<p> PENNSYLVANIA LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD</p><p>INVITATION FOR BID 260301</p><p>REPLACEMENT OF DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM</p><p>OVERVIEW</p><p>The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) is seeking a Contractor to provide and install a Dust Collection System as per PLCB specifications along with the removal and disposal of the current Dust Collection System located in the PLCB’s Facilities Maintenance Wood Shop, 990 Briarsdale Road, Unit C, Harrisburg, PA 17109.</p><p>ISSUING OFFICE</p><p>This Invitation for Bid (IFB) is issued by the PLCB, Bureau of Purchasing and Contract Administration, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001, telephone: (717) 787-6360; email: [email protected] . Tammy McQuaid is the Issuing Officer and the sole point of contact at the PLCB for this IFB.</p><p>PLCB CONTRACTING OFFICER</p><p>The PLCB Contracting Officer is the PLCB official authorized to enter into and administer Contracts and make written determinations with respect to Contracts. The PLCB Contracting Officer is Melinda John, Director of Purchasing and Contract Administration, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001, Email: [email protected].</p><p>PLCB CONTACT PERSON</p><p>The PLCB Contact Person, defined as the PLCB employee charged with the day-to- day supervision of the performance of the services and who interacts with the Contractor at the work site, is Roger Love, Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities Maintenance Wood Shop, 990 Briarsdale Road, Unit C, Harrisburg, PA 17109, telephone (717) 558-6480.</p><p>MANDATORY SITE VISIT</p><p>Prior to submitting a bid, all potential Contractors shall be required to visit the PLCB Facilities Maintenance Wood Shop to completely familiarize themselves with the needs and requirements of this IFB. Suppliers shall contact Roger Love, Maintenance Supervisor, telephone: (717) 558-6480 to schedule a visit. Attachment #1 PROOF OF SITE VISIT must be signed by the party performing the site visit plus the PLCB official verifying the visit. Failure to return the signed Attachment #1 with your IFB will disqualify your bid.</p><p>1 QUESTIONS</p><p>Questions regarding this IFB must be submitted via e-mail only, with the subject line entitled “IFB 260301 Questions” to the Issuing Officer, Tammy McQuaid, email [email protected] no later than 12:00 PM EDT on October 8, 2015. Do not contact the Issuing Office by phone with any questions. The bidder shall not attempt to contact the Issuing Officer by any other means. </p><p>All questions received will be answered, in writing, and such responses shall be posted to the Department of General Services (DGS) website at www.emarketplace.state.pa.us as an addendum to the IFB by 3:00 PM EDT on October 23, 2015. </p><p>All questions and official responses are considered an addendum to, and part of, this IFB. The PLCB shall not be bound by any verbal information, nor shall it be bound by any written information that is not either contained within the IFB or formally issued as an addendum by the Issuing Office. The Issuing Office does not consider questions to be a protest of the specifications or of the solicitation.</p><p>ADDENDA TO THE IFB</p><p>If the Issuing Office deems it necessary to revise any part of this IFB before the bid response date, the Issuing Office will post an addendum to the DGS website at www.emarketplace.state.pa.us. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to periodically check the website for any new information or addenda to the IFB.</p><p>RESPONSE DATA</p><p>Bids must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the bidder to its provisions. Failure to sign the Bid Form BOP-1206 shall disqualify your bid immediately. For this IFB, the bid must remain valid for at least sixty (60) days. The contents of the bid of the successful bidder will be incorporated into the Contract.</p><p>Bid must be sealed and hand carried or mailed (U.S. Postal service, Fed Ex., etc.) to:</p><p>PLCB Bureau of Purchasing & Contract Administration Invitation for Bid #260301 Northwest Office Building, Room 316 Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001</p><p>Bids must be received on or before November 6, 2015, no later than 1:00 PM EDT.</p><p>Bidders mailing bids should allow time to insure timely receipt of their bid. If a receipt is desired, send by U.S. certified or Registered mail. Bid #260301 must be on the outside of the envelope.</p><p>Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.</p><p>2 The following documents must be included with your bid. Failure to include these required documents will be considered a non-responsive bid and result in bid rejection. </p><p>1. BOP-1206 Referenced on Page 2 2. Performance Bond Referenced on Page 4 3. Insurance Certificate Referenced on Page 3 4. Attachment #1 – Proof of Site Visit Form Referenced on Page 1 5. Attachment #2 – Cost Sheet Referenced on Page 3 6. Attachment #3 – Customer References Referenced on Page 3 7. Contractor Business Description Referenced on Page 3</p><p>COST SHEET</p><p>Complete ATTACHMENT #2 COST SHEET, in its, entirety with no variations or conditions. This cost sheet is the only acceptable cost sheet for your bid.</p><p>CUSTOMER REFERENCES</p><p>Prospective bidders must complete and submit ATTACHMENT #3 CUSTOMER REFERENCES with their bid to provide a minimum of three (3) references for which they have installed a comparable Dust Collection System. References should include customer name, address, telephone number and contact persons. The PLCB reserves the right to contact any or all references listed by the bidder.</p><p>CONTRACTOR BUSINESS DESCRIPTION</p><p>Prospective bidders must provide a business description indicating the date founded, principal ownership, scope of operations, and general data regarding experience. Also, note any special expertise that would enhance its qualifications. </p><p>INSURANCE</p><p>Prior to award of the contract, the selected Contractor shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the following insurance coverage is in force during the term of the contract. Documented evidence, such as a Certificate of Insurance or other proof acceptable to the PLCB that insurance will be extended to the Contractor, must accompany the bid. Such policies shall name the PLCB as an additional insured on certificates when issued and contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be canceled or changed until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the PLCB:</p><p> a. Workers’ Compensation Insurance sufficient to cover all of the Contractor’s employees working to fulfill this contract in accordance with the Worker’s Compensation Act of 1915 and any supplements or amendments thereof.</p><p>3 b. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Property and Damage Insurance. The limits of such insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000.00 for injury to or death of one person in a single occurrence and $3,000,000.00 for injury to or death of more than one person in a single occurrence and $500,000.00 for a single occurrence of property damage.</p><p>PERFORMANCE BOND</p><p>Prior to the award of the Contract, the selected Contractor shall be required to submit a Performance Bond, or other performance guarantee acceptable to the PLCB, equivalent to one-hundred (100) percent of the total bid. Documented evidence that surety can be furnished must accompany the bid. This documented evidence is obtainable from your surety.</p><p>BID TABULATIONS RESULTS</p><p>Results of this bid will be posted within 48 hours to the DGS website at http://www.emarketplace.state.pa.us/. Bid results do not confer any contractual rights until a formal written Contract has been executed by all necessary PLCB and Commonwealth officials. Any additional information will require a Right to Know request found at http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/bidopportunities/19114.</p><p>REJECTION OF INVITATION FOR BID QUOTES</p><p>The PLCB reserves the unqualified right to reject any and/or all bids received as a result of this IFB, to waive technical defects or any informality in bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid if, in its judgment, the best interest of the Commonwealth is thereby served.</p><p>PENNSYLVANIA PREVAILING WAGE ACT</p><p>The selected Contractor agrees that this Contract is subject to the provisions, duties, obligations, remedies and penalties of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, 43 P.S. Section 165-1 et seq., which is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. In compliance with said Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predetermination is hereto attached and made part hereof as approved by the Secretary of Labor and Industry as Attachment #4.</p><p>If a job classification is not covered by the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predeterminations, the Contractor may not pay individuals in that classification less than the lowest rate for laborers, as set out in the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predeterminations.</p><p>The Contractor agrees to provide such records as are necessary to provide proof of compliance.</p><p>SCHEDULING OF WORK 4 Work schedule must be coordinated with and approved by the PLCB Contact Person in advance. All work to be performed during normal business hours of 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.</p><p>PERMITS</p><p>The selected Contractor shall be responsible for securing all necessary permits as required for the completion of this project.</p><p>PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY</p><p>The selected Contractor shall be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in this IFB. Further, the PLCB will consider the selected Contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.</p><p>SUBCONTRACTING</p><p>Any use of subcontractors by the Contractor must be identified in the bid. During the project period, use of any subcontractors by the selected Contractor not previously identified in the bid, must be approved in writing by the PLCB prior to any work being done.</p><p>The selected prime Contractor shall be responsible for all services offered in its bid whether or not it produces them. The prime Contractor shall be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.</p><p>INCURRING COST</p><p>The PLCB is not liable for any cost incurred by anyone prior to issuance of a contract. The PLCB will pay the Contractor only for services rendered at the rates stated in the contract.</p><p>SAFETY PRECAUTIONS</p><p>The selected Contractor shall exercise all possible precautions in the selection and use of materials and equipment in order not to adversely affect human health, the building, or the property contained within. Where necessary, the Contractor shall post warning signs calling attention to the presence of an unsafe condition(s) within the work area.</p><p>PROTECTION OF PLCB FACILITIES</p><p>The selected Contractor is to effectively protect PLCB facilities, equipment, and materials from dust, dirt, and damage during construction and remove protection at completion of the work.</p><p>CONTRACTOR LIABILITY</p><p>The selected Contractor is responsible for any damages to the PLCB Facilities Maintenance Wood Shop including all equipment and/or inventory which is a direct</p><p>5 result of the actions of the selected Contractor or approved subcontractor employees while on PLCB premises.</p><p>WARRANTY</p><p>Selected Contractor must warrant all labor for no less than one (1) year from date of acceptance of system by PLCB, which warranty is at no additional cost. Selected Contractor must assign all manufacturers’ equipment warranties to the PLCB for the full terms available, supplying all necessary documentation needed, and at no additional cost to the PLCB. </p><p>INVOICING</p><p>Upon award of the Contract, a Purchase Order (PO) will be issued. Invoices must include the PO number and all charges must be itemized, providing the description and date. Amounts charged must match the charges referenced on the IFB and the PO line item. Invoices will only be paid if record of services and/or materials provided is documented and confirmed by the PLCB. Invoices shall be forwarded to Comptroller Operations LCBS, PO Box 12025, Harrisburg, PA 17108-2025.</p><p>6 PLCB SPECIFICATIONS DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301</p><p>1. Provide a Sternvent Vibraclean Dust Collector Model DKPD 72015 or an equivalent model from another manufacturer as per the attached Hammel Associates/Moore Engineering drawing.</p><p>2. Provide installation of a Sternvent Vibraclean Dust Collector Model DKPD 72015 or an equivalent model from another manufacturer as per the attached Hammel Associates/Moore Engineering drawing in accordance with good industrial ventilation practice and manufacturer’s written or published instructions. This includes but is not limited to: re-piping the main shop where the existing dust collector is located with the fan mounted in the ceiling joist, connecting the machinery that is currently connected to the existing Delta model 50-724. Re-piping and connecting machinery that is associated with the Delta model 50-861 (two (2) bag, five (5) hp) system located in the maintenance shop by the overhead door. Re-piping and connecting machinery that is associated with the Delta model 50-764 (two (2) bag, five (5) hp) system located in the middle of the building between both the maintenance shop and the carpenter shop.</p><p>3. A) Remove and dispose of the existing Delta dust collector model 50-724 with ceiling mounted fan and all duct work in that area. B) Remove and dispose of the existing Delta dust collector model 50-861 and all duct work in that area. C) Remove and dispose of the existing Delta dust collector model 50-764 and all duct work in that area.</p><p>7 ATTACHMENT #1</p><p>PROOF OF SITE VISIT</p><p>DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301</p><p>Contractor’s Name Click here to enter text. and Address</p><p>By submitting this completed form, I verify that I visited the Project site and reviewed the work to be completed prior to submitting this bid.</p><p>Contractor Representatives Click here to enter text. Signature</p><p>Title Click here to enter text.</p><p>ESCORTED BY:</p><p>PLCB Facility Representatives Signature</p><p>Title</p><p>Date Escorted</p><p>8 ATTACHMENT #2</p><p>COST SHEET</p><p>DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301</p><p>DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE</p><p>STERNVENT VIBRACLEAN DUST COLLECTOR MODEL DKPD 72015 OR 1 EA $Click here to enter AN EQUIVALENT MODEL FROM text. ANOTHER MANUFACTURER AS PER THE PLCB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301. </p><p>Quote to include at no additional charge: Demonstration to Maintenance personnel after installation is complete.</p><p>Include brochure, drawings, specifications and equipment warranties of the dust collection system you are bidding with your bid.</p><p>TRANSPORTATION/DELIVERY 1 EA $Click here to enter Deliver to: text. PLCB Facilities Maintenance Wood Shop 990 Briarsdale Road, Unit C Harrisburg, PA 17109</p><p>INSTALLATION OF DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM TO INCLUDE 1 EA $Click here to enter ALL RE-PIPING AND text. RECONNECTING TO EXISTING EQUIPMENT AS PER THE PLCB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301. </p><p>REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING DELTA DUST COLLECTORS 1 EA $Click here to enter TO INCLUDE CEILING MOUNTED text. FAN AND ALL DUCT WORK IN THAT AREA, AND MACHINERY CONNECTED 9 TO TWO (2) EACH DELTA DUST COLLECTOR’S IN TWO (2) OTHER AREAS AS PER THE PLCB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301.</p><p>$ TOTAL COST Click here to enter text.</p><p>Contractor’s estimated time of delivery and installation from date of order is Click here to enter text. days.</p><p>10 ATTACHMENT #3</p><p>CUSTOMER REFERENCES</p><p>DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM IFB 260301</p><p>TELEPHONE CUSTOMER NAME ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON NUMBER</p><p>Click here to enter Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. text.</p><p>Click here to enter Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. text.</p><p>Click here to enter Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. text.</p><p>Click here to enter Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. text.</p><p>11</p>
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