Established October 1895 See inside Monday February 22, 2021 $1 VAT Inclusive ‘REPENT AND BELIEVE’ DURING this Lenten period, deepening or heightening the traits which we possess,” said Reverend Stephanie-Ann relationship with God. Rev.Wedderburn. Wedderburn shared a mes- Rev. Wedderburn also quoted The preacher told her virtual sage focused on repentance an author who said Lent is a time congregation that any type of and the need to believe in to let go of the past so a person growth starts with repentance. God. can get on with the work of grow- She said it is action after action Yesterday, the religious leader ing. and insight after insight that fa- of Christ Church Parish Church In her sermon, the preacher cilitate growth and transforma- referred to Mark’s Gospel and added that everyone has not tion. Rev.Wedderburn said it said that the words repent and reached the potential created leads to the transformation of the believe encapsulate the core mes- within them. new self, yet it requires humility sage of the text and the Lenten She said that people also have and honesty. Season. She added that people the capacity for selfishness and “Saying sorry with our lips and should be contrite about their hatred as well as generosity and not meaning it [within] our sins and they should trust in the love. hearts is not repentance. I’m sure Gospel. “We can all be sinners and we have all said those words and She noted that during Lent, saints at the same time, and in did not mean them.We cannot be Christians have an opportunity order to change our status an angel today and a devil to- to take a new direction, give up – whether it is spiritually, emo- morrow and expect transforma- Reverend Stephanie-Ann Wedderburn of Christ Church Parish something,take on another task, tionally and or intellectually – tion, expect growth, expect Church. and scrutine one’s self; while we must acknowledge those change to take place,” she said. Family of 17 loses home in early morning blaze IT was 12:30 am yesterday when two fire trucks of the Barbados Fire Service (BFS) responded to a house blaze in the quiet community of St. Stephen’s Hill, Black Rock, St. Michael. The Barbados Advocate spoke to an eyewitness who was awakened by the loud sirens and flashing lights and saw the fire from her yard. Other neigh- bours, some with their blankets and hoodies, came out on their lawns to see what was happening. The fire could have potentially caused more damage if the fire responders had not acted quickly. The house, located in the densely populated Phillips Road Member of Parliament for neighbourhood, accommodated St.Michael North and Minister 17 family members and in- of Industry and International cluded six children ages one to Business, Ronald Toppin. The residents of St. Stephen’s Hill, Black Rock were aroused from their beds early Sunday fifteen.The police indicated that morning when they heard fire responders from the Barbados Fire Service (BFS) battling a house part of the residence, a wood and Government providing help fire in the densely populated Phillips Road community. wall house, was destroyed and The Member of Parliament for the rest of the house had water St. Michael North and Minister contacted the Ministry of affected family by the end of the ily and he has also heard and damage. of Industry and International Housing and Minister Cynthia day (yesterday). responded to their needs. Three fire trucks responded Business, Ronald Toppin, ac- Forde from the Ministry of The politician noted that there “It is very sad; at least they to the inferno with two appear- knowledged that the house fire People Empowerment and Elder has been a greater challenge due have their lives and they are ing at 12:30 am and the third is a tragedy, but said help is on Affairs.Toppin was assured they to several house fires in recent grateful for that, but at the same coming to the scene at about the way. are working on the matter to times, but indicated that an of- time they have some other chal- 2:30 am. Yesterday, he said that he had provide accommodation to the ficer is expected to visit the fam- lenges,” Toppin said. 2 • Monday February 22, 2021 The Barbados Advocate Swan Street Tudor Street Barbadians heed warnings to stay at home over weekend IN the midst of the National Pause, ple remained at home over this last which has been extended until weekend. February 28, Barbados was placed Barbadians, to their credit, adhered to under a mandatory stay-at-home the warnings and stayed off the roads, as order, designed to ensure that peo- seen in these photos: A stretch of the ABC Highway. Broad Street. INSET: Brownes Beach. The Barbados Advocate Monday February 22, 2021 • 3 Health minister says lockdown was useful ACCORDING to Lt Col sons on the island to receive sons are remaining in their Jeffrey Bostic, the two-day, their Oxford AstraZeneca homes while experiencing all mandatory, national stay-at- vaccinations in calm and more the symptoms of coronavirus in- home order has worked and organised circumstances, in- fection. the national effort by cluding a drive-thru centre. “Let me remind you, the Barbadians has been very The health minister however symptoms of which you need to useful in helping to contain lamented the fact that he is run- be careful are similar to a cold, the spread of COVID-19 in ning out of ways to beg people to runny nose, headache, loss of Barbados. stay off the road during the cur- taste or smell, fever, what Lt Col Bostic, Minister of few, which lasts until February Bajans call “bad feels”, sore Health and Wellness, made 28. He contended that there is throat, sinus drips. If you have these comments during a no reason for persons to run to any combination of these symp- streamed statement yesterday the supermarket every day for toms do not try treating your- evening. He explained that by two and three items, noting that self. Do not remain at home. Get staying off the road and staying the risk is significant, especially medical help,” he urged. in their homes, the period has to those who these people re- given the ministry and health- turned home to. Stay at home care service a better operating “The challenge we face tomor- Again making his plea to environment. row, however, is that we cannot Barbadians, Bostic asked the “This period, from the perspec- account for the behaviours nation to stay at home unless tive of the Ministry of Health of persons, once given the absolutely necessary. He stated and Wellness, gave our health- green light to leave the bound- that the positivity rate is double care professionals a better envi- aries of their homes. Instead of what the ministry of health and ronment in which to operate and keeping still and remembering wellness is hoping for and they to help you,” said Bostic. to restrict activity and move- need all Barbadians to continue The minister explained that ment, people cannot wait to be to help contain the spread. Lt Col Jeffrey Bostic, Minister of Health and Wellness. contact tracing and Operation on the streets again,” said the “We now have control over Seek and Save always worked minister. what we do today and what we those improvements in a week kets and minimarts, more than more efficiently when people Lt Col Bostic also highlighted do tomorrow.If we faithfully fol- or two,” he said. you absolutely need to. We have were at home and in a more re- his concern that despite numer- low the protocols and minimise “Once again, I implore you not it in us to influence the test re- laxed and accommodating frame ous messages about what to do, our movement, in other words to leave home if you do not ab- sults that the country gets next of mind. He also highlighted and the availability of hotlines stay home, that is what will lead solutely have to.You are not sup- week and the week after,we just that the quiet roads over the last open and manned by profession- to an improvement in our num- posed to go to work physically,if need to follow the protocols and 48 hours have allowed many of als to respond to questions and bers and our success in battling you do not have to. You are not really, really stay at home,” the seniors and vulnerable per- queries and give guidance, per- this awful virus. We will see supposed to be in the supermar- (AS) ‘Be mindful of your actions’ Call to pray for decision-makers at this time DURING the period of Lent and ness period, is for us to confront as Barbados continues to fight ourselves as individuals, and the COVID-19 pandemic, a call how our actions may be affecting is being made for persons to be the others, how our actions may mindful of how their actions af- be affecting the nation.And just fect others. as we got ourselves here, we The call was made by Rector can go out of this wilderness of the St. George Parish Church stronger. Because one of the Senator Reverend Dr. John things about the wilderness is Rogers. He was delivering the that though the wild beasts sermon yesterday morning, were there, the angels were with recognised as the first Sunday in Jesus as well. Lent, when he noted persons are “Those angels are still here, encountering many temptations seeking to wait on us to minister at this time.
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