<p> MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>SECTION 09 24 00 – AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (MARBLECRETE)</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p>0.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS</p><p>A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.</p><p>B. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the Project Manual are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to them.</p><p>0.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS</p><p>A. The latest published edition of a reference shall be applicable to this Project unless identified by a specific edition date.</p><p>B. All reference amendments adopted prior to the effective date of this Contract shall be applicable to this Project.</p><p>C. All materials, installation and workmanship shall comply with all applicable requirements and standards.</p><p>0.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE</p><p>A. Provide materials conforming to the requirements of governing Codes, applicable sections of the Texas Bureau of Lathing and Plastering, ANSI 42.1 and 42.2, and Drawings and Specifications.</p><p>B. Field Constructed Mock Up: Prior to installation of aggregate-coated plaster work, fabricate panels for each type of finish and application required to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects of application as well as qualities of materials and erection. Build mock ups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of Work.</p><p>1. Locate mock ups on the Project Site in-place, approximately 50 square feet in size, in location indicated or, if not indicated, directed by Architect.</p><p>2. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects including color, texture, and workmanship to be expected in completed Work.</p><p>3. Obtain Architect's acceptance of mock ups before start of Work.</p><p>4. Retain and maintain mock ups during construction in undisturbed condition as a standard for judging completed Work.</p><p>0.4 SUBMITTALS</p><p>A. Record Documents:</p><p>1. Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division 01 Specification Sections.</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 1 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>2. Provide samples for verification purposes in units at least twelve inches square of each type of finish indicated, in sets for each color, texture, and pattern specified, showing full range of variations expected in these characteristics.</p><p>0.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING</p><p>A. Deliver materials in original packages, containers, or bundles bearing brand name and identification of manufacturer.</p><p>B. Store materials inside, under cover, and in manner to keep them dry, protected from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, aging, corrosion, and damage from construction traffic and other causes.</p><p>0.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS</p><p>A. Environmental Requirements, General: Comply with requirements of referenced plaster application standards and recommendations of plaster manufacturer for environmental conditions before, during, and after application of plaster.</p><p>B. Cold Weather Protection: When ambient outdoor temperatures are below 40 degrees F (4.4 degrees C), maintain continuous uniform temperature of not less than 40 degrees F (4.4 degrees C) nor more than 80 degrees F (26 degrees C) for not less than 1 week prior to beginning plaster application, during its application, and until plaster is dry but for not less than one week after application is complete. Distribute heat evenly; prevent concentrated or uneven heat from contacting plaster near heat source.</p><p>C. Protect contiguous Work from soiling, spattering, moisture deterioration and other harmful effects that might result from plastering.</p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS</p><p>0.1 GENERAL</p><p>A. All materials shall meet or exceed all applicable referenced standards, federal, state and local requirements, and conform to codes and ordinances of authorities having jurisdiction.</p><p>0.2 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MATERIALS AND MIXES</p><p>A. Base Coat Materials:</p><p>1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, all of same brand.</p><p>2. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91, Type N.</p><p>3. Lime: ASTM C 206, Type S.</p><p>4. Sand Aggregate: ASTM C 144, Torpedo Sand.</p><p>5. Fiber for Base Coat: Alkaline resistant glass fibers, ½ inch long, free of contaminants, manufactured for use in portland cement plaster. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Dur O Fiber AR Glass" manufactured by Dur O Wal, Inc.</p><p>B. Finish Coat Materials:</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 2 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, white, all of same brand and mill.</p><p>2. Lime: ASTM C 206, Type S.</p><p>3. Mineral Pigment: Mineral Oxide in dry powder form in proportion to match existing "Marblecrete". Provide appropriate blend of the following:</p><p> a. Color No. 591M; Southern States Chemical Co., Houston, TX.</p><p> b. Color No. 585; Southern States Chemical Co., Houston, TX.</p><p>4. Aggregate: A mixture of the following in proportion required to match existing "Marblecrete". Provide appropriate blend of the following, all in Size No. 1:</p><p> a. Cima Rose; TAA Rock Company, San Saba, TX.</p><p> b. Town Mountain Rock; TAA Rock Company, San Saba, TX.</p><p> c. Texas Red; Canyon Rock Company, Canyon, TX.</p><p>C. Plaster Mixes: Comply with ASTM C 926 for portland cement plaster base and finish coat mixes as applicable to plaster bases, materials, and other requirements indicated. Proportion materials for respective base coats in parts by volume for cementitious materials and in parts by volume per sum of cementitious materials for aggregates to comply with the following requirements for each method of application and plaster base indicated. Adjust mix proportions below within limits specified to attain workability.</p><p>1. Scratch Coat: 1 sack portland cement, 2 sacks masonry cement, 9 cubic feet sand, 1-1/2 pounds fiber strands (added last).</p><p>2. Brown Coat: Same as scratch coat.</p><p>3. Smooth Finish Bedding Coat: 1 part white portland cement, 2 parts maximum of lime, mineral pigments to match approved color.</p><p>0.3 LATH</p><p>A. Expanded Metal Lath: Fabricate expanded metal lath from uncoated or zinc coated (galvanized) steel sheet to produce lath complying with ASTM C 847 for type, configuration, and other characteristics indicated below, with uncoated steel sheet painted after fabrication into lath.</p><p>1. Diamond Mesh Lath: Comply with the following requirements:</p><p> a. Configuration: Flat, Weight: 3.4 lbs. per sq. yd.</p><p> b. Configuration: Self furring, Weight: 3.4 lbs. per sq. yd.</p><p> c. Paper Backing: Where paper backed diamond mesh lath is indicated, provide asphalt impregnated paper factory bonded to back and complying with FS UU B 790, for Type I, Grade D (vapor permeable), Style 2.</p><p>2. Rib Lath; Configuration: Rib depth of 3/8 inch, Weight: 3.4 lbs. per sq. yd.</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 3 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>0.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS</p><p>A. Water for Mixing and Finishing Plaster: Drinkable and free of substances capable of affecting plaster set or of damaging plaster, lath, or accessories.</p><p>B. For accessories, comply with material provisions of ASTM C 841 and ASTM C 1063; coordinate depth of accessories with thicknesses and number of coats required.</p><p>C. Metal Corner Reinforcement: Expanded large mesh diamond mesh lath fabricated from zinc alloy or welded wire mesh fabricated from 0.0475 inch diameter zinc coated (galvanized) wire and specially formed to reinforce external corners of portland cement plaster on exterior exposures while allowing full plaster encasement.</p><p>D. Fabricate metal beads and accessories from not less than 24 gage solid zinc alloy. Coordinate depth of grounds with thickness of plaster panels.</p><p>1. Square Edged Casing Beads: Manufacturer's standard with expanded or short flange to suit application.</p><p>2. Control Joints: Keene Corp. No. 15 roll formed control joints with expanded flanges at flat plaster areas and No. 30 roll formed control joints with expanded flanges at internal corners.</p><p>3. Two Piece Expansion Joints: Keene Corp. No. 40 roll-formed casing beads with modified back flanges providing positive slip joint action and dust barrier, adjustable for joint width variation of 1/8 inch to 5/8 inch.</p><p>4. Cornerite: Manufacturer's standard preformed interior corner reinforcement made from 2.5 lb./sq. yd. diamond mesh lath.</p><p>0.5 MIXING</p><p>A. Mechanically mix cementitious and aggregate materials for plasters to comply with applicable referenced application standard and with recommendations of plaster manufacturer.</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION</p><p>0.1 INSTALLATION</p><p>A. Installation shall meet or exceed all applicable federal, state and local requirements, referenced standards and conform to codes and ordinances of authorities having jurisdiction.</p><p>B. All installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s published recommendations.</p><p>0.2 INSTALLATION OF LATHING AND FURRING, GENERAL</p><p>A. Portland Cement Plaster Lathing and Furring Installation Standard: Install lathing and furring materials indicated for portland cement plaster to comply with ASTM C 1063.</p><p>B. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in the Work and for support of fixtures, equipment, and similar Work to comply with details indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, to comply with applicable published recommendations of plaster manufacturer or, if not available, of "Gypsum Construction Handbook" published by United States Gypsum Co.</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 4 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>C. Isolation: Where lathing and metal support system abuts building structure horizontally and where partition/wall Work abuts overhead structure, isolate the Work from structural movement sufficiently to prevent transfer of loading into the Work from the building structure. Install slip or cushion type joints to absorb deflections but maintain lateral support.</p><p>1. Frame both sides of control and expansion joints independently, and do not bridge joints with furring and lathing or accessories.</p><p>0.3 INSTALLATION OF CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS</p><p>A. Coordinate installation of ceiling suspension system with installation of overhead structural systems to ensure that inserts and other structural anchorage provisions have been installed to receive ceiling hangers in a manner that will develop their full strength and at spacings required to support ceiling.</p><p>B. Attach hangers to structure above ceiling to comply with ML/SFA "Specifications for Metal Lathing and Furring" and with referenced standards.</p><p>1. Do not attach hangers to metal deck tabs.</p><p>C. Install ceiling suspension system components of sizes and spacings indicated but not in smaller sizes or greater spacings than those required by referenced lathing and furring installation standards.</p><p>1. Wire Hangers: Space 8 gage (0.16 inch diameter) wire hangers not over 4' 0" on center parallel with and not over 3' 0" perpendicular to direction of carrying channels, unless otherwise indicated, and within 6 inches of carrying channel ends.</p><p>2. Carrying Channels: Space carrying channels not over 3' 0" on center with 4' 0" on center hanger spacing.</p><p>3. Furring Channels to Receive Metal Lath: Space furring channels not over 16 inches on center for 3.4 lb. diamond mesh lath, or 24 inches on center for 3.4 lb., 3/8 inch rib lath.</p><p>0.4 METAL LATHING</p><p>A. Install expanded metal lath for the following applications where plaster base coats are required. Provide appropriate type, configuration, and weight of metal lath selected from materials indicated that comply with referenced lathing installation standards.</p><p>1. Suspended and furred ceilings using 3.4 lbs. per sq. yd. minimum weight diamond mesh lath.</p><p>2. Vertical metal framing and furring.</p><p>3. Exterior sheathed wall surfaces using 3.4 lbs. per sq. yd. minimum weight self furring diamond mesh lath:</p><p>0.5 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES</p><p>A. Comply with referenced lathing and furring installation standards for provision and location of plaster accessories of type indicated. Miter or cope accessories at corners; install with tight joints and in alignment. Attach accessories securely to plaster bases to hold accessories in place and alignment during plastering.</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 5 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>B. Provide the following types to comply with requirements indicated for location:</p><p>1. Corner Bead: Install at external corners.</p><p>2. Cornerite: Install at interior corners to comply with referenced standards.</p><p>3. Casing Beads: Install at terminations of plaster work unless otherwise indicated. At small penetrations, such as columns and pipes, set casing beads ¾ inches from penetrating object.</p><p>4. Control Joints: Install control joints at locations indicated, or if not indicated, at locations complying with the following criteria and accepted by Architect.</p><p> a. Where a control joint occurs in surface of construction directly behind plaster membrane.</p><p> b. Where distance between control joints in plastered surface exceeds 10 feet in either direction.</p><p> c. Where area within portland cement panels exceed 100 sq. ft.</p><p> d. Where portland cement plaster panel sizes or dimensions change. Extend joints full width or height of plaster membrane.</p><p>5. Expansion Joints: Install expansion joints at locations indicated or, if not indicated, at locations complying with the following criteria and approved by Architect.</p><p> a. Where an expansion or control joint occurs in surface of construction directly behind plaster membrane.</p><p> b. Horizontally, within 4 inches of a floor line directly behind plaster work.</p><p> c. Vertically, at all column lines directly behind plaster work.</p><p> d. Changes from insulated to uninsulated back up construction.</p><p> e. Changes in type of back up construction.</p><p> f. Set beads ¼ inch apart for interior work and ½ inch apart for exterior work.</p><p>0.6 APPLICATION, GENERAL</p><p>A. Prepare monolithic surfaces for bonded base coats and use bonding compound or agent to comply with requirements of referenced plaster application standards for conditioning of monolithic surfaces.</p><p>B. Tolerances: Do not deviate more than 1/8 inch in 10' 0" from a true plane in finished plaster surfaces, as measured by a 10' 0" straightedge placed at any location on surface.</p><p>C. Apply thicknesses and number of coats of plaster as indicated or as required by referenced standards.</p><p>1. Use three coat work, 1 inch thickness over vertical metal lath bases and ¾ inch thickness over horizontal metal lath bases.</p><p>2. Use two coat work, 5/8 inch thickness, directly on unit masonry.</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 6 OF 7 MD ANDERSON Project No. XX-XXXX MD ANDERSON PROJECT NAME A/E Name Issue Description A/E Project No. Month, 00, 0000</p><p>3. Finish Coat: Floated finish unless otherwise indicated; match Architect's sample for texture and color.</p><p>4. Embed exposed aggregate while bedding coat is still workable.</p><p>D. Moist cure portland cement plaster base and finish coats to comply with ASTM C 926, including recommendations for time between coats and curing in "Annex A2 Design Considerations."</p><p>0.7 CUTTING AND PATCHING</p><p>A. Cut, patch, point up, and repair plaster as necessary to accommodate other work and to restore cracks, dents, and imperfections. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, excessive crazing and check cracking, dry outs, efflorescence, sweat outs, and similar defects and where bond to the substrate has failed.</p><p>0.8 CLEANING AND PROTECTION</p><p>A. Remove temporary protection and enclosure of other Work. Promptly remove plaster from door frames, windows, and other surfaces that are not to be plastered. Repair floors, walls, and other surfaces that have been stained, marred, or otherwise damaged during the plastering work. When plastering work is completed, remove unused materials, containers, and equipment and clean floors of plaster debris.</p><p>B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner suitable to Installer that ensure plaster work's being without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion.</p><p>END OF SECTION 09 24 00</p><p>The University of Texas AGGREGATE COATED PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER MD Anderson Cancer Center (MARBLECRETE) 09 24 00 MS010107 7 OF 7</p>
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