<p> WELCOME & INFORMATION PACK FOR STUDENTS</p><p>LUNARDI COURT CARE HOME</p><p>Compiled: June 2011 Updated Sept 2015 Dear Student</p><p>On behalf of all the staff welcome to Lunardi Court Care Home. We hope that you will quickly feel part of the team and that your placement here will be an enjoyable and educationally enriching experience. The care home setting will allow you to enhance your understanding of older people as individuals with feelings and needs and to develop the skills to build relationships in a supportive, caring environment. You will be assigned a mentor (see below) who will help guide you through your placement.</p><p>All members of staff are committed to ensuring that the NHS Education for Scotland’s Quality Standards for Practice Placements are met and that mentorship support is in accordance with the NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice.</p><p>Getting the most out of your placement will depend on how well you utilise your time. The home is very busy and it may not always be possible to work directly with your mentor- especially if they are in charge of the home. We expect you to use your initiative in either participating in the activities or working with other staff members. If there is a quieter spell or you have university work which requires completion then please negotiate with your mentor to get some time for study. </p><p>We hope, having enjoyed your placement, you will complete the Evaluation Form at the back of this pack.</p><p>STUDENT NAME</p><p>MENTOR (S) NAME</p><p>START DATE:</p><p>FINISH DATE: INITIAL INTERVIEW/ ORIENTATION</p><p>MIDWAY INTERVIEW</p><p>FINAL INTERVIEW ABOUT US</p><p>Lunardi Court Care Home is located at:</p><p>39 Robertson Road Cupar Fife KY15 5YR</p><p>Telephone Number: 01334 654777 [email protected]</p><p>Click the View Map facility on the CPPSU Website for our exact location.</p><p>Lunardi Court Care Home is a beautiful, luxuriously decorated home to 40 residents. Our team of dedicated staff consists of:</p><p>Manager Deputy Manager 10 Trained Nursing Staff 5 senior nursing care assistants 15 care assistants Administrator Domestic Staff Activities coordinator Maintenance Kitchen staff.</p><p>Our shift patterns are:</p><p>Day: 0745- 2015 Night: 2000- 0800</p><p>Where possible you will follow the same shift pattern of your allocated mentor to maximise the amount of time spent directly or indirectly with your mentor. You are welcome to contact the home prior to your start date to arrange an informal visit to meet your mentor and organise off duty etc.</p><p>If you experience problems with your off-duty or any other aspect of your placement please see your mentor or any other member of staff who will be happy to help.</p><p>Lunardi Court is within easy reach of the Town Centre and the Nos.41bus route stops at our front entrance. If you are travelling from further afield you can access all travel information from the Traveline Scotland Website: www.travelinescotland.com</p><p>For those travelling by car there are parking facilities within the grounds of the nursing home. There are canteen facilities on-site where you can purchase meals and/or snack items. There is also staff changing facilities on site. If you have any sickness absence during your placement time as well as adhering to the University policy or procedures please contact the home directly on the number above to inform us of your absence and again when you are to resume to your placement time.</p><p>The home operates a No Smoking Policy</p><p>We strive at all times to provide the best quality of care to our residents and to ensure that all staff, including those visiting our establishment, are supported as effectively as possible.</p><p>OUR PHILOSOPHY OF CARE</p><p>Our aim is to ensure that each resident receives care of the highest standard which is customised for their specific needs and preferences and delivered around-the-clock by trained professionals. We will treat our residents as individuals and all proposed nursing care will be consented to, planned and carried out in partnership with each individual patient, and where appropriate also involving the relatives / carers. The resident’s dignity and privacy will be respected at all times.</p><p>Residents shall live in a clean, comfortable and safe environment and be treated with respect and sensitivity to their individual needs and abilities. Care will be flexible and delivered in an attentive and non-discriminatory fashion while respecting each resident’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the rights to make informed choices and to take appropriate risks.</p><p>Respect will be given for each resident's needs and values in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, parenthood and disabilities or impairments.</p><p>Our overall philosophy of care is:</p><p>"treat all residents and colleagues as you wish to be treated yourselves". </p><p>If a moment is taken to consider all actions in this light before they are taken then the best care will follow.</p><p>OUR PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION</p><p>We are committed to provide and maintain a quality learning environment. Students are encouraged to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude to competently deliver care under the direct supervision of a registered practitioner.</p><p>We encourage students to ask questions and will always try to answer them. However, we will expect the students to assist with their own learning by developing a questioning approach. We look forward to hearing their views and suggestions about how we can improve the learning experience for our students. We will treat students as individuals acknowledging their needs and encouraging them to feel part of the care team by involving them in assisting and directing healthcare professionals in providing nursing care.</p><p>We will treat students with respect and recognise and value the contribution of all students in the process of planning and carrying out patient care and assist them to achieve/maintain knowledge and skills in order to provide safe and effective care.</p><p>We aim to work in partnership with the university in order to maximise the provision of an enjoyable and effective learning environment for nursing students, in order to advance knowledge and skills, which will benefit our patients – current and future.</p><p>WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US</p><p> You will receive a timely induction into your work area to ensure you are familiar with the environment and are able to practice safely.</p><p> During your placement you will be allocated a mentor to work alongside. The mentor will be a qualified practitioner who will assist and support you during your placement and provide supervision during your clinical practice.</p><p> You will discuss your learning needs and outcomes at the beginning of the placement.</p><p> We will provide a safe and healthy environment which is conducive to meeting identified individual student learning needs suitable to your stage of education combining relevant theory with practice.</p><p> Your mentor will assess your performance against your course learning outcomes and provide continuous feedback to help you develop your skills. You can expect to have an initial, interim and final assessment/interview with your mentor.</p><p> We expect to be asked questions and we will endeavour to answer these appropriately. However, as an adult learner we may nudge you in the right direction and encourage you to get the answers for yourself.</p><p> You will be given time for reflection and review.</p><p> You will be a valued member of our team during your placement and can expect support from all your colleagues.</p><p> We will listen to your feedback about your placement and will respond to any issues raised sensitively. WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU</p><p> We expect you to act in a professional manner in accordance with the Guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery students (NMC, 2009), be courteous, respectful and show enthusiasm, interest and motivation to learn.</p><p> We expect you to arrive on time for planned shifts and any other activity identified by the mentor or delegated supervisor.</p><p> We expect you to ensure your Mentor is aware of your learning outcomes for the placement and specific learning needs. </p><p> You are responsible for the safe-keeping of your OAR Booklets and to make these readily available to your mentor to assist them in your ongoing assessment.</p><p> You will be guided in many areas but you will also be expected to assist your own learning through questioning, research and teamwork. </p><p> You will be expected to work with a variety of our dedicated staff and we expect you to treat each one with respect and acknowledge the skills and expertise they are willing to share with you.</p><p> We expect you to dress in accordance with the University uniform policy.</p><p> You should inform your Mentor or delegated person if you are unwell, not able to attend your placement or have to leave unexpectedly. </p><p> We expect you to maintain and respect confidentiality at all times. This applies to clients, their records and discussions between the student and the Mentor.</p><p> We would like you to raise any issues regarding your placement with your mentor. If this is not possible you should contact your Learning Team Facilitator.</p><p> You should reflect on your progress to increase self-awareness, confidence and competence. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>Prior to commencement of your placement at Lunardi Court you may wish to consider what experience and pre-existing knowledge you have and what you hope to gain from your placement in terms of further knowledge, skills and experiences that you require in order to fulfil your competencies and meet the standards contained within your pre-registration programme.</p><p>Your mentor will discuss your learning objectives for your placement in line with your OAR, taking into account your previous experience and personal objectives. The following outline of Learning Opportunities available to you whilst on placement in Lunardi Court Nursing Home should be used as a framework to guide you and your mentor to devise a plan of learning for your placement. </p><p>You will meet with your Mentor for regular and consistent feedback which will contribute to the achievement of the learning outcomes, resulting in fair and objective assessment. </p><p>The following is a list of possible learning opportunities for you during your placement. The list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive and you do not have to participate in all the activities identified, but it is hoped you will participate in most of them. There may also be other opportunities for learning available that are not identified in this list. </p><p>COMMUNICATION SKILLS</p><p> o Effective communication / talking with clients, carers, relatives in a variety of settings. o Use of telephone – answering calls, recording information, dealing with patient and public enquiries. o Discussions with other relevant professionals involved in client care. o Use of computer / email / email / internet o Awareness of own communication skills – both verbal and non-verbal. o Awareness of and able to use buzzer systems</p><p>PEOPLE/PERSONNEL RESOURCE</p><p> o Nursing Team o Social Care Staff o Activities Co-ordinator o Admin Staff o GPs o Outside Agencies . Macmillan Nurses / Specialist Nurses / District Nurses/Hospital Palliative Care Teams/Care Commission o Physio/OT/Dietician ASSESSMENT SKILLS & DOCUMENTATION</p><p> o Admission procedures o Utilising assessment tools . Wound Management . Nutritional Assessment . Waterlow Risk Assessment . Falls Risk/Manual Handling Risk Assessment . Dependency o Care Planning inc. accurate documentation and recording of care given. o Prioritising workload.</p><p>ESSENTIAL SKILLS OF CARE</p><p> o Developing skills to assist/provide clients with care to meet their holistic needs o Client comfort- hygiene, toileting, oral hygiene o Understanding principles of patient-centred care o Moving and handling- assistance with mobility o Pressure Area care o Medication (knowledge and administration) . Oral . Injection . Nebulisers/Inhalers . Eye drops . Creams and lotions . Rectal medication (enemas, suppositories) o Meeting nutritional and dietary needs . PEG Feeding . Gastrostomy feeding o Stoma care o Catheterisation and catheter care- urethral, supra-pubic. o Bowel management/care o Measurement and recording of systemic observations including blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring. o Wound Care and aseptic technique o Specimen Collection . Wound swabs . Urine . Faeces</p><p>PROFESSIONAL & ETHICAL PRACTICE</p><p> o Practice within NMC codes of confidentiality, respecting client wishes and decisions. o Dignity and respect. o Recognising and working within your own accountabilities. o Observing and adhering to area ways of working, operational instructions and local Policies and Procedures. o Care Commission Regulations o Legislation o Reflection on own experiences o Use of Evidence Based Practice- SIGN Guidelines etc.</p><p>SAFETY</p><p> o Infection Control in care Home setting o Personal and area risk assessments procedures. o Awareness of strategy in dealing with verbally aggressive/challenging behaviour. o Fire regulations and evacuation procedures o Safe use of any equipment o Moving and handling</p><p>MANAGEMENT</p><p> o Supplies and ordering o Rota management o Care of valuables/client belongings o Audits</p><p>OTHER</p><p> o Care of people with eye problems o Maintenance treatment of various disorders e.g. . Anaemia . Thyroid Disorders . Diabetes . Vitamin Deficiencies o Palliative and Terminal Care o Care of acute and chronically ill people o Care of people with learning disabilities, dementia, Alzheimers o Paraplegic patient care o Bandaging o Removal of sutures/clips o Use and maintenance of syringe drivers</p><p>RESOURCES AVAILABLE</p><p> o Experienced Staff o Access to computer/intranet o Policies and Procedure Manuals o Teaching/Learning Packs o Nursing Home Resident Information Leaflets o Care Plans o Care Commission Inspection Reports o Articles o Journals o Books</p><p>FURTHER USEFUL INFORMATION</p><p> o University of Dundee: Clinical Placement Support Unit (CPPSU)</p><p>. www.cppsu.dundee.ac.uk</p><p> o NHS Education for Scotland: </p><p>. www.nes.scot.nhs.uk</p><p> o Nursing & Midwifery Council NMC: </p><p>. www.nmc-uk.org</p><p> o The Knowledge Network (formerly e-library) -literature search facility, free with Athens log-on details, full articles available.</p><p>. www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk</p><p> o Social Care Social Work Improvement Scotland</p><p>. www. scswis .com</p><p>EVALUATION OF PLACEMENT AREA</p><p>We sincerely hope you have enjoyed your placement at Lunardi Court, and that it has met and perhaps exceeded your educational expectations. </p><p>We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to complete the following Evaluation Form. </p><p>STUDENT EVALUATION FORM</p><p>1. DO YOU FEEL YOU WERE ORIENTATED TO THE PLACEMENT AREA?</p><p>YES/NO Comments:</p><p>2. WERE YOU INFORMED OF WHO YOUR MENTOR WAS ON ARRIVAL TO THE PLACEMENT?</p><p>YES/NO Comments:</p><p>3. WERE YOU WELCOMED AND MADE TO FEEL PART OF THE TEAM?</p><p>YES/NO Comments:</p><p>4. DID YOU DISCUSS YOUR OBJECTIVES WITH MENTOR?</p><p>YES / NO Comments:</p><p>5. WAS THERE APPROPRIATE TIME TAKEN FOR MIDWAY ASSESSMENT/FINAL ASSESSMENT/OAR BOOKLET? </p><p>YES/NO Comments: 6. DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE MET YOUR OBJECTIVES TO THE LEVEL REQUIRED?</p><p>YES / NO Comments:</p><p>7. DO YOU FEEL YOU WERE GIVEN ADEQUATE SUPPORT THROUGHOUT YOUR PLACEMENT?</p><p>YES/ NO Comments:</p><p>8. WERE YOU GIVEN INDUCTION PACK ON ARRIVAL TO AREA?</p><p>YES / NO Comments:</p><p>9. DO YOU FEEL YOU WERE ABLE TO PUT THEORY INTO PRACTICE AND LEARN NEW SKILLS? </p><p>YES / NO Comments:</p><p>10. OVERALL, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR PLACEMENT AREA?</p><p>YES/NO Comments:</p><p>11. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS YOU FEEL WOULD MAKE THIS PLACEMENT A MORE ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE FOR FUTURE STUDENT NURSES.</p><p>Comments:</p><p>Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Any information you provide will be treated in confidence but may be used to facilitate improvements on the service we provide.</p>
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