Phanstiel (Med Ed) Karl Chai Ella Bossy-Wetzel Kenneth Teter Sean Moore</p><p>Ph.D. Program Student Affairs Committee The committee will meet to discuss issues pertaining to Ph.D. students, and will serve as a liaison committee between the Ph.D. Faculty and BMS Graduate Student Organization. This committee will also serve as the planning committee for Orientation of incoming Graduate Students. At least once a year.</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing, one-half of committee rotates off service every 2 years, chair appoints all members) 2016-2018 Hervey Roy, Chair (2016) Deborah Altomare (2016) Justine Tigno-Aranjuez (2016) Michal Masternak (2016) Shannon Connally, Admission Namita Varukdar – student Taylor Johnson – student Jessica Guyette – student Richard Barret – student Jami Conley – student Maria Cruz – student </p><p>Ph.D. Program Graduate Symposium Committee The committee will organize the Graduate Research Symposium in the Spring Semester. At least once per year.</p><p>Members (2 year appointment, many ongoing) 2016-2018 Claudia Andl Yoon Kim Ratna Chakrabarti Justine Tigno-Aranjuez Michal Masternak Karl Chai Kai McKinstry, Chair (2016)</p><p>Ad Hoc Committees</p><p>Research Incentive Award Committee </p><p>Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award Selection Committee</p><p>Teaching Incentive Program Selection Committee </p><p>Faculty Senate Committees</p><p>2017-2018 Joint Committees and Councils</p><p>Committee Terms in Progress L a s Committee Committee Role t First Term Voting Department B o s s y - W e t z Admissions and Faculty e 2015- Standards Committee Representatives l Ella 2018 Voting Biomedical Sciences R University Athletics Faculty o 2015- Advisory Committee Representatives y Herve 2018 Voting Biomedical Sciences M a s t e r n Faculty and Staff Faculty a 2016- Benefits Committee Representatives k Michal 2018 Voting Biomedical Sciences University Bookstore Faculty T Dan 2016- Voting Medical Education Advisory Committee Representatives o 2018 p p i n g C h Academic Calendar Faculty a 2016- Molecular Biology Committee Representatives i Karl 2018 Voting and Microbiology G i l l University Master Faculty u 2016- Planning Committee Representatives m Shalu 2019 Voting Medical Education F e r n a n d e z - V a l Faculty l 2015- Molecular Biology Research Council Representatives e Cristina 2018 Voting and Microbiology T i g n o - A r a n j u University Travel Faculty e 2016- Awards Committee Representatives z Justine 2018 Voting Biomedical Sciences</p><p>Committee Vacancies L a s Committee Committee Role t First Term Voting Department Commencement, Faculty C Ratna 2017- Voting Biomedical Sciences Convocation, and Representatives h 2018 Recognitions a Committee k r a b a r t i A m b i v Undergraduate e Common Program Faculty r 2017- Oversight Committee Representatives o Camilla 2019 Voting Biomedical Sciencs M o n Faculty Center for r Teaching and Learning Faculty o 2017- Advisory Committee Representatives e Manette 2020 Voting Clinical Sciences B o r g University Honors Faculty a 2017- Committee Representatives n Bob 2019 Voting Biomedical Sciences W a l t Library Advisory Faculty o 2017- Committee Representatives n Deebra 2020 Voting Medical Education S u g a University Promotion Faculty y 2017- and Tenure Committee Representatives a Kimi 2019 Voting Biomedical Sciences M o r a n - B a Strategic Planning Faculty n 2017- Council Representatives o Colleen 2020 Voting Clinical Sciences </p><p>Previous Seat Holder L a s Committee Committee Role t First Term Voting Department Commencement, Faculty L Wilfredo 2016- Voting Molecular Biology o p e z</p><p>O j Convocation, and e Recognitions d Committee Representatives a 2018 and Microbiology Undergraduate R Common Program Faculty o 2015- Oversight Committee Representatives y Herve 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences J e w Faculty Center for e Teaching and Learning Faculty t 2014- Advisory Committee Representatives t Travis 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences A l t o m a University Honors Faculty r 2015- Committee Representatives e Deborah 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences K Library Advisory Faculty i 2014- Committee Representatives m Yoon-Seong 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences C o University Promotion Faculty l 2015- and Tenure Committee Representatives e Alexander 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences K Strategic Planning Faculty i 2014- Council Representatives m Yoon-Seong 2017 Voting Biomedical Sciences</p><p>2017-2018 Faculty Senate Operational and Curricular Committees</p><p>Committee Terms in Progress Senat Committe e Committee Committee Role Last First e Term Voting Senator Term Department Undergradu Administrators White Roseann Continuing Ex No Biomedical ate Policy and Curriculum Committee officio Sciences Undergradu ate Course Review Ex Undergraduat Committee Administrators Hitchcock Dorilyn Continuing officio No e Coordinator Budget and Administrati ve Senate 2016- Biomedical Committee Representatives Sugaya Kimi 2016-2018 Voting Yes 2018 Sciences Undergradu ate Course Review Faculty Mohtashe Biomedical Committee Representatives Samsam m 2016-2018 Voting No Sciences Graduate Curriculum Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Ebert Steven 2015-2018 Voting No Sciences Graduate Program Review and Awards Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Chakrabarti Debopam 2015-2018 Voting No Sciences</p><p>New Appointme nts per Senator Preference Form Senat Committe e Committee Committee Role Last First e Term Voting Senator Term Department Personnel Senate 2016- Biomedical Committee Representatives King Stephen 2017-2019 Voting Yes 2018 Sciences Graduate Appeals Senate 2017- Medical Committee Representatives Lambert Stephen 2017-2020 Voting Yes 2019 Education</p><p>Committee Vacancies Senat Committe e Committee Committee Role Last First e Term Voting Senator Term Department Graduate Curriculum Ex Committee Administrators Continuing officio No Graduate Policy Ex Committee Administrators Continuing officio No Information Technology Senate Medical Committee Representatives Dexter Nadine 2017-2019 Voting Educaiton Faculty Faculty Dil Nyla 2017-2019 Voting No Medical Senate Parking Transportati on and Safety Representatives Educaiton Undergradu ate Policy and Curriculum Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Jewett Travis 2017-2019 Voting No Sciences Graduate Policy Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Altomare Deborah 2017-2020 Voting No Sciences</p><p>Previous Seat Holder Senat Committe e Committee Committee Role Last First e Term Voting Senator Term Department Faculty Senate Parking Transportati on and Faculty Bossy- Biomedical Safety Representatives Wetzel Ella 2015-2017 Voting No Sciences Personnel Senate 2016- Biomedical Committee Representatives King Stephen 2015-2017 Voting Yes 2018 Sciences Undergradu ate Policy and Curriculum Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Borgon Robert 2016-2017 Voting No Sciences Graduate Appeals Senate 2017- Medical Committee Representatives Lambert Stephen 2015-2017 Voting Yes 2019 Education Graduate Policy Faculty Biomedical Committee Representatives Khaled Annette 2014-2017 Voting No Sciences</p>
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