Index A And the Wo6f Finally Came: The Decline of the American Steel Industry, by John P. Hoerr, Abbot, W.W., et al., eds., The Papersof George Rev'd, 213-222 Washington. ColonialSeries, Volume 5, Octo- Annals of the American Revolution, byJedidiah ber 1757-September 1758, and Volume 6, Morse, 11 September 1758-December 1760, Rev'd, 340- Antes, Frederick, 95 342 Antifederalists, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, Account of the College, Academy and Charitable 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 School of Philadelphia, by William Smith, 26 Argersinger, Jo Anne E., Toward a New Deal A Conversation with Philip S. Klein, by in Baltimore: People and Government in the Michaelj. Birkner, 243-275 Great Depression, Rev'd, 346-348 Adams, Charles Kendall, 311 Aristotle, 16, 17 Adams,John Quincy, 248 Armstrong County, PA, 187 Adams Act, 313 Armstrong,John, 103 After the Holocaust: The Migration of Polish Arndt, Karl J.R., George Rapp's Years of Glory: Jews and Christians to Pittsburgh, by Bar- Economy on the Ohio, 1834-1847, Rev'd, 149, bara S. Brustein, Rev'd, 337-338 150 Addoms, Jonas, 7 Articles of Confederation, 3 Albany Boys Academy, 303 Association of American Agricultural Col- Albion, Robert G., 259 leges and experiment Stations, 312 Alexander, Captain, 198, 203 Atherton, George Washington, 299, 300, 301, Alexander, June Granatir. The Immigrant 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, Church and Community. Pittsburgh'sSlovak 312, 313 Catholics and Lutherans, 1880-1915. Rev'd Auerbach, Inge, 318 61-63 Die Auswanderung aus der Pfalz nach Nord- Alexander's Rifles, 200 amerika im 19.Jahrhundert, Unter beson- Aliquippa, PA, 213, 221 derer Berucksichtigung des Landkommissari- Alleghany City, PA, 198 ates Bergzaben, by Sigrid Faltin, Rev'd, 55- Alleghany River, 198 57 Allentown, PA, 243, 245, 246 Altoona, PA, 189, 190, 191 American Annals, by Abiel Holmes, 11 B American Archives, by Peter Force, 10 Ball, MajorJames Vincent, 199, 200, 201, 206 American Biography, by Jeremy Belknap, 10 Banat, 322 American Geography, byJedidiah Morse, 11 Bancroft, George, 10 American Iron and Steel Institute, 213 Bank of the United States, 288 The American Legion, 192 Barclay, Robert, 160; Apology for True Chris- American Magazine, 6, 7 tian Divinity, 160, 161; 163 American Museum, 6 Bard, Richard, 106 American Presbyterian Church, 4 Barnard, Isaac D., 294 The American Revolution, 16 Barone, Dennis, Hostility and Rapprochement: The American Universal Geography, by FormalRhetoric in PhiladelphiaBefore Jedidiah Morse, 11 1775, 15-32 Ames, Herman V., 253 Bartram,John, 157, 167 Anabaptists, 321 Bartram, William, 157; Travels 157, 158, 171, AndersonJudge A.B., 180, 183 172; 158, 159, 160,165, 166, 167, 168, 169, AndrewsJohn, 20 171, 172 356 - - - Bauman,John F., and Thomas H. Coode, In Other Notes on Senate Debates: March 4, the Eye of the Great Depression:New Deal 1789-March 3, 1791. Volume IX, Rev'd, Reporters and the Agony of the American 227-228 People, Rev'd, 335-337 Boyer, Carl, 319 Beaver County, PA, 77, 88 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 95 Beaver, Gov. James Addams, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, Bradley, Erwin, 262 85,86,87,89,262 Brigman, Lindo, 178 Bedford County, PA, 106 Bronner, Edwin, 254 Belcher, Gov.Jonathon, 6 Brophy,John, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, Belknap,Jeremy, 4; History of New Hampshire 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193 4, 10; 5, 6, 7, 8, 10; American Biography 10 Brunhouse, Robert, 254 Bellefont, PA, 262 Brustein, Barbara S., After the Holocaust: The Benezet, Anthony, 25, 159, 163, 164, 165, 167, Migration of PolishJewsand Christiansto 171 Pittsburgh, Rev'd, 337-338 Bensel, Dr. Charles, 98 Bryan, George, 292 Berks County, PA, 100, 107, 250 Buchanan, Pres. James, 243, 244, 245, 248, 253, Bethlehem, PA, 103, 215, 258 255, 256, 258, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, Bethlehem Steel, 184 271, 294 Bezilla, Michael, The College of Agriculture at Bucks County, PA, 99 Penn State: A Tradition of Excellence, Rev'd, Burgert, Annette K., 318, 320 152-153 Burnside, Maj. Gen. Ambrose, 303 Bible, 42 Burnet, Gilbert, 23 Biefeld, Baron, 20 Business Week, 217 Bingham, William, 280 Butler, Capt. James R., 198, 200, 201, 202, 206 Bining, Dr. Arthur Cecil, 253, 254 Birkner, Michael J., A Conversation with C Philip S. Klein, 243-275 Canada, 197, 203, 207 Black, John, 106 Cambria County, PA, 192 Black Leaders of the Nineteenth Century, by Cameron,J. Donald, 77, 78, 83, 85 Leon Litwack and August Meier, editors, Cameron, Simon, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 88, 89, 266, Rev'd, 143-145 294 Blair, Hugh, Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Campbell, Col. John B., 199, 201 Letters, 19 Carey, Matthew, 6 Blair, William A., A PracticalPolitician: The Carlisle, PA, 103, 104, 105, 291 Boss Tactics of Matthew Stanley Quay, 77-92 Carpenter, Cyrus C., 306, 307 Blanchard,Jean Pierre, 35 The Case of the Silent Furnaces, Review Essay Blome, Richard, The Gentlemen 's Recreation, by Mark McCulloch, 213-222 27 Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers Associa- Blyth, Benjamin, 104 tion, 184, 193 Boileau, Nathaniel, 18, 287 Centre County Historical Society, 245 Borderland:Origins of the American Suburb, The Charge Deliveredfrom the Bench to the 1820-1939, byJohn R. Stilgoe, Rev'd, 230- Grand Inquest, by Josiah Martin, 24 232 Charleston, SC, 4 Bossism, 88 Chicago, University of, 243, 248, 250, 251, 252, Boston, MA, 4, 7 258 Bowers, Douglas E., From Caucus to Conven- China, 37 tion in Pennsylvania Politics, 1790-1830, ChronologicalHistory of New England, by Tho- 276-298 mas Prince, 11 Bowling, Kenneth R. and Helen E. Veit, edi- Churchman,John, 159, 163, 164, 165, 167, 171 tors, The Diary of William Maclay and Cicero, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27 Pennsylvania History - 357 Cincinnati, OH, 199 Cutler, Menasseh, 4 Citizen of the World: Essays on Thomas Paine, Cutts, Ada, 265 by Ian Dyck, ed., Rev'd, 342-344 Czechoslovakia, 250 Civil War, 44, 248, 263, 265, 306 Clairton, PA, 220 D Clark, B.M., 181, 183, 187 Clark, Gen. William, 199 Daily Republican, 81 95 The Classick Pages: ClassicalReading of Eigh- Dale, Samuel, teenth- Century Americans, by Meyer Rein- Dallas, Alexander, 287 Dallas, George M., 294 hold, 21 Dauphin County, PA, 100, 106,107 Clay, Gen. Green, 204, 205 da Vinci, Leonardo, 33, 38, 44 Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co., 181, 184 Dawes Plan, 216 Cleveland, Pres. Grover, 309, 312 Debs, Eugene, 185 Cleveland, OH, 180, 207 The Decline of American Steel. How Manage- Clymer, George, 98 ment, Labor, and Government Went Wrong, Clinton, DeWitt, 196 by Paul A. Tiffany, Rev'd., 213-222 The Coal Strike of 1919 in Indiana County, by Delaware, 196, 255 Irwin Marcus, Eileen Cooper, and Beth Delaware County, 285 O'Leary, 177-195 Delaware, University of, 254 Coatesville Times, 81 Dialogues Concerning Education, by David Coleman,John, 262 Fordyce, 25 The College of Agriculture at Penn State: A The Diary of William Maclay and Other Notes Tradition of Excellence, by Michael Bezilla, on Senate Debates: March 4, 1789-March 3, Rev'd., 152-153 1791. Volume IX, by Kenneth R. Bowling College of NewJersey at Princeton, 3 and Helen E. Veit, editors, Rev'd., 227-228 College of Philadelphia, 15 Dictionary of American Biography, 300 Colman, Norman J., 309, 310 Dobson, Thomas, 7, 8 Columbian Magazine, 10 Douglas, Stephen A., 37, 253, 265 Committee of One Hundred, 77, 78, 82 Dover, NH, 4 The CongressionalGlobe, 82 Duance, William 277, 285, 287, 289 of Honor, 78 The Congressional Medal Duane, William J., 287, 294 Constitutionalists, 93, 94 Dunaway, Dr. Wayland, 259 Constitutionalist Party, 95 Dyck, Ian, ed., Citizen of the World: Essays on Continental Congress, 4, 10, 11 Thomas Paine, Rev'd, 342-344 Coode, Thomas H., and John F. Bauman, In Dynamics of IndustrialDemocracy, by Clinton the Eye of the Great Depression. New Deal Golden and Harold Ruttenberg, 200 Reporters and the Agony of the American People, Rev'd, 335-337 E Cook, George, 305 Cooper, Eileen, Beth O'Leary and Irwin Mar- Easton, PA, 37, 103 cus, The Coal Strike of 1919 in Indiana Ebenezer Hazard and the Promotion of Histori- County, 177-195 cal Scholarship in the Early Republic, by Corn,Joseph, The Winged Gospel, 33 George Pilcher, 3-14 Cornell University, 311 Edmunds, George, 311 Crawford, William H., 289, 292 Egle, William H., 197 Croghan, Maj. George, 205 Eisenhower, D.D., 215 Cullen, William, 308 Eliot, Charles, 302 Cullen Bill, 309, 310, 311 Elkin, John P., 88 Cumberland County, PA, 100, 106, 107 Emory University, 254 Curtin, Gov. Andrew Gregg, 78, 83 Empire of Fortune: Crowns, Colonies & Tribes in Volume 56, Number 4 a October 1989 358 the Seven Years War in America, by Francis Fordyce, David, Dialogues Concerning Educa- Jennings, Rev'd., 145-146 tion, 25 Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, by Forging Freedom: The Formation of Philadel- William Wade Hinshaw, 23 phia's Black Community, 1720-1840, by The English Academy, by John Newton, 19 Gary Nash, Rev'd., 50-53 Ephrata, PA, 251 Forney, John, 266 Erie, Steven P., Rainbow's End: Irish-Ameri- Fort Meigs, 197, 203, 205 cans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Fort Stephenson, 197, 205 Politics, 1840-1985, Rev'd, 338-340 Fort Sumter, 268, 271 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Fox, Dixon Ryan, 258 by John Locke, 18 Fox, George, Instructionsfor Right Spelling, Evans, Frank, 262 and Plain Directionsfor Reading and Writ- ing True English, 19 France, 288 F Franklin and Marshall Academy, 246 Fairless Hills, PA, 213 Franklin and Marshall College, 243, 244, 245, The Fall of the House of Labor, by David 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 256, 257, 258, 259 Montgomery, 177 Franklin, Benjamin, 25, 98, 162 Faltin, Sigrid, Die Auswanderung
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