P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA

P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA

<p> Dove Publications 4/01/06 P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA </p><p>Author- Frederick Bacskay… (Pen name: Nicolas Bocskai) </p><p>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ </p><p>Covered by the Blood of Jesus ©Poorman’s Copyright 2006 Frederick Bacskay </p><p>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Table of Contents- </p><p>Page 01- Index Page 02- Harbourfest Page 03- Time to Storm Page 04- The Ocean Song Page 05- Morning Shepherds Page 06- Blessed Be the Day Page 07- The Shoreline Coastal Tide Page 08- Rock Atom Page 09- The Pilot Light Along the Meridian Coast Page 10- The Lighthouse Storm Watcher Page 11- Love Seems Like Paradise Page 12- Grand Universal Theory Page 13- When Nights are Days Page 14- The Misty Sea Sunrise Page 15- Release Me Page 16- Stop and Go Page 17- The Diary of a Sick Mind Page 17- My Problem? Page 18- Three to One in Marriage Page 19- Cape Charles Ferry Page 20- Anyone Welcome? Page 21- September Storms Page 22- The Right Thing Page 23- The End of Childhood Page 24- What Will Be Will Be Page 25- End </p><p>01 Harbourfest 5/02/06 </p><p>The array of white sails of a great number of racing sailboats, under an early morning sun glisten upon the waters of the Elizabeth River at Waterside in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, Norfolk City harbor. They race freely, in the Maury Regatta, in the deep water channel of the Elizabeth River. Before the days’ end, the harbor and river shall be quite crowded with the local area residents on board their privately sponsored racing sailboats. On the shore the local residents are grouped together on this month of June festive weekend of holiday activities. This is a day that will be written into the minds of young children as the warmth of the season creates a nostalgic memory of wonderful summer days. </p><p>Salvation in Jesus’ name, is a matter of right timing for your predestined moment. Is this your day? Don’t put off for tomorrow what can be done today for procrastination may cost you your life of bliss with GOD for eternity. </p><p>Salvation is the crystallized power of your faith brought to maturity! </p><p>Have you ever noticed that there is no sense of time in your dream sleep? It is time standing still in a state of eternal rest and joy! If you have nightmares during your sleep… there is something wrong and not confessed between you and your maker. It can be made right between you and the Lord… by repentance to the Lord Jesus and then practicing a life of righteousness! </p><p>If you don’t know how to live, then go to GOD and His Holy Scriptures found in the Bible. The pattern of living is there for everyone once you come to terms with Jesus. </p><p>02 Time to Storm 5/14/06 </p><p>Jesus says in His Gospel that the eye is the light of the body… and if the eye is single, the body will be full of light… but if the eye is evil, the body shall be full of darkness. What is meant by the eye being single? To an unmarried person, I suppose it is chastity! But if chastity becomes violated through lust or fornication, that is, a physical body joined together with a sexual partner outside of marriage… the eye is no longer single because of sin! What about things that happen to women being out of their control? I don’t know what God says to victims of rape! They will have to go to God directly for that answer. But sex outside of marriage is a sin because there is no covenant between the couple and Jehovah Himself. The price to be paid by some is a sexual disease or unwanted pregnancy. </p><p>The eye is the light of the body. A lesson learned here from my past were my eyes the morning after a sexual encounter and party spirit with girls I met the very same evening. My eyes felt a burning sensation as if sand and grit were in them. You may know the feeling… I remember! Through the use of eye drops, the burning and grit feelings were neutralized in a few moments. Someday we all will be judged for the things we have done to our mortal body! I don’t know about you, but I want to be pure when I stand before Jesus in holy judgment. </p><p>As much as the world of medicine is improving with time, medical procedures cannot cure the body of sin and blemishes upon your spiritual body caused by fornication. Only Jesus can take away your sins and wash you clean. </p><p>If your eye is single and in line with righteousness, your health and happiness shall mount up with wings as eagles in strength. Sin is killing us and making us age. What is my opinion and position about sin in the mortal body? This plainly… sin kills and cuts life short! For when two are joined together in illicit sex not being married to each other the two become one in their spiritual body joined together in darkness. For sin convicts… but Jesus can deliver you from all sin! </p><p>I feel sorry for sexual partners who are not married but have sex… the two shall be one! The Bible teaches this and if you are joined with a countless number of sex partners, you will have problems standing before the Throne of GOD in judgment. Illicit sex unites two spiritual bodies and at death will hold each other to the grave awaiting sentencing by Jehovah! If you have one or a countless number of sex partners and you live in sin, let me urge you to go to Jesus realizing your mistakes for He will forgive you and grant you the power of salvation in His name and cleanse your spiritual body. For Jesus is the only one who has the power to forgive sins and deliver you from all unrighteousness. Once done… do not return to the mire you were delivered from. Consider this my friend and be made whole and complete by the power of Jesus’ Blood. Amen. </p><p>03 The Ocean Song 5/15/06 </p><p>Greetings in the name of Jesus… my friend and I were walking along the seashore coastline at summers end with a high noon sun overhead. The heat was unbearable upon the hot crimson sands to our feet. The tourists made their way quickly to the waves rolling up the beach and stood in the cool ocean water up to their ankles. The sea was relatively smooth but constant with rolling waves that cease not incoming to the beach. </p><p>Overhead, a piper cub single engine plane flew along the oceanfront from one end of the resort city boardwalk to the other. The low altitude plane had a trail banner with an advertising message written there on being pulled behind the plane… its message being, “COME VISIT ROCK CHURCH!” was the red lettering message to the beach sunbathers and tourists below. The rolling of the waves created a faint sound mixed with the plane engine overhead. The feeling of hot sand with a slight ocean breeze and distant beach music on the radio made the scene complete. Being barefooted, the hot sand was too much but the pain would soon depart once the beachgoers reached the cool waters of the Atlantic shoreline. </p><p>The sand fiddler crabs were digging deep into the wet sand along the waters’ edge to be covered up. They created a rippling effect on the surface when the ocean waves receded. Soon the small sandpiper beach fowl would run along the waters’ edge of the wet sand to dig them up to eat. The rippling effect of the receding waves gave away their hiding place beneath the surface. </p><p>Sea gulls were not far off shore diving close to the surface of the ocean waves. The smell of the ocean salt water was in the air that laid the foundation of my memory on this hot summer day. Sometime at a future date I will look back at my youthful days of this my childhood experiences with family and the environment surrounding my summer days. It was paradise experienced all over again in our night dream sleep. With open screen windows and cool evening summer breezes, the sound of the ocean waves rushing onto the beach had a therapeutic effect on the body in restful nights. Do we dwell in bliss in our utopian thoughts without a conscience to teach us right from wrong? Childhood experiences stay with us forever and at times bring back memories from our youth when brought on by an old song of the past. The thought of sharing with others was the way of Christianity without anyone teaching us! But then everyone began to get into the act for the wrong reason… the cause of some who would take advantage of the elderly sick. They have no conscience… that is money hungry telephone solicitors who try to take advantage of sick elderly people prone to giving! The telemarketers have been instructed that Americans are in debt to their charitable organizations on a monthly basis. Maybe we are for the cause of hurting people, but I have learned that a fool and his money are soon parted and he who gives to the rich shall surely come to want. A person can only do so much… they want your money but not your testimony or salvation becoming of Jesus! </p><p>04 Morning Shepherds </p><p>My friends… I Love you! This being the Christmas Season, I am caught up in my emotions at this time. Rock Church can make you feel that way… and when a pastor can make you know you are loved, we love them back with pure joy, for our understanding is opened up for the learning of the Good News of GOD found in Christ Jesus His Son. </p><p>This is Christmas time 2006… the birth of Jesus our Lord back before the first century. </p><p>Does anyone know why we close our eyes when we pray? Is it observance of humility with singleness of heart in a private moment with the Lord Jesus? </p><p>I don’t know! But from childhood I have been taught this just like everyone else. To bow our heads… close our eyes and talk with the Lord from the depths of our heart in the Holy Spirit… this being the pathway from our heart to the Lord in the privacy of our devotions! He knows already what we have need of before we ask… so do not burden the Lord Jesus with selfish intents of the heart… but be pure in a holy walk with Him. He grew from being a carpenter into becoming the Good Shepherd for all mankind from this Christmas Day of His birth over 2000 years ago. </p><p>He gave to us everything we are. What we did with ourselves was our choice somewhere down the timeline of life. How do you find change for yourself from the mold of what we are now… to become free in the new birth of our salvation in His name? He owns everything and will give you new life and foundation with a clean slate to build upon. But be sure that that foundation is rock and not sand. What can we give to Him in return for the love, joy, peace, truth, abundance, and salvation He gives to us? For he who has Jesus, the Rock, will find life, but he who has Him not shall not see life! He wants our love, devotion, obedience, worship, praise, and faith, everything in us to share with Himself and the lost. Father Jehovah is the creator of all things as He taught us! Jesus is the way, truth, and life, and His only Son. There is no other name under heaven by which salvation can be found! Do you want to believe and find eternal life and rest? Call upon His name for whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2: 21 KJV). GOD will come to you and make His home with you for He is good and lowly in heart and you shall find rest for your weary soul. </p><p>Merry Christmas to you and to you a good restful winters’ night! </p><p>05 Blessed be the Day 5/11/06 </p><p>In my morning rest before the sunrise I am awakened by a continuous musical tone chord sounding in the atmosphere, greeting my morning with the lights of the new day sunrise on the ocean! </p><p>Lord… this is a unique day that I shall not forget… for you have created a love in my heart for nature found today at the morning sunrise and hope of something good about to happen. O GOD… I am content in my private space where the rest of the world has been shut out so that I can spend a few waking moments alone with you here on the beach. Yet, I am not alone, Jesus, for you are with me! </p><p>There are others I suspect who share a similar time with you, Jehovah, and all find grace at a moment such as today on this late summer morning. The sea gulls along the coast begin to awaken and sing their song of hunger before you, bringing in their needs of this new morning. </p><p>Love is generated by beauty and Lord the women of this Earth have a way with you with their songs of rejoicing that they sing at this waking hour of stillness… for your glory is upon them! They being the covering angels find grace in your presence with songs of the Spirit. All creation together sings praises to you forever in songs of worship and new melodies with each passing moment from our heart to yours, O GOD of my salvation! </p><p>Bless and be with each one, I ask in prayer, O Lord… Amen. </p><p>06 The Shoreline Coastal Tides 5/01/06 </p><p>The sea gulls fly along the shoreline. The sound of the rushing waves reverberates in my hearing. The waves roll in with whitecaps and recede only to meet with ocean currents underwater. The tides go out taking shallow water fish with them. The morning sunlight has a brightness to it, which greets the new horizon skies with gray clouds this autumn day morning. </p><p>I lift my eyes from the sands of the coast to the horizon. The Earth turns… the sun- rises with the symmetry of the rotating Earth. The sea gulls drift effortlessly in the morning coastal winds. The sunshine warms the waters’ edge and the gulls squawk in their hunger search for food. With sharp eyesight, they hunt their prey in the shallow water… moving in quickly to capture them! </p><p>I am walking the beach shoreline with the woman I love… then she says to me… </p><p>“It’s all in your mind my dear!” What does that mean? (I thought to myself). All of my anxiety, depression, loneliness, it is all in my imagination… replacing there in my mind the life I wanted! Psychological warfare? YES… that’s what must be overcome! </p><p>“Lord… what can I do to avoid having a broken heart?” “Give her some space,” He said to me, “For she is troubled in spirit!” </p><p>Father Jehovah, I want a love relationship with her for she is someone special to my heart where we both can excel beyond anything we have known in our generation! </p><p>The tides drift in and recede again… and she is where I was at this point in a life of disobedience before the God of our fathers’ family line of creation! “I will live a miserable life if I continue the path of sickness that I am on!” she says. GOD speaks to her and wants to change her life and health situation. </p><p>My friend tugs at my heart in her sad disposition. Life does not have to be this way for her because Jesus says… “Come to me, for all things are possible!” Can I rely on His promise to heal her? Lord… you know that I relate to her condition on the road we travel now… will you do a good work for her? Because she will never leave you if you do! </p><p>07 Rock Atom 6/06/06 </p><p>What are the conditions that a man and woman base a love relationship on? The question is… what do women want? Being independent? Having a man for secret weekend sexual encounters without losing her best friend relationships with other male boyfriends? </p><p>I can’t be friends with girls like this… who play me like an idiot as if I didn’t know what is going on. At that, no relationship is better than a bad one! </p><p>But I love you she says… but in truth her heart is not with me… a two-timing lady of the dust of the Earth who is pulling on the roots of Christian men! It is a matter of integrity that the Lord has endowed to Christian men who are not going to be sucked up by the ways of the world! No thank you my dear… for I don’t play second fiddle in your orchestra any longer… we are no more! </p><p>The Bible says do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers who do not care about your Christian faith. God taught me in my early teens that if a girl will have sex with you before marriage, then she will have sex with anyone! </p><p>It happened to me in several relationships… the infidelity between us… and it bothered me very deeply. I was just as bad, not just her alone, but I thought that by doing the same thing to her, I would get even with her! She was the original transgressor in this our bond that caused me to react. My heartstrings were attached and it hurt once I came to myself wondering when it was going to end! It finally did… and I thank GOD for dissolving the relationship. </p><p>I have repented and found salvation since those days and stopped my mode of living for sex for I don’t need dark blemishes on my spiritual body caused by fornication. God be praised for His grace and mercy in my life for separating us. Sin is pleasure for a season, but it can also kill your self-esteem, which can destroy your life! </p><p>08 The Pilot Light along the Meridian Coast 6/23/06 </p><p>Camping out at the shore on the southeastern Chesapeake Bay coastline beach gives a person a sense of solitude and time to commune with the Lord on his own in this the autumn season of the closing year. Seashore State Park near Cape Henry, Virginia, never ceases to give its camping guests nostalgic memories of a youthful time with friends to be captured and then remembered later in life. There is no longer any brushwood on the beach to use for evening campfires. A group would have to bring in their own camping firewood. One thing will never cease although, that being the overhead starlight on clear cool autumn nights and often full moon to give illumination to the campsites spaces and dark pathways close by. </p><p>Must we walk in darkness? This is my feeling I have at this moment. The scenic memory I remember here taught me to seek, search, and find under the full moon, that perfect light shinning upon the beach pathways among the dunes and sand fences. The comparison between the orb moonlight brightness and the guiding light of Jesus is sensed by my spirit for He is the light for me to follow even here in the dark wilderness of campsites and fires close by on the bay shores. Yes, He guides our walk in which we make many mistakes for Jesus is the secure pilot light among the sands and brushwood pathways for the uncertain course of life we take. Stay close to Him. How do you do that, you ask? My answer is the only one I know… By talking to Him! </p><p>Put your trust in Jesus of Nazareth even when the road is bleak and dark. This is difficult to do when stress mounts up caused by voices in the world. Why does GOD want us to dwell in limbo with worries when it comes to Him answering our prayers? I think He is trying to help us develop an overcoming positive belief without doubt in His Words and what He has said will be. For without faith it is impossible to please GOD. Will the days be stretched too far and wide for our faith to survive without being choked? I think this is why He gave us the gift of tongues to speak forth to Him in the strength of the Spirit with words we don’t understand that the road we walk will be the simple plain pathway that He guides us in. </p><p>With all words and languages in the Spirit, I pray you, trust in GOD! </p><p>09 The Lighthouse Storm Watcher 7/05/06 </p><p>From the prism glass light at the Cape Hatteras sunroom on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, the lighthouse keeper made his way to the prism light of the tall physical structure. The ocean at Cape Hatteras is also called the graveyard of the Atlantic. It is here in the treacherous waters of the stormy Atlantic that many ships have been lost to nature in bad weather conditions and rough seas. </p><p>It is dusk and the lighthouse keeper has just ignited the prism light. Peace and safety dwell with the western sunset. The surety of the light never fails. Many seafarers cry out in the night uncertain of the course taken by the captain and helmsman. But is the captain worried as he peers thru the windows of the bridge pilothouse? No he isn’t… for he has faith in God and experience in rough seas. He acknowledges that God has been with him most of his adult life and career on the ocean. Yes, the captain cries out to God and the crew is strengthened in their faith in him. The treacherous waters’ of the Atlantic at Cape Hatteras is worrisome to the inexperienced… but a fountain of wisdom to the familiar. </p><p>So it is with our lives facing trials and tribulations in our lives before we reconciled with Jehovah God in our devotion to Jesus. </p><p>Before coming to Jesus, I remember my past life before being converted… the insecurity I faced in the future. How was I to live and provide for the love of my life? She needed security. What was I to do? Had I become a Christian earlier in life I would have known and been taught what to do. Insecurity would never have surfaced for I would have known. Are you worried about your future? God places a hedge of protection around us… if we had only known Him… life would have been different! </p><p>10 Love Seems Like Paradise 6/28/06 </p><p>Upon this autumn morning before the afternoon arrives, I sense a feeling of helplessness. Have you forgotten about me, O Lord? Will you forsake me and send me into the wilderness? I am alone without a friend and in my loneliness I suffer heartache and know not what to do about it. When in public, my thoughts are scattered… I am not what I seem… I am a double-minded man because my personality is separated into several parts. I make myself sick in my destination toward those I had hoped to be friends with! What do you require for me to be pure and caring before people and being single-minded? </p><p>I make myself sick by just trying to start each new day with praise and happiness before you, Jehovah GOD, from deep inside. My flesh will not cooperate with you Spirit. Autumn decay crowds me out into lowliness and separation before the joy can begin. I walk everyday for my health no matter what the weather conditions for this is my time of prayer to start the day. From time to time I see my predestined wife driving down the street that I walk upon and wonder if she knows that I love her! In disappointment, my troubled spirit has never really been friendly with her. I will try to do better… for she tries to know me even though I think she does already. I thank you for such a person as herself who will not give up on me. My heart aches and I know that I must break the ice between us, Lord, because I love her! She prays for me and that tugs at my heart… Jesus, make things right between us or I won’t survive the winter. </p><p>Take this top heart my best friend. God provides change for Christians and it depends on what you do here to prepare for eternity. Let there be no mistake… Jesus is the only way to Father Jehovah GOD. I cannot say what will be right for you, but every person on Earth will have exposure to Jesus and His love at some point in their lives. Do not make the wrong decision concerning Him while you yet still have time. </p><p>11 Grand Universal Theory 7/11/06 </p><p>I seek to know the truth, O GOD Jehovah! Jesus said in John 10: 34-35 KJV, Ye are gods. What was His thought? An idea here… That maybe every man is the god of his own personal domain. The human body may contain a separate chemical universe inside which we, each person, have charge over! And we, being apart of the universe in which we live, in our physical bodies, make up the universal body of Jehovah God, our Father in the highest. Only Jehovah and Jesus are worthy of our worship, He being the body of the Holy Ghost who lives inside us. Christians should not seek their own glorification, but should serve the living GOD, for we are mere mortal men! </p><p>GOD is Spirit and Jesus His Son, the doorway to Him. Jehovah created all things for Himself to share with the Saints of Jesus. He who seeks to save his life will lose it… but he who loses his life for the sake of Jesus shall find it! </p><p>What is the formula that will link the entire physical universe and science together into one? Are “strings” the missing link to unite the physics of all things? If so, are strings mass or energy… physical or spiritual? For the gulf between is great! </p><p>The periodic chart of the elements of chemistry and matter of everything we know about, maybe someday will be tied together in a unified theory of creation that GOD made! On paper, the elemental periodic table is listed on one page of a book altogether… In reality, is each element separate and each a domain of a separate basic elemental universe? What I am trying to say in my thought is… that hydrogen is the one basic element of our universe that we live in. In science, the other elements, of the periodic table chart, might be the foundation of other separate universes in Jehovah God’s creation. Where does creation end? It doesn’t! But we will continue to progress if we come to know the truth found in Jesus, the open doorway to Father Jehovah GOD Himself and all knowledge about everything we could ever imagine. </p><p>12 When the Nights Are Days 7/16/06 Do you have a poor disposition and outlook from day to day feeling depressed and looking to lash out at GOD for creating your situation? </p><p>What would Jesus say to you if you brought this before Him? What He said to me was… Occupy with your free time in a creative effort. Most people are healthy and occupy with a job or career. Some people cannot work because of their condition and this is when the four walls of their house begin to talk to them! In their mind they are half cocked and feel like a story written between the lines in a book! </p><p>Do some creative works for Jesus… write, draw, sketch, paint pictures… do a creative task for your home that will benefit your family and the appearance of your home. Ideas to work with will spur other ideas to contemplate in your thoughts for you to act upon. I suggest these things that you may overcome a rut and occupy with your one or many natural talents! Live for Jesus and be the witness of His Spirit for others. Visit a neighbor… bear one another’s burdens by doing something good for those who are broken in spirit. Even Christians need encouragement from time to time… we are here to uplift each other and set free those bound in bondage by the oppression of the devil! </p><p>People who get things done have a sense of accomplishment and euphoria in their personal lives and feel apart of life once again. They occupy their lives with small projects that mount up to big things over time. </p><p>Wake each day and walk and think about the things you can fit into your schedule this day. You can make a way for God in your life. There is no need to complain about your lot in life because that will only discourage you and set the pattern of your day. </p><p>So go forth and do wonders… but do not go forth and talk about the good things you are doing for others… for if you do you will have your reward then and there. Do good things in secret before the presence of the Lord. For he who does good things in secret will have a great reward of the Lord openly and honor from the most high Jehovah GOD in your time. </p><p>13 The Misty Sea Sunrise 7/21/06 </p><p>The trawler fishermen anticipate the morning lights of the sun over the ocean, This being the new beginning of the day with scattered purple and gray rain clouds. Below deck, huddled together in the galley, the crew Gather their wits together on this A.M. Thanksgiving cool morning sky and ocean. These are experienced men of rough seas and autumn storm skies… That even they fear and must overcome now and then, Because the ancient sea can turn against those who make a living with her At a moments notice… </p><p>The wrath of ocean storms is a dangerous experience at times That cannot be taken lightly. And like other things found in nature She must be respected with great admiration Because too much of a good thing Can be hazardous to your health when abused! </p><p>The storms of life can emotionally break people down. Open family communication is the healing balm That GOD will spark into the heart of someone close by there To break the ice attitudes that separates family unity On this day of rejoicing and giving of thanks. If you cannot be honest with yourself, How will you be honest before others? Especially those you love.... Take heart… just because you may be bitter toward a brother or sister Does not mean that you hate them… it is Satan That starts that ball rolling! </p><p>If you are a Christian, Satan will condemn you saying That you are not living up to God’s expectations For your family situation and suggest within you a self-destruct trip! But thanks be given to Jesus for the one-sided unconditional love that He gives to troubled Christians in their time of need and want… For He knows what you have need of better than what you think! The problem is just that we are usually wound up too deeply In that which disrupts and troubles us from thinking clearly! </p><p>14 Release Me… 7/29/06 </p><p>How do you release bad thoughts, attitude, disposition, hatred, all of these negative items that try to take away your JOY that you possess just because you belong to Jesus? An emotional release of things bottled up inside? A prayer to GOD to forget and send these things into oblivion? Will we ever forgive ourselves and forget past miserable situations that weigh us down with burdens too heavy and detailed in our memory to release? GOD is the answer in Jesus name who addresses our life long situations that gnaw at our conscience! Ask Jesus to help you by cleansing the slate of your conscience that has made you miserable over time. </p><p>First… repent and ask Jesus for your salvation by accepting Him into your heart. Second… be water baptized by total immersion totally and not just sprinkled as infants are when christened for GOD. Infants don’t know what is happening to them at that time. Water baptism is a spiritual clothing of the naked spiritual body to people beyond the age of innocence into the age of accountability that will protect your life and body from the coming sudden disaster on the Earth by Satan and the fallen angels. </p><p>First the natural body… then the spiritual body at the new birth of becoming born again into the family of GOD. Be filled with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Jesus Christ and also the third personality of the Godhead. The Holy Ghost is passed on to believers by the laying on of hands by the ministry of the supernatural Spirit-filled Church. </p><p>The covenant is made and is complete by the baptisms of the Godhead! Your new life in freedom begins now once saved, being separated from the bondage of the devil. Talk to the Lord Jesus everyday… this is how you will get to know Him. He loves you and has made you for Himself called out from among the world of temptation and deceitful fabrication of deception. God has all the answers for you when the time is right… He will preserve and save you for the appointed moment of your calling. Be patient and study the Word of God as a lawyer for your sake. Become a family member into the Kingdom Book of Life in Jesus name and know the righteous path to walk in the lean years to come. </p><p>15 Stop and Go… 7/29/06 </p><p>Is the Israeli Army going to exalt itself above the judgment throne of God saying any military actions taken against surrounding Arab nations is justified? Are we dealing with a first strike situation here? My mother taught me never to start a fight, but if one was provoked by others… for me to finish it! </p><p>The Bible says that he who Blesses Israel shall be blessed… but he who curses Israel, God will curse. I ask again, is this a free meal ticket to justify any Israeli military action against their neighbors in surrounding Arab countries? Jesus said… Treat others the way you would want them to treat you! My two cents worth? I will tell you anyway! Israel… you are the smartest people on the face of the Earth… don’t strike first… but if the Arabs attack you remember they are fighting against Jehovah GOD and He will not sit back and let it happen. If you are a righteous people living under grace… God will defend you with a supernatural spiritual power blast to bring judgment to the Earth in an hours’ time (Revelation 9: 13-21 KJV). There will be no escape! For all flesh shall witness it together. Remember the first of the Ten Commandments… There shall be no other gods before me… saith Jehovah GOD Israel One. This includes all Jews and all Gentiles living on Earth… mankind! Humble yourself before the Lord Jehovah as a nation… to know His will from day to day! If you pursue not a first strike in war you will be showing the Lord that you desire peace for the whole world to witness and abide in for the happiness of all people! But you must decide yourself for I could be wrong. Islam has grown into a sleeping giant over much time. How has that happened? The people of the Earth are evil and hateful of each other and Satan is behind it. He seeks his own agenda to rid the Earth of the Christians and Jews because of Jesus. Some preachers say that Satan has no power… if that is true how come the world follows in his footsteps the path he leads against Jesus and Jehovah and all Christians among the nations? Welcome to the war and reality… it is here with us! Are we afraid? No… because Jehovah has equipped His Saints with the Sword of the Spirit… the Word of GOD. All you need do is mention the word of love to the Muslims and they will retract to regroup and try to reason their useless hatred against Jesus of Nazareth. No one has ever loved them… so how can they give something that they don’t yet possess themselves? There is no escape so why should you run? Everyone must deal with the reality of Jesus for He rules the Earth with love forevermore! </p><p>The Arabs should feel the same way but they don’t because hatred throughout family lineage over the generations has taught both hatred and death to the Arabs and Jews alike, coming of age, from both sides of their family heritage. As time goes by the hatred is getting more intense to include death toward the Christians around the world… what did we do to them for them to promote such feelings on the planet? Jesus said of Himself… They hated me without a cause and he who kills you will think he does GOD a service. It is not flesh and blood that we war against… the enemy is Satan who deceives, lies, and manipulates all mankind. </p><p>16 The Diary of a Sick Mind 7/30/06 </p><p>Who is in control of the planet… men or women? For women try to take a man’s life and purpose apart. To lust after them would be a mistake… like lusting after a hornets’ nest! A man could get stung in the wrong places! So wisdom says… Men… do not lust after women or money… But of a necessity, ask GOD for the both of them! </p><p>I call my dad the Pope… for he tries to set me straight when in actuality he can’t help me! But spelled backwards he is called epop… everyone’s property! </p><p>Look around at the massive number of stars in the chemical makeup of points of light found on a black smooth table top… millions and billions of stars each with life! How does Jehovah GOD keep it all in order? The answer? That is because He is GOD and we but mere men! Look at the core of this massive universe on this black tabletop… it is like flat space! Am I one of these points of life and you also? The complexity of the universal starlight is dense and compacted together in a massive number where the drawing power of light and love draw all star-children together in the gathering of the saints at the end of time in Jesus name to the one place before the Throne of Jehovah GOD! The saints praise the name of Jesus in the language of universal telemetry emissions or otherwise to me, speaking in tongues by the Spirit! Do we yet know what we worship here on Earth? In a domain such as this… GOD is Jehovah and Jesus is GOD! They will take control of the nations… we have nothing to worry about except our own eternal destination. </p><p>My Problem? 8/06/06 </p><p>God… I want to know! Why am I angry all the time? Is it the effects of my life rebounding to me by not having a life of hope and prosperity? When will the chains of my poor disposition cease to hold me? I think it is about time to bust out of myself and overcome the evil of my life. Satan is trying to get me to sell my soul to him! This is the sickness of my mind and why I get therapy from two doctors. People are trying to convince me that I am the One, the antichrist world leader and it is just not so. Are you concerned about the state of my mental health, O GOD? My immediate family life and the aggravations of living are pure Hell to me because I psychologically hurt… I need answers and nobody can help me! I don’t want to hurt anyone nor destroy one-third of the Earth’s population at the trumpet call of a spiritual war of the ages! I just want to destroy Satan who is manipulating everyone without them being aware of his presence! Jehovah GOD… I desire a healing touch from your Son Jesus for the self- condemnation that I have and other unhealthy thoughts that are not pure. How will I overcome my sickness, O GOD, and live in contentment with myself? </p><p>17 Three to One in Marriage 8/08/06 </p><p>The two shall become one… such are the lives of a Christian husband and wife sharing a subconscious mind link between themselves. We live on Earth as male and female sharing the four quadrants of the brain in positive and negative thoughts… we make covenant with Jehovah GOD for an eternal joining together of our spiritual bodies. </p><p>In heaven there is neither male nor female but we are as the angels of God doing good on the face of the Earth that the Holy Ghost records in heaven. So… in our marriage on Earth with our spouse, covenant is made with Jehovah GOD and Jesus. We are the Saints of the Holy Spirit on Earth that we received freely in our natural body once we became baptized Christians in the name of Jesus of Nazareth! First the natural human body… then the spiritual glorified body… in the new birth! </p><p>So… the husband and wife become one in covenant with God and each other in their marriage vows. At their death, the two shall remain as one… for a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. As one the couple make covenant with the Godhead… Jesus and Father Jehovah… and we being the Holy Ghost make up the third personality of the Trinity becoming three in one. For a three-fold chord and covenant promise is difficult to break once the couple make covenant together as husband and wife with the Lord! </p><p>The spiritual body may be our glorified body that Jesus promised… for flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD. The Holy Spirit is sharp and quick… and will bring to mind the things that Jesus spoke to you about… for the family of God watches out for each other… bringing peace and blessing to you for the cause of our Jesus who gave up His life for us all. Receive Jesus and lead a life of righteousness that He may not feel loss of anyone given to Him by Jehovah… that He lived not His life in vain because of us! Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we His Sheep and family… making up the body of the Holy Ghost being ever mindful of living in His presence. The Holy Ghost fills our cool, clear, and clean physical lungs with bows of deep joy and our mind with fire by the Spirit with love forevermore from our Father Jehovah GOD Israel One! </p><p>18 Cape Charles Ferry 8/18/06 </p><p>Lord Jesus… heal me plainly thru truth, for I suffer from trauma I experienced in my early childhood. At age seven I never matured emotionally from that point onward. </p><p>The scene was the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay before the bay bridge-tunnel was built. The Cape Charles ferry commuted between Little Creek, Norfolk and Cape Charles on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, everyday. My family was heading north going to Trenton, New Jersey to see our relatives. While on board, we roamed the ferry on the upper decks. My father called us to the stern after deck of the ferryboat to view porpoises that were following the ferry as we crossed the bay. I told my dad that I could not see them because the ships railing on the deck was too high and I could not see over it. My dad picked me up and hung me over the edge for a moment. Then my heart fainted… my life was in his hands and I feared death becoming reality at age seven. I cannot remember anything before that time. I never matured emotionally because death had visited my doorstep. </p><p>I am beginning to believe that emotional stress is what caused my psychological emotional problems later in life. I may never know the whole story of why certain stressful situations can deter growth emotionally and psychologically in children. I see it now… I know the problem I have! My dad is good and may not have known what he was doing when this happened… for it happened quickly and then was buried in the depths of time and memory. </p><p>God has had His hand on my life ever since I can remember… and I have not been grateful to Him for small things that added up to big things over time. I am sorry for disregarding your love, Lord, and protection for many years. I want to say that only Jesus can change a life prone to fear! And when you do the things you fear they no longer will trouble you. Jesus will give you this power and ability to do so. The mind and imagination can blow situations out of proportion before they happen… like a state of mind in shock affecting your physical body. Where to go from here? Forgiveness for everyone involved is my prayer! </p><p>19 Anyone Welcome? 8/26/06 </p><p>The winter brings cold star-filled night skies and a cold crisp chill to January’s evening atmosphere. The sky is clear with a full burst of midnight stars. The terrain of this region is lit up by a full moon. Soon in the distance a diesel locomotive train blows its whistle with a clean cut sound. Its movement over the railroad tracks has a repeating clanking rhythm sound over the rails far away. </p><p>Lord… I have been a wretch and mistreated people who want to be my friends. I am sorry that I have a suspicious mind toward them. Maybe it is with me, this rejection that I feel toward others. Lord, I want to learn to love all people… for your Word says to do so and love all those who hate you! The ministry has me in high arrays saying that I am not being truthful about my life… saying that I do not practice what I preach! Maybe that is true, but I don’t know how to live a Christian life of righteousness being in a family of unbelievers at home with strong opinions. I only want to know truth, for everyone is such an authority concerning their own lives and what they want… there are just too many chiefs and not enough Indians! </p><p>Life has been bothering me, God, and clogged up my open passageways from learning more about you. I am aggravated all the time not knowing why… something is not right within me! Jesus… I have called upon you, but you are silent… so I went to the Church and they could not help me, but did pray for me. In 1977 I was filled by your Spirit and baptized in water and life was good for a long time and then the oppression of the world about destroyed my mission for GOD. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! Jesus, you say I have separated myself from the fellowship of believers… but it can’t be helped for the time being. I want to know truth as you teach it because I refuse to live like this much longer! I have lost my hope and self-esteem for I am a hireling who cares not for the sheep! That is what a hireling is and not a Shepherd. I need water… that living water that you have, JESUS! If you don’t do something soon you will lose your Earth to Islam! </p><p>GOD, I ask you… what can I do? I have learned by the grace given to me from you… Preach Jesus… Him crucified and Risen from the dead! For He will give you the Words of Testimony concerning His Father... for the pending hour of crisis is coming and decisions must be made for the appointed time and the gathering of unbelievers to be saved! The Church attendance shall explode and the nations healed once Jesus is lifted up in all truth by faith in Him, becoming one, throughout the Earth! It is sad but true to me, O GOD… and I am sorry, but there are a lot of hurting sinners cast aside in this world who say within… “What’s the use? We cannot live a Christian life like that… it is just too difficult!” Involvement in activities and membership in the Church is not the complete healing answer! Jesus and His love must be plainly brought forth from the Holy Scriptures to the people, each one on a daily individual healing basis beginning with praise to the Lord in the hope of each new passing morning sunrise! </p><p>20 September Storms 9/01/06 </p><p>Yes… it is the dawn of the day storm saturating the east coast seaboard for the cause of the tropical storm Ernesto. </p><p>Here in Hampton Roads, Virginia, the margin of safety thru such weather conditions is present even though other parts of the country are not so well off. Ernesto has caused much flooding thru overnight downpours to our region. We don’t think how to react quickly. We go onward with our lives with business as usual as the prime conditions Jesus spoke about for His return. We may not see the total picture, but God is purging the Earth of everything that offends Him beginning with our sins. He uses the Word to do so… by the washing of our already saved spiritual body by the hearing of the Word preached. The cleansing process for the Saints begins… </p><p>The weather cleanses the Earth by wind and rain on this summers’ end storm! We will move onward with Jesus…we will not give up… we will make things right that God may give us grace. This could be the beginning of a new era for us all to show a little kindness to our neighbors in every nation. God is purifying our coastline on the Atlantic before His presence… the God of our fathers. Do we have faith that God will see us thru safely? For faith is the hope of things to come… it is evidence of things unseen… it is the belief in an unseen God who wants us for Himself… He is called by many names, one being Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord Our Righteousness. GOD will purge the Earth, starting with the Saints in the hope that Jesus will be lifted up, loved, and remembered by all on the planet! </p><p>21 The Right Thing 9/08/06 </p><p>Is it a ploy by big businessmen to keep the Republicans in office… that is the cause of the gasoline fuel companies to bring down the price per gallon of gas in this Congressional election year? If they retain the majority vote in Congress in this election, be assured that they will hijack you again after everything is said and done. Are you afraid of the Democrats and the word “liberal?” The Bible says that the liberal soul shall be made fat… (Proverbs 11: 25 KJV.) To the Republicans everything is money and the love of it. The Republicans care about you before you are born and after you die… but while you live here on Earth, they don’t give a damn about you! There are some Republican ministries who help the unfortunate… using someone else’s money and tooting their own horn about all the good things they themselves are doing. They have their reward! You want to do something great, do a good deed without telling someone about it. GOD sees the truth in all things in greater detail than what we think. Something done before God in secret will have great reward by the Lord who sees in secret. Remember… the show boaters have their reward! </p><p>I hope to see the Democrats tighten up their ship because they are for the prosperity of the little man. Their belief in abortion and gay marriage is contrary to the Law of God although, and they will never retain the Christian Evangelical vote in elections until those beliefs are changed, outlawed, and practiced. </p><p>One man and one woman in marriage is Gods’ way. Also… abortion is murder unless the life of the mother is in danger! Women, you like to expose your sexual body in pornography? When you get older how will you explain to your daughters your past lifestyle in their formative years? Life is not money, sex, or rock-n-roll… but love, joy, and peace found in the Holy Ghost to make content your life before Jehovah GOD and Jesus. Don’t fool yourself… those who perform and practice a lie have not eternal life dwelling in them in heaven at that day. The truth is found in Jesus… it is His Holy Spirit that tugs at your heart. You know the right thing to do… do it… and be not troubled by others for living a life of righteousness. </p><p>At my local Church, they teach us to vote for the man who is closest to GOD… in elections that would be the right wing Republicans for the time being. But I want to know one thing about the church leaders who say they vote for the man and not the party. Who did they vote for back in 1976… born again Democrat Jimmy Carter or Republican Gerald Ford? Answer that question truthfully and I will know if the evangelical church leaders are sincere about what they preach. There is one thing I know for certain and that is… politics divides the church! As long as the evangelical church dabbles in politics, the supernatural Christian Church around the world will never be ONE as the body of believers for the gathering of saints in the revival harvest of the Earth! One Lord… one faith… one body. Take the government out of the church but don’t take the church out of the government or we will lose our land to the approaching night of world darkness. </p><p>22 The End of Childhood! 9/23/06 </p><p>Young sons and daughters’ live securely upon the face of this your Earth. Do not be like the norm of society seeking after material riches in this world. For all these things do the children of the world seek after! As you get older, GOD knows what you have need of… but separate yourselves from the ways of the world and seek you first the riches of the Kingdom of GOD in all hope before Him and all needed things will be added to you. For God looks at the motivation of a person’s heart and weighs it so by His grace. Be a testimony as children with the purity of your heart. Do good as you live from day to day… learn to trust in GOD for He sees all in secret and will strengthen you when life overwhelms you! Young ones, become leaders to your friends as one who calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus in behalf of them when troubled under the noonday sun and be not afraid of what they may think or say… for you are the one who has salvation of the Lord Jesus dwelling in you! Pray that God’s light may shine upon them all that in days to come they may remember the love you both had for them. </p><p>Remember your parents in the Lord who watch for your soul, for wisdom can be reared from early childhood by what they teach you. They love you each one. May mercy and peace reign in your heart from this day forward and be not afraid to ask questions of them before the great and terrible day of the Lord Jesus! </p><p>Be mindful of your salvation for it is the reason of life itself and why we are here… that is… to prepare for eternity and life forevermore. For Jesus of Nazareth is the way and only door to a blissful and loving Father… Jehovah GOD! </p><p>23 What Will Be Will Be 9/23/06 </p><p>There is one truth that all mankind must accept, that being… The Jews are God’s chosen people. The thought that Islam was created by a jealous people, the Arabs, over time and history from Ishmael down thru the ages have gone their own way separating themselves from their original God Jehovah. </p><p>Jehovah God loves all people including the Arab Muslims and people around the world joining themselves’ with Him. The Muslims are determined to take over the Earth for Allah, their God. </p><p>Jehovah says… There shall be no other gods before me… the first of the Ten Commandments given by Moses from the fingertip of Jehovah. The thing to do, as for myself also, is to accept the fact that I am not a Jew but a chosen Gentile by God for His purposes. We control not time and issues on Earth… for Jehovah controls it all. </p><p>There is turmoil in a lot of nations and that is because mankind does not want anything to do with Jehovah and Jesus. The Word of God is the timepiece that no man or culture is going to be able to force before the appointed time! </p><p>We should be thankful that we are alive and grateful to be able to love each other. Jehovah will work peace and contentment into your life thru Jesus Christ Our Lord if given the chance. There is no need for killing… that is wrong… because everyone dies eventually. No need to force history or creating a name for ourselves… for only one name matters, that being Jesus of Nazareth, the connecting link between Jehovah our Father and mankind. </p><p>The Muslims think that Allah is a bigger God than Jehovah. Allah, to them, envelops the blackness of space throughout the universe for all life everywhere. What they don’t realize is that the universe is the hydrogen lake of fire where burn the souls of the wicked dead as stars! </p><p>Jehovah and the light of Jesus surround this universal lake in the new heaven consisting of the infinite new Earth outside the universe. The new Earth is the kingdom of light in the new heaven of Jehovah God, Jesus being the light of heaven without sun or starlight to lighten it… for the Lord GOD is the light thereof! </p><p>Satan, the Bible says, exalts his throne above the stars of God. Jehovah and Jesus go one step further surrounding the universe and Satan’s domain. Being caught up to the paradise of the Kingdom of Jehovah, the remembered Saints of Jesus will dwell there forevermore. What will it be Muslims? How will you overtake Jehovah and Jesus Christ the Lord? </p><p>24 This is the end of my e-book titled, “Covered by the Blood of Jesus.” I hope it will be useful in your life. I will see you again… Lord willing. </p><p>Frederick Bacskay… (Pen name: Nicolas Bocskai…) </p><p>Dove Publications P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA </p><p>25 </p>

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