<p>Porters under the Daystar 6/17/2009 </p><p>Dove Publications P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA </p><p>Author: Frederick Bacskay… (Pen name: Nicolas Bocskai…) </p><p>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ </p><p>Table of Contents: </p><p>Page 01- Index Page 02- Preface Page 02- Project Page 03- He Loves You… Does He Not? Page 03- Emotionally Insecure Page 04- Inside the Wonder of Time Page 05- The Equinox between Seasons Page 06- Speak the Tongue Page 07- Clear Out Your Head Page 07- Crazy Bones Page 08- I Love You… Heart of Hearts! Page 09- The Portuguese Fisherman’s Daughter Page 10- Steadfast Hearts of the Rainbow Covenant Page 10- Occupy Page 11- With this Knowledge Page 11- Post Labor Day Remembered Page 12- Show and Tell… How about Wait and See? Page 13- The Coastal Road Page 14- Terminal Time Sequence Page 15- The Healing Patchwork Page 16- The Weapons of our Warfare Page 17- An Autumn Sunset Page 18- The Hostile Witness Page 19- Sun Clusters with the Morning Song Page 19- Lantern Page 20- Post Autumn Thursday Page 20- Well… Did You See It Coming? Page 21- Reconciliation Page 22- End </p><p>01 Preface 6/18/09 </p><p>Standing on God’s Word… I live by His grace… the Lord will have to come thru for me… to protect and save me from myself… for I am bent on self-destruction! God says… Take time to pray today in the secret place of your home, to be established as an altar to the holy of holies in the midst of the tabernacle of God. It is here that you and God can communicate one-on-one without distraction and intercede for your neighbors! </p><p>Will there be a grace period of well being after doing away with all the medications prescribed for you? Not so as found in faith-healing for others, but a time of reconciliation between the Lord, you, and your family! Stay on your meds until the doctor, God’s representative on the Earth, says differently to you! Because if you come off of your meds and have not love in your heart for others because of med withdrawal, you are living in vain! Paul wrote it clearly in the love chapter… 1st Corinthians 13 NKJV. </p><p>Let the unjust be unjust still… let the holy be holy still… let the filthy be filthy still… Revelation 22: 11-12 NKJV. For the Lord comes to separate the good from the evil… the dominate personality will triumph in this! So, who do you want to serve? For we all have access to total power from above, being sent by God to do His will on Earth! </p><p>Project 6/18/09 </p><p>What does the following scripture mean and how is it to be used in today’s modern lifestyle? </p><p>Jesus spoke it well: Whatever is loosed on Earth will be loosed in heaven… and that which is bound on Earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 16: 19 and Matthew 18: 18 KJV). Do the laws of the nations abide by this? In saying this, will legalized sinful natures that are loosed on Earth become loosed in heaven? If we disregard law, everything will be legal! Such things being… murder, abortion, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, illegal drugs, pornography and rape just to name a few… If these acts are loosed on Earth and legalized, will they be loosed and legal in heaven? And then… there will be no more sin is the argument at the portal gateway between Jesus and the nations! Jesus is Lord… God’s Word does not change even though man’s laws will change on Earth. Remember… God’s Laws do not change, for they are eternal because God is God… and sin is sin! All mankind will be judged according to what His Word says and what we did to transgress it. The people perish because of the lack of knowledge of the eternal Holy Scriptures! Remind yourself that your education and joy in Jesus are two things that no one can take from you when you feel like giving up! </p><p>02 He Loves You… Does He Not? 6/21/09 </p><p>Some people who cannot recover from a lost love relationship need help! Some go to the hospital with feelings of suicide and rejection! I know this feeling and could not deal with it by myself. Rejection can cause a depressive state. When people who are lonely and need companionship or those who vow never to have a relationship again… these are good times to look within and deal with the root of the matter. I have asked myself this question when rejected by women that I loved in the past! What am I doing to cause this over and over again? This may be a statement that may offend you… but consider Jesus of Nazareth, the Lord of Heaven and Earth for yourself! God will love you and heal your heart wounds. We all have problems with people… even Christians who have already accepted the Lord. Jesus is TRUTH, a simple statement that opens the door to a complex Jehovah God Israel One. No one can know the reality of the Father without Jesus living in their heart. What will you do with lost LOVE to the point of self-destruction? Release him or her emotionally from your heart to Jesus! He will heal your wounds and give you new purpose… for the Lord loves you and always will! This is the point of contact… ASK Jesus into your heart and know the healing joy that God can give to you. Amen. </p><p>Emotionally Insecure 6/25/09 </p><p>Is it a good idea that if you love someone you should tell them? A love relationship can be developed in depth… knowing the identity of the person you love. </p><p>Suppose I was in love with a young lady who was infatuated with me… and I wanted to make a commitment with her, and maybe she grew interested as time went by. But now we both needed to show each other our open heart… that which we wanted each other to know between us! Is she afraid to unload baggage of the past to me because she would be afraid that I would reject her or feel bad thoughts toward her? </p><p>No one is perfect… I must know even as I am known! Jesus was the only perfect man who took our shallow love and rooted it deep… to develop our character for that which makes us unique to each other. Where is the mystery of romance in heart love? Is it a good idea to stimulate the mystery of romance to keep the relationship alive? Do we lose love interest simply because of familiarity between us? We know each other… what else can be known? What keeps that spark of love alive? My answer is… Jesus of Nazareth! If you give Jesus control of your life, you will begin to see things differently. He will heal and keep alive your love for your companion. </p><p>Jesus says… You take care of my business and I will take care of yours! Are young ladies afraid to reveal their inner thoughts of their heart to the man of their hearts’ desire? Are they afraid also to show the emotion of their love? This can be a difficult situation to take upon your self! What we don’t understand, Jesus does! Ask Him. </p><p>03 Inside the Wonder of Time 7/03/09 </p><p>Living inside Jehovah’s universal kingdom, we all help make up the mystery and puzzle of God’s Holy Spirit… each part being fitted together to make the body whole, we the dust of the Earth becoming the Saints of the Milky Way. The stars flow in movement with one common destination… home to the heart of Jehovah God our Father and Jesus Christ! The stars move as one of His cells throughout the vastness of the universe… the chemistry of creation by His own making! His metabolism moves faster than light, the fact that we cannot see Him as we are today!</p><p>He is faster than light and not bound by time…. For He is it all and everywhere present. Does time have an end as do our mortal bodies…? They can only be pressed to a limit and then come apart at the black seam of reality… from life to death then to life again in our new body immortal! Time stops for us when our mortal heartbeat ceases and we pass on! So the time span of life controls each one of us on a one-to-one basis bound by the DNA of our human body system genetics… this fact that someday our genetic coding will not have a DNA death clause any longer nor aging. STOP TIME and you stop life movement here on Earth for each one of our unique terrestrial lives! Don’t hate yourself, but come to the foot of the cross and let Jesus heal your thoughts. Seek the beatific vision of great joy in our Lord Jesus and begin to live a life of faith with Him today! </p><p>04 The Equinox between Seasons 7/15/09 </p><p>Was I blind and did not know it? Even to this present day? </p><p>I have been walking blindly thinking I was not worthy of help from the Lord! My dad said the same thing to me one time years ago. Now he has passed on and left me perplexed by this and I wonder everyday if both my father and mother are with Jesus. I talked to my dads’ pastor because my dad and I had unresolved issues between us. I was to the point of tears concerning this and pastor comforted my troubled personality and heart saying… Fred, he forgives you! I love both my dad and mother who died outside a year of each other. </p><p>Jesus knows that I have not been able to pray… my mindset is elsewhere! I have wondered in all of this… Am I a Christian? Because I love to argue it seems which too much of is not healthy! This is why I have no self-esteem because I am easily side tracked when talking to people. With bottled up anger… I wonder… why am I so mad? I have not taken my prayer life seriously until today. I already live my life in vain… the problem is, it is my life! How will I overcome my beast? A flaw all men have! </p><p>If I can begin to live for Jesus… will I serve the Lord with purpose? I was saved in 1977 at twenty-four years of age but never completely trusted in the Lord! I know what to do… I will begin to pray everyday in all things out loud whither or not the neighbors think that I am crazy or not. Over time, maybe I will be able to help someone with a Word from God for those who need a word of deliverance in simple terms to those who ask! I love to see people happy especially if I am involved in the process! I am coming out more day by day being delivered from myself in the summer heat. </p><p>Back to the matter here… I want to learn how to pray for other people each day one-on-one with God. Jesus… do you see my heartache? Help my spirit become a shining light of love in my neighborhood that there will be no more issues between us! In time past I was at fault thinking only of myself… and transmitting those thoughts I was the cause of both aggravation and frustration for others. I ask you, Lord… Let me be a new creation in a place where a heart in Love shall know no shame! </p><p>If we confess Jesus before others who need Him, Jesus will confess us before His Father, Jehovah God Israel One… </p><p>Love… grace, and mercy! Amen. </p><p>05 Speak the Tongue 7/31/09 </p><p>As Christians, how can we know when to keep silent… to shut our mouth that is? According to scripture our conversation should be, when questioned, Yes, Yes… or No, No… much more than this contributes to the evil thereof… sufficient for the day are troubles enough! </p><p>We are a mean and hateful people… and I ask you Jesus… Who wants to be around us? Lest also… even become a Christian because of what we are… poor examples of being Christ’s servants! Again we are not good examples without love in our heart, for without love we live our lives in vain! How should we be as followers of Jesus working daily upon our salvation toward perfection by faith in Him? What can we do as hirelings of the Kingdom of God? For hirelings care not for the sheep because we are hirelings and not shepherds! And being not… even the shepherds of the five fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers…) will have to answer to God in judgment written in Jeremiah 23… </p><p>No one is perfect but Jesus who wants to teach us the way in Truth! And what is Truth? The Truth is the Truth… and not an enemy to his neighbor nor enemy of the Kingdom of God sowing discord among the brethren. </p><p>By whose authority were you sent? Not by man…! For the gospel of the kingdom is not of man and neither can be. The gospel is of God who gives liberally to all the words and teachings of eternal life in Jesus. Search the scriptures… for in them you think you have eternal life and they are those who testify of Jesus! </p><p>Shall the prayer of faith crack your outer shell with your inhibitions released to give you freedom to do what God has called of you? You already know your destination… you found out shortly after you were saved by Jesus Christ the Lord years ago. How much more time do you need to get motivated on what He has said to you? Take the first step toward the accomplishment of that promise. And what is that first step? A prayer to Jehovah God for your family and friends… and everyone those with whom you hope to share Jesus with! The Kingdom of Heaven is the kingdom of expansion… and as you Praise God more and more each day, your vision and understanding will expand also, making you rich in the Spirit! Someday soon your vision will excite you so much that you will overcome your inhibitions and burn your bridges behind you that have held you down for so long. It all started with a simple prayer of faith to Jesus for your friends and neighbors and now has released His Word upon the Kingdom with boldness in Truth! For the violent, by faith, take the kingdom by storm! Amen. </p><p>06 Clear out your Head 7/31/09 </p><p>I need a channel of thought to filter out all of the evil that comes upon me… by evil spirits and demons whispering in my ears like Satan. The anointing must be internal from God and not coming from outside my being. That which comes from God and proceeds from the heart does not defile the anointing because it comes from God (being a channel of pure Spirit, from the heart of the Lord, coming as fountains of pure, cool, crystal-clear living waters). But that which comes from a man’s own heart is what defiles him because he incorporates it from outside influences that he takes upon himself by his own design… plans to harm and not do good! Such are words of devils, demonic music, and cursing in music whispered in our ears from vessels of wrath and the dead who ascended not into the third heaven, but remained in Earth’s atmosphere! </p><p>Crazy Bones 7/31/09 </p><p>What I am about to say to you now is crazy… but I decided to tell you anyway! </p><p>It seems to me that insects are demons and serve Satan as vessels of wrath! When a man dies and ascends into the 2nd heaven of planet Earth’s atmosphere, he lives by a different set of rules… For instance, a man’s spirit at death without Jesus enters the atmosphere where demonic insects and pests are out of natural proportion, size and control. That is how we know what they are, the fact that they have no shepherd, but run rampant out of control, whose end is to destroy men and women’s psychological hope in God and eat away at the Earth! </p><p>In comparison to a man’s statute size, the insects appear in a larger proportion compared to a man’s spirit that is poor after passing without Jesus living inside! Do you want to overcome the 2nd heaven (which to me is purgatory) where the prince of the power of the air dwells behind the atmosphere veil of where we are now? Do you want to go to a place of mental torment where anything goes? </p><p>Accept Jesus into your heart and be lifted above all things at that day… your guardian angels, who have been with you from your childbirth, will take you to the portal gateway where Jesus likeness, in the form of an archangel, awaits for the Christian flock of believers to exit the Earth and enter into the Kingdom of God thru Jesus of Nazareth as you live in spirit and arrive into eternity before a Holy Father! </p><p>Jesus of Nazareth is the only door to His Father Jehovah God Israel One… there is no other way! Do not worry about all of this, but just be aware of our Earthly surroundings on the planet! Love Jesus, the Holy Spirit says to me, and love your neighbors as yourself! For love is kind and generous and seeks not its own end. Amen. </p><p>07 I Love You… Heart of Hearts! 8/12/09 </p><p>The waves rush in and roar along the rocky shores. It is dawn… the morning lights are beginning to rise at the horizon as the lighthouse prism light begins to fade with the ocean sunrise in the east! </p><p>I held Christina in my arms with the sound of the ocean waves muffling out our voices along the shore. She always hears my thoughts… I hear hers… God hears us both over and beyond the coast. Wherever she is, I hear her voice when she speaks… I have forgotten our history and want us to start afresh with a new life found in Christ Jesus who is giving me a second chance as only He would for she is the one woman that I have set my heart strings upon! </p><p>Jehovah God, I want to make a commitment with Christina, she being predestined with Jesus Christ anointing upon her! Distant times of the past when I was broken God showed me the light at the end of my journey. That light was Jesus and a young lady who just wanted to hang out with Him! Then Jesus looked at me directly and motioned me to come forward. My heart memory hurt so from past love sickness that enveloped me and crippled my mind. What would I do now? I did not know!! I was afraid because I did not know whether I was dead or alive… but her eyes tuned in on my vision that God gave to me and focused me on her expression of patience, which sometimes is very difficult for her. </p><p>This is Christina… the Lord said to me… the one I was telling you about in your predestination years ago! She peered around the garment of Jesus looking into me the way He did! I saw peace and joy that only the Lord can explain in her expression and eyes… for she also had been given a promise from God. From her heart, she smiled with her sandy blonde locks of long hair that engulfed her beauty that I wanted to brush. I asked Jesus, what will this vision teach me in the future remembering the past? Departure from the road of suicide, Jesus spoke to me, with protection and comfort in His voice! Only Christ Jesus, intercessor prayer, and medication would be able to help me now from self-destruction. God… I never want her to worry about me and I never want to consider suicide again!!! OK? For now I know about life and love in blue light, one of many spectrum colors of the ‘sister stars’ named Pleiades! </p><p>Many questions still pending… as whistling salty sea breezes over the ocean formed a timeline of calm stillness that cooled down the sweltering summer heat of the day, this September A.M. morning! </p><p>Therefore whatever you are doing, move forward with it and talk with God about your task of kingdom salvation for unbelievers. Friend, then you will avoid the road of destruction… for God looks on the motivation of the heart of a man. Occupy until He returns and know the bliss of great joy found in the beatific vision of Our Lord! Amen. </p><p>08 The Portuguese Fisherman’s Daughter 8/19/09 </p><p>My lady named for the sea… she being called the ‘Bobbi C’ fishing trawler, so named after a young woman’s friendship in my fishing village dwelling along the coast. The ‘Bobbi C’ crew toils by day and night… sunrise to sunset to sunrise… to bring to family and those in need food for the table from the depths of the ocean. This is their livelihood, being fishermen on the North Atlantic swells. </p><p>I don’t know how to pray for people with love from my heart for them. I have always prayed for needs, that they will be met by the sovereign power of God. </p><p>What about aching hearts that need to hold and be held? Will the seed of love be brought forth? Can people fulfill needs for those hurting and starving for attention? Does God honor ‘Giving’ to others out of the desire of our own needs? Should it cost the giver something? It bothers me to give to others when it didn’t cost me anything to do so! In Love Sincere, I think it should cost me something personally to be an effective love gift truthfully from my heart to the receiver. </p><p>“I want to help someone, but I don’t know what to do…” Bobbi spoke to God from her innocence of early childhood days! </p><p>Getting down to latitudes… God placed in my dream sleep this morning before I awoke a vision… This being Bobbi C, the Portuguese fisherman’s daughter, waiting on God to fulfill her prayer for her dad to bring him home safely from the sea! </p><p>In her room at dawn, she was up! In her slow pacing from window to window in her room she gazed through peach colored sheer curtains overlooking the village while still quiet upon the day. She stopped at each window to peer through at the morning sunrise over the ocean. In the fishing village along the eastern seashore, I was thinking to myself and looking through insight to behold her beauty as she began to brush her long brown hair with thoughts of wonderment for her dad and what God was doing to protect him through the rough seas. </p><p>Thinking of her dad, she had longed for him to be a shore-hugger, a safer place to dwell. She worries about him on his fishing tour duties of 60 days out… 30 days in! This I could see in her facial expression as the sun had begun to rise this autumn morning day. She thought about her dad and began to pray for him gazing at the cloud cover of the sunrise and knew that he beheld this same vision while on fishing duty at sea and soon would return home being on tour for the past 2 weeks already that seemed as a lifetime ago to her! Godspeed, my dear… God will protect your dad! </p><p>09 Steadfast Hearts of the Rainbow Covenant 8/25/09 </p><p>What kind of person am I? Someone who makes others feel important? I wish it were true… To me people make or break their day just by the way they greet God each day in their morning disposition! Will we be steadfast with each other? Friends make friends easy enough, but some are difficult including myself when we don’t feel apart of the group. I know when I am not welcome with groups… we as Christians are a mean and hateful people sometimes and each of us need to be prayed for thru intercessor prayers. If we have the Holy Ghost we should not have to be reminded by fellow saints of the Church once we begin to veer to the left… the Holy Ghost will show us Himself, just like a reflection of ourselves in a mirror. The greatest attribute of life is LOVE. Paul says… Here abides three… faith, hope, and love… but the greatest of these is love (1st Corinthians 13: 13 NKJV)! </p><p>How do you feel once rejection overtakes you? Does it make you feel like two cents worth of nothing? This has bothered me in mid-life. What can I do about it? Do as Jesus would do… that is… make something good out of something bad with patience. Cultivate it by your faith in God… longsuffering until fulfillment. For without faith you cannot please God. Then you will know the word called love and remember this also… that God is Love! </p><p>Occupy 9/04/09 </p><p>Occupy until I return… (Luke 19: 12- 13 KJV) Jesus said before His departure from the Earth! That does not mean resign from your job once you are saved, but to continue with the task you are already doing. Scripture says remain in the same calling you abide in when first called by the living God (1st Corinthians 7: 20- 24 KJV). If you are not sure you have been called, it is safe to remain in your current vocation until you are sure you know the voice of the Lord and your obedience toward Him! For there are many voices in the world and none are without signification, Paul says. So continue to grow in the Lord by learning the Truth of Jesus by attending a Spirit-filled Church to learn and mature as a child of God into adulthood… first drinking the milk of the Spirit in your hearing and graduating into the meat of God’s spoken Word taught in the scriptures by the five-fold ministry of the Church. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God… (Romans 10: 17 KJV). </p><p>10 With this Knowledge 9/04/09 </p><p>I am living on Earth to prepare for eternity… to me that is the most important purpose in life since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve. This is one reason God says to me… Do not live your life in vain by living for yourself. Pray for the grace of God’s salvation sowed in Jesus name that all people may hear the spoken Word of God thru His leaders in Christianity. </p><p>What about the purity of God’s Word preached to the congregation by the mission field of the Christian Church? The light of the body is the eye… if your eye is sound then your body will be full of light! The sins of ministry limit the purity of the Word spoken to the gathering of the lost by the Word projected to them in vision out of a pure eye! Abstain from the sin of lustful flesh that the Word of God may not be limited thru presentation, by you to the congregation… not being watered down by compromise! If a man’s life is right… then his world will be right! Teach us to pray intercessor prayers, Jesus, for one and each other that the pure Word of God may go forth and return not to us void. One sows and another reaps! You are entered into where others labored and reap where others sowed! Bless new converts to the faith, to the new-born saints, those who found grace in your sight Father, by your will for their lives, in harvest time by the motivation of love toward the nations. You can’t make anyone love you, but do remember that God loves you already! Surely Lord, you know the motivation of ministry and will begin to work on the nations, in behalf of your chosen ones, and the cultivation of fields already white unto harvest for Jesus with His knowledge among us… Amen. </p><p>Post Labor Day Remembered 9/09/09 </p><p>God is no respecter of persons! Are we, His people, becoming the same way? One thing that man does respect is money. We respect those who have money more so than we respect God! I have a problem with the Mega-Millions game with the Virginia Lottery. I spend $2 each week on it which I do not feel is gambling even though it is! Gambling is not mentioned in the Bible that I know of. God has been dealing with me about this for years… not God, but the Christian authorities of the Church insomuch that they even tried to kick me out without saying a Word, but thru private prayer… ‘Lord, take the undesirables away from us!’ They make me feel bad, they who have everything. If anyone knows the Word about this… let me know! I thought that maybe it was a question of being obedient to the Holy Spirit who lives inside of me… Sir, shut up!!! It is not the Holy Ghost talking to you! This morning in my waking hours, my guardian angel was talking to me before I awoke… speaking of the scriptures saying to me… God is no respecter of persons… again and then released my imagination on the matter… for she was working on me being tired of the whole thing which has been going on for years. </p><p>11 She says… ‘You are no respecter of God because you do not fear Him, the most high who loves you and made you for His purpose! You respect money-people and their position more than you respect the Lord! If you are a born-again Christian, you better think about that…’ </p><p>I do not think about God nor obey Him very often and for this reason I commit sins against Him! I do so because I have not feared Him over time being worn down by compromise with the voices who entice me in my mind. This could be the root of the problem I have in my relationships with others! Couples who look to each other have no answers but those who fear God and honor Him look to Jesus for the WAY. </p><p>Show and Tell… How About Wait and See? 9/19/09 </p><p>O God why do I deceive myself in thinking that someone loves me? Any measure of attention will do for me! A woman can make me feel like a million dollars when she is kind to me. She has that kind of power over me and that is why I ask you, God, to allow me to find favor with her! Deep inside I know that she has a heart of gold… but shows me no kindness for the present time. O Lord, how I wish that she would become my companion! </p><p>What kind of prayer, O God, can I say for her? She is in hiding and will not let me see her. Is it something I have overlooked to cause this feeling of rejection? Please save her for your kingdom! I love her still but I have to protect my heartstrings from abuse or even laughter against me for seeking her because of our age difference. My pride is too much for me today and this is known as one of many deadly sins that I must overcome! I must settle the matter soon because my heart hurts. Father, if she ever accepts Jesus into her life she will be so fulfilled as a woman in a beatific vision gazing upon your face in great joy! Please let someone witness to her about your love and salvation for her. Somehow I know you will take her upon yourself before the great day of the Lord God of Israel and that will be a great day for me also with my prayer answered! </p><p>12 The Coastal Road 9/22/09 </p><p>I stand on hillside sands overlooking the North Atlantic Ocean with a sea breeze that gives a person therapy by just the sound of the rushing waves against the coastal shores close by. Offshore, the choppy sea is rough and ready with a determination to produce a future memory of the past for those who travel the coastal shore road. </p><p>O God… What am I suppose to think? The woman that I love will not give me the time of day nor any kindness! My mind is coming apart more and more from the stress producing a tempest storm in my life as this reality strikes. The storm rages over my heart emotion… and God, I hurt! </p><p>Around and about, Domnina is the woman of my minds’ heart choice who is unsaved presently and as of yet without the hope of Jesus to begin living in her heart! This is so real to me the knowledge that I want to be with you and her both forever. I am struck by awe to believe that maybe the spark of love for us might live in her heart! I know now that she is someone that I want to share a family with because of you and the gospel in my life! She seems so unhappy and I know that if you were to come into her life she would be totally fulfilled in happiness as a young woman! My state of heart hurts because I love her and know that I have to keep my composure and not come apart before her, saying these things to her! </p><p>I walk the coastal road this autumn morning with a slanted sun on my shoulders. My shadow walks and talks with me who I call the Holy Ghost where the Father and Son make up their home with me. My heart is guided by the Holy Ghost and I worship you Jesus for your truth is encamped in the tents with me today as I line up my life with the Word… thus being the Spirit in my heart as the Comforter! </p><p>I rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh, the Psalmist declares to me in song and I ask you, God… How many lonely hearts are broken in this world by reality where you cannot trust anyone with a commitment for marriage toward one another? I wait on the Holy Ghost living inside me who will rearrange my life making my priorities straight in the ever- changing Earth. I thank you Jesus for being here in my life when no one else could! Now bring us together, Lord, that is, my predestined wife and myself forevermore! Lord… I can wait as long as it takes for her for we must stand watch together at the portal gateway at the cape for the great and terrible day of your return. Amen. </p><p>13 Terminal Time Sequence 9/27/09 </p><p>What does Jesus say about the mentally ill? Can a mentally ill person be healed? The doctors put mental patient disorders on medications to protect the patients from themselves! The psychiatric medicines provide temporarily patchwork to govern the disorder but cannot provide a complete healing that would restore mental health naturally! How do I know this? I know because I am a patient and I have tried to stop my medications several times and each time ran into a mental brick wall head on! This is no joke! During withdrawal I experienced euphoria (well being) for about three days and then found myself at the mercy of a spiritual kingdom of darkness. I learned quickly that I must be at peace with myself and not take the voices seriously or personal. Externally, if someone irks you, you get away from them… so much said from the outside… but what I have is internal, trying to bust thru and I must constantly keep my guard against these forces day and night whispering in my ears projecting bad thoughts about myself and others in sudden flare-ups. </p><p>The buffer zone in my mind, provided by my medicines, protects me from myself, I being my own worst enemy, and matters of reality happening outside of my physical body. God says to me… Nothing can harm you if you do not incorporate evil upon your personal life! </p><p>Schizophrenics have a self-value that God has incorporated upon our being! In sickness we think that people are always talking about us, as if we exist at the center of their universe! What I hear conveys to my mind that I am a spiritual weapon of God to do battle against Satan, predestined and spoken of in the Holy Scriptures (2 Thessalonians 2: 1- 12, Revelation 10: 5- 6, and Revelation 9: 13- 15 KJV) to fulfill the mission once God releases me against the spiritual darkness of Satan’s kingdom. Satan’s time is short, he being judged already with his end coming soon! How shall he be bound with a great chain and ball weight to be cast forth into the bottomless pit, the universe, for a thousand years? The name of Jesus shall keep him there for a thousand years and then be released for the final showdown on the Earth! </p><p>At the portal gateway, all men and women shall discern right from wrong… evil from good, darkness from light, and where each one of us dwells by the Holy Ghost… Jesus’ Spirit, living in us! </p><p>First the natural child-birth… then the spiritual birth of the new man and woman (being born- again) into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ the Lord! </p><p>Please pray for us and all Christians that the Word may go into all the Earth with results of the promised afterlife found in Jesus of Nazareth! What I realize today is… Of myself, I can do nothing… but thru Jesus, all things are possible! Amen. </p><p>14 The Healing Patchwork 10/06/09 </p><p>Don’t put chains on your brains by hating people. Jesus came to heal mankind and take those held captive into freedom… to deliver them from themselves! In our mindset we cause most of our own problems. Do doctors have the answer? Is it medicine? Maybe so, maybe not! The medications are a temporary healing patchwork for me from day to day. As a precaution I choose medicine to treat my condition and myself right! Don’t be ignorant by trying to withdraw from medicine if you have been under it for an extended period of time. Don’t think that faith healing can be the only way! For if you think that you can withdraw on your own you might become your own worst enemy. Being med-free seems like a good thing, but medicine will help you cope with situations that might set you off without it and give you a poor reputation… know the warning signs in your thinking to prevent trouble from coming your way in the future. Always be alert and on top of the situation. </p><p>Medicine might be the Word of God for you… it is for me! From my own experience, back in 1977, it slowed my metabolism down and increased my weight and brought me to the feet and cross of Jesus. I have learned to be thankful for medicine over the years, for without it I probably would not be alive today! </p><p>Stay on your meds my friend because God gave medicine to the Earth for doctors to assist each and everyone… Do not abuse it!!! Amen. </p><p>15 The Weapons of our Warfare 10/18/09 </p><p>In reference to Acts 4: 32 thru Acts 5: 11 KJV and 2 Corinthians 10: 3- 6 KJV… Are these scripture passages some of the teaching experiences about the sharing of the common wealth within the Christian community and the anointed gift of the sword of the Spirit? Are these scriptures examples related to each other as weapons of the Holy Ghost? </p><p>Suppose that they are not carnal weapons bent on hate and destruction, but mighty for the pulling down of strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the Spirit and knowledge of God… in Jesus Christ the anointed one… for His Word also acts as a hedge of protection for God’s servants, now friends, namely the saints. </p><p>With which do they hurt, this spiritual weapon… called the Sword and Word of God? God’s saints have such a weapon… a weapon of the Spirit whereby the spoken Word in all its potential can stop a transgressor dead in his shoes by stopping his heart and bringing about the demise of those who hate Jesus. For Jesus said… he who hates me, hates my Father also! </p><p>In Luke 22: 35- 38 KJV. Behold, here are two swords, they said… but then Jesus said… It is enough… referring to the spoken tongue as the Sword and Word of God! </p><p>Jesus spoke to His disciples in another passage of scripture… Luke 9: 51- 56 KJV. You do not know of what spirit you are! This came about when James and John asked Jesus if He wanted them to consume the village with fire from heaven down to the people of the town where they were because they rejected Jesus and His Father’s Word! These are some of the things hidden in scripture that Jesus has revealed unto babes and left unknown to the world! </p><p>Jesus says to me this morning… Do not cast your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you… Matthew 7: 6 KJV… but admonish (warn) them with LOVE! Amen. </p><p>16 An Autumn Sunset 10/21/09 </p><p>We travel the long road, U.S. 13, heading home down the Eastern Shore from New Jersey. We came upon the body bay of the Chesapeake in this the late afternoon. I asked my older brother to take it easy on me with his high speed engine ready to zoom leaving everyone in the dust… that engine pushed us along the coast heading south to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. </p><p>With the late afternoon, the sun is one hour away from sunset. The land is beautiful here also close to the bay. The orange sun appears as a fireball and the surrounding sky is also ablaze. I beheld the beauty today of God’s handiwork who painted such a scene with the glistening sunset on the calm bay waters with a slight breeze. Overhead in the darkness of night, the stars, above the low cloud cover, served as God’s host who watched us at dusk upon this region. Yes… it is fall and with the orange sun slant sky cast forth with decay this 2009 autumn day, God created and painted this picture etched in color for my memory with peace and safety once touching the solid Earth again after a frightful driving excursion! </p><p>There will never be another day like today because God makes all things new! So it is about change once brought forth in God’s expression of His creation… for He never repeats Himself in His unique ways. So is it with a liberal mind never repeating a pure thought in expression with words! If you cannot accept change from day to day, you better chart a different course on the road you travel because God continues to move onward with newness of life with the ever approaching days. </p><p>“It’s not like it use to be…” I hear family say! “Have I lost my salvation because I did not move on with opportunities offered me that included me to veer from the right to the left with compromise? I have kept my eyes focused on God.” No you haven’t! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! God is the creator and that is because He is… the creative God who made all things! He does not look back nor have to resort to past memories for a new creative flow of thought. He knows His Book written for all universal time! How can He in His mindset contain all things in His mind capacity without exploding like a star in space? That’s because Jehovah God is the creator and the Holy Ghost our mindset covenant with the Lord Jesus living in us, our judge in righteousness! Science is wonderful… but Jesus’ love for us completes the circuit for our motivation to get things done for Him before His return! The Holy Ghost is our living testimony and Comforter who makes His home with us… for we shall never be alone again! </p><p>17 The Hostile Witness 11/03/09 </p><p>Do Christians take offence once trampled underfoot by servants of Satan who kill God’s people when clearly out of the way in order? </p><p>Christians are getting a reputation of being out of order ourselves being declared mentally ill in sickness or even accused of a crime called hate words! How long will the Constitution of the United States protect everyone before the lawmakers snuff out our freedom of speech? They already say that we are hostile in our witness of Jesus to others… it is a mistaken matter of great zeal here! </p><p>The saints shall judge the world and I look forward to that day if I live long enough! I feel sometimes that my life is in danger this being the very reason that I am sounding off today! </p><p>They can kill my flesh… I do but don’t care!!! What those murderers better worry about is my Spirit that will retaliate and meltdown their brain cells with fervent heat! I will live forever… either in heaven or hell… but they are going to know that I lived trying to do good by the Holy Ghost! </p><p>The Christians are getting hostile because we are being accused of being Satan in the flesh… being treated unfairly because of our witness of Jesus to those unsaved! I look to the Lord just to see what He wants me to do about this planet! And He says to me… You know not of what spirit you are… Vengeance is mine, says the Lord… I will repay! I say… Your will be done… Come Lord Jesus! Amen. </p><p>18 Sun Clusters with the Morning Song 11/07/09 </p><p>Star clusters move on in silence thru space. But within the borders of such, the star telemetry of music sounds off as a distant musical score to sing electronic praises to the Lord Most High! </p><p>Our ears cannot hear… our eyes cannot perceive the sound in the sea of stars, the Lord being present over His domain of light and tones… </p><p>The Army of God marches to the sound of righteousness as the Lord oversees His creation with a knowing in knowledge the ever sure-footed pathway of His Son Jesus! </p><p>He fears not… for He is one among many to do battle against evil! The door is open for us… that door being Jesus Christ, the only Son of Jehovah God! Jesus is the Lamb and Lion… both words being one and the same shall rest together in heavenly places with peace forevermore for us all. </p><p>Lantern 11/11/09 </p><p>The ocean waves at night beat upon the rocks of the shoreline coast! I am only one person with several personality traits… for I never know who I will be from day to day! You know my limitations, O God, let me fulfill the visions you expect of me! </p><p>At night, you cannot see the ocean waves but only hear the sound as they roll and crash along the rock and sandy shores thereof. The ocean roar drowns out the silence as nature on Earth unfolds the end to another day. </p><p>We walk the beach at dusk, me and my lady friend, and soon come upon some of God’s people as the darkness of the night settles in. They sing a song of heaven and rejoice in righteousness as we stand together among others in the warmth and light of a beach campfire. The sky is clear and the starlight begins to peek thru the atmosphere veil cover along the east coast like holes in darkness where the starlight shines thru in a kingdom of light behind the veil of the night sky. </p><p>I ask you… what would Jesus do in a night setting of winter like this? He is our message we bring forth in this attuned state of matrimony between the Lord and the people here tonight. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who does all good things for His People who have received Him into their lives. We rejoice in His Light! </p><p>19 Post Autumn Thursday 11/26/09 </p><p>Jesus… I had preconceived ideas about the scriptures that might not be the correct understanding on my part. I want to put on paper all the mumbo-jumbo of my incorrect thinking! Then… sort it out that I may have healthy thoughts about Jesus and the Bible… words of help and not hurt! The neighborhood has taken a toll on me being unable to get away for awhile and reboot the Spirit in my life. I have no where to go… but now in seeing this I am getting stronger in my day. God tells me to think about Jesus… for He tells me that I have the Spirit gift of tongues that will deliver me from the hum-drum of my inner being and help a few people in the process by releasing the prayer language of the Spirit and increase my strength in weakness. Why does God tell me this when I cannot overcome the flesh that is constantly dragging me deeper into the pit? It is bad enough not being able to see logically but realizing that my life cannot possibly be what God says I can be in the Holy Ghost… Jesus’ Spirit! I am getting stronger now as time heals my severed heart about the one I love in my neighborhood. It is a slow healing process, but I will be OK. My heart was broken, but now I am on the road to recovery with strength to rejoice in my adversity by happiness over that which once caused me pain! I realize that I was obsessed by my young blonde friend, but now I have forgotten all the anger she held toward me. Jesus, you have taught me to overcome and still be the person you have made me without compromise and yet love her from a distance. Please bless her and protect her from all the misgivings and wiles of Satan… Thank- you… for I know that this is done! Amen. </p><p>Well… Did You See It Coming? 11/26/09 </p><p>The storyline scene is a northeast fishing village where mariners of the ocean gather and harvest a great load of fish from the sea. The fishermen depart each day just before dawn. The autumn morning temperatures do not cut as deep as do the winter winds! </p><p>He is not going to make it… I hear them say! Make it thru what I ask? </p><p>I pick up on bits of conversation I hear people speak to each other about and this is where my medical condition is wrong in my thinking that they are talking about me. Somehow I am always thinking that they are speaking Truth concerning my life by the Spirit on what I pick up on from what they say. </p><p>The Truth to me is Jesus’ word of teaching obedience and warning against open wounds of the heart. Did I see it coming… a broken heart and obsession? No… I did not see it coming. Jesus warned me that it would happen if I did not give up the lottery, my addiction! I knew I would win… one dollar for potential millions… but the price of having money is worthless compared to the love shared between a man and woman! </p><p>20 Reconciliation 11/26/09 </p><p>Spiritual Israel scattered around the world makes secure the fact that the chosen Jews and Christians make-up the commonwealth of Israel in America and all countries of the Earth, those who have made covenant with Jehovah God by accepting Jesus! Jesus turns no one away from His table. We are in the process of preparing for the gathering of the remembered saints who have rid their human body of the mark of the beast and immediately entered into the kingdom joy and realm once martyred. To him the porter opens to the glory and kingdom joy of Jehovah who we now call our Father! The curse has been lifted from our shoulders, for Jesus has set us free and reconciled all men and women to our heavenly Father Jehovah God Israel One. </p><p>Speak comfortably about Jesus to those who have no affiliation with the Christian Church but now have become citizens of the Holy City New Jerusalem. Jesus is the first and last… the Alpha- Omega, the beginning and end! He was the first-born among many brethren of the family line, He being arisen from the dead. </p><p>In (Acts 23: 8 KJV) it is spoken of the Sadducees that in their doctrine they believed not in the resurrection nor even that a man possessed a spirit… once you died, that was the end! </p><p>The Pharisees on the other hand believed that men had a spirit that would be raised by God the Father and enter into eternal life after death. Both the Sadducees and Pharisees were right because before Jesus no one had ever risen from the dead… Jesus was the first-born among many brethren… the first man being arisen from the dead (Acts 26: 23 KJV)! Both doctrines were true at some point in history because it was a matter of time progression as the order of things eventually came about. Before Jesus birth no one had ever rose from the dead! And before John the Baptist no one was clothed with a spiritual garment of praise (a pure white robe undefiled… clothing that the angels and saints possess) which would cover the naked spiritual body thru water baptism by immersion. Again… the Sadducees say that there is no spirit or resurrection of men. Then Jesus was born and later in adulthood was crucified for the sins of the whole world for every man, woman, and child and that on the third day arose from the dead and ascended to the Father where He sits at the right hand of the power of Jehovah God! Correction here! Before He ascended, Jesus descended into the lower parts of the Earth to deliver and set free the captives there… then He ascended to His Father! </p><p>By this, in time progression, the Pharisees say and believe that there is a body spirit that lives eternally. This is equal gifting from God to all men because of Jesus and what He did for us… for those who accepted Him into their heart before they passed on. Consider this my friend that Jesus may become your Savior and Comforter by asking Him into your heart today… Amen. </p><p>21 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is the end of my e-Book titled… Porters under the Daystar… by Frederick Bacskay (pen name: Nicolas Bocskai). I hope that it has been useful to you… See you soon in a new e-Book! Bye for now. </p><p>Dove Publications P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA e-Mail: </p><p> [email protected] </p><p>22 </p>
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