<p> EPP AND 2015 ELECTIONS: A SNEAK PREVIEW By Nick Dazang</p><p>Last weekend, yours sincerely was i. Introduction Chapter three (Implementation privileged to participate in a three- ii. Draft 2015 Election Pro- Process) articulates critical factors day retreat to review the first draft ject Plan for success of the Plan. They report of the Technical Committee iii. Implementation Process include: Availability of adequate On Election Project Plan (TCEPP) iv. Risk Management funds; Political Stability; Comple- 2015. It was an intellectually v. Budget tion of internal restructuring; Sup- stimulating and ennobling week- vi. Monitoring and port of partners and stakeholders; end. Participants exuded the usual Evaluation Adequate staff capacity; etc. camaraderie and casual banter vii. Other Critical Issues. It identifies three salient factors as associated with such exertions, thus necessary for success. They are: further deepening interpersonal Let me x-ray them ad seriatim. Technical; Institutional capacity; relationships. (1.) The Executive Summary and Stakeholders. encapsulates the salient points In the aftermath of the 2011 of all the seven chapters. Chapter four (Principal Business General Elections, the Commis- (2.) The Introduction (Chapter) Process) identifies seven (7) fast- sion did several internal and provides the framework, tracked business areas that can external reviews. A common general outline, antecedent, the have a dramatic impact on the leitmotif ran through the reports of raison d’etre of the report and conduct of the 2015 General the reviews: that the Commission its limitations. Elections. They are: should use the interregnum (3.) Chapter two: (1.) Election Day Logistics (EDL); between 2011 and 2015 to begin an Hinging on the Commission’s (2.) Election Day Training (EDT); enduring tradition of planning, objective to conduct a world-class (3.) Election Staff Management hence the 2012-2016 Strategic general election for Nigeria in 2015 (ESM); Plan. The Election Plan Project and which will inspire the (4.) Election Day Support (EDS); draws substantially from, and is confidence of Nigerians and all (5.) Political party Management guided by, the targets set by the stakeholders, the Plan articulates (PPM); and Strategic Plan. ten cardinal assumptions, namely: (6.) Continous Voter Registration Timeliness; Adequate finance; (CVR); The Technical Committee that Political Stability; Restructuring of (7.) Election Day Procurement worked on the draft of the report is the Commission; Public security; Procurent. made up of all the Directors; the Harmony and unanimity of purpose Chief Technical Adviser to the within the Commission; Adequate It also canvasses for a 3-stage Chairman, Professor Okechukwu training and capacity building for Election Management System Ibeanu; the Special Assistant to the staff; Availability of adequate Project Plan to be used to Chairman, Professor M. Kuna; technology; Timely procurement; strengthen efficiency, effect- Chief of Staff to the Chairman, Dr Effectiveness of INEC’s tiveness and co-ordination of the Magaji Babura; Engr. Nyimbi Committees; Supportive legal Elections Project Plan. Odero, ICT Consultant; Max system; Change management; and Campo, Africa Union Consultant; Adequate run time. Chapter five (Risk Management) and Mrs Abimbola Oladunjoye, It does a summary of principal looks at Election Security as a Chief System Analyst. activities of selected Depart- central plank of any EPP. It ments/Directorates. It also iden- recognizes the initiative of setting STRUCTURE OF REPORT tifies seven business processes and up the Interagency Consultative 1. The sixty-page draft report is areas to be fast tracked to support Committee on Election Security made up of eight (8) chapters, the Electoral Project Plan. (ICCES) and it identifies threats namely: that are likely to mitigate them. Executive Summary Several mitigation measures are change management workshop to and forthright in prescribed such as: drive the process. admitting its limitations (1.) Backup of Voter Register; Let me observe as follows: (see page 12 where it (2.) Hands-on treatment of security (1.) That the Election admits its difficulty in challenges in election; Project Plan (EPP) is a preparing a budget for (3.) Insurance for staff on election comprehensive and the Plan; it is a novelty; duty; lucid document and not many staff are (4.) Insurance for all INEC authored in graceful conversant with it etc). equipment; and riveting prose. (8.) The risk management (5.) Extensive Voter Education; (2.) That the Plan itself is a component of the Plan (6.) Strengthening of INEC’s ADR; landmark and a is an apt and welcome (7.) Risk assessment component of novelty, it’s never been innovation as it all INEC activities during done before in the proactively elections etc. annals of the contemplates risks and Commission how to mitigate them. It Other proactive measures con- (3.) That the report draws is also propitious in templated are: substantially, and is these days when terror (1.) Conflict management via – informed by the and mayhem are being ADR – Strategic Plan of Action unleashed on (2.) Electoral Integrity via – regular (2012-2016). unsuspected of engagements with stakeholders. (4.) That eventhough there Nigerians. (3.) Transparency measures – was an effort at planning before the SUGGESTIONS: Chapter six (Budget) deals with the 2011 General Elections Since the Plan is a novelty and budget which is to be financed under the auspices of only a few staff are conversant from the Consolidated Revenue the Action Plan with it, there is the need to Fund of the Federal Government Implementation circulate it widely in the and Donor agencies. Committee (APIC), it headquarters and states with a was at best inchoate. It view to eliciting the buy-in of all Chapter seven (Monitoring and was not as broad, or staff and engender collective Evaluation) This is to be anchored sustained and it did not ownership. Implementation is by the Directorate of Planning and draw from the previous easier once an idea is subscribed Monitoring which is to develop a Strategic Plan. to and adopted as belonging to detailed framework and templates (5.) That the Election all. for other departments. There are Project Plan was Implementation is critical to any however multiple layers of inspired by the several Plan. Once it is subscribed to and responsibility and they stretch from reviews of the 2011 adopted, the framework for the departments way up to General Elections implementation must be rigorous, Commission members. conducted by the tasks should be clearly defined present Commission. and timeliness and Chapter eight (Other critical issues) (6.) That some of the responsibilities specified. looks at other factors that may intendments of the The Plan is hinged on the impinge positively or negatively on Project Plan are to restructuring of the Com-mission. the Plan. Timeous Procurement is deliver elections that The restructuring should thus be consiquered a sine quanon are seamless, more implemented faithfully and otherwise the Plan will unravel. credible and aimed at scrupulously. The chapter canvasses a new correcting past lapses. Eventhough change is a constant approach to procurement and (7.) That in addition to in life, there is the need for budgeting. It makes a case for being succinct, the people to be oriented to accept it appropriate technology and a report is forthcoming and to work outside their comfort zones. A workshop on change exposed to the provisions of the management is therefore long Procurement Act and the As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the overdue. amendments visited on it. That report is a draft. It is yet to be For timely procurement, there is will put the Procurement approved by the Commission. Thus the need for senior staff to be Department and others on the what this piece amounts to is a same page. sneak preview.</p>
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