<p> TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM OF GEORGIA</p><p>Georgia HOPE Grant GPA Processing</p><p>Revised October 13, 2017</p><p>Reference Documentation TCSG Colleges</p><p>Provided by: Data, Planning & Research Table of Contents</p><p>Overview and Processes 3</p><p>Eligibility Status Codes 5 </p><p>Form: ZRACTRL 8</p><p>Process: ZRPHPRC 9 Parameters 11</p><p>Report: ZRRHDSC 14 Parameters 16 Discrepancy resolution 18 Output files 21</p><p>Report: ZRRHGPA 22 Parameters 23 Output files 24</p><p>Form: ZRAGRNT 26 Inquiry tab 26 Discrepancies tab 28 Grade Changes tab 29 University System of GA – N1 Courses tab 29</p><p>Quarter to Semester Conversion 30</p><p>Dual Enrollment 31 </p><p>Joint Enrollment 31 </p><p>Learning Support 32 </p><p>Full-Time Enrollment 32</p><p>HOPE Grant Awarding and Disbursement Rules 33</p><p>Population Selections 33</p><p>Technical Support 35</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 2 Grant GPA Process</p><p>The Grant Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation is cumulative of all coursework, excluding Learning Support (LS) and Dual Enrollment (DE) coursework, taken beginning with summer term 2003 (Banner term code: 200401). Credit Hours for which a student received HOPE Grant or Zell Miller Grant payment at a prior institution (with the exception of Learning Support and Dual Enrollment) count in determining the student’s 30 and 60 hour Checkpoints and in the GPA calculation.</p><p>Note: Beginning summer quarter 2008, Banner term code 200901, the course registration status code of ‘KO’ was created and approved as an allowable code. ‘KO’ is the code for coursework taken outside of the student’s major. The 2011-2012 HOPE Regulations’ definition of Learning Support coursework encompasses not only remedial/developmental coursework but also coursework “chosen by the student that does not count toward program requirements for the Diploma, Certificate or Degree the student is seeking”. Courses coded with ‘KO’ are automatically excluded from the Grant GPA.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA eligibility requirements began with end of Fall Semester 2012 (Banner term code: 201212) processing. A Grant GPA of at least 3.0 is required for eligibility beginning Fall 2012. Eligible students must have a 3.0 Grant GPA at the 30 Hour Checkpoint and 60 Hour Checkpoint. </p><p>Students with at least 30 semester hours but less than 60 semester hours prior to fall semester 2012 continue to receive HOPE Grant until reaching the 60 Hour Checkpoint. </p><p>Students who lose eligibility at the 30 Hour Checkpoint may regain eligibility at the 60 Hour Checkpoint. The 60 hour Checkpoint will include all coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment), had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements. Students meeting Grant GPA standards at the 60 Hour Checkpoint may continue to receive HOPE Grant until reaching 63 semester Grant Paid Hours or 127 semester Combined Paid Hours.</p><p>Students who lose eligibility at the 60 Hour Checkpoint may not regain eligibility. (Note: One-time exception for reinstatement explained below for students with at least 2.0 Grant GPA prior to Fall 2013.)</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA eligibility requirements changed from 3.0 to 2.0 GPA with the end of Summer Semester 2013 (Banner term code: 201316) processing. A Grant GPA of at least 2.0 is required for eligibility beginning Fall Semester 2013 (Banner term code: 201412).</p><p>Students who previously lost HOPE Grant eligibility at a 30 Hour Checkpoint or a 60 Hour Checkpoint due to a Grant GPA below 3.0, can regain eligibility for HOPE Grant their first term of enrollment after Summer term 2013 if they had a Grant GPA of at least 2.0 at the end of their last term of enrollment prior to Fall term 2013.</p><p>This change is a one-time reinstatement for ineligible students. Ineligible students with a Grant GPA of at least 2.0 at their last term of enrollment prior to Fall Semester 2013 (Banner term code: 201412) are eligible for reinstatement. Students with a Grant GPA of less than 2.0 are not eligible for reinstatement.</p><p>All students (registered and non-registered) will have a Summer Semester 2013 (Banner term: 201316) Grant GPA status calculated. </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 3 Overall Procedure Through a combination of data retrieved from GSFC and the Banner systems of the TCSG colleges (MIS data), the TCSG Data, Planning, and Research Group (Data Center) merges all data to assist colleges with the determination of the HOPE Grant GPA Checkpoints and Eligibility Status at the Checkpoints. </p><p>The data received from GSFC is for all students who received HOPE Grant or Zell Miller Grant at a TCSG College for all terms beginning summer 2003 (200401). The GSFC provided data includes the number of Paid-Hours per term, the college name and federal school code of the institution where Paid-Hours exist, and excluded hours (Dual Enrollment (DE)) for the term. </p><p>The data retrieved from the Banner systems of the TCSG colleges (MIS data) includes the term and course data, course GPA hours, and grades. </p><p>Any discrepancies found between the Grant Paid Hours (GSFC data) and the academic history (MIS data) is provided in a report (ZRRHDSC) and details are loaded into Banner form ZRAGRNT. ZRAGRNT displays the HOPE Grant GPA Checkpoint Eligibility, the Current Eligibility, and all ‘matched’ coursework where the Paid Hours for the term equals the academic history (tab 1). This form also displays all ‘unmatched’ details where Paid Hours do not equal academic history (tab 2). Data entry must be performed to resolve any discrepant information before the HOPE Grant GPA can be calculated. Grade changes affecting the Grant GPA are reflected under tab3. Data entry for coursework taken for ineligible students while at a University System of Georgia institution is performed under tab 4.</p><p>All manual data entry is automatically extracted from each college’s Banner system. All discrepancies resolved are identified allowing the calculation of the HOPE Grant GPA.</p><p>All students with ‘matched’ GSFC and MIS data will have a HOPE Grant GPA calculated and eligibility determined. Eligibility status codes are assigned.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 4 Eligibility status codes:</p><p>ELIGIBLE TIE DESCRIPTION DETAILS STATUS R Student has more than 30 hours prior Exempt from 1st Checkpoint (> 30 Hours Prior to Fall to Fall 2011 and has not reached the Eligible GX 2011) 60 hour checkpoint. Student has not reached 30 Hour Eligible G0 Eligible - Not reached 1st Checkpoint (0 - 29 hours) Checkpoint. Student is eligible at 30 Hour Eligible G1 Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (30 - 59 hours) Checkpoint. Student is eligible at 60 Hour Eligible G2 Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (60 - 63 hours) Checkpoint. Student regained eligibility at 60th Eligible G6 Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (Regained eligibility) Attempted Hour Checkpoint. Student has at least 2.0 at most recent term prior to Fall 2013. Student lost eligibility at 30 Hour Checkpoint (N1 status) and has not Eligible G7 Previous N1 (>=2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) yet reached 60 Hour Checkpoint. Student has at least 2.0 at most recent term prior to Fall 2013. Student lost eligibility at 60 Hour Eligible G8 Previous N2 (>= 2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) Checkpoint (N2 status). Student lost eligibility at 30 Hour Not Checkpoint. May regain eligibility at Eligible N1 Not Eligible -30 Hour Checkpoint (30 - 59 hours) 60 Hour Checkpoint. Not Student lost eligibility at 60 Hour Eligible N2 Not Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (60 - 63 hours) Checkpoint. Cannot regain eligibility. Student in no longer HOPE Not eligible due to reaching maximum Eligible MX Maxed – Student reached max Paid Hours Paid Hours Cap.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 5 Eligibility status codes continued:</p><p>NOTES: G6 eligibility status applies to two groups of students. 1) Students who were previously N1 status. 2) Students who were previously G7 status. o This 60 Hour Checkpoint includes coursework paid for by HOPE Grant and all coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment), had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements. o Students that regain eligibility at the 60 hour Checkpoint (G6 status) are eligible for the full number of HOPE Grant Paid-Hours maximums of 63 semester Grant Hours or 127 semester Combined Paid Hours. G7 eligibility status applies only to students who were N1 status and who had at least a 2.0 Grant GPA at their most recent term prior to Fall Semester 2013 (Banner term: 201412). No term prior to 201316 will be assigned a G7 status. These students continue to be monitored until they reach their 60 Hour Checkpoint. G7 students reach their 60 Hour Checkpoint through a combination of paid and unpaid hours. o G7 students are eligible for payment until their 60 Hour Checkpoint. The 60 Hour Checkpoint includes all coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment), had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements (N1 status) AND all coursework taken and paid for by HOPE Grant (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment). o At 60 Hour Checkpoint, a G7 student with at least a 2.0 Grant GPA will continue eligibility under G6 status and may continue to receive HOPE Grant until reaching 63 semester Grant Paid Hours or 127 semester Combined Paid Hours. G8 eligibility status applies only to students who were N2 status and who had at least a 2.0 Grant GPA at their most recent term prior to Fall Semester 2013 (Banner term: 201412). No term prior to 201316 will be assigned a G8 status. G8 students are not subject to any future checkpoints and may continue to receive HOPE Grant until reaching 63 semester Grant Paid Hours or 127 semester Combined Paid Hours. MX status is calculated on HOPE Grant Paid Hours. A student could reach their Combined Paid Hours Cap and lose eligibility for the HOPE Grant. The Combined Semester Paid Hours information must be considered in HOPE Grant awarding/disbursing rules. </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 6 Overall Procedure continued:</p><p>The HOPE Grant GPA Process includes: 1. ZRACTRL (Banner form) – Stores grade dates and automated email contact information. 2. ZRPHPRC (identifies students for Grant GPA request) – Banner process to create request of students for HOPE Grant GPA calculation. Students are automatically pulled from college Banner systems daily. Note: This process is no longer required as of May 2012. See page 3. 3. ZRRHDSC (discrepancies report) – Banner report of students with missing or discrepant information preventing HOPE Grant GPA calculation. 4. ZRRHGPA (GPA Summary Report) Banner report of students displaying HOPE Grant GPA and eligibility status. 5. ZRAGRNT (Banner form) a. Tab 1: HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry – Reflects current eligibility, overall Grant GPA, checkpoint details and all courses paid by HOPE Grant. b. Tab 2: HOPE Grant GPA Update – Reflects details of missing or discrepant data. Data entry into this tab will resolve missing or discrepant information. c. Tab 3: Grade Changes - Reflects all details of Grant GPA coursework with grade changes. d. Tab 4: University System of GA – N1 Courses – Data entry into this tab of coursework taken that normally would have been paid by HOPE Grant while an ineligible student (N1 status) attended a Georgia Board of Regents institution. Any diploma or certificate level coursework taken by a student attending a University System of Georgia institution during a term that the student was ineligible for the HOPE Grant due to an insufficient Grant GPA at the 30 Hour Checkpoint (N1 status) should be entered into this tab. The coursework entered into this tab will be incorporated into the student’s HOPE Grant GPA. Entered coursework will be extracted each morning and incorporated into the coursework under tab 1 (HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry). The coursework will be included in the student’s 60 Hour Checkpoint. HOPE Grant Regulations state: “The 60 hour Checkpoint will include all coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment), had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements.” Note: Coursework taken by an N1 student attending a TCSG College in a diploma or certificate level program of study will be automatically included in the Grant GPA calculation.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 7 Banner Form: ZRACTRL – GSFC Control Form (Version 12.2) GSFC Control Form: Stores and displays the term and dates the college will roll grades to academic history. Automated email notifications associated with Grant GPA processing are sent to the contacts reflected on ZRACTRL. Grades Processing Date – On the date entered for the term, the HOPE Grant GPA process will pick up all courses and grades for HOPE and Zell Miller Grant students. The Grant GPA calculation will then include that term’s courses and grades. This date should be at least one day after grades are rolled to academic history for the term. IMPORTANT Note: Grades Processing Date - If grades are not rolled to academic history on the date entered for the term, the college will not receive discrepancies for all of the term’s HOPE and Zell Miller Grant students. If a student does not have grades rolled to academic history for all courses for the term, the process will skip the student until he/she has grades for all courses for the term. Term dates must be entered for Grant GPA’s to be generated. This date can be changed prior to the date only. This date cannot be changed on or after the date. Email information: Contacts will receive automated email notifications associated with Grant GPA processing. ZRACTRL Sample Entry:</p><p>Form Field Table/Field Values Name Validate aid year code against table Aid Year ZRRGPAS_AIDY_CODE RTVAIDY Values restricted to terms in aid year. Validate the term code field against table STVTERM and only return the term Term Code ZRRGPAS_TERM_CODE_GPA codes that are valid within the aid year. Grades Processing Date ZRRGPAS_GRADES_DATE Activity Date ZRRGPAS_ACTIVITY_DATE SYSDATE Name ZRRGPAE_NAME</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 8 E-mail ZRRGPAE_EMAIL_CODE Activity Date ZRRGPAE_ACTIVITY_DATE SYSDATE</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 9 Program name: ZRPHPRC Version: 12.0 Location: Jobsub Description: ZRPHPRC is the Banner process that allows colleges to create a request list of students from their Banner system for the HOPE Grant GPA calculation. The list of students created by this process can be emailed to the USER. TCSG will extract the listing of students in the request file automatically on a daily basis (each morning) from each college’s Banner system. (There is no file export process.) Note: Beginning May 2012, this Banner process is no longer required. Please see below. ZRPHPRC is automated, however, the Banner process will remain enabled and may be used if requesting Grant GPA calculation information on students who do not meet the below criteria. IMPORTANT: Beginning May2012, the following students are automatically extracted from each college’s Banner system and processed for the HOPE Grant GPA calculation: All students with current or future term admissions application. (Note: Receipt of admissions application only, official admittance is not required for this process.) All students with current or future term registration. All students with HOPE Grant awarded for the current or future aid year.</p><p>Students are extracted from college Banner systems at 9:00 p.m. daily and processed the next morning. Results are loaded back into college Banner systems at approximately 10:15 a.m. </p><p>The students in the request files will be matched with the most current academic history on file at TCSG (MIS data) and the most recent Paid Hour history on file from the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC). </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 10 Program name: ZRPHPRC Version: 12.0 Location: Jobsub (Continued)</p><p>One of the following actions will be performed:</p><p>1. Discrepant or missing information exists: Any discrepant or missing information errors on a student will prevent the calculation of the HOPE Grant GPA. Course details from terms where Grant Paid Hours and academic history match will be loaded into the requesting college’s Banner form ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry tab. Detailed information on the discrepant/missing information errors (terms where Grant Paid Hours and academic history do not match) will be loaded into the requesting college’s Banner form ZRAGRNT- HOPE Grant GPA Update tab. Manual entry must be performed to resolve discrepant and/or missing information errors. (Manual updates will be automatically extracted from each college’s Banner system each morning.)</p><p>2. No discrepant or missing information exists: The HOPE Grant GPA, eligibility status, and all course details will be loaded into the requesting college’s Banner system. (Banner form ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry tab). </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 11 Process: Enter ZRPHPRC from the Banner Main Menu. (Create a request list of students for the HOPE Grant GPA calculation.)</p><p>ZRPHPRC Parameters: 01 Aid Year Code Current Aid Year Code – example 1112 02 Term code Required if For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = A (Admissions) or R Parameter 03 = (Registered) enter the Term Code (example: 201212) This A, R parameter allows you to select more than one Term Code. You must select ‘Record’ ‘Insert’ to insert a new line for Parameter 02. See below instructions. 03 Run Mode Valid Values: P, P - Population Selection. A- Admissions, R – Registration, A, R, F F – Financial Aid (F – All students with HOPE Grant awarded for aid year). This parameter allows you to select more than one option for your student requests. For more than one option, you must select ‘Record’ ‘Insert’ to insert a new line for Parameter 03. See below instructions. 04 Application Required if For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), Parameter 03 = enter the Application for the Population Selection – example P FINAID 05 Selection ID Required if For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), Parameter 03 = enter the Selection ID (Name of the Population Selection) P 06 Creator ID Required if For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), Parameter 03 = enter the Creator ID of the Population Selection P 07 User ID Required if For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 12 Parameter 03 = enter the User ID of the Population Selection P 08 Email Address Not Required, Enter User Name for the output report to be emailed. Only but a valid college issued email address user name will Recommended process. Example – If Johnnie Smith at Albany Tech is running this process and his email address is [email protected], then Johnnie would enter jsmith for Parameter 08.</p><p>ZRPHPRC - Parameter 02: Term Code You can enter one Term Code for your student listing creation or you may select multiple Term Codes. For Run Options: (A) Admissions and (R) Registered, you may select multiple Term Codes. (See detailed instructions for inserting multiple parameters on next page.) a. Highlight Parameter 02 – Term Code b. Select ‘Record’ ‘Insert’ from the main menu. A blank line will be inserted under the existing Parameter 02. c. Enter 02 in the box in the Number column. ‘Term code’ will automatically populate in the Parameters field. d. Enter your desired ‘Term Code’. e. You may repeat these steps to insert additional records for Term Codes as needed.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 13 ZRPHPRC - Parameter 03: Run Mode The list of students for which you are requesting HOPE GPA information from your college’s Banner system may be created from any of the following four (4) Run Mode options: (P) Population Selection (A) Admission - New Applicants /Re-Admits for a term (R) Registered - Students that are or were registered for the term (F) Financial Aid – Students with HOPE Grant awarded for the Aid Year entered in Parameter 01</p><p>You can choose one Run Mode option or multiple Run Mode options. For example, you may send the (A) Admission - New applicants / Re-admits for a term as well as (R) Registered students for a term in the same batch file. You may also process a (P) Population Selection and (F) Financial Aid (HOPE Grant awarded) in the same file with (A) Admissions and (R) Registered students. This process will support any combination.</p><p>To create multiple ‘Run Mode’ (Parameter 03) options you must insert record(s) from your Banner Menu/Options. Steps: a. Highlight Parameter 03 – Run Mode b. Select Record Insert from the main menu. A blank line will be inserted under the existing Parameter 03. c. Enter 03 in the box in the Number column. ‘Run Mode’ will automatically populate in the Parameters field. d. Enter your desired ‘Run Mode’ option (P, A, R, or F) e. You may repeat this process to create any combination of Run options.</p><p>NOTE: ZRPHPRC may be run several times daily. The process will add any additional students to the generated student listing each time the process is run throughout the day. </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 14 Program name: ZRRHDSC – HOPE Grant GPA Discrepancies Version: 12.1 Location: Jobsub Description: ZRRHDSC, HOPE Grant GPA Discrepancies, is the Banner process that creates a report of students (in college name, student name, or student ID order) with missing (Reason: ‘No course data found’) or discrepant (Reason: ‘Total Hours do not match’, or ‘Ineligible course status (KO, OA, OW, OF, OI, OM, OP, EX, AU, TR, AC)) course data. Students on this report will not have a Grant GPA calculated. The list of students created by this process can be emailed to the USER. Data entry into Banner form ZRAGRNT (2nd tab) or Paid Hour adjustments in Surfer will be necessary to resolve any discrepant or missing information. The students listed on the ZRRHDSC report are reflected on Banner form ZRAGRNT, under the ‘HOPE Grant GPA Update’ tab. Data entry to resolve errors must be performed in the bottom section of this tab. Note: The academic course history used by the HOPE Grant GPA process is stored in the MIS database. Historically, the academic history (course grades) is updated for the term at the end of the next term. For example: 200901 grades would be updated as of the end of 200902. Any discrepancies between MIS data and actual Banner information will be due to the timing of changes made in Banner or unresolved MIS errors. Any references to MIS in this document should be interpreted as referring to ‘academic history’ which includes course and grade details. </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 15 ZRRHDSC Process:</p><p>Enter ZRRHDSC from the Banner main menu. (Create a report of students with discrepant or missing information.)</p><p>The zrrhdsc_xxxxxx.lis report and zrrhdsc_xxxxxx.txt file are generated in the /u02/jobsub/PROD/gurjobs directory. The report and file are also emailed to the valid email address entered into Parameter 02. </p><p>This report and file may be created from any one of the following three (3) Print Mode options: (P) Population Selection (A) Admission - New Applicants /Re-Admits for a term (R) Registration- Students that are or were registered for the term</p><p>NOTE: You may select one Print Mode option only.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 16 ZRRHDSC Parameters: 01 Sort Order Required. C = College name, N = Student Name, I = Student ID Valid Values: C, N, I 02 Email User Not Required, but Enter User Name for the output report to be emailed. Name Recommended Only a valid college issued email address user name will process. Example – If Johnnie Smith at Albany Tech is running this process and his email address is [email protected], then Johnnie would enter jsmith for Parameter 02. 03 Print Mode Required. P - Population Selection. A- Admissions, R – Valid Values: P, A, R Registration, NOTE: You may select one Print Mode option only. 04 Term Code Required For Print Mode (Parameter 03) = A (Admissions), or R (Registered) enter the Term Code (example: 201612) for student selection. For Print Mode P – Population Selection, enter the current term code. NOTES: You may select one Term code only. Term code is required, but the process ignores the term code for Print Mode P. </p><p>05 Application Required if Parameter 03 = P For Print Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Application for the Population Selection – example FINAID 06 Selection ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Print Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Selection ID (Name of the Population Selection) 07 Creator ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Print Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Creator ID of the Population Selection 08 User ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Print Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the User ID of the Population Selection 09 Create Excel Required. Y = Yes, Create Excel formatted file. This will create File? Valid Values: Y, N a zrrhdsc_xxxxxx.txt file. (comma delimited file). See next page for Excel file assistance. N = No, Do not create file. Only a zrrhdsc_xxxxxx.lis file will be created.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 17 ZRRHDSC Excel File – Parameter 09:</p><p>NOTE: Parameter 09 – Create Excel File? – If creating an Excel formatted file, you will need to follow the below steps to open the zrrhdsc_xxxxxx.txt (comma delimited) file in Excel. 1. Open Excel. Select File Open. Select the directory where you saved the ZRRHDSC_xxxxxx.txt file. Change the ‘File of type:’ option to ‘All Files’. Select the zrrhdsc_xxxxxx Text Document. Select ‘Open’.</p><p>Change to ‘All Files’. </p><p>2. If you receive the below message, click ‘Yes’.</p><p>3. If you receive the below message, click ‘OK’.</p><p>4. The ‘Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3’ window will appear. Ensure ‘Delimited’ is checked. Click ‘Next’. 5. The ‘Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 3’ window will appear. Under ‘Delimiters’, uncheck ‘Tab’ and check ‘Comma’. Click ‘Next’.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 18 6. The ‘Text Import Wizard – Step 3 of 3’ window will appear. Click ‘Finish’. The file will now open in Excel.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 19 ZRRHDSC - Missing or Discrepant Data Reasons/Resolutions: Total Hours do not match – The academic history data used by this process is the data stored in the MIS database compared to the total Grant Paid Hours in Surfer. Possible scenarios resulting in this message include:</p><p> o MIS hours are greater than Surfer hours for the term. . Possible cause: Student did not receive HOPE for a course taken outside of major. Course registration status code is not equal to KO, OA, OW, OF, OI, OM, OP, EX, AU, TR, or AC. Course not paid for by HOPE should be excluded from Grant GPA. Resolution: Update Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section). Check ‘Exclude’ next to appropriate course.</p><p> o Surfer Paid Hours are greater than MIS hours for the term. . Possible cause 1: Overpayment of funds received by college possibly due to late schedule adjustment for term and no corresponding HOPE Grant adjustment. Resolution: Surfer hours must be adjusted by the awarding college. (Return of funds.) . Possible cause 2: Student’s HOPE tuition award, fee award, and book award are correct in Surfer, but the Paid Hours in Surfer are incorrect. This can occur if the ROAENRL FA Billing Hours are incorrect for the term which resulted in the incorrect hours being reported to GSFC for the term via the HOPE Invoicing automated process. Resolution: ‘Data Correction Request Form’ available in Surfer must be submitted to GSFC. No monetary adjustments are needed, only Surfer Paid Hours for the term need to be updated. </p><p>Note: If the student is enrolled for more than full-time hours (13 or more through fall 2009 (200902) or 16 or more beginning winter 2009 (200903)) Surfer should reflect the actual hours paid for the term even though only 12 or 15 hours, depending on the term, will count toward the student’s Paid Hours Cap. If the student is enrolled in 20 hours, then Surfer needs to reflect 20 hours for the term.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 20 ZRRHDSC - Missing or Discrepant Data Reasons/Resolutions:</p><p> No course data found - This error message will display if the student has Surfer Paid Hours for a term and no corresponding MIS hours (course history for term). Course details must be entered into Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section) to update Grant MIS data. Possible scenarios resulting in this message include:</p><p> o Possible cause 1: Prior attendance at a USG college and HOPE Grant received from the USG College. (USG College information is not included in MIS collection.) Resolution: Update Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section) with course(s) paid for by HOPE Grant. o Possible cause 2: Prior attendance at a TCSG college and HOPE Grant received from the college but no MIS data exists. This can occur if the awarding college had an unresolved MIS error which prevented the student’s enrollment from being collected for the term. Resolution: Update Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section) with course(s) paid for by HOPE Grant. o Possible cause 3: Student received HOPE Book payment only for the term. No coursework with a grade exists for the term. Resolution: Update Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section) with course(s) that the HOPE Grant Book award was based on for the term. You must enter the course(s) into ZRAGRNT using grade ‘NA’. o Possible cause 4: Student received HOPE Grant for the term, dropped all courses, and coursework does not appear on academic transcript. Prior to summer quarter 2008 (Banner term 200901) colleges were not required to use standardized course registration status codes. Some scenarios may exist where dropped course(s) paid for by HOPE Grant do not appear on the academic transcript. Data Policy 948/948B, effective summer 2008 (200901) and fall 2012 (2012012) respectively, provided standard course registration status codes. (Also referred to as EPIC Guidelines.) Resolution: Update Banner form, ZRAGRNT, (bottom of 2nd tab, HOPE Grant GPA Update section) with course(s) paid for by HOPE Grant. You must enter the course(s) into ZRAGRNT using grade ‘NA’. </p><p>NOTE: When entering/updating Learning Support course data into Banner form ZRAGRNT to resolve discrepancies due to ‘No course data found’, DO NOT check the ‘Exclude’ box. When entering the course details for a Learning Support course, enter one of the following grades: A*, B*, C*, D*, F*, I*, W*, WP*, WF*, S, U, NG*, or NA*. The grade will identify the course as a Learning Support class (grades with an asterisk, Satisfactory, or Unsatisfactory).</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 21 ZRRHDSC - Missing or Discrepant Data Reasons/Resolutions:</p><p> Ineligible course status (KO, OA, OW, OF, OI, OM, OP, EX, AU, TR, or AC) – The student’s GSFC Paid Hours agree with the total registered hours for the term. The discrepancy exists because a course for that term has a registration status code of ‘KO’, ‘OA’, ‘OW’, ‘OF’, ‘OI’, ‘OM’, or ‘OP’ or a grade of ‘EX’, ‘AU’, ‘TR’, or ‘AC’ (ineligible HOPE Grant statuses) AND the discrepancy will continue to exist even if the ineligible course is ‘Excluded’. Example: Student has 13 Paid Hours for a term. Student’s courses for the term are: ENG 101 A 5 BIO 101 A 5 KO SCT 100 C 3 One of the courses has an ineligible course registration status. (Course Status field under the ‘HOPE Grant GPA Update’ tab of ZRAGRNT will display the one of the following if exists: KO, OA, OW, OF, OI, OM, OP, EX, AU, TR, or AC)</p><p>Resolution: Contact the college where the student received HOPE Grant for the term. </p><p>With the ‘KO’ course excluded in the above example, there will continue to be a discrepancy for the term that must be resolved. In this example BIO 101 is coded with ‘KO’, therefore, you exclude that course, then only 8 HOPE eligible hours remain for the term (ENG 101 and SCT 100). However, the student was paid for 13 hours. The discrepancy is not resolved simply by excluding the ineligible course. The awarding college may need to return funds to GSFC to resolve the discrepancy. </p><p>Note: If it is determined that the course was coded incorrectly with one of the statuses above (KO, OA, OW, OF, OI, OM, OP, EX, AU, TR, or AC) you may update the ‘Course Status’ field to ‘RE’. The ‘Course Status’ field may be updated only if it reflects one of these status codes. This field will not allow updates if NULL. By updating this field, you are indicating that the course was incorrectly coded with an ineligible status.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 22 ZRRHDSC Output:</p><p>The ZRRHDSC_xxxxxx.lis report and ZRRHDSC_xxxxxx.txt file are generated in the /u02/jobsub/PROD/gurjobs directory. The report and file are also emailed to the valid email address entered into Parameter 02. </p><p>Sample: Date: 28-OCT-11 Test Instance Time: 11:10:27 AM</p><p>ZRRHDSC - HOPE Grant GPA Discrepancies </p><p>The following students have HOPE Grant GPA Discrepancies on ZRAGRNT: </p><p>ID SSN Name Year T Hrs Q/S OPEID School Name Reason ------90009876 123456789 Frank Arthur 2010 4 13 Q 010487 LANIER TECHNICAL COLLEGE Total Hours do not match 90012345 987654321 Meagan Beck 2010 2 13 Q 003956 DALTON STATE COLLEGE No course data found </p><p>Total Number of Students: ------2 </p><p>The report includes the following information: ID Social Security Number Name Year: GSFC award year T= Term: 1 = Summer, 2 = Fall, 3 = Winter, 4 = Spring Hrs: GSFC Grant Paid Hours for the term Q/S: Q= Quarter, S = Semester OPEID: School code on file at GSFC School Name Reason: Total Hours do not match, No Course data found</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 23 Program name: ZRRHGPA Version: 13.3 Location: Jobsub Description: ZRRHGPA is the Banner process that allows colleges to create a report of students from their Banner system that will display the HOPE Grant GPA, course detail, and eligibility status. The report created by this process can be emailed to the USER. Process: Enter ZRRHGPA from the Banner Main Menu. </p><p>The ZRRHGPA HOPE Grant Summary Report may be created using multiple term codes (Parameter 02) and/or multiple run modes (Parameter 03).</p><p>This report may be created from any of the following five (5) Run Mode options: (P) Population Selection (A) Admission - New Applicants /Re-Admits for a term (R) Registered - Students that are or were registered for the term (F) Financial Aid – Students with HOPE Grant awarded for the Aid Year entered in Parameter 01 (C) Checkpoint- Students with checkpoint eligibility determined at the end of the term(s) entered in Parameter 02 (S) Student ID – Single student</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 24 You can choose one Run Mode option or multiple Run Mode options. This process will support any combination. ZRRHGPA Parameters: 01 Aid Year Code Required Current Aid Year Code – example 1516 02 Term code Required if Parameter 03 = A, R, C For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = A (Admissions), R (Note: Term code must exist in aid (Registered), or C (Checkpoint Term) enter the Term Code year in Parameter 01, else the (example: 201212). This parameter allows you to select more following results: “Number of than one Term Code. You must select ‘Record’ ‘Insert’ to Students: 0”.) insert a new line for Parameter 02. See page 7 of this document for additional instructions. Note: Term code is required for all run modes, but is used for run modes: A, R, and C only.</p><p>03 Run Mode Required. P - Population Selection. A- Admissions, R – Registration, F – Valid Values: P, A, R, F, C, S Financial Aid (F – All students with HOPE Grant awarded for aid year), C- Checkpoint (C-All students with eligibility determined at end of term(s)), S – Single ID (S – Single student). This parameter allows you to select more than one option for your student requests. For more than one option, you must select ‘Record’ ‘Insert’ to insert a new line for Parameter 03. See page 7 of this document for additional instructions. 04 Application Required if Parameter 03 = P For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Application for the Population Selection – example FINAID </p><p>05 Selection ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Selection ID (Name of the Population Selection) 06 Creator ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the Creator ID of the Population Selection 07 User ID Required if Parameter 03 = P For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = P (Population Selection), enter the User ID of the Population Selection 08 Email Address Not Required, but Recommended Enter User Name for the output report to be emailed. Only a valid college issued email address user name will process. Example – If Johnnie Smith at Albany Tech is running this process and his email address is [email protected], then Johnnie would enter jsmith for Parameter 08.</p><p>09 Student ID Required if Parameter 03 = S For Run Mode (Parameter 03) = S (Student ID), enter the student’s ID number. (Example: 900012345) 10 Report Type Required. S – Summary Mode (GPA) – provides the last checkpoint and Valid Values: S, D current eligibility status for student(s). D – Detail Mode (GPA and Courses) – provides the last checkpoint, current eligibility status, and course details for student(s).</p><p>ZRRHGPA Output – Summary Report</p><p>ZRRHGPA – HOPE Grant GPA Summary LAST CHECKPOINT CURRENT STATUS ID NAME TERM HRS Elig GPA CKPT HRS GPA Elig DESCRIPTION</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 25 900012345 Amanda Adams 35 3.54 GX Exempt from 1st Checkpoint >30 Hours Prior to Fall 2011 900098765 Zach Adams 3 3.67 G0 Not reached 1st Checkpoint (0 - 29 hours) 900067890 Amanda Brown 201212 31.33 G1 3.76 31.33 3.76 G1 Eligible at 1st Checkpoint (3.0) (30 - 59 hours) 900054321 Mary Brown 201212 37 G1 3.00 50 2.99 G1 Eligible at 1st Checkpoint (3.0) (30 - 59 hours) 900234567 Kyle Connor 201212 36 N1 2.86 36 2.86 N1 Not Eligible – 1st Checkpoint (<3.0) (30 - 59 hours) 900043210 Anthony Smith 201212 61 G2 3.00 61 3.12 G2 Eligible at 2nd Checkpoint (>=3.0) (60 - 63 hours) 900032101 Frank Thomas 201212 64 MX 3.00 64 3.00 MX Maxed – Student reached max paid hours Total Students: 7 The report includes the following information: ID Name Last Checkpoint - Term – Term code the last checkpoint was applied. (Checkpoint applied at end of term.) Last Checkpoint - Hrs – Grant hours used in the last checkpoint. Last Checkpoint - Elig – Last eligibility status (tier). Last Checkpoint - GPA – Grant GPA at last checkpoint. Current Status – Ckpt Hrs – Current total Grant checkpoint hours Current Status – GPA – Current Grant GPA Current Status – Elig – Eligibility at most recent checkpoint Current Status – Description – Tier description</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 26 ZRRHGPA Output – Detail Report ZRRHGPA - HOPE Grant GPA Detail Report LAST CHECKPOINT CURRENT STATUS ID NAME TERM HRS Elig GPA CKPT HRS GPA Elig DESCRIPTION 900998888 Andrew Adams 201212 39 N1 2.57 53 2.59 N1 Not Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0)(30- 59 Hours) </p><p>GPA Qual Count in N1 Dual Qtr/ College Term ID Subj Crse CRN Hrs Grde Pts GPA Ckpt Crse Enrl Sem ------ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201102 900123456 MAT 098 30572 5 B* 0 N N N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201102 900123456 COL 089 31092 3 A 12 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201102 900123456 COL 099 31246 3 A* 20 N N N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201103 900123456 MAT 1101 31390 5 A 15 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201103 900123456 ENG 1101 41057 5 B 20 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201104 900123456 PSY 1101 41163 5 A 20 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201104 900123456 SOC 1101 41343 5 A 20 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201104 900123456 BIO 2113 41363 5 C 10 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201201 900123456 SCT 100 30704 3 A 12 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201201 900123456 PSY 2103 31404 5 C 10 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201201 900123456 AHS 109 31488 3 B 9 Y Y N Q ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201212 900123456 ENGL 1102 40846 3 B 9 Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201212 900123456 ALHS 1040 10719 3 C 6 Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201212 900123456 BIOL 2114 21171 3 F 0 Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201212 900123456 BIOL 2114L 21366 1 F 0 Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201212 900123456 ARTS 1101 21210 3 F 0 Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201214 900123456 ACCT 1100 20235 4 W 0 N Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201214 900123456 CIST 1001 20261 4 B 12 Y Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201214 900123456 CIST 1305 20287 3 C 6 Y Y Y N S ALBANY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 201214 900123456 MGMT 1100 20521 3 B 9 Y Y Y N S</p><p>The report includes the following information: ID Name Last Checkpoint - Term – Term code the last checkpoint was applied. (Checkpoint applied at end of term.) Last Checkpoint - Hrs – Grant hours used in the last checkpoint. Last Checkpoint - Elig – Last eligibility status (tier). Last Checkpoint - GPA – Grant GPA at last checkpoint. Current Status – Ckpt Hrs – Current total Grant checkpoint hours Current Status – GPA – Current Grant GPA Current Status – Elig – Eligibility at most recent checkpoint Current Status – Description – Tier description College Term – Banner term code</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 27 ID – Banner student ID number Subj – Course Subject Crse – Course Number CRN – Course CRN GPA Hours Grade Qual Pts – Quality Points: A = 4.0, B= 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0. Derived by multiplying GPA hours x Grade QP Count in GPA – Y= Yes, Grade included in GPA calculation, N = No, Grade not included in GPA calculation Count in Checkpoint - Y=Yes, Course included in 30/60 hour checkpoint progression. N=No, Course not included in 30/60 hour checkpoint progression N1 Crse – Y= Yes or N= No - Course/Grade included in 60 Hour Checkpoint Progression Dual Enrl – (Dual Enrollment) – Yes, Student is Dual Enrollment for Term. N=No, Student is not Dual Enrollment for Term. (Note: Dual Enrollment coursework is excluded from GPA calculation and 30/60 hour checkpoint progression.) Qtr/Sem </p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 28 Banner Form: ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA form (version 12.6) 1. HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry tab: Displays all course details associated with Grant Paid Hours. No data on this tab may be updated by the user. Form Field Name Table/Field Values Current Eligibility ZRRHGPA_TIER_CODE Tier Code and Eligibility Description ZRRN1TK_TIER_CODE GX - Exempt from 1st Checkpoint (>30 Hours Prior to Fall 2011) G0 – Eligible - Not reached 1st Checkpoint (0 - 29 hours) Code descriptions: ZTVHELG_DESC G1 - Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (30 - 59 hours) G2 - Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (60 - 63 hours) G6 – Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>=3.0) (Regained eligibility) G7- Previous N1 (>=2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) G8- Previous N2 (>= 2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) N1 - Not Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (30 - 59 hours) N2 - Not Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (60 - 63 hours) MX – Maxed – Student reached max Paid Hours (See note below.) Overall Checkpoint ZRRHGPA_CHECKPOINT_HOURS Current HOPE Grant Checkpoint Hours. Hours Overall Current Grant ZRRHGPA_GPA Current HOPE Grant GPA. GPA ZRRN1TK_GPA Checkpoint 1 ZRRCHCK_CHECKPOINT = ‘1’ Checkpoint Term ZRRCHCK_TERM_CODE_GPA Term code 30 Hour Checkpoint was applied. Checkpoint was applied at the end of this term. Checkpoint Hours ZRRCHCK_PAID_HOURS Student’s Grant hours at 30 hour checkpoint. Checkpoint GPA ZRRHGPA_GPA HOPE Grant GPA at 30 Hour Checkpoint. (ZRRHGPA_TERM_CODE_GPA = ZRRCHCK_TERM_CODE_GPA AND ZRRCHCK_CHECKPOINT = ‘1’) Tier/Description ZRRCHCK_TIER_CODE Tier Code and Eligibility Description Code descriptions: GX - Exempt from 1st Checkpoint (>30 Hours Prior to Fall 2011) ZTVHELG_DESC G0 – Eligible - Not reached 1st Checkpoint (0 - 29 hours) G1 - Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (30 - 59 hours) G2 - Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (60 - 63 hours) G6 – Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>=3.0) (Regained eligibility) G7- Previous N1 (>=2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) G8- Previous N2 (>= 2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) N1 - Not Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (30 - 59 hours) N2 - Not Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (60 - 63 hours) MX – Maxed – Student reached max Paid Hours (See note below.) Checkpoint 2 ZRRCHCK_CHECKPOINT = ‘2’ Checkpoint Term ZRRCHCK_TERM_CODE_GPA Term code 60 Hour Checkpoint was applied. Checkpoint was applied at the end of this term. Checkpoint Hours ZRRCHECK_PAID_HOURS Student’s Grant hours at 60 hour checkpoint Checkpoint GPA ZRRHGPA_GPA HOPE Grant GPA at 60 Hour Checkpoint. (ZRRHGPA_TERM_CODE_GPA = ZRRCHCK_TERM_CODE_GPA AND ZRRCHCK_CHECKPOINT = ‘2’) Tier/Description ZRRCHCK_TIER_CODE Tier Code and Eligibility Description Code descriptions: GX - Exempt from 1st Checkpoint (>30 Hours Prior to Fall 2011) ZTVHELG_DESC G0 – Eligible - Not reached 1st Checkpoint (0 - 29 hours) G1 - Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (30 - 59 hours) G2 - Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>= 3.0) (60 - 63 hours) G6 – Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (>=3.0) (Regained eligibility) G7- Previous N1 (>=2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) G8- Previous N2 (>= 2.0 Prior to Fall 2013) N1 - Not Eligible – 30 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (30 - 59 hours) N2 - Not Eligible – 60 Hour Checkpoint (<3.0) (60 - 63 hours) MX – Maxed – Student reached max Paid Hours (See note below.) NOTE: Eligibility Tier ‘MX’ is calculated on HOPE Grant GPA Hours and actual Grant Paid Hours. A student could reach their Paid Hours Cap and lose eligibility for the HOPE Grant. The Combined Semester Paid Hours information must be considered in HOPE Grant awarding rules. The code of ‘MX’ is based on HOPE Grant GPA hours and HOPE Grant Paid Hours only.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 29 Banner Form: ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA form HOPE Grant GPA Inquiry tab: Continued. All courses included in Grant GPA are displayed. Note: Applicable courses taken while N1 status at a TCSG College and courses manually entered into the “University System of GA – N1 Courses” tab will be displayed.</p><p>Sequence No. ZRRFIND_SEQ_NO Curr Rec ZRRFIND_CURR_REC_IND Y/N Last Update ZRRFIND_ACTIVITY_DATE ZRRN1FD_ACTIVITY_DATE College ZRRFIND_GSFC_SCHOOL_NAME ZRRN1FD_GSFC_SCHOOL_NAME School Code ZRRFIND_GSFC_OPEID_CODE OPE ID ZRRN1FD_GSFC_OPEID_CODE GSFC Award Yr ZRRFIND_FISCAL_YEAR Only 2004 and forward. (i.e. 2003 is not valid) (Example: GSFC Fall 2006 = Banner term 200602) Term ZRRFIND_TERM_CODE Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring ZRRN1FD_TERM_CODE (Q)Qtr/(S)Semester ZRRFIND_Q_OR_S Quarter or Semester - associated with course. CRN ZRRFIND_CRN CRN associated with term/course at that college. This field must be ZRRN1FD_CRN updated. If CRN is unknown, enter 99999. Subject Code ZRRFIND_SUBJ_CODE ZRRN1FD_SUBJ_CODE Course Number ZRRFIND_CRSE_NUMB ZRRN1FD_CRSE_NUMB GPA Hrs ZRRFIND_CREDIT_HOURS GPA hours associated with course (Decimals to hundredth) ZRRN1FD_CREDIT_HOURS Grade ZRRFIND_GRDE_CODE Grade associated with the course. ZRRN1FD_GRDE_CODE Include in GPA ZRRFIND_GPA_IND Y = Yes, Grade included in GPA calculation Indicator* ZRRN1FD_GPA_IND N = No, Grade not included in GPA calculation Include in Checkpoint ZRRFIND_CHCK_IND Y = Yes, Course included in 30/60 hr checkpoint progression Indicator* ZRRN1FD_CHCK_IND N = No, Course not included in 30/60 hr checkpoint progression Dual Enrollment ZRRFIND_DE_IND Y = Yes, Dual Enrollment for Term Indicator ZRRN1FD_DE_IND N = No, Not Dual Enrollment for Term Note: Dual Enrollment coursework is excluded from GPA calculation and 30/60 checkpoint progression</p><p>*Note: Include in GPA Include in 30/60 Hour Calculation? Checkpoint Progression? Learning Support: Remedial/Developmental coursework Courses coded with course registration status code of NO NO ‘KO’ Courses manually excluded from Grant GPA. (Manual update performed to resolve discrepant data.)</p><p>Dual Enrollment Coursework NO NO</p><p>Incomplete grades (Once a grade is assigned, MIS data will be updated and the new grade will be incorporated into the NO YES GPA calculation.)</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 30 Banner Form: ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA form 2. HOPE Grant GPA Discrepancies tab: Displays all course details for discrepant or missing information. Available course data from MIS is pre-populated. NOTE: Information is displayed in either ‘Quarter’ or ‘Semester’ hours. This information is reflected in the actual format used when HOPE Grant was paid. If the student attended the college under the quarter system and received HOPE Grant, then the hours will be reflected in quarter hours. If the student attended the college under the semester system and received HOPE Grant, then the hours will be reflected in semester hours.</p><p>Form Field Name Table/Field Values College ZRRNFND_GSFC_SCHOOL_NA ME School Code ZRRNFND_GSFC_OPEID_CODE OPE ID GSFC Award Yr ZRRNFND_FISCAL_YEAR Only 2004 and forward. (i.e. 2003 is not valid) (Example: GSFC Fall 2006 = Banner term 200602) Term ZRRNFND_TERM_NUMBER Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring (Q)Qtr/(S)Semester ZRRNFND_Q_OR_S Quarter or Semester - associated with course. Paid Hrs ZRRNFND_NET_HOURS This field displays the ‘Net Paid Hours’ for the term. Equals: Paid Hours minus Dual Enrollment Excluded Hours for term. (Decimals to hundredth) Reason ZRRNFND_REASON ‘Total Hours do not match’ or ‘No course data found’ Bottom section: College ZTVHPID_COLLEGE_NAME College name School Code ZRRCRSE_GSFC_OPEID_CODE OPE ID GSFC Award Yr Saved data updates Only 2004 and forward. (i.e. 2003 is not valid) ZRRCRSE_FISCAL_YEAR (Example: GSFC Fall 2006 = Banner term 200602) Term Saved data updates Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring ZRRCRSE_TERM_NUMBER (Q)Qtr/(S)Semester Saved data updates Quarter or Semester - associated with course. ZRRCRSE_Q_OR_S Note: If the information reflected in the ‘HOPE Grant Hours Discrepancies’ block is in quarter hours, then enter the credit hours for the course in quarter hours. (Same applies to semester hours.) CRN Saved data updates ZRRCRSE_CRN CRN associated with term/course at that college. This field may be NULL. Subject Code Saved data updates Example: ENG or MATH ZRRCRSE_SUBJ_CODE Course Number Saved data updates Example: 101 or 1101 ZRRCRSE_CRSE_NUMB GPA Hrs Saved data updates GPA hours associated with course (Decimals to hundredth) Note: ZRRCRSE_CREDIT_HOURS Enter hours as quarter hours if course was taught in quarter hours. Enter hours as semester hours if course was taught in semester hours. Grade Saved data updates Grade associated with the course. ZRRCRSE_GRDE_CODE Note: ‘NG’ = (No Grade) – Displayed if course grade is missing. Course Status ZRRCRSE_CRSE_STATUS Field will be blank unless the discrepancy is a result of course having one of the following course registration status codes or grade codes: KO (Course outside of major), EX (Exempted course), AU (Audited Course), TR (Transfer credit), AC (Articulated credit). Field may be updated to ‘RE’ if course status displayed is incorrect. Exclude? Saved data updates Y/N. ZRRCRSE_EXCLUDE Checked = Yes: Exclude course from GPA calculation and checkpoint progression. Null = No. NOTE: DO NOT CHECK THIS BOX FOR LEARNING SUPPORT COURSEWORK. LS coursework is identified by the assigned grade. HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 31 Banner Form: ZRAGRNT – HOPE Grant GPA form 3. Grade Changes tab: Displays all details of Grant GPA coursework with grade changes.</p><p>Grade Changes Tab Form Field Name Table/Field Values College ZRRGCHG_SCHOOL_NAME College with grade change. Term Banner Term Code. Only 2004xx and forward. (i.e. 2003xx ZRRGCHG_TERM_CODE is not valid) Q/S ZRRGCHG_Q_OR_S Quarter/Semester – Type code associated with course. CRN ZRRGCHG_CRN CRN associated with term/course at that college. Subj Code ZRRGCHG_SUBJ_CODE Example: ENG or MATH Crse Numb ZRRGCHG_CRSE_NUMB Example: 101 or 1101 GPA Hours ZRRGCHG_CREDIT_HOURS GPA hours associated with course (Decimals to hundredth) Old Grade ZRRGCHG_OLD_GRDE_CODE Old grade associated with the course. New Grade ZRRGCHG_NEW_GRDE_CODE New grade associated with the course. Activity Date ZRRGCHG_ACTIVITY_DATE Date grade change added to Grant GPA database.</p><p>4. University System of GA – N1 Courses tab: Any diploma or certificate level coursework taken by a student attending a University System of Georgia institution during a term that the student was ineligible for the HOPE Grant due to a below 2.0 Grant GPA at the 30 Hour Checkpoint (N1 status) should be entered into this tab. The coursework entered into this tab is coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment) had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements. Coursework will be incorporated into the student’s HOPE Grant GPA and used to determine if student regains eligibility at 60th Attempted Hour Checkpoint.</p><p>University System of GA – N1 Courses Tab Form Field Table/Field Values Name Validation table: ZTVHPID_COLLEGE_NAME where College ZTVHPID_COLLEGE_TYPE = ‘B’ College name defaults in when selecting school code. Saved data updates: ZRRN1BR_GSFC_OPEID_CODE Validation table: ZTVHPID_OPEID_CODE where School Code ZTVHPID_COLLEGE_TYPE = ‘B’ School code. Academic Saved data updates: Year ZRRN1BR_ACADEMIC_YEAR Only 2012 and forward. (i.e. 2003 is not valid) Saved data updates: Term ZRRN1BR_TERM_NUMBER Valid values: Summer, Fall, Spring Saved data updates: Subj Code ZRRN1BR_SUBJ_CODE Example: ENG or MATH Saved data updates: Crse Numb ZRRN1BR_CRSE_NUMB Example: 101 or 1101 Saved data updates: Credit Hours ZRRN1BR_CREDIT_HOURS GPA hours associated with course (Decimals to hundredth) Saved data updates: Grade ZRRN1BR_GRDE_CODE Validation table: ZTVGRDE. Valid grades: A, B, C, D, F, W, WP, WF Activity Date ZRRN1BR_ACTIVITY_DATE Date course data entered.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 32 HOPE Grant GPA Checkpoints and Calculation Details:</p><p>Quarter to Semester Hour Conversion: All TCSG coursework prior to fall semester 2012 (201212) was offered as quarter hours. Summer quarter 2012 (Banner term code 201201) was the last term offered under the TCSG quarter system. The conversion formula applied to coursework for the HOPE Grant GPA is outlined below. Sum all quarter hours Sum all quarter hour quality points Sum all semester hours Sum all semester hour quality points Convert quarters to semesters by dividing the total quarter hours and quality points by 1.5. Do not round, truncate after two decimal places (the hundredth decimal point). Add the resulting credit hours and quality points from the conversion to the total of the semester hour credits and quality points (if any exist). GPA: Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours. Do not round, truncate after two decimal places (the hundredth decimal point). Result equals HOPE Grant GPA.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 33 HOPE Grant GPA Checkpoints and Calculation Details: Dual Enrollment Included in Include hours in Include in Paid Hours Checkpoint Checkpoint GPA? Progression? Summer 2003 No No No Fall 2003 No No No Winter 2004 No No No Spring 2004 No No No Summer 2004 No No No Fall 2004 – Spring 2008 Yes No No Summer 2008 - Current No No No</p><p>Joint Enrollment Included in Include hours in Include in Checkpoint Paid Hours Checkpoint GPA? Progression? Summer 2003 No No No Fall 2003 No No No Winter 2004 No No No Spring 2004 No No No Summer 2004 No No No Fall 2004 – Spring 2008 Yes Yes Yes Summer 2008 - Current Yes Yes Yes</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Checkpoints and Calculation Details: Learning Support Definition includes remedial coursework and coursework chosen by the student that does not count toward program requirements for the Diploma, Certificate or Degree the student is seeking. (Course registration status code: ‘KO’, ‘OA’, ‘OW’, ‘OF’, ‘OI’, ‘OM’, and ‘OP’.) Included in Include hours in Include in Checkpoint Paid Hours Checkpoint GPA? Progression? Summer 2003 Yes No No Fall 2003 Yes No No Winter 2004 Yes No No Spring 2004 Yes No No Summer 2004 Yes No No Fall 2004 – Spring 2008 Yes No No Summer 2008 - Current Yes No No Greater Than Full-Time Enrollment Included in Paid Include hours in Include in Hours Checkpoint Checkpoint GPA?</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 34 Progression? Summer 2003 Maximum of 12 hrs Maximum of 12 hrs All hrs included (200401) – Fall 2008 (excluding LS and DE) (200902) Winter 2009 (200903) -Maximum of 15 hrs Maximum of 15 hrs All hrs included Current (excluding LS and DE)</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 35 HOPE Grant Rules and Population Selection Examples: HOPE Grant Fund Awarding and/or Fund Disbursement Rules suggestion: ZRVHGPA (view) pulls the latest Grant Tier Code from Banner form ZRAGRNT based on the current term code entered on ROAINST. View is aid year specific. ZRVHGPA_TIER_CODE LIKE ‘G%’ and ZRVHGPA_AIDY_CODE = ‘&aid_year_code’ identifies eligible students. View will prevent Grant awards for terms where eligibility cannot be determined due to an existing discrepancy. This view will also prevent disbursements for a term where discrepancies exist and no tier code based the ROAINST current term exists. For example: Student’s status was G1 at the end of fall semester. Student received HOPE Grant Spring Semester. At the end of Spring Semester the student has an unresolved discrepancy. Since a discrepancy exists on spring semester coursework, the student’s eligibility for Grant for the next summer semester is undetermined. The student should not receive a summer Grant disbursement until the spring discrepancy is resolved. The ZRVHGPA view will prevent the summer payment when ROAINST is set to summer semester and will allow the spring disbursement when ROAINST is set to spring semester. Population Selection Examples: HOPE_GRANT_GPA_ELIG: Population Selection of students whose latest HOPE Grant GPA Tier Code based on ROAINST Current Term is an eligible status.</p><p>HOPE Grant Rules and Population Selection Examples: HOPE_GRANT_GPA_INELIG: Population Selection of students whose latest HOPE Grant GPA Tier Code based on ROAINST Current Term is an ineligible status.</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 36 HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 37 HOPE Grant Rules and Population Selection Examples: Students with discrepant or missing information. H_GRANT_DISCREPANCIES: Population Selection of students with discrepant or missing data.</p><p>Note: Bottom section left blank intentionally.</p><p>Technical Support: If you have additional questions, problems running these processes, or accessing a form, please contact the TCSG Data Center by emailing the Help Desk at [email protected] .</p><p>HOPE Grant GPA Process 10/13/2017 Page 38</p>
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