<p> CURRICULUM VITAE </p><p>NAME: Nico van Zandwijk ADDRESS: 44/53 Peninsula Drive, Breakfast Point, 2137 NSW, Australia PHONE: +61 (0) 2 97679120, mobile +61 404174045 FAX: +61 (0) 2 97679101 </p><p>DATE OF BIRTH: November 23rd, 1944 PLACE OF BIRTH: Wieringerwaard, Netherlands PRESENT APPOINTMENT: Professor, The University of Sydney Director Asbestos Diseases Research Institute Bernie Banton Centre Hospital Rd, Concord NSW 2139 Australia E-MAIL: [email protected]</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION/DEGREES:</p><p>1964-1973 University of Amsterdam 1968-1973 Research Assistant Prof. C.A. Wagenvoort and Prof. A.S. Groen Preclinical models of Extracorporal circulation 1973 Licensure (MD) 1973-1974 Military Service (Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service) Research: Isolated lung perfusion/massive transfusion experiments 1974-1979 Resident Internal Medicine (University of Amsterdam/Wilhelmina Gasthuis and Binnen Gasthuis, Prof. M. Koster, Prof. J. Vreeken) Pulmonary Diseases: 1974 (Prof. Groen), Nephrology: 1975 (Prof. Wilmink), Hematology/Oncology: 1976 (Prof. Goudsmit), Cardiology: (Prof. Durrer & Prof. Dunning) 1977, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology (Prof. Tytgat) and Polyclinic 1978 1976 PhD Thesis: "Pulmonary injury elicited by blood; an experimental study" 1979 Specialist Degree (Internal Medicine) 1979-1981 Resident Thoracic Diseases (University of Amsterdam, Prof. Dr. A.S. Groen and Dr. M.C.P. Braat) 1981 Specialist Degree (Chest Medicine) 1985 Head of Dept. Thoracic Oncology 2008 Professor University of Sydney</p><p>PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS:</p><p>1981-1985 Consultant Physician, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam/ The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam (part time) 1981.1985 Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam 1985-2008 Head of Dept.Thoracic Oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute </p><p>OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES:</p><p>1975-1980 Member of the Editorial Board of the Section Hematology, Excerpta Medica, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1988.1998 Medical Advisor Amsterdam Court of Appeal 1990-date Reviewer: Eur J Cancer, Lung Cancer, BMJ, Eur Resp J, Ann Oncol, J Natl Cancer Inst, Cancer Res, J Thoracic Oncol, etc. 1997.1999 Member of State Committee (National Health Council) on Asbestos-related diseases 2001-2008 Chairman National Advisory Committee (RIVM): New drugs in Thoracic Oncology 2002-2008 Chairman State Committee (National Health Council) on Asbestos and Lung Cancer</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 1 of 20</p><p>2004-date Member of the Advisory Board of the Thoracic Oncology Section of the French Institut National du Cancer (INca), Paris 2007-date Co-chair IASLC World Lung Cancer Conference 2011 Amsterdam 2008-date Co-chair ITOCD Conferences Dresden, Germany 2008-date Editorial Board, Cancer Prevention Research, Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 2009-date Member of the National Lung Cancer Advisory Group, Cancer Australia</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE:</p><p>- Thoracic Oncology Courses for medical students (4th year), University of Amsterdam, 1981-1985. - Dutch Cancer Foundation (KWF) Education project oncology: Lung tumors I (audiovisual educationprogramme) 1982-85. - KWF video presentation: "Life with lung cancer" (with C. Schaake-Koning and F.S.A.M. van Dam) 1982. - Yearly: Thoracic Oncology course for Residents in Chest Medicine (Netherlands), 1986-date - Postgraduate courses on Thoracic Medicine for Chest Physicians, Davos, 1991-1997. - Postgraduate courses on Thoracic Oncology for European School of Oncology, Moscow/Vienna/Milan/Rome 1994-1996-2001-2002. - Postgraduate courses on Thoracic Oncology for Chest Physicians, European Respiratory Society: Florence/Nice/Stockholm,1993,1994,1996,1998. - Postgraduate courses for the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Longartsen, Bronkhorst Colloquium: 1994,1995. - Teaching symposia: 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Central European Lung Cancer Conference: 1992, 1994,1996,1998,2000,2002. - Post Universitair Onderwijs: Cursus Vrije radicalen en oxidatieve stress, Utrecht: februari 1995. - Post Graduate Courses (Thoracic Oncology) for Chest Physicians, Wengen (Yearly)1996-date. - Post Graduate Courses (Thoracic Oncology) for Internists/Medical Oncologists (Netherlands Cancer Institute)1992–date. - National (Koepelkerk) Symposia on Thoracic Oncology for Chest physicians, Chest surgeon’s, Radiation -and Medical Oncologists 1998-date. - Post graduate Course (Thoracic Oncology), ESMO, Nice 2002 - Post graduate Course (Thoracic Oncology), ASCO/IASLC, Beijing 2002 - Post graduate Course, ERS School Course on Lung Cancer, Lausanne, Switzerland November 2003 - Post graduate Course Chemoprevention, 26th German Cancer Society (26. Deutscher Krebskongress Berlin 2004) - Member of Scientific Committee and Yearly Post Graduate Courses: Perspectives of Lung Cancer: 2004-2009 - Co-chair ITOCD (bi-annual) conferences Dresden, Germany 2008-date - Co-chair IASLC World Lung cancer Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011) </p><p>POSTGRADUATE SUPERVISION:</p><p>Year Student Postgraduate degree 1988 A Zwijnenburg PhD 1992 E Jassem PhD 1993 G Sutedja PhD 1994 P Baas PhD 1995 HB Kwa PhD 1996 LJ Boersma PhD 2002 MJ Koppe PhD 2003 JH Schouwink PhD 2004 M Crul PhD 2004 A Haringhuizen MA 2005 MS Kartachova PhD 2005 A Mathy MA 2005 JM Rademaker-Lakhai PhD 2008 JK Zuur PhD 2008 MI Gallegos Ruiz PhD 2009 I Kappers PhD 2009 RM van den Berg PhD 2009 S Kao PhD</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 2 of 20 CERTIFICATES:</p><p>-Teaching certificate European School of Respiratory Medicine (ERSM)</p><p>MEMBERSHIPS:</p><p>-Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose (NVALT) -Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV) -Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie -American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) -International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) -Fellow American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP)- -International Society for Nutrition and Cancer (ISNAC) -European Respiratory Society (ERS) -American Thoracic Society (ATS) -Active member EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group -Active member of European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) -Active Member Australian Lung Cancer Trials Group</p><p>ADMINISTRATION EXPERIENCE:</p><p>1982-1988 Secretary EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group 1983-1989 Secretary IKA Working Party on Lung Cancer 1983-1989 Chairman Oncology Working Party Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose 1984-1989 Board Member: Oncology Section SEP (Societas Europaea Pneumologica) 1986-1989 Board Member of the Medical Laser Association of The Netherlands 1987-1990 Chairman of the Scientific Board (Clinical Oncology) of The Netherlands Cancer Institute 1988-1990 Chairman Netherlands Concensus/Guidelines Project on Diagnostics in Lung Cancer, CBO Utrecht 1988-1994 Chairman EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group 1994-1996 Member Consensus Committee on Consensus project on Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer, CBO, Utrecht 1997.2002 Chairman of the Medical Staff of the Netherlands Cancer Institute 2002-2007 Member International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Committee on Early Detection and Intervention of Lung Cancer 2004-2007 Member International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) Public Issues Committee 2005-2009 Member of the Board of Directors of the International association for the Study of Lung Cancer</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>ENGLISH LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS </p><p>1975</p><p>1. Van Zandwijk N, Lenssen TF, Prakke EM, Van der Meer J, Groen AS. Proceedings: Leucocytes and platelets in isolated lung perfusion. Thromb Diath Haemorrh 1975; 34: 579. 1979</p><p>2. Van Zandwijk N, Lensen FTJ, van der Meer J, Wagenvoort CA, Groen AS, van Zandwijk N. Pulmonary injury by blood: an experimental study. Eur Surg Res. 1979; 11: 301-316.</p><p>1983</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 3 of 20 3. Van Zandwijk N, Darmanata JI, Düren DR, Alberts Chr, Durrer D, Wagenvoort CA. Amiodarone pneumonitis. Eur J Respir Dis 1983; 64: 313-317.</p><p>1984</p><p>4. Darmanata JI, Van Zandwijk N, Düren DR, van Royen EA, Mooi WJ, Plomp RA, Jansen HM, Durrer D. Amiodarone pneumonitis: three further cases with a review of published reports. Thorax 1984; 39: 57-64. 5. Van Rooy WJJ, van der Meer SC, van Royen EA, Van Zandwijk N, Darmanata JL. Pulmonary Gallium-67 uptake in amiodarone pneumonitis. J Nucl Med 1984; 25: 211-213. </p><p>1985</p><p>6. Schaake-Koning CCE, Bartelink H, Hora Adema B, Schuster-Uitterhoeve L, Van Zandwijk N. Radiotherapy and cis-diammine dichloroplatinum (II) as a combined treatment modality for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer: a dose finding study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1985; 12; 379-383.</p><p>1986</p><p>7. Van Zandwijk N, Dalesio O, Kirkpatrick A, McVie JG. "Wait & See" in asymptomatic non-operable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), an important question? Lung Cancer 1986; 2: 171. 8. Van Zandwijk N, Zwijnenburg A, Hoefnagel CA, Marcuse HR. I123IMP (N-isopropyl-p[123I] iodoamphetamine), a new agent for lung imaging studies. Thorax 1986; 41: 801-803. 9. Aaronson NK, Bakker W, Stewart AL, van Dam FSAM, Van Zandwijk N, Yarnold JR, Kirkpatrick A. A multidimensional approach to the measurement of quality of life in lung cancer clinical trials. Lung Cancer 1986; 2: 182. 10. Mooi WJ, Dingemans KP, Van Zandwijk N. Prevalence of neuroendocrine granules in small cell lung carcinoma. Usefulness of electron microscopy in lung cancer classification. J Pathol 1986; 149: 41. 11. Van Dongen JA, Hart AA, Jonk A, Postuma HS, Vos A, Van Zandwijk N. Resection of pulmonary metastases, results, prognostic factors, reappraisal of selection criteria. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1986; 34: 140-142.</p><p>1987</p><p>12. Blank LECM, Haveman J, Van Zandwijk N. The radioprotective effect of N-acetyl-cysteine in thorax irradiation of mice. Radiother Oncol 1987; 10: 67-79. 13. Postmus PE, Berendsen HH, Van Zandwijk N, Splinter TAW, Burghouts JThM, Bakker W and the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Retreatment with the induction regimen in small cell lung cancer relapsing after an initial response to short term chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1987; 23: 1409-1411. 14. Rodenhuis S, van de Wetering ML, Van Zandwijk N, Mooi WJ, Evers SG and Bos JL. Mutational Activation of the K-Ras oncogene: a Possible Pathogenetic Factor in Adenocarcinoma of the Lung. N Engl J Med 1987; 317: 929-935. 15. Snow GB, de Vries N, Van Zandwijk N, Pinedo HM. Second primary cancers in the lung in head and neck cancer patients: a challenge. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1987; 23: 883-886. </p><p>1988</p><p>16. Slebos RJC, de Graeff A, Van Zandwijk N, Mooi WJ, Bos JL and Rodenhuis S. Recurrent breast cancer and an adenocarcinoma of the lung occurring in one patient: c-myc oncogene amplification and K-ras codon 12 point mutation as tumour markers. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1988; 24: 1529-1530. 17. Zwijnenburg A, Klumper A, Roos CM, Jansen HM, Van der Schoot JB, Van Zandwijk N, Marcuse HR. Lung volume calculations from 81 Krm SPECT for the quantification of regional ventilation. Clin Phys Physiol Meas 1998; 9:147-154.</p><p>1989</p><p>18. Feld E, Abeloff MD, Ball DL, Drings P, Gregor A, Johnson B, Van Zandwijk N, Maasilta P, Saijo N, Sörenson S. Toxicity and supportive care in small cell lung cancer: a consensus report. Lung Cancer 1989; 5: 145-151. 19. Wanamarta AH, van Rijn J, Blank LECM, Haveman J, Van Zandwijk N, Joenje H. Effect of N-acetylcysteine on the antiproliferative action of X-rays or bleomycin in cultured human lung tumor cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1989; 115: 340-344.</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 4 of 20 1990</p><p>20. Van Zandwijk N, Jassem E, Bonfrèr JMG, van Tinteren H. Value of neuron specific enolase in early detection of relapse in small cell lung carcinoma. Eur J Clin Oncol 1990; 26: 373-376. 21. Van Zandwijk N, Jassem E, Dubbelman R, Braat MCP, Rümke Ph. Aerosol application of interferon-alpha in the treatment of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Eur J Cancer 1990; 26: 738-740. 22. Hilgers FJM, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1990; 41: 421-425. 23. Slebos, RJC, Kibbelaar RE, Dalesio O, Kooistra A, Stam J, Meijer CJLM, Wagenaar SjSc, Vanderschueren RGJRA, Van Zandwijk N, Mooi WJ, Bos JL, Rodenhuis S. K-ras oncogene activation as a prognostic marker in adenocarcinoma of the lung. N Engl J Med 1990; 323: 561-565. 24. Van Schooten FJ, Hillebrand MJX, van Leeuwen FE, Lutgerink JT, Van Zandwijk N, Jansen HM, Kriek E. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - DNA adducts in lung tissue from lung cancer patients. Carcinogenesis 1990; 11: 1677-1681.</p><p>1991</p><p>25. Boutin C, Viallat JR, Van Zandwijk N, Douillard JT, Paillard JC, Guerin JC, Mignot P, Migueres J, Vailet F, Jehan A. Activity of intrapleural recombinant gamma-interferon in malignant mesothelioma. Cancer 1991; 67: 2033-2037. 26. De Vries N, Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U and on behalf of the Euroscan Steering Committee. The Euroscan Study. Br J Cancer 1991; 64: 985-989. 27. Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchange (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1991; 16: 152-156. 28. Kibbelaar RE, Moolenaar KEC, Michalides RJAM, Van Bodegom PC, Vanderschueren RGJRA, Wagenaar SS, Dingemans KP, Bitter-Suermann D, Dalesio O, Van Zandwijk N, Mooi WJ. Neural cell adhesion molecule expression, neuroendocrine differentiation and prognosis in lung carcinoma. Eur J Cancer 1991; 27: 431-435. 29. Klastersky J, Burkes R, Choi N, Dombernowsky P, Darwish S, Ginsberg RJ, Gregor A, Ihde DC, Kocha W, MacBeth F, Mirimanoff RO, Mornex F, Nemec J, Opalka P, Payne D, Pujol JL, Stout R, Van Zandwijk N. Induction therapy for NSCLC: a consensus report. Lung Cancer 1991;7:15-17. 30. Schaake-Koning C, Kirkpatrick A, Kröger R, Van Zandwijk N, Bartelink H. The need for immediate monitoring of treatment parameters and uniform assessment of patient data in clinical trials: A quality control study of the EORTC Radiotherapy and Lung Cancer Cooperative Groups. Eur J Cancer 1991; 27: 615-619. 31. Van Breukelen FJM, Mattson K, Giaccone G, Van Zandwijk N, Planteydt HT, Kirkpatrick A, Dalesio O. Mitoxantrone in malignant pleural mesothelioma: a study by the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Eur J Cancer 1991; 27: 1627-1629.</p><p>1992</p><p>32. Van Zandwijk N, Jassem E, Bonfrèr JMG, Mooi WJ, van Tinteren H. Serum neuron specific enolase and lactate dehydrogenase as predictors of response to chemotherapy and survival in non-small cell lung cancer. Semin Oncol 1992; 19 (suppl 2): 37-43. 33. De Vries N, Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U. Chemoprevention in the management of oral cancer: Euroscan and other studies. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28B: 153-157. 34. Giaccone G, Van Zandwijk N, on behalf of the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Views and new from Melbourne, the sixth world conference on lung cancer. Eur Resp J 1992; 5: 1023-1026. 35. Giaccone G, Splinter T, Kirkpatrick A, Dalesio O, Van Zandwijk N, McVie G. The EORTC experience of teniposide in lung cancer. Preliminary results of a randomized study in non-small cell lung cancer. Semin Oncol 1992; 2 (suppl 16): 98-102. 36. Mattson K, Giaccone G, Kirkpatrick A, Evrard D, Tammilehto L, van Breukelen F, Planteydt HT, Van Zandwijk N. Epirubicin in malignant mesothelioma: a phase II study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. J Clin Oncol 1992; 10: 824-828. 37. Postmus PE, Splinter TAW, Palmen FMLHG, Carney DN, Festen J, Burghouts JThW, Vendrik C, Roozendaal K, Planting AST, Quoix E, Van Zandwijk N, Rinaldi M, Giaccone G, Koolen M, Miech G, van de Lichte JL, Kirkpatrick A, Evrard D, Dalesio O and the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Comparison of two carboplatin-containing regimens with standard chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer in a randomi- sed phase II study. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28: 96-100.</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 5 of 20 38. Quoix EA, Giaccone G, Jassem J, Karnicka H, Wiatr E, Cortes-Funes H, Roozendaal KJ, Kirkpatrick A, Evrard D, Van Zandwijk N. Epirubicin in previously untreated patients with small cell lung cancer: a phase II study by the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28A: 1667-1670. 39. Schaake-Koning CCE, Van den Bogaert W, Dalesio O, Festen J, Hoogenhout J, Van Houtte P, Kirkpatrick A, Koolen M, Maat B, Nijs A, Renaud A, Rodrigus P, Schuster-Uitterhoeve L, Sculier JP, Van Zandwijk N, Bartelink H. Effects of concomitant cisplatin and radiotherapy on inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med 1992; 326: 524-530. 40. Sutedja G, Baris G, Schaake-Koning C, Van Zandwijk N. High dose rate brachytherapy in patients with local recurrences after radiotherapy of non small cell lung cancer. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 1992; 24: 551-553. 41. Sutedja G, Baas P, Stewart FA, Van Zandwijk N. A pilot study of photodynamic therapy in patients with inoperable non small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28A: 1370-1373. 42. Sutedja G, Baris G, Zoetmulder FAN, Van Zandwijk N. High dose rate brachytherapy improves resectability in squamous cell lung cancer. Chest 1992; 102: 308-309. 43. Van Schooten FJ, Hillebrand MJX, van Leeuwen FE, Van Zandwijk N, Jansen HM, den Engelse L, Kriek E. Polycyclic aromatic hydrcarbon - DNA adducts in white blood cells from lung cancer patients: no correlation with adduct levels in lung. Carcinogenesis 1992; 13: 987-993.</p><p>1993</p><p>44. Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U, De Vries N, Dalesio O. Euroscan. The European organization for research and treatment of cancer. Chemoprevention study in lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1993; 9: 351-356. 45. Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U, De Vries N. Chemoprevention of cancer. Eur Resp J 1993; 6: 322-324. 46. Van Zandwijk N, Rodenhuis S, Mooi WJ. New treatment opportunities in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1993; 9 (suppl. 2): S109-116. 47. Van Zandwijk N, Sutedja T, Baas P, Stewart F. An emerging role for photodynamic therapy in lung cancer. FORUM Trends Experim Clin Med 1993; 3: 33-39. 48. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, Van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102: 878-883. 49. Ackerstaff AH, Souren T, Van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM, Hilgers FJM. Improvements in the assessment of pulmonary function in laryngectomized patients. Laryngoscope 1993; 103: 1391-1394. 50. Ardizzoni A, Venturini M, Crino L, Sertoli MR, Bruzzi P, Pennucci MC, Mariani GL, Garrone O, Bracarda S, Rosso R, Van Zandwijk N. High dose-intensity chemotherapy, with accelerated cyclophosphamide- doxorubicin-etoposide and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, in the treatment of small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cancer 1993; 29A: 687-692. 51. Baas P, Hartjes F, Loopik T, Oppelaar H, Sutedja G, Van Zandwijk N. Development of cylindrical diffusing fibres suitable for interstitial photodynamic therapy. Lasers Med Sci 1993; 8: 93-98. 52. Baas P, Oppelaar H, Stavenuiter M, Van Zandwijk N, Stewart FA. Interaction of the bioreductive drug SR 4233 and photodynamic therapy using photofrin II in a mouse tumor model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1993; 27: 665-670. 53. Boersma LJ, Damen EMF, De Boer RW, Muller SH, Valdes Olmos RA, Hoefnagel CA, Roos CM, Van Zandwijk N, Lebesque JV. A new method to determine dose-effect relations for local lung-function changes using correlated SPECT and CT-data. Radioth Oncol 1993; 29: 110-116. 54. De Vries N, Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U. The Euroscan study: a progress report. Am J Otolaryngol 1993: 14: 62-66. 55. Giaccone G, Dalesio O, McVie GJ, Kirkpatrick A, Postmus PE, Burghouts JThM, Bakker W, Koolen MGJ, Vendrik CPJ, Roozendaal KJ, Planting AST, Van Zandwijk N, Ten Velde GJM, Splinter TAW for the EORTC LCCG. Maintenance chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer: long-term results of a randomized trial. J Clin Oncol 1993; 11: 1230-1240. 56. Hassink EAM, Souren TS, Boersma LJ, Peerboom PF, Melkert R, Van Zandwijk N, Lebesque JV, Bruning PF. Pulmonary morbidity 10-18 years after irradiation for Hodgkin's Disease. Eur J Cancer 1993; 29a: 343- 347. 57. Jassem J, Karnicka-Mlodkowska H, Van Pottelsberghe Ch, Van Glabbeke M, Noseda MA, Ardizzoni A, Gozzelino F, Planting A, Van Zandwijk N for the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Phase II study of Vinorelbine (navelbine) in previously treated small cell lung cancer patients. Eur J Cancer 1993; 29A: 1720- 1722. 58. Marijnissen JPA, Baas P, Beek JF, Van Moll JH, Van Zandwijk N, Star WM. Pilot study on light dosimetry for endobronchial photodynamic therapy. Photochem Photobiol 1993; 58: 92-98. 59. Schaake-Koning C, Van den Bogaert W, Dalesio O, Festen J, Hoogenhout J, Van Houtte P, Kirkpatrick A, Koolen M, Maat B, Nijs A, Renaud A, Rodrigus P, Schuster-Uitterhoeve L, Sculier J, Van Zandwijk N, </p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 6 of 20 Bartelink H. Radiotherapy combined with low dose cisplatinl; results of the EORTC 08844 Phase III study by the EORTC Radiotherapy and Lung Cancer Cooperative Groups. Lung Cancer 1993; 9: 245-248. 60. Sutedja T, Kwa HB, Van Kamp H, Van Zandwijk N. Photodynamic therapy as an alternative treatment for surgery in a patients with lung cancer undergoing bone marrow transplantation. Chest 1993; 103: 1909- 1910. 61. Sutedja G, Baris G, Van Zandwijk N, Postmus PE. High dose rate brachytherapy has a curative potential in patients with intraluminal squamous cell lung cancer. Respiration 1993; 61: 167-168.</p><p>1994</p><p>62. Van Zandwijk N. Are we moving towards continuous therapy in small cell lung cancer (SCLC)? Anticancer Research 1994; 14: 309-312. 63. Van Zandwijk N. Treatment of small cell lung cancer: Recent experience of the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Anticancer Research 1994; 14: 313-316. 64. Van Zandwijk N. Antioxidants in the chemoprevention of lung cancer. Lung Cancer 1994; 11 (suppl. 2): 96- 97. 65. Van Zandwijk N, Dalesio O. Platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer - the experience of the EORTC. Semin Oncol 1994; 21 (suppl 6): 66-71. 66. Baas P, Michielsen C, Oppelaar H, Van Zandwijk N, Stewart FA. Enhancement of interstitial photodynamic therapy by Mitomycin C and EO9 in a mouse tumour model. Int J Cancer 1994;56:880-885. 67. Baas P, Oppelaar H, Van der Valk M, Van Zandwijk N, Stewart FA. Partial protection of photodynamic induced skin reactions in mice by N-acetylcysteine: a preclinical study. Photochem Photobiol 1994; 59: 448- 454. 68. Boersma LJ, Damen EMF, De Boer RW, Muller SH, Roos CM, Valdes Olmos RA, Van Zandwijk N, Lebesque JV. Dose-effect relations for local functional and structural changes of the lung after irradiation for malignant lymphoma. Radiother Oncol 1994; 32: 201-209. 69. Bunn PA Jr, Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U, Aisner J, Alberto P, Arriagada R, Carney D, Cornis R, Dittrich C, Gatzemeier U, Ginsberg R, Greco FA, Hanssen HA, Harper P, Hendriksson R, Huber H, Klener P, LeChevallier T, Lewensohn R, Murray N, Niederle N, Postmus P, Rosell R, Scagliotti G, Sculier JP, Splinter T, Stahel R, Symann M, Thatcher N, Tonato M, Turrisi A. European School of Oncology. First Euro- American Forum on Lung Cancer Treatment. Eur J Cancer 1994; 30a: 710-713. 70. Giaccone G, Huizing M, Ten Bokkel Huinink WW, Koolen M, Postmus P, Van Kralingen K, Van Zandwijk N, Vermorken J, Beijnen J, Dalesio O, Pinedo H, Veenhof C. Preliminary results of two dose finding studies of paclitaxel (taxol) and carboplatin in non-small cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer. A European Cancer Center effort. Semin Oncol 1994; 21 (suppl 8): 34-38. 71. Michalides R, Kwa B, Springall D, Van Zandwijk N, Koopman J, Hilkens J, Mooi W. NCAM and lung cancer. Int J Cancer 1994; 8 (suppl): 34-37. 72. Pastorino U, Van Zandwijk N, De Vries N, Dalesio O, Van Tinteren H and the Euroscan Study Group. Results of the Euroscan Trial. Lung Cancer 1994; 11 (suppl. 2): 94-95. 73. Sutedja G, Baris G, Van Zandwijk N, Postmus PE. High-dose rate branchytherapy has a curative potential in patients with intraluminal squamous cell lung cancer. Respiration. 1994; 61:167-168</p><p>1995</p><p>74. Boersma LJ, Damen EM, De Boer RW, Muller SH, Valdes Olmos RA, Van Zandwijk N, Lebesque JV. Estimation of overall pulmonary function after irradiation using dose-effect ralations for local functional injury. Radiother Oncol. 1995 Jul; 36(1):15-23 75. Van Zandwijk N, Mooi WJ, Rodenhuis S. Prognostic factors in NSCLC. Recent experiences. Lung Cancer 1995; 12 (suppl 1): S27-S33. 76. Van Zandwijk N. N-Acetylcysteine for lung cancer prevention. Chest 1995; 107: 1437-1441. 77. Van Zandwijk N. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) and Glutathione (GSH): antioxidant and chemopreventive properties, with special reference to lung cancer. J Cell Biochem 1995, 22 (suppl.): 24-32. 78. Van Zandwijk N. Aetiology and prevention of lung cancer. Eur Respir Mon 1995; 1: 18-49. 79. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 547-551. 80. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, De Boer MF, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PPM, Spoelstra HAA, Van Zandwijk N, Balm AJM. Heat and moisture exchangers as a treatment option in the post-operative rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol 1995; 20: 504-509. 81. Alberti WJ, Anderson G, Arriagada R, Bartolucci A, Bell D, Blanco Villalba J, Brodin O, Cardiello C, Cartei F, Cartei G, Cartmell J, Cellerino R, Chastang C, Cormier Y, Cox JD, Crino L. 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Van Schil P, Van Meerbeeck J, Kramer G, Splinter T, Legrand C, Giaccone G, Manegold C, van Zandwijk N. Morbidity and mortality in the surgery arm of EORTC 08941 trial. Eur Respir J. 2005 Aug;26(2):192-7. 163. Koning CC, van Zandwijk N. Two patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (stage IIIB) who still responded very well to combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2005 Jun 4;149(23):1289-93. Dutch. 164. Mathy A, Baas P, Dalesio O, van Zandwijk N. Limited efficacy of imatinib mesylate in malignant mesothelioma: a phase II trial. Lung Cancer. 2005 Oct;50(1):83-6. 165. Baas P, Boogerd W, Dalesio O, Haringhuizen A, Custers F, van Zandwijk N. Thalidomide in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Lung Cancer. 2005 May;48(2):291-6.</p><p>2006</p><p>166. Zuur JK, Muller SH, de Jongh FH, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJ. The physiological rationale of heat and moisture exchangers in post-laryngectomy pulmonary rehabilitation: a review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Jan;263(1):1-8. 167. Rademaker-Lakhai JM, Crul M, Zuur L, Baas P, Beijnen JH, Simis YJ, van Zandwijk N, Schellens JH. Relationship between Cisplatin administration and the development of ototoxicity. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Feb 20;24(6):918-24. 168. Scagliotti GV, Szczesna A, Ramlau R, Cardenal F, Mattson K, Van Zandwijk N, Price A, Lebeau B, Debus J, Manegold C. Docetaxel-based induction therapy prior to radiotherapy with or without docetaxel for non- small-cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer. 2006 May 22;94(10):1375-82. 169. van Zandwijk N. Epidermal growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR TKIs) and economics. Lung Cancer. 2006 Jan;51(1):137-8. 170. Kartachova MS, Valdes Olmos RA, Haas RL, Hoebers FJ, van den Brekel MW, van Zandwijk N, Herk M, Verheij M. Mapping of treatment-induced apoptosis in normal structures: 99mTc-Hynic-rh-annexin V SPECT and CT image fusion. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2006 Aug;33(8):893-9. Epub 2006 Apr 4. 171. Kramer GW, Legrand CL, van Schil P, Uitterhoeve L, Smit EF, Schramel F, Biesma B, Tjan-Heijnen V, van Zandwijk N, Splinter T, Giaccone G, van Meerbeeck JP; on behalf of EORTC-Lung Cancer Group. Quality assurance of thoracic radiotherapy in EORTC 08941: a randomised trial of surgery versus thoracic radiotherapy in patients with stage IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after response to induction chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer. 2006 Jul;42(10):1391-8. 172. Geurts TW, Ackerstaff AH, Van Zandwijk N, Hart AA, Hilgers FJ, Balm AJ. The psychological impact of </p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 12 of 20 annual chest X-ray follow-up in head and neck cancer. Acta Otolaryngol. 2006 Dec;126(12):1315-20. </p><p>2007</p><p>173. Belderbos J, Uitterhoeve L, van Zandwijk N, Belderbos H, Rodrigus P, van de Vaart P, Price A, van Walree N, Legrand C, Dussenne S, Bartelink H, Giaccone G, Koning C; EORTC LCG and RT Group. Randomised trial of sequential versus concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in patients with inoperable non- small cell lung cancer (EORTC 08972-22973). Eur J Cancer. 2007 Jan;43(1):114-21. Epub 2006 Nov 3. 174. van Zandwijk N, Mathy A, Boerrigter L, Ruijter H, Tielen I, de Jong D, Baas P, Burgers S, Nederlof P. EGFR and KRAS mutations as criteria for treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: retro- and prospective observations in non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol. 2007 Jan;18(1):99-103. Epub 2006 Oct 23. 175. van Meerbeeck JP, Kramer GW, Van Schil PE, Legrand C, Smit EF, Schramel F, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Biesma B, Debruyne C, van Zandwijk N, Splinter TA, Giaccone G; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Lung Cancer Group. Randomized controlled trial of resection versus radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy in stage IIIA-N2 non-small-cell lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Mar 21;99(6):442-50. 176. van Zandwijk N, van de Vijver MJ. Clairvoyance or reliable prediction of the future? Ann Oncol. 2007 Mar;18(3):407-8. No abstract available. 177. van den Berg RM, van Tinteren H, van Zandwijk N, Visser C, Pasic A, Kooi C, Sutedja TG, Baas P, Grunberg K, Mooi WJ, Snijders PJ, Postmus PE, Smit EF. The influence of fluticasone inhalation on markers of carcinogenesis in bronchial epithelium. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 May 15;175(10):1061-5. Epub 2007 Feb 8. 178. Kartachova M, van Zandwijk N, Burgers S, van Tinteren H, Verheij M, Valdes Olmos RA. Prognostic significance of 99mTc Hynic-rh-annexin V scintigraphy during platinum-based chemotherapy in advanced lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Jun 20;25(18):2534-9. 179. Zuur JK, Muller SH, Sinaasappel M, Hart GA, van Zandwijk N, Hilgers FJ. Influence of heat and moisture exchanger respiratory load on transcutaneous oxygenation in laryngectomized individuals: A randomized crossover study. Head Neck. 2007 Sep 4</p><p>2008</p><p>180. Gallegos Ruiz MI, Floor K, Roepman P, Rodriguez JA, Meijer GA, Mooi WJ, Jassem E, Niklinski J, Muley T, van Zandwijk N, Smit EF, Beebe K, Neckers L, Ylstra B, Giaccone G. Integration of gene dosage and gene expression in non-small cell lung cancer, identification of HSP90 as potential target. PLoS ONE. 2008 Mar 5;3(3):e0001722. PMID: 18320023 [PubMed - in process] 181. van den Berg RM, Teertstra HJ, van Zandwijk N, van Tinteren H, Visser C, Pasic A, Sutedja TG, Baas P, Golding RP, Postmus PE, Smit EF.CT detected indeterminate pulmonary nodules in a chemoprevention trial of fluticasone. Lung Cancer. 2008 Apr;60(1):57-61. Epub 2007 Nov 5. PMID: 17983686 [PubMed - in process] 182. Kappers I, Belderbos JS, Burgers JA, van Zandwijk N, Groen HJ, Klomp HM. Non-small cell lung carcinoma of the superior sulcus: favourable outcomes of combined modality treatment in carefully selected patients. Lung Cancer. 2008 Mar;59(3):385-90. Epub 2007 Oct 25.PMID: 17913281 [PubMed - in process] 183. Kappers I, Klomp HM, Burgers JA, Van Zandwijk N,Haas RL, van Pel R.. Neoadjuvant (induction) erlotinib response in stage IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer.Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2008 Sept 26(25):4205-7.</p><p>2009</p><p>184. Roepman P, Jassem J, Smit EF, Muley T, Niklinski J, van de Velde T, et al., van Zandwijk N. An immune response enriched 72-gene prognostic profile for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2009 Jan 1;15(1):284-90. 185. Geurts TW, Balm AJM, van Velthuysen M-LF, van Tinteren H, Burgers JA, van Zandwijk N, et al. Survival after surgical resection of pulmonary metastases and second primary squamous cell lung carcinomas in head and neck cancer. Head & Neck. 2009 Feb;31(2):220-6. 186. Geurts TW, van Velthuysen MLF, Broekman F, van Huysduynen TH, van den Brekel MWM, van Zandwijk N, et al. Differential diagnosis of pulmonary carcinoma following head and neck cancer by genetic analysis. Clinical Cancer Research. 2009 Feb 1;15(3):980-5. 187. van Zandwijk N. Individualization of treatment in non-small cell lung cancer. Medicine Reports. [Report]. 2009 24 March(1):1-2.</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 13 of 20 188. Smit EF, Burgers SA, Biesma B, Smit HJM, Eppinga P, Dingemans A-MC, et al, van Zandwijk N, Groen HJM. Randomised phase II and pharmacogentic study of Pemetrexed compared with Pemetrexed plus carboplatin in pretreated patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009 23 March:1-8. 189. Van den Heuvel MM, Burgers SA, van Zandwijk N. Immunotherapy in non-small-cell lung carcinoma: from inflammation to vaccination. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2009 Mar;10(2):99-105. 190. Kappers I, van Sandick JW, Burgers JA, Belderbos JSA, Wouters MW, van Zandwijk N, et al. Results of combined modality treatment in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer of the superior sulcus and the rationale for surgical resection. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 2009 Oct;36(4):741-6. 191. Kappers I, van Sandick JW, Burgers SA, Berlderbos JS, van Zandwijk N, Klomp HM. Surgery after induction chemotherapy in stage IIIA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer: Why pneumonectomy should be avoided. Lung Cancer 2009 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print] 192. Smit Ef, Groen HJ, van Zandwijk N. Reply to L. de Lima Aroujo et al. J Clin Oncol 2009 Nov 23 [Epub ahead of print]</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 14 of 20 Books (chapters):</p><p>1987 1. Van Zandwijk N. Stoornissen van de luchtwegen. In: De praktische thuiszorg voor de terminale kankerpatient, onder redactie van E.H. Klein Poelhuis, E. Schade, A. Stevers. Bohn, Scheltema en Holkema Utrecht/Antwerpen 1987, pp 130-142. 1988 2. Van Zandwijk N. Lung cancer in the elderly. Proceedings of a Symposium: 75th Anniversary of The Netherlands Cancer Institute Cancer in the Elderly. Excerpta Medica Amsterdam 1988, pp 77-79. 1990 3. Van Zandwijk N, Ten Bokkel Huinink WW, Wanders J, Simonetti G, Dubbelman R, Franklin H, Van Tinteren H, McVie JG. Dose finding studies with carboplatin, ifosfamide, etoposide, and mesna in non small cell lung cancer. In: Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions, WB Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1990, pp 323-328. 4. Van Zandwijk N. Inleiding Consensus Diagnostiek Longcarcinoom 1990. Utrecht CBO 1990, 67 pp. 1991 5. Van Zandwijk N. N-acetylcystene (NAC) in chemoprevention. In: Chemo(immuno) prevention of cancer. Pastorino U, Hong WK (eds). Thieme Verlag Stuttgart/New York 1991, pp 101-104. 6. Van Zandwijk N, Dalesio O, Splinter TAW, Drings P. Die Therapiestudie - das Instrument des forschenden Klinikers. Erfahrungen der Lung Cancer Cooperative Group der Eurpean Organisation for Research of Cancer (EORTC). In: Thoraxtumoren. Springer Verlag München 1991, pp 248-253. 1992 7. Van Zandwijk N, Hoogsteden HC, Van den Bosch JMM. Neoplasmata van de longen, de pleura en het mediastinum. In: Het Pulmonaal Formularium, een praktische leidraad. Onder redactie van Van den Bosch JMM, Bottema BJAM, Hilversing C, Zaagsma J. Erasmus Publishing, Rotterdam 1992, pp 102-115. 8. Van Zandwijk N. Oncolytica. In: Het Pulmonaal Formularium, een praktische leidraad. Onder redactie van Van den Bosch JMM, Bottema BJAM, Hilversing C, Zaagsma J. Erasmus Publishing, Rotterdam 1992, pp 270-272. 9. Van Zandwijk N. Euroscan: chemopreventie-onderzoek bij longkanker door de European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). In: GSH System Glutathione in antioxidant defense. Bast A, Crystal RG (Eds). Excerpta Medica Amsterdam 1992, pp 169-177. 10. Baas P, Oppelaar H, van Zandwijk N, Stewart FA. The effect of N-acetylcysteine on photodynamic induced skin damage in mice. In: Photodynamic therapy and biomedical lasers. Spinelli P, Dal Fante M and Marchesini R (Eds). Elsevier Science Amsterdam 1992, pp 554-558. 1993 11. Stewart F, Van Zandwijk N. Photodynamic therapy. In: Basic Clinical Radiobiology for radiation oncologists. Steel GG, ed. Edwart Arnold London 1993, pp 194-200. 12. Bergman L, Van Zandwijk N, Schaake-Koning CCE, Coebergh JWW, Van Leeuwen FE. Longkanker. Omschrijving van het Ziektebeeld. RIVM/Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning. De gezondheidstoestand van de Nederlandse bevolking in de periode 1950-2010. Sdu Uitgeverij Den Haag 1993, pp 273-279. 1994 13. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Balm AJM, Van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger. In: Laryngeal Cancer (eds. Smee R, Bridger GP). Elsevier Science Amsterdam 1994, pp 700-704. 1995 14. Van Zandwijk N. Lung Cancer chemoprevention. P- news (eds. Kerrebijn KF, Vermeire P). Excerpta Medica Amsterdam 1995, pp 1-3. 15. Aetiology and prevention of lung cancer. European Respiratory Monograph 1995, 1, pp 18-49. 1996 16. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM, Van Zandwijk N. Pulmonary function deterioration postlaryngectomy and treatment with heat and moist exchangers. In: Surgery and Prosthetic Voice Restoration after Total and Subtotal Laryngectomie. (ed Algaba J). Elsevier Science Amsterdam 1996, pp 383-390. 17. Van Zandwijk N. Complicaties van COPD (cardiovasculair en oncologisch). In: COPD: Mogelijkheden voor diagnostiek en behandeling (red. Van Herwaarden CLA, Vermeire P, Van Weel C). Excerpta Medica Amsterdam, 1996, pp 64-69. 18. Van Zandwijk N. Complications of COPD in: COPD: Diagnosis and Treatment (eds. Van Herwaarden CLA, Vermeire P, Van Weel C). Excerpta Medica Amsterdam 1996, pp 66-71. 19. Van Zandwijk N. Chemoprevention of Lung Cancer. In: Lung Cancer. Current Topics (eds. Zatloukal P, Petruzelka L, Gregor A). Scientia Medical Ltd. Publishing House Prague 1996, pp 19-23. 20. Van Warmerdam LJC, Huizing MT, Giaccone G, Bakker PJM, Vermorken JB, Postmus PE, Van Zandwijk N, Koolen MGJ, Ten Bokkel Huinink WW, Maes RAA, Van der Vijgh WJF, Veenhof CHN, Beijnen JH. Clinical </p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 15 of 20 pharmacology of carboplatin administered in alternating sequence with paclitaxel in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a European Cancer Centre (ECC) study. In: Platinum and Other Methal Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy 2. Pinedo HM, Schornagel JH (eds), Plenum Press New York 1996, pp 67-82. 1997 21. Bergman L, Van Zandwijk N, Coebergh JWW, Van Leeuwen FE. Longkanker. RIVM Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 1997. I De gezondheidstoestand: een actualisering. Elsevier Maarsen 1997, pp 217- 225. 22. Van Zandwijk N, Hoogsteden HC, Van den Bosch JMM. Neoplasmata van de longen, de pleura en het mediastinum. In: Het Pulmonaal Formularium, een praktische leidraad, 2e editie. Onder redactie van Van den Bosch JMM, Bottema BJAM, Hilversing C, Zaagsma J. Erasmus Publishing, Rotterdam 1997, pp 126- 138. 23. Van Zandwijk N. Inhalational interferon. In: Inhalation delivery of therapeutic peptides and proteins (Adjei AL, Gupta PK, eds). Volume 107 of Lung Biology in Health and Disease.Lenfant C. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York 1997, pp 301-313. 24. Bergman L, Van Zandwijk N, Coebergh JWW, Van Leeuwen FE. Longkanker. In: Maas IAM, Gijsen R, Lobbezoo IE, Poos MJJC, redactie. Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 1997. Themarapport 1: De gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking in Nederland: een actualisering. Rijksinstituut voor de Volksgezondheid en Milieu. Elsevier/De Tijdstroom Utrecht 1997, pp 217-225. 1998 25. Van Zandwijk N, Van 't Veer L. Antioxidants and the chemoprevention of lung cancer. In: Lung tumors: fundamental biology and clinical management, volume 124. Brambilla C and Brambilla E (eds). Marcel Dekker Inc. New York 1998, pp 321-334. 1999 26. Van Zandwijk N, Smit EF. Oncogenese (carcinogenese en chemopreventie). In: Longziekten, 3e editie. Deel I Algemeen, hoofdstuk II.7. Demedts M, Dijkman JH, Hilvering C, Postma DS, red. Van Gorcum Assen/ Universitaire Pers Leuven 1999, pp 208-214. 27. Van Zandwijk N, Festen J. Algemeen, biologie van kankers, classificatie en stadiëring. In: Longziekten, 3e editie. Deel II Specifiek, hoofdstuk IX.1. Demedts M, Dijkman JH, Hilvering C, Postma DS, red. Van Gorcum Assen/ Universitaire Pers Leuven 1999, pp 755-773. 28. VanUytsel L, Van Zandwijk N. Invloed van ioniserende straling op de long. In: Longziekten, 3e editie. Deel II Specifiek, hoofdstuk XIV.7. Demedts M, Dijkman JH, Hilvering C, Postma DS, red. Van Gorcum Assen/ Universitaire Pers Leuven 1999, pp 1262-1269. 2001 29. Van Zandwijk N. Ministery of Health (RIVM The Netherlands) Geneesmiddelen nu en in de toekomst (Pharmacotherapy of Lung Cancer). VTV 2002, Van Gorkum 2001, pp 53-78. 30. Van Zandwijk N, Hoogsteden HC, van den Bosch JMM. Neoplasmata van de longen, de pleura en het mediastinum. In: Het pulmonaal formularium 3e editie. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum Houten 2001, pp 126-138. 31. Van Zandwijk N. Oncolytica. In: Het pulmonaal formularium 3e editie. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum Houten 2001, pp 254-256. 2002 32. Manegold C, Becker HD, Betticher D, Bülzebruck H, Edler L, Fischer JR, et al. van Zandwijk N, Zierhut D. Therapieoptionen beim nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom. 1 Auflage ed. Bremen: Uni-Med Verlag; 2002. 2003 33. van Zandwijk N. Chemoprävention. In: Drings P, Dienenmann H, Wannenmacher M, editors. Management des Lungenkarzinoms. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 439-45. 2005 34. Manegold C, Allgayer H, Becker HD, Betticher D, Bülzebruck H, Edler L, et al. van Zandwijk N, Zierhut D. Therapieoptionen beim nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom. 2. Auflage ed. Bremen: Uni-Med Verlag; 2005. 35. van Zandwijk N, Mulshine JL. Chemoprevention. In: Hirsch FR, Bunn PAJ, Mulshine JL, Kato H, editors. IASlC Textbook of Prevention and Early Detection of Lung Cancer. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Ltd; 2005. p. 341-60. 2007 36. Manegold C, Allgayer H, Andreozzi A, Betticher D, Bülzebruck H, Danson S, et al van Zandwijk N, Volante, M. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment. 1st ed. Bremen: Uni-Med Verlag; 2007. 2009 37. van Zandwijk N. Lung cancer: oncogenesis and prevention. In: Thoracic Malignancies. Spiro SG, Huber RM, Janes SM, editors. The European Respiratory Monograph, Plymouth, UK: European Respiratory Society Journals; 2009: 1-14</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 16 of 20 38. van Zandwijk N. Chemoprevention. In: Pass H, editor. Textbook of Thoracic Oncology; 2009. p.:In press.</p><p>Articles in national medical journals:</p><p>1984 1. Van Rooy WJ, Van der Meer SC, Darmanata JL, Van Zandwijk N, Van Royen EA. Longafwijkingen in interstitium en alveoli na behandeling met amiodaron. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1984; 128: 85-86. 1985 2. Mooi WJ, Dingemans KP, Van Zandwijk N. Electronenmicroscopie in de pathologische classificatie van longcarcinomen. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1985; 129: 1130-1133. 3. Van Zandwijk N. Tussometrie en effectiviteit van hoestdempende medicatie. Referaat. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1985; 129: 1793-1794. 4. Van Zandwijk N. Het bronchuscarcinoom naar een landelijke aanpak. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1985; 129: 622. 5. Van Zandwijk N, McVie JG. Complete response in recurrent small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Clinical notes on-line 1985; 1: 35 1987 6. Van Zandwijk N. Endobronchiale brachytherapie bij longtumoren: Referaat. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1987; 131: 16-27. 7. Van Zandwijk N. Brachytherapie en longtumoren. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 1987: 26-27 8. Postuma HS, Van Dongen JA, Van Slooten EA, Jonk A, Voute PA, Van Zandwijk N. De chirurgische behandeling van longmetastasen; de resultaten van patienten geopereerd tussen 1964-1983. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1987; 131(45): 2025-2030. 1988 9. Van Zandwijk N, Letschert JGJ, Zoetmulder FAN, McVie JG. Overwegingen bij de behandeling van het niet- kleincellig longcarcinoom: een overzicht. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1988; 132 (29): 1338-1342. 1989 10. McVie JG, Ten Bokkel Huinink WW, Van Zandwijk N. Bijwerkingen van cytostatica: behandelingsadviezen. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1989; 133: 1043. 11. Sutedja G, Baas P, Van Zandwijk N. Nieuwe behandelingsvormen bij longtumoren in de centrale luchtwegen. Lucht en Longen 1989; 1: 26-31. 1990 12. De Vries N, Van Zandwijk N, Pastorino U, Dalesio O, McVie JG, Snow GB. Chemo-preventie van tweede primaire tumoren in het hoofd-halsgebied. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990; 134: 1728-1731. 13. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJM, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. Lichamelijke en psychologische gevolgen van totale larynxextirpatie en het gebruik van een warte- en vochtwisselaar. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990; 134: 2438-2442. 14. Sutedja G, Baris G, Baas P, Van Zandwijk N. Twee nieuwe behandelingsvormen bij longtumoren in de centrale luchtwegen; fotodynamische therapie en brachytherapie. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990; 134: 1248-1251. 15. Sutedja G, Baris G, Schaake-Koning CCE, Bartelink H, Van Zandwijk N. High dose rate brachytherapy in the management of central airways malignancies. Activity 1990; (suppl 1): 51-53. 16. Van Zandwijk N. Vrije radicalen in geweer tegen DNA. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1990; 2: 14-16. 17. Van Zandwijk N, ten Bokkel Huinink WW, Wanders J, Gimonetti SS, Dubbelman R, Franklin H, van Tinteren H and McVie JG. Dose-finding studies with carboplatin, ifosfamide, etoposide, and mesna in non small cell lung cancer. Semin Oncol 1990; 17 (suppl 2): 16-19. 18. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial sequelae of total larynx extirpation and the use of a heat and moisture exchanger, Ned Tijdschr Geneesk 1990;134(50):2438-2442. Dutch 1991 19. Sprangers MAG, Aaronson NK, Van Dam FSAM, Van Zandwijk N. Longkanker en kwaliteit van leven: een literatuuroverzicht. Ned Tijdschr Psychol 1991: 46: 114-22. 20. Van Zandwijk N. Consensus Diagnostiek Longcarcinoom. Resultaat van een consensusbijeenkomst. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1991; 135: 1915-1919. 1992 21. Boot H, Baas P, Van Zandwijk N, Taal BG. Current possibilities in the treatment of severe stenosis of the major airways. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1992; 136(46):2292-2293. 1993 22. Deskundigen in discussie. Oxidatieve stress en de antioxidatieve effecten van glutathion en de glutation agonisten. Modern Med 1993; 17 : 638-642.</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 17 of 20 1995 23. Baas P, Van Zandwijk N. Fotodynamische therapie bij longkanker. Tijdschr Kanker 1995; 2: 25-27. 1996 24. Van Zandwijk N. Antioxidants and chemoprevention. Forum of the German Cancer Society 1996; 30-32. 1997 25. Jassem E, Van Zandwijk N, Jassem J. Objawowe Popromienne Zapalenie pluc (radiation pneumonitis). Pneumonol Alergol Pol 1997; 65: 305-310. 1998 26. Baas P, Van Zandwijk N. Fotodynamische therapie beperkt schade aan gezond weefsel. Pharmac Weekbl 1998; 4: 148-150. 2001 27. Van Zandwijk N, Anticancer Drugs. 2001; 12 (suppl 3): S15-S9. Induction therapy (review article in french). 2004 28. Burgers JA, Baas P, van Zandwijk N. Bronchoscopy: new diagnostic and therapeutic technology, new indications. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2004 Jun 26; 148(26): 1280-5 2008 29. Uitterhoeve ALJ, Belderbos JSA, van Zandwijk N, Koning CCE. [Perspectives in the treatment of non- small cell lung cancer stage III with radiotherapy and concomitant low-dosage chemotherapy]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2008 Dec 13;152(50):2709-13.</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 18 of 20 Presentations 2008</p><p>Date Conference Presentation Title Place 25-27 September The 9th International International Scientific Committee Amsterdam, The 2008 Conference of International Netherlands Mesothelioma Interest Group 1-5 October 2008 International Thoracic 1.Opening remarks Dresden, Germany Oncology Congress: 2. Chair: Merck Serono Satellite Advances through Symposium. Pioneering New Treatment Molecular Biology in Approaches for NSCLC: Combination is Thoracic Cancer Key 3. Accurate predication of disease recurrence in early-stage NSCLC by molecular profiling. 4. Panel: Round Table Discussion 5. The past and future of Cytotoxic treatment – current standards.</p><p>2009</p><p>Date Conference Presentation Title Place 17-18 January E.Lilly Symposium on New Individualization of Treatment for NSCLC Sydney 2009 Avenues for Non-Small patients Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Treatment 3-8 April 2009 TSANZ Thoracic Society of Lung Cancer/OELD SIGs Symposium: Darwin Convention Australia & New Zealand Asbestos & Lung cancer – the other side Centre, Darwin Annual Scientific Meeting of the coin: oncogenosis of asbestos- related diseases 1 May 2009 Turner Freeman Seminar Asbestos Disease,Update of Holiday Inn, Brisbane mesothelioma 17-20 May 2009 2009 Physicians Week – Malignant Mesothelioma (MM): an Sydney Convention & Adult Medicine Program - Update Exhibition Centre, RACP Sydney 29 May – 2 June ASCO [7540] Cetuximab in combination with Orlando, Florida American Society of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in Clinical Oncology Annual locally advanced non-small cell lung Meeting 09 carcinomal (NSCLC): A feasibility study. Van den Heuvel MM, Belderbos J, Dalesio O, van der Pol M, Uitterhoever L, van de Vaart P, Verheij M, van Zandwijk N. 5 July 2009 Lilly Oncology Symposium: Current Management of Mesothelioma Crowne Plaza, Emerging Evidence The Surfers Paradise Role of Histology in the Treatment of in the First Line Advanced NSCLC Patients 31 July – 4 WCLC 2009 13th World 1. Expression of Thymidylate San Francisco, CA, August 2009 Conference on Lung Synthease (TYMS) and Insulin Growth USA Cancer Factor 1 (IGF1) in completely-resected NSCLC patients: associations with histological subtype and prognosis. PD7.3.4 2. Chair: Risk stratified approaches to prevention of lung cancer. 3. Chemoprevention of high risk patient population. M37.1 4. Merck Serono Satellite Symposium: Chair. Taking the next step to improve the treatment of NSCLC 5 September ASIA Pacific Lung Cancer 1.Chair: Striving for better treatment Seoul, Republic of </p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 19 of 20 Date Conference Presentation Title Place 2009 Summit 2009 outcomes in NSCLC: Putting Asian Korea clinical data into practice. 2.Optimizing treatment for pre-treated NSCLC patients</p><p>20 September ECCO 15 and 34th ESMO Taking the next step to improve the Berlin, Germany 2009 multidisiplinary Congress teatment of NSCLC. Chair: Integrating targeted agents into 1st-line therapy of NSCLC 29th October Canada Bay Council’s Asbestos Community Education – Public Concord Hospital 2009 Economic Development Education Seminar ( > 70 guests) Conference Room 6:45 -9:00pm team Concord 12th November Danger Asbestos Free asbestos information seminar Penrith Panthers, 2009 -6:00pm Adfa / Turner Freeman Hunter Room, Mulgoa Road, Penrith 12-12-2009 1st Chinese German 1.Chair ; Lung cancer Treatment in Shanghai, Republic Lung Cancer Forum China of China 2. New avenues in asbestos-related thoracic cancers</p><p>N. van Zandwijk 04/04/2018 Page 20 of 20</p>
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