<p> May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p> http://eprocesses.st.northgrum.com/PA/SPSC/Golf/</p><p>2008 Board of Directors President Bruce Barwick O1/1170E X41582 VP Handicaps David Pisarski R11/1032 X39915 VP Tournaments Dave Patag M3/2143 X39251 Asst VP Tournaments Brian Mc Gee M3/2223 X32346 VP Leagues Kathy Broten (310) 371-7108 Treasurer Linda Oliver DH4/1622AS (310) 764-6476 Secretary Janet Hedderich (310) 644-3886 Director at Large John Waypa (310) 541-7936 The SPSC Golf Club Newsletter will be sent by e-mail to all internal and external members. If any external members would not like the newsletter by e-mail, please call John Waypa at 310-541-7936 or e-mail to: [email protected] In this issue tournament sign-ups for: Sign up date: Los Serranos South May 12 El Dorado June 2 Marshallia Ranch June 2 La Purisima June 2 * * * * Contents * * * * SPGC Golf Club News SCGA Current Index Report and Statistical Report for May 2008 2008 Tournament of Champions Point Totals Tournament Results 2008/9 Tournament Schedule Tournament Sign-up Forms 2008 Membership Application Form May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>Space Park Golf Club News</p><p> 2008 Tournament Hosts Needed: Tournament hosts are needed for the following 2008 tournaments. The host is compensated $50 toward his tournament fees for hosting the tournament. If you are interested in being a host, please contact Dave Patag at x39251. o Brookside 9 August 2008 o Mountain Meadows 25 October 2008 </p><p> 2009 Tournament Hosts Needed: Tournament hosts are needed for the following 2009 tournaments. The host is compensated $50 toward his tournament fees for hosting the tournament. If you are interested in being a host, please contact Brian Mc Gee at x32346. o Whittier Narrows 24 January 2009 o LA Royal Vista 21 February 2009 o Rio Hondo 21 March 2009 o Green River (Riverside) 18 April 2009 o Lakewood 30 May 2009 o Dos Lagos 13 June 2009 o SCGA 8 August 2009</p><p> Tournament Scorecards: As a courtesy to your tournament host, please keep an official scorecard for submission. As a minimum, LAST names of players shall be entered on the card. First names or initials are required where two players with the same last name may be competing. Your official scorecard should not include information about number of putts or side pots. Please remember to sign and attest your official scorecard before submission.</p><p> SPGC Chit Expiration: Just a reminder that SPGC chits with an expiration of 12/31/07 or earlier are no longer being accepted for redemption by the Space Park Golf Club.</p><p> SPGC Internal Website: The internal website can be accessed at http://eprocesses.st.northgrum.com/PA/SPSC/Golf/ Contents of the site include the 2007 Tournament Schedule and TOC Points List, tournament golf course scorecards and driving instructions, how to host a tournament, league information, tournament results, and membership information. May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>SPACE PARK GOLF CLUB - SZ35 CLUB STATISTICAL ANALYSIS May 1st, 2008</p><p>MEMBER COUNTS MULTI MEMBERS</p><p>REGULAR 143 JUNIOR 0 COMPLINTRY 0 TOTAL 143 YOUR ASSN 27 OTHER ASSN 12</p><p>NUMBER OF ROUNDS PLAYED </p><p>HOME-18 27 AWAY-18 278 HOME-9 0 AWAY-9 9 TOTAL 314</p><p>NUMBER OF CLUB MEMBERS HAVING PLAYED DURING MONTH 98 AVERAGE 18 HOLE INDEX IS 18.7 AVERAGE 9 HOLE INDEX IS 8.3 CLUB DISTRIBUTION OF 18 HOLE INDEXES (EXAMPLE. BUCKED *12* HAS INDEXES FROM 11.5 THRU 12.43) NONE +3-+1 -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- 11 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 5 6 5 5 4 1 3 6 2 6 6 2 7 9 9 -21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- -31- -32- -33- -34- -35- -36- -37- -38- -39- -40- 4 5 6 8 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 0 3 4 0 0 1 1</p><p>MOST IMPROVED 18 HOLE GOLFERS THIS MONTH BEST 18 HOLE IMPROVEMENT RATIO OF LAST 12 MONTHS</p><p>INDEX PERCENT INDEX GAMES IMPROVEMENT DECREASE LAST 6 NAME OLD NEW RATIO NAME OLD NEW MONTHS ZALINSKI JIM S 6.1 4.9 19.7 UPHOFF WILLIAM D 6.4 5.5 14.1 MATSUOKA HOWARD T 18.9 13.8 1.198 6 SAXTON CAROL L 22.4 20.2 9.8 DISCIPULO DAN L 20.5 18.6 9.3 HEDDERICH JANET L 38.7 31.4 1.168 24 MATTHEWS KEITH W 25.5 23.2 9.0 QUOCK KATHY 7.6 7.0 7.9 NEWKIRK MICHAEL W 25.3 20.4 1.151 6 KLINTWORTH URBAN 25.5 23.5 7.8 LARSEN GARY 8.2 7.7 6.1 UPHOFF WILLIAM D 7.9 5.5 1.137 33 BRICE DAVID E 20.7 19.6 5.3 BAUER JACK M 31.9 30.3 5.0 BORATE ROBERT 9.6 7.3 1.119 1</p><p>BRANDON JAMES T 9.4 7.4 1.103 22 May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>CALLAHAN DAVID E 23.6 20.3 1.102 14</p><p>MCCARROLL PAT 25.6 22.2 1.099 16</p><p>MATTHEWS KEITH W 26.5 23.2 1.094 7</p><p>BARWICK BRUCE W 15.4 13.4 1.079 32</p><p>MEMBERS CHANGES DURING MONTH ADDED NAME BRENNEISEN CHRIS R LUECKE WILLIAM H JR MARKWARDT RANDY J SWOISH ROBBY A </p><p>SZ35-SPACE PARK GOLF CLUB May 1st, 2008 Member Name CI LI Member Name CI LI Member Name CI LI AKI DAVID W 08.6 07.3 ASHIMINE JOYCE 35.1 35.1 AU DEREK C 15.6 15.5 AUGUSTSON JON R 23.3 21.2 BARSKY MICHAEL E 08.6 08.4 BARWICK BRUCE W 13.4 11.8 BAUER JACK M 30.3 N/I BLACKWELL DENNIS J N/I N/I BLOCK RAY G 35.2 35.0 BORATE ROBERT 07.3 07.3 BRANDON JAMES T 07.4 07.4 BRENNEISEN CHRIS R N/I N/I BRICE DAVID E 19.6 19.6 BROTEN KATHRYN 17.5 16.4 BROTEN THOMAS A 14.7 13.4 BROWN GERALD L 22.9 N/I BRUBAKER KIRK D 16.3 16.3 BRYANT LARRY G 14.5 14.5 BUCKSATH JERRY 05.4 03.5 BURKE ROBERT V 14.9 13.6 CADE NELSON L JR 20.0 20.0 CALLAHAN CARLENE A 27.7 27.3 CALLAHAN DAVID E 20.3 20.3 CHAN IRVIN 18.0 17.5 CHANG MICHAEL 22.3 21.7 CHEYSOBHON CHARLIE 06.7 04.7 CHMIELEWSKI BRIAN G 18.5 17.9 CHOI CHRIS 04.0 01.9 CLINE DONALD E 13.1 11.2 CONKLIN SHIRLENE L 25.2 24.0 CRITTENDON TONY 09.2 09.2 CRITTENDON WILLIE F 07.9 07.9 DIAZ PHILLIP 05.9 04.2 DISCIPULO DAN L 18.6 N/I FITZSIMONS MICHAEL J 07.9 07.9 FOLGER PATRICK J 23.0 23.0 FRECHETTE JOYCE P 34.9 34.8 GARDNER DAVID L 28.8 28.7 GEIERSBACH FREDERIK W N/I N/I GEORGE ROBERT S 12.1 11.1 GROFF STEVEN G N/I N/I HART HAL 23.5 23.5 HEARD MARK E JR 03.3 03.3 HEDDERICH JANET L 31.4 31.4 HEMSTOCK SUSAN M 21.4 21.4 HILL JAMES M 21.5 19.5 ING DAVID K 19.0 18.6 INGRAM DENNIS M N/I N/I INMAN TONY A 06.1 04.3 ITO BENNETT T 16.1 15.8 JACKSON GREGORY K 16.7 12.5 JENNINGS DON P 12.9 12.4 JENSEN DAVID 11.9 11.6 KAGOHARA RUSSELL 20.3 12.8 KAMEN JAKE 17.9 17.3 KATHERLER JOHN A 15.6 13.9 KEPERLING GARY A 21.9 21.5 KIM SONHUI 16.6 14.7 KLAUSEN SANDRA B N/I N/I KLINTWORTH URBAN 23.5 23.5 KRIKORIAN PHILIP R 07.4 N/I KUBOTA STEVE N/I N/I KUESTER STEVEN P 25.2 N/I LAM WINSON M 18.3 16.7 LARSEN GARY 07.7 07.5 LARSEN JO ANN A 39.0 32.7 LEE MARK R 09.7 08.8 LOPEZ CHRISTINA L N/I N/I LOUIE VINCENT G 16.0 16.0 LOWRY JOHN E JR 30.4 26.5 LUECKE WILLIAM H JR 15.3 13.4 MAKI WALTER H 20.4 17.8 MARKWARDT RANDY J N/I N/I MATSUOKA HOWARD T 13.8 13.6 MATTHEWS KEITH W 23.2 23.2 MAURER RICHARD D 10.8 07.1 MC CARTER CAMERON 07.7 07.2 MC GEE BRIAN 15.1 12.1 MCCARROLL MARY 24.6 24.4 MCCARROLL PAT 22.2 21.0 MIGUEL JONASH A 11.8 10.8 MILLEN JOHN A 21.3 21.3 MISAKA CLYDE 36.4+ 36.4+ MIYAMOTO KYLE K 10.1 07.5 NAGAYAMA VERNE M 19.9 19.9 NAKANO TOSH 18.3 16.3 NEWKIRK MICHAEL W 20.4 20.4 NGUYEN KHOI N 20.5 N/I NIENBERG JEFFREY 08.9 07.4 NINEGAR KRISTI K 40.4+ N/I OBRYAN GARY 13.2 11.7 OKI MONICA C 19.3 18.0 OLIVER LINDA R 31.1 31.1 May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>OLIVER NELSON E 17.8 16.6 OLSON BEN 22.2 22.2 OLSON SANDRA J 24.2 24.2 PACHECO RUEBEN 12.9 11.7 PATAG DAVID C 09.5 09.4 PATAG KIM N/I N/I PISARSKI DAVID R 15.3 13.2 POOLE ROBERT M 18.9 18.0 PRICE RANDY J 27.8 27.8 QUOCK KATHY 07.0 05.4 RADEMAKER JOHN A 08.3 08.3 RAMOS CAROL G 32.0 32.0 ROCHESTER KIRK 07.4 07.4 ROHLES GERALD B 20.8 18.4 ROSALES JULIO 19.5 N/I SALVATORE ANDREW L 05.9 05.4 SAM-FONG ROB 18.2 N/I SANCHEZ MARCO P 23.5 22.6 SANTO JAMES M 35.6 35.5 SAXTON CAROL L 20.2 20.2 SAXTON GARY 22.8 20.4 SCHEERINGA KEVIN 15.8 N/I SCHLOTHAUER RICHARD A 18.7 18.2 SECHLER KENNETH 18.9 18.2 SMOLIK JOHN L 23.0 23.0 STAVLO JOHN R 27.0 27.0 STAVLO SUSAN L 31.5 31.5 SUH FRANK 36.2 36.2 SUH JACLYN 18.9 17.1 SUH YOUNG 10.0 08.6 SWOISH ROBBY A N/I N/I TUBBIOLA THOMAS M 31.3 30.1 UPHOFF WILLIAM D 05.5 05.5 VALLEY MARCY 33.0 33.0 VAN VLEET JOHN A 29.0 28.5 VASQUEZ MANUEL R 26.7 26.7 VAVREK GREGARY M 29.5 27.6 VEDELL JACK R 36.4+ 36.4+ WALKINGSTICK EZEKIEL L 24.1 21.8 WARNER BRYCE A 23.8 23.8 WAYPA JOHN 19.1 17.3 WAYPA JOHN J 06.0 05.9 WELLS RYAN C 25.8 N/I WIGHTMAN MARK E 24.3 24.3 WILLIAMS JOHN P 09.0 08.2 WILSON KENNETH R 13.3 09.8 WONG TAK 14.2 14.2 YAMASHIRO GLENN S 02.7 02.5 YAMASHIRO KEITH K 24.0 24.0 ZALINSKI JIM S 04.9 03.8 </p><p>2008 Tournament of Champions Point Totals through Primm Valley</p><p>Please check your total number of tournaments and points and notify me of any discrepancies. Members establishing their SCGA index will have their participation in any tournament count toward total tournaments played for TOC qualification. Yellow highlight indicates players who have qualified for the September 2008 Tournament of Champions. Silver highlight indicates players who have played in the number of tournaments necessary to qualify for the TOC based upon total points provided space is available within the 48 player field.</p><p>Name Points Wins Tournaments 1 Mc Gee, Brian 5261 2 13 2 Lam, Winson 4664 3 14 3 Barwick, Bruce 4551 3 11 4 O'Bryan, Gary 4500 2 12 5 Sechler, Ken 4325 2 14 6 Louie, Vince 4244 2 13 7 Frechette, Joyce 3980 2 9 8 Oliver, Nelson 3976 2 12 9 Brubaker, Kirk 3957 2 8 10 Walkingstick,Larry 3842 3 9 11 Larsen, Gary 3730 2 6 12 Miguel, Jonash 3609 2 9 13 Patag, David 3472 1 10 May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>14 Price, Randy 3429 1 10 15 Pisarski, David 3226 2 6 16 Yamashiro, Keith 3086 1 8 17 Matthews, Keith 2996 1 7 18 Yamashiro, Glenn 2944 3 6 19 Nagayama, Verne 2926 1 6 20 Oliver, Linda 2853 11 21 Larsen, JoAnn 2606 1 8 22 Fitzsimons, Mike 2601 2 5 23 Nienberg, Jeffrey 2539 1 5 24 Rohles, Gerald 2405 8 25 Williams, John 2369 1 9 26 Santo, James 2336 1 7 27 Brice, David 2258 1 5 28 Newkirk, Michael 2186 1 8 29 Hedderich, Janet 2172 1 9 30 Sanchez, Marco 1987 10 31 Brandon, Jim 1973 8 32 Uphoff, Bill 1877 6 33 VanVleet, John 1826 8 34 Zalinski, Jim 1753 7 35 Millen, John 1750 1 4 36 Choi, Chris 1730 9 37 Maki, Walt 1706 9 38 Wightman, Mark 1690 1 5 39 Inman, Tony 1647 12 40 Kagohara, Russell 1617 1 5 41 Barsky, Mike 1603 6 42 Waypa, John 1587 11 43 Waypa, Jeff 1579 1 5 44 Nakano, Tosh 1438 7 45 Vasquez, Manual 1353 4 46 Saxton, Carol 1350 1 3 47 Ashimine, Joyce 1334 1 2 48 Lowry, John 1324 11 49 Broten, Tom 1192 8 50 Chan, Irvin 1170 4 May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>51 Smolik, John 1159 5 52 Conklin, Shirlene 1111 2 53 Kamen, Jake 1099 4 54 Folger, Patrick 1087 3 55 Suh(Kim), Jaclyn 1087 1 2 56 Chmielewski, Brian 998 4 57 Au, Derek 972 6 58 Discipulo, Dan 959 6 59 Cline, Don 845 6 60 George, Robert 838 3 61 Katherler, John 833 2 62 Broten, Kathy 826 7 63 Oki, Monica 786 5 64 Hart, Hal 779 4 65 Nguyen, Khoi 775 7 66 Suh, Frank 590 7 67 Callahan, Carlene 551 2 68 Jackson, Gregg 535 4 69 McCarroll, Pat 517 2 70 McCarter, Cameron 516 2 71 Salvatore, Andrew 488 3 72 Quock, Kathy 465 4 73 Diaz, Phil 461 3 74 Bucksath, Jerry 431 4 75 Cheysobhon, Charlie 422 4 76 Cade, Nelson, Jr. 405 2 77 Miyamoto, Kyle 405 2 78 Scheering, Kevin 402 4 79 McCarroll, Mary 393 2 80 Kim, Sonhui 327 3 81 Misaka, Clyde 316 3 82 Block, Ray 292 1 83 Wilson, Ken 291 4 84 Gardner, Dave 283 2 85 Jensen, Dave 245 2 86 Suh, Young 245 2 87 Borate, Robert 237 1 May 2008</p><p>SPGC TEE TIME NEWS </p><p>88 Brown, Gerald 234 2 89 Ramos, Carol 225 1 90 Chang, Michael 191 2 91 Stavlo, John 170 1 92 Stavlo, Sue 170 1 93 Hemstock, Sue 167 1 94 Vavrek, Greg 167 1 95 Aki, David 143 1 96 Ito, Bennett 134 1 97 Saxton, Gary 125 1 98 Vedell, Jack 125 1 99 Augustson, Jon 118 1 100 Rosales, Julio 111 1 101 Kuester, Steve 100 2 102 Patag, Kim 0 8 103 Blackwell, Dennis 0 3 104 Kubota, Steve 0 2 105 Bauer, Jack 0 1 106 Groff, Steven 0 1 107 Pacheco, Ruben 0 1</p><p>Tournament Results La Mirada Tournament April 19, 2008</p><p>FLIGHT 1 FLIGHT 2 Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Points Chits 1A Larsen, Gary 77 69 1000 $15 1A Kagohara, Russell 83 64 1000 $15 2A Pisarski, David 86 70 417 2A Waypa, John 85 67 500 3A O'Bryan, Gary 83 70 417 3A Nagayama, Verne 88 68 333 4A Louie, Vincent 91 74 225 4B Discipulo, Dan 89 69 250 5B Oliver, Nelson 92 74 225 4B Brice, David 91 70 200 5B Mc Gee, Brian 90 75 155 6A Hemstock, Susan 99 73 167 7B Au, Derek 91 75 155 7C Kamen, Jake 93 74 143 7B Lam, Winson 97 78 125 7C Walkingstick, Larry 100 76 125 9A Scheeringa, Kevin 97 82 111 7C Sechler, Ken 96 77 111 10A Oki, Monica 102 78 100</p><p>FLIGHT 3 CTP Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Hole Chits 1A Frechette, Joyce 105 64 1000 $15 Russ Kagohara 3 $5 2A Price, Randy 93 65 500 Gary Larsen 5 $5 3A Block, Ray 110 75 292 Linda Oliver 9 $5 4A Oliver, Linda 112 75 292 Jeff Coleman 11 $5 5B Lowry, John 107 77 200 Dave Pisarski 13 $5 5B Suh, Frank 115 79 167 John Lowry 17 $5 7B Larsen, Jo Ann 124 80 143 7B Vedell, Jack 119 83 125 9A Van Vleet, John 115 87 111 Open Name Gross Coleman, Jeff 84 Moore, Everett 95 Takahashi, Scott 100 Udvardy, Gerald 112 Blackwell, Dennis 114</p><p>Tournament Results Goose Creek Tournament May 3, 2008</p><p>FLIGHT 1 FLIGHT 2 Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Points Chits 1A Sechler, Ken 84 63 1000 $10 1A Walkingstick, Larry 91 65 1000 $10 2A Rohles, Jerry 87 64 500 2A Yamashiro, Keith K 94 68 500 3A Chan, Irvin S 88 68 333 3A Frechette, Joyce 109 71 333 4A Miyamoto, Kyle 81 69 250 4C Hedderich, Janet L 106 72 206 5A Yamashiro, Glenn 79 74 200 4C Van Vleet, John A 104 72 206 6A Miguel, Jonash 90 75 167 4C Sanchez, Marco P 98 72 206 7A Waypa, John 103 82 143 7A Santo, James 119 80 143 8A Lowry, John DNP DNP DNP </p><p>OPEN FLIGHT CTP Name Gross Net Chits Name Hole Dist. Chits 1A Udvardy, Gerald 108 108 Glen yamasiro 2 13'5" $5 Keth Yamashiro 5 8'0" $5 Glen Yamashiro 9 6'9" $5 Kile Myamoto 11 10'0" $5 Kile Myamoto 16 30'0" $5 </p><p>Tournament Results Primm Valley Desert Tournament May 17, 2008</p><p>FLIGHT 1 FLIGHT 2 Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Points Chits 1A Pisarski, David 86 69 1000 $20 1A Nagayama, Verne 89 67 1000 $20 2A Waypa, Jeff 78 71 500 $10 2A Sechler, Ken 90 69 500 $10 3A Barsky, Michael 82 72 333 3A Oliver, Nelson 90 70 333 4A Mc Gee, Brian 90 73 250 4A Au, Derek 91 74 250 5A Barwick, Bruce 90 75 200 5C Newkirk, Mike 97 75 170 6B Broten, Tom 94 77 155 5C Lam, Winson 95 75 170 6B Inman, Tony 83 77 155 5C Brubaker, Kirk D 93 75 170 8B Zalinski, Jim 85 79 118 8A Louie, Vincent 95 77 125 8B Choi, Chris 84 79 118 9A Jackson, Gregory 96 78 111 10A Larsen, Gary 91 82 100 10A Nguyen, Khoi 110 88 100 11A Williams, John 102 92 91 11A Broten, Kathryn 112 89 91 12A Waypa, John DNP DNP DNP </p><p>FLIGHT 3 OPEN FLIGHT Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Chits 1C Santo, Jim * 111 72 611 $10 1A Kondo, Ken 82 73 $10 1C Matthews, Keith 97 72 611 $10 2A Christen, Lou 98 76 1C Larsen, Jo Ann 120 72 611 $10 3A Yoshino, Harry 88 78 4A Smolik, John 99 74 250 4A Takahashi, Scott 93 78 5A Frechette, Joyce 121 78 200 5A Stephens, John 102 78 6A Ashimine, Joyce 122 79 167 7A Brown, Gerald 108 83 143 8A Vasquez, Manny 113 84 125 * Winner by Card Playoff 9A Conklin, Shirlene 118 86 111 10A Oliver, Linda 128 89 100 11A Gardner, Dave DNP DNP DNP </p><p>CTP Long Drive Name Dist. Hole Chits Name Flite Chits Harry Yoshino 5' 8" 4 $5 John Williams 1 $5 John Smolik 10' 3" 9 $5 Nelson Oliver 2 $5 Dave Pisarski 15' 9" 11 $5 Keith Matthews 3 $5 Keith Matthews 11' 6" 15 $5 John Stephens C $5</p><p>Tournament Results Primm Valley Lakes Tournament May 18, 2008</p><p>FLIGHT 1 FLIGHT 2 Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Points Chits 1A Larsen, Gary 80 71 1000 $20 1A Sechler, Ken 87 66 1000 $20 2A Mc Gee, Brian 90 73 500 $10 2A Lam, Winson 88 68 500 $10 3C Williams, John 84 74 261 3A Nagayama, Verne 95 73 333 3C Barsky, Michael 84 74 261 4A Au, Derek 95 78 250 3C Barwick, Bruce 89 74 261 5D Louie, Vincent 97 79 159 6A Choi, Chris 81 76 167 5D Broten, Kathryn 97 79 159 7A Broten, Tom 94 77 143 5D Oliver, Nelson 99 79 159 8B Zalinski, Jim 85 79 118 5D Jackson, Gregory 97 79 159 8B Waypa, Jeff 86 79 118 9A Brubaker, Kirk D 98 80 111 10A Pisarski, David 98 80 100 10A Newkirk, Mike 105 82 100 11A Inman, Tony 90 83 91 11A Waypa, John 106 85 91 12A Nguyen, Khoi 132 109 83 </p><p>FLIGHT 3 OPEN FLIGHT Name Gross Net Points Chits Name Gross Net Chits 1A Frechette, Joyce 102 66 1000 $20 1A Yoshino, Harry 83 73 $10 2A Conklin, Shirlene 93 67 500 $10 2A Kondo, Ken 81 74 3A Santo, Jim 111 72 333 3A Takahashi, Scott 98 74 4A Vasquez, Manny 107 77 250 4A Christen, Lou 93 76 5A Smolik, John 103 78 200 5A Stephens, John 97 78 6A Ashimine, Joyce 119 82 167 7A Oliver, Linda 115 83 143 8B Matthews, Keith 113 87 118 8B Larsen, Jo Ann 128 87 118 10A Gardner, Dave 120 88 100 11A Brown, Gerald 116 91 91 </p><p>CTP Long Drive Name Dist. Hole Chits Name Flite Chits Shirlene Conklin 3' 6" 6 $5 Jeff Waypa 1 $5 Mike Newkirk 14' 10" 9 $5 Vince Louie 2 $5 Gregg Jackson 2' 12 $5 Joyce Frechette 3 $5 Mike Barsky 9' 2" 17 $5 Harry Yoshino C $5</p><p>2008/9 Tournament Schedule</p><p>The minimum numbers of tournaments required to qualify for the 2007/8 TOC is 6. Club members are allowed to use USGA approved range-finders and GPS in all club events.</p><p>SignUp Mem. Guest No. Course Date Date Cost Cost Start Cart Range Host 2007/8 TOC Season 18 Shandin Hills 31-May 5-May $60 $65 8:30AM inc D. Patag 19 Los Serranos South 14-Jun 12-May $80 $85 9:30AM inc L. Oliver 20 El Dorado 28-Jun 2-Jun $80 $85 10:00AM inc inc M. Heard 21 Marshallia Ranch 5-Jul 2-Jun $60 $65 8:12AM inc inc J. J. Waypa 22 La Purisima 6-Jul 2-Jun $105 $110 7:00AM inc inc J. J. Waypa 23 General Old 26-Jul 30-Jun $55 $60 9:00AM inc J. Santo 2008/9 TOC Season 1 Brookside #1 (shotgun) 9-Aug 7-Jul $85 $90 10:00AM inc OPEN 2 Alisal River (TOC) 6-Sept Invite TBD N/A 9:30AM inc inc D. Patag 3 Alisal River (TOC) 7-Sept Invite TBD N/A 8:30AM inc inc D. Patag 4 Industry Hills Ike 4-Oct 8-Sep $110 $115 9:30AM inc inc V. Louie 5 Los Verdes (Fri) 17-Oct 15-Sep $55 $60 10:00AM inc inc D. Pisarski 6 Mountain Meadows 25-Oct 22-Sep $60 $65 10.00AM inc OPEN 7 Redhawk 15-Nov 13-Oct $90 $95 9:00AM inc B. McGee 8 Lakewood 29-Nov 27-Oct $65 $70 10:00AM inc W. Lam 9 Los Serranos North (Fri) 12-Dec 10-Nov $55 $60 9:00AM inc J.J. Waypa 10 Industry Hills Babe (Wed) 31-Dec 1-Dec $110 $115 9:00AM inc B. Barwick 11 Whittier Narrows 24-Jan 22-Dec $65 $70 10:00AM inc OPEN 12 L.A. Royal Vista 21-Feb 26-Jan $65 $70 9:00AM inc OPEN 13 Knollwood (BBQ incl) 7-Mar 9-Feb $70 $75 10:00AM inc inc J. Smolik 14 Rio Hondo 21-Mar 23-Feb TBD TBD 9:30AM inc OPEN 15 Green River (Riverside) 18-Apr 16-Mar $65 $70 9:30AM inc inc OPEN 16 Primm Valley 2-May 23-Mar TBD TBD TBD inc inc B. McGee 17 Primm Valley (Sun) 3-May 23-Mar TBD TBD TBD inc inc B. McGee 18 Lakewood 30-May 4-May $65 $70 10:10AM inc OPEN 19 Dos Lagos 13-Jun 18-May TBD TBD 10:00AM inc OPEN 2009/10 TOC Season 1 SCGA 8-Aug 13-Jul $75 $80 9:00AM inc OPEN</p><p>Primm Valley Tournament (2008): The tournament fee for members and guests is the same for the Primm Valley tournament. The fee for both Saturday and Sunday rounds of golf and for Friday and Saturday night lodging is $295 each for double room occupancy or $345 for single room occupancy. Additional nights lodging for Thursday or Sunday are available for $36 per night. A practice round of golf is available on Friday for $125.</p><p>Tournament signups: For each tournament the signup dates are announced on the front page and in the tournament schedule of the TTN. The signup date is also posted in the tournament schedule on our website. The signup date, which is always a Monday, is the first day that you can sign up for that particular tournament. You can email the host before sending in your payment so they can put your name on the tournament roster. The tee times are set in the order of the received application and payment or notification. You can then send in your payment and application within the week. Some hosts may not put your name down until they receive your application and payment. Each tournament has a maximum number of players based on the contract we establish with the golf course one year in advance. We try to accommodate as many players as possible. Signups for a tournament usually will be accepted up until two weeks before the tournament date. But be sure to call the host about openings before sending in your application and payment if you do not sign up within the first two weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the VP of Tournaments. </p><p>Northrop Grumman SPGC Tournament Application</p><p>Golf Course: Host: Linda Oliver Los Serranos South 1800 Glen Curtiss Street (9:30 AM first tee time) DH4/1622AS</p><p>Date: Signup – May 12, 2008 (310) 764-6476 Tournament – June 14, 2008 [email protected]</p><p>X Speed of Pl a y O Email (preferably), Mail Station pt M/G Name Phone io or Home Address n</p><p>1 2</p><p>Payment by: Amount: Member - $80 Guest - $85</p><p>Check ______</p><p>Chits ______($10 maximum per player)</p><p>Cash ______</p><p>Total </p><p>Signup procedure:</p><p>Email the host of each tournament for tee time order. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first come, first served basis. Fill out the course, the date being played and the host’s name if you are using a general application form. Please send in your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found. Northrop Grumman SPGC</p><p>Northrop Grumman SPGC Tournament Application</p><p>Golf Course: Host: Mark Heard El Dorado One Space Park, R9/2294 (9:30 AM first tee time) Redondo Beach, CA 90278</p><p>Date: Signup – June 2, 2008 (310) 812-5876 Tournament – June 28, 2008 [email protected]</p><p>X Speed of Pl a y O Email (preferably), Mail Station pt M/G Name Phone io or Home Address n</p><p>1 2</p><p>Payment by: Amount: Member - $80 Guest - $85</p><p>Check ______</p><p>Chits ______($10 maximum per player)</p><p>Cash ______</p><p>Total </p><p>Signup procedure:</p><p>Email the host of each tournament for tee time order. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first come, first served basis. Fill out the course, the date being played and the host’s name if you are using a general application form. Please send in your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found. Northrop Grumman SPGC</p><p>Northrop Grumman SPGC Tournament Application</p><p>Golf Course: Host: Jeff Waypa Marshallia Ranch One Space Park, R1/1044 (8:12 AM first tee time) Redondo Beach, CA 90278</p><p>Date: Signup – June 2, 2008 (310) 812-9941 Tournament – July 5, 2008 [email protected]</p><p>X Speed of Pl a y O Email (preferably), Mail Station pt M/G Name Phone io or Home Address n</p><p>1 2</p><p>Payment by: Amount: Member - $60 Guest - $65</p><p>Check ______</p><p>Chits ______($10 maximum per player)</p><p>Cash ______</p><p>Total </p><p>Signup procedure:</p><p>Email the host of each tournament for tee time order. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first come, first served basis. Fill out the course, the date being played and the host’s name if you are using a general application form. Please send in your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found. Northrop Grumman SPGC</p><p>Northrop Grumman SPGC Tournament Application</p><p>Golf Course: Host: Jeff Waypa La Purisima One Space Park, R1/1044 (7:00 AM first tee time) Redondo Beach, CA 90278</p><p>Date: Signup – June 2, 2008 (310) 812-9941 Tournament – July 6, 2008 [email protected]</p><p>X Speed of Pl a y O Email (preferably), Mail Station pt M/G Name Phone io or Home Address n</p><p>1 2</p><p>Payment by: Amount: Member - $105 Guest - $110</p><p>Check ______</p><p>Chits ______($10 maximum per player)</p><p>Cash ______</p><p>Total </p><p>Signup procedure:</p><p>Email the host of each tournament for tee time order. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first come, first served basis. Fill out the course, the date being played and the host’s name if you are using a general application form. Please send in your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found. Northrop Grumman SPGC</p><p>Space Park Golf Club 2008 Membership Application</p><p>Mail to: SPGC, Northrop Grumman Corp, One Space Park Bldg S/1156, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Date Received ______</p><p>Regular: NG Employee or Contractor Renewal Male ST Associate: NG Retiree or Family Member New Member Female MS (Parent, spouse or child) of NGST employee or retiree IIS Limited Associate: Former NG Employee not retired, other family members or Non NG Current SCGA Member Member Number ______</p><p>Last Name, First Name</p><p>Address ______City Zip Code ______Area Code Home Phone Home E-Mail</p><p>NG Employee Members or NG Associate Members ______Badge Number CCC Area Code Work Phone ______Mail Station Extension ______Work Phone Work E-Mail</p><p>SPGC Membership Dues (Make Checks Payable to: SPGC) $55 NG Employee (New Member or Renewal Received on or before October 15th) $65 NG Employee (Renewal Received After October 15th) $65 Associate or Limited Associate (New Member or Renewal Received on or before October 15th) $75 Associate or Limited Associate (Renewal Received After October 15th) $20 NG League Only (Must Be Received Before April 11th) $25 NG League Only (Received on or after April 11th) $35 NG Employee/Retiree/Associate (Reduced rate for partial year after July 1st)</p><p>FULL RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS In consideration of my participation in the SPGC and any/all of its events, I , ______, (Printed Name) intending to be legally bound, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby fully and finally waive, release and hold harmless the SPGC, Space Park Employees Association and their respective directors, officers, employees, members, representatives, agents and assignees from any and all responsibility, liability, claims, causes of action, injuries, judgments or other damages of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any personal injuries I might suffer, directly or indirectly resulting from my participation in, or travel to and from, the aforesaid activity. I acknowledge that I am engaging in the aforesaid activity, and knowingly executing the Release, at my insistence and request and that I voluntarily do so without any coercion whatsoever.</p><p>Signature ______Date ______For Office Use Only: VP Hdcp ______Treasurer ______Secretary ______</p>
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