<p> SkillsUSA Texas District 9</p><p>To: SkillsUSA Texas District 9 Advisors From: Mike Hedger, District Director Date: October 27, 2014 Subject: CONTEST INFORMATION</p><p>Advisors you are responsible for reading and understanding the information in this packet. There are some changes to the information from last year so please read all of the info. I will try to have the new things highlighted but please read everything. </p><p>The District 9 Skills and Leadership Contest will be held on February 6-7, 2015. The opening ceremonies will be held at 9:00am at San Jacinto College Central 8060 Spencer Hwy Pasadena, TX 77505. Saturday’s leadership contests will start at 9:00 AM with the second session and contests immediately starting at its conclusion. </p><p>Individual contestants attending contest - $25.00 each. Student projects without student - $15.00 each. Registration deadline will be January 20, 2015. There will be a $5.00 late fee for each contestant registered after January 22, 2015. There will be no registration money accepted at the contest. All registration money must be received by January 27, 2015 and mailed to Janet at the state office. Make sure your chapter number as well as District 9 is on the invoice you send with the check. </p><p>This year many of the skills contests are being run concurrently on Friday so make sure if you are in two contests at the same time that you check in with one before starting the second. </p><p>You must register on-line. If you do not register on-line I have to enter it myself. There is a charge of $25.00 plus $5.00 for each student if I have to enter your information. There is a link on the registration once you have logged in for you to click and go to your district web page for more information. Passwords have all been defaulted to success. You must add yourselves as an attendee this year. Keep in mind that you can go in and modify your entries as often as you want as long as you DO NOT Finalize. Once you hit the submit button you will not be able to get back to it. So you can enter your students early so all the information is there for me. Make adjustments as needed and then hit the submit button a day or two before it is due. Officer candidate’s guide lines will be posted on the Texas Skills USA web page. It outlines candidate qualifications and other details so that they will know what is expected of them.</p><p>Advisor Check List for District Contest 1. All contestants must be properly registered and all registration fees paid before the District Contest. 2. I will check to see if you have all of your students registered for their perspective contests. It is a difficult process to change a student to another contest on the day of so please make sure you have all of your competitors in the correct contest before submitting. The advisor must be a paid professional member of SkillsUSA for his or her students to participate at both district and state. 3. All contestants must be paid members for the 2014-2015 school year before the system will let you put them in a contest. 4. All skill contest chairpersons will be named at the Instructors meeting on 1/20 at San Jac Central or before contests. 5. We need officer candidates! Please get involved in SkillsUSA and run a student for a district Office. 6. STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONTEST DRESS REQUIREMENTS: State and National contest require a red SkillsUSA jacket; we do not enforce the jacket requirement at district. But all students WILL be in business attire. 7. Contestants who do not conform to the minimum dress requirements will be given point deductions in all leadership contests. 8. Skill contestant’s dress will be expected to be appropriate for the trade or skill being performed. 9. Please send all nominations for SkillsUSA Advisor of the year with your registration for District Contest. 10. All Contestants MUST have a resume for each contest they enter. Bring extras copies for use in competitions. 11. Welding must be in official Dress at the State Contest. Check out the Texas Skills site for the specifics. They have made some changes over the last two years. 12. If a student or advisor is not present during the awards ceremony to receive the award it will be the advisors responsibility to pick up the awards from the district director. Awards will not be mailed or shipped. 13. Students will not be able to compete in more than two contests per day. The only exception will be if a student has a project or notebook and wants to compete in leadership or skills as well. </p><p>If I can be of further assistance, please call me during school hours or email me. Emailing is the preferred method of communication. You will get a faster response. </p><p>E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>Please look over the information below on contest chairs to make sure I have no mistakes. If you would like to chair a contest please let me know and I will be glad to get the extra help. If a contest is highlighted we do not have a contest chair District 9 Leadership and Skills Contest San Jacinto College Central Friday February 6, 2015</p><p>Immediately After the Opening Ceremonies</p><p>Occupationally Related Contests Contest Chairperson School Phone Related Technical Math Frank Steele Clear Springs HS </p><p>Leadership Leadership Chairperson School Phone Quiz Bowl Beverly Sanders Lamar 713.409.7058 Automotive Quiz Bowl David Castillo San Jacinto College Cosmetology Quiz Bowl Dana Belt San Jacinto College 281-748-9120 Criminal Justice Quiz Bowl Fred Guess Lamar 832.747.8536 Culinary Arts Quiz Bowl Kathleen Roussel Clear Springs HS 281-284-1300</p><p>Starting at 9:30 AM</p><p>Skills Contest Chairperson School Phone Architectural Drafting Lindsay Owens Texas City HS 409-621-6002 Automotive Service Tech David Castillo San Jacinto College Carpentry Michael Ramon Terry High School 281.384.5793 Collision Repair Tech (off site) Charlie Ruhl Clear Lake Body </p><p>Cosmetology Dana Belt San Jacinto College 281-748-9120 Commercial Baking Kathleen Roussel Clear Springs Computer Maintenance ????????? Criminal Justice Fred Guess Lamar 832.747.8536 Culinary Arts Kathleen Roussel Clear Springs Electronics ?????????? Entrepreneurship Marc Daniels Angleton H.S. 409.599.8853 Esthetics Dana Belt San Jac South 281-748-9120 Food and Beverage service Kathleen Roussel Clear Springs Firefighting Men’s Haircutting Dana Belt San Jacinto College 281-748-9120 Mobile Electronic Instillation Mike Hedger Clear Springs HS 281-284-1448 Motorcycle John Larson Pearland HS Precision Machining Eli Juarez 832.344.6272 Power Mechanics Mark Friedl Hallettsville High School 361.798.3241 Nail Art Dana Belt San Jacinto College 281-748-9120 Nail Care Dana Belt San Jacinto College 281-748-9120 Networking News Anchor/AV contests Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS 281-546-9830 OSHA Surveying Michael Ramon Terry High School 281-902-9762 Technical Drafting Lindsay Owens Texas City HS 409-621-6002 Web Page Thomas Gorse Pearland H.S 281.997.3257 Welding Shawn Trader Texas City HS 832.457.0648 Welding Fab Team Shawn Trader Texas City HS 832.457.0648</p><p>District 9 Leadership and Skills Contest San Jacinto College Central Friday February 6, 2015</p><p>Skills contest in Exhibit Hall Skills Contest Chairperson School Phone Chapter Display Freddie Archie Angleton H.S. Promotional Bulletin Board Freddie Archie Angleton H.S. Texas State Pin Design Texas T-shirt Contest</p><p>Occupationally Related Contests Contest Chairperson School Phone First Aid / CPR Sandy Cravens Tech Ed. Center 281.634.5677</p><p>Exhibits Exhibits Chairperson School Phone Exhibit Hall Chairman – Auto Lab Exhibit Hall Chairman – Gym Automotive Mark Friedl Hallettsville ISD 361-798-2242 ext. 365 Air-Cooled Gasoline Engine Mark Friedl Hallettsville Carpentry Michael Ramon Terry High School 281-902-9762 Collision Repair Tech Cosmetology Drafting Lindsay Owens Texas City HS 409-621-6002 Notebooks Portfolios Welding Shawn Trader Texas City HS 832.457.0648 General Contest Best of Show Mark Friedl Hallettsville ISD 361-798-2242 ext. 365 District 9 Leadership and Skills Contest San Jacinto College Central Saturday February 7, 2015</p><p>Skills contest in Exhibit Hall Skills Contest Chairperson School Phone. Community Service Project Entrepreneurship OSHA Tech Prep Showcase</p><p>Skills contest Customer Service Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS 281-546-9830</p><p>Leadership Leadership Chairperson School Phone Action Skills John Larson Pearland HS Emblem Ceremony Gary Lucas Tech Ed. Center 281.634.5673 Extemporaneous Speaking Job Interview Meredith Wise Friendswood HS 713-824-3216 Job Skill Demonstration A & Open John Larson Pearland HS Opening and Closing Ceremony Gary Lucas Tech Ed. Center 281.634.5686 Prepared Speech Officer Advisor Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS </p><p>Grievance Resolution Committee</p><p>Al Taglialavore Fred Guess Shawn Trader (Chair) Gary Lucas District 9 Leadership and Skills Contest San Jacinto College Central Saturday February 7, 2015</p><p>Skills contest in Exhibit Hall Skills Contest Chairperson School Phone. Community Service Project Entrepreneurship OSHA Tech Prep Showcase</p><p>Skills contest Customer Service Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS</p><p>Leadership Leadership Chairperson School Phone Action Skills John Larson Pearland HS Emblem Ceremony Gary Lucas Tech Ed. Center 281.634.5673 Extemporaneous Speaking Job Interview Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS Job Skill Demonstration A & Open John Larson Pearland HS Opening and Closing Ceremony Gary Lucas Tech Ed. Center 281.634.5686 Prepared Speech Officer Advisor Al Taglialavore Friendswood HS </p><p>Grievance Resolution Committee</p><p>Al Tag Fred Guess Shawn Trader (Chair) Gary Lucas San Jacinto College central District IX 2015 SkillsUSA Agenda</p><p>Friday, February 6, 2015:</p><p>Building #12 – Slocomb Auditorium: Opening Session: 9:00 am - 10:00 am</p><p>Building #14 – W.M. Newton Student Center: District XI Headquarters – (C14.210) All Day Officer Selection (C14.210) 8:30 am – 3:00 pm</p><p> All Concessions will be sold in this building: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Arcade All Day (8 am – 4 pm)</p><p>Building #1 – Interactive Learning Center: Related Technical Math (Friday Only) (C1.130) 10:00 am – 4:00 pm</p><p>Building #15 – Davison Technical Building: Cosmetology Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson Criminal Justice Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson</p><p>Building #17 – Jack W. Anderson: Drafting Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson</p><p>Building #18 – Francis G. Anders Physical Education Bldg. (Auxiliary Gym): Project Display Hall (All Small Projects) (All Large Projects will be in the Automotive lab/yard in at Bldg. #26) 8:00 am – 4:00 pm</p><p>Building #26 – Transportation Center: Automotive Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson</p><p>Building #30 – Non-Destructive Testing (Outside Atrium): Carpentry Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson</p><p>Building #32 – Welding and CTD: Welding Contests Start time as determined by Contest Chairperson</p><p>Saturday, February 7, 2015:</p><p>Building #12 – Slocomb Auditorium: Awards Ceremony: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm House of Delegates 10:00am-12:00pm</p><p>Building #14 – W.M. Newton Student Center: District IX Headquarters – (C14.210) All Day Holding Room for Leadership Contests (First Floor) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm</p><p>Building #3 – Gilbert C. McCollum Administration Bldg: Job Interview Contest (Rm. C3.249) 9:15 am – 2:00 pm Customer Service (Rm. C3.250) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm</p><p>Building #18 – Francis G. Anders Physical Education Bldg. (Auxiliary Gym): Project Display Hall 9:15 am – 11:00 am</p><p>Building #1 – Advanced Interactive Learning Center (See Map for Details): Holding Room (C1.125) (Quiz Bowl – Cosmetology, Criminal Justice and General Quiz Bowl) Quiz Bowl (C1.102) 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Automotive Quiz Bowl (C1.102) 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Criminal Justice Quiz Bowl (C1.102) Upon Completion of Cosmetology Quiz Bowl Cosmetology Quiz Bowl (C1.102) Upon Completion of Criminal Justice Quiz Bowl Action Skills (C1.151) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Job Skills (C1.151) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Open Job Skills (C1.151) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Extemporaneous Speaking (C1.150) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Prepared Speech (C1.150) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm</p><p> Chapter Business Procedures (C1.230) 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Opening & Closing Sessions (C1.230) 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Advisor Liability Form One per Advisor</p><p>I, ______, am a professional educator and SkillsUSA Advisor. As such, I pledge that my students will represent themselves, their school, trade industrial education, and SkillsUSA in the best manner possible. To that end, I will set an example in courtesy, sportsmanship and grooming. I will supervise my students to assure that their behavior and grooming meets professional business standards.</p><p>I understand and accept responsibility for all my student attendees and realize that all violations will be addressed! I do understand a Zero Tolerance Policy will be enforced during all Texas SkillsUSA events.</p><p>Further, I pledge that any student for whom I am responsible that receives an award at the SkillsUSA conference will be dressed in SkillsUSA uniform, business attire or dress clothes. They will appear in a neat and clean posture.</p><p>______Advisor’s Signature Administrator’ Signature San Jacinto College Expectations for Governing use of a Facility By Off – Campus Groups</p><p>1. The use of San Jacinto College facilities shall require the specific written approval of the College(s) being used. Use permits shall be issued only after receipt of a building use request application signed by the appropriate personnel on that campus. 2. Use permits shall be issued for specified hours and dates and the using organization shall not arrive before the time authorized and shall leave the school premises at the permit expiration time. Only the specific portions of the building outlined in the build request form may be used. 3. Keys to the school buildings shall be assigned only to employees of the school, and buildings shall be opened only by such employees. Contact the custodial staff for assistance. 4. Smoking is prohibited on any portion of San Jacinto College property. Possession, drinking, or being under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. 5. Youth or children’s groups shall be supervised by responsible adults provided by the sponsoring organization at all times. 6. School furniture, apparatus, and/or equipment shall not be removed, altered, or displayed, without permission from the area coordinator. 7. Materials used for decorations shall be flameproof. Decorations must be removed and the facility left in the same condition as before the event. 8. Organizations using the buildings shall safeguard and care for the facilities and assume responsibility for payment of any damages resulting from their use of the facilities. 9. Authorization is given for entrance to specific areas only and use of specific facilities only, within a building. 10. Permits for use of any school facilities may be revoked when the use interferes with regular school use, when facilities are misused, or when the foregoing rules are violated. 11. An officer of the organization using the school’s facilities must have the permit on file with the school before using the facility. SkillsUSA Texas District 9</p><p>NOMINATION FORM *** SkillsUSA-VICA DISTRICT OFFICER CANDIDATE</p><p>Name ______Office ______School and City ______Chapter name & Number ______Home Address ______Phone # ______(Complete by writing “Yes” or “No” before each statement.)</p><p>_____ 1. I will be able to attend the one week Leadership Development Conference for District and State Officers. (You or your chapter pays transportation and registration fee.)</p><p>_____ 2. I will be able to attend the Fall SkillsUSA District Meeting, Spring Contest Meeting, and State SkillsUSA meeting. (These meetings are at your own expense or your club’s expense.)</p><p>_____ 3. I will be present early for each meeting to help get the stage set up and organized to begin the meeting on time.</p><p>_____ 4. I have made a study of parliamentary procedure and other officer qualifications and of the Constitution and By-Laws.</p><p>_____ 5. I am able to quote the motto and the pledge from memory.</p><p>_____ 6. I agree to forfeit my office, if elected, in case I am unable to attend the SkillsUSA Leadership Development Conference.</p><p>_____ 7. I will be able to attend the National SkillsUSA Convention, approximately one week this summer.</p><p>_____ 8. I agree to notify the District Advisor if I am unable to attend any meetings or conferences.</p><p>______Signature of candidate pledging to fulfill commitments of this office. Date</p><p>Advisor Responsibilities: Accompany officer to summer leadership camp. Assist other advisors with the officer training. Retrieve and return officer pin to district advisor should your student be unable to fulfill the duties of their office.</p><p>Signature of Advisor ______On a separate sheet of paper in 100 words, describe your SkillsUSA activities, what you can contribute to SkillsUSA and why you would like to become a SkillsUSA District IX officer.</p><p>Bring this form with you to the contest. SkillsUSA Texas Personal disqualify their local chapter from participating in Violations and Penalties the before noted event. I agree that if, for any reason, I am in violation of Liability and Medical Release any of the rules of the conference, I may be District Nine Contests Code of Conduct Agreement brought before the appropriate disciplinary committee for an analysis of the violation. I also Event Name This event is designed to be educational functions, and all plans are made with that agree to accept the penalty imposed on me. I objective. SkillsUSA Texas wants every person understand that any penalty and reasons for it February 6-7, 2015 to have an enjoyable experience with every will be explained to me before it is carried out. I Location attention paid to safety and comfort. All further realize that the severity of the penalty may increase with the severity of the violation, San Jacinto College Central 8060 Spencer participants will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner best representing the even to the extent of being immediately sent Hwy Pasadena, TX 77505, TX nation’s greatest student organization. In order home at my own expense. Dates that everyone may receive the maximum benefits 1. Violations of Items 1 through 6 of the “Code of I hereby agree to release SkillsUSA Texas from participation, the “Code of Conduct,” as Conduct” will be grounds for immediate Association Inc., its representatives, agents, established by SkillsUSA’s Texas board of removal from office and relinquishment of servants and employees from liability for any directors, must be followed at all times. Note that awards and recognition. In addition, the violator injury to the named person, resulting from any attendance is not mandatory. By voluntarily will be sent home at his or her own expense. cause whatsoever occurring to the named participating, you agree to follow the official event Notification of the violation and the action taken person at any time while attending the above rules and regulations or forfeit your personal will be sent to the participant’s school district noted event. Including travel to and from the rights to participate. SkillsUSA is proud of its and parents or guardians. The participants event, excepting only such injury or damage students and knows that by signing this “Code of from the participant’s school could be resulting from willful acts of representatives, Conduct” you are simply reaffirming your disqualified as well. agents, servants and employees. I voluntarily dedication to be the best possible representative 2. Violations of Items 7 through 12 will result in a assume all risk and danger relating to the event, of your state. warning and reprimand. Notification of the whether occurring prior to, during or after the 1.I will, at all times, respect all public and violation and the action taken will be sent to the event. I do voluntarily authorize the SkillsUSA private property, including the hotel/ motel participant’s school and parents or guardians. Texas representative of medical services in which I am housed. Repeated violations of Items 7 through 12 may coordinator, assistants and/or designees to 2.I will spend each night in the room of the result in the participant being sent home at administer and/or obtain routine or emergency hotel/motel to which I am assigned. his/her own expense. It is within the spirit of diagnostic procedures and/or routine or 3.I will strictly abide by the curfew being a proud and meaningful member of emergency medical treatment for the named established and shall respect the rights of SkillsUSA that I agree to these rules of conduct person as deemed necessary in medical others by being as quiet as possible after by signing my name on this page. judgment. Parents/guardians of participant will curfew. Photography & Sound Release allow emergency medical treatment to be 4.I will not enter in the sleeping room of the By my attendance at the event noted, I hereby administered as needed. Any further treatment opposite gender unless my advisor is grant the SkillsUSA Texas Association will require parental/guardian consultation. I present and the door is completely open at permission to make still or motion pictures and agree to indemnify and hold harmless all times. sound recordings, separately or in combination, ______5.I will not use alcoholic beverages. and also give a production company approved by and said medical services coordinator and/or 6.I will not use drugs unless I have been the SkillsUSA Texas Association permission to assistants and designees for any and all claims, ordered to take certain prescription use the finished silent or sound pictures, and/or demands, actions, rights of action, and/or medications by a licensed physician. If I am sound recordings as deemed necessary. Further, judgments by or on behalf of the named person required to take medication, I will, at all I so hereby relinquish to the SkillsUSA Texas arising from or on account of said procedures times, have the orders of the physician on Association all rights, title, interest in, and income and/or treatment rendered in good faith and my person. from the finished sound or silent motion pictures, according to accepted medical standards. 7.My conduct shall be exemplary at all times. still pictures, and/or sound recordings, negatives, Having read and understood completely the 8.I will keep my advisor informed of my prints, reproductions and copies of the originals, “Code of Conduct” of SkillsUSA Texas whereabouts at all times. negatives, recording duplicates and prints, and Association Inc., I do hereby agree to follow the 9.I will, when required, wear my official further grant the SkillsUSA Texas Association the procedures and practices described. I fully identification badge. right to give, sell, transfer and/or exhibit the same understand that this is an educational activity and 10. I will respect official SkillsUSA attire to any individual, business firm, publication, will, to the best of my ability, apply myself for the by not using any tobacco product while in television station, radio station or network, or purpose of learning and will uphold at all times official dress. governmental agency, or to any of their the finest qualities of a person representing 11. I will attend, and be on time for, all assignees, without payment or other SkillsUSA. general sessions and activities registered. consideration to me. My agreement to perform NOTE: All persons under legal age must have a 12. I will adhere to the dress code at all under camera, lighting and stated conditions is parent or guardian sign this form. If you are age required times. voluntary, and I do hereby waive all personal 18 or older, please indicate that on other side of claims, causes of action, or damages against the this form. Otherwise, this form will be returned for SkillsUSA national headquarters and the parent/guardian approval. All participants must employees thereof, arising from a performance check this form. PARTICIPANTS: Be sure you or appearance. understand the “Code of Conduct.” Any persons violating these rules may be sent home at their Audio- or videotaping of conference speakers is own expense, may cause other contestants from not permitted their chapter to be sent home, or may otherwise I have read and completely understand the Personal Liability and Medical Release Form, the Code of Conduct, and Photography and Sound Release agreements, and, by signing this document, I do hereby agree to abide by these in their entirety, accept the conditions of the agreements, and completely release SkillsUSA’s national and state associations. Parent or Guardian required if participant is under 18 years of age. </p><p>Participant Signature ______Date ______</p><p>Parents or Guardian Signature ______Date ______This form should be presented to your district director at the time of registration. You should have a copy with you at all time. SkillsUSA Texas Medical Information One Per Student Event Name ______</p><p>Date ______Location ______</p><p>Name: Birth date Social Security Number </p><p>School Home Phone Number </p><p>School Address Home Address </p><p>City, State, Zip Home City, State Zip</p><p>Travel Arrangements: Arrival: Return</p><p>Parents Name/Guardian Parents Phone Number</p><p>Emergency Contact Family Physician:</p><p>Emergency Contact Address Physician’s Phone #</p><p>City, State, Zip Code Do you have any known allergies: If yes please list:</p><p>Name of Person Responsible for Your Medical Bills (Guarantor) </p><p>Guarantor’s Social Security Number Do you have history of allergies, heart condition, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic fever other existing medical conditions? If yes: please explain: Guarantor’s Employer </p><p>Employer’s Telephone Number </p><p>Employer’s address Are you taking medication? If yes please explain:</p><p>City, State, Zip Code </p><p>Insurance Company Do you have any physical restrictions? If yes please explain</p><p>Insurance Company’s Address </p><p>City, State, Zip</p><p>Insurance Plan Number When did you last have a tetanus shot?</p><p>Insurance Group Number</p><p>If you do not have any medical insurance, sign here Insured ID Number Signature Date </p>
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