<p> MSDIWG6-10.2</p><p>FROM MSDIWG Vice Chair E. Vos</p><p>In Annex A you find the work done by Edward Hosken (UKHO) on Work Plan item B.1 “Review the appropriateness of existing standards for the provision of the maritime components of spatial data infrastructures”. These results have been discussed by correspondence by a small group over the summer. </p><p>At MSDIWG6 we plan to discuss the matrix in Annex A, listen to a short summary of the discussion in the small group and then have a plenary discussion on this item. (See below.)</p><p>Therefore the following action is asked from MSDIWG6:</p><p>Please review the preliminary results in Annex A of this paper of ‘work item 11’ from the Action List which corresponds with Work Plan item B.1 “Review the appropriateness of existing standards for the provision of the maritime components of spatial data infrastructures”</p><p>Prepare to discuss how to continue from here: Please consider the scope of the results Please consider the consequences of the move of MSDIWG to IRCC Please consider HSSC related elements in the Work item Please consider the role of HOs and of industry and common interests</p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 1 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft Annex A Maritime Spatial Data Infrastructure: Links with other marine initiatives </p><p>Purpose – to show links between various marine interests and MSDI themes, and identify any significant gaps. Task 11 from IHO MSDIWG5 required ‘a proposed way of identifying and logging requirements for additional S-1xx data specifications, to provide preliminary feedback to HSSC6’.</p><p>MSDI Themes: Topography: e.g. land surface (relief); natural and artificial features Hydrography: e.g. physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes; navigational features; Environment, Ecology, Geology and exploitation: e.g. biodiversity; conservation; fishing; energy extraction/generation Meteorology & Oceanography; e.g. weather conditions: climate; water characteristics (e.g. temperature, chemistry) and movement Transport safety, management ,infrastructure & logistics: e.g. Traffic separation zones; Vessel Traffic Services; Port facilities; land transport links Emergency planning and response: e.g. environmental clean-up; emergency services; search and rescue; Spatial & Operational Planning; e.g. Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) e.g. for offshore development; Exploration activities; Administrative: e.g. marine boundaries, rights and restrictions Human factors (recreational, cultural, social): eg. Water sports; historical/cultural/spiritual significance (eg war graves); </p><p>To consider whether the above themes suitably cover all required aspects, a comparison with OGC themes is provided at annex A. </p><p>Annex B provides a cross reference to NATO Additional Military Layers (AML) as defined by STANAG 7170 as ‘’...a unified range of digital geospatial data products designed to satisfy the totality of NATO non-navigational maritime defence requirements’’. A number of these are not directly relevant to civil MSDI, but have been provided to stimulate discussion. </p><p>In the table below: S-<nnn> numbers refer to planned product specifications within the S-100 IHO Universal Hydrographic Data Model scheme. http://www.iho.int/mtg_docs/com_wg/HSSC/HSSC_Misc/List_of_S-100_Product_Specifications.pdf</p><p> MSP numbers refer to proposed Maritime Service Portfolios from the IMO E-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan as finalized at NCSR1 (July 2014). Brief descriptions provided in annex C. </p><p>IMO has agreed to use S-100 as the basis of data exchange within e-navigation. Thus with the development of the MSPs, S-100 compliant data will become available that will be of potential value to MSDI. </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 2 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>MDSI Themes: Primary relevance; Secondary relevance </p><p>) ) ) y y e l n g d & h h R v a</p><p> i i o n n t p i p i & e c t a r a a a n l S o a r r r u ( t n t s i t</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a c i , o l e o o o l l ( r u n s p n i a p</p><p> r d r l t n a y x y m s u a o e h e t d l a n H p c p r d u s o A f o a i</p><p> c n r t e n</p><p> i r , a & a g ,</p><p> l</p><p> r o t d a y y e p n n n g g p o e a o o o o i s l l T t m c g o o i a & r t e n e i e l o s g g r i n a</p><p> e a i c g , t n t n e y o e a a l r l a g ( p M p o</p><p> m l S s</p><p> y r o , c o y c t t n e c e e , f a t g f a</p><p> r n s n e e t a r m m o m n E p u o s r i H n v a n r</p><p>S-100 initiatives IMO – e-navigation E T IHO S-101 ENC; MSP 11 Nautical chart service IHO S-102 Bathymetric surface (gridded) IHO S-103 Sub-surface navigation IHO S-10x Nautical publication MSP12 Nautical publication information;; service IHO S-111 Surface currents IHO S-121 Maritime limits and boundaries IHO S-122 Marine protected areas IHO S-123 Radio services </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 3 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>) ) ) y y e l n g d & h h R v a</p><p> i i o n n t p i p i & e c t a r a a a n l S o a r r r u ( t n t s i t</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a c i , o l e o o o l l ( r u n s p n i a p</p><p> r d r l t n a y x y m s u a o e h e t d l a n H p c p r d u s o A f o a i</p><p> c n r t e n</p><p> i r , a & a g ,</p><p> l</p><p> r o t d a y y e p n n n g g p o e a o o o o i s l l T t m c g o o i a & r t e n e i e l o s g g r i n a</p><p> e a i c g , t n t n e y o e a a l r l a g ( p M p o</p><p> m l S s</p><p> y r o , c o y c t t n e c e e , f a t g f a</p><p> r n s n e e t a r m m o m n E p u o s r i H n v a n r</p><p>S-100 initiatives IMO – e-navigation E T IHO S-124 Navigational warnings; MSP 5 MSI service IHO S-125 Navigational services IHO S-126 Physical environment IHO S-127 Traffic management; MSP 3 Traffic organization service IALA S-201 Aids to Navigation JCOMM S-411 Sea ice MSP 13 Ice navigation service IOC S-401 Inland ENC IALA S-20x Inter-VTS exchange MSP 1 Vessel Traffic Services format (VTS) MSP 2 Navigational assistance service MSP 4 Local port service MSP 6 Pilotage service </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 4 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>) ) ) y y e l n g d & h h R v a</p><p> i i o n n t p i p i & e c t a r a a a n l S o a r r r u ( t n t s i t</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a c i , o l e o o o l l ( r u n s p n i a p</p><p> r d r l t n a y x y m s u a o e h e t d l a n H p c p r d u s o A f o a i</p><p> c n r t e n</p><p> i r , a & a g ,</p><p> l</p><p> r o t d a y y e p n n n g g p o e a o o o o i s l l T t m c g o o i a & r t e n e i e l o s g g r i n a</p><p> e a i c g , t n t n e y o e a a l r l a g ( p M p o</p><p> m l S s</p><p> y r o , c o y c t t n e c e e , f a t g f a</p><p> r n s n e e t a r m m o m n E p u o s r i H n v a n r</p><p>S-100 initiatives IMO – e-navigation E T MSP 7 Tug service MSP 8 Vessel shore reporting MSP 9 Telemedical assistance service MSP 10 Marine assistance service JCOMM S-412 Met-ocean MSP 14 Meteorological forecasts information service MSP15 Real time hydrographic and environmental service MSP 16 Search and rescue service </p><p>Analysis Notable S-1xx gaps exist under: the theme of Spatial and Operational planning the following MSPs</p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 5 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft o MSP2 - Navigational Assistance o MSP4 - Local Port Service (LPS) o MSP6 - Pilotage Service o MSP7 - Tug Service o MSP8 - Vessel Shore reporting o MSP9 - Telemedical Assistance Service o MSP10 - Marine Assistance Service o MSP15 - Real time o MSP16 - Search and rescue service</p><p>It is debatable whether all of these require S-1xx product specifications. The proposed priorities are: Vessel shore reporting – a major theme within e-navigation for improved efficiency and safety, plus a significant contributor to logistical links that can be handled within MSDI; Local Port Service – a major theme within e-navigation for improved port entry Real time hydrographic and environmental service – particularly relating to tides/water level, traffic movements etc which contribute to dynamic route planning and logiostics.</p><p>These three are all data hungry and interface directly with navigational requirements. </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 6 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>Annex A - OGC Domain Working Groups (DWG) Within the Open Geospatial Consortium, Domain Working Groups (DWG or WG) provide a forum for discussion of key interoperability requirements and issues, discussion and review of implementation specifications, and presentations on key technology areas relevant to solving geospatial interoperability issues. ( http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/wg ). </p><p>The following tables maps OGC domains to MSDI themes used in the body of this document. </p><p>) ) ) y y s e l n g d c R h h v a i i i o n n t t p p i i & c t a s a a a n l i S o r a r r ( n t t g s i</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a o i , l o l e o o o l l</p><p>( r n s n P i a p</p><p>& d r n l a y</p><p> x y m u o a e h e e t d l r p H c n p u d s u A o a t O i c r n e</p><p> t</p><p> c r , g a</p><p> a l & u r</p><p> o r d a y t y e p n n g s g p o a o o a</p><p> i l o T r l O t f g o o a n n e r & i i e</p><p>, o l r</p><p> n G t c</p><p> e a n i , t n e t a y e r e l a ( g</p><p> p p M</p><p> m o s l y S r e o c o g t c n a c E e n</p><p> a , g a t r F</p><p> n e m n</p><p> e , m a y m t E m n e f u o r a i H s v</p><p> t n r E o p s n a r</p><p>OGC domains T Geosciences and Environment X X X</p><p>Government and Spatial Data X X X Infrastructure </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 7 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>) ) ) y y s e l n g d c R h h v a i i i o n n t t p p i i & c t a s a a a n l i S o r a r r ( n t t g s i</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a o i , l o l e o o o l l</p><p>( r n s n P i a p</p><p>& d r n l a y</p><p> x y m u o a e h e e t d l r p H c n p u d s u A o a t O i c r n e</p><p> t</p><p> c r , g a</p><p> a l & u r</p><p> o r d a y t y e p n n g s g p o a o o a</p><p> i l o T r l O t f g o o a n n e r & i i e</p><p>, o l r</p><p> n G t c</p><p> e a n i , t n e t a y e r e l a ( g</p><p> p p M</p><p> m o s l y S r e o c o g t c n a c E e n</p><p> a , g a t r F</p><p> n e m n</p><p> e , m a y m t E m n e f u o r a i H s v</p><p> t n r E o p s n a r</p><p>OGC domains T Meteorology and Oceanography X</p><p>Emergency and Disaster Management X</p><p>Energy and Utilities X Land and Infrastructure X</p><p>ANNEX B – Additional Military Layers </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 8 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>) ) ) y s y e l n g d c R h v h a i i i o n n t t p i p i & c t a s a a a n l i S o a r r r ( t n t g s i</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a o i , o l l e o o o l l</p><p>( r n s P n i a p</p><p>& d r n l y a x y m u o a h e e e t d l r p H c n p d u s u A o a t O i c n r e t</p><p> c r , a g</p><p> a l & u r</p><p> o r d a y t e y p n n g s p g o a o o a i l o T r O t l f g o a o n n e r & i i e</p><p>, r o l</p><p> n G t c e a n i , t n e t a y e r e l a ( g</p><p> p p M</p><p> m o s l y S r e o c o g c t n a c E e n</p><p> a , g a t r F</p><p> n e m n</p><p> e , m a y m t E m n e f u o r a i H s v</p><p> t n r E o p s n a r</p><p>AML T Contour Line Bathymetry (CLB) X Environment, Seabed and Beach X X X (ESB) Large Bottom Objects (LBO) X X X Maritime Foundation and Facilities X X X X X X X X X (MFF) Small Bottom Objects (SBO) X Routes, Areas and Limits (RAL) X X X Integrated Water Column (IWC) X Atmospheric and Meteorological X Climatology (AMC) Network Model Bathymetry (NMB) X</p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 9 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>) ) ) y s y e l n g d c R h v h a i i i o n n t t p i p i & c t a s a a a n l i S o a r r r ( t n t g s i</p><p> n g g</p><p> s a o i , o l l e o o o l l</p><p>( r n s P n i a p</p><p>& d r n l y a x y m u o a h e e e t d l r p H c n p d u s u A o a t O i c n r e t</p><p> c r , a g</p><p> a l & u r</p><p> o r d a y t e y p n n g s p g o a o o a i l o T r O t l f g o a o n n e r & i i e</p><p>, r o l</p><p> n G t c e a n i , t n e t a y e r e l a ( g</p><p> p p M</p><p> m o s l y S r e o c o g c t n a c E e n</p><p> a , g a t r F</p><p> n e m n</p><p> e , m a y m t E m n e f u o r a i H s v</p><p> t n r E o p s n a r</p><p>AML T Gridded Sediment – Environment, X Seabed and Beach (GS-ESB)</p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 10 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft</p><p>ANNEX C - IMO SIP Maritime Service Portfolios – brief descriptions </p><p>MSP1 - VTS Information Service (VTSIS) – to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment, through the provision of information such as Routing, Channel info, Security level, Berthing, Anchorage, Time slot, Traffic monitoring and assessment, Waterway conditions, Weather, Navigational hazards, any other factors that may influence the vessel's transit, Reports on the position, identity and intentions of other traffic.</p><p>MSP2 - Navigational Assistance Service (NAS) – to provide assistance for decision making on request, in circumstances such as equipment failure or navigational unfamiliarity where there is a risk of grounding or collision due to inability to navigate or manoeuvre. </p><p>MSP3 - Traffic Organization Service (TOS) – to prevent hazardous situations from developing and to ensure safe and efficient navigation through the VTS area via active direction of vessel movements</p><p>MSP4 - Local Port Service (LPS) - dissemination of port information to vessels and berth or terminal operators</p><p>MSP5 - Maritime Safety Information Service (MSI) - internationally coordinated network of broadcasts of Maritime Safety Information from official information providers, e.g. navigational warnings, weather warnings, distress alerts, status of aids to navigation, status of GPS.</p><p>MSP6 - Pilotage Service - communications and information exchanges between the pilot, the master and the bridge personnel to safeguard traffic at sea and protect the environment by ensuring that vessels operating in pilotage area have navigators with adequate qualifications for safe navigation. </p><p>MSP7 - Tugs Service - communications and information exchanges between tug operations stakeholders, including towage, escort, and salvage operations.</p><p>MSP8 - Vessel Shore Reporting - to reduce the Mariners workload through automatic generation of internal ship data for reporting</p><p>MSP9 - Telemedical Assistance Service (TMAS) - Standardization of reporting and registering of medical events to enhance the quality of the medical practice. Staffed by physicians qualified in conducting remote consultations and instruction for treatment on board ship. </p><p>MSP10 - Maritime Assistance Service (MAS) – 24-hour alert to handle communication between ships and others in the marine community in connection with combating pollution, fire and explosions on board, collision, grounding, maritime security, terror mitigation, etc</p><p>MSP11 - Nautical Chart Service - distribution, update and licensing of paper and electronic charts to vessels and other maritime parties</p><p>MSP12 - Nautical Publications Service - distribution, update and licensing of paper and electronic publications and information eg relating to tides, navigational aids, radio signals, port information</p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 11 of 12 MSDI Matrix Discussion draft MSP13 – Ice Navigation Service – provision of up to date information on sea ice condition, guidance on routeing, vessel escort and ice breaking services</p><p>MSP14 - Meteorological information service - provision of up to date information on weather conditions and forecast, guidance on routeing</p><p>MSP15 - Real time Hydrographic and environmental information Service - provision of up to date information including current speed and direction; tidal conditions; wave height; shipping; </p><p>MSP16 - Search and Rescue Service (SAR) - responsible for assisting, coordinating search and rescue operations at sea. </p><p>MSDI matrix (IHO MSDI Working Group 6) Page 12 of 12</p>
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