<p> CASEY CHARLES</p><p>320 South Second St. West Department of English Missoula, MT 59801 University of Montana (406) 728-4736 Missoula, MT 59812 [email protected] (406) 243-2762 [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1986-1992 Ph.D. in English Literature, State University of New York at Buffalo Qualifying Exam passed with Distinction (1989) Minor Fields: Psychology and Spanish Dissertation: “Desire and Love in Late Medieval and Renaissance Literature”</p><p>1975-1978 J.D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law</p><p>1974-1984 M.A. in English Literature and Certificate of Composition Instruction, San Francisco State University</p><p>1969-1973 B.A. in English Literature, University of California at Santa Cruz</p><p>EMPLOYMENT</p><p>2006-present Chair, Department of English, University of Montana</p><p>1994-present Professor (tenured), University of Montana Renaissance Literature, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Law and Literature, Critical Theory</p><p>2001-2002 Profesor Visitante, Universidad de Guanajuato, México</p><p>1993-1994 Visiting Assistant Professor, Lewis and Clark College</p><p>1993-1994 Adjunct Professor, Washington State University at Vancouver</p><p>1992-1993 Assistant Professor (Visiting), University of Oregon</p><p>1987-1991 Teaching Assistant, SUNY at Buffalo</p><p>1982-1986 Lecturer, San Francisco State University</p><p>PUBLICATIONS--SCHOLARLY “A Jury of One’s Queers: Revisiting the Dan White Trial,” (forthcoming in an anthology on LGBTQI issues and the law).</p><p>“What We Learned from Patricia,” forthcoming in Neo.</p><p>“Panic in The Project: Critical Queer Studies and the Mathew Shepard Case” (Law and Literature, 2006).</p><p>“Queer Writes,” Women’s Studies in Communication 28 (Spring, 2005): 32-56.</p><p>The Sharon Kowalski Case: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial (University Press of Kansas, 2003).</p><p>"Lessons in Errors: Shakespeare's Shortest Play Teaches Through Mistaken Identity," Missoulian, August 15, 2002: E13-14.</p><p>"Closet Apartheid," Editorial, Missoulian, February, 2002 (with David Wilson). </p><p>"Gabriel Mistral," Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage, ed. Claude Summers, 2nd Edition (Routledge, 2001) (with David Wilson).</p><p>"Notes on a Queer Manifesto: Address to Gay Pride, Montana--June, 2000," Outspoken August, 2000: 8.</p><p>"Same-Sex Benefits: Main Issue Is Morality," Editorial, Missoulian March 9, 2000.</p><p>"Barnfield's Lover's Discourse," in The Affectionate Shepherd: Celebrating Richard Barnfield: (Susquehanna University Press, 2001) 174-192.</p><p>"'Was Shakespeare Gay?' Sonnet 20 and the Politics of Pedagogy," College Literature 25 (1998): 35-51.</p><p>"Gender Trouble in Twelfth Night," Theatre Journal 49 (1997): 121-142.</p><p>"Making Justice: Same-Sex Partnership in the Kowalski Case," disclosure: A Journal of Social Policy 6 (1997): 9-34.</p><p>"Can We Have What We Want? A Lacanian Reading of Leone Ebreo's First Dialogue of Love," Bien Dire: A Journal of Lacanian Inquiry 3 (1998).</p><p>Book Review of Rethinking the Henrician Era: Essays on Early Tudor Texts and Contexts, ed. Peter C. Herman, Sidney Newsletter 13 (1994).</p><p>"Heroes as Lovers: Erotic Attraction between Men in Sidney's New Arcadia," Criticism 34 (1992): 467-496.</p><p>"A Horse is a Horse: Sex and Love in Plato's Phaedrus," Literature and Psychology 38 (1992): 47-70.</p><p>2 "Adversus Jerome: Liberation Theology in the Wife of Bath's Prologue," Assays: Critical Approaches to Renaissance and Medieval Literature 6 (1990): 55-71.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS—CREATIVE</p><p>“Patricia, La Poeta,” forthcoming in Neo, 2007.</p><p>“Pony, Montana,” forthcoming in Poets Across the Big Sky, an anthology. </p><p>Controlled Burn (Pudding House Press, 2007), chapbook (36 p.).</p><p>“The Wilderness Experience” Dalhousie Review (2006).</p><p>“December” from Hy, lodestarquarterly.com (Winter,2005).</p><p>“You Need Help,” Comstock Review 19 (Spring/Summer 2005) 60.</p><p>“Out in Idaho,” Hurricane Review (2005) </p><p>“Shower,” “David,” and ‘t” Gertrude: A Journal of Voice and Vision 2004 (three poems) 20-22.</p><p>"e soneto," Hojas de Cantera (Taller de Creación Literaria, Museo Casa Diego Rivera)--poem 2003.</p><p>"Himno a Michoacán," A Ras de Cielo: Colección Letras Versales/Once (Universidad de Guanajuato 2002).</p><p>“In Zicatela,” poetry motel (forthcoming)</p><p>UNDER CONSIDERATION</p><p>Hy (a poetic narrative)</p><p>Writing it Out (poetry collection)</p><p>Origami for a Rainy Day (translation of Manuel Ulacia’s Origami para un día de lluvia) </p><p>PAPERS DELIVERED AND SESSIONS CHAIRED</p><p>“Olivier’s Queer Orlando,” Shakespeare Association of America, San Diego, April, 2007.</p><p>“Fear and Loathing in Angels in America,” Faculty/Graduate Student Research Conference, April 9, 2006 (invited presentation).</p><p>3 “Writing and HIV,” Positive Arts Workshop (sponsored by Partnership Health Care, Missoula). April-May, 2006.</p><p>“A Jury of One’s Queers: Revisiting the Harvey Milk Case,” LARC, University of Montana November 18, 2005. </p><p>Poetry Reading, Second Wind Series (Spring, 2006).</p><p>“’What Drugs, What Charms, What Conjurations’: Abduction by Witchcraft in Othello and the Unforgivable Blackness,” Ohio Shakespeare Conference: Shakespeare and the Law, Toledo, November 11, 2005.</p><p>“‘Being with Each Other’: Making Contact/Making Justice,” Town Hall Meeting: Social Change Through Dialogue (A UC Multicultural Alliance and Diversity Council Presentation at the University of Montana), April 12, 2005.</p><p>“Resisting the Fundamentalist Jihad: Toward a Poetics of the Queer Oppressed,” CCCC, San Francisco, March, 2005. </p><p>“The Laramie Project: Aristotelian Tragedy or Transformative Theater?” In a panel chaired and organized entitled “Enforcing Sexuality: Documenting Hate Crime in the West,” American Studies Association, November 13, 2004.</p><p>Chair and Organizer, Queer West Panel, RMMLA, Boulder, CO, October 2004.</p><p>A Forum on Queer Rights in The Sharon Kowalski Case, University of Montana Law School, April, 2004 (invited presentation).</p><p>Guest Interview, The Michelangelo Signorile Show. Sirius Satellite Radio, July 24, 2003.</p><p>“Queer Writes in Montana,” Faculty/Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Montana, May 2, 2003.</p><p>“‘Produce My Very Character’: Performing Subjectivities in King Lear,” Shakespeare Association of America, Victoria, April 11, 2003. </p><p>“‘Speak What We Feel’: Understanding Edgar in King Lear, 2003 Narrativity Conference, University of California, March 27, 2003.</p><p>“Can the Pervert be Diverse?” Keynote, Big Sky High School Diversity Week, February 24, 2003.</p><p>“Metonymies of Desire in Brinig’s This Man is My Brother,” Faculty/Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Montana, May, 2002.</p><p>"My Sweet Lord," International Shakespeare Association of America, Valencia, April 19, 2001.</p><p>4 "The Culture of AIDS," on Collegium Medicum, a KUFM series on medicine and the humanities produced by Herbert Swick, March 13, 2001 (guest). </p><p>"Knowing the Truth About Gender: The Teena Brandon Story," 21st Annual Lewis and Clark College Gender Studies Symposium, March 19, 2001.</p><p>"Special Rights or Equal Rights?" A Public Radio Forum on KUFM, Missoula, Montana, February, 2001 (panelist).</p><p>"The Ideology of Sexual Freedom and the Resistance to Gay Politics: Studying Kureishi's My Beautiful Launderette," VII Seminario Cientifico sobre la Calidad de la Educacion: Intercambio Profesionales Cubanos y Norteamericanos, Havana and Santiago, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 2000.</p><p>"The Ethics of Same-Sex Partnership: The Sharon Kowalski Case," A Practical Ethics Seminar sponsored by the Practical Ethics Center, University of Montana, Missoula, May, 3, 1999.</p><p>"'Mock Me with a Husband:' The Gentle Way of Punishment in Measure for Measure," Shakespeare Association of America, April 1-4, 1999.</p><p>"Queer and Loathing in Montana," UCLA GLBT Conference, February 5-7, 1999.</p><p>"'The God of My Idolatry': The Appropriation of Christian Imagery in Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet," Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference: Word and Image, Western Washington University, April 23-25, 1998.</p><p>"Orientalism in Snow Falling on Cedars," The Institute for Medicine and the Humanities, St. Patrick's Hospital, Missoula, Montana, April, 1998 (presentation and discussion).</p><p>"Gender Trouble and its Vicissitudes in Winterson's Written on the Body," Eighteenth Annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium, March 11-13, 1998. </p><p>"Sexual Harassment and David Mamet's Oleanna," A Panel Discussion at the University of Montana, November, 1997 (panelist).</p><p>"Lost Paradise: Desire and the Disruption of the Ideology of Eden," John Milton Conference, Middle Tennessee State University, October 24-25, 1997.</p><p>Doctors, Lawyers, and Literature: Exploring Our Ethical Center through Fiction and Poetry, A Conference Sponsored by Continuing Education, University of Montana, KwaTaqNuk Resort, Flathead Lake, Sept. 26-28, 1997 (Program Leader of five workshops on literature and law).</p><p>"State Rape: Legal Injustice in The Old Arcadia," 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 7-10, 1997.</p><p>"'The Beast with Two Backs': Female Buggery and the Consequences of Clandestine Marriage," Shakespeare Association of America, March 27-29, 1997.</p><p>5 "Education and Gender," UCLA/USC Seventh Annual Graduate Student Research Conference, UCLA, March 7, 1997 (moderator).</p><p>"Using the Marital Privilege to Discriminate Against Lesbians and Gay Men: DOMA and its Consequences," Center for Feminist Research Lecture Series at the University of Southern California, October 28, 1996.</p><p>"Homophobia in the Henriad," The Group for Early Modern Studies Conference, September 26-29, 1996.</p><p>"Nothing in Common: Women's Studies and Queer Studies--Convergences and Divergences" University of Montana Women's Brown Bag Lecture Series, April, 1996.</p><p>"What is Lesbian and Gay Literature?" A PRIDE Week Panel Discussion, University of Montana, April, 1996 (organizer and moderator).</p><p>"Montana's Deviate Sexual Conduct Law and the Legislature: A Case of Political Deviance?" A University of Montana Forum, May 3, 1995 (organizer and moderator).</p><p>"Coveting Fetters and Excusing Sins: Masochism in Spenser's 37th and Shakespeare's 35th Sonnet," Shakespeare Association of America, March 23-25, 1995.</p><p>"Gender Trouble in Twelfth Night," Thirteenth Annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium, April 17-20, 1994.</p><p>Chair, Sidney Session, 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May, 1994.</p><p>"Holding Nature up to the Mirror: Audience as Fiction in Jonson's Bartholomew Fair," NEMLA (Northeastern Modern Language Association) Convention, April 3-5, 1992.</p><p>"'A Vehement and Unkind Love': Erotic Attraction in Sidney's New Arcadia," 27th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 7-10, 1992.</p><p>TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS</p><p>Renaissance English Literature, Milton, Shakespeare, Critical Theory, Lesbian and Gay Literature, Literature and Law, Literature of Love, Chaucer</p><p>AWARDS AND AFFILIATIONS</p><p>Project QueerLit Semi-finalist (2006) for Hy</p><p>Vermont Studio Center Fellowship (May-June, 2006)</p><p>National Writers Union Prize—Poetry, 2005, for “Roadkill, Wyoming” (third place). Judge: Adrienne Rich 6 Finalist, Joy Harjo Cutthroat Poetry Competition (2005) for “The Rope: December 1, 2004”</p><p>Writing it Out (finalist in 2005 Crazyhorse Lynda Hull Poetry Competition; semifinalist Blue Lynx Prize (2005), Comstock Review Contest (2005)</p><p>Squaw Valley Writers’ Workshop 2004</p><p>San Miguel Poetry Week 2004, 2005, 2006</p><p>Diversity Award, University of Montana, 2003</p><p>International Faculty Exchange, University of Guanajuato, Mexico (2001-2002))</p><p>Visiting Scholar, Center for Feminist Research, University of Southern California, 1996-7</p><p>University of Montana Faculty Development Grant, June-August, 1997</p><p>LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY AND STUDY</p><p>Spanish (fluent) Latin (reading proficiency) Portuguese (reading and speaking proficiency)</p><p>1989 (summer) City University of New York Latin Institute, cum laude 1987 (summer) University of Salamanca Language Institute, Salamanca, Spain</p><p>UNIVERSITY SERVICE AND OTHER AFFILIATIONS</p><p>2006-present Chair, Department of English 2006-present Vice-President, University Faculty Association 2005-present Steering Committee, Women’s Studies 2004-present Reader, Haworth Press 2004-present Reader, Essays in Arts and Sciences 2004-present Board, PRIDE (statewide LGBTI organization) 2003-2004 University Commons Advisory Board 1998-present Board, University Faculty Association 2001-present Reader, College Literature 2001-present Reader, Rocky Mountain MLA Journal 1999-2001 Board, Western Montana Gay and Lesbian Community Center 1999-2000 Board, Outspoken 1999-present Film Committee 1999-present Ethics Committee 1999 National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI)--Training 1999-2001 Grievance Officer, University Faculty Association 1999-2000 University Academic Court 1998-1999 Student Conduct Code Judiciary, Faculty Member 1998-present Advisory Board, Institute of Medicine and the Humanities 7 1998-present Reader, SMART: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 1997-present Founder, Outfield Alliance (a coalition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender faculty, staff, graduate students, and their supporters) 1997-1999 Lesbian and Gay Community Center Task Force 1997-1999 Membership Chair, Executive Board, University Faculty Association 1997-2000 Chair, MA in Literature, Department of English, Univ. of Montana 1997 (summer) Acting Chair, Department of English, Univ. of Montana 1996-2000 Lambda Alliance, Univ. of Montana, Faculty Advisor 1996-1998 Faculty Appeals Committee, Univ. of Montana 1995-1997 Member, Montana Gay Men's Task Force on HIV Prevention (GMTF) 1995-present Member, Missoula AIDS Prevention Project (MAPP) 1995-1996 Undergraduate Advisor, English Department, Univ. of Montana 1993-present Shakespeare Association 1989-1991 Graduate Review Committee, Department of English, SUNY at Buffalo 1989-1990 Executive Committee, Department of English, SUNYAB 1989-1990 Chief Justice, Student Wide Judiciary, SUNYAB 1980-1984 Performance Exam Consultant, California State Bar Association 1978-present Member, California State Bar Association</p><p>8</p>
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