Bela Bela Integrated Development Plan: Draft IDP Report

Bela Bela Integrated Development Plan: Draft IDP Report

<p> TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION 4</p><p>1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT 4 1.2 BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 4 1.3 LOCATION 4 1.4 SCOPE OF THE REVIEW PROCESS 5 1.5 FORMULATION OF THE CREDIBLE IDP 5</p><p>2. GUIDING IMPERATIVES: POLICY PERSPECTIVE 6</p><p>2.1 COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS BY THE NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIES ON BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY 6 2.1.1 SPATIAL IMPERATIVES 6 2.1.2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPERATIVES 7 2.1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 8 2.1.4 RURAL DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT 9 2.1.5 SERVICE DELIVERY 10 2.1.6 GOOD GOVERNANCE 11 2.2 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 12 2.2.1 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (ACT 108 OF 1996) 12 2.2.2 MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT 32 OF 2000 12</p><p>3. REGIONAL CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS 13</p><p>3.1 ROLE OF BELA BELA IN ITS REGIONAL CONTEXT 13 3.1.1 BELA BELA’S POSITION IN THE REGIONAL SPACE ECONOMY 13 3.1.2 BELA BELA IN THE CONTEXT OF LIMPOMPO AND WATERBERG DISTRICT 14 3.2 BELA BELA’S INTRINSIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS 14</p><p>4. LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ASSESSMENT 15</p><p>4.1 POPULATION DYNAMICS AND FUTURE GROWTH TRENDS 15 4.1.1 POPULATION SIZE AND GROWTH PROJECTIONS 15 4.1.2 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION 16 4.1.3 AGE COMPOSITION 16 4.1.4 GENDER DIFFERENTIATION 17 4.2 SOCIO – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LIVELIHOODS 18 4.2.1 UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY ANALYSIS 18 4.2.2 EDUCATION PROFILE AND LITERACY LEVELS 19 4.3 SERVICE DELIVERY: INFRASTRUCTURE PROVISION AND ACCESS TO SOCIAL SERVICES 20 4.3.1 BASIC SERVICES: WATER, SANITATION, ENERGY AND REFUSE REMOVAL 20 4.3.2 MOVEMENT PATTERN AND ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE 21 4.3.3 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HIV/ AIDS 22 BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>4.3.4 PUBLIC SAFETY 24 4.3.5 SPORTS, RECREATION FACILITIES AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 24 4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS IN BELA BELA 25 4.5 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY WITHIN BELA BELA 28 4.5.1 CURRENT HOUSING NEEDS, DEMAND AND PROVISION 28 4.5.2 PRINCIPLES ON SUSTAINABLE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (SHS) 29 4.6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF THE LOCAL ECONOMY 30 4.6.1 TOURISM 31 4.6.2 AGRICULTURE 32 4.6.3 MINING 33 4.6.4 TRADE AND COMMERCE 33 4.6.5 SMME DEVELOPMENT AND THE SECOND ECONOMY 34 4.7 LAND REFORM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 34 4.8 INSTITUTIONAL AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 37 4.8.1 STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION 37 4.8.2 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 37 4.8.3 DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE 41 Community Education and Participation 41 Interaction with community 41 Municipal Financial Strategy 42 MEC Comment 43 4.8.4 STRENGTH, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS (SWOT) ANALYSIS OF INSTITUTIONAL SITUATION 43 4.9 KEY DEVELOPMENT ISSUES 44 4.9.1 COMMUNITY AND STAKEHOLDER PRIORITY ISSUES 45 Backlogs in the Delivery of Basic Infrastructure: Roads, Water and Sanitation 45 Backlogs in the Delivery of Public Facilities: Crime, HIV/AIDS, Education and Skills 45 Poor Access to Shelter 45 Economic Development and Job Creation 45 4.9.2 MUNICIPAL PRIORITY ISSUES 46 Ensuring the Provision of Basic Service 46 Institutional Development 46</p><p>5. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 47</p><p>5.1 INTRODUCTION 47 5.2 VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT 47 5.2.1 VISION 47 5.2.2 MUNICIPAL VALUES 47 5.3 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES 48 5.3.1 INTRODUCTION 48 5.3.2 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR SPATIAL IMPERATIVES 48 5.3.3 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 49 5.3.4 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT 50 5.3.5 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT, POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND GENDER EQUALITY 51 5.3.6 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR SERVICE DELIVERY, INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND GOOD GOVERNANCE 52 5.4 DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS 54 5.4.1 SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 54</p><p>______2 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Priority No. 1: Roads and Storm water 54 Priority No. 2: Electricity 55 Priority No. 3: Water, Sanitation and Refuse Removal 56 Priority No. 4: Land, Housing and Infrastructure 57 Priority No. 5: Local Economic Development 58 Priority No. 6: Good Governance 59 LIST TABLES Priority No. 7: Sports, Arts, Culture, Recreational Facilities and Cemeteries 60 Table 1.Availability5.4.1.8 Priority of Health No. 8: FacilitiesSafety and in Security Bela Bela 61 23 Table 2. Priority of PoliceNo. 9: StationsPrevention of HIV/ AIDS and Other Life – Threatening Diseases 61 24 Table 3. Priority of Sports, No. 10: Arts, Education Culture and Recreational Facilities in Bela Bela 61 25 Table 4. Land Priority Claims No. 11:within Municipal Bela Bela Financial Municipal Viability Area 62 34 Table 5. Priority Land Claims No. 11: within Municipal Bela BelaTransformation Municipal Area and Institutional Development 62 34 Table 6. Outstanding Land Claims within Bela Bela Municipal Area 35 Table 7: Municipal Staff Compliment 37 6. CAPITAL INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK 63 Table 8: Management Capacity for Executing the Municipal Powers and Functions 38 Table 9: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Budget and Treasury Department 38 Table 10:6.1 CoreINFRASTRUCTURE Departmental Functions,DEVELOPMENT Capacity PROJECTS and Constraints: Technical Services Department 63 39 Table 11:6.2 CoreCOMMUNITY Dept. Functions, AND SOCIAL Capacity DEVELOPMENT and Constraints: PROJECTS Social and Community Services Department64 39 Table 12:6.3 CoreECONOMIC Dept. Functions, DEVELOPMENT Capacity AND and PLANNING Constraints: PROJECTS Econ. Dev. and Planning Department 65 40 Table 13:6.4 FinancialINSTITUTIONAL Strategies DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 66 42 Table 14:6.5 SWOTDEVELOPMENT Analysis PROJECTS BY SECTOR DEPARTMENTS AND SERVICE DELIVERY AGENCIES 69 44 Table 15:6.5.1 Localised DEPARTMENT Strategic OF T GuidelinesRANSPORT on Spatial Imperative 69 48 Table 16:6.5.2 Localised ROAD A GENCYStrategic LIMPOPO Guidelines (RAL) on Economic Development 69 49 Table 17:6.5.3 Localised WATERBERG Strategic DISTRICT Guidelines MUNICIPALITY on Environmental Management 69 50 Table 18:6.5.3 Localised DEPARTMENT Strategic OF Guidelines WATER A onFFAIRS Rural AND Development, FORESTRY Poverty Alleviation and Gender Equality. 69 52 Table 19:6.5.4 Localized DEPARTMENT Strategic OF Guidelines LOCAL G OVERNMENTon Service Delivery, AND HOUSING Institutional Development and Good Governance 70 53 Table 20:6.5.5 Bela DEPARTMENT Bela Municipality OF PUBLIC 2008/ WORKS 09 Preliminary Budget 70 72 6.5.6 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 70 LIST6.5.7 OF LIMPOPO FIGURES TOURISM AND PARKS 70 6.5.8 LIMPOPO BUSINESS SUPPORT AGENCY 71 Figure6.5.8 1: Population DEPARTMENT Growth OF H 2001EALTH – 2020AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 72 15 Figure6.5.9 2: Population DEPARTMENT Distribution OF LABOUR in Bela Bela Municipal Area 72 16 Figure 3: Age Structure in Bela Bela Municipal Area. 17 Figure 4: Gender Composition 17 Figure7. 5: Employment IMPLEMENTATION and Unemployment FRAMEWORK Status 73 18 Figure 6: Annual Household Income 19 Figure7.1 7: LevelFINANCIAL of Education PLAN 73 20 Figure7.2 8: AccessMEDIUM to infrastructure TERM – OPERATING services REVENUE within Bela AND BelaEXPENDITURE Municipal Area 74 21 Figure7.3 9: ImpactMEDIUM of HIV/ TERM AIDS – CAPITAL on Orphanage FUNDING AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK 75 23 Figure7.4 10: TheSPATIAL composition DEVELOPMENT of Bela Bela’sFRAMEWORK Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2005 75 30 Figure7.4.1 11: Status SPATIAL of SectionDEVELOPMENT 57 positions OBJECTIVES within Bela Bela as at 1 July 2007 75 37 7.4.2 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT RATIONALE AND HIERARCHY OF NODES 76 7.4.3 BELA BELA SPATIAL FRAMEWORK FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 77 LIST MAPS Bela Bela Town and Urban Edge 77 Map 1. Conservation/ Small FloraTowns & (Pienaarsriver, Fauna Map Radium and Settlers) 78 26 Map 2. Agricultural7.4.3.3 Settlement Potential Areas within and Bela Villages Bela (Rapotokwane)in terms of the soil classification 78 27 Farmlands and Agriculture Developments 78 LIST7.5 OFPERFORMANCE BOXES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 79 7.6 LAND USE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 80 Box 1:7.7 SectionSTATUS 25 (1) OF of S theECTOR Municipal PLANS Systems Act (MSA)(2000) 81 1 Box 2: Bela Bela Municipal Values 47</p><p>ANNEXURES Bela Bela______Communication Strategy 3 (A) WaterbergPREPARED District BY: Disaster BELA BELA Management MUNICIPALITY Plan ECONOMIC (Summary) DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT (B) Waterberg District Integrated Transport Plan (C) List of identified Bela Bela 2008/ 09 IDP Priority Projects without Funding BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>______4 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT</p><p>Bela Bela Municipality IDP (2008/ 09) will serve as a strategic guide within all spheres of development within the municipality (please refer to Box 1). It will be based on the issues articulated by the stakeholders and will be aligned with the national and provincial development imperatives such as National Spatial Development Perspective (NSDP), Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiatives for South Africa (AsgiSA) and the Limpopo Provincial Growth the Development Strategy (PGDS).</p><p>Its objectives are as follows: • To guide decision making Box 1: Section 25 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act in respect of service (MSA)(2000) delivery and public sector investment. Each municipal council must, within a prescribed period • To inform budgets and after the start of its elected term, adopt a single, all Service delivery programs inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality which: of various government a) Links integrates and coordinates plans and takes into departments and service account proposals for the development of the municipality; agencies. b) Aligns the resources and capacity of the municipality • To coordinate the with the implementation of the plan; activities of various c) Complies with the provisions of this Chapter (Chapter 5 service delivery agencies of MSA); and within Bela Bela. d) Is compatible with national and provincial development </p><p>BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY</p><p>Bela Bela Municipal Area is approximately 4000 km2 in extent. It is one of the six local municipalities that exist within Waterberg District Municipality. This local authority consists of eight municipal wards and it is considered to be a significant contributor to the economy of the district due to a number of positive factors that it entails, particularly its location and role in the regional economy brought by the cross boundary opportunities which includes the areas that fall outside of the Limpopo Province. Part of this will be covered in detail on the next sections.</p><p>LOCATION</p><p>Bela Bela Municipality is located on the south – western region within the administrative boundaries of Waterberg District Municipality which forms part of the Limpopo Province. The municipality shares the boundaries with Modimolle Municipality to the north, Thabazimbi to the west. The municipality also shares the boundaries with Mpumalanga Province to the south east, Gauteng to the south and North – West province to the south west.</p><p>______5 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>SCOPE OF THE REVIEW PROCESS</p><p>The preparation of a new IDP is based on a Process Plan, which Bela Bela Municipality adopted in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000. The Plan establishes a firm foundation for the alignment of the IDP and budget preparation processes. This plan has to include the following:- • A programme specifying the time frames for the different planning steps; • Appropriate mechanisms, processes and procedures for consultation and participation of local communities, organs of state, traditional authorities, and other role players in the IDP drafting process; • An indication of the organizational arrangements for the IDP process; • Binding plans and planning requirements, i.e. policy and legislation; and • Mechanisms and procedures for vertical and horizontal alignment</p><p>FORMULATION OF THE CREDIBLE IDP</p><p>The National Department: Provincial and Local Government (DPLG) prepared an Evaluation Framework for credible IDPs. This Evaluation Framework is intended to serve as a tool to guide the assessment of a credible IDP and the core criteria to demonstrate municipal strategy, vision and compliance with both legislative and policy intent have been crafted to assist the assessors during the analysis process. This framework is not intended to serve the purpose of a performance measurement tool, but rather a reference tool or guideline towards establishing the quality of a credible IDP. In this 2008 – 2013 Bela Bela Local Municipality IDP process took due cognisance of the Credible IDP Evaluation Framework as a guide to formulating and adopting a credible IDP. The following aspects are considered to be relevant in respect of the preparation of the credible IDP:</p><p> Consciousness by the Bela – Bela Municipality of its constitutional and policy mandate for developmental local government, including its powers and functions;  Awareness by Bela Bela Municipality of its role and place in the local, regional, provincial and national context and economy;  Awareness by Bela Bela Municipality of its own intrinsic characteristics and criteria for success;  Comprehensive description of the Bela Bela Municipal Area in terms of the environment and the spatial characteristics;  A clear strategy, based on local developmental needs;  Insights into the trade-offs and commitments that are being made regarding economic choices, establishment of Sustainable Human Settlements, integrated service delivery, etc.;  The key deliverables for the next five (5) years;  Clear measurable budget and implementation plans aligned to the SDBIP  A monitoring system;  Determining the capacity and capability of Bela Bela Local Municipality;  Communication, participatory and decision making mechanisms;</p><p>______6 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> The degree of intergovernmental action and alignment to government wide priorities. 1. GUIDING IMPERATIVES: POLICY PERSPECTIVE</p><p>COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS BY THE NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIES ON BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY</p><p>SPATIAL IMPERATIVES</p><p>The National Spatial Development Perspective (NSDP) is a critical strategic approach that Bela Bela should align its development mandate with, due to the fact that the municipal area is strategically and advantageously located adjacent to the areas that the NSDP classify as the areas of major national economic significance in the space economy of the country. Further to that Bela Bela exists within Waterberg District Municipality which was considered by the NSDP as one of the top nineteen district municipalities in the country that experienced a great number of in migration which was estimated at 11 694 between 2001 – 2006. Waterberg District is also considered to be the one of the top 20 contributors to the national Gross Value Added (GVA) as reported by the NSDP.</p><p>The principal normative principles of the NSDP that have implications for Bela Bela and the key strategies towards its future developmental role in the national space economy include amongst others the following:-</p><p> Economic growth – this requires the government spending on fixed investments (i.e. infrastructure and service delivery) to be focused on localities of economic growth and/ or economic potential in order to gear up private sector investment and to stimulate sustainable economic activities and to create long – term employment. This has the key implications for Bela Bela since the area has enormous potential for economic development due to its locality advantages and there are a number of private investors who have approached the municipality with regards to initiating large scale investment projects which can contribute enormously on the economic growth and employment generation of the area. Based on the recommendations of the NSDP, the municipality in partnership with other government structures should therefore ensure that the current gaps that exists with due regards to the provision of adequate infrastructure (i.e. water, sanitation and energy supply etc.) are addressed since the basic infrastructure should serve as the fixed investment for realizing the principle of economic growth. </p><p> Integrated development – the developmental mandate that the local and provincial government has the responsibility to fulfill is complex and diverse. This principle requires that all the separate and diverse elements that exists with regards to accomplishing this developmental mandate should be combined and co – ordinated into a more complete or harmonious whole. Bela Bela should therefore strive for achieving all aspects of integrated development in terms of the institutional arrangements, spatial planning perspective and even beyond its boundaries of jurisdiction (i.e. national, provincial and regional level). </p><p>______7 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Integration in terms of the institutional arrangements means taking into account the often disparate sectoral concerns, initiatives, policies and other service delivery requirements when planning for development and adopting an inclusive and participatory approach to the developmental issues to ensure economic, environmental and social sustainability. Integration in terms of the spatial perspective requires Bela Bela to overcome the spatial distortions of apartheid, future settlement and economic development opportunities should be channeled into activity corridors and nodes that are adjacent to or that link the main growth centres. Infrastructure investment should primarily support localities that will become major growth nodes in South Africa and the SADC region to create regional gateways to the global economy. Integration beyond the boundaries of the area’s jurisdiction takes into account the fact that Bela Bela is one of the different regions within the country which have different economic potential and the spatial variations with other regions while at the same time being tightly interlinked to those regions. The interlinkages can either be very symbiotic, mutually beneficial, highly exploitative or even parasitic relationships. Bela Bela as the region should well understand its interlinkages with other regions and that should also inform the development it initiates instead of living in denial and planning development that is too locally orientated as if such interlinkages does not exist. This would also ensure that the regional and national wide spatial forms become more conducive for social and economic inclusion and the strategic coordination, interaction and alignment in terms of directing fixed public and private investments becomes possible.</p><p> Equity – the gap between urban and rural as well as the nature of services that exists within still depict the inequalities such that the urban residents in many instances are privileged with the availability of a range of social and economic opportunities and facilities. The principle of equity in this context requires the efforts to be made in order to address past and current social inequalities and these should focus on people, rather than places. The NSDP further states that in localities where there are both high levels of poverty and demonstrated economic potential, this could include fixed capital investment beyond basic services to exploit the potential of those localities. In localities with low demonstrated economic potential, government should, beyond the provision of basic services, concentrate primarily on human capital development by providing education and training, social transfers such as grants and poverty-relief programmes. It should also reduce migration costs by providing labour-market intelligence to give people better information, opportunities and capabilities, to enable them to gravitate - if they choose to - to localities that are more likely to provide sustainable employment and economic opportunities.</p><p>In addition to the above principles the NSDP further emphasize that there is a need for a more efficient national space economy, which should be harmonized between the NSDP, PGDS, IDPs and SDFs. This therefore implies the PGDS should be informed by the NSDP in order for the IDPs and SDFs at the local level to be able to fully comply with both these strategies.</p><p>______8 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPERATIVES</p><p>The Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa (ASGISA) is a national economic strategy with the target that is set by the National Government which is to halve poverty by 2014 within the country. The specific projects that are considered to have an impact on ASGiSA within Limpompo are a water reticulation project for Mokopane – Vaalwater – Marken and Dilokong Platinum Corridor which aim to integrate development located around the planned De Hoop Dam. Although there are no specific projects from Bela Bela which appear on the ASGiSA strategy document, there are overarching principles which have the key implications for Bela Bela such that ASGiSA’s targets intends to ensure the creation of employment opportunities, improving the living standards and increasing access to basic services which is the mandate for the government at the local level. Further to that the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (AsgiSA) brings the social development and economic development and growth commitments together in a systemic manner. It identifies infrastructure development and local economic development programs which are both focused as a local government level, as one of the critical initiatives that can facilitate investment and improve growth prospects.</p><p>The Provincial (Limpopo) Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) has a target to increase the economic growth of the province by 9% from 2001 – 2010 and by 12% from 2010 – 2020. The approach that the strategy intends to use in order to meet these is to position the province for international competitiveness and investments that should be mainly capitalize on the development of economic clusters which are considered to have the potential within Limpopo. These clusters include mining, agriculture (horticulture and food processing – red and white meat), logistics, forestry and tourism. In terms of Bela Bela, it should be noted that the most relevant cluster is tourism which is considered to be the sunrise sector within the area.</p><p>In addition to the above, the state of the nation which was addressed by the President in 2007 identified the key priority which has the implications for economic development and these are:-  Job Creation, Eradication of poverty and addressing inequalities;  To promote the growth of the small and medium business sector;  To speed up the process of skills development;  To implement detailed programmes to respond to the challenges of the second economy;  To implement programmes to build a social security net to meet the objectives of poverty alleviation;  Implementation of the Expanded Public Works Programme: job creation, training, youth maintenance of public buildings.  Youth: development of young entrepreneurs, and integration of youth development into the mainstream of government work including linking unemployed graduates to employment opportunities and youth co-operatives programme.  Coordinate and align all anti-poverty programmes to maximize impact and avoid wastage and duplication;</p><p>______9 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT</p><p>Ensuring the environmental sustainability is the seventh millennium development goal. This goal was supported by the recommendations that the principles for sustainable development which ensures that the environmental resources are adequately protected should be integrated into the country’s policies and programmes. The national framework for sustainable development in South Africa emphasize that one of the strategic priorities for sustainable development is to “sustain the ecosystems and the use of resources” as well as to “respond appropriately to emerging human development, economic and environmental challenges”. Further to that section 24 of the Constitution entrenches environmental and emphasize that ‘everyone has the right, to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well being and to have the environment protected, for the benefit of the present and future generation to appreciate and value. This therefore enforced a number of legislation and other measures that:-  “Prevent pollution and ecological degradation;  Promote conservation; and  Secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development”</p><p>In addition to the above it is important to note that the environment is a holistic concept of which humans are an integral component. In order to ensure sustainable development we must understand and adequately consider the impact on it will or may have on the environment. Sustainable development extends beyond the protection of plants and animals. Environmental protection and sustainability is about balancing the needs and aspirations of people in terms of basic socio-economic considerations with the capacity of the natural/ physical environment to accommodate these needs and aspirations. Sustainable development address issues of conservation (of renewable and non- renewable resources) as well as managing the influence that people have on the environment. Sustainable development in Bela-Bela Municipality therefore requires the balancing of environmental, economic and social development needs and strategies.</p><p>RURAL DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT</p><p>There are key approaches that were prepared at a national level to address rural development which have the key implications for Bela Bela Municipal Area. The Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Strategy (ISRDS) was prepared at a national level with a concern of the massive poverty, poor level of infrastructure, lack of basic services and weak human capital in rural areas. The strategy acknowledged the fact that the rural areas are not homogenous such that the notion of the area that is classified as rural can range from the commercial farmlands, subsistence farms, small villages and even nature reserves which have the different plus contradictory functions as well as different development needs.</p><p>The key recommendations that the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Strategy makes which has the implications for the development of the area that are classified as rural within Bela Bela Area includes amongst others the following:-</p><p>______10 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Human Resource Development and Capacity Building – this would be intended to address the low skills base that exists amongst the large number of the population who reside within the rural areas.</p><p> Land Reform – implementing land reform effectively within the farmlands is considered to be the critical component of the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Strategy since the farmworkers are considered to be the most vulnerable margin of the population in rural areas. The important aspects on land reform are beyond the distribution of land to the African communities or improving security of tenure but it should also promote sustainable commercial agriculture by the new emerging African farmers especially those who were the farm workers. In addition to that the state of the nation address identified land reform as one of the key priorities particularly land redistribution, restitution and implementation of the communal land rights act.</p><p> Community based income generation projects – are also considered to be the important elements for rural development subject to the determining factors such as the natural resources and economic opportunities to make these projects viable. These projects can include amongst others the communal irrigation schemes, small – scale community based agro – processing, roadside market stalls for sales of crafts or fruits to the tourist etc.</p><p>ISDRS further emphasize that rural development should be supported by the adequate level of infrastructure and in order for rural development to be sustainable the community should participate when projects are conceived and they should have ownership over them to allow for the bottoms up approach. The ISDRS further states that the IDP process at a local municipal level is critical in co – ordinating rural development with municipal budget and commitment of the line function departments and other sources. It is also important that when analysing the achievements in terms of rural development, the focus should be more at the efficiency and effectiveness of the initiatives rather than an illustration of the expenditure on infrastructure.</p><p>SERVICE DELIVERY</p><p>The South African Constitution obliges the municipalities to ensure that planning and provision of sustainable basic services must be provided to the citizens. This obligation is also given effect by the Municipal Systems Act of 2000, which prescribe the process to be followed by the municipality to employ a mechanism for service delivery in its area of jurisdiction and give priority to the basic needs of the local communities. The district councils also have a specific role and responsibility with regards to assisting and supporting the local municipalities in terms of service delivery, this support includes planning and allocation of funding for the local municipalities following a set of structured procedure which is titled as MIG (Municipal Infrastructure Grant). In order for the district municipalities to organize and equip themselves for assisting the local municipalities with service delivery there is a need for the district wide sector plans to be prepared. These plans may include amongst others the Water Services Development Plan (WSDP), Electricity Sector Development Plan (ESDP) and Disaster Management Plan (DMP). In case of Waterberg District the sector plans that have been prepared include</p><p>______11 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Integrated Transport Plan, Disaster Management Plan, Integrated Waste Management Plan, Integrated Environmental Management Plan and a District Local Economic Strategy. </p><p>The state of the nation address identified some of the key priorities for service delivery which includes amongst others the following:- </p><p> To expand access to such services as water, electricity and sanitation i.e. Water for all by 2008, Sanitation for all by 2010, and electricity for all by 2012.  To improve the health profile of the population;  To intensify the housing programme;  To improve the safety and security of all citizens and communities;  Address all indigence;</p><p>GOOD GOVERNANCE</p><p>The principle of good and fair governance requires that the planning process that is involved in the comprehensive IDP must be democratic, legitimate and participatory. The integrated development planning process in nature is centrally important in terms of government function since the issues that directly affect the lives of the people are interrogated and it should be characterised by fairness and transparency. The following criteria’s can be outlined in order to ensure that the principles and norms of good and fair governance are adopted in a constructive manner:-</p><p> Accessible participatory structures – should be created to allow interested and affected parties to express their concern or support on different issues within all spheres of development in the public life.</p><p> Decision making – decisions that should be made should be at the public domain with written reasons available to any interested party on request. Hence no decision will be undertaken behind closed doors.</p><p> Accessibility of information – the affected parties have the right to access information pertaining all the draft recommendations of the IDP before it reaches the stage of adoption.</p><p>The principles of good and fair governance should therefore promote the IDP process that is co – operative and the powers and functions of the municipality are exercise towards the interest of the poor.</p><p>In terms of the state of the nation address (2007) the key priorities that were identified which has the implications for good governance can be highlighted as follows:- </p><p> Public Service Training;  Public Sector legislative compliance, importance of auditing.  Five Year Local Government Strategic Agenda – strengthening ward committees, deployment of skilled personnel to public sector, capacity enhancement.  Alignment of instruments across spheres of government.</p><p>______12 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Roll out of anti corruption campaigns.  Roll out of the batho pele campaign at local government, intensify outreach activities including izimbizo and setting up of Multi-Purpose Community Centres.</p><p>LEGAL FRAMEWORK</p><p>2.2.1 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (ACT 108 OF 1996)</p><p>In terms of chapter 7 of the national constitution, local government has a key developmental role to play in order to improve the lives of the communities on the ground. Section 152 states that the objects of local government are – </p><p> to provide democratic and accountable government for local communities;  to ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner;  to promote social and economic development;  to promote a safe and healthy environment; and  to encourage the involvement of communities and community organizations in the matters of local government. </p><p>A municipality must therefore strive, within its financial and administrative capacity, to achieve the above stated objectives. Further to that section 153 states that a municipality must structure and manage its administration, and budgeting and planning processes to give priority to the basic needs of the community, and to promote the social and economic development of the community; and participate in national and provincial development programmes. </p><p>2.2.2 MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT 32 OF 2000</p><p>In terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (MSA) the preparation of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) by the Bela Bela Municipality within its area of jurisdiction is considered to be a legal requirement. Section 23 of MSA recalls that the municipality must seize a developmental orientated approach in its planning in order to ensure the previously discussed section 152 and 153 of the national constitution are adhered to. Further to that section 24 states that municipality should undertake its planning in co – operative governance meaning that Bela Bela municipality must participate in national and provincial development programmes and if the responsible organs of the state require Bela Bela Municipality to comply with their planning requirements (i.e. in terms of national and provincial legislation), the municipality should be consulted and implementation of such legislation should be reasonable to the time limits of the IDP as stipulated by section 25 of MSA.</p><p>Section 25 specifies that the municipality must prepare the IDP which will be adopted as the single, inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality. This plan</p><p>______13 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> should link, integrate and co – ordinates plans and take into account proposals for the development of the municipality. Further to that the IDP plan should align resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan, it should also form the policy framework and general basis on which annual budgets must be based and it should be compatible with national and provincial development plans and other binding legislations.</p><p>Section 34 of MSA stipulate that the municipality is required to conduct the annual review of the IDP and this should be done taking into account an assessment of the performance measurements of the municipality in terms of section 41. 2. REGIONAL CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS</p><p>ROLE OF BELA BELA IN ITS REGIONAL CONTEXT</p><p>BELA BELA’S POSITION IN THE REGIONAL SPACE ECONOMY</p><p>Whereas Bela Bela exists within the administrative boundaries of the Limpopo Province, it can be argued that its position and role in the space economy is tightly interlinked with the spheres of influence from the regions that fall outside of the Limpopo administrative boundaries. As previously indicated, Bela Bela shares its administrative boundaries with the Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces. The economic characteristics and spatial variations of these two provinces differ substantially to each other and to the province of Limpopo to a larger extent.</p><p>Gauteng is the most dominant province in the country in economic terms, with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that accounts for 33% in the sub – national African economy. The composition of Gauteng’s GDP is mainly built of tertiary sectors (i.e. Transport/ Communication, Finance/ Real Estate and Other Business Services), manufacturing industries and mining (i.e. secondary and primary sector). On the spatial perspective Gauteng is the smallest province in the country in terms of geographical size, 97% of it is urbanised and it is currently experiencing environmental degradation due to industrial and manufacturing industries (i.e. deterioration of air quality through gaseous emissions), bio – diversity destruction and habitat loss due to population pressure (<500 people per ha) and it generates the highest volumes of waste which accounts for approximately 80% of the total waste generated in the country.</p><p>Bela Bela Central Business District (CBD) is directly linked with the major cities of Gauteng through the National (N1) Route which connects the area with Pretoria at the approximate distance of 100 km and Johannesburg which is approximately 170 km from Bela Bela CBD. This spatial linkage presented a number of opportunities for Bela Bela, such that it has become a fast growing getaway to the tourism market of Gauteng who are mainly attracted to the natural environment that is less congested by human activity and the nature-based tourism products. Further to that Gauteng has been the primary location for the major investments in the country and Bela Bela’s location in close proximity to Gauteng has made it highly attractive for major private investments. </p><p>______14 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Mpumalanga is ranked as the fourth province with the high GVA in the country but unlike Gauteng, this province is 61% rural and the dominant economic sectors are mining, energy and manufacturing. Bela Bela shares its borders with Mpumalanga province and it is directly linked to it through the Provincial (R516) Routes. In terms of tourism Mpumalanga is considered to be the third most visited province in the country (following Gauteng and Western Cape). The tourism status of this province and its close proximity to Bela Bela is also a contributing factor towards the growth of the tourism industry in Bela Bela since the visitors easily commute between these three regions (i.e. Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Bela Bela). </p><p>BELA BELA IN THE CONTEXT OF LIMPOMPO AND WATERBERG DISTRICT</p><p>According to Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, the economic potential of the Limpopo Province is mainly centred on the five economic clusteres and these includes mining, agriculture (horticulture and food processing – red and white meat), logistics, forestry and tourism. At the administrative level, Limpopo province comprises of 5 District Municipalities and Bela Bela exists within the Waterberg District’s area of jurisdiction. </p><p>Waterberg District is predominantly rural and the key pillars for development within this district are mainly centred on these economic sectors which include agriculture, mining and tourism. There are massive tourism attractions that cut across Bela Bela, Modimolle and Lephalale areas and these include Makapan’s Valley, World Heritage Site, Nature Reserves, hot-springs, fauna and flora. Bela Bela is already boasting an extensive and well known tourism network with key attractions and facilities that exists in it as well as its competitive edge through its proximity to Gauteng.</p><p>However there are key area of concern and weakness in terms of the space economy of Waterberg District such as the high clusters of poor which indicates a ‘mismatch’ between where people are located and where economic activities were taking place. This was also exacerbated by the demand of specialised skills in key sectors of the economy since the skills base is relatively low amongst the poorer communities. The other level of hardships that is currently experienced by Waterberg District’s areas is the provision of sufficient water supply to cater for future economic growth and development. </p><p>BELA BELA’S INTRINSIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS </p><p>The policy analysis and the regional context has to a larger extent indicate an awareness by Bela Bela Municipality of its role and place in the regional, provincial and national economy context. The key intrinsic characteristics as previously indicated arise out of the opportunities and benefits that the Bela Bela obtain due to its position and unique characteristics in the economically functioning system of its surroundings. The brief criteria for success can be outlined as follows:-</p><p> Bela Bela should live up to its potential as the decent and accessible prime getaway destination;  and a prestigious investment location that is environmentally friendly and sustainable;  The investments should be compacted within the urban fabric so that; </p><p>______15 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Urban sprawl could be prevented and discouraged;  Habitat and natural resources should be adequately protected to sustain the areas intrinsic characteristics</p><p>3. LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ASSESSMENT</p><p>POPULATION DYNAMICS AND FUTURE GROWTH TRENDS</p><p>4.1.1 POPULATION SIZE AND GROWTH PROJECTIONS</p><p>The total size of Bela Bela’s population is currently estimated at 55 844 individuals. This is based on census 2007 which also estimate that there are approximately 14 290 households within Bela Bela. The key area of concern with regards to this figure lies to the fact that it does not account for Rapotokwane settlement which was incorporated into the municipality from Dr J.C. Moroka Municipality (Mpumalanga Province). </p><p>Figure 1 below illustrates the estimated population projection when the information from BMR is taken into account.</p><p>Figure 1: Population Growth 2001 - 2020</p><p>80000 70000 60000 50000 Low Growth Scenario 40000 High Growth Scenario 30000 20000 10000 0 2001 2006 2010 2015 2020 Low Growth Scenario 52094 55502 57988 60832 63815 High Growth Scenario 52094 55502 61658 69358 75183</p><p>Source: BMR Growth Rates</p><p>HIV/ AIDS is continuously having an impact on population growth and the DBSA database estimated approximately 14 333 individuals would be infected in Bela Bela by 2006. The high growth ratio takes into account other main factors such as in – migration, which can result in further increase of the population within Bela Bela. It would be recalled from the 2007/ 08 IDP that there are a number of people who have relocated</p><p>______16 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT from Gauteng to Bela-Bela Town (specifically in the Warmbaths Extensions) to get away from the busy life of Gauteng. </p><p>They still have offices in Gauteng, but due to the development of technology they do not need to go to the office every day and therefore choose to live in areas such as Bela-Bela Town, further away from the city. The second factor is the increase of people entering the property market to such an extent that the number of home owners increases. There was also an increase in people who bought weekend/holiday homes in resorts, estates, etc, of which some also opted for permanent residency specifically in the Estate developments. It can be assumed that the real growth rate for permanent residence in Bela-Bela Municipal area might even be higher than anticipated BMR growth rates up to the year 2020 as indicated in Figure 1 above.</p><p>4.1.2 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Population in Bela Bela is unevenly distributed amongst eight wards, with ward seven accommodating more people (22%) than other wards within the municipality. Ward seven shares borders with the Mpumalanga Province and comprises of areas such as settlers and parts of Bela Bela Extensions. Ward two accommodated approximately 17% of the population which makes it the second most populated ward within the municipal area, it also comprises of many parts of Warmbath Extensions. The third ward with a high number is ward eight (16%) which shares the borders with the Gauteng Province and includes areas such as Pienaarsriver and Rus de Winter.</p><p>Figure 2: Population Distribution in Bela Bela Municipal Area</p><p>Population Distribution By Wards</p><p>16000 13984 14000 12000 10843 10029 10000</p><p>8000 6257 5647 6122 5788 6000 3483 4000 2000 0 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8</p><p>Source: *1Statistics South Africa (2001) covering ward 1 – 7 *2Municipal Demarcation Board covering ward 8</p><p>The other wards that exist within the municipal area with different population densities include ward four (10%), ward three (9%), ward five (9%) and ward one (6%) which includes areas such as Radium. The total number of households within the municipality is estimated at 14 551.</p><p>______17 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>4.1.3 AGE COMPOSITION</p><p>The age composition or structure determines the kinds of economic activities within the locality. Different age groups have different economic needs and different spending patterns. According to the DBSA 2006 statistics, Bela Bela is dominated by the youthful population with the largest age group being the children between the ages 0 – 15 constituting 35% of the entire population. This is followed by the youth between 15 – 35 age group constituting 34% of the total population. The adults ranging from the ages of 35 – 64 constitute of 25% of the population and the aged (over 65) accounts for 6% of the total population. </p><p>Figure 3: Age Structure in Bela Bela Municipal Area.</p><p>Population Breakdown By Age</p><p>7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 - 4 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 -19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 + Pop. Number 6,628 6,138 5,508 4,372 4,852 4,280 4,121 3,469 2,655 2,092 1,979 1,619 1,371 1,228 725 613 560 111</p><p>Source: DBSA 2006</p><p>This trend in age composition obliges the government departments and the municipality to ensure that a large percentage of the budget is allocated to social development facilities in order to meet the needs of a youthful population and ensuring that people falling within this age acquire relevant skills and grow up to become responsible adults. The creation of more job opportunities should also be one of the key aspects of the developmental agenda by the municipality in partnership with the sector departments such as the Department of Education.</p><p>4.1.4 GENDER DIFFERENTIATION</p><p>With reference to figure 4 below, the gender composition within Bela Bela indicates a slight imbalance between the males and females. The DBSA 2006 statistics revealed that approximately 51% of the population within Bela Bela comprises of females while 49% comprises of males. Nevertheless this confirms with the national trends that a higher proportion of women are found in the dominatory rural area than men. This in many instances, especially by the African communities is attributed by the fact that men are generally attracted to places such as the bigger cities (i.e. Johannesburg etc.) that presents the employment opportunities sometimes regardless of the nature of work involved. </p><p>Figure 4: Gender Composition</p><p>______18 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>49%</p><p>Males Females</p><p>51%</p><p>Source: DBSA 2006</p><p>In addition to the above, it can also be suggested that there is a need for a developmental agenda that should pro – actively target women empowerment within Bela Bela Municipal Area.</p><p>SOCIO – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LIVELIHOODS</p><p>UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY ANALYSIS</p><p>It was previously indicated that the age composition of population in Bela Bela comprises of children who are under the age of 15 and who are not accounted as the labour force. The active labour force is estimates at 24 976 individuals who are between the ages of 18 – 64. Figure 5 below indicates that approximately 33% of the active labour force is unemployed. </p><p>Figure 5: Employment and Unemployment Status </p><p>18000 16000 14000 16763 12000 10000 8000 6000 8213 4000 2000 0 Employed Unemployed</p><p>Source: *1Statistics South Africa (2001) covering ward 1 – 7 *2Municipal Demarcation Board covering ward 8</p><p>Although the employment figure is currently at 67%, Bela Bela still needs more efforts to develop a better economically functioning environment that should create more job opportunities and that is critical since the dependency ratio is quite high based on the structure of the population (i.e. dominance of the population group that is dependant on the active labour force to provide for their needs).</p><p>______19 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Further to the above discussed unemployment profile and with reference to figure 6 below, approximately 17% of the households has no source of income which implies that they are living below the poverty datum line. Further to that 8% of the households is dependant on an income which is below R 4800 per annum (i.e. R 13 per day), the household that is dependant on one breadwinner who earn within this income bracket is living below the poverty datum line i.e. the poverty datum line criteria stipulates that 1 person should at least live with one dollar per day.</p><p>Figure 6: Annual Household Income</p><p>3500 3280 2988 3000</p><p>2500 2346 2121 2000</p><p>1500 1197 1194</p><p>1000 662 500 225 70 41 24 5 0</p><p>Source: *1Statistics South Africa (2001) covering ward 1 – 7 *2Municipal Demarcation Board covering ward 8</p><p>The developmental agenda by the municipality in targeting poverty does not only lie within the vigorous efforts to create employment opportunities. The most poverty – stricken households must also be assisted within the short term through the welfare grants, indigent policy and the provision of other basic essential services such as housing. The municipality has an indigent policy in place and the households that qualify to be registered as the indigents must have an income that does not exceed R 1 100 pm (R 13 200 per annum). The policy is currently benefiting 3 732 households. Based on the above demographics, approximately 6823 households (47% of the total households) households earns less than R 800 pm (R 9 600 per annum) and this therefore indicates that this policy still has a major role to play in terms of short term relief to all the poverty stricken households.</p><p>EDUCATION PROFILE AND LITERACY LEVELS</p><p>Education plays a pivotal role on community development. It provides a set of basic skills for development, creativity and innovative abilities within individuals. The South African Constitution provides that everyone has a right to education, which includes</p><p>______20 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Adult Basic Education. The education profile in Bela Bela is another area of concern such that approximately 16% of the adult population (18 – 85+) can be considered as illiterate since they did not obtain any schooling. </p><p>The majority of the population (28%) had obtained education to the secondary level and approximately 17% of the population comprises of the matriculants who can be classified as semi – skilled. They are a relatively few people who can be considered as skilled and who were able to reach the tertiary level of education, these individuals’ accounts for 7% of the population. </p><p>Figure 7: Level of Education</p><p>12000 9916 10000 8516 8000 5758 5985 6000</p><p>4000 2700 2531 2000</p><p>0 No Schooling Some Primary Complete Some Secondary Matriculants Tertiary Primary</p><p>Source: *1Statistics South Africa (2001) covering ward 1 – 7 *2Municipal Demarcation Board covering ward 8</p><p>There are various factors that may have contributed to the situation of low education profile in Bela Bela such as the people not having any funding to further their education and this can also be exacerbated by the fact there are no tertiary institutions within the municipal area thus further limiting further education to only the few who can be considered as privileged. </p><p>The 2007/ 08 IDP indicated that there is a lack of infrastructure at some of the schools which, makes it difficult to maintain proper hygiene and provide quality education to the children. The following infrastructural needs that were identified for some specific schools:-</p><p>• Provision of electricity to seven schools; • Provision of water to five schools; • Provision of sanitation to three schools; and • Ensure that FET institutions are accessible to local learners who want to further their studies. ______21 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>SERVICE DELIVERY: INFRASTRUCTURE PROVISION AND ACCESS TO SOCIAL SERVICES </p><p>BASIC SERVICES: WATER, SANITATION, ENERGY AND REFUSE REMOVAL</p><p>The provision of equitable basic infrastructure especially water and sanitation is central to the developmental local government mandate. Figure 8 below reflects that the extent to which Bela Bela have access to basic infrastructural services. It should also be noted that the figure below presents the data that was sourced as secondary research which ultimately mean there are some households that have been provided with infrastructure and it might have not been captured on this figure and therefore the information that is presented on figure 8 below will be assessed against the infrastructure services that the municipality has provided. </p><p>Figure 8: Access to infrastructure services within Bela Bela Municipal Area</p><p>100% 96% 95% 96% 90% 79% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Water Sanitation Electricity Refuse</p><p>Source: Census 2007</p><p>With reference to figure 8 above, approximately 96% (13 718 HH) of Bela Bela households have access to water at the appropriate standard. The remaining 4% (571HH) currently makes use of Dam, Water Vendor, Rain Tank and Other sources which are not considered to be hygienic for human consumption. The municipality estimates the backlogs to at approximately 775 households which lack access to water at the appropriate standard. The backlogs mainly exist in ward 8 and informal settlements.</p><p>In terms of sanitation, figure 8 indicates that there are 95% (13 574HH) of Bela Bela household have access to sanitation at the appropriate standard. The remaining 5% (715HH) do not currently have the appropriate sanitation facilities. The backlog as estimated by the municipality is approximately 855 households which do not have access to the sanitation facilities at the appropriate standard.</p><p>______22 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>According to figure 8 above, approximately 79% (13 161HH) of Bela Bela households have access to electrical services at the appropriate standard. The remaining 21% (1 129HH) currently makes use of Paraffin, Candles and other sources of energy. The municipality’s estimate the backlogs to be at approximately 800HH.</p><p>Figure 8 indicates that approximately 96% (13 718HH) of Bela Bela households use the appropriate means in terms of refuse removal such that 77% of the households refuse is removed by the municipality and 19% use their own refuse dump. Approximately 4% (571HH) are considered to have no refuse removal. Based on the municipal information the households that encounter the backlog are estimated at approximately 1000HH. </p><p>MOVEMENT PATTERN AND ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE</p><p>The roads play a pivotal role in terms of economic development such that all major economic developments are located along the roads of strategic importance and thus they provide a key link between consumers and suppliers as well as between components parts manufactures and finished product manufactures. The road hierarchy within Bela Bela can be classified in four categories and it is through this hierarchy that one can be able to rank the strategic importance of the roads as well as their impact on the economy. This identification of roads that are of strategic importance should ultimately inform the level commitment that local and provincial government should have in terms allocating the budget in order meet the infrastructure needs for these roads since this is in line with the government mandate of creating an enabling environment for economic development. The road hierarchy within Bela Bela can be broadly classified as follows:-</p><p> Principal Trunk Distributors – the national (N1) route is the most dominant road within the municipal area. It can be considered as the principal distributor in terms of the volume of traffic it carries and linkages that Bela Bela has with bigger cities (i.e. Gauteng, Polokwane) due to its existence. </p><p> Major Arterial Distributors – these include P1/ 4 (R101) which is mainly used by tourist and it link Bela Bela with Modimolle, Radium, Pienaarsriver and Gauteng; P20/ 1 links Bela Bela with Thabazimbi; and P85/ 1 (R516) which link the town of Bela Bela with Settlers. These routes provide linkages between the economic growth points within the municipality as well as to other economic growth points that fall out of the municipal jurisdiction. </p><p> District Distributor Routes – these are include D936 which links with P85/ 1 (R 516) from Codrington to Settlers, D626 which links Piernaarsriver and Rus de Winter Dam to Rapotokwane. These routes provide linkages between the emerging growth points.  Local Access Routes – are the lowest order of small access roads that provide direct access to the settlements and properties within the municipal area. In many instances these roads a competency of the local municipality in terms of maintenance and upgrade.</p><p>The N1 route is in a relatively good condition; however a concern can be noted by other major arterial routes which are currently in a bad condition and require substantial upgrading and maintenance. These include parts of P85/ 1 (R516), P1/ 4 (R101) and</p><p>______23 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>P20/1. In terms of the local access roads in urban areas, the current condition of these roads requires substantial maintenance since the infrastructure is too old. In addition to that there is a need for a pedestrian friendly environment especially in town since the majority of the residents walk by foot within the Central Business District.</p><p>PUBLIC HEALTH AND HIV/ AIDS</p><p>Bela Bela municipal area is currently serviced with two hospital, six clinics and two mobile clinics. Table 1 below is an indication of accessibility to these two hospitals by the settlement areas within the municipal area and the location of other health facilities (i.e. clinics and mobile clinics) in relation to these settlement areas. As evident from the table 1 below the majority of the health facilities are clustered within Bela Bela Town and this can be considered to be logically acceptable given the fact that it has a largest concentration of population which implies a greater demand for the health service. </p><p>Table 1.Availability of Health Facilities in Bela Bela Settlement Level of Service Bela Bela CBD and  Two Hospitals (-20km distance to settlements) Township  Two Clinics (-5km distance to settlements)  One Clinic (+5km distance to settlements)  One Mobile Clinic (- 10km distance to settlements)  One Mobile Clinic (+10km distance to settlements) Pienaarsriver  Two Hospital (+20km distance to settlements)  One Clinic (+5km distance to settlements) Radium  Two Hospital (+20km distance to settlements) Settlers  Two Hospital (+20km distance to settlements)  One Clinic (-5km distance to settlements) Rus de Winter  Two Hospital (+20km distance to settlements)  One Clinic (+5km distance to settlements)</p><p>An application of a 5 km radius from each clinic suggests that a number of settlements are not well provided with health facilities such that Pienaarsrivier, Radium and Rust de Winter are located quite far from the health facilities i.e. beyond the twenty kilometers of reach from hospitals and beyond five kilometers from clinics. The need for the provision of either mobile or immovable clinics would need to be determined within these settlements.</p><p>The statistics prepared by the Development Bank of Southern Africa indicates a drastic increase in the number of people affected with HIV/ AIDS within Bela Bela. According to the projections, the number of the people affected by the HIV/ AIDS epindemic increased from 7 810 to 14 333 from the period 2001 – 2006. Figure 9 below is an indication of the increased in the number of HIV/ AIDS orphans due to the AIDS endemic within Bela Bela. </p><p>______24 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Figure 9: Impact of HIV/ AIDS on Orphanage Source: DBSA 2006</p><p>1,200</p><p>1,000</p><p>800</p><p>600</p><p>400</p><p>200</p><p>0 1 6 6 1 9 9 0 0 9 0 9 0 1 1 2 2</p><p>Total orphans Total AIDS orphans Total non-AIDS orphans The detrimental impact of HIV/ AIDS will be beyond than placing the social development institutions at a pressure to make necessary provisions for accommodating the HIV/ AIDS orphans who are currently increasing at a rapid pace, such that the impact of HIV/ AIDS has a severe impact to the social and economic development of the area and it can lead to the following situations:-</p><p> Low and/ or zero population growth rate, thus affecting the sustainability of projects that are based on certain population projections.</p><p> A significant number of households will suffer a loss of income when the economically active member/ breadwinner dies of AIDS pandemic.</p><p> Families of HIV/ AIDS victims will be forced to divert their income, which could have been used for other socio – economic activities to conduct burial ceremonies as the African cultures encourages expensive funerals.</p><p> The economy of Bela Bela in particular will be negatively affected, as income will be lost due to absenteeism caused by ill health, and the necessary training of new incumbents.</p><p>On the financial perspective the increase in the number of orphans and object poverty will eventually force the government to spend more on social activities than on capital infrastructure, which propels economic development. This will also impact negatively on the ability of the municipality as investments rely heavily on the availability of capital infrastructure. </p><p>PUBLIC SAFETY</p><p>Bela Bela is currently serviced with three police stations to cater for public safety. These facilities are located within three different areas (i.e. Bela Bela Town, Piernaarsriver and Rus de Winter) within the municipality as indicated in the table below.</p><p>______25 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Table 2. Availability of Police Stations Location Level of Service Bela Bela (Warmbath) Town  Main Station Pienaarsriver  Main Station Rus de Winter  Main Station</p><p>The need and location of future public safety facilities should be informed by the crime statistics and the good road network to ensure that the emergencies are attended to efficiently. </p><p>SPORTS, RECREATION FACILITIES AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Sports and recreation facilities play a major role in the overall social development of the society such that these activities provide moral discipline and keep the youth out of the street. The ever – increasing crime and other social ills (i.e. teenage pregnancies, drug abuse etc.) gave rise to the importance of these activities and they should be viewed as the productive alternative that the youth can engage itself with. The existing facilities can be described as follows:-</p><p>Table 3. Availability of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreational Facilities in Bela Bela</p><p>Location Facilities Constraints/Challenges  Bela Bela Community  The Hall is multi – functional because it is also booked Bela Bela Hall i.e. Performing for special events and it is not always readily available for sports, arts, culture and recreational activities. Township Arts and Culture.  Sporting amenities i.e.  The sporting amenities indicated on the column for Netball, Volleyball, facilities are the only sporting code facilities available at the municipal level and they is a lot of pressure they Basket Ball and Tennis encounter due to overuse as a result the facilities are Court. deteriorating very quickly.  SUNFA “stadium” The long distance travelled by individuals who stay in the  Moloto Str “stadium” remote parts of the township.  Bela Bela High  The condition on the football grounds (stadium) is not Stadium satisfactory.  Community Park  The parks do not have the ablution facilities and lights. Bela Bela Town  No Facilities  Lack of Facilities Pienaarsriver  Community Hall  Lack of Facilities Radium  No facilities  Lack of facilities Rus de Winter and  Community Hall  Lack of facilities Rapotokwane</p><p>As evident from table 3 above, Bela Bela can be considered to be underprovided with facilities of sports, arts, culture and recreation. The majority of the settlement areas lack these facilities at the basic level and the existing facilities that are located within Bela Bela Township encounter an enormous pressure since they are currently overused.</p><p>______26 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The Youth Summit which was hosted to target youth development should therefore be taken seriously as it presented the challenges and drafted the recommendations that should inform youth development within the spheres of entrepreneurship, sports, arts and culture. This therefore presents a mandate by Bela Bela Municipality and other government structures to ensure that facilities for youth development are provided in an equitable manner as a means to develop the youth into respectable and responsible leaders of tomorrow. </p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS IN BELA BELA</p><p>It is critically important that the sustainability of the environmental is mainstreamed within all the aspect of physical development within Bela Bela Municipal Area. As depicted on map 1 below, Bela Bela has a number of Nature Conservation Areas, these are the Rust de Winter Nature Reserve situated on the southern border which is ± 2 500 ha in extent, the Enkeldoornspoort Nature Conservation Area in the south-eastern corner of the Municipal Area, Mabula Game Reserve, Bonwa Phala Game Reserve, Kunkuru Game Reserve, Sondela Nature Reserve, Mabalingwe Game Reserve, the Bothasvley Nature Conservation Area adjacent to the N1 National Road between Bela-Bela and Pienaarsrivier and the Het Bad Nature Reserve in the central area of Bela-Bela Local Municipality. The whole of the western part of the Bela-Bela Local Municipal Area is classified as a Conservation area as well as the area directly surrounding the Bothasvley Nature Conservation</p><p>Map 1. Conservation/ Flora & Fauna Map</p><p>While Bela Bela is at an advantageous position in terms of the environment since there are no heavy industries and soil degradation and erosion is minimal, it very important that</p><p>______27 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT the municipal ensures, with its available resources that the sensitive environments (as depicted on map 1 above and wetland areas next to Bospoort and Klein Kariba River) are adequately protected in line with the requirements of environmental management as discussed above 2.1.3. The potential risks that can be highlighted as this stage include the poor management of landfill sites, inadequate sanitation systems, informal settlements, veld fires, chemical spills and/or other hazardous accidents, droughts and physical development that is not conducive for the sustainability of the sensitive environment.</p><p>The adequate protection of high potential agricultural land (in terms of the soil classification) is also an important environmental element within Bela Bela given the pressure that the area is currently experiencing with due regards to the range of developments (i.e. upmarket estates and tourism initiatives) that can compromise this potential. Map 2 below is an illustration of the different agricultural potential classification within the farmlands of Bela Bela. </p><p>Map 2. Agricultural Potential within Bela Bela in terms of the soil classification</p><p>______28 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The above discussed issues are at the broad strategic level and it is important that the municipality considers these as a baseline when evaluating the credibility of the EIA’s for the development of applications that are submitted on an on-going basis. At the project evaluation level, the municipality relies on the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a tool for decision – making that entails a process of identifying, analysing and evaluating the positive and negative environmental affects of a proposed development and its alternatives. The municipality should also have an Environmental Management Plan that can address; vegetation, water, fuel and sewage treatment, with specific reference to the following:</p><p> Waste management • Solid waste; • Litter; and • Hazardous waste.</p><p> Soil Management • Drainage; • Earthworks; • Quarries & Borrow Pits; and • Excavation, Spoil sites, Batching sites, and stockpiles.</p><p>______29 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Impact and Mitigation measures • Noise and dust control; • Records; and • Restoration and Rehabilitation.</p><p>The additional Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) can be summarized as follows:-</p><p>STRENGTH WEAKNESSES 1. Bela-Bela Municipality is not an industrial 1. Lack of contingency plans for environmental area and the possibility of industrial effluent protection for future developments. is minimal. 2. Inability to implement by-laws that regulate 2. Financial resources to sustain refuse removal waste disposals. contracts. 3. More land available for development. 4. Safe and sustainable environment. 5. No soil degradation and erosion.</p><p>OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 1. Collaboration with Phomolong waste 1. Lack of control at the dumping site which management group. attracts human scavengers. 2. Involvement of schools in waste and 2. Risk of infection for people interacting with environmental awareness. refuse at the dumping site. 3. Collaboration with business to make 3. Inappropriate waste disposal methods (which available resources to deal with includes burning of waste and the disposal of environmental control. medical waste in an irresponsible manner). 4. Formation of waste site committee(s) to regulate the safety of waste dumping site(s). 5. Establishment of waste sorting and recycling plant at a proposed site in Pienaarsrivier.</p><p>Bela-Bela Local Municipality has the responsibility to consider this legislation, principles and policies on environmental management where applications for land development are considered for implementation.</p><p>HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY WITHIN BELA BELA</p><p>4.5.1 CURRENT HOUSING NEEDS, DEMAND AND PROVISION</p><p>Based on the municipal housing waiting list the current housing need and demand within Bela Bela is currently estimated at 2100 for the low income earners and 400 for the middle income earners. The Department of Local Government and Housing in partnership with Bela Bela Local Municipality are currently playing an important role in terms of housing provision for the low – income group who earn between R0 – R 3 500 pm. The current housing projects that are targeting to address housing backlogs for the people within this income category can be listed as follow:-  Bela Bela Extension 7 – 350 residential stands  Radium – 350 residential stands</p><p>______30 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Pienaasrsriver – 68 residential stands  The service provider has been recently appointed to unblock the blocked projects i.e. Lesedi project (280), Hostel (30), Pienaarsrivier (50) and Spa Park (70).  The other projects that are still at the proposal stage include SPA Park, Bela Bela Extension 8 (900 residential stands) and Bela Bela Extension 9, the remainder of portion 25 of the farm Het Bad 465 KR, GholfBaan Park, Appiesdoring park(erf 1067 Warmbath Ext 5) and part of the remainder of erf 655 Warmbath Proper. </p><p>The need for the provision of housing to the middle income group (i.e. especially those who fall within the income category ranging from R 3 501 – R 7 000 pm) is also critically important since it was noted that there are individuals who fall on this category and are registered on the municipal housing waiting list since they requires assistance with regards to accessing shelter. </p><p>The need for middle income housing may also be exacerbated by the fact that housing development that is driven by the private developers is mainly accessible and affordable to the upper income earners i.e. the minimum value for the houses provided by the private developers is in many instances more than R 500 000. The municipality is currently conducting an audit on all serviced municipal vacant sites in order to verify the availability of land that can be used to cater for middle income housing. The areas being audited include Bela-Bela Extensions, Jinna Park and Spa Park. </p><p>4.5.2 PRINCIPLES ON SUSTAINABLE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (SHS)</p><p>The notion of sustainable human settlement (SHS) refers to an integrated approach to housing provision for the residents of Bela Bela (especially those who are classified as the low income group). At the concept level the requirements of sustainable human settlement are precise and unambiguous in terms of the level in which housing should be provided for the residents within the Bela Bela area and these can be briefly summarized as follows:- </p><p> The focus on the provision of housing should not only be on housing delivery but also on housing development with a greater positive impact for the residents to be able to sustain their livelihood within that particular locality. This implies that the future housing delivery and development that takes place within Bela Bela should be incorporated within the vicinity of social facilities and economic opportunities to make it easier for the community to easily commute in order to obtain the services and employment opportunities. This requirement is intended to address the legacies of the past whereby individuals (especially the less privileged) were subjected to poor living conditions with the serious lack of amenities to sustain their livelihoods within those settlements.</p><p> The provision of housing should be an integrated approach to development using the delivery of shelter as a primary focus but including amongst other things basic service delivery (i.e. potable water, appropriate sanitation and access to electricity), obtaining or upgrading of land tenure rights, ease access to adjacent community and economic services, job creation plus skill transfer (i.e. during construction stages) and the outcomes should also build self esteem by the end users.</p><p>______31 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Housing delivery and development within Bela Bela occurs in two different forms. The first regards the state funded, low cost housing in which the Department of Local Government and Housing serves as the developer. The second pertains to private sector developments targeting mainly the upper income groups. Bela Bela Spatial Development Framework (adopted in 2006) should be the pillar in terms of informing the realization of sustainable human settlements through the implementation of these housing projects. </p><p>In line with the SDF the municipality has embarked on facilitating housing delivery within the areas that are earmarked for opportunity for future housing within the SDF growth nodal points (i.e. Bela Bela Town, Pienaarsriver and Radium) and these areas are within the urban fabric plus housing delivery is integrated to the delivery of services and reasonable proximity to the adjacent social and economic opportunities. There has been challenges in terms of achieving all the expectations by the sustainable human settlement concept in the past to such an extent that the concern was raised especially for housing delivery within Bela Bela Town (Main Growth Point) that the majority of these low cost housing projects still focus on extending the black townships which now perpetuate disintegration by income groups while in the apartheid era disintegration was perpetuated through racial segregation.</p><p>Despite these challenges which includes the limited availability of land within the existing central business district (CBD) and financial viability (i.e. high cost of land within the CBD) which might be a substantial sacrifice to achieve the low cost housing there, the municipality is however aiming to achieving this through creative ways such as through residential densification within the few vacant patches of land parcels that are located within the CBD and are considered by the SDF to be ideal for future housing development.</p><p>ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF THE LOCAL ECONOMY</p><p>Bela Bela’s contribution to the GDP of Waterberg District is estimated at 9% and it is considered to be one of the largest contributors to the economy of Waterberg District Municipality. The sectors that have a massive contribution to the economy are the tertiary sector (i.e. which includes tourism as the most dominant sector), primary sector (i.e. agriculture which has experienced a severe decline of approximately 40% since 1980) and there are secondary sectors which has improved drastically and these includes trade, commerce, manufacturing and construction. The graph below is an indication of various contributions towards the economy of Bela Bela.</p><p>Figure 10: The composition of Bela Bela’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2005</p><p>______32 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Government Services 10% Community Services 12% Finance 18% Transport 34% Wholesale 17% Construction 21% Electricity 6% Manufacturing 9% Mining 0.10% Agriculture 15%</p><p>0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%</p><p>Source: Quantec & UE calculations</p><p>Figure 10 above is an indication of the performance of Bela Bela in the Waterberg Economy. It should also be noted that figure 10, uses the traditional model of economic indicators which does not specifically group the tourism activities as one sector. The indicators that are closely associated with tourism in the context of figure 10 above includes Transport (34%) and Wholesale (17%) which accounts for a 51% contribution to the economy of Bela Bela. </p><p>TOURISM</p><p>It is commonly emphasized that tourism is one of the largest and fast growing industry and with the potential to become the focal point of the emerging economy. In economic terms Bela Bela is one of the success stories in tourism within Waterberg District and the rest of Limpopo. The area gained popularity mainly from its natural hot springs coupled with its strategic location with due regards to its proximity to Gauteng and the massive private investments in tourism facilities and hospitality enterprises such as 68 cozy accommodations (i.e. game lodges, nature reserves, hotels, guesthouses) and other places of interest. This ultimately made Bela-Bela one of the prime inland resort destinations in South Africa.</p><p>In addition to that there is an initiative by Gauteng Provincial Government (i.e. The Dinokeng Integrated Tourism Initiative) which should stimulate flows of new visitors into the southern tip of Limpopo province with various secondary benefits for Bela-Bela Municipality. There are plans for huge new reserves which will offer a big five, as well as a circuit of cultural centres. The relevance of the Dinokeng project is that Rust De Winter Village, Rust De Winter Nature Reserve and the section of the Limpopo province situated to the east of Pienaarsrivier, were an integral part of the feasibility study and have been included as key development sites. The nature reserve will be incorporated into the Big Five Reserve and two up-market lodges will be located along the western shore of the Dam.</p><p>The key challenge lies to the fact that the benefits of this sector has not sufficiently mainstreamed Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and its success has not reflected any impact to deepen prosperity by the emerging SMMEs since it has mainly been private sector or investor driven. The vision and objectives have been set for</p><p>______33 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Bela Bela. The tourism vision which would aim at driving Bela-Bela’s tourism industry and make Bela-Bela a tourist destination of choice can be highlighted as follows:-</p><p>• Make Bela-Bela an up-market high quality tourist destination; • Create an eco-tourism model that will serve as a catalyst for development; • Apply sustainable development principles when considering infrastructure developments; • Community participation in tourism development must be a priority; • Contribute to job creation and poverty eradication; • Offer a rewarding experience for the visitors and creates a positive image for the development of Bela-Bela as a brand; • Adds a variety to local life and widens opportunities for culture and recreation; and • Ensure a continued gathering of intelligence data to be more innovative for the improvement of Bela-Bela tourism in the future.</p><p>Based on the tourism vision of Bela-Bela, it is anticipated that by 2010, the following objectives must be achieved: • Establishment of guest houses in Bela-Bela to provide additional accommodation; • Promote and develop existing cultural heritage sites to attract more tourists; • Promote a new dimension of tourism in the townships of Bela-Bela; • Development of Bela-Bela Dam to increase the number of visitors to the area; • Improvement of signage along the roads around Bela-Bela; • Promote historical walking trails around Bela-Bela; • Establishment of home crafts industry; • Promote SMME’s development through BEE initiatives within the tourism sector; • Promotion and protection of Bela-Bela as a brand; • Provide tourism related training to local people to increase level of local people participation in the local tourism; • Development and maintenance of infrastructure to promote Local Economic Development; • Strong partnerships between the tourism industry and community, including such things as aspects of education, agriculture, manufacturing, production and environment; and • A more sustainable tourism industry that is less vulnerable to external economic fluctuations; • Optimize employment opportunities across Bela-Bela at all skill levels and improve tourism related jobs.</p><p>The opportunity that exists for the local tourism industry and broader community to benefit include the unstructured tours of visitors to Bela-Bela. A range of tourism products can be coordinated to appeal to visitors, by building upon the area’s points of difference and generate growth from developing traditional art and crafts. The following are opportunities that exist within local tourism industry:</p><p>• Maximum collective strengths that can be achieved by bundling the core attractions and additional services; • Employment opportunities and economic benefits for the local community; ______34 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>• Provision of business support information; • Investment attraction; • Infrastructure development (Bela-Bela facelift); • Training (Tourism related); • Tour guiding; • Value chain – diversify the market; • Improve and enhance craft market, safety and cleanliness; • Organised township tourism association to promote community based tourism development, such as township tours; • Identify and develop tourism desk for municipality to guide local tourism development; • Extended trading hours by local businesses; and • Provision of foreign exchange facilities.</p><p>AGRICULTURE</p><p>The agricultural sector in Bela Bela should also be considered as economically important particularly because it provides rural residents work as farm labour. However, this sector in many cases it is characterized by very working conditions and wages are notoriously low with the existence of underemployment. Nevertheless in economic terms the agricultural sector has extensive backward and forward linkages, thereby contributing tremendously tawards the overall development and existence of other sectors. This relates mainly to the inputs received from various sources to the agricultural sector (backward linkages) as well as output from the agricultural sector to various other sectors and users (forward linkages). </p><p>In terms of the weather conditions, Bela Bela comprises of temperatures between 20- 29°C, with the average rainfall between 520-650 mm per annum. There are black and red clay soils of medium to high potential in the Springbok flats. Sandy, red soils and wetlands cover the rest of the area. Vegetable crops include the following: Squash butternut, Squash hubbarb, Onions, Watermelons, Cabbage assorted, Sweet Corn, Pumpkin Grey, Pumpkin White, Beetroot, Carrots, and Peppers. Fruit types include the following: Grapes, Citrus, and Peaches. Other crops include: Maize, Cotton, Millet, Tobacco, Lucerne, Cowpeas, Groundnuts, Wheat, Jugebeans, Chinabeans and Sunflower.</p><p>Due to the various crops produced, production systems vary widely. Although the trend is changing the whole industry is still characterized by a high unskilled labour input and a serious lack of middle management capacity. In the commercial estate farming the competitiveness of commercial production will be enhanced through appropriate skills development programmes at all levels and through infrastructure development. Access to water for irrigation is particularly important, but feeder roads to production areas and arterial roads to markets are just as important.</p><p>In terms of the livestock in Bela-Bela municipality there are three livestock projects occupying 19,841 hectares of land. As it stands currently, agriculture is gradually declining due to changing from traditional farming and crop planting to game farming. This has left a large number of people without jobs. There are however still agricultural activities taking place within Bela-Bela</p><p>______35 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>MINING</p><p>The contribution of the mining sector towards local economic development of Bela-Bela is insignificant. The previous research undertaken as part of the 2007/ 08 IDP Review revealed that the mineral occurrences that exists in Bela Bela for mining resources and precious metals (i.e. diamond and gold) is of a very low grade and potential to such an extent that it cannot be considered probable that these minerals can be mined within the next 20 – 50 years. Other metals that are found on a limited scale and include manganese, copper, tin, and cobalt. The supply of calcite, refractory clay and fluorspar is sufficient. The distribution of limestone industrial mineral is small, with a medium scale supply of sandstone in the area.</p><p>TRADE AND COMMERCE</p><p>The performance of Bela Bela in terms of trade and commerce can be considered to be at its infancy stages with the main CBD that is still developing with a wide range of retail outlets, business services and financial institutions. The number of businesses within Bela Bela is increasing with an increase in the number of players in major retailing (i.e. motor retailing) as well as the large construction and building material supplies. </p><p>SMME DEVELOPMENT AND THE SECOND ECONOMY</p><p>The SMME sector has a potential to revive stagnating economies and reduce poverty. Unfortunately there are no records of the SMME’s contribution to the economy of Bela Bela as most of the activities cut across economic sectors while some are aligned to survivalists involving vending at taxi ranks and along pavements. Most of the SMMEs and second economy activities are in trade and wholesale, arts and craft, utility services and transports. These activities can be mainstreamed to the existing well performing first economy e.g. mainstreaming the arts and craft street vendors to the existing tourism market. This would require the vigorous efforts by the municipality, local and provincial government to come up with the creative ways of supporting the development of SMME. </p><p>LAND REFORM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT</p><p>A total of 56 land claims were lodged within Bela Bela through the Land Claims Commission in 2001. The majority of these claims are still under investigation and there are two claims that have been settled within three farms as indicated in table 4 below. The size of these farms in total accounts for 5 381, 6 ha in extent.</p><p>Table 4. Settled Land Claims within Bela Bela Municipal Area CLAIMAN NO. NO. OF TOTAL PROPERTIES SIZE OF SETTLEM T OF HOUSEHO NO. OF RESTORED LAND IN ENT DATE CLAI LDS BENEFICI MS ARIES EXTENT P/ River 2 101 369 PTN 1 and 13 1966, 0998 9/3/ 2004 Community (68 – Male Vaalboschbult ha (Moretele) Headed HH)</p><p>(43 – Female </p><p>______36 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Headed HH) Ga Mashung 2 Hakdooringfontein 777, 8554 ha Matlala 85 JR (Remainder)</p><p>2637, 6946 Kliprand 76 JR ha (Portion 1, 2 and 3)</p><p>There are ten (10) claims which have been gazetted to date and table 5 below is detailed indications of these land claims and the period through which each claim was published. </p><p>Table 5. Gazetted Land Claims within Bela Bela Municipal Area CLAIMANT KRP PROPERTY GAZETTE PERIOD DESCRIPTION/ NO. FARM NAME Sindane Family 891 Boomfontein 666 KS 620 of 2003 2003/03/14 Bela Bela 2441 Cyferfontein 434 KR 3269 of 2003 2004/11/07 Community Droogesloot 476 KR Olievenfontein 475 KR Rietspruit 527 KR Letlakaneng 744 Turfontein 499 KR 3167 of 2003 2003/11/07 Community Rus De Winter 178 JR 29689 of 2007 Mathole Family 900 Middelkopye 33 JR 29689 of 2007 Moikanyane CP 6277 Tambotiepan 175 JR 29689 of 2007 Matsemela E 11505 Vaalboschbult 39 JR 29689 of 2007</p><p>There are remaining land claims (42) are still under investigations; table 6 below is the details of all these claims which are currently outstanding. </p><p>Table 6. Outstanding Land Claims within Bela Bela Municipal Area KRP NO. PROPERTY CLAIMANT STATUS OF SIZE OF LAND DESCRIPTIO NAME CLAIM IN EXTENT N 2441 Turfontein 499 KR Lethlakaneng Negotiations 2487,3905 ha Community 1606 Cyferfontein 434 KR Bela Bela Negotiations 1715, 3695 ha & others Community 1634 Kliplaatdrift 43 JR Ramorula Further Research 2128 ha Community 1509 Buiskop 464 KR Buiskop Further Research 2487, 3905 ha Community 335 Diepdrift Mookgopong Further Research 2123 ha Community 6276 Driefontein 553 KQ Mokitlane Further Research 4432, 56 ha Mosehlane</p><p>______37 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>1798 Hartebeesfontein 558 Seama Further Research 2122, 33 ha KQ Community 958 Unclear Bjatladi Phase 2 Further Research 3242, 44 ha 12008 Uitvlugt 79 JR Sindane Further Research 3241, 123 ha Community 9160 Drooglaagte 485 KR Moneki Makgai Further Research 2134, 234 ha Community 1632 Unclear Dilokweng Further Research 2314, 23 ha Community 461 Groothoek 99 KS Manaileng Further Research 3456, 56 ha 6274 Prague 7734 LR Chokwe Further Research 4432, 56 ha Community 7856 Zandfontein 31 JR Matlala TK Further Research 3242,44 ha 7311 Unclear Nasser L Further Research 2122, 34 ha 10563 Unclear Olifant DJ Further Research 3212, 34 ha 8249 Unclear Motlapodi Further Research 2341, 123 ha Community 7314 Unclear Mogotlane MR Further Research 2134, 234 ha 7313 Unclear Dikobala MH Further Research 3000 ha 1073 Unclear Manaka KK Further Research 3456, 56 ha 8247 Platreef, Mapela Masenya MP Further Research 4432, 56 ha (Unclear) 8246 Unclear Hassim MH Further Research 2122, 33 ha 10990 Erf 169 Piet Bryat IE Further Research 3242, 44 ha Potgietersus (Unclear) 6275 Unclear Teffo WR Further Research 3242, 44 ha 11173 Witfontein 526 KQ Mahlangu JP Further Research 2218, 5298 ha 6275 Eldarado 388 LQ Bangwato Ba Further Research 2487, 3905 ha Sekgathe Community 7847 Zandfontein 31 JR Matlala TK Further Research 2979, 9362 ha 9928 Unclear Mosam AH Further Research 35, 874 ha 1502 Unclear Monyamane MD Further Research 52, 36985 ha 7315 Bellevue 577 & Matlala Further Research 68, 874 ha Others Dichoneng Tribe 9175 Unclear Johannes Ramaru Further Research 1933 ha 12181 Unclear ME Chauke Further Research 28552 ha 10545 Louwiskraal 1104 Maake MM Further Research 1187 ha MS 1797 Erf 1650 (Unclear) Ahmed Hassim Further Research 2123 ha 8243 Mooimei-siesfontein Mokitlane MS Further Research 2487, 3905 ha 536 LR 10317 Unclear Hassim I Further Research 2123 ha 10893 Strikkloof Matlou MH Further Research 2487, 3905 ha 5249 Unclear Kekana MJ Further Research 1715, 3695 ha 6512 Unclear Maretela Further Research 2123 ha ______38 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Community 741 Kalkfontein 140 JR Nokaneng Further Research 2487, 3905 ha Community 11265 Elsjeskraal 613 KR Bagatla a Mmakau Further Research 1715, 3695 ha of Mokgoko 1631 Mantsole 40 JR Ntshodisane MI Further Research 1987, 5455 ha</p><p>INSTITUTIONAL AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS</p><p>STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION</p><p>Bela Bela Local Municipality (NP 366) is a Category B Municipality as determined by the Municipal Demarcation Board in terms of Section 4 of the Municipal Structures Act 1998. The Municipality functions under the Collective Executive system consisting of five (5) Executive members of whom one is the Mayor. The Council consists of 17 councilors including the members of the Executive Committee. Out of the 17 councilors 8 are Ward elected councilors. There are three portfolios of the municipality, which can be outlined as follows:-  Economic Development, Planning and Infrastructure  Budget, Treasury and Good Governance and Transformation  Social and Community Services</p><p>The communication strategies that the municipality is currently using include the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) Representative Forum, Mayoral Imbizo, Monthly Ward Committee Meetings and Communication Surveys (i.e. through Suggestion Boxes). </p><p>MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION</p><p>The municipality has a staff compliment of 333 full time staff as provided in the revised Organogram. The municipal organogram makes provision for a Municipal Manager, 5 Senior Managers (Head of Departments) and 16 Middle Managers (Divisional Heads). The figure below is an adopted Section 57 organogram.</p><p>Figure 11: Status of Section 57 positions within Bela Bela as at 1 July 2007</p><p>Municipal Manager Filled</p><p>Manager Corporate Manager Social and Manager Technical Services ______Community Services Services 39 FilledPREPARED BY: BELA BELAFilled MUNICIPALITY ECONOMICFilled DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Manager Economic Budget and Treasury Development and Planning Department (CFO) Filled Filled</p><p>Table 7: Municipal Staff Compliment Level of Employment Number of % Employees Senior Managers including MM 6 2% Middle Managers 16 5% Technical/ Professional Staff 37 11% Other Staff (clerical, labourers etc.) 274 82% Grand Total 333 100%</p><p>Table 8: Management Capacity for Executing the Municipal Powers and Functions Managerial Level Management Subordinate Management (Divisional Heads/ Accountability Managers) Municipal Manager Head of Administration I Communications II Internal Auditing Head of Departments (5) 1. Budget and Treasury I Budgeting and Financial Reporting (Section 57 Managers) II Expenditure III Revenue 2. Technical Services I Water and Sanitation II Roads and Stormwater III Electrical Services 3. Social and Community I Sports, Art, Culture, Cemeteries and Special Services Programmes II Protection and Emergency Services III Municipal Health 4. Economic Development I Integrated Development Planning and Planning II Local Economic Development (Vacant) III Town Planning and Housing 5. Corporate Services I Human Resources II Information Technology (IT) and Records Management III Council Administration</p><p>Table 9: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Budget and Treasury Department Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Profess. Vac compromises Service Delivery Budgeting  Compiling financial statements and executing 2 2 0 2 Staff shortages due to and budgetary controls vacant positions to Financial  Compliance with MFMA reporting formats assist senior and Reporting  Ensuring implementation of GAMAP/ GRAP middle management.</p><p>______40 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Expenditure  Payment of Municipal Expenses 9 2 3 1 Clerical vacancy Managemen  Preparing monthly bank reconciliation t  Administering Asset Register  Managing stores Revenue  Supervise the Revenue staff 17 2 4 4 Vacancies in the Managemen  Verify daily revenue, direct payments into bank availability of Junior t accounts via. Cashiers, debit orders and through Staff (Cashiers) Post Office  Reconcile revenue with bank statements, taking into consideration the amounts for revenue paid into banks and accounts of other divisions e.g. Traffic  Handling enquiries on accounts through telephonic, correspondence and in person.  Balancing the trial balance and ledger accounts  Balancing evaluation roll  Certifying documents for payment etc.  Contract – Loan agreements</p><p>Table 10: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Technical Services Department Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Manag Profess. Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Water and  Provision of water, sewerage 66 2 2 12 Vacancies are Sanitation and sanitation. mainly the Junior  Reticulation of water, Staff i.e. Machine sewerage pipeline Operators and  Maintenance of water and General Assistants sewerage network  Water and sewer purification Roads and  Construction and 29 2 1 8 Staff shortages due Stormwater maintenance of roads and to vacancies on the stormwater. building services  Render Project Management section. Services and upkeep of Municipal Buildings.  Coordinate mechanical services. Electrical  Provision, distribution, 24 2 4 29 Staff shortages due Services Maintenance of electrical to the many connections with the vacancies for Municipal Area. electrical assistants  Render electric services to and other support municipal labourers. construction projects. </p><p>Table 11: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Social and Community Services Department</p><p>______41 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Manag Profess. Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Sports, Arts,  Develop and promote 33 2 1 16 Staff shortages due Culture, sports, arts and culture. to vacant positions Cemeteries and  Provide Parks, Recreation for clerical work and Special and Cemetery Services general works. Programmes i.e. maintenance and upkeep of cemeteries, parks and municipal facilities  Provide Library Services which includes procurement and issue of library material Protection and  Providing registration and 18 2 8 11 Staff shortages due Emergency licensing services. to vacant positions Services  Promote traffic safety and for professional law enforcement. officers to assist  Render fire fighting and middle management. disaster management services  Render security services. Municipal  Render environmental 35 2 1 8 Staff shortages due Health health services. to vacant positions  Render landfill on the waste management services. management  Render refuse and waste section. management services.</p><p>Table 12: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Economic Development and Planning Department Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Manag. Profess Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Integrated  Managing the 2 2 0 1 Staff shortages due Development development, approval to vacant positions Planning (IDP) and implementation of to assist senior and the IDP. middle management  Monitoring the (i.e. Professional performance of the Officer). Municipality through PMS requirements.  Compiling and monitoring the implementation of strategic, operational and activity plans to give effect to the IDP.  Compiling and submitting progress</p><p>______42 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> performance reports on all the development initiatives, projects, programmes and activities taking place within Bela Bela (i.e. Quarterly, Mid - yearly and Annual Reports).  Developing and Implementing policies and procedures to manage and co – ordinate all approved public participation and communication projects, programmes and activities. Local Economic  Marketing of Bela Bela. 2 1 1 2 Significant staff Development  Co – ordinating shortages due to (LED) investments proposals vacant positions  Liaison with investors from middle  Promotion of tourism management to  Supporting the LED professional officer. projects  Providing incentives for the SMMEs./Support SMME Development Town Planning  Ensuring the 5 2 3 3 Staff shortages due and Housing implementation of the to the structure of town planning the organogram requirements within the which does make development taking provisions for the place in Bela Bela Junior Planners to Municipal Area. assist senior and  Render land use, middle management Building and Housing with the workload. administration.  Render survey and demarcation of sites.  Decision – making in terms of spatial and physical planning.</p><p>Table 13: Core Departmental Functions, Capacity and Constraints: Corporate Services Department Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Manag Profess Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Human Resource  Render acquisition of 5 2 3 0 Fully staffed staff.  Administer employees</p><p>______43 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> benefits.  Render administration, labour and legal relations.  Render training and development services.  Render organisational development services. Information  Render record 15 2 0 2 Staff shortages due Technology (IT) and management services. to vacant positions Records  Render information for the Professional Management technology services. Officers.  Provide auxiliary services. Council  Oversee the drafting 3 2 0 3 Vacancies for Administration and updating of by- Professional laws. Officers and a  Compilation of council Typist. agendas.  Provide legal services.</p><p>DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE</p><p> Community Education and Participation</p><p>Section 16 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act requires municipalities to develop a culture of municipal governance that compliments formal representative government with a system of participatory local government. As such, Bela Bela Municipality has adopted a ward committee system and established such structures in all 8 municipal wards. In terms of the structure of the ward committees, each committee must have 10 members which gives a total of 80 members, however the exact number of the ward committees is not currently available since there has been a decrease in number of members within each committee. The ward committees represent diverse interests and serve as the main means for public participation in the IDP and municipal affairs generally. There are training workshops which have been planned for 2007/ 08 financial year.</p><p> Interaction with community</p><p>Section 6(3) b of the Constitution stipulates that the municipality must take into account the language usage and the preference of their communities in communication. The White Paper on Local Government suggests mechanisms, which include forums, focused research and focused stakeholder groups as communication tools. Transparency and reciprocal information flow are the tenets put forward by the government and transparency has been given more prominence through Acts such as the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act and the Access to Information Act. </p><p>In this instance, the Bela Bela Municipality prepared and adopted a Communication Strategy. The municipality is also intending to establish a newsletter for the municipality so that communities will be kept informed. It should be noted that the IDP Representative</p><p>______44 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Forum is also a legislative requirement that promote public participation by the community on the affairs of the municipality.</p><p> Municipal Financial Strategy</p><p>One of the challenges facing Bela Bela Municipality is to ensure that credit control measures are put in place. The second priority is to broaden the basis of revenue and not to restrict income to only assessment rates, sewerage, waste removal water and electricity charges. The 2007/ 08 IDP noted the following strategies which are followed in order to address the above priorities:</p><p>Table 13: Financial Strategies STRATEGY INCOMe DESCRIPTION OF STRATEGY IMPACT ON COST OF SOURCE REVENUE IMPLEMENTATIO N Improve billing - Design more user- friendly invoices None</p><p>System e in consultation with community;</p><p>- Send out in- voices at least five e m u</p><p> o working days before the end of each n c month; e n</p><p>I - Install prepaid meters in all v</p><p> e</p><p> d residential areas and phase r e</p><p> i conventional meters out over the e v</p><p> following ten years. s e</p><p>Ensure l - Install pay points in close proximity a R60 000.00 to </p><p> e l accessibility l of the community facilities; erect pay points. r c of pay-points to A - Provide accessibility for tax-payers all members of and consumers to pay via the Internet. n the community. I Ensure Ensure effective communication registration between trade departments and of all liable levy income Division; payers. Ensure that all relevant information is correctly captured on the data information system. Ensure the - Appoint external consultants to Outstanding None – effective assist Council with the first phase of debts to be Consultants will implementation implementation; be remunerated of - Train employees in managing the reduced with out of additional the Credit credit Control policy 10% per revenue received. Control financial year. R30 000.00 to Policy train employees Data cleansing to Contribute to R30 000.00 for ensure that 10% decrease collecting consumer details Costs on the system are in outstanding correct debts</p><p>______45 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Ensure a positive - Reduce the Accumulated Deficit by To reduce the bank None. cash flow. budgeting for a surplus per financial overdraft and to year over the following ten years; change the negative - Approve budgets of all financial cashbook balance to years, based on actual cash flow. a positive amount which will result in a situation that the bank balance will not be overdrawn.</p><p>Upgrading r e Increase vending w machine for cash o revenue. p power Reduce h s</p><p> a electricity C losses.</p><p> MEC Comment</p><p>The MEC’s comments on the 2007/08 Integrated Development Plan for Bela Bela included the following concerns:-</p><p> The IDP document was not packaged in a standardized format to enable an objective and credible assessment of the IDP process and content issues.</p><p> There was no clear indication of the availability and non – availability of sector plans and programmes on the document.</p><p> The limited attention on implementing structures and measures to promote Good Governance e.g. implementation of anti – corruption strategies and establishment of audit committees.</p><p> A total of sixteen sector plans were not included on the IDP document and these are the Municipal Institutional Plan, Risk Management Plan, 5 – year capital investment plan, Local Economic Development Plan, Tourism Strategy, Integrated Waste Management, Environmental Management, Air Quality Management Plan, Health Plan, Educational Plan, Housing Plan, HIV/ AIDS Plan, Social Crime Prevention Strategy, Poverty Alleviation and Gender Equity Plan, Integrated Transport Plan and Organizational PMS.</p><p>STRENGTH, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS (SWOT) ANALYSIS OF INSTITUTIONAL SITUATION</p><p>The current institutional situation reflects an immense improvement and stability in terms of staffing arrangements within Bela Bela Local Municipality. This is evident from the SWOT analysis table below which reflects a significant number of strengths against the</p><p>______46 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> weaknesses that are currently in existence within the arrangements that the municipality has undertaken in terms of Municipal Administration. </p><p>Table 14: SWOT Analysis</p><p>Strengths Weaknesses 1. All senior management positions are filled and 1. Staff shortages in many departments senior staff members are well trained and 2. Lack of skills/ capacity at the lower experienced. levels. 2. Well developed sense of teamwork amongst senior 3. Service providers do not always management members. respond on time for emergencies. 3. Good potential amongst middle management for 4. Lack of adequate funds for training staff capacitating. 5. Lack of sufficient internet connection 4. Senior and Middle Management are computer literate. 5. Fairly good computer programs. 6. Contingency plan in place for equipment breakdown. 7. Business plan for capacity building in place. 8. Enough computers available for senior management.</p><p>OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 1. Staff development through training. 1. Delays in service delivery 2. Potential to contribute to job creation through 2. Delays in programmes/ projects with LED/IDP/EPWP projects and learnership implementation programmes. 3. Possible failure to respond to 3. Internal redeployment/ placement and better emergencies utilisation of staff with improved morale and job satisfaction. 4. Conducting the staff audit</p><p>KEY DEVELOPMENT ISSUES</p><p>It is important to note that integrated development planning is not and cannot be a panacea for all problems facing the municipality and its people. As a result, one of the distinguishing features of integrated development planning is its focus on strategic areas of intervention and concern with interventions with a high impact using the limited resources available to the municipality. This focus is intended to achieve faster and appropriate delivery of services and create an enabling framework for social and economic development. Based on the assessment of the current situation, Bela Bela</p><p>______47 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Municipality has identified the following as key development issues from 2007/ 08 and 2008/ 09.</p><p>4.9.1 COMMUNITY AND STAKEHOLDER PRIORITY ISSUES</p><p> Backlogs in the Delivery of Basic Infrastructure: Roads, Water and Sanitation The infrastructure issue which was raised during the 2007/ 08 IDP review was that the condition of roads within all the wards are considered to be inaccessible during the rainy season and the storm water drainage also needs to be improved. The additional infrastructure backlog issues that has been identified during the 2008/ 09 analysis phase is the lack of access to water and sanitation at the appropriate RDP standard by approximately 775 households in ward 8 (i.e. KwaLitho) and informal settlements (i.e. “JZ”). There are also major arterial routes (i.e. controlled by Dept. of Transport) which are in a very bad condition and these include P85/ 1 (R516), P1/ 4 (R101) and P20/ 1.</p><p> Backlogs in the Delivery of Public Facilities: Crime, HIV/AIDS, Education and Skills</p><p>The crime rate in Bela-Bela Municipality is reaching alarming proportions and must be reduced. Although the crime statistics are not readily available, the residents meetings held with the community has reflected that Public Safety is a key area of concern within specific parts of the municipal area and these will need to be addressed.</p><p>The number of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS within Bela Bela is considered to be increasing and this requires urgent attention. With reference to the HIV/ AIDS statistics in sub section 4.3.3, it is evident that a lot needs to be done by Dept of Health in association with the municipality in order to avoid the impact that this epidemic will have on the social and economic development of Bela Bela. </p><p>In terms of education the 2007/ 08 IDP review noted that there are 20 schools on private properties (farms) and the key issues was that these schools are too far from the settlements and the children have to travel long distances to attend their classes. These schools comprises of 67 classrooms and 1062 learners. The lack of tertiary institutions with Bela Bela was also considered to be limiting a factor in terms of ensuring that the population is skilled and therefore the facilitation and establishment of FET institution within Bela-Bela was identified as the priority issue.</p><p> Poor Access to Shelter The number of residents who require housing within Bela Bela still remains high and the municipality should on an on – going basis ensure the availability of serviced land in all wards for housing and infrastructure purposes. Based on the housing waiting list the housing backlog is currently estimated at 2100 for low income earners and 400 for middle income earners.</p><p> Economic Development and Job Creation The need to revive the economy and improve unemployment was also identified as a critical issue during the 2007/ 08 IDP review. It was also indicated that tourism is the ______48 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT economic mainstay of the Bela Bela Municipality, however, due to a declining economy and an increase in unemployment, the market is unable to absorb the growing labour force.</p><p>4.9.2 MUNICIPAL PRIORITY ISSUES</p><p> Ensuring the Provision of Basic Service</p><p>The municipality committed itself to the provision of the following basic services:-  Bulk water supply and sanitation – upgrading of bulk water supply and sewer purification plant at Bela-Bela.  Solid Waste Management – There are no dumping sites at Pienaarsrivier, Vingerkraal, or Rapotokwane.  Electricity supply – Upgrade bulk electricity supply and network.</p><p> Institutional Development The reconstruction of municipal building which was damaged by the fire was also made a priority since it was the critical and unavoidable institutional issue for the municipality to function appropriately.</p><p>______49 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>4. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>The strategic framework presents the long-term development vision, the associated localized strategic guidelines, objectives and strategies as ranked by priority. The latter serves as guidelines for specific actions that the municipality will undertake and embark upon to ensure the implementation of projects. For practical purpose the performance indicators’ formulations are based on the action plans identified in this phase.</p><p>VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT</p><p>5.2.1 VISION</p><p>It is the vision of Bela-Bela Local Municipality to strive for the development of the municipality to be safe, prosperous and well maintained.</p><p>This vision is guided by the constitutional imperatives, which generally requires all local government structures to be developmental in nature and continuously strives to ensure safety in the interest of the public and the environment while also ensuring that communities are empowered to become prosperous in both social and economically terms.</p><p>5.2.2 MUNICIPAL VALUES</p><p>Bela Bela Municipality commits itself to the following municipal values in pursuit of the above – mentioned vision and developmental agenda. The values of Bela Bela can generally outlined in Box 2 below:-</p><p>BOX 2: IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THIS BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY NEEDS:</p><p>• The combined efforts of all the residents of the municipality regardless of race, age and gender; • The assistance of departments in the other two spheres of ______government; and 50 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT • The Municipal Council of Bela-Bela as the driving force towards it all. BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES</p><p>5.3.1 INTRODUCTION</p><p>The localized strategic guidelines assist in terms of considering the relevance and application of policy guidelines in the local context and give direction to the development of strategies that ultimately result in the identification of projects for local development. The idea behind the development of localized strategic guidelines is to ensure that planning takes into cognizance all relevant policies and legislations which are adapted for local conditions. </p><p>5.3.2 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR SPATIAL IMPERATIVES</p><p>The spatial issues that are considered to be the challenges in Bela Bela include the concentration of economic resources in the former white areas, spatial disparities, development of informal settlements and service backlogs (i.e. within the nodes). It is important to note that at the planning stages Bela Bela has made efforts to address these spatial related challenges which include the preparation and adoption of the Spatial Development Framework (SDF). The SDF serves as the local base plan that the municipality uses for spatial guidance since it is prepared taking into account all the relevant spatial policies and legislations and it is made to suit the local conditions and needs.</p><p>The SDF of Bela Bela therefore indicates the broad direction of future development, desired pattern of land-use, urban edges, special development areas and areas that need conservation. The SDF should also be the mechanism that is used to discourage urban sprawl, discourage land invasions, provision for development of rural and urban areas, promoting environmental sustainable, ensure land use integration, equality and efficiency. In addition to the SDF the municipalities are supposed to prepare the Land Use Management Schemes (LUMS) which is a detailed guidance and a control mechanism for land use at the local level to support the implementation of the SDF.</p><p>Table 15: Localised Strategic Guidelines on Spatial Imperative</p><p>Policy and Legislative Principles Localised Strategic Guidelines</p><p>The NSDP’s Economic Growth principle Bela Bela should ensure that the capacity of existing requires the government spending on fixed infrastructure (water, electricity, roads etc.) is investments to be focussed on localities of sufficient within the identified economic growth economic potential in order to sustain and points (Bela Bela Urban Areas, Radium, stimulate economic activities and create long – Pienaarsriver and Settlers) and the government should invest in fixed investments (infrastructure term employment. and public facilities) within these areas. ______51 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The NSDP principle on Integrated The location of new housing projects should be Development requires Bela Bela to overcome located within existing urban areas in order to the spatial distortion of the apartheid, future optimise the utilisation of existing infrastructure settlements to be channelled within the nodes (e.g. roads, schools, water, clinics, etc.). The new and activity corridors which links to the main land development (commercial investments) should growth points. promote the compaction of the urban area(s) within the Bela Bela Municipality. All social, economic, institutional, physical and environmental issues should be considered during planning processes.</p><p>5.3.3 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Bela Bela Municipality should maximize its potential for social development and economic growth in order to develop the community by creating an enabling environment to attract external investment and give impulse to local capital for economic growth. In order for local government to achieve a strong emphasis on economy as the core of development, the municipality should:-</p><p>• Formulate policies and guide Integrated Economic Development; • Co-ordinate government’s economic development programmes; • Provide infrastructure for business in previously disadvantaged communities; • Facilitate sustainable community projects; • Facilitate access to funding and training for SMME’s; • Develop incentives for local investment; and • Maintain a rural focus.</p><p>Bela Bela Municipality prepared and adopted the Local Economic Plan in 2005, which highlighted the economic opportunities within Bela Bela and made recommendations regarding the current economic situation. One of the crucial recommendation by the LED plan was that in order for the economy to grow and the residents to benefit, there should be a change in focus by the community in terms of depending on subsidies, grants and social hand outs to alleviate poverty but the individuals should starts realising creativity and entrepreneurial as the key to empowerment and this include pursuing the BEE in the dominant and successful sectors within the municipality. </p><p>Table 16: Localised Strategic Guidelines on Economic Development</p><p>Policy and Legislative Principles Localised Strategic Guidelines The Limpopo PGDS target is to increase economic The leading sectors within Bela Bela (which are the growth of the province by 9% from 2001 – 2010 distinguished features of Limpopo PGDS) is and 12% by 2010 – 2020 through capitalizing on Tourism and Agriculture. Bela Bela should therefore existing economic clusters and positioning the capitalize on investing these economic clusters in province for international competitiveness. order to grow its economy, create an enabling environment for the entrance of SMMEs, BEE and Job Creation. Maintaining Local Context Identifying the potential of rural areas and developing projects in line with the local capacity Ensuring sensible forms of redistribution Providing infrastructure for business in previously disadvantaged areas</p><p>______52 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Achieving complementary between large and small Inter – linking projects i.e. ensuring where possible projects that output of large projects benefit the development of smaller projects Creating a conducive environment Security of persons and property and maintaining the existing infrastructure Facilitating sustainable community projects Taking a leading role in identification, facilitation and implementation of projects in consultation with stakeholders and experts in the field elated to projects Developing incentives for local municipal Maintaining the current infrastructure and providing investment economic related incentives such as rebates Support SMME through facilitation of access to Establishing an SMME support centre. Ensuring funding and training joint ventures between large service providers and SMMEs. Providing incentives for the utilization of SMME service and products</p><p>5.3.4 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT</p><p>Although there is a plethora of legislation addressing environmental issues in South Africa, the National Environmental Management (NEMA) incorporates all the principles governing environmental issues and should serve as the basic planning principle. The fact that different municipalities will have different developmental objectives (e.g. Metropolitan Areas in Gauteng and district municipalities in the predominantly rural Limpopo Province) makes it more imperative to adhere to the basic planning principles. A key principle that governs the relationship between development and nature is the belief that what benefits us today, should also benefit future generations. This principle should be regarded as the economic law of the exploitation of natural resources.</p><p>It was previously indicated in section 4.4, that Bela Bela has a number of nature reserves, flora & fauna and other environmental significance areas which require environmental protection and therefore the importance of localizing the environmental issues within Bela Bela becomes quite critical. The table below is the localized environmental strategic guideline.</p><p>Table 17: Localised Strategic Guidelines on Environmental Management </p><p>______53 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>5.3.5 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT, POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND GENDER EQUALITY</p><p>The groups that can be considered to be most vulnerable in terms of poverty related issues are the women, children, disabled, aged and the rural residents or farm workers. These social categories constitute a large percentage of the community and are mostly located in the previously disadvantaged areas. Since development is about changing people’s lives, it is important that through this IDP process one is able to channel resources with a goal of ensuring that poor people’s lives will be improved, hence they should be made less poor, rather than to make them more comfortable in poverty. The strategies must be in line with the policies and principles adopted nationally to curb poverty. However, these strategies need to be concretized according to local conditions. Furthermore, projects must comply with IDP objectives, strategic guideline and operational strategies. Finally, the projects need to be integrated to produce a holistic approach to poverty alleviation by integrating the provision of social infrastructure with economic growth.</p><p>Gender issues, like poverty alleviation, should constitute the core of the IDP. These issues originated as result of the historical trend to regard women as inferior and</p><p>______54 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT marginalized them from mainstream economy and politics. The unfortunate situation is that while the majority of the population is still reeling from the effects of apartheid, women suffered more than their male counterparts. The gender issue is about transforming the society to be gender conscious when developmental issues are considered. The relationship between gender and poverty can be summarized as a problem of power relations between men and women. Women, particularly in the rural areas, still do not have “access to, and control over social, political and economic resources”. The IDP process should ensure that gender issues are mainstreamed throughout the planning process. The solution to the poverty problem should start with the identification of the contributing factors of which the marginalization of women is certainly one. During the analysis phase, an in-depth analysis revealed the core of the problem, the affected social grouping and the location, as well as the impact of underdevelopment on women. Inability to access water, results in women having to walk long distances to fetch water and inaccessible health facilities becomes an enormous burden for women who are responsible for their children’s health.</p><p>The instrumental government structures with programmes and projects to tackle poverty issues include the Department of Local Government and Housing, Agriculture, Health and Welfare and Land Affairs. There are also international agencies that are directing their efforts to rural areas in order to alleviate poverty and these include the UN Food Program and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). The local municipality can then play a facilitating role to evaluate the effectiveness of these initiatives (e.g. effectiveness of land reform projects in creating emerging black commercial farmers) and offer supports that might be deemed necessary.</p><p>Table 18: Localised Strategic Guidelines on Rural Development, Poverty Alleviation and Gender Equality.</p><p>______55 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>5.3.6 LOCALISED STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR SERVICE DELIVERY, INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND GOOD GOVERNANCE </p><p>In order for service delivery and socio-economic development to be sustainable, a municipality should integrate the various sectors and dimensions, such as planning and delivery of housing, transport and basic infrastructure, public facilities sectors taking into account the spatial, environmental and economic dimensions which also form part of the overall development agenda of the municipal goals.</p><p>The backlogs in terms of service delivery were exacerbated by a number of factors such as separate development which was inflicted by the apartheid planning (i.e. characterized by spatial separation of settlements with a concentration of basic household infrastructure in the white areas and no, or less, services in the black communities). An example is Bela-Bela where there is Bela-Bela for Africans, Warmbaths for Whites, Jinnah Park for Indians and Mountain View for Coloureds. </p><p>With this background, local government institutions are now faced with the reality of transforming themselves to meet the new constitutional objective which is to become developmentally orientated. This role requires the local government institutions (i.e.</p><p>______56 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT municipality) to organize and manage themselves in fulfilling this service delivery role and that is where the municipal institutional arrangements become important. In the past local government institutions were faced with straightforward technical roles but now local government is required to adopt a developmental approach, achieve integration and make decisions about service delivery that are at the public domain in order to be classified as the good governance.</p><p>Table 19: Localized Strategic Guidelines on Service Delivery, Institutional Development and Good Governance Principles and norms Localised strategic guidelines Transform existing organizational Reviewing the municipal organizational arrangements and cultures. structure in line with the demand and required capacity for service delivery. Provide a democratic and accountable Mainstreaming public participation in the government to the people. affairs of the municipality i.e. IDP Rep Forums, Mayoral Imbizo, Community satisfaction surveys etc. Provide sustainable service delivery. Ensuring that the development process undertaken by the local and provincial government structures is integrated. Establish a performance management Ensuring that the municipality has a PMS system to inform institutional reforms and framework in place in order to manage the organizational development. performance of the municipality in service delivery Ensure demographic representation in the Development and revision of the equity plan institution. that also shows a balanced representation of the municipal demographics and ensure that recruitment of staff is consistent with the employment equity plan of the municipality Ensure gender representation. Recruitment to be consistent with the Employment Equity plan of the municipality.</p><p>______57 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS</p><p>SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Priority No. 1: Roads and Storm water DEVELOPMENT TO DEVELOP, UPGRADE, IMPROVE AND MAINTAIN THE ROAD AND STORMWATER OBJECTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN BELA BELA MUNICIPAL AREA. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Responsibility/ Outcome Driver 1. To improve the condition of the  Paving of access roads in Bela Bela Bela Bela Township  Well – Bela Bela Local municipal controlled roads and Township and access road to the cemetery. Rapotokwane maintained Municipality ensure proper maintenance.  Resealing of the roads in the CBD Bela Bela CBD and functional  Rehabilitation of main road in Rapotokwane Industrial Area roads.  Rehabilitation of roads in Industrial Area and Golfbaanpark Spa Park. Spa Park  Completion of Koot van der Merwe Street in Masakhane (Radium) Golfbaanpark.  Refurbishing of Rails and Catwalk  Paving of access roads in Bela Bela Township i.e. Extension 5, 6 and 7  Upgrading of all internal roads within Masakhane (Radium)  Upgrading of internal streets in Rapotokwane  Proper maintenance of access roads in Bela Bela Ext. 5  Removal of stockpile at Leseding Extensions</p><p>2. To improve and upgrade the  Construction of proper stormwater drainage Bela Bela CBD (i.e. Van  Fully Bela Bela Local drainage systems in the township. in areas that are prone to flooding. der Merwe Street or next to functional Municipality Public Works) stormwater Bela Bela Township system. Rapotokwane</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 58 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT Priority No. 2: Electricity DEVELOPMEN TO ERADICATE THE BACKLOGS OF 800 HH WITHOUT THE POWERSUPPLY BY 2012, IMPROVE THE T OBJECTIVE QUALITY OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY, UPGRADE BULK ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AND NETWORK. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Responsibility/ Outcome Driver 1. Eradicate electricity backlog by 2012 through utilizing the  Electrification of houses of 800HH.  Bela Bela Extension Improve access to Bela Bela municipal capital budget.  Electrification of 500 stands in Spa 7, 8 and 9. basic services Municipality Park  Radium  Replacing streetlights in  Pienaarsriver Pienaarsriver and CBD.  Bela Bela CBD  Replacement of meter boxes  Installation of 90 streetlights in Radium  Installation of Bus – coupler at municipal substation 2. Apply for other source of funds to upgrade Electricity  Upgrading of Bela Bela Township  Bela Bela CBD Effective power Bela Bela network by 2008/09. Electrical network. supply which can Municipality  Replacing HT cables in town cope with future  Upgrade of switchgear and building developments at the main substation  Upgrade Noodhulp line  Extention of electrical store  Upgrade of streetlights in the CBD  Recovery Plan – Metering Audit  Recovery Plan – Replacing of conventional meters  Re-spraying and and painting of meter boxes and subs 3. Liase with Eskom in order to upgrade bulk electricity  Installation of High Mast streetlights Municipal Wide Efficient Power Bela Bela supply in Bela Bela Ext. 6 & 7 Supply to cope with Municipality  Replacement of meter boxes future developments  Purchase of 5 MVA 11/ 22kv step up transformer  Replace 44 relays  Servicing of 80 mini – subs 4. Improve the quality of Electricity Supply through Installation of new Electricity and Municipal Wide Financially viable Bela Bela conducting a research to investigate the most efficient Water Distribution Control System for and efficient Energy Municipality Electricity Supply e.g. Solar Energy Water and Electricity Losses supply</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 59 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT Priority No. 3: Water, Sanitation and Refuse Removal DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO SAFE AND HEALTHY WATER, SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENT OBJECTIVE BY THE RESIDENTS OF BELA BELA MUNICIPAL AREA AND TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN REFUSE REMOVAL SERVICES. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver 1. Eradication of water backlog by 2008.  Service of new residential  Bela Bela Ext. 8 Improve access to basic Bela Bela Municipality sites  Radium services  Servicing of households that  Rapotokwane encounter a backlog  Bela Bela Ext. 7  Construction of taps within the yards in Bela Bela Extension 7  Temporal provision of water to informal settlements</p><p>2. Upgrading of bulk water supply at Bela-Bela.  High Pressure Tower  Radium Fully functional water Bela Bela Municipality supply system 3. Eradicate sewer backlog by 2011.  Sewer Pump Station  Bela Bela Ext. 8 Improve access to basic Bela Bela Municipality  Servicing of households that  Radium services encounter a backlog  Rapotokwane  Temporal provision of sewer  Bela Bela Ext. 7 (toilets) in Bela Bela Ext. 7</p><p>4. Reduction of unaccounted for Water  Installation of new Electricity  Municipal Wide Proper utilization of Bela Bela Municipality and Water Distribution water as an resource Control System for Water and Electricity losses 5. Addressing the refuse removal backlog in  Purchase 350 refuse  Bela Bela Ext. 8 Improved Bela Bela Municipality 2008/ 09 financial year bins for additional units in  Radium environmental health. Radium and Bela Bela Ext. 8  Rapotokwane  Purchase Refuse Removal Truck and Tractor  Refuse removal awareness programme for Rapotokwane 6. Addressing the littering and dumping on the  Purchase and  Bela Bela Township Improved Bela Bela Municipality open spaces within Bela Bela Township installation of the mass refuse environmental health removal containers within and cleaning ness Bela Bela Township  Mechanisms should be ______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 60 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT put in place to avoid illegal dumping Priority No. 4: Land, Housing and Infrastructure DEVELOPME (A) TO ADDRESS THE CURRENT HOUSING BACKLOG INCLUDING ERADICATION OF THE CURRENT INFORMAL NT SETTLEMENTS BY 2010, CATERING FOR ALL INCOME CATEGORIES AND HOUSING TYPOLOGIES. (B)TO FACILITATE FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SECURITY OF TENURE FOR ALL RESIDENTS (WITHOUT SECURED TENURE) OF THE MUNICIPALITY OBJECTIVE BY 2009. (C) TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE SYSTEM OF LAND USE MANAGEMENT AND ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE WHOLE MUNICIPAL AREA. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver A 1. Apply the “Breaking New Ground(BNG) in Housing  Middle income housing on Bela Bela CBD Reduced backlogs in Bela Bela Municipality Delivery” Policy/ A Comprehensive Plan for the the remainder of Erf 655, respect of middle income and Department of Development of Sustainable Human Settlements Warmbath. housing Local Government and A 2. Identify Strategically located land within the Housing (DLGH: municipality in line with the Principles of the National Housing Unit) Spatial Development Perspective and the Spatial Development Framework to accommodate the current Housing Backlog A 3. Engage other spheres of government and private  ABSA Housing Middle  Bela Bela CBD Reduced backlogs in Bela Bela Municipality, sector (banks and property developers) to assist with Income Housing Project  Bela Bela Township respect of low and middle Department of Local planning, infrastructure provision and housing delivery  Housing Project in Bela  Radium income housing Government and for different income categories and housing options or Bela Extension 8 (900 Housing (DLGH) and typologies. sites) Private Financial A 4. Put mechanisms in place to deal with the emergence  Housing Project in Radium Institutions (i.e. ABSA or mushrooming of new informal settlements timeously. (150 sites) bank). B 1. Conduct an audit on all land occupied without any  Land Audit and issuing of Municipal Wide Improved security of Bela Bela Municipality secured tenure, and facilitate for the issuing of title deeds title deeds tenure by the residents for the affected residents affected C1. Ongoing revision, implementation, monitoring, and  Revised SDF Municipal wide  Spatial development is Bela Bela Municipality evaluation of the Spatial Development Framework  Finalization and well co – ordinated and DLGH: Spatial informed by current realities and policy frameworks. implementation of LUMS  The municipality is able Planning Unit C2. Finalize Development and monitor implementation  Promulgation and to update the property of the Land Use Scheme implementation of LUMS rates database C3. Development of the By-Laws to enforce the  Land administration is implementation of the Land Use Schemes. easily administered </p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 61 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Priority No. 5: Local Economic Development Development objectives TO CREATE A CLIMATE CONDUCIVE TO LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, REDUCE THE LEVEL OF UNEMPLOYMENT BY 5 % BY 2011; REDUCE THE LEVELS OF POVERTY BY 5% BY 2011 AND TO ENSURE THAT THE LOCAL ECONOMY GROWS AT A RATE OF 5 % PER ANNUM. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Resp./ Driver 1. Promotion of Tourism as a key  Annual Tourism Festival Municipal Wide  Job creation Bela Bela driver of the local economy  Tourism Development Plan and Marketing Strategy  Economic growth Municipality and  Tourism Survey  Stakeholders share a DLGH: LED Unit  Initiate Community and Township Based Tourism (e.g. common local economic Skills and Training) development vision  Identification of sports days for 2010 awareness campaign.  Increased number of  Positioning the town in terms of tourism e.g. Tourism emerging previously Routes and Getaway Routes disadvantaged entrepreneurs. 2. Facilitate the establishment of co-  Supporting the initiatives by LIBSA and SEDA on the Municipal Wide Poverty eradication LIBSA, SEDA and operatives for various sectors. establishment of co – operatives. Bela Bela Municipality 3. Support SMME’s Development.  SMME Development Programmes Municipal Wide Poverty eradication SEDA, LIBSA and  SMME Training and Workshops Bela Bela  Mainstreaming the existing SMMEs to the tourism industry Municipality and facilitate the establishment of new small enterprises that compliment the existing tourism enterprises. 4. Support Community Economic  Informal Trading Facilities (Market Stalls and Hawkers Municipal Wide Poverty eradication SEDA, LIBSA and Development where the beneficiaries Shelters) Bela Bela are the local communities  Formalization of Flea Market Municipality  Support of Community Based Projects 5. Review and implement the LED  Revised LED Plan and Strategy Municipal Wide Holistic approach towards DLGH: LED Unit plan.  LED Summit Economic Growth of Bela and Bela Bela Bela. Municipality 6. Revive the Business Forum.  LED Business Forum Municipal Wide Sound stakeholder Bela Bela engagement and interaction Municipality for Economic Growth in Bela Bela.</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 62 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 7. Intensify Human Capital  Entrepreneurship training and workshops amongst the Municipal Wide Business retention and growth SEDA, LIBSA and Development SMMEs and local business Bela Bela Municipality 8. Develop and maintain infrastructure  Township Regeneration Strategy (Bela Bela Township and Bela Bela Economic Synergies Bela Bela in areas with economic development Extension, Jinna Park and Spa Park) Township, Jinna Municipality, potential and high levels of poverty and Spa Park Waterberg District 9. Identify and plug the leaks in the  Revitalization of existing nodes/ activity streets (Sun Valley Sun Valley, Fully functional Economic Bela Bela local economy Business Area, Jinna Park Business Area and Mathokwa Jinna Park and regions Municipality, Street) Mathokwa Street Waterberg District 10. Support the retention and expansion Engage LIBSA, SEDA, Productivity SA in undertaking Municipal Wide Economic Growth Bela Bela of existing business. initiatives to support the retention and expansion of Municipality et. al. businesses Priority No. 6: Good Governance Development objective TO PROMOTE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AS WELL AS TO IMPROVE AND PROMOTE EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver 1. To improve the communication needs.  Establish internal and external Municipal Wide  Public involvement Bela Bela Municipality communication systems i.e. intranet and in the affairs of the newsletter. municipality  The ward committees and councilors understand the local government systems 2. To inform the community about service To improve and maintain the content of the Municipal Wide  Public involvement Bela Bela Municipality delivery. Imbizo’s, pamphlets, official notices, etc. in the affairs of the municipality  The ward committees and councilors understand the local government systems 3. To promote the image of the To forge closer ties with stakeholders i.e. Municipal Wide  Strengthened Bela Bela Municipality Municipality. Business Forum, CTA, NGOs, CBO, CDWs relations of the and other structures. municipality with stakeholders  Good image of the Municipality. 4. To promote Batho-Pele principles. Establishment of the call centre and customer Municipal Wide Improved customer Bela Bela Municipality care service care. ______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 63 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 5. To promote effective decision – making  On – going training of councilors and Municipal Wide The councilors and Bela Bela Municipality CDWs on local government matters CDWs understand the  Acquisition of an electronic legal library. local government system</p><p> Priority No. 7: Sports, Arts, Culture, Recreational Facilities and Cemeteries DEVELOPMENT TO DEVELOP AND IMPROVE ACCESS TO THE SPORT, RECREATIONAL, ART AND CULTURAL FACILITIES OBJECTIVE WITHIN BELA BELA MUNICIPAL AREA. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver 1. To improve and maintain the existing  Provision of ablution facilities and fencing Bela Bela Sport and Bela Bela Municipality sports, recreational and other community in Moloto/RCC parks Township and recreational facilities facilities and promotion of different  Improve conditions at Halls and LAPA Spa Park are kept in good state. sporting codes.  Purchase of Equipment, Tables and Chairs for Jinna Park and Spa Park</p><p>2. Allocate or seek funds in order to develop  Multi – purpose sport ground  Bela Bela Improved access to Bela Bela Municipality sporting and recreational facilities  Multi – purpose sport courts Township sports and  Multi – purpose sport complex in Extension 6  Pienaarsriver recreational facilities.  Multi – purpose sport complex in Radium  Rapotokwane  Multi – purpose sport complex in Pienaarsriver  Radium  Multi – purpose sport complex in Spa Park  Spa Park  Soccer Stadium  Multi – purpose community centre 3. Allocate or seek funds in order to develop  Community Hall in Radium  Radium Improved access to Bela Bela Municipality Arts and Culture Facilities  Community Hall in Extension 6  Bela Bela arts and cultural Township facilities. 4. Exploit 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup  Establish fan – park  Municipal Bela Bela accrue Bela Bela Municipality Tournament Opportunities  Engage youth in legacy development games Wide benefits from the and Office of the Premier  Facilitate demo/ coaching clinics (sessions) by major sporting events some top international squad or players i.e. 2010 5. Improving the resourcefulness of the  Purchase IT equipment and books for the library Bela Bela Well resourced Dept. of Sports, Arts and Library Township library Culture/ Bela Bela </p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 64 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT Municipality 6. Expanding access to Library services to  Mobile Library for peri – pherial Areas Municipal Wide Improved access to Dept. of Sports, Arts and peri – pherial areas. library facilities Culture/ Bela Bela Municipality 7. Provision and maintenance of community  Fencing of cemetery and provision of ablution Radium Well maintained Bela Bela Municipality cemetery facilities facilities at Radium cemetery</p><p> Priority No. 8: Safety and Security DEVELOPMENT TO PROVIDE SUPPORT TO THE SAFETY AND SECURITY PROGRAMMES INTENDED TO REDUCE THE LEVELS OF OBJECTIVE CRIME AND TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES WHICH WOULD REDUCE THE SERVICE BACKLOGS. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Responsibility/ Outcome Driver 1. Promote the reduction of crime in Bela Bela  Promote response time to reported Municipal Wide Reduced level of SAPS and Bela Bela Municipal Area incidents. crime Municipality  Advocate for increase in number of police officers 2. Improve access to safety and licensing  Facilitate the establishment of satellite Municipal Wide Reduced level of SAPS and Bela Bela services Police Station in Bela Bela Township crime and Municipality (Ward 3) and Radium i.e. Ward 1. efficiency in the  Satellite Police Station at KwaLitho licensing services.  Launching Community Policing Forum (CPF).  Upgrading the existing test station</p><p> Priority No. 9: Prevention of HIV/ AIDS and Other Life – Threatening Diseases DEVELOPMENT TO SUPPORT THE PROGRAMMES INTENDED TO PREVENT LIFE – THREATNING DISEASES AND OBJECTIVES PROJECTS INTENDED TO REDUCE BACKLOGS IN TERMS OF PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITIES. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Responsibility/ Driver Outcome 1. Support the initiatives for the prevention of life-threatening Support the initiatives Municipal Wide Reduction of the life Dept of Health and Bela Bela diseases such as TB, Cancer, HIV/ AIDS etc. to prevent life – – threatening diseases Municipality threatening diseases</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 65 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Priority No. 10: Education DEVELOPMENT TO FACILITATE THE DELIVERY OF EDUCATION FACILITIES IN ORDER TO ADDRESS THE BACKLOGS OBJECTIVE IN TERMS OF THIS SERVICE. Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Responsibility/ Driver Outcome 1. Facilitate the provision of additional schools 1. Secondary school in Radium Radium Improved access to Department of Education and 2. Additional School for Bela basic education Bela Bela Municipality Bela Central facilities 3. Additional classrooms for Pienaarsriver 2. Liaise with the Department of Education for 2. Establish Further Education Municipal Wide Improved skills based Department of Education and financial allocations for the tertiary institution. and Training College (FET) within the youth of Bela Bela Municipality Bela Bela.</p><p> Priority No. 11: Municipal Financial Viability Development TO MANAGE AND USE THE PUBLIC FUNDS IN AN EFFICIENT AND ACCOUNTABLE MANNER Objectives Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver 1. Sound Financial Management 1. Implementation of GAMAP/ N/A Efficient Financial Bela Bela Municipality GRAP. Management</p><p> Priority No. 11: Municipal Transformation and Institutional Development Development TO PERFORM LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE DELIVERY FUNCTIONS EFFICIENTLY AND Objectives EFFECTIVELY Municipal Strategies Proposed Projects Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver 1. Implementation of Work Place Skills Plan Employee Capacity Building N/A Skilled Labour Bela Bela Municipality/ SALGA 2. Implementation of the employment equity  Employment Equity Plan N/A Address inequalities in Bela Bela Municipality respect of race, gender and people with disabilities 3. Organizational arrangement and development  Review the organisational N/A Capacitating the Bela Bela Municipality structure institution for performing the service delivery functions effectively. 4. Anti – Corruption Strategy Anti – corruption operational N/A Corruption free institution Bela Bela Municipality plan</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 66 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 5. Risk Management Strategy Risk Management Plan N/A Efficient and Effective Bela Bela Municipality internal controls within the institution.</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 67 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 5. CAPITAL INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS</p><p>Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Infrastructure Development Technical Services PRIORITY NO.1: ROADS & STORMWATER PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. Completion of Koot van der Merwe Golfbaanpar R 1 800 000 R 1 800 000 - - Bela Bela Street in Golfbaanpark. k Municipality Refurbishing Rails and Catwalks R 120 000 R 120 000 - - Bela Bela Municipality Paving of access roads in Bela Bela Bela Bela R 4 718 000 R 1 558 000 R 2 160 000 R 1 000 000 MIG Township. i.e. Extension 5, 6 and 7 Township Construction of proper stormwater Bela Bela R 5 730 000 R 2 704 000 R 2 026 000 R 1 000 000 MIG drainage in areas that are prone to Township flooding i.e. Bela Bela Township. Removal of Stockpile at Leseding Leseding R 600 000 R 600 000 - - Bela Bela Extension Extension Municipality Resealing of the roads in the CBD Bela Bela R 12 000 000 - R 2000 000 - MIG and Provision of stormwater Town drainage Rehabilitation of roads in Industrial Bela Bela R 3 500 000 - - R 3 500 000 MIG Area Town Rehabilitation of main road in Rapotokwan R 2 000 000 - - R 2 000 000 MIG Rapotokwane e Rehabilitation of roads in Spa Park. Spa Park R 1 000 000 - - R 923 000 MIG</p><p>PRIORITY NO. 2: ELECTRICAL SERVICES Replacing 3854m of obsolete HT Bela Bela R 2 535 100 R 500 000 - - Bela Bela cable Town Municipality Upgrading of Bela Bela Township Bela Bela R 500 000 R 300 000 - - Bela Bela Electrical network. Township Municipality</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 68 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Infrastructure Development Technical Services PRIORITY NO. 3: WATER, SANITATION AND REFUSE REMOVAL PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. VIP Toilets at Witlaagte Rapotokwan R 3 270 000 R 770 000 R 2 500 000 - MIG e Refurbishment of Pump Stations R 750 000 R 150 000 - - Bela Bela Municipality Completion of the Reservoir at Radium R 3 700 000 R 1 800 000 R 1 900 000 - MIG Radium Sewer Pump Station at Radium Radium R 1 220 000 R 1220 000 - - MIG Completion of Sewer Purification Bela Bela R 1 500 000 - R 697 000 R 803 000 MIG Town Purchase 350 refuse bins for Radium and R 60 000 R 60 000 - - Bela Bela additional units in Radium and Bela Bela Bela Municipality Bela Ext. 8 Township</p><p>COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS</p><p>Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Social Development Community Services Manager PRIORITY NO. 7: SPORTS, ARTS, CULTURE, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND CEMETERIES PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. DESCRIPTION Provision of ablution Bela Bela R 73 000 R 73 000 - - Bela Bela facilities at the Roman Township Municipality Catholic Church Park and fencing thereof</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 69 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING PROJECTS Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Housing Delivery, Spatial Planning and Manager: Economic Economic Growth and Development Development and Planning PRIORITY NO. 4 LAND, HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. Middle income housing on the Bela Bela R 1 209 R 1 209 000 - - Private Sector remainder of Erf 655, Town 000 Warmbath. ABSA Middle Income Housing Bela Bela R 100 854 R 5 689 800 R 23 707 R 71 457 672 ABSA/ DLGH and Project Township 972 500 Bela Bela Municipality Housing Project in Bela Bela Bela Bela R 25 339 600 R 25 339 600 - - DLGH Extension 8 (900 sites) Township Housing Project in Radium Radium R 6 972 R 1 125 000 R 5 847 - DLGH (150 sites) 600 600 Land Audit and issuing of title Bela Bela - - - - DLGH deeds Town and Township Revised SDF Municipal R 200 000 - R 200 000 - Bela Bela Wide Municipality</p><p>Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Economic Development and Growth Manager: Economic Development and Planning PRIORITY NO. 5 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. Instigate Community and Bela Bela - - - - - Township Based Tourism Township Initiatives Identification of sports days Municipal - - - - - for 2010 awareness Wide campaign. ______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 70 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Economic Development and Growth Manager: Economic Development and Planning PRIORITY NO. 5 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. Positioning the town in terms Municipal - - - - of tourism e.g. Tourism Wide Routes and Getaway Routes Mainstreaming the existing Municipal - - - - SMMEs to the tourism Wide industry and facilitate the establishment of new small enterprises that compliment the existing tourism enterprises. Support of Community Municipal - - - - Based Projects Wide Revised LED Plan and Municipal - - - - DLGH: LED Unit Strategy Wide and Bela Bela Municipality LED Business Forum Municipal - - - - Wide</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 71 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 6.4 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Institutional Development All PRIORITY NO. 11 MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION, INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. RESPONSIBLE Employee Capacity Manager: Corporate - - - - - Building Services Employment Equity Plan Manager: Corporate - - - - - Services Review the organisational Manager: Corporate - - - - - structure Services Anti – corruption Manager: Corporate - - - - - operational plan Services</p><p>Programme key performance areas hod responsible Capital Projects Institutional Development All PRIORITY NO. 11 MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION, INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT COSTS 2008/ 09 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 FUNDER NO. RESPONSIBLE Replacing tools and Technical R 29 000 R 29 000 - - Bela Bela equipment for electrical Services Municipality division Equipment (Small generator, Technical R 131 000 R 131 000 - - Bela Bela Sewer Rods, Trailer for Services Municipality mobile generator, bush cutters and sludge pumps) 4X Dixon Ride – on lawn Social and R 330 000 R 330 000 - - Bela Bela mowers Community Municipality Services</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 72 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 6.5 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS BY SECTOR DEPARTMENTS AND SERVICE DELIVERY AGENCIES</p><p>6.5.1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Strategies by Department of Transport Proposed Projects Location Amount Financial Year 1. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2011/ 12 Regravelling D180 Bela Bela to Modimolle R 5 096 000 2011/ 12 2. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2012/ 13 D928 – Rooiberg – D794 Rooiberg R 2 500 000 2012/ 13 3. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2012/ 13 D4426 – Kroomdraai. Kroomdraai R 5 250 000 2012/ 13 3. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2013/ 14 D180 Radium R 2 500 000 2013/ 14 4. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2013/ 14 D1905 Lehau R 2 700 000 2013/ 14 5. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2013/ 14 D1118 Vlakplaats R 2 600 000 2013/ 14 6. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2013/ 14 D536 Klippan R 1 500 000 2013/ 14 7. Regravelling of the District gravel roads by 2013/ 14 D522. Vaalwal R 2 043 000 2013/ 14</p><p>6.5.2 ROAD AGENCY LIMPOPO (RAL) Strategies by Road Agency Limpopo Proposed Projects Location Amount Financial Year (RAL) 1. Upgrading of the key gravel roads into tar D1897 (P1/3 to NW/ Cyferskuil) Radium R 6 000 000 2008/ 09 roads 2. Upgrading of the key gravel roads into tar D2533/ D1000 Mabalingwe - - roads 3. Upgrading of the key gravel roads into tar D180, D178 Bela Bela to Alma R 20 000 000 2010/ 2011 roads 2. Maintenance of the main roads P20/1, P184/ 1, D2536 (Bridge Construction), (P1/3) Bela Bela to Koedoeskop, - - to (D1944) D626, P1/3, D48, D1944, D936, D1070, Settlers to Modimolle, P1/4 to D1070, P55/1 to P85/1, D599, D180/ D908 Pienaarsriver to Dinokengs to and Settlers to Marble Hall P85/2 Zwartkop, Witwal, Rooikop.</p><p>6.5.3 ESKOM DISTRIBUTION Strategies by Eskom Projects by Eskom Location Amount Financial Year 1. Improving the level of infrastructure for energy usage 1. Building new substation, installing Municipal Wide R 360 000 000 2007 – 2009 new transformers to existing substations, constructing new power lines and upgrading existing powerlines.</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 73 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 6.5.3 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY Strategies by Dept. of Water Affairs and Projects by Dept. of Water Location Amount Financial Year Forestry Affairs and Forest. 1. Eradication of the Water backlogs through developing Borehole system Rapotokwane R 2 900 000 2011/ 2012 new borehole system in Bela Bela 2. Upgrading of sewer plants Bela Bela Ext. Sewer Bela Bela Town R 4 340 000 2011/ 2012 Purification Plant 3. Upgrading of sewer plants New Sewer Purification plant in Radium R 1 040 000 2011/ 2012 Radium</p><p>6.5.4 DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND HOUSING Strategies by DLGH Projects by DLGH Location Amount Financial Year Eradication of informal settlements and fast tracking the Delivering 1 436 housing Municipal Wide R 59 927 434 2007 – 2012 housing delivery. Addressing the housing demand which is units. estimated at 3 077 in Bela Bela.</p><p>6.5.5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Strategies by the Dept. of Agriculture Projects by Dept. Location Amount Financial Year Agriculture 1. Redistribution of agricultural land by 2013 - Transfer the state land to Municipal Wide - 2008 – 2013 occupants 2. Development of Agri – Tourism destination - Rus De Winter Rus De Winter - - 3. Fast – tracking the transition programme through - Development of infrastructure in Rus De Winter - - LRAD Rus De Winter for LRAD projects 4. Massification of agricultural projects - Erection of vegetable pauchase at Radium - - Radium Rus De Winter - Provision of water reticulation at Radium and Rus de Winter. 5. Implementation of commodity focus approach - Cluster farmers according to Municipal Wide - - commodition to ease market access.</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 74 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>6.5.7 LIMPOPO TOURISM AND PARKS Strategies by Limpopo Tourism and Parks Projects by Limpopo Location Amount Financial Year Tourism and Parks 1. Enhancing tourism potential in specific tourism Development of infrastructure in Rus De Winter - - zones Rus De Winter for the Nature Reserve</p><p>6.5.8 LIMPOPO BUSINESS SUPPORT AGENCY Strategies by Limpopo Business Support Agency Intended Outcome Financial Year 1. Co– operative Development: 1.1 Established co – operatives are operating 12 months after establishment 2008/ 09 Facilitate the establishment of 50 co – operatives 1.2 A minimum of 25% registered co – operatives are functional within 6 months of in all sectors registration Facilitate the registration of 100 co – operatives 1.3 50% funded co – operatives performance show an increase in turnover. Fund 10 new co – operatives 1.4 Assisted co – operatives performance turnover. Facilitate the development of 60 co – operatives 1.5 100 co – operatives comply with the co – operatives Act 1.6 250 new jobs created and 75% sustain all existing jobs 2. Business incubations : Incubated SMMEs are able to sustain themselves 12 months after incubation period 2008/ 09 2.1 Incubate 255 SMMEs for the financial year Incubated SMMEs equitably shared amongst by branches 2008/09 255 new jobs created and sustain 75% all existing jobs Compliance with relevant legislations 3. Capacity Development: Learners start their own business or are placed within 12 months training 2008/ 09 3.1 Offer capacity building to 3000 learners National equity target are met viz. 85% black, 54% women and 4% disabled of which 20% should be youth 60% should be business management skills, 25% technical skills, 10% quality management system 4. Business Advisory Services: 4.1 Assist 5000 general enterprises in the year 2008/ 09 2008/ 09</p><p>5. Business Information Dissemination: Run 40 awareness campaign/ road shows - Conduct 80 workshops/ seminars Conduct 20 visits to learning institutions Participate in 140 for SABC and 60 community radio talk shows 5.6 Distribute 200 000 copies of LIBSA marketing collateral. 6. Corporate Governance: Adhere to financial regulation - Comply with Labour relations 6.3 Comply with other relevant legislations</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 75 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT 6.5.8 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Strategies by Dept. of Health and Social Projects by Dept. of Location Intended Responsibility/ Driver Health and Social Outcome 1. Improving accessibility to health facilities 2. Building of clinics at Bela Pienaarsriver, Bela Improved access to Department of Health and Bela, Radium and Pienaarsriver Bela and Radium basic health Social Welfare services 2. Improving the quality of health facilities based on the 3. Extension of Warmbaths Bela Bela CBD Improved quality Department of Health and model prescribed for the Department Hospital of services for the Social Welfare residents of Bela Bela Municipality 3. Improving quality of health care  Extending working hours in Municipal Wide Improved quality Department of Health and health facilities (i.e. for of services for the Social Welfare clinics in Bela Bela and residents of Bela KwaLitho) Bela Municipality  Employing/ training more staff  Improve customer care</p><p>6.5.9 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Strategies by Dept. of Labour Projects by Dept. of Location Intended Outcome Responsibility/ Driver Labour 1. Facilitate the provision of Skills Development Provision of skills for the Municipal Wide The skilled labour force Department of Labour Programmes unskilled labour involved in will have more LED and IDP capital projects opportunities in the job market.</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 76 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>7 IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK</p><p>7.4 FINANCIAL PLAN</p><p>Table 20: Bela Bela Municipality 2008/ 09 Preliminary Budget</p><p>Tabled Budget for the year 2008/ 09 INCOME Amount ® Equitable Share 21,519,000 Municipal Infrastructure Grant 8,343,000 Other Grants 1,735,000 Rates and Taxes 35,000,000 Electricity Sales (Conventional) 17,500,000 Electricity Sales (Pre-paid) 11,000,000 Refuse Removal 5,000,000 Water Sales 8,500,000 Sewer 5,000,000 Interest on Arrears 1,000,000 Other Revenue 6,221,297 Total Revenue 120,818,297 </p><p>OPERATING EXPENDITURE Amount ® Salaries, Wages and Allowances 39, 435 746 General Expenses 52, 357 953 Repairs and Maintenance 6, 378 502 Capital Charges 6, 547 302 Contribution to Capital Outlays 12, 503 000 Contribution to Funds 3, 439 182 Total Expenses 120, 661 685 Total Revenue -120, 818 297 NETT Surplus/ (Deficit) -156, 612</p><p>CAPITAL PROJECTS 2008/ 09 Amount ® Technical Services Social and Community Services Economic Development and Planning</p><p>SUMMARY OF SOURCES OF FUNDS Amount ® Contributions from Revenue 4, 160 000 Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) 8, 343 000 Total 12, 503 000</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA 77 BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>7.5 MEDIUM TERM – OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE</p><p>SCHEDULE 2(a) Current Year Budget Budget Budget 2007/08 Year Year +1 Year +2 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 OPERATING EXPENDITURE BY GFS Approved Adjusted Full Year Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Forecast R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 B C D E F G</p><p>Executive & Council 8,896,584 8,896,584 6,366,500 6,665,725 6,972,349 Finance & Admin 25,281,823 25,281,823 28,613,701 29,958,545 31,336,638 Planning & Development 1,799,196 1,799,196 4,133,748 4,328,034 4,527,124 Health 1,941,521 1,941,521 1,478,240 1,547,717 1,618,912 Community & Social Services 3,314,116 3,314,116 2,451,639 2,566,866 2,684,942 Housing 0 0 0 Public Safety 2,319,327 2,319,327 3,250,451 3,403,222 3,559,770 Sport and Recreation 894,840 894,840 1,247,215 1,305,834 1,365,902 Environmental Protection 0 0 0 Waste Management 4,180,749 4,180,749 8,027,472 8,404,763 8,791,382 Waste Water Management 1,774,197 1,774,197 2,164,483 2,266,214 2,370,460 Road Transport 15,376,483 15,376,483 23,228,479 24,320,217 25,438,947 Water 11,088,249 11,088,249 11,680,437 12,229,418 12,791,971 Electricity 23,137,927 23,137,927 27,494,320 28,786,553 30,110,734</p><p>OPERATING EXPENDITURE BY VOTE 100,005,012 100,005,012 0 120,136,68 125,783,10 131,569,13 4 9 2</p><p>______PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC 78 DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>7.6 MEDIUM TERM – CAPITAL FUNDING AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK</p><p>The purpose of the medium-term Capital Funding and Expenditure Framework is to set out to a three year framework for money planned for capital investment projects required to achieve the objectives set by this IDP. This ensures that the IDP objectives are directly linked to the approved Municipal Budget. In terms of this IDP 2008/09 Financial Plan an internally funded amount of R 4, 160 000 is planned for the Capital Budget subject to the finalization of the budget. An additional amount of R 8, 343 000 is sourced from MIG (Municipal Infrastructure Grant) and it will also assists in funding the Capital projects. Capital investment projects, however, require substantially more than the amount available. It is clear from these figures that the financial requirements for capital investment projects far outweigh the availability of capital funding, particularly from internal sources. This necessitates sourcing external funds for capital investment projects in the Bela Bela Municipality to achieve some of what this IDP sets out to do.</p><p>7.7 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK</p><p>Bela Bela Adopted the Spatial Development Framework in November 2007. The purpose of the Spatial Development Framework is to give direction and to guide decision-making and action over a multi-year period aimed at the creation of integrated and habitable cities, towns and residential areas. This plan which is indicative in its nature showing desired patterns of land-use, directions of growth, urban edges, special development areas and conservation areas should also form the basis for the land-use management system to be compiled by local governments. This plan is a legal requirement by the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) and forms part of the IDP.</p><p>7.4.1 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES</p><p>The development of Bela Bela SDF was informed amongst others by the three key objectives. The basic principle is to promote development and land-uses which will contribute to efficiency, sustainability and viable communities over the long term to stimulate economic activity in a sensible manner. These can be briefly highlighted as follows:- </p><p> Ensure protection of the natural environment and optimal usage of limited natural resources in Bela-Bela: • Delineation of the urban edge to limit ad-hoc, non-structured development; • Promote “in fill” development in open spaces in the Bela-Bela Town area in order to promote densification of the urban area; • Identify desired directions of growth within the Municipal area; • Rectify past environmental impacts; and • Define environmental sensitive areas, nature conservation areas and areas where certain land-uses should be avoided in order to protect the environment.</p><p> Ensure sustainable economic growth of Bela-Bela Local Municipality: • Identify land-uses which can contribute to the economic development of the area;</p><p>______79 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>• Increase the economic viability of Bela-Bela Town by supporting the densification and incorporation of mixed land-uses within urban areas; • Identify a hierarchy of business centres, [i.e. the Central Business District (CBD) and neighbourhood centres]; • Identify areas in which the intensity of land development could be increased or reduced; • Develop the Bela-Bela Local Municipality area as an attractive, unique and preferred tourism destination by: - Promoting and supporting the development of new tourism destinations; - Promote the Dinokeng Tourism Initiative; - Develop a tourist support and supply system to promote local crafters and suppliers; • Protect and manage areas with significant natural resource base from human settlement development, e.g. agricultural, mineral and ecological potential; • Identify criteria for evaluating land development applications with respect to economic viability with respect to infrastructure etc, and • Use existing infrastructure and land more optimally.</p><p> Creating sustainable human settlements and quality urban environments for all communities: • Ensure that affordable and sustainable services and infrastructure are available for all communities that promote the optimum utilization of scarce resources; • Ensure the supply of serviced sites for residential (i.e. all socioeconomic categories) and non-residential uses; • Identify special development areas to redress past imbalances; • Promote different housing and tenure options that increase choice in the municipal area while contributing to residential densification; • Promote the establishment of economic activities and job opportunities within urban areas and discourage development outside these areas; • Prohibit illegal land occupation; • Ensure equitable access to natural and non-natural resources; and • Built habitable and safe communities where homes area safe and places of work are productive.</p><p>7.4.2 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT RATIONALE AND HIERARCHY OF NODES</p><p>The Limpopo Province developed a Provincial Spatial Rationale in 2002 which identified a settlement hierarchy for the whole province. This settlement hierarchy is not based on individual settlements only, but settlement clusters for priority development nodes. Settlement clusters therefore indicate priority development areas/nodes in which primarily first order settlements (three types of growth points) and second order settlements (population concentration points) are identified. Growth points are therefore the highest order in the settlement hierarchy, with Population Concentration Points being the second order in the settlement hierarchy.</p><p>First order settlements (Growth Points) are individual settlements (e.g. towns/villages) or a group of settlements located relatively close to each other where meaningful economic, social and institutional activities, and in most instances a substantial number of people are grouped together. These growth points seem to have a natural growth potential, but do not ______80 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT develop to their optimum potential due to the fact that capital investments are made on ad hoc basis without any long-term strategy for the growth point and/or the area as a whole.</p><p>The three categories of growth points are described in terms of their relative importance (priority) in the hierarchy:</p><p>O Provincial Growth Point (PGP). A provincial growth point is the highest order in the hierarchy and therefore also the most important type of growth point. All the PGP’s have a sizable economic sector providing jobs to many local residents. They have a regional and some a provincial service delivery function, and usually also a large number of social facilities (e.g. hospitals, tertiary educational institutions). All of them have institutional facilities such as government offices as well as local and/or district municipal offices. The majority of these provincial growth points have a large number of people. The only Provincial Growth Point identified in the Bela-Bela Local Municipal Area is Bela-Bela Town.</p><p>O District Growth Point (DGP). These growth points already have a meaningful economic sector with some job creation, various higher order social facilities such as hospitals and/or health centres, and some accommodate tertiary educational institutions. Most of these district growth points have regional government offices and in many instances also district and/or local municipal offices. Most of the district growth points have a large number of people grouped together. There is no District Growth Point in the Bela-Bela Local Municipal Area.</p><p>O Municipal Growth Point (MGP). In terms of the various categories of growth points the municipal growth points have a relatively small economic sector compared to the district, but more specifically the provincial growth points. Municipal growth points serving mainly the farming areas often have a sizable business sector providing a meaningful number of job opportunities. These growth points usually have a few higher order social and institutional activities. In most instances these growth points have a reasonable number of people. Pienaarsrivier is the only Municipal Growth point identified for the Bela-Bela Local Municipal Area.</p><p>The other low order nodes of the Municipality consist of the settlements/towns of Settlers, Rust de Winter, Radium, Vingerkraal, Tsakane, Rapotokwane, as well as farms and smallholdings.</p><p>7.4.3 BELA BELA SPATIAL FRAMEWORK FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT</p><p> Bela Bela Town and Urban Edge</p><p>Bela-Bela Town is the primary provider of social services and bulk infrastructure for the Local Municipal Area. It is important to promote the development of Bela-Bela Town as a compact integrated town. An urban edge has been identified and growth should be stimulated in the undeveloped areas within the urban edge.</p><p>______81 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The necessity to define a clearly demarcated and functional urban edge for Bela-Bela Town is clear if the amount of urban sprawl that has already taken place is taken into consideration. It is a well known fact that a compact, well-planned town can be serviced easily and more cost effectively. In order to ensure a compact town specific guidelines need to be set out for future development that will take place in the urban edge.</p><p>A substantial volume of ad-hoc development leading to urban sprawl has already taken place around Bela-Bela Town. Enormous pressure exists for this unsustainable urban form to further escalate if it can not be contained and linked to a strategy of intensifying and compacting the urban areas. The first step in promoting a compact town and infill development in Bela-Bela Town is to identify a definite urban edge with an indication of priority or “preferred” areas for future urban development.</p><p> Small Towns (Pienaarsriver, Radium and Settlers)</p><p>Pienaarsrivier was identified as a Municipal Growth Point according to the Limpopo Province Spatial Rationale. After Bela-Bela Town, Pienaarsrivier is the second most important growth point in the Bela-Bela Local Municipal Area and it is important to develop this node as such, based on the local economic growth potential.</p><p>Settlers is a relatively small agricultural town within the Springbok Flats Area with a substantial agricultural potential, specifically for cash crop farming. The existing town has a farmer’s co-operative which service the farming community, an agricultural school, as well as a combined primary/high school. There are also a few small businesses, a community hall, etc. to serve the local community. Settlers is also very well located in terms of important provincial roads</p><p>No major future development is envisaged for Settlers. New residential development (if any) must follow a formal township application procedure as the town is located in an area with relative high agricultural potential. The town is surrounded by arable land, used for cash crop farming.</p><p>Radium is a very small town in close proximity to the N1 National road, but adjacent to Road P1/3 almost halfway between Bela-Bela Town and Pienaarsrivier.</p><p> Settlement Areas and Villages (Rapotokwane)</p><p>Rapotokwane is a village which does not have an economic base and is a dormitory settlement with people working as migrant laborers elsewhere or in the surrounding areas and farms. It is proposed that the village be provided, as far as possible, with basic municipal infrastructure. No expansion of the village is proposed, but rather upgrading with formalization and “in-fill” planning as far as possible to address the existing problems and improve the quality of life of the village’s residents. There are approximately 141 vacant erven which is adequate for normal population growth (with no influx).</p><p>Vingerkraal is an informal settlement which is situated within the farm and isolated from an economic activity and basic infrastructure within the municipal area. It is proposed that the option for the relocation of this community to one of the existing economically viable nodes be determined and considered by Council prior to a final decision on this matter. ______82 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p> Farmlands and Agriculture Developments</p><p>High potential agricultural land irrespective if currently used for cash crop farming or not, should be protected against future sterilization of this land by settlement development or any alternative land-uses. Township development at existing nodes such as Bela-Bela Town, Pienaarsrivier town and others should be sensitive for high-potential agricultural land even though it might be excluded from the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (Act No 70 of 1970). It can therefore be concluded that the importance of agricultural development within the municipal area as a contributor to local economic develop should not be ignored, but rather be developed to it’s optimal potential.</p><p>7.8 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</p><p>7.5.1 OVERVIEW</p><p>A performance Management System refers to the processes and systems for measuring, monitoring, reviewing, assessing performance, and then initiating steps to improve performance within the organization by focusing on departments, managers, supervisors and individual workers. PMS is a legal requirement and it is enforced by the Municipal Systems Act (MSA), Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations (2001).</p><p>The system is intended to continuously monitor the performance of municipalities in fulfilling their developmental mandate. Central to the system is the development of key performance indicators as an instrument to assess performance. </p><p>7.5.2 POLICIES AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT</p><p>The framework for Performance Management is informed by the following policy and legislation on performance management:</p><p>• The Constitution (1996) • The Batho Pele White Paper (1998) • The White Paper on Local Government (1998) • The Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 • Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations (2001) • Municipal Financial Management Act 56 of 2003 (MFMA)</p><p>The Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000, states that a municipality must:</p><p> Develop a Performance Management System  Set targets, monitor and review performance based on indicators linked to their Integrated Development Plan (IDP)  Publish an Annual Report on performance for the councilors, staff, the public and other spheres of Government  Conduct an internal audit of performance before tabling the report  Have their annual performance report audited by the Auditor-General  Involve the community in setting indicators and targets and reviewing municipal performance ______83 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001, Section 7(2) require that the Municipality, in developing its Performance Management System, must ensure that the system:</p><p> Complies with all the requirements set out in the Municipal Systems Act  Demonstrates how it is to operate and be managed from the planning stage up to the stages of performance review and reporting  Clarifies the roles and responsibilities of each role player, including the local community, in the functioning of the system  Clarifies the processes of implementing the system within the framework of the Integrated Development Planning process  Determines the frequency of reporting and the lines of accountability for performance  Relates to the Municipality’s Employee Performance Management processes</p><p>Furthermore, Section 43 of the Regulations prescribes the following seven general key performance indicators:</p><p> The percentage of households with access to basic level of water, sanitation, electricity and solid waste removal  The percentage of households earning less than R1,100-00 per month with access to free basic services  The percentage of the municipality’s capital budget actually spent on capital projects in terms of the IDP  The number of local jobs created through the municipality’s local, economic development initiatives, including capital projects  The number of people from employment equity target groups employed in the three highest levels of management in compliance with a municipality’s approved employment equity plan  The percentage of a municipality’s budget actually spent on implementing its workplace skills plan  Financial viability with respect to debt coverage; outstanding debtors in relation to revenue and cost coverage</p><p>The objective of institutionalizing a Performance Management System (PMS), beyond the fulfilling of legislative requirements, is to serve as a primary mechanism to monitor, review and improve the implementation of the Municipality’s IDP. In doing so, it should fulfill the following functions:</p><p>• Promote accountability • Guide decision-making and resource allocation • Guiding development of municipal capacity-building programmes • Creating a culture of best practice, share learning among Municipalities • Develop meaningful intervention mechanisms and early warning system • Create pressure for change at various levels • Contribute to the overall development of a Local Government system</p><p>______84 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>7.9 LAND USE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</p><p>In 2007, Bela Bela Municipality initiated a municipal wide land use management scheme in order to manage and control land use within Bela Bela Area of jurisdiction. Land-use Control and Management within Bela-Bela Local Municipal area is complex as a single and uniform land-use management system (specifically a land-use/zoning scheme for the total municipal area) is not yet in place. Currently applications for land-use change can be lodged in terms of different sets of legislation, resulting in the responsibility to administer and approve these applications by different government levels</p><p>The Spatial Development Framework operates as an a broad and indicative plan indicating the desired patterns of land-use, directions of growth, urban edges, priority development areas and areas where stricter land-use control should be enforced. This plan has a legal effect of guiding and informing land development and management. The detail administration of land development and land-use changes should be dealt with by a Land- Use Management System (LUMS) for the whole municipal area to be compiled by the Municipality.</p><p>A direct link must exist between the Spatial Development Framework Plan, the LUMS, the municipality’s budget and the capital expenditure framework because:</p><p>⇒ the rights recorded in the scheme determine the value of land which influence the rates and income of the municipality; and </p><p>⇒ any new development or change in land-use has to be adequately serviced by infrastructure and the capital expenditure framework will indicate where the municipality is able to allocate funds for the upgrading of infrastructure.</p><p>A LUMS include a land-use or zoning scheme recording the land-use and development rights and restrictions applicable to each property (i.e. farm portion or erf). The scheme should be binding and only amended where required for a particular development and to meet certain requirements, with the most important being conformity with the Spatial Development Framework Plan. The latter influences the contents of the Scheme. A zoning or land-use scheme has a binding effect on land development and management.</p><p>7.10 STATUS OF SECTOR PLANS</p><p>7.7.1 BELA BELA WATER SERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLAN (WSDP)</p><p>Water and Sanitation is the competency of Bela Bela Municipality. The municipality is currently having the draft plan (WSDP) and it is assisted by the private service provider in finalizing it. This plan will be critical in terms of informing planning and decision – making regarding the sustainable utilization of water and sanitation resources and equitable provision of these services to the community of Bela Bela.</p><p>7.7.2 BELA BELA COMMUNICATION STRATEGY</p><p>______85 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>Bela Bela Municipality prepared and adopted the Communication Strategy in August 2007. The purpose of the communication strategy is to enable the municipality, both Council and Management, to communicate in an efficient, co-ordinated, integrated and coherent fashion thus building capacity, both human and capital, within the Municipality with a view of ensuring that the municipality’s central messages will be well articulated, consistent with the national GCS. This strategy is attached as Annexure A.</p><p>7.7.3 BELA BELA RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (RMP)</p><p>The municipality is currently having the draft plan (RMP) and it is in the process of submitting it to council for approval. The purpose of this plan is to ensure the eefficient and effective internal controls within the institution.</p><p>7.7.4 FRAUD AND ANTI – CORRUPTION STRATEGY (FAC)</p><p>The municipality is currently having the draft plan (FAC) and it is in the process of submitting it to council for approval. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that the municipal institution is free from illegal activities relating to fraud and ccorruption.</p><p>7.7.5 BELA BELA LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LED)</p><p>The municipality is currently reviewing its Local Economic Development Strategy and it is assisted by the Department of Local Government and Housing. The development of an LED Strategy therefore would focus on the strengths of the economy (sectors with locational, comparative and competitive advantage) and overcoming the weaknesses in the current LED approach. The LED strategies would need to be crafted in a manner that will guide the Bela Bela on how to take advantage of economic opportunities, mitigate weaknesses in the economy and assist in the development of an appropriate institutional environment (internally and externally). This should also ensure that the institutional environment is conducive to partnerships and co-ordinated action when initiating the economic growth initiatives.</p><p>7.7.6 BELA BELA TOURISM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY</p><p>The municipality has a tourism plan which mainly focused on the identification of tourism products within Bela Bela. The municipality is intending to review and redevelop the tourism development plan and the marketing strategy. The revised strategy should be credible with a robust analysis and quantification of the existing industry and formulate the long term sustainable strategy for tourism development.</p><p>7.7.7 BELA BELA INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY</p><p>The municipality is currently having the draft plan (Infrastructure Capital Study) and it is in the process of submitting it to council for approval. The purpose of this plan will be to</p><p>______86 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT guide the municipality in terms of infrastructure requirements within the key growth points of the municipal area.</p><p>7.7.8 WATERBERG DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>Waterberg District Municipality adopted the District Disaster Management Plan which was also mainstreamed on the 2007/ 08 Integrated Development Plan. The purpose of the Disaster Management Plan is to provide a basis of planning disaster interventions and prevention strategies and to afford the Bela-Bela Municipality the capacity to prevent and deal with disaster and to avoid developments which are likely to be subject to high risk of disaster. The summary of this plan is attached as Annexure B.</p><p>7.7.9 DISTRICT WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>Waterberg District Municipality adopted the Waste Management Strategy in 2007.</p><p>7.7.10 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>The municipality does not currently have an Air Quality Management Plan in place.</p><p>7.7.11 WATERBERG TOURISM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY</p><p>The district wide tourism development strategy was prepared and adopted in 2006. The strategy captured that tourism is one of the three key pillars of the economy within the district followed by mining and agriculture. There are a number of strengths and weaknesses that the strategy identified at the analysis stage. The strengths include the nature based attractions with supporting products e.g. wilderness, tranquility, unspoiled & unpolluted environment and hospitality are the main themes.</p><p>The weakness include poor infrastructure especially roads, tourism products are not properly branded e.g. Accommodation, rail tourism is not capitalized upon, shortage of tour guides skills, education of SMMEs on business management and expansion, fragmented institutional arrangements (i.e. poor communication, poor relationship between tourism public & private bodies and lack of proper reporting lines), few public and private sector partnership, no transformation in the tourism sector and the utility services (i.e. water, electricity and telecommunication) are a growing problem.</p><p>The district tourism vision was then developed as follows:- </p><p>“ To position the Waterberg as a leading weekend, shortbreak, holiday, meetings and events destination for domestic travellers and a new “must see” destination for international business and leisure tourists”</p><p>In order to support the implementation of this vision the objectives, strategies and implementation programmes were then developed as part of the strategy.</p><p>7.7.12 WATERBERG AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY</p><p>______87 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT </p><p>The district wide agricultural development strategy was prepared in 2005. This strategy made the followed recommendations with regards to the agricultural development within Waterberg:-</p><p> Waterberg is a unique area with high agricultural and agri tourism potential. A lot of this potential is being realised at primary production level. Value and wealth is being lost outside the district both up and down the value chain. </p><p> Local government (Municipalities) has two major roles to play in order to help to fine tune a relatively well-developed commercial agricultural & agri-tourism sector. Help nurture and develop the emerging agricultural sector to integrate into mainstream commercial agriculture. </p><p> Need for good governance, sound management, maintenance and development of bulk infrastructure. Enabling and facilitating environment – law & order, stable property values & efficient rates and taxes. </p><p> Building and preparation of adequate resources to assist emerging agriculture – interim implementation structure & other resource gaps.</p><p>7.7.13 WATERBERG ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>The district wide Environmental Management Plan was prepared in September 2006. The context of this plan has been mainstreamed on 4.6 which is the environmental analysis for Bela Bela.</p><p>7.7.14WATERBERG INTEGRATED TRANSPORT PLAN</p><p>Waterberg District prepared the Integrated Transport Plan in 2007. The preparation of the Integrated Transport Plan is enforced by Section 27(2) of the NLTTA which indicates that the ITP must formulate the planning authority’s official vision, policy and objectives, consistent with the national and provincial policies, with due regard being given to any relevant integrated development planning or land development objectives. This plan is attached as Annexure C.</p><p>7.7.15WATERBERG LED STRATEGY</p><p>The district wide LED Strategy was prepared and adopted in 2007. The purpose of this study was to investigate the economic development opportunities in the district. As part of the process which was used to develop the district wide LED strategy, the various sectoral and functional strategies were also combined into the LED strategy. This enabled an LED implementation plan that guides implementation and facilitation of initiatives. The District LED strategy is also focused on potential development of a range of sectors and not only on a specific few.</p><p>7.7.16 WATERBERG MINING STRATEGY</p><p>Waterberg District prepared and adopted the Mining Strategy in 2006. The purpose of this strategy was to provide Waterberg District with a policy instrument by which leadership</p><p>______88 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BELA BELA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN: DRAFT IDP REPORT and strategic direction can be given to the mining industry for increased competitiveness on a sustainable basis, increased investment as a basis for job creation and economic growth, and improvements in the quality of life of the district population, including priorities such as BEE, as well as reductions in HIV/AIDS and poverty, regional integration. This strategy noted that Bela Bela role in terms of mining is insignificance with a very limited potential in terms of mineral resources occurrence.</p><p>______89 PREPARED BY: BELA BELA MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT</p>

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