<p> Follow - Up … The Key To A maxxAlive Consultant’s Success</p><p>Follow up is the most important thing that we do. It is the “help” in HelpForHormones. The fact that you follow-up with those to whom you loan a DVD; the fact that you follow-up with those who attend your DVD presentations and live seminars; the fact that you follow-up will set you apart from everyone else who sell their products through any marketing format. Health food stores rarely follow up with their customers. In fact, most people never follow-up. The women and men we contact are often waiting to hear from us but they will not usually call us. So let’s not fail them! Let’s FOLLOW up when needed and when asked.</p><p>Look at this statistic about the importance of following up from the National Sales Executive Association. Here is the data they have compiled about on which contact sales are made: 2% of sales are made on the 1st contact 3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact 5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact 10% of sales are made on the 4th contact 80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact Are you beginning to see why some Consultants may have a very poor rate of helping people on programs and keeping them on programs while others are very successful? It is often because they don’t touch bases and make contact enough.</p><p>For most of us the words will not flow smoothly at the beginning nor will we be relaxed. Being relaxed with customers comes with practise. The more we practise following up the better you will become and the more confident you will become.</p><p>Each of us will follow up in our own way but we will need to practise.</p><p>In this call we will cover:</p><p> The three types of Follow Up Supplies Needed for Follow UP When to use follow up How to follow up those who didn’t ask for follow up Follow up by email script Follow up Schedule for those on a program 1 Auto ship program advantage THREE WAYS WE FOLLOW UP:</p><p>Via e-mail Via Telephone In Person</p><p>Know how to do all three to be able to work in every situation. Use all three types always – develop the skill of using all three types. Too many people use email only. If you want to earn an income as a maxxAlive Consultant you will have to do the follow up. Our business is a people business. If you develop warm relationships with the people you come in contact with you will likely have a successful business.</p><p>E-MAIL: </p><p>Email works when you have connected with the person either in person or by telephone previously. Email is not reliable as an initial way of contacting people. Too many people use only email. Many people do not check their email very often.</p><p> to be used immediately following a DVD presentation or a live seminar to be used to send information: our newsletters or “In the News” articles. Never to be used exclusively but always in conjunction with either a telephone call or a personal appointment. Letter to thank them for attending - see Follow Up letter Articles on the back of the Response Form</p><p>TELEPHONE: By telephone works when working with those outside of your area or you want to conduct a number of follow-up calls in a timely manner. </p><p> to be used when seminar attendees do not have e-mail to be used after the first “thank you” email has gone out after a seminar or DVD presentation to be used when following up with a test review to be used 1 week after customer ordered products - to review there program to be used 1 month after customer has been on a program to assist with a re-order or setting up an auto ship to be used to keep contact with customer at least quarterly make sure the person knows that they can contact you if they have any questions or concerns anyone who has checked “Help” on the response form 2 IN PERSON: In person works if you are working with people in your area or if you are a practitioner and are charging a fee for the consultation. </p><p> to be used if you are located in the same area. to be used when connecting with a potential TEAM member or customer in your area. Supplies Needed For Follow Up</p><p>Preferred Customer order forms 30-day packs Test kits, order forms and/or your web site to purchase one Receipt book to keep track of sales and to be able to give a copy to the client Product information to refer to maxxAlive.com “Resources” (for a Consultant or yourself) Business Cards Newsletters A meaningful signature for your emails</p><p>WHEN TO FOLLOW UP</p><p>Initial Follow Up:</p><p> At and After a DVD presentation using response forms After a live seminar using response forms After a person has purchased a test kit – Iodine or Saliva or D3 After a person has purchased a DVD After a person has purchased a Balance Pack and it has arrived After a test review</p><p>Follow Up within 2 weeks:</p><p> After selling product to a Retail Customer After signing up a Preferred Customer After signing up a Consultant After notification that a test results test kits sold from your website or personal sales have arrived After a person purchases a DVD After a test review</p><p>3 On-going Follow Up:</p><p> For New Consultants For Preferred Customers For Retail customers who purchased Products at Presentations For those who purchased DVD’s For those who purchased Test kits</p><p>Follow up for those who didn’t purchase or request anything</p><p> o Purpose and Goals o Outline</p><p>INITIAL FOLLOW UP</p><p>Initial Follow up at a DVD presentation </p><p>Each participant at the DVD presentation will have an opportunity to meet one- on-one with a Consultant following the Product Presentation. </p><p>DVD presentations in many ways are superior to live seminars because the Consultant is able to follow-up with each person beginning right at the event. At a Live seminar, the large attendance numbers mean that everyone will not get their questions answered nor will they get to meet one on one with a Consultant that night. With DVD presentations we are able to help more women and men immediately. (see training notes - Using the DVD Effectively)</p><p>At or after presentations response forms are the main tool we use in follow up. When we ask people to fill out response forms we are really making a commitment to them to follow up with them and provide them with what they ask us for.</p><p>We always follow up all response forms first in person at the end of the DVD presentation. The Consultant tries to have a one on one conversation using the guest’s response form as a guide helping them to make a decision about their “next Step”. </p><p>4 Initial Follow Up After a DVD Presentation: </p><p>The very next day after the presentation the Consultant should begin to contact each person that attended and who did not purchase any products and ask if they have any questions and find out if they have decided to move forward with a program. An email should be sent out by either the host or the Consultant thanking the participants for attending and giving a telephone number and/or email address where they can direct their questions or concerns.</p><p>Initial Follow Up After a Live Seminar using response forms</p><p>We always follow up all response forms with an email thanking people for attending and then saying that someone will be calling to offer their assistance within the week … then try to contact everyone who attended. SO…the usual initial follow up for a live seminar is very different from a DVD presentation. Live seminar follow up begins with an email and then a telephone conversation follows. With a DVD presentation this is reversed. </p><p>Initial Follow Up After a person has purchased a test kit – Iodine or Saliva or D3.</p><p>This will usually be an email forwarding their test results and giving specific dates and times so that the Consultant can set up an appointment to review their results. This email should always include a newsletter about the test that they ordered or another appropriate newsletter. Provide helpful information.</p><p>Initial Follow Up After a person has purchased a DVD. </p><p>This should usually be a telephone conversation asking them if they have watched the DVD and have questions. Then encourage that person to host a DVD presentation for their friends. If they are not on a Hormone Balancing program the 5 Step program could be reviewed with them. A reminder that no one gets better watching the DVD and that they need to begin a program. Offer the opportunity to purchase a test kit if they have not already done so.</p><p>5 Initial Follow Up After a Retail Customer has ordered products from A Consultant:</p><p>An email should be made to let them know that their products have been ordered and when they receive them before they open their products a call/meeting time will be set up to review how to use their products. Email helpful information. (see sample emails at the back)</p><p>Initial Follow Up After a Preferred Customer or a NEW Consultant has ordered a Balance Pack. </p><p>This should also be an email to let them know that their products are ordered and when they receive there product, before they open them, to call or email so that you can go over their products together. Also that the Consultant will be sending them information about the program – 5 step newsletter and information, which will direct them to the maxxAlive Website. Suggest that you will call them but they should let you know when their products are in. Follow that up with and email with helpful information.</p><p>Ensure that they have their maxxAlive ID# and password to access the website if an order was placed for them. Teach them how to “login”, in the bottom left hand corner of the website or the upper right hand corner. If, when going on line, they do not login but instead go to “Join Our Team” they will get another ID #. We don’t want that to happen.</p><p>Initial Follow Up After a Test Review We will have to ensure that for those who purchased tests that their test results are reviewed in a timely manner and that they have access to our program.</p><p>NOTE: – most of this will be covered in the training… but just to hit the high points for a saliva test review…</p><p> o Go Over Page 2 of the Review Sheet o Explain the general guidelines and supplements to resolve their hormone Imbalance o Supplements available in a Hormone Balance Starter Pack. Cost is $129.95 + shipping and taxes includes 2 tubes of progesterone cream and 30 days of supplements and autoship for the 30-day pack $99.95. o Explain the 2 ways to purchase- retail, preferred customer </p><p>6 o Close the call by saying “What is the next step for you?” or “How soon would you like to get started?” What would keep you from starting this program? o Listen to their answer Follow Up within 2 Weeks (by telephone, by email and in person, as appropriate):</p><p>Follow Up Within 2 weeks For a Retail Customer (a person who has purchased products directly from a Consultant) make sure they:</p><p> o Have received their products o Know how use the Hormone Balancing Program correctly o Know how to access the website o Receive newsletters and “In The New” articles o Are invited to DVD /live seminars o Are provided with the information they ask for o Know who and how to contact the Consultant should they have questions or concerns o Encourage them to become A Preferred Customer/possibly a Consultant o Encourage them to host a DVD presentation.</p><p>Follow Up Within 2 Weeks After a Signing Up a Preferred Customer:</p><p> Make sure that they have received their products and know how to use them correctly, before they open their products call and go through them together Provide them with any documents they might need. Ensure that they know how they can get in touch with the Consultant if they have any questions or concerns. Tell them about autoship, if they are not already on it. Also to ask if they are interested in hosting a DVD presentation. Have their maxxAlive ID# and password Know how to access the maxxAlive website - for ordering and product profiles, login and set-up or change autoship How to place an order on line and by telephone -1-877-475-2007</p><p>Follow Up Within 2 Weeks After Signing Up a Consultant:</p><p>We will have to follow up to ensure that our Customers and/or Consultants who were signed up at the presentation have received their products and have any questions or would like to host a presentation themselves. This usually should be done in the week following the presentation.</p><p>7 o Have received their products - before they open their products call and go through them together o Know how to use the Hormone Balancing Program correctly o Have their maxxAlive ID# and password o Know how to access the maxxAlive website - for ordering and product profiles, login and set-up or change autoship o Know how to access Team Training and how to get the training notes o Know how to access Resources for the documents they need for their business o How to place an order on line and by telephone - 1-877-475-2007 o Know how to put in an autoship order and how to change it o How to order the website and newsletters o Offer to assist with their first DVD presentation o Offer to assist with their first saliva test review.</p><p>For those who became Consultants at the DVD presentation, you will need to follow up to ensure that they received their kit and that they understand that now they would benefit from re-watching the DVD. </p><p>They will need help with follow up with their new customers and with any future DVD presentations.</p><p>Follow Up Within 2 Weeks After Receiving Test Results:</p><p>Sometimes it is necessary to remind a customer that a free test review is provided. It may be necessary to call and email suggesting a specific time for their review. Provide the Consultants phone number and email address should the date not work for them or should they have any questions or concerns. Email first then call.</p><p>Follow Up within 2 weeks after a Test Review: If they haven’t gone on a program ask them if they have any questions about the program. Do they need more information about the products? Can you send them article or newsletters? Review the 5-step program with them. Would they like to purchase a DVD, if they haven’t already? Make sure they have the Consultants email address and telephone number should they have any questions. Email appropriate information. Remind them that “no one gets better by doing a saliva test” and that our Hormone balancing program works. If they have gone on a program follow them up as a Retail Customer or a Preferred Customer or as a new Consultant.</p><p>8 Follow Up Within 2 Weeks After a Person Purchases a DVD Within 2 weeks of the initial contact place another call/email to suggest a showing of that DVD with the customer’s friends. Have they watched the DVD? Are they interested in going on our Hormone Balancing Program as described in the DVD? Review the 5 step program with them. Do they have any questions? On Going Follow up It is the long-term follow up that will set us apart with both our customers and our Consultant TEAM. With many with whom we follow up …a friendship will develop. Your clients and customers will learn to appreciate your ongoing and appropriate follow up. NOTE: It is important to always ask – “May I have your permission to call you again or to email you?” On Going Follow Up involves – telephone conversations, emailing and meeting occasionally to keep in touch:</p><p> Sending newsletters – monthly to all participants of DVD presentations and live seminars and to those who have purchased products and test kits from you Sending “in The News” articles - weekly, bi-weekly to all participants of DVD presentations and live seminars and to those who have purchased products and test kits from you Checking in after a product order to ensure customers have received their products After putting a person on a program for a reorder or to set them up on an Auto Ship and thereafter to ensure that all is well Quarterly at least to review their progress and to set up a DVD presentation with their circle of influence</p><p>On Going Follow Up for Retail Customers</p><p>When following up with NEW customers or potentially new customers all three methods are necessary. Spend time on the phone getting to know them. Try to get together for “coffee” occasionally. Send them notices of any events happening which they could attend.</p><p>9 Follow up with them means making sure that they have all the product information or knows where to get it from the maxxAlive website. Make sure they know how to use their products correctly. </p><p> o Make sure they have the Consultant’s ID# and know how to order products. o Make sure they know how to use our products correctly. o Make sure they have the Consultant’s telephone number and email address. o Make sure they are regularly receiving helpful information from the Consultant</p><p>On Going Follow Up for a Preferred Customer</p><p> Most of all we follow up to ensure that our program is working for them. Make sure that they know how to re-order from maxxAlive website. If the Consultant signed them up on line they will need to make sure the customer has their own ID# and password to be able to place their next order. Teach the customer how to create and change an autoship order. We recommend contact at least once per month by telephone and by email, providing helpful information. You will have to set up a filing system to ensure that your follow-up calls are made each month. Once they have results ask them if they know of anyone who might benefit from watching the DVD and offer to do a presentation for them. Suggest attending Susan’s product information call on Thursdays. Email them appropriate health articles and the abbreviated version of “In The News” with a note from you attached. ( example at the back)</p><p>On Going Follow Up for A New Consultant When you are following up with new maxxAlive Consultants or potentially new Consultants all three methods are necessary. Spend time on the phone or in person getting to know that person. Going out for the occasional “coffee” is important if their location affords this. Many of our Consultants become our friends. That happens through spending time with them.</p><p>Follow up for them means making sure that they are in the know about all that is going on in Help For Hormones. Most of this can be done by email as long as you are sure that they pay attention to their e-mail. Otherwise a quick telephone call to touch base with them is appropriate.</p><p> Most of all we follow up to ensure that our program is working for them. Make sure that they know how to re-order from the maxxAlive website. 10 How to login in the left bottom corner of the www.maxxAlive.com home page If the Consultant signed them up on line they will need to make sure the customer has their own ID# and password to be able to place their next order. How to place an order by logging in and going to the drop down menu in Place Order Teach the Consultant how to create and change an autoship order form the Pace Order drop down menu. We recommend contact at least once per month. You will have to set up a filing system to ensure that your follow-up calls are made each month. Offer to assist them with a DVD presentation, if they are in the area. Make sure they have made use of Team Training. Everyone can use a refresher and the material is always changing. Email them “In The News” – make sure that you send a note of your own with it.</p><p>On Going Follow Up for those who purchased Test kits If a person has not moved forward with the “next step” which is going a program then the Consultant needs to keep in touch with the person to motivate them and encourage them to go on a program. Reminder - No one gets better watching the DVD or taking a saliva test!</p><p>On going Follow Up for those who purchased DVD’s Keep in touch with these people to motivate them to have a DVD presentation. Send them helpful information.</p><p>Ask questions like: Have you watched it? Have you share it with anyone? Do you know any on who would benefit from this information?</p><p>Follow Up for those didn’t request or buy anything We will need to follow up those who did not purchase anything at that time. </p><p>THOSE wanting information and articles only</p><p>When following up with those who are undecided all three methods of contact are again important. The tendency with these folks is to only use e-mail but I assure you that the occasional phone call 11 and personal “coffee” time will often make the difference with them. Sometimes the decision to join us or to go on a program is more about you and I than it is about our products and program. </p><p>It is easy to follow up with those who have indicated that they want information from us as evidenced by the back of the response form. It is easy to follow up with those who have indicated that they want us to contact them as indicated on the front of the response form. How ever when people either do not hand in response forms or hand them in with nothing on them then what do we do.</p><p>“What to Do When No Follow Up is Requested?” (adapted from materials by Brenda Brouwers)</p><p>First and foremost please do not assume that these people have no interest in hearing from you. It has been my experience that many people are overwhelmed and/or unsure of what it is they want to tick off, so they check nothing off. If they have given a phone number and/or email they deserve to be followed up with in order to determine if they have any needs. If no phone number or email is listed and nothing ticked off it is likely safe to assume that they are not interested in having someone follow up. PURPOSE OF YOUR CALL - GOAL Before calling anyone, determine in your mind what is the purpose of your call. In other words what is the goal you are hoping to achieve by calling these people? Usually when I follow up with people that have not checked off any boxes, my goals are as follows and usually in this order. I always listen to their voice and what they are asking, in order to help me determine how I can be of assistance. Remember this is not about what you want but about how we can help them.</p><p>1. My first goal would be to determine if they had any questions or concerns that they were either uncomfortable asking or at the time of our presentation, or if they thought of other things they wanted to ask having had time to reflect. Find out if they enjoyed the seminar/DVD presentation, and what they felt was helpful (usually you will be able to tell by their voice, at this initial stage, if they are pleased to hear from you). Listen carefully to all their answers, as this will often tell you how they want you to proceed. </p><p>2. My second goal would be to determine if they were considering testing and/or did they need any clarification appropriate, re-emphasis the importance of determining their hormone levels –or the concern about a low function thyroid. Re-visit our program. Listen carefully to responses – are their issues monetary? Do they feel confident in determining their needs by the quiz? Did the information just speak to them and do they know intrinsically they need this without the use of an evaluation? </p><p>SALIVA TEST - If they decide to do a saliva test at this time ensure they have the proper ordering information. Most of the time just send them to your website unless you have a stock of test kits on hand.</p><p>IODINE TEST - If they decide to do an Iodine test at this time then ensure that they have the proper ordering information. Again most of the time just send them to your website unless you have a stock of test kits on hand.</p><p>12 VITAMIN D3 Test - If they decide to do a Vitamin D3 test at this time then ensure that they have the proper ordering information. Again most of the time just send them to your website unless you have a stock of test kits on hand.</p><p>Regardless of their decision continue to the next step.</p><p>3. My third goal would be to set up a DVD Presentation time with their family and friends in a home setting. In my chit chatting with them at the beginning I also ask if they found that they were thinking of other people they care about when the seminar was happening. Did they wish that so and so was there, or did they think that information would be helpful for so and so. If they answer yes to this question, tell them how you felt when first hearing the DVD, or Jackie’s seminar . We all know that we thought of others we love and care about and we therefore wanted to do something about it. Then ask them “Would providing an opportunity to hear this information for those you care about be something you think you would like to do for them?” Wait for their answers – Then remind them that you or another maxxAlive Consultant would be happy to do a DVD presentation for them at no charge in their home with a few friends. Again depending on the answer see if setting a date is appropriate at this time. </p><p>4. My fourth goal is to determine if they are interested in receiving our free Online Help For Hormones Newsletter. I usually give them some examples of the topics that we have covered in the past. I usually try to get permission - if they seem hesitant I offer to email them a sample Newsletter for them to peruse, so they can determine if they would like them. If they agree to this make sure you set a reminder to yourself to phone again to determine if they liked the newsletter and if there is anything else you can help them with.</p><p>5. My last goal is to make sure I have permission to call back or email them at a later date. Always try to be in the position that you are calling them rather than them calling you. I say something like this. “This has been a great call. I’ve really enjoyed speaking with you. I hope you have found it helpful? I will give you a call back on _____ time if I haven’t already heard from you to decide what you would like to do about ______. Does that date work okay for you?”</p><p>Always let people know, no matter the format, that we are looking for other people to work with us and become Consultants. This is particularly important for women who achieve wellness on our program. We encourage them to begin to share with others. “We use a simple “party plan with a cause” system to share our message and to help people with a program. Would this interest you?”</p><p>*** Remember to be prompt and reliable when following up with people. If you have told them you will call on a certain date make sure you call, even if it is to say you are unable to make that date and need to reschedule. Use calendar systems, Microsoft Excel, Palm-pilots etc. to keep track of appointments.</p><p>13 Sample Follow Up Email After DVD or Live Seminar</p><p>Hi ______</p><p>I just wanted to thank you for attending the “Let’s Talk About Hormones presentation on ______(date) at the ______(Location of the seminar). I hope that you enjoyed the information. </p><p>For those who requested information from the back of the response form, I will be sending out that information over then next two weeks via email. The subject will read information from______(your name). If you have questions do not hesitate to contact me. I am always glad to answer your questions.</p><p>For those who purchased test kits, if you need assistance or information do not hesitate to contact me by phone ______or by email:______. Once you receive your test results contact me as I offer a 30-minute free review to go over your test results and help you with "the next step" in your journey toward hormone health and wellness. If you did not purchase a test kit - Saliva, Iodine or D3 and wish to do so please contact me either by phone or email. We usually have them on hand and can make arrangements to mail you one or to meet in______(location).</p><p>For those who purchased DVD's if you are interested in having me arrange for an expert to call in and answer questions in a small group home setting - I will be glad to arrange that for you.</p><p>I look forward to talking with you soon. </p><p>Your name</p><p>Your meaningful signature Your website and/or email address </p><p>14 FOLLOW-UP SCHEDULE For Retail Customers</p><p>Initial follow up has been completed This is follow up for people who have purchased products directly from the Consultant</p><p>SET a goal for the call - Why are you making this call? Then do it!!! (Remember, someday never comes) 7 - 14 days Place your first call after they should have received their products</p><p> Ensure they have received their products Go over the information again to make sure they know how to use their products. Ensure they know how to access the www.maxxAlive.com website for product profiles. Remind them that you are there to support them and help them have success. With permission email newsletters and “In the News” Health Articles Let them know you will be calling again to see how things are going in a couple of weeks. (set a date, mark your calendar or card file and MAKE THE CALL) Make sure they have your contact information. Encourage them to host a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation.</p><p>20 – 25 days Place your second call when it is time to reorder How are you doing on the products? Do you have any questions or concerns? (write it down on your card file) It’s time to reorder your product - consider becoming a Preferred Customer Encourage them to host a DVD presentation or invite them to a “Let’s Talk” Seminar/ DVD presentation. Invite them into the product call with Susan on Thursdays</p><p>Ongoing Follow-up Continue to call at least quarterly to see how they are doing. Make note of their improvements. Ask for a written testimonial. Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation/seminar. Ask them to host a DVD presentation for their friends E-Mail newsletters and an abbreviated version of “In the News” and health articles. Suggest other products that might benefit e.g. CardioMaxx Encourage them to do a saliva test after 3 months on a program Suggest Iodine testing or Vitamin D3 testing if appropriate</p><p>Be patient. It’s like planting seeds and continuing to nurture them. Over time they will grow. Your relationship with them will produce a loyal product user and often they will become a team member who will help share our important message. Time spent with them will often develop into a friendship.</p><p>15 Ask if they know of others who would be interested in our program and watching the DVD or attending a seminar. Through their referrals and their product success they may become a business builder. FOLLOW-UP SCHEDULE For Preferred Customers Initial follow up has been completed. This is follow up for a preferred customer who has an online account and who has previously ordered or had an order placed for them</p><p>SET a goal for the call - Why are you making this call? Then do it!!! (Remember, someday never comes) 7 - 14 days Place your first call after they should have received their products Did you receive your products? Do you have your maxxAlive ID# and password Ensure they know how to access the maxxAlive website, how to login and order products How to place an order by telephone - 1-877-475-2007 Open their products with them and go over the information again to make sure they know how to use their products. Remind them that you are there to support them and help them have success. Let them know you will be calling again to see how things are going in a couple of weeks. (set a date, mark your calendar or card file and MAKE THE CALL) Make sure they have your contact information. Provide them with any documents they might need. Encourage them to host a DVD presentation and Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation. Invite them into the product call with Susan on Thursdays 20 – 25 days Place your second call when it is time to reorder How are you doing on the products? Do you have any questions or concerns? (write it down on your card file) It’s time to reorder your product - set up an autoship order. Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation. Ongoing Follow-up Continue to call at least once a month by email and at least quarterly by telephone to see how they are doing. Make note of their improvements. Ensure that our program is working for them. Teach them how to create and change an autoship order. Ask for a written testimonial. Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation/seminar. Ask them to host a DVD presentation for their friends With permission E-Mail a newsletter and an abbreviated version of “In the News” and health articles. Suggest other products that might benefit e.g. CardioMaxx Once they have achieved good results with their program invite them to become a Consultant and help others Encourage them to do a saliva test after 3 months on a program If they have product questions direct them to Susan’s product call on Thursdays</p><p>Be patient. It’s like planting seeds and continuing to nurture them. Over time they will grow. </p><p>16 Your relationship with them will produce a loyal product user and often they will become a team member who will help share our important message. Time spent with them will often develop into a friendship.</p><p>Ask if they know of others who would be interested in our program and watching the DVD or attending a seminar. Through their referrals and their product success they may become a business builder. FOLLOW-UP SCHEDULE For New Consultants Initial follow up has been completed. This is follow up for a new Consultant.</p><p>SET a goal for the call - Why are you making this call? Then do it!!!(Remember, someday never comes) 7 - 14 days Place your first call after they should have received their products</p><p> Did you receive your products? Do you have your maxxAlive ID# and Password Do you know how to access the website login? Know how to access team training How to order the website and newsletters Go over the information again to make sure they know how to use their products. Remind them that you are there to support them and help them have success. Let them know you will be calling again to see how things are going in a couple of weeks. (set a date, mark your calendar or card file and MAKE THE CALL) Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation as a form of training Help them to organize their own DVD presentations.</p><p>20 – 25 days Place your second call when it is time to reorder How are you doing on the products? Do you have any questions or concerns?(write it down on your card file) It’s time to reorder your product - set up an autoship order. Assist with a test review (listen in) Help them with a DVD presentation ( teach them what you do)</p><p>Ongoing Follow-up Continue to call at least quarterly to see how they are doing on our program. Make note of their improvements. Ask for a written testimonial. Invite them to a “Let’s Talk” DVD presentation/seminar. Make sure they know how to login to www.maxxAlive.com and how to place and order online or by telephone - 1-877-475-2007 Ask them to host a DVD presentation for their friends E-Mail out newsletters and “in the News”. Ensure they know how to access resources at HelpForHormones Suggest other products that might benefit e.g. CardioMaxx Teach them what you know</p><p>17 Be patient. It’s like planting seeds and continuing to nurture them. Over time they will grow. Your relationship with them will produce a loyal product user and often they will become a team member who will help share our important message. Time spent with them will often develop into a friendship.</p><p>Ask if they know of others who would be interested in our program and watching the video or attending a seminar. Through their referrals and their product success they may become a business builder. </p><p>Email to customers to get in touch again</p><p>Hi______,</p><p>I just wanted to say Happy New Year and to find you how you are doing on your Hormone Program?</p><p>I want to remind you that you should consider doing another saliva test. We recommend every year once your hormones are balances and every 3 - 6 months to determine how your program is working. </p><p>You can purchase test kits on my website which is www.helpforhormones.com/______(your name).</p><p>We are revamping our newsletters and I would like your permission to send them to you once I receive them.</p><p>I have attached a copy of an article that I thought might interest you.( attach a copy of one of the Health Information article in “In The News)”</p><p>If I can be of assistance in your journey towards hormone health please let me know.</p><p>(your Name)</p><p>Your personal signature (Jackie’s is "Committed to Making a Difference in Peoples Lives")</p><p>(Telephone number)</p><p>(Email address)</p><p>(Your website ) www.maxxAlive.com</p><p>18 19 Email to contacts looking for Consultants</p><p>Hi ______,</p><p>I am sending this out to women and men with whom I am in contact.</p><p>We, at maxxAlive, are looking for Consultants in Canada. We educate women using the DVD, offer testing through a reputable lab and provide a balance program using products made exclusively for us. </p><p>We provide comprehensive business training and product information by conference all. </p><p>If you know anyone who would be interested in earning their income by helping men and women with hormonal challenges please pass this on to them. </p><p>Also have a look at our product website - www.maxxAlive.com</p><p>Thank you very much.</p><p>(your Name)</p><p>Your personal signature (Jackie’s is "Committed to Making a Difference in Peoples Lives")</p><p>(Telephone number)</p><p>(Email address)</p><p>(Your website ) www.maxxAlive.com</p><p>20 AUTO SHIP ORDERING with maxxAlive</p><p>Auto ship is a great way to ensure you never miss receiving maxxAlive products each month! o Scheduled Delivery means that your client or Consultant or you, can select the day of the month (anytime between the 5th and 22nd) you want your orders to be shipped! You can plan better knowing that you have products “on the way”. o You can save on shipping - You can receive your products at a reduced shipping rate on auto ship o Set up your Auto Ship order by telephone and change it up to one day before the ship date.</p><p>The Significance of Auto ship</p><p>A number of years ago there was a statistical study done on “auto ship”. The bottom line statistics of that study were related to “auto ship” and the number of people who stayed on their product programs (retention rates). </p><p>What they showed was that about 92% of the people who signed up for an “auto ship” program when they became members were still with their company after 2 years, still on “auto ship”, and roughly 85% of those who signed up as Consultants were earning regular commission checks. </p><p>On the other side of the coin, about 96% of the people who did not sign up for the “auto ship” programs when they became members had left their company before the end of the 2-year period. </p><p>To us, this proves the clear and vital advantages to “auto ship” programs, both for a company and our preferred customers and Consultants. It also gives us a chance to make some extremely strong points to our potential Consultants: </p><p> o If you go on “auto ship” when you join, then you’ll have an 85% chance of earning regular commission checks within 2 years. o If you encourage your client base and your Consultants to go on “auto ship”, then 92% of your customers will stay with you for at least 2 years, and 85% of your Consultants will earn regular commissions. o If you don’t go on “autoship” then you have a 96% chance of quitting within 2 years and, therefore, not earning commissions. </p><p>“Autoship” is absolutely critical for your success. Without it, you are only hoping for residual income. AutoShip JUST MAKES SENSE!</p><p>21 22 maxxAlive Consultant Price List</p><p>Gold Pack includes: 15 15-Day Programs & 3 30-Day Programs (over $1500 value)</p><p>This pack includes: 21 tubes of BodyMaxx, 15 15-day & 3 30-day containers of C-Maxx, 15 15-day & 3 30-day containers of DailyMaxx packets and 15 15-day & 3 30-day containers of FiberMaxx</p><p>Silver Pack includes: 7 15-Day Programs & 2 30-Day Programs (over $750 value) </p><p>This pack includes: 11 tubes of BodyMaxx, 7 15-day & 2 30-day containers of C-Maxx, 7 15-day & 2 30-day containers of DailyMaxx packets, 7 15-day & 2 30-day containers of FiberMaxx</p><p>Bronze Pack includes: 3 15-Day Programs & 1 30-Day Program (over $350 value) </p><p>This Pack includes: 5 tubes of BodyMaxx, 3 15-day & 1 30-day container of C-Maxx, 3 15-day & 1 30-day container of DailyMaxx packets, 3 15-day containers & 1 30-day container of FiberMaxx</p><p>Hormone Balance Starter Pack includes: 2 tubes of BodyMaxx, 1 30-day container of C-Maxx, 1 30-day container of DailyMaxx packets, 1 30-day container of FiberMaxx</p><p>30-Day Hormone Balance Program includes: 1 tube of BodyMaxx, 1 30- day container of C-Maxx, 1 30-day container of DailyMaxx packets, 1 30- day container of FiberMaxx </p><p>15-Day Hormone Balance Program includes: 1 tube of BodyMaxx, 1 15- day container of C-Maxx, 1 15-day container of DailyMaxx packets, 1 15- day container of FiberMaxx</p><p>23 Email to those for whom I sign up online Hi ______I have placed your order, which will be sent out this week. Your order number is______. Your Supplement order will be coming from maxxAlive ….the company we are getting the supplements and progesterone cream from. The phone number to check on your order or to order again is toll free- 1- 877 – 475 – 2007. The total cost of the order including shipping and taxes was $______which was charged to the credit card number that you gave me. Your ID number, password and a confirmation of your order have been emailed to you. Please remember your ID number, password and order number!</p><p>I have set you up as a Preferred Customer with your own ID when you are ready to order again ID#______Password______</p><p>To place an order, view the products, add or change your autoship order, just go to the website www.maxxAlive.com and to the “login” at the top right corner of the screen. Then enter your ID# along with your password. </p><p>Once you have logged in then at the top of the page you will see PLACE ORDER that will drop down and then proceed. This is also where you can place or change an autoship order.</p><p>Your delivery will include the Hormone Balance Starter Pack:</p><p>2 BODYMAXX – progesterone cream – use - 1/8 tsp am and 1/8 tsp bedtime - 10 mg=1/4 tsp</p><p>1 FiberMaxx - fiber supplement – take 1 tsp in juice or water before breakfast, lunch and dinner – to modulate estrogen levels.</p><p>1 DailyMaxx - 30 packets to be taken once a day, which includes: (also lowers/modulates estrogen levels) 1FruitMaxx – fruit Concentrate you will take each day 1 VeggieMaxx - Vegetable Concentrate you will take each day 2 IndoleMaxx – the I3C supplement you to take each day 1 CalMaxx – Calcium made from seaweed you will take per day.</p><p>1 C-Maxx – Vitamin C, which you should take 1000 mg= 2 caps - at breakfast, lunch and dinner to help with stress by supporting your adrenals.</p><p>Please let me know when this arrives and that it contains these products.</p><p>PRODUCT PROFILES for each of the products can be found on the website www.maxxAlive.com </p><p>If I can be of any assistance do not hesitate to contact me via email – then we will set up a time to visit via telephone. </p><p>Looking forward to hearing from you as you move toward hormonal balance.</p><p>24 To learn more about our products, go to www.maxxalive.com and click on Enjoy Our Products and “Learn More”. Visit product profiles to see ingredients and how to dose each product.</p><p>TO ORDER PRODUCTS as a Preferred Customer </p><p>To order Products as a Preferred Customer go to www.maxxalive.com and click on “Shop Our Products” .</p><p>Select “Buy” and, then enter Sponsors’ ID#______& your country ( US or Canada)</p><p> and proceed with your order. You will need to put in your billing address and shipping address (if different) and credit card information.</p><p>Future Preferred Customer Orders</p><p>You will be issued your own ID# which you will use for future orders along with the password that you create.. </p><p>Future Orders can be placed by clicking on “Login” at the top right hand corner of the www.maxxalive.com home page and then at the prompt enter your own ID number and password. </p><p>Then proceed with your order or autoship sing up or change. </p><p>CONSULTANT’S CONTACT INFORMATION HERE </p><p>25</p><p>JOINING OUR CAUSE as a CONSULTANT</p><p>To join our cause as a Consultant, go to www.maxxalive.com and click on Join Our Cause</p><p>Select “Consultant” and “Join”, then enter Sponsors’ ID#______&</p><p>You will be prompted to purchase a Consultant’s Sales Kit and be able to place an additional order at this same time. </p><p>Select “Canada” (If your product is shipped to Canada) and proceed with the order. </p><p>Future Orders</p><p>You will be issued your own Consultant ID# which you will use for future orders. </p><p>Future Orders can be placed by clicking on “Login” at the bottom of the www.maxxalive.com home page and entering your own ID number. </p><p>*** To order Saliva test kits or Iodine test kits or DVD/CD combos go to </p><p>CONSULTANT’S CONTACT INFORMATION HERE</p><p>26 The Advantages of having a HelpForhormones.com Website</p><p>We recommend that all team members contact [email protected] to set up a website at www.helpforhormones.com. An annual fee for a website is only $100 and well worth it as a benefit for our business. </p><p>1. Directing customers to your personal HelpForHormones website is very professional and indicates to others that you are not alone but truly a team member. </p><p>NOTE: Consider re-directing your website to a URL with just your Name eg www.JackieHarvey.com. Try to get a Dot Com website URL as they are the most common and just use your own name or business name if you have one. The cost is $15 PER YEAR from a supplier like www.directnic.com. Then have Dallas re-direct your HelpForHormones website to your URL.</p><p>2. There are financial benefits for those consultants who are interested in adding additional streams of income to their earnings – Commission for selling DVD’s and Test kits from the site.</p><p>For each person who has a website will earn $10 for each saliva test kit or iodine test kit purchased on their website and $5 for each DVD purchased from their website. The commissions for each website are usually paid out annually or when the commissions reach $100.</p><p>Only customer sales from your personal website can be tracked so that you receive the commissions.</p><p>This means that at DVD presentations if you do not have enough test kits or DVD’s available you can just have them go to your website and order right at the seminar if you have a laptop computer with you or you can do it for your customer and have it drop-shipped to them provided you have their credit card and shipping information ( you can use an order form). </p><p>3. COMMISSION FROM IODORAL – iodine sold from your site.</p><p>Should your customer need to purchase Iodine - Iodoral - they can be directed to your website to purchase iodine and with your discount code you receive 10% for each bottle purchased provided your client uses your coupon code. You need to ask Jackie Harvey for this, which will read – helpforhormones##. </p><p>In order to receive your earnings you have to fill out a W9 form and fax it to Chris at Netrush at 503- 296-2621 as per their instructions:</p><p>We wanted to make sure we are all setup for paying commissions on Iodinesupport.com sales. At your convenience, would you please forward this W9 to your consultants. This will ensure they all are ready for when they or their customers start ordering. They can fax them back to 503-296-2621.</p><p>Best regards, Chris Netrush.com, Inc. http://www.netrush.com 1-800-643-1470 ext. 4862</p><p>27 Sample Email to a man for whom you ordered products and promised documents</p><p>Hi______</p><p>It was great talking to you the other day. I have placed your order, which will be sent out this/next week. </p><p>Your order number is______. Your Supplement order will be coming from MaxxAlive ….the company we get our supplements and progesterone cream from. </p><p>The phone number to check on your order or to order again is toll free- 1- 877 – 475 – 2007. </p><p>The total cost of the order including shipping and taxes was $___.__plus shipping ______which was charged to the credit card number that you gave me. </p><p>I have set you up as a Preferred Customer with your own ID when you are ready to order again ID#______& Password______. </p><p>To place and order, view the products or sign up for autoship : just go to the website www.MaxxAlive.com and to the login at the bottom left corner. </p><p>Then when the screen comes up at the bottom of the page where it says “Log In” enter your ID# along with your password. Once you have “logged in” then at the top of the page you will see PLACE ORDER that will drop down and then proceed.</p><p>Your delivery will include the Hormone Balance Starter Pack:</p><p>1 BODYMAXX – progesterone cream – use - 10mg in pm only - 10 mg=1/8 tsp</p><p>1 FiberMaxx - fiber supplement – take tsp each day in juice or water before breakfast, lunch and dinner – to lower estrogen levels.</p><p>1 DailyMaxx packets to be take once a day which includes: (also lowers estrogen levels)</p><p>1FruitMaxx – fruit Concentrate you will take each day</p><p>1 VeggieMaxx - Vegetable Concentrate you will take each day</p><p>1 IndoleMaxx – the I3C supplement you to take each day</p><p>1 CalMaxx – Calcium made from seaweed you will take per day.</p><p>1 CMaxx – Vitamin C which you should take 2 caps - 1000mg at breakfast Lunch and dinner to help with stress by supporting your adrenals.</p><p>1CardioMaxx – L arginine powder – use 1 scoop daily on an empty stomach or before exercise.</p><p>28 These products will be arriving by FedEx and they will require the appropriate GST/PST at the door along with a $10 handling charge for collecting the GST/PST. ( for Canadian customers) Please let me know when this arrives and that it contains these products.</p><p>I am attaching some materials that I think you will be interested in having a look at:</p><p>1. Newsletters on men’s issues – being revised and edited – I will forward to you when they are completed.</p><p>2. PRODUCT PROFILES for each of the products can be found on the website www.MaxxAlive.com</p><p>3. 2 articles on How to use progesterone cream info for men.</p><p>If I can be of any assistance do not hesitate to contact me via email – then we will set up a time to visit via telephone. </p><p>Looking forward to hearing from you as you move toward hormonal balance.</p><p>29 Sample Email for women for whom you place and order and promised documents</p><p>Hi ______</p><p>It was great talking to you the other day. I have placed your order, which will be sent out this/next week. </p><p>Your order number is______. Your Supplement order will be coming from MaxxAlive ….the company we get our supplements and progesterone cream from. </p><p>The phone number to check on your order or to order again is toll free- 1- 877 – 475 – 2007. </p><p>The total cost of the order was $______.__plus shipping ______which was charged to the credit card number that you gave me. </p><p>I have set you up as a Preferred Customer with your own ID when you are ready to order again ID#______& Password______. </p><p>To place and order, view the products or sign up for autoship : just go to the website www.MaxxAlive.com and to the login at the bottom left corner. </p><p>Then when the screen comes up at the bottom of the page where it says “Log In” enter your ID# along with your password. Once you have” logged in” then at the top of the page you will see PLACE ORDER that will drop down and then proceed.</p><p>Your delivery will include the Hormone Balance Starter Pack:</p><p>2 BODYMAXX – progesterone cream – use - 10mg in am and pm - 10 mg=1/8 tsp</p><p>1 FiberMaxx - fiber supplement – take 1 tsp each day in juice or water before breakfast, lunch and dinner – to lower estrogen levels and to improve bowel function.</p><p>1 DailyMaxx packets to be take once a day, which includes: (also lowers/modulates estrogen levels)</p><p>1FruitMaxx – fruit Concentrate you will take each day</p><p>1 VeggieMaxx - Vegetable Concentrate you will take each day</p><p>1 IndoleMaxx – the I3C supplement you to take each day</p><p>1 CalMaxx – Calcium made from seaweed you will take per day.</p><p>1 CMaxx – Vitamin C, which you should take 2 caps - 1000mg at breakfast Lunch and dinner to help with stress by supporting your adrenals.</p><p>30 These products will be arriving by FedEx and they will require the appropriate GST/PST at the door along with a $10 handling charge for collecting the GST/PST. (for Canadian customers) Please let me know when this arrives and that it contains these products.</p><p>I am attaching some of the materials that I promised you:</p><p>1. 3 documents about how to use progesterone</p><p>2. PRODUCT PROFILES for each of the products can be found on the website www.MaxxAlive.com</p><p>3. Reading List </p><p>4. Fiber score card to determine the amount of fiber you are eating in a week.</p><p>5. Newsletters. </p><p>6.Other articles promised </p><p>If I can be of any assistance do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email.</p><p>Looking forward to hearing from you as you move toward hormonal balance.</p><p>31 Sample Email for someone who will order on your ID # from the website and for whom you promised documents</p><p>Hi</p><p>I enjoyed talking with you today – I hope that you found it helpful. I have attached the documents I promised to send along with a newsletter.</p><p>1. Reading List 2. 3 documents on Using Progesterone 3. Fiber Score Card to determine if you are taking in enough fiber into your diet 4. A document by Dr. Lee on Endometriosis 5. One of newsletters 6. Other documents </p><p>You can view the products at our website www.maxxAlive.com The progesterone cream is called Body Maxx. In order to get into the purchase side of the site you will need My ID #------. There you can choose to become a preferred customer and order products. My suggestion to get started is our Hormone Starter Pack.</p><p>If I can be of any assistance please let me know.</p><p>32 Sample email to those whom you haven’t talked to in a while.</p><p>Hi </p><p>I just wanted to check in with you to see how you are doing on your hormone program. </p><p>In April it will be time to again do a saliva test to ensure that your hormones are balanced or moving toward balance. You can purchase a saliva test kit from my website: www.MarilyneWhite.com. </p><p>In this case I will facilitate a free consultation for your review. </p><p>If there is any way that I can be of assistance please let me know. </p><p>33</p>
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