<p> 1109</p><p>LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY</p><p>2015-16-17</p><p>FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT</p><p>______</p><p>VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS</p><p>No. 108</p><p>THURSDAY 9 MARCH 2017</p><p>______</p><p>1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE</p><p>The House met at 10.00 am pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair, read the prayer and acknowledged the traditional owners, thanking them for their custodianship of country.</p><p>2 NOTICES OF MOTIONS (GENERAL NOTICES)</p><p>3 MOTOR ACCIDENT INJURIES BILL</p><p>Mr Victor Dominello moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to establish a new scheme of compulsory third-party insurance and provision of benefits and support relating to the death of or injury to persons as a consequence of motor accidents; and for other purposes.</p><p>Question put and passed.</p><p>Bill introduced and read a first time.</p><p>Mr Victor Dominello moved, That this bill be now read a second time.</p><p>Debate adjourned (Ms Yasmin Catley) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day.</p><p>1 BUDGET ESTIMATES AND RELATED PAPERS 2016-2017</p><p>The order of the day was read for the resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms Gladys Berejiklian, That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2016-2017. Question again proposed and debate resumed. ______</p><p>Debate interrupted for general business notices of motions (for bills). ______</p><p>Ordered, That the resumption of the debate stand an order of the day for tomorrow.</p><p>4 DISCOUNT RATE REDUCTION (MISCELLANEOUS ACTS AMENDMENT) BILL— POSTPONEMENT</p><p>General business interrupted mover’s second reading speech no. 1 (Discount Rate Reduction (Miscellaneous Acts Amendment) Bill), called on and postponed by Mr Clayton Barr.</p><p>5 PUBLIC HEALTH (MEDICINAL CANNABIS) BILL</p><p>Mr Luke Foley moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to provide for the medicinal use of cannabis; to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 and the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966; and for other purposes.</p><p>Question put and passed.</p><p>Bill introduced and read a first time.</p><p>Mr Luke Foley moved, That this bill be now read a second time. ______</p><p>Mr Luke Foley obtained the leave of the House to postpone the commencement of general business orders of the day (for bills) to permit him to conclude his second reading speech. ______</p><p>Debate adjourned (Dr Geoff Lee) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. ______</p><p>General business orders of the day (for bills) proceeded with. ______</p><p>6 STEEL INDUSTRY PROTECTION BILL</p><p>The order of the day was read for the resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Ryan Park, That this bill be now read a second time.</p><p>Question again proposed and debate resumed.</p><p>Mr Gareth Ward obtained an extension of time.</p><p>Mr Gareth Ward speaking—</p><p>Mr Nick Lalich moved, That the question be now put.</p><p>Question put.</p><p>The House divided. AYES 38</p><p>Ms Aitchison, Mr Barr, Ms Car, Ms Catley, Mr Chanthivong, Ms Cotsis, Mr Crakanthorp, Mr Daley, Mr Dib, Mr Donato, Ms Doyle, Ms Finn, Mr Foley, Mr Greenwich, Mr Harris, Ms Harrison, Ms Haylen, Mr Hoenig, Ms Hornery, Mr Kamper, Ms Leong, Mr Lynch, Dr McDermott, Ms McKay, Mr Mehan, Ms Mihailuk, Mr Minns, Mr Park, Mr Parker, Mr Piper, Mr Robertson, Mr Scully, Ms T.F. Smith, Mr Warren, Ms Washington and Mr Zangari.</p><p>Tellers: Mr Atalla and Mr Lalich.</p><p>NOES 46</p><p>Mr Anderson, Mr Aplin, Mr Ayres, Mr Barilaro, Ms Berejiklian, Mr Brookes, Mr Conolly, Mr Constance, Mr Coure, Mr Crouch, Mrs Davies, Mr Dominello, Mr Elliott, Mr Evans, Mr George, Ms Gibbons, Mr Grant, Mr Gulaptis, Mrs Hancock, Mr Hazzard, Mr Henskens, Ms Hodgkinson, Mr Humphries, Mr Johnsen, Mr Kean, Dr Lee, Mr Maguire, Mr Marshall, Mr Notley-Smith, Mr O'Dea, Mrs Pavey, Mr Perrottet, Ms Petinos, Mr Provest, Mr Roberts, Mr Rowell, Mr Speakman, Mr Taylor, Mr Toole, Mr Tudehope, Ms Upton, Mr Ward, Mr Williams and Mrs Williams.</p><p>Tellers: Mr Bromhead and Mr Patterson. In the Chair: Mr Fraser.</p><p>Pair: Ms Watson—Mr Stokes.</p><p>Question negatived. ______</p><p>SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—EXTENSION OF TIME</p><p>Mr Anthony Roberts moved, That standing and sessional orders be suspended to permit the member for Kiama to continue his speech for a further period of up to 30 minutes.</p><p>Question put.</p><p>The House divided.</p><p>AYES 47</p><p>Mr Anderson, Mr Aplin, Mr Ayres, Mr Barilaro, Ms Berejiklian, Mr Brookes, Mr Conolly, Mr Constance, Mr Coure, Mr Crouch, Mrs Davies, Mr Dominello, Mr Elliott, Mr Evans, Mr George, Ms Gibbons, Mr Grant, Mr Gulaptis, Mrs Hancock, Mr Hazzard, Mr Henskens, Ms Hodgkinson, Mr Humphries, Mr Johnsen, Mr Kean, Dr Lee, Mr Maguire, Mr Marshall, Mr Notley-Smith, Mr O’Dea, Mrs Pavey, Mr Perrottet, Ms Petinos, Mr Provest, Mr Roberts, Mr Rowell, Mr Sidoti, Mr Speakman, Mr Taylor, Mr Toole, Mr Tudehope, Ms Upton, Mr Ward, Mr Williams and Mrs Williams.</p><p>Tellers: Mr Bromhead and Mr Patterson.</p><p>NOES 38</p><p>Ms Aitchison, Mr Barr, Ms Car, Ms Catley, Mr Chanthivong, Ms Cotsis, Mr Crakanthorp, Mr Daley, Mr Dib, Mr Donato, Ms Doyle, Ms Finn, Mr Foley, Mr Greenwich, Mr Harris, Ms Harrison, Ms Haylen, Mr Hoenig, Ms Hornery, Mr Kamper, Ms Leong, Mr Lynch, Dr McDermott, Ms McKay, Mr Mehan, Ms Mihailuk, Mr Minns, Mr Park, Mr Parker, Mr Piper, Mr Robertson, Mr Scully, Ms T.F. Smith, Mr Warren, Ms Washington and Mr Zangari.</p><p>Tellers: Mr Atalla and Mr Lalich. In the Chair: Mr Fraser.</p><p>Pair: Mr Stokes—Ms Watson. Question passed. ______Debate continued.</p><p>Mr Ryan Park moved, That the question be now put.</p><p>Following a point of order, the Assistant Speaker ruled the motion out of order as the member for Keira had already spoken in the debate.</p><p>Mr Gareth Ward speaking— ______</p><p>Debate interrupted for general business notices of motions (general notices). ______</p><p>Ordered, That the resumption of the debate stand an order of the day for tomorrow.</p><p>7 WORLD’S GREATEST SHAVE – BLOOD CANCER RESEARCH</p><p>Mrs Leslie Williams moved, pursuant to notice, That this House:</p><p>(1) Notes that the World’s Greatest Shave is the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia's fundraising event, held annually since 1998.</p><p>(2) Notes that funds raised by the World’s Greatest Shave are used by the Foundation to support medical research.</p><p>(3) Notes the Government’s support for leukaemia research through grants provided by the NSW Cancer Institute's research programs.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Question put and passed.</p><p>8 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS</p><p>Ms Sonia Hornery moved, pursuant to notice, That this House:</p><p>(1) Notes that only five Hunter Councils conducted elections on 10 September 2016.</p><p>(2) Notes as a consequence that there was uncertainty and inconvenience in the Hunter as residents were not sure if they would be fined for not voting, when in fact they did not need to vote.</p><p>(3) Calls on the Minister for Local Government to explain why there was such confusion with council voting across New South Wales.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Question put.</p><p>The House divided.</p><p>AYES 36</p><p>Ms Aitchison, Mr Barr, Ms Car, Ms Catley, Mr Chanthivong, Ms Cotsis, Mr Crakanthorp, Mr Daley, Mr Dib, Mr Donato, Ms Doyle, Ms Finn, Mr Foley, Mr Greenwich, Mr Harris, Ms Harrison, Ms Haylen, Mr Hoenig, Ms Hornery, Mr Kamper, Ms Leong, Mr Lynch, Dr McDermott, Ms McKay, Mr Mehan, Ms Mihailuk, Mr Minns, Mr Piper, Mr Robertson, Mr Scully, Ms T.F. Smith, Mr Warren, Ms Washington and Mr Zangari. Tellers: Mr Atalla and Mr Lalich.</p><p>NOES 45</p><p>Mr Anderson, Mr Aplin, Mr Ayres, Mr Barilaro, Mr Brookes, Mr Conolly, Mr Constance, Mr Coure, Mr Crouch, Mrs Davies, Mr Dominello, Mr Elliott, Mr Evans, Mr Fraser, Mr George, Ms Gibbons, Mr Grant, Mr Gulaptis, Mr Hazzard, Mr Henskens, Ms Hodgkinson, Mr Humphries, Mr Johnsen, Mr Kean, Dr Lee, Mr Maguire, Mr Marshall, Mr O’Dea, Mrs Pavey, Mr Perrottet, Ms Petinos, Mr Provest, Mr Roberts, Mr Rowell, Mr Sidoti, Mr Speakman, Mr Taylor, Mr Toole, Mr Tudehope, Ms Upton, Mr Ward, Mr Williams and Mrs Williams.</p><p>Tellers: Mr Bromhead and Mr Patterson. In the Chair: Mr Notley-Smith.</p><p>Pairs: Mr Park—Ms Berejiklian and Ms Watson—Mr Stokes.</p><p>Question negatived.</p><p>9 TAHMOOR RAILWAY STATION UPGRADES</p><p>Mr Jai Rowell moved, pursuant to notice, That this House:</p><p>(1) Commends Transport for NSW (Sydney Trains) and the Government for responding to the needs of Tahmoor residents with the upgrades and installation of ramps that have made Tahmoor railway station accessible for all.</p><p>(2) Acknowledges that the access upgrades will particularly improve access for people who are frail and elderly, parents with young children in prams and people with a disability.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Mr Jai Rowell speaking— ______</p><p>It being 1.30 pm, debate interrupted. ______</p><p>Ordered, That the resumption of the debate stand an order of the day for tomorrow. ______</p><p>The Temporary Speaker (Mr Bruce Notley-Smith) left the Chair at 1.30 pm.</p><p>The Speaker resumed the Chair at 2.15 pm. ______</p><p>10 OMBUDSMAN</p><p>The Speaker in accordance with section 31AA of the Ombudsman Act 1974, tabled the report of the NSW Ombudsman entitled “Oversight of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994, Annual Report 2015- 2016”, dated February 2017.</p><p>Ordered to be printed. 11 QUESTION TIME ______</p><p>(1) Following a request from Mr Andrew Fraser pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional New South Wales, Minister for Skills, and Minister for Small Business provided additional information.</p><p>(2) Following a request from Mr Philip Donato pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research provided additional information.</p><p>(3) Following a request from Mr Greg Aplin pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing, and Special Minister of State provided additional information. ______</p><p>12 PAPERS</p><p>(1) Mr Mark Speakman tabled the report of the NSW Ombudsman entitled “Review of police use of powers under the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012”, dated November 2016.</p><p>(2) Ms Gabrielle Upton tabled:</p><p>Report of the Public Inquiry by Commissioner Richard Beasley SC into Auburn City Council, dated 10 February 2017.</p><p>Report of the Public Inquiry by Commissioner Anthony Hudson into Murray Shire Council, dated 10 November 2016.</p><p>Report of the Public Inquiry by Commissioner T G Howard SC into North Sydney Council, dated 10 October 2016.</p><p>13 PETITIONS</p><p>The Clerk announced that the following member had lodged petitions for presentation:</p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens opposing the sale of animals in pet shops. </p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting that museum services be expanded around New South Wales and the Powerhouse Museum remain in Ultimo.</p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting new inner city ferries. </p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting the inclusion of a new ferry service as part of the Elizabeth Bay Marina upgrade.</p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting that the Sirius building be retained and continue to function as social housing.</p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting that the Government retain and properly maintain inner city social housing.</p><p>Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens opposing the sale of public housing in Millers Point, Dawes Point and The Rocks.</p><p>14 PLACING OR DISPOSAL OF BUSINESS—WRITTEN QUESTION NO. 4796</p><p>Written question no. 4796 (Attendance of Police to Cessnock Correctional Centre), withdrawn by leave, by Mr Clayton Barr. 15 REPORT OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENTITLED “PROCUREMENT OF GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS”, REPORT 2/56, DATED FEBRUARY 2017</p><p>Question proposed—That the House take note of the report.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Question put and passed.</p><p>16 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE ENTITLED “EXAMINATION OF AUDITOR-GENERAL’S PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORTS DECEMBER 2014 – JUNE 2015”, REPORT 4/56, DATED MARCH 2017</p><p>Question proposed—That the House take note of the report.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Question put and passed.</p><p>17 REPORT OF THE LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEE ENTITLED “LEGISLATION REVIEW DIGEST NO. 32/56”, DATED 7 MARCH 2017</p><p>Question proposed—That the House take note of the report.</p><p>Debate ensued.</p><p>Question put and passed. ______</p><p>Matter of public importance proceeded with. ______</p><p>18 MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE—KIDNEY HEALTH WEEK</p><p>The Speaker previously informed the House of receipt from Ms Tania Mihailuk of a notice of a matter of public importance, namely:</p><p>Kidney Health Week.</p><p>Discussion ensued.</p><p>Mr Guy Zangari, by leave, also addressed the House.</p><p>Discussion concluded.</p><p>19 COMMUNITY RECOGNITION STATEMENTS ______</p><p>It being 4.30 pm, statements interrupted for discussion of petition signed by 10,000 or more persons. ______</p><p>20 DISCUSSION OF PETITION SIGNED BY 10,000 OR MORE PERSONS—TWEED VALLEY WOMEN’S SERVICE</p><p>The order of the day was read for the discussion of the petition signed by 10,000 or more persons presented by Ms Jenny Aitchison, namely: From certain citizens requesting the Government restore funding to the Tweed Valley Women’s Service. Discussion ensued.</p><p>Mr Geoff Provest, by leave, obtained an extension of time of two minutes.</p><p>Debate continued.</p><p>Ms Tamara Smith, by leave, also addressed the House.</p><p>Discussion concluded.</p><p>21 COMMUNITY RECOGNITION STATEMENTS</p><p>22 PRIVATE MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS</p><p>23 ADJOURNMENT</p><p>The House adjourned, pursuant to standing and sessional orders, at 6.16 pm, until Tuesday 28 March 2017, at 12.00 noon.</p><p>Attendance: All members present except Ms Pru Goward, Mr Rob Stokes and Ms Anna Watson.</p><p>HELEN MINNICAN SHELLEY HANCOCK Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Speaker ______</p><p>Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales</p>
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