<p> The Research Foundation for The State University of New York</p><p>REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Production Support Technical Services (PSTS) for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>Issued October 20, 2017</p><p>The Research Foundation for The State University of New York 35 State Street Albany, New York 12207 Phone: 518-434-7192 paul.manley@ rfs uny . o rg www.rfsuny.org</p><p>SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 20, 2017, at 5:00 PM</p><p>1. GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>LETTER OF INTENT DEADLINE: October 31, 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 20, 2017, at 5:00 PM BIDDER’S MEETING: November 1, 2017, at 11:00 AM</p><p>Questions can be submitted prior to the Bidders Meeting on November 1, 2017, at 11:00 AM; however, no answers will be provided and/or circulated prior to that date.</p><p>Questions must be submitted in writing and received by no later than, 11:00 AM on November 20, 2017, to:</p><p>Name: Paul Manley Title: Director of Business Analysis, Information Services Phone: 518-434-7192 Email: Pa u l. m a n le y@ rfs uny . o rg Address: RFSUNY 35 State Street Albany, NY 12077</p><p>2. INTRODUCTION: </p><p>The Research Foundation for The State University of New York (RFSUNY) invites and welcomes proposals to provide critical, high-quality Production Support Technical Services (PSTS) to operate and maintain the institution’s SUNY PACS Application. The SUNY PACS application is the RFSUNY customized version of the Huron Click Research Administration application. The SUNY PACS application includes RFSUNY customized versions of six (6) primary Huron Click modules; Agreements, COI, both Pre- and Post-Grants Award including Grants SFS424, IACUC, IRB, and Safety. In addition, upkeep and enhancements to the Portal are also expected. The SUNY PACS system is heavily customized and operates in two separate instances sharing a single code base. In each instance, there is a DEV, STG (TEST) and PROD environment. </p><p>Please take the time to carefully read and become familiar with the proposal requirements. All proposals submitted for consideration must be received by the time as specified above under the "SUBMISSION DEADLINE."</p><p>BIDDERS SHOULD NOTE THAT ANY AND ALL WORK INTENDED TO BE SUBCONTRACTED AS PART OF THE BID SUBMITTAL MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY BACKGROUND MATERIALS AND REFERENCES FOR PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTOR(S) – NO EXCEPTIONS.</p><p>3. PROJECT AND LOCATION:</p><p>The bid proposal is being requested for SUNY PACS Application which is or shall be located at 35 State Street, Albany, New York 12207.</p><p>4. PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION:</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>For questions or information, contact:</p><p>Name: Paul Manley Title: Director Of Business Analysis, Information Services Phone: 518-434-7192</p><p>Email: Pa u l. m a n le y@ rfs uny . o rg</p><p>5. OBJECTIVE:</p><p>The objective is for RFSUNY to secure a third party vendor to provide production support technical services for the SUNY PACS application using Huron Click development tools for Huron Click Portal and Module support.</p><p>6. PROJECT SCOPE AND SPECIFICATIONS:</p><p>The Project Scope and Specification are:</p><p>I. Application Side Patching – Vendor is responsible for the acquisition, testing, and installation of application-specific patches for the SUNY PACS system. Responsibilities include: Maintaining current knowledge of available patches; Deciding what patches are appropriate and necessary for installation on the SUNY PACS system; Ensuring patches are installed properly, including post-installation testing; Document and track patch installation history.</p><p>II. Code Promotion - Vendor is responsible for properly applying code changes promotion via a patch per agreed upon schedule to various instances. Code Promotion could include one object to various objects and shall be documented prior to promotion to ensure organization knows what is in the patch. The vendor should also be aware and inform organization if any code promotion effects one or many modules and advise if regression testing is needed in all Click Modules.</p><p>III. Trouble Shooting – Vendor is responsible to assist RFSUNY Business Analyst (BA) in researching and resolving the issue identified with a SUNY customized code. The RFSUNY BA would have already worked with Huron support to identify a l l issues being caused by a RFSUNY customization. Vendor development will make appropriate code changes, document changes and work with BA to bring through RFSUNY Change Control process.</p><p>IV. Enhancements – Vendor is responsible to work with RFSUNY Business Analyst (BA) to develop a solution, provide expertise on possible options develop time estimates based on written business requirements from BA. After t h e appropriate approval process, vendor development will make appropriate code changes, document changes and work with BA to bring through RFSUNY Change Control process.</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application V. Upgrades - Vendor is responsible for development work and development project management on Click module and portal upgrades. The amount of development and project management services required range from single module upgrade by either: (i) upgrading to a new version of a Click module and patching RFSUNY specific customization or extracting key module upgrade functionality required and applying it to the existing RFSUNY customized module; (ii) to more involved projects where a full portal upgrade is required and all existing modules will require upgrades at the same time either via by upgrading to all new version of Click and patching RFSUNY specific customization or extracting key module upgrade functionality required and applying it to the existing RFSUNY customized modules. Vendor development will make appropriate code changes, document changes and work with RFSUNY BA to bring through to RFSUNY Change Control process.</p><p>7. SCHEDULED TIMELINE:</p><p>The following two (2) year timeline, subject to change when deemed necessary by RFSUNY management, has been established to ensure that all in-Scope objectives are achieved:</p><p>MILESTONE DATE</p><p>Pre-Production Project Completion: December 31, 2017 Post Production Support Contract Begins: January 1, 2018 Review of Post Production Support Contract: October 1, 2018 Renewal of Post Production Support Contract: November 1, 2018 Post Production Support Contract - Year Two: January 1, 2019 Review of Post Production Support Contract: October 1, 2019 Renewal of Post Production Support Contract: November 1, 2019 Post Production Support Contract - Year Three: January 1, 2020</p><p>8. PROJECT PROPOSAL EXPECTATIONS:</p><p>RFSUNY shall award the contract to the proposal that best accommodates the various project requirements. RFSUNY reserves the right to award any contract prior to the proposal deadline stated within the "Scheduled Timeline" or prior to the receipt of all proposals, award the contract to more than one Bidder, and refuse any proposal or contract without obligation to either RFSUNY or to any Bidder offering or submitting a proposal.</p><p>9. INTENT TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL:</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application All invited Bidders are required to submit a "Letter of Intent" no later than October 31, 2017, informing The RFSUNY of their intent to either submit or decline to submit a proposal.</p><p>10. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL:</p><p>All proposals must be received by RFSUNY no later than 5:00 PM on November 20, 2017, for consideration in the project proposal selection process.</p><p>11. RESERVED RIGHTS:</p><p>The RFSUNY reserves the right to:</p><p>I. Reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP.</p><p>II. Request references and financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year.</p><p>III. Contact any or all references.</p><p>IV. Waive requirements or amend this RFP on notification to all bidders. Mandatory requirements may be eliminated if unmet by all bidders.</p><p>V. Adjust or correct cost or cost figures with the concurrence of the bidders if mathematical or typographical errors exist.</p><p>VI. Negotiate with bidders responding to this RFP within the requirements necessary to serve the best interests of the RF.</p><p>VII. Begin contract negotiations with another bidder in order to serve the best interests of the RF, should the RFSUNY be unsuccessful in negotiating a contract with the successful bidder within an acceptable time frame.</p><p>VIII. Reject any or all portions of any offer, to negotiate terms and conditions consistent with the solicitation, and to make an award for any or all remaining portions.</p><p>IX. Request clarifications from bidders for purposes of assuring a full understanding of responsiveness, and further to permit revisions from all bidders being considered for contract award, prior to award.</p><p>X. Waive minor irregularities.</p><p>12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS: NON-DISCRIMINATION, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OBLIGATIONS</p><p>The awarding of this business and continuation of services are subject to the requirements of Executive Order 11246 and 11375 and the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR Chapter 60) in promoting Equal Employment Opportunities.</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application The successful bidder must certify that it does not and will not discriminate or unduly favor any employees or agents on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. As part of this contract, bidder must agree to comply with all applicable provisions of Section 503, Title V of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972, as the same may be from time to time amended, together with all applicable regulations thereunder and all applicable provisions of Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-516) as the same may be from time to time amended, together with all applicable regulations thereunder.</p><p>13. LIABILITY AND IDEMNIFICATION</p><p>The successful bidder will be responsible for the work, direction, and compensation of its employees, consultants, agents and contractors. Nothing in the resulting agreement or the performance thereof by the successful bidder will impose any liability or duty whatsoever on the RFSUNY including, but not limited to, any liability for taxes, compensation, commissions, unemployment insurance, Workers' Compensation, disability benefits, Social Security, or other employee benefits for any person or entity. The successful bidder shall hold harmless and indemnify the RFSUNY, their officers and employees from and against any injury, damage, loss of liability to persons or property resulting from or arising out of (a) the agreement, and (b) the acts, omissions, liabilities, or obligations of the successful bidder, any affiliate, or any person or entity engaged by the successful bidder as an expert, consultant, independent contractor, subcontractor, employee or agent.</p><p>14. ADDITIONAL TERMS and/or CONDITIONS</p><p>I. The following items will be incorporated into and made part of, the formal agreement: (1) the RFSUNY's RFP; (2) the successful bidder's proposal.</p><p>II. In the event of any inconsistency in or conflict among the document elements of the agreement described above, such inconsistency or conflict shall be resolved by giving precedence to the document elements in the following order: (1) the Agreement (2) this RFP (3) the successful bidder's proposal.</p><p>III. Any terms that are attached or referenced with a submission shall not be considered part of the bid or proposal, but shall be deemed included for informational purposes only.</p><p>IV. The resulting agreement shall be binding upon its execution by both parties.</p><p>V. The agreement may be revised at any time upon mutual consent of the parties in writing. Such written consent will not be effective until signed by both parties.</p><p>VI. The relationship of the successful bidder to the RFSUNY shall be that of an independent contractor.</p><p>VII. Proposed prices should reflect all discounts including educational discounts.</p><p>VIII. The submission of a proposal constitutes a binding offer to perform and provide said services and cannot be unilaterally changed by the vendor. Such binding offer shall be firm and not revocable for a period of 180 days after the deadline for proposal submission and will continue thereafter until the</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application successful bidder notifies the RFSUNY otherwise, in writing. Such deadline may be further extended by mutual agreement.</p><p>IX. In the event the successful bidder uses partners, subcontracts or subcontractors, the successful bidder will remain responsible for compliance with all specifications and performance of all obligations under the contract resulting from this RFP.</p><p>X. The RFSUNY will not be liable for any cost associated with the preparation, transmittal, or presentation of any proposals or materials submitted in response to this RFP.</p><p>XI. All bids or proposals submitted in response to the solicitation become and remain the property of the RFSUNY and should any doubt or difference of opinion arise between the RFSUNY and the bidder as to the items to be furnished or the interpretation of the provisions in the solicitation, the decision of the RFSUNY shall be final and binding upon all parties.</p><p>XII. This RFP and the resulting contract shall be governed by the Laws of the State of New York.</p><p>XIII. Public announcements or news releases regarding this RFP or any subsequent award of a contract must not be made by any bidder without the prior written approval of the RFSUNY.</p><p>XIV. The successful bidder is responsible for compliance with all applicable rules and regulations pertaining to cities, towns, counties, and State where the services are provided, and all other laws applicable to the performance of the resulting contract. The successful bidder shall provide all necessary safeguards for safety and protection as set forth by the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.</p><p>15. BIDDER CERTIFICATION </p><p>As evidence of bidders' financial stability and ability to meet the service and requirements, Bidder MUST complete all information requested in Attachment A: Application for Contract with the Research Foundation for SUNY and Bidder Certification.</p><p>16. PROPOSAL SELECTION CRITERIA:</p><p>Only those proposals received by the stated deadline will be considered. All proposals, submitted by the deadline, will be reviewed and evaluated based upon information provided in the submitted proposal. In addition, consideration will be given to cost and performance projections. Furthermore, the following criteria will be given considerable weight in the proposal selection process:</p><p> i. Bidder's alleged performance effectiveness of their proposal's solution regarding the Objective of RFSUNY.</p><p> ii. Bidder's performance history and alleged ability to timely deliver proposed services.</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application iii. Bidder's ability to provide and deliver qualified personnel having the knowledge and skills required to effectively and efficiently execute proposed services.</p><p> iv. Overall cost-effectiveness of the proposal.</p><p>The contract award will be based on "best value" that optimizes quality, fees, and efficiency among responsive and responsible bidders. Proposals deemed by the RFSUNY to satisfy the requirement set forth in this RFP will be evaluated for the awarding of a contract.</p><p>Bidder must bid as requested. Award will be to one contractor in total. However, the RFSUNY reserves the right to award in its best interest. </p><p>If all requirements of bid submissions are met to the RFSUNY's satisfaction, a contract agreement or purchase order may be issued after review and analysis of proposals and confirmation of qualifications, references, etc. Any contract or purchase order that results from this RFP will incorporate the terms and conditions of this RFP unless otherwise agreed to in writing.</p><p>Termination of Contract: Failure of the firm to meet the requirements of a contract shall constitute a default. In such event, the RFSUNY reserves the right to cancel the contract for cause or convenience on written notice as further addressed in the resulting contract.</p><p>Proposal Review Process Timeline</p><p>October 20, 2017: Request for proposal sent out to vendors</p><p>October 31, 2017: Letter of Intent Deadline</p><p>November 1, 2017: Vendor question conference call</p><p>November 20, 2017: Vendor proposal due</p><p>December 8, 2017: RFSUNY select vendor</p><p>December 22, 2017: RFSUNY sign contract with vendor</p><p>January 1, 2017: Vendor begins providing technical support</p><p>RFSUNY shall reserve the right to cancel, suspend, and/or discontinue any proposal at any time they deem necessary or fit without obligation or notice to the proposing bidder/contractor.</p><p>17. Proposal Requirements</p><p>Overview</p><p>The requirements established by this RFP will be enforced in evaluating proposals. The bidder's compliance with the format prescribed herein, as well as the bidder's response to each specific requirement stated in the RFP will be considered during the evaluation process. Therefore, it is in the best interest of each bidder to become familiar with the content and format required and apply specificity. RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>Mandatory Elements for Qualification</p><p>Bidders must submit the following:</p><p> i. The completed and signed Attachment A: Application for Contract with the Research Foundation for the State University of New York and Bidder Certification. This form must have an original signature signed by an official authorized to bind the bidder to its provisions.</p><p> ii. Your company's most recently audited financial statements, as a separate attachment.</p><p> iii. Describe your company’s ability to:</p><p> a. How your company can provide the ability to meet the RFSUNY's business requirements as stated in section 6. PROJECT SCOPE AND SPECIFICATIONS including a definition of services as well explicitly listing any exclusions. </p><p> b. Deliver a strong customer service and timely resolution of issues, including communication details and response times. Built-in redundancies and backup plans.</p><p> c. Interface with the RFSUNY's business systems and third-party interfaces-including the technical architecture that is used.</p><p> d. Description of experience, resources, and references to include the following information:</p><p>Experience:</p><p> a. Provide a brief company history and the year your entity was founded.</p><p> b. Describe your experience in Higher Education and Sponsored Programs specifically.</p><p> c. Describe your company's size and commitment to Higher Education (including the percentage of total revenue derived from Higher Education clients and level of investment on pre-award and regulatory research compliance technology on an annual basis).</p><p> d. Describe how much experience your firm has with similar programs/contracts?</p><p> e. Tell us anything else about your company's mission or vision that you think is important for us to know.</p><p> f. Include any other factors which you believe make your organization especially qualified to perform this service.</p><p>Resources:</p><p> a. Describe the background and experience of the specific personnel that will be assigned to the implementation.</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application b. Describe the specific personnel who will have overall responsibility for the project.</p><p> c. Clearly, state and specifically identify any subcontractors or subcontracts which are to be used to deliver any of the services contained in the proposal. If any, approval of their involvement by the RFSUNY will be required.</p><p> d. Indicate resources/personnel that are required from the RFSUNY Information Services team and functional staff to implement and maintain the system.</p><p> e. Do you conduct annual users meetings?</p><p>References:</p><p>List the organization name, address, telephone number, and name of a contact person for three references with whom you have worked within the past two years and who can measure and attest to your qualifications specific to this area and to the persons you will assign to this project. Please provide a description of the services provided and the length of the relationship.</p><p>Confirm that, as part of this RFP process, your entity would be willing to participate in interviews with the RFSUNY. The specific date and location of such interviews will be determined subsequent to the review of proposal submissions.</p><p>Fee Proposal: RFSUNY is seeking top quality services and expertise and understands that organizations that can offer such services are entitled to fair compensation for their services. At the same time, complete transparency in compensation for services is essential. Bidders must submit a separate financial exhibit (as an attachment to the RFP response) showing the fee for services within the scope of this RFP.</p><p>Information Security: Describe your ability to protect and secure campus data and to segregate campus data within one system.</p><p>Disaster Preparedness: Describe the critical aspects of your disaster recovery plan in the event of a systems failure or other disaster at the primary processing site related to these services. Provide the date when the relevant aspects of the plan were last tested and the frequency by which the plan will be tested and updated.</p><p>Insurance: Bidder will at all times during the term of this contract, at their own expense, carry commercial general liability insurance and property damage insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 naming The Research Foundation for the State University of New York and the State University of New York as additional insured, and required professional liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000. Excess policies can be used to meet required limits.</p><p>Bidder agrees that RFSUNY may contact all submitted references to obtain any and all information regarding Bidder's performance.</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>Attachment A</p><p>APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT WITH THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AND BIDDER CERTIFICATION</p><p>PROGRAM TITLE: Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>BIDDER NAME: (company):______</p><p>BIDDER CONTACT NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS1:______</p><p>ADDRESS2:______</p><p>TELEPHONE: ( ) ______</p><p>FAX NUMBER :( ) ______</p><p>E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______</p><p>Bidder Certification</p><p>Is the price quoted the same as or lower than that quoted other corporations, institutions or governmental agencies for similar service and/or like equipment or supplies?</p><p>Yes: No: If no, explain:</p><p>Does your firm agree that all presentations and materials will be free from racial, religious, or sexual bias?</p><p>Yes: No:</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Post Production Support Technical Services for SUNY PACS Application</p><p>3. Are you or any officer of your organization or any part owning or controlling more than 10 percent of your stock if you are a corporation or any member if you are a firm or association, an officer or employee of the Research Foundation for SUNY or of a public benefit corporation of the State of New York? Yes: No:</p><p>Within the past five years has your firm, any affiliate, any predecessor company or entity, owner, director, officer, partner or proprietor been the subject of a government suspension or debarment?</p><p>Yes: No: If yes, explain:</p><p>Compliance with RFP Conditions and State and Federal Laws I (we), the undersigned affirm the bidder is willing to comply with all the conditions set forth in this Request For Proposal and with all applicable laws of the State of New York and the Government of the United States.</p><p>Willing To Contract I (we), the undersigned affirm the bidder understands that a separate contract will be established which will fully detail each party's responsibilities in relation to the services requested by this RFP.</p><p>I (We), the undersigned, attest that I am (we are) authorized to bind the bidder to the provisions of the attached proposal.</p><p>NAME AND TITLE OF INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM'S OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACT:</p><p>(PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)</p><p>DATE: ______SIGNATURE: ______</p><p>NAME AND TITLE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE):</p><p>(PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)</p><p>DATE: ______SIGNATURE: ______</p><p>RFSUNY RFP – SUNY PACS Post Production Technical Services October 2017</p>
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