<p> NOTICE AND CALL OF PUBLIC MEETING</p><p>Government Body: Winterset Municipal Utilities</p><p>Date of Meeting: November 18, 2013</p><p>Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M.</p><p>Place of Meeting: Electric Generation Plant, 321 N. 1 st St.</p><p>PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:</p><p>AGENDA:</p><p>1. Call to order, roll call 2. Approval of agenda 3. Minutes of meetings 4. General Manager Report 5. Dredge America Change Order 6. Dredge America Pay Request 7. Public Hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project 8. Resolution # 11182013, Final approval on the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project 9. Set Date for Public Hearing on 2013 Budget Amendment 10. Water Superintendent Report 11. Electric Superintendent Report 12. Claims</p><p>Added items for discussion…</p><p>The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Winterset, Iowa, met on November 18, 2013 in accordance with the above Notice & Call of Public Meeting. Chairman Gerrit Vrieze called the meeting to order with the following members of the Board in attendance.</p><p>PRESENT: Gerrit Vrieze, Kendall Kerns, Patty Weeks ABSENT: None</p><p>Others in attendance, Chuck Johnson, Utility Electric Superintendent, Steve Benshoof, Utility Water Superintendent, and Dave Braga. </p><p>Chairman Vrieze asked for approval of the agenda, Trustee Kerns moved the agenda be approved. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried.</p><p>Chairman Vrieze stated the minutes from the, October 21st and November 4th meetings had been provided to the board. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.</p><p>Mr. Wesselmann was asked to give his report to the board. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he has been working to on the electric project quite a bit lately. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he has prepared a budget amendment for this meeting as the dredging project has altered the existing budget. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he met with the Shive-Hattery engineers to discuss preliminary planning for the new spillway. Mr. Wesselmann reviewed the projects and priorities list with the board. Mr. Wesselmann stated that Trustee Weeks had some initial observations after reviewing the personnel policy and the union contract, as short discussion followed.</p><p>Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, the Dredge America Change order. Mr. Wesselmann stated that they have received a change order that reflected additional charges and several credits to the original contract. Mr. Wesselmann stated that the majority of the change order concerned a area with undesirable material that needed excavated from the project area. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the change order from Dredge America. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.</p><p>Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, Dredge America Pay request #4. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he had received a pay request from Dredge America for the amount of $762,285.70. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the engineer had certified it for payment. Trustee Kerns moved to approve the payment of $762,285.70 to Dredge America. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried. </p><p>Chairman Vrieze asked for a motion to open the public hearing on the plans, specifications, and form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project. Trustee Kerns moved to open the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. Roll call vote:</p><p>AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Vrieze NAYS: None</p><p>The Chairman stated that the meeting was now open to the public comments on the plans, specifications, and form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project. After a few questions and a brief discussion, Mr. Wesselmann stated that he had received not written comments or objections. Chairman Vrieze asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Trustee Weeks moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. Roll call vote:</p><p>AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Vrieze NAYS: None</p><p>Chairman Vrieze stated that he would entertain a motion to approve Resolution #11182013, Final approval on the plans, specifications, and form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project. Following a period of discussion, a motion was then made by Trustee Weeks and seconded by Trustee Kerns to approve the following resolution. Roll call vote: </p><p>AYES: Weeks, Vrieze, Kerns</p><p>NAYS: none</p><p>Whereupon the Chairman declared the following resolution was duly adopted.</p><p>RESOLUTION # 11182013</p><p>RESOLUTION FINALLY APPROVING AND CONFIRMING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE ELECTRIC GENERATION EXHAUST EMISSION PROJECT</p><p>WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Iowa, has heretofore given preliminary approval to the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost (the “Contract Documents”) for the proposed Electric Generation Exhaust Emission Project (the “Project”), as described in the resolution providing for a notice of hearing on the Contract Documents for the Project and the taking of bids therefor; and</p><p>WHEREAS, a hearing has been held on the Contract Documents;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Iowa, as follows:</p><p>Section 1. The Contract Documents referred to in the preamble hereof are hereby finally approved, and the prior action of the Board of Trustees giving preliminary approval is hereby finally confirmed, and the Project, as provided for in the Contract Documents, is necessary and desirable.</p><p>Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.</p><p>Passed and approved November 18, 2013.</p><p>Gerrit Vrieze, Chairman Attest:</p><p>Stephen Wesselmann, General Manager</p><p>Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, Set Date for Public Hearing on 2013 Budget Amendment. Mr. Wesselmann stated that the board will need to set a date for a public hearing on the 2013 Budget Amendment. Mr. Wesselmann stated that December 2nd would be the best date for the 2013 Budget Amendment hearing. Trustee Kerns moved to set December 2, 2013 as the date for the 2013 Budget Amendment public hearing. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried. </p><p>Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the report on the water department. Mr. Benshoof presented the written report to the board and reported that they cleaned up and seeded dig sites before winter. Mr. Benshoof reported that they repaired heaters at the treatment plant and AGS building. Mr. Benshoof stated that they have flushed and tested the new water main on E. Mills St. Mr. Benshoof reported that the dredge was scheduled to be delivered around Nov. 20th.</p><p>Mr. Johnson was asked to give the report on the electric department. Mr. Johnson presented the written report to the board and reported that they finished cutovers at the north trailer court. Mr. Johnson stated that he was currently working on a new 10 year IUB maintenance program. Mr. Johnson reported that they had put up the Christmas decorations around the Square. Mr. Johnson stated that the power was off at the Gold Star and the overhead power on Lane St. and N. 10th St.</p><p>Trustee Weeks stated she had reviewed the claims. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the following list of claims. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. Roll call vote:</p><p>AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Vrieze NAYS: None</p><p>UTILITIES</p><p>ELECTRIC PLANT: Breedings Hardware, light bulbs 144.29 CenturyLink, phone service 201.09 City of Winterset, salaries 1,405.38 City of Winterset, salaries 1,405.38 MidAmerican, gas service 516.07 SD Myers Inc., transformer tests 12,026.80 SIMECA, purchase power 212,082.79 Verizon, cellular service 87.99 WESCO, substation sign 222.44</p><p>DISTRIBUTION: A-Tec Energy Corp, energy audits 935.18 Bankcard Center, trencher repairs 231.09 Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies 89.78 Brittains Std Parts, hdw supplies 7.38 Carquest of Winterset, hdw supplies 11.03 CenturyLink, phone service 23.36 Charlie Owens, rebate 25.00 City of Winterset, salaries 9,641.76 City of Winterset, salaries 9,657.03 Connie Hamaker, computer repair 100.00 Dakota Supply Group, line supplies 365.70 David Leeson, rebate 60.00 Doyle Scott, rebate 40.00 Family Center, hdw supplies 27.02 Fletcher Reinhardt Co., line supplies 1,003.13 Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, energizers/CPR class 544.25 MidAmerican Energy, gas service 74.14 Nancy Hanson, rebate 25.00 Verizon, cellular service 26.68 WESCO, line supplies 963.70 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 587.34</p><p>ACCOUNTING/COLLECTION: Angela Russell, deposit refund/interest 77.79 Audrey Pierce, deposit refund 75.00 Bethany Tracy, deposit refund 75.00 Carolyn Blair, deposit refund/interest 103.49 Charles Hannon, deposit refund/interest 98.85 City of Winterset, reimb garbage 2,199.65 City of Winterset, reimb internal 930.54 City of Winterset, reimb sewer 7,609.88 City of Winterset, salaries 1,156.56 City of Winterset, salaries 892.80 D & G Collision Center, deposit refund/interest 78.75 Dana Vasey, deposit refund/interest 81.23 Dixie McDonald, deposit refund/interest 19.80 Heather Guthrie, deposit refund/interest 45.47 Jasmine Hibdon, deposit refund/interest 80.30 Jim Hollander, deposit refund/interest 82.50 Joshua Peterson, deposit refund/interest 78.75 Larry Drake, deposit refund/interest 95.19 Max Tire & Auto, deposit interest/interest 78.75 Postmaster, postage 529.78 Robert & Susan Meade, deposit refund/interest 78.75 Rose M Post, deposit refund/interest 78.75 Ross Miller, deposit refund/interest 79.99 Shani Holtry, deposit refund/interest 67.02 Winterset Municipal Utilities, deposit forf 862.03 Winterset Municipal Utilities, interest forf 61.18</p><p>ADMINISTRATION: City of Winterset, reimb internal 930.54 City of Winterset, benefits 9,981.68 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, benefits 2,271.31 City of Winterset, addl benefits 2,228.59 City of Winterset, transfer 15,810.00 Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution/Christmas lights 3,246.13 Verizon, cellular service 27.02 Water Fund, reimb utilities 5,540.33 Winterset Madisonian, pub 387.27 SALES: Matura, refund J Hibdon 93.74</p><p>TRANSFERS: Electric Revenue Bond Sinking, transfer 36,987.08 Electric System Improvement, transfer 5,500.00</p><p>WATER PLANT: Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 311.44 Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/safety clothes 192.28 Brittains Std Parts, testing supplies 25.49 Carbon Central LLC, chemicals 5,256.00 Carquest of Winterset, filters 57.97 CenturyLink, phone service 145.98 Chem-Sult Inc., chemicals 8,922.38 City of Winterset, salaries 2,822.96 City of Winterset, salaries 3,836.48 Electrical Engineering & Equipment, plant heaters 1,500.11 Family Center, boat winch 39.99 Hach Co., lab testing 754.16 Hughes Network Systems LLC, internet service 79.99 Madison Co Extension Office, applicators license 73.00 Madison Co Health Care System, safety testing 152.00 State Hygienic Laboratory, lab testing 803.00 USA Blue Book, discharge tubing 345.94 Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 5,540.33 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 120.01</p><p>DISTRIBUTION: Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 311.44 Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/tools 88.12 Carquest of Winterset, battery/shop supplies 54.85 CenturyLink, phone service 23.35 City of Winterset, salaries 5,763.90 City of Winterset, salaries 7,694.56 Continental Research Corp, cleaning supplies 797.33 Dakota Supply Group, line supplies 7,467.93 Grainger Inc., AGS heater 138.15 Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, CPR class 36.00 Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, construction permits 100.00 Martin Marietta Agg, rock 66.97 MidAmerican Energy, gas service 74.13 Municipal Supply Inc., line supplies 1,546.20 Nilles Assoc Inc., engineer fees 877.50 Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 153.46</p><p>ACCOUNTING/COLLECTION: Postmaster, postage 529.77 City of Winterset, reimb internal 930.54 City of Winterset, salaries 1,156.56 City of Winterset, salaries 892.80</p><p>ADMINISTRATION: City of Winterset, addl benefits 1,830.00 City of Winterset, benefits 10,010.10 City of Winterset, benefits 2,171.72 City of Winterset, reimb internal 930.53 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, salaries 2,023.27 City of Winterset, transfer 1,190.00 Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 156.25 PolicyWorks, lobbyist 31.64 Verizon, cellular service 27.02 Winterset Madisonian, pub 387.27</p><p>DEBT SERVICE: City of Winterset, bond payment 42.50 City of Winterset, bond payment 42.50 SIMECA, debt service 17,000.00</p><p>TRANSFERS: Water Revenue Bond Sinking Fund, transfer 19,849.13 Water System Improvement Fund, transfer 5,000.00</p><p>WATER SYSTEM IMRPOVEMENT FUND PLANT: Dredge America, pay est 762,285.70 Shive-Hattery Inc., engineer fees 64,594.74</p><p>TOTAL REVENUE ELECTRIC: $558,043.83 WATER: $222,599.74</p><p>The date of the next regular meeting was set for 8:30 AM, Monday, December 16, 2013 at Light Plant. Being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting was now adjourned.</p><p>______Gerrit Vrieze, Chairman Attest: ______Stephen Wesselmann, General Manager </p>
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