Request for Proposal Procedures

Request for Proposal Procedures

<p> GEORGIA PORTS AUTHORITY Request for Proposal To Provide Various Security Systems Using DHS Port Security Grant Funding</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 1 of 110 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Executive Summary 1.2 Port Operations (Background) 1.3 Project Approach 1.4 Bidder/Contractor Qualifications 1.5 Terminology and Abbreviations 1.6 Contacts 1.7 RFP Timetable 1.8 Vision 1.9 Design Concerns 1.10 LINC Partnership</p><p>2.0 PORT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 2.1 General Requirements 2.2 Security Camera Networks 2.3 Access Control System Requirements 2.4 Low Light / High Vegetation Detection and Response 2.5 SRIN and CIIN Add-ons 2.6 Command and Control System 2.7 Equipment Mounting Locations 2.8 Post Installation Testing and Commissioning 2.9 Maintenance Plan 2.10 Logistic Supportability 2.11 Research and Development / Future Capabilities</p><p>3.0 SAVANNAH RIVER INTRUSION NETWORK 3.1 System Description 3.2 Budget</p><p>4.0 COLONEL’S ISLAND INTRUSION NETWORK 4.1 System Description 4.2 Budget</p><p>5.0 TWIC ACCESS SYSTEM INTEGRATION 5.1 System Description 5.2 Budget</p><p>6.0 BID OPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES 6.1 Option 1: Access Control System 6.2 Option 2: Lowlight/Thermal Detection and Response 6.3 Option 3: Command and Control System 6.4 Option 4: Remaining SRIN Components Including Radar, Cameras and other Equipment</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 2 of 110 6.5 Option 5: Remaining CIIN Components Including Radar, Cameras and other Equipment 6.6 Option 6: Connect Existing Cameras/Systems to New Systems Proposed 6.7 Option 7: Unsolicited</p><p>7.0 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROCEDURES 7.1 Release of Request For Proposal 7.2 Notice of Intent to Propose 7.3 Pre-proposal Conference 7.4 Contact for Inquiries 7.5 Last Date to Submit Written Questions 7.6 Proposal Due Date, Time, and Location 7.7 Bid Bond 7.8 Bid Opening 7.9 Contract Award 7.10 Base Bid, Options, and Marginal Costs 7.11 Proposal Format and Submission Requirements 7.12 Technical Proposal Content 7.13 Proposal Evaluation 7.14 Final Offers</p><p>8.0 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 8.1 Specifications 8.2 Deviations and Exceptions 8.3 Quality 8.4 Quantities 8.5 Delivery 8.6 Pricing and Discount 8.7 Acceptance-Rejection 8.8 Method of Award 8.9 Ordering 8.10 Payment and Invoicing 8.11 Guaranteed Delivery 8.12 Default 8.13 Fair Trade Pricing 8.14 Excise, Transportation and Sales Taxes 8.15 Sample Items 8.16 Delivery to GPA 8.17 Minority Business Enterprises 8.18 Income Tax Incentives 8.19 Entire Agreement 8.20 Applicable law and Compliance 8.21 Federal Regulations 8.22 Antitrust Assignment 8.23 Assignment</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 3 of 110 8.24 Nondiscrimination/Affirmative Action 8.25 Patent Infringement 8.26 Equipment Safety 8.27 Safety on Site 8.28 Reporting of Accidents, Injuries or Damages 8.29 GPA Credentialing 8.30 TWIC 8.31 Denial of Reimbursement 8.32 Gratuity Prohibition 8.33 Right of Rejection of Lowest Cost bid 8.34 Rights to Submitted Material 8.35 HAZ-MAT 8.36 Material Safety Data Sheet 8.37 Immigration 8.38 Drug-Free 8.39 Warranty 8.40 Changes and Alterations 8.41 Cure and Cover Clause 8.42 Condition of Equipment 8.43 Insurance Requirements 8.44 Property Insurance 8.45 Performance and Payment Bond 8.46 Cancellation 8.47 Public Records Access 8.48 Proprietary Information 8.49 Recycled Materials 8.50 Promotional Advertising / News Releases 8.51 Indemnification and Hold Harmless</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 4 of 110 List of Tables</p><p>Table 1: RFP Timetable Table 2: Wind Requirements Table 3: SRIN Conceptual Camera Locations Table 4: Technical Evaluation Criteria Table 5: Technical Evaluation Rating Table 6: Cost Evaluation Weights</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 5 of 110 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Executive Summary</p><p>Since the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001, much of our government’s focus has been on securing our nation’s infrastructure. The security of our nation’s ports has been a top priority for several years. Much of the needed port security infrastructure has been enhanced through the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) funding. Georgia Ports Authority received several grants in the Round 7 PSGP. Three of the approved and funded projects are included in this Request For Proposal (RFP).</p><p>The RFP’s for these three grants are combined to reduce paperwork and to allow reduced cost in the execution of the projects. Because these projects are similar in nature, GPA hopes to obtain better pricing on the combined projects than ordinarily would be obtained if all projects are prosecuted separately. However, due to federal funding laws, it is imperative that each project be contracted and funded separately.</p><p>The first project, the Savannah River Intrusion Network (SRIN), is an effort to monitor the Savannah River shipping channel through the use of remote cameras that are monitored and controlled from the GPA command center. The project includes installing up to twenty-four cameras at various locations on the Savannah River from Elba Island to the Houlihan Bridge. Some of these will be in remote locations and will require their own, self-contained power sources and wireless transmission systems. This grant also provides analytic systems and monitoring stations in the command center. Finally, there will be a fiber optic connection made to connect GPA with the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department (SCMPD) monitoring station.</p><p>The second project, Colonel’s Island Intrusion Network (CIIN), is very similar to the first project; however, it is intended to protect GPA assets in Brunswick, Georgia. This project includes up to six cameras covering the navigation channels around Colonel’s Island (CI) and Mayor’s Point (MP) terminals. Again, some of these cameras will need their own power and data sources. A small monitoring station in Brunswick is included in this project.</p><p>The third project, TWIC Access System Integration (ASI), is primarily aimed at preparing the Brunswick terminals for the new Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program by adding fixed and mobile TWIC biometric readers to the existing AMAG access security system. Wireless coverage will be added to the terminals to allow GPA police to communicate freely with the access security system using handheld readers.</p><p>Finally, the proliferation of various security systems is cause for concern regarding the long-term ability of the GPA police to monitor the systems efficiently. Consequently, an additional section has been added to the RFP in an attempt to determine capabilities of various state of the art systems and obtain cost data on various security system components for which GPA has an interest in purchasing. Depending on the results in this bid section, some items may be purchased as part of this proposal process, some may be used to apply for future PSGP grants, and some may be 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 6 of 110 rejected entirely and drive the long term plans of the GPA security system in another direction. </p><p>1.2 Port Operations (Background)</p><p>Georgia Ports Authority operates five of their six terminals. This RFP only regards four terminals: two in the Savannah area and two in Brunswick. The largest and busiest terminal is the Garden City Terminal (GCT) located near Savannah. GCT is a 1200- acre container terminal through which approximately 2,500,000 twenty foot equivalent containers (TEU’s) pass through each year. GCT has almost 2 miles of continuous berthing – the largest single terminal in the country, holding 23 ship-to-shore container cranes and close to 150 other container lifting equipment including top lifts and rubber-tire gantries (RTG’s). Two Class I railroads with over 30,000 feet of track in two intermodal container transfer facilities (ICTF’s) and thousands of trucks move the cargo each day. Over 600 ships calls per year visit the 9-berth facility. Appendix 1 has been provided to aid bidders’ familiarity with the garden city terminal.</p><p>Ocean Terminal (OT), also located in Savannah, sits on 208 acres and has 6 berths for 6,700 feet. OT has container and gantry cranes; but, mostly handles commercial and military loads of heavy equipment (tanks, helicopters, armored vehicles, backhoes, high hoes, paper and wood products, etc.), passenger vehicles, armament, yachts, and other non-containerized cargo.</p><p>CI in Brunswick is a roll on – roll off facility sitting on 1,700 acres of fenced parking for the thousands of automobiles that pass through the port, import and export, each year. In addition, in the middle of the automotive facility sits one of the largest deepwater agri-bulk facilities in the country where thousands of tons of grain pass to and from the ships via a conveyor system. Two Class I railroads and thousands of trucks move the cargo through the facility. Over 150 ships dock at CI each year.</p><p>MP is a small, dedicated breakbulk facility specializing in distribution of a variety of forest and solid wood products such as wood pulp, linerboard, plywood and paper products. With 22 acres, 1,750 linear feet of berthing, 355,000 square feet of transit shed space and 7.9 acres of open storage, the facility has the capacity to handle the largest cargo shipments quickly and efficiently. The MP Terminal is also served by two Class I railroads with 2,000 feet of track available for cross dock operation as well as truck traffic. </p><p>1.3 Project Approach</p><p>GPA’s approach to the development of these systems is to request proposals from bidders that have experience providing off-the-shelf systems that are already known to work in other ports. Although GPA wishes to use the most technologically and competitively advanced systems; there is no desire to be on the “bleeding” edge of technology. A failure in security could be devastating to the Port and the regional economy. Therefore, proposed systems that have the best chance of selection are those that are proven in other terminals around the world. Furthermore, by purchasing 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 7 of 110 “off-the-shelf” systems, GPA will not design the system; rather, GPA looks to the selected vendors to provide designs that exceed the stated operational requirements.</p><p>GPA will not rule out proposals on newer or different technologies without a thorough review. GPA recognizes that existing systems are still not as accurate and reliable as is desired. Thus, GPA welcomes proposals from bidders whose systems may not be described here or that may not be currently located in another port; but may provide solutions that are otherwise superior to the system being described. Thus, bidders should review the operational systems in existence and the operational intent/requirements being issued as a part of this RFP to ensure their proposed systems provide the overall system functionality necessary to support the Port of Savannah.</p><p>Although a conceptual design and schedule are presented in this RFP; it should be used as a reference to help explain GPA’s expectations. It is up to the bidder to design a system that meets the needs of the Port and submit a proposed completion schedule.</p><p>The systems GPA chooses to buy will be selected in part on the following attributes: 1. Initial cost (within grant parameters), 2. Lifetime cost, 3. Predicted reliability, 4. Demonstrated technology, 5. Open architecture, 6. Interoperability, 7. Maintainability, 8. Safety attributes, 9. Ease of operation, 10. Capabilities to grow, upgrade, or modify as requirements change.</p><p>These systems are expected to work on site for many years to come; therefore, GPA must find vendors with whom they can forge good working relationships. Furthermore, these systems will from a baseline on which to grow. For example, the TWIC implementation in Brunswick precedes a much larger TWIC implementation on all GPA terminals. Already, over 100 cameras are installed and operating in GPA terminals. Once the SRIN and CIIN systems are in place, many of the existing systems will be combined to increase the overall effectiveness of both new and existing systems and sensor placements.</p><p>In conclusion, GPA is seeking qualified vendors to provide systems that enhance the safety and security of the Ports of Savannah and Brunswick without negatively impacting the speed of operations in the terminals. Systems that reduce required manpower while increasing effectiveness will receive greater consideration.</p><p>1.4 Bidder / Contractor Qualifications</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 8 of 110 All contractors bidding on the project must meet certain minimum qualifications for their proposals to be considered. Each individual company shall be evaluated whether they submit a separate proposal or in a team or supplier / subcontractor position. If a company cannot qualify individually, they may be able to qualify as part of a larger team. In a team / partnering/ subcontractor scenario; the points are prorated amongst the team members depending on each member’s responsibilities and contributions to the overall team. </p><p>The points system is defined below. Each team shall fill out the qualification sheet found in Appendix 2 and shall suggest an appropriate point value based on their qualifications; however, the teams will be rated by the project selection committee and the qualifications points will be determined and compared to the requested amount. If a contractor/team is deemed unqualified by the committee because the selection committee did not allocate as many points as the proposer submitted, the contractor/team shall have an opportunity to respond with more detail to explain why they believe they have enough points to remain qualified. If the selection Committee then determines the contractor/team to still not be qualified; the proposal shall be rejected.</p><p>1.4.1 Prior GPA Projects. A contractor / team shall receive up to 10 points if they have completed projects on GPA terminals prior to this one.</p><p>1.4.2 Port Projects. A contractor / team shall receive up to 20 points if they have completed projects in a seaport prior to this one. Projects at GPA terminals can be counted for this section too. More points will be allocated if the projects described are similar to this project. For example, installing outdoor video cameras would be considered similar; whereas, installing electronic systems on a crane would not.</p><p>1.4.3 Previous Installations. A contractor / team shall receive up to 30 points if they have installed the exact components / systems in another location. Point scores will be higher if the system is still in operation. </p><p>1.4.4 Company Age and Financial Condition. A contractor / team shall receive up to 40 points if they have been in business under their current name for five years or more and have a strong financial position. The longer they have been in operation under their current name, the more points they shall be awarded.</p><p>1.4.5 Teams. Teams may receive additional points if they have worked together on other projects in the past. To be awarded additional points, the projects must be completed before the deadline for turning in the proposal.</p><p>1.5 Terminology and Abbreviations</p><p>The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout this document.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 9 of 110 ACS Access Control System AIS: Automatic Identification System AMAG: An access control and IP video manufacturer ASI: Access System Integration Bidder: An entity responding to an RFP (may be a contractor or supplier). BTU: British Thermal Unit CAD: Computer-Aided Design CCTV: Closed-Circuit Television CFR: Code of Federal Regulations CHUID: Card Holder Unique Identifier CI: Colonel’s Island CIIN: Colonel’s Island Intrusion Network Contractor: An entity providing, or capable of providing, labor and materials to GPA, and may or may not have a written contract directly with GPA DHS: Department of Homeland Security EO: Electro-Optics Exclusion Zone: An area defined by system operators to mark where people, vehicle or vessels are not allowed entry. Entry into an exclusion zone by any person, vehicle or vessel constitutes a breach of security. GCT: Garden City Terminal GPA: Georgia Ports Authority GPS: Global Positioning System ICTF: Intermodal Container Transfer Facility ID: Identification IED: Improvised Explosive Device IR: Infra-Red Kts Knots LCD: Liquid Crystal Display LINC Logistics Innovation Center MP: Mayor’s Point MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group MTBF: Mean-Time-Between-Failures Navis: Software and database system that manages container position and shipping information. It is also the name of the company that produced the Navis software, including Express and SPARCS. O.C.G.A.: Official Code of Georgia Annotated OT: Ocean Terminal PSGP: Port Security Grant Program PSRD: Port Security Requirements Document POV: Privately Owned Vehicle PTZ: Pan, Tilt and Zoom R&D: Research and Development RFP: Request for Proposal RTG: Rubber-Tired Gantry crane is an off road overhead cargo container crane with the lifting mechanism mounted on a crossbeam supported on vertical legs which run on rubber tires. SRIN: Savannah River Intrusion Network Subcontractor: An entity that provides labor and materials to GPA, but whose 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 10 of 110 contract is with a vendor or bidder depending on reference. Subsystem: One of several parts to a larger system. Supplier: An entity that provides only materials, not labor, to either a vendor, bidder, or directly to GPA depending on reference. TCO Total Cost of Ownership. For purposes of this document, TCO is defined as the sum total of all cost relating to specific technology over a 10-year period. TOS: Terminal Operating System. The software that manages the flow of containers through the terminal. TEU: A standard "Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit" steel ocean-shipping container Turnkey: A project in which a separate entity is responsible for setting up a plant or equipment and putting it into operations. It can include contractual actions at least through the system, subsystem, or equipment installation phase and may include follow-on contractual actions, such as testing, training, logistical and operational support. TWIC Transportation Worker Identification Credential USCG: United States Coast Guard Vendor: An entity that has been selected by GPA to provide a subsystem (or partial subsystem) as described in an RFP, and has a written contract directly with GPA. WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy and it is a security protocol for Wi-Fi networks. XML: Extensible Markup Language</p><p>1.6 Contacts</p><p>The following contact information is provided as a reference for particular questions regarding this RFP. All questions shall be submitted in writing by email (preferably) or by fax or letter and shall be submitted (arrive at GPA) no later than midnight of the date noted in the RFP timetable. All questions shall be submitted to Scott Rasplicka or they will not receive a response. Questions submitted to anyone else will not be answered.</p><p>Also, note that all questions and responses will be collected into one document and published for all to bidders read.</p><p>1.6.1 Questions. For questions regarding any aspect of the projects or RFP:</p><p>Scott Rasplicka GPA Project Manager 125 E. 44th Street Savannah, GA 31405 (912) 667-4337 [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>1.6.2 Terminal Visits. To make arrangements to view terminals and systems</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 11 of 110 contact Mill Lawson.</p><p>Mill Lawson Port Security Systems Administrator PO Box 2406 Savannah GA 31402-2406 (912) 966-6764 [email protected]</p><p>1.6.3 City Networks. To view City of Savannah network and camera infrastructure:</p><p>Brad Goodman Network Manager City of Savannah 132. E Broughton Street 4th floor Savannah GA 31401 (912) 651-6919 [email protected]</p><p>1.6.4 County Networks. For view Chatham County camera and network infrastructure:</p><p>Lewis Leonard ICS Director Chatham County Chatham County Courthouse 133 Montgomery Street, Suite 507 Savannah, Georgia 31401 (912) 652-7344 [email protected]</p><p>1.7 RFP Timetable</p><p>Event Date Issue RFP’s 13 March 2009 Pre-proposal Conference Registration Deadline 26 March 2009 Pre-proposal Conference 2 April 2009 Submission of Written Questions Due 24 April 2009 Responses to Questions 8 May 2009 Proposals Due 21 May 2009 Bid Opening 21 May 2009 Notice of Intent 28 August 2009</p><p>Table 1: RFP Timetable</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 12 of 110 1.8 Vision</p><p>As noted in Section 1.1 - Executive Summary above, this project consists of three projects in one. While the requirements section will provide some clues as to what each project should accomplish, sections 3, 4 and 5 will provide a generic designs, concepts of operations and schedules for each of the three projects outlined above. The descriptions defined here are provided merely to help describe the projects’ intents and should not be used as design blueprints nor should the information provided be the cause of reduced capabilities in submitted proposals. The selected proposal will be chosen in part based on the capabilities of the proposed solutions. If a proposal is submitted exactly as per the conceptual design described here and is not as robust as another vendor’s design; this RFP cannot be used as grounds for protest. Each bidder shall make their own design using the concepts and requirements described in this document. The merits and cost of each individual design shall be judged to select a vendor. Furthermore, if a design is submitted exactly per the conceptual design described here; the vendor shall have no grounds to hold GPA responsible for any performance failures. In fact, as part of the submission of a proposed design, each vendor shall indicate if and to what degree the proposed design will meet each and every requirement. Thus, any vendor that chooses to use the conceptual design as an actual design must still evaluate the design to determine its ability to meet the requirements and then make a formal commitment guaranteeing that level of performance. That evaluation and guarantee shall become part of the contract if selected. The concept presented here by GPA does not guarantee any particular level of performance.</p><p>1.9 Design Concerns</p><p>There are a number of specific concerns that should be addressed in the design and operation of the systems. These concerns are based on observed practices at GPA or failures identified at other facilities or described in professional journals. The concerns listed below are in no particular order:</p><p>1.9.1 False Alarms. In many instances, camera monitoring room operators are overwhelmed by false alarms and the time it takes to sort through false alarms may allow a real event to pass unobserved or be observed too late to address the problem. The addition of these systems should not cause an increase in camera monitoring room personnel; thus, automatic notifications of potential issues should only occur when an event of interest is actually taking place.</p><p>1.9.2 Transmission vs. Resolution or Frame Rates. Network limitations always cause reductions in the amount of data transmitted, either through a reduction in the number of frames per second or a reduction in the resolution of the frames. Where possible, built-in capacity should assume additional sensors will be added over time. Creativity will be required to make appropriate tradeoffs through the use of variable frame rates and resolutions. Recording capacities must also take the amount of transmitted data into account through distributed recording or other measures to ensure forensic evidence is 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 13 of 110 available as needed.</p><p>1.9.3 Savannah – Brunswick Network Limitations. Currently, there is a T-1 between GCT and CI and another T-1 between GCT and MP. These T-1’s are used for all network communications including passing video, email and other data. Next year, a transmission system of at least 300 MB/s data rates will be installed between GCT and CI. Another system will be installed between GCT and MP and a final system between MP and CI. These four links will be set up in a ring such that up to 600 MB/s can be transmitted between Brunswick and Savannah. Furthermore, if one side of the link is down, the traffic can be rerouted to the other side of the ring. Thus, system designs should assume that when first utilized, very little bandwidth will be available for use; however, within a year of installation, significantly more bandwidth should be available. Therefore, any proposal should include a plan for data transmission upon initial use and another plan for use later on. In either case, local recording, localized analytics and transmission on demand or other creative approaches should probably be considered.</p><p>1.9.4 Camera Control Latency. Network limitations and other issues often work in reverse causing latency in camera movement. When the latency is too great, it is difficult to track moving objects, particularly when the angular crossing rate is significant. Proposers should discuss how the proposed system will address control latency and ensure the problem does not occur.</p><p>1.9.5 Long-Term Repair/Replacement Costs. As more and more systems and components are added, it becomes increasingly difficult to afford the maintenance and replacement of these systems. Thus, proposals should address system design and other considerations made for reducing long- term, life-cycle costs.</p><p>1.9.6 Video Security. Since these video systems are intended to allow the video and video control to be passed to multiple users inside and outside GPA firewalls, the security of these video systems is critical. Controls should be placed on the video that allow certain people or locations to view certain video signals. Furthermore, a hierarchical control mechanism should be in place to allow certain people to control video cameras and those with greater need should be able to take control at any time of any particular asset. It should be noted, too, that other port entities may also pass their video data to GPA to be used as part of the SRIN or CIIN.</p><p>1.9.7 TWIC Speed. With over 8000 transactions occurring daily on GPA terminals, every second counts. A few seconds delay per truck or a few minutes delay for any one truck can cause truck traffic to backup, blocking roads and intersections for long periods of time. Therefore, any TWIC system or access control system (ACS) proposed should ensure that speed of operation is foremost in consideration.</p><p>1.9.8 TWIC Read Failures. When truckers pull up to the scales to be weighed to</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 14 of 110 have their credentials validated, he is already in one of a multitude of lines with numerous other trucks. Any issue that causes a trucker to not to be allowed to enter the facility can cause significant issues as the truck is delayed until he can pull across numerous lanes of traffic to reach a trouble kiosk. Thus, multiple failures to validate a TWIC or a trucker’s biometrics can cause long delays and backups at the gates. So, while it is critical to validate TWIC’s quickly; it is equally, or even more important, that the system in place is exceptionally accurate.</p><p>1.9.9 Operational Interference. Due to the high capacity of terminal operations; installation, maintenance and equipment failures cannot be allowed to interfere with normal operations. If gate lanes must be taken down for installation, for example; it should be completed after hours or on weekends. At most, one lane can be out of operation during normal working hours. Normal gate hours are Monday through Friday, 0700 – 1900.</p><p>1.10 Logistics Innovation Center (LINC) Partnership</p><p>Georgia LINC is a unique partnership of private industry, academia and federal and state authorities such as GPA working together to develop, apply and promote new technologies, identify unique applications for existing technology, and create best practices for safe, efficient and secure supply-chains. The overall mission of LINC is to promote creative technology development and commercialization while providing an environment for new venture creation and entrepreneurial outreach in a specific, regionally targeted industrial area. The advancement of automation technology at port terminals in projects such as this one is a significant undertaking where LINC can lead, promote, and perform research and development necessary to develop ever more accurate and efficient logistic systems. Companies that support maritime logistics are invited to be a part of LINC and help drive its future. Contact Page Siplon for more information.</p><p>Mr. Page Siplon Director Georgia Logistics Innovation Center 190 Technology Circle, Suite 173 Savannah, GA 31407 [email protected] Phone: (912) 966-7867 Fax: (912) 963-2549</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 15 of 110 2.0 PORT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTS (PSRD)</p><p>This section outlines the general requirements of the systems being purchased in various PSGP grants. In the proposal, bidders shall specify performance levels for each device as well as the system level. The specifications/performance levels provided in the proposals shall be compared to the performance levels identified in the PSRD to determine compliance. The performance levels specified in the proposal shall become the level to which devices and systems are tested. It is anticipated that the performance metrics provided by the bidder are more complete and more stringent in most cases than those provided in the RFP. Those metrics shall be used to compare proposals from various bidders to determine which proposals have the best capabilities. Consequently, the proposal shall become part of the contract if issued to a successful bidder, and if the bidder fails to meet the proposed metrics, they will be in breach of contract.</p><p>Device and installation tests shall be performed during installation. Once installation is complete, operational tests shall be conducted against these requirements as well as all proposed metrics. A test plan shall be presented by the bidder to discuss how compliance testing shall be performed and what constitutes pass/fail criteria for each test. See Section Tab 16: Commissioning. This section will be used to outline the testing and commissioning plans as described in section Post Installation Testing and Commissioning: Post Installation Testing and Commissioning. for more information on compliance testing.</p><p>Specific nomenclature is used in this section to define and delineate requirements from goals or actions. There are three levels of requirements defined here:</p><p> Any requirement stated as “shall” indicates that the requirement is mandatory.</p><p> Any requirement stated as “should” indicates that the requirement is not mandatory; but, all reasonable efforts should be made to comply with the requirement.</p><p> Any requirement stated as “may” is a valid requirement; but, is one the selection team thinks may negatively impact costs for very little gain or may too tightly restrict competition. Reasonable efforts should be made to comply with these requirements; but, prudence is more important.</p><p>Inability to fully comply with any particular requirement does not automatically disqualify a bidder. Technology and cost restrictions may not allow every requirement to be met by any one proposer. Therefore, every bidder shall comment on whether their proposal will comply or not comply and to what level for each individual requirement. Any requirement that does not apply to the particular system or component being proposed should be marked “Not Applicable.” Obviously, those proposals that fail to comply with too many requirements will face difficulty winning a contract.</p><p>2.1 General Requirements</p><p>These requirements are applicable to all systems and subsystems including options or alternates that may be proposed. If conflicting requirements are identified in other sections of this RFP, the more stringent requirement applies.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 16 of 110 2.1.1 Reduced Personnel. Systems shall be designed using automation, automatic data entry and other methods to reduce the manpower required to operate and maintain fielded systems.</p><p>2.1.2 Replacements. Bidders shall provide a realistic estimate of the number and type of replacement parts that will be required as well as the number of spares that must be kept on site for quick turn-around when items fail. GPA will not pay for equipment and services due to failures that exceed the estimates outlined in the proposals by more than 15%. Furthermore, GPA will not pay extra for any failures that require expedited services or shipping due to failures that exceed the number of spares recommended in the proposals.</p><p>2.1.3 Maintenance. Bidders shall provide a realistic estimate of preventative and emergency maintenance costs. Penalties may be imposed if actual maintenance costs exceed estimated costs in the proposal by more than 20%.</p><p>2.1.4 Initial installation. Installation costs are critical, as GPA has limited grant funding for these projects. However, 10-year life cycle costs will be as important as initial costs. Bidders shall provide 10-year life cycle costs as well as initial installation costs in the proposal.</p><p>2.1.5 Improve Safety. The safety and well being of GPA personnel is paramount and bidders shall address safety in the design, maintenance procedures and operations of any equipment fielded for port operations.</p><p>2.1.6 No Service Failures. GPA cannot afford failures that disrupt terminal operations; therefore, bidders shall ensure scheduled and unscheduled maintenance does not interfere with terminal operations. </p><p>2.1.7 System Reliability. Reliability of these systems is critical to Port security. Fielded systems shall be operational 24-hours each and every day of the year. Any system fielded shall meet the following stringent reliability requirements. </p><p> Total Annual Downtime. Fielded systems shall not be down more than 10 hours (cumulative) in any rolling 12-month period, including time spent for scheduled shutdowns for maintenance or upgrades.</p><p> Total Monthly Downtime. Fielded systems shall not be down more than 3 hours (cumulative) in any one month, including time spent for scheduled shutdowns for maintenance or upgrades.</p><p> Total Weekly Downtime. Fielded systems shall not be down more than 2 hours (cumulative) in any week, including time spent for scheduled shutdowns for maintenance and upgrades.</p><p> Total Daily Downtime. The system shall not be down more than 1 hour (cumulative) in any 24-hour period, including time spent for scheduled shutdowns for maintenance or upgrades.</p><p> Backups. Systems shall be designed to prevent data losses due to component, power or data transmission failures. Data shall be recorded and backed up to prevent losses due to system failures. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 17 of 110 Single Point Failures. Bidders shall eliminate all single point failures in the system designs if at all possible, including those caused by power and data transmission failures. All single point failures that cannot be eliminated shall be identified in the proposal.</p><p>2.1.8 Power Failure. All systems shall be capable of operation for at least 1 hour without interruption in the event of a complete power failure.</p><p>2.1.9 Grounding. All equipment shall be properly grounded to within 5 Ohms verified by a grounding resistance test. Resistance tests are invalid if done within 72 hours of rainfall on site. </p><p>2.1.10 Weather Conditions. All outdoor and mobile equipment, unless otherwise specified, shall operate in all weather conditions likely to be endured over a 100 year period including high temperatures, heavy rain, fog, sleet, snow, ice and high winds. Exposure to any environmental conditions shall not reduce or eliminate warranties on any equipment. </p><p> Temperatures. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall operate in all Savannah area temperatures without degradation or failure from -20º F to +120º F.</p><p> Fog. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall operate in severe fog without degradation or failure.</p><p> Rain and Humidity. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall operate in humidity levels between 0 and 100% without degradation or failure. These operational conditions include heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, sleet, snow and saturated fog.</p><p> Salt Water/Air. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall be capable of operating in salt water environments without special handling or reduced life.</p><p> Sunlight. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall be capable of operating in direct sunlight / high UV-light without degradation. This includes camera sun spots caused when the lens is pointed directly at the sun or at a reflection of the sun, as well as other sun related effects such as material degradation due to ultraviolet light.</p><p> Environmental Housing. Enclosures or other environmental housing may be provided to enhance the longevity of the outdoor equipment and ensure continued operations in weather extremes. If enclosures are used, they shall not interfere with nor slow the operation or maintenance of the system or reduce the capabilities of the system in any way.</p><p> Winds. All outdoor and mobile equipment shall operate in winds that often exceed 20 knots (kts) on a typical day as defined in Table 2 below.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 18 of 110 Sustained winds up to Outdoor and mobile equipment shall operate 90 kts and gusts up to without degradation or failure 110 kts.</p><p>Sustained Winds Outdoor and mobile equipment may be above 90 kts; but temporarily down (due to vibration, etc.); but, below 150 kts and the system shall begin working again gusts above 110 kts, automatically once the winds calm back but below 180 kts. down to numbers below the above published limits unless the sustained winds exceed 150 kts for more than 5 minutes or experience gusts above 180 kts.</p><p>Sustained winds Security camera networks are not required to above 150 kts or gusts remain operational. above 180 kts.</p><p>Table 2: Wind Requirements</p><p>2.1.11 Codes. All equipment, construction and installation procedures shall be compliant with local building codes, UL and other applicable codes.</p><p>2.1.12 Turnkey installations. In as much as possible, GPA is seeking off-the-shelf turnkey solutions. However, any resources (such as power, fiber cabling, towers, etc.) the vendor requires from GPA to complete their installations must be outlined in detail in their proposal. Bidders assume the responsibility to install and/or pay for any infrastructure not properly identified in their proposal.</p><p>2.1.13 Minimal Customization. As the complexity of systems increases, GPA wishes to reduce customized software as much as possible. Fielded systems shall not require customized software solutions. If customized software is proposed, it shall be identified in the proposal.</p><p>2.1.14 Data Integration. GPA requires data integration to be seamless and work without error with existing systems. Standardized data types, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML) shall be used.</p><p>2.1.15 As-built Drawings. As-built drawings and complete documentation shall be delivered within 30 days upon project completion. Final payment will not be made until as-built drawings are provided.</p><p>2.1.16 Operations Manuals. Operations manuals with step-by-step instructions regarding equipment operations shall be delivered prior to personnel training. Manuals shall include system design layouts, software documentation and details of system operation as well as individual equipment operation procedures and troubleshooting techniques. Final payment will not be made until operations manuals are provided. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 19 of 110 2.1.17 Maintenance Manuals. Manuals detailing procedures for preventative maintenance and repair/replacement at the system level down to the unit levels shall be provided prior to maintenance training. Final payment will not be made until maintenance manuals are provided.</p><p>2.1.18 Warranties and Standards. All equipment, hardware and software, shall be warranted by the manufacturer against failure for at least three years in accordance with Section Warranty.. </p><p>2.1.19 Open System Architecture. To the greatest extent possible, GPA requires the use of industry standard equipment and software. Proprietary based systems are strongly discouraged. Where proprietary systems are used, the ability to transmit data in industry standard open system formats shall be provided.</p><p>2.2 Security Camera Networks.</p><p>2.2.1 Maritime Domain Awareness. The main objective of security camera networks is to improve Maritime Domain Awareness in the Port of Savannah and provide a strong foundation upon which to grow a comprehensive maritime surveillance system.</p><p> Security camera networks shall help camera monitoring room operators maintain general awareness of river activities at all times. (What is happening on the river?)</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide camera monitoring room operators with a general awareness of the amount and types of ship/boater traffic in the Port?</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide camera monitoring room operators with a general awareness of the general conditions of the Port, including the weather, traffic, tides, etc.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide camera monitoring room operators with a general awareness of the activities underway along the waterfront (on the water and bordering land).</p><p> Security camera networks shall help camera monitoring room operators identify if any activities on the river pose a threat to GPA operations</p><p> Security camera networks may help camera monitoring room operators identify if any vessels are in danger, such as fire, listing, and loss of control or engine power?</p><p> Security camera networks shall identify if any vessels are traveling at excessive rates of speed or otherwise out of control (driving) and notify the camera monitoring room operators immediately. (The set point for excessive speed shall be adjustable by the camera monitoring room operator.)</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 20 of 110 Security camera networks shall notify camera monitoring room operators automatically if certain locations on the water or land (exclusion zones) are being violated.</p><p> For large vessels (vessels greater than 25 tons), security camera networks shall ensure camera monitoring room operators can identify the ship’s flag and name.</p><p> If flags are unfurled, camera resolution shall be adequate for camera monitoring room operators to identify the country flag.</p><p> If flags are unfurled, camera resolution shall be adequate for camera monitoring room operators to identify the signal flags or any other similarly size markings.</p><p> Security network cameras shall be properly positioned with appropriate lenses to allow a complete side view of an entire ship 1,000 feet long. Silhouette views should be performed at or near the “trip lines” and may use stitched, composite pictures so long as the “picture” can be viewed in its entirety and sent to other locations as one “picture.”</p><p> Security camera networks should use adequate camera angles and resolution to allow views of the ships’ bridges and decks.</p><p> For boats, security network cameras’ capabilities shall be adequate to determine boat/vehicle color and approximate size.</p><p> Security camera networks shall ensure camera monitoring room operators can identify boat names and boat registration numbers.</p><p> Using good camera positioning and lenses, security camera networks shall allow camera monitoring room operators to zoom in on the deck of a boat. </p><p> Well planned camera angles and resolution shall provide camera monitoring room operators with the capability to identify the number of people in a vessel if topside as well as the activity in which they are engaging, such as fishing, looking under piers with binoculars, taking pictures, skiing, etc.</p><p> Do not lose sight of a vessel.</p><p> Security camera networks should not have any locations in the river where a vessel is not visible (blind locations) on at least one camera.</p><p> Security camera networks should maintain camera visibility on both sides of the river to prevent inadvertent blind locations caused by passing ships.</p><p> Security camera networks should correlate data provided by AIS with ship locations as determined by SRIN sensors. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 21 of 110 If the ship is not transmitting AIS data and should be (according to the ship’s size), security camera networks should notify camera monitoring room operators with an automatic alert.</p><p> If the ship is transmitting AIS data; but, the data does not correlate with the parameters determined by security camera networks, camera monitoring room operators should be alerted.</p><p>2.2.2 Track Ships. Security camera networks shall automatically track ships transiting the Port.</p><p> Security camera networks shall use video analytics to identify and track ships and boats.</p><p> Security camera networks shall discriminate between small boats and large vessels.</p><p> Security camera networks shall automatically track vessels transiting the Port.</p><p> Security camera networks should provide classification information for all boats and vessels in the Port (speed, course, location by latitude and longitude, flag (may require manual selection), etc.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide automatic alerts to camera monitoring room operators when ships cross preset boundaries.</p><p> For the SRIN, security camera networks shall detect any ship or small surface boat passing into the port area at the Houlihan Bridge.</p><p> For the SRIN, security camera networks shall detect any ship or small surface boat passing into the port area near Elba Island. Security camera networks shall also detect traffic passing behind Elba Island.</p><p> For the SRIN, security camera networks shall detect any ship or small surface boat passing into the area between the Talmadge Bridge and just west of GCT near the Savannah Sugar refinery. </p><p> For the CIIN, security camera networks shall detect any ship or small surface boat passing into the port area at the Sidney Lanier Bridge.</p><p> For the CIIN, security camera networks shall detect any ship or small surface boat passing into the port area upstream in Turtle River or Oglethorpe Bay. The CIIN shall also detect traffic passing on both sides of Andrews Island.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 22 of 110 Security camera networks shall detect and alert camera monitoring room operators when any vessel exceeds a pre-established speed that can be set by each individual operator.</p><p> Security camera networks shall alert camera monitoring room operators and track any vessel passing through an exclusion zone established by the controllers. The camera monitoring room operators shall have the ability to create these areas.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide camera monitoring room operators with the capability to define areas where the analytics shall ignore any activities. Even though the activities are ignored within those areas, security camera networks shall still record any activities that occur.</p><p> Security camera networks shall use analytics to provide automatic alerts to camera monitoring room operators.</p><p> Automatic visual and auditory alerts shall be used to notify camera monitoring room operators of the following events:</p><p> Vessels passing trip lines set at Elba Island and Houlihan Bridge.</p><p> Vessels passing the Talmadge Bridge or the Savannah Sugar Refinery property.</p><p> Vessels stopping in the port area between Elba Island and the Houlihan Bridge. </p><p> Vessels passing trip lines set upstream of Andrews Island.</p><p> Vessels passing the Sidney Lanier Bridge.</p><p> Vessels stopping in the port area between Andrews Island and the Sidney Lanier Bridge.</p><p> Vessels getting too close to an exclusion zone.</p><p> Vessels moving faster than 20 kts.</p><p> When the plots of two vessels merge.</p><p> For certain events, alerts shall allow camera monitoring room operators to pass text, audio and video information to other personnel via cell phones, laptops, emails messages, and other communication devices.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide a method to rank all events/alarms in the system.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 23 of 110 The ranking methodology should be established on a per- operator, per-data source basis.</p><p> The display shall provide alerts based on a ranking system that includes the age of the alarms/events.</p><p> Any automatic system installed should be free of false alarms caused by trees blowing in the wind, waves on the water, sun, shadows, clouds, lights or other natural or artificially occurring events in the environment.</p><p>2.2.3 Monitoring Capabilities. Security camera networks shall provide adequate monitoring capabilities to allow camera monitoring room operators to maintain situational awareness to follow and dispatch as needed for incidents and potential incidents.</p><p> The camera monitoring room shall be equipped for two operators plus a third supervisory position.</p><p> The camera monitoring room shall allow one person to monitor security camera networks and dispatch responders from one monitoring station under most situations.</p><p> The camera monitoring room shall have two monitoring stations that allow two operators to work together to monitor security camera networks and dispatch responders.</p><p> The camera monitoring room shall have a third seat set up as a supervisory position to oversee the two operator stations, monitor sensors from that station separately, or have override authority to take control of any sensor being monitored by other watch stations.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operator stations shall have the capability to divide sensors for monitoring in numerous, flexible ways and shall, at a minimum, be able to select all sensors from any particular terminal: GCT, OT, MP or CI. The SRIN shall be included in the GCT. The CIIN shall be included in the CI terminal. The CIIN and the SRIN shall also be selectable as independent sensor systems.</p><p> Security camera networks shall have the ability to switch and display multiple video signals from digitized analog, IP digital video cameras, and other digital video sources on a single or multiple monitors in a single or multiple screen format; permit complete system control from a workstation; and view live stream and recorded video simultaneously. </p><p> Security camera networks shall have the ability to freeze a picture and advance or rewind the video in variable speeds including frame-by- frame.</p><p> Security camera networks shall allow the control of pan/tilt/zoom through the use of a mouse or other tactile input such as a joystick. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 24 of 110 Security camera networks shall allow the system administrator to configure user settings to allow the display of only those items the video operator is permitted to view.</p><p> Monitors shall display resolutions as good as or greater than the resolution of any camera in the system, including all other existing cameras monitored at GPA facilities.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators shall be able to see a black kayak at night in bad weather at dead low tide.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators shall be able to identify the number of people above decks in a small boat.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide a graphical user interface that provides a “birds-eye-view” of the areas being monitored (Elba Island to Houlihan Bridge in the Port of Savannah and the Sidney Lanier Bridge to the I-95 bridges over the Turtle River and the South Brunswick River in the Port of Brunswick) with indications to show where the sensors are as they are selected for monitoring and what direction the sensor is pointing in real time.</p><p> Sensor (camera) selection should be possible from the graphical interface.</p><p> Additional data regarding the sensor should be available on the graphical screen such as the camera name, number, location, type, etc.</p><p> On screen icons should make it easy to determine what type of asset/data source is being viewed. For example, a fixed camera should have a different icon than a PTZ or thermal camera.</p><p> Security camera networks shall provide the ability for each camera/sensor to be assigned a unique name. </p><p> Monitors shall not use plasma screen technology.</p><p> Large, wall-mounted screens should be utilized to allow observers as well as operators to maintain visual awareness and desktop screens should be utilized for closer scrutiny.</p><p> One camera monitoring room operator shall have the capability to view no more than 18 cameras at once.</p><p> Video that is on screen shall be presented within 1/4th of a second from the actual event. The calculated latency shall take into account all transmission and network effects between the camera and the video screen.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 25 of 110 Audio alert volume shall be adjustable; but, with a maximum volume that is loud enough to be heard by monitoring personnel in a noisy environment.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators shall be able to hear alerts above room ambient noise, including personnel talking, equipment hums, and other system audio equipment.</p><p> Personnel in the guard shack in CI shall be able to hear the alerts when standing within 15’ of the guard shack with the door or window open.</p><p> Personnel at the front desk of GCT shall be able to hear the alerts at maximum volume above the ambient noise created by 25 people standing in the main lobby talking.</p><p> Personnel at the credentialing center of GCT shall be able to hear the alerts at maximum volume above the ambient noise created by 25 people standing in the main lobby talking.</p><p> PTZ control shall be adequate to track ships and other moving objects without losing them due to latent control signals.</p><p> Camera control latency shall include network latency and shall be measured from the moment of movement of the camera control mechanism at any monitoring station to the beginning of the resulting movement of the camera.</p><p> Network latency may vary depending on the network load at the time of camera movement.</p><p> The network load used to calculate network latency shall be based on an average expected traffic load for each leg of the network which is based on the number of cameras in the system that will be transmitting over that leg of the network.</p><p> Maximum loads shall be used to calculate network latency effects on legs that include traffic from other system devices. Existing traffic loads for any specific existing network leg can be provided upon request by the GPA IT department.</p><p> Calculations used to show camera latency in the proposal shall be shown.</p><p> Security camera networks shall be able to track boats moving at 40 kts or less without loss of visual.</p><p> Camera control shall be based on priorities established and be adjustable by GPA personnel.</p><p> Priorities for camera control shall be able to be established for each camera individually. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 26 of 110 Camera control priorities for each camera should be able to be set in groups.</p><p> The time it takes to make changes to camera control priorities shall be less than 10 minutes.</p><p> When outside users use security camera networks, GPA shall have the ability to maintain (primary) control of any camera purchased and installed under this proposal/contract.</p><p>2.2.4 Recording and Playback. Security camera networks shall provide adequate recording and post incident software techniques to playback and view incidents without loss of video quality.</p><p> Recording shall be capable of use for evidentiary purposes.</p><p> Forensic protocols shall be employed.</p><p> Initial recordings (30 days at a minimum) shall be lossless (no reduction in video data) regardless of any video compression employed.</p><p> Artifacts shall not be added to the original video when recorded or anytime thereafter.</p><p> Write protection shall be employed to ensure the video recording is not damaged.</p><p> Video recording frame rates shall be equal to or greater than the frame rates viewed in the monitoring room. Increased frame rates shall not be recorded just to meet any forensic evidence protocols. Frame rates shall be determined based on system operational needs to meet requirements identified in this document.</p><p> Video resolution/pixel counts shall be equal to or greater than the resolution delivered and viewed in the monitoring room. Resolution shall be determined based on system operational needs to meet requirements identified in this document.</p><p> Video used for playback and any forensic analysis shall be copies of the original video. Under no circumstances shall the original video recording be altered in any way.</p><p> Security camera networks shall have the ability to replay recorded video at various speeds including the rate at which it was recorded.</p><p> Recording of all video shall be maintained for a minimum of 30 days.</p><p> Recorded files shall be readily accessible over the local area network within 10 seconds.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 27 of 110 All files shall be time/date stamped.</p><p> Standard, non-proprietary video formats such as MPEG-4 shall be used for recording and playback.</p><p> Recordings shall include some form of redundancy such as RAID 5.</p><p> Some form of analysis capability shall be included to review recorded video files, including the following, at a minimum:</p><p> Search and playback by date/time.</p><p> Search and playback by camera.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operator shall be able to freeze the frame to view the frame in full resolution as recorded.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operator shall have the ability to copy video clips between two time stamps and save them for additional playback.</p><p> Clips should be viewable at standard computer monitoring stations without any additional software other than that supplied with Microsoft Windows. Additional software provided by the proposer may be used to provide additional video playback and analysis capabilities.</p><p> The capability to save video clips to other mediums such as DVD’s shall be provided. For video clips that are too large to save onto one DVD, automatic file structures shall allow multiple DVD’s to be used.</p><p> The camera monitoring room operator shall have the ability to group video from multiple cameras into one file for analysis.</p><p>2.2.5 Power and Data Transmission. Power and data transmission shall be provided to and from security camera locations.</p><p> Power may be obtained from nearby facilities or by creating stand- alone power and wireless data transmission.</p><p> Proposer may use power over Ethernet.</p><p> Proposer may use power from nearby facilities, such as existing light poles, buildings, etc. Confirmation on power availability at certain locations can be obtained from the GPA IT department.</p><p> Proposer may install solar or other alternate power supplies.</p><p> Power shall have a 72-hour backup capability.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 28 of 110 Solar power or other alternate power shall be adequately sized, including appropriate battery packs, such that five years from the date of installation, the cameras shall operate and transmit video signals without reductions in data for three days without a visible sun.</p><p> If local power is used, battery backups shall be provided that ensure camera operations and data transmissions do not cease for three days. Reductions in frame rates and data transmission, etc. shall not be allowed. If the location of the power source has a generator, then the battery shall operate for one hour providing enough time to get the generator started.</p><p> Proposer shall provide adequate data transmission capabilities from the camera or groups of cameras to the server room in the IT department of the Administrative Building located at GCT. (Note: Selected contractor may be required to demonstrate this capability before moving forward with the contract.)</p><p> Local area networks already in place may be used as available. If connecting into an Ethernet or fiber network, any required equipment such as switches or hubs shall be included in the proposal. If adequate network equipment exists and is confirmed by the IT department, then it will be removed from the proposal before a contract is let.</p><p> Wireless networks as well as internet networks may be used; however, reasonable precautions shall be taken to keep the data secure.</p><p> Cameras and data transmission may be in analog or digital format so long as the camera and system meets the requirements of the RFP.</p><p>2.2.6 Miscellaneous. Additional miscellaneous requirements shall be followed.</p><p> All equipment hardware shall be off-the-shelf, meaning the equipment has been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use, is currently operating in other locations and is not proprietary in nature. Software used in the project shall not render other commercial components useless or prevent other components from being interconnected now or in the future. Prototypes are not acceptable.</p><p> Due to ambient light conditions on most parts of the river (from the city, stars, etc.); low light level cameras may provide adequate night and bad weather coverage. Bidder must trade off capabilities vs. cost before proposing low light level cameras rather than thermal/IR.</p><p> Ship identification/classification may be performed only once so long as security camera networks never lose sight of the ship.</p><p> It is more important for security camera networks to see and identify fast moving speed boats than large commercial vessels.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 29 of 110 Security camera networks should automatically calculate the speed at which a ship is traveling.</p><p> Security camera networks should provide 360º views at most locations, especially near Rousakis Plaza and GPA port facilities.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to manually control the cameras to investigate certain potential events.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to track a maneuvering high speed boat.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to zoom in and out on ships’ names or other boat details.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to manually switch from night to day and vice-versa on day-night cameras.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators shall be able to manually adjust camera monitoring room monitors for brightness, contrast, color and other features.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to zoom in on pictures/video on all monitors.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators should be able to view the same video on multiple screens.</p><p> Camera monitoring room operators working together should be able to manipulate the same video.</p><p> Proposals shall include an itemized list of all proposed equipment, its location, footprint, power requirement, and BTU’s so an analysis in the GPA IT department can ensure there will be sufficient space and HVAC available. </p><p> Security camera networks shall ensure graceful degradation if failures occur.</p><p> There shall be no single points of failure that would render the entire system unusable.</p><p> Data storage shall be completed in such a way as to not lose data due to the failure of any one component.</p><p> Security camera networks shall be expandable over time. Proposals shall identify what it takes in terms of additional equipment and cost to double the number of cameras and camera locations in the system.</p><p>2.3 Access Control System (ACS) Requirements</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 30 of 110 This section applies to all components of an ACS including TWIC mobile readers, fixed biometric readers, door locks, gates systems, enrollment and visitor systems and all other ACS components, subsystems and modules that comprise a complete ACS or act as stand- alone devices.</p><p>2.3.1 Open Architecture. The security management system shall have an open architecture, giving it the ability to integrate with other critical access control subsystems such as texting, email, alphanumeric paging and closed-circuit television (CCTV). </p><p> There shall be no proprietary software or hardware restrictions. The system shall easily import and export data in a standard format for use with other databases. </p><p> The software should provide a graphical interface, including time graphs, full-color icons and toolbar buttons, making the program very intuitive and easy to use. </p><p> The system shall provide complete facility management, access control and alarm monitoring.</p><p> The system shall provide the flexibility to effortlessly grow and expand to accommodate the needs of GPA over a lengthy period of time.</p><p>2.3.2 Enrollment System. </p><p> The user enrollment system requires these data fields, at a minimum: </p><p> Company Information is collected first: Company Name, Address, city, State/province, Zip Code, Phone, Extension, Tax ID, Minority Code (Non-Minority, Asian American, African American, American Indian, Hispanic, Other minority, Women), Fax Number, Email Address, Preferred notification Method, and Contact information on 3 points of contact within the company.</p><p> Personal information is collected on those who require access to GPA facilities: Full Name, SSN, type payment (salary, hourly) Home Address, Home phone numbers, E-mail Address, Cell Phone Numbers, Date of Birth, Race, Gender, hair color, eye Color, Height, Weight, Job title, Emergency Contact Information including name and numbers, and the Picture from TWIC.</p><p> The user enrollment system shall have a web portal that allows direct entry from companies to enroll their employees for access. A method for periodic verification shall also be included.</p><p> The user enrollment system shall allow TWIC verification and automatic collection and entry of TWIC data into the system.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 31 of 110 The enrollment system shall print Mifare (or FIPS-201) GPA ID badges. For the time being, GPA plans to continue to issue GPA ID cards to GPA employees. Existing printers or other equipment may be used to lower the cost.</p><p> The enrollment system shall automatically check the TSA hotlist for TWIC verification before enrolling new personnel. Furthermore, automatic TSA hotlist verification shall be run on the entire database on a schedule set by GPA. The schedule shall be adjustable. Any contact in the database linked to a TWIC card on the hot list shall automatically:</p><p> Be denied further access onto GPA facilities,</p><p> Cause notification to GPA officials,</p><p> Cause notification to the camera monitoring room in the event that person attempts to enter GPA facilities. </p><p> Enrollment stations shall be located at the following:</p><p> Two systems shall be located at the GPA enrollment center,</p><p> One system shall be located at the GCT Admin Building front desk,</p><p> One system shall be located at the MP admin building front desk,</p><p> Two systems shall be located at the CI admin trailer front desk, and</p><p> Two mobile facilities shall be provided that can locate at any facility with wireless connectivity.</p><p> All enrollment stations must be in compliance with all TWIC and FIPS-201 regulations, including 49 CFR Part 1572. </p><p> Enrollment stations shall validate TWIC’s and the cardholder’s biometrics before enrolling the contact into the system.</p><p> Enrollment stations shall verify the TWIC is not on the TSA hot list before concluding the enrollment.</p><p> Enrollment of a TWIC holder shall not take more than 10 minutes and should not take more than 5 minutes, including the time it takes to type all personal information into the system. Use of the</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 32 of 110 web or a kiosk to allow the enrollee to pre-enroll to save time at the enrollment station shall be allowed and is encouraged.</p><p> Enrollment stations shall be secured so only authorized users can enroll personnel into the ACS.</p><p>2.3.3 Visitor System Requirements. </p><p> The visitor ID system shall store the following information on each visitor, at a minimum: Full Name, Company name, Drivers License Number, Drivers License State, Date of Birth, Date(s), Purpose of Visit, Host Name, Location Checking In, Location Checking Out, Vehicle Tag Number, Vehicle State, Department Host, and Escort.</p><p> The visitor ID system shall keep track of each date a visitor checks in and be able to identify how many times a particular visitor has been on site within a certain period of time.</p><p> It shall be possible to design and create photo-ID badges as part of the main system software. </p><p> The visitor enrollment system shall print ID badges at multiple locations:</p><p> GCT Enrollment Center,</p><p> Front Desks at GCT, MP and CI, and</p><p> GCT Gates 5 and 8, OT Main Gate, and the CI Main Gate.</p><p> A badge design should be capable of being used for multiple cardholders without requiring modification between printing successive cardholder badges. There should be capacity for at least 50 badge designs. The system shall be capable of printing different colored visitor ID badges signifying the following:</p><p> Visitor has a TWIC.</p><p> Visitor does not have a TWIC.</p><p> Colors identifying authorized locations where the visitor is allowed access.</p><p> The system should have the capability to perform online background checks before granting access.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 33 of 110 The system shall have the capability to verify TWIC’s including biometrics.</p><p> The system shall have the capability to store biometrics for verification if the visitor is going to be a repeat visitor.</p><p> The system shall have the capability to capture the cardholder photograph from either a live image, or a stored image from a digital camera without requiring any re-formatting and print it on the temporary ID card. If the visitor has a TWIC, the picture included on the TWIC shall be used. </p><p> A decent-quality (greater than 3 megapixels) camera shall be supplied along with any associated hardware needed to take photographs and transfer the image to the system. </p><p> All visitor data shall be archived for future use and retrieval. </p><p> Photographs shall be visible when browsing cardholder information. </p><p> Printers used to print visitor badges shall be off-the-shelf printers that can be easily replaced using local office supply stores.</p><p>2.3.4 ACS Database. The ACS database shall be a standard Oracle or Microsoft SQL database and shall not be proprietary. There shall be a single database, of a suitably secure (as determined by GPA) and reliable technology. Automated database back-up tools shall be provided that can back up the database each day. The following data, at a minimum, shall be maintained in the database at all times:</p><p> All personal and corporate data collected at enrollment,</p><p> Each person’s TWIC information captured on the TWIC cards including: security tokens, biometric identification, card holder unique identifier (CHUID), expiration date, and user-definable fields. </p><p> Any of the user-definable fields shall be used to create quick indexes for sorting. These indexes shall also be available for use in the reports section. </p><p> Usage data shall be stored for 1 year identifying when personnel entered and departed GPA facilities including what areas they accessed and all date/times associated.</p><p> The database shall be capable of maintaining and accessing at</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 34 of 110 least 100,000 different contacts.</p><p> The system shall allow multiple credentials to be associated with each user.</p><p> Upon editing credential information, the updated information shall be sent automatically to the appropriate access control panels with no other user intervention.</p><p> The database shall interact with the Navis TOS to allow the Navis database to link a trucker’s name and other data to a truck as it enters a gate.</p><p> The setting up of people, cards and access rights shall be capable of being performed from a single workstation. It shall also be possible to use multiple workstations simultaneously. </p><p> It shall be possible to program individual modules by using a local programmer, either for commissioning and diagnostics purposes or for re-programming in the event of failure of some other part of the system.</p><p>2.3.5 Access Control Operations. The ACS shall be integrated with the terminal operating system (TOS). The TOS shall not issue mission tickets to the truck drivers unless a valid authentication has been provided by the ACS.</p><p> The system shall allow interaction with other systems to pass information back to the ACS. For example, in the future, the Navis TOS may pass information to the ACS when a truck departs the terminal. The TOS may detect that event using RFID and pass the information so the ACS knows the driver has left the terminal.</p><p> At a truck gate, the ACS shall:</p><p> Verify the TWIC is valid and not on the TSA Hot List,</p><p> Verify the TWIC is registered with GPA,</p><p> Verify the TWIC holder’s biometric identification, and</p><p> Send a signal to the Navis TOS the trucker has been verified (or has not been verified). If the trucker is denied access, then an alert shall be sent to the camera monitoring room identifying the location of the offending TWIC holder.</p><p> At a mantrap, building door, fuel tank or other automatic device</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 35 of 110 access-controlled entry, the ACS shall:</p><p> Verify the TWIC is valid and not on the TSA Hot List,</p><p> Verify the TWIC is registered with GPA,</p><p> Verify the TWIC holder’s biometric identification, and</p><p> Send a signal to the gate, door, fuel tank, etc. allowing entry for one person. If the person is denied access, then an alert shall be sent to the camera monitoring room identifying the location of the offending TWIC holder.</p><p> The ACS shall integrate wireless devices to allow manual verification using the wireless device to:</p><p> Verify the TWIC is valid and not on the TSA Hot List,</p><p> Verify the TWIC is registered with GPA,</p><p> Verify the TWIC holder’s biometric identification.</p><p> The ACS shall automatically deny access to anyone who’s TWIC has expired. Provisions shall be made to allow the ACS to link new TWIC data to a contact when replacement TWIC’s have been obtained.</p><p> If a contact’s access has been revoked, the ACS shall allow the reason for the access revocation to be entered as well as the length of time the access revocation is in effect. ACS operators may set the time limit either by date (until a certain date) or length of time (permanently, 1 year, 1 month, etc.). </p><p> The capability to utilize a photograph during “objective authentication” shall be provided.</p><p> The picture of a user who has been denied access can be quickly retrieved for reference.</p><p> The picture of an enrolled user or visitor can be retrieved for comparison to identification or the person himself.</p><p> The system shall read biometric cards and validate biometrics within 2 seconds on average from the time the card holder places his fingers/hand, etc. on the device.</p><p> In the event of a data failure connection to GCT admin building or</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 36 of 110 a power failure, local readers shall be able to continue operation. (This requires pushing the database to the readers or close to the readers for continued operation.)</p><p> It shall be possible to define holidays that allow standard daily/weekly schedules to be modified automatically.</p><p> It shall be possible to specify a maximum door-open time, after which a “door ajar” event will be generated.</p><p>2.3.6 Equipment and Maintenance.</p><p> All equipment must be designed for optimum protection against vandalism. All outdoor equipment shall include a standard tamper monitor point. </p><p> If a power failure occurs, all equipment must auto-boot to its user- defined condition before the power failure. </p><p> Biometric readers shall comply with all requirements for TWIC and FIPS-201.</p><p> The ACS shall be capable of utilizing a choice of reader technologies. All Card Readers shall be capable of reading the following card types at a minimum: TWIC, Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201 (FIPS 201) smart cards, Military ID, Mifare, biometric seafarers identity document (SID), as well as existing GPA, police and fire ID cards.</p><p> All Card Readers shall allow proximity readers for TWIC as well as keypads for PIN use and biometric readers for authentication. Magnetic swipe and contact readers may also be included. </p><p> Programming shall allow the use of card plus PIN, PIN only, Card Only, Card or PIN, Card plus biometrics, and card plus biometrics plus PIN for access under varying degrees of MARSEC. </p><p> Each type of verification shall be programmable by location/device and by groups of devices and by MARSEC levels.</p><p> A change in MARSEC levels shall automatically change pre-programmed levels of security authorization.</p><p> Biometric Card Readers shall validate TWIC’s using the TWIC</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 37 of 110 digital signature. </p><p> TWIC biometric readers shall be TWIC compliant and listed on the DHS Initial Capability Evaluation (ICE) list. </p><p> The TWIC readers shall be capable of obtaining database information (lookups) as needed even when the communications link between the GCT Admin Building and the CI or MP terminals are interrupted.</p><p> TWIC system shall be capable of linking to AMAG or a number of other ACS’s. (Note: Bidders shall provide a list of the ACS’s to which the TWIC reader system can be linked.)</p><p>2.3.7 Power and Data. Power and data transmission shall be provided to and from the TWIC reader locations.</p><p> Power shall be obtained from nearby facilities. </p><p> Confirmation on power availability at certain locations can be obtained from the GPA IT department.</p><p> Proposer may use power over Ethernet.</p><p> Power shall have a 1-hour backup capability. Battery backups shall be provided that ensures the battery shall operate for one hour providing enough time to get the generator started. </p><p> Proposer shall provide adequate data transmission capabilities from end devices to the backend system located in the GCT Admin building server room. (Note: This does not include transmission between Savannah and Brunswick.)</p><p> Local area networks already in place may be used as available. If connecting into an Ethernet or fiber network, any required equipment such as switches or hubs shall be included in the proposal. If adequate network equipment exists and is confirmed by the IT department, then it will be removed from the proposal before a contract is signed.</p><p> Wireless networks as well as internet networks may be used; however, reasonable precautions shall be taken to keep the data secure. WiFi networks shall not interfere and shall be approved by GPA IT department to ensure there is no interference with the current WiFi systems.</p><p>2.3.8 Miscellaneous. Additional miscellaneous requirements shall be followed.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 38 of 110 All equipment hardware shall be off-the-shelf, meaning the equipment has been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use, is currently operating in other locations and is not proprietary in nature. Software used in the project shall not render other commercial components useless or prevent other components from being interconnected now or in the future.</p><p> Proposals shall include an itemized list of all proposed equipment, its location, footprint, power requirement, and BTU’s so an analysis in the GPA IT department can ensure there will be sufficient space, backup generator capacity and HVAC available. </p><p> The ACS System shall ensure graceful degradation if failures occur.</p><p> There shall be no single points of failure that would render the entire system unusable.</p><p> Data storage shall be completed in such a way as to not lose data due to the failure of any one component.</p><p>2.3.9 Mobile Readers. TWIC mobile biometric readers shall be portable, capable of being easily carried and used in the field by the average person.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall weigh no more than 5 lbs.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be compact. TWIC mobile readers shall be no larger than 12” x 6” x 8” and shall include a handle or strap for handheld or over-the-shoulder transportation.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall read proximity cards/smart cards as well as magnetic stripe cards. Specifically, these readers shall be capable of reading and validating TWIC cards, Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201 (FIPS 201) smart cards, biometric seafarers identity document (SID), as well as existing GPA, military, police and fire ID cards.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be capable of operating software using Microsoft Internet Explorer standard browser software over a 2.4 GHz 802.11 wireless network or be capable of accepting a wireless card to communicate using other protocols in place at GPA.</p><p> Data security shall be accomplished by data encryption when saving or transmitting data.</p><p> TWIC mobile reader data security should be HIPAA compliant.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall provide onboard performance measurements and analysis. Standard reports shall be viewable by the operator to analyze and investigate unit operations.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 39 of 110 TWIC mobile readers shall maintain a running log that can be downloaded to a computer at the operator’s discretion. The log shall capture all events and the results of each event (positive or failed ID).</p><p>2.3.10 Biometric Data. TWIC readers shall be capable of capturing biometric data and comparing (biometric authentication) the biometric data to data entered into a standard SQL database by a reader manufacturer by other companies.</p><p> TWIC readers shall use technology that allows accurate biometric comparison on subjects with dirty (greasy or oily) hands.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be capable of capturing and reading fingerprint data.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be capable of capturing and displaying photographic data in standard picture formats.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be capable of storing a minimum of 1,000 user’s data to speed field operations.</p><p>2.3.11 Reader Operations and Reliability. The ACS shall ensure that authorized personnel gain access in a timely manner, described below, and that only authorized personnel gain entry to the facilities. For all reliability calculations described below, few data exceptions shall be allowed. Reader failures, greasy hands, cut fingers, etc. shall all be included in the calculations. The only time an attempted access shall not be used in calculating success rates is when the ID card is damaged. There shall be no more than 3 successive attempted reads (counting as one read for success ratios; but, they also count towards the time limit average for validation).</p><p> TWIC biometric reader system shall not erroneously fail more than 0.5% of all valid TWIC’s including failures to validate the TWIC digital signature, failures to validate valid biometrics, and failures to validate correctly entered PIN’s or any other failure not relating to false documentation or incorrectly entered data (i.e., ≤ 0.5% False Rejection Rate).</p><p> TWIC biometric reader system shall operate in less than 5 seconds from the moment a TWIC holder inserts his card (or waves his card if read by contactless means) to the time the gate system receives a pass/fail signal. The time includes reading a biometric signature and comparing that to the TWIC or a linked database. It also includes any time required to transmit or obtain information to/from a database.</p><p> TWIC readers shall have a False Acceptance Rate (authenticate an improper credential/fingerprint) of less than 0.01% (i.e., false positives).</p><p> TWIC readers shall have a Mean-Time-Between-Failure (MTBF) rate of less than 4 major failures per year. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 40 of 110 A minor failure is a failure to operate properly regarding any aspect of the device; but, is quickly returned to service by a reset, software reboot, or similar method. This shall occur no more than once per week. For purposes of calculating MTBF, four minor failures equal one major failure.</p><p> A major failure is any failure that requires repairs on-site or off-site taking longer than 15 minutes to repair.</p><p> TWIC readers shall have a Mean-Time-To-Repair of less than 72 hours. Major failures are used to calculate MTTR.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be able to withstand multiple drops from 4 feet to a concrete deck with no more than a minor failure.</p><p>2.3.12 Ease of Operation. TWIC mobile readers shall be easily operated with very little training (less than 1-hour).</p><p> Bidders shall provide three training classes at GPA designated times and locations within one month of delivery of the equipment.</p><p> At a minimum, TWIC mobile readers shall incorporate large (2.5” x 2”), backlit, 16 bit color touch screens that are easy to read and operated even in bright glare along with an easy to use illuminated QWERTY keyboard.</p><p> Software and Firmware upgrades shall be easily completed by GPA personnel in less than 4 hours.</p><p> Positive or failed identification shall be provided within 15 seconds of a manual read event.</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall be equipped with a USB or Fire Wire connection for interface with a standard computer.</p><p> Battery life shall last a minimum of 12 hours of constant use allowing no hard drive or screen sleep modes and shall be recharged within 8 hours. Extra rechargeable batteries and a charger for each unit supplied shall be provided to allow extended operation of the units to ensure the unit can be operated for 24-hours without failure.</p><p> Rechargeable batteries must last a minimum of 1 year with use every day before requiring replacement (failing to meet section above).</p><p> TWIC mobile readers shall incorporate self-calibration features with report functions that are easy to use and understand.</p><p> Existing equipment may be used as well as existing wiring, network equipment, sounders, computers, keypads, card swipes, etc. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 41 of 110 Equipment that will be reused shall be identified in the proposal.</p><p> Existing biometric readers may be used as a trade-in allowance with a credit for such use shown in the proposal by the proposers. See Appendix 15 for a list of equipment.</p><p>2.3.13 Reports. The ability to generate reports shall be built into the system to allow standard or manually designed reports to be automatically or manually generated. Standard reports shall include the following at a minimum: </p><p> A list of who is on any one terminal at any one time. This report shall be available to run in real-time (who is on the terminal right now?) or historically (who was on the terminal yesterday at 1602?).</p><p> A query identifying if a certain person(s) was on the terminal at any one time, including real-time.</p><p> Access device status at any time (real-time or historically)?</p><p> Counts of the number of people entering or on terminal, etc., at any one time (real-time or historical).</p><p> A query shall identify a list of those personnel who have been denied access to GPA terminals, the reason for the denial, as well as the length of time for which the denial is in effect.</p><p> A single report listing all modules, doors, readers, inputs and relays. </p><p> A single report showing all cardholders and their details (including last known location).</p><p> A list of all the Groups for which a Cardholder is a member.</p><p> A list of all the Areas that a Cardholder may enter.</p><p> A list of all the cardholders currently in a chosen area.</p><p> A list of all the Groups that may enter a chosen area.</p><p> It shall be possible to produce a list of all cardholders whose last known location was on-site, together with the location and time of entry. It shall be possible to produce this as a printed report, paginated so that it is suitable for handing out to several people for a roll call. The criteria for deciding where the page breaks occur shall be selectable; for example the area, or department, or</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 42 of 110 muster point.</p><p> It shall be possible to define event report templates that can be saved and re-used. These templates shall include selection and sorting criteria.</p><p>2.3.14 Alarms. The alarms shall notify appropriate personnel as defined by GPA. Screen pops, emails, text messages, pages and phone calls are all methods that should be available. Each event shall be programmed individually to provide automatic alerts to certain personnel, including those in the camera monitoring room, the front desk of the GCT Admin Building, and other GPA fixed or mobile personnel as required.</p><p> The process of alarm management shall use the concept of alarm zones, so that a single operation (manual or automatic) to arm the zone results in all objects in that zone being armed. </p><p> It shall be possible to selectively define which objects, and which events for those objects, can generate alarms. It shall also be possible to define schedules that determine whether an event is an alarm or not, based on the time of day. </p><p> Each alarm shall be capable of having a priority level (for example, from a range of 1-12) associated with it, and a set of instructions for the operator. </p><p> When an alarm occurs it shall cause an immediate visual and audible signal to the operator. It shall be possible to associate a sound file with an alarm, and to cause a relay to be triggered anywhere in the system. A further consequence of an alarm shall be that it can trigger a camera and its PTZ preset co-ordinates. </p><p> When an alarm has been notified, the operator shall be able to locate the object that raised the alarm on a site plan with a single operation. Where multiple alarms have been notified, but have not yet been adjudicated, the system shall prioritize the alarms to allow the operator to view either the highest priority or the most recent. Multiple alarms should also be grouped by area or event such that the group of alarms may be caused by the same event.</p><p> The system shall allow mandatory actions to be programmed for certain alarms and require the operator to complete each step of the instructions associated with the alarm before the alarm is removed from the alarm list. It shall be possible to produce a report at a later date showing who performed each step, and when. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 43 of 110 It shall be possible to disable an alarm preventing certain alarms from generating until it is re-enabled. It shall be possible for an operator to acknowledge an alarm so other operators know the incident is being adjudicated. </p><p> It shall be possible to see in a single display whether there are any alarms that have not been acknowledged or cleared.</p><p>2.3.15 Site Plans. It shall be possible to create graphical representations of site layout. </p><p> Background images may be produced using another software program and imported into the ACS software. </p><p> It shall be possible to create multiple site plans, linked together so that the operator can easily jump from one plan to another – which may represent other terminals, a zoomed-in view or a zoomed-out view. </p><p> It shall be possible to place objects on the plan, such as Areas, Doors, Readers, Inputs, Relays, and Cameras. Objects on the plan must provide information and permit control directly from the plan, without the need to leave the plan.</p><p>2.4 Lowlight / High Vegetation Detection and Response</p><p>At CI, water surrounds the island with a stand of trees between the fence line and the water. The main objective of the Low Light/High Vegetation Detection and Response system is to detect intruders before they reach the fence line. The requirements in Section 2.2 also apply to the Lowlight / High Vegetation Detection and Response subsystem; however, some specific requirements follow.</p><p>2.4.1 Maritime Domain Awareness.</p><p> The Low light system shall help camera monitoring room operators maintain general awareness of surrounding activities at all times. (What is happening outside the fence line?)</p><p> The Low Light system shall provide camera monitoring room operators with a general awareness of the amount and types of ship/boater traffic in the surrounding waters and trees.</p><p> The Low Light system shall help camera monitoring room operators identify if any activities outside the fence pose a threat to GPA operations</p><p>2.4.2 Power and Data Transmission. Proposer shall provide adequate data transmission capabilities from the camera or groups of cameras to a server in the CI Command Center. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 44 of 110 2.5 SRIN and CIIN Add-ons.</p><p>2.5.1 General Requirements. In addition to the requirements found elsewhere in Section 2, radar systems shall be used to enhance the maritime domain awareness of the SRIN and CIIN by providing useful information in meaningful ways that enhance the knowledge of the surface picture and correlate with other sensor technologies such as cameras and analytic systems.</p><p> Radar systems shall integrate with the AIS transponder system.</p><p> Radar systems shall integrate with camera surveillance systems including CCTV, electro-optics, infrared and thermal imaging.</p><p> Radar systems shall allow automatic correlation between various sensor targets.</p><p> Radar systems shall distinguish surface swimmers from waves and automatically track surface contacts.</p><p> Radar systems shall operate at manned or unmanned sites.</p><p> Radar systems shall be proven in operation at other locations.</p><p> Radar systems shall be scalable in operation.</p><p>2.5.2 Environmental Conditions. It is critical that any system fielded remain operational during any weather condition experienced in the area. In addition to the requirements established in Section 2.1.10, the following requirements shall be met:</p><p> Radar systems shall remain operational (meet all specifications) in any sea-state condition.</p><p> In lieu of the wind requirements established in Table 2, Radar systems shall operate in sustained winds up to 80 kts or gusts up to 100 kts. If shut down temporarily due to high wins, including hurricane force winds, as soon as the storm passes and winds die down to certified levels; the radar system shall be operational again through remote/automatic power up.</p><p>2.5.3 Network. Radar systems shall be networkable and expandable so that additional equipment such as displays and scanners in other locations can easily be incorporated, either at the time of installation or at a later date if necessary, without disruption to the existing system. Any number of radars shall be viewable at any number of displays simultaneously.</p><p>2.5.4 Recording. Radar systems shall be recorded using the same 30-day 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 45 of 110 requirement as video recordings. In the event that an incident requires further investigation, the appropriate section of the file shall be archived securely onto a CD, memory stick, or other recordable device and be passed to other users for further analysis and to provide a permanent record of the event. Along with event recording, the system shall automatically record raw radar, tracks, CCTV, AIS and other integrated systems.</p><p>2.5.5 Target Tracking. Radar systems shall track contacts automatically while distinguishing moving targets from fixed targets such as land masses or buoys and shall provide the following information for each contact:</p><p> Target ID</p><p> Location</p><p> Course and Speed</p><p> Track</p><p> Alarms and status </p><p> Track Quality</p><p>2.5.6 Accuracy and Resolution. Radar systems shall provide accuracy and resolutions that can be correlated to other sensors, and at a minimum shall:</p><p> Provide location accuracy within 5 meters or actual position within 1 minute.</p><p> Provide speed accuracy within +/- 0.5 kts of actual speed within 1 minute.</p><p>2.6 Command and Control System</p><p>2.6.1 Command and Control System Sensors. A command and control system shall be a stand-alone software suite or may be part of a subsystem such as an ACS or security camera system. Regardless of the genesis of the command and control system, it shall allow integration of numerous sensors and security suites including; but not limited to the following:</p><p> Maritime Surface Search Radar</p><p> Closed Circuit Cameras</p><p> Infrared sensors</p><p> Automatic Identification System (AIS)</p><p> Transponders 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 46 of 110 Underwater Intruder Detection</p><p> Land-based Mobile Sensors</p><p> Direction Finding Sensors</p><p> Chemical/Biological Sensors</p><p>2.6.2 Situational Awareness/Maritime Domain Awareness. The system shall be designed to provide maritime domain awareness.</p><p> The system shall be fully configurable to any location and application.</p><p> The system shall provide operate in all weather, day and night without degradation in capability.</p><p> The system shall be scalable in area coverage by each individual operator.</p><p> The system shall integrate and display radar, EO and IR sensor technology.</p><p> The system shall be capable of utilizing mobile and fixed sites for sensors.</p><p> The system shall provide a shared, coordinated area picture along with a graphic representation in 3-dimensions.</p><p> The system shall be capable of providing fixed or mobile areas for alert and alarm that are adjustable by the operators.</p><p> The system shall track history, route prediction and behavior monitoring.</p><p> The system shall Identify, evaluate and prioritize potential threats.</p><p> The system shall calculate distance, speed, time and heading for timely and appropriate responses.</p><p> The system shall provide configurable security levels.</p><p> The system shall allow automatic, preprogrammed action and response as well as operator checklists.</p><p>2.6.3 GIS Functionality. The system shall provide GIS functionality that can be easily manipulated by the operators and can share information with other GIS systems such as SAGIS.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 47 of 110 GIS functionality shall be used to display and edit the various overlays.</p><p> GIs functionality shall be used for analysis and to support for decision-making.</p><p> The system shall provide a common and accurate picture of any situation using real-time geographical presentation with maps, topology and global positioning system (GPS) presentations of vehicles and individuals. </p><p> Flexible, modular architecture shall provide an easy implementation of any desired non-standard features without changing the entire application or solution. </p><p>2.6.4 Dispatch/Response. The system shall provide a Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system giving operators the tools they need to field calls, create and update incidents, and manage an organization's critical resources by providing real-time interaction of crucial data. </p><p> The system shall allow operator to make web/data searches from within the system.</p><p> The system shall provide on-site or remote access to the CAD system, allowing first responders and security personnel to access live operational information and the ability to search for historical data on incidents and resources. </p><p> The system shall integrate voice and data and include built-in interfaces to radio and telecommunications systems, allowing fast, efficient radio messaging and data distribution. </p><p>2.6.5 Audit Trail. The system shall automatically record call information and associated data with other incident information, providing an audit trail for easy retrieval, reporting and training purposes.</p><p>2.6.6 Open Industry Standards. The system shall use industry-standards, such as XML protocols, for exchanging information to third-party applications.</p><p>2.6.7 Maritime Domain Awareness. The system shall integrate and fuse data from multiple sensors; then process, store/record, display and disseminate critical decision-making information to multiple personnel in various capacities and in various locations, both fixed and mobile. </p><p>2.6.8 Enhanced Response Times. The system shall be designed to minimize the time between an event occurring and the identification and response to the event by: </p><p> Providing automated surveillance capable of differentiating 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 48 of 110 between background activity and potential threats.</p><p> Detection, identification and prioritization of potential threats.</p><p> Enabling tailored rules of engagement, preprogrammed by GPA operators.</p><p>2.6.9 Vessel Traffic Management. The system shall provide a vessel traffic management system that integrates new and existing sensors, AIS (Automatic Identification Systems), and other links to collect and merge data, allowing operators to manage vessel traffic, monitor the waterway environment and support port and harbor resources.</p><p> Vessel tracked by multiple sources shall be correlated into a single unambiguous fused track providing a clear picture to the operator. Vessel activity shall be continuously monitored to automatically alert the operator of rules violations, risks or security intrusions. </p><p> The system shall provide information on any vessel to the operator immediately, including ship systems, loading, owner/operator and other data that can be useful in an emergency situation. The system shall allow operators to send said information to external users and agencies on the fly. </p><p> The systems shall allow cross-agency information sharing between GPA and the USCG (United States Coast Guard), police, border patrol, customs, emergency responders and other agencies.</p><p> Electronic charts shall be embedded and visible to the operators to provide enhanced situational awareness.</p><p>2.6.10 Open Architecture. The system shall provide common interfaces to allow the integration of new sensors and sensor suites, analytical systems, and other automation tools as they are designed and installed. </p><p>2.6.11 Operator Workstation Requirements. The system shall provide certain capabilities to the operators: </p><p> The system shall ensure all fused track data is available to each operator workstation, or selectable by type of sensor source, to create the single best view of the situation.</p><p> The system shall allow an area of interest to be sectored to any configuration.</p><p> The system shall allow two simultaneous views of areas of interest to be displayed at one operator workstation. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 49 of 110 The full relational database shall interface to external sources for easy updating and exchange.</p><p> The system shall allow operators to easily re-define safety, security and surveillance zones based on dynamic conditions.</p><p> The system shall allow data from multiple sources to be simultaneously displayed on all operator workstations.</p><p>2.7 Equipment Mounting Locations</p><p>Equipment may be mounted on existing buildings and poles to reduce costs. Proposals requiring equipment to not be mounted on existing structures shall include the cost of adding infrastructure. Note: many of the light poles in the terminal have power only in times of darkness, so verify power and data availability before assuming it is available and all locations.</p><p>2.8 Post Installation Testing and Commissioning</p><p>Proposals shall include a thorough commissioning program description which includes a description of unit and end-to-end testing that will be performed as part of the commissioning process. Commissioning is perhaps the most important part of the project and bidders shall include minimum acceptable test criteria as well as test procedures that describe how unit and end-to-end testing will be completed without disturbing ongoing operations. </p><p>2.8.1 Unit Testing. Unit testing shall be completed as the systems are being installed. Results shall be submitted for approval and modifications shall be made to correct deficiencies prior to completion of the entire subsystem. </p><p>2.8.2 Total System Commissioning. Once each component is tested and is deemed to meet the design requirements for proper operation, a complete end-to-end system test shall be performed in varying conditions as described in the test plan provided as part of the proposal. All subsystem vendors shall be present for the test to ensure their subsystem works properly and to make any necessary modifications if the overall system fails. </p><p>2.9 Maintenance Plan</p><p>For each system proposed, the vendor shall develop a complete maintenance plan that provides for routine preventative maintenance as well as emergency service. The plan shall identify what maintenance GPA shall complete and what portions should be completed by others. Furthermore, the plan shall identify what items are maintained on site and which components are repaired off site. For maintenance that is subcontracted, the plan shall identify the response times for on-site maintenance and repair. These can vary by component if necessary and shall be developed to ensure 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 50 of 110 the reliability criteria identified in section 2 is met at all times. Finally, any service that is provided on-line shall be identified as well. In the proposal, the maintenance plan shall be developed well enough to provide the selection team with enough information to understand the philosophy behind the maintenance plan; who shall accomplish the work; and what annual costs are expected over a ten-year period. After selection, the chosen vendors shall complete the maintenance plan and provide training to ensure GPA can monitor and administer the maintenance as well as complete any maintenance that is best completed by GPA personnel.</p><p>A three-year warranty on all equipment is required and the cost for the warranty shall be identified in the proposal. The warranty should include all efforts necessary to make repairs or replacements free of charge to GPA during the warranty period. GPA is not to be required to perform maintenance, repairs or replacements at any time during the warranty period.</p><p>2.10 Logistic Supportability</p><p>Since many components in use today are manufactured in foreign countries, GPA wishes to ensure the systems fielded are logistically supportable. Bidders shall make estimates and include the cost of such in the appropriate cost estimates. Proposals shall include a description of the efforts made to reduce the number of spare parts, the costs thereof, or any action taken to ensure GPA has the parts needed, when they need them.</p><p>2.10.1 Number of Spare Parts. Proposals shall include the number of spare parts of each type of equipment proposed that should be kept on hand to maintain the specified level of reliability.</p><p>2.10.2 Equipment Obsolescence. Proposals shall provide information regarding how often the manufacturers make their product obsolete or replace their existing product line.</p><p>2.10.3 Replenishment Time. Bidders shall provide a guaranteed maximum replenishment time from order placement for replacement parts.</p><p>2.10.4 Parts Programs. Bidders shall describe any discounted spare parts programs offered or other methods to enable GPA to attain the best life cycle cost for all proposed equipment.</p><p>2.11 Research and Development / Future Capabilities</p><p>GPA takes this selection process seriously because the vendors chosen will likely be a part of the GPA team for many years or decades to come. Likewise, the chosen vendors will heavily influence the future of GPA systems. It is imperative that GPA understands the direction bidders are headed, their philosophies regarding industry research and application, and specifically, who will be the best, long-term influence on</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 51 of 110 GPA. Bidders should provide as much detail as possible to provide GPA with a level of comfort necessary to select the bidder’s product. Bidders may mark sections in their proposals confidential to ensure trade secrets are not revealed outside GPA.</p><p>2.11.1 Applicable Research and Development. Bidders should describe research and development (R&D) efforts their company is undertaking, projects their company is working on, etc. that may be applicable or eventually enhance the system GPA is fielding.</p><p>2.11.2 General Research and Development. Bidders should describe the R&D their company undertakes annually and how product improvements or new features that result from R&D are brought to customers such as GPA.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 52 of 110 3.0 SAVANNAH RIVER INTRUSION NETWORK (SRIN) 4.0 5.0 The objective of the SRIN is to provide a sensor-based system that provides 24/7 visual coverage of the Savannah River Port from an area off the Atlantic Coast near Tybee Island to an area well beyond Port Wentworth. For the purposes of this RFP, GPA will concentrate on the area between Elba Island and the Houlihan Bridge. The primary effort of the SRIN at this stage is to detect, identify, evaluate and watch all the river traffic within this area 24 hours a day. With this system, camera monitoring room operators should be able to determine the intent of each vessel and categorize it as either friend or foe. 6.0 7.0 GPA is seeking a qualified vendor that will be responsible for the complete system proposed. The details provided in the RFP are the minimum project requirements. The selected vendor shall provide a “turnkey” system. The omission of specific reference to any software, hardware, training, materials, or labor necessary for such a complete system shall not be interpreted as relieving the selected vendor from furnishing such software, hardware, training materials, or labor under the proposal quoted project price. 8.0 9.0 GPA will also accept proposals for individual subsystems or components. GPA may accept several contracts to complete the system or they may ask a turnkey provider to substitute certain components or subsystems. 10.0 11.0 The selected vendor(s) will complete a final SRIN design to be approved by GPA staff after a detailed site analysis has been completed. Bidders shall propose the tasks needed to complete the final design and provide a cost estimate for the recommended system and the reasons why they chose the system to support the proposed project. 12.0 12.1 System Description 13.0 14.0 The concept as submitted in the PSGP request and ultimately awarded by DHS consists of a loose network of 24 cameras located on either side of the Savannah River between Elba Island and the Houlihan Bridge. The 24 cameras originally proposed consisted of a mixture of fixed and PTZ cameras with varying focal lengths depending on location. Some cameras were color and some were infrared (IR) for nighttime illumination. Most cameras proposed were IP-based cameras and some were analog. It was expected that a number of the cameras would be megapixel cameras to provide wider fields of view and greater detail. Table 3: SRIN Conceptual Camera Locations below, in conjunction with Appendix 12, identify the 24 cameras in the original concept. 15.0 16.0 Purpose 17.0 Location 18.0 Camera # 19.0 Type (Area) 20.0 Gate 1 21.0 Bridge/Dock 22.0 1 23.0 Fixed 24.0 (Newport 25.0 Onslow Island 26.0 2 27.0 Fixed Terminal)</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 53 of 110 28.0 29.0 Bridge/Dock 30.0 3 31.0 PTZ 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 Gate 2 37.0 CB-8 38.0 4 39.0 Fixed 40.0 (GCT) 41.0 Hog Island 42.0 5 43.0 Fixed 44.0 45.0 Hog Island 46.0 6 47.0 PTZ 48.0 49.0 CB-8 50.0 7 51.0 PTZ 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 Docks 57.0 CB-6/7 58.0 8 59.0 PTZ 60.0 (GCT) 61.0 CB-4/5 62.0 9 63.0 PTZ 64.0 65.0 CB-2/3 66.0 10 67.0 PTZ 68.0 69.0 CB-1 70.0 11 71.0 PTZ 72.0 73.0 Hog Island 74.0 12 75.0 PTZ 76.0 77.0 Hog Island 78.0 13 79.0 PTZ 80.0 81.0 Hog Island 82.0 14 83.0 PTZ 84.0 85.0 Hog Island 86.0 15 87.0 PTZ 88.0 89.0 90.0 91.0 92.0 Docks 93.0 West 94.0 16 95.0 PTZ 96.0 (OT) 97.0 East 98.0 17 99.0 PTZ 100.0 101.0 Hutchinson 102.0 18 103.0 PTZ Island 104.0 105.0 106.0 107.0 108.0 Gate 3 109.0 Rousakis 110.0 19 111.0 Fixed Plaza 112.0 (River 113.0 Rousakis 114.0 20 115.0 PTZ Street) Plaza 116.0 117.0 Trade Center 118.0 21 119.0 PTZ 120.0 121.0 122.0 123.0 124.0 Gate 4 125.0 Tronox 126.0 22 127.0 Fixed 128.0 (Tronox) 129.0 Barnwell 130.0 23 131.0 Fixed island 132.0 133.0 Barnwell 134.0 24 135.0 PTZ island 136.0 137.0 Table 3: SRIN Conceptual Camera Locations 138.0 139.0 As shown in Table 3, there are six general areas of interest in the original concept. Four gates were set up: one by the Tronox / Elba Island area, one at the Houlihan Bridge, and one on either end of the GPA terminals west of GCT and east of OT. In addition, the majority of cameras were located around the GPA dock areas to provide visibility to the docks and around the ships. The final area of interest was in downtown Savannah around Rousakis Plaza and directly across the river to the trade Center where large crowds gather for specific events. The final locations are required locations due to agreements made with the City of Savannah and Chatham County. 140.0 141.0 In addition to the fixed and remotely controlled PTZ cameras, this system is expected to have smart software controls to help alleviate the burden of watching 24</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 54 of 110 cameras all the time. At the very least it is envisioned that these analytic systems would be able to distinguish between large ships and small boat and provide these camera monitoring room operators with automatic notifications when certain criteria were met such as a small boat crossing one of the gates, a vessel moving faster than 20 kts, a small vessel coming alongside a large ship, vessels entering exclusion zones without authorization, and the ability to ignore certain areas when there is a lot of activity that does not need to be monitored. Furthermore, other solutions such as a bag left behind or personnel count within a certain area might be useful in the city market and trade Center areas. 142.0 143.0 Some of these cameras many be able to use existing GPA infrastructure to pass data and control signals between the sensors and the camera monitoring room. Some may even use existing mounts, solar panels and microwave transmission capabilities. Some sensors will require additional infrastructure or wireless infrastructure to provide adequate network traffic. Some areas may also require solar panels or other means to power the cameras and wireless transmission system. 144.0 145.0 It is the proposer’s responsibility to provide an adequate system that provides the best possible sensors in the appropriate locations, elevations, with adequate means of transmission to meet the needs of the Port within the grant budget awarded by DHS. Unless existing infrastructure is used, it is up to the proposer to provide any footings or structures or other civil works necessary to mount and power the sensors. The proposer may request to locate their cameras on existing buildings, towers, light poles, bridges, etc. and GPA personnel will work with the selected vendor to get approval if required to use those locations or identify and evaluate alternatives. 146.0 147.0 In addition to the sensors, the SRIN also includes additions and modifications to the camera monitoring room. Currently all cameras are monitored in the Admin Building at GCT. The monitoring center will be moved to the current Garden City City Hall building also located on Main Street just outside the GCT fence. This property will soon be vacated by the City of Garden City and several functions of Georgia Ports Authority will be relocated to that building. Proposers should evaluate the equipment currently located in the monitoring room and determine what additional needs will be required to meet the requirements of the SRIN in the new building. Funds were allocated in the grant for monitors, including LCD wall-mounted screens, furniture, computers for driving the monitors and data wiring and power wiring as required. The new camera monitoring room should be designed to monitor all existing cameras (approximately 120), fence detections systems and ACSs on all four terminals as well as the three systems described in this RFP. Proposers should also describe a migration plan to move all existing systems, including AIS, fence detection systems, etc. to the new system being proposed. 148.0 149.0 It is envisioned that computers used for control or analytic systems shall be located in the server room of the Admin Building of GCT. All data from all sensors should be brought back to that location and then transmitted from that location to the camera monitoring room or other locations as needed. 150.0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 55 of 110 151.0 Fiber-optic cable must be laid between the server room in the Admin Building to the nearest dark fiber location owned by the City of Savannah to allow transmission of SRIN data to the SCMPD. The closest known location for this fiber connection is at the intersection of Dean Forest and Highway 25 near Applebee's. 152.0 153.0 In addition to completing the new camera monitoring room, monitoring stations for the SRIN shall also be set up at the front desk of the Admin Building at GCT and at the desk of the credentialing center also located on Main Street. Under normal situations, it is hoped that one person located in the camera monitoring room and one person located at either the front desk of the Admin Building or the credentialing center will be able to completely monitor the SRIN while working in tandem, although at separate locations. During certain times or as needed for response, one or two additional personnel will monitor systems from the camera monitoring room to ensure adequate response is provided. 154.0 155.0 As stated earlier, data collected on the SRIN shall be ported to the SCMPD as well as other port users such as the USCG and other terminals. It is necessary; therefore, that since sensor control shall be included in the package such that GPA always has primary control of any sensor and certain sensors may be passed to other locations as approved by GPA. 156.0 157.0 The key reasons for building the SRIN include protecting ships and waterside facilities from IED attacks, swimmers (planting explosives) and other unconventional methods and weapons. While the system is primarily to help prevent attacks by terrorist; it can also be used to ensure safety on the water, accident investigations, enforcement of waterway laws, monitoring safety devices such as buoys, identifying dangers, post-disaster recovery, etc. While the requirements for the SRIN are non- specific in many ways; the opportunities for use are great and so are the design and operation options. For this reason, GPA is looking for ideas as well as an open ended system that can grow in capabilities, ease of use, as well as coverage area. 158.0 158.1Budget 159.0 160.0 The budget for this project is $1,110,000. Bidders that cannot complete the project within this budget should place some portions of the project in Option 4. See Section 6.4 for more information. Bidders shall ensure their bids for the SRIN do not exceed the budgeted amount. 161.0 162.0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 56 of 110 163.0 COLONEL’S ISLAND INTRUSION NETWORK (CIIN) 164.0 165.0 The objective of the CIIN is to provide a sensor-based system that provides 24/7 visual coverage of the Port of Brunswick from the inlet at St. Simon’s Sound extending past CI and MP terminals to the I-95 Bridges across the South Brunswick and Turtle Rivers. For the purposes of this RFP, GPA will concentrate on the area between the Sidney Lanier Bridge and the Southern point on Blythe Island. The primary effort of the SRIN at this stage is to detect, identify, evaluate and watch all river traffic within this area 24 hours a day. With this system, camera monitoring room operators should be able to determine the intent of each vessel and categorize it as either friend or foe. 166.0 167.0 GPA is seeking a qualified vendor that will be responsible for the complete system proposed. The details provided in the RFP are the minimum project requirements. The selected vendor shall provide a “turnkey” system. The omission of specific reference to any software, hardware, training, materials, or labor necessary for such a complete system shall not be interpreted as relieving the selected vendor from furnishing such software, hardware, training materials, or labor under the proposal quoted project price. 168.0 169.0 GPA will also accept proposals for individual subsystems or components. GPA may accept several contracts to complete the system or they may ask a turnkey provider to substitute certain components or subsystems.</p><p>170.0 The selected vendor(s) will complete a final CIIN design to be approved by GPA staff after a detailed site analysis has been completed. Bidders shall propose the tasks needed to complete the final design and provide a cost estimate for the recommended system and the reasons why they chose the system to support the proposed project. 171.0 171.1System Description 172.0 173.0 The concept as submitted in the PSGP request and ultimately awarded by DHS consists of a loose network of 6 PTZ cameras located at or near the following locations in the Port area:  4 cameras located along the CI docks, and  2 cameras located on the point of Blythe Island across from CI. 174.0 175.0 The original concept for CIIN included cameras at the inlet of the sound on Jekyll Island and St. Simon’s Island, on or near the Sidney Lanier Bridge, on or near the docks of MP and on or near the I-95 bridges. Future growth should include these areas. Existing cameras on CI and MP may be added to the network as well. 176.0 177.0 To provide the 24-hour coverage, at least some of the cameras should have night or low/no-light capabilities. Appendix 13 shows the approved camera concept originally outlined in the grant submission. 178.0 179.0 The SRIN will be monitored at the GCT camera monitoring room. Currently, the</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 57 of 110 only connectivity between the camera monitoring room and Brunswick is a T-1 between GCT and CI and a T-1 between GCT and MP. To view video between CI and MP, video is transmitted to GCT and back to the other Brunswick terminal. 300 MB wireless transmission systems have been approved and will be install next year between each terminal in a two-way transmission ring. 180.0 181.0 One monitor and associated computers are envisioned at the CI gate to allow on-duty police to monitor the CIIN locally. Because the guards often step outside their shack, loud audible alarms as well as screen pops should be used to bring attention to issues. Local storage is also envisioned to allow transmission rates to be reduced significantly between CI and GCT without affecting forensic video requirements. 182.0 183.0It is the proposer’s responsibility to provide an adequate system that provides the best possible sensors in the appropriate locations, elevations, with adequate means of transmission to meet the needs of the Port within the grant budget awarded by DHS. Unless existing infrastructure is used, it is up to the proposer to provide any footings or structures or other civil works necessary to mount and power the sensors. The proposer may request to locate their cameras on existing buildings, towers, light poles, bridges, etc. and GPA personnel will work with the selected vendor to get approval if required to use those location or identify and evaluate alternatives. 184.0 184.1Budget 185.0 186.0 The budget for this project is $329,000. Bidders that cannot complete the project within this budget should place some portions of the project in Option 5. See Section 6.5 for more information. Bidders shall ensure their bids for the CIIN do not exceed the budgeted amount. 187.0 188.0 189.0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 58 of 110 190.0 TWIC ACCESS SYSTEM INTEGRATION (ASI)</p><p>191.0 The objectives of the TWIC ASI are to integrate the MP and CI TWIC ACS into the same database system used for the terminals in Savannah, install (or replace existing biometric readers) approved TWIC fixed biometric readers, procure wireless TWIC biometric readers for use by roving patrols, and install a limited wireless access system to be used for communications with the devices.</p><p>192.0 GPA is seeking a qualified vendor that will be responsible for the complete system proposed. The details provided in the RFP are the minimum project requirements. The selected vendor shall provide a “turnkey” system. The omission of specific reference to any software, hardware, training, materials, or labor necessary for such a complete system shall not be interpreted as relieving the selected vendor from furnishing such software, hardware, training materials, or labor under the proposal quoted project price. 193.0 194.0 GPA will also accept proposals for individual subsystems or components. GPA may accept several contracts to complete the system or they may ask a turnkey provider to substitute certain components or subsystems.</p><p>195.0 The selected vendor(s) shall complete a final TWIC ASI design to be approved by GPA staff after a detailed site analysis has been completed. Bidders shall propose the tasks needed to complete the final design and provide a cost estimate for the recommended system and the reasons why they chose the system to support the proposed project. 196.0 196.1System Description 197.0 198.0 The concept submitted in the PSGP and ultimately awarded by DHS consisted of the following:</p><p> MP</p><p> o 1 fixed TWIC biometric reader with keypad to replace reader installed on existing pedestal at main gate.</p><p> o 2 TWIC enrollment systems.</p><p> o Integration of system into existing AMAG system at GCT with local controllers, computers, etc.</p><p> o 5 wireless access points outside and inside warehouse to provide full wireless coverage of terminal with associated power and data wiring, routers, etc.</p><p> o 4 hand-held TWIC readers with biometric capabilities that communicate</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 59 of 110 over the wireless system.</p><p> CI</p><p> o 4 fixed TWIC biometric readers with keypads installed at gate pedestals. Power wiring and data wiring to be installed if not currently in place.</p><p> o 2 TWIC enrollment stations.</p><p> o Integration of system into existing AMAG system at GCT with local controllers, computers, etc.</p><p> o 4 wireless access points designed to provide coverage around the gate area and the dock area with associated power and data wiring, routers, etc.</p><p> o 4 hand-held TWIC readers with biometric capabilities that communicate over the wireless system.</p><p>199.0 The AMAG ACS is installed in Savannah with all controllers located in the computer room in the Admin Building at GCT. Access to Brunswick terminals is performed locally and data is kept in a separate database. All personnel desiring to continue access onto a GPA terminal must re-enroll once a biometric system is chosen so the TWIC data can be linked to the ACS data. When the re-enrollment takes place, the four new enrollment stations shall be used to update or add port user data to the ACS used by all GPA ports. </p><p>200.0 Even though GPA is only asking for 5 fixed TWIC biometric readers with keypads; the same readers/system chosen on this project will be used to replace the TWIC readers in the Savannah ports: a total of approximately 75 based on the system design bid alternatives not included in this grant. It is hoped that the basic design needed to implement TWIC throughout all GPA terminals will be determined under this grant bid process.</p><p>201.0 Currently, an AMAG system is in place for access control. As part of a grant request recently made by GPA and awaiting approval; that system may be upgraded or replaced entirely as needed to meet the needs of GPA. It is hoped that responses to this RFP will compare the needs and advantages of upgrading or replacing the AMAG system vs. leaving it alone.</p><p>202.0 Regardless of the direction chosen for the AMAG system, any TWIC biometric system should either attach directly to and work in conjunction with the AMAG system (or replacement if required) or should link to the appropriate ACS to share data as needed to allow the ACS to operate. Currently, the ACS allows entry to doors, man-traps or truck gates. For truck gates, AMAG has been integrated with the Navis terminal operating system (TOS) to ensure trucks are not provided with mission tickets without receiving access approval. This link must remain in place.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 60 of 110 202.1Budget 203.0 204.0 The budget for this project is $395,000. Bidders that cannot complete the project within this budget should place some portions of the project in Option 4. See Section 6.4 for more information. Bidders shall ensure their bids for the TWIC ASI do not exceed the budgeted amount. 205.0</p><p>206.0</p><p>207.0</p><p>208.0</p><p>209.0</p><p>210.0</p><p>211.0</p><p>212.0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 61 of 110 213.0 BID OPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES</p><p>214.0 In the two years since the grant requests were made for the projects included in the RFP, several additional projects have been approved and numerous technology advancements have been made that may directly or indirectly affect the future of the systems being proposed. For example, when the TWIC ASI grant was proposed, the intent was to add biometric readers where they were not available in the Brunswick terminals. Since then, the TWIC program has changed rendering all existing TWIC readers obsolete. It may also be in the best interest of GPA to upgrade or replace the existing AMAG ACS to accommodate changes in the TWIC program. Since these and other system issues were not anticipated when these grants were awarded, GPA may be required to purchase additional systems or request federal grants to do so. This section will be used to identify those needs and associated costs. As mentioned earlier in this document, GPA must replace all TWIC readers in all four terminals. GPA will not choose a different solution for this project than shall be used in Savannah; thus, this RFP will be used to make the overall system selection. For this reason, it is requested that vendors reply to this section with as much detail as possible to allow selections to be made.</p><p>214.1 Option 1: Access Control System</p><p>215.0 GPA currently has in place an ACS with biometric readers provided by AMAG. The biometric system has never been used except for trial runs on the server room. The AMAG ACS was put in place prior to the release of the final TWIC rules, which ultimately rendered all the biometric readers obsolete for TWIC purposes. </p><p>216.0 Prior to the release of the final TWIC design that included the encrypted templates, GPA requested grant funds to be used to add TWIC readers to their Brunswick facilities that would be tied into the ACS managed at GCT. Using the TWIC ASI grant, GPA is purchasing several handheld and fixed TWIC readers; however, GPA currently does not have a working TWIC ACS. Rather than risk buying readers for the Brunswick facilities per the TWIC ASI grant described in section 5 that may not work with an upgraded or replaced ACS, GPA has made a request through the Port Security Grant Process for additional funding to replace all biometric readers at all the terminals in which GPA operates. If awarded, these funds may be used to upgrade or replace existing infrastructure for the ACS as well as biometric readers. This option is designed to allow GPA to select the system that best meets their long- term TWIC/biometric requirements and choosing that system now allows the GPA to move forward on the vendor selection necessary under section 5.</p><p>216.1.1 Overview. Currently, GPA has a home-grown visitor ACS that interacts with the AMAG system. Additionally, the enrollment system uses off-the-shelf hardware, but home-grown software to make inputs into the access control database used by AMAG. This is due in part to the inability of the AMAG system to collect and store all the data GPA requires as part of their access control enrollment system. Due to the changes in the final version of the 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 62 of 110 TWIC federal requirements, the AMAG system must be reviewed to ensure its compatibility with any TWIC biometric card readers that are proposed for this RFP. Therefore, this alternate bid is an opportunity for all access control vendors to provide a bid on the upgrade or replacement of the entire ACS used throughout all four terminals operated by GPA.</p><p>216.1.2 Subsystems. Any proposed ACS shall provide a complete visitor control system; a complete enrollment system that meets all TWIC requirements; TWIC readers that are vetted by DHS and included on the ICE list; and an access control backend that operates privately owned vehicle (POV) Gates, building doors, mantraps, wireless devices, fuel farms, elevators and other security measures that may be deemed appropriate; and is integrated with the NAVIS terminal operating system to control truck access to the terminals. The ACS should not require software code written specifically for GPA; yet, the standard software code provided should provide complete enterprise functionality to control and allow access in numerous ways into numerous facilities and all controlled from one system located in the GCT Admin Building.</p><p>216.1.3 Fence Detection System. GPA has a fence detection system that covers significant portions of all four operational terminals, shown in Appendix 16. The fence detection system provided by Magal Senstar is currently linked to the AMAG system with dry contacts. In addition to the fence detection system, there are numerous perimeter cameras in place that are also linked to the AMAG system so that any detection from the Magal Senstar fence detection system will automatically cause a screen pop in the camera monitoring room of the appropriate camera looking in the direction of the detection. By integrating the fence detection system into AMAG, GPA lost Magal Senstar’s capability to detect wind and other issues to reduce the number of false alarms. Any proposal submitted shall include a recommendation regarding the integration of the fence detection systems with the proposed ACS, either directly or through a command-and-control module. </p><p>216.1.4 Existing System. The current AMAG Security management –Enterprise Edition Program Version 5.0.0 (6081) and Database Version 5.0.1 (6081). Appendix 9 provides a list of all ACS readers currently installed. </p><p>216.1.5 Budget. The budget for this project is $1,208,000. Bidders that cannot complete the project within this budget should place some portions of the project in a separate option. See Section 6.7 for more information. Bidders shall ensure their bids for the ACS do not exceed the budgeted amount. 217.0</p><p>217.1 Option 2: Lowlight/Thermal Detection and Response</p><p>217.1.1 The CI Terminal has had several target hardening and layered protection measures installed on the landside and has had a grant approved to add waterside cameras. However, due to two recent intrusions at the GPA 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 63 of 110 (Georgia Ports Authority) it has become clear that detecting potential intruders on the outside of the fences or within the terminal is of great importance. This project would provide thermal detection cameras that can detect individuals and heat producing equipment during low light periods or through vegetation. These cameras would be coupled with interoperable radios and laptops in the patrol cars to monitor the potential intruder location as officers respond to the incident. </p><p>217.1.2 Waterways and thick underbrush and trees that cannot be removed (wetlands) surround the terminal at CI (see picture in Appendix 13). Consequently, it provides easy concealment for someone to enter from a small boat or swimming and wait until security personnel have moved away. From such a vantage point, a small arms attack could be launched or IED's could be planted with the intent to blow up the critical infrastructure of the grain facility (highly explosive grain dust), docks, or even a ship alongside the docks. Furthermore, there could be concealment from thousands of cars from the fence to the critical infrastructure targets for the armed intruder. Therefore, thermal cameras that could locate hidden people or the engines of boats behind the tree/brush line outside the fence or hidden among the thousands of cars or in the trees in the wetland areas within the fence could help prevent a terrorist attack. These cameras would extend the perimeters and allow more time for interdiction to assess the threat and call for additional resources to protect port assets and personnel. </p><p>217.1.3 In critical areas, four thermal cameras would be fixed mounted with pan-tilt- zoom (PTZ) capabilities along with monitoring capabilities from inside the guardhouse, patrol vehicles, or at the central monitoring station at GPA headquarters. To increase the probability of detection, analytic software loaded on a server will be added to automatically alert on-duty guards to an impending threat. Monitors will be placed in a new guardhouse being built by GPA. An audible alarm will be used as well as “screen pops” to ensure the guard’s attention is immediately placed upon the cameras. Rewind/review capabilities as well as 30-day recordings shall also ensure guards have the ability to review the visual data to find other clues regarding any such attempt, probe, or ongoing activity. </p><p>217.1.4 At least one of the cameras will be handheld to allow a visual search once a patrol officer gets on-scene. Furthermore, a vehicle-mounted camera may be purchased to allow the patrolman search capability from a higher vantage than a sitting or standing position at eye level. This may be critical to see over the berms, parked automobiles, or from distances during an ongoing chase.</p><p>217.1.5 Rugged, laptop computers mounted in the patrol cars that are connected wirelessly (previous grant) shall be used to ensure responding officers know where to find the perpetrators. Without some visual reference, responding officers may not be able to see and find hidden personnel in the dark. Once TWIC reader specifications are finalized, the laptops can have readers attached to verify TWIC credentials on terminal or as mobile readers due to 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 64 of 110 heavy gate demand.</p><p>217.1.6 The public service band interoperable radios will allow the officers to communicate not only with the GPA Port Police in Brunswick but directly with the GPA Port Police and the monitoring station at GPA headquarters in Savannah, Georgia. In addition, these radios are interoperable with the local first responders and some north Florida areas to two counties deep along the entire coast of Georgia to southern areas of South Carolina. These radios leverage other GPA grants, DHS Interoperable grants, DHS State grants, and Assistance to Firefighters grants. </p><p>217.1.7 The video stream would be available at no of cost to Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies for MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness) information sharing and gathering as well as other qualified stakeholders. The USCG currently receives Savannah video feeds and could receive the new feeds of these thermal PTZ cameras as well. GPA has two representatives on the Glynn County Emergency Management Committee and is a member of the Coastal Georgia Strategic Alliance. The Alliance is a regional cooperative group of ten local law enforcement agencies comprised of Federal, State, and local agencies to further law enforcement in Southeast Georgia. </p><p>217.1.8 Budget. The budget for this project is $435,000. Bidders that cannot complete the project within this budget should place some portions of the project in a separate option. See Section 6.7 for more information. Bidders shall ensure their bids for the Lowlight/Thermal Detection and Response option do not exceed the budgeted amount. 218.0</p><p>218.1 Option 3: Command and Control System. </p><p>219.0 Unfortunately, the proliferation of monitoring systems including multiple camera systems, ACS’s and perimeter detection systems are causing significant issues related to the monitoring and control of the systems and subsequent dispatch of police officers. Therefore, any system proposed under this alternate method should include a plan for integration into the camera monitoring room. It is desired that camera monitoring room operators should be able to operate all systems under one command-and-control system including access control, automatic screen pops from the SRIN and CIIN or any other system of cameras throughout the terminals operated by GPA.</p><p>219.1Option 4: Remaining SRIN Components Including Radar, Cameras and Other Equipment</p><p>220.0 The main purpose of this RFP is to field certain systems through the port security grant process. Those funds are limited and the approved grants have fixed dollar amounts. Thus, to complete a system that provides the needed security levels; GPA may have to field additional equipment or subsystems through the use of 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 65 of 110 their own funds or through future grant applications. Where proposed systems above exceed the amount available in the existing grants, this option or others below should be used to identify what other equipment is recommended, what the additional equipment will provide in terms of enhanced security, and what the cost is to add this equipment to the proposed systems now or in the future (note that may be a different cost). The requirements for this section are the same as those for the systems to which this equipment will be added, i.e., SRIN. 221.0 222.0 The current concepts for the SRIN and CIIN are camera-based solutions only; however, it is the desire that if radar is not a part of the proposed solutions, they will be added later due to the additional clarity they bring to maritime domain awareness. Thus, those proposals that want to include radar now or in the future should provide that information in this section. Also, independent radar- producing companies are encouraged to describe and price your technology here so GPA can apply for future grants. 223.0 223.1Option 5: Remaining CIIN Components Including Radar, Cameras and Other Equipment</p><p>224.0 This option is similar to Option 4 except it is dedicated to the CIIN.</p><p>224.1 Option 6: Connect Existing Cameras/Systems to New Systems Proposed. 225.0 226.0 More than 125 cameras already exist on GPA facilities and it is the desire of GPA to eventually route all cameras and sensors through one command and control system. Under this option, bidders shall determine the best way to move the existing equipment to the systems proposed to operate the new security systems being fielded. A list of existing systems can be found in Appendix 17 and their fields of view in Appendix 18. 227.0 227.1.1 Minimize Downtime. During any transition, downtime of security or operational systems shall be minimized. 228.0 228.1.1 Operational Seats. Since many of the cameras to be moved over are for primarily operational purposes, additional personnel shall be given the capability to operate and control certain aspects of the system. These personnel will not be located in the camera monitoring center. 229.0 229.1 Option 7: Unsolicited. 230.0 231.0The bidder shall use option 7 to propose any additional equipment or systems to GPA as part of solicited systems or stand-alone systems. If the bidder proposes more than one system, each one should be numbered consecutively following number 7.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 66 of 110 232.0 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROCEDURES 233.0 233.1Release of Request for Proposal 234.0 235.0 This RFP is being issued to firms deemed to be potentially qualified to act as Contractor to GPA for the acquisition, design, implementation, commissioning, and maintenance support of the proposed systems. 236.0 236.1Notice of Intent to Propose 237.0 238.0 A Notice of Intent to Propose and registration for the mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference is required in accordance with the deadline shown in the RFP Timetable in Section 1.7. The Notice of Intent to Propose and complete contact information should be sent by fax, mail, or e-mail (preferred) to: 239.0 240.0 Mr. Scott H. Rasplicka 241.0 IT Department 242.0 Georgia Ports Authority 243.0 P.O. Box 2406 244.0 Savannah, GA 31402 245.0 Fax: (912) 964-3815 246.0 E-mail: [email protected] 247.0 247.1Pre-Proposal Conference 248.0 A mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 1000 EST Eastern Standard Time at the following location in accordance with the RFP Timetable found in Section RFP Timetable. 249.0 250.0 Georgia Ports Authority 251.0 Garden City Terminal 252.0 GPA Administration Building Board Room 253.0 Main Street 254.0 Garden City, GA 31408 255.0 256.0 The purpose of this Conference is to discuss the requirements and objectives of this RFP. GPA staff and representatives will attempt to answer all questions submitted prior to and during the conference. A summary of all questions and answers, as well as a list of attendees, will be made available in the form of an addendum and will be forwarded to all companies that filed a notice of intent to propose in accordance with Section 7.2. 257.0 258.0 Tours of the Savannah GPA facilities will be conducted immediately following the Pre-Proposal Conference. Tours of the Brunswick GPA facilities will be conducted at 0900 EST the following day. 259.0 259.1Contact for Inquiries</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 67 of 110 260.0 261.0 Any questions regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing to the GPA’s sole contact person in accordance with Section 1.6. The contact person in Section 1.6 is the only individual that can be contacted about the project by Bidders before proposals are submitted. The contact MUST be in writing by letter, fax, or e-mail. The department contact cannot vary the terms of the RFP. 262.0 262.1Last Date to Submit Written Questions 263.0 All questions regarding this RFP must be received at GPA by 1700 EST on the date shown in the RFP Timetable in Section 1.7. Inquiries received after that date and time will not be considered. All questions and GPA responses will be made available to all bidders in the form of an addendum and will be forwarded to all companies that file a notice of intent to propose in accordance with Section 7.2. Responses to questions will be provided no later than the date shown in the RFP Timetable in Section 1.7. 264.0 264.1Proposal Due Date, Time, and Location 265.0 GPA must receive responses to this RFP no later than 1600 EST on the date specified in the RFP Timetable in Section 1.7. Proposals should be submitted to: 266.0 267.0 Lisa Lansford 268.0 Georgia Ports Authority 269.0 Purchasing Department 270.0 2 Main Street 271.0 Garden City, GA 31408 272.0 273.0 Note that the United States postal Service does not deliver to the physical location. USPS mail should be sent to P.O. Box 2406, Savannah, GA 31402. Mail sent to this address will not be counted as received until it is picked up and delivered to the Purchasing Department. To ensure your delivery on time, it is recommended that bidders us FedEx, UPS or some other delivery service that delivers to the physical address. 274.0 275.0 The proposals will be opened publicly at the date and time specified in the RFP Timetable in Section RFP Timetable. Any proposals received after the time stipulated will not be considered. Proposals must be responsive to all aspects of this RFP. 276.0 276.1Bid Bond </p><p>277.0 A bid bond and a payment and performance guarantee shall be included as separate line items in the cost details. 278.0 278.1.1 A Bid Bond or check in the amount of 10% of the value of the base proposal shall be required from each bidder. The Bid Bond will guarantee the bidder’s bid including their ability to obtain a payment and performance bond, which will be required prior to executing a contact.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 68 of 110 279.0 279.1.1 A payment and performance bond will be required prior to issuance of a contract in accordance with Section Performance Bond and Payment Bond.. The cost for said bond shall be factored into the proposal. 280.0 280.1Bid Opening</p><p>281.0 The opening of bids will be open to the public; but prices and documents will not be made available to the public. The bid opening will take place in the GPA Admin Building at the GCT at 1600 EST on the date identified in the RFP Timetable in Section RFP Timetable. Discussions with vendors concerning the status of their proposal will not be made until a contract with one of the vendors is signed. GPA reserves the right to have discussions with vendors regarding their proposal if needed to aid in the selection process. 282.0 282.1Contract Award</p><p>283.0 Proposals must remain open and valid for up to 90 days from the proposal due date, unless the time for awarding the contract is extended by mutual consent of GPA and bidder. All proposals submitted will become the property of the GPA and will not be returned. 284.0 284.1Base Bid, Options and Marginal Costs </p><p>285.0 All bidders shall submit a bid on the base document and then for each option as outlined in the following subsections. Bidders may also submit as many additional options as desired. Each bidder must respond to every option with a $0 bid, an additive bid or a deductive bid. For bidders that want to submit a bid on only a small subsystem, the base bid may be $0. If an alternative technology is proposed in lieu of the technologies identified in the following Section, then the bid is treated as a base bid. 286.0 286.1.1 Base Bid. The base bid shall be based on designing and installing the following items:  The SRIN.  The CIIN.  TWIC ASI. 286.1.2 Options. The following options shall be included in the proposal even if they are all no bids ($0). Each option shall be singularly inclusive. In other words, if option 5 requires the components in option 2 to work: the components in option 2 must be included in option 5. Do not assume that proposal evaluators will know to add option 2 and option 5 to determine the total cost of option 5. Each option must stand-alone. Systems or subsystems being proposed that are not identified in this RFP shall be listed as an unsolicited option identified in contiguous order starting with Option 7. For each option offered, the bidder shall provide a thorough description and general operating</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 69 of 110 characteristics while keeping the detail and responses consistent with the level of detail provided in the responses to the overall RFP. </p><p> Option 1. Upgrade or replace the AMAG ACS.</p><p> Option 2. Low Light/Thermal Detection and Response</p><p> Option 3. Command and Control System</p><p> Option 4. Install radar, cameras and other equipment to improve the effectiveness of the SRIN.</p><p> Option 5. Install radar, cameras and other equipment to improve the effectiveness of the CIIN.</p><p> Option 6. Connect all other (operational) camera equipment to new system.</p><p> Option 7. This should be used as the first unsolicited option offered by the bidder.</p><p>286.1.3 Marginal Cost. Over time, it is hoped that GPA will move existing cameras to a single control and monitoring system as well as add more cameras and sensors to the SRIN and CIIN. To aid GPA in estimating the added cost of bringing new equipment on-line or moving existing cameras to these systems, bidders shall provide a marginal price per unit estimate for proposed subsystem equipment. The quote should include the cost of installation. Also indicate at what point, if any, additional infrastructure may be needed. For example, 30 cameras are purchased as part of this contract and over time 10 more are added. But at 45 total units, an additional server is needed. These breakpoints should be identified to allow GPA to plan future growth.</p><p>286.2Proposal Format and Submission Requirements</p><p>287.0 Technical Proposals shall be typewritten, using 12-point font, on standard 8.5” x 11” paper, with material on one side only. Foldouts containing charts, spreadsheets, and oversized exhibits are permissible as long as they are packaged with the proposal. The proposal shall be placed in a three-ring binder with tabs separating the major sections in accordance with the table of contents listed below. The pages in the proposal shall be numbered consecutively within each section, showing proposal section number and page number. A compact disk shall also be included with each binder with a copy of all information in the binder on the disk in accordance with Section Electronic Copies. Technical Proposals shall also be provided in electronic format, including all figures, handouts, and attachments. Each proposal binder shall include one compact disk on which the entire technical proposal is recorded. Acceptable formats for electronic files include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Adobe Acrobat (PDF). Any non-standard formats, such as Picture Viewer, must include viewing software on the CD-ROM that allows viewing on a standard computer</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 70 of 110 running Microsoft Windows XP or higher. below. 288.0 288.1.1 Technical Proposal. The Technical proposal shall be submitted using a format that follows the table of contents shown below. If the bidder does not have any information for a particular tab, such as an option; the tab should be included with a single sheet stating the bidder is not submitting data. Written copies shall be submitted in accordance with Section Written Copies. Twenty (20) copies of the proposal shall be submitted in addition to one original, marked “Original”. below. 289.0 290.0 Cover Page 291.0 Table of Contents 292.0 Tab 1 Cover Letter 293.0 Tab 2 Executive Summary 294.0 Tab 3 Firm Background, Principal Officers, and Prior Experience 295.0 Tab 4 SRIN Functional & Technical Description 296.0 Tab 5 CIIN Functional & Technical Description 297.0 Tab 6 TWIC ASI Functional & Technical Description 298.0 Tab 7 Option 1 ACS Functional & Technical Description 299.0 Tab 8 Option 2 Low Light Thermal System Functional & Technical Description 300.0 Tab 9 Option 3 Command & Control System Functional & Technical Description 301.0 Tab 10 Option 4 Additional SRIN Equipment Functional & Technical Description 302.0 Tab 11 Option 5 Additional CIIN Equipment Functional & Technical Description 303.0 Tab 12 Option 6 Integrate Additional Systems Functional & Technical Description 304.0 Tab 13 Option 7 Bidder’s Unsolicited Options Functional & Technical Description 305.0 Tab 14 Operational Requirements 306.0 Tab 15 GPA Support Requirements 307.0 Tab 16 Commissioning 308.0 Tab 17 Training 309.0 Tab 18 Proposed Schedule 310.0 Tab 19 References 311.0 Tab 20 Concluding Remarks 312.0 313.0 313.1.1 Cost Proposal. The cost proposal shall be submitted in a separate envelope using the form found in Appendix 9. Written copies shall be submitted in accordance with Section Written Copies. Twenty (20) copies of the proposal shall be submitted in addition to one original, marked “Original”. below. One CD-ROM shall be provided with a copy of the completed Excel Spreadsheet. The form provided in Appendix 9 is an Excel file to be used for the submission of the 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 71 of 110 electronic copy. 314.0 314.1.1 Written Copies. Twenty (20) copies of the proposal shall be submitted in addition to one original, marked “Original”. 315.0 315.1.1 Electronic Copies. Technical Proposals shall also be provided in electronic format, including all figures, handouts, and attachments. Each proposal binder shall include one compact disk on which the entire technical proposal is recorded. Acceptable formats for electronic files include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Adobe Acrobat (PDF). Any non-standard formats, such as Picture Viewer, must include viewing software on the CD-ROM that allows viewing on a standard computer running Microsoft Windows XP or higher. 316.0 316.1.1 Non-Compliance. Submittals that are not in compliance with the format requirements will be downgraded accordingly and may be rejected. 317.0 317.1Technical Proposal Content</p><p>318.0 Technical Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the format defined in this section. Proposals not submitted in this format may be deemed as unresponsive. 319.0 319.1.1 Cover Page. The Cover Page must include the RFP number, title, and the complete vendor name, mailing address, and web address. Include the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person that GPA should contact regarding the proposal. 320.0 320.1.1 Table of Contents. The Table of Contents shall include an index of the proposal contents, figures, and attachments. 321.0 321.1.1 Tab 1: Cover Letter. Proposals shall include a cover letter signed by a vendor representative authorized to make contractual obligations and should include the bidder’s corporate seal. 322.0 323.0 Proposals shall confirm that the organization will comply with all the provisions of this RFP, and include a statement describing any potential conflict of interest. Any exceptions to the GPA’s general terms and conditions should also be discussed in the statement. 324.0 324.1.1 Tab 2: Executive Summary. The proposal shall include an executive summary of two (2) pages or less describing the bidder’s approach to the work, understanding of the project goals and objectives, and demonstrated insight to the project’s potential problems and special concerns. 325.0 325.1.1 Tab 3: Firm Background, Principal Officers, and Prior Experience. This section should state the full name and address of the bidder’s organization and identify the parent company if the bidder is a subsidiary. Specify the</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 72 of 110 branch office or other subordinate element, which will perform or assist in performing this work. Indicate whether the bidder operates as a corporation, partnership, or individual. Include the State in which the bidder is incorporated and/or licensed to operate, the date of incorporation or licensing. 326.0 327.0 Provide a brief history of the company, including number of employees and a list of locations, and explanation of the company’s corporate vision. 328.0 329.0 In the event that a consortium, joint venture, or team submits a proposal, it shall not be considered responsive unless it is established that all contractual responsibilities rest solely with one Contractor or legal entity, which shall not be a subsidiary or affiliate with limited resources. Each proposal shall indicate the entity responsible for execution on behalf of the team. 330.0 331.0 Provide a listing of the principle officers of the company or companies responding. Also provide a listing and resumes of key employees, such as the project manager, who will lead the project team, to include name, title, job function, and length of experience with the bidding organization. Include information regarding similar projects on which they have worked and the capacity in which they have worked on the referenced projects. Identify the level of authority each person listed will have regarding the project. 332.0 333.0 Address the company’s financial situation. Indicate if the company is involved in any pending litigation or claims and any material liens or judgments against the company. Acknowledge if the company or any of its subsidiaries have filed for bankruptcy. Financial statements, background credit reports, and other material should be used to support the bidder’s assertions. 334.0 334.1.1 Tab 4: SRIN Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.2 Tab 5: CIIN Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.3 Tab 6: TWIC ASI Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.4 Tab 7: Option 1 ACS Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 73 of 110 outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.5 Tab 8: Option 2 Low Light Thermal System Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.6 Tab 9: Option 3 Command and Control System Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.7 Tab 10: Option 4 Additional SRIN Equipment Functional & Technical Description. It is likely that SRIN requirements will cause a complete design to exceed budget limitations. It is the desire of GPA to know what future cost lie ahead to complete the system if it cannot be completed now. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the remaining components of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.8 Tab 11: Option 5 Additional CIIN Equipment Functional & Technical Description. It is likely that CIIN requirements will cause a complete design to exceed budget limitations. It is the desire of GPA to know what future cost lie ahead to complete the system if it cannot be completed now. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of the remaining components of the proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>334.1.9 Tab 12: Option 6 Integrate Existing Systems Functional & Technical Description. GPA already has over 125 cameras in place throughout four terminals. Over time, GPA shall integrate all sensors into a single system. Interested bidders shall submit a plan for moving existing systems to the base platforms being proposed elsewhere in their proposal. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe how these existing systems and components can be reorganized and reused to enhance security and operations functionality. </p><p>334.1.10 Tab 13: Option 7 Bidder’s Unsolicited Options Functional & Technical Description. This section shall be used by the bidder to describe the functionality of all unsolicited proposed system outlining in detail the system features, options, and/or alternatives as well as the technical aspects and operation of the proposed system. </p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 74 of 110 334.1.11 Tab 14: Operational Requirements. This section shall be used by the bidder to compare the expected operational characteristics of the proposed system(s) to the operational requirements identified in Section 2 of the RFP. An excel form has been provided in Appendix 8 that shall be completed and inserted under Tab 14. 335.0 336.0 For each requirement, responders shall determine whether the requirement is applicable to their proposed systems and if so, whether and to what degree their system design will meet the requirement. If the design will not meet the requirement, responders shall describe the conditions under which the requirement cannot be met and why. 337.0 338.0 If the requirement applies to multiple subsystems, the bidder shall identify what part of the requirement applies to them and how well they can meet their part. Further description of any design criteria for the other subsystem to help meet the overall requirement should be mentioned to ensure proper selection of vendors for the other subsystem. In other words, every effort will be made by GPA to marry vendors and subsystem designs that can work together to meet the overall requirements. 339.0 340.0 Finally, if a requirement cannot be met due to physical or financial constraints, bidders shall explain why the requirement is unreasonable and how the requirement should be modified to be obtainable. If accepted by GPA, the modified requirement shall become a part of the contract. 341.0 341.1.1 Tab 15: GPA Support Requirements. In the appendices, information related to existing GPA infrastructure has been provided to lay the foundation for adding additional subsystems. Additional infrastructure will be needed for each subsystem to be added. However, in many cases, some or all of infrastructure needed may already exist nearby. For example, if power or data is needed, look for a nearby building. If just power is needed, look for utility poles. If data is needed near the perimeter, dark fiber may be available without significant effort. Appendix 14 identifies the current location of fiber on the terminals. 342.0 343.0 In this section of the proposal, define any infrastructure requirements that GPA must provide to support the bidder’s subsystem such as power, new towers, buildings, etc. Provide all the information necessary for GPA to determine the cost to provide the necessary infrastructure. Be as specific as possible. For example, 120V, 10 Amp circuit at this location or 1 GB Ethernet access to the network at this location, etc. Any estimates, or even an alternative proposal may be given to help GPA evaluate the cost of providing the infrastructure. If bidders prefer to supply their own infrastructure, include data regarding intended tie-ins to existing data and power systems in this section. 344.0 344.1.1 Tab 16: Commissioning. This section will be used to outline the testing and</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 75 of 110 commissioning plans as described in section Post Installation Testing and Commissioning: Post Installation Testing and Commissioning. 345.0 345.1.1 Tab 17: Training. Employee training is critical to the smooth operation of these systems. In this section, bidders shall describe the training programs recommended and offered in their proposal. All aspects of training should be discussed from hands-on to classroom training. Include descriptions of the amount of time, materials, and locations as well as why different programs are necessary, mandatory or optional. Also segregate initial from follow-on training and on-site from off-site training. At a minimum, include the following training categories (others may be substituted or combined if they fit better with technology):  Administrator Training: Describe the training program for the system administrators.  Trainer Training: Describe train-the-trainer programs.  Maintenance Training: Describe maintenance training programs.  Security Training: Describe training programs related to security.  User Training: Describe training to be provided for system users/operators as applicable. 345.1.2 Tab 18: Proposed Schedule. This section shall begin with a description of the bidder’s approach to project management and how the bidder will manage the installation of the proposed system(s). 346.0 347.0 A detailed schedule for the installation of the subsystem shall be provided in the form of a chart or equivalent display. Bidder’s can assume that a contract notice to proceed will be provided by GPA in accordance with the RFP Timetable in Section 1.7. Include in the schedule all key operations including, but not limited to, engineering and design, key component installations, subsystem integrations, system commissioning, training, etc. Tasks shall be clearly identified as to whether they are the responsibility of the bidder or GPA. Any site preparation and utility infrastructure requirements to be completed by GPA must be included on the schedule. The schedule shall also mark all tasks on the critical path in red. 348.0 349.0 Finally, describe the three worst problems the bidder has faced on similar projects, how the issues were resolved, the effects on the schedule, and how to avoid similar issues in the future. 350.0 350.1.1 Tab 19: References. This section shall be used by the bidder to list a minimum of three (3) references. At least one of the references should be a comparable system where the system is operational. The bidder should include the following minimum information for each system referenced: 351.0  Company Name and Address  Contact Individual, Title, and Phone Number 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 76 of 110  System Description  Major differences between the installed system(s) and the proposed system(s)  System Hardware and Software configuration  Date of system installation 352.0 352.1.1 Tab 20: Concluding Remarks. This section shall contain any bidder elaboration regarding software philosophy, hardware architecture, or additional information that the bidder believes will provide a clear understanding of the proposed system and/or the bidder’s capabilities. 353.0 354.0 354.1Proposal Evaluation 355.0 356.0 The technical proposal and the cost proposal shall be reviewed and evaluated separately by two different groups within GPA. The technical evaluation team consists of IT and security personnel along with certain senior managers. The cost proposal team consists of grant writing, finance and purchasing personnel along with certain senior managers. A consultant will lead the teams and manage the overall project; but, he does not vote on bid selections. 357.0 357.1.1 Combined Evaluation. The technical proposal and the cost proposal shall be evaluated separately. The scores of each proposal shall then be combined to form a total grade that can be used to numerically rank each proposal. 358.0 358.1.1.1 Sixty percent of the grade shall be determined by the technical proposal and forty percent shall come from the cost proposal. 359.0 359.1.1.1 The technical grade shall be determined based on the criteria in Section Technical Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation of the technical proposal includes, but is not limited to: below in accordance with the weights in Section Technical Evaluation Weights. As shown above, the evaluation team will have a number of aspects to evaluate. To complete this task, a weighted system shall be used to make comparisons amongst the bidders.. 360.0 360.1.1.1 The financial evaluation and the technical evaluation will then be combined to arrive at a total rating for each proposal. This combined rating will be used to reduce the number of proposers to a manageable number. The bidders of the top proposals will be invited to make oral presentations to the evaluation teams. 361.0 361.1.1 Technical Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation of the technical proposal includes, but is not limited to: 362.0 A. Meets Requirements. Each proposal will be evaluated on how well the requirements of this RFP are met. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 77 of 110 363.0 B. Added Value. Each proposal will be evaluated on perceived added value the bidder can offer to GPA not otherwise contemplated in this RFP. 364.0 C. Technical Approach. The details of the proposed technology will be compared to other existing or pending technologies to evaluate how GPA benefits from the proposed technology, e.g. superior life cycle analysis, upgradeability, early obsolescence issues, etc. 365.0 D. Project Management. The experience of the Bidder in overall project management for projects of similar scope and size will be evaluated. Training and certification in project management will also be considered. 366.0 E. References. The results of interviews with reference sites will be weighed into the proposal evaluation. 367.0 F. Prior Performance in a Sea Port Environment. The success of the bidder in similar projects in a seaport environment will be considered. 368.0 G. Commissioning, Support, Training, and Documentation. The bidder’s responses to section 7.12.18 detailing what they will offer in this area will be evaluated. 369.0 H. Maintenance Plan. The bidder’s maintenance plan shall be evaluated on labor intensity and ease (skills involved as well as the ease of administration). Bidders who receive higher ratings in this category are those who demonstrate a proven track record of maintaining systems once installed, whose plans appear complete and realistic, and whose maintenance practices can be done with the fewest number of people with lower level skill sets. 370.0 371.0 372.0 372.1.1 Technical Evaluation Weights. As shown above, the evaluation team will have a number of aspects to evaluate. To complete this task, a weighted system shall be used to make comparisons amongst the bidders. The technical evaluation will be based on the technical merits of the proposals and weighted in accordance to the following criteria found in Table 4 below.</p><p>373.0</p><p>374. 375.0Criteria 376.0Wei 0 ght 377. 378.0Meets Requirements 379.040 0 % A 380. 381.0Added Value 382.015</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 78 of 110 B % 383. 384.0Technical Approach 385.05% 0 C 386. 387.0Project Management 388.05% 0 D 389. 390.0References 391.010 0 % E 392. 393.0Prior Performance in a Sea Port Environment 394.010 0 % F 395. 396.0Commissioning, Support, Training, and 397.010 0 Documentation % G 398. 399.0Maintenance Plan 400.05% 0 H 401.0</p><p>402.0Table 4: Technical Evaluation Criteria</p><p>403.0</p><p>403.1.1 Technical Evaluation Rating. Criteria shall be evaluated in accordance with Table 5 below and the weights assigned to each criteria found in Table 4 above: 404.0 405.0Rating 406.0 40 408.0Exc 409.0Exceeds the requirements of the criterion significantly and 7. elle in very beneficial ways / very desirable 0 nt 1</p><p>41 411.0Ver 412.0Exceeds the requirements of the criterion in ways which 0. y are beneficial to our needs 0 Goo 9 d 41 414.0Goo 415.0Exceeds the requirements of the criterion but in a manner 3. d which is not particularly beneficial to our needs 0 8 41 417.0 418.0Fully meets the requirements of the criterion 6. 0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 79 of 110 7 41 420.0Ave 421.0Adequately meets most of the requirements of the 9. rage criterion; May be lacking in some areas that are not critical 0 6 42 423.0 424.0Barely meets most of the requirements of the criterion to 2. the minimum acceptable level; May be lacking in some of 0 the areas that are not critical 5 42 426.0Poo 427.0Addresses most, but not all of the requirements of the 5. r criterion to the minimum acceptable level; Lacking in 0 critical area 4 42 429.0 430.0Poor to very poor 8. 0 3 43 432.0Ver 433.0Minimally addresses some, but not all, of the requirements 1. y of the criterion; Lacking in critical areas 0 Poo 2 r 43 435.0 436.0Very poor to unsatisfactory 4. 0 1 43 438.0 439.0Does not satisfy the requirements of the criterion in any 7. manner 0 0 440.0 441.0Table 5: Technical Evaluation Rating 442.0 443.0 443.1.1 Cost Proposal Evaluation. A financial evaluation shall rank each proposal on a point system. Points shall be awarded based on the following criteria: 444.0 444.1.1.1 The initial cost shall be compared to the available grant funding. 445.0 445.1.1.1 GPA will consider each proposal based on the predicted total cost of ownership (TCO) over a ten-year period. 446.0 446.1.1.1 GPA must ensure the bidder is capable of completing the job once selected and will rank bidders based on financial viability. Organizations that are strong financially with good product lines and have a good management team in place will receive higher ratings in this category. It is important to GPA that the vendors 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 80 of 110 stay in business and are capable of supporting GPA for many years to come with ongoing research and development, constantly improving and developing new product lines to help keep GPA in the lead with productivity and (low) cost. 447.0 447.1.1 Cost Evaluation Weights. The following criteria shall be evaluated and the weights assigned to each criteria per Table 6 below: 448.0 449. 450.0Criteria 451.0Wei 0 ght 452. 453.0Initial cost for Installation 454.050 0 % A 455. 456.0Total Cost of Ownership Over 10 Years 457.030 0 % B 458. 459.0Contractor Organization and Financial Viability 460.020 0 % D 461.0 462.0 Table 6: Cost Evaluation Weights 463.0 463.1.1 Financial Point System. Each system shall be assigned points separately. The company with the lowest cost for each line item will be assigned 100 points. The line item for each company will then be compared to the lowest bid for each line item and a relative ranking will be assigned. For example, if company X bid $100,000 for a particular line item; as low bidder, they will receive 100 points for that item. The next company that bid $110,000 will receive 90 points because they are 10% higher than the low bidder. The points for each line item shall then be multiplied by a weight factor in accordance with Table 6 above to receive total points. 464.0 464.1.1 Right to Waive Formalities. GPA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive any formalities, and/or divide any project into sub-projects. 465.0 465.1Final Offers 466.0 Depending on the quantity and quality of the proposals received, GPA may request Best and Final Offers and/or oral presentations. In each subsequent stage, GPA will only invite those bidders who are under consideration following the previous round of evaluation. During subsequent stages, if deemed necessary by GPA, additional questions, requirements, data, cost details, etc. may be required as part of the follow-on bid package. 467.0</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 81 of 110 468.0 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</p><p>468.1Specifications.</p><p>469.0 The specifications in this request are the minimum acceptable. When specific manufacturer and model numbers are used, they are to establish a design, type of construction, quality, functional capability and/or performance level desired. When alternates are bid/proposed, they must be identified by manufacturer, stock number, and such other information necessary to establish equivalency. GPA shall be the sole judge of equivalency. Bidders/bidders are cautioned to avoid bidding alternates to the specifications that may result in rejection of their bid/proposal.</p><p>469.1Deviations and Exceptions.</p><p>470.0 Deviations and exceptions from original text, terms, conditions, or specifications shall be described fully, on the bidder's/bidder's letterhead, signed, and attached to the request. In the absence of such statement, the bid/proposal shall be accepted as in strict compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications and the bidders/bidders shall be held liable.</p><p>470.1Quality.</p><p>471.0 Unless otherwise indicated in the request, all material shall be first quality. Items that are used, demonstrators, obsolete, seconds, or which have been discontinued are unacceptable without prior written approval by GPA.</p><p>471.1Quantities.</p><p>472.0 The quantities shown on this request are based on estimated needs. The GPA reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities to meet actual needs.</p><p>472.1Delivery.</p><p>473.0 Deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination freight prepaid and included unless otherwise specified.</p><p>473.1Pricing and Discount.</p><p>474.0 Prices quoted in the proposal shall constitute a complete price for the work proposed, including the cost of labor, materials, taxes, transportation, subcontracts, permits, inspections, engineering, travel and other necessary expenses.</p><p>474.1.1 Unit Prices. Unit prices shown on the bid/proposal or contract shall be the price per unit of sale (e.g., gal., cs., doz., ea.) as stated on the request or contract. For any given item, the quantity multiplied by the unit price shall establish the extended price; the unit price shall govern in the bid/proposal evaluation and contract administration.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 82 of 110 474.1.2 Price Increases. Prices established in continuing agreements and term contracts may be lowered due to general market conditions, but prices shall not be subject to increase for ninety (90) calendar days from the date of award. Any increase proposed shall be submitted to the contracting agency thirty (30) calendar days before the proposed effective date of the price increase, and shall be limited to fully documented cost increases to the contractor, which are demonstrated to be industry-wide. The conditions under which price increases may be granted shall be expressed in bid/proposal documents and contracts or agreements. </p><p>474.1.3 Payment Discounts. In determination of award, discounts for early payment will only be considered when all other conditions are equal and when payment terms allow at least fifteen (15) days, providing the discount terms are deemed favorable. All payment terms must allow the option of net thirty (30). </p><p>474.2Acceptance-Rejection.</p><p>475.0 GPA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive any technicality in any bid/proposal submitted, and to accept any part of a bid/proposal as deemed to be in the best interests of GPA.</p><p>476.0 476.1.1 Bids/proposals MUST be date and time stamped by the soliciting Purchasing Department on or before the date and time that the bid/proposal is due. Bids/proposals date and time stamped in another office will be rejected. </p><p>476.1.2 Receipt of a bid/proposal by the mail system does not constitute receipt of a bid/proposal by the Purchasing Department.</p><p>476.2Method of Award.</p><p>477.0 Award shall be made to the bidder that provides a reasonably priced, responsive bid package deemed to be in the best long-term interest of GPA.</p><p>477.1Ordering. </p><p>478.0 Purchase orders shall be placed directly to the contractor. No other purchase orders are authorized.</p><p>478.1Payment Terms and Invoicing.</p><p>479.0 GPA normally will pay properly submitted vendor invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt providing goods and/or services have been delivered, installed (if required), and accepted as specified.</p><p>480.0 Invoices presented for payment must be submitted in accordance with instructions contained on the purchase order including reference to purchase order number and submittal to the correct address for processing.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 83 of 110 481.0 A good faith dispute creates an exception to prompt payment.</p><p>481.1Guaranteed Deliver.</p><p>482.0 Failure of the contractor to adhere to delivery schedules as specified or to promptly replace rejected materials shall render the contractor liable for all costs in excess of the contract price when alternate procurement is necessary. Excess costs shall include the administrative costs.</p><p>482.1Default. </p><p>483.0 In case of default of the contractor, the Georgia Ports Authority may procure the articles or service from other sources and hold the contractor responsible for any excess occasioned thereby.</p><p>483.1Fair Trade Pricing. </p><p>484.0 The Georgia Ports Authority is specifically exempted by law from all Fair Trade prices and will neither recognize nor honor any prices bid/quoted to it as such.</p><p>484.1Excise, Transportation and Sales Taxes. </p><p>485.0 The Georgia Ports Authority is exempt from excise taxes, including transportation and sales taxes and in no case shall such taxes be included in bid/quote prices: any applicable taxes must be shown as a separate item. Where applicable, tax exemption certificates will be furnished. However, the contractor will be required to pay taxes on any items purchased in accordance with local law.</p><p>485.1Sample Items. </p><p>486.0 Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense, prior to opening of bids/quotes, and if not destroyed, will upon request be returned at the vendor’s expense. Request for the return of samples must be made within ten days following the opening of bids or the due date of quotes. Each individual sample must be labeled with vendor’s name and item number.</p><p>486.1Delivery to GPA. </p><p>487.0 It is agreed by the parties hereto that delivery by the vendor to a common carrier does NOT constitute delivery to the Georgia Ports Authority or any department thereof.</p><p>487.1Minority Business Enterprises. </p><p>488.0 It is the policy of the State of Georgia that minority business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the State purchasing process. Therefore, the State of Georgia encourages all minority business 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 84 of 110 enterprises to compete for, win, and receive contracts for goods, services, and construction. Also, the State encourages all companies to sub-contract portions of any State contract to minority business enterprises. A form to be completed prior to signing a contract is provided in Appendix 3 to report minority status.</p><p>488.1Income Tax Incentives. </p><p>489.0 Vendors interested in taking advantage of the Georgia income tax incentives provided for by the official code of Georgia Annotated 48-7- 38, relative to the use of minority subcontractors in the performance of contracts awarded by the State of Georgia, should contact the small and minority business coordinators at the following address:</p><p>490.0 Small and Minority Business Coordinators 491.0 Department of Administrative Services 492.0 Purchasing and Surplus Property Division 493.0 200 Piedmont Avenue, SE 494.0 Suite 1302, West Tower, Floyd building 495.0 Atlanta, GA 30334 496.0 Telephone: (404) 656-6315</p><p>496.1Entire Agreement.</p><p>497.0 These Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to any contract or order awarded as a result of this request except where special requirements are stated elsewhere in the request; in such cases, the special requirements shall apply. Further, the written contract and/or order with referenced parts and attachments shall constitute the entire agreement and no other terms and conditions in any document, acceptance, or acknowledgment shall be effective or binding unless expressly agreed to in writing by the contracting authority.</p><p>497.1Applicable law and Compliance.</p><p>498.0 This contract shall be governed under the laws of the State of Georgia. The contractor shall at all times comply with and observe all federal and state laws, local laws, ordinances, and regulations which are in effect during the period of this contract and which in any manner affect the work or its conduct. GPA also reserves the right to cancel this contract with any federally debarred contractor or a contractor that is presently identified on the list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non- procurement contracts.</p><p>498.1Federal Regulations. </p><p>499.0 Because the products being procured in this RFP are being funded in part with federal grants, the following federal regulations apply. All contractors, subcontractors and vendors shall comply with the following federal regulations:</p><p>499.1.1 Equal Opportunity Employment. Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans,</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 85 of 110 Veterans of the Vietnam Era, Recently Separated Veterans, and Other Protected Veterans.</p><p>500.0 1. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because he or she is a special disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment and otherwise treat qualified individuals without discrimination based on their status as a special disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran in all employment practices, including the following:</p><p>501.0 i. Recruitment, advertising, and job application procedures;</p><p>502.0 ii. Hiring, upgrading, promotion, award of tenure, demotion, transfer, layoff, termination, right of return from layoff and rehiring;</p><p>503.0 iii. Rates of pay or any other form of compensation and changes in compensation;</p><p>504.0 iv. Job assignments, job classifications, organizational structures, position descriptions, lines of progression, and seniority lists;</p><p>505.0 v. Leaves of absence, sick leave, or any other leave;</p><p>506.0 vi. Fringe benefits available by virtue of employment, whether or not administered by the contractor;</p><p>507.0 vii. Selection and financial support for training, including apprenticeship, and on-the-job training under 38 U.S.C 3687, professional meetings, conferences, and other related activities, and selection for leaves of absence to pursue training;</p><p>508.0 viii. Activities sponsored by the contractor including social or recreational programs; and</p><p>509.0 x. Any other term, condition, or privilege of employment.</p><p>510.0 2. The contractor agrees to immediately list all employment openings which exist at the time of the execution of this contract and those which occur during the performance of this contract, including those not generated by this contract and including those occurring at an establishment of the contractor other than the one wherein the contract is being performed, but excluding those of 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 86 of 110 independently operated corporate affiliates, at an appropriate local employment service office of the state employment security agency wherein the opening occurs. Listing employment openings with the U.S. Department of Labor's America's Job Bank shall satisfy the requirement to list jobs with the local employment service office.</p><p>511.0 3. Listing of employment openings with the local employment service office pursuant to this clause shall be made at least concurrently with the use of any other recruitment source or effort and shall involve the normal obligations which attach to the placing of a bona fide job order, including the acceptance of referrals of veterans and nonveterans. The listing of employment openings does not require the hiring of any particular job applicants or from any particular group of job applicants, and nothing herein is intended to relieve the contractor from any requirements in Executive orders or regulations regarding nondiscrimination in employment.</p><p>512.0 4. Whenever the contractor becomes contractually bound to the listing provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this clause, it shall advise the state employment security agency in each state where it has establishments of the name and location of each hiring location in the state: Provided, that this requirement shall not apply to state and local governmental contractors. As long as the contractor is contractually bound to these provisions and has so advised the state agency, there is no need to advise the state agency of subsequent contracts. The contractor may advise the state agency when it is no longer bound by this contract clause.</p><p>513.0 5. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this clause do not apply to the listing of employment openings which occur and are filled outside of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.</p><p>514.0 6. As used in this clause: </p><p>515.0 i. All employment openings includes all positions except executive and top management, those positions that will be filled from within the contractor's organization, and positions lasting three days or less. This term includes full-time employment, temporary employment of more than three days' duration, and part-time employment.</p><p>516.0 ii. Executive and top management means any employee: (a) Whose primary duty consists of the management of the enterprise in which he or she is employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof; and (b) who customarily and regularly directs the work of two or more other employees therein; and (c) who has the authority to hire or fire other employees or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring or firing and as to the advancement and promotion or any other change of status of other employees will be given particular weight; and (d) who customarily and regularly exercises discretionary powers; and (e) who does not devote more than 20 percent, or, in the case of an employee of a retail or service establishment who</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 87 of 110 does not devote as much as 40 percent, of his or her hours of work in the work week to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work described in (a) through (d) of this paragraph 6. ii.; Provided, that (e) of this paragraph 6.ii. shall not apply in the case of an employee who is in sole charge of an independent establishment or a physically separated branch establishment, or who owns at least a 20-percent interest in the enterprise in which he or she is employed.</p><p>517.0 iii. Positions that will be filled from within the contractor's organization means employment openings for which no consideration will be given to persons outside the contractor's organization (including any affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies) and includes any openings which the contractor proposes to fill from regularly established ``recall'' lists. The exception does not apply to a particular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside of his or her own organization.</p><p>518.0 7. The contractor agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act.</p><p>519.0 8. In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the requirements of this clause, actions for noncompliance may be taken in accordance with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act.</p><p>520.0 9. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance, provided by or through the contracting officer. Such notices shall state the rights of applicants and employees as well as the contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified employees and applicants who are special disabled veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era, recently separated veterans, or other protected veterans. The contractor must ensure that applicants or employees who are special disabled veterans are informed of the contents of the notice (e.g., the contractor may have the notice read to a visually disabled individual, or may lower the posted notice so that it might be read by a person in a wheelchair).</p><p>521.0 10. The contractor will notify each labor organization or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified special disabled veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era, recently separated veterans, and other protected veterans.</p><p>522.0 11. The contractor will include the provisions of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order of $25,000 or more, unless</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 88 of 110 exempted by the rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary issued pursuant to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance may direct to enforce such provisions, including action for noncompliance.</p><p>522.1.1 Rights to Inventions. The following instructions apply to the rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. </p><p>523.0 (a) Definitions</p><p>524.0 (1) Invention means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under Title 35 of the United States Code, or any novel variety of plant which is or may be protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.).</p><p>525.0 (2) Subject invention means any invention of the contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this contract, provided that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. 2401(d)) must also occur during the period of contract performance.</p><p>526.0 (3) Practical Application means to manufacture in the case of a composition or product, to practice in the case of a process or method, or to operate in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is being utilized and that its benefits are, to the extent permitted by law or government regulations, available to the public on reasonable terms.</p><p>527.0 (4) Made when used in relation to any invention means the conception or first actual reduction to practice of such invention.</p><p>528.0 (5) Small Business Firm means a small business concern as defined at section 2 of Pub. L. 85-536 (15 U.S.C. 632) and implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. For the purpose of this clause, the size standards for small business concerns involved in government procurement and subcontracting at 13 CFR 121.3-8 and 13 CFR 121.3-12, respectively, will be used.</p><p>529.0 (6) Nonprofit Organization means a university or other institution of higher education or an organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 501(c) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (25 U.S.C. 501(a)) or any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified under a state nonprofit organization statute.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 89 of 110 530.0 b) Allocation of Principal Rights</p><p>531.0 The Contractor may retain the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world to each subject invention subject to the provisions of this clause and 35 U.S.C. 203. With respect to any subject invention in which the Contractor retains title, the Federal government shall have a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the United States the subject invention throughout the world.</p><p>532.0 (c) Invention Disclosure, Election of Title and Filing of Patent Application by Contractor</p><p>533.0 (1) The contractor will disclose each subject invention to the Federal Agency within two months after the inventor discloses it in writing to contractor personnel responsible for patent matters. The disclosure to the agency shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the contract under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding to the extent known at the time of the disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and the physical, chemical, biological or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to the agency, the Contractor will promptly notify the agency of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the contractor.</p><p>534.0 (2) The Contractor will elect in writing whether or not to retain title to any such invention by notifying the Federal agency within two years of disclosure to the Federal agency. However, in any case where publication, on sale or public use has initiated the one year statutory period wherein valid patent protection can still be obtained in the United States, the period for election of title may be shortened by the agency to a date that is no more than 60 days prior to the end of the statutory period.</p><p>535.0 (3) The contractor will file its initial patent application on a subject invention to which it elects to retain title within one year after election of title or, if earlier, prior to the end of any statutory period wherein valid patent protection can be obtained in the United States after a publication, on sale, or public use. The contractor will file patent applications in additional countries or international patent offices within either ten months of the corresponding initial patent application or six months from the date permission is granted by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to file foreign patent applications where such filing has been prohibited by a Secrecy Order.</p><p>536.0 (4) Requests for extension of the time for disclosure, election, and filing under subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) may, at the</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 90 of 110 discretion of the agency, be granted.</p><p>537.0 (d) Conditions When the Government May Obtain Title</p><p>538.0 The contractor will convey to the Federal agency, upon written request, title to any subject invention--</p><p>539.0 (1) If the contractor fails to disclose or elect title to the subject invention within the times specified in (c), above, or elects not to retain title; provided that the agency may only request title within 60 days after learning of the failure of the contractor to disclose or elect within the specified times.</p><p>540.0 (2) In those countries in which the contractor fails to file patent applications within the times specified in (c) above; provided, however, that if the contractor has filed a patent application in a country after the times specified in (c) above, but prior to its receipt of the written request of the Federal agency, the contractor shall continue to retain title in that country.</p><p>541.0 (3) In any country in which the contractor decides not to continue the prosecution of any application for, to pay the maintenance fees on, or defend in reexamination or opposition proceeding on, a patent on a subject invention.</p><p>542.0 (e) Minimum Rights to Contractor and Protection of the Contractor Right to File</p><p>543.0 (1) The contractor will retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license throughout the world in each subject invention to which the Government obtains title, except if the contractor fails to disclose the invention within the times specified in (c), above. The contractor's license extends to its domestic subsidiary and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the contractor is a party and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope to the extent the contractor was legally obligated to do so at the time the contract was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of the Federal agency except when transferred to the successor of that party of the contractor's business to which the invention pertains.</p><p>544.0 (2) The contractor's domestic license may be revoked or modified by the funding Federal agency to the extent necessary to achieve expeditious practical application of the subject invention pursuant to an application for an exclusive license submitted in accordance with applicable provisions at 37 CFR part 404 and agency licensing regulations (if any). This license will not be revoked in that field of use or the geographical areas in which the contractor has achieved practical application and continues to make the benefits of the invention reasonably accessible to the public. The license in any foreign country may be revoked or modified at the discretion of the funding</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 91 of 110 Federal agency to the extent the contractor, its licensees, or the domestic subsidiaries or affiliates have failed to achieve practical application in that foreign country.</p><p>545.0 (3) Before revocation or modification of the license, the funding Federal agency will furnish the contractor a written notice of its intention to revoke or modify the license, and the contractor will be allowed thirty days (or such other time as may be authorized by the funding Federal agency for good cause shown by the contractor) after the notice to show cause why the license should not be revoked or modified. The contractor has the right to appeal, in accordance with applicable regulations in 37 CFR part 404 and agency regulations (if any) concerning the licensing of Government-owned inventions, any decision concerning the revocation or modification of the license.</p><p>546.0 (f) Contractor Action to Protect the Government's Interest</p><p>547.0 (1) The contractor agrees to execute or to have executed and promptly deliver to the Federal agency all instruments necessary to (i) establish or confirm the rights the Government has throughout the world in those subject inventions to which the contractor elects to retain title, and (ii) convey title to the Federal agency when requested under paragraph (d) above and to enable the government to obtain patent protection throughout the world in that subject invention.</p><p>548.0 (2) The contractor agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the contractor each subject invention made under contract in order that the contractor can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c), above, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information required by (c)(1), above. The contractor shall instruct such employees through employee agreements or other suitable educational programs on the importance of reporting inventions in sufficient time to permit the filing of patent applications prior to U.S. or foreign statutory bars.</p><p>549.0 (3) The contractor will notify the Federal agency of any decisions not to continue the prosecution of a patent application, pay maintenance fees, or defend in a reexamination or opposition proceeding on a patent, in any country, not less than thirty days before the expiration of the response period required by the relevant patent office.</p><p>550.0 (4) The contractor agrees to include, within the specification of any United States patent applications and any patent issuing thereon covering a subject invention, the following statement, ``This invention was made with government support under (identify the contract) awarded by (identify</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 92 of 110 the Federal agency). The government has certain rights in the invention.''</p><p>551.0 (g) Subcontracts</p><p>552.0 (1) The contractor will include this clause, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental or research work to be performed by a small business firm or domestic nonprofit organization. The subcontractor will retain all rights provided for the contractor in this clause, and the contractor will not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subcontract, obtain rights in the subcontractor's subject inventions.</p><p>553.0 (2) The contractor will include in all other subcontracts, regardless of tier, for experimental developmental or research work the patent rights clause required by (cite section of agency implementing regulations or FAR).</p><p>554.0 (3) In the case of subcontracts, at any tier, when the prime award with the Federal agency was a contract (but not a grant or cooperative agreement), the agency, subcontractor, and the contractor agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subcontractor and the Federal agency with respect to the matters covered by the clause; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph is intended to confer any jurisdiction under the Contract Disputes Act in connection with proceedings under paragraph (j) of this clause.</p><p>555.0 (h) Reporting on Utilization of Subject Inventions</p><p>556.0 The Contractor agrees to submit on request periodic reports no more frequently than annually on the utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization that are being made by the contractor or its licensees or assignees. Such reports shall include information regarding the status of development, date of first commercial sale or use, gross royalties received by the contractor, and such other data and information as the agency may reasonably specify. The contractor also agrees to provide additional reports as may be requested by the agency in connection with any march-in proceeding undertaken by the agency in accordance with paragraph (j) of this clause. As required by 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(5), the agency agrees it will not disclose such information to persons outside the government without permission of the contractor.</p><p>557.0 (i) Preference for United States Industry</p><p>558.0 Notwithstanding any other provision of this clause, the contractor agrees that neither it nor any assignee will grant to any person the exclusive right to use or sell any subject inventions in the United States unless such person agrees that any products embodying the subject</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 93 of 110 invention or produced through the use of the subject invention will be manufactured substantially in the United States. However, in individual cases, the requirement for such an agreement may be waived by the Federal agency upon a showing by the contractor or its assignee that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would be likely to manufacture substantially in the United States or that under the circumstances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible.</p><p>559.0 (j) March-in Rights</p><p>560.0 The contractor agrees that with respect to any subject invention in which it has acquired title, the Federal agency has the right in accordance with the procedures in 37 CFR 401.6 and any supplemental regulations of the agency to require the contractor, an assignee or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances, and if the contractor, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such a request the Federal agency has the right to grant such a license itself if the Federal agency determines that:</p><p>561.0 (1) Such action is necessary because the contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use.</p><p>562.0 (2) Such action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the contractor, assignee or their licensees;</p><p>563.0 (3) Such action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the contractor, assignee or licensees; or</p><p>564.0 (4) Such action is necessary because the agreement required by paragraph (i) of this clause has not been obtained or waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States is in breach of such agreement.</p><p>565.0 (k) Special Provisions for Contracts with Nonprofit Organizations</p><p>566.0 If the contractor is a nonprofit organization, it agrees that:</p><p>567.0 (1) Rights to a subject invention in the United States may not be assigned without the approval of the Federal agency, except where such assignment is made to an organization which has as one of its primary functions the management of inventions, provided that such assignee will 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 94 of 110 be subject to the same provisions as the contractor;</p><p>568.0 (2) The contractor will share royalties collected on a subject invention with the inventor, including Federal employee co-inventors (when the agency deems it appropriate) when the subject invention is assigned in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 202(e) and 37 CFR 401.10;</p><p>569.0 (3) The balance of any royalties or income earned by the contractor with respect to subject inventions, after payment of expenses (including payments to inventors) incidental to the administration of subject inventions, will be utilized for the support of scientific research or education; and</p><p>570.0 (4) It will make efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to attract licensees of subject invention that are small business firms and that it will give a preference to a small business firm when licensing a subject invention if the contractor determines that the small business firm has a plan or proposal for marketing the invention which, if executed, is equally as likely to bring the invention to practical application as any plans or proposals from applicants that are not small business firms; provided, that the contractor is also satisfied that the small business firm has the capability and resources to carry out its plan or proposal. The decision whether to give a preference in any specific case will be at the discretion of the contractor. However, the contractor agrees that the Secretary may review the contractor's licensing program and decisions regarding small business applicants, and the contractor will negotiate changes to its licensing policies, procedures, or practices with the Secretary when the Secretary's review discloses that the contractor could take reasonable steps to implement more effectively the requirements of this paragraph (k)(4).</p><p>570.1.1 Davis-Bacon Act. Bidders who ultimately are awarded a contract to perform work related to this RFP shall comply with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act requiring prevailing wages to be paid to all laborers and mechanics employed under the contract by the contractor or subcontractors and while working on the physical site. Bidders are required to complete the contractor’s certificate of compliance to Davis- Bacon Act found in Appendix 10.</p><p>570.1.2 Debarment and Suspension. Bidders shall comply with 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4 and shall sign and submit the form found in Appendix 7 with the proposal certifying that prime and sub tier contractors participating in the proposal do not knowingly enter into a transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment.</p><p>570.1.3 Records Retention Requirements. The contractor shall retain all records relating to this contract for five years after the local government makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed.</p><p>570.1.4 Energy Policy and Conservation Act. The bidder shall comply with Title 48 FARS Subpart 23.2 Energy and Water Efficiency and Renewable Energy.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 95 of 110 571.0 (a) Definition. As used in this clause— “Energy-efficient product”— </p><p>572.0 (1) Means a product that— </p><p>573.0 (i) Meets Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency criteria for use of the Energy Star trademark label; or </p><p>574.0 (ii) Is in the upper 25 percent of efficiency for all similar products as designated by the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program. </p><p>575.0 (2) The term “product” does not include any energy-consuming product or system designed or procured for combat or combat-related missions (42 U.S.C. 8259b). </p><p>576.0 (b) The Contractor shall ensure that energy- consuming products are energy efficient products (i.e., ENERGY STAR® products or FEMP-designated products) at the time of contract award, for products that are— </p><p>577.0 (1) Delivered; </p><p>578.0 (2) Acquired by the Contractor for use in performing services at a Federally-controlled facility; </p><p>579.0 (3) Furnished by the Contractor for use by the Government; or </p><p>580.0 (4) Specified in the design of a building or work, or incorporated during its construction, renovation, or maintenance. </p><p>581.0 (c) The requirements of paragraph (b) apply to the Contractor (including any subcontractor) unless— </p><p>582.0 (1) The energy-consuming product is not listed in the ENERGY STAR® Program or FEMP; or </p><p>583.0 (2) Otherwise approved in writing by the Contracting Officer. </p><p>584.0 (d) Information about these products is available for— </p><p>585.0 (1) ENERGY STAR® at; and </p><p>586.0 (2) FEMP at 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 96 of 110 </p><p>586.1.1 Access to Records. The local government, the Georgia Secretary of State, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions.</p><p>586.1.2 Termination.</p><p>587.0 (a) This contract may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under this contract through no fault of the terminating party, provided that no termination may be effected unless the other party is given (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination.</p><p>588.0 (b) This contract may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by the local government for its convenience, provided that the other party is afforded the same notice and consultation opportunity specified in l(a) above.</p><p>589.0 (c) If termination for default is effected by the local government, an equitable adjustment in the price for this contract shall be made, but (l) no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services or other work, and (2) any payment due to the contractor at the time of termination may be adjusted to cover any additional costs to the local government because of the contractor’s default.</p><p>590.0 If termination for convenience is effected by the local government, the equitable adjustment shall include a reasonable profit for services or other work performed for which profit has not already been included in an invoice.</p><p>591.0 For any termination, the equitable adjustment shall provide for payment to the contractor for services rendered and expenses incurred prior to receipt of the notice of intent to terminate, in addition to termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by the contractor relating to commitments (e.g., suppliers, subcontractors) which had become firm prior to receipt of the notice of intent to terminate.</p><p>592.0 (d) Upon receipt of a termination action under paragraphs (a) or (b) above, the contractor shall (1) promptly discontinue all affected work (unless the notice directs otherwise) and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the local government all data, drawings, reports specifications, summaries and other such information, as may have been accumulated by the</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 97 of 110 contractor in performing this contract, whether completed or in process.</p><p>593.0 (e) Upon termination, the local government may take over the work and may award another party a contract to complete the work described in this contract.</p><p>594.0 If, after termination for failure of the contractor to fulfill contractual obligations, it is determined that the contractor had not failed to fulfill contractual obligations, the termination shall be deemed to have been for the convenience of the local government. In such event, adjustment of the contract price shall be made as provided in paragraph (c) above.</p><p>594.1.1 Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Environmental Compliance. If this contract exceeds $100,000, the contractor shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 C.F.R. Part 15). The contractor shall include this clause in any subcontracts over $100,000.</p><p>594.1.2 Lobbying Restrictions. Government contractors are prohibited from using appropriated funds to attempt to influence the award or modification of a contract. 31 U.S.C. § 1352; FAR Subpart 3.8. This prohibition is implemented in a government contract by a standard FAR clause. "Appropriated funds" include all amounts generated by a federal contract other than profit. This prohibition is implemented in a government contract by a standard FAR clause. Contractors must either (a) establish a policy against hiring government contract lobbyists or (b) adjust their accounting systems to prevent costs associated with such lobbyists from being charged to a government contract.</p><p>594.1.3 Violation/Breach of Contract. The following provisions shall also be applied to all subcontracts. </p><p>595.0 (a) Contracts in excess of the small purchase threshold shall contain contractual provisions or conditions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances in which a contractor violates or breaches the contract terms, and provide for such remedial actions as may be appropriate. </p><p>596.0 (b) All contracts in excess of the small purchase threshold shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the recipient, including the manner by which termination shall be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. </p><p>597.0 (c) Except as otherwise required by statute, an award that requires the contracting (or subcontracting) for construction or facility</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 98 of 110 improvements shall provide for the recipient to follow its own requirements relating to bid guarantees, performance bonds, and payment bonds unless the construction contract or subcontract exceeds $100,000. </p><p>598.0 For those contracts or subcontracts exceeding $100,000, the Federal awarding agency may accept the bonding policy and requirements of the recipient, provided the Federal awarding agency has made a determination that the Federal Government's interest is adequately protected. If such a determination has not been made, the minimum requirements shall be as follows. </p><p>599.0 (1) A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to five percent of the bid price. The "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. </p><p>600.0 (2) A performance bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. A "performance bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfillment of all the contractor's obligations under such contract. </p><p>601.0 (3) A payment bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. A "payment bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to assure payment as required by statute of all persons supplying labor and material in the execution of the work provided for in the contract. </p><p>602.0 (4) Where bonds are required in the situations described herein, the bonds shall be obtained from companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable sureties pursuant to 31 CFR part 223, "Surety Companies Doing Business with the United States." </p><p>603.0 (d) All negotiated contracts (except those for less than the small purchase threshold) awarded by recipients shall include a provision to the effect that the recipient, the Federal awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to a specific program for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. </p><p>604.0 (e) All contracts, including small purchases, awarded by recipients and their contractors shall contain the procurement provisions of appendix A to 2 CFR 215.48, as applicable. </p><p>604.1Antitrust Assignment.</p><p>605.0 The contractor and GPA recognize that in actual economic practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 99 of 110 borne by GPA (purchaser). Therefore, the contractor hereby assigns to GPA any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods, materials or services purchased in connection with this contract.</p><p>605.1Assignment.</p><p>606.0 No right or duty in whole or in part of the contractor under this contract may be assigned or delegated without the prior written consent of GPA.</p><p>606.1Nondiscrimination / Affirmative Action.</p><p>607.0 In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Except with respect to sexual orientation, the contractor further agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities.</p><p>607.1.1 The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, a notice to be provided by the contracting state agency that sets forth the provisions of the State of Georgia’s nondiscrimination law. </p><p>607.1.2 Failure to comply with the conditions of this clause may result in the contractor's becoming declared an "ineligible" contractor, termination of the contract, or withholding of payment. </p><p>607.2Patent Infringement.</p><p>608.0 The contractor selling to GPA the articles described herein guarantees the articles were manufactured or produced in accordance with applicable federal labor laws. Further, that the sale or use of the articles described herein will not infringe any United States patent. The contractor covenants that it will at its own expense defend every suit which shall be brought against GPA (provided that such contractor is promptly notified of such suit, and all papers therein are delivered to it) for any alleged infringement of any patent by reason of the sale or use of such articles, and agrees that it will pay all costs, damages, and profits recoverable in any such suit.</p><p>608.1Equipment Safety.</p><p>609.0 All materials, equipment, and supplies provided to GPA must comply fully with all applicable standards including, but not limited to, UL, local building codes, OSHA standards, GPA safety regulations (see Appendix 19), ANSI, ISO, and other published codes and accepted standard practices.</p><p>609.1Safety on Site. 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 100 of 110 610.0 The successful vendor agrees to adhere to and enforce all applicable federal, state, environmental, OSHA, and Georgia Ports Authority safety rules and regulations. The successful vendor is required to ensure that all employees and/or subcontractors are fully knowledgeable of all applicable local, state, federal, environmental, and OSHA safety rules and regulations. Any accidents, injuries, fires or other incidents of a serious nature or incidents requiring emergency response must be reported immediately to the PORT POLICE DEPARTMENT at 964-3911.</p><p>610.1Reporting of Accidents, Injuries and Damages.</p><p>611.0 All accidents, injuries, fires or other incidents of a serious nature or incidents requiring emergency response must be reported immediately to the GPA Port Police Department at 912-964-3911. Additionally, all damages to the property of either party (or property in the care, custody or control of either party) must be reported at the time of discovery to the GPA Port Police Department at 912-964-3925 if said damages are resultant of, incidental to, or in any way in relation to or in connection with the operations of the GPA or its employees. The Port Police Department will notify the appropriate GPA personnel. GPA will not accept any responsibility for damage(s) unless given the opportunity to investigate said damage(s) at the time of discovery. A joint inspection may be requested by either party in an effort to determine liability. Either party may hire a qualified surveyor at its own expense to investigate said damage(s). If the parties should disagree as to fault, they may meet thereafter in an attempt to resolve the claim. Any charges relating to such incidents or damages considered in dispute by either the vendor or GPA shall be resolved as mutually agreed and the vendor shall not off-set said charges against payments due GPA for other services rendered.</p><p>611.1GPA Credentialing.</p><p>612.0 The successful vendor shall obtain gate passes for all personnel entering Georgia Ports Authority premises. The Georgia Ports Authority identification passes are available at the Georgia Ports Authority Credentialing Center.</p><p>612.1TWIC.</p><p>613.0 The successful vendor is required by the Federal government to obtain TWIC credentialing for all personnel entering Port property. All Port users will be required to present a TWIC card and a valid GPA credential to gain access to any GPA terminal. Federal Law, requires that all personnel entering Port property be required to present their actual TWIC card. For more information regarding the TWIC card, go to Bidders should be aware that it currently takes two to eight weeks to get a TWIC at a cost of $132.50.</p><p>613.1Denial of Reimbursement.</p><p>614.0 The Georgia Ports Authority will not reimburse bidder for any costs associated with the preparation and submittal of any bid, or for any travel and/or per diem costs that are incurred.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 101 of 110 614.1Gratuity Prohibition.</p><p>615.0 Bidders shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official, employee or agent of the Georgia Ports Authority for the purpose of influencing consideration of this bid.</p><p>615.1Right of Rejection of Lowest Cost Bid.</p><p>616.0 The Georgia Ports Authority is under no obligation to award this project to the bidder offering the lowest cost bid. Evaluation criteria included in this document shall be used in evaluating bids.</p><p>616.1Rights to Submittal Material.</p><p>617.0 All bids, responses, inquiries or correspondence relating to or in reference to this RFP, and all reports, charts and other documentation submitted by bidders shall become the property of the Georgia Ports Authority when received.</p><p>617.1HAZ-MAT.</p><p>618.0 The contractor must comply with the Georgia Public Employee Hazardous Chemical Protection and Right to Know Act of 1988, O.C.G. A. Section 45-22-1 to 45-22-12. The form in Appendix 4 requires a signature by the contractor and must be submitted with and made a part of bid.</p><p>618.1Material Safety Data Sheet.</p><p>619.0 If any item(s) on an order(s) resulting from this award(s) is a hazardous chemical, as defined under 29CFR 1910.1200, provide one (1) copy of a Material Safety Data Sheet for each item with the shipped container(s) and one (1) copy with the invoice(s).</p><p>619.1Immigration.</p><p>620.0 Successful bidder must comply with all provisions of Official Code of Georgia Annotated 13-10-91 “Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act” of 2006, including the execution of all required affidavits. The Immigration and Security form is provide in Appendix 6 and shall be completed and returned prior to obtaining a contract.</p><p>620.1Drug-Free.</p><p>621.0 Prior to award being made, the successful vendor will be required to furnish proper certifications of compliance with the Georgia Drug- Free Workplace Act, certifying to the Georgia Ports Authority that a drug-free workplace will be provided during the performance of the contract as required by the “Drug-Free Workplace Act” (O.C.G.A 50-24-1). The form is found in Appendix 5.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 102 of 110 621.1Warranty.</p><p>622.0 Unless otherwise specifically stated by the bidder, equipment purchased as a result of this request shall be warranted against defects by the bidder for three (3) years from date of system acceptance by GPA. The equipment manufacturer's standard warranty shall apply as a minimum and must be honored by the contractor. </p><p>622.1Changes and Alterations.</p><p>623.0 Georgia Ports Authority reserves the right through its designated GPA Representative to make such alterations in the work schedule as may be necessitated by conditions found during the project that in the judgment of the designated GPA Representative appear advisable. Any alternations from the original job estimate must be submitted in writing and approved by the designated GPA Representative. The contractor shall not claim forfeiture of contract by reasons of such changes by the designated GPA Representative. If such changes increase or decrease the amount of the work or materials, the contractor will be paid according to the quantity of work actually done at the prices established for such work under the contract. Any alteration or changes that diminish the scope of work or materials shall not constitute a claim for damages or for the loss of anticipated profits.</p><p>623.1Cure and Cover Clause</p><p>624.0 If successful vendor fails or the Georgia Ports Authority plausibly concludes that there is a reasonable likelihood that vendor will not be able to timely perform all of its obligations under this contract, the Georgia Ports Authority may (in addition to any other contractual, legal or equitable remedies) proceed to take any of the following actions after five (5) days written notice to vendor:</p><p>624.1.1 Withhold any monies then or next due to vendor; or</p><p>624.1.2 Terminate the contract and obtain the deliverables (or equivalent) or portion thereof (of equivalent) from a third party, pay the third party for same, and withhold the amount so paid from any money then or thereafter due vendor and hold vendor liable for any amounts paid to the third party (or parties) to the extent that withholding payments to vendor does not cover the Georgia Ports Authority’s costs of cover.</p><p>624.1.3 If vendor determines that the above nonexclusive remedies are impracticable or would cause undue delay, the Georgia Ports Authority may allow vendor to continue performance under this contract but assess liquidated damages in the amount of 1% of the total contract price for each day that vendor has failed to meet any requirement of the contract.</p><p>624.2Condition of Equipment.</p><p>625.0 Bidder guarantees that all articles and supplies will conform with the Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations, and will defend and save Owner 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 103 of 110 harmless from loss, cost, or damage by reason of any actual or alleged violation thereof. With respect to patent infringement, Bidder warrants that the article, materials, and supplies delivered hereunder, the processes by which they were made, and the use thereof for which they are specifically designed by any party other than Owner, will not per se infringe any patent.</p><p>625.1.1 In case of default within control of the Bidder, Owner may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold Bidder responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby.</p><p>625.1.2 Bidder guarantees that all material and equipment furnished by it shall (except when otherwise specified on the face of this order) be new and of first grade and that Bidder’s work will be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. Bidder warrants that the materials and equipment are fit for the purpose for which they are purchased, if specified. Bidder is responsible for and will make good any defects in workmanship and/or materials, covered by this contract, which defects become apparent within twenty-four (24) months from the date of putting same into service. Bidder is not relieved of the responsibility imposed by this clause, either as to proper packing, quality if materials or specifications by reason of acceptance by Owner’s inspectors.</p><p>625.1.3 Materials, equipment, and work are subject to inspection and test at the discretion of Owner and ultimate purchase at manufacturer’s plant as well as at destination.</p><p>625.1.4 The right is reserved to cancel all or any part of an order if not shipped as promised.</p><p>625.1.5 If the contract requires the Bidder to furnish, for lump sum amount, materials and services for construction or improvement of realty and the installation of personal property, Bidder agrees to furnish Owner with any analysis of such lump sum amount the Owner may reasonably require for its accounting purposes.</p><p>625.1.6 If the manufacturer, transportation, delivery, receipt, or use by either party of any material covered hereby is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of any event or cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the party so affected, the party so affected, upon prompt notice to the other party (and, in case Owner gives such notice, in advance of actual shipment), shall be excused from making or taking deliveries hereunder to the extent of such prevention, restriction, or interference, but at Owner’s option, deliveries so omitted shall be made, upon notice thereof to Bidder, upon the cessation of such contingency.</p><p>625.2Insurance Requirements.</p><p>626.0 The Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance in a form acceptable to the GPA which affirms the Contractor has purchased the insurance described below. Such insurance shall be provided by an insurer or insurers licensed to transact insurance in the State of Georgia. Such coverage shall be maintained over the Contract period.</p><p>626.1.1 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance covering employees of 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 104 of 110 the Contractor and employees of its subcontractors. Such insurance shall cover the Contractor's full statutory liability for workers' compensation benefits under the laws of Georgia (or any other state if such liability arises in another state from Work performed under the Contract Documents). Such insurance shall be provided in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws. The limits of employer's liability coverage shall be not less than $100,000 for each accident and $500,000 aggregate for disease. Such limits may be provided by a single policy or by a combination of primary and excess policies.</p><p>626.1.2 Automobile Liability insurance coverage for "any" automobiles owned, rented, leased, borrowed, or otherwise used by the Contractor and its subcontractors. Limits of automobile liability coverage shall be not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage arising from one occurrence or, if the policy provides separate limits for bodily injury and property damage, not less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and $1,000,000 for property damage. Such limits may be provided by a single policy or by a combination of primary and excess policies. The policy or policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as that provided by the most recent edition of the Business Automobile Insurance Policy promulgated by the Insurance Services Office (ISO).</p><p>626.1.3 Commercial General Liability insurance providing the following coverages or their equivalents:</p><p>626.1.3.1 Premises and Operations, including bodily injury and property damage coverage;</p><p>626.1.3.2 Products and Completed Operations;</p><p>626.1.3.3 Broad Form Property Damage;</p><p>626.1.3.4 Contractual Liability, including liability assumed by the Contractor under Section Indemnification and Hold Harmless. and other insurable indemnification or hold harmless provisions of the Contract; </p><p>626.1.3.5 Personal and Advertising Injury Liability; and</p><p>626.1.3.6 X, C, and U coverage; </p><p>626.1.4 Limits of Commercial General Liability insurance coverage shall be not less than $2,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage arising from one occurrence or, if separate limits are provided, not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury, $2,000,000 for personal/advertising injury, and $2,000,000 for property damage. Such limits may be provided by a single policy or by a combination of primary and excess policies. The policy or policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as that provided by the Commercial General Liability policy promulgated by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) and be written on an occurrence basis only. Coverages shall be maintained continuously from the commencement of Work until the date of final payment. However, Products and</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 105 of 110 Completed Operations coverage, with the GPA named as an additional insured, shall be continued for three years following final payment. The policy or policies shall be endorsed to name the GPA as an additional insured. A fully executed endorsement providing additional insured status to the GPA shall be attached to and made a part of each policy, and a copy of each executed endorsement shall accompany each certificate of insurance filed with the GPA.</p><p>626.1.5 Contractor shall provide evidence of Professional Errors and Omissions Liability insurance. The policy limit for professional liability insurance shall be at least $1,000,000 arising from each claim and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. If such insurance is provided on a claims-made basis, the Contractor shall maintain the insurance for at least three years following the completion of the work. </p><p>626.1.6 If boat, barge, ship or other watercraft is employed in performance of Work, the Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability policy shall be endorsed to include maritime liability coverage for obligations and liabilities arising from the Jones Act and General Maritime Law and the United States Longshore and Harborworkers Act. The Contractor shall also provide (a) Protection and Indemnity Insurance, including Jones Act coverage and wreck removal coverage, and (b) Hull coverage with running down clause covering such watercraft. The policy limit for Protection and Indemnity Coverage shall be $1,000,000 for each accident. The policy limit for the Hull Coverage shall equal the value of the insured watercraft. </p><p>626.1.7 United States Longshore and Harborworkers Act coverage shall be provided where applicable. </p><p>626.1.8 Certificates of insurance shall be provided to the GPA not later than the date GPA- Contractor Agreement bearing the Contractor's signature is delivered to the GPA. Such certificates shall be in a form acceptable to the GPA, and shall show the policies with all required coverages and endorsements. All required endorsements shall be fully executed and shall accompany each certificate of insurance filed with the GPA.</p><p>626.1.9 The certificate(s) of insurance shall contain a provision whereby the insurer(s) issuing coverage is required to notify the Georgia Ports Authority Risk Management Department at least 30 days in advance of any cancellation or non-renewal of insurance noted on the certificate.</p><p>626.1.10 Each workers’ compensation and liability insurance policy shall include a waiver of subrogation as follows: All workers’ compensation and third-party liability insurance policies shall contain a waiver of subrogation rights against the GPA with respect to claims or losses insured by policy. A fully executed endorsement providing a waiver of subrogation in favor of the GPA as required for each policy shall be attached to and made a part of each policy, and a copy of each executed endorsement shall accompany each certificate of insurance filed with the GPA.</p><p>626.2Property Insurance:</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 106 of 110 626.2.1 The GPA shall purchase and maintain property insurance to cover the property in the course of construction. Such insurance shall provide coverage solely for the Project or the portion of Project which includes construction. The units of insurance shall be in the amount of the initial Contract Sum as well as subsequent modifications thereto up to a maximum of $20,000,000 for any one loss subject to the policy terms and conditions and the following exceptions:</p><p> $10,000,000 limit for a loss from flood (paving projects only) or earthquake;</p><p> $1,000,000 limit for temporary storage;</p><p> $1,000,000 limit for covered property in transit.</p><p>627.0 Such insurance shall cover property employed in construction while at the Project site and property of the GPA, including materials and supplies that will become a permanent part of the construction, used in a part of or incidental to the construction operations while the property is located in the U.S. (excluding Hawaii) or Canada. This property insurance shall not include coverage for Contractor's equipment, including but not limited to mobile equipment, tools, and/or toolboxes. This property insurance shall not include coverage for loss or damages caused by or resulting from the rebuilding or refurbishment of cranes unless the Project is specifically scheduled for coverage. Such property insurance shall be maintained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise agreed to in writing by all persons and entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance, until final payment has been made as provided in the contract or until no person or entity other than the GPA has insurable interest in the property covered by the insurance provided for by this Section Property Insurance:, whichever is earlier. </p><p>627.1.1.1 Property insurance shall be underwritten on a replacement cost basis in a "special" policy format and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage including (but not limited to), without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, and collapse. Coverage for other perils shall not be provided unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents.</p><p>627.1.1.2 If the GPA does not intend to purchase such property insurance required by the Contract and with all of the coverages in the amount described above, the GPA shall so inform the Contractor in writing prior to commencement of the Work. The Contractor may then effect insurance which will protect the interests of the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work, and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged to the GPA. If the Contractor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the GPA to purchase or maintain insurance as described above, without so notifying the Contractor, then the GPA shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable thereto.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 107 of 110 627.1.2 If the Contractor requests in writing that insurance for risks other than those described herein or for other special hazards be included in the property insurance policy, the GPA shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor by appropriate Change Order.</p><p>627.1.3 A loss insured under GPA's property insurance shall be settled by the GPA as fiduciary and made payable to the GPA as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Section The GPA as fiduciary shall have power to negotiate a settlement for a property loss with insurers on behalf of the Contractor and any Subcontractor.. The Contractor shall pay Subcontractors their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the Contractor, and by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, shall require Subcontractors to make payments to their Sub-subcontractors in similar manner.</p><p>627.1.4 The GPA as fiduciary shall have power to negotiate a settlement for a property loss with insurers on behalf of the Contractor and any Subcontractor.</p><p>627.2Performance Bond and Payment Bond.</p><p>627.2.1 The Contractor shall furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment of obligations arising thereunder. Each bond shall be in an amount equal to the Contract Sum. The surety shall be an entity satisfactory to the GPA and shall be an acceptable surety for Federal bonds in the State of Georgia and included in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.</p><p>627.2.2 The bonds shall be furnished on the Performance Bond and Payment Bond forms found in Appendix 11.</p><p>627.2.3 The executed bonds shall be provided to the GPA not later than the date GPA- Contractor Agreement bearing the Contractor's signature is delivered to the GPA.</p><p>627.2.4 The Contractor shall require the attorney-in-fact which executes the required bonds on behalf of the surety to affix a certified and current copy of power of attorney.</p><p>627.2.5 Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall permit a copy to be made.</p><p>627.3Cancellation.</p><p>628.0 GPA reserves the right to cancel any contract in whole or in part without penalty due to non-appropriation of funds or for failure of the contractor to comply with terms, conditions, and specifications of this contract.</p><p>628.1Public Records Access.</p><p>629.0 It is the intention of the state to maintain an open and public process in the solicitation, submission, review, and approval of procurement 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 108 of 110 activities. Bid/proposal openings are public unless otherwise specified. Records may not be available for public inspection prior to issuance of the notice of intent to award or the award of the contract.</p><p>629.1Proprietary Information.</p><p>630.0 Any restrictions on the use of data contained within a request, must be clearly stated in the bid/proposal itself. Proprietary information submitted in response to a request will be handled in accordance with applicable GPA procurement regulations and the Georgia public records law. Proprietary restrictions normally are not accepted. However, when accepted, it is the vendor's responsibility to defend the determination in the event of an appeal or litigation.</p><p>631.0 Data contained in a bid/proposal, all documentation provided therein, and innovations developed as a result of the contracted commodities or services cannot be copyrighted or patented. All data, documentation, and innovations become the property of GPA. </p><p>631.1Recycled Materials.</p><p>632.0 GPA is required to purchase products incorporating recycled materials whenever technically and economically feasible. Bidders are encouraged to bid products with recycled content which meet specifications.</p><p>632.1Promotional Advertising / News Releases.</p><p>633.0 Reference to or use of GPA, any of its departments, agencies or other subunits, or any state official or employee for commercial promotion is prohibited. News releases pertaining to this procurement shall not be made without prior approval of GPA. Release of broadcast e-mails pertaining to this procurement shall not be made without prior written authorization of the contracting agency.</p><p>633.1Indemnification and Hold Harmless.</p><p>634.0 Contractor shall indemnify, protect, save and hold harmless the Georgia Ports Authority, its members, directors, officers, employees and agents, against any expense, loss or liability paid, suffered or incurred, including any environmental fines and/or penalties, as a result of any breach by Contractor, Contractor's agents, servants, employees, patrons, contractors or subcontractors, suppliers, customers, visitors or licensees of any covenant or condition of any agreement with the Georgia Ports Authority or as the result of Contractor’s use, occupancy or presence on Georgia Ports Authority property or the carelessness, negligence or improper conduct of Contractor, Contractor's agents, servants, employees, patrons, contractors or subcontractors, suppliers, customers, visitors or licensees. Such indemnification shall be to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent acts or omissions by Contractor, its agents, servants, employees, patrons, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, customers, visitors or licensees. Contractor agrees to defend the Georgia Ports Authority from any legal or equitable actions brought against the Georgia Ports Authority based on Contractor’s use, occupancy or presence on Georgia Ports Authority property or the carelessness, negligence or improper conduct of 4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 109 of 110 Contractor, Contractor's agents, servants, employees, patrons, contractors or subcontractors, suppliers, customers, visitors or licensees and pay all expenses and attorneys fees in connection therewith. Indemnity herein arising out of any violation by Contractor of any environmental rule, regulation or law of any state and/or federal agency in force now or enacted in the future shall survive the term of Contractor’s use or occupancy of Georgia Ports Authority property. All Contractor’s indemnity obligations herein shall be covered by a policy or policies of insurance. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring Contractor or any other person, firm or corporation to indemnify against any portion or percentage of such claim or loss, if any, caused by the negligence of the Georgia Ports Authority, its members, directors, officers, employees and agents.</p><p>4/4/2018 Various Security Systems RFP Page 110 of 110</p>

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