City of Henderson

City of Henderson

<p>CITY OF HENDERSON SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN July 31, 2009</p><p>1. RENEWABLE ENERGY</p><p>GOAL: Increase the use of renewable energy in City operations and throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 1.1 Increase awareness of the use of renewable energy within our community. a. Organize and participate in community events to promote renewable energy. (PIO) b. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information about renewable energy. (PIO) c. Encourage vendors of renewable products and services to participate in community events. (CD) d. Use Contact Henderson to provide information about renewable energy. (NHS, PIO)</p><p>Objective 1.2 Create incentives for the use of renewable energy within our community. a. Continue to work with regional partners to establish the Green Chips program. (CD) b. Identify incentives for renewable energy currently available to members of the community. (CD) c. Research renewable energy incentives being offered by similar communities and target specific viable renewable energy incentive programs to put in place for members of the community. (CD)</p><p>Objective 1.3 Increase the City’s use of renewable energy at city-owned facilities. a. Pursue funding opportunities for renewable energy installations at city-owned facilities. (DUS, PW) b. Determine current total electrical demands from major City facilities and identify opportunities to offset demands through renewable energy sources. (DUS, PW) c. Implement the renewable energy projects identified for funding through the federal EECBG funded projects. (DUS, PW)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 1 2. ENERGY EFFICIENCY</p><p>GOAL: Increase energy efficiency in new and existing buildings in City operations and throughout the community.</p><p>Objective 2.1 Increase awareness of energy efficiency in homes and other buildings throughout our community. a. Organize and participate in community events to promote energy efficiency. (PIO) b. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information about energy efficiency. (PIO) c. Use Contact Henderson to provide information about renewable energy. (NHS, PIO) d. Promote the use of HomeFree Nevada by Henderson residents. (NHS, CD)</p><p>Objective 2.2 Create incentives for energy efficiency in homes and other buildings throughout our community. a. Research funding opportunities for energy efficiency improvements within the community. (NHS) b. Create an inventory of current incentives for energy efficiency available to members of the community. (NHS) c. Research energy efficiency incentives being offered by similar communities and target specific viable energy efficiency incentive programs to put in place for members of the community. (NHS) </p><p>Objective 2.3 Increase energy efficiency within City-owned facilities. a. Prioritize and implement energy efficiency recommendations from the recently completed Ameresco study (PW) b. Update and Review recommendations in the City’s 2002 Energy Management Plan and update by department. (PW, All) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 2 3. EMISSIONS REDUCTION GOAL: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in City operations and throughout our community. </p><p>Objective 3.1 Increase community awareness and involvement in reducing the community’s overall carbon footprint. a. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information about reducing the community’s greenhouse gas emissions. (PIO) b. Use Contact Henderson to provide information about greenhouse gas emissions. (NHS, PIO) Objective 3.2 Reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions within our community. a. Join ICLEI and complete a citywide greenhouse gas emissions inventory using 2005 as a baseline year. (CD, DUS) b. Identify financial incentives and partnership opportunities to reduce citywide greenhouse gas emissions. (CD, DUS) </p><p>Objective 3.3 Reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions in City operations. a. Join ICLEI and complete a greenhouse gas emissions inventory for City operations using 2005 as the baseline year. (CD, DUS) b. Identify and implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within City operations. (DUS, PW) 4. WATER CONSERVATION GOAL: Reduce per capita water consumption in City operations and throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 4.1 Implement the recommendations of the Department of Utility Services Community Advisory Committee. a. Establish water conservation goals that reduce the Gallons Per Capita per Day (GPCD) used throughout the city. (DUS) b. Adopt the drought measures enacted by the City in August 2003 as permanent water management and conservation practices for our community. (DUS) c. Enhance the community’s compliance with the City’s water conservation programs through enhanced public outreach efforts. (DUS) d. Target high-consumption customers for public outreach efforts related to water conservation. (DUS) e. Develop programs, incentives, resources and tools that make water conservation easier and more attractive for customers. (DUS, NHS) f. Amend water rate structure to enhance water conservation within the upper tiers. (DUS)</p><p>5. WATER QUALITY</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 3 GOAL: Protect the ecological integrity of our community’s drinking water sources and associated ecosystems.</p><p>Objective 5.1 Implement the goals of the regional Water Quality Plan. a. Continue to work with the Las Vegas Valley Water Advisory Council to implement the strategies of the 2009 Regional Water Quality Plan. (DUS)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 4 6. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT GOAL: Support sustainable watershed management policies in City operations and throughout our community. </p><p>Objective 6.1 Improve stormwater management standards and practices in City operations and throughout our community. a. Work with the Regional Stormwater Design Guidelines Working Group (DGWG) to improve the stormwater management standards. (PW) b. With the DGWG, identify program and process benchmarks and specific actions for achieving them. (PW) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 5 7. RECYCLING GOAL: Increase recycling in City operations and throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 7.1 Engage recycling and waste services providers as partners in the City’s and community’s efforts to increase recycling citywide. a. Evaluate the recycling programs currently offered to residents and businesses within the city. (CAO, CD) b. Explore opportunities to establish a single-stream pilot program for residential recycling. (CD) c. Explore opportunities to develop a recycling program for commercial businesses. (CD)</p><p>Objective 7.2 Increase opportunities for recycling within our community. a. Promote the use of existing recycling resources in the community (Freecycle, secondhand stores, recycling facilities, etc.) (PIO) b. Pursue opportunities to provide recycling bins at select city facilities (CD, PR)</p><p>Objective 7.3 Increase opportunities for recycling within City operations. a. Conduct a waste audit of City facilities to design an improved recycling program for City facilities. (PW) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 6 8. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION GOAL: Promote responsible consumption in City operations and throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 8.1 Decrease the use of disposable, non-renewable products in City operations and citywide. a. Explore options for adopting a sustainable purchasing policy for the City. (FIN) b. Use the City’s website to promote responsible consumption practices for the community. (PIO) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 7 9. WASTE REDUCTION GOAL: Decrease the overall amount of waste being disposed of in the landfill.</p><p>Objective 9.1 Decrease total waste being transported and disposed of in our landfill. a. Create a list of recommendations for establishing a long-term measurable reduction target for total waste being disposed of in the landfill. (CAO) </p><p>10. GREEN BUILDING</p><p>GOAL: Promote the use of green building standards in City facilities and throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 10.1 Adopt a green building rating system and measure building performance for all new and renovated City facilities. a. Pursue LEED certification (or similar energy efficient standard) for the Heritage Park Senior Center, the Heritage Park Aquatic Center, and the North Community Police Station. (PW) b. Identify and adopt a green building rating system for all new major municipal facilities (e.g. LEED Silver or similar). (PW, BFS) </p><p>Objective 10.2 Provide incentives to encourage the use of green building rating systems in private development. a. Pursue partnerships with the private sector to encourage the use of a green building rating system. (BFS, CD) b. Create a staff working group to identify green building incentives and integrate into city processes, policies and/or ordinances. (BFS, CD) Objective 10.3 Align City services and staff to support the use of a green building rating system. a. Review existing codes and ordinances to identify and remove barriers to sustainable development. (BFS, CD) b. Evaluate the formation of a Green Building Review Team to provide technical and administrative assistance to projects seeking to achieve green building status. (BFS) </p><p>Objective 10.4 Increase awareness of green building practices suitable for our desert climate. a. Use City projects to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable practices to private sector interests and industry focus groups. (CD) b. Create a public awareness program highlighting the benefits of sustainable design in a desert environment. (PIO) c. Create a best practices manual and resource guide for green buildings and innovative designs specific to our desert environment. (BFS) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 8 11. URBAN DESIGN GOAL: Promote sustainable site design and development standards throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 11.1 Continue to implement the principles and policies of balanced land uses, quality development, integrated desert environment, connected places, and arts and culture, as outlined in the City of Henderson Comprehensive Plan. a. Incorporate sustainable site design principles and standards into the Development Code update. (CD) b. Incorporate sustainable site design and green building practices in the development of special plan areas. (CD) c. Identify and preserve natural open space areas, including washes and steep slopes, for recreation and conservation. (CD, PR) d. Identify future transit corridors and apply appropriate land-use designations and development standards to achieve higher-density, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development in adjacent neighborhoods. (CD)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 9 12. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL: Expand and diversify our economy by developing and retaining “green” businesses and industries in our community.</p><p>Objective 12.1 Increase consumer awareness of sustainable products and services. </p><p> a. Sponsor events, programs, or forums to educate residents on the availability and benefits of sustainable products and services. (PIO, NHS, CD) b. Seek grants to promote environmentally-friendly nonprofit organizations and small businesses. (NHS) c. Provide information on sustainable products and services on the City’s web site. (PIO) </p><p>Objective 12.2 Promote sustainable practices in existing businesses. a. Partner with local utilities, the Henderson Chamber of Commerce, and others to promote incentives to support sustainable business practices. (ED, CD) b. Create a best practices manual and resource guide for local businesses to promote the benefits of sustainable practices. (ED, CD) </p><p>Objective 12.3 Support regional and local efforts to develop a skilled workforce focused on green jobs. a. Coordinate with members of the Nevada Development Authority (NDA) and the Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board (SNWIB), the College of Southern Nevada, and others to promote the development of “green job” sectors. (ED) b. Support the creation of training programs in green job industries such as the HomeFree Nevada program. (CD)</p><p>Objective 12.4 Incubate, attract, and retain green businesses and industries in our community. a. Form an advisory group to create a targeted strategy to attract green businesses to the City. (ED) b. Identify and remove barriers that impede attraction, development, and retention of green businesses. (CD)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 10 13. PARKS, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE GOAL: Promote community health and well being through diverse and innovative parks, recreation, and natural resource opportunities for all residents.</p><p>Objective 13.1 Implement the initiatives and goals regarding parks and recreation facilities, programs, and services as outlined in the City of Henderson Parks and Recreation Master Plan. a. Continue to pursue the City’s current goal of 5.50 acres of parks and trails for every 1,000 residents. (PR) b. Update the Comprehensive Plan to include goals and policies of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (PR) c. Pursue a coordinated approach to regional trails planning through active participation with the Regional Open Space Working Group. (CD)</p><p>14. URBAN FORESTRY</p><p>GOAL: Enhance quality of life through active management of the City’s urban forest.</p><p>Objective 14.1 Develop a comprehensive strategy for protecting and improving the City’s urban forest. a. Participate in a regional urban forestry initiative to enhance the City’s urban forestry efforts. (PR, CD) b. Complete the current Parks and Recreation Department inventory documenting all trees within recreational areas throughout the City. (PR) c. Adopt a tree-planting program such as NeighborWoods to increase the number of trees in neighborhoods with minimal tree canopy. (PR, NHS) d. Conduct a city-wide tree canopy study. (PR) </p><p>Objective 14.2 Increase awareness of the public benefits of protecting and improving the City’s urban forest. a. Participate in community events to promote the value and community benefits of maintaining a healthy urban forest. (PR) b. Partner with local and private entities such as the Springs Preserve and UNLV to increase awareness of urban forestry. (PR) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 11 15. HABITAT CONSERVATION GOAL: Conserve natural habitat areas through sustainable development practices.</p><p>Objective 15.1 </p><p>Develop a comprehensive strategy for identifying, prioritizing, and conserving natural habitat areas citywide. a. Construct the Whitney Mesa Nature Preserve, including ecological restoration of naturally-occurring springs located at the base of the mesa. (PR) b. Implement the Open Space and Trails Plan by working with the BLM and other stakeholders to preserve natural open space and drainage ways where feasible. (CD) c. Create a comprehensive list of priority conservation areas within the City. (PR) </p><p>Objective 15.2 </p><p>Support collaborative efforts to promote and maintain the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. a. Continue to work with the MSHCP permittees to amend the current incidental take permit to achieve mutual benefit for all entities involved. (CD)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 12 16. MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION GOAL: Improve mobility by maximizing multi-modal transportation opportunities throughout our community.</p><p>Objective 16.1 Increase public awareness regarding the benefits, availability, and use of multiple modes of transportation. a. Partner with the Regional Transportation Commission to promote transit and other alternative modes of transportation. (CD) b. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information regarding alternate modes of transportation. (PIO) </p><p>Objective 16.2 Promote transit-supportive land uses and site design along existing and proposed transit corridors. a. Promote transit-oriented development (TOD) in appropriate locations by providing regulatory incentives through the Development Code and comprehensive planning processes. (CD) b. Partner with the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) to identify appropriate sites and secure funding for Park and Ride facilities and transit stations. (CD, PW) </p><p>Objective 16.3 Enhance pedestrian access, safety and comfort at existing and proposed transit facilities. a. Create an inventory of sidewalks, ramps, and other pedestrian facilities within ¼ mile of existing and proposed transit stops along major arterial streets and verify ADA compliance. (PW) b. Enhance pedestrian facilities near transit stops, including crosswalk and intersection design elements within the right-of-way. (PW) c. Identify gaps in the continuous network of accessible sidewalks and shared-use paths with ¼ mile of transit stops and adopt a policy to complete them. (PW) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 13 17. CLEAN VEHICLES GOAL: Improve air quality and fuel efficiency by promoting the use of advanced emissions controls, alternative fuels, and fuel-efficient technology in public and private vehicles.</p><p>Objective 17.1 Increase public awareness regarding the benefits, availability, and use of clean vehicles. a. Create an annual report to publicize the number and type of clean vehicles used by the City. (PW) b. Provide information on the City’s website highlighting the benefits of clean vehicles. (CD) c. Recognize businesses that use clean vehicles in their fleets. (CD) </p><p>Objective 17.2 Promote the use of electric, hybrid, and other alternative fuel vehicles throughout our community.</p><p> a. Amend the Development Code to encourage dedicated parking spaces for electric, hybrid, and other fuel-efficient or alternative energy vehicles within non-residential developments. (CD) b. Adopt an ordinance requiring dedicated parking spaces for clean vehicles at all public facilities within the city. (CD) </p><p>Objective 17.3 Promote fuel efficiency methods and standards in City operations and throughout our community.</p><p> a. Adopt a policy requiring proper preventative maintenance for City fleet vehicles at recommended intervals. (PW) b. Provide information to City employees and the general public on best practices for maximizing fuel efficiency. (PIO, PW) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 14 18. ROADWAY EFFICIENCY</p><p>GOAL: Increase the efficiency of existing and planned roadways and transportation infrastructure.</p><p>Objective 18.1 Decrease the percentage of single-occupancy commuter trips. </p><p> a. Increase the number of alternate commutes logged by City employees participating in the Club Ride program and encourage private businesses to participate. (CD)</p><p>Objective 18.2 Increase the availability and use of transportation alternatives, including walking and cycling.</p><p> a. Partner with the Clark County School District (CCSD) to expand “walking school bus” and other programs aimed at reducing congestion at schools during peak pick-up/drop-off times. (PW) b. Expand the city-wide Bike Plan to make connections where gaps currently exist. (PR) c. Designate a Henderson Walk/Bike to School/Work Day to encourage awareness. (PR) d. Encourage private businesses to provide access to bicycle parking and shower/locker facilities. (CD) </p><p>Objective 18.3 Mitigate traffic congestion during peak commuting times.</p><p> a. Create design standards for safe and efficient access management to determine appropriate driveway placement. (PW) b. Continue to coordinate with the Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) program on signal timing and traffic progression. (PW) c. Study the feasibility of a 4-day work week at city hall to reduce the number of city employees required to travel at peak times. (FIN)</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 15 19. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH GOAL: Prevent pollution and protect environmental health within our community.</p><p>Objective 19.1 Increase public awareness of the benefits, availability, and use of environmentally-friendly consumer products. a. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information about the use of environmentally-friendly consumer products. (PIO) b. Encourage vendors of renewable products and services to participate in community events, to provide information on the use of environmentally-friendly consumer products. (CD) c. Use Contact Henderson to provide information about the use of environmentally-friendly consumer products. (NHS, PIO) </p><p>Objective 19.2 Increase the use of environmentally-friendly products in City operations. a. Identify options for adopting a sustainable purchasing policy for the City. (FIN) </p><p>Objective 19.3 Reduce or eliminate the use of products, chemicals, or compounds that may pose risks to our environment. a. Continually review product usage to minimize the use of hazardous products where alternatives exist. (PW) b. Identify measures to eliminate the use of hazardous products and materials in City operations as viable alternatives become available. (PW) c. Establish a program with community partners, to recycle potentially hazardous products such as CFL bulbs. (CD) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 16 20. COMMUNITY GARDENS GOAL: Promote the economic, environmental, and public health benefits of community gardens and the availability of locally grown and organic foods.</p><p>Objective 20.1 Promote opportunities for community gardens throughout the City. a. Amend the Development Code to encourage community gardens in major residential developments. (CD) b. Identify opportunities to include community garden space in new parks and other public facilities, where feasible. (PR) c. Identify at least one parcel of City-owned land or existing park that can be retrofitted to provide appropriate space for a community garden. (CD)</p><p>Objective 20.2 Increase awareness of the benefits and availability of locally grown and organic foods. </p><p> a. Increase the number of links provided on the City’s website that direct users to information about the benefits and availability of locally grown and organic foods. (PIO) b. Seek vendors to participate in community events, such as the Downtown Henderson Farmer’s Market, to provide information on the benefits and availability of locally grown and organic foods. (CD) c. Use Contact Henderson to provide information about the benefits and availability of locally grown and organic foods. (NHS, PIO) d. Partner with the CCSD to create a program to educate children about community gardening and the benefits of a balanced diet and organic foods. (PR) </p><p>Objective 20.3 Increase awareness of desert gardening and the use of water-efficient irrigation products and techniques.</p><p> a. Increase the number of programs at the Acacia Demonstration Gardens focused on desert landscaping and water- efficient irrigation practices. (PR) b. Establish partnerships with local and regional entities to promote landscape practices appropriate for a desert environment. (PR) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 17 21. AIR QUALITY GOAL: Collaborate with other local agencies to improve air quality and reduce air pollutants across the valley.</p><p>Objective 21.1 Decrease the amount of particulate matter being released into the air throughout our community. a. Partner with law enforcement from federal land agencies to identify illegal Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) usage patterns and schedule patrols at peak times and locations. (PR) b. Develop a public awareness program to promote legal OHV use, including information about areas closed to OHV use. (PIO) c. Discourage site plans and subdivision layouts that provide direct road access to conserved or protected public lands. (CD) d. Expand the “Trailwatch” volunteer program to help distribute information regarding OHV closure areas and legal alternatives. (PR) e. Provide links and information about existing air quality programs on the City’s website, including: County Voluntary Vehicle Repair Program, Dust Compliance Hotline, Club Ride Commuter Benefits Program. (CD) </p><p>Objective 21.2 Decrease overall pollutants from emissions being released into the air throughout our community. a. Increase support and access for the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management’s (DAQEM) Lawnmower Exchange Program to reduce the number of gas powered lawnmowers. (CD) b. Establish a policy for purchasing new City maintenance equipment designed for low emissions. (PW, FIN) </p><p>Objective 21.3 Promote programs and activities such as urban forest management to improve overall air quality. a. Focus on major transportation corridors as areas for enhancing Henderson’s urban forest. (PR) b. Enhance the amount of trees shading transit waiting areas and pedestrian facilities to encourage usage of alternative transportation choices. (PR) </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-08\069789b58425e35a4a029cff70c34a4b.docx 18 </p>

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