Division 8 Doors and Windows s3

Division 8 Doors and Windows s3

<p> DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 1 OF 8 ______</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p>1.1 Scope of Work</p><p>.1 Work of this section shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents including but not limited to Instructions to Bidders, Agreement and General Conditions and General Requirements.</p><p>.2 Providing new custom, insulated ‘AMP’ (Acrylic Modified Polyester) doors and aluminum frames, transoms and hardware at Main Entrance.</p><p>1.2 Quality Assurance</p><p>.1 Provide test reports from AAMA accredited laboratories certifying the performance as specified in 1.6.3.</p><p>.2 Test reports shall be accompanied by the door manufacturer’s letter of certification stating that the tested door meets or exceeds the referenced criteria for the appropriate ANSI/AAMA type.</p><p>.3 Required Performances Door and Frame System:</p><p>.1 Air Infiltration Test: At a static air pressure difference of 1.57 psf.</p><p>.2 Air infiltration shall not exceed .50 cfm per foot of perimeter crack length for single doors.</p><p>.3 Air infiltration shall not exceed 1.00 cfm per foot of perimeter crack length for a pair of doors.</p><p>.4 Uniform Load Structural Test: Test at a static air pressure difference of 50.00 psf positive pressure and 50.00 psf negative pressure. At conclusion of test there shall be no glass breakage, permanent damage to fasteners, hardware parts or actuating mechanisms, nor any other damage which would cause the door to be inoperable.</p><p>.5 Condensation Resistance Test (CRF): Condensation Resistance Factor (CRF) shall not be less than 44.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 2 OF 8 ______</p><p>.6 Final assembled door and framing system shall be engineered for all deadloads and for a minimum of 20 psf positive or negative wind pressure. Reinforce members as required.</p><p>.4 Performance Requirements (Components)</p><p>.1 Indoor Air Quality Testing per ASTM D 6670-01: GREENGUARD Environmental Institute Certified including GREENGUARD for Children and Schools Certification.</p><p>.2 Impact Strength, AMP Doors and Panels, Nominal Value, ASTM D 256: 2.6 foot-pounds per inch of notch.</p><p>.3 Tensile Strength, AMP Doors and Panels, Nominal Value, ASTM D 638: 7,500 psi.</p><p>.4 Hexural Strength, AMP Doors and Panels, Nominal Value, ASTM D 790: 16,900 ps.</p><p>.5 Water Absorption, AMP Doors and Panels, Nominal Value, ASTM D 570: 0.63 percent after 24 hours.</p><p>.6 Indentation Hardness, AMP Doors and Panels, Nominal Value, ASTM D 2583: 38.</p><p>.7 Abrasion Resistance, Face Sheet, Taber Abrasion Test, 25 Cycles at 1,000 Gram Weight with CS-17 Wheel: Maximum of 0.022 average weight loss percentage.</p><p>.8 Compressive Strength, Foam Core, Nominal Value, ASTM D 1621: 79.9 psi.</p><p>.9 Compressive Modulus, Foam Core, Nominal Value, ASTM D 1621: 370 psi.</p><p>.10 Tensile Adhesion, Foam Core, Nominal Value, ASTM D 1623: 45.3 psi.</p><p>.11 Thermal and Humid Aging, Nominal Value, 158 Degrees F and 100 Percent Humidity for 14 Days, ASTM D 2126: Minus 5.14 percent volume change.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 3 OF 8 ______</p><p>.5 Single Source Responsibility: Unless indicated, obtain doors and door frames from a single firm specializing in the type of construction required, so that there will be undivided responsibility for the specified performance of all component parts, including glazing for doors and factory installations of door hardware (except closers).</p><p>1.3 Submittals</p><p>.1 Submit test reports, shop drawings and color chips for review.</p><p>.2 Contractor shall field measure all critical existing frame openings and adjust door sizes to fit.</p><p>1.4 Warranty</p><p>.1 Provide a written warranty signed by the manufacturer, installer and contractor, agreeing to replace, at no cost to the Owner, any doors, frames or factory installed hardware due to failure in materials or workmanship, within the warranty period. Failure of materials or workmanship includes: excessive deflection, faulty operation of entrances, deterioration of finish or construction in excess of normal weathering and defects in attachment of any factory installed hardware. The minimum time period of warranty is ten (10) years from date of shipment.</p><p>.2 The workmanship and materials involved with the installation of hardware by the door manufacturer is guaranteed to be free of defect for ten (10) years from the date of shipment. Door manufacturer to install all hardware except door closers. </p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS</p><p>2.1 AMP Doors and Aluminum Frames</p><p>.1 Manufacturers:</p><p>.1 Special-Lite Inc. .2 Vistawall Architectural Products .3 Tubelite Inc.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 4 OF 8 ______</p><p>.2 Product Description:</p><p>.1 Acrylic Modified Polyester (AMP) Raised Panel Doors: Material and Construction (Special-Lite SL-18 Colonial/Pattern 336A basis of design.</p><p>.1 Construction 1-3/4” thickness doors of 6063-T5 aluminum alloy rails and stiles minimum 2-5/16” depth. Construct with mitered corners and provide joinery with 3/8” diameter full- width steel tie rods through extruded splines top and bottom as standard. Internal frame to be tubular shaped stiles and rails minimum .062” wall thickness both faces, minimum .125” wall thickness both perimeter edges reinforced to accept specified hardware. Provide 3/16” angle block with hex type aircraft nuts for joinery without welds, blues or other methods for securing internal door extrusions. Furnish mitered integral reglets (part of the internal frame) on all four sides to accept and secure the face sheet and permit a flush appearance. Screw applied removable rail caps or other face sheet capture methods are not acceptable. No exposed fasteners unless required for hardware installation.</p><p>.2 Extrude top and bottom rail legs for interlocking continuous rail rigidity weather bar. Weather bar provided with nylon brush sweep.</p><p>.3 Meeting stiles to include manufacturer’s standard weather- strip. Extrude meeting stile to include integral pocket to accept weatherstrip.</p><p>.4 Face Sheet: Acrylic Modifed Polyester skin, 0.120” thickness, embossed.</p><p>.5 AMP Face-Sheet Color: Field painted.</p><p>.6 Core of Door Assembly: Minimum five (5) pounds per cubic foot density poured-in-place polyurethane. Minimum “R” value of 11. Supply meeting stiles on pairs of doors and bottom weather bar with nylon brush weatherstripping.</p><p>.7 Manufacture doors with cutouts for vision lites as scheduled. Factory furnish and install all glass and panels prior to </p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 5 OF 8 ______</p><p> shipment. CL-Series Lite Kits by Special Lite for specified glass thickness. See Section 08 80 00 for glass type.</p><p>.8 Pre-machine doors in accordance with templates from the specified hardware manufacturer’s and approved hardware schedule. Factory install hardware.</p><p>.2 Aluminum Framing System: Tubular Framing</p><p>.1 Frame: Model SL450 or as indicated on drawings. Material: Aluminum extrusions, ASTM B221, Alloy 6063-T5.</p><p>.2 Lock Jambs, Hinge Jams and Door Headers: 0.126” well thickness, box type with four enclosed sides, 2” x 4-1/2” factory fabricated. Heavy-duty internal joint anchors shall be supplied.</p><p>.3 Applied Door Stops: 0.625” high screw applied with integral weatherstrip. Wall thickness to be 0.125”. Reinforce at closer arm location with ½” aluminum bar stock for secure hardware attachment. Counterpunch fastener holes in the door stop to preserve full metal thickness under fastener head. Snap in blade stops are not acceptable.</p><p>.4 Caulk joints before assembling frame members. Secure joints with fasteners and provide a hairline butt joint appearance. Pre-fit doors to frame assembly and factory prior to shipment.</p><p>.5 Applied stops, transom and borrowed lites and panels, with fasteners exposed on interior or unsecure portion only. Premachine and reinforce frame members for hardware in accordance with manufacturer’s standards and the approved hardware schedule. Factory install hardware.</p><p>.6 Install with anchors appropriate for wall conditions to anchor framing to well materials. A minimum of five anchors up to 7’4” on jamb members, and one additional anchor for each foot over 7’4”. Secure head and sill members of transom, sidelites and similar conditions.</p><p>.7 Factory preassemble frames and mark frame assemblies according to location.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 6 OF 8 ______</p><p>.3 Glazing: Design System for Replacement of Glazing</p><p>.1 Manufacturer’s standard flush glazing system of recessed channels and captive glazing gaskets or applied finish.</p><p>.2 Allow for thermal expansion on exterior units.</p><p>.3 Glass as shown and factory glazed into doors.</p><p>.4 Refer to Section 08 80 00 for glass specification.</p><p>2.2 Components</p><p>.1 Extruded Aluminum: Alloy and temper as recommended by manufacturer for strength, corrosion resistance and applicable of required finish and control of color: ASTM B221 for extrusions, ASTM B209 for sheet and plate.</p><p>.2 Furnish door and frame components from same manufacturer. “Splitting” of door and frame components is not permitted.</p><p>.3 Fasteners: Aluminum, non-magnetic stainless steel or other non- corrosive metal fasteners, guaranteed by the manufacturer to be compatible with the doors, frames, stops, panels, hardware, anchors and other items being fastened. For exposed fasteners (if any) provide Phillips head screws with finish matching the item to be fastened.</p><p>.4 Hardware: Furnished under Section 08 71 00 as scheduled except as indicated in this section.</p><p>.5 Maintain continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. Secure attachments and support at mechanical joints, with hairline fit at contacting members.</p><p>.6 Prefabrication: Door manufacturer shall install hardware on doors and warranty attachment for ten (10) years. Complete fabrication, assembly, finishing and other work before shipment to project site. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 7 OF 8 ______</p><p>2.3 Shop Finishing (For all frames, exposed accessories, door edge, etc.)</p><p>.1 Painted Aluminum Surfaces: AA-M12C12R x non-specular as fabricated mechanical finish, chemically cleaned and prepared for applied coating; with organic coating.</p><p>.1 High Performance Organic Coating: Fluoropolymer coating system complying with AAMA 2604 or 2605 minimum two coat, with minimum 70 percent polyvinyldene fluoride resin.</p><p>.2 Color: As selected from manufacturer’s standard (minimum 25, if 25 not available, then custom color).</p><p>.2 Apply bituminous paint to concealed aluminum and steel surfaces in contact with cementitious or dissimilar metals.</p><p>2.4 Hardware</p><p>.1 Hinges (Each Door Leaf): Roton – continuous gear hinges, dark bronze anodized, mortised, heavy duty.</p><p>.2 Exit Device (Each Door Leaf): Rim type, dark bronze finish/US10B touch bar. Von Duprin, one 99110NL, and three 99EO (cylinder by hardware). With removable painted steel mullion 4854 with VD electric strike 6111, 24VDC, Fail Secure. Confirm AC/DC and volts to existing system (locate behind doors at pair of doors).</p><p>.3 Pull: Reuse existing historic pull from existing door.</p><p>.4 Closers (Each Door Leaf): LCN: 4110 with H-CUSH. Mounted on interior side.</p><p>.5 Wall Stops (by hardware).</p><p>.6 Kickplates (Each Leaf): 8”h x 33” x brass.</p><p>.7 Aluminum Threshold: 4-1/2”w x 3/8”h, ADA compliant.</p><p>.8 Miscellaneous hardware as required by manufacturer.</p><p>R- /10-11 DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS</p><p>SECTION 08 14 00 – ALUMINUM FRAMED STOREFRONT PAGE 8 OF 8 ______</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION</p><p>3.1 Examination</p><p>.1 Verify dimension tolerances and method of attachment with other work.</p><p>3.2 Installation</p><p>.1 Install all hardware per manufacturer’s instructions and required conditions. Adjust/fit to operate freely, smoothly and properly for its function. Ensure rigid securement.</p><p>3.3 Keying</p><p>.1 Cylinder provided by hardware supplier, keyed set into building master key system. Door to match school key.</p><p>3.4 Protection</p><p>.1 Cover door, hardware, etc. with heavy cloths until painting is completed. Prior to completion of the project, examine door and movable parts, adjust as required and leave hardware in good working order free from defects.</p><p>.2 Provide touch-up paint for organic finishes.</p><p>3.5 Keys</p><p>.1 Upon completion of work, demonstrate all hardware to work freely, fit all keys into their respective locks and upon acceptance of work, tag all keys and deliver to Owner.</p><p>END OF SECTION</p><p>R- /10-11</p>

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