<p> Index of Issues Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society, formerly Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal</p><p>Vol. 1 – Spring 1985 Foreword, by The Honorable Shirley S. Abrahamson Articles: The Wisconsin Marital Property Act: Highlights of the Wisconsin Experience in Developing a Model for Comprehensive Common Law Property Reform, by June Miller Weisberger Collins v. Eli Lilly & Company: The DES Causation Problem and Risk Contribution Theory, by James C. Burr Artificial Insemination by Donor: Practical and Legal Issues Involved in Single Motherhood, by Karen A. Morrisey Comment: Gender and Privacy in the Prisons, by Penelope Dinneen Hillemann Book Review: "A Worldly Character and One of Many Sides," Reviewed by Donald Yacovone</p><p>Vol. 2 – Spring 1986 Articles: Alternative Families: Obtaining Traditional Family Benefits Through Litigation, Legislation and Collective Bargaining, by Barbara J. Cox Quest for Labor Standards in the Era of Eleanor Roosevelt: The Case of Industrial Homework, by Eileen Boris Pornography: The Supreme Court Rejects a Call for New Restrictions, by Gordon B. Baldwin Commentary: Deconstructing CLS-FEM Split, by Robin West Comments: Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Responses to Domestic Violence: Non-Involvement to the Application of Criminal Justice Sanctions, by Katherine Lynn Held</p><p>The Constitutional Privacy Right as Applied to Psychotherapy Communications, by Mary Patricia Field</p><p>Book Reviews: Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood, Reviewed by Sally Markowitz</p><p>Governing the Hearth, Reviewed by Elizabeth B. Clark</p><p>Vol. 3 – 1987 – Papers from the 1986 Feminism and Legal Theory Conference:</p><p>Introduction to the Papers: The Origins and Purpose of the Feminism and Legal Theory Conference, by Martha L. Fineman</p><p>Articles: Feminist Theories of (In)Equality, by Kathleen A. Lahey</p><p>Religion, Rights, and Difference in the Early Woman's Rights Movement, by Elizabeth B. Clark</p><p>The Anti-Subordination Principle: Applications, by Ruth Colker</p><p>The Difference in Women's Hedonic Lives: A Phenomenological Critique of Feminist Legal Theory, by Robin L. West Feminism and Legal Method: The Difference It Makes, by Mary Jane Mossman</p><p>Strategizing in Equality, by Diana Majury</p><p>Equality Across Difference: A Place for Rights Discourse?, by Christine A. Littleton</p><p>Looking at Women's Historians Looking at "Difference," by Eileen Boris</p><p>The Unbroken Circle: A Historical and Contemporary Study of Black Single Mothers and Their Families, by Barbara Omolade</p><p>Vol. 4 – 1988</p><p>Articles: The Tax Reform Act of 1986: Does It Go Far Enough to Achieve Pension Equity for Women?, by Vicki Gottlich</p><p>Pandora's Box: An Essay Review of American Law and Literature on Prostitution, by Anita L. Morse</p><p>Bibliography of Resources on American Law and Literature on Prostitution, by Julie Brewer</p><p>Comment: An Overview of Defense of Battered Women from a Postconviction Perspective, by Susan L. Podebradsky & Mary E. Triggiano-Hunt</p><p>Book Reviews: Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions of American Feminism; and Feminism in France, Reviewed by Susan Erickson</p><p>Street Woman, Reviewed by Nancy Frank</p><p>Vol. 5 – 1990</p><p>Articles: Lesbianism in Anglo-European Legal History, by Ruthann Robson</p><p>Spousal Property Agreements: An Evolving Concept in Wisconsin and Elsewhere, by June Miller Weisberger</p><p>One Privacy Provision, Two Privacy Protections: The Right to Privacy in Florida After Roe v. Wade, by Daniel R. Gordon</p><p>The Federal Judiciary Engendered, by Carl Tobias</p><p>Comments: Work Time/Family Time: A Critique of Wisconsin's Family and Medical Leave Law, by Denise Galambos</p><p>Coming to Terms with the Politics of Discourse: A Critique of Robin West's Jurisprudence and Gender, by Amy Scarr</p><p>Vol. 6 – 1991</p><p>Articles: For Mary Joe Frug: Empowering Women Law Professors, by Leslie Bender</p><p>Lower Court Interpretation of the Meritor Decision: Putting Flesh on the Supreme Court's Sexual Harassment Skeleton, by Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander</p><p>Equality of Rights Under the Law: State Constitutional Protection for Abortion Rights in Maryland and Beyond, by Samantha Forman</p><p>Against the Flow, by Jennifer Jaff</p><p>Notes: Nametaking: A Model for Feminist Identity, by Beatrice A. Cameron</p><p>Pregnancy and Addiction: Eliminating the Saint/Sinner Motif, by Rene I. Augustine</p><p>Report: Final Report: Gender Bias Task Force, by Wisconsin Equal Justice Task Force</p><p>Vol. 7 – 1992 (printed in same volume as Vol. 8 – 1993)</p><p>Articles: And Baby Makes Three – or Four, or Five, or Six: Redefining the Family After the Reprotech Revolution, by R. Alta Charo The "Cleaver" Paradigm as an Anachronism in a Multi-Cultural Society, by Marilyn Bowens</p><p>Note: Constitutionality of Recognizing Multiple Parental Rights in the Surrogacy Context, by Katherine Kruse</p><p>Comment: A Practical Analysis of the Constitutional and Legal Infirmities of Norplant as a Condition of Probation, by Megan J. Ballard</p><p>Vol. 8 – 1993 (printed in same volume as Vol. 7 – 1992)</p><p>Articles: "Boys Keep Out!": Historical and Legal Perspectives on the Contributions of All-Female Organizations to Sex Equality, by Claudia Center</p><p>Woman's Ghetto Within the Legal Profession, by Marilyn J. Berger & Kari A. Robinson</p><p>Do Women Judges Speak "In a Different Voice?": Carol Gilligan, Feminist Legal Theory, and the Ninth Circuit, by Sue Davis</p><p>Speech: Diversity in the Judiciary: Association for Women Lawyers' Thirteenth Annual Women Judges Night Speech, by Hon. Margaret Dee McGarity</p><p>Vol. 9 – Winter 1994 – Special Focus: Women's Health and Safety</p><p>Articles: Video Display Terminals and Reproductive Complications: Regulatory Issues Concerning Health Care in the Workplace, by Cheryl L. Meyer</p><p>Stalking Laws – Problem or Solution?, by Marion Buckley</p><p>Coerced into Crime: The Application of Battered Woman Syndrome to the Defense of Duress, by Meredith Blake</p><p>Book Review: Giving a Voice to the Silenced: Dalkon Shield Survivors Tell Their Stories, by Jennifer Nutt Carleton</p><p>Vol. 10:1 – Spring 1995</p><p>Articles: Communitarianism and Feminism: The Case Against the Preference for the Two-Parent Family, by Susan B. Apel</p><p>No Trifling Matter: How the Legal System Supports Persecution of the Obese, by Maureen J. Arrigo-Ward</p><p>Notes: Fine Tuning the Wrong Balance: Why the New Rule 412 Does Not Go Far Enough to End Harassment in Sexual Harassment Litigation, by Jennifer E. Smith Trouble for Mothers in Custody Disputes: Reflections on Prost v. Greene and Ireland v. Smith, by Tricia M. Link & Whitney E. Meier</p><p>Abortion in Japan: A Feminist Critique, by Hiromi Maruyama</p><p>Vol. 10:2- Fall 1995</p><p>Articles: A Feminist Understanding of Sex-Selective Abortion: Solely a Matter of Choice?, by April L. Cherry</p><p>Metaphors Matter: How Images of Battle, Sports, and Sex Shape the Adversary System, by Elizabeth G. Thornburg</p><p>An Ethic of Care and the Hazardous Workplace, by Francis J. Carleton & Jennifer Nutt Carleton</p><p>Northern Ireland: The Policing of Domestic Violence in Nationalist Communities, by Christine Taylor</p><p>Pregnancy Discrimination: Toward Substantive Equality, by Sally J. Kenney</p><p>Why J.E.B. v. T.B. Will Fail to Advance Equality: A Call for Discrimination in Jury Selection, by Lorrie L. Luellig</p><p>Vol. 11:1 – Summer 1996</p><p>Articles: Where Violence, Relationship, and Equality Meet: The Violence Against Women Act's Civil Rights Remedy, by Victoria F. Nourse</p><p>Destabilizing Power in Rape: Why Consent Theory in Rape Law Is Turned on its Head, by Mustafa T. Kasubhai</p><p>Trend Analysis: Expert Testimony on Battering and its Effects in Criminal Cases, by Janet Parrish, Esq.</p><p>Book Review: Breaking & Entering: Women Cops Talk About Life in the Ultimate Men's Club. By Connie Fletcher, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995, Reviewed by Sabrina Turner</p><p>Vol. 11:2 – Fall 1996</p><p>An Introspective Essay: From Urinal to Manicure: Challenges to the Scholarship of Tax and Gender, by Beverly Moran</p><p>Articles: Our Epidemic of Unnecessary Cesarean Sections: The Role of the Law in Creating It, The Role of the Law in Stopping It, by Margaret M. Donohoe</p><p>The First Stone in Retrospect: An Outsider's Observations on the Book and its Critics, by Susan Grover Sweep Searches – The Rights of the Community, and the Guarantees of the Fourth and First Amendments: Moms of the Chicago Public Housing Complex, Revisit Your Civil and Constitutional Rights and Save Your Babies, by Lundy Langston</p><p>Forgiving Guin Garcia: Women, the Death Penalty and Commutation, by Lorraine Schmall</p><p>In Search of Greater Procedural Justice: Rethinking Lassiter v. Department of Social Services, by Colene Flynn</p><p>Vol. 11:3 – Summer 1997</p><p>Articles: Connectedness and Closeted Questions: The Use of History in Developing Feminist Legal Theory, by Pamela D. Bridgewater</p><p>The Future of Feminist Legal Theory, by Patricia A. Cain</p><p>We Are All Just "Jugs," by Shelley J. Gaylord</p><p>Importing Feminist Theories to Change Tort Law, by Martha Chamallas</p><p>National Women Law Students Association Conference, March 1, 1996: Written Remarks of Elizabeth Grossman: Violence Against Women, by Elizabeth Grossman</p><p>Twenty Questions on the Status of Women Students in Your Law School, by Jean C. Love</p><p>Questions Women (and Men) Should Ask When Selecting a Law School, by Mary Becker Choosing Substantive Justice: A Discussion of "Choice," "Rights" and the New Reproductive Technologies, by April L. Cherry</p><p>Vol. 12:1 – Spring 1997</p><p>Articles: The Lasting Legacy of International Union, U.A.W. v. Johnson Controls: Equal Employment and Workplace Health and Safety Five Years Later, by Suzanne U. Samuels</p><p>Gay Male Pornography After Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium: A Call for Gay Male Cooperation in the Struggle for Sex Equality, by Christopher N. Kendall</p><p>How Would the Criminal Law Treat Sethe?: Reflections on Patriarchy, Child Abuse, and the Uses of Narrative to Re-Imagine Motherhood, by Tonya Plank</p><p>Surrogacy: A Last Resort Alternative for Infertile Women or a Commodification of Women's Bodies and Children?, by Christine L. Kerian</p><p>Vol. 12:2 – Fall 1997</p><p>Articles: Street Harassment as Sexual Subordination: The Phenomenology of Gender-Specific Harm, by Deborah Tuerkheimer Single-Sex Education and the First Amendment: Sex-Based Exclusion from Public School on the Basis of Time, Place, or Manner Restrictions, by Susan McDermott</p><p>The Name of the Maiden, by Omi</p><p>Sexual Harassment in Schools: An Analysis of the "Knew or Should Have Known" Liability Standard in Title IX Peer Sexual Harassment Cases, by Andrea Giampetro- Meyer, Shannon Browne & Carrie Williamson</p><p>Essay: Court-Created Boundaries Between a Visible Lesbian Mother and Her Children, by Susan J. Becker</p><p>Vol. 13:1 – Spring 1998</p><p>Articles: Tales From the Tobacco Wars: Industry Advertising Targets Teenage Girls, by Patricia A. Davidson</p><p>Hawthorne and the Handmaid: An Examination of the Law's Use as a Tool of Oppression, by Shira Pavis Minton</p><p>Gender Bias in the American Bar Association Journal: Impact on the Legal Profession, by Marilyn J. Berger & Kari A. Robinson</p><p>Book Review: Speaking of Sex: The Denial of Gender Inequality, by Deborah L. Rhode, Reviewed by Joy Lang</p><p>Vol. 13:2 – Fall 1998</p><p>Articles: Sex, Sexual Pleasure, and Reproduction: Health Insurers Don't Want You to Do Those Nasty Things, by Hazel Glenn Beh</p><p>Single-Parent Latinas on the Margin: Seeking a Room with a View, Meals, and Built-In Community, by Laura M. Padilla</p><p>Women's Job Hunting in the "Ice Age": Frozen Opportunities in Japan, by Robbi Louise Miller</p><p>Memoir: My Career as a Chocolatier, by Ann Bartow</p><p>Vol. 14:1 – Spring 1999</p><p>Articles: Updating the Marital Privileges: A Witness-Centered Rationale, by Amanda H. Frost</p><p>Comparing Conversations About Sexual Harassment in the United States and Sweden: Print Media Coverage of the Case Against Astra USA, by Nancy R. Hauserman</p><p>Striving for Justice with the Violence Against Women Act and Civil Tort Actions, by Daniel G. Atkins, Jan R. Jurden, Dr. Susan L. Miller & Elizabeth A. Patten Essay: Approaching the Slope: Processes and Outcomes of the Use of the Slippery Slope in Legal Opinions, by Diane Meulemans</p><p>Vol. 14:2 – Fall 1999</p><p>Article: Equal Protection, Gender, and Justice at the Dawn of a New Century, by Christina DeJong & Christopher E. Smith</p><p>Comment: "There Will Be No Justice Unless Women Are Part of That Justice": Rape in Bosnia, the ICTY and "Gender Sensitive" Prosecution, by Anne F. Hoefgen</p><p>Essay: Sex in the Original Position: A Restatement of Liberal Feminism, by Mark M. Hager</p><p>Vol. 15:1 – Spring 2000 – Fifteenth Anniversary Issue</p><p>Foreword, by Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson</p><p>Article: Race and Two Concepts of the Emotions in Date Rape, by Andrew E. Taslitz Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration (these are mainly reprints of articles already published in the Journal, with short additional articles written by the same authors): "The Little Project": From Alternative Families to Domestic Partnerships to Same-Sex Marriage, by Barbara J. Cox</p><p>Alternative Families: Obtaining Traditional Family Benefits Through Litigation, Legislation and Collective Bargaining, by Barbara J. Cox</p><p>Introduction: Robin West Revisited, by Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Senior Board Members</p><p>The Difference in Women's Hedonic Lives: A Phenomenological Critique of Feminist Legal Theory, by Robin L. West</p><p>Introduction, by Beverly I. Moran</p><p>From Urinal to Manicure: Challenges to the Scholarship of Tax and Gender, by Beverly I. Moran</p><p>And Baby Makes None?, by R. Alta Charo</p><p>And Baby Makes Three – or Four, or Five, or Six: Redefining the Family After the Reprotech Revolution, by R. Alta Charo</p><p>Introduction, by Victoria F. Nourse</p><p>Where Violence, Relationship, and Equality Meet: The Violence Against Women Act's Civil Rights Remedy, by Victoria F. Nourse</p><p>Vol. 15:2 – Fall 2000</p><p>No Women at the Center: The Use of the Canadian Sentencing Circle in Domestic Violence Cases, by Rashmi Goel</p><p>Narratives, Law and the Relational Context: Exploring Stories of Violence in Young Women's Lives, by Colleen Sheppard & Sarah Westphal</p><p>Cooperation and Good Cause: Greater Sanctions and the Failure to Account for Domestic Violence, by Jacqueline M. Fontana</p><p>Constitutional Review of Affirmative Action Policies for Women of Color: A Hopeless Paradox?, by Angela D. Hooton</p><p>Vol. 16:1 – Spring 2001 – Symposium and Workshop on Judging at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), Spring Semester 2000</p><p>Introduction: Workshop on Judging: Does Gender Make a Difference?, by Herma Hill Kay & Geraldine Sparrow</p><p>Speeches: Outsiders on the Bench: The Continuing Struggle for Equality, by Claire L'Heureux- Dubé</p><p>Why a Woman on the Bench?, by Kathryn Mickle Werdegar Student Papers: The Difference Women Judges Make: Stare Decisis, Norms of Collegiality, and "Feminine Jurisprudence": A Research Proposal, by Heather Elliott</p><p>Can Women Judges Help Make Civil Sexual Assault Trials More Therapeutic?, by Jason Schultz</p><p>Luck and Politics: Judicial Selection Methods and Their Effect on Women on the Bench, by Becky Kruse</p><p>Judicial Campaigns: What Can They Tell Us About Gender on the Bench?, by Megan McCarthy</p><p>The Underrepresentation of Women on the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, by Brenda Simon</p><p>Vol. 16:2 – Fall 2001</p><p>Articles: Caring for the Ten Percent's 2.4: Lesbian and Gay Parents' Access to Parental Benefits, by Ryiah Lilith</p><p>A Closer Look at Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez: Membership by Sex, by Race, and by Tribal Tradition, by Lucy A. Curry</p><p>The "Access" Problem: How Employee and Employer Issues May Increase BadgerCare Participation by Impeding the Verification Process, by Barbara J. Zabawa</p><p>Comments: Domestic Violence Victims After Welfare Reform: Looking Beyond the Family Violence Option, by Katie Scrivner</p><p>An Analysis of Racism and Resources for African-American Female Victims of Domestic Violence in Wisconsin, by Lisa M. Martinson</p><p>Abusive Parents and Physical Placement Awards: What More Could Wisconsin Do to Protect its Children?, by Michele Westerlund</p><p>Vol 17:1 – Spring 2002 – Symposium on Feminist Theories of Relation in the Shadow of the Law</p><p>Introduction: Feminism in Relation, by Catherine Albiston, Tonya Brito & Jane E. Larson</p><p>Articles: Law's Constitution: A Relational Critique, by Victoria F. Nourse</p><p>Care and Feminists, by Mary Becker</p><p>Out of the Shadows: Traversing the Imaginary of Sameness, Difference, and Relationalism – A Human Rights Proposal, by Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol</p><p>Birthing Relationships, by Naomi Cahn</p><p>Putting the Relational Into the Heart of Family and Juvenile Court Proceedings, by Nina Camic Assumptions About Relationships Reflected in the Federal Securities Laws, by Theresa A. Gabaldon</p><p>Interspousal Tort Immunity and Insurance "Family Member Exclusions": Shared Assumptions, Relational and Liberal Feminist Challenges, by Jennifer Wriggins</p><p>Vol 17:2 – Fall 2002</p><p>Articles: A Step Toward True Equality in the Workplace: Requiring Employer Accommodation for Breastfeeding Women, by Lara M. Gardner</p><p>The National Association of Women Judges: Agent of Change, by Linda C. Morrison</p><p>When the Vow Breaks: Why the History of French Divorce Law Sounds a Warning About the Implications for Women of the Contemporary American Marriage Movement, by Joanna Alexandra Norland</p><p>Comment: Revisiting Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez: Feminist Perspectives on Tribal Sovereignty, by Francine R. Skenandore</p><p>Note: The Seventh Circuit's Step Toward Ending Domestic Terror: A Case Note on NOW v. Scheidler, by Nicole Safar</p><p>Vol. 18:1 – Spring 2003 – Special Issue on Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: The Intersection of Gender, Age and Crime</p><p>Introduction: Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: The Intersection of Gender, Age and Crime, by Alecia Humphrey</p><p>Poem: Illusions, by Heather</p><p>Articles: When Individual Differences Demand Equal Treatment: An Equal Rights Approach to the Special Needs of Girls in the Juvenile Justice System, by Marsha L. Levick & Francine T. Sherman</p><p>A Better Way to Spend $500,000: How the Juvenile Justice System Fails Girls, by Marty Beyer, Gillian Blair, Sarah Katz, Sandra Simkins & Annie Steinberg</p><p>Shifting Boundaries: Abortion, Criminal Culpability and the Indeterminate Legal Status of Adolescents, by J. Shoshanna Ehrlich</p><p>"Because Everybody Thought That I Wouldn't Be Able To Do It": Gender-Responsive Services for Court-Involved Girls and the First Year of the GirlRising Program, by Melissa M. Beck, Ana Bermudez & Martha King</p><p>Comments: Title VII in the Seventh Circuit: An Analysis of Administrative Claims and Civil Complaints, by Nicole Frankel</p><p>Staying Inbounds: Reforming Title IX in Collegiate Athletics, by Kristin Rozum</p><p>Vol. 18:2 – Fall 2003</p><p>Articles: Snowflake Adoptions and Orphan Embryos: The Legal Implications of Embryo Donation, by Katheryn D. Katz</p><p>"[A]n Inglorious Fiction": The Doctrine of Matrimonial Domicile in South Carolina, by Judge John D. Geathers & Justin R. Werner</p><p>Notes: From Here to Paternity: Why Men Are Not Taking Paternity Leave Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, by Chuck Halverson</p><p>State v. Oakley: Infringing on Women's Reproductive Rights, by Amanda R. Schehr</p><p>Vol. 19:1 – Spring 2004</p><p>Articles: Motherhood, Marriage, and Morality: The Pro-Marriage Moral Discourse of American Welfare Policy, by Judith E. Koons</p><p>Victims of Gender Discrimination or Disgruntled Employees? The Evolving Role of Candid E-Mails in Gender Disparate Treatment Cases, by Lucille M. Ponte</p><p>You Call That Education?, by Morrison Torrey Comment: Gay and Lesbian Partners Are Family Too: Why Wisconsin Should Adopt a Family Consent Law, by Catherine A. West</p><p>Vol. 19:2 – Fall 2004</p><p>Articles: Rehabilitating Partnership Marriage As a Theory of Wealth Distribution at Divorce: In Recognition of a Shared Life, by Alicia Brokars Kelly</p><p>"Well-Behaved Women Don't Make History": Rethinking English Family, Law, and History, by Danaya C. Wright</p><p>Comments: Custody Cases and the Expansion of the Equitable Parent Doctrine: When Should "Acting Like" a Parent Be Enough?, by Sarah Opichka</p><p>All Relevant Factors: Gender in the Analysis of Exceptional and Extremely Unusual Hardship, by Jennifer Lindsley</p><p>The Mystery of Title VII: The Various Interpretations of Title VII as Applied to Homosexual Plaintiffs, by Michael Sachs</p><p>Vol 20:1 – Spring 2005 – Twentieth Anniversary Edition</p><p>Foreword, by Senior Editorial Board Twentieth Anniversary Celebration: Take Notice Unwed Fathers: An Unwed Mother's Right to Privacy in Adoption Proceedings, by Cecily L. Helms & Phyllis C. Spence</p><p>Domestic Violence and the Failures of Welfare Reform: The Role for Work Leave Legislation, by Ralph Henry</p><p>Wisconsin Act 110: When an Infant Survives an Abortion, by Michele Kurs Frishman</p><p>From Bosnia to Sudan: Sexual Violence in Modern Armed Conflict, by Stephanie N. Sackellares</p><p>Another Woman's Body Found Outside Juárez: Applying Velásquez Rodríguez for Women's Human Rights, by Joan H. Robinson</p><p>Vol. 20:2 – Fall 2005</p><p>Foreword, by Assistant Dean Ruth Robarts</p><p>Articles: The Practice of Marriage, by Katharine Silbaugh</p><p>Mothers in Prison: How the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 Threatens Parental Rights, by Sally Day</p><p>A Dangerous Place for Society and its Troubled Young Women: A Call for an End to Newborn Safe Haven Laws in Wisconsin and Beyond, by Jennifer Racine Comments: Exploring Law Students' Attitudes, Beliefs, and Experiences About the Relationship Between Business Law and Public Interest Law, by Amy Bradshaw</p><p>Using SCHIP to Offer Prenatal Care to Undocumented and Non-Qualified Pregnant Immigrants in Wisconsin: The Benefits, Risks & Shortcomings, by Diana Aguilar</p><p>Current Issue: Vol. 21:1 – Spring 2006</p><p>Article: Bearing Witness to Ghosts: Notes on Theorizing Pornography, Race, and Law, by Jennifer C. Nash</p><p>Essay: Homonormativity: Inversion (The Straight World), by José Gabilando</p><p>Notes: Where Are We NOW? Clinic Protection in the Wake of Scheidler v. National Organization for Women, Inc., by Autumn Nero</p><p>K.M. v. E.G., by Emily Zapotocny</p><p>Volume XXI, No.2 Fall 2006 Superstition-Based Injustice in Africa and the United States: The Use of Provocation as a Defense for Killing Witches and Homosexuals Jennifer Dumin Title IX and High School Opportunities: Issues of Equity on and in the Court Suzanne E. Eckes</p><p>Family Values First When Federal Laws Collide: A Proposal to Create a Public Policy Exception to the Employment-At-Will Doctrine Based Upon Mandatory Parenting Duty Pamela Gershuny</p><p>Sexual Harassment at Home: Altering the Terms, Conditions and Privileges of Rental Housing for Section 8 Recipients Jill Maxwell COMMENTS Raging Hormones?: The Legal Obstacles and Policy Ramifications to Allowing Medical Monitoring Remedies in Hormone Replacement Therapy Suits Tamara Jeanne Dodge</p><p>Let's Talk About Sex Honestly: Why Federal Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education Programs Discriminate Against Girls, Are Bad Public Policy, and Should Be Overturned Danielle LeClair</p><p>Volume XXII, No. 1 Spring 2007 CONTENTS ARTICLES He Says, She Asks: Gender, Language, and the Law of Precatory Words in Wills Alyssa A. DiRusso Pregnancy and Policing: Are They Compatible? Pushing the Legal Limits on Behalf of Equal Employment Opportunities Karen J. Kruger The Gay Rights State: Wisconsin's Pioneering Legislation to Prohibit Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation William B. Turner COMMENTS Cultivating Boyhood and Girlhood: The Role of Gender in Progressive Era Juvenile Justice Reform Vanessa Carroll Gender Discrimination, Higher Education, and the Seventh Circuit: Balancing Academic Freedom with Protections Under Title VII, Case Note: Farrell vs. Butler University Michelle Chase</p><p>Volume XXII, No. 2 Fall 2007 CONTENTS ARTICLES What Has Feminism Got to Do with Children's Right? A Case Study of a Ban on Corporal Punishment Benjamin Shmueli The Constitutionality of the FDA's Age-Based Plan B® Regulation: Why the FDA Made the Wrong Decision Barbara Chevalier Title IX and Equal Protection Educational Access for Pregnant and Parenting Girls Madeline E. McNeeley COMMENTS In Re the Termination of Parental Rights to Max G.W.: Beginning to Pave the Way for Wisconsin's Incarcerated Mothers to Retain their Parental Rights and Serve the Best Interest of their Children Katie Holtz</p><p>Singling Them Out: The Influence of the "Boy Crisis" on the New Title IX Regulations Elizabeth S. Kisthardt Volume XXIII, No. 1 Spring 2008 CONTENTS ARTICLES</p><p>In Supreme Judgment of the Poor: The Role of the United States Supreme Court in Welfare Law and Policy Bridgette Baldwin</p><p>Toward Real Workplace Equality: Nonsubordination and Title VII Sex-Stereotyping Jurisprudence Erin E. Goodsell</p><p>Helping Out in the Family Firm: The Legal Treatment of Unpaid Market Labor Lisa Phillips Visitation Decisions in Domestic Violence Cases: Seeking Lessons from One State's Experience Nat Stern, Wendy P. Crook and Karen Oehme</p><p>COMMENTS Our Safety or Their Lives? Legislative Changes Impacting Immigration and the Risks Posed to Immigrant Women Kathryn Fanlund</p>
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