St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

<p> St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church The Fisherman’s News St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:1 3966 U.S. Hwy 641 North Benton, KY 42025</p><p>St. Matthew by the Lake May 2016 Lutheran Church 3966 U.S. Hwy 641 N. Benton, KY. 42025 270-527-1856</p><p>Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Kentucky 1st Wednesday of the month is our Morning Derby Party Women’s Group Saturday, Discussions th 10:00 a.m. May 7 3:00</p><p>Email: [email protected] (details inside) Website: www.stmatthewbythe ******************************************************* May reception committee Check us out on Facebook *Linda & Mike Ward - coordinators Bright Life Farm</p><p>Birthdays Bob Holcomb Musical Prentation May 3 Mattie Baxter Jim & Dottie Hill and May 3 Judy Dahms Debbie Schoo May 8 Tanner Castleberry The Mission of th Dennis & Marti McHugh Pot Luck May 8 Justis Ford St. Matthew by th Kent & Cheryl Edwards May 9 Memphis Ford John & Eileen Rowthorn the Lake: Sunday, May 10 Dorothy Thompson Brian & Nancy Roosa May 15th May 16 Dianne Martinek Dollie Edwards Sharing Christ’s May 19 Brian Roosa Love in Worship, Plan to attend and bring a friend to this special Thank you to our April reception group for all your hard work! May 22 Greta Henry Fellowship, and worship service, May 25 John Rowthorn Service May 25 Sharon Johnson followed by a pot luck. May 30 Karl Naggatz Anniversary May 10 Ruth & Lynn Smith May 21 Alan & Darla Berton May 23 Shannon & Beverly Ward A word from your Worship and Music Board WORSHIP LEADER 5-1 Kent Edwards LITURGIST 5-8 Bill Seifert 5-1 Dorothy Thompson COMMUNION ASSISTANTS One of the missions that we actively support is a faith based nonprofit Adult Special Needs Community 5-15 Sharon Johnson 5-8 Tom Kind 5-1 Rev. Louella, Kent Edwards, Debbie Centofante, Sharon Johnson in Princeton, Bright Life Farms. We have invited the residents of this property to join us for service on 5-22 Lori Kuta 5-15 Jean Fuller 5-8 Rev. Louella, Bill Seifert, Vern Thompson, Jean Fuller May 15 and present a short mission talk about this facility. They have also volunteered to present us with 5-29 Sharon Johnson 5-22 Scot Ratzlaff 5-15 Sharon Johnson, Darrell Olson, Dianne Martinek, Scot Ratzlaff a musical presentation featuring some of their residents. This is a uniquely special service that will assist USHER 5-29 Lee Ann Verzi 5-22 Rev. Louella, Lori Kuta, Darlene Timmons, Dottie Hill in connecting us to one of our local missions in a very personal way. Your worship team would like to 5-1 John & Jean Fuller LAY READER 5-29 Rev. McAllister, Sharon Johnson, Rita Vied, Debbie Schoo encourage you to please bring a friend or neighbor to service as a way to help spread the word about the 5-8 Michael & Joseph Faughn 5-1 Debbie Schoo ALTAR GUILD 5-1 Rita Vied/ Jane Cox work and lives going on at Bright Life Farms. 5-15 Ross & Janet Hicks 5-8 Kaylyn Berton 5-22 Carl Price & Mike Ward 5-15 Linda Ward 5-8 Lucille Schuman / Ruth Smith 5-15 Dottie Hill/ Sandy Olson Upcoming Pulpit Fill Schedule Important Worship/Service Dates: 5-29 Dottie & Jim Hill 5-22 Pat Partyka GREETERS 5-29 Ellen Higgs 5-22 Karl Naggatz / Neil & Joan Weber 5-1 Mike & Debbie Centofante SOUND 5-29 Marti McHugh / Cheryl Weed May 1: Rev Louella Lyon May 1: Acoustic Service 5-8 Clarence & Carolyn Traum 5-1 Harland Timmons May 8: Mother’s Day 5-15 Frank & Rita Vied 5-8 John Hudak May Communion Bread Baker: Barb Seifert May 8: Rev Louella Lyon May 15: Bright Life Farms 5-22 Sharon Johnson & Laura Savage 5-15 Kent Edwards May Blood Pressures: Marti McHugh / Kent Edwards Participation/ Pot Luck 5-29 Bob & Mary Scott 5-22 Rebekka 5-29 John Hudak May 15: Special Guest / Mission May 29: Acoustic Service / Talk Bright Life Farms Memorial Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday May 22: Rev. Louella Lyon June 19: Father’s Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 June 26: Rev. Rudy Mueller visit Acoustic Sunday 9:00 WELCA 10:00 Ladies 3:00 May 29: Rev. Wayne McAllister 9:30 Worship Meeting & group Kentucky 10:30 Fellowship Assembling Derby Brunch Personal Care Party Blessing of the Kits @ The Acoustic Band would love to add another vocalist or two to allow for harmony with our other Personal Care Kit Bob instruments. We rehearse typically two Wednesdays a month from 530-630p and perform on the second items Holcombs Sunday of the month. So if you like to sing or play an instrument and would like to be part of this house musical ministry, please see Lucy Young for more information. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7-9 New Organist Needed! Marietta is moving back to Texas therefore we are again in the market for a new organist. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please let Debbie Schoo or 5:45 B.A.S.S. Country Dianne Martinek know. Prayers that we will be able to quickly fill this position are requested! 6:30 Board Mtgs Breakfast 8:30 Bells 7:30 Council 9:30 Worship Mtg. Special Thanks: Needs to be given to John Hudak and all his helpers for all the electronic upgrades that 10:30 Fellowship 6:30 Choir have gone on in the past year. The new television in the fellowship hall is now running a live feed of the service and has a dvd player connected and several upgrades to our currently multimedia set-up in the 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 sanctuary have been completed. The worship board would like to acknowledge the time and energy that 8:30 Bells John and his team have invested in our multimedia. So---- THANK YOU!!!! 9:30 Worship service with . Welcome to our newest worship board member Bob Holcomb. Bob has agreed to take on the role of Bright Life Greeter/Usher Lead and will assist with answering questions, training new ushers, and making sure that Farms Newsletter replacements are found for vacant doors on Sunday morning. Bob will be working closely with the 10:30 Pot Luck Deadline Worship Team to make sure that is very important group of volunteers is supported and represented. 10:30 Blood pressures 5:30 Acoustic Thank you Bob for your time and talents with this new activity! checked 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3:30 8:30 Bells Kaylyn 9:30 Worship Berton’s 10:30 Fellowship Wedding In Loving Memory 5:30 Acoustic 6:30 Choir Family and friends of Larry Rector, friend of Rebekka Handschke Ratzlaff Family and friends of Gerhard(Whitey) Lehman, Father of Darlene Timmons 29 30 31 Family and friends of Sonny Goldsmith, friends of Bob Holcomb Acoustic Sunday 9:30 Worship 10:30 Fellowship office closed Unapproved April council minutes “Country Breakfast” Saturday, May 14 ST. MATTHEW BY THE LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:00 - 9:00 CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING DATE April 12, 2016 ______</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE: Darrell Olson, Pastor Husby, Debbie Schoo, Jan Kind, Ross Hicks, Linda Ward, Bob Holcomb, Mary Scott, Dianne Martinek, Gene Pettett, Rita Vied. John Hudak and Jane Cox. What a delicious breakfast we serve every second Saturday of each month. You won’t want to miss it. We will have a Meeting opened at 7:36pm by Darrell Olson with DEVOTIONS read by Pastor Husby. signup sheet in the Narthex for those willing to volunteer their time and talents to help cook, set up, serve, clean up, and MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Previous minutes approved. have a good time with one another. Tell you your friends and family to join us for a great breakfast. Monies from this PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Husby spoke with Neva Aldene about Bob. Visited Frank and Wilma Snyder gave breakfast benefit local missions. See you there. communion. Visited Gerhard Lehman at the hospital. Our Church was lifted up in prayers by the Indiana-KY Synod. . Thank you Cheryl Weed for advertising in the Newspaper it really helped. ______PRESCHOOL BOARD REPORT: 10ft. Garden building for outdoor toys on back order. Property will set up. 19 THE FELLOWSHIP BOARD students registered for the Mon/Wed class, 7 or 8 students for the Tues/Thurs. Carolyn Traum has joined the Preschool or board; they are still looking for 3 more volunteers. G. I.F.T Committee (Growing In Fellowship Together) Kentucky Derby Party BOARD REPORTS: th CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Sunday School attendance increased to 8 during Easter. Children are making flowers for Saturday, May 7 3:00 Mother’s Day. A Fund raiser is tentatively scheduled for May 1st. The Hiking trip rescheduled. Presently there are no @Bob Holcombs House plans for a first communion class. Anyone desiring that class should speak to Darrell O. and arrangements will be made. (directions are in the Narthex) STEWARDSHIP (TIME & TALENT): No report OUTREACH/EVANGELISM: Cookbooks discussed, a motion was made and approved to go ahead with this at a cost And they're off! Our 1st Kentucky Derby Party is in the works. We have a family fun event planned for Saturday, May of $700 for 200 cookbooks. All of the profits from the cookbooks sales go toward malaria nets & Zika epidemic. 7th, starting at 3:00. Plan to wear your festive hat and most colorful attire. We will have games for the adults and kids. PROPERTY: Carpet has been cleaned. Kudos was given to the Property board for the water feature in the Church There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex, please let us know if you are attending. Bring your favorite beverage, we have entrance. Parking Lot will be done sometime between August 1 and August 15th. some delicious recipes available if you’d like to make a traditional Kentucky Derby food items. Don’t forget your MISSION AND MINISTRY: Recommended $100 from Fund B be given to the Marshall County Rescue Squad for a pennies, nickels, and quarters - Bob has a fun horse racing game to teach all of us. Church advertisement in their Safety and First Aid Booklet. Motion made and approved. April Mission focus is the ****************************************************************************************** LWR Personal Care Kits. M &M is working with WELCA on this project. Blood Glucose (Sugar) will be checked before ** Church services on the second Sunday in June. LeeAnn Verzi available after service April 17th to help folks sign up for An update on Hannah Harmon; the young lady who is riding 13,000 miles over 37 states to raise awareness against the Kroger Community Rewards. June 4th kick off to Annual Hook’em for the Hungry event which runs thru June 12. human trafficking. She left our church and made it all the way to Florida! While she was in Panama City she was hit by FELLOWSHIP: KY Derby party May 7th at Bob Holcombs home. Games, food and fun are scheduled. KY Derby hat a car. She went to the hospital and nothing was broken but she had some bad road rash decorating party is scheduled at Janet Hicks home on the 29th of April. All are invited. June 4th fish fry and fishing on her face, her pelvis and tail bone are very sore. Hannah has since left Panama City tournament to celebrate the life of Steve Phumphrey at the KY Dam Park and has gone to Destin, FL for care. Hannah's bike was needing many repairs a cyclist WORSHIP/MUSIC: Batteries replaced in the microphones. Our church service can be viewed in the fellowship hall. group raised over $500.00 to have her bike put back together like new! Please everyone Organist Marietta has resigned - moving to TX. Her last Sunday April 24th. Ads are in 4 newspapers for one month; & keep Hannah in your prayers as she is having a very rough time getting back on the bike on line. A request has gone out to others to help fill this vacancy on a temporary basis. knowing she will be riding in traffic once again. Hannah did take a ride with her current TREASURERS REPORT/FINANCE REPORT: Gene P. presented the giving summary. Jan Kind reviewed the host family and was able to go about 7 miles. Let's not forget the reason for her ride as financial reports. Treasury report was accepted. well ..... to raise awareness against human trafficking! Prayers are with you Hannah! *************************************************************************************** All board reports were accepted and approved. There will be NO Line Dancing in May. We will keep you posted when it will resume. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: *********************************************************************************************** Church Treasurer: No volunteer yet. Will continue to search until 1st of September. If no volunteer comes forward a th The Fellowship Board will be serving a meatless Spaghetti supper for our May 10 B.A. S.S. change in plan will be formulated. WE ARE MAKING A NEW COOK BOOK- WITH A CAUSE! NEW BUSINESS: Larry and Sonya Mahler moved to GA and transferred.* Discussion was presented on church bazaar donated items - a member wanted to bring some of the items donated for the fall bazaar to the Red Bird Mission Our church is blessed with so many good cooks. And not all are women, so we the cookbook in eastern KY. Some members of WELCA expressed they would rather make a monetary donation. Further discussion committee would like you to share 2, 3, or more of your favorite recipes with us. You can get recipe forms at the will be made at next WELCA mtg. Church Council decided to keep items donated to the church fall bazaar locally. church to fill out, you can email a recipe to me, or there will be a basket to drop them off at the church. *Ross Hicks brought an article “Seeds for the Parish” which discussed preparations for disasters and storms. Property The best part about the new cookbook is that 100 percent of the profit will be going to buy mosquito sleeping nets board will be looking at a disaster plan. *John Hudak brought information regarding switching internet/telephone for families in the affected area of the Zika virus. If with the selling of the cookbooks we could prevent just one baby services from AT&T to Mediacom at a savings of approximately $53/month. Agreed to explore this option. * Thank you being born with Zika and all the problems that comes with this, it will be so worth while . The recipes will come from John and Renee for assisting with Aubrey Clark during his recent illness. * Financial reports have been audited and are the church members, preschool, transferred members, and some outside from outside our church family. satisfactory. *Motion made and approved to give Marshall County Sheriff’s Office $70 towards materials needed to assist We are a small church, but I think we can make a big difference in the lives of many. 35 children for the National Child Safety Council. </p><p>MARY SCOTT AND THE COOKBOOK COMMITTEE DATE OF NEXT MEETING: May 10, 2016 Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm with the Lord’s Prayer. Minutes submitted by Rita Vied Council Secretary [email protected] or any questions 270-898-1782 HOOK ‘EM FOR THE HUNGRY</p><p>FIRST CONGREGATIONAL FISHING TOURNAMENT & FISH FRY IN MEMORY OF STEVE PUMPHREY Saturday, June 4th Some you may not know that we have a small church food pantry located in the Wellness room. Periodically Kentucky Dam State Park Pavillion #3 we have the need to help families out who have no food and have run into some hard times. Last year as Joan Weber reported in the Missions and Ministry annual report we helped 8 families. This year we have helped 3 Get your fishing pole ready and find your Favorite Honey Hole. This year our Hook ‘em for the Hungry times so far. Our pantry is in need of food items. Items needed are canned meats (tuna, sausages, salmon, Chairpersons, along with Missions and Ministry, and the Fellowship Board are planning another worthwhile fun event. canned chicken, etc.) Spaghetti sauce, beans, chilly, canned fruit, canned veggies, cereal, instant potatoes, soup, Official Hook’em for the Hungry dates is June 4th – June 12th. etc. If you would like to make a donate we collect throughout the year, feel free to bring items to the office at Saturday, June 4th will be the kickoff with a fishing tournament starting at 7:00am till 2:00 pm. There will be 3 any time. Thank you. categories: 1) Pan fish, a) Biggest Panfish, 2) Most Catfish, a) Biggest Catfish, 3) Bass limit, a) Biggest Bass. Weigh-in ______will be at Kentucky Dam State Park, we will have more details as they arrive Following the weigh –in will be our Fish Fry in Memory of Steve Pumphrey. Steve was one of the original founders and dedicated members to our Hook ‘em for FROM YOUR MISSIONS & MINISTRY BOARD the Hungry events. He loved fishing for Hook ‘em for the Hungry! All events will begin at Kentucky Dam Pavilion #3, starting at 7am – till? Please come and join us for fellowship and MAY MISSION FOCUS WILL BE BRIGHT LIFE FARMS. THEY WILL PROVIDE A PROGRAM FOR OUR a day of fun. If you wish to help coordinate the tournament contact Bob Holcomb-270-205-8920, or Jim & Dottie Hill WORSHIP ON MAY 15. Let’s welcome them will open arms! Check the Worship Board announcements for details. 270-362-8888. We will have signup sheets for additional food items that folks can bring to go along with our Fish Fry. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO LWR PERSONAL CARE HYGIENE KITS! Because of your FYI None of the fish caught that day will be used for the fish fry. We are working on volunteers for the fish compassionate and giving hearts, members of St. Matthew by the Lake Church will be soon assembling and mailing we will be eating at this time. Personal Care Kits containing soap, towels, nail clippers, combs and toothbrushes to Lutheran World Relief who will in More details to follow! turn send them across the globe. Children and families who receive them may have experienced a disaster such as the ______recent earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador, leaving them without a home. Perhaps some will go to desperate refugees in the Middle East fleeing their homes because of violence. These personal care kits, sent with our love and prayers, will give YEAR ROUND HOOK’EM FOR THE HUNGRY FISHING TOUNAMENTS them encouragement to start anew, beginning with a bath. A report of the number of kits assembled will be reported after Fishing tournaments are starting again in full force. We are getting busy and could use some volunteers to help out at they are assembled. Please join us for a "Blessing of the LWR Personal Care Kits" on Sunday May 1. these monthly tournaments. Jim Hill, Dottie Hill, and Bob Holcomb have been going to the local fishing tournaments for years to collect and clean fish that are then donated to Needline from the church to help feed the hungry year round. If PLEASE JOIN IN THE FUN ON TUESDAY MAY 3RD AT 10 A.M. IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL WHEN you are interested in learning more and helping with this mission please let Jim Hill or Bob Holcomb know. They will MEMBERS OF WELCA AND THE MISSIONS AND MINISTRY BOARD WILL ASSEMBLE THE have signup sheets in the narthex when and where the monthly tournaments are. PERSONAL CARE KITS. WELCA WILL BE SERVING LUNCH AFTERWARD, SO PLEASE SIGN UP Thank you and God Bless AHEAD OF TIME ON THE SIGN-UP SHEET IN THE NARTHEX-ANNEX. Jim & Dottie Hill, Bob Holcomb, Hook’em for the Hungry Chairpersons ______“Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” John 21: 16 WELCA will meet May 3rd and we have a different schedule than usual. Our business meeting and program begins at 9:00 a.m. At 10:00, we will begin to organize and pack the Personal Care Kit supplies that have been collected during the MARSHALL CO. RESCUE SQUAD RECEIVED A DONATION OF $100 from St. Matthew by the Lake Church, month of April. We would like to especially invite the Missions & Ministry Board to join us, and anyone else from the Fund B, for their Annual April Open House and Family Day. This will place an advertisement for our church in the congregation who is interested in helping. Lunch will be coordinated by Carolyn Traum, and there will be a sign-up sheet Safety and First Aid Booklet distributed to the public on the day of their Open House. for those coming, so we can prepare enough food. COME AND JOIN US! THANKS TO ALL WHO SIGNED UP TO JOIN THE KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM ______DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL. Our numbers are growing which also means the amount received from Kroger GRADUATION NEWS: Devyn Edwards will graduate on May 8th Community Rewards for our church will be increasing every quarter! Special thanks to LeeAnn Verzi for assisting our from the University of Kentucky, with a B.A. in Arts Administration members. Remember it’s never too late to sign up and don’t forget to encourage family members and friends living in the and a Minor in Vocal Performance. Congratulations Devyn we are so proud of you! West Kentucky area or other areas of West Tennessee (Paris, Jackson, Memphis), Mississippi, Arkansas, and Southeast Missouri (such as Poplar Bluff) to sign up and designate St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church as their non-profit organization of to receive the rewards. Our church’s NPO, Non Profit Organization number is 51898. Sunday school attendance was up during the month of March. Congratulations to Lily Ratzlaff and Lillian Savage for Joseph Diabetes is one of the most common diagnoses made by family physicians. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to having the highest attendance! Several children enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to Michael and Joseph blindness, limb amputation, kidney failure, infections and heart disease. A simple method of checking the amount of for helping with this fun event. The hiking trip was postponed due to several children sugar in the blood stream is one way to look for symptoms of diabetes. This is done by a simple finger stick for a being out of town during the spring break. The Sunday school children are busy making blood sample. The blood sample has to been taken when the person has not eaten or drank anything except for water beautiful, colorful flowers for all of the ladies of the congregation, and they will help pass after midnight. We are planning on holding our first blood sugar monitoring here at St. Matthew by the Lake on June them out on Mother's Day! 12th before church services. There will be a sign up list in the Narthex beginning mid-May. If Diabetes runs in your family, if you are overweight and over the age of 40 than you may be at a risk to develop Diabetes. Please sign up to have your blood glucose checked!! If you have questions please see Rita Vied or Marti McHugh. is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Marshall FROM YOUR MISSIONS & MINISTRY BOARD</p><p> r!nrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next year! chael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited about enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play Devyn EdwardsDea the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next year!</p><p>Michael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited about enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play d tational Affairs. orward michael willMichael and JoFaughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! Tey ar the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in </p><p>JuneMichael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited about enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play rolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next year!. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Washington D.C. the first week in Jh is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play MarshMichael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited football as a linebacker for the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and about enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue wish them the best next year!i to play the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week Michael and JoWeWE seph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited in June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker about eMichMichael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so for the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next excited about enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will year!all County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next year! continue toplay the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the Michael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so excited about first week in June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a enrolling in classes at Marshall County High School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play linebacker for the Marshahhhhll County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in the best next year!ael and Joseph Faughn will be graduating from the 8th grade this year! They are both so June. Joseph is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for excited about enrolling in classes at Marshall County H the Marshall County High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next year! </p><p> igh School. Michael will be taking art classes and will continue to play the flute in the high school band. He will also be going on a class trip to Washington D.C. the first week in June. Joseph Diabetes is one of the most common diagnoses made by family physicians. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to blindness, limb amputation, kidney failure, infections and heart disease. A simple method of checking the amount of sugar in the blood stream is one way to look for symptoms of diabetes. This is done by a simple finger stick for a blood sample. The blood sample has to been taken when the person has not eaten or drank anything except for water after midnight. We are planning on holding our first blood sugar monitoring here at St. Matthew by the Lake on June 12th before church services. There will be a sign up list in the Narthex beginning mid-May. If Diabetes runs in your family, if you are overweight and over the age of 40 than you may be at a risk to develop Diabetes. Please sign up to have your blood glucose checked!! If you have questions please see Rita Vied or Marti McHugh. is looking forward to taking a welding class and will continue to play football as a linebacker for the Marshall CountCHURCH y High School football team. We are all so proud of them and wish them the best next yea </p>

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