<p> DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>Youth Provision Mapping statutory and voluntary sector youth provision in Derbyshire November 2011 Contents Page</p><p>Methodology 2</p><p>Amber Valley 4</p><p>South Derbyshire / South Dales 6</p><p>Chesterfield 8</p><p>High Peak and North Dales 10</p><p>Erewash 12</p><p>North East Derbyshire and Bolsover 14</p><p>Total Delivery County Wide 16</p><p>Summary 18 METHODOLOGY </p><p>During the Autumn Term 2011 Derbyshire County Council Integrated Youth Support Team carried out an analysis of the number and type of weekly youth provision sessions provided by both the DCC statutory Youth Service and the voluntary and community sector within each Derbyshire Locality.1 The data provided by the statutory youth service is based on direct information from the youth service staff whereas the data on the voluntary and community sector is identified from a range of sources, direct and indirect, including the Too Doo Directory and individual organisations websites. Although not fully comprehensive these sources provide a representative sample, showing a breadth of provision from organisations, clubs and groups across the Locality but due to the timescale, not all voluntary and community provision is included e.g. not all junior football clubs, dance centres etc. The voluntary and community organisations include drama and music groups, sports clubs, uniformed groups, young parents groups, church youth clubs and specialised support for disabled young people and one to one support. The DCC provision includes youth clubs, youth activities, teenage parent groups, outreach and one to one support.</p><p>The mapping has involved calculating the total number of sessions for each Locality from both sectors and analysing by:- Time of day (9.00-12.00, 12.00-5.00, 5.00 -10.00) Day method of delivery (building based, street delivery (mobile/detached) Open access(available to anyone) or targeted (available to vulnerable young people) category of delivery. –Recreational or educational leisure</p><p>The categorisation of youth activities into the two categories of recreational leisure and educational leisure relates to the statutory duty for local authorities under the Education and Inspection Act 2006 to provide activities and facilities. The duty states that for young people aged 13 to 19 and young people aged 20 to 24 with learning disabilities:-</p><p>“A local authority in England must so far as reasonably practical, secure for qualifying young person in the authority area access to :-</p><p>1 In April 2011 the Local Authority restructured its Children and Younger Adults services based on localities rather than districts, particularly with the amalgamation of Bolsover with North East Derbyshire, Derbyshire Dales north with High Peak and Derbyshire Dales south with South Derbyshire. 2 a) Sufficient educational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of their wellbeing, and sufficient facilities for such activities; and b) Sufficient recreational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of their wellbeing, and sufficient facilities for such activities”</p><p>Local Authorities can either provide these activities or assist others in securing the activities and venues and must publicise information on youth activities and keep this up to date. </p><p>The categorisation of individual sessions is not always clear and judgements on primary focus have been made for this analysis. </p><p>From the data provided an analysis of the number of hours available per week is identified, broken down by sector and locality with a county breakdown in the final section.</p><p>The mapping process at this stage does not identify the number participants or the actual participant hours. This is available elsewhere for the statutory provision but the local authority duty does not include monitoring of attendance for non-statutory provision.</p><p>3 Locality: AMBER VALLEY</p><p>There are a total of 102 sessions per week of provision across the Locality of Amber Valley district delivered by the statutory youth service and the voluntary sector.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 65 37 AM 26% 5% PM 19% 22% Evening 55% 27%</p><p> 36% of delivery is statutory and 64% is voluntary Of the total 62% is evening delivery after 5pm and 38% day time 9.am – 5pm.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 25% 19% Tuesday 17% 32% Wednesday 25% 22% Thursday 14% 22% Friday 11% 5% Saturday 6% 0 Sunday 3% 0</p><p> The majority of the total sessions across both sectors are delivered Monday to Thursday 36% are Friday to Sunday delivery</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 30% Detached 3% Building Based 100% 66%</p><p> All voluntary sessions are building based. The statutory service delivers via 3 methods the majority is building based and 36% street based youth work either utilising a mobile vehicle or detached on foot delivery.</p><p>4 Voluntary Statutory Open Access 75% 65% Specialist & Targeted 25% 35%</p><p> The majority of sessions combined across both services are 72% generic. 28% are specialist and targeted. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 67% 66% Education Leisure Hours 33% 34%</p><p> There are a total of 288 hours of delivery across the district. 191 hours fall within recreational leisure. 96.5 hours fall within educational leisure. </p><p>5 Locality: SOUTH DERBYSHIRE/SOUTH DALES</p><p>There are a total of 141 sessions per week of provision across the Locality of South Derbyshire/South Dales delivered between statutory and voluntary sector.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 106 35 9.00 -12.00 12% 11% 12.00 -5.00 15% 46% 5.00 -10.00 73% 43%</p><p> 25% of the delivery is statutory and 75% is voluntary. Of the total sessions 65% is evening delivery after 5pm and 35% day time delivery 9am – 5pm</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 13% 11% Tuesday 17% 26% Wednesday 22% 23% Thursday 19% 20% Friday 10% 20% Saturday 12% 0 Sunday 7% 0</p><p> The majority of the total sessions across both sectors are delivered Monday to Thursday. 26% is delivered Friday to Sunday with all Friday’s delivery being evening. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 20% Detached 6% Building Based 100% 74%</p><p> All voluntary sessions are delivered from a building base. The statutory service delivers via 3 methods the majority is building based and 26% street based youth work either utilising a mobile vehicle or detached on foot delivery.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 93% 20% Specialist & Targeted 7% 80% 6 A large majority of statutory sessions are dedicated to specialist and targeted delivery. The voluntary sector delivery is largely open access type.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 76% 9% Education Leisure Hours 5% 10%</p><p> There are a total of 326 hours of delivery across the Locality. 276 hours fall within recreational leisure. 50 hours with in educational leisure. </p><p>7 Locality: CHESTERFIELD</p><p>There are a total of 189 sessions per week of provision across the Chesterfield Locality delivered between the statutory youth service and the voluntary sector. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 144 45 9.00 -12.00 35% 7% 12.00 -5.00 26% 42% 5.00 -10.00 39% 51%</p><p> 24% of the delivery is statutory and 76% is voluntary. There is marginally greater delivery during the day 9am – 5pm than the evening 5.pm – 10.pm with a 17% difference.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 17% 11% Tuesday 15% 17% Wednesday 18% 22% Thursday 15% 16% Friday 16% 31% Saturday 10% 2% Sunday 8% 0</p><p> The majority of sessions across both sectors are delivered Monday to Thursday 34% is delivered Friday to Sunday.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 4% Detached 24% Building Based 100% 71%</p><p> All voluntary sessions are delivered from a building base. Statutory sessions use 3 methods of delivery the majority is building based and 28% street based delivery.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 37% 66% Specialist & Targeted 63% 33% 8 The majority over half of statutory sessions are given over to open access style youth work. The voluntary sector has a majority of sessions dedicated to specialist and targeted style of delivery </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 17% 13% Education Leisure Hours 63% 7%</p><p> There is a total of 600 hours of delivery across the Locality. 184 fall with in recreational leisure. 416 fall with in educational leisure.</p><p>9 Locality: HIGH PEAK AND NORTH DALES</p><p>Across the Locality of High Peak and North dales delivered in total between the voluntary and statutory youth service are 149 sessions of provision. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 112 37 9.00 -12.00 13% 6% 12.00 -5.00 22% 10% 5.00 -10.00 65% 84%</p><p> 25% of the delivery is statutory and 75% is voluntary. Of the total sessions 69% is evening delivery and 30% is during the day.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 26% 22% Tuesday 10% 22% Wednesday 20% 19% Thursday 21% 19% Friday 10% 13% Saturday 8% 5% Sunday 4% 0</p><p> The majority of sessions 79% are delivered Monday to Thursday 21% is delivery Friday to Sunday with all but 1% of Friday delivery being evening.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 10% Detached 8% Building Based 100% 81%</p><p> All voluntary sector provision takes place from a building base. The majority of statutory delivery is also from a building base and a remaining 18% split between mobile vehicle sessions and detached</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 90% 81% Specialist & Targeted 10% 19% 10 For both services the majority of delivery is open access with a combined 131 sessions. There is a combined total of 18 specialist and targeted sessions. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 55% 19% Education Leisure Hours 18% 8%</p><p> There is a total of 345 hours of delivery across the Locality. 256 hours are recreational leisure. 89 hours are educational leisure. 11</p><p>Locality: Erewash</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 70 23 9.00 -12.00 13% 13% 12.00 -5.00 10% 9% 5.00 -10.00 77% 78%</p><p> There is a total of 93 sessions of provision in Erewash. 25% delivery is statutory and 75% is voluntary. Majority of delivery is during the evening a combined 78%</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 21% 26% Tuesday 19% 22% Wednesday 20% 17% Thursday 17% 22% Friday 10% 13% Saturday 6% 0% Sunday 7% 0%</p><p> The majority 80% is delivered Monday to Thursday. All Friday is evening delivery. Saturday voluntary provision represents day time delivery before 4.00pm Sunday delivery is 40% evening delivery 7.00pm – 9.15pm and 60% morning delivery before 12.00am.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 0% 9% Detached 0% 39% Building Based 100% 52%</p><p> All the voluntary sessions are delivered from a building base. Statutory youth work is delivered using 3 different methods over half being delivered from a building base.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 89% 87% Specialist & Targeted 11% 13%</p><p> The majority of combined delivery 88% is open access in style. 12% of the combined delivery is specialist and targeted. 12</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 48% 27% Education Leisure Hours 18% 7%</p><p> There is a total of 189 hours of delivery across the Locality. 143 hours fall with in recreational leisure. 46 hours fall with in educational leisure. 13</p><p>Locality: North East Derbyshire and Bolsover</p><p>There is a total of 152 sessions of provision delivered between the statutory youth service and the voluntary sector across the Locality of North East/Bolsover. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 79 73 9.00 -12.00 9% 3% 12.00 -5.00 19% 27% 5.00 -10.00 72% 70%</p><p> 52% of delivery is voluntary. 48% of delivery is statutory. The majority 71% of delivery is evening</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 16% 23% Tuesday 15% 22% Wednesday 23% 26% Thursday 22% 16% Friday 15% 12% Saturday 5% 0% Sunday 4% 0%</p><p> The bulk of delivery in both sectors takes place Monday to Thursday 18% is delivery Friday to Sunday. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 0% 10% Detached 0% 12% Building Based 100% 78%</p><p> All voluntary sector sessions are delivered from a building base. In North East/Bolsover 89% of the total delivery is building based Mobile and detached delivery representing 10% with a 45/55% split in favour of detached delivery. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 78% 60% Specialist & Targeted 22% 40% 14 There is a combined delivery of 70% open access type youth work. 30% across the Locality is specialist and targeted provision</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 40% 34% Education Leisure Hours 5% 22%</p><p> There is a total of 299 hours of delivery across the Locality 74% falls with in recreational leisure. 26% falls with in educational leisure. 15 TOTAL DELIVERY COUNTY WIDE</p><p> There are a total 826 sessions of provision per week delivered across the county between the statutory youth service and the voluntary sector. 70% are delivered through the voluntary sector. 30% are delivered through the statutory youth service. </p><p>Voluntary Statutory Total Sessions 576 250 9.00 -12.00 19% 6% 12.00 -5.00 20% 28% 5.00 -10.00 61% 66%</p><p> 37% of delivery is during the day. 63% of delivery is evening.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Monday 19% 19% Tuesday 15% 23% Wednesday 21% 22% Thursday 18% 19% Friday 12% 16% Saturday 9% 1% Sunday 6% 0%</p><p> 76% of delivery takes place Monday to Thursday. 24% of delivery takes place Friday to Sunday.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Mobile 13% Detached 14% Building Based 100% 73%</p><p> 92% of provision is delivered from a building. 8% of provision is street based delivery.</p><p>Voluntary Statutory Open Access 74% 62% Specialist & Targeted 26% 38%</p><p> 70% of the provision is open access style delivery. 30% of the provision is specialist and/or targeted. 16 Voluntary Statutory Recreational Leisure hours 44% 19% Education Leisure Hours 28% 10%</p><p>There are a total 2047 hours of provision per week across the county. 1270 hours fall with in recreational leisure. 775 hours fall with in educational leisure. </p><p>Weekly % of 13-19 % of 13-19 Hours county year old year old cohort cohort Amber Valley 288 14 10830 16 South Derbyshire South 326 16 11036 17 Dales Chesterfield 600 29 9490 14 High Peak North Dales 345 17 11621 17 Erewash 189 9 9979 15 North East Derbyshire/ 299 15 14310 21 Bolsover Total 2047 100 67266 100</p><p>The total weekly hours are summarised by locality in the table above along with the 13-19 cohorts for each locality. When developing approaches to any new arrangements, regard needs to be taken of the potential discrepancies in provision and cohort size across the localities. </p><p>Wider mapping may include other VCI provision not covered by this survey as noted in the Methodology. 17 SUMMARY</p><p>During a week across Derbyshire the findings have shown a total of 2047 hours of provision for young people delivered through a total of 826 sessions. Sessions varied in length from 1.5 hours to 5 hours </p><p>Of the total number of session 30% is delivered by the statutory service and 70% by the voluntary and community sector.</p><p>Of the hours of delivery 63% is dedicated to recreational leisure of which 30% is delivered by the statutory service and 70% by the voluntary sector. There is 37% dedicated to educational leisure with 26% of that statutory activity and 74% voluntary sector.</p><p>For both services with the exception of South Derbyshire/South Dales statutory service the majority of sessions provide open access youth provision.</p><p>The spread of provision across the week is weighted Monday to Thursday with a drop off towards Friday evening and the weekend.</p><p>Across both services the highest percentage of delivery is from a building base.</p><p>In summary these initial findings identify that across the county there are a minimum of 2047 hours of youth provision available per week. It is also estimated that there are a substantial amount of further activity hours provided by other voluntary, community and independent providers outside of this report contributing to the statutory duty to provide:- a) Sufficient educational leisure time activities. b) Sufficient recreational leisure time activities 18</p>
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