<p> Why could God not forgive sins without the death of Jesus Christ? Why did Jesus have to be 1. Tuesday, August 1 perfect? ROMANS 1-2</p><p>How can a just God pour His wrath out on unrighteous people even if they have not heard the Gospel?</p><p>Who are the descendants of Abraham? What is the criteria to be a descendant of Abraham?</p><p>Re-read Romans 1:24, 1:26, 1:28. What is the common theme here and what does it mean? </p><p>MEMORIZATION Please memorize (or review) the categories and verses below:</p><p>Christ Alone Paid the Penalty Why is ignorance of God or His Law not an excuse for sin? 1 Peter 3:18 – “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit.” Assurance of Salvation John 5:24 – “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?</p><p>Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 20-21 3. Thursday, August 3 ROMANS 5-6 Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Isaiah 64-66 Why do we, believers, exult in our tribulations? How are trials and tribulations a good thing for believers? 2. Wednesday, August 2 ROMANS 3-4 What verses in Romans 5 and 6 would you use to defend the argument that all of mankind is sinful? List the verse(s) and explain why you chose them. Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.</p><p>Prayer Category – Missionary of the Month Duane & Marilyn Gibson The Gibsons serve in Mexico, where they share the gospel and train and encourage Mexican pastors How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord? Praise for an encouraging time in God’s Word for the 16 pastors that came to the Pastor’s Conference in July Pray specifically for Pastor Molina and health issues he is facing</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Nahum 5. Saturday, August 5 ROMANS 9-10</p><p>Prayer Category - My Small Group & My Friends What does it mean in Romans 9:6, “For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel”? Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 32-33 4. Friday, August 4 ROMANS 7-8</p><p>Explain Romans 8:1-2. What is the “law of the Spirit of life” and what is the “law of sin and How did God make known the riches of His glory? death”?</p><p>How do you know if you are living according to the Spirit and have a mind set on the Spirit? What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others? Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?</p><p>How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?</p><p>Prayer Category – The Church Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Zephaniah Pray for our church leadership 7. Monday, August 7 Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world ROMANS 11-12 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35 6. Sunday, August 6 What is the mystery that is referred to in Romans 11:25? REVIEW DAY</p><p>Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.</p><p>From the main worship service, answer the following questions: Sermon Title and Passage: How do the Gentiles benefit from Israel’s disobedience? List verses that backup your claim. Introduction:</p><p>Outline:</p><p>Re-read Romans 12:1-2. How do you do this? List 2 ways on how you can apply this to your life,</p><p>Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ Implications/Conclusion: through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it. Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page What is so important about being unified with other believers? List the verses that back up your answer. Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 1-3 8. Tuesday, August 8 ROMANS 13-14</p><p>How are we to treat those who are in authority over us (parents, teachers, bosses etc.) and why? Where is Paul going and why?</p><p>How are we as Christians to display love to our neighbor? Give an example of you doing this. MEMORIZATION Please memorize (or review) the category and verses below:</p><p>Bible Study 2 Timothy 3:16 - “All Scriptures is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;” Joshua 1:8 - “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall mediate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more. Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 7-9 10. Thursday, August 10 GALATIANS 1-2</p><p>What strong words does Paul have for false teachers? Why? Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 4-6 9. Wednesday, August 9 ROMANS 15-16 Where did the Gospel that Paul preached come from? Who was Paul’s mission field? How was this different from the other apostles?</p><p>What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?</p><p>Why did Paul confront Peter? Why was this important?</p><p>Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month Duane & Marilyn Gibson The Gibsons serve in Mexico, where they share the gospel and train and encourage Mexican pastors Pray that the Gibsons and Mexican pastors would always have teachable hearts and be flexible in their plans should changes need to be made Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try Pray that they will always make themselves accessible to what God might have for NOT to be like? Why or why not? them with a willing heart.</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 14-17 12. Saturday, August 12 GALATIANS 5-6</p><p>Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends Galatians 6:2 tells us to “bear one anthers burdens”. How do you do this? Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 10-13 11. Friday, August 11 GALATIANS 3-4</p><p>How was Abraham justified before God? Explain your answer. What was the reason that some of the people in Galatia were getting circumcised? Why was Paul arguing against this?</p><p>If the Law did not justify us before God, what was the purpose of the Law? </p><p>Re-read Galatians 5:22-24. Do you see the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Give two examples of the fruit in your life that mirrors the fruit of the Spirit. Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 23-25 Pray for our church leadership 14. Monday, August 14 Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world MARK 1-2 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 18-22</p><p>What prompted Jesus to forgive the sins of the paralytic? What was Jesus’ proof that He had 13. Sunday, August 13 the authority to forgive sins? REVIEW DAY</p><p>Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.</p><p>From the main worship service, answer the following questions: Sermon Title and Passage: Introduction:</p><p>What was common among all the disciples when Jesus called them?</p><p>Outline: </p><p>How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord? </p><p>Implications/Conclusion: Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 30-31 Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page 16. Wednesday, August 16 Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church MARK 5-6 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 26-29</p><p>15. Tuesday, August 15 Why did Jesus do no miracles except for some healings in the town of Nazareth? MARK 3-4</p><p>How did Jesus define his family at the end of Mark 3? Would you fit this definition? Why or why not?</p><p>How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord? </p><p>Re-read the Parable of the Seed in Mark 4:26-29. What is Jesus teaching here? How can this parable be applied to your life?</p><p>MEMORIZATION Please memorize (or review) the categories and verses below:</p><p>What is one characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes Prayer that characteristic stand out? Philippians 4:6,7 - “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Service 1 Peter 4:10 - “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as What is a 2nd characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” makes that attribute stand out?</p><p>Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 32-34 Why were the disciples astonished at the teachings of Jesus in Mark 10:17-27? What did the 17. Thursday, August 17 disciples equate with favor from God? MARK 7-8</p><p>Re-read Mark 7:9-13. How did the Pharisees invalidate the Word of God with their traditions? Explain your answer. Re-read Mark 10:14-16. How does one receive the kingdom of God like a child? What is Jesus teaching here?</p><p>What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read? Explain the Syrophoenician’s answer in Mark 7:28. Did her answer demonstrate faith? Why or why not?</p><p>Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month Duane & Marilyn Gibson The Gibsons serve in Mexico, where they share the gospel and train and encourage Mexican Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to pastors know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more. Pray for the women at the Federal Detention Center who will soon be deported; that they would take God’s Word with them as they return to their respective countries Continue to pray for this monthly outreach ministry</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 38-40; Psalms 74, 79 19. Saturday, August 19 MARK 11-12</p><p>Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends Why is forgiveness so important? In what other areas of Scripture do you see examples of forgiveness demonstrated? Give the verses to back up your answer. Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 35-37 18. Friday, August 18 MARK 9-10 What does the answer to Jesus in Mark 11:33 tell you about the Pharisees and their heart? Is Jesus the authority in your life? Why or why not?</p><p>Implications/Conclusion:</p><p>Summarize in a sentence or two what happened in the passage.</p><p>Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving Prayer Category - The Church Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Habakkuk Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church Pray for our church leadership 21. Monday, August 21 Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world MARK 13-14 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36 20. Sunday, August 20 Read Luke 22:14-20. Why do we participate in the Lord’s Supper and what is its significance? REVIEW DAY</p><p>Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.</p><p>From the main worship service, answer the following questions:</p><p>Sermon Title and Passage: We often call Jesus our “friend”, “brother” or something similar. How does Jesus identify Introduction: himself before the high priest? How do you identify Jesus in your life?</p><p>Outline: Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more. </p><p>Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 46-48 23. Wednesday, August 23 Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page EXODUS 1-2 Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 41-45 Re-read Exodus 2:11-14. Was what Moses did to the Egyptian the right thing to do? Why or why not? Normally, things done in secret are sinful. Think of your last time you did something 22. Tuesday, August 22 in secret, was it good? Did it please the Lord? MARK 15-16</p><p>Re-read Mark 15:15 and 42-43. Contrast these two men. What actions did they each display to demonstrate their love? What do your daily actions show a love for and why?</p><p>Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Why should you emulate them and what was the reason you chose them?</p><p>Why did Jesus rebuke his disciples? How many signs does it take for you to believe that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive? If you are already a Christian, how does this testimony of MEMORIZATION Christ spur you on in sharing the Gospel with those around you? Please memorize (or review) the category and verses below:</p><p>Fellowship Hebrews 10:24,25 - “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Evangelism Matthews 28:19,20 - “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to List/Outline the events of these two chapters. observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 51-52 the age.” 25. Friday, August 25 Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth EXODUS 5-6 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 49-50 What happened to the Israelites when Moses told Pharaoh the command to let His people go? 24. Thursday, August 24 What were the Israelites reaction? EXODUS 3-4</p><p>What proof did Moses have to give to the elders of Israel that he was commanded by the Lord? What name was Moses given? </p><p>What was the Lord’s response to Moses in Exodus 5:22-23? How many times did the Lord use the word “I” in Exodus 6:1-8? Could Moses or Israel take any credit for their deliverance from Egypt?</p><p>Using Moses as an example, how does the Lord equip you to fulfill the tasks He has set before you? Are you standing on the promises of God? Why or why not?</p><p>Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.</p><p>Write down 3 observations: Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month Duane & Marilyn Gibson The Gibsons serve in Mexico, where they share the gospel and train and encourage Mexican pastors Praise for an encouraging time in God’s Word for the 16 pastors that came to the Pastor’s Conference in July Pray specifically for Pastor Molina and health issues he is facing</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Lamentations 1-2 26. Saturday, August 26 EXODUS 7-8 Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends Did Pharaoh hardening his heart catch God by surprise? Did God know Pharaoh would do this? Explain your answer. Outline:</p><p>What was unique about the plague of flies compared to the rest of the plagues seen thus far?</p><p>Implications/Conclusion:</p><p>What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in these two chapters? </p><p>Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 1-4 Prayer Category – The Church Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church 28. Pray for our church leadership 29. Monday, August 28 Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world EXODUS 9-10 Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Lamentations 3-5</p><p>What is different about Pharaoh’s reaction to the plague of boils compared to all the other 27. Sunday, August 27 plagues seen thus far? Is Pharaoh still responsible for his sin in this instance? Why? REVIEW DAY</p><p>Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.</p><p>From the main worship service, answer the following questions: Sermon Title and Passage: Introduction: Why didn’t God just eradicate the Egyptians? Would this not have been easier than going through all the plagues?</p><p>Go back and read Exodus 3:21 – 4:13. How do you see the promises the Lord made to Moses fulfilled in Exodus 11 and 12?</p><p>How do you see God’s sovereign control over His creation in these chapters? Pick at least 2 examples and list them below. Explain why you chose them. What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?</p><p>Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 9-12 31. Wednesday, August 30 Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page EXODUS 13-14 Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church</p><p>Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 5-8 How is the salvation of the Lord displayed towards Israel? 30. Tuesday, August 29 EXODUS 11-12</p><p>The Passover lamb was given very specific requirements for both selection and preparation. What were they? How was God honored through Pharaoh and his army?</p><p>Why is it called “Passover”? What is this a picture of that we see clearly in the New Testament? Explain your answer. What is one characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that characteristic stand out? MEMORIZATION Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:</p><p>Worship Psalm 95:6,7 - “Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 16-17 you would hear His voice,” 33. Church Prayer Page Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 13-15 HEALTH The following people have health issues. Pray that through their trial they will bring glory to the Lord and be a blessing as they submit themselves to understand His will. Pray for the Lord’s healing power and their 32. Thursday, August 31 continued sanctification in the circumstance. EXODUS 15-16 Dave Anderson Elias Duncan Maureen Personius Mark Atkins Fern Gregory Mary Lynn Reich Connie Ayala Hannah Hale Brenden O’Brien In what ways does the Lord meet the needs of the Israelites? In what ways has the Lord met Brooke Bartz Marge Hale John Manning your specific needs? Elaine Flory Elizabeth Griffith Linda Owens Brandon Barnett Kent Harer Maggie Wakeman Daryl Bennett John Liptak Stephanie Waller Sue Boydston Bette Lyon Sherry Ward Emily Brabon Eileen Kern Crystal Dix Caran Chaney Patti Morse Nelda Seals Fledy Covarrubias Marion Briere Mark Cooper</p><p>SALVATION & SPIRITUAL NEEDS The praise the Israelites sang to the Lord in Exodus 15 is very specific. How do you praise the Robert O’Carroll (John & Anita’s son) – salvation Lord when he meets your needs? How can your worship to the Lord benefit by reading and Jeannine Chapman (Colleen Tosello’s mother) understanding this chapter? Ron Turnbull, Sr. – salvation Jim Colvin (Joyce Brown’s son) – salvation J. Rodriguez & S. Lutrell (John Rodriguez’ father & sister) J. Bennett (Daryl’s nephew) – health restoration & wife’s salvation Amanda (Kim Ramos’) niece – salvation Frank Menor (Laurie Trevett’s father) – salvation & health</p><p>MILITARY Ryan Berry – Afghanistan - Navy Armand Bourgeois – Air Force Christian & Cameron Caudle - Army Chris Cordes (Hannah Marquez’ brother) – Kuwait How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord? Andrew McCollum – Navy – Japan Jon Morse – Air Force – Korea Hudson Nall – Marine Corps. David Personius – Army Christopher Ryan – Marines Jason Smith – Navy Danny Tyler – Marine Corps. Sam & Roxanne Alexander/ Lizzy Alexander Klynman – Coast Guard</p>
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