LC Receives Sears Grant LaGrange College has re- ceived a $2,500 grant from the %U ftilltop Bettis v Sears-Roebuck Foundation's "Reoresentint} Georgia's Oldest Indeoendeni Institution nf Hiahar Lamminf ^ program of aid to privately supported college and univer- sities. VoliMt VI, Number IX Lo6roen College, la6raago, Georgia Tttrfay,Nofberl7, 1964 ~ The grant, one of 600 total- ing $700,000 being awarded in- stitutions across the country, was presented to Dr. Waights G. Henry Jr., president of La- Nine Seniors Grange College, by Kipps Webb, Honored local representative of the foun- dation and manager of the La- Grange store of Sears-Roe- buck and Company. In 1965 Wh o s Who "Purpose of the program," Nine of the most outstanding, Student leaders selected for were announced by Dr. C. Lee student leaders at LaGrange and honors of each student Webb said, "is to systematical- the honor are Byron William Harwell, academic dean. College have been selected and selected will be enumerated in ly help institutions of higher Collier of Blakely, MildredCal- Of the nine student leaders, will be featured in the 1965 the 1964-65 (thirty-first) edi- learning meet their financial lie Eidson of Atlanta, William two are majoring in mathema- edition of "Who's Who Among tion of the national publication. needs." Van Hearnburg of LaGrange, tics, and one each in history, Students in American Univer- Byron William Collier, a President Henry expressed Barbara Jean Jackson of At- general science, art, biology| mathematics major, is a mem- sities and Colleges." lanta, Jane Hall Johnson of appreciation to the Sears' foun- Selection of the nine, all sen- English, and speech and dra- ber of Gamma Phi Alpha fra- dation for its assistance. He Turin, Mark Euclid Johnson of ma. ternity and Sigma honorary iors, is faculty-student recogni- Atlanta, Cheryl Dean Mahaffey Purpose of the "Who's Who" said that "the financial needs tion of their participation and science club. He is vice presi- of independent colleges can ne- of Columbus , William Jacob publication, as stated in the dent of the Junior Class and leadership in extra-curricular Sewell of Cumming, and foreword of the last edition, is ver be met through student fees. activities, scholarship, charac- served last year as treasurer, Lowery Ivie Tillison of Smy- to "provide public recognition of me Student Government It is imperative that business ter, personality, and promise and industry be allies of the col- rna. of the worthwhile achievements Association and secretary of of future usefulness. The "Who's Who" selections leges in the education of our of college students." Activities Circle K service club. At last youth". year's Honors Day, he was re- cognized for his academic re- LaGrange is one of 12 pri- cord. vate colleges and universities Mildred Callie Eidson, a his- in Georgia which are sharing tory major, is president of Wo- in grants totaling $15,000. The men's Athletic Association, and LaGrange grant is one of the member of the Student Govern- largest within the state accord- ment Association judicial coun- ing to Webb. cil, Student Christian Associa- Webb said that the foundation tion cabinet, Curtain Raisers grants are unrestricted to al- dramatic club, and Pi Gamma low the schools to allocate their Mu honorary social science funds according to their great- society. She is the current est needs. "Sweetheart of Sigma Nu Pi Fraternity.' Miss Eidson is a past treasurer of Alpha Phi The Hilltop News Beta sorority. McLean Print Used William Van Hearnburg has Includes 4 Page a double major in speech and drama and English. He is a Sports Special member of Circle K service club, president of Curtain Rais- OnMagazineCover This week The Hilltop News ers dramatic organization, and is composed of eight pages ra- Art by a LaGrange College parliamentarian of Sigma Nu Pi ther than its usual four. fraternity. Hearnburg has acted artist-professor is featured on These extra four pages con- in a number of campus dra- the front cover of the Nov- sist completely of basketball; ember issue of Motive, the na- matic productions and received information, news, and featur- recognition at last year's tional magazine of the Metho- es. dist Student Movement. honors day as grand business You'll find this Sports Spe- manager of Alpha Psi Omega na- The magazine cover features cial on pages 3,4,5, and 6. a collagraph print, "Tondo n," tional honorary dramatic fra- In it is a brief biography ternity. by Jim McLean, associate pro- of the Panther's fourteen play- Jane Hall Johnson, a mathe- fessor of art and head of the ers, plus several other tea- matics major, is women's vice art department. tures. president of the Student Govern- The cover marks the seventh On page 5 there is a schedule ment Association and a member time since 1951 that McLean's of the Panther's games and this of Sigma honorary science soc- art has been seen on the front schedule is arranged so that it iety. She has served as Sopho- of the magazine. He has had may be clipped out and the more Class vice president, Wo- numerous other works printed ' scores of each game can be men's Athletic Association pre- in the magazine and twice has recorded. sident, Baptist Student Union been featured as "artist of This Sports Special is just social chairman, and Kappa Phi the month." another of the features The Hill, Delta soroity treasurer and "Tondo II" received one of top News enjoys doing to better Panhellenic representative. four merit awards in May at serve its readers. Cont. Page 7 the annual Atlanta Art Festi- val Exhibition. The print has also been shown at Bradley Un- iversity and Western Michigan Handel's "Messiah" University as well as in a one- man show at LaGrange Col- lege. Professor Jin McLean With MOTIVE Magazine To Be Presented Motive, in a note on the con- Plans for the second annual The chorus is open to all tents page, said McLean's colla- community - wide performance persons who wish to partici- graph "expresses the life force of Handel's "Messiah" in La- pate, the conductor empha- radiating to the four corners of Grange have been announced. sized. "We are making special the earth. Jim has been a long- Greeks Pledge Singers from LaGrange and efforts to include more choir time contributor to 'motive', surrounding communities will members and other singers and we watch his metamor- join their voices to perform the from throughout this area, as phosis as an artist with fasci- well-known musical accounting well as local singers who will nation." 183 Inductees of the Christmas story on Sun- enjoy this work." Another Fall Quarter is under Kappa pledged 25, and Sigma day afternoon, Dec. 13, at Call- The nucleus of the chorus will way and with it comes the Nu Pi took 24. away Auditorium. Registration Greeks' rush, quiet week, and be the LaGrange College chorus Now that these students have Dr. John D . Anderson, head then, finally, the actual pled- and the choirs of the local made their choices, they have of the LaGrange College music Today ging. to go through what is termed churches, he Indicated. Vocal department, said, "Because of soloists and an orchestra will Advance Registration for This quarter is no exception. 'pledging'. Pledging is followed the fine response to the 1963 Winter Quarter takes place this After six weeks of being rush- by induction when the pledges be combined with the 150 voices presentation and the many re- of the chorus. «fWrnoon from 1:30 to 5:00 in ed, one hundred eighty-three actuaUy become brothers or quests for its performance an- The Simpson Room. LC students pledged a frater. sister, whichever the case may nually, local churches and the Rehearsals will be each Sun- ,Qnly juniors and seniors will nity or sorority. be. college are again sponsoring the day at 3 p.m. at Callaway Au- faster between 1:30 and 3:00. Out of the 100 women who Each Greek organization sc- presentation of this outstand- ditorium. The final rehearsal Lower classmen will register pledged a Greek, Alpha Phi hedules pledging and induction ing musical work." will be Dec. 6 and then the per- bitwel* 3:00 and 5:00. Beta accepted 34, Kappa Phi at its own discretion. Dr. Anderson will again con- formance on Dec. 13. The Academic Dean's office Delta took 36, and Alpha Kap- The foUowing is complete Dr. Anderson said, "We hope - duct the choral production. advised that a $10.00 late fee pa Theata welcomed 30. listing of the Greeks and their "Last year we had more than that this year's 'Messiah' con- will be charged to students in The fraternities pledged a to- pledges as they were given to a 100 voices, but we are anti- cert will surpass that of last attendance this quarter if they tal of 83 men. Of these Gamma The Hilltop News. cipating more than 150 this year in every way -- size, do not register today. Phi Delta received 34, Pi Delta Cont. Page 7 year," he said. quality, and audience reaction.' Win? Watch 'Death Of A Salesman' Wat Hilltop Btfos Saturday Night Said.To Be Arresting BY DRUE LINTON BY IRIS DUNCAN EDITORIALS In our second 8-page edition News Editor this quarter, we have used half This past weekend's pre- Rosemary Neely gave a vi- of it to recognize our basket- sentation of "Death of a Sales- vid portrayal of the other wo- ball team, the Panthers. man" under the direction of man in a traveling saleman's In using these four pages we Dr.
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