<p> SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>Example Project for Demonstrations and Exercise Browse to: http://ssitools.com/classfiles/EVM</p><p> Right-click ExampleProject(EVM).mpp and save to c:\ssi_tools Right-click ExampleProject(EVMApril).mpp and save to c:\ssi_tools Right-click ImportedActualValues2015.xlsx and save to c:\ssi_tools\EVM (Make this folder if it does not exist on your system)</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 1 SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>SSI Performance & Earned Value Management Tools Overview Structured Solutions Performance and Earned Value Tools includes built-in Earned Value reporting using project data. Data showing the Plan Value (aka PV or BCWS), the Earned Value (aka EV or BCWP) and Actual Value (aka AV or ACWP) can be determined by Task Days, Task Work or Task Cost.</p><p> When Using Task Days as the EV Unit of Measure, SSI Tools reports the days of work scheduled through a reporting period vs. days of work performed (using the Baseline Duration as the basis) and the actual days taken to perform tasks in the schedule. When Using Task Work as the EV Unit of Measure, SSI Tools reports the hours of work scheduled through a reporting period vs. hours performed (using the Baseline Hours as the basis). The Actual Value for work hours can be taken from Microsoft Project or it can be imported and held outside Microsoft Project. Work hours can be reported at the Work Package level or rolled up to the Work Package Parent level. When Using Task Cost as the EV Unit of Measure, SSI Tools reports cost values scheduled through a reporting period vs. cost performance (using the Baseline Duration as the basis). Actual costs can be taken from Microsoft Project or imported and held outside Microsoft Project. Costs can be reported at a Work Package level or rolled up to the Work Package’s Parent level.</p><p>For those needing to use a formal Earned Value Management System, SSI Tools includes data generators for Deltek MPM and Cobra. SSI’s Cobra and MPM interface tools make import/transaction files that include WBS, Planned Value, Earned Value, and Estimates to Complete.</p><p>Common Definitions Used in Earned Value Management Baseline: The “Planned Value” of the duration, start, finish and resource assignment values (if any) for a project. The Baseline is usually formally controlled in a project and does not change unless a formal change control review has been conducted and the change to the baseline has been approved. Terms and acronym used to describe the baseline include: Baseline, Budget, Planned Value (or PV), Budget Cost of Work Scheduled (or BCWS) and Budget at Complete (BAC).</p><p>Performance: The amount of progress taken on a task. Progress can be shown as a percent of the total task duration (% Complete), the percent of the total work or cost (Work % Complete) or as a percent of the Baselined duration, work or cost (% of Baseline Earned or “Earned Value”). Terms and acronym used to describe Performance include: Earned Value, Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (EV, BCWP – when taken as a percent of the Baseline), % Complete, Work % Complete, and Physical % Complete.</p><p>Actual Values: The actual number of days, hours or cost taken to perform a task or a portion of a task. With the exception of Actual Days to perform a task, Actual Values are often captured at a “rolled-up” level meaning that its value is not recorded on a task by task level. Rolled-up values are often captured for a collection of tasks having something in common such as their performing organization or position </p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 2 SSI Analysis Tools Training in the Work Breakdown Structure of a project. Terms and acronym used to describe Actual Values include: Actual Cost (AC), Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) or Actual Value (AV).</p><p>Current Schedule: The current value of the duration, start, finish and resource assignment values (if any) for a project. The Current Schedule is usually not formally controlled and reflects actual performance to date plus current projections for future tasks and associated resource needs. The Current Schedule changes at the end of each reporting cycle and is used to yield the estimate to complete the project and its key program events. Terms and acronym used to describe the Current Schedule include: Estimate to Complete (ETC), current plan or current schedule.</p><p>Variances: The difference between the current schedule and the baseline is known as the Cumulative Variance. The difference between the current schedule and the schedule at the end of the prior reporting period is known as the Current Period Variance. Terms and acronym used to describe Variances include: Variance at Complete (VAC), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost Variance (CV) and Variance Analysis Reports (VAR).</p><p>Estimate at Complete: Equal to Remaining value of duration, work and cost, plus the actual values of the same to date. EAC is the acronym commonly used for Estimate at Complete.</p><p>Project Setup for SSI Earned Value Management Reporting SSI Earned Value Management Tools (EVM) enables the maximum benefit from EVM accounting and reporting with minimal burden and cost of implementation. Minimum and our Suggested setup requirement for a project reporting Earned Value are as follows:</p><p>Minimum Setup Requirements for EVM using SSI Tools 1. Add Work Package IDs to tasks in the schedule. Tasks having Work Package IDs will be known as Work Packages. A Work Package ID is a unique code given to a task/activity in the schedule that represents work that will be performed in a project. You can use any convention you like for Work Package IDs (A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, A1, A2, A3 and so on). 2. Post project data to the SSI EVM system at the end of one reporting period. This enables Cumulative Earned Value Reporting from the data in a Microsoft Project plan.</p><p>Recommended Setup for EVM using SSI Tools 1. Use Intuitive Work Package IDs and Work Package Parent IDs to enable summarizing of like or common collections of Work Packages. As an example, use a convention for Work Package IDs such as “A.01”, “A.02”, and “A.03” and give these three Work Packages the Work Package Parent ID of “A”. Another common collection of Work Packages could be given “B.01”, “B.02” and “B.03” for their Work Package ID and “B” as the Work Package Parent ID. 2. Post project data to the SSI EVM system from the last two reporting periods. This enables Cumulative and Current Period Earned Value Reporting from the data in a Microsoft Project plan.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 3 SSI Analysis Tools Training 3. Add the name or the organization name of the Performing and/or Responsible entity for each Work Package.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 4 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Pick Text or Outline Code Fields in Microsoft Project and enter values for: Work Package ID Work Package Parent ID Performing Manager / Organization Responsible Manager / Organization</p><p>Practice – On your own 1. Open Microsoft Project and open the Project 2003 - 2007 Toolbar project named ExampleProject(EVM).mpp</p><p>2. Insert Text1, Text3, Text4 and Text5 in the Gantt chart table by right- Project 2010 -2013 tools from SSI Analysis Tools menu clicking on any column title in the table and selecting Insert Column. Right-click Insert columns</p><p>3. Right-click on each of the added columns and select Customize Fields</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 5 SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 6 SSI Analysis Tools Training Post Project Data to the SSI Project Performance Database The Project Performance Database captures Planned Value, Earned Value and the Estimate to Complete from the current Microsoft Project schedule from one or more reporting periods. The Actual Value for EVM Work and Cost can come directly from the project or it can be imported from an external source.</p><p>If the database contains data from one reporting period, only Cumulative Earned Value reporting is possible. If data from two or more reporting periods is posted to the database each is stored separately. This enables Current Period and Cumulative Earned Value Reporting since current period earned value is always equal to current cumulative values minus the cumulative values at the end of the prior period.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 7 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 8 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 9 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 10 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 11 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 12 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 13 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Post Current Period Data into a new or existing Database for reporting Earned Value Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project</p><p>1. Connect to an existing database or make a Enter a name and location for the database. If new one by entering a database name and the database does not exist, a new one will be location created using the name and location provided Name and Location for Metrics Records and Reporting Database can be a new value entered by the user or it can map to an existing record set for projects and reporting periods Task Records Maintenance shows existing Project and Periods in the Database. If necessary, use this control to Delete All Task Records for the selected project and reporting period</p><p>2. Enter Project Unique Name or ID Name of Project and Reporting Period in Database Record sets in the Database are stored separately by their Project Unique Name or ID and the reporting period Each Project should have its own Project Unique Name or ID to prevent data from one project from mixing with data from another project Note – The Project Status Date should match the Project Unique Name or ID is taken from the Current Period End Date in the section below 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 14 SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 15 SSI Analysis Tools Training Does your report look like this?</p><p>Adding Subsequent Reporting Periods to the Database</p><p>Whenever a Project Performance and Earned Value Reporting database contains two or more record sets from the same project, additional reporting options can be selected for Earned Value reports. The database keeps separate record sets for each project and for each project’s reporting periods. Having two or more record sets enables current period as well as cumulative earned value reporting and the Baseline data from the current and prior periods can be inspected for changes. Cumulative and Current Period EV shows planned value, earned value and actual value in the current period by subtracting cumulative values from the prior period from cumulative values in the current period. Make Change Log compares data from the prior reporting period to data from the current reporting period and finds Added Work Packages, Deleted Work Packages and Changes to the Baseline Start date, Finish Date and Baseline Resource Assignment values. Adds, Deletes and Changes are recorded in a change log Excel worksheet that is included with an Earned Value report.</p><p>Practice – On your own Add a second reporting period to the same database. A summary of the steps taken in this section are as follows: Advance the Reporting Period End Date to 04/26/2015 Status all tasks through the new status date Add a new Work Package, Delete an Existing Work Package and Change the Baseline for another Work Package Post Task and Task Usage for All Tasks to the database created in the prior steps Make an Earned Value report that shows Cumulative and Current Period EV with a Change Log (showing baseline changes from one period to the next)</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 16 SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 17 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image 1. Using the project from the last exercise, advance the Reporting Period End Date to 04/26/2015 Select Project Information from the Project menu Change the Status date to 4/26/2015 and click Ok 2. Status all tasks through the new status date Find tasks occurring prior to the Status date requiring updates using Tip – use SSI Analysis Tools / Schedule Integrity Audits to find these tasks using the Invalid Status audit</p><p> If using Project 2010 or 2013, mark these task as being on track using Microsoft Project’s Mark on Track tool on the Task menu</p><p> If using Project 2003 or 2007, mark these task as being on track using Microsoft Project’s Update as Scheduled tool on the Tracking toolbar. Or use Tracking / Update Project from the Tools menu as shown below</p><p>Update as Scheduled on Tracking Toolbar</p><p>Update Project from Tools / Tracking</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 18 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image</p><p>3. Add a new Work Package, Delete an Existing This step demonstrates how Changes logs are Work Package and Change the Baseline for created by SSI Tools. If a Change log is added to another Work Package an Earned Value report it will appear in the Select row 37 and change its WP ID (Text1) to reports Excel workbook as a separate worksheet WP2.8.X. SSI Tools will identify this as a New named ChangeLog. Work Package since its value did not exist in the prior reporting period. At the same time, SSI Tools will no longer find WP2.8 in the current record set so it will identify it as a Set Baseline for Selected tasks only Deleted Work Package Select rows 56 – 57 and reset their baseline by selecting Set Baseline from the Project menu (Project 2010 - 2013 users) or Set Baseline from Tools / Tracking if using Project 2003 – 2007 Be careful to Set Baseline for Selected tasks (rather than for the Entire project) by carefully completing the form as shown by the example to the right</p><p>4. Post Task and Task Usage for All Tasks to the database Post Data for the Period ending 04/26/2015 Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project </p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 19 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image</p><p> Make sure all the selections on Project Performance and Earned Value Reporting are as shown to the right – then Click Post Current Period Data</p><p>5. Make an Earned Value report that shows Cumulative and Current Period EV with a Change Log (showing baseline changes from one period to the next)</p><p> Click the Earned Value button on Project Performance and Earned Value Reporting</p><p> Select the options named Get Cumulative & Current Period EV, Make Pivot Table in Report and Make Change Log on the form named Project Earned Value Reporting (see the example to the right) Click the Excel Icon or activate Excel to see the Earned Value report created by SSI Tools Does your report look like this?</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 20 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 21 SSI Analysis Tools Training Does the sheet named ChangeLog look like this?</p><p>Importing Actual Values</p><p>When using Task Work or Task Cost as the Earned Value Unit of Measure, you can override Microsoft Project’s actual values by Importing Cumulative Actual Values from an Excel worksheet. You can import values for each Work Package or you can import values at the Work Package Parent level. The simple format for a worksheet contains imported values is as follows: Work Package or Work Package Parent ID Resource Name Resource Type (Labor, Material, Travel, Other Direct Cost for example) Cumulative Work amount Cumulative Cost amount</p><p>Below is an example of a worksheet in excel containing Actual values for a project</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 22 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image 1. Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project </p><p>2. Select Task Work or Task Cost as the Earned Value Unit of Measure and Imported Cumulative Actual Values as the EV Actuals (AC) or ACWP option 3. Click Import Cumulative Actual Values</p><p>4. Select the Name and Location of a Excel workbook containing actual values 5. Select the name of the Worksheet to Use in the selected workbook 6. Look at the Worksheet Preview and map the columns in the worksheet to the following key values for Earned Value reporting: Column with Matching Work Package Id (If you don’t match at the Work Package level, you can set this value to None) Column with Matching Work Package Parent (Rollup) Id Column with Resource Name Column with Resource Type Column with Work Value Column with Cost Value 7. Select the reporting period for cumulative values using the drop-down list next to “Actual Values are for Reporting Period Ending”</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 23 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image 8. Click Import Actual Values</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 24 SSI Analysis Tools Training When using Imported Actual Values that are rolled-up to the Work Package Parent level an Earned Value report will show zero in the Tot AV or Cur_AV column. In this case, SSI Tools adds a new Work Package named WP-Imp-Act at the Work Package Parent level. Since no actual values exist for Work Packages, you will only be able to perform analysis of Cost Variances (CV) at the Parent level.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 25 SSI Analysis Tools Training Practice – On your own Import actual work values into the Performance and Earned Value reporting database Steps Description / Image 1. Click Performance Vs. Baseline on the Step 3 Performance And Earned Value group of the SSI Analysis Tools ribbon in Microsoft Project </p><p>2. Click Earned Value on the Project Performance And Earned Value Reporting form </p><p>Step 4</p><p>3. Select Imported Cumulative Actual Values 4. Click the button named Import Cumulative Action Values</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 26 SSI Analysis Tools Training Practice – On your own 5. Select the Excel Workbook with Actual Values named “ImportedActualValues2015.xlsx” 6. Select “April2015” for Worksheet to Use</p><p> Look at the Worksheet Preview and map the columns in the worksheet to the following key values for Earned Value reporting: (See Example to the right) Column with Matching Work Package Id = None Column with Matching Work Package Parent (Rollup) Id = WP ID Parent Column with Resource Name = Resource Name Column with Resource Type = Resource Type Column with Work Value = Work Column with Cost Value = Cost Actual Values are for Reporting Period Ending = 4/26/2015 5:00:00 PM</p><p>7. Click Import Actual Values 8. Close the form named Import Actual Values when done 9. Use the settings shown to the right and click Make EV Report using data through 4/26/2015</p><p>Does your report look like this?</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 27 SSI Analysis Tools Training Practice – On your own</p><p>10. Remove Task Name from the Pivot Table and Replace it with Res_Name (Resource Name) Click inside the Pivot table and select Field List from the Analyze menu in Excel Change the Rows in the Pivot table by replacing TaskName with Res_Name</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 28 SSI Analysis Tools Training Does your report look like this?</p><p>Do the same as above but replace Res_Name with Res_Type</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 29 SSI Analysis Tools Training Using Earned Value Reports</p><p>Click the button named See Example & Description on the Project Earned Value Reporting form to see useful tips and explanations of SSI Tools reports.</p><p>Earned Value Pivot Table Report Example</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 30 SSI Analysis Tools Training PV and EV Projections Chart</p><p>Using Deltek Cobra™ and Deltek MPM™ Transaction File Generators</p><p>Many data elements in a project schedule can be shared with popular Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) like Deltek MPM™ and Deltek Cobra™. Planned Value (PV or BCWS), for example can be taken from the Baseline values in a schedule. Likewise, Earned Value (EV or BCWP) can be derived from the completion or partial performance of scheduled tasks. Finally, the remaining work, cost and duration in a schedule is an excellent basis for the Estimate to Complete (ETC) in an EVMS. To ensure exact traceability between a project schedule and the EVMS, SSI’s Performance vs. Baseline tools includes Transaction and Import file generators for two popular Earned Value Management Systems. </p><p>Making Deltek Cobra Comma Separated Values (CSV) Transaction Files 1. WBS Desc CSV includes the WBS ID, and the Parent of the WBS 2. Activity CSV – includes attributes about each “Activity” (or EV element) 3. Rem Res CSV and Baseline Res CSV is time phased resource assignment data for each EV element. 4. Status CSV captures the performance of Work Packages</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 31 SSI Analysis Tools Training WBS Desc CSV Steps Description / Image Make WBS Transaction File for use with Deltek Cobra™ WBS Desc CSV is the hierarchical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for Earned Value. The output format for this is the “Code”, “Description” and “Parent” for each Earned Value (EV) element. o “Code” is often equal to the Work Package ID or Unique ID of an EV element o “Description” is the name of the EV element o “Parent” is the next higher level EV element – often referred to as a “Control Account” or Summary level in the EV system o The Tab named Setup Export Desc controls which Microsoft Project text field maps to Code, Description and Parent</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 32 SSI Analysis Tools Training Example WBS Desc CSV</p><p>Activity CSV Steps Description / Image Make Activity Transaction File for use with Deltek Cobra™ Activity CSV contains Schedule and other details about EV elements. Required and Recommended data includes: o “CA1” is often equal to the Work Package Parent (Required) o “Work Package” is the EV element Work Package ID (Required) o “Baseline Start/Finish” is taken from Microsoft Project’s baseline data. EV elements must have a baseline (Required) o “Fcst Start/Finish” (forecast Start/Finish) is taken from Microsoft Project’s current start and finish (Required) o “Id” is the EV element’s Unique ID used to match the Microsoft Project record to the record in Cobra. SSI recommends including this value in an activity transaction file.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 33 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image The Tab named Setup Export Act controls which Microsoft Project text field maps to the Required and Additional data fields</p><p>Example Activity CSV</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 34 SSI Analysis Tools Training Rem Res CSV and Baseline Res CSV Steps Description / Image Make Baseline and Remaining Resource Transaction Files for use with Deltek Cobra™ Rem Res CSV contains time phased data for an EV element’s Remaining work and cost assignments Baseline Res CSV contains time phased data for an EV element’s Baseline work and cost assignments o “ID” is the EV element’s Unique ID used to match the Microsoft Project record to the record in Cobra o “Resource Name” is the name of the assigned resource in Microsoft Project. This must match the name of a resource in the Cobra resource library o “Amount” is taken from Microsoft Project’s time phased baseline or remaining “Task Usage” data set o “From/To Date” is taken from Microsoft Project’s baseline or remaining Start and Finish for the task containing the assignment o The Tab named Setup Export Res controls which Microsoft Project Resource field is used for the Resource Name. Other options on this tab are explained below</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 35 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image User Defined Periods for Baseline and Remaining Resource Transaction Files The Tab named Setup - Export Res includes an option to select User Defined Periods for Baseline or Remaining Resource assignment data o Use Resource Start/Finish (Plus Curve) makes a simple transaction file that gives the amount of a resource assignment and a single start/finish period for the amount o User Defined Periods With Time Scaled Values makes a detailed transaction file showing the amount of a resource assignment in each reporting period according to the selected Defined Periods Table. . Double-click User Defined Periods With Time Scaled Values and use the form named Select Defined Periods. . Double-click a Defined Periods Table to see its Period Label, Start and End . Select the System Location for Defined Periods if needed</p><p>Note: Sample Defined Periods Tables are included with SSI Tools at c:\ssi_tools\TSV (or the SSI tools install location). These can be edited using the Select Defined Periods form. </p><p>Defined Periods Tables can also be created or edited using Microsoft Excel as long as they are saved as .csv files and their name begins with “TSV”</p><p>Example Baseline Res CSV</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 36 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 37 SSI Analysis Tools Training Status CSV Steps Description / Image Make Status Transaction File for use with Deltek Cobra™ Status CSV contains the Actual Start/Finish and Percent Complete for EV elements o Status file generation require a Microsoft Project field used for the Earned Value or Performance Measurement technique (EVT/PMT). Select EVT/PMT on the Setup - Export Act tab</p><p> o Other options for Status transaction files are set on the tab named Setup - Export Stat Example Status CSV</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 38 SSI Analysis Tools Training Making Deltek MPM Import Files 5. WBS Descriptive data includes the WBS ID, Earned Value Method, Manager, Parent of the WBS and so on. This file can be used to create Earned Value data elements in MPM. 6. Milestone Baseline & MS Status includes Work Package items that are explicitly identified as Milestones as well as Milestones that mark the Start & Complete of Work Packages. 7. Monthly Values is time phased resource assignment data for each Work Package. 8. Auto Spread captures the resource values as an even spread over a Work Package’s Start and Finish period. 9. BCWP captures the percent complete for Work Packages using Percent Complete earned value method.</p><p>When importing data into MPM, the order of imported data is important. WBS Descriptive, for example, must be imported before importing Baseline or Remaining Estimates because a WBS Id must exist before it can receive its baseline or remaining values. Once WBS Descriptive values are imported in MPM, however, it is not necessary to import the same data again. The order for imported data depends on its purpose and data type. Below shows the import order for two scenarios: 1. Adding new Work Packages in MPM and 2. Updating existing Work Packages</p><p>Import Order When Adding New Work Packages in MPM 1. Import WBS Descriptive first. Make sure that the Parent WBS IDs are imported before their child WBS IDs. If the reverse is true, errors will occur during the import. 2. Next, import Baseline and Remaining values using Monthly Values or Auto Spread to capture the value of resources assigned to EV elements. 3. Next, import Milestone Baseline which include the Scheduled or Baseline Start/Finish for milestones. These dates must be within the period of performance of the Baseline or Remaining resources. Note - Importing Milestone Baseline before Baseline Monthly Values or Auto Spread values may result in import errors because a Milestone’s Baseline Start/Finish date must be within the period of performance for the Baseline resources. 4. Next, import BCWP</p><p>Import Order When NOT Adding New Work Packages in MPM 1. First, import Remaining values using Monthly Values or Auto Spread to capture the remaining value of resources assigned to EV elements. 2. Next, import MS Status (Milestone Status) and BCWP (these can be imported in either order). Importing MS Status before Remaining Monthly Values or Auto Spread values may result in import errors because a Milestone’s Forecast Start/Finish date must be within the period of performance for the Remaining resources.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 39 SSI Analysis Tools Training WBS Descriptive Steps Description / Image Make WBS Descriptive File for use with Deltek MPM™ WBS Descriptive is the hierarchical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for Earned Value. Though WBS ID and Parent WBS are the only two data fields required, many other attributes of an EV element can be captured using the settings on the Setup and Optional Setup tabs </p><p>Note – SSI Tools uses One Text field for Earned Value Type, Earned Value Method and Manager (Elmt Type, Method, CAM). Entering “W,5,S.Jones” in Text2 (if using the setup example shown below) results in “S.Jones” in column N, “W” in column R and “5” in column L in the import file</p><p>Example WBS Desc Import File Format Yellow Highlight shows Required values, all others are optional Character Data Type or Accepted Values (shown in bold with Column Limit quotes) Description WBS ID; must exist in the A 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters project. B 40 Alpha or Numeric Characters WBS Description C 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters Alias D - M 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters User-defined XREF1 N 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters Manager O 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters Charge Number P 10 Alpha or Numeric Characters Performing Department Q 10 Alpha or Numeric Characters Responsible Department "C" = Control Account, "W" = Work Package, "P" = Planning Package, "O" = Other - Used for a Rollup or Earned Value Element R 1 Summary Type S 1 "0" = No EVM required, "1" = 0/100, "2" = 25/75,"3" = Earned Value Method</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 40 SSI Analysis Tools Training 40/60, "4" = 50/50, "5" = % Complete,"6" = LOE, "7" = Earned Standards, "8" = Milestone Weights, "P" = Milestone Weights with % Complete, "K" = Key Event T 8 Alpha or Numeric Characters CLIN Recurring or non- U 1 "R" = Recurring, "N" = Non-recurring recurring V 6 Number Fee % W 9 Number Fee Limit Amount "H" = Hours/Units, "P" = Prime, "B" = Total Burdened, X 1 "T" = Total Cost, "D" = Total Dollars BCWP Base Unit Parent WBS ID (enter * if Y 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters top level) Base WBS; used if EVM is Z 20 Alpha or Numeric Characters Apportioned</p><p>Milestone Baseline & MS Status Steps Description / Image Make Milestone Baseline and MS Status Files for use with Deltek MPM™ Use Milestone Baseline to add new Milestones in Milestone Baseline – adds Start and MPM or to Update Milestone Baseline Start/Finish Finish Milestones for all EV elements dates using Baseline Start & Finish dates o This import makes “Virtual” milestones named “Start” and “Finish” for every Work Package (Earned Value Element Type = “W”). Virtual milestones exist in Microsoft Project only as the starting point and finishing point for a task o This import also makes a milestone for any EV element explicitly identified as a Milestone (Earned Use MS Status to Provide milestone Performance data Value Element Type = “M”). In this to MPM case the Name of the item in the schedule is used for the milestone description in MPM MS Status – provides the status of Note!! milestones and their current Forecast (or See the notes in the section named current) date “Example Milestone Import File Format” for a detailed o Virtual Start/Finish Milestones are explanation of how Milestone IDs, Descriptions and used to take performance when a Weights are created by SSI Tools per the Earned Value Work Package uses the Earned Value Method Method 1,2,3 or 4 (0/100, 25/75, 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 41 SSI Analysis Tools Training 40/60 and 50/50 respectively). For example, a Work Package using method 2 (25/75) will earn 25% of its baseline value when it Starts and 75% upon its Finish. o Explicit Milestones (Earned Value Element Type = “M”) earn their baseline value per their percent complete and weight if using the Earned Value Method = “P” or per their weight (and only when 100% complete) if the Earned Value Method = “8” Examples of Milestones in a Milestone Baseline or MS Status import file made by SSI Tools</p><p>Work Package ID WP1.6 (Example of Virtual Milestones) SSI Tools made a Start & Finish Milestone and reports their Scheduled (Baseline) Date, Forecast (Current) Date, Complete status (“Y” for Yes or “N” for No) and Pct Complete. Since these milestones have either occurred or not, the Pct Complete can be 0 or 100 only. The Milestone weights are shown as 25% for the Start Mileston and 75% for the finish milestone indicating that the Earned Value Method is “2” or 25/75.</p><p>Work Package ID WP1.7 (Example of an Explicit Milestone) This is an explicit Milestone of its own named “Develop the Integrated Logistics Support Plan (ILSP)” belonging to Work Package WP1.7. In Microsoft Project, this “Milestone” can be a zero duration item or it can be a task having a duration greater than zero. SSI Tools reports its baseline finish date as “Scheduled Date” and its current finish as “Forecast Date”. This Milestone’s weight can be taken from the field specifiec by Milestone Weight Override on the Setup tab:</p><p> or it can be set using the duration, cost or work if no override value is provided. Complete status (“Y” for Yes or “N” for No) and Pct Complete are also given for this type of milestone. In this example, the milestone is 55% complete. If the work package’s earned value allows partial percent complete for its milestone (Earned Value Method = “P”), 55% of the milestone’s weighted value will be given. However, if the work package’s earned value does not allow partial percent complete for its milestone (Earned Value Method = “8”), 0% earned value will be given in MPM.</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 42 SSI Analysis Tools Training Example Milestone Import File Format Yellow Highlight shows Required values - others are optional</p><p>Note*: Milestone ID and Description are determined based on the Earned Value Method (EVM).</p><p>When using EVMs 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 Milestone IDs are made using using “S” or “F” (for the Start or Finish Miletones) plus the first 9 characters of the WBS ID. If the user selects an option for Milestone ID on the tab name Optional Setup (Est and MS), then the value in the selected project field will be used instead of the first 9 characters of the WBS. In the example below, if the user selects UniqueID, then the Start Milestone ID will be “S” plus the Unique ID and the Finish Milestone will be “F” plus the Unique ID. Milestone Descriptions are automatically given the names “Start” or Finish”. These milestones are knows as “Virtual Milestones” because they are taken from the Start and Finish of a Task or Work Package in Microsoft Project and they do not exist on their own.</p><p>When using EVMs 8 or P Milestone IDs are made using using the user’s selection for Milestone ID on the tab name Optional Setup (Est and MS). These are know as Explicit Miletones because they must exist in MS Project as a Task or zero duraton milestone item. When using these EVMs, the user must have a Milestone ID on the tab name Optional Setup (Est and MS) otherwise a message appears as shown below.</p><p>Message if EVMs 8 or P are used and no Milestone Id option is set on the tab name Optional Setup (Est and MS)</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 43 SSI Analysis Tools Training</p><p>Note**: Milestone Weight is determined based on the Earned Value Method (EVM).</p><p>When using EVM 1,2,3,4 (% Start / % Finish) Milestone Weight is determined by the EVM. EVM “1” Start & Finish Miletones are weighted 0 and 100 respectively. Likewise, EVM 2 Start/Finish milestones are given 25 & 75 respectively, EVM 3 Start/Finish milestones are given 40 & 60 and EVM 4 Start/Finish milestones are given 50 & 50.</p><p>When using Earned Value Methods 5 and 6 (% Complete or LOE) Milestone Weight is not required and left blank</p><p>When using EVMs 8 or P (Explicit Milestones) Milestone Weight is determined by the user’s selection for Milestone Weight Override on the Setup tab. If no weight is given, then SSI determines the weight as follows: SSI uses the Milestone’s Cost value. If no weight is given and the cost is zero then SSI sets the milestone weight = 1.</p><p>Milestone Weight Override on the Setup tab</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 44 SSI Analysis Tools Training Resource Baseline or ETC (Estimate to Complete) - Auto Spread Steps Description / Image Make Resource Usage (Baseline or ETC) “Auto Spread” Baseline or ETC Using the “Auto Spread” Method for Import into Deltek MPM™ The “Auto Spread” option makes an MPM import file by Work Package and Resource Assignment Instead of showing assignment values by each reporting period (see the Monthly Values option for assignments by period), an Auto Spread import file only shows the Baseline or Remaining Start and Finish date for each resource assignment</p><p>Note – if Estimate Option = Remaining Values SSI Tools uses resource assignment's values occurring after the Project's status date. This value may not match Microsoft Project’s Remaining Work/Cost if the project contains invalid status (unfinished work/cost prior to the status date)</p><p>Four user selections can be made for use User selections that apply to Baseline and ETC with Baseline or ETC resource assignment values for Deltek MPM™ Resource Name in MPM (Required) must be mapped to the Microsoft Project Resource data field containing a value that matches the MPM Resource Code in its Resource Library Selections for Non-labor Estimate Type Resource Department (Optional) must be mapped to the Microsoft Project Resource data field containing a value that matches an entry in the MPM OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure) Resource Type (Required) must be mapped to the Microsoft Project 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 45 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image Resource data field containing Resource Types named: “Work”, “Material” or Optional Setup for Baseline or ETC “Cost” Non-labor Estimate Type (Required) handles the burdening (application of Overhead, General and Administrative (G&A) expenses, Cost of Money (COM) and Fee) for any resource that is not labor o Prime Dollars – assumes no burdens have been added to Microsoft Project’s Cost value. Once imported, Overhead, G&A, COM and Fee will be applied in MPM o Total Burdened – assumes the Overhead burden has been added to Microsoft Project’s Cost value. Once imported, only G&A, COM and Fee will be applied in MPM o Total Cost – assumes the Overhead + G&A burdens has been added to Microsoft Project’s Cost value. Once imported, only COM and Fee will be applied in MPM o Total Dollars – assumes the Overhead + G&A + COM burdens has been added to Microsoft Project’s Cost value. Once imported, Fee is applied in MPM o Total Price – assumes all burdens (Overhead + G&A + COM + Fee) have been added to Microsoft Project’s Cost value. Once imported, no burdens are added in MPM o Use Units – uses Microsoft Project’s non-labor resource units as the basis for MPM import date. Therefore, if Microsoft Project uses a scaling factor (resource rate) to calculate its Cost of non-labor 386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 46 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image assignments, those rates are ignored. If this option is used, the Unit value is considered Prime Dollars Example Auto Spread Baseline or ETC Import File Color Key and Special Notes Yellow = Required Value Light Blue = Optional Value Gray = Not Provided by SSI Tools Green = SSI Tools determines this value per user options – this value does not exist in a Project Data or Text field Note – The default value for “Spread Curve” = 1 (even linear spread from Start to Finish ) if not provided by the project</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 47 SSI Analysis Tools Training Example Baseline or ETC Import File Format Yellow Highlight shows Required values - others are optional</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 48 SSI Analysis Tools Training Resource Baseline or ETC (Estimate to Complete) – Monthly Values Steps Description / Image Make Resource Usage (Baseline or ETC) “Monthly Values” Baseline or ETC Using the “Monthly Values” Method for Import into Deltek MPM™ The “Monthly Values” option makes an MPM import file by Work Package, Resource Assignment and Fiscal Reporting Period (per the Fiscal Calendar)</p><p>Note – if Estimate Option = Remaining Values SSI Tools uses resource assignment's values occurring after the Project's status date. This value may not match Microsoft Project’s Remaining Work/Cost if the project contains invalid status (unfinished work/cost prior to the status date)</p><p>Four user selections can be made for use with Baseline or ETC resource assignment Same as Auto Spread – see section above values for MPM™</p><p>Make Fiscal Calendar Periods for Monthly Values</p><p>Make or edit Fiscal Calendar Periods using the sample fiscal calendar database (as a Microsoft Access database) provided by SSI as follows: 1. Open the Fiscal Calendar Specification file in the SSI Tools installation folder (default location is c:\ssi_tools\FiscalCal.mdb) 2. Enter the Month or Period Title, Start & End dates for your defined periods. These dates can be your fiscal calendar dates or any other reporting period dates you like</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 49 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image 3. Click Make Fiscal Calendar to apply the dates you entered in the Fiscal Calendar Specs table 4. Save FiscalCal.mdb using a new name of your choice or continue using the default file name FiscalCal.mdb</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 50 SSI Analysis Tools Training Example Monthly Estimates Baseline or ETC Import File Color Key and Special Notes Yellow = Required Value Light Blue = Optional Value Gray = Not Provided by SSI Tools Green = SSI Tools determines this value per user options – this value does not exist in a Project Data or Text field</p><p>Example Baseline or ETC Import File Format Yellow Highlight shows Required values - others are optional</p><p>Same as Auto Spread – see section above</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 51 SSI Analysis Tools Training BCWP Steps Description / Image Make BCWP data for Import into Deltek “BCWP” Import file MPM™ BCWS data is created for work packages using the Earned Value Method 5 (% Complete) only BCWP % Complete is taken from the user’s selection for BCWP % Complete for EV on the Setup tab</p><p>Example BCWP Import File Color Key and Special Notes Yellow = Required Value Gray = Not Provided by SSI Tools Green = SSI Tools determines this value per the Project’s status date</p><p>BCWP Import File Format Yellow Highlight shows Required values - others are optional</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 52 SSI Analysis Tools Training Steps Description / Image</p><p>386 Rim Trail, Prescott, Arizona | www.ssitools.com | E-mail: [email protected] 53</p>
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