<p> STATEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2005, 9:00 AM Board of Supervisors North Chamber 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 310, San Diego, California</p><p>MORNING SESSION: - Meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. Present: Supervisors Pam Slater-Price, Chairwoman; Bill Horn, Vice-Chairman; Greg Cox; Dianne Jacob; Ron Roberts; also Thomas J. Pastuszka, Clerk.</p><p>Invocation was led by Pastor Scott Furrow of the First Baptist Church of San Diego.</p><p>Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alex Bedoya, Volunteer Ranger of the Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve.</p><p>Approval of Statement of Proceedings/Minutes for the Meetings of June 6-15, 2005 (Budget Hearings), June 14, 2005, and June 21, 2005.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Roberts, the Board of Supervisors approved the Statement of Proceedings/Minutes for the Meetings of Meetings of June 6-15, 2005 (Budget Hearings), June 14, 2005, and June 21, 2005.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn</p><p>Category Agenda No. Subject Community Services 1. ACCEPT DONATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES (4 VOTES)</p><p>2. ADVERTISE AND AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR REMODEL OF SOUTH COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER</p><p>Health & Human 3. CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FOUNDATION Services DONATION TO THE HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FOR THE A.B. AND JESSIE POLINSKY CHILDREN'S CENTER NURSERY [FUNDING SOURCE(S): A DONATION FROM THE CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FOUNDATION]</p><p>7/12/05 1 Category Agenda No. Subject 4. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PROCUREMENT [FUNDING SOURCE(S): MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM REVENUES]</p><p>Public Safety 5. PROBATION DEPARTMENT: PUTTING JUVENILE OFFENDERS BACK ON TRACK (4 VOTES)</p><p>Financial & General 6. LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS Government</p><p>7. NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING: ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT BONDS BY THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS ON BEHALF OF SCRIPPS HEALTH AND SHARP HEALTHCARE</p><p>8. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ATTEND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 2005 CONFERENCE</p><p>9. LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS GRANTS</p><p>Communications 10. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED Received</p><p>11. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: TEMPORARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS TO CHARTER SCHOOLS</p><p>Appointments 12. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: APPOINTMENTS</p><p>Closed Session 13. CLOSED SESSION</p><p>Presentations/Awards 14. PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS</p><p>Public Communication 15. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION</p><p>7/12/05 2 1. SUBJECT: ACCEPT DONATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES (DISTRICT: 5)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Department of Animal Services has received a donation of $181,576 from the Leona R. Sternberg Trust Fund, specifically earmarked to benefit the North County Animal Shelter. The funds will be used for animal cages, medical equipment and supplies, artwork, and other facility enhancements that were not included in the original scope of the capital project to rebuild the North County Animal Shelter in Carlsbad. The Department of Animal Services is grateful to receive such a generous donation. The new 25,000-square-foot animal shelter is expected to be completed this summer, and will offer improved services to the public, enhanced medical care for animals, and better adoption prospects for orphaned pets.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are not budgeted. Approval of this request will result in current year costs of $181,576 based on unanticipated revenue from a donation from the Leona R. Sternberg Trust Fund, and will require no future year costs or increase in staff. There is no General Purpose Revenue impact. The donation of $181,576 has been deposited in the North County Animal Shelter Building Trust Fund (512715) pending approval of this request.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Accept the $181,576 donation from the Sternberg Trust Fund for the North County Animal Shelter and authorize the Chairwoman to sign a letter of appreciation to the donor on the Board’s behalf. 2. Establish appropriations of $181,576 in the Department of Animal Services Minor Equipment Account for facility enhancements that were not included in the original scope of the capital project to rebuild the North County Animal Shelter, based on unanticipated revenue. (4 VOTES)</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>2. SUBJECT: ADVERTISE AND AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR REMODEL OF SOUTH COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER (DISTRICT: 1)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The South County Animal Shelter in Bonita serves the communities of the South Bay and East County and provides humane care and necessary veterinary treatment for orphaned</p><p>7/12/05 1 animals, facilitates the return of lost animals to their owners, and provides adoption opportunities for homeless pets. The proposed action would authorize remodel of the public areas of the Shelter, including renovation of the main lobby to increase light and space with new customer service counters and intake areas for adoptions. The plan will also upgrade and increase office space, storage capacity, and add a new conference area. Restrooms will be upgraded to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Project design has been completed and this letter requests authority to solicit and award construction contracts. After award, project construction should be completed in approximately six months.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is budgeted for the South County Animal Shelter remodel in Major Maintenance Project MX4874. If approved, the proposal will result in a total estimated project cost of $528,069, which includes project design, construction, project management, and reserves. Primary sources of funding for this project are previously appropriated Community Service Group fund balance ($350,000) and South Shelter Improvement Trust Fund ($65,000), transfer of land to the Department of Public Works ($100,000), and $13,069 spent by the Department of Animal Services for project development and design in Fiscal Year 2004- 2005. There is no additional cost to the General Fund and no additional staff years required.</p><p>BUSINESS IMPACT STATEMENT: Expenditures resulting from this action may create private sector jobs and economic opportunities in San Diego County.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Find that in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15302 that the remodel of the South County Animal Shelter is categorically exempt, in that it involves the minor alteration of existing public structures with negligible expansion of use. 2. Authorize the Director of Purchasing and Contracting to take any action authorized by Article XXIII, Section 401 et seq. of the Administrative Code, with respect to contracting for the subject public works project, the South County Animal Shelter Remodel. 3. Designate the Director of General Services as the County Officer responsible for administering the awarded construction contracts.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>7/12/05 2 3. SUBJECT: CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FOUNDATION DONATION TO THE HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FOR THE A.B. AND JESSIE POLINSKY CHILDREN'S CENTER NURSERY (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: County Administrative Code Section 66 (Acceptance of Gifts) and Board Policy A-112 (Acceptance of Gifts and Donations) require Board approval for the acceptance of gifts and donations over $5,000.00. The Child Abuse Prevention Foundation (CAPF) has donated $74,643 to pay for furnishings for the new Serenity Cottage Nursery and Tot Lot at the A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center. Today’s actions will authorize the acceptance of donated funds to benefit abused, neglected, and abandoned children in the County’s emergency shelter care facility.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriations of $74,643 for the furnishings were included in the FY 2004-05 budget, but not the revenue. If approved, this recommendation will result in $74,643 in unanticipated revenue. The funding source is a donation from the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation. There will be a decrease in net General Fund costs of $74,643 and no additional staff years are required.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Accept a donation of $74,643 from the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation to pay for furnishings for the Serenity Cottage Nursery and Tot Lot at the A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>4. SUBJECT: MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PROCUREMENT (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Health and Human Services Agency’s Mental Health Services has identified a need to update its information technology to better coordinate client care, perform required State reporting, bill Medi-Cal, Medicare, and other payors, and perform a range of managed care functions. Currently, Mental Health Services utilizes the InSyst program for its management information system and eCura for managed care functions. The vendor for InSyst has advised California counties using InSyst that full support for the InSyst application may no longer be available after June 2007. Replacing InSyst with updated management information technology will also make new developments in technology-</p><p>7/12/05 3 supported medical record keeping, business functions, and clinical management available to County-operated and contracted mental health programs as well as enabling the phasing out of the obsolete hardware currently hosting InSyst. Approval is requested to competitively procure a mental health services management information system. Additionally, InSyst and eCura are currently managed by United Behavioral Health (UBH), the Administrative Services Organization (ASO) for Mental Health. The current contract and all extensions expire on June 30, 2006. A one-year sole-source extension of the County’s contract with UBH will be requested at a later date to avoid a disruption in support services during the transition to the new MIS.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: If approved, this request will result in additional estimated one-time costs of $5 million to $5.7 million spread over Fiscal Years 2005-06 through 2007-08. This amount is based on a State-level analysis with additional input from the County’s Information Technology vendor and HHSA Information Technology (IT) Division. Funds in the amount of $300,000 for the County’s IT vendor support and planning portion of this request are included in the CAO's Proposed FY 2005-07 Operational Plan. Prior to contract award and once the cost is known, Mental Health Services will return to the Board for additional appropriations. The funding sources for this project are Mental Health program revenues. There will be no change to net County Cost or staff years.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Section 401, et seq. of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to issue a Competitive Solicitation for a Mental Health Services Management Information System, and upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract to acquire a system and ongoing system maintenance for as long as the system meets the County’s needs, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>5. SUBJECT: PROBATION DEPARTMENT: PUTTING JUVENILE OFFENDERS BACK ON TRACK (DISTRICTS: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The State of California’s Board of Corrections has authorized an extension of the County’s Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for one year, from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The Board of Corrections will award $236,603 in funding for Fiscal Year 2005- 06. Accepting these funds will continue “Putting Juvenile Offenders Back On Track” for a sixth year, through June 30, 2006. The purpose of this project is to improve interagency</p><p>7/12/05 4 communication, ensure immediate and appropriate consequences for wards violating Juvenile Court orders, and provide expanded prevention and intervention services to status offenders and at-risk youth. The main component of this project is the Community Response Officer Program (CROP). This board letter requests authority to accept the JABG revenue for Fiscal Year 2005-06. The County received the award notification on June 10, 2005.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The funds for this request and for the required cash match are included in the CAO Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-07 Operational Plan. There is no increase in net general fund cost or staff years as the result of this request. If approved, this request will result in FY 2005-06 costs of $1,585,080.00.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to accept Juvenile Accountability Block Grant revenue of $236,603 for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, from the State of California’s Board of Corrections. 2. Approve and authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign and submit applications, related contracts, amendments or extensions for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant with the State of California. 3. Adopt a resolution for the receipt of Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Funds.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Resolution No. 05-105 entitled: JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY BLOCK GRANT FUNDS RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>6. SUBJECT: LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS (DISTRICT: 1)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The County of San Diego is fortunate to have an opportunity to reinvest taxpayer money into our communities for the benefit of the public. This action will assist a number of community-based organizations in meeting the needs of individuals and families.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed recommendations is $ 68,500.00. These actions will result in the addition of no staff years and no future costs.</p><p>7/12/05 5 RECOMMENDATION: SUPERVISOR COX: 1. Find that the allocation to the MAAC Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301. 2. Allocate $25,000 from the Community Projects budget (org 15650) to the MAAC Project for ADA compliant renovation of their Administrative Headquarters and Community Room in National City. 3. Allocate $10,000 from the Community Projects budget (org 15650) to the Old Globe Theatre for the purchase of sound equipment for the Romeo y Julieta Bi-national Project. 4. Transfer $33,500 from the Community Projects budget (org 15650) to the Department of General Services Capital Project KL 9540 for the purchase of furniture for the rooms at the Bonita-Sunnyside Library and Museum Project that are leased by community organizations. 5. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute a grant agreement with the organizations listed in recommendations 2 and 3, establishing terms for the receipt of the funds described above. 6. Find that the grant awards described above have a public purpose.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>7. SUBJECT: NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING: ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT BONDS BY THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS ON BEHALF OF SCRIPPS HEALTH AND SHARP HEALTHCARE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The California Statewide Communities Development Authority for Non-profit Corporations (“CSCDA”), a joint powers authority of which the County of San Diego is a member, is requesting approval for the issuance of tax-exempt debt for the benefit of Scripps Health and Sharp HealthCare. CSCDA assists non-profit corporations in California through the issuance of tax-exempt debt. The County of San Diego’s role in this project is to approve the financing solely for purposes of satisfying the public approval requirement of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) of 1986 and approve the CSCDA’s issuance of indebtedness as a member of the CSCDA. Similar approvals have been given to other conduits financed by CSCDA.</p><p>7/12/05 6 FISCAL IMPACT: If approved, this proposal will result in $1,000 of revenue to be used to fund the County’s Investor Relations Programs as approved by the Board of Supervisors in the County’s Debt Management Policy (B-65). No additional staff years will be required.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND DEBT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Pursuant to section 147 (f) of the Internal Revenue Code, hold a public hearing regarding the financing of the project. Adopt the resolution approving the issuance tax-exempt debt by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority of not to exceed $500 million of which $200 million will be for the benefit of the Scripps Health and Sharp HealthCare. </p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent adopting Resolution No. 05-106 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO APPROVING A TAX-EXEMPT BOND OR NOTE FINANCING TO BE ISSUED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO BENEFIT SHARP HEALTHCARE AND SCRIPPS HEALTH AND CERTAIN AFFILIATES OF EACH.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>8. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ATTEND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES 2005 CONFERENCE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: Pursuant to Board of Supervisors Policy D-7, this is a request to approve travel by two members of the Board of Supervisors and the Chief Administrative Officer to Honolulu, Hawaii to attend the 2005 National Association of Counties Annual Conference (NACo). Item 9 of Board Policy D-7 requires that specific approval must be obtained from the Board of Supervisors for travel to destinations out of the continental United States.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted travel budget includes sufficient funds to cover the cost of this travel. This request will result in approximately $4,700 current year costs and no annual costs and will require the addition of zero staff years.</p><p>7/12/05 7 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Approve travel for two members of the Board of Supervisors and the Chief Administrative Officer to Honolulu, Hawaii to attend the National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference from July 15 through July 19, 2005.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>9. SUBJECT: LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS GRANTS (DISTRICT: 3)</p><p>OVERVIEW: Funding for the Community Projects Grant program was included in the fiscal year 2005- 2006 adopted budget in order to further public purposes throughout the County.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The current year total combined cost of these 2 projects is $10,000. The funding source is the Community Projects Budget (org 0263). This will result in the addition of no staff years and no future year costs.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: 1. Allocate $5,000 from the Community Projects Grant Budget (org 0263) to the Kiwanis Club of Lake Murray to help offset costs for their July 4th Music Festival and Fireworks event. 2. Allocate $5,000 from the Community Projects Grant Budget (org 0263) to the Veteran’s Memorial Center, Inc. to help offset the costs associated with procuring new exhibits and continuing their educational outreach programs. 3. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute grant agreements with these organizations establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above. 4. Find that all grant awards described above have a public purpose.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>7/12/05 8 10. SUBJECT: COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: Board Policy A-72, Board of Supervisors Agenda and Related Process, authorizes the Clerk of the Board to prepare a Communications Received for Board of Supervisors' Official Records. Routine informational reports, which need to be brought to the attention of the Board of Supervisors yet not requiring action, are listed on this document. Communications Received documents are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Not Applicable.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Note and file.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>11. SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: TEMPORARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS TO CHARTER SCHOOLS (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: On June 21, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent, introducing Ordinance for further Board consideration on July 12, 2005 On June 14, 2005 (16) the Board of Supervisors continued the item to June 21, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. Article XVI, Section 6 of the State Constitution provides that upon approval of the Board of Supervisors, the Treasurer-Tax Collector is required to make temporary transfers of funds to cities, districts, school districts, community college districts and other political subdivisions that meet specified requirements. Similar language is contained in the Education Code specifically applicable to school districts. The County Administrative Code requires the Auditor and Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector to approve, within specified guidelines, requests for temporary transfers of funds to specified agencies within the County of San Diego without the necessity of individualized action by the Board of Supervisors on each request. Due to certain legal depository requirements and General Fund risks associated with temporary transfers of funds to charter schools, action is necessary to ensure the County’s custody of charter school funds and its indemnification against potential losses resulting from such transactions.</p><p>7/12/05 9 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Adopt Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 119.3 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMININSTRATIVE CODE RELATING TO TEMPORARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS TO SPECIFIED AGENCIES WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended on Consent, adopting Ordinance No. 9725 (New Series) entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 119.3 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE RELATING TO TEMPORARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS TO SPECIFIED AGENCIES WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>12. SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: APPOINTMENTS (DISTRICTS: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: This appointment is in accordance with applicable Board Policy A–74, Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committees; and Board Policy I–1, Planning and Sponsor Group Policies and Procedures.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: N/A</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: Appoint Dr. Gloria Harris to the Mental Health Board to the Direct Client Customer seat for a term to expire December 31, 2007. SUPERVISOR JACOB: Appoint Mary Lou White to fill Seat No. 2 vacated by Shari Faust-Helsel on the Julian Community Planning Group for a term to expire January 2, 2007. Appoint William F. Vance to the Mobile Home Issues Committee for a term to expire January 5, 2009. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Appoint Patty Skoglund, R.N., to fill the seat vacated by Sonja Fulton on the Emergency Medical Care Committee as the primary representative from the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties for a term to expire July 3, 2007. Appoint Thomas Iniguez to the Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board for a full term to expire June 30, 2008.</p><p>7/12/05 10 Re-appoint Glenn Quiroga to the Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board for a full term to expire June 30, 2008. Re-appoint Louis Otto Emme to the Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board for a full term to expire June 30, 2008.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Horn, seconded by Supervisor Jacob, the Board took action as recommended, on Consent.</p><p>AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Roberts, Horn </p><p>13. SUBJECT: CLOSED SESSION (DISTRICTS: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) Vietnamese Buddhist Mediation Congregation, Inc., et al. v. County of San Diego, et al.; United States District Court No. 05-CV-1156 H (JMA) B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) Fantasyland Video, Inc. v. County of San Diego; United States District Court No. 02- CV-1909 LAB (RBB) C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) Felicia Lang, et al. v. American National Red Cross, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIC 799401 D CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) Rincon San Luiseno Band of Mission Indians v. Dan McAllister, et al.; United States District court No. 04-CV-1159 H (BLM) E. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code section 54956.9: (Number of Cases – 1) F. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code section 54956.9: (Number of Cases – 1).</p><p>ACTION: Any reportable matters will be announced on Wednesday, July 13, 2005, prior to the Board of Supervisors Planning and Land Use meeting.</p><p>14. SUBJECT: PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS</p><p>7/12/05 11 OVERVIEW Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price presented a certificate honoring Alex Bedoya as Volunteer of the Month throughout the County of San Diego. Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price and Supervisor Ron Roberts presented a proclamation declaring today San Diego Film Commission Day throughout the County of San Diego. Supervisor Greg Cox presented a proclamation declaring today Robert and Lulla Foster Day throughout the County of San Diego. Supervisor Dianne Jacob presented a proclamation declaring today Anarug Kashyap Day throughout the County of San Diego. Claude Parrish, Vice-Chairman of the California State Board of Equalization presented a check to the County of San Diego in the amount $2,643,487.00.</p><p>15. SUBJECT: PUBLIC COMMUNICATION</p><p>OVERVIEW: John Hammerstrand addressed the Board regarding the Vector Control Program and Proposition 218.</p><p>ACTION: Heard, referred to the Chief Administrative Officer.</p><p>There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 10:46 a.m. in memory of Judith Bauer, Clarence Arroyo, John Walton, Anthony Raso, Ida Lou Coley and Robert Insinger.</p><p>THOMAS J. PASTUSZKA Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Diego, State of California</p><p>Consent: Kellogg Discussion: Hall</p><p>NOTE: This Statement of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.</p><p>7/12/05 12</p>
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