This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu P'l:NAL 8/26/92 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (0) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 {H) SENATOR DOLE SC!fiEDULE - AUGUST 26-31. 1992 wednesday. Auguat ~6 7:30 PM Lv. Washington for Indianapolis, Indiana AIRCRAFT: us Tobacco Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO. : N 54 SB SEATS: 14 PILOT: Jaok Fleckenstein, Chief Pilot CO-PILOT: Dan Decker FLT. ATTENDANT: Sandra Gamardella MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Coo.bran Mike Glassner Walt Riker Don Devine us Tobacco staff FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 30 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Ted Kratovil/Elaine Ward 203/622•3667 203/661-1129 (FAX) Blanche Durney, Aviation Dept. 203/622-334!5 FAX: 914/997-2145 Page 1 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Wednesday , August 26 <continued) : 8:00 PM Ar. Indianapolis, Indiana Int~rnational Airport AMR combs 317/248-4900 MET BY: Brant Bolick, Coats campaign ( 2 ciars) 317 /636-1992 (0) 317/578-4980 DRIVE TIME: 15-20 minutes RO~: Indianapolis, Indiana Columbia Club 317/635-1361 Thursday. Auguat 27 8:00 AM- Breakfast fundraiser for Dan Coats 9:00 AM Columbia Club - 10th Floor Terrace 121 Monument Circle Indianapolis 317/635-1361 CROWD SIZE: 55@ $300 each PRESS: CLOSED HEAD TABLl!:: NO (Hollow square or rounds of 8) CO-HOSTS: Gabe Aquirre - Praeident, SaniServ Em•ry Conyers - Dir. or Govt. Relations, OowElanoo Jim Crawford - Atty, Barnes & Thornburg ~athryn Den~born - Lobbyist, Indiana Library & Library Trustee Assoc. Roger Gra•• - CEO, Reliable Drugs Jim Kittle - President, Kittle Home Furnishings Leah Mannweiler - Atty - Krieg, Devault, Alexander & Capehart Mickey Maurer - Of counsel - Maurer, Rifkin and Hill Bruce Melchert - V.P., Govt. Affairs, Methodist Hospital Charlie Pechette - President, Mark III Development Corp. Page 2 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGB THREE Thursday. August 21 (continued),; PROGRAM: 8:00 Guests arrive 8:05 senators Dole, Cochran & Coats arrive 8:15 s eated tor breakfast 8:30 Intro ot senator Cochran and Sonator Do1a - sen. coats 8z35 REMARRS - Senators Cochran and SENATOR DOLE 8:45 Q&A 9:00 wrap-Up and Depart 9:00 AM- PRESS AVAILABILITY 9:30 AM (Senator Coats will have to depart at 9:15) CONTACT: Gale Lowry or Brent Bolick 317/636-1992 317/421-7021 (Car) 317/63~-2684 (FAX) 317/578-4980 (Srent - home) 9:30 AM Lv. Columbia Club DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 9:50 AM Ar. Indianapolis Airport AMR Comba 317/24e-4goo 9:55 AM Lv. Indianapolis MANIFEST: Senator Dole senator Cochran Mike Glaaaner Walt Riker Don Devine US Tobacco employee eta~t FLIGHT TIME: 40 minutes 10:35 AM Ar. Chicago, Illinois Midway Airport Aero Servicei, 312/582-5720 MET BY: Terry and Sob Durkin (2 cars) Page 3 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu • I ....... ' PAGB P'OOR Thursday, August 21 Ccontiuuf.td): 10:40 AM Lv, Midway Ai rport DRIVE TI ME: 25 minutes 11:05 AM Ar . Palmer Houae Privat e Dini ng Room s - 3rd Floor l7 E. Monro~ stre~t Chicago 312/726-7500 11:05 AM- ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR 12:00 l?M Ron Blackstone, us House candidate NOTE: Pr••e nt check for $2,000 from Campa i gn America CROWD SIZE: 10-12@ $1,000 per peraon CONTACT: Ron Blaokatone 31.2/733-0334 or 708/206-073!5 12:00 PM Proceed to Empire Room 12:00 PM- ATTEND FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR 1:00 PM RICH WILLIAMSON CROWD SIZE: 7!5-100@ $500 per person PRESS: OPEN FORMAT; PODIUM AND MIKE HEAD TABLE: Rich and Jane Williamson Senator Dole Senator Cochran Jaok Sandner, Chicago Mere. Paul Beitler - Williamson Finance Cmte. Bob Helman - co-Chair, Finance Cmte. secretary of state George Ryan Page 4 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Thursday. August 27 (continued): PROGRAM: 12:00 FM- Mix and mingle with guests 12:lO PM 12:10 PM Finance Director Dana Grigoroff welcomes and asks guesta to be seated 12:10 PM- Lunch is served 12:30 PM 12:30 PM Finance Co-Chair J. Paul Beitler introduo•• Rich Williamson 12:33 PM Rich Williamson remarks and introduction ot Senator Cochran 12:40 PM Senator Cochran remarks and introduction ot Senator Dole 12:45 PM- REMARKS - SENATOR IX>LE 12:!57 PM 1:00 PM- PRESS AVAILABILIT~ l:15 PM (Sama room) CONTACT: Tim Meyer, Campaign Mgr. Dana Grigoroff, Finance Dir. Cheryl sutt•r, Scheduler 312/641-1992 312/641-2551 (PAX) l:20 1'M Lv. Palmer House DRIVE TIME: 35 minutes 1:55 PM Ar. Midway Airport Aero services 312/582-5720 2:00 PM Lv. Chicago FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Cochran Mike Gla••ner Walt Riker Don Devine US Tobacco employee staff 3:10 PM Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Page Avjet 612/726-5700 Page 5 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ,-., 1,o- .. ,• . -.• -·: ,. • . \i~ ,.. ' . PAGE SIX Thursday, Augu.&t 27 (contjnuad): MET BY: c~l Ludeman and Midge Dean (IR' s ) (2 cars will be available) 3:15 PM Lv. Page Avjet DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 3:25 PM Ar. Decathlon Club 1700 E. 79th street Sloomington 55425 612/854-7777 Proceed to Tabone Room 3:25 PM- Attend round-·table diecussion/fundraiser 4:30 PM for cal Ludeman NOTE: DO HO'l' PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMElUCA CHECR TO CAL LUDEMAN -- HE DOES Hai' ACCEPT PAC HONEY. (WE HAVE PAID FOR OUR 'l'RAH'SPORTATI:ON OUT OF DOLE FOR SENATE FONDS, AS AH' IN-KI:ND CONTRIBUTION TO HIS CAMPAIGN. CROWD SIZE: 15-20@ $500 and $1000 each NO HEAD TU~ NO PODIUM OR MIKE 4: 30 PM Lv. Deoathlon Club DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes NOTE: Senator Cochran drops off schedule at this time, and takes a 5: oo PM Northwest Flight to Mississippi. (Car and driver are available for thi• purpose. ) 4:40 PM Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Page Avjet 612/726-5700 4:45 PM Lv. Minneapolis/St. Paul FLIGHT TIME: 35 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Cal Ludeman Don Devine Walt Riker Mike Glassner Page 6 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE SBVEN Thursday, Augupt 27 (f'&ntj.nu«ad) : 5:20 PM Ar. Marshall, Minnesota Ryan Field Midwest Aviation 507/532-3164 MET BY: G~ne Roggeman and Paul Knoblauch (Drivers - 2 c~rs) and Oavo Jennings 5:20 PM tv. Midwest Aviation DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 5:30 PM Ar. Marshall Inn - Beat Western 507/5:32-3221 Proceed to Shetek Room 5:30 PM Photo opportunity CROWD SIZE: 27@ $250 6:10 PM Proceed to Pool area for Inner Circle Reception CROWD SIZE: 50@ $100 FORMAT: . Meet and Greet PR.OGRAM: 6:15 PM Brief Remarks - Cal Ludeman 6120 PM REMARKS - SENATOR OOLE 6:2!; PM Q&A 6:30 PM Proceed to Shetek Room 6:45 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY 7:10 PM Proceed to Banquet Hall 7:10 PM- ATTEND FUNORAISING DINNER FOR CAL LUDEMAN 8:oo PM CROWD SIZEz 300@ $35 Page 7 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu . '• .... ,. .~ . ·,.·, , ... PAGE EIGHT Thursgay, August 21 (csm.t.J.nuad): PROGRAM: 7:03 PM Pledge - Marti Seittert 7:05 PM !nvooation - Gloria Hamilton 7:10 PM Dinner is served Senator Dola and Cal Ludeman sign pictures from photo opportunity 7:30 PM Introduction ot Senator Dole - Ray Welker, volunteer Campaign Chairman 7:35 PM REMJUUCS - SENATOR DOLE 7:55 PM Lv. Marshall Inn en route airport DRIVE TIME TO AIRPORT: 15 minutes NOTE: Program continues to 8:40 PM: 8:00 PM Intro of Dave Jennings, Event Chairman 8:0~ PM Campaign Update - Ray Welker 8:15 PM Intro of Cal Ludeman and remarks by Cal Ludeman 8:30 PM Ludeman concludes remarke a:4o PM Event concludes CONTACT: Dwight Toatenson, Mgr. 507/:354-1994 507/340-1024 (Portable phone) 507/359-7676 (FAX) 8:10 PM Ar. Ryan Field - Midwest Aviation !507/532-3164 8:1!5 PM Lv. Marshall FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutem MANIFEST: Senator Dole Don Devine Walt Riker Mike Glaa•ner us Tobaoeo ataff Page 8 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE NINE Thursday. August 27 Cconttnuegl_;_ 8:40 PM Ar. Sioux Falls, south Oakota Joe :rosm Field Business Av iation 605/336-7791 MET BY: Mark A. Peterson 6 0!5/334-6533 RON: Sioux Falls Holiday Inn City Centre 60!5/339-2000 Friday, August as 7:4!5 AM Lv. Holiday Inn City Centre DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 8:00 AM Ar. Brennera Home style Buffet 605/336-1900 8:00 AM- ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION with agri-business leaders 8:30 AM (Include• photo opportunity) FORMAT: Informal Coffee and Juioe will be served Photo-op co-hoata: Joel Rosenthal - Central Pl~ins Tractor Parts Ronald Lockwood - Veterinarian Jim Flatten - Farmer Dr. Allen Unruh - Chiropractor 8:30 AM Proceed to adjoining room Brenners Home style Buffet 8:30 AM- ATTEND FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR CHARLENE HAAR 9:30 AM (Event runs 8:00 - 9:30) CROWD SIZE: 50@ $50 FORMA~: Breakfast buffet HEAD TABLE with PODIUM AND MIKE Page 9 of 75 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu • I PAGE: '!'EH Friday, Augys t 28 {contini;~ HEAD Tl~LE: Senator Dole Dorcaa Ode Charlena Haar Ron Loc,kwoc;:.d NOTE: Gove rn<:>r Mickelson may attend PROGRAM : Intro ot Charl ene Haa r - Ron Lockwood Intro ot Sonator Dole - Charlene Haar REMARKS - SENJ\.TOR DOLE CONTACT: Eli2~abeth Haar, scheduler Lon Ander•on, camp.
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