<p> Amberly K. Portero</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>AMBERLY KATHRYN PORTERO, B.S. Department of Psychology Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-1270 Email: [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Current DOCTORAL STUDENT IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Major Professor: Norman B. Schmidt, Ph.D.</p><p>05/2013 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY AND CRIMINOLOGY, Cum Laude with Honors Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL</p><p>RESEARCH POSITIONS</p><p>08/16 – Present GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Supervisor: Norman B. Schmidt, Ph.D. Activities: Develop and oversee the execution of research on the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders; supervise undergraduate and post-baccalaureate research assistants in the process of data collection, entry, and preparation for analysis; manage and analyze databases through SPSS; prepare and monitor documents for the Institutional Review Board; prepare poster presentations, symposiums, and manuscripts.</p><p>06/13 – 06/16 FULL-TIME RESEARCH ASSISTANT Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Supervisor: Norman B. Schmidt, Ph.D. Activities: Manage a grant-funded (Department of Defense) RCT targeting risk factors associated with suicide, mood, and anxiety symptoms; responsible for participant recruitment, tracking, scheduling, and psychophysiological (EEG, EMG) data collection; administer research protocols to participants; conduct phone screens and diagnostic interviews with potential research participants; maintain Excel, Qualtrics, and SPSS databases; manage data entry and data cleaning utilizing SPSS; write syntax for data analysis; supervise post- baccalaureate full-time research assistants working in the laboratory.</p><p>Page 1 of 6 Amberly K. Portero</p><p>05/12 – 05/13 RESEARCH ASSISTANT Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Supervisor: Jesse Cougle, Ph.D. Activities: Assisted with study needs including recruitment, scheduling, and database creation; recruited and consented participants at various out-patient hospitals for a study assessing the development of PTSD immediately following a trauma; recruited and consented undergraduate participants for a study assessing anger and aggression; administered research protocols to eligible participants; oversaw and trained new research assistants on lab policies and experimental procedures; managed data entry using Excel and SPSS; attended weekly lab meetings.</p><p>CLINICAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>09/14 – Present ANXIETY AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINIC Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Supervisor: Norman B. Schmidt, Ph.D. Activities: Administer diagnostic interviews for potential clients and research participants using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Axis I Disorders; administer phone screens with potential clients and research participants to determine eligibility for clinic services; Attend weekly supervision meetings.</p><p>01/12 – 08/13 PHONE COUNSELOR 2-1-1 Big Bend Activities: Completed 75 hours of extensive training to answer three separate hotlines for the purpose of assisting those in need with short-term crisis counseling as well as suicide prevention counseling; responsible for intervention techniques with high-risk populations; completed over 200 hours of counseling services; assisted with community outreach and education.</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE</p><p>08/17 – Present INSTRUCTOR Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Course: Physiological Psychology Lab (PSB3004C) Duties: Lead instructor for lab sections of undergraduate course at Florida State University. Responsible for planning all lectures, assignments, and day-to-day activities. Supervise undergraduate volunteers who aid in the presentation of neuroanatomical review of sheep brains.</p><p>08/16 – Present INSTRUCTOR Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Course: Directed Individual Study (undergraduate-level course) Duties: Develop curriculum, provide instruction, and supervise undergraduate students conducting research. Conduct professional development exercises and seminars in a variety of topics. </p><p>06/13 – 8/16 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR </p><p>Page 2 of 6 Amberly K. Portero</p><p>Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Supervisor: Norman B. Schmidt, Ph.D. Activities: Supervise approximately 10 undergraduate directed independent study students per semester assisting with research duties; trained students on lab protocols.</p><p>01/13 – 05/13 TEACHER’S ASSISTANT Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Physiological Psychology Supervisor: Elaine Hull, Ph.D. Activities: Illustrated the location of specific brain regions to fellow undergraduates; responsible for exam preparation and grading; aided graduate students in presentation of neuroscience material.</p><p>01/12 – 08/13 SHIFT SUPERVISOR AND TRAINING ASSISTANT 2-1-1 Big Bend Activities: Responsible for training and supervising incoming volunteers; assisted with recruitment and outreach in the Florida Big Bend area; led bi- weekly training sessions for incoming volunteers; aided licensed psychologists and social workers in implementing appropriate counseling techniques.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS</p><p>1. Short, N. A., Allan, N. P., Stentz, L. A., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (in press). Predictors of insomnia symptoms and nightmares among individuals with PTSD: An ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Sleep Research.</p><p>2. Raines, A. M., Vidaurri, D. N., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017). Associations between preservative thinking and obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions. Personality and Individual Differences, 113, 63-67.</p><p>3. Norr, A. M., Gibby, B. A., Fuller, K. L., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017). Online dissemination of the Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment (CAST) using Craigslist: A pilot study. Cognitive Therapy and Research.</p><p>4. Mathes, B. M., Oglesby, M. E., Short, N. A., Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017). An Examination of the Role of Intolerance of Distress and Uncertainty in Hoarding Symptoms. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 72, 121-129. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2016.10.007</p><p>5. Portero, A. K., Durmaz, D. A., Raines, A. M., Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2015). Cognitive processes in hoarding: The role of rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 277- 281.</p><p>6. Raines, A. M., Portero, A. K., Unruh, A. S., Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2015). An initial investigation of the relationships between insomnia and hoarding. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71, 707-714.</p><p>Page 3 of 6 Amberly K. Portero</p><p>MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW</p><p>1. Mathes, B. M., Portero, A. K., Gibby, B. A., King, S. L., & Schmidt, N. B. Interpersonal trauma and hoarding: The mediating role of aggression. Manuscript submitted for publication.</p><p>MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION</p><p>1. Portero, A. K., Stentz, L. A., Wissemann, K., Albanese, B. J., & Schmidt, N. B. Interactive and co- occurring effects of anxiety sensitivity and attentional control on OC symptoms. Manuscript in preparation.</p><p>2. Boffa, J. W., Short, N. A., Portero, A. K., Albanese, B. J., & Schmidt, N. B. Reductions in suicide ideation via PTSD symptoms following an anxiety sensitivity intervention: Evidence for chained mediation. Manuscript in preparation.</p><p>3. Portero, A. K., Oglesby, M. E., Mathes, B. M., Stentz, L. A., King, S. L., & Schmidt, N. B. Prospective predictors of obsessive-compulsive symptoms: The role of anxiety sensitivity and distress tolerance. Manuscript in preparation.</p><p>4. Oglesby, M. E., Portero, A. K., Stentz, L. A., King, S. L., and Schmidt, N. B. Negative interpretation bias for uncertain information as a predictor of anxiety-related symptoms. Manuscript in preparation.</p><p>POSTER PRESENTATIONS </p><p>1. Short, N. A., Allan, N. P., Stentz, L. A, Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017, November). Predictors of insomnia symptoms and nightmares among individuals with PTSD: An ecological momentary assessment study. Poster accepted for presentation at the 51st Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.</p><p>2. Portero, A. K., Mathes, B. M., King, S. L., Stentz, L. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017, April). Sleep difficulties and OC symptoms: The mediating role of distress intolerance. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>3. Stentz, L. A., Short, N. A., Boffa, J. W., Albanese, B. J., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017, April). Perceived burdensomeness: A mediator for suicidal ideation among veterans. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>4. Foltz, J. E., Oglesby, M. E., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (October, 2016). Intolerance of uncertainty as a mediator between attentional control and worry. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.</p><p>Page 4 of 6 Amberly K. Portero</p><p>5. Portero, A. K., Fuller, K.L., Mathes, B. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (2016, October). Examination of the association between intolerance of uncertainty and specific saving cognitions. Poster presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies conference, New York, NY.</p><p>6. Fuller, K. L., Portero, A. K., Norr, A. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (2016, October). Computerized CBT and days of perceived illness reduction through anxiety sensitivity. Poster presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies conference, New York, NY</p><p>7. Norr, A. M., Gibby, B. A., Fuller, K. L., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2016, October). Online dissemination of the Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment (CAST) using Craigslist. Poster presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies conference, New York, NY.</p><p>8. Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (2015, November). Examination of the association between attention deficits and specific hoarding symptoms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.</p><p>9. Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., Short, N. A., Oglesby M. E., & Schmidt, N. B. (2015, April). Traumatic life events and hoarding: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Miami, FL.</p><p>10. Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2014, November). Cognitive processes in hoarding: The effects of rumination. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>11. Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., Rhoden, R. E., Capron, D. W., & Schmidt, N. B. (2014, November). Depression sensitivity as a vulnerability factor for hoarding behaviors. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>12. Portero, A. K., Raines, A. M., Short, N. A., Unruh, A. S. & Schmidt, N. B. (2014, March). An initial investigation of the relationships between insomnia and hoarding severity. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Chicago, IL.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SYMPOSIA 1. Oglesby, M. E., Stentz, L. A., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (November, 2017). Negative interpretation bias for uncertain information as a predictor of anxiety-related symptoms. Submitted in K.A. Knowles (chair), Uncertainty abounds: Intolerance of uncertainty as a transdiagnostic mechanism of psychopathology. Symposium accepted for the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.</p><p>2. Raines, A. M., Mathes, B. M., Portero, A. K., & Schmidt, N. B. (2017, April). Examination of a Brief Computerized Anxiety Sensitivity Cognitive Concerns Intervention on Obsessive- Compulsive Symptoms. In M.E. Oglesby (Chair), Transdiagnostic Risk Factors for Anxiety: A Translational Perspective through Novel Behavioral Indicators & Treatment Paradigms. Oral </p><p>Page 5 of 6 Amberly K. Portero</p><p> presentation accepted for presentation at the annual Anxiety and Depression Association of America conference, San Francisco, CA. </p><p>PROFESSIONAL TRAINING</p><p>Motivational Interviewing Advanced Beginners Workshop (August 2017) Therese Kemper, Ph.D., Florida State University Psychology Clinic, Tallahassee, FL</p><p>Allies and Safe Zone Training Workshop (June 2017) Florida State University Government Association, Tallahassee, FL</p><p>HONORS AND AWARDS</p><p>10/2016 Florida State University Congress of Graduate Students Travel Award ($200) 01/13 – 05/13 FSU Seminole Torchbearers 08/11 – 05/13 Phi Sigma Theta Honor Society 08/11 – 05/13 Psi Chi Honor Society 08/10 – 05/13 Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society 08/10 – 05/13 National Society of Collegiate Scholars 05/09 – 05/13 Bright Futures Scholarship Recipient 05/09 – 05/13 FSU Academic Scholarship Recipient 05/09 – 05/13 Florida State University Honors Program</p><p>PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS</p><p>Anxiety and Depression Association of America (Student Member) Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (Student Member)</p><p>Page 6 of 6</p>
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