Attracting Participants to Ski for Light Events

Attracting Participants to Ski for Light Events

<p> ATTRACTINGPARTICIPANTSTOSKI FORLIGHTEVENTS </p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>I. Summaryof Findings II. Howparticipantsfirst learnedaboutSFL III. Lengthof timefromfirst learningaboutSFL to first attending IV. Thereasonsfor first attendingSki for Light V. Suggestionsfor attractingnewparticipantsto SFL</p><p>I. Summaryof Findings a. More than half of those respondingfirst heard about Ski for Light froma friend or acquaintance59 ( of 106). Braille or audio newsletters accountedfor 12 responses , with no other single source accountingfor morethan7 responses . b. More thanhalf of thoserespondingattendedtheir first SFL event within one year of first hearingabout the program ( 61 of 109 ). For 20respondents , however , it wasfive or moreyears beforetheyfirst attended . c. Amongthe 44 respondingGuides , the most commonly mentionedreasons for first attendingwere that it soundedlike a goodopportunity to help others ( 35 ), that they liked to ski ( 35 ) and that the locationof theeventsoundedappealing ( 33 ). d. Amongthe 5 respondingMIPs , 4 said that it soundedlike a goodplace to learn howto ski , and 3 said that a friendgaveSFL a strongrecommendation . e. Among the 58 responding VIPs , the most commonly mentioned reasons for first attending were that it soundedlike a good place to becomemore physically active ( 45 ), that it soundedlike a good place to learnhowto ski ( 43 ), andthat it soundedlike a goodplaceto meetnewfriends ( 38 ). f. Among Guides , the most important reason for first attending , as measured by a keyword - count of qualitativeresponses , were the desire to help others ( 15 ), followedby likingto ski ( 8 ), that a goodfriend wasgoing ( 7 ), andthe appeal of thelocation ( 5 ). g. Amongthe 5 respondingMIPs , the most importantreasonsfor first attendingcenteredon the love of skiing andthedesireto learn . h. AmongVIPs , the most importantreasonfor first attending , as measuredby a keyword - count of qualitative responses, were the opportunity to learn howto ski ( 12 ), that a friendrecommendedthe program ( 9 ), the opportunityto becomemorephysically active ( 7 ), andtheappeal of the location ( 6 ). i. Many ideas and suggestions were offered by respondents about how to attract more new guides and</p><p>1 participants. These will be useful for the Publicity and Public Affairs and Recruitment committees as they developfutureprogramsto attract newpeopleto Ski for Light .</p><p>II. Howparticipantsfirst learnedaboutSFL </p><p>Question: Howdid youfirst hear aboutSki for Light?</p><p>Among106Total responses 59 Froma friendor acquaintance 12 Fromreadinga braille or audionewsletteror newspapermagazinearticle / 7 At oneof theSFL Regionalevents 5 Froma ski club 4 Fromreadinga print newsletteror newspapermagazinearticle / 3 At a Sonsof Norwaylodgemeetingor in theViking 3 At a consumerconvention 13 Someotherway </p><p>Question: If youselected " other " above , pleaseindicatehowyoufirst heardaboutSki for Light .</p><p>Guide: a mailedrequestfor moneytargetingeye doctors</p><p>Guide: At a MidwestMountaineeringExpowhereSFL hada booth</p><p>Guide: I was skiing at Snow Mountain Ranch , and saw the guidesparticipants / skiing . It captured my interest.</p><p>Guide: I workedas a SalesManagerat theInnat SilverCreekwhenyoucamein 1992</p><p>Guide: Internet</p><p>Guide: Our local ski area at deer mountainwas puttingin a bid at that timeto have the programso we put togethera slideshowbeforegoingto Vermontto do the presentation .</p><p>Guide: Public Radioad </p><p>Guide: Wasrecruitedat myHighSchoolin Woodstock</p><p>VIP: froma public serviceannouncementon theradio readingservice </p><p>VIP: HinesVABlindCenter </p><p>VIP: i attendeda pressconferenceconductedby the norwegianembassy .</p><p>2 VIP: Internetsearch </p><p>VIP: ThroughWork </p><p>III. Lengthof timefromfirst learningaboutSFLto first attending</p><p>Question: Howlongdid it takeyouto attendan Internationaleventafter youfirst heardaboutSki for Light?</p><p>Among109Responses 60 Oneyear or less 29 Twoto four years 20 Five or moreyears </p><p>IV. Thereasonsfor first attendingSki for Light</p><p>Question: WhatwerethereasonsyouattendedSFL thefirst time?Pleasecheckall that apply .</p><p>Among44RespondingGuides 35 I like to crosscountryski - 35 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others 33 Thelocationof theeventwasappealingto me 23 A friendgaveSFL a strongrecommendation 16 A goodfriendwasgoing 15 It soundedlike a goodplaceto meetnewfriends 8 It seemedlike a reasonablypricedvacation 8 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto becomemorephysically active 3 I receiveda stipend 1 It soundedlike a goodplaceto learnhowto crosscountryski - </p><p>Among58RespondingVIPs 45 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto becomemorephysically active 43 It soundedlike a goodplaceto learnhowto crosscountryski - 38 It soundedlike a goodplaceto meetnewfriends 31 A friendgaveSFL a strongrecommendation 28 It seemedlike a reasonablypricedvacation 28 Thelocationof theeventwasappealingto me 20 I like to crosscountryski - 16 A goodfriendwasgoing 7 I receiveda stipend 2 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others</p><p>3 Among5 RespondingMIPs 4 It soundedlike a goodplaceto learnhowto crosscountryski - 3 A friendgaveSFL a strongrecommendation 2 I like to crosscountryski - 2 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto becomemorephysically active 1 It seemedlike a reasonablypricedvacation 1 Thelocationof theeventwasappealingto me 0 A goodfriendwasgoing 0 I receiveda stipend 0 It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others 0 It soundedlike a goodplaceto meetnewfriends </p><p>Question: Anyotherreasons?Pleasespecify .</p><p>Guide: As a Sons of Norway member , I felt it was a good outreach programand I just wanted to participate.</p><p>Guide: CompanyGrant </p><p>Guide: Couldonly doit after retirement</p><p>Guide: I becamepart of the local eventplanningcommittee .</p><p>Guide: I enjoyedthe NERegionalsandwantedto try an international</p><p>Guide: I have alwayswantedto go to Ridderrennet , but since I was a teacher , I couldn't take timeoff to attendin themiddleof the schoolyear . I attendedthefirst year after I retired .</p><p>Guide: I like the combinationof cross country skiingfor a weekandskiingwith someonewhowas visually impaired</p><p>Guide: I like to teachX - C skiing</p><p>Guide: I likedto guide</p><p>Guide: I wantedto teachX - co skiingto anyoneinterestedin learning .</p><p>Guide: I wasexcusedfromschoolfor theweekto crosscountryski with neat people !</p><p>Guide: Myhusbandis a VIP</p><p>4 Guide: Poor snowin Washington , DC</p><p>Guide: soundedlike an adventure</p><p>Guide: to improvemyskills andimplementtheSFL modelin AZ</p><p>Guide: Tobecomea better instructor</p><p>Guide: volunteeringsharingmyabilitiesis / goodfor the soul</p><p>Guide: Wasin myhomestate </p><p>MIP: It soundedlike a goodwayfor meto get backinto playingin the snow !</p><p>MIP: startinga local ski programandwantedto learnhowother's taught</p><p>VIP: I felt it wouldbe goodcrosstrainingfor - me</p><p>VIP: I had becomea widowand decidedto do all the things that I have always wantedto do and cross countryskiingwasoneof them .</p><p>VIP: I hadwantedto try skiingbut thoughtvisionloss wouldhavestoppedmeuntil I heard about SFL .</p><p>VIP: I liked the idea of skiing for an entire week , and this seemedlike a wonderful opportunity to meet newpeopleto ski with .</p><p>VIP: I lookedforwardto takingona newchallengein a supportiveenvironment .</p><p>VIP: I neededa breakat theendof threeyears of graduateschool .</p><p>VIP: I neededa positivebreakfroma very stressfulsituationat home .</p><p>VIP: I wantedto dothe most I could .</p><p>VIP: I wasin needof greatercontactwith othervisually impairedandindependentpeople .</p><p>VIP: I waslookingfor physical activity withthe support I needed</p><p>VIP: it wouldbe an adventureas I hadnot beenblindvery long</p><p>VIP: It soundedlike fun !</p><p>VIP: It wasoneof only twoplaceswherea blindindividualcouldcango / andhaveit blindfriendly .</p><p>5 VIP: Just havinga goodtimewith like mindedpeople </p><p>VIP: Mymasculinitywasthreatened . VIP: needednewsocial interactionafter beingwidowed </p><p>VIP: Peaceof mind</p><p>VIP: to dosomethingnew </p><p>Question: Whichreasonwasmost importantto you?</p><p>Guide: a goodfriendwasgoing </p><p>Guide: a goodfriendwasgoing </p><p>Guide: A goodfriendwasgoing </p><p>Guide: Anopportunityto help othersanda goodfriendwasgoing </p><p>Guide: Anopportunityto help others . Also , it seemedlike an adventure .</p><p>Guide: blindhusbandrecommendedI try it ; I'd donedownhill before</p><p>Guide: combinationof both</p><p>Guide: friendwasgoing </p><p>Guide: Goodplaceto meetnewfriends </p><p>Guide: help others</p><p>Guide: helpingothers </p><p>Guide: Helpingothersto enjoytheoutdoors </p><p>Guide: Helpingothers </p><p>Guide: Helpingothersandlikingto XCski </p><p>Guide: I canhelp othersget outdoorsto ski while at thesametimeI amdoingwhatI love to do also .</p><p>Guide: I enjoyedthe NERegionalsandwantedto try an international</p><p>Guide: I hadbeenwantingto goforever ... it wasa matterof time , ageandmoney .</p><p>6 Guide: I like to ski and to share this with others . I also like to teach , somethingI do not get to do in myeveryday life . Skiingis thenumberonereasonthough .</p><p>Guide: I love to crosscountryski </p><p>Guide: It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others Guide: It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others</p><p>Guide: It soundedlike a goodopportunityto help others</p><p>Guide: It soundedlike a great opportunityto help otherswhile doingsomethingI havealwaysloved - ski .</p><p>Guide: Learningaboutguiding ,</p><p>Guide: locationandstipend </p><p>Guide: location , cost , friends , helping , skiingin order</p><p>Guide: locationof event ( initially ), andlovingto ski</p><p>Guide: Location</p><p>Guide: love of skiingandhelpingothers </p><p>Guide: opportunityto crosscountryski for a weekandpartnerwith someonewhois visually impaired</p><p>Guide: opportunityto ski newvenues </p><p>Guide: Opportunityto help others</p><p>Guide: Opportunityto ski at thesametimehelpingothers ; soundedfun </p><p>Guide: Poor snowin DCandappealinglocation </p><p>Guide: Skiing</p><p>Guide: the adventure</p><p>Guide: ThefriendsI hadmadeworkingwith SFL in 1992 & ! 994wasthemainreason .</p><p>Guide: to help othersby sharingmylove of the outdoors</p><p>Guide: workingwith vipsandthe location</p><p>7 MIP: I like to crosscountryski - </p><p>MIP: I wantedto enjoya vacationthat focusedonphysical activity</p><p>MIP: learnto start newprogram </p><p>MIP: Placeto learnto ski</p><p>MIP: Thesnowpart .</p><p>VIP: A goodplaceto meetnewfriends .</p><p>VIP: all reasonscametogether ; I signedup thesameday I heardaboutSFL .</p><p>VIP: becomingmorephysically activein theoutdoors </p><p>VIP: break</p><p>VIP: Enjoyingthe outdoorsandgettingfit .</p><p>VIP: friendgavestrongrecommendation </p><p>VIP: friendgoing </p><p>VIP: friendrecommendation </p><p>VIP: FriendgaveSFL a strongrecommendation </p><p>VIP: friend's recommendation</p><p>VIP: Fun !</p><p>VIP: goodopportunityto becomemorephysically active</p><p>VIP: goodopportunityto makenewfriends , see howthe blind'culture' functions</p><p>VIP: Goodopportunityto becomemorephysically active</p><p>VIP: Goodplaceto learnto crosscountryski - </p><p>VIP: Goodplaceto learnto crosscountryski </p><p>VIP: Highrecommendation </p><p>8 VIP: I like to crosscountryski .</p><p>VIP: I like to crosscountryski - </p><p>VIP: I LOVEto crosscountryski - </p><p>VIP: I receiveda stipend</p><p>VIP: I wanteda physical activity with the support I needed</p><p>VIP: I wantedto learnto crosscountryski - , andit seemeda goodeventfor that purpose</p><p>VIP: It soundedlike a great opportunity to becomemore active , but manyof the other reasonsI checked wereright up thereas well !</p><p>VIP: It soundedlike theright placeto learn , with the right peoplearoundme .</p><p>VIP: It wasa goodplaceto crosscountryski with a guide .</p><p>VIP: learningto ski</p><p>VIP: learningto ski .</p><p>VIP: Learninghowto crosscountryski .</p><p>VIP: Learningsomethingnewandtakinga great vacation</p><p>VIP: location</p><p>VIP: Location</p><p>VIP: Lookingfor newadventure </p><p>VIP: meetnewactivefriends </p><p>VIP: meetingpeople </p><p>VIP: Mymasculinitywasthreatened .</p><p>VIP: Realizingthat weall adaptto our circumstancesandwill try to maximizeour abilities .</p><p>VIP: recommendationfroma friend</p><p>9 VIP: recommendationfromfriendwhoparticipatedin '75</p><p>VIP: Socializingandskiing </p><p>VIP: the adventure</p><p>VIP: the adventureof it actually</p><p>VIP: the opportunityto havefunwhile learningan activesport </p><p>VIP: The feeling of being with people like myself helped me a lot . and being able to do somethingso wonderfulwasso satisfying</p><p>VIP: Thelocationwasappealingto me .</p><p>VIP: Thenewchallengewith support</p><p>VIP: Theopportunityto ski with newpeopleandthelocation </p><p>VIP: THELOCATIONOFALASKA </p><p>VIP: to learnto crosscountryski - VIP: To learnto crossski andmeetandmakenewfriends </p><p>VIP: wantedto ski andstay physically active</p><p>VIP: Wantedto learnto ski</p><p>V. Suggestionsfor attractingnewparticipantsto SFL</p><p>Question: HowcanSki for Light attract morenewguidesandparticipants? </p><p>32Guides , 4 MIPs and36VIPs providedsuggestions .</p><p>Guide: A discountfor someonewhobringsa newguideI don't thinkwe have any problemgettingenough participants</p><p>Guide: Advertisefor guidesin ski relatedpublications </p><p>Guide: Advertisingin theNational Ski magazines . Informationin local ski clubnewsletters .</p><p>Guide: Attract a youngercrowd . In order to attract a youngercrowd , I thinkthe calendarplacementof the event needs to be more accommodating to college students . I don't know what the answer is . Increase</p><p>10 advertisingpresencein outdoorpublications . Createa " sighted " versionof thewebsite .</p><p>Guide: Continueto ask participants to spreadthe word about SFL . Do more marketing - write articles for newspapersin statesthat haveski areasandarticlesin outdoorfitnessski / / magazines . Notify crosscountryski - centers about SFL . Invite ESPN , PBS or Discoveryto do a programabout SFL . Have a short videodvdabout / SFL preparedfor distributionto televisionor othermediaoutlets .</p><p>Guide: Continueto maketheeventas affordableandattractiveas possible .</p><p>Guide: Emphasizewordof mouth . Developa small brochurethat couldbe passedalongto others .</p><p>Guide: Expand speaking engagementspresentations / to various educational and service organizations , XC ski clubs. Createa onepagetri - fold photobrochurethat canbe givento othersinformally or as a presentation handout. Previous participants are good " messengers ". Also sell " wearables " that advertise SFL ( beyondthe Jansport T shirts - maybeheadbands , fleecevests etc .)</p><p>Guide: Financial assistance for guides and participants Offer each regional an expense paid week for a participant, if theRegionalcanprovidethe transportationexpense .</p><p>Guide: First year free for newguides , or minimalfee like $100 . I wouldpay moreto allowthat .</p><p>Guide: For guidesI thinkthe corporatefundingof staff to attendthat first timeis still a great option . For that original grant I proposedto REI in 1999 , the companyfunded4 Employeesto attend . Of that group2 are still active and a third is very active in the local SFL . Donationscontacts could includeinformationon howcompaniescouldfundsomeof their own .</p><p>Guide: For guides - approach area colleges , many have rec . therapy , physical therapy , occupational therapy , Adaptive PE programs , etc . that students would love to get involved . For participants - approach local independentlivingorganizationsfor mobilityvisually / impaired . Manystates have a National Spinal Cord Injury Associations. WI has a big groupin Milwaukee . Thereis alsothe BadgerAssocfor theBlindin Milwaukee ( I think they had a recent namechange , though ) That is a huge organization and apartment complex for visually impaired .</p><p>Guide: Give an incentive i . e .: discount , prize , etc . to those who recruit new folks . Develop a campaign complete with catch phrase , logo , outreach materials , etc . Do more to attract people from minority backgroundsor underservedpopulations - .</p><p>Guide: I believewordof mouthis thebest . Continuethroughoutdoororganizations </p><p>Guide: I canthinkof no waystheywouldbe effectiveandyet legal . SFL maywantto identify a skierguide / pair fromevery state and have themmakean SFL preparedpresentationat one or two major blind rehab centers in their states . Wecould also look into gettinga booth at a major blindnessconference . One that attracts bothrehabteacherscaseworkersandblindindividuals / . i. e . CSUN</p><p>11 Guide: I don't know . But advertisingpays , so do that as muchas possible . Encourageparticipants to invite their friends . EncouragebiggerpromotionsfromSonsof Norwaylodges .</p><p>Guide: I have never , ever seen it advertisedexcept the first year I went when I saw an article in Silent Sports. Get more involvedwith local XC ski shops , XC ski clubs , and Corporation's that might have a XC ski club</p><p>Guide: I learnedaboutSFL in a Nordic clubnewsletter . Seemslike a goodplaceto recruit moreguides .</p><p>Guide: Increasefundraisingfor the scholarshipsso that youcan encourageyoungfolks to get involvedearly so that theycanbe apart of SFL for manyyears to come</p><p>Guide: Lower the cost find places that are not so fancy with a fewless amenities . Find a way other than stipends to get new youngguides or skiers to comeat first at little or no cost to hook themon the program.</p><p>Guide: Needto find more ways to underwrite their costs . You needa broaderyoungerbase , and moneyis tight.</p><p>Guide: Offer stipendsfor youngerguides . Possibly offer a " learntoski - - " weekfor potential guideswhoaren't confidentenoughto guideright away .</p><p>Guide: Possibly holdingthe internationaleventin newlocationswouldget locals whohaven't heardof SFL in thosenewlocationsinvolved .</p><p>Guide: publicity - print , tv ( public television ), public radio - expandcoveragein thesightedcommunity </p><p>Guide: Put together a video which can be shownby volunteers at ski meetings other . It should not be aboutonly ski instructionsbut a snapshot of SFL .</p><p>Guide: Recruit at colleges and universities . We needto attract that age rangeso that we can keep young bloodin theorganization .</p><p>Guide: SFL needsto determinewhowe are tryingto attract . Collegeage individuals may meanmovingthe eventto coincidewith the timestheseindividuals are awayfromschool . For youngor evenolder adults the event may need to be later than 4 weeks after New Year's . Is it possible to run a public service announcement on TV or radio in cross country ski areas . The announcements could run in October and November. Thereis noeasyanswer .</p><p>Guide: Thebest wayis wordof mouth .</p><p>Guide: The internet . Find groups dedicated to topics linked to adapted activities and share the SFL information. Child care? Moreguidedogwalkers? </p><p>12 Guide: ThePhysical EducationCollegein Oslo ( Idrettshyskolen ) sendsguidesto Ridderrennet . I bet manyof thesestudentswouldlove to comeover here andparticipatein SFL as guides .</p><p>Guide: Wordof mouth</p><p>Guide: Wordof mouthis best , of course . Lowercost andstipendavailability is important .</p><p>MIP: Cannothavethis programwithoutguides . Offer themmorefinancial support to attend .</p><p>MIP: moreawareness?marketing? MIP: moremarketingin the local communities . bringingin youngerpeopleinto leadershiproles . I live in the SanFranciscoBay Areawherethere are a gazzillionfolks with disabilities , yet SFL is relatively unknown . This is a hugebummer .</p><p>MIP: Try to keepcosts down . Offer 1st timediscounts . Keepmovinglocations .</p><p>VIP: advertise more in ski clothingstores here in ny : PrincetonSki Shops , SnowHaus - and others , wheni haveshoppedthere , noneof thesalespeoplehas heardof sfl andtheyare all skiers</p><p>VIP: betterlinkedto searchenginesexampleyahoodisabilitiessportsrecreation / / / ) etc .</p><p>VIP: by pitchingquality , challengeand goodskiing . guidesshould comewith the expectationof skiing , and blindfolkswouldcomewith the sameexpectation .</p><p>VIP: Continueto focuson personto personrecruitment .</p><p>VIP: Domoreout reachat theNational Conventionof theBlindorganizations </p><p>VIP: don't know</p><p>VIP: Expanded outreach to communities of VIPs , MIPs and potential guides , whether through print or electronic media or facetoface - - contact . Make every attendeean ambassadorof the organizationand equip themwith the materials they can use to spread the word . Make attendees more aware of the available materials andhowtheycanuse them .</p><p>VIP: findersfee for newguidesin the formof a small eventfee discount</p><p>VIP: For participants - have past participants host info sessions in different cities and hold receptions at major consumerconferences . For guides - aggressively market througha mix of print and other ads ( eg . ., securearrangementswith a majoroutdoorssports store whereyoucanget flyers andpostersout ). Invest in print ads in newvenues ( eg . ., Sunday NewYork Times , Sports Illustrated ). While this will obviously come with a cost , I think that the investment would be worth it . Put ads in university newspapers that have recreationalexercisescienceandrehabprograms/ . Get posters out to thesecampuses . Try andpartnerwith a sponsorwhowould be willingto earmarktheir fundsto specifically help defray costs for newguides ( eg . .,</p><p>13 an airline ).</p><p>VIP: get the word out in ski magazines , ski shows , press , I think we do a pretty goodjob . Movingthe event aroundhas helpedrecruit more guides fromdifferent locations and they have followedus . Ex . Meg AndersonfromVermont , Marie HoustonfromCOetc .</p><p>VIP: give a modestdiscountto peoplewhobringin guides</p><p>VIP: Give stipends . Give themcomefor four or sevendays . A lot of skiers are " done " by the fourth day anyway. Andthis waytheycouldfeel needed .</p><p>VIP: Goto newplacesandbetterstipendsfor guides</p><p>VIP: haveguidespay muchless thanskiers : thoughI hate this notion</p><p>VIP: Havemixersat ACBandNFBconventions .</p><p>VIP: I believewordof mouthremainsthe strongest recruitmenttool for SFL . However , SFL can attract more participants by directly reaching out more to institutions , schools and organizations that serve the visually impaired. SFL canattract moreguidesby reachingout to sports andactivity organizations .</p><p>VIP: I don't know . I think the publicity about it is pretty good . Perhaps more participants can accept brochures, etc andhandthemout to friends , relativesandcolleagues .</p><p>VIP: I knowof possible guidesbut they either do not have the timeor moneyis a problem . So amnot sure.</p><p>VIP: I still think that word of mouth is our strongest recruitmenttool . I don't knowif there is a way to formalize or create more consistency in spreadingthe word . I tend to talk about SFL whenever I find a willingear , but it hasn't generatedtoomanynewguides .</p><p>VIP: I thinkcost and timeoff - work will continueto challengethose of us in our 2030's - . Attendancemay be inconsistentas we go throughfun life changes . I keeptalkingto myfriendsand I thinkthat word of mouthwill be thebest recruitmenttool , especially if wecansay that stipendsmaybe available .</p><p>VIP: I think it is worth consideringhowlarge SFL wants to be ; targetingyounger people is a goodidea ; considersnowshoeing .</p><p>VIP: I would be willing to help designa marketingplan ; this survey should providevaluable info on how folkshear aboutSFL so wecanuse that as a springboard .</p><p>VIP: It's the differentlocationsthat havealwaysappealedto me</p><p>VIP: Learn of , and seek ways of publicizing , nonskiing - benefits experienced by participants . -- Consider</p><p>14 establishing communication trees ( ) whereby active participants would contact lessactive - participants or new prospects with invitationsto apply and attendnext time . -- Consider establishingincentives ( small discounts , point system , acknowledgement at annual event , etc .) for facilitating added participation . -- Look for more waysof notifyingSFLers in specific regionsof local events ( e - mail whenwebsite updated , etc .). -- Lookfor new ways of publishing announcementsadvertisements / of SFL activities , especially in targeted publications (Braille Monitor , National Library Service newsletters producedby state libraries , etc .), and via local service org newsletters such as Lions clubs . -- Develop e - mail distribution lists to reach disabled student service centerspersonnelat/ highschools anduniversities . -- Drawin newideasenergyby / publishingon SFL website a descriptionof SFL committees , their work , and the valueof participatingon these to further SFL , and to donatein nonmonetaryways - . -- DevelopSpeakersBureaupacket for use by participantsso that morepeople can feel preparedto speakto local groups , senior centers , adult disabledservice centers , churches , etc . to increase awareness . -- Explore cooperationassociation / with ElderHostel and other adult sportsleisuretravel / / groupsto promoteawareness , andpossibly to shareoccasionaleventsponsorship .</p><p>VIP: Maybetry to do morenetworkingthroughvariouscommunitysupport groupslike Rotary , Lions</p><p>VIP: morewordof mouthfromthosewhohaveattendedandlovedit </p><p>VIP: More media attention , maybesomethinglike '60 Minutes' , thoughI think it would be a long shot for this typeof coverage .</p><p>VIP: Mostly I findthat personalpromotionworksbest .</p><p>VIP: Moveto differentlocations .</p><p>VIP: Pay part of the expensesof guides . Makesure skiers are treatedfairly .</p><p>VIP: Plentyof pr , examplepublicationin themainstreammedia .</p><p>VIP: possibly by raisingmorefundsanddecreasingindividualfinancial burden</p><p>VIP: Providemoreandbiggerscholarshipsfor all categories</p><p>VIP: Public Service announcements , presentingto ski club members and presentingto blindness groupsand settingup posters and informationat conferenceslike AER to be held in Utah next July '06 and at state conferencesof AER , ( for informationof locationandtimeslookonthewebsitewwwaerbviorg . .</p><p>VIP: set up boothsat more conventionssuch as CSUNboth NFB and ACBas for guidesperhapsget more national attentionin the news</p><p>VIP: Try to advertise with radio stations like NPR -- National Public Radio , get fundingfromdifferent " sports commissioners."</p><p>15</p>

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