<p> MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY “Bulletin”</p><p>Index 5: Vols. XXI – XXV, Issues 81 – 100, 1970 - 1975</p><p>SECTION I - SUBJECT INDEX</p><p>Arabian Peninsula Gulf States' Forces, A Glossary of Words used in the xxii.23, 105 </p><p>Australia's Volunteer Defence Corps 1940-1945 xxiii.69 </p><p>BADGES, BUTTONS AND FORMATION SIGNS </p><p>Artillery - Australian xxi.83*, xxii. 17*, 43, xxv. 127* </p><p>New Zealand xxi.43*, 120 </p><p>Unofficial (Territorial Army) xxi.l2l, </p><p>Australian Concentration Camp Guards 1914-1918 xxv.61* </p><p>Bengal Native Infantry, 12th xxi.1* </p><p>Bugle Horn Stringed xxii.1*, 49 </p><p>Buttons</p><p>Edinburgh Volunteers, 2nd Royal xxv.29*, 64 </p><p>Indian Police xxiv.176*, xxv.26, 27 </p><p>Infantry xxi.18*, xxiii.80* </p><p>Lancashire Militia, Royal xxv.29*,64 </p><p>Local Militia xxv.42*,148 </p><p>R. Norfolk Regiment xxv.81 * </p><p>Carmarthen Fusiliers, Royal (shoulder belt plate) xxii.26* </p><p>Crowns, Cyphers and Heraldic Coronets xxiii.65* </p><p>Edinburgh Volunteers, 2nd Royal (button) xxv.29*, 64 </p><p>Edinburgh's Royal Regiment, Duke of xxiii.57* </p><p>Flaming Grenade xxiv.162*, xxv.26, 27,98,103,104,145,147 </p><p>Foot Guards, Colour Badges of xxiv.52* </p><p>Formation Signs</p><p>British 1940-1956 xxiv.121* </p><p>North American Air Defense Command xxiii.44* </p><p>Northern Ireland Commands xxii.21* </p><p>1 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Fort George, Grenada, West Indies (badges and buttons from) xxv.73*, 113*,148,149 </p><p>Garrison Regiment, Royal, 1901 xxv.57 </p><p>Gurkha Military Police xxiii.103*, xxiv.20 </p><p>Gurkha Recruit (8th Battalion) xxii.20* </p><p>Horse Motif xxiii.105* </p><p>Imperial Camel Brigade 1916-1918 xxiv.15* </p><p>Imperial Military Railways xxiii.118 </p><p>Indian Police (button) xxiv.176*, xxv.26, 67 </p><p>Indian States Forces xxiv.58* </p><p>Infantry, New (1971) xxi.125 </p><p>Jodhpur Lancers (waist belt plate) xxiv.145*, 178 </p><p>Lancashire Militia, Royal (button) xxv.29*, 64 </p><p>Lancashire Volunteers xxii.12* </p><p>Manchester Rifle Volunteers 1859-1908 xxv.46* </p><p>Military Police</p><p>Gurkha xxiii.103*, xxiv.20 </p><p>Royal xxii.113 *, xxiii.117 </p><p>Naval Division, Royal (breast badge) xxv.144 </p><p>Norfolk Regiment, Royal (buttons) xxiv.71 * </p><p>North American Air Defense Command xxiii.44 * </p><p>Pagri, Postal, Motor and Medical Badges xxiv.42*, 142 </p><p>Reserve Regiments, Royal xxv.54 </p><p>Service Battalions (Kitchener's Army) 1914-1919 xxv.1 *,63 </p><p>South East Asia xxi.85* </p><p>Staffords and the Staffordshire Knot xxi.l05* </p><p>Suffolk Yeomanry xxiv.105 </p><p>Thames Scottish Volunteers xxiv.179, xxv.26 </p><p>Ulster Constabulary, Royal xxv.50* </p><p>United States Army (3rd Armored Cavalry) xxiv.l45*,178, xxv.64 </p><p>2 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. West York Militia, 6th xxv.23* </p><p>Westminster Dragoons xxiv.2* </p><p>Bandmaster, 93rd Highlanders xxiv.174 </p><p>Ballooning in the British Army xxiii.1* </p><p>Battle Honours shared by British and German Regiments xxiii.97*, xxiv.19, 74,143 </p><p>Battlefield Tour 1972 xxiii.22 </p><p>Bengal Artillery 1840-1858 xxv.59 </p><p>Book Notices xxi.56, 91, 122; xxii. 30, 61, 85, 123; xxiii.27, 60, 85, 120; xxiv.21, 115,147,175; xxv.22, 38, 41, 105, 151 </p><p>BOOK REVIEWS </p><p>British Gallantry Awards xxii.60 </p><p>British Yeomanry Uniforms xxiii.26 </p><p>Cavalry Surgeon: The Recollections of John Henry Sy1vester xxi. 122 </p><p>Cropredy Bridge xxi.41 </p><p>Gallant Six Hundred xxiv.41 </p><p>Headdress Badges of .the British Army xxiv.27 </p><p>Headdresses of the British Army: Yeomanry xxi.29 </p><p>"Kiwi Trooper": The Story of Queen Alexandra's Own xxii.85 </p><p>Lineage Book of the British Army: Mounted Corps and Infantry 1660-1968 xxi.31 </p><p>Marston Moor xxi.41 </p><p>Military Badge Collecting xxii.50 </p><p>Recipients of the Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1855-1909 xxv.150 </p><p>Regiments of the British Army (postcards) xxiii.1l6 </p><p>Regiments of the Canadian Army (postcards) xxiii.115 </p><p>Royal Marines ' Uniform Postcards xxiii.116 </p><p>Together Onward xxii.85 </p><p>Uniforms of the British Army 1888-1902 xxiii.117 </p><p>With Pegasus in India: The Story of 153 Gurkha Parachute Battalion xxi.39 </p><p>Bugle, Victorian Presentation xxv.146* </p><p>Burma Regiment, A Brief History of the xxiii.108 </p><p>3 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. CarmarthenshireYeomanryCava1ry 1794-1828 xxii.67*.121 </p><p>Cavalry Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.7 </p><p>COLOURS AND GUIDONS </p><p>King's Own Malta Regiment xxv.92* </p><p>West India Regiment xxi.33* </p><p>Westminster Dragoons xxiv.13* </p><p>Dales Volunteers, Loyal xxii.84 </p><p>Dear, W. J. (obituary) xxii.94</p><p>Dodkins, C. M. (obituary) xxv.20 </p><p>Dress Regulations for the Army xxv.33, 9l </p><p>Edwards, V. W. (obituary) xxi.63 </p><p>Flintshire, Yeomanry Cavalry in 1797-1838 xxv.131* </p><p>Flogging during the Regency xxv.101* </p><p>French Canadian Pontifical Zouaves 1868-1870 xxiii.70*, xxiv.18, 104 </p><p>German Army, British Officer in xxv.94, 145 </p><p>Guards, Orders and Regulations for the Brigade of (I853) xxii.27 </p><p>Holland, General Sir Arthur and his Medals xxi.65* </p><p>Household Battalion, The, 1916-1918 xxv.139* </p><p>Imperial Camel Brigade 1916-1918 xxiv.15 </p><p>Indian Army</p><p>Historical Study of Indianisation of xxiii.86 </p><p>Short History of xxi.24, 57 </p><p>King's Own, The, and The Loyals, Museums of xxii.18 </p><p>Light Brigade, The Last Survivors of the Charge of the xxii.10, xxv.142 </p><p>Liverpool Rifle Volunteers 1859</p><p>Liverpool Scottish xxii.78* </p><p>Liverpool Welsh xxiv.139*</p><p>Longford Militia, Royal xxiii.58 </p><p>Loyal Lusitanian Legion xxii.44*, 81 * </p><p>4 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Loyals, The Museums of the King's Own and The xxii.18 </p><p>Luscombe, S. J. (obituary) xxiii.6l </p><p>Malta Land Force, The xxi.70* </p><p>Manchester Rifle Volunteers 1859-1908 xxv.44* </p><p>MEDALS AND DECORATIONS </p><p>Austrian Medal Fur Tapferkeit (award to RSM. J. Barry, 1st King's Dragoon Guards) xxi.65*, xxiii.25, 84, 121 </p><p>Baltic Medal to Royal Sappers and Miners xxii.1l * </p><p>Croix de Guerre, awards to units of the British Army 1914-1918 xxiv.75*,177 </p><p>Holland, General Sir Arthur (Royal Artillery) xxi.65* </p><p>Jones, Sergeant J., Royal Sappers and Miners, award of Baltic Medal xxii.11* </p><p>Naval General Service Medal xxii.52, 83 </p><p>Royal Artillery (medal groups of officers and men) xxv.39 </p><p>Victoria Cross</p><p>Ackroyd, Captain H., R.AM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>AlIen, Captain W. B., R.AM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Andrews, Captain H. J., Indian Medical Service xxi.6 </p><p>Babtie, Major W., R.AM.C. xxi.5 </p><p>Bradshaw, Assistant Surgeon W., 90th Foot xxi.5 </p><p>Chavasse, Captain N. G., R.AM.C. xxi.4, 6 </p><p>Crean, Surgeon Captain T. J., Imperial Light Horse xxi.6 </p><p>Daniel, Midshipman E. St. J., R.N. xxii.39*, xxiii.25* </p><p>Douglas, Assistant Surgeon C. M., 24th Foot xxi.5 </p><p>Douglas, Lieutenant H. E. M., RAM.C. xxi.5 </p><p>Farmer, Lance-Corporal J., Army Hospital Corps xxi.4 </p><p>Fitzgibbon, Hospital Apprentice A, Indian Medical Establishment xxi.4</p><p>Green, Captain J. L., R.AM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Hale, Assistant Surgeon T. E., 7th Fusiliers xxi.5 </p><p>Harden, Lance-Corporal H. E., RAM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Hartley, Surgeon Major E. R, Cape Mounted Rifles xxi.6 </p><p>5 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Home, Surgeon A D., 90th Foot xxi.5 </p><p>Hawse, Captain N. R., New South Wales Medical Corps xxi.6 </p><p>Hutcheson, Captain R S., Canadian Army Medical Corps xxi.6 </p><p>Inkson, Lieutenant E. T., R.AM.C. xxi.5 </p><p>Le Quesne, Captain F. S., Army Medical Service xxi.5 </p><p>Lee, Surgeon J., 78th Highlanders xxi.5 </p><p>Lloyd, Surgeon Major O. E. P., Army Medical Service xxi.5 </p><p>McCrea, Surgeon J. F., Cape Mounted Yeomanry xxi.6 </p><p>McMaster, Assistant Surgeon Y M., 78th Highlanders xxi.5 </p><p>MaiIIard, Surgeon W. J., R.N. xxi.6 </p><p>Maling, Lieutenant G. A, R.AM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Manley, Assistant Surgeon G.N., R.A xxi.4 </p><p>Martin-Leake, Captain A, R.AM.C. xxi.4, 5, 6 </p><p>"Medical V.C.s" xxi.4 </p><p>Mouat, Surgeon J., 6th Dragoons xxi.4 </p><p>Nickersol, Lieutenant H. S., R.AM.C. xxi.5 </p><p>Ranken, Captain H. S., RAM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Reade, Surgeon H. T., 61st Foot xxi.5 </p><p>Reynolds, Surgeon Major J. H., Army Medical Service xxi.5 </p><p>Russell, Cantain J. F., R.AM.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Scrimager, Captain F. A C., Canadian Army Medical Service xxi.6 </p><p>Sifton, Lance Sergeant E. W., 18th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force xxv.6 </p><p>Sinton, Captain J. A, Indian Medical Service xxi.6 </p><p>Sylvester, Assistant Surgeon H. T., 23rd Fusiliers xxi.5 </p><p>Temple, Surgeon W., R.A. xxi.5 </p><p>Turnbull, Sergeant J. Y., Highland Light Infantry xxv.96 </p><p>"V.C. - One Penny Weekly" xxv.2l </p><p>Whitchurch, Captain J. A., Indian Medical Service xxi.6 </p><p>Mesopotamia Half Flight (Genesis of the R. Australian and R. New Zealand Air Forces) xxiv.128* </p><p>6 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Mess Crockery</p><p>27th Madras Native Infantry (fruit dish) xxi.90* </p><p>38th Madras Native Infantry dinner plate) xxiv.1l3* </p><p>Military Historical Society</p><p>Some Reminiscences of the Society's Early Days xxiv.33 </p><p>Military History, Modern xxiv.37 </p><p>Millers in Military Music, The (bandmasters) xxii.97*, xxiii.52</p><p>Monmouthshire, Volunteer Cavalry of xxii.33* </p><p>Museums</p><p>King's Own, The xxii.19 </p><p>Loyals, The xxii.18 </p><p>National Army xxii.74* </p><p>Somerset Light Infantry xxi.11 </p><p>Nantville Quarry War Memorial xxv.128* </p><p>Na·tional Army Museum xxii.74* </p><p>New Army Battalions 1914-1918 xxii.105 </p><p>New Zealand</p><p>Artillery, Royal Regiment of xxi.43* </p><p>Infantry, Regular xxiii.75 </p><p>Rifle Brigade xxii.6*, 49 </p><p>Peninsular Battlefields</p><p>M.H.S. 1974 Tour xxv.9* </p><p>Wellington's xxiv.23 </p><p>Percussion in Military Service (band instruments) xxiv.153 </p><p>Queensland Regiment, 51st Battalion The Royal xxii.7l* </p><p>Regimental Songs of the British Army in the l8th and 19th Centuries xxii. 54, 87; xxiii.26, 53; xxv.28, 65 </p><p>Reserve Regiments 1900 xxv.54 </p><p>Rugeley Loyal Volunteers 1803-1814 xxiv.135* </p><p>Somerset Light Infantry Museum xxi.11 </p><p>7 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. South African Republics, Artillery Regiments in the xxiii.33* </p><p>South Australia Regiment, 27th Battalion The Royal xxiii.18* </p><p>South Pacific Scouts xxiii.49 </p><p>Steeple, W. J. (appreciation) xxi.3 </p><p>Stoker, G. E. (obituary) xxiv.26 </p><p>Swiss Corps in British Service 1794-1816 xxiv.106, xxv.27 </p><p>Ulverston, Lancashire, Volunteer Movement in 1803-1967 xxii.12* </p><p>UNIFORM </p><p>6th Bengal Cavalry c. 1875 xxv.19* </p><p>8th Bengal Light Cavalry c. 1835 xxv.20* </p><p>Cinque Ports Volunteers xxii.4* </p><p>6th Dragoon Guards c. 1842 xxiv.40* </p><p>Garrison Regiment, Royal, 1900 xxv.54 </p><p>5th Battalion The King's Regiment, T.A., Battle Dress xxii.50 </p><p>6th Madras Light Cavalry c. 1850 xxv.18* </p><p>Madras Native Cavalry c. 1780 xxv.17* </p><p>Maylor Yeomanry Cavalry 1830-1837 xxv.137* </p><p>Mixed Dress xxi.97* </p><p>New Zealand Artillery xxi.43* </p><p>Reserve Regiments 1900 xxv.54 </p><p>West India Regiment xxi.33* </p><p>Urdu Words, relative to Military Life, A Glossary of xxi.74 </p><p>WEAPONS </p><p>Bayonet, The xxiv.55* </p><p>Butcher Knife Bayonet, The xxiii. 16*, 51, 84 </p><p>Flintlock Rifle, A Breachloading xxi.40* </p><p>Wellington's Peninsular Battlefields xxiv.23 </p><p>West India Regiment, Colours and Uniform xxi.33* </p><p>Westminster Dragoons (2nd County of London Yeomanry) (short history) xxiv.1 * </p><p>8 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Winsbury, J. F. R. (obituary) xxiv.26 </p><p>9 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975.</p><p>SECTION II-REGIMENT AL INDEX</p><p>(a) REGULAR REGIMENTS AND CORPS</p><p>Life Guards </p><p>Cloak Clasps xxv.103 </p><p>Miller, Bandmaster G. J. xxii.103* </p><p>Blues and Royals </p><p>The Royal Dragoons (lst Dragoons) </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.10 </p><p>1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards </p><p>1st King's Dragoon Guards </p><p>Barry, RSM. James (Austrian medal Fur Tapferkeit) xxii.65* xxiii.25, 84, 121 </p><p>Kaiser, The, as Colonel-in-Chief xxiii.24 </p><p>3rd Carabiniers (prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) </p><p>6th Dragoon Guards </p><p>Uniform c. 1842 xxiv.40* </p><p>4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards </p><p>4th Dragoon Guards </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.10</p><p>7th Dragoon Guards </p><p>Drum Horse xxv.62* </p><p>5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards </p><p>6th Dragoons </p><p>Crimean Helmet xxi.97* </p><p>Mouat, Surgeon J. (V.C.) xxi.4 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.97* </p><p>5th Dragoon Guards </p><p>Badge xxiii.107* </p><p>Mixed Dress 1912 xxi.103 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.10 10 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. The Royal Scots Greys </p><p>Badge for back of Bearskin Cap xxiii.107* </p><p>Cloak Fastener xxiv.173* </p><p>Service Dress 1911 xxi.l0l </p><p>The Queen's Own Hussars </p><p>3rd Hussars </p><p>Badge xxiii.107* </p><p>The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars </p><p>4th Light Dragoons </p><p>Light Brigade Charge, Last Survivors xxii.10, xxv.142 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.7 </p><p>8th Hussars </p><p>Light Brigade Charge, Last Survivors xxii.10, xxv.142 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.7 </p><p>9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's) </p><p>9th Lancers </p><p>At the Horse Guards 1869 xxv.97 </p><p>The Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales's Own) </p><p>10th Hussars </p><p>Horse furniture, etc. xxii.75* </p><p>11th Hussars </p><p>Frederick William of Prussia, Prince, as Colonel-in-Chief xxiii.24 </p><p>Light Brigade Charge, Last Survivors xxii.10, xxv.143 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.8 </p><p>13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own) </p><p>13th Light Dragoons </p><p>Badge, an early xxv.125* </p><p>Light Brigade Charge, Last Survivors xxii.10, xxv.143 </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.8 </p><p>11 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 18th Hussars </p><p>Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.102* </p><p>15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars </p><p>15th Hussars </p><p>Regimental song xxii.56 </p><p>16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers </p><p>16th Lancers </p><p>King Alfonso of Spain as Colonel-in-Chief xxiii.25 </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate xxii.77* </p><p>17th/21st Lancers </p><p>17th Lancers </p><p>Light Brigade Charge, Last Survivors xxii.10, xxv.143. </p><p>Trumpeters in the Crimea xxi.9 </p><p>21st Lancers </p><p>Mixed Dress 1906 xxi.103* </p><p>Royal Tank Regiment </p><p>Award of Croix de Guerre to 9th Battalion, 1918 xxiv.75 </p><p>Royal Artillery </p><p>Badges </p><p>Buttons, early xxv.l13* </p><p>Grenade xxiv.173* </p><p>Shako Plates xxv.122* </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate 1830 xxii.77* </p><p>Unofficial T.A. xxi.121 </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 5th Field Battery xxiv.75 </p><p>Field Brigade, IXth Experimental xxii.25 </p><p>Holland, General Sir A (medals, etc.) xxi.65* </p><p>Manley, Assistant Surgeon G. N. (V.C.) xxi.4 </p><p>Medals awarded to various officers and men xxv.39 </p><p>12 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Miller, Bandmaster G. J. xxii.103* </p><p>Temple, Surgeon W. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>United States Distinguished Unit Citation, award to C Troop, 170 Independent Mortar Battery xxiv.79 </p><p>Royal Engineers </p><p>Badges</p><p>Buttons 1786-1830 xxi.118* </p><p>Grenade xxiv. 173* </p><p>Pagri xxiv.43* </p><p>Postal Section xxiv.48* </p><p>Balloon Sections xxiii.1* </p><p>Baltic Medal xxii.11* </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 350 Field Squadron T.A. xxiv.79 </p><p>Jones, Sergeant J., Royal Sappers and Miners (Baltic Medal) xxii.11* </p><p>Grenadier Guards </p><p>Badges</p><p>Button l825 xxv.118* </p><p>Cap xxiv.173* </p><p>Colour xxiv.52 * </p><p>Miller, Bandmaster G. J. xxii.104 </p><p>Coldstream Guards </p><p>Badges</p><p>Colour xxiv.52* </p><p>Pagri xxiv.44* </p><p>Medals and Decorations in the National Army Museum xxv. 96 </p><p>Scots Guards </p><p>Badges</p><p>Colours xxiv.52* </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate xxii.77* </p><p>Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.101 </p><p>13 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Irish Guards </p><p>Badges</p><p>Colour xxiv.52 * </p><p>Pagri xxiv.45* </p><p>Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.101 </p><p>Welsh Guards </p><p>Colour Badge xxiv.52* </p><p>The Royal Scots </p><p>Badges</p><p>Buttons I8th/ 19th Centuries xxi.18*; xxiii.8l *; xxv.8O* </p><p>Pipers bonnet xxiv.l82 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.108 </p><p>1st Battalion The Queen's Regiment </p><p>2nd Foot </p><p>Buttons I8th / l9th Centuries xxi.18*; xxii81*; xxv.8O*, 148 </p><p>Queen's West Surrey </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l08 </p><p>31st Foot </p><p>Buttons I8th / 19th Centuries xxiii.82*; xxv.81*, 144, 148 </p><p>70th Foot </p><p>Buttons I8th / 19th Centuries xxi.23; xxiii.83*; xxv.88* </p><p>East Surrey Regiment </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.3* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>2nd Battalion The Queen's Regiment </p><p>3rd Foot </p><p>Buttons l8th / 19th Centuries xxiii.8l*; xxv.8O* </p><p>Buffs </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l08</p><p>14 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 50th Foot </p><p>Other rank's coatee button c. l850 xxiii.82* </p><p>97th Foot </p><p>Other rank's coatee button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment </p><p>Helmet Plate Centre xxiii.107* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1ll </p><p>The King's Own Royal Border Regiment </p><p>New Badge xxi.125 </p><p>4th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81*; xxv.80*, 148 </p><p>King's Own (Lancaster) </p><p>Badges of Volunteer and Territorial Battalions xxii.12* </p><p>Museum xxii.18 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.108 </p><p>34th Foot </p><p>Other rank's coatee button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>5th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*; xxv.86* </p><p>Border Regiment </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.3* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l0 </p><p>1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers </p><p>Badges</p><p>Button, other rank's c. 1850 xxiii.8I* </p><p>Button c. 1780 xxv.80* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxiii.1*,5* </p><p>Shoulder title xxiii.107* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.108 </p><p>15 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Regimental Song xxii.87 </p><p>2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers </p><p>Badges</p><p>Button, other rank's c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>Button c. 1790 xxv.80* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxv.1*, 5*, 8* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers </p><p>Badges</p><p>Buttons 18th/19th centuries xxiii.8l*; xxv.80* 144, 148 </p><p>Grenades xxiv.173 * </p><p>New Army Battalions xxv.1*, 7* </p><p>Officer's Cap Badge xxiii.107* </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate xxii.77* </p><p>Hale, Assistant Surgeon T. E. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>Kilimanjaro - battle honour xxi.48 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>The King's Regiment </p><p>New Badge xxi.125 </p><p>8th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>King's Regiment (Liverpool) </p><p>Badges </p><p>Cap xxiii.107* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxv.3* </p><p>5th Battalion Battle Dress xxii.50 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>63rd Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.86* </p><p>16 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Miller, Bandmaster xxi.97 </p><p>96th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Manchester Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions - badges xxv.5*,8* </p><p>1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment </p><p>9th Foot </p><p>Buttons 1774-1959 xxiii.81*; xxiv.71*; xxv.81* </p><p>Royal Norfolk Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>12th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/l9th Centuries xxi.20*, xxiii.81* </p><p>Suffolk Regiment </p><p>Badges</p><p>Pagri xxiv.46* </p><p>Territorial Force xxiii.24, 52 </p><p>Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.102* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment </p><p>10th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.20*, xxiii.8l* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.55 </p><p>Lincolnshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>48th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21; xxiii.82*; xxv.84* </p><p>58th Foot </p><p>Badges - Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.2*; xxiii.82*; xxv.84* </p><p>Northampton Regiment </p><p>17 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment </p><p>New Badge xxi.125 </p><p>11th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.20*; xxiii.81* </p><p>Devonshire Regiment </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award of to 2nd Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>39th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21 *; xxiii.82* </p><p>54th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21*; xxiii.82*; xxv.86* </p><p>Dorset Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l0</p><p>1st Battalion The Light Infantry </p><p>13th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81*, xxiii.82* </p><p>Somerset Light Infantry Museum xxi.11 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l09 </p><p>32ndFoot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21, xxiii.82* </p><p>46th Foot </p><p>Light Company's red feathers xxii.2 </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire </p><p>New Badge xxi.125 </p><p>14th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>West Yorkshire Regiment </p><p>18 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Badges - Collar Badge xxiii.l07* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxv.3* </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 8th Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii. 109 </p><p>15th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81*, xxv.82* </p><p>East Yorkshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l09 </p><p>3rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment </p><p>16th Foot </p><p>Miller, Bandmaster G. xxii.97 </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>44th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21; xxiii.82*; xxv.84* </p><p>56th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.22*, xxiii.82* </p><p>Essex Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>4th Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment </p><p>Buttons: 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81*, xxv.82* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>The Green Howards (Alexandra, Princess of Wales's: Own Yorkshire Regiment) </p><p>Badges - Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81*, xxv.82* </p><p>New Badge xxi.125 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l09 </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.87 </p><p>4th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers </p><p>19 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Beret Badge xxiv.173* </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81 * </p><p>The Royal Highland Fusiliers (Princess Margaret's Own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment) </p><p>21st Foot </p><p>Buttons early 19th Century xxiii.81 *, xxv.82* </p><p>Royal Scots Fusiliers </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>71st Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>74th Foot </p><p>Buttons early 19th Century xxiii.83*, xxv.88* </p><p>Highland Light Infantry </p><p>Mixed Dress 1912 xxi.103 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>Officers' Plaids xxv.34 </p><p>The Cheshire Regiment</p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 9th and 12th (Service) Battalions xxiv.75* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l0 </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>The Royal Welch Fusiliers </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l10 </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>Sylvester, Assistant Surgeon H. T. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>The Royal Regiment of Wales </p><p>24th Foot </p><p>Douglas, Assistant Surgeon C. M. (V.C.) xxi.5</p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.90 </p><p>South Wales Borderers </p><p>20 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Croix de Guerre, award to 7th (Service) Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>41st Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>69th Foot </p><p>Buttons 19th Century xxiii.83*, xxv.88* </p><p>Welch Regiment </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.5* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l0 </p><p>The King's Own Scottish Borderers </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.20*; xxiii.81*; xxv.82* </p><p>New Army Battalions (???)</p><p>The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>Wolsey Helmet xxv.34 </p><p>26th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th / 19th Centuries xxi.20, xxiii.81* </p><p>90th Foot </p><p>Badges - Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.23; xxiii.83*; xxv.88*, 148 </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate 1800 xxv.122* </p><p>Bradshaw, Assistant Surgeon W. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>Home, Surgeon A. D. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>1st Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>27th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.81* </p><p>The Gloucestershire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>United States' Distinguished Unit Citation, award to 1st Battalion xxiv.79 </p><p>21 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 28th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.20, xxiii.81* </p><p>61st Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>Reade, Surgeon H. T. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29th/45th Foot) </p><p>29th Foot </p><p>Buttons, early 19th Century xxiii.81*, xxv.82* </p><p>36th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>Worcestershire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110</p><p>45th Foot </p><p>Badges-Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.84* </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plate c. 1790 xxiii.122 </p><p>95th Foot </p><p>Other rank's coatee button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Sherwood Foresters </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>The Queen's Lancashire Regiment </p><p>30th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.81 *, xxv.82* </p><p>59th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.22*, xxiii.82* </p><p>East Lancashire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>40th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19thCenturies xxiii.82*, xxv.84* </p><p>82ndFoot </p><p>22 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>South Lancashire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110</p><p>47th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.54 </p><p>81st Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Loyal North Lancashire Regiment </p><p>Battle Honour "Kilimanjaro" xxii.48 </p><p>Museum xxii.18 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>The Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding) </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>33rd Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii. 82*, xxv.82* </p><p>76th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.83*, xxv.88*, 148 </p><p>3rd Battalion The Queen's Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.l10 </p><p>35th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.82* </p><p>The Royal Hampshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>Pagri Badge xxiv.46* </p><p>37th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21; xxiii.82*; xxv.83* </p><p>67th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.87* </p><p>23 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. The Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's) </p><p>Badges of the Regiment and its predecessors xxi. 105* </p><p>38th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>80th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.83*, xxv.88*, 144, 149 </p><p>South Staffordshire Regiment </p><p>Ker-Fox, Major J. C. (service in German Army) xxv.94* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.110 </p><p>64th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.86* </p><p>98th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>North Staffordshire Regiment </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 8th (Service) Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l2 </p><p>The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 6th Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>42ndFoot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.21, xxiii.82* </p><p>73rd Foot . </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>1st Battalion The Royal Green Jackets </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>43rd Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>52nd Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.85*, 148 </p><p>24 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Regimental Song xxii.88 </p><p>The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment (Berkshire and Wiltshire) </p><p>Badges xxiii.57 </p><p>Patch behind Cap Badge xxii.2 </p><p>49th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82 * </p><p>66th Foot </p><p>Badges - 3rd Battalion xxv.127* </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>Royal Berkshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111</p><p>Wiltshire Regiment </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii. III </p><p>The Royal Marines </p><p>Mixed Dress 1964 xxi. 104 * </p><p>Royal Marine Artillery </p><p>Badges</p><p>Grenade xxiv.173* </p><p>Pouch xxv.104*</p><p>Royal Marine Light Infantry </p><p>Miller, Bandmaster G. xxii.99* </p><p>2nd Battalion The Light Infantry </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.11 </p><p>51st Foot </p><p>Badge xxii.2 </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.82*, xxv.85*, 148 </p><p>3rd Battalion The Light Infantry </p><p>Bugle Horn Badges xxii.3 </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 1st/4th Battalion xxiv.75* </p><p>25 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.102* </p><p>New Army Ba ttalions xxii.111 </p><p>53rd Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.82* </p><p>85th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83*</p><p>4th Battalion The Queen's Regiment </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.5* </p><p>Mixed Dress, 4th Battalion 1907 xxi.98* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111 </p><p>57th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.22*, xxiii.82* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.91 </p><p>77th Foot </p><p>Grenadier Company Badge xxiv.173* </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>2nd Battalion The Royal Green Jackets </p><p>Badges</p><p>Belt Buckle xxv.125* </p><p>Buttons 1780-1800 xxv.86* </p><p>Shoulder Belt Plates xxv.Il8* </p><p>Mess Dress xxv.33 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.111</p><p>Regimental Song xxii.87 </p><p>The York and Lancaster Regiment </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.5* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>65th Foot </p><p>Buttons, early 19th Century xxiii.82*, xxv.86*, 148 </p><p>26 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 84th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.83*, xxv.88* </p><p>4th Battalion The Light Infantry </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l2 </p><p>68th Foot</p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxi.23; xxiii.83*; xxv.88* </p><p>The Queen's Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) </p><p>72nd Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>78th Foot</p><p>Lee, Surgeon J. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>McMaster, Assistant Surgeon V. M. (V.C.) xxi.5 </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Seaforth Highlanders </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.Il2 </p><p>79th Foot </p><p>Buttons 18th/19th Centuries xxiii.83*, xxv.88*, 148 </p><p>Cameron Highlanders </p><p>Colour given to IX Batta1ian, Egyptian Army xxi.14* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>The Gordon Highlanders </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>75th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 . xxiii.83* </p><p>92ndFoot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers </p><p>Badges - New Army Battalions xxv.5* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>27 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 83rd Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>86th Foot</p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>3rd Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.Il2 </p><p>87th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.57 </p><p>89th Foot</p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 12th (Service) Battalion xxiv.75 </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l2 </p><p>91st Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>93rd Foot</p><p>Buttons, early 19th Century xxiii,83*, xxv.89* </p><p>MacKenzie, Bandmaster J. xxiv.174 </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.88 </p><p>3rd Battalian The Royal Green Jackets </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.87, 89 </p><p>The Brigade of Gurkhas </p><p>Badges </p><p>Military Police xxiii.103*, xxiv.20 </p><p>Recruit 8th Battalion xxii.20* </p><p>Royal Corps of Transport </p><p>Badges</p><p>28 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Motor Traction xxiv.49* </p><p>Pagri xxiv.44* </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 688th Mechanised Transport Company xxiv.75 </p><p>Royal Army Medical Corps </p><p>Badges, Pagri xxiv.43* </p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 24th Field Ambulance xxiv.75 </p><p>Victoria Cross, awarded to:- </p><p>Ackroyd, Captain H. xxi.6 </p><p>AlIen, Captain W. B. xxi.6 </p><p>Babtie, Major W. xxi.5 </p><p>Chavasse, Captain N. G. xxi.4-6 </p><p>Douglas, Captain H. E. M. xxi.5 </p><p>Farmer, Lance-Corporal J. xxi.4</p><p>Green, Captain J. L. xxi.6 </p><p>Harden, Lance-Corporal H. E. xxi.6 </p><p>Inkson, Lieutenant E. T. xxi.5 </p><p>Le Quesne, Captain F. S. xxi.5 </p><p>Lloyd, Surgeon Major D. E. P. xxi.5 </p><p>Maling, Lieutenant G. A. xxi.6 </p><p>Nickerson, Lieutenant H. S. xxi.5 </p><p>Ranken, Captain H. S. xxi.6 </p><p>Reynolds, Surgeon Major J. H. xxi.5 </p><p>Russell, Captain J. F. xxi.6 </p><p>Royal Army Ordnance Corps </p><p>Badges, Pagri xxiv.44* </p><p>Royal Military Police </p><p>Badges and Buttons xxii.113*, xxiii.117 </p><p>Royal Army Veterinary Corps </p><p>Badge xxiii.107* </p><p>29 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. (b) DISBANDED REGIMENTS AND CORPS</p><p>72nd Foot (1 8th Century buttons) xxi.23*· </p><p>97th Foot (18th Century buttons) xxi.23* </p><p>119th Foot (button c. 1794) xxv.90*, 144 </p><p>African Corps, Royal (button 1804-21) xxv.90* </p><p>Army Remount Service (badge) xxiii. 107* </p><p>Banffshire Volunteers (button 1794-1802) xxv.90* </p><p>Carmarthenshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1794-1828 (history) xxii.67*, 121</p><p>Connaught Rangers </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.1l2 </p><p>88th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.89, 90 </p><p>94th Foot </p><p>Other rank's button c. 1850 xxiii.83* </p><p>Dales Volunteers, Loyal (6-pr guns) xxii.84 </p><p>Dublin Fusiliers, Royal </p><p>Mess Dress xxv.33 </p><p>Mixed Dress 1911 xxi.98* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.112 </p><p>Regimental Song xxii.90 </p><p>Shoulder Title xxiv.173*, xxv.147 </p><p>Dumfries Volunteers (Regimental Song) xxi.65 </p><p>Edinburgh Light Dragoons, Royal (Regimental Song) xxiii.53 </p><p>Edinburgh Volunteers, 2nd Royal (button) xxv.29*, 64 </p><p>Etrangers, Royal (buttons c. 1795) xxv.90* </p><p>Flintshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1797-1838 (history) xxv.l31* </p><p>Garrison Battalion, Royal (button) xxv.90* </p><p>Gurkha Military Police (badges) xxiii.103*, xxiv.20 </p><p>30 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Irish Artillery, Royal (buttons c. 1780) xxv.116* </p><p>Irish Regiment, Royal </p><p>Buttons c. 1800 xxv.82* </p><p>New Army Battalions xxii.109 </p><p>King's African Rifles (battle honour "Kilimanjaro") xxii.48 </p><p>King's German Legion (battle honours shared with Imperial German regiments) xxiii.97*, xxiv.19, 74, 143 </p><p>Leinster Regiment (New Army Battalions) xxii.112 </p><p>Liegois, Royal (button c. 1795) xxv.90* </p><p>Lowenstein, Chasseurs de (button c. 1795) xxv.90* </p><p>Lusitanian Legion, Loyal (history, dress, etc.) xxii.44*, 81* </p><p>Malta Regiment, King's Own (Colours) xxv.92* </p><p>Military Labourers (button) xxv.118* </p><p>Monmouth Yeomanry Cavalry, Loyal (history, dress, etc.) xxii.33* </p><p>Munster Fusiliers, Royal (New Army Battalions) xxii.112 </p><p>Norfolk Rangers (Regimental Song) xxiii.53 </p><p>Post Office Corps (badges) xxiv.46* </p><p>Ruge1ey Loyal Volunteers 1803-14 (history) xxiv.l35 </p><p>Salm-Kiburg Regiment (button c. 1795) xxv.90* </p><p>Swiss Corps in British Service 1794-1816 xxiv.106, xxv.27 </p><p>Transjordan Frontier Force (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Ulverston Volunteer Light Infantry (dress) xxii.12 </p><p>West India Regiments (buttons) xxiii.83*, xxv. 116* </p><p>Yarmouth Yeomanry Cavalry (Regimental Song) xxv.28 </p><p>York Rangers, Royal </p><p>Badges xxv. 127* </p><p>Buttons xxv.90* </p><p>(c) MILITIA Cornwall (Regimental Song) xxii.59 Denbigh (button 1800-20) xxv. 118*</p><p>1st Durham (Fusiliers) xxi.3 </p><p>Engineers (grenade badge) xxiv.173* </p><p>31 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Grenada</p><p>Button c. 1800 xxv.118* </p><p> shoulder belt plate c. 1800 xxv. 122* </p><p>Lancashire (button) xxv.29*, 64, 65 </p><p>Local Militia</p><p>Aberdeen (button) xxv.42*,118 </p><p>Carmarthen (Fusiliers-shoulder belt plate) xxii.26* </p><p>2nd Fifeshire (button) xxv.42* </p><p>Glamorgan (button) xxv.42*, 148 </p><p>Inverness (button) xxv.42* </p><p>Loughside (button) xxv.42* </p><p>1st East Perthshire xxv.42*,148 </p><p>1st Ross-shire (button) xxv.42* </p><p>West Yorkshire, Morley (button) xxv.42* </p><p>Unidentified button xxv.42* </p><p>1st and 2nd Staffordshire (badges) xxi.112* </p><p>2nd Sussex (cricket match 1855) xxiii.119 </p><p>6th West Yorkshire (badges) xxv.23* </p><p>(d) YEOMANRY</p><p>Ayrshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Berkshire</p><p> badge xxiii.107*, xxiv.182 </p><p> with Imperial Camel Brigade xxiv.18 </p><p>Buckinghamshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Cheshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Denbighshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Dorset (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Fife and Forfar</p><p> badge xxiii.107* </p><p>32 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. with Imperial Camel Brigade xxiv.18 </p><p>Kent, East (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Kent, West (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Lanarkshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Lincolnshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv. 18 </p><p>London, City of (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>London, 3rd County of (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Montgomeryshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Riding, East (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Scottish Horse (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Shropshire (with Imperial Camel Brigade) xxiv.18 </p><p>Staffordshire</p><p> badges xxi.115 </p><p> with Imperial Camel Brigade xxiv.18 </p><p>Suffolk (badge) xxiv.105 </p><p>Westminster Dragoons</p><p> history xxiv.1* </p><p> with Imperial Camel Brigade xxiv.18 </p><p>(e) VOLUNTEERS FROM 1859</p><p>Cinque Ports (badges) xxii.4* </p><p>Fife Rifle Volunteers (bonnet badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>1st V.B. Royal Lancaster Regiment (badges) xxi.13* </p><p>10th Lancashire Rifle Volunteer Corps (badges) xxi.13* </p><p>80th (later 19th) Lancashire Rifle Volunteers (grenade badge) xxv.27 </p><p>Liverpool Rifle Volunteers 1859</p><p>Liverpool Scottish xxii.78* </p><p>Liverpool Welsh xxiv.139* </p><p>3rd Middlesex Artillery Volunteers (grenade badge) xxiv.173* </p><p>24th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers (badges) xxiv.46* </p><p>33 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Motor Volunteer Corps (badges) xxiv.49*, 143 </p><p>4th Tower Hamlets Rifle Volunteers (presentation bugle) xxv.146* </p><p>Staffordshire Volunteers (badges) xxi.1l5* </p><p>(f) TERRITORIAL FORCE / ARMY / VOLUNTEER RESERVE</p><p>6th Black Watch (award of Croix de Guerre) xxiv.75 </p><p>Honourable Artillery Company</p><p> cap badge and waist belt clasp xxv.104* </p><p> grenade badges xxiv.173* </p><p>4th and 5th King's Own (badges) xxii.l3* </p><p>1st/4th King's Shropshire Light Infantry (award of Croix de Guerre) xxiv.75* </p><p>Royal Army Medical Corps (award of Croix de Guerre to 24th Field Ambulance) xxiv.75 </p><p>Royal Artillery</p><p> grenade badges xxiv.173* </p><p> unofficial badges xxi.l21 </p><p>Royal Engineers</p><p>Croix de Guerre, award to 350th Field Squadron xxiv.79 </p><p> grenade badges xxiv.l73* </p><p>Suffolk Regiment (cap badge) xxiii.24 </p><p>Voluntary Aid Detachments (badges) xxiv.50* </p><p>Ulster Defence Regiment (badges) xxi.l25, xxiii. 14* </p><p>8th West Yorkshire Regiment (award of Croix de Guerre) xxiv.75 </p><p>(g) CADET CORPS</p><p>Newcastle upon Tyne Grammar School O.T.C. (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Portsmouth Grammar School (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Wolverhampton Grammar School OT.C. (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>(h) OVERSEAS REGIMENTS AND CORPS</p><p>Australia </p><p>Artillery-badges xxii.17* </p><p> shoulder titles xxii.43* </p><p>34 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 45th Battalion (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Concentration Camp Guards 1914-18 xxv.61* </p><p>Imperial Camel Brigade (Australian units in) xxiv.l5* </p><p>10th Light Horse (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>16th Light Horse (badge) xxiii. 107* </p><p>Mesopotamia Half Flight 1915 (genesis of Australian and New Zealand Air Forces) xxiv.128* </p><p>N.S.W. Medical Corps (V.C. to Captain N. R. Howse) xxi.6 </p><p>Queensland Regiment, 51st Battalion The Royal (raising, badges, etc.) xxii.71* </p><p>St. George's English Rifle Regiment (badge) xxiii.l07* </p><p>St. George's Rifle Volunteers (badge) xxiii. 1 07* </p><p>South Australia Regiment, 27th Battalion The Royal (history, badges, etc.) xxiii.18* </p><p>South Australian Artillery (badges) xxi.83*, xxv.127* </p><p>Volunteer Defence Corps 1940-45 (badges, dress, etc.) xxiii.69 </p><p>Burma Regiment (history) xxiii.108 </p><p>Canada </p><p>19th Alberta Mounted Rifles (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>1st Hussars (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>4th Hussars (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>14th Light Horse (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>27th Light Horse (collar badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Medical Corps / Service, Army </p><p>Hutcheson, Captain B. S. (V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Scrimager, Captain F. A. C. (V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>North American Air Defense Command (badges) xxiii.44* </p><p>22nd Saskatchewan Light Horse (badge) xxiii. 107* </p><p>Sherbrooke Regiment (badge) xxiii. 1 07* </p><p>Carribean Regiment (2nd World War Service) xxi.37 </p><p>Indian Sub-Continent </p><p>A1war State Forces (badges) xxiv.58* </p><p>35 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Army Remount Depot (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Bahawalpur State Forces (badges) xxiv.58* </p><p>Benares State Forces (badges) xxiv.59* </p><p>Bengal </p><p>Artillery 1840-1858 (organisation, etc.) xxv.59 </p><p>6th Cavalry (uniform c. 1875) xxv.19* </p><p>6th Irregular Cavalry (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>8th Light Cavalry (shako c. 1835) xxv.20* </p><p>12th Native Infantry (badge) xxi.2* </p><p>27th Mountain Battery (battle honour "Kilimanjaro") xxii.48 </p><p>Bharatpur State Forces (badges) xxiv.59* </p><p>Bhavnagar State Forces (badges) xxiv.59* </p><p>Bhopal State Forces (badges) xxiv.59* </p><p>Bikaner State Forces (badges) xxiv.59* </p><p>Chamba State Forces (badges) xxiv.60* </p><p>Faridkot State Forces (badges) xxiv.60* </p><p>Gwalior State Forces (badges) xxiv.60* </p><p>Hyderabad State Forces (badges) xxiv.60* </p><p>Idar State Forces (badges) xxiv.62* </p><p>Imperial Military Railways (badge) xxiii.118 </p><p>Indore State Forces (badges) xxiv.62* </p><p>Jaipur State Forces (badges) xxiv.62* </p><p>Jodhpur State Forces </p><p>Badges xxiv.64* </p><p>Lancers (waist belt plate) xxiv.145*, 176; xxv.25 </p><p>Junagadh State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Kairpur State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Kashmir State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Kotah State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>36 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. 28th Lahore Mountain Battery (battle honour "Kilimanjaro") xxi.48 </p><p>Madras </p><p>6th Light Cavalry (uniform c. 1850) xxv.18* </p><p>Native Cavalry (uniform c. 1780) xxv.17* </p><p>27th Native Infantry (fruit dish) xxi.88* </p><p>38th NatIve Infantry (dinner plate) xxiv.113*, xxv.27</p><p>MalerkotIa State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Medical Establishment / Service </p><p>Andrews, Captain H. J. (V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Fitzgibbon, Hospital Apprentice A. (V.C.) xxi.4 </p><p>Sinton, Captain J. A. (V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Whitchurch, Surgeon Captain H. F. (V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Mewar State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Mudhol State Forces (badges) xxiv.66* </p><p>Mysore State Forces (badges) xxiv.67* </p><p>Nabha State Forces (badges) xxiv.67* </p><p>Palanpur State Forces (badges) xxiv.67* </p><p>PatialaState Forces (badges) xxiv.67* </p><p>Police (button) xxiv.176* , xxv.26, 67 </p><p>Prince of Wales's Camp (pagri badge) xxiv.44*,142 </p><p>Rampur State Forces (badges) xxiv.70* </p><p>Sirmoor State Forces (badges) xxiv.*70 </p><p>Suket State Forces (badges) xxiv.70* </p><p>Tehri-Garhwal State Forces (badges) xxiv.70* </p><p>Travancore State Forces (badges) xxiv.70* </p><p>Tripura State Forces (badges) xxiv.70* </p><p>United Provinces Light Horse (badge) xxiii. 107* </p><p>Jamaica Regiment (Colours) xxi.37 </p><p>Malacca Volunteer Corps (badge) xxi.84* </p><p>37 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Malay States Guides (pagri badge) xxi.84* </p><p>Malay States Volunteer Rifles (badge) xxi.86* </p><p>Malta Land Force (organisation, uniform, etc.) xxi.73*</p><p>New Zealand </p><p>Artillery (history, badges, uniform) xxi.43* </p><p>Cyclist Battalion (presentation of fanion to) xxiv.117</p><p>Imperial Camel Brigade (N.Z. units in) xxiv.15* </p><p>Infantry (notes on) xxiii.75 </p><p>Mesopotamia Half Flight (genesis of Australian and New Zealand Air Forces) xxiv.128* </p><p>29th Mounted Rifles (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>Rifle Brigade (history, badges) xxii.6*, 49 </p><p>Thames Scottish Volunteers xxiv.179*, xxv.26 </p><p>Penang Volunteers (badge) xxi.84* </p><p>South Africa </p><p>Cape Mounted Rifles (Surgeon Major E. B. Hartley, V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Cape Mounted Yeomanry (Surgeon J. F. McCrea, V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Cape Mounted Rifles (Surgeon Major E. B. Hartley, V.C.) xxi.6 </p><p>Veterinary Corps (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>1st Volunteer Transport Corps (badge) xxiii.107* </p><p>South Pacific Scouts (in 2nd World War) xxiii.49 </p><p>West India Regiment </p><p>Buttons xxiii.83*, xxv.116* </p><p>Colours and Uniform xxi.33* </p><p>(i) NAVAL, AIR FORCE, POLICE AND FOREIGN</p><p>XI Battalion, Egyptian Army (additional Colour) xxi.14* </p><p>French Artillery (badge) xxv.124* </p><p>French Canadian Pontifical Zouaves xxiii.70*, xxiv.18, 104 </p><p>Italy (badges of Caribinieri and 21st Regiment) xxv.98*, 99*, 145 </p><p>North American Air Defense Command (badges) xxiii.44 * </p><p>38 MHS Bulletin Index 5: XXI-XXV / 81-100, 1970-1975. Royal Navy </p><p>Buttons xxv.l16* </p><p>Croix de Guerre (award to H.M.S. Tarana, 1942) xxiv.79 </p><p>Daniel, Midshipman E. St. J., V.C. xxi.39*, xxiii.25* </p><p>Division (breast badge) xxv.l44 </p><p>Maillard, Surgeon W. J., V.C. xxi.6 </p><p>Naval General Service Medal xxii.52,83 </p><p>South African Republics (artillery regiments) xxiii.33* </p><p>South East Asia (badges from) xxi.84 * </p><p>Ulster Constabulary, Royal (badges and buttons) xxv.50* </p><p>United States (badge of 3rd Armored Cavalry) xxiv.145*,178; xxv.64</p><p>39</p>

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